Vigil 1: Rise from Ashes

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Prologue: Ashes
Flames licked at the ceiling, the thick smoke burning her throat. Can't stop now... Faith crawled onward, fumbling blindly on the ground as the smoke poured through the cracks in her eyepieces. "Gordon!" she cried, breathing heavily as the pain in her thigh intensified. The temptation to pull out the piece of shrapnel picked away at her every step she took, yet she resisted. I need to get out of here first.

"Faith!" she heard ahead. She squinted, vaguely seeing a figure through the wisps of smoke.

"I'm here!" she screamed, "I—I need help!"

The Prowler — Gordon Kirren stepped through the smoke, his breathing amplified by the breathing apparatus he wore. "Faith, you're in bad shape."

"No shit." she said, giving a weak smile as she let him lift her. She felt him carefully place another breathing mask over her mouth, and she nodded gratefully, taking a deep breath of filtered air. “I’d kiss you, but now’s not the time.” she joked.

“Well, just pay me back once we get outta here.” Gordon said, straining as he lifted her over his back in a fireman’s lift. The pain in her thigh shot up sharply. “Argh— fuck!” she bit her tongue. “Shrapnel—right thigh.”

“Sorry, we’ll attend to it once we’re out.” he said, and she weakly nodded an agreement. He proceeded to carry her, the two moving out of the room. She breathed steadily, focusing hard to take her attention away from the pain in her thigh. She was certain she could feel her blood oozing out.

As they left the room, Faith could vaguely see four people in firefighter suits through her foggy eyepieces. They advanced past the couple, lugging their firehoses to spray at the wall.

“That was incredibly risky, Gordon.” said a female Japanese voice behind the firefighters - Guardian, Emma Miko. One hand extended, she projected a cooling forcefield against the room they were in. She eyed Faith, her angered face softening. “How is she?” she asked, her other arm rising up. The first-aid kit a distance away flew to her hand, and she tossed it over to Gordon.

“Multiple shrapnel wounds.” he said, removing an injector containing a translucent blue liquid. “Hang on Faith, gonna give you a little Re-gen. This’ll hurt a little.” She grimaced — she never liked the idea of using the blood of a hero who had regenerative powers, no matter how much he insisted it was ‘safe’.

She screeched as he abruptly pulled the shrapnel out. “Son of a fucking— Jesus— “ The sharp, biting pain was followed by a thin unnatural intrusion near the wound as he plunged the injector beneath her skin. She felt the unusual feel of her skin resealing itself, the pain fading away. She cringed, mentally picturing the disgusting image. “Ugh.” she groaned, feeling the scar that had formed over the wound. She still felt a dull pain beneath the surface of her thigh, however it was greatly dampened compared to the blinding pain she felt earlier. “Let’s never do that again.”

“You’d rather walk with something sticking out of your thigh forever?”

“Not really.” she smiled for the first time since everything went to hell. Her smile faltered.

“Gordon, behind you!” she heard Miko shriek, and a torrent of flames flooded her surroundings. Everything turned red, then black.


Chapter 1: Return from Exile

“Ms. Leyes.” She heard a young, male voice behind her. She stopped packing her stationery, turning to the source. A white, muscular teenager stood behind her. Jason Vern.

“Mr. Vern.” Faith acknowledged her student curtly, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes. It wasn't the first time he tried to talk her up, and she doubted this would be any different. “How can I help?”

Jason looked around furtively, before leaning in with a sinister smile, “I was wondering if you're free for some, heh, one-to-one tuition.”

Faith sighed, turning back to continue packing her belongings. “All my consultation slots this week are booked.” She placed the last item neatly into her bag, slinging the backpack over her left arm and turning to face the door. “I suggest you be more proactive in the future. Don't wait until the last minute till you start worrying about your exams.” she chided.

Jason moved fast, positioning himself between the door and Faith. “But Ms. Leyes... it's not my exams I'm concerned about...” he drawled, still glowering with that annoying smile.

This time Faith rolled her eyes, almost certain of his intention. She tried to walk around the student, but he blocked her way repeatedly. “What do you want?” she said finally.

“I just want to talk to you, one-on-one.”

She didn't like where this was going. Regardless, she was still unable to get to the exit. “Well, here I am. Talk away.” she said.

“I've been really stressed lately, and I was hoping you could help with that.”

“Ooookay, have you tried meditation, or taking a break now and then, or—”

“I was hoping for something more...physical.”

Faith really didn't like where this was going. She took an indiscernible step back, her fingers tightening on her bagstrap. “Ah. Physical Aren't you the quarterback of our college team or something? I don't really follow these kinds of things.” she said, giving a uneasy chuckle to ease the tension.

Jason demeanor changed, his casual stance suddenly straightening, a serious expression on his face as he reached into his pocket. Faith braced herself, only easing slightly when he fished out a $1000 bill. “You're avoiding the question, so I'll be direct. How much for a blowjob?”

Faith's eyes widened in shock, unconsciously backing away. “You're kidding. No way..” she said, shaking her head.

“Come on, Ms. Leyes...Two grand?” he said, advancing closer. Faith suddenly felt the table against her rear, feeling her panic rise sharply. She slowed her breathing, standing back up as he came even closer.

“If you think I'm some sort of cheap whore—”

“Fine. An expensive one, then.” he countered, his arms reaching for hers.

Faith snapped his arms apart before roughly shoving the teenager back. Taken aback, he stumbled, regaining his balance a few steps back. He scowled.

“You're walking on dangerous ground, Mr. Vern. I suggest you turn around and leave before it gets worse for you.”

She slid her bag down onto the table, clenching her fists, preparing herself. His ego bruised, a blunt charge was likely. She'd duck to the left, using his momentum to slam him into the table. Next, grab his arm into an armlock, and—

“Heh.” Jason smiled a dangerous smile. “You're feisty, but you're not the first to reject me. We'll see each other again.” he said, turning away and roughly bursting out the doors.

“I certainly hope not.” she muttered under her breath, turning to pick up her bag and leave.


“Ms. Leyes, I sympathise with your situation, trust me, I absolutely do, but—”

“Let's just cut through the bullshit. A student just tried to bribe a teacher for sex.” she said.

“Mr. Vern—”

“Tried to grope me and threatened me, he even—” Faith stopped as Principal Johnson glowered at her. She frowns, slowly lowering herself back down on her chair.

“Mr. Vern is a sterling member of our student community,” the principal said, ignoring Faith's eyeroll, “and his parents are extremely influential members of this city.”

“Oh, so that’s what this is about, not pissing off the daddy's boy—”

“Ms. Leyes.”

“— so he doesn't run up to his parents and—”

Miss. Leyes.

Shit. Faith finds herself standing from her seat. Gripping her armrests tightly, she once again forces herself down to the chair.. “Alright, I'm listening.” she said, feigning patience in her voice.

The principal stood up, walking quickly to the door and peeking through the window. He sat back down quickly, motioning for her to lean in closer. She obliged. “This isn't an isolated incident. We've tried tons of measures— scoldings, parent-teacher conferences, threats of suspension, expulsion...his parents protect him at every juncture.”

“You’re kidding.”

“He’s done this to almost all the female teachers—most give in after some persuasion.”

“Wait, what?” she blurted out. Johnson didn't seem to mind her interruption, instead slowly nodding.

“It’s only a matter of time, with those sex drugs on the market.”

“So he’s drugging and raping teachers? That’s illegal. The police aren’t an option?”

“His parents paid them off. At least his father did. I’ve never seen his mother.”

“Who’s the father?”

“Mr. Robert Vern. One of the most powerful businessmen in Irellian City.”

“Well, that explains a great deal.” she said, shaking her head.

“I heard he deals with the underworld. A big player in there...or...something. I’m not gonna stick my hands in that mess.”

She sighed. “I understand.”

The two were silent for a while. Principal Johnson hesitated, before he stood up once again, taking a furtive look through the windows. He sat back down, pulling his chair closer to the table. “Look, Ms. Leyes, I’m not telling you all this for the heck of it.”

“Yes, I got it. You want me to be careful. And I’ll be real careful, don’t worry.”

“No, I was hoping for you to deal with it.”

Faith smirked. “You’re kidding.”

Principal Johnson shook his head reverently. “No. I know what you are.”

Faith’s smirk faded, and she let out a nervous laugh. “A...counsellor?”

“Come now, Ms. Leyes, don’t take me as an old fool. Five months ago supervillains raid and destroy the League of Heroes’ headquarters. The same day, you’re admitted to the general hospital with severe burns and multiple injuries.”

She awakens, feeling something deep jutting in her arm. She sees the red and blue costume of Prowler a distance away, a pool of intensely-red blood forming. She scrambles forward, feeling for the pulsenone.

“Get up! Please.” she pleads, desperately pumping on the man’s chest. She feels the overwhelming heat from the fire starting to bear down on her, yet she continues pumping. “Gordon...please.”

“There—err—was a fire at the bar. I was injured.” Faith tried to explain. Her hand unconsciously stroked the scar on her bicep.

“You don’t drink, Ms. Leyes. And explain the costumed guy—I think it was Regent—who said I couldn’t pay you a visit? Explain the terrorist raid on the general hospital a mere few days after you were admitted, followed by your disappearance for an entire five months?”

Faith’s head sunk, along with her shoulders. “You know.”

“You’re a heroine.”

A heroine stays and fights. While the rest of them fought to their deaths I was whisked away on an ambulance. She stayed silent.

He leaned in excitedly. “There’ve been reporting of some spectre wreaking havoc on the underworld. That’s you, right?”

“I know it’s illegal, but please—don’t.” she said quietly.

“No, Ms. Leyes, you don’t understand. This city needs you more than ever.” he said, rising and placing a palm on her shoulder. “We need you out there, at your real job.”

“...thanks. I guess.” she said. Her mind flashed back to Regent.

Regent’s arms grabbing her from behind, she pawed uselessly at the lifeless body of her boyfriend. “No! He’s stillno please! Save him!” she screamed as she was forced onto the stretcher and injected with anaesthetic.
Her sister looked sadly from her right. “Faith...we’ll try.” she said, before Faith’s eyelids grew heavy and fell shut.

“Regent. What happened?”

“The hospital was burnt to cinders. He was found dead with multiple bullet wounds. I’m...sorry.”

He sacrificed himself...why me? “Lightraye.” she said, her voice straining. “White uniform, skirt, red cape…?”

“Missing.” he said, shaking his head. “She could still be alive.” he added as if to comfort the woman.

Her sister could well be alive. A small spark of hope ignited in Faith’s bosom. She needed to know her sister’s fate.

“Thank you, Principal.”
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Chapter 2: Reconnecting

From ‘peaceful negotiations’ with black market dealers, she had pieced together the source of much of the vice that had plagued the city — the sex drug known as Aphrodite’s Apple, or double-A. Solely supplied by Calypso Pharmaceuticals, which was owned by Robert Vern, father of Jason Vern. A billionaire recluse, scraping together information on this man was harder than she’d expected. A few key phrases perked her interest, however.

Anderson Ghash, doctor sentenced to life in prison for multiple cases of rape and a few cases of accidental murder. Apparently, he had been experimenting with a some serum to enhance one’s mind, but it got out of hand. Robert Vern had personally intervened, somehow recruiting the doctor and promoting him to a key position. The trail went dark after that, other than a hint that he was working with a certain Ms. Quechet.

Mimosa ‘Forget-Me-Not’ Quechet — Mindshaper, the one who led the attack on the League Headquarters.

Her eyes glanced over to a picture of her sister. “Angie...” she whispered. Angie had rescued her, pulling her away from the long-dead corpse of her boyfriend, pushing her into the evac car, and heading back into the fire to hold off the enemy.

Her hands pawed ahead helplessly at the shrinking silhouette of Lightraye. Lightraye was going to die, she knew it. “You’re gonna pay for what you did today.” Lightraye said, her voice twisted in utter anger. Before her stood a woman, her eyes glowing purple, her pink hair floating impossibly into the air. Mindshaper. Faith struggled against her restraints, but she felt the anaesthetic kick in, slowly dulling the sharp pains that wracked her body and lulling her into a deep sleep.

Angie. She needed to find Angie — and the key to that was through finding Mindshaper. And that meant going after the easier target first, Doctor Ghash.

Faith sighed, collapsing into the soft couch. If only Angie was here. Guilt crept up behind her, as memories of the fall of the League slipped into her mind. Of all the more qualified, powerful heroes of the League, why me? The Guardian, or even Kali would have been much more useful than she has been since she returned from her ‘exile’. Why me?

She shook her head, clearing her mind. The past no longer mattered, the only thing she could change now was the future. All the previous heroes had sacrificed themselves for a slim chance of beating back the enemy. And she wasn’t going to disappoint.

She returned to the computer with renewed vigour.


Darkness clouded much of the city; the streets occasionally lit up by a rare undamaged lamp. The roads were barren, any remaining car on the street broken into. Even the buildings were encased in darkness, any resident fearing drawing attention to themselves. This was the richest part of the neighbourhood.

Faith now wore her old uniform, now donning her identity of Vigil. Clad in a black form-fitting long-sleeve shirt and pants, with dark purple streaks lining the sides of her arms and legs. Her mask obscured the region around her eyes, along with built-in eyepieces that provided much aid to the heroes of the League. A dark purple utility belt was wrapped around her waist. Simple and utilitarian — just the way she preferred it.

Vigil’s eyes travelled to the prominently lit building a few blocks away. Calypso Pharmaceuticals, it read, the words plastered over a familiar building, one that once had the words League of Heroes proudly shining on it. She scowled through her mask. There was no doubt Calypso Pharma had something to do with the fall of the League — and they probably had some idea of where Angie was.

Her plan was just like many of her other poorly made plans. Sneak in, find out what the hell Doctor Ghash was developing, find any information of Mindshaper and get out. She’d think of the rest later.

She stalked ahead, sticking to the roofs. A scream echoed nearby. No, she thought to herself, I can’t afford to be distracted right now.

“Get away from me!” she heard. She suddenly saw her sister, staring at her in anger. She shook her head, the image dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. What the hell am I doing? Someone is in danger, and I’m too fixated on the mission to care?

Mentally slapping herself, she moved to the source of the screams.

She shifted her attention to a nearby alleyway, watching from above. A modestly-dressed lady, cornered by three thugs. A standard robbery — or rape, depending on the thugs’ moods.

She sighed and began her descent from the roof.

“De-escalation first. See if you can’t get them to stop without a fight.” Angie had taught. It made sense for a powered mutant who didn’t need to fear a surprise attack that much. Not so much for a non-mutant. Still, this was the line that separated a rescuer from an attacker.

She landed at the entrance to the alleyway. “Stop!” she shouted, walking rapidly towards them. A calculated risk. The men, taken aback, almost turned to run like most criminals would at the slightest chance of being caught. But the five months of chaos had probably made them bolder, stronger and willing to fight back. Vigil slowed her advance upon deciding that they weren’t retreating.

The men now faced her. One carried a knife. Two were unarmed. Knife-guy swaggered as he walked, occasionally misjudging a step and nearly falling over. He was drunk, the other two weren’t.

“Ooo look,” knife-guy slurred, “aren’t you a little late for Halloween?”

“Pretty little bitch shows up tryin’ to play hero,” the one beside him — a tall, tattooed white man — speaks. “A lil’ late fer that. We own the streets now, bitch.”

She advanced, slowly. The alleyway was narrow — not narrow enough to fight them one at a time, though. A nearby dustbin — potential weapon? Her eyes scanned the environment. Maybe I should have done recon before jumping in. Sloppy. she scolded herself, before refocusing on the men.

“Hey Amos — gut the bitch.” the man on knifeguy’s right — the leader? — speaks.

Knifeguy tenses, before charging in, his arm dramatically raised. Amateur.

He swings down. She slips to the left, palm at the back of his head. She slams his head down — straight into her rising knee. She hears him snarl in pain.

She leaps back, just as he wildly swings his knife towards her. She catches his arm, struggling slightly against his strength. She kicks his knee, the pressure against her hand deflating as he stumbles to the ground, knife clattering to the ground.

She knocks him out with a kick to the head.

The two unarmed men stared at her, in barely-concealed shock. They appeared to snap out of it, tattooed-man reacting faster.

He stops in front of her, arms up at the ready. “Always wanted a challenge.” he says, and she smirks. She opens her mouth to respond but he swings in, his fist slamming into her gut. “Ugh!” she grunts, the air rushing out of her lungs.

She gasps for air, but he doesn’t let up — he punches her face, sending the vigilante reeling to the floor.

She tastes the iron of her blood. “Overconfidence! Never underestimate your enemy.” she could still hear her sister nag at her. She shakes her head. Not now, Angie! Wincing, she stands back up, suppressing the pounding pain in her stomach. He charges in, she leaps left. Grabbing the dustbin cover she swings at the back of his head. He groans in pain, collapsing to the ground as he clutches his head in pain. Vigil hears footsteps behind her. No time. She whirls around, before—

“Fuck you!”

The would-be victim rams a crowbar into the leader’s head. “Fuck you!” she screams again, hitting again. Deep red blood spurts from the leader’s head, and Vigil panics.

“Stop! You’re killing him!” she shouts. The woman ignores her, consumed in her rage. Before Vigil can restrain her, she feels arms wrap around her tightly.

“Got you, you stupid bitch!” he whispers harshly. His arm around her neck, Vigil gasps for air as she tumbles back further into his grasp. She desperately claws against his tightening arm. She feels the world spinning, her vision darkening at the edges.

She musters her strength, forcing her elbow against his gut behind her. He grunts, the pressure on her neck softens. She slams again and the two fighters fall to the ground, tattooed-man groans as her weight suddenly lands on him.

Pain pounds at her neck and stomach. She shuts her eyes, forcing out the pain. Her head is pounding, her lungs screaming for air. Vigil grabs the man’s arm, forcing it away before whirling around, slamming him unconscious. She wheezes, gulping in fresh air.

Slowly, wincing from the pain as her adrenaline subsided, Vigil rose. She turned to stop the woman.

“Stop!” she shouted, roughly grabbing the woman’s arms, pulling her back. She stood there, stunned. Vigil rushed to the leader, seeing his blood pooling around his head, his face smashed into an unrecognisable pulp. She doesn’t bother to feel for a pulse, there was no doubt about this.

“You killed him.” she said, barely looking at the woman.

“So?” the woman sniffled, “h-he attacked first.” she said unsteadily. She averted her eyes from the corpse.

“He didn’t deserve death — we shouldn’t—”

“Look, ma’am.” she turned on Vigil, “You’re not the one who goes through this shit daily. You can sit up there on your high horse, looking down on us little peasants from your grand castle.”

“But—” Vigil stammered, taken aback.
“But what? Oh, they burned down your castle? Killed all your friends? Well, what a coincidence! My family’s gone, and I’m working multiple jobs just to keep my son alive, and you appear out of nowhere to tell me how to live my life?” she snarled. Vigil eyed the scantily-clad woman, now realising she was a prostitute or a sex worker of sorts.

“I—I’m sorry, but…” she said, pity in her voice.

“Fuck you. I don’t need your fucking pity.”

“Hey, I—I just rescued you!” Vigil shouted, incredulous.

“Really? What about the other two times?”

“Look, I can’t be everywhere.” Vigil said, massaging the bridge of her nose. “I’m sorry this is happening to you, but I’m trying to help.”

“Try harder.” she spat. She turned away, grabbing her handbag and leaving.

Vigil shook her head. She picked up a white blanket, draping it carefully over the corpse. Retrieving several handcuffs from her utility belt. Black-coloured, branded prominently with the League’s logo. A old but reliable design. She restrained the two men, leaving them at the side of the wall and turned to leave. She still had work to do.
Last edited by Artee 5 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Chapter 3: Breaking and Entering

She surveyed the building. Rather than locating the laboratory of the Doctor inside the prominent building of Calypso Pharma, Mr. Vern had bought a nearby abandoned military base, converting it into a well-defended fort for reasons yet to be known.

That was why she was here. Looking at a watchtower manned by a lone guard, she activated her optical eyepieces embedded in her mask on the mounted weapon.

Faith smiled, recognising the weapon.

“That's an FN-MAG,” Lightraye says as she glances through her binoculars. “It stands for Fabreek Nation-ell, Mit-rail... mit-rail....errr...” the brunette frowns, before fishing out her notebook from the haversack they brought
“Is this really necessary, Angie?” Faith says, pinching her temple.
“No, not at the moment.” her older sister responds with a cheeky grin. “Ah! Fahbreek Mit-rel-loose dappuu general!” she says, pointing to the book as she utterly mangles the pronunciation. She illuminates the book with a dim light emitted from her palm.
“...and what good did that serve?”
“It stands for general support machine gun, it can be used mounted on a tripod or a bi—” the gun-nut continued, reading off the book.
“So it shoots fast. Can we please get on with this?” Faith says, groaning.
“Fine.” Lightraye says, rolling her eyes. She closes her hand into a fist, the light from her palm extinguished just as she snaps the book close. “Let’s do this.”

Faith's smile fades, remembering once again that Angie was gone. I'll find you, Angie. she promised.
Her eyes shifted to the guard, who dozed openly on his seat, slumping over the black stock of the machine gun. She smiled — this was an opening she couldn't give up.


She silently slid the window open, slipping in. Fortunately for her, the Doctor's office was located on the top storey — easily accessible with her grapple.

She toggled the night vision on her optical eyepieces. Her eyepieces faded green, and the darkness crackled away. She observed her surroundings.

The office was unsurprisingly neat — several shelves of books on human biology, human sexuality were one of the first things she noticed. A lab table stood in the centre, flasks of some strange pinkish liquid placed on it. At the corner was a wooden desk with a lab computer, a small post-it note at the top right corner of the desktop.

She came closer, seeing the username and password hastily scribbled on it. It was an excellent chance. She took a furtive glance, before moving to the table.

Then she saw it. Several newspaper clippings pinned on the wall next to the computer — all of her. News of an unidentified vigilante targeting criminals, along with several pictures from security cameras she had neglected. He was aware of her, Vigil suddenly realised. Which meant—

A sudden shove. She topples to the ground, taken off guard, and the weight knocks the wind out of her lungs. As if in tandem the lights flood in, overwhelming her optical eyepieces, blinding her— she winces, hands rising to her eyes. She feels a foot slam into her stomach and she groans as she is moved onto her back. Before she can recover, she feels a sharp prickling pain in her neck. Vigil stiffens.

An explosion of arousal floods through her, her jaw dropping involuntarily.

The Doctor watches the woman in black as her blue eyes widen, darting around wildly as she reacts to the injection. Her face is visibly flushed now, she heaves in heavy breaths, the torrent of attacks catching her utterly unprepared.

“Wha—” her body itches for touch, and her hands rush to fulfil it, she gasps in surprise, “what was that!?”

The writhing woman runs her hands along her body, unable to resist the serum. The Doctor leans in close to her, confident in her inability to fight back. “It's a powerful aphrodisiac I've been developing. How do you like it?”

I hate it, I hate it, I fucking hate— “Oh fffuck...” she belatedly realises she blurted it out loud, but the cascades of arousal never end, quickly washing over her shame. She closes her eyes shut. No! Need to focus!

She tenses herself, trying to stop her hands — they're now dancing around her erogenous zones, one circling around her modest bust, one creeping towards her mound, her now-heightened sensitivity easily feeling them through her skin-tight suit.

Stop! She's gritting her teeth now, focusing on the pressure of her jaws gnashing against each other. She already feels the itching pleasure building up in her depths, no! she resists it. She wretches her hands — one by one — away from herself. She diverts her attention outward, away from her dripping pussy, away from her hard nipples — to the threat posed by the man standing before her.

She snarls in pain — it hurts. It hurts not to go along, and she nearly falters, the serum pressing down on her temples, a heady pain filling her mind, promising to turn into pleasure if she would just give in...

The Doctor watches in fascination and incredulity. This vigilante was resisting it far more than he had anticipated. Her final submission would be even more pleasurable. He unzips his pants, revealing his now-pulsing cock. He tests his command. “Open your eyes, Vigil, your gift is here.”

The command easily slips into her conflicted brain, her eyes — confused, chaotic — open and instantly snap to his cock.

Vigil could barely resist. Her eyes locked onto the piece of man-meat before her, enraptured. The doctor wagged it in front of her, the smell permeating her mind, further amplifying her lust.

I wonder how it tastes, she thought to herself, before she mentally recoiled from the treacherous thought. No! Wait! she screams at herself, her tongue already slipping out and giving it a tentative lick. Her mind goes wild, the sheer dirtiness of the act fuelling her lust. She hesitates, still fighting. The man growls in frustration.

“Suck. My. Cock.” says the man, and the order washes over her. She pulls away, shutting her eyes tightly, shaking her head.

“No, no, I shouldn't, I'm—”

“A slut. You are a slut.” he interjects.

You are a slut. the thought slips into her mind easily, as she fought a losing battle against the aphrodisiac.

“Say it.”

“I—I—” she struggles against the command. She was fighting so hard, yet it was just so difficult. She longs to give in, to relax, yet something in here screams at her to resist. She shakes her head. “N-no. No. No.” she mutters to herself, grunting as the pounding headache makes it so hard to think.

The Doctor scowls, his cock still unattended to. Looks like he needed to do this the slow way.

He reaches down to her, his hands gliding expertly through her body. “W—wait— what are you doing?” she stammers, confused. He grins. Countless times had he done this; countless times had he brought the woman to utter pleasure. This would be no different. He easily undoes the vigilante’s utility belt, throwing it to the side.

“No!” Vigil cries, her hand reaching helplessly to the purple belt. He holds her in place, and she groans in frustration, the belt lying just out of reach. His right hand slides down, slipping below her pants, right into her drenched panties. His left hand goes under her shirt, her bra, directly groping her perky breasts.

“Mmmth!” she lets out through her tightly closed lips, and he smirks.

He slides his finger teasingly along her clitoris. The woman shudders at his touch, her back involuntarily arching. His left fingers circle her areola, as she exhales heavily. “No...” she breathes, her face flushed with sweat.

She could barely believe it, barely understanding how she got into this position. Yet resisting felt like wading through a thick pool of mud.

“You are a slut.”

Vigil groans out, her voice filled with pleasure mired with resistance. His fingers — oh god his fingers— they tease her entrance, her nipples, she feels herself closer and closer to the edge. “Oh goddd...” she cries, feeling her dam of resistance breaking apart. She’s never felt like this before — not with Gordon, not with anyone.

She's breathing heavily now, her eyes transfixed watching him pleasure her under her uniform. Her arms lie uselessly to the side as her eyes begin to show a tint of pink.

“You are a slut.”

Vigil gasps, arching her back. Her grasp on her will thins, her control slipping through her fingers like sand. “No, no...” she shakes her head, unable to believe it. How!? She feels herself succumbing to it entirely as she grinds her hips back into his fingers.

He intensifies his efforts, his right fingers now viciously rubbing her engorged clit. He feels her muscles clenching, her toes clenching — he knows she's about to break.

“You. Are. A. Slut.” he spits at the woman. Her smooth brown hair spills freely over her head, her eyes rolling back in their sockets as she rams her hips up against his fingers. The vigilante’s mouth hangs open, ragged breaths escaping her throat as she doesn’t resist her impending climax any further. “Say it.” he says. The words teeter at her lips, she can resist no longer.

OhgodImaslut!” she hisses. His fingers are rubbing faster, harder against her, she's squirming as her pre-orgasmic quivers start.

“Can’t hear you.”

“I’m a slut!” she screams desperately, her impending orgasm consuming her mind.

“Who's slut are you?” he presses her both mentally and physically. She feels it coming, impossible to stop. Her resistance fully shatters as she succumbs entirely.

“Yours!” she cries out with abandon, “I'm your slut!” She shivers, her pussy clenching against his fingers, waves of heat gushing out through her depths. Her moan reaches a crescendo as she rides her orgasm, before collapsing onto the ground.

She pants slowly, her eyes gazing, unfocused into the distance wearily. “Oh god... I'm your slut.” she says again.

Goodness. She was perfect. The Doctor grins, bringing his right fingers — now dripping with the defeated vigilante's juices — to her lips. She numbly obliges, raising her head to suck at them, moaning around them softly.

She tastes the slightly sweet liquid, rolling her tongue around the fingers as she sucks at them. I'm a slut, she numbly thinks, as the Doctor positions his cock close to her mouth, pulling her up from the floor. As he withdraws his fingers, she instinctively goes for the cock, mindlessly covering the head of the cock with her lips and licking its entirety.

The doctor groans loudly as she moves deeper, accepting his length into her mouth. She bobs her mouth against the doctor's length, fully submitting to the pleasure. She feels so dirty, and she likes it. She likes being his slut revelling in it, further gulping down his cock like her life depended on it.

Bringing her hands up to grasp his length, she jerks him off, hollowing her cheeks and sucking harder. She's wild, free from whatever righteous pure inhibitions she had before, the dirtiness of sucking off a villain fuelling her intense lust as she fellated the doctor.

“Doctor?” a voice interrupts.

The Doctor cursed, looking up from the beautiful sight of the vigilante on her knees. “What!?” he bit.

“It's time for your meeting,” the voice reminded, before adding, “...which you planned.”

The Doctor sighed, reluctantly withdrawing his cock from the heroine's mouth. The Big Boss didn't like to wait. “Way to interrupt me...” he muttered, zipping up his lab pants, feeling unsatisfied as hell.

“I'm sorry, little Vigil, but I've gotta go.” he said.

She pouted, “H-how long would you be?”

“It'll be quick. Don't worry, I'll fuck you once I'm back.”

She giggles in excitement. Another wave of pride washes through the Doctor, seeing how utterly tamed she was. Maybe he should give her a reward. He eyed the baton in her utility belt. He had an idea.


“I'm a slut.” the voice breathily said. The technician cursed. He was too late. His torch shone through the darkness, a soft shlicking sound in the distance coupled with soft moaning. He saw the discarded uniform of the vigilante. Shining his torch forward, he saw her silhouette.

“I'm a slut.” she whispered, mindlessly forcing the baton into her sore folds, in and out, in and out, over and over again. She stiffened, a small climax ripping through her body as she came for the umpteenth time.

The doctor had left a few minutes ago. The technician shook his head. The serum…the doctor was successful. The man took a furtive glance around. There was still time.
Last edited by Artee 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter 4: Saviour

“Evening, sir. Sorry I'm late.” the Doctor said at the door.

“Please, take a seat.” the Big Boss said, indicating to an empty seat. Waiting for the doctor to hurriedly sit down, he steepled his hands, indicating to the doctor. “I heard our little vigilante recently paid a visit.”

“Ah, yes sir, she did, in fact, pay a—”

“Did she in any way impact our operations?”

“Actually sir, I have excellent news to report.” The doctor rubbed his hands, a smile perking at his lips.

“Well, by all means, Doctor, please, carry on.”

“Sir, your intel was right. With your genius and my cun—”

“Doctor Ghash, please get to the point.”

“I ambushed the vigilante, and gave her a dose of double-A.”

“'Double-A'?.” a male voice from the side of the table interjected. A black man, his bare arms filled with tattoos, stood noticeably distinct from the other members of the Pact who wore business suits.

“Oh, Mr. Tymes,” the doctor sighed at being cut off, “Aphrodite's Apple — or double-A as we call it. It's synthesized from the Yyrtin essence that the company provided.”

Tymes nodded, indicating for him to continue.

“The vigilante was utterly overwhelmed by it. In less than 5 seconds she was going wild like a bitch in heat, and even now by my command she's sitting in my office masturbating with her baton.”

A murmur of excitement ran through the table.

Ms. Quechet was the first to speak, her purple eyes glowing through her dark shades. “Impressive.” she turned to the Big Boss, “Sir, may I have the girl? Her sister would be...pleased.”

The Big Boss turned, his huge frame towering over the lady. “Ms. Quechet. We haven't got around to your progress...or lack thereof.” he bit.

She looked down. “Sir, I—”

“You will double your efforts. Even a mutant shouldn't be this difficult for a mentalist of your calibre.”

“Of course, sir. Sir, if I could have the girl, my work on the captive will—”

Will suffer immensely. This has gone on for too long. You will complete your work or suffer the consequences, just like everybody else.” He turned to the rest of the table. “The Doctor's captive will remain with me while I extract further information from her. Assuming, of course, that what the Doctor says is true.”

The doctor, stunned as the council's attention was suddenly turned to him, stammered, “Err, err— of course it is, sir.”

“Take us to her.”


She woke up, the numbness in her loins reminding her it wasn't a dream. The residual salty taste of the doctor’s cock remained in her mouth, and she rushed to spit it out. Her memories of what transpired flooded through her brain, shame rushing to join it. Faith curled her knees to herself, holding her tears. How could she have been defeated so easily, so utterly? What would her sister say? Was she even strong enough to fight against this one Doctor, much less take on the entire underworld?

She shifted on the bed, realising it wasn't her bed. Snapping from her self-reproach, her hands raced up to feel at her face — her mask was still intact. She then took a careful look around. She wasn't tied up, yet she didn't feel drugged. If she was captured, no one would be careless enough to leave her untied or not drugged.

No one, other than the one who already thought her broken. A spark of anger rushed through her as she thought of the doctor. She looked around, finding her modesty covered with a towel. She was still looking for a potential weapon when a man came in.

She backed up against the bedrest, leaping off the bed, eyeing him carefully.

“Back off!” she shouted.

He opened his hands, revealing them empty. “Whoa, steady there.”

She didn't budge.

“My name is Jim, I'm...not with those guys.” he said carefully.

“Why should I trust you?”

“I mean, other than rescue you while you were busy shoving your baton into your—”

Her eyes widened as heat rushed to her face upon hearing that.

“I'm—sorry—I shouldn't have—” he stuttered.

She buried her face in her hands, her combat stance crumbling as she sank back down on the bed. “I did all that, didn’t I?” she said.

“You were drugged by a potent version of double-A — some aphrodisiac they were experimenting with.”

She scrunched her palms into fists. They took me by surpriseviolated me, forcing me to doing those…things. She was unprepared and paid for it. She needed more information. She relaxed, lowering her guard. This man wasn’t a threat — otherwise she’d be bound. Or drugged. Or dead. She eyed him carefully. Jim was a tall man, with undeniably handsome features. His eyes met hers, and she felt a tinge of arousal spark in her. She shook her head, her hand rising to feel the incision on her shoulder made by the injector.

“How long does the drug last?” she asked, rubbing her pulsing eyes, gathering her concentration.

“About ten hours, from the doctor’s recent tests.”

“How long has it been?”

“Eight.” he narrowed his eyes. “You still feel it?”

Vigil felt heat rising to her cheeks. “Not answering that.” she said, though she knew her response answered his query. She breathed deeply, releasing her tension with a sigh. “Alright. Let’s start this over. Who are you?”

“Jim. I’m a technician.”

“Alright, nice to meet you. I’m Vigil. Now. Where are we?”

“A motel, a short distance from the facility you raided. I smuggled you here in a rations truck, if you’re wondering.”

She narrowed her eyes. “The motel staff—they didn’t question why you had an unconscious woman draped over your back?”

He met her gaze with confusion. “No, why would they?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Let me guess. This is a common occurrence nowadays?”

“Yeah, kinda.”

“Ugh.” she sighed. “Alright, Jim. So you risked your job, hell, you risked your life, to rescue an unsanctioned vigilante from the secret headquarters of the underworld. Why?”

He pulled a chair and sat down, scratching at his chin. “Well, I’m a…a…” he hesitated, before shaking his head, clearing his throat. “I don’t really know. I’ve never approved of the doctor, but never had a way to stop him. Until now. He’s been planning to take you down for a long time, you know.”


“Yeah. He was bragging of this ‘perfect’ plan to take down the ‘nuisance’ and has been on edge until you finally came.”

“And he succeeded.” Vigil said softly. “I don’t know what the hell happened in there, he just injected me with that…thing and suddenly everything just—just went wrong.”

“You’re here. That’s gotta count for something.”

“Thanks for getting me out. I don’t know what I would have done if…if I was still in there.” she shuddered, thinking of her as some sex slave to the creepy doctor, lost to her lust. Imagining the doctor leaning over her, his rod slowly parting her folds, deeper, filling her and—

She gasped, shutting her eyes hard to clear the image.

“You alright?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” she mentally slapped herself, forcing away the impure thoughts. “I need more information. What can you tell me about the facility I raided?”

“It’s a secret meeting place for the Pact.”

“The Pact?”

“That’s what they call themselves. A bunch of the city’s biggest gang-lords and supervillains banded together. They basically rule the city’s underworld.”

Her mind slowly processed the information. The Pact…it sounded familiar. “Wait. Let’s focus on that. Who’s in the Pact?” she said, suddenly rising from her relaxed position.

“Umm…I’m not that sure. I saw some big-sized guy in a business suit that seemed to be their leader. Some prominent gang leaders too, and some woman dressed in purple with huge sunglasses.”

“The woman. Her name.”

“Mindslaver? Mindshaker? Something like that.”


She fights viciously against the anaesthetic, yet the unyielding veil is slowly lowered before her eyes. “Angiedon’t” she begs at the feminine figure in the distance. Ahead of her sister stood a woman, her eyes glowing purple, flanked at the sides by her mind-controlled minions. The anaesthetic is too powerful, and Vigil feels her eyelids slam close.

“Mindshaper.” she whispered, a chill running down her spine. Angie. “Did you hear anything about Lightraye?” she asked, almost pleadingly.

“Nothing about her. I only know she went missing after your League fell.”

She grimaced.

“So, err—what do you plan to do about the doc? There was a police raid at that facility after I got you out, but they found it completely abandoned.”

Her hands tightened almost instinctively. “I’ll find that—that rapist, and I’ll deal with him.” she said through her teeth.

“Count me in.” he said.

“No. You need to stay low.”

“Why? I don’t think the doctor saw me. I can help you, you know.”

“No. Hide. I can’t let you get into trouble because of me.”

Jim looked down, “But—”

“Jim, please. I can’t let someone get mired into my fight.”

“It’s my fight as much as yours.” he said.

“No. As we speak, he’s probably already noticed you’re missing. The next thing you know, the entire Pact is after you — the underworld’s resources all arrayed to find you. And guess what they’ll do to you?”

Jim blinked, before he slowly nodded. “I guess—I guess you’re right.”

“Here. This is my number.” she said, scribbling a series of numbers on a scrap of paper. She looked at Jim’s quizzical look and snorted. “This isn’t what you’re thinking. It’s for emergencies. Only.”

He nodded, taking the scrap of paper. “Thanks.”

She shook her head. “I should be the one thanking you for rescuing me. I—I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there.” she smiled sadly. Rising, she retrieved her washed uniform, placed neatly at the bedside.

“I’ll—err—be outside.” Jim said, averting his eyes.

“Yep. That’ll be preferable. I’ll see you around.”


“I swear to God, she was right here.” the doctor shivered, wavering in fear as he gestured wildly at the spot she had been at. Where the hell had she gone?

“Maybe you should hallucinate your paycheck too, save the boss the trouble.” spat Mr. Tymes, the “117” tattoo on his bicep seeming to expand slightly as the veins on them protruded.

“I can help with that.” Ms. Quechet said smoothly, gliding over to the doctor, her hands rising to his temples, a purplish mist seeming to rise from her palms. Her eyes glow ever so brightly—

“Wait.” said the masked one — Hound.

“The fallen one talks?” Tymes said incredulously, “You trust him that much?” he turned towards Ms. Quechet.

“He's under control.” Mindshaper rolled her eyes, sashaying past Tymes to the Hound.

“Speak, David.” she said.

“Mistress. I smell...her.” She was here.” Hound said.

A wave of relief washed over the doctor.

“See!? Told you all — I told you all!” he said, breathing heavily.

“Count me impressed, Doctor. Though your loss of the captive is... disappointing.” the Big Boss said, voice still as emotionless as before. “Can you synthesize a more potent form of the aphrodisiac, targeting specifically her?”

“Yes, of course, sir. I can extract her DNA from her samples, and begin to—”

“Do whatever you have to do, just get it done. Also, I don't want her next attack so close to home. We must have the initiative.”

“Don't worry sir, I will deal with everything!” the doctor said confidently, “I will have her delivered to you on a platter.”

“You'd better.” he heard Mr. Tymes scowl behind him as he watched the group slowly pour out of his lab. He turned to head to the security room.

Having never liked security cameras, the doctor had removed the ones stationed in his lab. Having someone watching over him always seemed to negatively affect his work. Thankfully for him, there was a camera positioned in the corridor outside.
Last edited by Artee 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 5: Take Two

Faith’s cellphone rang. She blearily reached for it, her arms still aching from having slept at her table.

“Hey, err, Vigil?” the technician's unsure voice crackled over the phone.

“Hi Jim, what's up?” she said casually. Her other hand rubbed her eye. How the hell had I fallen asleep here?

“So you said to call you for emergencies only, and I seem to be in—”

“Give me the damn phone,” a gruff voice suddenly interjected, the sound of the phone being snatched away was heard.

Faith’s eyes snapped open. Eyeing her uniform neatly folded to the side, she reached for it. “Who’s this? Where’s Jim?”

“Don't you remember my voice, vigilante?”

Her eyes widened. “Doctor.”

“I'm sure you enjoyed our time together.” he said, tauntingly. “We weren't finished yet, you know.”

“What do you want?”

“Why, I'm surprised you don't know, Vigil. I want you. And I know you're after me, too.”

“Get to the point.” she growled into the phone.

“You will meet me at these coordinates I'll be sending over to your phone shortly, in 3 hours' time. You take too long, or bring anyone else...” he drawled, before a male scream of pain was heard over the phone. Jim!

“If you lay another finger on him…”

“Is that affection I hear? Does the big bad heroine have a boyfriend?”

Faith ends the call. She seethes with rage, now pacing around her room. That asshole is going to pay.

Shortly, a message tone was heard, with the coordinates of the meeting point displayed along with a heart shape. Dick.


Vigil stood outside the doors to the warehouse. She's surveyed the place for at least an hour by now — no other entrances were in sight, the only places she was able to catch a glance into the room being four windows around the warehouse, each preventing entry with a huge metal grating. The Doctor knew she'd be surveying the area, and was confident enough to simply let her see his defensive setup. She wasn't going to let him get away with that.

Vigil felt in her pyrotechnics pouch, withdrawing two stun grenades. Theyfit perfectly in the palm of her hand. She sighed. She hated using these things — while her eyepieces protected her from the flash, she had lost the standard-issue ear defenders specially designed to protect from these stun grenades, and she never bothered to get a replacement from the League.

Still, she saw no way around this. She's memorised the layout of the room. Two men were on the other side, leaning beside the door, smoking. Four — one being the Doctor — were at the table to the left, playing cards. At the centre was Jim, tied to a chair, with a final man carrying a knife standing next to him.

Two stun grenades — one for the men at the door, another for the man with the knife. Jim was just gonna have to take one for the team. Key target was the knife-man — take him out, and the rest wouldn't be able to kill Jim. Next: The ones at the table. The last two at the door would take roughly 30 seconds to recover — more than enough time to deal with them. Assuming everything went according to plan, she reminded herself.

She didn't have much time, her three-hour margin dwindling by the minute. She kicks the door open, throwing the two grenades in, before ducking outside behind a wall, hands around her ears.

A high-pitched screech is heard and Vigil winces slightly, her ears ringing as she rushes in. Her target clutched his eyes in pain, knife on the floor. She leaps up, pulling her legs to herself, her momentum propelling her towards the henchman. She extends her right leg, slamming him into the ground.

He moans as he loses consciousness.

“She's here!” she hears from her left — she swings around, the henchmen at the table now rising, the doctor slowly retreating from her. She draws her baton, flicking her wrist to extend it as the three men charge at her.

The first man snarls as he leaps at her — she takes a few steps back, swinging her baton hard into his exposed face. A sickening crack is heard as he plummets to the ground.

She doesn't have time to check on him — the next guy comes at her, a baseball bat in his hand. He swings it at her — like a wild bull, she muses — and she darts back, watching the swing miss her. She smiles ferally, bringing her left leg up straight into his undefended face.

The third man slows as he faces her. Vigil hears movement behind her — the two men at the doors have recovered. She eyes them carefully — they're armed with baseball bats too — the doctor clearly didn't want her dead.

Vigil breathes heavily, suddenly realising how much strength she's expended. She needs to end this quickly.

She bursts into action, exploding into a series of blows against the unarmed assailant. She whirls around as the man collapses on the ground.

There's still too many — she's facing two at once — both armed with baseball bats. The left one, a tall, black man; the other an Asian male.

They circle around her, splitting as they face her from opposite directions. She eyes the doctor, who watches from the side. “Give it up, guys.” she says, “Look around you, I've knocked out 5 of your pals, you really think this is worth it?”

“Don't bother, Vigil. They're not even loyal to me — they're loyal to the Big Boss himself, so spare yourself the saliva and surrender. Or don't, it'll be entertaining to us either way.” the doctor says.

She scowls at them. Refusing to let them take the initiative, she tears into the greater threat — the taller man. He tries to defend with his bat but she's too quick, lithely dodging his swipe as she slams her baton into his knee. He falls on one leg, clutching his knee in shock.

Vigil doesn't have time to knock him out, turning to face the shorter man. He's smiling now, excited. She glares. Her muscles are screaming now, her breath increasingly erratic as she struggles to control it. She needs to end this now. She charges, swinging her baton.

He catches her arm, smoothly pulling it behind her back. “You must be really tired — you're getting sloppy.” she hears the doctor comment. She opens her mouth to respond, but her right arm is painfully forced up behind her — she screams, pain tearing through her arm as she falls to the ground. His weight is on her now, her left arm pinned painfully under his knee while her legs struggle uselessly. The Asian man tugs at her short hair, pain ripping at her scalp as her head is forced up.

The doctor is walking up to her now, brandishing an injector. Vigil's eyes widen, and she struggles harder, her body squirming against the one pinning her down.

“You know,” says the doctor, squatting down to cup her chin, “from the day you escaped, I've dreamed of this moment every single day.”

She stares daggers at the man, willing herself not to feel fear for the inevitable. “You fucking sicko.” she snarls, her snarl progressing to a scream as the Asian man once again applies pressure on her arm.

“I've been working on this version,” he says as her scream subsides, indicating at the injector, “and it's been specialised just for you.”

“I'm honoured.” Vigil pants from the pain, rolling her eyes. “Now, if you could go f—” she winces, sucking in her breath as he cruelly plunges the injector in her neck. She closes her eyes, bracing for the inevitable torrent of arousal.

It slams into her, as she stiffens into the Asian assailant's body. She grits her teeth, refusing to allow them the pleasure of hearing her moan.

The pain in her right arm leaves as the Asian man begins to rise. Summoning her last vestiges of will she slams her elbow up, hearing the satisfying groan of the man above as he is sent reeling off her onto the ground. She grins. Take that, you fucking—

Her grin falters as another wave of pleasure sends her grinding herself against the ground. Her hands, freed from their positions, rush to grope at herself. She rolls onto her back, giving herself further access to herself.

She can taste the iron tinge of her blood, her jaw now pressing hard against her lower lip as she struggles to contain her lust.

“Mmth!” a moan leaks out. She can feel herself falling — the slope to depravity increasingly slippery as she rubs herself. Her panicked eyes glance up at Jim — he's frowning at her, shouting something to her.

“Just give in.” the doctor's voice tears her attention from Jim. He's climbs onto her, straddling her — she squirms as she feels his hardness pressing into her covered slit.

The doctor watches her, his cock stiffening as she unconsciously begins to grind her hips up against his groin. It was overkill, to be honest — she wasn't even able to resist the other aphrodisiac, developing another just to target this one sole person wasn't really worth it. Then again, overkill was always necessary against these hero types — you never knew when they'd fight back.

She slams her head back onto the floor, trying to break the seal of pleasure rapidly engulfing her through pain. She barely feels the pain register, numbness now clouding the back of her head as her traitorous fingers continue to massage herself.

She sees it at the corner of her eye — her baton — and sees her target — the Doctor's head. Bit by bit, she forces her right hand away, her left hand easily filling the sudden lack of attention to her clit, rushing onto her increasingly drenched loins. She shudders as her oncoming climax nearly breaks her attention.

She stares at the doctor, her right hand pawing, reaching for it...she grasps the handle, Yes! she proclaims inside. She brings it up, swinging it towards her target's head. She'll regain the upper hand, retake the initiative and—

His hand rises, the baton landing softly in his hand.

“No!” she lets slip as the baton is easily wrestled out of her right hand. Her hand weakly drops to her side, disappointed. Her heart sinks, her spark of hope simply snuffed out in an instant.

“Ooo, you wanna play with this, too?” she hears him say, and she shakes her head. The doctor unlatches her belt, throwing it aside casually. Her options dwindling by the second, helplessness sets in the young heroine's heart. “No...” she says, her heart sinking as the villain pulls down her pants, revealing her blue panties that were drenched with her juices. She's barely able to resist as he pulls that down, too, unveiling her already-glistening pussy.

“All ready for me, eh? Remember this?” he says, positioning the baton at her entrance. She shudders as memories of her previous defeat flood through her mind, the serum corrupting them further and causing her to become even wetter as she relived the memories.

“No, no no-ugh!” Vigil cries as the baton is forced into her. Shame floods her as she feels Jim's eyes on her — this can't be happening, not again! She feels it enter her once more, parting her pussy lips as it fills her and she stares up into the doctor's eyes, transfixed. She flushes red from both the arousal and the humiliation as she gasps from the doctor's ministrations. “Oh god...” she sighs, feeling the tension from the fight leave her as she starts to forget why she was fighting in the first place.

“That's right, just give into it...” whispers the doctor as he leans into her mouth. She accepts the kiss, closing her eyes in pleasure as the doctor's tongue pushes into her mouth, dominant and forceful. She feels her shirt being lifted by the doctor's free hand, yet she makes no move to stop it, fully absorbed by the doctor's attention. The doctor progresses down, lapping at her neck while relentlessly shoving the baton in her.

“S-stop...” she gasps, some part of her suddenly realising that she shouldn't be doing this. She weakly paws at the doctor's chest, her thoughts melting away as she feels his bare torso — bare? She opens her eyes, realising the doctor had already removed his shirt. He’s…pretty hot…her addled mind thinks, as the slow but steady penetration by her own baton slowly coaxes the fire in her depths to life. “Ugh…” she groans, losing herself further. The baton consumes her thoughts, her mouth locked in a perpetual ‘o’ as she feels the fullness satisfy her utterly. She begins grinding her hips back against his thrusts, feeling herself begin to chase after the climax willingly. The doctor laughs at her, her cheeks burn with humiliation yet she cannot help herself, as Vigil pants heavily, meeting each of his thrust with her hips. She feels it coming. Transfixed, she drops her remaining inhibitions, desperately moaning as she bucked her hips against her own weapon. Her moans intensify as the heat in her depths reaches their peak, and—

The doctor removes the baton suddenly, and she gasps at the emptiness. “W—what?” she unconsciously continues to grind her hips slowly against the empty air, desperately chasing after the lost pleasure. She instinctively brings her hands to her loins but the doctor pins them to her sides easily. She knows what he wants, and the unfulfilled orgasm picks away at her thoughts. “Please.” she murmurs, frustration and humiliation written on her face.

The doctor leans in, and the heat emanating from his body makes her shiver unconsciously. “Sluts don’t get to cum without permission.” he says, and releases her hands. Her confused eyes met his — she wasn’t a slut, she wasn’t — she — she understood. Her hands lay obediently by her sides, yet she undulates herself against his body, hoping her master would let her cum. His hands rise to her perky bust, lightly gripping them through the fabric of her white bra. She doesn't resist as he pulls down the bra, unveiling her nipples that stood hard in arousal. Vigil idly palms her hand over the doctor's torso, enraptured by the muscles. She shivers in anticipation as his eyes drop to meet hers, a mischievous grin on his face.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” he says, placing his hands carefully around her mask. Her confused eyes widen, her surprise and arousal stunning her momentarily. “The mystery…it makes it so much more fun than seducing normal women.”

Waitthe maskhe wants to

He removes it with ease, caressing her cheek like he owned her. “There you are. Beautiful.” he says. “Tell me, what’s your name?”

“Vigil.” she replies instinctively, yet a part of her nearly causes her to blurt the truth. It made sense—he was her master, and deserved to know her true name—and yet…

“What’s your name?” he says, unbidden.

“Vigil.” He begins a literal assault on her, his head descending on her breasts, his mouth slurping loudly on her nipple, his poorly-shaven facial hair tickling at her areola. His hands — one begins pinching at her other unattended nipple, the other hand drops down to her burning pussy.

“Tell me your name!” he says, frustration in his voice. He fingers her roughly, the sudden entrance making her squeal in please.

“Vigil! I’m Vigil!” She feels it coming, she arches her hips against his fingers desperate to reach her climax. She feels it at the tip of her tongue—she knows he wants to hear it, and knows it would please him, like a good slut should.
He slows his ministrations, his deep gaze cutting into her eyes. “Your name.”

She feels herself sliding down the peak. Nono—she needed it, longed for it. Faith, she longs to say. She feels the fingers slowly pushing past her folds, teasing her depths, her orgasm a very real possibility. Her lips part, as she resolves to tell her master. “F—"


Who—Jim! her eyes shoot open, what the hell was she doing?

A moment of clarity ensues, and before she lets it slip Vigil shoots her knee up into the doctor's face. He groans, falling back.

“You— bitch!”

Vigil grits her teeth, the sudden emptiness in her depths picking away at her will. She scrambles to her feet, falling over as another wave of pleasure rushes over her. “F-fuck!” she cries, concentrating on keeping her hands away from herself. Get up, get up, get up! she screams at herself, planting her hands on the ground. A sudden tug at her short hair forced her back, and she shouts in pain mixed with frustration as she was dragged back by the doctor.


The doctor unceremoniously dumps Vigil before Jim. Jim looks up at the shivering vigilante, catching her eye briefly before she quickly glances away.

“Come, my slut, you can be honest with me — you like him, don't you?” whispers the doctor in her ear, tilting her chin forcing her to make eye contact with Jim.

“N-no.” she gasps, as the doctor's hands begin encroaching towards her exposed pussy. She shuts her eyes, biting her lip tightly to suppress her moan.

“Stop this madness, Doc.” says Jim to deaf ears.

Ignoring him, the doctor continues to caress the vigilante. “Still resisting? Impressive.” he says, before drawing yet another syringe and waving it before her eyes.

“Don't. Please.” she whispers. Another dose — she couldn't handle another dose. She's shaking her head, pulling away from the syringe as she sees it brought closer.

“No!” she screams as the tip slowly dips into her shoulder. She makes a snap decision — she slams her shoulder upwards against it. Pain — deep, cutting pain — pierces in her left shoulder, forcing its way through the numbing lust in her mind. She gives a strangled cry as the pain momentarily overwhelms her.

Refusing to let her arousal return she focuses on the pain, biting her tongue sharply, feeling the iron-taste of her blood.

“What the fuck are you doing!?” the doctor pulls back, taken aback before she scrambles away from the doctor, gripping onto the wall for support as she pulls herself to her feet. Her thighs quiver with unfulfilled arousal, and her cheeks are flushed red. Pain. Focus on the pain.

“Argh!” the doctor yells in barely concealed exasperation, taking another syringe from his pouch. How many of those things did he have!?

Vigil pants, the strength in her muscles utterly drained, the pain in her shoulder slowly being chipped away by the serum. The arousal from the serum teases at the corners of her mind, making way against her newfound will. She needs to end this quickly, yet as she tries to step away from the wall her legs nearly give way. She wobbles, clutching tightly to her support.

“Look at her. You really believe she's gonna rescue you?” the doctor says to the bound man.

She shakes her head. Her frame was fragile at best, a breeze could force her to the ground.

The doctor launches himself at her, the dreaded injector in his hands, and she just so manages to catch his wrist with her weakened hands. She feels him pressing against her, her muscles straining as she holds him off.

“No!” she screams, shoving his hands off with her last vestiges of strength. She tears the needle out of her, plunging it into the nearest target — his head. She drives her weapon further into his skull, her desperation fueling her strength. She sees his eyes widen to inhuman sizes and deep red blood dripping slowly.

Shocked she scrambles back against the wall, stunned.

Fresh, red blood was splattered all over her, covering her gloves, the floor, and the corpse in front of her.

“Oh god.” she whispered.
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Chapter 6: Incubation

Vigil tested her arm, still feeling sharp pain deep in her muscle from the needle. “No more left hooks for me, I guess.” she said, massaging her bandaged shoulder carefully. She looked around the apartment, noting the numerous computer consoles at the sides. “So. I assume you’ve not been entirely honest about your identity.”

Jim’s eyes shifted and he sighed, sitting on the chair next to the bed. “When you were in the League…did you hear of the Shadow Project?”

“Yep. Canned for being too unethical — the Council didn’t like the idea of a secret cabal handling the League’s dirty work, no matter how appealing.” She frowned. “How did you—wait. It wasn’t canned.”

“Yeah. Geist reactivated it, in secret.”

“Sneaky bitch.” she murmured, smiling at the memory of the Asian woman. “How is she?”

Jim’s face dropped. “She’s dead. Died in the HQ attack.”

Another one dying, just to save my useless ass. Was it worth it? she questioned Angie in her mind. She massaged her temples, feeling the skin underneath—her mask! Her eyes widen, before realising it was already removed a while ago.

“So, you probably know my name by now.” she said, sighing hard.

Jim shook his head. “Just because I’m in a secret organisation doesn’t mean I keep tabs on everyone. This is literally the first time I’m seeing a League member without a mask.”

“Faith Leyes. Nice to meet you.”

“James Conners.”

“So, Jim. How did you end up in his clutches?”

“You remember when you told me specifically to lay low and hide?” he said, grinning.

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Ah. Let me guess, you didn’t. Thus forcing me to come down and save you.”

“Well, I save you, you save me. Fair’s fair. And I can add a bonus onto that.” He looked expectantly at Faith, his eyes gleaming.

She rolled her eyes. “Spit it out. Between my cover job, my actual job, and feeling sorry for myself I don’t have time for suspense.”

He grinned and pulled out a thumbdrive, placing it on the dresser next to Faith. “Recordings of the recent meetings by the Pact. I knew my identity was blown, but I needed to go back there to retrieve these before they deleted them.”

“Thanks.” she said, retrieving the thumbdrive. She gripped it tightly. “I assume you’re going to run.”

“I have to. They know me now, and they’ll be looking for me. They have my face, my name, all on records.” he said. Was that fear in his voice? “The things they do to captives…”

“I understand.” she said. It was safer for him. And the Pact will lose another possible leverage over her, she thought clinically. “Where will you go?”

“I can’t say. The walls always have ears.” he said. “Even in my secret hidey-hole.” he added, smiling. He indicated around him. “You can have this place. It’s certainly better as a base of operations than your apartment.”

“Hey, what are you implying?” she narrowed her eyes in mock anger. “Thanks.” she added.

“I’ll pack my things.” he said, turning to leave. She stopped him, gripping his arm tightly. Her tone shifted.

“Double-A. I need to stop it. How do they make it?”

He stroked his hairless chin. “They talk of some Yyrtin extract, some plant of some sort. You need to go through the tapes.” He sat back down, concerned. “Hey, you alright?”

“I don’t know. When he injected it...everything that mattered seemed to float away — my dignity…my inhibitions...all floating away like bubbles.” She massaged her temples. “Then you get the itching — the need for satisfaction — that rises higher, faster—” she shivered.

“You sure you don’t need some time? Like, not working?”

She looked at him as if he committed a crime. “And let this get worse? Jim, I’m putting a fucking end to it — I must.”

“How far will you go?”

She looked at him. “You’re asking if I will murder someone again.” She shook her head, sighing. She didn’t know the answer. The events played back in her mind, how easy it was to end the Doctor’s life — and with that end the peril she was in. She bit her lip. “No. No, I won’t.”

Not unless I have to, she corrected mentally.


“Ms Quechet. I need information from your thrall.”

His name is David, Mimosa thought to herself, though she knew her boss probably didn’t care about that fact at all. She nodded to David, watching him step forward in the brown mockery of his past costume as the Hound.

“Vague pictures, Master. She is no mutant, yet she possesses quite a bit of tactical acumen.” he looked down, apologetic. “That is all I can remember.”

Mimosa shook her head in disappointment. Sometimes her memory wipes did bring disadvantages. She looked up at the Big Boss. “I will continue my efforts on Lightraye...she’ll have more information.”


The video crackled as Faith skipped ahead. Mindshaper has Angie.


“This is Vigil. We do not know her real name, but her sister is Lightraye.” the Big Boss announced to the room. The picture on the screen of the elusive vigilante cut through the darkness of the room.

“She has still refused to break.” commented Mimosa, trying to excuse her failure. The Big Boss didn’t seem to approve.

The room held an unhealthy tension. The Experimenter was dead — killed by who they thought was a small threat — Vigil.

“Let me deal with her.” said a man Faith didn’t recognise.

“No. I have something far more...entertaining.” The slides on the screen changed to that of a red humanoid creature, sleeping in what appeared to be a chamber of sorts. “Some of you may have believed Yyrtin was a plant. That is false. This is the Incubus. The source of the Yyrtin essence that we use to create double-A.”

He leaned in, closer to Mindshaper and Marcus Tymes. “You two will unleash the beast.”


There we go, done for now. Sorry for just spamming all these out, I had all these drafts and thought it'll be a waste not to edit it a bit and put it up, even though it's not getting much readership I'm just glad to get it out of my system.

I kinda edited the previous parts a lot. Maybe I should do that more BEFORE putting it up.
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Artee, I apologize for overlooking your story for far too long. You've been posting for quite a while and I do try to read through the work of as many of our writer contributors as I can. I haven't read this story yet but I make it my solemn duty to get to it over the next few days and offer my comments and opinions. And hopefully that will inspire others to give you feedback as well. There's no worse feeling than sending out a work of your own and not hearing a peep back. That will be rectified very shortly! Thanks so much for contributing and thanks for not giving up on people here.


You're awesome!
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Well, I've not offered any comments on any stories for 8 years, so I see the POV of the lurkers, too :P

Thanks for your words, they help :D
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Finally finished reading all of what you've posted and I heartily approve. I've always been a fan of aphrodisiac drugs to break down heroines, and this one's very effective. I also like the fact that you don't spoon feed everything to the reader, leaving spaces to fill in and for imagination to take over. Nice job. I hope you continue to write more about Vigil. And I look forward to how she attempts to handle the humanoid unleashed to take her on. Thanks for sharing!
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Thanks for your kind comment! To be honest I've actually already written most of the humanoid part as that was the initial idea for another story I had in mind, then I decided to just integrate it in. Still got a long way to go, but thanks for your feedback!
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Like Dr. D, I like to leave SOME comment, because seldom did *I* get a comment. So I would first like to reflect Dr D's sentiment that you do a great job of writing detail.

What I would like to do is ask some questions....

I saw you unmask her, but you decided NOT to reveal her AROUSED her yet chose to have her RESIST everything but an inanimate baton...I did like the "Brown Suit" for the Hound.... but so far I am waiting to build...where is this going? where is the pay off and for whom. I am not saying your not doing a masterful job of building anticipation, but, for me, it's growing a tad toward frustration (were in the Dungeon and nothing untoward has actually HAPPENED yet) .

I think the story has great potential..and Ihope you will be able to progress it more's been a month :)
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hi, i kind of like the idea of not making it a complete loss at first to kind of build it up and also to cement her as strong, but not to worry I've already gotten most of the next part written and should be posting it probably in a few weeks' time, thanks for the feedback!
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I finally had a chance to catch up on this and just want to say congrats. This is a great story. One of the best I've read on the forum.

Love your writing style. And, above all, I applaud the ambition. I love stories with depth and this has plenty.

In terms of scenes: the two with the serum are sensational. Solid stuff.

To echo what others have said already, it's great how you hold things back. However, I still feel like I don't know Faith/Vigil as a character. I read this in stages, so perhaps something was lost, but it was only at the end (part 6) that I finally started to get a glimpse of her personality.

I'm not talking motivation (the league; her sister that's all awesome). What I mean is, I get that she's a trained fighter, but what about her personality (who she is a person)? Could just be me, but it feels like more development, at least in this regard, is needed. Especially in a deep, well thought out story such as this.

The only other thing that felt off was the quick jump between the chapter where Jim gets intro'd to the one where he gets rescued. It feels rushed (almost forced). Plus, Vigil's plan at the warehouse (I think it was a warehouse) was...underwhelming. She's supposed to be a strategic thinker (at least that's the impression given) in that case, the simplicity of her plan kinda seems out of character.

In a way, Vigil doesn't feel up to the task at hand. Which is what makes this an awesome story. She is definitely going to have to level up to stand a chance against her foes. Ha...I'm so hooked.

Again, great job. Hope you don't mind me sharing a few thoughts? They come from having enjoyed the tale. Here's hoping for more.
Echoes of Destruction -
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Yeah, about Jim I was really bouncing around the idea of having him around until I decided to cut him out because of future characters very late in the writing, that's probably why it's so rushed.

As for her personality, I agree! This is really the first time I'm writing a SHIP story (excluding the previous Vigil story I deleted), and to be honest a character-focused one, so I'm having some trouble balancing all the scenes I want to put in along with proper storytelling and character development.

As for her plans in general, I had an idea of her being more used to being able to rely on other more powerful League heroes and heroines, and now being forced to be alone she's having a little trouble. Of course, I don't think I conveyed that very well and explaining it after writing the story seems to be akin to explaining a joke :L

Thank you for your comments, they really help in giving me a direction on what to expand on further and what to cut back on! :D

EDIT: Actually I wasn't sure about this being in the Dungeon, I'm guessing from the decapitation story I saw earlier that my definition of 'Dungeon' material is far shallower than what's out there — I'm thinking maybe this better fits in the normal story section?
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