Supergirl in Black Mask's Dirty Deal

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Supergirl, Batman, Black Mask and The False Face Society are copywritted by DC
This work is pure fan fiction. I receive no payment, compensation or benefit from it.

Comments and feedback are appreciated


Black Mask's Dirty Deal
by McGheeny

In a cold dark damp room a lone figure on a military surplus cot is curled up in the fetus position under a cheap wool blanket

A loud klaxon alarm stirs the half slumbering captive Supergirl. A wilted Kara wearily lifts her head from the flat dingy gray blue and white pinstriped pillow to the sounds of gunfire. The heroine wills herself to a half seated position on the hard metal cot with a cheesy mattress over hard metal wires and springs. Her nearly naked body dons just a skimpy pair of black and white vertically striped bikini panties and is covered with a wool blanket. Her back pressed against the cold green and gray cinderblock wall the heroine intently watches the cell door.

Outside the Krypto cell that has been Supergirl's residence for the past 10 days there is shouting of orders and automatic weapons being discharged in large bursts. Secured behind a thick metal door with a tiny covered slot window Kara can hear several small explosions just outside. The sounds of conflict continue for another several minutes before her small 8' x 8' room returns to silence. Footsteps sound just outside her door as the rectangular metal slide is drawn open momentarily and then shut. Kara pulls the blanket up around her chin and shoulders. A loud "CLICK" and the sound of metal sliding against metal and the heavy yellow painted door swings open.

Into Kara's cell walks a 6' 4" physically fit man wearing a white suit, black gloves and a black skull mask. He is holding a pistol in his right hand and his left is behind his back. The unexpected stranger studies the anxious blonde girl blinking her eyes as they adjust to the light while protecting herself beneath the cheap blanket. There is a momentarily uncomfortable pause before the man's left hand appears from behind his back as he tosses items at the girl. "Put on your uniform Supergirl and lets go," chuckles the stranger.

Kara looks at her Supergirl leotard, short red skirt, boots and cape. The girl quickly grabs the garments and pulls them under the blanket then looks up at the man, "My underwear?" The stranger remains motionless and quiet. Not wanting to waste time arguing she went to put on her leotard and stopped looking up at the large man, "Are you going to give me some privacy?" To her surprise the man crossed his arms and continued to watch the heroine. The blonde female turns her back to the man, "What, did your parents drop you on your head when you were a baby?"

"You had better hurry Supergirl or you will be left here when reinforcements arrive," says the deep voice.

Kara knew what to expect if she was still there when the other guards arrived. With a snort of disapproval the 5'6" 119 lbs blonde athletically slender Supergirl stands up. She is currently wearing just the skimpy pair of bikini panties with thin black and white stripes given to her when she was arrested and put into this cell. The pretty heroine steps one foot after another into her leotard and works it up her fantastic body as the black masked man watches. Once she has positioned the lower portion around her hips and pelvic regions she pulls the top sliding her hands threw the sleeves. Finally, the top is pulled up over her naked breasts as the girl centers the "S" shield on her chest between two prominent points located on the raised mounds of blue.

Tugging the elastic around the leg openings Kara stretches and snaps the bottom of her leotard into position attempting to cover her small firm heart-shaped rear. As she picks up her skirt she looks over her shoulder to see the man admiring her from behind. She closes her baby blue eyes for a moment before stepping into her red mini skirt. Again she brings the article of clothing up her long tan taunt legs and works the waistline into place. She zips up the skirt and turns to sit on the cot. The girl puts both boots on before finally standing and donning her cape.

Supergirl takes a moment to check herself brushing and straightening wrinkles, Kara remembers Bruce Wayne talking about Batman having run ins with a black masked villain. She got the sense that Bruce seemed to have an unusually exceptional knowledge of this bad guy, more so than any other degenerates that made up Batman's "Rogues Gallery".

Looking up at the man who just got a free peep show at Kara's expense, "Okay, now what?" The tall fit masked man turns moving out of the cell and into the hall leaving Supergirl alone in her cell once again.

Ready to leave the Mayor's special facility with all its depraved hospitality Supergirl follows her strange rescuer out the open door. She walks into the hallway still partially filled with smoke and signs reminiscent of a recent gun fight. The hallway still part of the underground facility has the same construction specifically engineered to block out any traits of the yellow sun. Also, the walls are covered with the same man-made green Kryptonite paint. The combination continues to suppress Kara's Kryptonian powers and abilities including the rejuvenation of those attributes.

Pausing a few steps outside her cell Kara observes several men emerging from a cell and closing the door. The heroine can surmise by drag marks on the floor and lack of guards that the masked man's group relocated bodies into the cell. Turning away from the men she comes face to face with their leader. Moments later the men have gathering surround the two of them.

"These are my eight freshly recruited followers," says the tall man in the white with black pinstripes. He then introduces the motley gathering of thugs as charter members of the newly formed, "The False Face Society."

A less than impressed Supergirl places her hands on her narrow waistline just above her hips, "So what are you doing here?" The man in the suit folds his arms across his chest and taps the barrel of his pistol on the chin of his mask. Kara rolls her baby blue eyes at the inane realization of the obvious. She shifts her weight to her left hip and exasperatedly exhales, "Okay, why rescue me?"

"We are here to break you out Supergirl," begins the Black Mask, "But, you will owe us BIG time." He can see wheels turning in the pretty girl's head. "Don't worry honey. I am sure you will find our requests will be easy and familiar. Something even you could do laying down."

Supergirl sighs, "Really? What do you want me to do for this act of generosity?"

"Oh trust me girly. This is no act of generosity," the man says flatly. "You WILL do whatever you are told. I know construction of this holding facility is MORE than sufficiently keeping you prisoner. This synthetic Kryptonite paint, although not 100% like the real thing, drains you keeping you powerless. The absence of the radiation from our yellow sun makes it impossible for you to regenerate any of those superhuman abilities."

The recognition of the facts causes dread to wash over Supergirl's beautiful face. "If you don't agree to my terms, right now, we will simply return you to your cell. I am positive the men and women guards, who have been treating you in their own special way, will surely understand you had nothing to do with this attempted escape. You will continue to receive the same hospitality from those guards you have been experiencing. Over the past...10 days?"

The degrading punishment and sexual abuse during her incarceration floods Kara's head. In a matter of seconds memories turned to embarrassment, then to shame which turned to anger. Just as the redness in her cheeks reached Supergirl's brain and she was about to fire back a chirp sounds from just inside the man's coat pocket. A voice comes over the radio announcing the arrival of reinforcements.

The man looks to his gang, "We are leaving." He then turns to the young blonde heroine, "Last chance Supergirl."

Kara is stuck, stay or go? The girl purses her lips, nods and says, "Let's go." An just like that the group is leaving the Mayor's special detainment center.

There is a run down the length of the green hall. A sore and stiff Supergirl does her best to keep up. At the end of the hall are two pairs of elevator doors and one doorway that leads to steps. The men exit using the steps. After the first two flights a couple of the masked man's henchmen are nearly carrying Supergirl up the remaining eight flights.

When they reach a red door marked garage the black masked leader stops and turns to the followers, "Okay now we sprint to the tunnel. He looks at an uncharacteristically exhausted Supergirl and grins, "Try to keep up Supergirl." He turns, opens the door and disappears. Kara shakes the men's hands from her arms and heads through the door behind three more thugs.

They enter a nearly vacant underground parking area. There are very understandable sounds of sirens and squealing tires in the levels above but the line keeps moving to the far wall. Their backs pressed against the cool stone two of the men move to and begin removing an air return grate.

Maintaining her position against the wall Kara is troubled that her powers are still absent. Since leaving the cells she should have begun to regenerate her powers but as of now nothing.

The metal grate is removed and the line begins ducking through the opening one at a time as the masked man keeps watch. When Supergirl reaches the opening the man makes a sweeping hand gesture inviting the girl to duck and go. When the blonde in blue and red crouches down the masked man spies that cute little butt and gives it a good kick with the side of his foot.

Kara is catapulted into the opening and left sprawled out on the other side. She gets up and looks back as another man has entered the crawl space. He motions the heroine to go. An embarrassed and indignant Supergirl gets to her hands and knees and moves into the tunnel.

Minutes later the crew and Supergirl emerge on the other side of a hole in the brick wall. The group is forming in a dark rainy wet alley where there are two dark vans and a stretch limousine running and waiting. The masked man is last to appear from the hole in the wall. Straighten up he looks to his second in command, "Take Supergirl back to the office. I will join you when I am done." There is a nod of understanding and the masked man heads to the limo.

"Where are you going?" asks Kara.

"I have a Tee Time in an hour with friends in Gotham...can't be late," muses the masked man.

Kara looks at street lights at the end of the dark alley and the stars in the partly cloudy sky and is fairly sure the man is not talking about golf. She turns to ask the man a question when three of his men step up to surround her.

As he heads to his limo he says to one of his society members, "They will escort you back home and I will be along when my game is done." He grins and looks Supergirl up and down shakes his head, "Oh girl, I can hardly wait..."

Supergirl and her entourage of bad guys watch the stretch drive down the alley and make a left turn on to the street and disappear.

The older stout man smoking the cigar steps up in front of the girl and growls, "Let's go Supergirl." He points to his left at the open sliding door of the dark van parked a few feet away, "In the van girly."

"I don't think so...Ooooppfff!" coughs Kara as a powerful fist lands in her breadbasket doubling the heroine over. Clearly she has not recovered from her extended captivity in the Krypto cell. "AHA!" moans the blonde good girl as a double fist hammer blow drops on the back of her neck driving her to her hands and knees on the cool wet cement alley. Hands grab her upper arms and hoist her to her feet.

As the two men hold Supergirl in place the portly cigar smoker begins methodically working the heroine over with malicious rights and lefts meant to subdue her defiance. After multiple shots to her ribs, stomach and cheeks the once proud Supergirl hangs limp in his teammate's hands. In a totally unnecessary move the man grabs a handful of golden mane and lifts the clearly dazed heroine's chin up. Drawing his thick meaty clenched fist back to Oklahoma he delivers a wicked upper cut.

The final blow does the trick as Supergirl's lovely legs go limp and her amazing body slumps into the men's grip. The old man raises the girl's head satisfied with the results, "Okay boys. Put our guest into the van and let's get out of here." The two men walk the unconscious Supergirl to the side door. As one man holds the heroine upright the other bad guy reaches down and takes a hold of her ankles. They lift the blonde girl up and begin swinging her back and forth, "One...Two...THREE!" and they toss the hapless Supergirl into the van.

All three men follow in after Supergirl. The door closes and the two vans head the opposite direction down the alley. At the end of the alley the vehicles make a left on Culpepper Avenue.
Last edited by McGheeny 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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A promising first chapter! Things don’t look good for our girl with Black Mask in the picture! Excited to read more!
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Nice descriptions of her peril. This is all quite cleanly laid out and intriguing. Very enjoyable. Looking forward to what comes next. Great job!
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Gah! The wicked company SG keeps along with the heinous dilemmas she has to face! It's not easy being trapped between a rock and a hard place!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Nice first chapter!!!
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Nicely down , would love to more about the background of why was she in the dungeon ....
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Night_Lantern wrote:
5 years ago
A promising first chapter! Things don’t look good for our girl with Black Mask in the picture! Excited to read more!
Thanks. More to come.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
5 years ago
Nice descriptions of her peril. This is all quite cleanly laid out and intriguing. Very enjoyable. Looking forward to what comes next. Great job!
Again, I appreciate your input Doc ;) There is a next chapter on the way.
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
5 years ago
Gah! The wicked company SG keeps along with the heinous dilemmas she has to face! It's not easy being trapped between a rock and a hard place!
I appreciate the feedback. Plenty of rocks and hard places in the heroine's future.
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tmon wrote:
5 years ago
Nice first chapter!!!
Thank you very much.
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darkguy wrote:
5 years ago
Nicely down , would love to more about the background of why was she in the dungeon ....
This is how she got incarcerated. I will look to post this precursor story soon.


Mayor Johnson has just about had enough of the meddling little blonde pain in the ass.
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Loved the work you do with the pics man. Looking forward to the updates ....
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Great story, great pics... gonna read everything of yours that I can find with this subject matter!
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Awesome story & pics, she needs to wake up fast & do something before it's too late! C'mon Supergirl, kick some ass!
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Still waiting
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Still waiting
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saxman314 wrote:
5 years ago
Great story, great pics... gonna read everything of yours that I can find with this subject matter!
Thanks! I am sorry I was out of pocket for awhile. I'm getting older and breaking down :unsure: I have been back at it and will be posting an update to this story soon. Sorry for the inconvenience and and I appreciate your patience.
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darkguy wrote:
5 years ago
Still waiting
Humm....I took the wrong turn in Albuquerque...ya, that's the ticket :smile: Sorry for being gone for so long. Sorry for the inconvenience and and I appreciate your patience. I have posted other stories and will be adding the next chapter to this story soon. Promise.
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wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
5 years ago
Awesome story & pics, she needs to wake up fast & do something before it's too late! C'mon Supergirl, kick some ass!
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and I will be posting the next chapter soon.
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Awesome! :yahoo:
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darkguy wrote:
5 years ago
Loved the work you do with the pics man. Looking forward to the updates ....
Wish granted :D Added the next section to the story. I will keep updating now that I am back and recovered. Again, thanks for your support and input.
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wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
4 years ago
Awesome! :yahoo:
Thanks! New addition added below to the story. Enjoy!
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Two silhouetted vehicles

traveling in tandem through a series of pyramids of golden white lights head swiftly out of town. The hissing sounds of water from the wet streets being channeled through the treads of all weather tires fill the interiors of the non-branded vans. In the cargo bay of the second vehicle an low red light illuminates four figures, three seated against the paneled walls and one seated in between the third's legs.

Supergirl's head is bowed as her medium length blonde hair sways and hangs down covering her pretty face and the backs of a 6' 3" 256lbs dark haired man's hands. The large hands totally envelop the girl's magnificently round and pert 34B cup breasts. The rest of her amazing 34-23-33 limp body is positioned between the man's spread legs.

Larry, the portly cigar smoking 5' 7" balding man, looks at one of his men groping Supergirl's tits. With a long puff on his half stogy he exhales, "What are you doing there lad?"

Johnny grins as his fingers squeeze, twist and pull on those soft braless mounds of blue, "Well I am Supergirl's safety belt. We can't just let her roll around the back? She might get hurt." He really exaggerates his massage pulling on the girl's tits in opposite directions before pressing inwards and squeezing with all his might, "I am only thinking of her safety."

There is another draw on Larry's cigar as the red tip glows brightly, followed by a puff of smoke and coughing laughter. The others in the back of the van also laugh loudly. All this humor at the unconscious sexy blonde girl's expense.

"ahooooo..." groans Kara as she slowly wakes. Her body aches as she becomes aware that she is seated in darkness. Her head begins to clear and she remembers Black Mask's man working her over before delivering a knockout blow. Her sides and stomach complain from the beating and her chin is sore, but now her breasts are feeling...feeling..."ahwoooo..." moans the girl as residual pain is slowly being replaced by a new sensation. She can feel hands working rudely on her breasts!

Kyle, the large bearded man next to Larry smiles, "I think she is cuming too."

As the young blonde heroine begins to stir Johnny's fingers dig in firmly to those soft fleshy mounds. He kneads them and works the girl's wonderful tits with almost effortlessness expertise. The vulnerable and barely conscious Supergirl can, at best, moan in protest. As his massage continues he senses he is getting an unexpected favorable response.

Weary and weak Kara can barely open her eyes. It is dark but the heroine can tell she is not in her cell. She has the sensation of being in a moving vehicle. Seated with her back to a large man, or woman, her breasts are being handled by someone VERY familiar with a woman's body. She recognizes the touch but cannot think of which of her guards is working her over. "" she breathes as rough palms glide across her hardening and increasingly sensitive nipples. After days of brutal domination in the Mayor's special Krypto-cell, the teen blonde has finally been conditioned to willingly accept the offensively foul and vulgar handling of her young sexy body, by any of her jailers.

Johnny can feel the hardening knobs rise in the middle of Supergirl's tits. Being familiar with this reaction he immediately takes hold of the nipples and begins demandingly pinching and twisting them. The young blonde girl between his legs arches her back as her knees turn outwards and her head lays back against his left shoulder. He applies even more pressure and pulls on her knobs forcing a long low throaty moan to escape from the amazing little hottie.

"ahaaawoouuuo..." groans Kara as the sweet pain causes growing feelings of passion to mount rapidly inside her. Her loins start to itch causing her hips to gradually shift uncomfortably. "aaa..." The fingers reverse directions. The move causes her slender body to shudder as new sensations of sensual pain in her chest initiates pleasure to intensify between her long tan lovely legs. Still unsure of her surroundings, the smell of gunpowder and musky male scent, the teen is positive this was one of her new captors working her over, "uaannaooo."

This little Supergirl's highly sexually charged amazing body is becoming more animated. Despite Johnny's own escalating excitement he takes a deep breath and slows his roll. As his left hand continues to work the girl's proud nipples his right hand reaches down for her short red skirt. He gathers the material exposing the blue triangle deliciously positioned in the gap between those sexy taut parted thighs. Softly pressing his finger tips to the mid thigh of the girl's left leg, he slowly draws them up the silky soft bare tan skin towards Supergirl's swollen pussy. Her girlishly curvy hips pump air faster as his fingers approach her raised pubic mound. Johnny stops just short of her pussy and lifts his hand careful not to touch her extremely sensitive sweet spot. He reaches back down mid right thigh and gently brushes the back of his hand along the beautiful girl's trembling thigh.

Kara's jaw hangs open as quick breathy pants of desire pass through her pouting yellow pink with red pearl glossy lips. "Ahooo..." groans the teen heroine as the hand leaves her yearning and desperately searching crotch alone. A second later finger tips on her left thigh continues to stoke the raging fire in her loins, and the sexual pressure in her core.

Larry and Kyle sit opposite Johnny and Supergirl. The men watch intently as their buddy is giving the sexually frustrated young blonde girl the "Touch". Soon the agitated Supergirl's pungent sexual scent begins to fill the men's nostrils. This new stimulant causes both men to shift their uncomfortable packages trapped in their pants.

Kara now wants the man to rub her as she breaths, "Please..." She shamefully gyrates her hips this way and that attempting to make him touch her swelling passion. "Auuooo...please..." she is begging now as the pressure inside her has reached an agonizing state. When the finger tips FINALLY press into her uniform covered labia, parting her lips, and make contact with her excited clitoris, the young heroine's amazing body freezes, "O..."

As Johnny uses the nail of his right index finger to scratch at the hardened clit just beneath the blue, Supergirl hips erratically buck. The girl gasps and humps his fingers several times before she surrenders to her desire.

"AUUUAAAOOO! Yes...Yes...YES!" gasps a panting Kara as her delicate slender female frame shudders and shakes over and over as she orgasms. The man's fingers now massage her clitoris in slow circles. The teen grinds herself into the tips, greedily wanting to openly climax. "YES! OH YES! AOHOU! AO! YES! YES!" a mindless Supergirl has increased the tempo of her hips up and down motion as the crotch of her uniform is getting drenched with her feminine sexual essence. The good girl can't stop herself, and what's more clear to the men, she doesn't want to stop, "AOUUYES! YES! YES!"

After about ten minutes of this fun Johnny decides it is his turn. He pulls his hand from Supergirl's throbbing pussy and, as the girl's hips continue to hump, he lifts her to a seated position. "Come here Supergirl," he says as he is maneuvering the girl around to face him positioned on her hands and knees. He looks over the girl's back to his buddies against the far wall as he pulls her red cape aside. Across from him, Kyle gets the idea. The second man flips the short red mini skirt up exposing the girl's fantastic ass. He looks back down to the pathetic blonde, "Unzip me Supergirl and suck my dick!"

There is absolutely no hesitation, no argument, Kara obediently does as she is told. Her time in the Mayor's jail has definitely conditioned any reluctance or resistance out of the once proud and powerful girl. Undoing the man's pants Kara reaches her right hand in and pulls out his large pulsating shaft. Without being directed, Kara lowers her head and presses her full pouting glossy lips to the tip and kisses it. She licks the extending and fattening penis several times before parting her lips. Her blue eyes look into his dark eyes as Supergirl bobs down and takes his dick into her warm moist mouth.

All the men in the low lit cargo bay are stunned as they watch this 5' 6" 118lbs athletically slender blue eyed blonde sexy Supergirl give Johnny a blowjob! Johnny wraps his right hand in the girl's tossed blonde mane and paces her up and down, "Move your hand Supergirl. No cheater's head." Without a word of protest the heroine removes her right hand placing it on the van floor. The beautiful blonde teen heroine is on all fours, dutifully sucking Johnny's fully extended cock.

Kyle's eyes move to the damp strip of blue stretched over that deliciously swollen pussy in front of him. Almost mesmerized by the well presented sweet spot between Supergirl's gorgeous legs, Kyle finds himself instinctively reaching his right hand for Supergirl. When he presses his thumb over the wet spot in the blue leotard those wonderful hips begin circling again. He closes his four fingers over her pubic mound and slowly works his thumb into the drenched crotch of Supergirl's uniform.

"MMMummfffmm..." moans Kara as the new contact on her womanhood triggers several shivers to run up and down her spine. The electrifying stimulus causes her harden sensitive nipples to protest, and excites her aching loins. Now the teen heroine begins eagerly sucking the man's cock in her mouth with new enthusiasm. The wonderful attention being paid to her labia has the girl ignoring the man pressing her head down, forcing her to take his head further and further into her mouth. Remembering the lesson from jail, Supergirl relaxes her throat, accommodating the fat head at the end of the long thick rubbery shaft. "MMUUUMMMMM!" grunts the teen as the crotch of her uniform and jail panties are pulled aside. Without warning, two thick fingers work their way past her throbbing vaginal opening.

"AHOOOO...You guys have to try this!" exclaims Johnny. "Supergirl is giving me one HELL of a blowjob." He is focused on the blonde's head bobbing up and down on his shaft, "She is about to deep throat me!" A few more passes by the good girl before Johnny can't help himself. He pushes his hips upward sinking himself hilt deep into the young heroine's mouth, "AYYYEEESSSSS!" A few pumps later he cums.

"MMMUUMMM!" at that same moment the fingers exploring Supergirl from behind have been focusing on her G spot. The slippery contact between those finger tips and her love button brings an already over stimulated Supergirl to another series of mind-blowing orgasms. Her knees slide out wider and her hips rotate up making better contact with the fingers inside her soaking wet vagina. With the full throbbing penis shoved deep down her throat Kara bucks and jerks, generously bathing the intruding digits inside her with her cum.

"AUAHAA!" shouts Johnny. His head rocks back against the side of the van as he empties his balls into this hot little bitch's throat. "YES SUPERGIRL YES!" grunts the big man as the intense pleasure is almost becoming painful. Johnny holds the girl's head in place as long as he can, until the sensation overload has become too much and he pulls her off his rock hard cock.

The man lets go of Kara's hair and her upper body slumps to the floor of the van. Her rear end is still hiked in the air with the fingers thrusting in and out of her at high speed. "AHO! OHA! O! AOAO! YES! YES! UUUMM! YESSSS!" Another powerful flush of excitement washes down her inner vaginal walls, filling her vagina with cum. The fingers are now making a sloshing sound as they get covered with her lubricants and are gliding faster and deeper with each stroke. Supergirl's beautiful body shakes with every potent passion release from her core.

Larry has had enough watching. He grabs Kyle's arm, "My turn. You get your dick sucked from her while I taste this little slut." As Kyle removes his fingers from Supergirl's pussy the old stout man, with the devastating uppercut, takes a hold of Supergirl's curvy humping hips. He pulls her to him. He runs his hands in between her parted trembling thighs and grabs her tiny waist. With the girl's lovely limp bare legs draped over his arms, he lifts Supergirl's soaking wet pussy to his mouth, and he begins eating out the girl of steel.

"AUUOOOMMMYGGOOSSHHH!" gasps Kara as an entirely new sensation between her legs has her vaginal lips quivering. She spreads her legs wider and rotates her hips as a tongue now snakes its way inside her, "AHOYES!" Resting her upper body on her elbows, Supergirl's head bows as her womanhood takes a sever tongue lashing, "Auuuahhaoouu...yes...yes, oh yes..." The dam of passion is back building again deep inside the exhausted teen heroine's aching core.

Kyle has now unzipped his pants and has pulled out his raging cock. He takes hold of Supergirl's hair and pulls her over to his lap. Before he could give her an order, the blonde has opened her mouth and is willingly sucking Kyle's nine inch aching cock. "YES SUPERGIRL! SUCK IT! SUCK IT!" Kyle leans back, his left hand in her hair, as he guides the slutty heroine's head up and down.

In the Mayor's jail, Sgt. Wanda repeatedly gave Supergirl unforgettable lessons in pussy licking. Kara had never experienced a true expert in cunnilingus, until that time. The old woman guard did things to the girl she will never fail to remember. She also had the teen do shameful things, things she wishes she could put out of her mind. Right now, the man who's large hands are in complete control of her squirming body as they squeezing her waist is focused on her womanhood. He isn't as good as Sgt. Wanda, but he IS good. Flicking, biting, and sucking, he has a weary drained Kara ready to explode again in no time.

Kyle is REALLY enjoying having his dick sucked by Supergirl, but even better, Johnny was right, she is good. To his surprise the young blonde deep throats him and is bringing him to climax with ease. "OH YEA YOU BITCH! OH YA! YA! HUH! HUH! HUH!" and Kyle pumps his hot thick loads into Supergirl's mouth and throat. "Don't you miss a single drop Supergirl!" To his astonishment, the teen girl is swallowing him. And the cum that leaked out around her mouth, she is obediently licking up off his shaft.

"MMMMUUUMMM!" Kara expresses her delight in a cock surpressed moan. She is cleaning up the second man's penis when all the sudden her blue eyes open wide and her lovely young body stiffens. The man at her vagina and clitoris makes a sudden unexpected lap that causes her to lose herself completely, Supergirl is cumming uncontrollably. When her overwhelmed young body slows down, another flick and poke, and the girl with the large cock still in her mouth, mindlessly grinds her pussy and cums for the fat man. He does this again and again, for what seems forever to the young girl, as Kara produces fresh cum each time. This continues over and over until she collapses in the man's thick arms, and fades into a sexually created exhausted coma.

When the vans arrive at the "Office" the three laughing men slide the side door open and get out. They pass Harvey, the driver, standing by the side of the van. They also left the well worn out, sexually used up Supergirl, unconscious in the cargo bay.


"Supergirl!" a gruff male voice brings Kara out of her comatose state.

A tall brawny man with light brown curly hair and a rugged face stands just a few feet from the open van sliding side door. After Supergirl pushes up to a half seated position, supported by left and right extended arms, Kara focuses in on the man. Cool air reaches the cum soaked strip of material covering her labia, sending a chill up the good girl's back.

Finally, able to muster the strength to move to the door, Supergirl is seated on the edge of the van opening. When she lunges forward, attempting to engage this man with a wild punch, he steps aside and watches as the fatigued swings past him and Supergirl, embarrassingly lands face first on the cold cement floor.

On all fours, Kara looks up at the man who simply says, "Follow me" He turns and leaves the garage area as he walks down the hall.

Supergirl gets to her feet and brushes herself off mumbling how she can't believe this is happening. Kara is led to an ajarred door at the end of the hall. As the teen walks through the doorway, it opens into a 20ft x 18ft bedroom. The large escort stands aside and lets the girl enter first. As the blonde teen heroine looks around the man begins showing her the room. He points to the bathroom and tells her she should bath, thoroughly. He then turns and leaves Supergirl standing alone and confused, shutting the door behind him. A bewildered Kara blinks several times before following the man. She tries the door and finds it locked and sufficiently reinforced to hold her inside.

Kara finally decides there is no immediate and apparent escape for her. The girl sighs and looks towards the bathroom and knows she does need a bath. Inside the bathroom, Supergirl starts peeling off her uniform, boots, cape, and soaking wet prisoner panties. The heroine turns and looks at herself in the mirror. Under these lights the heroine realizes her tan has faded. Her smooth skin has become a pink pale white with no tan lines. She also appears to have lost some muscle mass as her skin has tightened clearly defining her taut 34-22-33 frame. She turns to the scale and stands on it, 115lbs. Apparently her incarceration in the Mayor's sunless Krypto-painted facility not only robbed her of her powers but kept her from regenerating. And with all the, "exercise", her young amazing body has been reduced.

Supergirl steps into the hot steamy tub full of bubbles and eases her aching body into the water. She remains soaking in the oversized bath until the suds have faded and water cools. When boredom and some restless energy encourages the heroine to get out of the tub, she steps out moves to the shower and showers off. As she towel dries herself she looks around the ornately decorated bathroom. Not wanting to put on her uniform, OR the Metro City Jail panties, Kara wraps a towel around herself and uses a second towel to dry her hair.

The freshly clean and glistening Supergirl walks into the bedroom and makes her way to the bed. She sits on the edge, bends over and give her golden locks one last good rubdown. When Kara looks up there is the Black Mask watching her. The young heroine lowers the towel crosses her lovely legs and says, "Well, what do you want?"

"I have a few presents for you," announces the large man in the white with black pin stripe suit. He moves to the bed producing from behind his back, a hand with a medium size burlap bag. He looks at the towel wrapped sexy young girl for a moment and then dumps the contents onto the bed next to her.

"OHMYGOSH!" Kara is startled and jumps up off the bed when she sees two severed penises and a tongue. The shocked wide blue eyed blonde looks to the large suited man in the black skull mask.

"Not all recruits work out," he says flatly. "These losers couldn't follow simple directions, or survive their punishment."

That is when Kara realizes that these belonged to the men in the back of the van who took her sexually. She blinks several times trying to make sense of the moment. The masked man then handed her a second bag. The girl cautiously took the brown paper bag from the man. Watching the large man's masked covered face, the weary teen slowly opened it and looked inside. Kara reaches inside and pulls out her Canary yellow lace front latch 34B cup bra and matching yellow lace string thong panties. Again she looks at the Black Mask, "Where? How?"

"Well, after my visit to Gotham I decided to visit the Metro City Mayor," the man begins. He places his hands behind his back and paces back and forth. "It turns out he had your intimate wear in a display box sitting in the trophy case in his home. Above it was a picture of you, in full uniform, and one of him holding you, on your feet by your hair wearing just...these items," he motions to the girl's bra and panties. "We had a brief discussion where I persuaded him to give me your sexy little dainties."

"And he did? Without a fight?" asks an astonished Kara.

"Well, let's say that the Mayor doesn't need them anymore," turns and grins the man. "Now get dressed. I will have your uniform and other undies cleaned while we have dinner and discuss your debt."

At that moment, the bedroom door opens and in walks one of the newly formed, "The False Face Society" members who helped her escape. Along with him a dark haired older oriental woman dressed in white tux shirt, gold bowtie, gold sash and shiny black tux pants. The henchman comes to the bedside. He casually takes the burlap bag, gathers the anatomical parts off the bed, and leaves. The woman goes into the bathroom and emerges seconds later with Kara's uniform, boots and skimpy white and black striped panties. She walks over to the girl and puts her hand out.

Confused, Kara looks at her for a moment then hands her the towel she just used to dry her hair. The woman tucks it away under her arm, then puts her hand out again. Kara moves her right hand gripping her yellow lingerie behind her back, "No! You don't get these."

"She wants the other towel Supergirl," chuckles Black Mask. The blonde teen looks up at the man for just a moment when the woman's right hand reaches out and takes a hold of the towel. In a swift abrupt move the woman easily pulls the towel from the girl's body.

"HEY!" gasps Kara as her hands attempt to cover her now fully exposed body. The unapologetic Asian woman turns with the clothing and towels and exits the room, leaving the Black Mask and totally naked Supergirl alone.

"Do you mind?" snipes an uncomfortable Supergirl as she covers her body with her arms and turns to her side. The large man slowly raises his head then lowers his chin focusing on the nude girl. "I would like to get dressed," she says raising her eye brows and nodding towards the door. The man still doesn't move. A disgusted heroine snorts, "Fine!" Turning away from the man's view, Kara finally dons her bra and panties and resigns herself to the fact, at least she will not be naked.

The two have dinner at the small table in the room as the Black Mask tells Supergirl how she is going to win back her freedom. "I thought I would have to break you first, but since the Mayor's goon squad guards took care of that, it should be no problem for you to earn your freedom."

A dubious Kara looks over the meal, glass of red wine, and table, "What exactly do you expect?"

"Well, you personally experienced the debilitating effects of my special cell, design specifically to have a negative effect on your lovely Kryptonian physique," smiles Black Mask. He takes a sip of red wine replaces the glass on the table, "Well, you are going to help me get a government contract to build three more similar facilities."

"An just how am I going to do that?" replies a incredulous Supergirl.

"You are going to help me convince Senator Lenard Johnson to steer the congressional contract committee my way," says the villain as he cuts his steak and takes a bite.

Slowly and carefully, Kara places her fork and knife down, places her elbows on the table, folds her fingers, and leans in placing her chin on her hands, "And I am going to do what?"

Looking at those fiery and piercing baby blue eyes Black Mask goes back to cutting his steak, "Well, you are going to get to use your feminine charms." He takes another bite of steak.

"My...feminine...charms?" the blonde tilts her head and cocks an eyebrow. The man keeps cutting and eating only taking a moment to look up. Kara can sense a smirk beneath that mask, "I don't think so!"

"Oh yes Supergirl," chuckles the large man, "Remember, you owe me."

Sitting back into her chair and shaking her head, "I don't owe you that much. I won't do it."

"Fine," the masked man places his fork down and takes another drink of wine, "Right after dinner, I will have my men put you right back into the Krypto cell. I am sure the Mayor's and his guards will understand, and not take the escape out on you." He sees the good girl's blue eyes widen as they look down and away. He places his utensils on his empty plate, takes his glass of wine and leans back into his chair. Clearly, she is mentally struggling with the situation choices before her, "Tell you what Supergirl, lets sleep on it tonight and talk about it again in the morning."

When Kara hears this, her gaze falls on a totally confident and large man. A few minutes of silence the Black Mask stands up and begins removing his clothes as he motions to Kara to bed.

That night, Supergirl is made to repeat all the nasty and degrading things done to her in the Mayor's facility. The large man never took off his mask as he put the young teen blonde heroine through a night of exhaustive and thoroughly demeaning painfully degrading sex. In record time, he had the young blonde heroine naked and answering his every demand meant to shame and demoralize Kara, and enhance his sexual experience. By early morning, Kara was completely spent, spread eagle, face down, readily taking the man's enormous cock up her sore tormented little ass. Supergirl knew she was now the Black Mask's fuck toy.

As he drilled every bit of his 9" cock up this tight little firm heart-shaped ass, he knew this bitch was ready to do everything he needed her to do.

To Be Continued
Last edited by McGheeny 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Safety first, the man was so helpful to keep an unconscious Supergirl from bouncing around the van where she could injure herself. Why in her weaken state she might have died if they hadn't been so concerned about her welfare.

Good continuation.
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Visitor wrote:
4 years ago
Safety first, the man was so helpful to keep an unconscious Supergirl from bouncing around the van where she could injure herself. Why in her weaken state she might have died if they hadn't been so concerned about her welfare.

Good continuation.
Thank you. Yes, making sure all passengers are in good hands is important. In this case I believe that security gave our girl a warm feeling :D
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Great story. Love how they were concerned with her safety in the van. Looking forward to more of this story.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
Great story. Love how they were concerned with her safety in the van. Looking forward to more of this story.
New part is posted. Enjoy :)
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Excellent!! You are very good in this. I guess Black Mask owns Supergirl now.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
Excellent!! You are very good in this. I guess Black Mask owns Supergirl now.
Thanks! Stay tuned in :D
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One of the wildest fantasy regarding the maid of steel
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A Well Worked Over Kara

wakes lying face down in the enormous bed she shared with the Black Mask last night. Slow to stir, the girl is physically drained, disoriented, dehydrated and completely naked in the bed. Her fantastic 5’6” 118 lbs. tan and lean body is barely covered by the crème colored satin sheet. Her sore throat and subtle throbbing between her legs reminds her of her time answering ALL of the man’s sexual demands. As long as she remains stretched out, she is relaxed and relatively pain free, as she is slowly coming too. The sound of the door opening causes the girl to abruptly adjust her position. Immediately sharp stinging appears in both orifices, “Auo…”

Supergirl closes her legs, curls up and focuses on subduing the pain in her loins. Controlling her breathing and determined concentration Kara desperately works to ease the pain. As she lay there, the girl can hear someone approaching the bed. The weary girl raises her head.

It's the old oriental woman from last night. Today she appears dressed in a shiny green and gold kimono and her dark hair in a bun on top of her head. She is carrying a tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. Stopping on the side of the bed where Supergirl lies, she places the tray on the nightstand. As the startled and embarrassed blonde teen gathers sheets in a futile attempt to protect her modesty, the old woman pours a glass of water and hands it to Supergirl, "Here, you drink this."

The thirsty girl tentatively takes the drink, looks at it, then gulps the entire glass and hands it back to the woman. It is filled and passed back to the girl, "Again." As Supergirl drinks the woman continues, "I need you to get out of that bed and clean yourself up. You will shower, douche and dry off. When you are done, come back out here to me. You will be inspected and then we will administer your makeup. Then you get dressed for your assignment.”

For some reason a simple glass of water had a cool and refreshing quality to it. After the dark-haired woman had delivered instructions Kara tilted her head, “What inspection? What assignment?” The small woman in the kimono holding the pitcher of water simply stared at the girl without blinking. “Well?” no answer. The teen sets the glass on the nightstand. Adjusting the sheet for maximum coverage with her left hand she waves off the old woman with her right, “I will get cleaned up when you leave.”

“No,” answers the woman flatly.

“I am NOT getting out of this bed until you leave,” snarls Supergirl. Her rising anger masks the pain between her legs, “Now go!”

“No,” is the reply. The short Asian woman turns and sets the glass water pitcher down. She turns back to the girl in the bed. With both hands she takes a hold of the sheet and yanks it free from Supergirl’s hand uncovering the young, naked, Kryptonian.

“HEY!” gasps Kara as she quickly raises her hands to cover her breasts and crosses her ankles closing her knees to protect her crotch. ‘How did she do that?! My powers, still gone…crap.’

The Oriental woman pauses for a moment looking the sexy blonde over then says, “You go clean yourself up. You smell like last night’s sex. You will douche your pussy and anus two times. The Master prefers strawberry so I have placed two bottles in the shower. Now get up, or do I have to carry you in and wash you myself?”

An astonished Supergirl’s baby blue eyes open wide and her jaw drops at the fearless woman’s bold statement. Regaining her composure her brows furrow, her eyelids narrow and her full pouting lips purse. “I don’t think you want to try that with me.” SMACK! “AHOO!” the naked heroine never saw the backhand coming. A sting to her right cheek sends her backwards against the headboard. Before she knows what is happening the old woman grabs Kara by the ankles and pulls her to the side of the bed.

“I not take shit from a tramp like you,” growls the old woman as she takes a hold of Supergirl’s left wrist, pulls the teen up and folds the naked blonde over her right shoulder. The woman bounces the stunned Supergirl up and down several times, getting the girl into place. She turns towards the bathroom, smacks that gorgeous faded tan lined ass. SMACK! “You will learn to do as you are told bitch!” The oriental woman crosses the room to the bathroom doorway with Supergirl over her shoulder.

A flabbergasted naked Kara finds herself disturbingly being carried, over this 5 foot nothing old woman’s shoulder. “PUT ME DOWN! I’M SUPERGIRL! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! I’M SUPERGIRL!” SMACK! “AHAUOO!”

Inside the spacious bathroom again the old oriental woman abruptly stops and dumps the protesting female on her butt in the middle of a circular rug. The blonde teen is splayed out with her dignity bruised, “Now, can you get into the shower or do I drag you inside and…”

“NO!” snaps Supergirl. The young heroine gets to her feet and takes a fighting stance. “You are going to pay for that.” As the old woman stands as still as a stone statue Kara sends a haymaker right at the smaller female’s face. “AOOOOPPPFFF!”

As Supergirl’s fist was just about to hit the woman she gracefully and swiftly moves out of the way. At the same time her small balled up fist lands in the good girl’s solar plexus. Supergirl doubles over in obvious pain. The old woman raises her right hand and drops a hammer fist down on the back of the girl’s neck, driving her to all fours.

Kara is dazed. The little old woman moves impossibly fast and hits with authority. She looks up at the emotionless face of her surprising adversary. The teen slowly gets to her feet. “Okay, lets see what you really have old lady.” The heroine charges at the woman. At one moment her target was right in front of her, the next, “OOHOOOWAOOOUMMMPPHHHFF!” A staggered breathless Supergirl finds herself on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

The old woman looks down at the prone heroine, shakes her head, “Your martial skills are pathetic. You should remain a love toy, not attempt to be a fighter. Get up!”

If Supergirl had had her powers this would never have happened to her. Clearly this old oriental woman is more than a match for Kara in heroine’s current powerless state. She rolls over to her stomach and pushes up to all fours. She looks up at the old woman with distain.

“You take shower now and clean up,” repeats the woman.

Kara looks up and retorts, “No!” When the old woman’s dark eyes widen the teen adjusts her tone and lowers her head, “No. I can do it.”

“Clean up! Douche! Two Times! Both Holes! Towel Off! Come out for Inspection! Move!” orders the woman in charge.

The words carry weight, a weight Kara does not want to mess with again, at this time. The young girl frantically scrambles to her feet and slowly back towards the shower. Keep the old woman in front of her, the heroine’s hands up defensively, as she carefully backs up, “Okay, I am getting into the shower.” She reaches behind her and grabs the handle on the glass door. Opening it, she turns sideways and steps in with her right foot. “Are you going to watch me shower?” The woman crosses her arms. The blonde gets into the shower and closes the door. She turns on the water, still looking at the oriental woman with her arms crossed and a mean mug on her round face.

Finally, Kara turns to the warm spray letting it rain over her head and cascade down her lovely taunt exquisite body. Just before reaching for the shampoo she looks; the woman is gone. The girl pauses for a moment then reluctantly proceeds to clean up.

All of this happens just as the woman ordered. When Kara emerged from the shower she dried off and walked out of the bathroom. She then underwent an outrageously THOROUGH and appalling inspection at the hands of the old woman. It was completely demoralizing when the woman kneels down in front of the damp naked heroine, had Kara part her legs, and visually inspected the teen’s vagina. The woman’s hands reach up and take a hold of the girl’s labia lips and pull them open.

“AHOOHEY!” stammers Kara.

Then the short oriental leans in and impertinently sniffs the pussy several times before standing up. With a snort of dissatisfaction, “No one ever teach you how to hose yourself out? Stupid girl.” The oriental points to the bathroom, “You go back and generously douche again, both holes.” When she sees a hint of baffled disgust on that pretty face she adds, “I come and show you how…”

“NO!” Kara steps away. “I will do it. I will…” she turns towards the bathroom, her eyes displaying a sense of fear and disbelief. Supergirl heads back to the shower to redo the most unsettling task given to her to date.

When Supergirl emerges again from the bathroom, 15 minutes later, she walks up and presents herself to the woman. With a wave of her right hand the woman directs the girl to part her legs. As she does the oriental woman kneels down nose level to the girl’s neatly trimmed blonde bush. Her right hand reaches up. Her thumb and index finger press into the girl’s pussy lips. The fingers part the girl’s womanhood and the woman inspects the pussy again. Seemingly satisfied she separates the slowly swelling lips further apart and sticks her nose into the girl’s vagina and inhales.

Shock and blushing, mortification distinctly washes over Kara’s pretty face. Her mouth first forms an “O” but no sound comes out. As the woman buries her nose in the girl’s labia Supergirl bites her lower lip. In the face of an unnerving act to her body, the good girl, desperately tries to quell her body’s response to such an abhorrent situation.

After some time, the woman leans back and releases Supergirl. She places her hands on the girl’s girlishly curvy hips and spins the heroine around, facing away from her. “Spread your legs and bend over girl,” commands the woman. Slowly, the heroine does as the oriental orders. Supergirl is in a VERY vulnerable posture that presents and gives the old woman FULL access to her crotch. Now thumbs dig into the firm small heart-shaped flesh of Supergirl’s rear. The dark haired oriental woman rudely pulls open Supergirl exposing that puckered hole. Again, she leans in and takes a long deep inhale.

Kara can’t believe it as her reddening face turns two more shades of embarrassed. There is nothing she can do but allow this woman to handle her body in the most repulsive manner imaginable. After what seemed an eternity, she receives a new and even more outrageous order.

“You spread your cheeks for me Supergirl,” demands the inspecting woman. As the girl sluggishly complies the woman says, “Wider!” Supergirl’s hands pull her own cheeks wide apart for the old woman. Now the woman raises her right hand and says, “Don’t move.” Extending her middle finger, the oriental woman begins running deliberate leisurely circles around the good girl’s vaginal opening.

“A!” gasps Kara. She starts to straighten up but receives a slap on her rear, SMACK! “AO!” She bends back into position as the finger continues to round her opening. Suddenly the teen’s blue eyes open wide and Kara gasps, “AO!” as the tip of the finger presses past her opening and into her vagina.

The old woman continues a small circular motion as her finger bores, one, two, finally three knuckles deep inside Supergirl. A smile crosses the old woman’s lips as the girl squirms against the penetrating finger. “Squeeze my finger Supergirl,” commands the apathetic woman.

“OHMYGOSH!” squeals Kara. Her jaw drops again as she can’t believe what she is hearing. This woman has invaded her and now wants the heroine to squeeze her finger! Numerous mental and physical alarms go off inside the teen heroine. She absolutely wants this to end, NOW! Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the confidence in herself that she could deny the old woman’s demand. When the woman’s finger slowly turns circles inside Supergirl, she swallows hard, closes her eyes, and bows her head in abject humiliation.

“SQUEEZE MY FINGER!” the woman says more forcefully. A few seconds later Supergirl begins clamping her vaginal muscles around the Oriental’s finger. “Hold it!” instructing the blonde to maintain her grip. The woman continues rolling her finger inside Supergirl for a few seconds before the young teen’s muscles relax. “Tighten that pussy lock Supergirl! Squeeze my finger as hard and as long as you can girl.” A second later the young blonde firmly grips the finger again.

A brash woman’s repugnant finger has rudely invaded Kara’s vagina. Now she is not only supposed to accept it, but, she is to squeeze it with her orifice indefinitely! The sensations in her young Kryptonian body coupled with the mental vision of what is happening behind her, Kara is being pushed beyond her ability to cope. Tears well up in her baby blues as she clamps down as hard as she can on the circling female digit probing her vagina.

As the young heroine struggles to deal with her circumstances the teen’s hole is becoming warm and moist. “You are Supergirl right? Squeeze harder!” demands the woman. When the old woman has finished her assessment, she exaggeratedly takes her time withdrawing her middle finger from Supergirl. “Keep squeezing Supergirl.” As her finger emerges from the girl it is covered with feminine lubricants from inside Supergirl’s pussy. When her finger is out, she sees the girl’s posture relax except for a shudder or two. The oriental takes aim and presses the same finger-tip against the puckered second opening between Supergirl’s cheeks.

“AUOUUOOSTOP THAT!” protests Kara as she attempts to straighten up and push the woman’s hand from her forbidden orifice. SMACK! SMACK! “AHEY! AOU!” She receives a slap on her right hand and then a slap on her left rear end cheek.

The woman snarls, “Assume the position Supergirl. DO IT!” It takes the girl a moment before willingly bending over and again spreading her rear. The old woman makes the heroine hold this position for several minutes. When the girl exhales and her amazing body relaxes, that is when the old woman took the same finger and began to penetrate the girl’s puckered hole.

A swirl of emotions washes over Kara’s face. She can’t allow this to happen. She just can’t see a way to stop the woman. When the tip pokes inside her she gasps, “AHA!” The foul absurdity and humiliation of her situation causes Supergirl a torrent of feelings. She wants to move away, get that finger out of her, but, part of her is responding favorably to the disgusting stimulus. Not wanting to incur the woman’s wrath again Kara struggles to keep her focus and squeezes the woman’s finger. The indignity seems to go on forever and the heroine’s body is succumbing to the strange stimulus.

The woman methodically works her finger in a rolling motion past the first knuckle. The girl is instinctively clenching her sphincter muscles, “Relax girl. I will tell you when to squeeze my finger.” She pauses for a bit allowing the girl to come to terms with the finger inside her anus. As the naked blonde teen’s muscles relax the second knuckle is pushed passed the opening. Supergirl’s hips buck in response to the entry and it takes another few moments for her sphincter to untighten.

“AHOONAO!” squeals Kara as the pressure of the unwanted invasion causes her extreme discomfort. The woman’s finger is nothing like Black Mask shoving himself up Kara’s rear last night. Still, she can feel every painful inch as the tip is plunged up her rear, “NO! DON’T!”

“Excuse me?!” growls the woman. The tone was enough to cause the girl to acquiesce. She works her middle finger three knuckles deep in that amazing sexy ass. At that point she commands Supergirl, “Squeeze my finger!” She watches the girl’s head bow down as she obediently clenches her sphincter muscles grab onto the old woman’s finger. She forces this little bitch to suffer indignity and humiliation as she slowly rolls her finger inside that hole. “Spread your cheeks wider girl.”

Tears are welling up in Kara’s baby blues as she does as instructed, pulling herself apart for the woman. Strong emotions build inside the teen. Never in her life has she experienced ANYTHING like this. As the finger explores the depth of her rear the blonde teen good girl endures unspeakable shame.

“Come on now. I don’t believe you are Supergirl,” sneers the old woman, “Squeeze my finger.” There is a series of spastic clutching around the base of her finger.

Tears fill Kara’s eyes and begin running down her cheeks. Her nose is running, and her mouth hangs open in shock, as the vulgar woman’s rude finger continues to obscenely assault the young Kryptonian’s self-esteem. To add the final insult to injury, the old woman again orders the good girl to clench and hold the finger securely. Softly sobbing, a despondent Kara suffers the physical and mental discomfort and shame of her situation, as she obeys.

Finally, after several minutes of torture to Supergirl, the old woman removes her finger, “You can relax now.” The old woman stands up and turns the girl around, “Not so good. You are Supergirl? Your body does regenerate right? You need to tighten up,” grunts the woman. Shaking her head, she adds, “I guess it will have to do.”

“Right,” sniffles a visibly upset Kara. She turns away to keep the woman from seeing the tears in her eyes.

“Go to chair. Time to put on make-up,” an old right-hand usher the girl towards a white dressing table with an assortment of make-up products and three mirrors.

Kara walks to the table and takes a seat on the stool. A hand appears over her right shoulder. The old woman takes a tissue and hands it to the girl. As Kara daps the tears from her eyes hands on her shoulders spin her around to face the mirrors. The woman’s hands then take hold of her damp blonde hair and gathers it in a bun on the top of the girl’s head. The old woman takes a hair clip off the table and places in Supergirl’s hair holding it out of the way. Free from wet strands the young heroine’s naturally pretty face is on view in the mirror.

As the woman turns Supergirl’s head to the right and then left the teen asks, “So do you have a name?”

“I have several names,” replies the woman flatly.

Kara huffs in disbelief at the curt answer. She takes another run at the old woman, “Well, since we are going steady, what do I call you?”

“There are two names you can call me,” says the woman as she studies the girl’s face.

The young Kryptonian is getting frustrated with the woman, “So…what are the two names?”

The 5 foot nothing oriental stops and glares at the irritating seated girl in the mirror, “You call me, Yes Ma’am and No Ma’am.” She takes a moment for that to sink in before adding, “Be careful to use them correctly or suffer the consequences. Understand?”

An uneasy Kara nods her head in agreement. For the next few minutes, she allowed the woman to focus on her face and determine what color pallet to use. The naked blonde girl sits in the chair both literally and figuratively in the woman’s hands.

“You have a natural beauty,” the woman observes. “We will only highlight your features and bring out those amazing blue eyes. She lets go of Supergirl’s face, walks over to another stool, and slides up next to the naked heroine. She reaches on the table picks up a brush, turns the girl to face her and begins applying make-up to Supergirl.

Kara is astounded at the job the old woman has done. As she said the woman only added scant amount of make-up, which brought out the girl’s natural beauty and her strikingly brilliant blue eyes. Now, as the teen remains seated, the old woman is blow drying her blonde hair. The oriental woman brushes and blows the long silky smooth flaxen strands. When she is done even Kara had to admit she looked amazing.

The woman turns off the blow dryer and steps back to examine her work. She nods in satisfaction then places the hair dryer and brush down. She spins the naked girl towards the bed, “Time to get dressed.”

To Be Continued
Last edited by McGheeny 3 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Very good. Looking forward to more of this. Supergirl being turned in to Black Mask's minion to do as he commands.
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Bronson881 wrote:
3 years ago
Very good. Looking forward to more of this. Supergirl being turned in to Black Mask's minion to do as he commands.
Much appreciated. The exciting conclusion on the way ;)
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