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A little fan fiction for adults only.


Supergirl was sitting at the bar with her dark hosed legs crossed bouncing her red booted foot her long red cape draped over the back of her bar stool, her date (Mr. 82% compatible) was starry eyed as she eloquently explained how she saved the jet liner passengers and probably many others on the ground from certain death. The hot blonde waitress came up asking her date if HE needed anything. It was obvious that the young waitress was trying to steal her date. She placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to pry his attention from his super date, but there was no way he was going to pay any attention to her when he had Supergirl with him!

Supergirl loved that he did not take his eyes off of the girl from the stars. He leaned towards her putting his hand just above her dark silken covered knee as he asked her “Is there anything I can get you” Supergirl felt a surge of excitement as his hand gently squeezed her leg. She looked at him and said simply “A kiss”. Their lips met and the light, gentle tentative kiss became much more intense very quickly. The waitress looked on mortified before stomping off much to Kara’s delight.

The world seemed to swirl around as she felt his hand slowly stroke her thigh, slowly inching its way under her short red skirt. The sounds and people suddenly disappeared as she was now lying next to him on a large bed. His strong hands stroking her perfectly as she closed her eyes enjoying what was going to be her first time.

BZZZZZ, BZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZ. Kara awoke with a start, sitting up her sheets were wet as she groaned. “Why can’t I meet the right guy?” She fell back onto her bed, when she heard sirens off in the distance. Using her super senses she soon spotting emergency vehicles from all over the city heading down to the run down poor area of the city. She quickly spotted the cause of the commotion. An eight story red brick apartment building that had to be over 50 years old was on fire. Within seconds Kara had changed and Supergirl was on the way.

As she flew there she could not help but remember the last time she responded to a fire, and how she was captured with kryptonite darts. She had learned from that experience and now flew much higher and varied her speed and course slightly just to make it harder just in case someone was going to target her again. She arrived landing on the roof of the apartment building. Scanning the building she quickly saw a lady desperately trying to go up the stairs. But the dark black smoke and heat of the fire was stopping her from going any further. In a flash Supergirl was scooping her up in her arms and flying her out a window to safety. The woman was coughing as they landed, Supergirl handing the lady to a paramedic. The woman looked at Supergirl, “MY BABY! PLEASE SAVE HER!” Supergirl asked ‘where is she?’, as she looked back at the building scanning it with her x-ray vision. The maid of might spotted the baby as the woman said “Apartment 405”.

Supergirl bent her powerful legs slightly and flew back through the hot flames and reached the baby that was sleeping soundly in its cradle unaware of the danger fast approaching. Supergirl took off her cape and wrapped up the sleeping little baby and within seconds had reunited the mother with her baby! The mother craddled the infant in her arms as she thanked Supergirl with tears in her eyes.

The local news were now arriving and were heading straight for Supergirl as she scanned the building for any other people in trouble. As the reporters converged Supergirl again flew back into the building and returned with a pet rabbit that was obviously scared but no worse for the experience. Supergirl, petted the rabbit as the reporters began clamoring around her, bombarding her with questions. She took one last look at the apartment building and told the Fire Chief, “Everyone is out, is there anything I can do to help.” The older rotund man smiled at the young blonde, “Thanks Supergirl, I think we can handle it from here.” As Supergirl comforted the fluffy small animal, one of the questions that bombarded her made her pause.

“Why do you call yourself ‘Supergirl’?” She turned and looked at the reporter. “I don’t. That was a label placed on me. It certainly is NOT what I think truly represents what I hope to stand for.” The reporter began his follow up question when she realized, Kara was going to be late for work. “Sorry I have to go.” And with that she handed the rabbit to the reporter and in a red and blue blur she flashed across the sky.

Kara just stepped out of Starbuck’s with Cat’s coffee when her phone rang. Groaning as she heard the ring she had programmed for her boss Ms. Grant. The fire had made her late, and she knew she was going to get a good dressing down, maybe even fired. She was beginning to dread going to work as it seemed her over bearing boss was just looking for an excuse to berate her. Stopping to quickly answer the phone before the third ring, another of Cat’s ‘pet peeves’ someone bumped into her from behind spilling the coffee down her white shirt and red skirt.

“Hello, Ms. Grant?” “Yes it is me. Who else would be calling you from my cell phone?” Kara rolled her eyes, as she hated how Cat always made her feel two inches tall. “Of course, um I am on my way with” Cat cut her off. “This is the second time this month you have been late. Unless, you have a good explanation Care-ah, you might as well go home.” “Um, well there was a fire and” Kara was not real good yet on making up stories to cover her for secret identity when she had to “save the day” as Supergirl. “You mean the tenement fire? You better of gotten pictures of Supergirl saving that baby!” Cat Grant stated. Kara grimaced, of course she did not have any pictures of her at the scene. “Um no but I did see her, umm I mean I met her ummm”

After a long pause, Cat said “You mean to fuckin tell me that Supergirl spoke with you?” “yes” came the quiet response. “And you were too stupid to get a picture of her? What the hell did you ask her? Oh let me guess, “ummmm what does it feel like to fly?” or “did you just trip over your tongue and not ask anything at all? As usual!” Kara, shot back at her. “Ms. Grant she told me she would give me an exclusive one on one interview!”

Cat almost dropped the phone hearing this. “Get to my office NOW!” Cat hung up the phone. Saying to no one in particular “If that dim wit thinks I am going to allow her to have the FIRST interview with my cash cow she is NUTS!”

Kara rushed through the office as she approached Cat’s office she heard her say on the phone just as she hung up, “I do not care! It has to be ready by Friday night!” Kara entered her boss’s office, as Cat was watching Supergirl answer the reporter’s question. Cat was seething. “Care-ah, do you think she thinks she can just shrug off what I did for her? Does she not appreciate the label I stuck on her! And yes, I branded her. So she will always be linked to me, Cat Girl. But she must realize that I am THE most powerful GIRL in the city. Once I meet her I will have to explain how things work around here!”

Cat spun around and began to walk toward a shocked Kara, who was thinking, ‘she must be delusional!’. Kara held up the coffee for her boss who instead walked past her and closed the door to her office. Kara turned around as she looked at Cat. “Don’t you want your coffee?” “No. Besides it looks like you spilled most of it” Cat walked up to Kara, putting her finger into her shoulder. “You tell Supergirl, that I am going to interview her.” Kara looked at Cat, “But …” Cat cut her off. “Care-ah, this interview is too important to be left with an inexperienced little girl that can barely dress herself. If you value your job, you will arrange for her to meet me here Friday night. Have her come through the front doors. I will have someone to escort her to my office.”

Kara was as usual tongue tied. It infuriated her that this woman could make the most powerful woman in the world feel so insignificant. “What If she says no?” Cat walked around Kara like a tiger eyeing its next meal, before stopping behind her, placing her hands on the nervous blonde’s hips. “Because if she doesn’t I will assume you made it all up, to cover for you being late. I will make sure you can’t get a waitress job in this town after I am done with you.” Kara turned to face Cat, her eyes wide. “But..” Kara stopped as she noticed Cat’s nose seemed to be twitching. “Go home, Care-ah you are a mess, and you smell of smoke.” Cat now realized Kara had been at the fire, and probably did meet Supergirl.

Cat walked back to her desk and opened a drawer. She took out a pass key and held it out. “Kara, here from now on use the ‘Private Elevator’. Perhaps, I will finally get a hot cup.” Kara smiled as she realized that Cat had correctly pronounced her name and had given her the privilege of using her elevator. “When you see Supergirl, please let her know how much I do look forward to meeting her.” “Yes, I will.” Kara said happily as she realized that her boss was starting to believe in her! “I am going to need to some photos to go with the story, if she wants I can have a professional make-up artist here for her.” Kara nodded “I will.” As she headed for the private elevator.

The next day at work, Kara brought in the coffee as usual but Ms. Grant was not there. She set the coffee on her desk, and went back to her cubicle. A few hours later Cat strutted through the office with two young buff men in suits in tow. Kara rose as she followed the three into Cat’s office. “Kara, please close the blinds.” Kara was doing as instructed, as Cat commanded “Have you arranged for Supergirl to come Friday night?” “Yes, she will be here at 10 pm, at the front desk.” The two men looked at each other and smiled. “Okay, Strip.” Cat stated flatly. Kara had just finished closing the blinds spun around in surprise, to see the men disrobing. Cat smirked as she saw Kara’s face redden.

“Remember, when I said the only thing that sells more than a hero, is fatty food? Well to tell the truth, SEX sells better than anything and these two and Supergirl will help us set records in sales!” Kara looked at the two men who were now standing in nothing but small white speedos, their large packages bulging under the thin material. Cat was walking around them her fingers tracing along their muscular arm, shoulder and back, before standing between the two as her hands went down their stomachs till she fondled each of their half hard cocks through the thin latex. Kara mouth opened in shock, she tried to look away but couldn’t as she watched Cat fondle the large men as if it were nothing to her.

Cat let the men go as she looked at each. “I was told each of you are over 12” long when you’re ready to perform?” “Yes ma’am” the two hunks answered. “Okay, boys remember to meet me tonight at 10 for a dress rehearsal. Kara was staring at their crotches thinking ’12 inches?’, before she realized the three of them were looking at her knowingly. “I hope Supergirl appreciates them as much as you Kara.” Kara stammered, before responding, “I don’t think she will.” Cat looked at Kara with a grin, “Is she a dyke?” Kara too quickly said “Oh No she isn’t gay” Cat looked at her quizzically before waving the men away. “Well I would wager even Supergirl will have a hard time concentrating with these two around.”

Kara looked at Cat incredulously. “Cat, Supergirl is not going to do something that would tarnish her reputation!” “Oh, come now, Care-ah! We are all big girls here. Men like THAT are for superior women to play with. Besides, imagine those two studs sitting on the outstretched arms of the Heroine of National City!” Kara, said a little confused, “They are for the photo shoot?” “Of course, and if she wants to sample, I am sure they won’t mind. Will you boys?” “No ma’am” they said enthusiastically. The Blonde man then said, “We will show her a real SUPER time!” The Black man then strutted straight to Kara. Kara could only stare as he approached. Unable to utter a sound, as she was so nervous she couldn’t utter a sound as it seemed there was no air in her lungs to speak with. He stopped immediately in front of her. His body so close to Kara’s she could feel the heat from him. She found enough resolve to move away, but her knees seemed to buckle as she tried.

Scott gently placed his fingertips under Kara’s chin. She froze as she looked at his big strong chest. With a simple tug her head tilted upwards as he leaned down for a kiss. Her lips parted for a moment and she felt his tongue flick across her lips, Kara almost melted. She expected more like in her dream, then she felt nothing. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her after he stepped back. “Kara go get me a wrap, before you wet yourself.” Cat said dismissively. Kara face redden as she quickly shuffled out of the office in embarrassment. Closing the door she leaned against it as she took a big lung full of air, as she tried to relax. She stayed outside the door as she listened in on the conversation that continued inside.

Hearing them talk about her made her flush with excitement. From her eavesdropping, the two men were professional models and escorts. Together they were known as the Seduction Brothers. Cat seemed to think if she could distract Supergirl she could get her to reveal more than she normally would during the interview. Kara’s heart was pounding so hard she thought it was going to burst out of her chest. She ‘looked’ in and saw the men getting dressed. Kara realized she probably needed to get the wrap before she upset her boss again.

That night Supergirl made it a point to be high above the Cat Co building well before 10 o’clock. As she watched a black stretch limo appeared and the ‘Seduction Brothers’ got out and went in. She watched as Sven went to the private elevator and went up, as Scott stayed down below. Soon Cat’s car drove up. Kara almost gasped as she saw her passenger. It was a good looking blonde in a very good copy of her uniform! The girl got out of the car, and adjusted her cape and hair as Cat seemed anxious for her to get out of the car. before smoothing out the short red skirt with her hands. Cat instructed the girl to wait a few minutes before going in and headed off to her private elevator, taking her to the 13th floor, instead of the top floor where her office was.

As the imposter waited Supergirl looked at her more closely, thinking she looks familiar. Before it hit her. “The WAITRESS!” This steamed her big time. ‘That girl stole her date and was now impersonating her!’ It was all she could do to not go down there and tell that girl that she needed to go home if she wanted to play dress up! Then she thought ‘I will go up for the interview now, when I WANT TO not at the beckoning of Ms. Cat GRANT!’

Just as she was going to swoop down and send the imposter packing, she heard a gun shot. Supergirl whirled around in mid-air looking in the direction of where she though she heard the shot come from. However, she was not sure exactly where the source was she flew in the general direction gaining altitude as she looked for signs of trouble. She spotted a man bleeding on a sidewalk in front of a convenience store people kneeling next to him giving him aid.

Supergirl landed next to them as she heard the ambulance coming around the corner. With her x-ray vision she could tell that the wound was only a flesh wound and would be ok. “It looks to be only a flesh wound, keep pressure on it until the paramedics arrive.” She instructed. “Who did this?” she asked and the wounded man said two young kids wearing saggy pants and red shirts tried to rob him. He pointed in the direction they ran off and Supergirl was airborne the next moment in search of the shooters.

Supergirl rose above the area, searching for the suspects, but was not having any luck. She closed her eyes and listened for anything that might lead her to the young men. She patiently waited till she heard a metal clang followed by a “Quiet man!” Supergirl opened her eyes and looked through the ceiling of the a warehouse just a block from where the shooting took place. The young men in red shirts were hiding in a crawl space above the ceiling.

Supergirl floated down with the young criminals as the wounded man was being loaded in the ambulance. “Are these them?” she asked. “YES, THAT’s who shot me!” the man pointed at the boys. Supergirl handed the suspects off to the police and explained were she found them. As she did she heard what sounded like a car chase. Excusing herself she flew off to keep innocents from being hurt.

After a couple of hours Supergirl returned just in time to see the waitress, leaving the building. She still had the ‘supergirl’ costume on but wore a overcoat covering it. Unlike when she got there her hair was a mess and she seemed a little flustered. A cab pulled up, getting in quickly she left.

As the cab left Ms. Grant and the two men walked out. Cat was wearing a black catsuit, and Scott was wearing a doctor’s outfit and Sven was wearing a police man’s outfit. Cat looked at the men, well you proved you could fluster a want-to-be actress, we will see how you perform Friday night for my special guest. With that the three went their separate ways, and Supergirl decided she was going to talk to the ‘actress’ and find out what had happened at the rehearsal.

Supergirl spotted the cab as it pulled up in front of a condo tower. The girl got out and walked quickly into the lobby. Supergirl watched as she went up to the 10th floor and went down a couple of doors before knocking. Supergirl looked at it was ‘HIM’ Mr. 82% compatible. He opened the door, as girl from the stars listened in. “I loved the selfie. You better not let real Supergirl see you wearing that she would be jealous!” The young girl smiled as she threw off her overcoat and pulled herself into him kissing him deeply. “Shut up and fuck me!” she said in hot baited breath.

As they kissed her hands fumbled with his pants as his hands kneaded the young blondes ass. Freeing his hard cock, she sank to her knees as her hands slowly stroked the large member “I have been wanting this all night!”. “Then shut up and get busy Supergirl. Suck Mr. Kryptonite!” He grabbed two fist fulls of blonde mane and proceded to face fuck the girl. Supergirl for her part, the real one could not take her eyes off the hot action. She gasped when she saw him pull out of her eager wanting mouth, splashing his seed all over her face and on the girls chest. She stood up and the half naked man traced his finger over the majestic red ‘S’ that was stretched over the girls D cup breasts collecting some of the spunk and placing it her mouth which she eagerly suckled. His hand disappeared under her short red skirt and under the thin blue cloth between her legs. “Damn you are wet!” He lifted her up and took her to the nearby couch and bent her over the arm rest, tossing her cape to the side as he pulled the thin blue material to the side and buried his cock into the moaning girl. He started to pump fuck her when he thought he saw something outside his window.

Supergirl so enthralled had not noticed she was now hovering just a few feet from the window. She saw him start to turn when she realized her mistake and instantly was rocketing up into the night sky.

She continued her patrol as the princess of power tried her best to not think about how much she wished she could find the ‘right’ guy. She found her super hearing seemed to be tuning into the passionate moans and screams of men and women as they made love. She found that she couln not help herself as she peaked in on a couple that seemed extra loud. Supergirl gave herself a little squeeze as she saw the girl tied to the bed and her lover pounding away. She tore herself away from watching anymore, deciding to go home. The night had otherwise been quiet and for the first time in her life flying was definitely not helping her relax.
Last edited by ksire_99 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Quite enjoyable. Can't wait to see what happens when Supergirl shows up for the interview feeling horny. My guess is she gets a little disoriented by the whole ordeal, to say the least. :yes:
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Ben R
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Great story, I can't wait to read part 2!!!
Ben R
Posts: 9
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What I like about this story is the way that it takes elements from the pilot episode and expands on them. In many ways it makes the story quite realistic to the series. Keep up the good work!
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Ben R wrote:What I like about this story is the way that it takes elements from the pilot episode and expands on them. In many ways it makes the story quite realistic to the series. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, I certainly did get my inspiration from the pilot. I hope to have the second part ready in about a week or so.
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The next day she say did not see much of her boss. Only thing Cat said was she “has a lot to get done before Friday.” This of course peeked Kara’s curiosity even more, as she wondered what Cat Grant was preparing for her Friday Night. That afternoon as she was leaving the Private Elevator was out of service. Using her supervision she noted that there had been a lead lining placed inside, and that technicians were installing what appeared to be a new floor, and some electronics.

That evening as the superheroine started her ‘patrol’ which she enjoyed, she made it a point to fly by the Cat Co. Building again. She notice that lead lined curtains had been installed surrounding the thirteenth floor. Unable to see in, she listened but there was minimal conversations but heard electric motors and people working and large crates were being delivered that had contained everything from industrial equipment to furnishings. She could hear electric motors and people working but on what? She had no idea. She wanted to investigate more but decided against it.

As she was on patrol, she flew by the restaurant she had gone on her blind date with Rick to see if the 'Imposter!' was working. She then flew to Rick's apartment. As she approached she saw something written on the widow. 'I need to see you' it said but below it made her gasp as she saw a picture of her! It was a little fuzzy but it was her hoovering just outside the window. She looked closer at the picture and she could see her hand pressing against the front of her red skirt as her other gripped the edge of the skirt. Her face was one of concentration/pleasure as she was biting her lower lip.

Supergirl felt her heart sink as she realized, he must have a hidden camera in his apartment. What made it worse was that he was Rick Malverine, a reporter for the local TV station. It took a moment, before she regained her composure, thinking to herself 'I suppose I have to see what he wants.’ She felt ‘butterflies’ in her stomach as she wondered what he may want from her. She hovered a safe distance away as she scanned the room and spotted the camera. A little more inspection she found one in his bedroom and the shower.

She noticed Rick sitting on the couch talking on the phone. Focusing, she listened in on the conversation. "Well Liz as I told you I already made plans for tonight."

There was a pause before Liz replied, "Do you have company?" she asked. "No, not yet." he replied. "You are such a male slut!" Liz teased. She then said, "You sure Supergirl can't change your mind? I wearing my super costume, lying in bed all alone." "Well you could say I hope Supergirl does!" Rick responded.

"OH MY GAWD! You have a date with Supergirl?" Liz squealed. "Well, I have invited her over, and I expect her anytime now." he responded confidently as he took a sip of beer. "How did you meet her?” she asked. “Well, she found me, or I should say us. My security camera caught her looking through the window last night.” “She was watching us?” Liz asked. “Yes, and from her reaction, she was very interested in what we were doing.” Supergirl saw the smirk on his face as he told the imposter of her mistake, and it infuriated her. “oh, fuck tell me what you are going to do when she shows up?”

He let a small laugh, “I am going to have a taste of that Superass right after she sucks me off!” “ooooohhhhh, I wish I was there to see!” “hahaha, I bet you would want some of the superjizz on your face, wouldn’t you?” “Yes, I would!” Liz Responded, then added. “You are pretty good, but it takes a woman to give another woman a truly thorough tongue lashing!”

Supergirl had heard enough, saying in disgust; “I am Supergirl and damn if this guy is going to disrespect me AGAIN!' With that she floated down to the window and knocked on it. Rick looked up “She is here!” he said into the phone. “Don’t hand up, put it on speaker!” Liz requested. “Bye” Rick said as he set the phone down, putting it on speaker.

Rick walked over to the window, unlocked and opened it. “Hello Supergirl. Please come in.” Supergirl floated through the window and landed. As Rick closed the window, Supergirl focused her eyes on the camera. In one quick, small eye blast the camera lens was melted just enough to disable it without causing an odor that Rick would notice. Another quick blast took care of the microphone on the camera.

Kara turned around as Rick finished locking the window and closing the blinds. “I am pleased to finally meet the REAL Supergirl!” He said approaching her as he looked from her eyes to her chest.

“I saw your message. You wanted to speak with me, well here I am.” He slowly took his eyes off her chest looking again into her eyes, “I always imagined you to be bigger.” He said as he turned his hands and motioned with an up and down gesture, which made it clear he was talking about her breasts.

“You’re a pig!” She said in disgust. “Tell me what you wanted to talk about or I am leaving right now!” Supergirl threatened as she tried her best to gain control over the situation. “Ok, here is the deal Supergirl, I want a very private and very intimate personal interview with you. Once you have performed your duty to my liking, you will then come down to the studio, where we will do a proper interview. After which I will give you the files and pictures.”

Supergirl scowled “You think you can blackmail me with some out of focus, grainy pictures? Not happening! So cut the BS Mr. Marlverine and give me the pictures and file, and I won’t…” She threatned as she leaned in real close her hand dropping to his crotch.

She was initially startled as she could feel the cock inside his Khaki pants twitch, before she gave it a little squeeze. “make your on air voice sound three octaves higher!”

Rick just smiled at her, “No, you cut the Bullshit Supergirl.” He pressed himself closer, his hands grabbing the maid of might’s ass hard pulling her into him. Those files are in the cloud, and if you do not cooperate…FULLY, then those files will be sent to my editor, in the morning.”

Supergirl slowly released her grip on his package as she pushed him away. “You Bastard!” she seethed. “Oh, come now Supergirl, you know you thought about it.” He walked up to her, his hands now on her biceps moving up to her shoulders, collarbone then down till he was cupping her breasts. Supergirl stood firm, as she did her best not to show any emotion other than anger.

He gave each a squeeze, leaning in pressing his lips against the girl of steel’s. Supergirl did not kiss back as she tried to think of a way out of this predicament. Rick tried to push Supergirl back towards the couch, but he might as well as been trying to move the earth itself.

Breaking the kiss, but continuing to massage her through her top, he commented, “I was worried you know?” Supergirl “about?” “About you being a true girl of steel, but I am glad to know that you feel very good in my hands.” Supergirl moved away, brushing his offending hands off of her.

“Of course I think I can get a better kiss from a cold fish than you.” Supergirl was offended and raised her hand as if to slap, before catching herself. “You bastard!” “Yes, I am Superbitch. Now I am tired of this game.” Rick sat down on the couch, spreading his legs wide he rubbed his crotch. “If you don’t want any foreplay that is fine with me.” He started to undo his belt. Supergirl turned to leave, as she opened the window, Rick called out to her. “Bye Bye Supergirl, at least I will be making a lot of money!” Supergirl turned around, “What do you mean?” “TMZ will pay a lot for pictures of you, getting yourself off. Besides, how will it look Stupidgirl, if a superpowered peeping Tom was on the loose? I am sure it will not do your reputation any good. You invading other people’s privacy with your superpowers and all!” Supergirl head was swimming, she was angry with herself thinking ‘how come I can’t figure a way out of this!’ Supergirl slowly closed the window, turning around her eyes dropping to the floor.

Rick rose and approached, he went to pick her up in a cradle carry but she did not budge. “Are you really this heavy?” Kara glared at him, her shoulders slumped as he began to kiss her neck. She was surprised as he seemed very gentle with his kisses as his arms wrapped around her.

His lips met her and this time Supergirl let her lips go slack. She felt him kiss her, his tongue slowly probing inside her mouth. After a short period of this Supergirl tentatively began to kiss him back.

Rick broke the kiss smiling, “Now isn’t that better?” She did not answer as he took her by the hand and led her back to the couch, where they continued to make out. His hands toyed with the girl of steel as she did not offer any resistance.

She had decided to let him do what he wanted, until she figured a way out of her predicament. He repositioned her so she now sat on his lap. Her crotch rubbing up against his hard cock. His hands all over her body Supergirl did everything she could to stifle a moan. She slowly shifted as she felt his hard on pressing against her, distracting her.

His fingers slipped under her panties stroking her slit. Slowly working his finger between the folds, finding her wetness that till know had been hidden. Breaking the kiss, he slipped a finger between her sugar walls, “Yes, you are soooo hot.” Supergirl gasped leaning her head onto his shoulder. His finger was now very wet, and slipped a second finger inside, causing her to gasp. “I am going to make you cum on my hand Supergirl.” His now wet fingers began to make small circles around her pussy, rubbing her and her hardening clit.

He strummed her clit as he slipped a thumb inside her cunt, curving it till he found the ‘spot’. Supergirl tensed as she felt like a 100,000 volts of pure erotic pleasure struck her. “HEY!” Rick pulled away shaking his hand. “Sorry” Supergirl genuinely said in concern and remorse. “Damn bitch, suck my cock” He was shaking his hand as Supergirl slid off of him and knelt between his legs.

She pulled off his shoes, pants before she lightly ran her fingers over his briefs. His cock no longer as hard, due to the throbbing pain in his thumb. She leaned down and kissed his thigh as she fondled him. Soon his cock was rock hard again. Supergirl smiled at her success and pulled the elastic band down till the hard member to ‘pop’ out.

It startled Supergirl as she looked at the hard cock, seemingly mesmerized by it. Rick, looked down and saw the surprised look on the girl from the stars. “Suck it” he instructed as he worked his fingers through her blonde hair. She resisted for a moment as he felt him trying to move her. “Now!” he said urgently as she allowed him to move her. As soon as her lips touched the tip of his head, she pulled back licking her lips tasting the small drop of pre-cum. She looked up seeing his determined eyes making her do what he wanted.

Tentatively, she opened her mouth as she closed her eyes. She felt his cock in his mouth now, she felt defeated but something inside her was also perversely excited by her actions.

She felt him pull her head up then push her back down. She felt disassociated with what was happening, like this was someone else and she was just witnessing it. It felt very strange, her senses came alive as she heard his heart beating faster and faster, his cock swelling bigger, his breathing heavy and becoming more rapid.

Then she heard another, feminine moan. It caused her to pause for a moment before she realized it was Liz on the phone. She was about to reach for the phone when she felt his hips tense and buck. She felt his cock spasm as she felt a hot liquid fill her throat and mouth, causing her to gag. She pushed off of him in surprise falling to her ass as Rick grabbed his cock and began to wank on it. “Damn fucking cunt finish it!”

Supergirl heard Liz who must have been close a climax of her own moaned "Go ahead and fuck that slut-- give her that big curved dick of yours." Supergirl got up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door. She had to have a minute to herself. As she calmed down, she heard a knock on the door. “Come out Supergirl.” She remembered the camera and zapped it. She decided she could not let this continue.

She opened the door and Rick stood there naked his half spent cock and balls hanging between his legs. “It is time I show you what a true Supergirl can do!” She said confidently, picking him up in her arms in a cradle carry. “Hey!” he exclaimed but his reservations were quieted when he felt her lips wrap around his cock. Her tongue stroking his hardening member. She took him to the bedroom, a with a quick glance fried the camera, this time not concerned with any odor it may cause. As they reached the bed she threw him onto the mattress.

She next instant she was sitting on him, showing him the cuffs and ropes that he had hidden in his night stand. “How?” he wondered in confusion. His eyes incapable of keeping up with the amazing speed of heroine. As if to answer him, the next moment he was tied spread eagle on the bed. Supergirl, still wearing her entire costume, began to grind against him. “So, you want to fuck Supergirl?” she teased. “Oh fuck yes!” he said.

Smiling Supergirl stood up, “Then call that slut Liz!” She stuffed a ball gag into his mouth and strapped it on. The next moment Supergirl was gone. Rick struggled in his bonds, helpless to free himself. Supergirl grabbed the phone and computer and leapt out into the night sky.

“Wynn!” she called out as she entered. “What! What’s a matter” he asked surprised. Supergirl looked at the computer genius with an almost panicked look. “I need you to do something.”

Supergirl, held the phone to her hear, “Rick?” she heard Liz ask. “Are you there?” she asked again. Supergirl hung up on her, putting her number to memory.

She slowly paced back and forth until Wynn walked in with a big grin on his face. “You did it?” Kara said hopefully. “Yes, but this is going to cost you.” Supergirl glared at him. “I mean you know a coffee or something.” Supergirl relaxed and smiled, she almost glided up to Wynn giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks” she said before flying out the window.

Returning to Rick’s apartment she replaced the computer and walked into the bedroom. Rick pulled and struggled in his bonds yelling incomprehensibly into the gag. Supergirl, pulled out the keys to the cuff putting them in his hands.

She walked to the bedroom door and turned around. “If one picture, one sound of this goes past these walls, I will personally give you a sex change!”
Ben R
Posts: 9
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A very interesting chapter. It will be interesting to see how this will effect Cat's plans for Supergirl. I have a feeling it won't be long before Cat has Supergirl on her knees takes her place the most powerful woman in Capital City.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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A pic of Melissa benoist as supergirl touching herself I made for another site.your story is hot,can't wait to see what cat does to her
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Thanks Ben R and Samuari. Cat has many plans for our naive girl :evil:
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I hope this story is still in your writing rotation. Eager to see the next stage.
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Ben R
Posts: 9
Joined: 11 years ago

DrDominator9 wrote:I hope this story is still in your writing rotation. Eager to see the next stage.
Me too, Loving this story!  
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