Thai and other non-English superheroine tv shows

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Eight. But I have seen a trailer for a 93th episode, not sure how to explain this (maybe because it's part of the "Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko" serie ?)
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Yes, it is part of an anthology. There's at least one other superheroine themed story with a different character, this time aimed at younger kids and played for laughs, but their YT channel hasn't caught up to that point in the series yet.

It isn't the only Pinoy anthology type show with a superheroine. There's a Wonder Mum comedy style character who has appeared in at least one episode of another show (have the name somewhere in my notes) and her episode is up on YT, but it is region locked to an impossibly smail number of areas, and I can't find working proxies that can circumvent the lock.

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Here's the pinoy superheroine episodes mentioned above...
  • Daig kayo ng lola ko: Super Kiriray and the Wonder Kids (3 episodes)
  • Istorifik Pidol's Kwentong Fantastik (aka Pidol's Wonderland), ep14: features a super mom type character, in an upmarket Wonder Woman Halloween costume. Episode is available here, but region locked.


If you haven't already, check out Super Ging. There are eight episodes featuring this character. She's gorgeous and she has numerous lengthy fights, mostly against superpowered baddies. Awesome stuff!
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Hmm. With this trend towards full-body suits, I would not be surprised if the next incarnation of Darna will be wearing so body suit as well. The director for the aborted movie did say he was looking into having a "practical" costume this time around.
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Electrica: The Chronicle -- low budget pinoy superheroine YT series, with a Mary Marvel vibe.

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Just wanted to point out that GMA is now posting Atlantika full episodes on youtube (sadly just one every day, the whole serie is, like, one hundred episodes...). I enjoyed watching the little sections posted on youtube in the 00s (in terrible quality, of course, not sure if they are still there ?), even with the outdated FX :)

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I was toying with the idea of creating a wiki (on wikia/fandom) to document rare superheroine videos -- we're talking professional tv and movies here, not fetish videos. A place to share intelligence between collectors about what exists, and in what quality. Also a place for people who know who has what in their private collections, so we can fill in the gaps.

I'm not sure if a wikia is the right place for that, though.

I was chatting with some folks from the Lost Media wiki a few weeks back. One of them informs me that he's pretty certain the 1977 Darna tv show is now wiped -- all that exists is a few publicity photos, and maybe a clip or two. We talked about the possibility that the Krystala show may now no longer exist in its full form (evidence suggests the mag tapes may have degraded to make parts of some episodes unwatchable), and wondered to what extent shows like Darna 2005 or 2009 still exist. Certainly the episodes are out there on the internet, but in low quality, and repackaged into a different episode format to the original broadcast. Do the originals still exist?

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speaking of rare superheroine videos, I've heard that the Philippine-made Supergirl movie made in 1973 actually made its way to local TV a couple of months back (back in December or January if I'm not mistaken). I wish this could be released on video, though I'm not sure if DC will be happy with that.

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brdiy wrote:
3 years ago
speaking of rare superheroine videos, I've heard that the Philippine-made Supergirl movie made in 1973 actually made its way to local TV a couple of months back (back in December or January if I'm not mistaken). I wish this could be released on video, though I'm not sure if DC will be happy with that.
A clip from "Si Elektrika Kasi, Eh!" also showed up a few weeks back.

Plot: the villainess (played by Chanda Romero), has a sidekick who is killing children, as part if a ritual that preserves her youth. The villainess hypnotises and kidnaps the heroine's boyfriend (Orestes Ojeda), but the heroine (Trixia Gomez) has been visited by an angel and given a magic amulet, which she uses to turn into Eletrika to rescue her boyfriend. Eletrika fires light rays out of her hands, and her opponent has a magic mirror thing that deflects them. The end of the film sets up a possible sequel, as the discarded mirror finds a new owner. There's also some stuff with snakes, lots of snakes. :smile:

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But apparently, the full Supergirl movie was shown on TV...
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brdiy wrote:
3 years ago
But apparently, the full Supergirl movie was shown on TV...
Yes. The movie is clearly still out there. We actually knew that the Pinky Montilla Supergirl movie was still in existence because it has shown up in certain collector circles. The real problem is getting this material out into the wider community by making it available on streaming services, or on DVD/BR. I understand that the copyright owners don't want illegitimate copies flying around, but a lot of tv shows have been uploaded, by their copyright owners, onto YouTube in order to get monetisation clicks. Judging by the volume of materials being uploaded, we have to assume the monetisation route is economically viable. The problem is, of course, that the YT uploads have shown just how poorly maintained some of the material is by their owners. So the quicker it is made available, the better.

Btw, while we're on the topic... there's also a few recent superheroine tv series from Thailand/Indonesia on Malimar's streaming service, dating from the last 10 or 20 years. Complete episodes, by the signs of it.

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Talking of streaming services with superheroines... BugabooTV has the first double episode of Nighthawk for unrestricted viewing. Good quality video and audio, unlike some of the bootleg episodes you may find on other sites. Don't bother with the other episodes, you need to buy a subscription to view those. If you want to just check out the fight sequences in the first episode, which are quite polished and feature our heroine taking down machine-gun toting thugs, they are at the 2:00 and 1:17:00 mark.

Nighthawk is a series about a lawyer who can transform into a kick-ass masked vigilante with supernatural superpowers (basically the tone and style of Batman/Batwoman, but with X-Men like powers), who takes down local mob bosses and corrupt government employees. Her boyfriend is a police detective, who is unaware of her dual identity, which is just as well as he isn't a fan of Nighthawk.


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Hong Kong superheroine comedy, Fly With Me, is now up on YouTube thanks to TVB.

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Wrote a blog post about the new Filipino tv superheroine, Captain Barbie.

TL;DR? Captain Barbie is a superheroine who's secret identity is a male police officer called Bruce.

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So basicly a metaphore for trans :D ?
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helstar wrote:
2 years ago
So basicly a metaphore for trans :D ?
It depends how you read it. Keep in mind this show is aimed at the whole family, including young kids, and often dramatises fairytales. The episodes have fun with the dual sex thing, but the love triangle (as far as I can tell without understanding Tagalog) is basically Bruce fancying one of his female police colleagues, and Barbie comically trying to deal with the amorous advances of a male police officer. It's very tame lighthearted stuff. Judging by the tone of the episodes I doubt they are delivering a heavy-hitting pro-transsexuality message, nor do they seem to be poking fun at transsexuality either.

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Yeah I gave it a look some days ago already and it's a big pass from me, regardless... too campy.

Are you following Atlantika on the GMA channel ? They also started to publish Ilumina (not superheroines stuff either, though).

There was another channel publishing other stuff (including Darna 2005) but unfortunately it was closed (most likely for copyright strikes). There were Captain Barbell good quality episodes with some of his superheroines side kicks. Unfortunately only the old LQ episodes remain on youtube now.

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helstar wrote:
2 years ago
Are you following Atlantika on the GMA channel ? They also started to publish Ilumina (not superheroines stuff either, though).
No. I've been looking into the Hong Kong and Chinese 'heroines', some of the older movies and more recent tv shows about masked vigilantes.
There was another channel publishing other stuff (including Darna 2005) but unfortunately it was closed (most likely for copyright strikes). There were Captain Barbell good quality episodes with some of his superheroines side kicks. Unfortunately only the old LQ episodes remain on youtube now.
Didn't see that. Was the Darna 2005 stuff something new, or just the same ol' retreads of the videos already doing the rounds? Talking of which, I did try to get our friend with the warped laser discs to flatten the discs so we might get more Darna 2005 episodes off of them. Don't think he really grasped the concept that it isn't just the weight, it is the hardness of the surface you use a sandwich, so consequently it didn't work.

Darna 2021 went into production a few days ago. No news on its broadcast date.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you probably already noticed this, byt it looks like someone on Facebook likely has a complete copy of "Si Elektrika Kasi, Eh!", given the thumbnail image posted. But, of course, there's fat chance of the video escaping into the wild.

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five_red wrote:
2 years ago
No. I've been looking into the Hong Kong and Chinese 'heroines'
Interesting, which ones ? Anything worth checking ? I am afraid it's the usual mythological stuff (but if actresses are hot and costumes are good ... then ok for me even like that !)

About Darna episodes, yes they were LQ and sometimes corrupted. So the source was the same, probably ! CB was instead really good !

I gave up with "that guy" long time ago lol - sometimes i talk to him and he does not even acknowledge what I write and changes subject, like he does not even read and/or understand it, so I can really relate...

Darna 2021, who's the lead actress ? Hopefully the costume stays the same and not something ''modern'' and anti-sexy.
Oh yeah, you probably already noticed this, byt it looks like someone on Facebook likely has a complete copy of "Si Elektrika Kasi, Eh!", given the thumbnail image posted. But, of course, there's fat chance of the video escaping into the wild.
No, where ? Do you think he obtained a copy from that guy who posted a snippet on youtube ? Or found another source ? Or ... it's the same person ? :D
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helstar wrote:
2 years ago
Interesting, which ones ? Anything worth checking ? I am afraid it's the usual mythological stuff (but if actresses are hot and costumes are good ... then ok for me even like that !)
There's a few masked female characters that date back to 1960s cinema in markets like India and Hong Kong that are popular enough to have had multiple reinventions down the years. They don't have powers however, but are more like masked crooks who sometimes work with the police, or comedy shows with little or no real action, or Zorro-like vigilantes. They have secret identities, but I didn't post them here as they probably don't qualify as superheroes.
Darna 2021, who's the lead actress ? Hopefully the costume stays the same and not something ''modern'' and anti-sexy.
Jane De Leon. Narda is meant to be a modern Millennial (so no hobbling around on a crutch wearing dowdy dresses like Marine Rivera) but the Darna costume is said to be inspired by the original movie costumes -- one piece swimsuit rather than a bikini.
No, where ? Do you think he obtained a copy from that guy who posted a snippet on youtube ? Or found another source ? Or ... it's the same person ? :D
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The guy who posted it appears to have a lot of Filipino superheroine material, but he's also blatantly lifted images and content from other parts of the web. He's taken stuff off my blog on a couple of occasions -- I don't mind him taking the images (because they aren't really mine anyway), but he also lifted the text verbatim, and posted it under his own name. So who knows if he owns the video, or just found the thumbnail image somewhere. He never responds to messages, so various requests in the comments section were ignored.

EDIT: the name of the FB account isn't the same as the YT account that posted the snippet, but that doesn't guarantee it isn't the same person.

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^if you got this from the "Mars Ravelo's Darna..." FB page, I think he's the real deal and seems to be a collector of superheroine stuff. Looks like a good copy of the video too (relatively speaking). Not sure if he's willing to reproduce or post the complete material anywhere.
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brdiy wrote:
2 years ago
^if you got this from the "Mars Ravelo's Darna..." FB page, I think he's the real deal and seems to be a collector of superheroine stuff. Looks like a good copy of the video too (relatively speaking). Not sure if he's willing to reproduce or post the complete material anywhere.

Yep, that's the source. He's a collector alright, based out in LA by the looks of it, but I think largely of Darna rather than heroines in general. He seems to be friendly with the guy who uploaded the clip onto YT (or perhaps they are the same person using two online identities?), so if he has a copy of the film, that is perhaps where it came from.

It's a rare movie, and interesting simply because of its rarity, but probably not that good. I'd rather have Wander Woman Si Ako!, or Super Klenk, both of which have zero footage available anywhere and only a few low quality photos to prove their existence. Alternatively Sri Asih (1954), which also has no footage available, and may be completely lost forever. Sri Asih is historically interesting because it is one of the first ever movies with a female superheroine lead, actually adapted from a comicbook character. (Red Heroine, in 1929, might have been adapted from a newspaper strip, but I can't find solid info.)

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Hi, do you know the name of this show?
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ricky1989 wrote:
2 years ago
Hi, do you know the name of this show?

Thai name: ลูกผู้ชายพันธุ์ดี

Part of a series of superhero shows that form a single universe, like the CW's Arrowverse. Episodes are available on streaming services aimed at lovers of Thai television living overseas, and a few episodes appear to be up on DailyMotion. If you own a Roku you may even be able to watch them via the free trial month on the Mailiar streaming platform (along side a lot of other superhero/superheroine shows.)

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Low quality 11 minute clip of Pinky Montilla Supergirl movie, from 1973.

(Before anyone complains: a couple of years back I had a short IM conversation with this guy trying to convince him to get a cheap digitizer, or use Handbrake, so he could get his collection into a modern digital format. Didn't go anywhere. So there's no point in contacting him -- a cell phone pointed at a tv is probably the best he can do.)

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As this is about other non-English Superheroines T.V. shows, I know there are Japanese, Korean and Russian forms of Supergirl.

Are there for example,
German, French, Norwegian, Swedish , etc versions of T.V. Supergirls.
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dragontigerandhorse1985 wrote:
2 years ago
As this is about other non-English Superheroines T.V. shows, I know there are Japanese, Korean and Russian forms of Supergirl.

Are there for example,
German, French, Norwegian, Swedish , etc versions of T.V. Supergirls.
In terms of European tv/movie superheroines in general (not just Supergirl clones), there's a handful but not a lot.

Cat Claw, the Yugoslavian adult comic, had a short tv episode made as part of a documentary about her creator. It's on YouTube, or was, but and is more of a low budget moody showcase of the character rather than a proper story.

Then we have a few shows aimed at a family audience ...

Fantômette, in France, has had at least one live action series, and a cartoon series. An everyday teenage girl who fights crime in a masked identity. Also in France we have, Ladybug and Cat Noir, an ongoing 3D animated series produced by Disney. Mega Mindy is huge in Belgium, the Netherlands, and other Dutch/Flemish regions. She had a long running tv show, four movies, a stage show, theme park rides, etc. etc. A few weeks ago Free Souffriau, who had played the role since 2006, stepped down and was replaced by Lotte Stevens in the stage version. No further tv or movies have been announced, but the casting of a younger actor would make it easier to reboot the show. And also in Holland, Superjuffie is a kids movie about a school teacher who becomes an animal-loving superheroine.

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five_red wrote:
2 years ago

Low quality 11 minute clip of Pinky Montilla Supergirl movie, from 1973.

(Before anyone complains: a couple of years back I had a short IM conversation with this guy trying to convince him to get a cheap digitizer, or use Handbrake, so he could get his collection into a modern digital format. Didn't go anywhere. So there's no point in contacting him -- a cell phone pointed at a tv is probably the best he can do.)


I think the owner is more protective of his collection than anything else which is why he's not really keen on sharing what he has using the best quality possible.
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brdiy wrote:
2 years ago
I think the owner is more protective of his collection than anything else which is why he's not really keen on sharing what he has using the best quality possible.
Whether he wants to share his collection is entirely up to him. When I contacted him, it wasn't about sharing his stuff online or with anyone else (which he was obviously reluctant to do -- but that's entirely his prerogative.) The problem is that it seems quite common in places like The Philippines and Indonesia for collectors to still be storing a lot of stuff on VHS cassette. Those tapes don't have a great lifespan, and although (as an analogue medium) the tapes may continue to play in some form for decades, the magnetic signal on them gets weaker year on year, and the picture quality (which is already lousy on VHS) gets worse. And btw, media like DVD-RWs also have a limited lifespan (assume 20 years before the dye used to record the data starts to bleed, although some brands may last longer.) So the best policy is to get this stuff into a format that can be copied without quality loss at the earliest possible opportunity.

The stuff he (said individual) has in his collection is rare, but not unique. The copyright owners have copies of Pinky Montilla's Supergirl -- these are not movies that are assumed to be deleted or lost to time, unlike (for example) the first 'modern' superheroine movie, Sri Asih. (Although copyright holders have a nasty habit of neglecting their materials, which is how Sri Asih ended up missing.) What I don't understand is why anyone would go to such lengths to build up a collection, and be so rightly proud of their collection, then store it in a format that degrades when there are cheap and easy ways of creating copies that don't degrade.

Addressing the point of allowing other fans to see these videos: just be patient. Movies like 1973's Supergirl, and 1977's Electrika Kasi Eh! are clearly doing the rounds among collectors, so they're likely to show up at some point on some video site -- hopefully a decent copy rather than someone pointing their phone at a VHS copy :laugh:. It is possible the copyright holders themselves may choose to put them online, for the click revenue, which would be the preferred option. What would be more surprising is if something truly rare showed up... like an episode (or just a clip) of Super Klenk. Seriously, despite the fact that the show itself is highly likely to be total garbage, just to see a fragment online would be enough to make me fall off my chair with surprise. :laugh: :laugh:

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Another probably lost Superheroine video from the Philippines that I'd like to see more than Super Klenk is Zarda from the late 80s. A promo still was posted by the same guy who posted the Supergirl 1973 vid above, but I'm not really hopeful that any video copy ever survived.

Zarda was sort of a Darna clone and battled mostly supernatural beings taken from Philippine mythology, though once featured a mystical ninja once as I recall.
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Tried to look for "Wonder G" on YouTube, but to no avail. Any idea about where to find some episodes online? Thanks!
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nouserid wrote:
2 years ago
Tried to look for "Wonder G" on YouTube, but to no avail. Any idea about where to find some episodes online? Thanks!
All episodes are available to watch, legitimately, for a small fee ($12 USD?) or free if you have certain hardware. I won't clog up the thread with details. Check your PMs.

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Five red wrote:
All episodes are available to watch, legitimately, for a small fee ($12 USD?) or free if you have certain hardware. I won't clog up the thread with details. Check your PMs.

For the age impaired like me. What are "PMs"?
Please do 'clog up the thread" That's why people read it.
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GWalb wrote:
2 years ago
For the age impaired like me. What are "PMs"?
Please do 'clog up the thread" That's why people read it.
Private messages. See the link at the top of each forum page, directly below the search box.

You should have a PM from me waiting for you.

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five_red wrote:
2 years ago
dragontigerandhorse1985 wrote:
2 years ago
As this is about other non-English Superheroines T.V. shows, I know there are Japanese, Korean and Russian forms of Supergirl.

Are there for example,
German, French, Norwegian, Swedish , etc versions of T.V. Supergirls.
In terms of European tv/movie superheroines in general (not just Supergirl clones), there's a handful but not a lot.

Cat Claw, the Yugoslavian adult comic, had a short tv episode made as part of a documentary about her creator. It's on YouTube, or was, but and is more of a low budget moody showcase of the character rather than a proper story

Hey R5- I am a big fan of Cat Claw, and I have all the US-printed issues of the comic. Very sexy black-and-white superheroine.
Do you happen to have a link to the Cat Claw documentary on Youtube? I can't find it.
Mr. X wrote:
2 years ago
Live action Cibersix
For those who didn't see the thread on Cybersix I made from 5 years ago (I know that Mr. X did), here it is. I wrote up pretty much everything you need to know about Cybersix: the comics, the live-action shows, and synopses of every episode of the animated show, which only ran one season. In my opinion, it is the best superheroine cartoon show of all time (and it was influential on a couple characters I created for Heroineburgh). Deep in my heart, I feel love so alive!

Here's the thread!


And speaking of "cyber" heroines, dragontigerandhorse, here is another one. From Australia circa 2000-2001, meet Cybergirl!
(Cybersix, Cybergirl, and a bit of Tron, as well as a unique Jakita Wagner costume, were the inspiration for my character 'Cybrina'.)

Here is Episode 1:

You can watch all 26 episodes in order on the Jonathan M. Shiff Productions Youtube channel at the link below.
She is super cute!
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shevek wrote:
2 years ago

Hey R5- I am a big fan of Cat Claw, and I have all the US-printed issues of the comic. Very sexy black-and-white superheroine.
Do you happen to have a link to the Cat Claw documentary on Youtube? I can't find it.

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five_red wrote:
2 years ago
shevek wrote:
2 years ago

Hey R5- I am a big fan of Cat Claw, and I have all the US-printed issues of the comic. Very sexy black-and-white superheroine.
Do you happen to have a link to the Cat Claw documentary on Youtube? I can't find it.

Thanks so much, R5! For anyone else planning to click on the link, please note that you don't get to see Cat Claw's costume at all in the short movie, except for her gorgeous posterior :) Maybe the actress was too shy to show herself. But you get the great "campy noir" (the footage is rather dark, and the red wig is a bit goofy) style that was prevalent in the 90s/early 00s, similar to Forever Knight or Black Scorpion. However, it's just fantastic to see that something like that even exists - Cat Claw is definitely one of the sexiest superheroine comics, and it was amazing that it came straight out of socialist Yugoslavia (just like the amazing bands Laibach and Borghesia, around that same time!).

As for Cybergirl, I just realized that the title of the thread includes "non-English". But they speak "Strine". So technically, I think I'm OK. :) And now it gives you a chance to watch 26 episodes of a cute heroine you'd never heard of before!

Actress Ania Stepien gives off much the same vibe as Brec Bassinger (Stargirl) - innocent yet self-assured - and it's a shame that she really never did much of anything else. She randomly appeared in a Polish medical drama ten years later, but not even as a major character, and that's it.
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Another one-shot superheroine from the Philippines.

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five_red wrote:
2 years ago

Another one-shot superheroine from the Philippines.

The women are cute, but the could learn about costuming and production values from Japanese porn…
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Yeah saw that, total Darna rip-off :)

VFX could have been better, but I guess this is 20 years old, and that's what you would get at the time.
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Slightly off topic, but while researching the show Wonder G for a YouTube video I may or may not make, I came across some interesting news.

อาเมเรีย จาคอป (aka Amelia 'Amy' Jacobs / Jacobson) the Dutch/Thai actress who starred in the show back in 2010 has been in quite a few adventures. In 2018 she was arrested in a drugs raid alongside her boyfriend. He got 25 years for dealing crystal meth, she got 3 months for possession, suspended for 2 years because she cooperated. She left court saying she's sorry and she'll never touch drugs again, then went off to spend some time in a religious retreat with nuns and shaves her head.

In 2020 an advocacy group that has been upset at her low sentence discovered there might have been fraud in the paperwork filed by her lawyers and the police to secure a light punishment. So the whole thing went back to the court, where the appeal is successful and the sentence was upped to 100 years, but reduced to 33 because she had originally cooperated. But Amy isn't in court to hear the verdict, as she had fled Thailand. Her current location is unknown (possibly Dubai) but she has since married and had a baby (according to her social media.)

So, Wonder G is on the run... Police believe her to be in her early thirties with bright pink hair and costume. So far she has avoided commercial air travel by using her own private means of flying. If spotted, do not approach. She's known to be able to blast pink laser bolts and heat vision. Also be on the look out for a mousy brunette with glasses who is believed to be travelling with Wonder G, relationship as yet unknown.

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Some action sequences from various Thai superheroine tv shows,

Anonymous Fighter from Angel Sword

Night Hawk

Wonder G

Lightning Bolt from Typhoon & Lightning Bolt

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Keen for the 2022 incarnation of Darna...

No costume reveal yet (seems its being teased online) but hopefully it looks good and isn't too modernized and basic.

The actress is beautiful (thumbnail doesn't do her justice) and the production value seems pretty high.

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wow thanks for that. Angel Locsin was always my fave Darna but was wondering if there was going to be a new show!
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Kiss of Justice

Hidden Tiger Claw

Red Terminator from Battle of Angels

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five_red wrote:
1 year ago

Kiss of Justice

Hidden Tiger Claw

Red Terminator from Battle of Angels

Are some episodes of this shows on YouTube?
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ricky1989 wrote:
1 year ago
Are some episodes of this shows on YouTube?
Kiss of Justice is known as จุมพิตพยัคฆ์สาว. There are a few episodes on Dailymotion under the name Chumphit.

Hidden Tiger Claw is known as រឿង ខ្លាញីលាក់ក្រចក. There's some episodes on YT but they aren't in a very watchable state.

Red Terminator is known as ดูละครธิดาพญายม. There are are few short clips on YT.

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