RE8 Village

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Mr. X
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I bought this yesterday.
Just casual playing I have already killed the 3rd boss. Not seeing what the huge appeal is. Kind of railroad track-ish. A lot of canned scenes you have no control over. And turning with mouse is horrible even with settings cranked all the way up. I know there's a quick 180 but its still annoying.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
I bought this yesterday.
Just casual playing I have already killed the 3rd boss. Not seeing what the huge appeal is. Kind of railroad track-ish. A lot of canned scenes you have no control over. And turning with mouse is horrible even with settings cranked all the way up. I know there's a quick 180 but its still annoying.
Unfortunately RE games are not typically associated with their banger controls. The series succeeded for like a decade with tank controls before 4 bothered to touch up the control scheme, course it can almost be assumed at this point that even the mouse sensitivity is suffering by being tuned for a gamepad. Consoles... what are you gonna do? *shrugs*.

As for the track... Horror doesn't particularly lend itself to open ended decision based gameplay... it's been tried, but I've yet to play an open ended survival horror game that is actually scary and thus horror games more than any other game genre often define themselves by what they choose to restrict from the players control in order to do what they do. To build suspense and dread you kind of need set pieces... and set pieces just fall flat if the player can trip all over themselves ass backwards and loop around your carefully plotted scares entirely by accident. P.T., the scariest game demo ever made, is literally just walking the same loop of a house over and over and over again while the suspense grows...
A decent example of open ended gameplay spoiling the show is evident as near to Village as RE:7 wherin you can EASILY miss out on what's probably the single greatest moment of Resident Evil history by just not realizing you have an opportunity to climb into a vehicle during one of the boss fights...
All that said, I prefer RE 7 over Village, the first half of it anyway. I think that for what these two experimental chapters in the RE series are, 7 did it better. In fact... I might name RE 7 as the first time an RE game succeeded in being ACTUALLY scary.... and not just 'camp'. RE 8 manages a few decent moments of 'I might pee my pants if something doesn't let up' moments as well but not as many, cause 8 already feels like it's angling back toward the series staple of being more the 'actiony/horror' games like they've been since RE4... which may even be the point of Village... Village's entire aesthetic is basically a huge loving send up to RE4 already... what with the quiet, antiquated village resting beneath an ancient castle fortress in essentially the same cameral filter. When it was announced I was convinced we were returning to the in-universe location of RE4... the fact it's actually supposed to be a DIFFERENT 'antiquated village nestled under a big ass castle' still kind of boggles my mind...
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Mr. X
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Finished it. 15 hours on casual.
People already modding it which is cool. This guy apparently had to add legs cause the original model does not have legs.
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Feel like this game is benefiting from being the first of a big glut scheduled for May and it got a lot of hype and interest from folks who probably would have cheerfully skipped it by the normal run of things. I'm not a fan of Resi Evil games because they're janky, and they're janky on purpose because the developers want to keep the retro controls and, more annoyingly, think that control system jankiness is a legitimate way that a game can be made difficult. Which is just bad.

That being said everybody loves the big lass with the huge tits (I know, huge surprise right?) so I guess we will never hear the end of it.
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I would say RE2 and RE3 remakes offer the best naughty fun. Village still suffers from the run in a circle AI flaw with bosses.
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I feel like if your game has an awesome giant chick vampire in it, don't make her the first boss. You will forever thereafter be hearing about how completely she outshines the other bosses, as happened here.

Although... I guess that's the conflict. What more compelling hook could you have for your game than an awesome giant chick vampire? I guess maybe you should find a way to bring her back for the final act rather than just killing her in the first one. I have ideas for that. Hire me, CAPCOM. [/never gonna happen]

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Some funny character mods

Most of this is not spoiler since its the usual parts shown on Youtube.
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