Supergirl Season Four

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^or maybe brainy comes up with an anti-parasite suit or something. Maybe 'll call it Brainy Ex Machina:thumbsdown:
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I'm sure Supergirl is going to put her new suit back on to counter Parasite. They teased the new suit months ago, and their teaser would be a waste if Kara only wears the suit for two episodes.

Episode Five seems rushed and poorly executed. Parasite Jensen was defeated too soon. He should have lasted a few more episodes. Solutions for powerful villains like him should take more than one episode to resolve. Jensen never became a major threat because he did very little to pose a threat.

The mother hated her former alien lover for breaking her heart so she now hates his race. How does this make sense? People normally do not hate a racial group because a white person, black person, or Hispanic ended a romantic relationship. Members in a hate group normally do not have a past sexual history with the group that they hate. I love white women, and NOBODY would believe me if I said otherwise.

Wait a #$$^@ second! Why didn't Jon ask this guy to save Supergirl when she was poisoned? Where has this guy been? He could have healed Supergirl many times. PLOT HOLE! This guy's alternate version from Earth-X could have healed Overgirl.

So this universe has an interesting one drop rule. The mother hates her former lover and aliens, but she loves her half alien daughter. Is a person with half human and half alien genes considered human? It's like when people say Obama is black, and never mention he is also white.

Does Lena know Kara is Supergirl? The opening scene suggests Lena knows. Alex and Kara were openly talking about the DEO and Supergirl near Lena.

James and Lena just don't seem to be a natural fit. There's no chemistry at all. The show had something good with James and Kara. It just seemed right. They supported each other and nothing seemed forced. They looked excited for each other. Lena and James look bored to death with each other.
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Humans and aliens shouldn't be able to interbreed in the first place. I understand the need for it in universes like Star Trek (and I wouldn't want to deprive us of Spock) but unless there's at least some kind of 'panspermia' theory about why there are humanoid races all over the galaxy (and Star
Trek did have something vague like that, but it was never truly explored), there's no way they're genetically compatible enough to have kids. The hybrid starchild Elizabeth from the original V series, for example, was quite a bit of a deus-ex-machina stretch saving the Earth and all, but at least she had a malformed lizard-baby twin who died horribly after birth. Any offspring of a human-alien union on Supergirl should scientifically suffer the same fate, or worse.

Geeky: you're tearing this episode apart so much it almost makes me not want to watch it, especially since you didn't even mention how long Kara's power-draining peril lasted for, or even if she had any. The super-short duration of Parasite's criminal career doesn't bode well. And it really does seem like they're overdosing on the xenophobia. But I guess I'll have to watch it tonight anyway. For research.
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Is Supergirl cooler now? XD I’ll watch the new episodes if so.
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Star Trek and V both mentioned that the human-alien children were the direct result of scientific manipulation in order to exist. Star Trek: Enterprise had one too that only lived briefly between T'Pol and Trip.

Supergirl is making up science as it goes along. Star Trek: The Next Generation the first season had the same flaws and some truly dreadful examples like baryon cleansing of the Enterprise.

shevek wrote:
5 years ago
Humans and aliens shouldn't be able to interbreed in the first place. I understand the need for it in universes like Star Trek (and I wouldn't want to deprive us of Spock) but unless there's at least some kind of 'panspermia' theory about why there are humanoid races all over the galaxy (and Star
Trek did have something vague like that, but it was never truly explored), there's no way they're genetically compatible enough to have kids. The hybrid starchild Elizabeth from the original V series, for example, was quite a bit of a deus-ex-machina stretch saving the Earth and all, but at least she had a malformed lizard-baby twin who died horribly after birth. Any offspring of a human-alien union on Supergirl should scientifically suffer the same fate, or worse.

Geeky: you're tearing this episode apart so much it almost makes me not want to watch it, especially since you didn't even mention how long Kara's power-draining peril lasted for, or even if she had any. The super-short duration of Parasite's criminal career doesn't bode well. And it really does seem like they're overdosing on the xenophobia. But I guess I'll have to watch it tonight anyway. For research.
Please watch it. The opening scene is really great and I should have mention it. Brainy has the best moment in the season so far. :giggle:
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EP5 "Parasite Lost"

Yeah, I watched it. And you were right, it was terrible and full of flaws and frankly boring as hell. MetaDude, if you only have so much time in your life, you may want to hold off watching Supergirl (at least until this terrible anti-alien plot dies down) and concentrate on Black Lightning and Arrow.

Definitely, this show is making up science as it goes along. The force shield dome? The 'proton pack' straight out of Ghostbusters? Brainy Ex-Machina indeed, as he seems to be able to create any scientific device that the DEO needs, solely by hearing its function described (this is actually kind of like our Heroineburgh character X-Machina).

SPOILER: Jensen barely did anything before he was toast. He wasn't "Parasite" at all - if anything, he was just a temporary pawn. I also don't understand if he was so fervent in his mission, why he gave up so easily to Alex's persuasive technique. Instead of just standing there and talking, if he had just sped up very quickly and touched Supergirl, he would have gotten enough of her powers to continue the fight. Furthermore, there was pretty much NO power drain peril on Supergirl - it lasted less than two seconds, she recovered quickly with a sun lamp and was never in danger again. Weak sauce.

The mini-plot about the alien guru healer Amadei? (Who is quite a bit like our Heroineburgh character Arogya the Healer). It's just not interesting. And you're right, Geeky, it's going to be weird to know there's a powerful healer in the Supergirl universe and that he's never been called upon in the past (by J'onn) nor will he likely be called upon in the future (by Kara or the DEO). Big plot hole indeed.

Another thing I noticed was a dig that the progressive writers made in the show against "centrists". They show the centrist commentator, Domingo, briefly reconsidering his thoughts about aliens in the country. Because that's what the political center is about - being rational, making a plan for incoming refugees while setting legal limits on immigrants. Progressives, of course, want none of that. They are very sympathetic
to the Central American caravan, for example, and don't like Trump sending the army to the border, etc. In this episode, we see that responsible people who are in the charge of the media (Domingo) and the military (Haley) are wary of alien motives. And they are basically portrayed as being on the verge of bigotry even though they basically express a centrist point of view.

Then the situation is made even more complex by the portrayal of some of the aliens. First it's the guy with the spike arms in the previous episode. Then the first alien that Jensen/Parasite kills is called an "Infernian" (I know this because I watch the show with closed captioning). He has the power to turn his whole body into flames. That's pretty dangerous to just let someone walk around with a power as potent as that, who could just burn anyone in an instant. You don't think maybe characters like Lockwood actually have a point when they are describing the danger posed by aliens? Maybe the show is giving the viewer just enough juice to identify with the antagonists so they seem more sympathetic. Either that, or they don't actually realize the weakness of the pro-alien side of the argument they're trying to push.

Next week, James/Guardian tries to 'infiltrate' the right-wing anti-alien Children of Liberty group by posing as a defender of humanity. Personally I hope Lockwood sees through his ruse, and the situation requires Supergirl to rescue Olsen from his folly. Would serve Olsen right for thinking the professor is such an easily duped chump. But I guess we'll see!

The writers are doing a poor job at separating the extreme right-wingers such as Agent of Liberty, who wants an alien genocide from right-wingers who want regulations on aliens. They're writing a black and white picture without nothing in between.

I think it would be an interesting twist if James willingly joins the Agent of Liberty. Society supports Supergirl being a superheroine, but everyone was upset at him for becoming a superhero. Supergirl scolded him because he did not having superpowers. Her opinion is only aliens can be Superheroes with the exception of Arrow and Flash. He became a hero to help people and somewhat because he was jealous of Mon-El. I can't blame him for being jealous because someone claimed to love him, but dumps him for no reason. Then, quickly starts a romance with Mon-El because she now found the time for a relationship.

Then, the government did not support The Guardian despite proving he was innocent of local murders. The government on Earth-1 has only supported alien superheroes, and not human superheroes like himself. He supported Supergirl and the DEO, but they refused to support him.

Will this twist happen? Nope
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The writers are far left progressives. Far left progressives are so consumed by their extremist ideology that they are unable to see the other side of the argument other than as intolerance or hate speech. While normal people like you and me can obviously see the difference between a group such as Antifa and liberals, far left progressives see no difference between right wing extremists and the traditional conservative ideology. I believe their inability to see the other side of the argument as a rational argument is some kind of mental disorder.
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This too much focus on making a political statement, which comes out as forced most of the time is making me quickly lose interest in this show. Melissa looks great in the costume, bit even that may not be enough to keep me glued. 5 episodes in and I have found myself rolling my eyes more than actually enjoying the show. :(
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What's funny about The Guardian is that he is a great black comic book of the Seven Soldiers of Victory (along with the super sexy Bulleteer, whom I've written about before on this forum because her comic contains the most complete depiction of online SHIP ever written in a mainstream publication) that Grant Morrison rebooted back in 2007. The Guardian is a character that could be used a lot better than he is.

And yes, I'm also sick of the far left conflating conservatives and even centrists (most normal people advocate at least some kind of limits on immigration) with outright Nazis because of the extreme polarization these days (and each successive mass shooting doesn't help matters). It's not going to stop anytime soon, and it's pretty much helped to destroy the final vestiges of mainstream comics.

Yes, lots of eye rolling is likely to continue with Supergirl, unfortunately.
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You can see even the actors are not comfortable with the political messaging. It is clear in the scenes they are not comfortable and don't deliver the scene with the same fluidity the rest of the show gets. The scene last season with Lena and James talking gun control was brutal.
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I think the writers as well as Berlanti feel that having a series where the script is ripped out of today's headlines is a great thing. But when it comes off as heavy-handed it most certainly is not. The fantastical arc of the World Killers was a high point. Let's hope they go back to escapism real soon.

By the way, Berlanti is Exec Producer on the surprisingly enjoyable "God Friended Me" and I don't find that nearly as heavy-handed.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
5 years ago
The writers are far left progressives. Far left progressives are so consumed by their extremist ideology that they are unable to see the other side of the argument other than as intolerance or hate speech. While normal people like you and me can obviously see the difference between a group such as Antifa and liberals, far left progressives see no difference between right wing extremists and the traditional conservative ideology. I believe their inability to see the other side of the argument as a rational argument is some kind of mental disorder.
You're absolutely right. Left wingers ARE consumed with an extremist ideology and inability to see the other side of the argument. So much so that they'd accuse their opponents of having mental disorders.


shevek wrote:
5 years ago
What's funny about The Guardian is that he is a great black comic book of the Seven Soldiers of Victory (along with the super sexy Bulleteer, whom I've written about before on this forum because her comic contains the most complete depiction of online SHIP ever written in a mainstream publication) that Grant Morrison rebooted back in 2007. The Guardian is a character that could be used a lot better than he is.

And yes, I'm also sick of the far left conflating conservatives and even centrists (most normal people advocate at least some kind of limits on immigration) with outright Nazis because of the extreme polarization these days (and each successive mass shooting doesn't help matters). It's not going to stop anytime soon, and it's pretty much helped to destroy the final vestiges of mainstream comics.

Yes, lots of eye rolling is likely to continue with Supergirl, unfortunately.
The right's conservatives and far-right members do not help themselves with race relations. The majority of them do not understand, ignore, excuse, or accept racism. I worked in an office of 55 employees, and the vast majority of them are on the right (some more than others). I can comfortably say none of them understand racial issues in America and some go as far as believing racism no longer exist. Modern day conservatives have not done anything positive in race relations.

A conservative friend accused me of using the "race card" when I complained about a racist encounter with a neighborhood watch wannabe. I was outside feeding my dog and this guy pulled up to my house. Then, he accused me of breaking into MY OWN HOME. His lamed excuse was "I've never seen you in this neighborhood."
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Geeky: Point taken, but the far left practices racism, too - for example, the racism of diminished expectations. A lot of "whiteknighting".

What I like about the Guardian character is that he can fight his own battles as a man of action, just like Supergirl, Alex and Lena can fight their battles as strong women. They are all self-assured individuals. And that, in fact, is why his triumph against the aliens appealed to the conservatives.
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Damselbinder wrote:
5 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
5 years ago
The writers are far left progressives. Far left progressives are so consumed by their extremist ideology that they are unable to see the other side of the argument other than as intolerance or hate speech. While normal people like you and me can obviously see the difference between a group such as Antifa and liberals, far left progressives see no difference between right wing extremists and the traditional conservative ideology. I believe their inability to see the other side of the argument as a rational argument is some kind of mental disorder.
You're absolutely right. Left wingers ARE consumed with an extremist ideology and inability to see the other side of the argument. So much so that they'd accuse their opponents of having mental disorders.

Perhaps the mental order phrase was a little bit much, but my point is I have many friends and siblings, and including my dear departed Mother who are liberals whom have never voted for a conservative in their lives, but the difference is that I can have actual productive, meaningful conversations with them, and I often gain insights into their side of the argument. I sometimes learn things. I think that it is difficult to have a productive, meaningful conversation with someone who thinks you are a racist, intolerant, or belong to a basket full of deplorables. Extremists (on both sides) have difficulty in having those types of meaningful conversations without resorting to name calling or labeling people just because they have a different point of view. All of us are unique, we are defined by our life experience and we all have a story to tell, an opinion to share, but let us do it in an adult, civilized manner so that we all can share and exchange those opinions and then we can all benefit from a mutually shared exchange of ideas. Right now there are too many people out there whose only goal is to promote their ideology and verbally massacre anyone who disagrees with them.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
5 years ago
All of us are unique, we are defined by our life experience and we all have a story to tell, an opinion to share, but let us do it in an adult, civilized manner so that we all can share and exchange those opinions and then we can all benefit from a mutually shared exchange of ideas. Right now there are too many people out there whose only goal is to promote their ideology and verbally massacre anyone who disagrees with them.
Interesting you should say that, bushwacker, as I was only a few blocks down the street from an actual physical massacre that killed 11 people because of their ethnicity/religion and wounded six more including four cops. I believe in civil discourse, like you do, and centrist compromise, because when people delve into extremism, whether politically far right or politically far-left or religious extremist or ethnic cleansing etc, nothing positive or creative ever comes out of it, only hatred and destruction.

I have 99 problems and episode six contains those problems.

So monsters of the week are Children of Liberty (I can live with this), and Spike the Pet Dragon...........What? Are you %^#$^$# kidding me? Who's idea is this? SuperGirl fighting a pet dragon who was "defending his family from Children of Liberty" is completely out of place. It felt so random like a YouTube video by Smosh.

I'm done with James and Lena. This relationship smells worst than the Packers on Thursday Night Football. So James is mad at Lena for lying to him about the DA. I understand he is upset that she lied, but he should realized she did it because she loves him. Then, he is upset because she does not think it is safe for him to meet with the Children of Liberty. She has a valid argument. These people have the wrong impression of The Guardian and may harm him if he tries to sway them to his side.

James's character really regressed in this episode. He's really hypocritical and makes really bad decisions. He seemed like the mature figure until now. In season one he calls Superman against Kara's wishes only for her to understand he had good intentions. He tells everyone that anyone can be hero. Supergirl doesn't pick who is a superhero because she is the star of the show. He handle his breakup with Kara well while Kara was struggling with unfaith Mon-El and Winn just couldn't let go.

So far there really hasn't been a lot of Supergirl this season. It's mainly focused on everyone else's plots. What is Supergirl's role for this season? There has not been an episode devoted to the star.

We end with Lena turning heel. She wants to put her new super heart into someone because we are living in dangerous times. You don't need a super heart to fight against humans. This heel turn is more random than Stone Cold joining forces with Vince on Raw.

Overall, I gave the writers an F. Nope, they deserve worse. I will give them an S not for Supergirl, but for SHIT.

I have a feeling that Green Martian is more than right about his comments of people liking a cute blonde alien. I think this season is going to end with people seeing Supergirl in peril and seeing a pretty white girl in trouble. Then, they will have a change of heart because she looks just like them, and everything will be roses.
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Supergirl's looks fit so many stereotypes from the Aryan ideal woman to the pretty blonde white next door all American girl image. Except for the slutty sex pot image, Supergirl is what advertisers have been using for decades to sell stuff to us. You could use her for a live action version of Disney's Sleeping Beauty. That's why even though everyone knows she an alien, she doesn't face the same discrimination of most aliens.

I agree the writing has been getting worse from the first season. Once in a while they have some good parts, but they can't sustain it for even one episode let alone for an overall plot for the season. i wish they would dump the Sons of Liberty anti-alien plot and go with might be the more interesting second Supergirl over in Asia.
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I'll probably just hold off on watching this until things become interesting once again.

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The preview for next week showed off the chained SG sequence with our heroine shackled to a bomb inside some important National City monument. I'm hoping that will be a strong peril episode. Looks like it will be.

As to her fight with the dragon, yes it was pretty superfluous but the effects were good. I was surprised to see her yet again sprawled in a crater at the end. She rarely kicks ass anymore.
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I am sad to admit this because I have watched this show since its very first episode.
But they are losing me and they are losing me FAST.

First off, the plot is just far too political. It is one thing if immigration is the topic for 1 episode,
but they have based this whole season so far on this. It is getting tired and I have lost interest.
Secondly, I am sick of 6 other side plots other than Supergirl. I want to see Supergirl win, lose,
battle, be challenged as a character. Too much James and Lena, too much Jon, too much brainy,
too much nonsense!

I hope this season turns around because aside from the one time she was knocked out by Krptonite,
it has been a throw away so far. Perhaps there is hope for next week when the chain crew comes after
Supergirl. Hopefully, we see some real peril then.
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Other thoughts on Season 4:

There is zero chemistry between James and Lena. I'm pleased to see this "romance" come to a crash and burn ending. Hopefully the writers don't try to patch things up between them. Gaaahh, they're hard to watch together.

Brainiac has become the new Winn before Winn got to be a worthwhile character near the end of last season. The writers of this show have absolutely NO CLUE how to write Brainiac. None whatsoever! This isn't a 12th level intellect, this is comic relief that isn't particularly funny. It's more awkward than anything. And if the character is trying to learn human emotions than they should take a page out of Star Trek:TNG for how they did it with Data. It was far more interesting and compelling. Of course that took several years for them to get good at. I just hope this show has more years left in it.

It seems to me that the motivation behind all these characters this year is being forced upon them by the writer's/showrunners' own interests and not what flows naturally from the characters themselves. And that is a bad turn for a show to take. Really bad. It loses the viewers who are being fed behaviors not truly intrinsic to the characters they've grown to like. Yes, characters should change and grow but it doesn't feel to me that these characters are growing from within. It feels imposed.
1) Lena's character feels like it's all over the map this season. Where once she was a solid business woman looking to change the world's attitude towards her family name, now she's on the cusp of becoming another Lex. I can see taking her in the direction of using her intelligence and her strength like they showed in the middle of last season, that was intriguing. This season she feels like she's going off the rails in a bad way that's not true to her nature.

2) J'onn's?MMH's character switching to Gandhian tactics with the realization of what guns can do seemed beyond foolish and naïve to me for a person in his position. They took it to the extreme in the early part of this season and now seem to be bringing him back closer to the fold of taking action when needed, "in defense only" as he says in this latest episode. I do like the concept of him sort of being a private eye for aliens and wouldn't mind watching that arc spin out. Not sure if the writers will go that way or not. They tend to throw out bones in one episode and forget them down the line. In any case, his pacifist stance sure doesn't jive with the character of the first two seasons.

3) Brainiac's character. I covered this above but am reiterating it here since it's a prime example of imposing traits on a character we didn't see in the first half dozen shows with him.

As to the complaints by others both here and in other sites that the show is too much about characters in SG's sphere rather than concentrating on her in her costume doing super things, I have no issue with showing the lives of side characters when such scenes add to the drama and the interaction with the main character in that it affects that main character's behavior in intriguing ways. That's a requirement for good drama. But when those characters are behaving purely to create a wow moment that goes against all the character's previous actions, that's what makes for bad writing and failing shows.

I don't think this show is failing yet. I think Season 4 can still be turned around but the writers have to lose some of the heavy handed political themes and get back to character-building scenes that the audience enjoys. Far too many of the scenes this season have been either bland, overly-politicized or cringe-worthy. And the really really good stuff (no, not just peril but solid scenes between characters we care about!) is far and few between. Here's hoping things get better from here on. I'll still be watching.
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No one should be surprised by the politics in the show. Politics and comics have been hand in hand for decades. This is nothing new. If you expected a superhero show to not include politics, then you are living under a rock. Every TV show and movie have politics. The Wizard of Oz is famous for its political stance on the economy. The true problem lies in the person if they agree or disagree with the message.

I like the concept behind the Agent of Liberty. It has been foreshadowed since season one with Maxwell Lord. Maxwell saw more than just a pretty blonde in a costume. Maxwell Lord wanted his own Supergirl to control out of fear that the real Supergirl would become a god. He wasn't trying to kill all aliens. He only developed weapons to harm or kill alien threats. His only mistake was making a clone of Supergirl, and attempting to kill her.

The Agent of Liberty has taken this agenda to the tenth degree and wants to kill all aliens on Earth. The idea is just fine but has been poorly executed.
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Here are a couple screen grabs from the trailer for next week's episode.
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 4.04.00 PM.png
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Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 4.02.59 PM.png (3.38 MiB) Viewed 5020 times
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I'm so gonna screengrab the heck out of THAT!!!
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6A4DC8B9-3156-4909-A7C2-13DC7436D0B3.jpeg (123.08 KiB) Viewed 4960 times
Abductorenmadrid merry Christmas from the CW
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Gratefully received! :D Thank you !!
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So it's the same kind of chaining peril they did with Master Jailer in the first season? Cool.

Can't wait for some decent tidbits like that because Episode 6 was atrocious.
This entire season so far has been an excuse for the progressive writers of this series to "fash bash" the current administration.
I don't like Trump either, but I don't constantly want to hear about it in my entertainment. The writers have adopted a policy of "no-escapism".

This episode was the lowest rated of the entire four-year run so far, and the ratings are so low they are threatening to drop below 1 million.
If that happens, I think you might expect the series to be cancelled next season, unless of course the CW prizes social impact over business (which it's possible they do...Marvel Comics certainly does).

Here are some examples:

1) They make the manifesto seem like 'hate speech' when in reality if you read it to the bottom, even though it's hyperbolic and dramatic, it makes a good case for why a bunch of superpowered aliens who fled their worlds, because they couldn't solve their own problems, might not be ideal to bring
all of their issues to Earth. I know some progressives will say it's just fear-mongering - the way Trump called immigrants murderers and rapists - but in real life, immigrants don't have superpowers that can kill lots of people and destroy lots of property.

2) Lena drives the point home again by calling the supposedly fascist Children of Liberty a "domestic terror group" and again using the term "hate speech". But in real life, aren't Antifa the ones using bats and bicycle locks to bash people, and aren't they close to being considered a domestic terror group? What if there was an Alien Defense League, which would be considered the equivalent of Antifa? What would Lena call them..valiant resistance fighters?

3) Manchester - so it's OK to torture people who aren't the *exact* people who killed Fiona? Is this a good example of the violent left's "by any means necessary"?

4) The host of the roundtable is a sloppy diversity call-out. You hear "Roundtable with Sean Chiu" and you think it's going to be a Asian male host, and then there's a female who looks vaguely half-Indian/half-Hispanic? Seems poorly thought out.

5) Using the dogs to detect aliens is a double reference: 1) first to the K-9 units that Nazis used to hunt Jews and 2) also to the concept of the fascist "dog whistle" which progressives use frequently as a term.

6) "Ignorance breeds fear", said by Kara. So...what if the populace at large knew a lot more about the aliens, their powers, and the utter ruins of the planets they fled from? (Instead of just the positive fluff pieces she does on aliens for Catco). Would being informed about such outer space terrors make them *less* or *more* afraid? Hmmmm? (Can you imagine if the public at large knew about White Martians, for example?)

7) Ben Lockwood: so obviously a Ben Shapiro meets Jordan Peterson type of media figure. A bugaboo for the hard left when he gets his own TV show.

8) The progressive left always says everything is about "power" and how important it is to grab it away from the white male patriarchy etc.
So lo and behold, that's exactly what Lena is going to do.."level the playing field" by giving her side some superpowers.

9) Red "A"s on the alien houses, allusion to the Scarlet Letter, or to the spraypainted "V for Visitors" from the V series..but more likely just an analogue for painting Jewish stars on Jewish houses so they could be smashed during Kristallnacht, identified for deportation, etc.

10) Portraying the Children of Liberty as such obvious references to the alt-right, right down to the tiki torches. But who, in fact, is banging on
the door of media figures like Tucker Carlson? And who actually uses primitive weapons like bats? It's actually Antifa who does that. The extreme right-wing doesn't use bats - they use GUNS to shoot up churches and Sikh temples and synagogues, remember? Why aren't the Children of Liberty armed with automatic machine guns, the kind that obviously need to be banned by progressive gun control laws?

11) Note Nia Nal's totally patronizing you-go-girl pep-talk validation of Kara before she goes on the talk show. Female characters act like that constantly in the Marvel comics these days - everyone has to be praised and self-validated before they do anything.

12) Like most CW shows, the Supergirl wuvs the science. But it constantly gets terminology wrong. What the hell is "ethno-xeno-biology"? That's not a thing. I looked up ethnobiology and it means the study of how cultures use living things. It's not applicable at all. What they meant is simply "xenobiology".....And then the term "inter-terrestrial" to mean interbreeding between humans and aliens..that's just wrong. "Terrestrial" simply means Earthly, it can't mean outer space. It can mean other Earth-like planets, sure. But the proper term for relations between sentient beings would be "interspecies", or "interplanetary", or "xenobreeding", etc.

13) So a regular Earth lizard (or at least one that looks exactly like an Earth lizard) turns into a flying beast, and suddenly this series stops being about superheroes and it is frigging Game of Thrones or Dragonriders of Pern? I'm not interested in Supergirl learning How To Train Your Dragon and I'm sure nobody else is, either.

(Was that list too long? Sorry, but I realized a few minutes in that I should take notes. So I did.)

All of these things, plus Lena and James' totally terrible relationship, took me out of the story so many times that I couldn't get absorbed in it at all.
In the entire episode, the only thing that was satisfying (and I would bet Geeky Porn agrees with me) was Brainy's amazing Matrix-style fight scene
with the Liberty guys. That's it.

And probably in Episode 7, the only good part will be Kara in chains for a few seconds. Ugh. But we'll see. If somebody gets superpowers from Lena's haranel treatment, that could be cool if they endure some transformation pain or muscles ripping or something like that. What if it was Eve Teschmacher? She's beautiful, and that would add another blonde superwoman to the lineup. I'm just speculating here, but *what if Eve Teschmacher became Rampage*???

Personally I can't wait until we get past this 'xenophobia' arc and on to the Elseworlds crossover and Supergirl hopefully fighting her Russian clone.

You know me too well. I always love Brainy's scenes.
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If the ratings keep dropping, they can always shift the show over to CW Seed like they did with Constantine. Going animated would cut production costs and maybe they would get better writers.

From the promo for next episode, it looks like they are setting up a better version of Supergirl in chains than the Master Jailer one that was over in a minute. Having her trapped in the bottom of the statue with Olsen about to blow it up to prove his loyalty to the Sons of Liberty. The kicker would be that they have him in front of a fake control panel so it goes up whatever he does.
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That "kicker" would be very somewhat similar to the Diaz bomb plot that was foiled in the most recent (EP6) episode of Arrow, where Diaz could still remotely detonate the bombs even though the timers were deactivated. It would be totally epic if a statue (not sure which statue..not the ACTUAL
Statue of Liberty?) would be blown up, as this would nicely parallel the removal of Civil War/racism-triggering statues around the country in the past couple years..except it would be the opposite because it would be the right removing a statue instead of the left.

These shows sure have a lot of bomb plots don't they?
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Fezbasil wrote:
5 years ago

Abductorenmadrid merry Christmas from the CW
Can we start placing bets on why Supergirl can't break the chains or overpower the humans holding the chains and pointing pistols, shotguns and hunting rifles at her?

Or why she can't break out of the monument with the bomb in it?
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I figure the metal is Nth metal, the apparent uber-metal of the SG series.
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Visitor wrote:
5 years ago
If the ratings keep dropping, they can always shift the show over to CW Seed like they did with Constantine. Going animated would cut production costs and maybe they would get better writers.
smh...this statement and proposal to me is laughable. The ratings talk for Supergirl is getting stale...I mean...this situation is totally different from what happened at NBC...also, you do know the show is doing well via DVR...right?.Remember, they are going up against tough competition on Sunday..which includes NBC's Sunday Night Football...Enough wit the ratings talks...

As for getting better writers for the show..the answer is yes..I love the show..but I wish they would focus more Supergirl than other characters..although I do know that Melissa Broadway schedule was the reason why we have seen less of her..but it looks like that's going to change with these upcoming episodes.

I wish they would drop the Guardian story-lines and the character all is extremely annoying to me.
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Danorian wrote:
5 years ago
I figure the metal is Nth metal, the apparent uber-metal of the SG series.
Yes, It probably is Nth metal but that wouldn't prevent her from using her super strength to pull them all off their feet or fly them up into the clouds in a matter of seconds with them holding onto the chain's for dear life. There has to be some additional factor at play here. If there's not, these writers are pure hacks!
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At the 9 second mark I hear a female voice says "You guys know how I am weak"

Am I hearing that right and is that Supergirl?
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ksire_99 wrote:
5 years ago
At the 9 second mark I hear a female voice says "You guys know how I am weak"

Am I hearing that right and is that Supergirl?
You're gonna have to link me to that - I've no idea what you're referring to! I just saw an Episode 6 preview and that dialogue isn't there, so I can't help you!
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
5 years ago
ksire_99 wrote:
5 years ago
At the 9 second mark I hear a female voice says "You guys know how I am weak"

Am I hearing that right and is that Supergirl?
You're gonna have to link me to that - I've no idea what you're referring to! I just saw an Episode 6 preview and that dialogue isn't there, so I can't help you!
It is next episode (7) Trailer
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ksire_99 wrote:
5 years ago
Abductorenmadrid wrote:
5 years ago
ksire_99 wrote:
5 years ago
At the 9 second mark I hear a female voice says "You guys know how I am weak"

Am I hearing that right and is that Supergirl?
You're gonna have to link me to that - I've no idea what you're referring to! I just saw an Episode 6 preview and that dialogue isn't there, so I can't help you!
It is next episode (7) Trailer
Crap I lost count of where I was - Next you'll be telling me it'll soon be Christmaaaaaaas oooooh my god! Best get gift buying!!

Anyway - with my British English ears on the lady in question does sound like Kara and the line to me sounds like ...

"Did I snap on you?" Why we are so apart on what we are hearing I am not sure - but that's what my old ears hear.
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Episode 7 just maybe able to save the season. It looks good so far.
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hello all any deal with and when the going to bring in the russian supergirl?
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I like the peril level so far as shown in the trailer.

ksire and abductor..I too am having a really hard time figuring out what she says.
It sounds to me like "did I snow hard weak" even after listening to it a dozen times.
Going to have to give up and chalk it up to poorly recorded dialogue that can only be deciphered by closed captioning (which I use to watch ALL the
CW shows because the vast majority of the time the captioning is pretty much perfect).

Waiting with baited breath for 11/25, the only CW show I need to catch up on now is the latest Flash!
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Fezbasil wrote:
5 years ago

Abductorenmadrid merry Christmas from the CW
I have a story idea based off of this pic lol
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There is another MAJOR plot hole that I just realized. The Children of Liberty claim aliens are stronger and faster than them. Is this true? Yes and NO NO NO. The majority of good aliens appear to be just as strong as humans. Their only differences are their physiology. The majority of aliens run from The Children of Liberty in fear. They are afraid of guns as shown in episode six with the alien scared before Supergirl arrived to save him.

The majority of good aliens' powers range from healing, shape shifting, or being super smart. The alien scientist in episode one does not have super powers. It is not clear if his brain makes him smart than every scientist on Earth, and this is very doubtful as the world would be more advance if he was extremely smart like Briany.

Since the majority of good aliens are not stronger, and only have physical differences, then they are not "stealing" jobs. They're just as strong as humans. I think the show is trying to tell us this fact by showing aliens fearing the Children of Liberty. They have not done a great job at this. Only one alien from Agent of Liberty's episode said he is not very strong and his body ejects spikes in self-defense. He can't control his spikes very well.

Good aliens with super strength and the ability to fly like Supergirl are extremely rare. The majority of super strong aliens are villains and are locked up at the DEO.

The Children of Liberty's opinions on meta humans like Livewire have not been explained. What are their opinions on Amazonians? Wonder Woman is from Earth. She is not an alien.

Episode 7 is really good. It's a huge step forward after past three weeks of poor writing.

Manchester Black finally steps in the right direction. His character now has purpose and a place in the story. I never thought he would double cross Supergirl. The entire episode with Supergirl is set up by him. He tries going undercover by striking a deal with the Children of Liberty, but they already know his real intentions. They use him to get Supergirl and he tries to use them to get close to the Agent of Liberty.

Manchester Black has been portrayed as a man, who will do whatever it takes to get justice for himself. He is willing to break the law and go to far with using torture. His heel turn was expected, but I never saw it coming like this. He has killed some Children of Liberty so you would think he can team up with Supergirl as they share a common enemy, but their methods would constantly clash.

Let's talk about Jimmy. He really shines in this episode. He is forced to promote the Children of Liberty or the other guy will die. I really like how the other guy sees how his fear led him to making a big mistake, and Jimmy was right. He goes along with Agent of Liberty until he finally notices Supergirl is trapped.

James learns a hard lesson of some risks are too big to take. On the other hand, his girlfriend/ex is taking big risks with people's lives.

Lena is playing God. Then, she turns down dinner with Jimmy. Her heel turn is confirmed.
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Darn it, I can't see this till I get back at the end of the week! Ah well, I'm not likely to create much from it for a while anyway but I look forward to it when I can. Besides, the recycle bin is literally brimming with good stuff that hopefully by the time you see what I've done with it it you will have forgotten what it originally looked like :D
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Abductorenmadrid, here’s a few to whet your appetite.
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