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I am going to try a new approach to writing stories here on the forum. I have started stories here where I write by chapters as if I were writing a book and I have so many ideas that I can never finish one without wanting to start five more. I am glad some of you ask for Me to write more and more. Also, I am happy to do such when some one states they like what I write. Many times I have let a story sit if there are no replies of wanting it to continue. Some of you know I am not always able to get here and update My stories as I would like even when you have requested more. For that I apologize, sincerely! Now to help maybe stop the chaos in My mind I am trying SUPER~SHORTS where I write only a short story episode of a heroine (maybe soon a hero) in the clutches of the dirty sex minded villain. Maybe not all of the stories will be so graphic and XXX rated, but probably most (99.9%) will be. :lol:

That said for those of you who like these types of stories please read and feel free to leave a comment if you liked it and possibly want more of that particular story line. (maybe I will add another saga to it in short story format later). As writers we always like feedback by those who are "interested" and like the type of writing we do... :mrgreen:

Thanks so much for all the encouragement many of you have given Me here in public and the more naughty encouragement given to Me in private!

Last edited by Hunter42 12 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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“Take them away boys,” Supergirl touted as she smiled seeing the men in blue struggling to free the three criminals wrapped up in a street light pole that Supergirl had used to bind them together. It was a rather easy task to capture the three fumbling bank robbers that picked the wrong day to rob the Metropolis Federal Reserve. She happened to be there for another reason and she was looking around for Lois Lane who had left an odd message on her voice mail asking her to meet her there for a matter of business at the precise time of the robbery.

Just then an older gentleman that Supergirl didn’t recognize appeared with a camera amongst the police and other press showing up on the scene, “My I take your picture, Supergirl,” the old man said charmingly.

Supergirl smiled at the man and replied, “I don’t see any harm in that,” and giving him a super pose while flashing her winning smile. “But your camera is a little ancient isn’t it,” she inquired noticing the old relic of the flashbulb era.

“Ahh, yes it is an antique, Supergirl, but it does a better job than those fancy digital ones in my opinion,” he replied kindly.

“Very well,” Supergirl chuckled slightly and then returned to her super pose complete with a victory smile.

The man held up the camera and clicked the shutter. Instead of the bulb flashing it exploded and a small puff of green smoke went into the air. Supergirl was a little startled at the bulb exploding and felt a wave of slight discomfort, weakness even.

“Oh, I am so sorry, let me grab another bulb and get your picture, Ms. Supergirl,” the old gentleman said as he fished out a new bulb of his jacket pocket. He had the new bulb screwed in and the camera raised again before Supergirl had a chance to clear her head.


Again the flashbulb exploded but this time a small puff of pink smoke drifted in the face of Supergirl. She waved her hand in her face trying to clear the smoke from her eyes but her arms were weak and she barely got her hand up to her face when she was interrupted by another voice.

“Supergirl, this is Lex Luthor, I know you and only you can hear me on this frequency. You are now under the influence of My newest drug and unable to resist as the kryptonite gas in the first bulb made you mind weak and vulnerable to its properties. You cannot resist My voice but only do and obey what I tell you to do.”

“Luth… Luthor…” Supergirl barely could stutter as the gas’ effect took hold of her mind and clouded her own thoughts.

“Don’t speak another word except to simply tell the gentleman you understand and follow him to the limousine and get inside, you will find it comfortable and not resist anything he gives you.”

“I… I … understand,” Supergirl muttered to the now smiling man. The older gentleman extended his hand and began to lead her to the limousine. She followed without any hesitation and slipped into the backseat disappearing behind blacked out windows from the view of the public. Once inside the limousine the older gentleman pulled out a necklace of sparkling red gems and placed them around her neck. Supergirl felt her strength now leaving her body completely but she could do nothing to resist. Somehow Lex had managed to charge the gems with the radiation from Krypton’s red sun which made Supergirl weak as any normal human girl.

The gentleman then handed Supergirl a glass of what appeared to be champagne. She weakly took it in her hands and he tilted it up to her lips. “Swallow it all, Supergirl,” he commanded her. She began to drink the drugged champagne and without her super powers she soon passed out unconscious in the back seat. The older man smiled as the Maiden of Steel lay unconscious next to him and he could not resist touching her soft muscular thighs and running his fingers over her white panties clearly exposed as he lifted up her short red skirt to get a nice view. For a maiden of steel her skin was as soft and smooth as any other girl’s. He let his hand continue exploring her soft inner thighs and then up over her costume and grazed the outline of her breasts with his fingertips and then massaged them a bit until he saw her nipples begin swelling under her blue top. He fancied even taking off her red boots and exploring more of Supergirl but knew he would not have much time for such fun as they were almost to Lex’s newest laboratory location. Instead he traced the outline of her cheeks and mouth before running his hands down once more over her unconscious body lusting over the feel of her smooth feminine features.

A large door opened at one end of the building and the limousine disappeared inside the abandoned looking building. Once the car came to a stop two muscular men came over and took Supergirl away to the chamber Lex had prepared for her. It was a large room with no windows whatsoever so Supergirl could not receive any power from the yellow sun of earth. Instead there was large overhead fixture like a radio signal dish suspended upside down in the middle of the ceiling. There were only a few objects in the room all collectively in the center of the room which was surrounded by several six foot glass poles.

The men brought Supergirl in and immediately placed her on the large X shaped lab table and fastened her wrist and ankles with mere leather restraints like those used in hospitals for uncontrollable patients. Satisfied that Supergirl was securely fastened the men left the room without even turning on the energy fencing as it was obvious she was still unconscious. Soon after the men left the room the sound of motors humming filled the air from the overhead dish being activated. As the humming intensified the dish began discharging a ray of red light which enveloped the enclosed space.

Supergirl’s eyes fluttered as she regained consciousness and tried to focus as the light of the beam was shining in her face. She immediately tried to free herself but to no avail as her strength was no greater than that of an ordinary young woman. She lifted her head to investigate her situation and figure out just what had happened. The gas had worn off and she had her full mental capacity back. As well the charged crystal necklace was now a mere clear plastic looking toy replica around her neck. She figured somehow Lex had discovered how to harness the red radiation in space of Krypton’s red sun and was beaming it into the room to keep her powers from returning.

Supergirl heard the sound of the door opening and looking over watched as Lex in a full white suit strolled across the room towards her. “Lex, what do you think you are doing,” the blond beauty demanded.

“Now, now, Supergirl,” Lex confidently jeared, “Is that anyway to treat your host?”

“Host, let me go and I will show myself out the door, I want no company with you,” Supergirl said with a tone of disgust.

“Oh, I think soon you will like being My guest, Supergirl, we are going to have such fun together,” Lex chuckled slightly as his hands softly caressed her long blond hair as he looked down and smiled into her pretty face. “Such pretty blue eyes, Supergirl, I never have gotten a look this close before, even in the red rays of Krypton’s sun I can see them sparkling blue.”

“Why don’t you free me out of this prison and then look into my eyes, Luthor, I assure you won’t look into them very long,” Supergirl hissed.

“My, such anger, Supergirl, you mean you would incinerate Me with your heat vision after I have made such a nice place here for your transformation,” Luthor retorted.

“No, I wouldn’t kill you, Lex, that would be wrong, but I would see to it that you are put into prison where you belong where your evil mind can’t hurt anyone else,” Supergirl said with an air of righteousness.

“Wrong again, My little Super princess, you will become My slave once you have gone through My transition,” He chuckled as He held up a little box and pressed a red button. The table she lay on began to move and raised her to a vertical position. He pressed another button on the black box as one of the poles began glowing with a faint green light. Supergirl moaned at the sensation of pulsating light hitting her body.

“Just as I expected, somehow here on earth your body is still affected by kryptonite even when weakened under the influence of your home planet’s radiation.”

“I thought you said you were going to let me live and try and make me your slave,” Supergirl moaned trying to sound at least somewhat threatening.

“Oh, that will depend on you unfortunately, Supergirl, see I won’t give up until I get what I want or until you get what you deserve for denying Me,” Luthor calmly stated.

“Well, be prepared to be disappointed, Lex,” Supergirl said with much discomfort.

“What if I said to you that I could make kryptonite something of your friend,” Lex replied.

“Wha…. what…. how…. now I know you are crazy,” Supergirl tried to chuckle as she gritted her teeth in pain.

“NO, I am a genius, Supergirl as you will soon find out.” He made a gesture with his hand to someone behind her and Supergirl heard footsteps approaching. “Give it to her,” He commanded. A woman in a white lab coat with her hair twisted up in a bun complete with the thick black rimmed “nerd” glasses approached with a syringe filled with a glowing blue serum. She took the large needle and placed it in the bend of Supergirl’s elbow and began inserting the needle slowly into her skin. Supergirl’s usual impenetrable skin of steel was no match now for the sharp IV needle under the red krypton sun’s rays. Supergirl moaned at the feel of the sharp metal piercing into her skin and the blue liquid was like ice water in her veins and she felt it spreading all over her body.

“Noooo…don’t…. you are hurting….. me….,” Supergirl pleaded as the cold pain made her feel like she was turning to stone.
“Now, now, Supergirl, give it some time,” Luthor softly whispered into her ear. “Me and My staff have searched for a long time for this very element that is opposite in every spectrum to the nasty kryptonite you so fear. Still I must tell you that even if it works that the kryptonite won’t kill you we did tweak our element a little bit. We did give it the same property of kryptonite which makes you weak and powerless after all we couldn’t have our fun if you were super powerful could we?”

Supergirl could now only moan as it seemed the blue serum had frozen her body stiff. She finally managed to get out a few words that Lex could understand. “I…. n…not….. have…. fun… ith… you!”

Lex smiled into her face as He embraced her face with His hands, “Oh, but we will, we definitely will,” He replied softly.

“It is time, Mr. Luthor,” the assistant informed Lex.

“Very well,” He replied and pressed another button on the black box and another pole surrounding them began to generate the green kryptonite light, then another and another until all six poles were pulsating in rhythm.

Supergirl moaned as the kryptonite poles pulsated more and more washing her body in their green light. Between that and the ice cold blue serum coursing through her body she was thinking this can’t be how her life ends as some experiment of Lex Luthor. She thought if only she could break free of her bonds but what would she do then. He mind was racing with her last thoughts of survival and escape when she realized she was twisting and turning her body writhing against those damn tight leather restraints.

Suddenly Supergirl felt a wave of heat and a sensation that she had never really experienced before which caused her to give out a moan of pleasure. It was so strong that she actually stopped her resisting her bindings as her body heaved in such strong pleasure. She had been writhing with her eyes closed tight but now they opened up as the feeling washed over her again and again with the same timing as the pulsing kryptonite rays. She looked at Lex and His assistant with a distant look in her eyes.

“Now, give her more of the serum,” Lex ordered.

“It may be too much for her, the monitors are showing that even her body is having an extreme reaction to this,” His assistant exclaimed.

“She is the maiden of steel, she can handle it, give her more of the serum,” Lex shouted with more force in His tone as He grabbed the assistant by her arm.

The woman hesitantly looked at His stern face and then into the now pleading eyes of Supergirl who wasn’t sure what was happening to her. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure cascading through her body like she had never experienced before. The assistant pressed the plunger as Supergirl looked down and watched more of the blue serum being pumped through the piping and disappearing into her arm. It was almost comforting to her as the serum again flowed through her bloodstream and began stabilizing her body.

With Supergirl breathing labored but still conscious Lex gave His assistant the order to place the headgear on Supergirl’s head. She reached up and strapped a wide leather strap across her forehead holding Supergirl’s head immobilized. Supergirl looked with wide eyed wonder as next she placed a headgear piece over her head that had two small clear screens that fit in front of her eyes.

“What are you doing,” the superheroine inquired as the woman continued fitting the headpiece on her.

“Relax, Supergirl, this is the good part,” she replied with a little more calmness in her voice now seeing that Supergirl was responding normally.

“Please…don’t…. help me and I won’t turn you in. It is only Lex that I want to put away, surely you are under duress to follow His orders and not at fault for any of this,” Supergirl said trying to persuade the woman to stop.

“Don’t say things you know nothing about, Supergirl. I have wanted you helpless and under Lex’s control maybe as much as He has. Why do you think I have spent the last seven years working on this project, it certainly wasn’t for the money,” replied the now smirking woman. “One last adjustment and we are ready to turn it on,” Then she placed a small wire frame onto Supergirl’s eyelids to keep her from closing her eyes and called out, “NOW, turn it on!”

Supergirl was helpless but to watch the images that began flashing on the small plastic lenses over her eyes. Even in her disgust it was helpless as Lex and His assistant began goading Supergirl of her eventually demise. Image after image of raw sexual pornography flashed in her mind with everything you could imagine from sensual images of lovers kissing to extreme bondage and device torture of every sexual deviant way possible.

“Please… please.. stop.. stop… I don’t … I won’t give in to …to this… “ Supergirl shouted. The images only flashed faster and faster with hundreds of images a minute burning into her brain every sort of sexual image the computer could find. Soon Supergirl became under a stupor as the overload of images began blurring together and her mind was trying to separate the images even against her conscious will. Lex let the machine run for a good hour before going to the next phase as Supergirl was now in almost a catatonic state of mind.

The six kryptonite charged poles again began humming and soon the pulsating green light was having the desired effect on Supergirl that Lex had been hoping for. Supergirl was obviously becoming physically aroused with her nipples pushing against her indestructible costume. Lex unfastened her yellow belt from around her waist and her red skirt floated to the floor. It revealed Supergirl’s white crotch of her costume complete with a dark circle of wetness and even the outline of her pussy lips was visible. The assistant began searching for a way to remove the rest of Supergirl’s costume but it seemed almost impossible.

“Need a little help,” Lex chimed in almost laughing at His assistant’s eagerness. He held up a small canister with a clear tube attached and depressed the plunger. A small puff of pink smoke came out and Supergirl couldn’t help but inhale the potent gas. “Now, Supergirl, you are under My control, helpless to resist breathing in the pretty pink vapors and you are going to help us aren’t you?”

“I…. I… will… help…. you….” Supergirl replied weakly.

“How do we disrobe your costume so we can see you naked?”

“You…. you.. want me naked….” She was trying to resist but the vapors were too powerful in her state of weakness like before.

“Yes, you want to be naked for us,” Lex whispered. “Its your deepest desire to please us, My pet.”

“There are two very small zippers almost invisible to see meeting at my waistline in the back which runs down the middle of my costume, I must inhale deeply in order for it to be unzipped.”

Lex stepped in and pushed His assistant, Veronica, out of the way. She submissively stepped back and let Lex take control of the situation. She began unbuttoning her own lab coat and revealed that she was only wearing a matching black lace bra and panties. She pulled up a chair and sat down to watch the show as she began running her hands seductively up and down her body. Supergirl could see Veronica even through the flashing images still being projected and could not help but feel even more excitement for some reason of seeing Veronica touching herself so erotically.

“Very well, then do so that I can take it off.” With Lex’s command Supergirl inhaled deeply causing her stomach to flatten and Lex felt the small beads of the zipper and pulled the one upward to the back of her neck and then the other downward. He smiled when the zipper continued down between her ass cheeks, and smiled even more as the zipper brought his hand up over her now wet pussy lips.

As the zipper peeled up between her breasts the costume opened and her large breasts pushed the costume wider causing Lex to give a pleased smile knowing soon He would possess her like no other man ever had before.

“Now you must peel it off of Me from each side from off my arms and I will be naked except for my boots,” Supergirl continued.

Lex loosened one wrist at a time and peeled off the super heroine’s uniform and in a gesture of triumph held it up high before letting it simply fall to the floor. This caused Veronica to smile and sigh at the sight of Supergirl’s superb body. Her full rounded firm breasts jutted out from her white body with light pink nipples erect and plump like gumdrops. Her slender torso showed off her long mid-drift to where her waistline cut in sharply before flaring out again at the hips down over her muscular thighs. Supergirl had given special attention to herself even if she didn’t have time for a romance as she was completely shaven. Her bald little pussy was so pretty and pink as her lips flared out from the excitement she was now experiencing. She was even a little glossy from the wetness which caused Veronica to inhale sharply and bite her lower lip savoring how good her pussy would taste. She was still wearing her red boots but somehow that made Supergirl look even sluttier that Veronica had hoped.

Lex took the canister and released to puffs of His pink mind controlling gas into Supergirl’s face and told her to inhale deeply again. Supergirl gave no resistance this time to the gas but as before inhaled deeply and not one wisp of vapor escaped her nostrils. Lex then removed the head gear and leather strap around Supergirl’s head and she fell forward slightly with a glazed faraway look in her eyes. Lex’s hands roamed up along the outside of Supergirl’s body skimming along her soft white flesh. He resisted the urge to just fuck her right then and there. He had planned to long for this and spent millions of dollars getting Supergirl in His clutches to spoil it with a hard fuck.

Then an evil grin came on His face as He quickly unfastened His pants and pulling out His already hard cock shoved it inside the little heroine’s soaked pussy. His hands reached around and pulled at her ass cheeks so He could drive it in deeper and deeper. Supergirl had no time to react to Lex’s sudden forceful entry into her pussy.

“Ahhhhhh….” Supergirl gasped at Lex’s sudden plunging inside her pussy. Even under the spell of His gas and the altercation of her body to the kryptonite being an aphrodisiac she wasn’t quite expecting such hard treatment and how His large cock was so easily penetrating her pussy.

Lex grunted from the sheer pleasure of sinking fully into the super heroine’s tight but slick hole. He didn’t waste time playing around softly as He slammed His cock in hard and deep in rapid succession over and over which had the poor Supergirl moaning and panting quickly under His force. He laughed as He watched her firm titties bouncing in short little juts up and down and stared into her pretty blue eyes until she had to toss her head from the pleasure His large cock was pushing her towards.

Veronica was taken aback by Lex’s sudden rape of Supergirl’s body and her fingers disappeared into her panties and began rubbing furiously over her pussy. “Fuck her, Lex, fuck her like the dirty whore you want her to be,” Veronica barked almost seemingly as an order. Lex was driven by her dirty words and His pace picked up faster and faster as she continued with her voice becoming deeper and raspy from her near climax.

“Feels good doesn’t it little super slut,” she now said mocking Supergirl in her predicament. Supergirl moaned at Veronica’s words as they shot through her clouded mind.

“Answer her,” growled Lex as His hands now clasped Supergirl’s breasts and His mouth devoured them one at a time as He suckled and bit her hard pink nipples.

“Yessss….. yessss… it feels good… soooo good,” Supergirl panted as she was being pounded like she had never been before. “Fuckkk… it feels sooo good… I never knew…. how…. g…. g…gooood….” Supergirl’s voice trailed off as the sudden orgasm ripped through her body causing her stomach to spasm with wave after wave. She had lost all control… control of her body… control of her mind…. control over everything….

Lex looked over His shoulder at Veronica sitting there in the throes of her climax with her legs spread wide and fingers thrusting in hard and deep after hearing Supergirl’s dirty confession. He hardly slowed down His pace as Supergirl was already thrusting her hips against His thrust. He knew He was in for the fuck of His life with Supergirl now eager for more and more abuse. He smiled at Veronica and chuckled, “I think we have a very hungry naughty little slut on our hands.”
Don’t we My little super slut,” He asked as one hand grabbed Supergirl’s long blond hair as He forced a kiss and pounded even harder and deeper in Supergirl’s cum soaked pussy…..

“Mmmmmphhhhhhh… “Supergirl tried to reply but Lex’s tongue was practically in her throat. She replied instead with a series of powerful thrust of her pussy against His invading cock……… Supergirl was now Lex’s little super slut…….. gone was the maiden of steel… now simply a dirty little cock slave…..
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Short but sweet!!
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It is a beautiful sunny afternoon in Gotham City in the middle of the week. The citizens of Gotham are busy going about their business as usual. The hawkers are busy on the sidewalks peddling their wares to the bustling crowds. While shop keepers are eagerly greeting potential customers stopping to peek in their windows at the displayed merchandise. The Gotham City National Bank is having a busy day with customers going in.. but what’s this??? Catwoman in broad daylight on the arm of a strange older white haired gentleman in a fancy suit of all things entering the bank! Five minutes later and NO one is coming out! I smell something a foot, don’t touch that dial! Find out what is about to snare the Caped Crusaders… and I mean all 3!!!!

Chief O’Hara burst through Commissioner Gordon’s office doors red faced and obviously extremely upset. “Commissioner, you must see this video tape of the bank robbery! I can’t believe Catwoman and her new conspirator in crime would pull such a stunt! It is unbelievable at the dirty low down scoundrels defaming our city’s most beloved heroes as this!” He huffed sounding more exhausted by the moment.

Commissioner Gordon pushed back his high back leather padded chair and raised his arms almost in protest. “Chief O’Hara, get ahold of yourself! We don’t need you having a heart attack in my office over some nonsense that Catwoman has done!”

“Well, I think it is outrageous that she and that, that low life white haired maniac with her would stoop so low as this, here let me put in the tape and show you,” O’Hara said still fuming over the situation.

Commissioner Gordon looked on with great interest at the bank’s security footage as Chief O’Hara leaned over his shoulder watching the crime unfold. The footage showed Catwoman and her companion walking into the bank and pulling out of a department store bag two obvious Halloween costumes. The older gentleman slipped on the first costume, a Batman costume while Catwoman slipped into a Batgirl costume.

“See there! Those low life scum…..” O’ Hara was cut off quickly.

“Chief compose yourself, I understand your anger but what do you expect from such vile and wicked criminals other than to try and ridicule and defame their greatest adversaries?” Gordon asked.

“I’m sorry, Commissioner, I guess you are right, but it boils my blood to see those two dress up as our best crime fighters in all of Gotham pulling this heist…. “. Again Commissioner Gordon interrupted him.

“What is that Catwoman has in her hands that seems to paralyze the guards, I can’t see it from this angle!”

“We don’t know, Commissioner, this is the only footage we have got.” As he spoke the footage continued the man then pulled out another item from the bag and it looked like a large music box. He opened the top and casually walked around the lobby dotting his head as if he was singing a tune. One by one the people began falling around him fast asleep. Now Catwoman had gone to the teller windows with her yet unseen device and was freezing all of them in place. She grabbed the now empty large bag and began shuffling the money from the drawers into it. Then the older man joined her as they walked un-challenged into the open vault area and came back with not only the department store bag full of money but all of the Gotham City National Bank’s own money bags they could carry.

“Enough, Chief O’Hara,” Gordon exclaimed. “We know the only one who can catch this money grubbing lady and her new beau!” Gordon immediately rose from his chair and the two men walked straight to the red phone under the glass case which is the only direct line to Batman and Robin.

“In times like these I can say I am glad to have these two on our side, Chief O’Hara,”

“You mean three, Commissioner,” O’Hara said as he pointed to the open window where Batgirl was entering the room.

“Batgirl! We are so glad to see you! We are just now calling Batman and Robin about the bank robbery,” Commissioner Gordon explained.

“Yes, Commissioner, I am glad to see you taking the right steps in this case. I just came from the bank as I was in the neighborhood and heard the sirens wailing. Luckily it seems all the citizens are okay and the guards have come out of their stupor whatever it was.” Batgirl eagerly said proud to be the first of the Caped Crusaders up to speed on the case.
“Well, what did they say Catwoman used on them, Batgirl,” He inquired of the petite damsel in her purple spandex costume.

“They could not remember, it seems she gave them a hypnotic suggestion to forget what had happened. They didn’t even remember seeing Catwoman or her mysterious man in the bank. They did say they saw Batman and myself there telling them outlandish tale how they were giving up crime fighting”.

“What is that Catwoman up to!” Commissioner Gordon bellowed.

“Now, now, Commissioner, remember your own advice,” Chief O’Hara stated pointing his finger and wagging it a bit.

“You are right, Chief, and now I must call Batman and Robin to come view this along with Batgirl and I am sure the three of them will get to the bottom of this and capture Catwoman and her new friend before we know it.”

“Thanks for the confidence, Commissioner Gordon,” Batgirl politely replied smiling as Commissioner Gordon put the red phone’s receiver to his ear.

“Batman, Commissioner Gordon here! There has been a crime…. oh, yes, well you already know about it! How uncanny, Batgirl is standing right here, I will put her on the phone with you now. I will see you when you get here.” Gordon glanced at O’Hara with an amazed look on his face as he handed the phone over to Batgirl. “Amazing, utterly amazing, they already knew about it too,” he marveled.

“Yes, yes, I will wait here for you and Robin to go over the video. I have already been there and talked to the guards and most of the people in the bank. We need to find where Catwoman is hiding out and who this new friend of hers is and what his story is as well,” Batgirl was most polite in talking with Batman. It was no secret that there was some competition between Batman and Batgirl over who might be the better crime fighter and Batgirl felt most opinions favored Batman simply because he was a man.

Batgirl hung up the phone and walked to the window from where she entered moments ago. “Batgirl, didn’t you just tell Batman you would be here to go over the videotape with him of the bank robbery,” Gordon asked puzzled.

“Yes, he said he would be here in thirty minutes so that gives me time to go chase down a clue I found in the bank,” she answered with a quirky smile on her face as she grabbed her climbing rope and slipped out of the fourth story window.

Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara walked over to the window to say goodbye but when they got there Batgirl was already down and out of sight.

“Man, I would hate to be that young lady’s father and know what she is doing, even if it is for the good of Gotham City,” Commissioner Gordon sighed. Chief O’Hara silently nodded his head understandingly as he glanced out the window again for maybe a glance at the young pretty heroine speeding off on her bat cycle.

As Batman and Robin were racing down the road heading into Gotham City for the meeting with Commissioner Gordon and supposedly Batgirl, the young heroine was off hunting down a clue she came across at the bank. While talking there with the guards she caught the distinct odor of tuna. Seeing how Catwoman imitated the likings of a cat, Batgirl wondered if maybe she was the one who had recently purchased the abandoned tuna canning facility down at the Gotham City wharf district. She arrived at the front gates to the property and saw it secured with new chains and locks. Looks like I was right again, Batgirl thought to herself as she drove past looking for a back entrance to the property so as to not draw any unwanted attention.

Now Batman and Robin had made it to Commissioner Gordon’s office and was disappointed that the young Batgirl had struck out alone and not sharing her clue so Batman and Robin could follow up in case the poor girl got into some kind of trouble. They watched the video footage of the robbery and then decided it was a good idea to visit the bank in person. Commissioner Gordon agreed and also wanted to go for a firsthand look as well. They had noticed on the video tape that Catwoman had acted as if she was at first filling out a form of some sort. Upon inspecting the table Batman found a small deposit slip that had some useless doodling scribbled down. With Robin’s help they deciphered that the drawing was that of an old tuna cannery logo from down at the wharf years ago. Quickly they excused themselves from Commissioner Gordon and raced out of the bank to head down to the old wharf district.

Batgirl had discovered an old section of fencing had become unattached along the edge of the property and slipped inside sneaking into one of the buildings seemingly un-noticed. She explored the building and hearing voices she began to head in that direction. As she came down the hallway to the doorway from where the voices were coming from she peaked in slowly. It was a huge room with a large circular container in the middle. The people talking were on the opposite side and could not see Batgirl as she entered and quietly climbed the staircase that led to a network of catwalks in the ceiling. She reached the top and walked slowly out over the middle of the room where now she could see Catwoman with a couple of her cronies and the older gentleman who had accompanied Catwoman at the bank. The acoustics in the room were to bad for Batgirl to hear the conversation so she opted for the luck of surprise to startle and then overwhelm and capture them.

Loosening a small spool of ultra thin descending cable from her utility belt, Batgirl secured one end of it to the framework of the catwalk she was standing on. Then hooking the spool back onto her utility belt she grabbed ahold of the almost invisible cable and lept from the catwalk. Her yellow cape billowed out behind her as she descended from the ceiling with one leg bent at the knee and the other straight and stiff as she quickly headed downward landing about ten feet behind Catwoman and her gang. She landed almost as quiet as a mouse until her stiletto heels clicked upon hitting the ground. Suddenly Catwoman stopped in mid-sentence and spun around with a look of not too much surprise at the young purple suited girl standing a mere few feet from her.

“Sooooooooo,” Catwoman purred, “we meet yet again, my sweet little purple clad heroine.”

Batgirl had already released her grip on the cable and almost as if scripted placed her hands on the sides of her hips and took a wide stance and replying, “Yes, we met again, Catwoman, and this time I will be seeing you get sent to prison where you belong.”

“Purrrrrrrfect, darling, so full of spunk and confidence, I see the luck you had in escaping my pattern cutter has made you feel almost invincible,” Catwoman said with a seductive flair.

“Maybe, Catwoman, but there is no pattern cutter here so I say that makes your chances of going to jail are pretty good today,” Batgirl snipped back.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that Batgirrrrrl,” Catwoman purred as she motioned her new partner to come forward. “Meet my new friend, everyone just calls him, Mr. Sandman.”

With that the white haired older gentleman stepped forward with a devilish grin on his face holding a little black box in his hands. Looking back momentarily at Catwoman he chuckled, “Catwoman, just as you said she would be, an exquisite creature and one of full of spunk, standing prideful as you said she would be.” He then opened the lid to the small box and inside was a small statue identical to Batgirl including the stance she was currently expressing. He began to slowly step forward holding out the box for Batgirl to see, he pushed a small button on the back and a powerful strobe light began to flicker in Batgirl’s face in an unusual pattern. Batgirl was instantly caught off guard by the man’s strange behavior and the sporadic strobe light was very distracting as she tried to focus on her thoughts.

“Who in blazes are you,” she demanded.

“The Sandman, my dear, now look closer at my box,” he stated calmly.

Batgirl struggled against his command but could not remove her eyes from the small statue and the flashing strobe light behind it. “Put that thing away, I am here to…. “ Batgirl started saying but the Sandman interrupted her.

“Nice isn’t it, my dear, you can’t even take your eyes off of it can you, look closer at it,” the old gentleman said in a firm steady voice as he kept stepping closer and closer to her.

“Don't.... don't... come.... closer….” Batgirl’s voice trailed off as her thoughts seemed to suddenly be a thousand miles away.

“Very good, you are now frozen and in my trance, Batgirl, just like the figurine you see in front of you. You can’t hear or focus on anything but my voice and the box. You will answer and obey only me for now.”

Batgirl stood frozen in place and silent as the small statue of herself inside the box itself and her eyes kept re-focusing on it as the Sandman approached closer and closer.

“Do you see yourself as the little figurine, Batgirl, all frozen and immovable?” Sandman questioned.

“Yes,” Batgirl answered barely above a whisper.

“Good, how does It make the proud Batgirl feel?”

“Weak, helpless,” she answered as her eyes became even more glazed over.

“What is the weakest and most helpless you have ever felt, Batgirl,” He inquired of her.

“In Catwoman’s pattern cutter and also when bound by her cat whiskers by her henchmen,” Batgirl revealed being helpless but to reveal the truth.

“Ahhh, interesting,” the Sandman replied, “Tell me now my dear, was there anything else you felt when bound by Catwoman?”

Sandman was probing Batgirl’s mind to find any resistance inside her against his will. Batgirl obviously still had a wall of some resistance as she struggled to answer his question.

“I… felt…. felt… felt… aroused,” she finally admitted as a flush of redness colored her cheeks.

“Of course you did, my dear, it is only natural when captured by a beautiful woman like Catwoman to be aroused. Now, you will begin to feel weak…. helpless…. and aroused…. under my trance as well. Any resistance you feel rising up inside you will cause you to feel even more helpless, more aroused, and weaker still, do you understand, Mr. Sandman?”

“Yes, Mr. Sandman, I understand,” Batgirl replied in soft reply.

“Then repeat back to Mr. Sandman, how you feel, and what can only happen if you resist My trance.”

“I am weak, helpless, and, aroused. My resistance will only make me more helpless, even weaker, and more …. more… aroused” Batgirl answered with her sentence sounding most sensual. Her petite body frozen in place still gave way to the sight of her breasts beginning to heave a bit each time she uttered the word ‘aroused’.

“Very good, now I think you are ready for a little nap, until we take care of that bumbling duo of Batman and Robin.” He paused a minute and thought and then said, “I want you to help us capture Batman and Robin, Batgirl, how do you feel about that?” Knowing this question should bring a new dimension to her reasoning and surrender to his will.

“I…. I…,” Batgirl’s slow reply brought an obvious physical reaction to her body and facial expression. Then a series of small gasps and a few jerks of her body gave evidence of her resistance. Even frozen in place under Sandman’s trance her eyes gave answer to her situation that she had just had an orgasm. She was helplessly held prisoner as her young body quivered from the results of her resistance as Sandman smiled with great approval.

Finally, after a moment or two Batgirl replied, “I will do as you say, Mr. Sandman.”

Happy with the result the Sandman then placed his hand on Batgirl’s arm and said, “Now it is time to sleep, My sweet little girl.”

With that Batgirl’s head fell forward her chin resting on her chest completely asleep at the Sandman’s command. He closed the box and motioned to Catwoman’s henchmen to carry the girl to the prepared room they had already made for her. Two henchmen came forward and lifted the girl up from the floor by her arms and carried her away stiff as a mannequin doll.

“You are on your way to having your play toy, Catwoman,” Mr. Sandman said turning to her and smiling. “Now just hold to your end of the deal and finish off the Batman and Robin as you have promised.”

“Of course, Mr. Sanddddddman,” Catwoman replied, “but until Batman and Robin walk into my little trap, I want to play with my new toy.”

“Very well, we should let her sleep a bit, it is very stressful on the brain to overwhelm it so much in the beginning. It will take a little time but the longer she stays under My trance the less chance she has of ever gaining back her free will. Still, I will enjoy watching a little entertainment before the big show,” Sandman chuckled as he took the arm of Catwoman and began leading her down the hall to watch her play with her new batgirl toy……..

As they opened the door Batgirl lay in the bed on her back still frozen in statue form, Mr. Sandman touched her foot and said, “Relax.” Batgirl’s body instantly became relaxed and Catwoman licked her lips as Batgirl squirmed in the bed, her body now helplessly vulnerable for the taking……
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couple of really awesome stories! Keep them coming (cumming?)!
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Sandman pulled a chair up to the side of the bed as Catwoman slinked up onto the bed between the helpless Batgirl and slowly began crawling between her legs. Sandman pulled out a small round crystal pendant on a silver chain and touched Batgirl in the center of her forehead. Catwoman was now all the way between Batgirl’s legs and watched as Sandman awakened the petite heroine.

As he spoke, Sandman began swaying the pendant back and forth and the motion triggered a light function and the pendant began glowing with a green light. “Batgirl, open your eyes and watch My pendant,” He commanded her. Batgirl responded as told and her eyes instantly began following the glowing pendant.

“You are now beginning to feel aroused as if you were struggling on the pattern cutter, only even more aroused now as Catwoman begins to play with you.”

“Wha…what.. Catwoman? N.. no… that isn’t.. I mean… she is a wom…” Batgirl’s voice trailed off in a soft moan as her resistance to the idea made her arousal so strong and her will even more weakened. She lay there staring into the pendant as Catwoman now was roaming over her body with those long sharp nails of hers sending shivers of pleasure through Batgirl’s body. As Catwoman’s fingernails trailed down between Batgirl’s petite breasts, Batgirl arched her back as the pleasure was so intense and she could not fight the feelings in her mind. Every thought only added to the arousal and soon the arousal was too strong and Batgirl was a weak as a kitten by the time Catwoman’s nails slipped down over her mound and grazed ever so lightly across her now swollen pussy lips.

“Now I am going to remove the pendant, Batgirl, but you are not able to break My trance, you are too weak to break My trance, you cannot help yourself. You are at the mercy of Catwoman and all of her sexual desires, do you understand Me, I want you to repeat it back to Me,” Sandman stated in a soft but firm authoritative voice.

“I am under your trance, I cannot help myself, I am at Catwoman’s mercy to fulfill all her sexual desires,” Batgirl replied.

“Purrrrrrrfect,” Catwoman cooed. With that she lowered her mouth to Batgirl’s and gave her a deep passionate kiss. Batgirl kissed back without a flinch and only moaned feeling now Catwoman’s fingers pressing against her pussy through her outfit. Batgirl’s small hips began thrusting up against Catwoman’s playful fingers which began pressing and rubbing harder and faster along the young girl’s now moist suit. Catwoman then explored Batgirl’s outfit and found the zipper and began removing it off the petite shapely body purring all along as each inch of her body was revealed.

Once Batgirl was naked all but for her cowl covering her head and face, Catwoman splayed the young girl spread eagle in the bed. Batgirl lay there as Catwoman’s tongue began exploring along her body. She gasped as the soft wet tongue worked over her hardened nipples and along the curves of her firm breasts. Her breathing sharpened as Catwoman’s tongue slithered down over her flat stomach and ever closer to her wet pussy. Batgirl cried out in surprising pleasure as the wet tongue lapped over her swollen sensitive lips. Her hands fell to Catwoman’s head but was helpless to remove her from between her thighs. Catwoman licked and darted her tongue in and out of Batgirl’s tight pink hole while her fingers pulled and played with her glossy wet lips. Batgirl was quickly going over the edge having never felt such an invasion of her pussy as Catwoman’s experienced tongue was expertly doing to her. Soon her hips were thrusting upwards and grinding her pussy against Catwoman’s face.

Batgirl looked over and saw Sandman sitting there in his chair having pulled his cock out and stroking as He watched her being eaten out. Batgirl’s eyes grew wide at the sight of His large cock hard and it throbbing as his fingers encircling it pumped up and down at a fast pace. She had never seen a cock up close before as she stared at its dark red head and veined shaft it seemed to stir her even more towards an orgasm. Sandman caught her staring at his masturbating and only increased his speed as he saw her eyes with that glazed lusty far off look as her orgasm was overtaking her. As Batgirl moaned loudly and her body writhed in the orgasmic pleasure, Sandman exploded his load of white cum. It sprayed out in spurts as he gasped outloud in his own pleasure with each jettison of hot white liquid left his cock.

Batgirl suddenly felt a rush of heat through her body and looking down she saw Catwoman licking eagerly at her leaking slit. She blinked in almost an astonished embarrassment at the sight of her naked body. Suddenly her hands came to her face and felt for her mask. The realization that her mask was on was the first good thought she had as she now came back to her senses. The trance Sandman had put on her was broken by the unsuspecting orgasm by Sandman and Batgirl. Catwoman looked up at Batgirl and purred with satisfaction but stopped short when she realized that Batgirl had come to her senses. She quickly went to grab Batgirl’s arms to pin her down in the bed as she yelled at the Sandman to put her back under. Sandman was busy putting his cock back in his pants and when he grabbed for the pendant it flew from his hands and landed a few feet away from him.

Batgirl gave a swift kick to the side of Catwoman’s head and knocked her completely off the bed. In the floor dazed from the kick or from hitting the floor so hard Catwoman was unable to recover fast enough to keep the young naked heroine from leaping off the bed and dashing out the door. Sandman was unable to get past the sprawled out Catwoman to get his hands on Batgirl and turned to help the villainess up to her feet. “After her and put her under again you bumbling fool,” she cried. Sandman was too late as he entered the large warehouse room where they had first caught Batgirl. She was no longer alone as he found her standing between Batman and Robin with Batman’s cape around her naked body. He whirrled around to run away but Batman threw his bat-a-rang and knocked the villain down. Catwoman came to the door and saw the Dynamic Duo and fled the other way and escaped.

As Batman went over to pick up the Sandman, Batgirl cried out to warn him as she saw the Sandman reach into his coat pocket……

THE END???????
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Anyone have some short story ideas they'd like to see? PM Me!
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Just past midnight and most of Gotham City's good citizens were asleep in their beds, but we find not everyone is a good citizen! A pair of dark clad criminals are on the rooftop of the city museum looking to make a big score. Cutting the alarm wires to a skylight they descend with infrared goggles. Evading the elaborate array of lasers the pair make their way to the newly opened exhibit of the Lady Panther idol and other artifacts found in an ancient African jungle temple some years before. Not much had been known of the people or practices at least not by ordinary people. They finally make their way to the exhibit and up to the display case containing some bracelets, an eye mask, garments of panther skin, odd shaped tools, and the Lady Panther idol with jade eyes, itself. Finally removing their goggles and masks the criminal duo is revealed ...

"Oh, it's purrrrrrrrrrfect," Catwoman meowed. "Are you sure these stories you heard are real, Tamala," Catwoman inquired.

"Yes, Catwoman, the stories my ancestors have passed down are true as I will soon reveal for you," Tamala replied.

"Meowwwww, my pretty little prophetess, I can hardly wait to put them to the test on the Batgirl," Catwoman slurred as her diamond tipped nails of her gloves etched the glass encasement. Tamala removed a special black velvet bag marked with white symbols and inscriptions for the items safe transport. Then sleek as a pair of cats the women make a hasty getaway.
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The next morning as the Gotham detectives were investigating the museum break in Batgirl appeared on the scene. Chief O'Hara greeted the masked heroine and filled her in on all the details they knew of the crime. "We can't find one clue who it was that pulled this off. It had to be someone with lots of experience to do a job like this," Chief O'Hara explained.

"Mind if I look around the scene a bit, Chief O'Hare," the petite damsel inquired.

"Not at all, Batgirl, we could use any experienced eye at this point to find a the slightest clue," O'Hara replied.

Batgirl walked around the rooftop examining the skylight and then walking around the rooftop exploring for any signs of a clue. Her eye caught the sight of a small white cap caught in the trap of the drain. She glanced around and picked it up as no one was paying her any attention and quickly stuffed it in a pouch of her utility belt. She went back and thanked Chief O'Hara and headed back to her batcycle below. Reaching the ground she pulled the white cap out and examined it closer. It was an old cap with a faded product stamp that could hardly be made out. If Batman and Robin were not out of town, she thought, He could analyze it in his batcave. But I will have to do a little old fashioned librarian research for this clue.


Catwoman and her new accomplice, Tamala, reclined in comfortable pillows in a small posh room in an abandoned part of the Ole Gotham Dairy plant. "Now we need to set the trap for Batgirl but we need some bait since the Dynamic Duo is chasing after Lord Fog in some god forgotten place," Catwoman mused as she stretched her legs and began to contemplate opportunities.

"We could kidnap the mayor or a judge perhaps," Tamala suggested.

"No, we need someone who has been friends to them," Catwoman replied. "Someone who has supported them and given them any help they ever needed."

"Who has ever been in a such a position to help Batgirl and the Dynamic Duo?" Tamala asked.

Catwoman leaped to her feet and sauntered catlike to the curious woman, "Commissioner Gordon!" she exclaimed. "He has always given them help and support at every turn! Get ready we have to get to Gotham City Police Headquarters right away,"

Barbara Gordon was pouring through old books of Gotham City's production facilities and company logos and discovered the cap logo was a bottling label for the pure cream produced by the Gotham City Ole Dairy facility years ago. "Catwoman!" the girl exclaimed. She quickly replaced all the books remembering she had a dinner date with her father. She rushed out the door and headed to the Gotham City Police Headquarters.

Catwoman sent Tamala alone into police headquarters so her appearance wouldn't draw attention and possibly foil their chances to kidnap Commissioner Gordon. Once inside Tamala made her way up to Commissioner Gordon's office. Entering his office without invitation Commissioner Gordon immediately approached the woman. "What in blazes is the meaning....." He began to protest her entrance. Quickly opening her right hand she blew a white powder in his face which froze the Commissioner like a statue. Then she sprinkled another powder from her left hand over his head. Commissioner Gordon blinked his eyes, "Yes, how may I please you, my Queen," he inquired of the lovely woman now before him. "I need you to come with me, Commissioner," Tamala spoke in a soft lusty voice,

"Anything you wish, my Queen," as he obediently took her outreached hand and headed to the door. Just then Barbara entered and surprisingly was taken aback as her Father being led by the strange woman didn't recognize her as he passed by, "Excuse us, young lady, I must go with my queen."

"But da...." she started to exclaim when Tamala tossed something from her hair and in a puff of smoke Barbara instantly collapsed to the floor. When she regained consciousness the Commissioner and the woman was long gone.... "Don't worry, Daddy, I know where you are and Batgirl will be there soon to rescue you!" she exclaimed as she rushed out of the room....
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Barbara rushed home immediately changing into her Batgirl suit and jumped on her batcycle to head to rescue her father. She knew it must be a trap to kidnap Commissioner Gordon but she was thinking it must be for Batman and Robin. Hoping to be able to sneak in by surprise and remove her father before going head to head with Catwoman and her new accomplice. Batgirl pondered the danger of a new villain of whom she knew nothing about but she was sure of her quick skills and intelligence to defeat this new threat as well as taking down Catwoman as she had done on other occasions. Batgirl killed the engine on her batcycle and coasted the last quarter mile to the gates of the Ole Gotham Dairy plant. Batgirl quickly scanned the facility knowing Catwoman would be in an abandoned building as her hideout. Spying an apparent empty building a ways from the busy loading dock Batgirl quietly made her way to it.

Batgirl spied a broken window and slipped quietly inside. She paused listening for any faint noises before moving through the building. Things were silent as she moved from room to room in search of Commissioner Gordon or Catwoman and her accomplice. She finally discovered the posh room of pillows where Catwoman had made her recent lair. Cautiously she peeked through a curtain and saw her Father being kept in a small iron bar cell. "Da...Commissioner Gordon," she whsipered, "Is anybody else here," she asked.

"Batgirl," the commissioner exclaimed. "I'm so glad you came! Quick get me out of here."

"Are you okay, commissioner, do you have your wits about you after you were kidnapped," she whispered.

"Oh, yes, Batgirl, I'm fine now she blew some kind of powder in my face and I just found myself here."

Batgirl pulled out her batpicks and asked Commissioner Gordon to sit quietly as she worked on the lock to free him. Quickly she worked the lock and it sprung open. "Follow me and I will get you out," Batgirl instructed as she took his hand and started leading him back the way she came. She peeked through the curtain and listened for any sound of Catwoman or her accomplices having returned. While Batgirl had her head poked through the curtain Commissioner Gordon pulled out a chloroform cloth from his suit pocket and quickly placed it over her face and locking Batgirl's arms in a firm grip the surprised girl began to struggle to break free.

"Sorry, Batgirl, but my Queen says she has need of your services."

"Mmmpphhhfffff!" Batgirl protested into the cloth only making the girl inhale the chloroform deeper. The petite heroine tried to fling her body and break the commissioner's hold, but his years as an officer and his much larger size he manhandled the petite heroine with ease as her struggle quiclky became weaker and weaker.

"Mmppphh.... unhhhh", Batgirl still tried to protest by trying to jerk her body away from her Father's vice like grip.

"Just relax, Batgirl, breathe it in, there is nothing you can do to resist," he whispered as he gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "This chloroform always works and you're so petite it won't take you long to give into it".

Batgirl kept trying to resist though her every movement became slower and more sluggish as the drug was draining her strength and consciousness. Soon her eyes fluttered and showed her strength leaving as her body started to go limp. Commissioner Gordon shifted his grip to just hold her up as she no longer could fight as the chloroform was defeating her more and more each second. She soon stopped moving and just began breathing with her eyes opening and closing as a last quiet protest to the drug while helplessly the sweet fumes continued to intoxicate her mind and body putting her to sleep. Commissioner Gordon held her against his body and whispered in a soft voice, "There you go, Batgirl, just fall asleep so I can prepare you for my Queen". Batgirl took in a deep breath as if one last of resistance as her eyes tried to look up at him as in a weak plea for release but her head just fell to his chest as her eyes closed for the last time and her body went completely limp in the commissioner's arms.
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Batgirl began to regain consciousness but just her hearing came back first. At first it was faint and sounded like someone was in the room struggling. She couldn't feel anything and didn't know what was happening. Her only sense was her hearing. She tried as hard as possible focus for words or whose voices it was she even was hearing. It sounded like a man but still his voice was largely gibberish. Sounds of moans and grunts almost as if in a desperate situation. Then the voice burst in a long sentence of what sounded like excitement or pleasure even. Then the voice stopped and only heavy breathing seemed to fill her ears.

Her eyes started flickering as if the commotion had begun bringing back more of her senses. Her eyes fluttered and she squinted from her eyes being sensitive to the light had to adjust. As she was able to hold them open for a few seconds Commissioner Gordon was standing a few feet away in front of her his hands zipping up his pants. "Oh, Batgirl, I didn't expect you to wake so soon, please don't tell Queen Tamala what I was doing. She may punish me." Still too sluggish to speak Batgirl's eyes grew wide seeing her Father had apparently just masturbated over her. Wet stains showing through his pants showed the proof her thoughts were correct. "Oh, Daddy, how could you," she screamed in her mind as he looked back up at his girl not knowing Batgirl was his little Barbara. Then she felt a sense of relief for him to have done this her cowl must still be on at least. She watched him disappear to her right but she couldn't move her head. A moment later he placed another chloroform cloth to her mouth and nose. She wanted to scream in protest but she hadn't recovered enough from the other dose yet. Her mind screamed and thoughts raced crazily. Slowly her thoughts blurred and her eyesight faded again to blackness. The chloroform sent the petite heroine into dreamland.

Sometime later again she began arising into consciousness hearing this time numerous voices clamoring it seemed all the voices just merged into one incomprehensible sentence. Then silence except for the sound of high heeled footsteps approaching the helpless girl wherever she was as she had no feeling other than floating in air. Suddenly she felt a warm breathe against her cheek and then a soft wetness. "Purrrrrrfect, you are finally coming to, Batgirl," Catwoman purred. Batgirl's eyes fluttered and eventually focused on Catwoman's big dark eyes and beautiful long lashes just inches from her own. Catwoman's long fingernail grazed along Batgirl's soft cheek and then caressed over her soft pouty lips. Then trailing down over her shoulders letting her hand open and her palm running over Batgirl's spandex clad body pressing gently feeling her flesh conform as her other hand mirrors the action working down to her small waist.

"G ..get ... your .. your hands off me, Catwoman, and let me go," Batgirl reacting surprised to hear her voice fill the air.

"Still the sharp tongue, Batgirl," Catwoman smiled as her hands roamed up to the heroine's pert breasts and her fingertips discovering her nipples gave them a pinch.

"Ouchhhh," Batgirl yelped more in surprise than pain. "Just what do you think you are doing, Catwoman? You can't touch me like that!" she exclaimed as her body jerked against her chains.

"Awe, what's the matter, Batgirl," cooed Catwoman as her hands slithered down Batgirl's stomach back to her slender waist.

"Let me down from her and I will show you," Batgirl snapped.

Catwoman's hands roamed along Batgirl's outer thighs and then back up to her utility belt and with a twist unfastened it from the girl's waist and tossed it a couple of feet in front of her. "Now, now, don't go getting any ideas of leaving anytime soon," she replied, "I haven't even begun the fun I have in mind". Her one hand slipping up along her petite body to her mouth rubbing across her lips as her other hand slipped between Batgirl's vulnerable open thighs and lightly caressing over her mound.

"STOPPPP, Catwoman, don't touch me there!" Batgirl cried jerking in her chains again.

"Oh, but why," Catwoman purrrrrred, "Don't you like it, Batgirl.

"Whhaaa ... whaaat, NO, I don't so stop it, I am not some ..some .. whore to be touched like that,"

"Awe, Batgirl, being a virtuous girl is no fun. All work and no play makes Batgirl a dull little girl," Catwoman whispered leaning to her ear as her hand flattened out and cupped over her captive's little mound.

"STOPPPP," Batgirl demanded. "I am a virtuous girl so stop what you are doing! I won't give you any pleasure, Catwoman".

"Oh, but you will, Batgirl, you will," Catwoman softly caressing the girl's pussy replied.

"No, I will not, my will is too strong, Catwoman, I won't let you take my virtue no matter what you do!" Batgirl defiantly stated twisting in the chains trying to pull away from Catwoman's hand.

"Nothing you can do about, all bad little girls give it up in time," Catwoman continued.

"I am not a bad girl, Catwoman, and I won't give you the pleasure of your diabolical thoughts!" Batgirl protested as she continued her protest.

"Ahhh, but already your pussy is beginning to heat up with desire and soon you'll give in." Catwoman began to tease the heroine.

"STOPPPP," Batgirl gasped as Catwoman applied even more pressure as she rubbed. She was correct as Batgirl felt herself getting warmer inside. "Don't call it a pussy. I have a vagina. I told you I am not some whore for your pleasure, Catwoman! I'm only getting warmer because you are rubbing against my suit!" she replied trying to force the thought out of her mind.

"Face the truuuuuuuuth, Batgirl, you are already starting to enjoy it."

"NO, Catwoman, I will not give you the satisfaction," Batgirl replied tensing her body to stop and looking determined as possible to resist.

"Puuuurrrrrrrrrrrfect, Batgirl, the harder you resist the deeper into need will be when you break," Catwoman said pulling her hands away. "Just hang here a while and think about that while you see the heat is coming from within yourself, you proud virtuous little girl." Catwoman smiled and suddenly gave the heroine a quick loud SLAP!!! right over her pussy mound and then lightly caressed it and made one last observation and comment. " Oh, Batgirl, what a lovely little slit you have, I can see it through your spandex right here," she cooed as her nails dragged along the crevice showing through Batgirl's outfit.

Batgirl gave a shriek at the slap of Catwoman's open hand between her thighs causing more heat to rush through her body and for the first time felt it deep inside herself. Batgirl bit her lip as Catwoman turned and laughing just walked away. Batgirl finally with full senses began looking around for some way of escape and to study her chains in hope to break free. After some struggle the girl began to tire and stopping to rest and contemplate things one thing came to the forefront of her mind as she began to writhe a bit in a new sensation. Batgirl hadn't noticed being so focused but the heat between her legs hadn't diminished but began to even feel good. She looked down wondering if Catwoman spoke the truth of seeing her slit through her suit. Seeing it herself embarrassed the heroine and her thoughts of it made her close her legs the best she could. In doing so the warmth only got stronger and the sensations inside her increased as she began squeezing and rubbing her thighs together in hopes to make the feelings stop. She wanted to stop but her body would not respond to her thoughts .... it only enraged those sensations more ...

and more shocking and alarming to the virtuous heroine was how good it all felt ....hanging there helpless and turned on!
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Batgirl wasn't sure how long she had been hanging in her chains after becoming so tired and worn out with Catwoman leaving her spread eagle from earlier. She had been chained standing flatfooted and even though the chains gave her some support from completely collapsing. It would have been better in some aspects if her body had been hoisted tautly in midair rather than the small amount of slack that forced her to keep changing her position that was beginning to make her body ache in all her joints as each time she fell into a deep sleep the jerking of the slack chain kept her from falling deep asleep. Of course this was all a part of Catwoman's plan to deprive her of regaining any physical strength as well as the emotional toll of sleep deprivation weakening her mind and concentration. Her mind had become sluggish and disoriented with flashes of dreams until they were rudely interrupted by the force of the chains jerking on her body. Finally, she let her head fall back and allowed the pull of gravity to work for her arms as if falling backwards sleep was finally about to be achieved for the petite heroine. Suddenly the sound of Catwoman's stiletto heels snapped Batgirl's senses back to attention with only minutes of a restful sleep. She roused and shook herself to clear the cobwebs in her mind and flexed her toned body sending a shudder through all her muscle tissues with a fresh release of adrenaline.

"Wakey, wakey, Batgirl," Catwoman chirped strolling in looking exquisite in her tight fitting black body suit and black stockings. Her long jet black hair pulled back in a pony tail bouncing and swaying back and forth as she strolled towards Batgirl as if on a Victoria Secret fashion runway.

Batgirl noticed she had come alone into the room and could not help but notice a long white object looking much like an oversized microphone was hanging off the slinky belt around her slim waist. "Are you going to sing for me now, Catwoman," Batgirl stated almost laughingly.

"Oh, Batgirl, this is to make you sing a complete whole new tune," Catwoman teased as she lifted the Hitachi vibrating wand off her waist. "You've never seen one of these, Batgirl?" Catwoman smiled realizing the fun that she was about to have with the poor girl so naive.

Batgirl blushed and tried not to struggle in her chains, "I know what it is but you wouldn't dare, Catwoman," Batgirl replied trying to sound strong and confident not to show the worry that was starting to feel and especially the tingle starting between her legs.

Catwoman began toying with the wand in her hands not yet switching it on and rubbed it along the heroine's body, "Oh, Batgirl you are going change your tune and beg me to use it on you once you've had your first lesson with me".

"I don't think so, Catwoman, you must be out of your mind to think a toy can break my mind," Batgirl replied.

"Oh, Batgirl, it's going to be so delicious to watch you fight with you mind and find your body won't be able to resist giving into it".

Batgirl jerked on her chains helplessly hoping they would break and set her free, "Catwoman, this is a new low for even you, you shouldn't be doing this. When I get free you are going to pay".

Catwoman lifted the vibrator to the Batgirl's face switching on the vibrator causing it to come to life. Batgirl's eyes open wide eyed at the strength its humming displayed without it even touched her. Catwoman smiled and purrrrrred in Batgirl's face as she teasingly ran the vibrator around the heroine's body without touching her. Batgirl jerked in her chains every time Catwoman started to touch it to her body and Catwoman's excitement grew leaning in closer a little bit each time until her lips were able to kiss Batgirl's.

Jerking her head back Batgirl cried, "What are you doing...."

Before she could get another word out of her mouth Catwoman touched the vibrating wand against Batgirl's left breast and smiled at Batgirl's reaction.

"Ahhhhhh .... NOOOOOO, don't touch me," Batgirl cried emphatically.

Catwoman ignored the petite girl's cry and circled it around the edge of Batgirl's breast spiraling inward until she felt the head find Batgirl's erect nipple.

"Ahhhhh .... pleaseeeee ... don't ... do that," Batgirl cried trying to sound strong as her eyes helplessly glanced down to watch the vibrator rubbing in circles around her sensitive breast. The helpless girl could not help but feel the wand sending tingling waves of pleasure through her breasts and down into her body. Shortly Batgirl became aware that the sensations were tingling in the depths of her pussy.

Catwoman began moving the vibrator back and forth between both of Batgirl's breast enjoying the girl's gasps with each pass over her now jutting nipples as if they would burst through the purple spandex. She purred as she watched Batgirl's eyes flutter before throwing her head back and a moan escaping her lips. Then slowly, ever so slowly she removed the wand from her breasts and began sliding it down the girl's flat stomach.

"NOOOOO,,,,, noooooo, please ... d ....don't... " Batgirl jerking her head back up and staring pleadingly at Catwoman's beautiful dark eyes.

"Oh, poor, Batgirl, I'm not nearly ready done with you yet. I want to make your bat-kitty purr for me."

Batgirl jerked up in her chains trying to overcome the feelings she let weaken her. "STOP it now, Catwoman,

"But it's not me doing anything Batgirl, you are enjoying the workings of my toy," Catwoman .

"Nooo, noooo, please, don't do this," Batgirl whimpered as her body writhed in her chains as Catwoman's hand steadily kept lowering the vibrating wand lower and lower. Batgirl instinctively closed her thighs to try and stop Catwoman's advance. As Catwoman held the vibrator just inches above Batgirl's mound her other hand began groping the helpless girl's breasts and again pinching her nipples.

"Oohhhhhhhh .... pl ... ple... pleaseeeee " Batgirl struggled for some kind of words but the vibrators sensations were already spreading down between her thighs and making her pussy quiver.

"What happened to your emphatic defiance, Batgirl," Catwoman laughed watching the heroine's body surrendering so quickly to the wand's pleasure.

"D .... uhhhhhh .... do....don't.... uhhhhh ... uhhhh... st .. .stoppp.... plea.... se" Batgirl began gasping unable to focus as her pleasure was quickly building.

"I bet you're all wet and creamy aren't you, Batgirl," Catwoman taunted to make the girl give in faster to the pleasure. "All wet and creamy for your first orgasm. I can't wait for you to cum for me,"

"No... ohhhhhhh ... noooooo .... noooo. noooo don't .... make ... me.. uhhhhhh".

"Not even touching your pussy, Batgirl, are you cumming already," Catwoman asked leaning in and purring, "It's okay let your bat kitty purrrrrrrrr for me".

"No ... nooooo, nooo, I can't ... I can't let you...." Batgirl trying to resist but then Catwoman lowered the vibrating head right over Batgirl's pussy and stroked it up and down while steadily pinching back and forth on her nipples.

"Ohhhhh... nooo ... do ....don't .... uhhhhh, I .... I ... can't ... " Batgirl so close she was panting and unable to get out a sentence. Catwoman suddenly shifted the head of the wand right over the girl's throbbing clit and wiggled vigorously.

"Cum for me, Batgirl, be a good girl and give that bat-kitty what it wants. That little bat-pussy needs," Catwoman began whispering hotly in Batgirl's ear.

"I ... noooo... nooo.... can't ... cum.... I'm not a bad..... girl," Batgirl mind trying to put up some kind of last resistance.

"Ohhhhh, but your going to cum anyway ... you can be a good girl and cum for me with that little batpussy," Catwoman quickly panted in the girl's ears. Batgirl tried to shake her head to get Catwoman's voice out of her head.

"Cum, good little Batgirl, cum and set your bat-kitty free .... ". Catwoman smiled as she watched Batgirl's silent "O" face for the first time linger for several seconds and then.....

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... ohhhhhhhh .... ohhhhhhhhh ... unnnnnhhhhh" Batgirl cried as her first orgasm ripped strongly though her petite body! Her body convulsed strongly and she swayed in the chains which rattled loudly in victory.

Batgirl was momentarily completely in euphoria not even realizing Catwoman was strapping the wand to her left thigh. She couldn't even feel that the tingling sensation was from the vibrator between her legs until she began to calm down and glanced down to see it strapped to her pussy.

" Nooooo, take this off of me," she gasped desperately while trying to sound forceful.

Catwoman purred putting her fingers to her lips and blowing the panting heroine a kiss. "That's no way to treat your new best friend," Catwoman grinned. "I'll be back in a while, and give you two some time alone."

Batgirl watched Catwoman stroll out of the room slowly as she came in. Soon as she disappeared Batgirl stared back down at the vibrator humming away as its sound filled the room. Just before Catwoman turned out the lights Batgirl could not help but watch her hips begin trying to hump her pussy against the humming head. It would be a long night as Batgirl's gasps and cries would fill the night.....
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Love these shorts. I usually don't have time to read long epics that are posted here. I start them but I have trouble finishing them, so the length is perfect. Nicely done.
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Catwoman strolled back to her pillow cushioned room and flipped on a monitor screen. The night vision camera clearly gave Catwoman a clear view of the struggling little Batgirl fighting the vibrator as her body writhed under the uncontrollable pleasure it was giving her. Catwoman purred watching the petite little heroine swaying in her chains. Her face showing the obvious effects of her struggle against the overwhelming feelings coursing through her. Glancing down at the vibrator strapped on her thigh as her hips uncontrollably rocked her mound against the humming machine. Batgirl would then close her eyes and throw her head back shaking it from side to side as if to try and stop the intensifying pleasure. Only to have her eyes fly wide open with her mouth opening to the perfect "O" face as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her inexperienced body leaving her panting and gasping harder each time.

Catwoman found herself so turned on watching Batgirl succumb to her little toy again and again. Her hand snaked down over her stomach and in between her thighs. Her fingers working between her lips and slipping inside her pussy becoming instantly drenched in her wetness making loud wet fucking noises as she fingered herself hard and fast. Her other hand cupped her breast and pinched her already hardened nipple she moaned. She knew it was only a matter of time before the poor little Batgirl would beg for her to do whatever she wished to her for another orgasm. As soon as that was accomplished then Tamala could work at her mission to transform the Batgirl into a sex slave of the Order of the Lady Panther and rid her of Batgirl's identity as a crime fighter.

Catwoman's hand was now thrusting deep and hard inside herself as Batgirl was closing in on another orgasm with her hands grasping the chains hard and pressing her hips forward allowing the head to vibrate fully along her slit. "That's it, Batgirrrrrrrl," Catwoman purred, "let your innocent little bat-pussy betray your good little brain". Catwoman's own orgasm rippled through her body as Batgirl's voice announced another orgasm of her own. Catwoman couldn't wait any longer to push the little heroine to the next level. She got up off the pillows licking her fingers and headed back to the dark little room where Batgirl had slumped weakly in her chains.
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