XGALs Black Strix - Shutdown special update #1 is UP

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Legendary Member
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Greettings folks!

I remember you that we have a big special 24 comic strip page update available since past wesnesday featuring my new Black Strix char.

Some months ago this place was one of the most thriving industrial areas of Capitol City... The once proud district has been relegated to ruins and debris after the alien invasion.

The first months were quiet under the attentive guidance of U.N. Army... But now the scavengers crawl among the wrecking place searching for clues of lost Alien technology.

In the middle of the wrecking chaos a lonely figure is walking along the ruins tracking signs of illegal activities... The Black Strix is tracking a strange energy signal that leads her right into an abandoned underground bunker.

There, she gets into the depths of underground complex in her search for a mysterious scientist and telepath, determined to close the illegal facility.

But you must de careful with your desires... Her foe is not the plain criminal like those she used to fight in Capitol City... Empowered by the alien machines, Dr. Destino proves himself as a hard contender!


Read more of BLACK STRIX adventures... ONLY in HIPcomix.com & MCcomix.com!
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