Diana Prince: Identity Crisis

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 10
Joined: 10 years ago

Wow! Seven years and then two stories in a week.

Both Stories are similar as they grew from a similar idea as usual my focus is on Diana Prince and just progressed in slightly different ways. I hope you find something to enjoy.......

Diana Prince: Identity Crisis

No Appointment Required.

“What is it, Gretchen?”

“There is a Miss Prince to see you, she has not made an appointment.”

“That won’t be a problem, Gretchen. Please send her in. Hold all of my calls and please ensure that there are no interruptions.”

“Absolutely Sir.”


“So Miss Prince, how can I help you?”

“I need to speak with you.”


“It’s about, it’s about. Um…….uh.”

“If you don’t mind me saying so Miss Prince you don’t seem to be clear on why you are here.”

“I’m so sorry Mr… Mr. Um.”

“Neither do you seem to know who I am. Could I make a suggestion?”

“Yes, of course, a suggestion, What sort of a suggestion?”

“Nothing complicated my dear, I just want to say that this is a time for honest reflection.”

He rested his elbows on the desk and steepled his hands as he watched her relax completely. Her shoulders sagged, her head dipped forwards and her face became an empty emotionless mask. He nodded his head in satisfaction as he stood and walked around the desk. He rested his hand on her shoulder and patted it gently.

“Let’s sit somewhere more comfortable. I imagine that you have some issues to discuss with me. Let’s go over to the couch. You’ll be much more comfortable lying there I think.”

He led her over to the soft comfortable couch and helped her to stretch out. He reached down and removed her shoes before loosening the buttons at the top of her blouse. He stepped back and sat in the recliner facing her and reached out for the media controls. He selected the relevant track and set it to play in the background. He adjusted the lighting to allow a myriad of soft muted colors to play gently across her half-open eyes. He waited for a few minutes until he was sure that the sound and light show was at its most effective before beginning his routine.
He was well practiced and he had more than enough influence to guide Diana towards a sleep where his words would have the desired effect on her open and highly susceptible subconscious mind. As always he took his time, few had the patience required to accomplish what he had already and certainly not what he would certainly accomplish in the future. When he was sure she was ready he began to question her carefully.

“Diana my dear, why have you come to see me?”

“I needed to tell you my concerns.”

“Of course Diana my dear. Telling me will help them fade away. I am always ready to listen.Tell me.”

“I believe my mind is no longer my own.”

“That does sound serious. Why would you think such a thing?”

“There are gaps in my memory, things I have forgotten. There are times that I do things without understanding why.”

“We must take this step by step. Tell me about the gaps in your memory.”

“There are times that I have no knowledge of where I have been or what I have been doing. I find myself in places I have no memory of going to. It is worrying.”

“I can see why. When exactly did this start?”

“After my first visit here to investigate the missing women.”

“I see. What about your memory, you say you have forgotten things. What exactly have you forgotten?”

“I don’t really know. But there are things I believe I know that I cannot dredge from my memory. It’s like someone has reached into my head and taken them from me.”

“That must be distressing. When exactly did this start?”

“After my first visit here to investigate the missing women.”

“Does that mean that all of your concerns started at the same time?”

“Yes I think it does.”

“Are you of a mind that I am responsible for what ails you Diana.”

“I think I should be suspicious of you. But…”

“But what Diana?”

“I trust you. I trust you completely.”

“Do you trust me enough to let me help you?”

“Yes… yes I do.”

“Even though you think you should be suspicious of me?”

“Yes, yes of course.”

“That’s good, then I have a solution to your problem. Will you let me help you?”

“I will.”

“You see Diana, it is all so very simple. You have said yourself that you trust me completely and that must mean that any doubts you have concerning me, my motives or any involvement you believe me to have are simply not possible in any way shape or form. Let me put it this way. How could a woman as intelligent, strong willed and as virtuous as yourself be foolish enough to put her trust in anyone that was anything but someone of honor, honesty and an obvious paragon of virtue. Could you be Diana? Are you such a woman?”

“No. .No, I am not that Woman at all.”

“Then any doubts you have can never be anything more than a barrier to you becoming the best version of yourself. Tell me that you want to be the best that you can be.”

“I want to be the best I can be.”

“Then you just need to ignore any such thoughts, you need to ignore them and push them from your mind without giving any one of them a single thought. Soon those thoughts will fade away never to return and you will be better for it. Doesn’t that sound like the advice given by someone you trust completely?”

“Yes it does.”

“Then let it be so. It is time for you to stand and prepare to leave Diana.The time for honest reflection has passed. Please confirm your next appointment with Gretchen on the way out. Friday, 7.00pm will be perfectly acceptable. I’ll be introducing you to an old friend so wear something suitable for a dinner engagement.”

“I will do as you ask.”

He watched Diana walk towards the door, her gaze still vacant and her body still relaxed. He opened the intercom and updated Gretchen. He knew that Diana would slowly rouse from her induced hypnotic stupor just as he knew that by the time full awareness returned her memory of the visit would have vanished and that she would be feeling happy and relaxed, ready to carry on with whatever plans she had until her next visit. He reached for his cell, it was time to update his client and have him clear his calendar for his upcoming dinner date.

“Hello Councilman.”


“Just ringing with an update.”

“Good news I trust?”

“I believe we have crossed another bridge.”

“Don’t keep me in suspense. I would prefer you to be much more direct.”

“Of course. I had an unscheduled visit just now. But it will work towards our long term goal. Ifirmly believe that any trust issues have been resolved and that the next chapter is about to start. Can you be free on Friday for a visit?”

“I can make that happen. I trust it will be worth it?”

“Small Steps, Councilman but I think a one on one meeting over dinner will move things on quite a bit. Obviously the two of you have met on several occasions so the introductions will prove no obstacle. I suggest reservations somewhere intimate where privacy can be maintained.”

“That will not be a problem. Will you be joining us?”

“No. My office will be perfectly suitable to facilitate a suitable outcome. I will see you at 7:30”

“Very well, although I don’t imagine we will reach any meaningful agreement?”

“No, but no progress will be made and we will begin to approach the time to introduce the other party.”

“About time!”

“As I keep saying, Councilman, moving slowly is the best way to avoid mistakes and to ensure our ultimate success.”

“With the amount I am paying you I damn well hope so!”

“Of course, Councilman.”

“Don’t let me down Grayson.”

Grayson disconnected the call with a shrug. He was confident he could deliver but could have done without the veiled threats. He wondered how Diana’s day was going. No doubt exactly as her conditioning indicated. He was, after all, a professional.

Countdown to Dinner.

“Good job Diana! The cops didn’t trip over their own feet for once.”

“It was hardly down to me Steve and they did have Wonder Woman's help.”

“Yes but it was your intel that resulted in the release of over a hundred women across three cities.”

“That to be fair was down to my new source.”

“The Grayson guy. I guess the Councilman came through when he put us in touch with him. To be honest I wasn’t sure about using outside help. But it certainly looks like your instincts were right. Well done again Diana.”

“To be honest Steve I had my doubts initially as well but we’ve met up quite a few times now and I really believe we can trust him completely and I do not say that lightly. I’m still not sure of The Councilman's angle though.”

“Hey, he is supposed to be on our side, you know.”

“I hear you Steve. I don’t suppose any of the girls on our list turned up during the raids?”
“Not a single one. Damn frustrating. Guess you'll have to touch base with Grayson again. See if he can come up with any more suggestions.”

“I intend to Steve. He’s a little busy right now but we have a meeting on Friday evening.”

“Good. Do you have any leads of your own to follow up on?”

“One or two Steve. Nothing concrete but at this stage of the investigation.”

“Yeah, well do what you can. I don’t like putting all of my eggs in one basket.”

“I’m on it Steve. I’ll update you when I have something.”

Diana left the office wearing a puzzled frown. She didn’t have a single lead so why had she told Steve otherwise. Steve was right she shouldn’t be leaving everything to Grayson. But even as the thought crossed her mind she heard his voice inside her head. She was right to trust him and she did, she trusted him completely and as quickly as it had arrived the frown faded away to be replaced with a contented smile. She would leave everything to him, he always did the right thing. Besides, she had to buy a new dress to wear on Friday evening, just in case. In case of what she had not a single clue but her friend Mr Grayson would totally understand her need to look good.

Diana found the perfect dress, added some suitable accessories and then deposited them at her apartment before donning her Wonder Woman garb to patrol the city. It was a quiet night with no more than a pair of low-life muggers, a high end car thief and a man beating on his girlfriend that would not forget the day he ran into the Amazon powerhouse. The Police took them all off her hands with a smile and a bunch of lascivious looks and sparse thanks. It was all grist to the mill for Wonder Woman. She knew that until she could get together with Mr Grayson all she was doing was treading water as her investigation went nowhere.

Meanwhile as the time to their next meeting passed the man Diana was eager to meet again became satisfied that his current project was proceeding towards it’s inevitable conclusion, But Grayson, ever a careful and diligent planner spent the time going carefully through the video recordings of his meetings with Diana Prince. Apart from anything else clever men often like to remind themselves of just how clever they have been. It also allowed him to search for any deficiencies in his process. A Process he had used before, just not against a subject that could do him some serious physical Harm. He relaxed in his comfortable chair and played through the initial session.

Grayson watched himself shake her hand and gesture to a seat whilst he listened to the inane pleasantries that any initial interaction seemed to require. He watched as they both took seats and listened to her thank him for finding the time to help her with her current assignment, obviously he was aware in advance of everything she said, the Councilman had briefed him fully and had made use of the appropriate contacts to send her to him. The most important thing initially was that both at the time and after several subsequent viewings there was absolutely no indication that she suspected any subterfuge on his part at all. He watched her expression carefully as the chair she was sitting in began to relax her with an imperceptible self modulating sonic phase disruption wave that washed away even the slightest tension from her muscles leaving her completely relaxed. Without knowing the signs any observer would see no change at all in her demeanor. But Grayson knew what to look for and nodded as he mentally ticked the indicators one by one. It was not a quick process but it was effective and a long winded explanation of who he was and what he could bring to her investigation was enough to bring her to the point he could employ the second stage.

She hadn’t even noticed the subtle change in the lighting or the carefully hidden lights positioned behind his chair that pulsed a continuously changing pattern that was designed to relax her mind just as the chair had relaxed her muscles. It didn’t take long for her facial muscles to slacken. It took a little longer for her mouth to open a little slightly longer again for her eyes to lose focus and stare into nothingness. He never tired of zooming in to a close-up to see what a woman that was totally prepared for him to fuck with her mind looked like. He waited until he judged it to be the optimal moment before tapping the button on his keyboard to start stage three.

Stage three gave him no pause to amend his conclusions. Everything had gone exactly according to plan. It was the simple implantation of a few suggestions. Suggestions he referred to as placeholders, left there for him to build on in future sessions, simple in structure but definite enough to grow a little organically before her next visit. Trust in him, Belief in any information he gave her, a need to visit him for regular updates and need to return immediately should she find herself with any worries or suspicions concerning the missing girls that might be related to him. Finally it involved the planting of a hypnotic trigger that would put her into a receptive state instantly and easily. Grayson finished watching the session and nodded his satisfaction as always he had left nothing to chance.

He would make sure to watch the other sessions before Diana’s meeting with the Councilman. He had not yet ascertained the nature of the Councilman’s interest in Diana Prince. He did not believe it was a simple seduction, he was being paid too much for that. He would of course get to the bottom of it, he always did.

Dinner is served

Diana made it to his office precisely at seven and within a moment or two she was sitting in a chair, blank eyed and open to further suggestions.

Diana, the friend I mentioned previously will be here soon. I want you to listen carefully to what he tells you and accept that as he is my friend you can trust him as you would me. Can you do that Diana?”

“Yes, I can do that.”

“Thank you Diana. You already know my friend and he was responsible for arranging for us to meet. You will be grateful to him for this. During dinner you will be happy to allow him to choose the food you eat and what you have to drink. It will not matter to you whether you like it or not. Everything he does and everything he says will always be in your best interests. Do you understand Diana?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Thank you Diana, you are a good friend.”

“Should he offer you a lift home you will accept. Should any actions or suggestions of a romantic or sexual nature take place youwill politely decline at which point you will say goodnight and go inside. Nothing of such an untoward nature should take place on a first meeting. However whatever he should do you should not think badly of him. He will in time become a good friend and perhaps more. But not yet. Is that perfectly clear Diana?”

“Yes, perfectly clear.”

A few minutes later the Councilman arrived and after a few pleasantries a slowly waking Diana was whisked off to dinner. The councilman had seemed eager to be off. But at least if he tried anything on with her she would not be holding even the slightest grudge. Letting the Councilman screw his careful preparation over because he was thinking with his cock had been a definite possibility. But as always he had been on top of the problem.

The trip to the restaurant had taken less time than it had taken for them to be seated at the secluded booth towards the rear corner of the room away from casual viewers and obscured by well maintained foliage. Councilman Jack Ross didn’t expect to need this much privacy but Grayson was anal about that sort of thing. He smiled across at Diana

“So, shall we order?”

Diana looked across at him, waiting for him to continue.

“Why don’t I order for you?”

“Thank you, that would be nice.”

Jack ordered for them both, he ordered the same for both of them along with a couple of bottles of a decent vintage, Diana took each course as it came and made no complaints over the things he had chosen. If he filled her wine glass she emptied it. If he offered more from the various side orders she took them with a thank you and in the end emptied every plate. He was starting to wonder where she was putting it.

Eventually with an expensive brandy each he reached the point where the evening had always been headed.

“So, Diana. I guess you are wondering what all this is about.”

She looked at him, once again waiting for him to continue. Mr Grayson hadn’t said much about conversation.

“Right. Thing is Diana, I’d like to offer you a job, working for me. Working as one of my key advisors. I think you’d bring a lot to the table. Your government experience would prove invaluable and your contacts in the intelligence community would be valuable assets in my upcoming run for the Senate. So what do you think?”

“I think that it is a genuinely sincere offer. I know that I can trust you and that you only have my best interests at heart.”


“I will have to give it some thought. I have a job I love but I am not saying no.”

Jack's smile widened. Grayson had assured him that all he needed to do was plant the idea and leave the rest to him. So tonight's business was done. Now it was time to bring on the pleasure.

“So Diana, would you like a lift home?”

“Thank you, that would be nice.”

Thirty minutes later Jack limo pulled away from the curb outside Diana’s apartment. He watched as walked inside and cursed Grayson for making sure he wouldn’t get anywhere with Diana Prince. It turned out that natural charm was totally trumped by her hypnotic conditioning. She had been very nice about it,she had told him she understood that he couldn’t help himself. He was a man after all and she didn’t bear him any ill will. Squeezing her bottom and feeling her breasts was understandable in the circumstances but their new friendship should be based on trust and she did not wish it sullied in any way by any male urges and she was sure her trust in him would be in no way diminished. He wanted to grab Grayson by the neck and squeeze some of the smugness out of him. He looked up at his driver.

“Bob, make for Club Fifi.”

“Right away sir.”
Moving Things along

“Perhap you could tell me, Diana, how your evening with the Councilman ended.”

“Yes, I Will. The councilman propositioned me. I believe he may have assumed that I was interested in him romantically.”

“How was the issue resolved?”

“It was normal behavior for a man, but as you had led me to understand that he was both your friend and could be trusted that I should move on and give it no further thought.”

“That Seems a very reasonable and appropriate response Diana, you did very well I am pleased.”

“Thank you, I am glad I pleased you.”

“Now, about the job offer. Did you accept?”

“I did not. It is a big decision and one I would not make lightly and most certainly not without seeking your suggestions first.”

“Do you trust me enough to help you come to such a decision?”

“I trust you completely. I would always seek your opinion before making any important decision.”

“Very good Diana, you are absolutely correct, that would always be the right thing to do and I will expect you to continue to do so.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“The Councilman is your friend Diana, you can trust him. He would make a great employer
And he would look after your interests and would give you good advice. Do you understand?”

“I do.”

“However Diana it would be wrong for you to take any advice from him that might impact on our relationship. Nothing that would cause me harm or trouble.”

“Of course not. I should always take your advice above any other.”

“Indeed you should, in factI think that it is time for you to come to the conclusion that loyalty to me, my needs and goals should always be paramount.”

“Yes, of course, loyalty to you should be paramount.”

“I believe that you should accept the job with the Councilman. It will allow you further may needs whilst still being able to be a good and loyal employee to the Councilman. Have you made a decision?”

“Yes, I will accept the position. It will be perfect for me. I will be a great asset to the Councilman and to you.”

“Excellent decision Diana, what will you tell Steve Trevor?”

“I don’t know, it will be hard.”

“Would you like some advice?”

“Yes please.”

“Then it would be to keep it simple. It is a much better salary, much better benefits and most importantly it will be much safer for you given all the criminals you encounter in your current role.”

“I understand.”

“You see Diana when it comes right down to it you are after all just a woman.”

“But!, but I'm not just a woman….. I’m….”

“Just a woman with all the frailty and vulnerability inherent in your species.”


“No but’s Diana, you trust me completely don’t you?”


“Then deep down, you know that I am right.


“Then what are you?”
“Just a woman, frail and vulnerable.”

“Thank you Diana. I want you to keep that thought at the forefront of your subconscious and I want you to replay it constantly until our next meeting. Can you do that simplest of tasks?”

“Yes I can.”

Grayson woke Diana up from her Trance and let her make an appointment with Gretche before she left. He would revisit this recording until he worked out where the sudden hint of resistance had appeared from. It was something to do with the just a woman thread. By this time such a simple piece of guided suggestion should have been grist for the mill,but Diana’s subconscious had strongly objected. The thought he had planted and suggested sheplaceon a constant mental loop every time that she slept would probably end it quickly, but it was something he needed to explore.

Now Diana had decided to accept the job he anticipated that the Councilman would expect him to deliver Diana to his bed at the earliest possible moment. Grayson had a couple of problems with that. He didn’t want to move too fast, a job was one thing becoming lovers was quite another, he could do it but it would take more time. Then there was the issue of the Councilman's game, he refused to believe it was just about sex. Finally there was his growing interest in keeping her for himself. There was something strangely compelling about her, something he just couldn’t put his finger on. He would get all of his ducks in line before he made any firm decision. He was after all a professional, although his growing interest in Diana Prince was most certainly not.

Job Satisfaction

“I Just Don't see it Diana. This is where you belong. We make a great team. Leaving to work for a wannabe Senator, as what? A research assistant?”

“An advisor Steve. He Would value my experience in intelligence.”

“Glorified assistant!”

“Steve. This new role will be a great fit for me. It will allow me to develop, it will expand on my current skills and add new ones. BesidesI am beyond bored with the danger I always seem to be in. I need something a little bit safer.”

“Diana, you are beyond brave. You are awesome.”

“Thank you for the vote of confidence Steve. But I’m afraid I Just Don't feel like I can carry on. I’m not invulnerable. When allis said and done I am just a woman.”

“Well Diana, that is certainly something I never expected to hear you say. It doesn’t seem like you at all.”

“I’m sorrySteve but be that as it may my decision is made.”

“What about the rest of the missing women?”

“Dr Grayson assures me that should any more information come to light he will pass it to you directly. He has been trustworthy so far and I have no doubt that he will continue to be so. I find him to be a fine man and a good friend.”

“You know I value your opinion Diana. You’ve certainly had enough contact with him over the last few months to get a good read. But friends? Really?”

“Yes Steve, friends. He even gave me advice about the new job.”

“He did? What advice exactly?”

“That it was my choice and I should think long and hard about what was right for me and that was exactly what I did.”

“So I guess that’s it.”

“Yes Steve, I am moving on to a new chapter in my life.”

“I’ll have your security clearance removed before you leave the building. Leave your pass on the desk and call a guard to escort you out as soon as you are ready. Being that you never seem to have much in the way of personal items, five minutes should be enough. Actually I ‘ll have a guard waiting for you outside. Goodbye Miss Prince.”

“Goodbye Steve.”

Diana turned and walked out of Steve’s office. It was a shame he took it so badly. If she was honest with herself her shoulders felt lighter. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted from her mind. She felt at peace and everything in her world was at peace. It was time to give the good news to Dr Grayson and let her new boss know that she would be able to start right away. That made her feel even better.

Keeping Informed

“So Councilman Ross, how are you finding your newest employee?”

“She’s working out well. She’s attentive, eager to please and as expected has trust issues. I would say that you have done some sterling work on my behalf.”

“Thank you, Councilman. I always aim to fulfill the brief.”

“It’s time to discuss the next stage.”

“I see, when would you like me to continue?”

“I’d like to increase the tempo.”

“As I indicated previously it takes time and a steady hand to influence long held beliefs, Particularly when those beliefs are of a romantic nature. Exerting sufficient influence to make one individual become enamored of another and to make them dependent on that person to make any meaningful decisions quill push the envelope of practicality to it’s limit. Our twice weekly sessions are just not enough to move at the speed you require.”

“No, I understand that. But Now that she works for me I can simply have her do some research work at your office for as long as it takes to finish her off. How does that sound?”

“I believe I can work with that. Perhaps she could complete the research at myhome. I do have an extensive library. I imagine you could sell that to your other staff. She herself will do as you ask without complaint anyway.”

“It’s agreed then? She can stay with you until it’s done. How long?”

“Weeks rather than months. The sooner she is there the quicker it will be.”

“I’ll send her over this afternoon. I assume you can be ready?”

“Of course. I’ll be in touch, Councilman.”

Grayson smiled. Plenty of time to make the magic happen. Plenty of time to investigate that spike of resistance and plenty of time to work out what the good councilman was up to. Grayson hit the intercom.

“Gretchen, I’m leaving early. I don’t believe I have any immediate appointments. If anything comes up that you cannot deal with, give me a call. I think I’ll be basing myself at home for a week or two.”

Grayson pushed himself up for the chair and reached for his coat. He left the building with a spring in his step. As he walked down the street he found himself whistling softly.

A Home Away From Home

The time spent staying with Dr Grayson was the first time in a very long time that Diana had felt content. She was staying with a man she trusted beyond all reason and who she knew deep down inside only wanted the best for her. Beyond that he understood the changes within her and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would help her along the path she had chosen and support her in becoming the woman that she desired to be.

Diana had no idea that she spent her nights in a series of deepening hypnotic trances that were not only helping her on her journey but were strengthening her desire to make it. She had a growing unconscious need to please her greatest friend and her psyche was reaching the point when even her deepest secrets would be revealed with barely a thought about the consequences. The Time was approaching when Diana would reveal to him that she was in fact Wonder Woman.

The deep and regular nocturnal sessions had accomplished three of the Doctors current goals. Diana had much less confidence in her own decisions and needed more input to come to any meaningful conclusion. The sessions had also promoted and enhanced her belief that she truly was a woman in a man’s world and that she could do nothing to change that irrefutable fact. Finally it had robbed Diana of any desire to have any independence.

Grayson had invited Diana to his office after lunch and as he expected a few moments later she walked in wearing a serene smile and sat right on the couch. Grayson walked over and smiled right back.

“Good afternoon Diana.”

“Good afternoon Dr Grayson.”

“Please lie down Diana and switch on the lamp.”

Diana did as she was told and looked up at the fascinating source of multicolored oblivion and fell into a deep trance without further intervention.

“Diana, Is your decision made?”


“You are sure, you have no doubts?”

“Yes, I am sure.”

“You will share with me willingly the secret that has become an unspoken barrier between and that which has prevented our bond of trust from becoming something unbreakable.”

“Yes I will.”

“Then tell me Diana, tell me everything it will make you feel like a great pressure has been lifted from your soul.”

“I am Wonder Woman!”

Grayson didn’t know what he had been expecting. But utmost certainly had not been this absolute game changer. He barely listened to a thing she said as his mind filled with threats, danger, flaws and of course wonderful possibilities. It was fortunate that he recorded every session. This particular recording he would listen to many times. In the meantime she needed to remain hypnotized until he was clear on his next steps.

“Diana, please return to your room. You should get ready for bed and remain in a deep trance. Please wear the headphones in your dresser. You have no need to wake in the morning. You will wake only when I touch your shoulder. Will you do that for me Diana?”

“Yes Doctor Grayson.”

With that Diana stood up and walked from his office blanked eyed and filled with nothing but serenity leaving Grayson to steeple his fingers and ponder. One Thing was absolutely certain. Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince was going nowhere. Councilman Ross was never getting his hands on either of them. He realized that Ross knew her secret, somehow he had found out and put in place a plan to turn her into his super powered puppet and if he had not been so thorough in his preparation and in the application of his plan Ross would have gotten away with it and he would have been none the wiser. He was honest enough to realize that it was his own growing interest in Diana Prince that had brought about his knowledge and that physical desire for her had led him to uncover her other identity.If he hadn’t pushed and prodded at her psyche and engineered her unbreakable trust in him and her inability function properly without his advice she would have been sharing Ross’s bed and as Wonder Woman doing whatever it took to promote his interests. With that lasso of hers he wouldn’t have bet against him making President.

Grayson pressed play and started to listen. It took a lot of time and he made copious notes before he nodded vigorously in triumph. He had a plan, it was a little rough and needed polish but this was what he did. All he needed was a little time and the help of Diana Prince and of course Wonder Woman, neither of them would even consider saying no.

Sleeping With The Enemy

Jack Ross lay back on his pillow, arms behind his head as a naked and tousle haired Diana worked her lips up and down his cock. His smile widened as his eyes screwed up in the monet he released his load into her face. When he opened his eyes she knelt beside him, her cum covered face smiling even as she started to lick her lips clean. Jack could already feel himself harden. The last couple of weeks had been a pleasure filled roller coaster of emotion as he saw the first part of his plan come to fruition. Damn! But Grayson had come through for him in spades, He’d thought Diana Prince a bit plain and dowdy until the day he had almost literally stumbled on to her spinning into her Wonder Woman identity to foil a bank robbery nearby. Watching her dispatch five armed robbers with barely effort had made him so freakin hard it was unreal.

Obviously he’s kept the event to himself. He’d had to look for an angle, something he could exploit. It had taken a long time to acquire the information he needed, time to position himself on the right committee and time to look for someone with the right skills to bring his audacious plan to fruition. Of course being the head of the largest human trafficking operation in the country had helped. Abducting a clutch of high profile young women with defense connections was the perfect way to get the IADC involved and it’s top agent. Finding the good doctor on a dark web bulletin board and learning about the skills he had been lucky beyond belief. His need to find young women to condition had not only made him an important part of the plan, it had made him an important asset to a people trafficker like him. Using him to condition the girls he had abducted was financially lucrative and also acted as a comprehensive demonstration of exactly what he could accomplish. It was what you called a win, win. Grayson wasn’t even a real doctor, what did a Doctor of Philosophy do anyway? Mind you the face that his sesame said he was an expert in the global sex trade and it’s impact on the trafficking of young women for profit. Bit of a mouthful but as a hook for the IADC he certainly could not have made up anything better.

At that point Jack lost his train of thought as a freshly cleaned up Diana Straddled him and positioned herself above his cock before pressing her pussy downwards in silent but eager suggestion. Jack knew that at some point he would need to get some work done, even a crooked councilman needed to keep the dream going. He pulled her down on his cock and smiled as she started to move up and down on his stiff cock. Work could wait, after all this was all part of the plan, breaking her down until she would be begging him to let Wonder Woman out to play. As plans go it certainly had his vote.

Unknown to Jack, Diana had her own plans or at least the plans Grayson had planted in her mind. This was just another assignment, an assignment the the freedom of her Wonder Woman alter ego was at stake. Diana had the unshakeable belief that Councilman Jack Ross was corrupt and that the man she had quickly come to admire was irresponsible for the abductions she had been investigating when she was still working for the IADC. The thing that had angered her most was that he had duped Dr Grayson, her closest friend and most trusted confidant and made him an unwitting accomplice to his heinous crimes. She would do anything to bring him to justice and if that included sleeping with the vile creature, sharing his bed and allowing him to violate both her body and her moral code then so be it. She had made her choice, put on her game face and do whatever it took to have him believe that he had her helplessly enthralled by his sexual prowess.

Diana’s plans were moving at pace. She had accessed his computer and downloaded his files, Accessed his domain on the dark web and sent the information to her friend and she had cracked his safe and copied any incriminating documents she had found. The only thing still to do was access his bank accounts and allow her friend to drain him of every cent he had. With that done Diana returned to his bed and carried out what would be her final performance. When he awoke in the morning Diana was gone and although Jack did not know it his freedom would soon follow.

Wonder Woman Triumphs

“Tell Colonel Trevor everything Mr Ross.”

Ross looked across at Steve Trevor and fidgeted in the embrace of the golden lasso of Wonder Woman.

“It was me. I did it, all of it. I had the young women you are looking for, I made them disappear. I sold them to foregin buyers. I run the largest people trafficking organization in North America. I have been using my position and information I have access to to blackmail many important people into supporting my election and my criminal empire. I have thumb drives containing all the information you need in my pocket and you will be receiving delivery of a large amount of documentary evidence on my operation and also the blackmail information in my possession along with the list of those I am blackmailing.”

“Is this all true Wonder Woman?”

“Every word Steve. Thanks to my Lasso he has been singing like a bird.”

“Great Job Wonder Woman.”

“Steve, you have it all wrong. I brought him in and used my lasso but the two people you really need to thank are Diana Prince and Dr Grayson.”

“They are?”

“Totally, it would not have happened without them. They were the ones who cracked the case. If you can take this one off my hands I have places to be Steve.”

“Of course, Wonder Woman. Do you know where Diana Prince is?”
“I think you will find that she is on her way in. I imagine as she no longer works here it will take her longer than usual.”

“Right, of course. I’ll have someone go down and collect her. Thanks again Wonder Woman.”

“Bye Steve.”

Come Back Diana

“No Steve. I won’t be coming back. I just didn’t want to leave this unfinished.”

“So working for the Councilman, all that time spent with Grayson, you were still looking for those girls?”

“Yes Steve. I did whatever I could to see them bank with their families.”

“And you did. I’m told that it will be some time for them to be back to normal. They were all heavily drugged and the medical staff at the facility say that they have been deeply conditioned to adhere to a new set of values. Some of them might never be fully returned to how they were.”

“I know Steve, it's tragic. But with the dismantling of Ross’s organization we have done our best to rid this part of the world of this sort of evil.”

“You could continue to fight Diana, here at the IADC.”

“No Steve. I will continue to fight, but with Dr Grayson.”

“You really do Trust him then.”

“I trust him completely Steve, I would put my life in his hands without hesitation.”

“I can almost taste your sincerity Diana, It almost seems like you guys have something a little deeper than trust going on. Am I right?”

“Honestly Steve, I can see where you are coming from and truthfully there are times, particularly at night when I wonder if we'll ever be something more and that there is a growing part of me that would like to be with a man like him. A man I can trust, a man who looks out for me and a man who would help me come to those difficult decisions it’s hard to make on your own.”

“You really have changed haven’t you Diana?”

“Yes Steve, very much so. These things have a tendency to creep up on you when you least expect it.”
“You know, when you left the thing I couldn’t get my head around was the whole just a woman thing. Just didn’t sound like you at all. I always had you pegged as a bit af a feminist. That's Something you and your pal Wonder Woman have in common.”

“Perhaps, but let me tell you that life takes a toll on everyone and there are times when you have to take a look at your priorities and work out where you should go next.”

“Well I guess you have your doctor friend to cover that angle.”

“Yes Steve I supposeI do.”

The Only Home You’ll ever need

He looked down at the sleeping woman and reached out and carefully repositioned the headphones. With Ross gone he'd been able to slow things down to a point he was much more comfortable with. There was no doubt that Diana loved him with all her heart. Just s there was no doubt that she would even consider not doing whatever he asked of her. It had taken time but those notions were now part of the bedrock her memories were built on. He wasn’t quite finished working on her Wonder Woman persona yet, it was a trickier proposition which he would have to continue to do in small stages. But he had at least divorced the two identities and only one was awake at a time. Currently it was Wonder Woman who was having her latest round of conditioning. He needed to keep it separate. He wanted Diana to be submissive and compliant, dependent on him for everything she needed, just like any lover should be. But From Wonder Woman he needed something different and it was proving a challenge. He needed her to be Compliant trust him completely and carry out his instructions without hesitation or examination, but at the same time she had to retain her sense of superiority and exhibit an unshakable confidence in her ability to overcome any situation or foe. What he wanted came down to having a puppet with an attitude. In the meantime she had a home and a comfortable life with a man she adored and for now at least her Wonder Woman persona got plenty of rest.

At some point in the future he would have to decide whether he would see it through or whether he would content himself with Diana alone. Erasing her Wonder Woman persona would be an easier route to take but sometimes he would watch a little TV and feel a little guilty that he might rid the world of such a powerful force for justice even if it was just a woman in a fancy costume.
So for the time being at least he would persevere. If nothing else it was a very diverting hobby.

Domestic Bliss

Diana handed him a glass of wine and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, love.”

“Thank you Diana. Is it something new?”

“I tried Chicken Cacciatore again. I think I’m making progress.”

“I imagine you are, you do watch a lot of cooking shows.”

“I like cooking shows and they help me to please you with good food.”

“At least you try Diana.”

“Does it not please you, my love?”

“It pleases me that you try.”


“Yes, yes of course. But you know what pleases me more?”

Diana smiled and tilted her head to one side.

“So shall I reheat the chicken later?”

“That would be nice.”

“Do you want the Wonder Woman thing you like me to do?”

“I think I would.Yes.”

“Don't Know what you see in a woman like that, too full of own importance for my money. How is a dominant bundle of ass, legs and tits ever going to get herself a man at all. Never mind a man like you.”

“Do you know Diana, I have absolutely no idea.”

He took her hand and led her towards the stairs contemplating whether the world needed Wonder Woman after all. He pinched her ass as she passed him on the stairs and listened to her wonderfully unfeminist giggle. So he slipped it hard for good measure and followed her towards the bedroom.
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Excellent mind control tale. I would have liked a twist of resistance that Grayson could have overcome but still a very fine story.
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Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoyed writing this tale and it great that you enjoyed it.

As to the lack of resistance, I just wanted to let Dr Grayson demonstrate his ability to orchestrate Diana's fall with a smooth aplomb. There was a tiny spark of resistance which just changed his focus slightly and allowed him to zoom in on the issue and ensure that her descent into helplessness continued at the right pace and in the right way. It seemed that planning and leaving nothing to chance served him very well indeed.
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Yes, the fact that he left nothing to chance was well done and, in fact, led to his discovery and complete domination of both of Diana's personalities. It wasn't a criticism as much as a personal preference. Like I said, masterfully conceived and executed by both character and author. I look forward to more from you. Perhaps try your hand at Supergirl, my fave?
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Thank you again. I didn't take it as a criticism, I just like anything that gets me to re-examine my stories. I honestly doubt that a Supergirl story is on my horizon as I really don't know much about her beyond the obvious. But I do plan on more stories when a decent idea comes to mind. Hopefully it won't be another seven years.
Elder Member
Elder Member
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A truly excellent WW/Diana story. And good was triumphant in the end. :p
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Sucker for a happy ending me, Ambiguity is my friend. LOL! Thanks for the nice comment. Started work on my next WW story, will try to finish itin under a decade if the wind is blowing my way.
Posts: 6
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Love it. Was craving a good WW fanfic and this deliver.
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Thank you for commenting. Nice to know it was appreciated
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