Batgirl vs The Pirate Princess, Chpt 1

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I haven’t put out a proper long story (full story arc, etc)in quite a few years. This one is not going to be as explicit as many of my other stories, but am writing it for a friend that is not so into the rougher aspects of my other stories. Feed back and comments are welcomed and encouraged

Batgirl and the Pirate Princess
By S.Sneakly
Barbara stuck her head into her father’s office. “Daddy, where were you? I thought we were meeting for lunch.”

“I’m sorry, honey. My secretary, Bonnie, was showing me this new app on my phone this morning and it is quite addictive. I was going to come down as soon as the video of two kittens playing was over, but it is much longer than I expected…”

“Daddy, I know who Bonnie is. She’s worked for you for twenty years.” Barbara walked around behind her father and looked down at the screen. “Daddy, that is a loop. This is Hickory-Dickory, the video just keeps repeating until you go to the next one…”

Jim Gordon perked up, “Oh, so it does. I hadn’t noticed it looping.” He smiled and put down the phone.

‘To many hits of Penguin’s knockout gas,’ Barbara thought. Having missed out on daddy picking up the lunch check, Barbara flopped down on the leather couch.

“Any interesting cases coming up today?”

“No, not really. There was an armed robbery down by the tourist pier this morning, but they got away with some costume jewelry, but it was nothing significant.” The Commissioner flipped open the report file and reviewed it. “The security cameras in the shop caught some of it, but the loot was just worthless costume jewelry in a little wooden chest… Take a look if you wish…” He slid the folder towards his daughter. He was used to her picking through everything on his desk and it had just gotten easier over the years to just give it to her and avoid her messing with his clutter.

“Daddy, you didn’t say they were dressed as pirates!” Barbara leafed through the printouts of the grainy pictures. Daddy had a computer that could give him instant access to all the case files, but he insisted on having Bonnie print everything he needed to read.

“They are?”

“And the guns they are carrying look like flintlocks.” Barbara was wondering who else on the Gotham PD had seen these pictures and failed to notice these important clues.

“Oooh, flintlocks can leave a terrible hole in you… I guess it was lucky no one was hurt.” Jim Gordon smiled with a condescension only a father can muster, “I’ll make sure that O’Hara and the boys are made aware of the flintlocks.”

“Is that Batman playing beer pong?” Her father noted incredulously, looking down at his phone.

“No daddy, that is probably just some college guy in a costume….” Barbara sighed, Hickory-Dickory was not something her father would grasp quickly.

“My, there are a lot young women on this HinkoryDinkory site. And they seem so friendly…”

“Yes, Daddy. Very friendly… they make money by getting lonely men to go from Hickory-Dickory to their pay websites.” Barbara knew she shouldn’t have to explain it, but it would spare her mother having to explain it later.”

“Oh… What do they do there?”

“Remember when you were young and all the officers would go to a girly bar and some of the guys would pay extra money to get a private dance?” Barbara prayed he would pick up before she had to get explicit.


“What happened in the private rooms?”

“I don’t know, I never had a private dance…”

“Well it’s the same thing…”

“Ohhh….” the light finally seemed lit.


Barbara went home after her lunch and the gym and entered the back bedroom of her town house. Charlie was happily chewing the cape of one of endless supply of Batman action figures she gave him.

Something was bothering her about the pirates that she had seen on her father’s computer. She had seen them somewhere before, but she couldn’t quite figure it. The Gotham RenFair was the obvious choice, but she had been there every year since she was in high school and none of the blurry figures seemed familiar. Female pirates, where had she seen female pirates recently?

She tossed her jacket across her desk, pushing the mouse. The screen of her computer woke-up and resumed scrolling the Hickory-Dickory video that she had last viewed.

“The artful kick she had been studying flashed for a brief moment before moving with a jerk to the next video. A girl in an oversized tee was was tugging rhythmically on her top until there was a pop and she was now dressed as slutty harem girl.

Barbara stopped and looked at the image as it cycled through again. Tug, tug, tug…pop.
Barbara immediately sat down at the computer. She scrolled to the next video. Dr Pimple was releasing another zit video, the one after it was Daddy’s cat video. Barbara started flicking through them in rapid succession. There were more girls hinting at their tits. Barbara typed in “pirate”. A selection of videos came up with games, movies and sea shanties. She refined it more to “pirate girls” and then “slutty pirates.”

Within seconds she was scrolling through a trove of lovely young women throwing on thigh length leather boots to various sea shanties.

Barbara started to scroll through them. Many were college girls trying to make some money off cock teasing old men into buying them things or luring them onto private sites for private viewing.

After several minutes she came across a dirty blond college girl type who was wearing a Gotham State sweatshirt and swinging a pair of brown knee length leather boots in the to the tune of a shantie that, from the brief segment played, was what pirates do to lassies…

When she flung the boots in the air she had magically been dressed as a pirate in a three corner hat with a grand plume, corset, puffy pirate blouse and tight suede pants. Four flint locks hung from leather sashes that criss-crossed her chest and sword dangled from her hip. Compared to the flintlocks and sword, she seemed quite petit, but in general looked like the pirate in the robbery. Barbara scanned the video frame by frame, being only fifteen seconds long, it didn’t take long. Nothing.

Barbara sighed. She looked right, but there wasn’t much to go on. The scene was in something that looked like a tavern (that a pirate wench might hang out in).

Barbara started going through each video that appeared in the girl’s feed. She went by the handle “Pirate Princess.” Her most recent feed was standing outside a shop on the Gotham Waterfront and motioning the viewer to follow her in (and join her exclusive members only channel). The date stamp was from earlier today. Barbara looked at the fifteen seconds clip and realized the video may well have been made outside the shop that was robbed.

Putting two and two together, Barbara immediately clicked onto the membership link. She filled out a fake identity and put in a credit card number she kept an alias for her crime fighting purchases. As soon as she was done a screen popped up requesting a gift code. Try as she might, Barbara could not get around the need for a gift code.

Barbara eventually gave up. The code was obviously something you had to be given or earned to access beyond the surface of the site. Without it, she could only access the basic college girl titty site.

Resigned that she would get no further, Barbara scrolled through the available clips. There were a few girls that appeared in some of the more recent clips. They were all young, attractive and in great physical shape. Most of the clips looked like they were in some type of tavern and then a few of the later ones featured what appeared to be a yacht. The yacht would be easier to trace than a pub, mostly because there were fewer of them.

The pub videos were filled with an enormous amount of unusable details. Barbara could see all the interior features, so she would know it when she saw it, but there were hundreds of bars and eateries in Gotham and she had little idea where this one was.

What Barbara did see was a pattern. All of the clips were a pirate theme and the one crime she knew about was also pirate themed, a shanty themed gift shop near the Pier and she stole a mass of fake pirate treasure.

The name of the of gift shop was “The Pirates Treasure”. Barbara did a search for all businesses in Gotham that had the “pirate” in the name. There weren’t many and they were all local to the waterfront.

The oddity of a Pirate themed robbery for loot that was worth less than the disguises had Barbara’s attention. This was a classic strategy of a Gotham Arch Criminal. They often did seemingly benign crimes to signal a much more toxic string of events. Barbara looked at the Pirate Princess. She was very attractive and came across as somewhat “off,” exactly the type of girl Joker, Riddler or Penguin would keep around as arm candy and lackey.

They were also the ones that Barbara had learned were the most dangerous. While Riddler might spend an enormous amount of energy thinking of riddles and concocting elaborate crimes, the molls were often left to think and connive about ways of spying on what law enforcement was up to. When left to their own devices they were often more sadistic than the villains themselves. Barbara thought about her most recent run-ins with Lotust who had been thrilled at finding out Louie the Lilac was thrilled at the opportunity to kill Batgirl as part of their getaway plan. Or that Lady Prudence was going to frame her own uncle for the rape-murder of Batgirl on her last trip to Londinium. While this pretty little princess was looked like sexy little cosplayer, Barbara knew she was quite possibly much more sinister.

Barbara pushed away from her desk and quickly transformed into her alter ego… Batgirl
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Great story,loving the build-up so far!!
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AddictedA1 wrote:
1 year ago
Great story,loving the build-up so far!!
Thanks, I am adding the next section on Friday... Same bat-time, Same bat-channel
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Here is the second instalment. Remember, Feed back is the only reward for writing stories.
Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 2: A New Rendition of Robin
By S. Sneakly, 2023

It was just getting dusk when she pulled into the Marina District of Gotham Harbor. She had a list of businesses with Pirate themed names rolled up in her Utility belt. There were all located with in a few blocks and were easy distance from one another.

Barbara coasted the Batgirl-cycle the last few yard into the Marina District. She rolled it discretely behind a cargo container that had been offloaded from some ship years ago and abandoned even before the current waterfront revitalization began.

Batgirl threaded her way through the darkened allies, closed shops and still empty storefronts. The arch criminals had decimated the tourist economy of Gotham and the waterfront was no exception.
Batgirl looked at the buildings lined up in a dilapidated row along the water. The Building she was looking for was somewhere in this row, or at least those were the ones she needed to check first. She knew that criminals wouldn’t make their nefarious plans obvious many of the windows had been whitewashed to prevent burglars from peering in on the backs of the buildings. Only the most incompetent of investigators would simply walk from shop to shop looking for trouble. The skylights, which most of these buildings still had, would give both an easy view and quick access if she found trouble.

Barbara quickly skittered up the drainpipe and past a half-hearted attempt at razor wire on the edge of the roof. Barbara crept to the first skylight and peered through the sooty smudges into the front of the shop. After a quick inspection, she moved to the skylight above the back storeroom.

Nothing very interesting to see, so she moved from one roof to the next. Barbara didn’t worry about finding the exact right shop, it was easiest to check them all. Eventually, she came to one that reminded her of the little eatery from the Hickory-Dickory video.

She wasn’t sure, but it looked pretty close. When she moved to the kitchen area of the eatery, she was surprised to a yellow, red and green smudge through the glass. At first Barbara thought she was just mistaken, Robin seldom went out on patrol anymore and was more likely to be investigating brothels and bars, than run down waterfront eateries.

Not sure what to think, Barbara jimmied the latch on the skylight and dropped to the floor next to the balltied Robin.

As soon as she landed, Barbara knew it wasn’t THAT Robin. It was a bound and gagged girl in a cosplay Robin costume, she was wearing tights and with green shorts, red top and and yellow cape. Except for the blond pixie cut, she was the spitting image of a female version of Robin, mask and all.

Barbara knelt down and started by untying the thick gag. The girl looked up in surprise.

As soon as the gag was out of her mouth she started talking. “Oh my god, thanks… that girl is bitch-ass crazy!”

“What happened?” Barbara started working on the ropes, there were more than would normally be necessary. “Why are you dressed like Robin?”

“I was investigating that weird treasure robbery, I tracked this shop down from the videos that some girl that looked like the robber was posting online.”

“How did you know about this?” Barbara continued working on the knots. She must have been trussed up by Popeye.

“My boss sent me to investigate”

“Your boss?”

“I’m a cub reporter for the Gotham Gazette.” The girl seemed a little reluctant to say the words.

Barbara laughed, “what’s a cub reporter?”

“It’s what he calls the news interns.” Barbara finally freed the girl’s wrists. She pulled them around in front of her and massaged the rope marks on the wrists and elbows. “I’m Amanda, Amanda Kingston,” she extended her hand.

Barbara reached out and shook, “I’m Batgirl” she gave a sheepish smile, this was not her normal introduction. And she was starting to appreciate the facial features of the freed captive. Behind the mask she was very pretty, brown eyes and a pretty mouth.

“Where is the Pirate Princess?” Barbara helped Amanda untangle herself from the seemingly endless coils of rope. The knots and coils were extensive and reminded Barbara of the meticulous rope work of Catwoman.

“I don’t know, she gassed me as soon as I entered the shop”

“Dressed as Robin?”

“Of course not… I woke up in this outfit.” Now that she was able to stretch and stand up, Amand was able to take better stock of the costume she had been trussed up in. “it really is an awesome outfit… look at the shoes, they even fit”

Barbara looked down at what she thought of as “fairy shoes” associated with Robin. They covered Amanda's small feet and her shapely legs were covered by skin colored tights, remarkably similar to the actual outfit.

“Oh My God! Look what these shorts do for my ass!” Amanda was modeling her butt in the reflection in the polished steel of the restaurant’s freezer. “I could never afford a cosplay outfit this nice! No matter how evil this chick is, she at least knows how to buy quality.”

“Amanda! This is no time for dress up. Where is the Pirate Princess? Did you hear her say anything about her plans?”

“I’m sorry Batgirl, I just don’t have much money to spare and I can never afford cool stuff like this…” Amanda looked up, “I did hear them talking about meeting at the Shipwright later tonight. But, I have know idea where that is. I know all the restaurants in Gotham and I don’t recall that one.”

Barbara put her hand to her chin, thinking. “I don’t think they were talking about a restaurant, I think they were talking about an actual shipwright, where they build and repair ships.”

“Holy Boaters Batgirl! Aren’t they building a replica of the Queer Anne’s Revenge,he pirate ship of Black Busch the Pirate, at the Ye’ olde Gotham Village? ?” Amanda pounded her fist into her palm.

“Exactly what I was thinking…” Barbara looked around the restaurant. “Where did they put the clothes you were wearing when you were captured?”

Amanda pushed back with her foot, shoving a bundle under the table.

“Damned if I know…”

“Do you have any idea why they left dressed you up like Robin after they knocked you out?”

“No idea. Maybe they were going to use me as bait for a trap…”

“Maybe, but they didn’t leave anyone to guard you and I haven’t seen any signs of booby traps or even clues.”

Barbara looked at the wall clock. “It’s almost one, Ol’ Gotham Village is almost an hour from here, this may be my only chance to stop her from committing a more serious crime. Let’s find your clothes and get you home.”

“Home? Batgirl, I am not going home. it’s on the other side of Gotham from the Village and I am not walking home alone at night in tights.” Amanda planted her feet definitely on the floor with her fists on her hips. “Besides, I can help you. I’ve studied Judo.”

Barbara looked at her, “what belt?”

“Black!” Amanda waved her arms in the air. “Ha-ya!”

Barbara looked at her

“Orange” Amanda looked at the floor, “if I had been to the test on time… Look Batgirl, I need this. I am an unpaid intern at a free newspaper that only has one grocery store sponsor. If I can get one decent story, I could get an unpaid internship at a real newspaper. And maybe a real job someday.”

Barabara looked at the lost puppy expression on the girl’s face. She was going to regret this.

“Alright, but you do exactly what I say and stay out of the way. This girl hasn’t committed any real crimes beyond armed robbery and kidnapping, but she could turn out to be working as a moll for one of the arch criminals.”

By the time Barbara and Amanda had exited the building and returned to the Batgirl-cycle the streets of Gotham were deserted. Barbara straddled the bike and her rendition of Robin had cuddled in Behind her. Amanda put her arms around Barbara in a nervous, vice like grip. Obviously Amanda had never ridden on the back of a motorcycle before and was spooning herself into Barbara’s back. Barbara tried adjusting herself on the seat in a not so subtle attempt to get Amanda to give her more room. She could hear Amanda breathing heavily on her back and feel the press of the girl on her back.

She didn’t want to admit it, but it felt exciting to have a fresh-faced young woman smitten with her.

As the Bagirl-cycle coasted to the sprawling complex of Ye’ olde’ Gotham Village, an open air museum exploring the days of Gotham’s early maritime history. No street lights illuminated the quaint cobblestone streets. A black wrought iron fence encircled the complex, keeping ne’erdowells from making mischief on the seemingly deserted property.

Batgirl and Amanda coasted past the front gates and along the length of the property. Nothing seemed amiss to the casual eye, but Barbara saw some lights flickering from the large building right up next to the Gotham River.

She coasted the bike behind a transformer next to the metal fence. Barbara pointed in the direction of the light.

“Someone is in that building over there, and I bet it’s the Pirate Princess.” Barbara made her hands into a stirrup and motioned for Amanda to climb on top of the little metal shed. “Hop over the fence and duck down in the pushes over there… I’ll join you in a minute.”

Barbara hoisted Amanda up and watched her go over the fence. Once she had finished securing the Batgirl-cycle, she made it over the fence and joined Amanda.

“You should stay here,” Barbara pointed back at the road. “If things go south, get back over the fence and get Gotham PD here for back up.”

“No way, I am going in with you. There is no telling how many thugs the Pirate Princess might have.” Amanda got more defiant, “besides, they gassed me, stripped me and tied me up… I owe them an ass kicking.”

“You’re an orange belt…” Barbara handed her some change for a payphone.

“Just be ready to run for help…”
“Sure’’ Amanda took the change, deflated.

Leaving her new sidekick in the shadows, Barbara moved forward towards the large wooden building. Light would periodically slip from gaps in the old wood structure. As she moved closer, she could hear the banging of lumber and the whir of machinery.

What could they possibly be doing in the middle of the night in a boatyard? As Barbara moved closer to the side she could see a lone dirty window. With yellow light slipping out. She moved closer to the glass. She peered through the window.

It might have been some sort of sorority ritual. Barbara recognized several of the young women as cosplayers from her afternoon search of Hickory-Dickory. They had all appeared in the videos hosted by the Pirate Princess. Each of them was in a pirate costume of some type. Leather bustiers with black leggings and sashes and dangling cutlasses, not the most practical of outfits, but came with weapons. Some of the women had bandanas and some tri-corner hats with plumes.

Barbara half expected a porno to break out as most of the girls were bulging out the tops of their costumes. The Queer Ann’s Revenge sat on blocks in the background as the women used hand trucks and hoists to move the contents of the shed around.

Just as she was about to pull out her Batrope, Barbara heard a scraping in the path. She turned just in time to see the Pirate Princess raising a pair of elaborate flintlock pistols and pointing them directly at her.

“Thank you for being so accommodating,Batgirl.” Barbara heard the two hammers on the guns clicking into place. “I was a little worried that we might have made a mistake not picking you up at the bistro.”

Barbara raised her hands. At this close range there was no way the musket balls aimed squarely at her chest could both miss and the Pirate Princess wisely stood out of range of her lightning fast bat-kick.

“You were expecting me?”

“Of course we were. You were the whole point for robbing the junk shop by the water.” Even in the dim light Barbara could see the ample curves of the Pirate Princess, her black boots and leggings, black leather corset and linen top. A heavy velvet coat hung open, a leather bandolier was draped down between her bosom, the empty gun holsters dangled along with a sheathed cutlass.

“Your little friend, conveniently, showed up even faster than you, and I realized we could really launch our site in spectacular fashion.”

“I don’t know what your game is, Pirate Princess, but you will never get away with it.”

A pirate wench came out of the bushes with Amanda struggling in front of her, a razor sharp cutlass pressed to her throat and a thick gag cleaved in her mouth.

“Funny you should say ‘game’. It isn’t, but it does have some similarities.” The Princess lifted her gun and fired it direct at Batgirl’s face. Instead of a bang, a large purple cloud erupted from the barrel and the dominoed daredoll collapsed to the ground.

The Princess of Piracy waved the smoke away and said, “let’s get these to ready for the grand opening of the greatest show on streaming”

Amanda kicked and screamed into her gag.

“Careful or you’ll end up with a blast to the face too and I won’t guarantee yours won’t involve a case of lead poisoning”
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This feels like a Episode of Scooby doo meets DC featuring Batgirl as the hero, curious to see what the pirate princess has in store for Batgirl
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This is shaping out great, can't wait to read the next part :)

You can't go wrong with a female Robin.
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Barbara was woozy as her wits returned slowly to her. At first she hardly remembered where she was First she remembered the girl with the pixie cut and the Robin costume and finding her in the kitchen of the little waterfront cafe. Then she remembered why she was there and she started to move around.

She tried to lift her hand to her groggy head only to find it fastened to the floor. As her head cleared more she realized her other hand was similarly restrained. There was little to no play in her ankles either. She tried to sit up but a steel band went across her chest just below her armpits.

“What’s the meaning of this?” she called into the darkness.

“Why Batgirl, you are the feature attraction in my new online webseries… ‘Click-Bait Theater’” The Pirate Princess walked into the light. She had lost the heavy pirate coat and the bandoleer of guns and only the sheathed cutlass dangled from her hip. Barbara realized she was not on the floor but actually a very heavy plywood board resting on a table.

“I was counting on you being able to piece together the video clues that I was sprinkling across the my Hickory-Dickory videos so that I could lure you into a trap.” The Princess leaned across the table, her cleavage bursting from the top of her sheer peasant blouse. “You see, you are going to be a featured performer for my ‘Invitations Only’ live stream. You and that nosey Miss Kingston, who stumbled across what I had planned for you at the cafe.” with a very theatrical wave the Pirate Princess motioned into the darkness.

“What have you done with her?” Barbara looked across her body. The metal strapping held her only at her ankles, wrists and chest.

“Oh, she’s fine” A smile crossed her face, “for the moment.”

“So what is your game, Pirate?”

“What is it for everyone on Hickory-Dickory and Invitations Only? It's about views dollars. The more views, the more clicks, the more subscriptions, the more dollars…” The lithe young villain mounted the table and crawled over to Barbara’s spread legs and straddle her.

Her legs spread wide over Batgirl, the petit villainess did a mock grinding over the spread heroine. Barbara struggled hard and although she had a wide range of motion, her struggles were futile.

“When I was freshman at Gotham State U, I needed some quick cash and I found I could make some money doing some-jiggle and wiggle online. The money was pretty good and I really like the idea of all those dirty minded boys and girls tuning into me doing my thing.”

“But, it is a really competitive business, you need to build a following and I was doing alright, but this is Gotham and there is always someone to take it to the next level… Every girl with nice titties is going to bounce them in front of the camera. I needed something special.” The Pirate Princess motioned down her body with a flourish.

“I stumbled across cosplaying a pirate. I’ve alway had a love of dark things and what could be better than all the terrible acts the pirates off the coast of Gotham had committed?” She leaned forward over Barbara’s body until she was face to face with the masked crimefighter.

“At first it was sea shanties and titties, but then I realized people wanted more action from their pirate wenches. I hired other girls to role play. We did cute little BDSM scenes, take viewer requests… the more you cater to the fans, the more you can charge.” Barbara could taste the fragrance of the Pirate girl as she struggled against the metal, her wrists were a few inches from her sides, just out of reach of her utility belt, which was still intact as far as she could tell.

“Well, let me tell you, some of those requests became really freaky. Then I got one from Egghead. I was super excited to have one of Gotham’s Arch Criminals even acknowledging my efforts. Apparently, women with swords are a real turn on for him.”

“He loved watching us, but he wanted something special, since he is in prison and all…” Pirate Princess was breathing heavy with excitement as her breasts brushed up against Barbara’s. “He wanted us to commit some real crimes. He told us who we could talk to and get supplies and sent us to Metropolis to rob a bank and live stream it back to his prison cell.”

“In addition to all that money, we were able to charge a fortune for everyone that watched.” The Princess was excited now and rubbed her cheek to Batgirls. “We were making more money from the viewers than from the heists. Every crook in Gotham was logging in to watch our next adventure. And then there was the betting…”

“Oh, my god, those prison fucks will bet on anything. They have all that super- villain resources and nothing to spend it on in prison. Joker, Riddler, Bookworm, Penguin, they will venmo a fortune to watch someone point a gun at a bank teller’s face.”

“I am having the greatest criminal minds in the world feeding me instructions so they can catch their jollies from an illegal prison phone.” She rubbed her nose across Batgirls, “and paying a fuck ton of money to watch.”

“But what do they really want?” she was almost whispering in Barbara’s ear. “Revenge.”

She sat back on her heels and looked down at the trapped heroine. “They want to see death and destruction come down on Gotham.” She tapped Batgirl on the tip of her nose.

“And that is where you and your new friend Miss Kingston come. I know you were trying to log into my main channel, but’s invitation only.” Her eyes locked on Batgirls. This was everything the Pirate Princess was building to.

“The premiere episode of Click Bait Theater-The Death of Batgirl and Robin,” She laughed and with a wave of her hand the lights came up. “I know it isn’t the real Robin and I doubt anyone will care because they are going to get to see the real Batgirl die and I wouldn’t want to kill all of Gotherm’s heros in the first episode.” She cocked her head to the side and said “Miss Amanda KIngston does make a lovely Robin the Girl Wonder, doesn’t she?” She pointed up the room beyond Batgirl’s head.

Amanda was tied at the other end of the building to a large log, an extensive network of ropes kept her in place. Her wrists were tied behind her back and a thick gag was stuffed in her mouth. She was laying on the log and looking feet first towards Batgirl. The log was mounted on large mill conveyor.

As soon as she saw the conveyor, her head whipped around and looked at the end point. A massive circular buzzsaw. The sharpened carbide teeth protruded ominously from edges of the blade.

“Yes Batgirl that blade was designed for milling oak for shipbuilding. Oak is almost as hard to cut as steel and it is going to creep up that log at an agonizingly slow rate before it turns our snooping reporter into a pile of red porridge…” Batgirl finally realized this conversation was not for her benefit, but for the excited populace of Gotham State Penitentiary.

Barbara glanced down at her own feet and saw nothing but the empty space where the cut log and innocent victim would end up on the floor.

“You, batgirl, are getting a similar fate. While Miss Kingston gets it up the center, you are going to get it down the middle.” The Pirate Princess grabbed Barbara’s cowl and force her head up to see the death she was to meet. An enormous bandsaw was set to bisect Batgirl head to toe in the other direction…

“The two saws are going to eliminate the two of you almost simultaneously. So you can watch each other progress down the tracks towards your messy and incredibly painful demises.” A quiver had entered the young woman’s voice. She was visibly excited as she explained how she was going to take her criminality to the next, even more exciting level.

“But this is Gotham and I can’t just kill you… I am going to make it sporting for you. Me and my girls are going to leave you and Robin to die alone. If one of you manages to escape, which I sincerely doubt, you are free to live with the memory.” The Wicked Wench started to climb from the death trap. I have no intention of coming back to clean up anyway, these saws are going to spray blood everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE.

The Pirate Princess turned to a dark corner of the building and series sixty inch televisions blinked on.

“I’ve been innovating in addition to watching Batgirl and her pretty companion from multiple, selected angles as the move slowly to their messy deaths. I am also introducing a unique feature to my web-caste. Bat-cams! Attached to the masks of both my lovely victims, I have attached video cameras so each of my loyal viewer will have the opportunity to see death from the vistim’s perspective.” Each of the screens came to life. Two each gave different views of Batgirl and Amanda trapped in their own perils and then two more screens showed how each of the heroines saw their impending fates. Barbara looking up at the band of steel above her head and Amanda looking down between her breasts at the massive circular saw that would slowly work its way up between her legs, putting an end to her nascent crime fighting career.

“Goodbye Batgirl! Be sure to give them a good show! I know men in prison have needs that are just hard to meet. And they are paying a lot of money to have you meet them!” She Pushed a large green button on one of the steel uprights that supported the building. The buzzsaw beyond Amanda’s feet started to whir to life. Next the Pirate Princess Pressed a second button to activate Batgirl’s deathrap. The blade on the bandsaw started to rattle and sing as the two sets of blades slowly crept up to speed.

“Next time I'll wear ear protection. Goodbye forever Batgirl”
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Excellent! This reminds me of the pattern cutter. Looks like a mix of the TV show and the comic version, with Robin on a sawmill peril at the same time! Having to rescue the rookie and inexperienced Robin will surely put some pressure on poor Batgirl. I also love when villains leave the heroine to her fate after a sentencing farewell, it sends chills through the spine.

If you want some feedback, I found the deathtrap location to be a bit confusing. There are multiple rooms, and Batgirl is bolted to the floor, but she is still able to see Robin. I couldn't figure it out in my head the layout of the building or where everybody was, maybe I missed something. I found also curious that Batgirl's outfit is never described (since there are so many versions and this looks like an alternative setting), but perhaps that's for the better, as the readers can just imagine their favorite version.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the conclusion!
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Bladebur wrote:
1 year ago
Excellent! This reminds me of the pattern cutter. Looks like a mix of the TV show and the comic version, with Robin on a sawmill peril at the same time! Having to rescue the rookie and inexperienced Robin will surely put some pressure on poor Batgirl. I also love when villains leave the heroine to her fate after a sentencing farewell, it sends chills through the spine.

If you want some feedback, I found the deathtrap location to be a bit confusing. There are multiple rooms, and Batgirl is bolted to the floor, but she is still able to see Robin. I couldn't figure it out in my head the layout of the building or where everybody was, maybe I missed something. I found also curious that Batgirl's outfit is never described (since there are so many versions and this looks like an alternative setting), but perhaps that's for the better, as the readers can just imagine their favorite version.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the conclusion!
I am using the 1969 Batgirl. The two saws are running parallel in opposite directions.
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Great story so far, can't wait for Batgirl to get unmasked!!
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I liked the story, I hope to see more chapters for the continuation
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AddictedA1 wrote:
1 year ago
Great story so far, can't wait for Batgirl to get unmasked!!
Only if a viewer paid for ut as a request. :)

The idea of a fan site paying to have crimes committed their way while in prison is fun. Don't have to break out and still get them to happen.
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Interesting idea. I hope we will see some direct Batgirl - Pirate Princess action.
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Here is the Fourth installment. Remember, Feed back is the only reward for writing stories.
Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 4: Painting the Gotham Red
By S. Sneakly, 2023
Barbara heard the metal of the door clang shut and Metal chains sealing it from the outside. She looked around for the first time without the distraction of a gloating villain. The building was large and had two construction bays. The Queer Ann’s Revenge, which was a mastless hull, was sitting on one portion of the shed. Barbara and Amanda and their associated deathraps were taking up the majority of the other. The hall was cavernous; the wooden planking that gave the building it’s rustic exterior look was supported by a metal framing and a tin roof that reflected the sound of the two screaming saws.

When Barbara’s Bandsaw finally reached full speed she felt a lurch as the conveyor engaged and started inching towards it’s final destination.

Barbara looked at the monitors that were broadcasting to the entire money paying underworld Batgirl and Robin’s final ride.

Stretching, She could see Amanda’s terrified face. A camera somewhere in the building was trackering her progress down the conveyor. Amanda was struggling mightily against the bonds, desperately pulling at the ropes that were binding her tightly to the log.

Barbara could see the wicked logic the Pirate Princess employed. Ropes had more stretch and give so she used lots of them on Amanda to pin her helplessly in place. For her own bondage, Barbara was held tight by straps of unforgiving metal. She could writhe and tug and have more freedom of movement, but she was just as unlikely to escape.

“Amanda, are you awake?” Barbara knew she was but she had nothing more useful to say. She could see in the monitor that Amanda was trying to spit the tick cloth gag from her mouth and mmmphing loudly into it. “Amanda! Try to get one of your hands free.”

Amanda chewed on the gag, softening it with her spit. Slowly, she forced it out of her mouth.

“Don’t call me Amanda!” she shouted over the din of approaching saw blades.

“What?” Barbara shouted back as she glanced up at the blade creeping towards her head…

“I’m Robin! If I am going to die at the hands of some murderous cunt, it is not going to be as unpaid intern for grocery insert.” Amanda was looking down between her legs at the approach saw blade. It looked bigger, nastier and wider than she had imagined before the Pirate Princess had hit the power button on it. “I am Robin, the Girl Wonder.”

“Ok, Robin, can you get your hands free? Ropes stretch.” Batgirl twisted her body against the steel straps that held her wrists and chest. She lifted her hips off the wooden deck and tugged at her ankles. The top of her boots were going to let her pull much harder against the metal restraints on her ankles. She kept twisting her gloved wrists to pull them under the metal bands. It was near useless. She couldn’t make her hands small enough to escape.

Robin, having snapped at her hero, was now focusing on her own problems. She could see down the length of her log at the rapidly spinning blade. The V of her breasts made a sight line for where the blade would progress straight up her middle. She cursed the Pirate Princess, who had predicted that Batgirl and Robin would be killed almost simultaneously by the duel blades. Batgirl was going to have her head split, but how long would she survive with that saw creeping up between her legs?

Looking over at Batgirl, Amanda was amazed at her athleticism. She was twisting and contorting every which way in an effort to escape the metal straps. The two heroines were slowly approaching each other. Amanda was certain they both were doomed.

Barbara kept struggling with her hands. Despite the obvious futility of her struggles, she wasn’t willing to give up. As Amanda pulled next to her, Barbara looked into the young woman’s eyes and saw the defiance and fight to the end spirit.

“Don’t give up Robin! We’re not done yet!” Amanda gave a renewed struggle against the overwhelming bonds that kept her wedded to the log and the blade blade targeted between her spread legs.

“Please think of something Batgirl! We haven’t got much time!” Amanda could start to feel the vibrations in the log created by the whirring, high speed blade.

“I’m working on it Robin! Don’t give up!

Just then the end of the log met the biting buzzsaw. The log’s progress almost thudded to a halt as the blade worked into the hardwood. A spray of saw dust started to shower down across her face and chest, along with the smell of burning wood as the sides of the blade making contact with the sides of the cut caused enough friction to burn the oak.

Amanda looked into the shower of cut lumber and realized the log had not really stopped, but was just slowed by the resistance of the log. It was still creeping slowly up the log at a snail’s pace towards her spread thighs and where they would meet in her womanhood.

She kept her focus on trying to extract her arms, which were still pinned uselessly behind her back. She glanced back at Batgirl who was now moving past her and towards her own hideous death.

Amanda didn’t need to look down between her legs any more; she could feel the blade vibrating the log up between her knees and toward her thighs.

The way the Princess Pirate had described her deathtrap, Amanda had assumed it would be a lengthy wait as the saw moved closer at a fraction of an inch at a time. Now that she was looking at it in real time measured against the rest of her life, the blade was streaming up towards her crotch at a blistering speed. The futility of her struggles was nothing against the progress of the blade.

“Batgirl! HELP!” was all she could muster. The blade was moving up between her legs, the gap between her thighs was narrowing and there was nothing Amanda could do to slow it or stop it or escape. She could envision the pain that was only inches away and getting closer, moment by moment.

Amanda gritted her teeth as she felt the saw blades tearing at the wood just below the camel toe of her tights.

She closed her eyes and waited for the searing pain she was sure t0 precede her final agonizing moments of her life.


Amanda was dead. The sound was so frighteningly sudden that she wet herself. The sound of the saw faded and she passed out never feeling the actual cut of the blade…

It took a moment for Amanda to recover. She was sobbing in terror, but she didn’t feel the pain. She continued to weep in terror as she felt the sensation in her thighs quivering with an intense energy she never knew existed. Her leg muscles were so tightly flexed they quivered with energy.

She wasn’t dead. The toothed blades of the saw were slowing. She couldn’t open her eyes out of fear of being dead. She quivered and sobbed to herself for a couple of moments. It was too intense to process. Was she dead? The world was quiet in a way she never imagined it could be. The loud screams of the two massive blades were gone. The only thing she could hear were her own sobs of terror. She couldn’t feel the ropes that had bound her, just a dark void in which she cried in terror.


“Batgirl?” Amanda couldn’t believe the sound was coming from her own mouth or that she had heard anything at all.

“You okay?” Batgirl’s voice sounded intenses and full of the same quivering intensity. “Are you alright? The saw blade didn’t get you?”

Amanda sobbed a little “No, I’m good… You?”

“I’m still here” Batgirl’s nervous energy in her shaking voice betrayed the intensity of the moment.

After a while Amanda found her voice.

“What happened?” She finally had the guts to open her eyes. The interior of the shed was completely black. She looked down between her legs and she could see nothing. She knew that in those varying shades of blackness was a three foot wide buzzsaw that was moments from ripping her in two and spraying her all over the interior of the building.

“I blew up the transformer”


“Remember the transformer where I put the batgirl-cycle?”


“Before I hopped the fence, I put an explosive in it.”

“When the bomb went off, it killed the power to the building”

Amanda started tugging at her ropes again. She was alive but the intensity of the moment made her feel weak as a kitten.

“How did you know how to time it?”

“I didn’t. I have a flat button remote detonator sewn into the palm of my glove.”

“Why did you wait so long? Another few seconds and my crotch was going to be sprayed all over the ceiling” Now that the threat of death was gone, Amanda felt like the ropes on her body were a little looser.

“There is a lot of metal in this building and I was trying to set it off almost as soon as the Pirate Princess left.” Amanda could hear Barbara rhythmically shifting her weight on the plywood.

“Well you could have told me that you had a plan. I thought we were done for,” Amanda realized that the blade must have cut some of the ropes.

“What with every arch criminal watching, including the one who put us here?” Barbara’s voice was calming down. Both she and Amanda were consumed by getting out of the deathtraps before anyone returned to finish the job.

“I suppose” Amanda was slowly wiggling her gloved hand from the ropes. Her wrist was sliding out without the glove.

Barbara focused on just her one wrist, gently moving it back and forth, slowly flexing the metal band on her wrist. “How are you doing with the ropes?” she called out.

“I think I should have one of my hands free by tomorrow….” Amanda kept working at the fibers. She was hellbent on redeeming herself in front of Batgirl.

Barbara kept methodically working the metal back and forth to fatigue it to the point of failure.
“I think I’ve got it!” Amanda cheered, pulling her hand free of the nest of ropes behind her back.

“Good for you!” Barbara laughed. She pulled her Bat-knife from her utility belt and started sawing at the nest of ropes holding Amanda to the log.

“How come you’re free so quick?” Amanda asked, crestfallen.

“I fatigued one of the bands on my wrist and then cut the rest of them with my Bat-laser that was hidden in my Batgirl utility belt.

The Bat-knife made quick work of the rest of Amanda’s bonds. Getting off the log and flexing her limbs she sat down on the floor.

“You have a smoke?” Amanda asked

“You’re a smoker?” Barbara was surprised, she didn’t picture her as the tobacco type.

“No, but that was intense…”

“Come on, we had better get out of here, Princess said she wouldn’t come back, but she is an arch criminal wannabe and I doubt she is good for her word.” Barbara offered her hand to the exhausted Robin.

“Where to?”

“You are going home. I’m going to try to figure out where else in Gotham our friend is hiding. She didn’t tie you up in her lair and this place she was planning on spray painting with our innards.” Barbara started back to her bike. “I’ll give you a ride home if you promise to not put me in another death grip…”
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Another good chapter, this story is interesting
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Thanks for sharing another great Batgirl story!

I hope the villainess will learn her mistake and get rid of Batgirl defenitely next time.
Omg, Batgirl going in another death trap! SWeet!!!
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curious to see what you have planned for this
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This was a great story and an instant favorite. I really hope to see more adventures of Batgirl and Robin! :)

Thank you for writing it.
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Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 5: Where in Gotham is She?
By S. Sneakly, 2023
Barbara lay down on the bed in her apartment, she looked at the screen as the Pirate Princess did one of her fifteen second transformations from dorm girl to slutty pirate. She found Amanda tied and gagged in the little eatery, but that couldn’t be her actual lair. Those videos were designed to lure her into a trap.

Pirate Princess was playing a long game. Her intention was to create a site for villain porn… the story she told about starting out as a typical college girl flashing her tits for tuition was probably hogwash. Despite what most of them claim, most villains start out as sociopaths and just find it convenient to blame their sick pathologies on someone or something else. It sounds much better in court… not every traumatized person becomes an arch criminal.

At least Pirate Princess wasn’t trying hide her psychosis. She wasn’t blaming anyone, she wasn’t seeking revenge, she was looking for a payday. She was willing to kill her and Amanda just for a straight up paycheck. Amanda was just collateral damage, a girl reporter investigating a stupid petty theft with a bizarre twist. Barbara needed to keep after Pirate Princess, the easiness with which she was willing to torture and kill was just as chilling as anything Joker, Riddler or Penguin were willing to commit and they were feeding her money and their expertise. What sadistic demands would she sink to, if the money was right?

Barbara thought about the list of criminals that were currently housed in Gotham Penitentiary. The list changed frequently, she, Batman and Robin were frequently catching arch villain, but the Gotham legal system had never been designed to handle arch criminals. It was a revolving door unless civilians were put in harm’s way.

Judges and juries were often incredulous at some of the death traps and plots attempted by some of Gotham’s worst villains. Olga and Egghead were convicted of stealing a million dollars of freeze dried Caviar, but attempted murder charges for the dunking Batgirl in a vat of frozen Caviar were not taken seriously. Nora Clavical had even run for mayor after using the Siamese Human Knot to try and kill her, Batman and Robin. The Judge had simply not believed that was a real thing and explosive laden mice were never proven to be explosive laden after soaking in Gotham Harbor.

Barbara made a list of criminals that might be helping Pirate Princess. Egghead certainly was, his sword fetish was what drew him to the Princess in the first place. She mentioned Joker and Penguin. They were both in jail and had ample reserves of cash to bankroll a potential future moll. Joker tended towards eye candy, his molls tended to be interested more in the loot than the crimes. Riddler although he was sick enough to back snuff films (he and his moll Pauline had tried making one themselves) seemed to be more gay for the male version of Robin. From what Barbara had heard, Riddler seemed to have perpetual wood for Robin more than anything.

Penguin was a possibility. He had several molls that were more than active participants in the more sadistic aspects of his crimes. Chicka-dee had pushed Chief O’Hara into a death trap and used a umbrella gun in several crimes. Barbara thought more about Penguin. His history did have several maritime themes. He had gone to the trouble of purchasing a WWII surplus submarine and had even gotten hold of a giant mechanical octopus at one point.

Barbara pulled up real estate map of Gotham that she had been using to track known hideouts. Pirate Princess was getting support from many of Gotham’s incarcerated criminals, maybe she was using someone else’s lair.

Barbara’s attention was immediately drawn to the Gotham Lobster Shack. Penguin had used it on several occasions. It was in a remote, commercial area of Gotham Harbor. Penguin had used it to secretly dock his submarine under the pier and it had come equipped with a hyperbaric vacuum chamber where he had tried to kill Batman and Robin on at least one occasion.

It was a rough part of town and the comings and goings of pretty little college girls would not have gone unnoticed. Barbara had pretty much ignored this part of town during her initial search for the Pirate Princess, but that was before she knew that she was catering to a criminal clientele. If she were under the protection of someone like Penguin or Joker, she could operate in the worst parts of town with impunity.

Barbara looked at the time. Pirate Princess knew Batgirl and Amanda had escaped the buzzsaws, but she probably was not expecting Batgirl to pursue her so quickly after a harrowing escape from such a savage trap. She was probably trying to cover her tracks even better, knowing that Batgirl was still on the case.

Despite her exhaustion, Barbara closed the computer and fed Charlie some fresh peanuts and apple slices and watched him ripping away at the cowled face of his Batman chew toy. “Sorry, I can’t spend more time with you, Charlie, but Batgirl is needs to follow a keep the heat up on this kinky Criminal!”

“Brah! Stop it Catwoman! Brah” Barbara glared at the bird.

“Your cage can stay in the living room from now on…” Barbara pressed the secret button on under the vanity and began her transformation back into Batgirl.
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another great chapter, love the throwback with the other villains, can't wait to see what you come up with next...
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RavenClaw wrote:
1 year ago
another great chapter, love the throwback with the other villains, can't wait to see what you come up with next...
I am trying to keep it in my vision of the the 1960s batman series. Batman always came across as bit pompous and the villains are all kind of weirdly fetishistic. Riddler always was super gay for Robin, Penguin was lusting after Batgirl/Barbara Gordon. Joker really enjoyed the sadism aspects. Eartha Kitt was always lezzing out over Batgirl... Olga was into Topping Egghead and he was a total sub for whichever woman was willing to kick him in the balls. Just a bunch of costumed kinksters...
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Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 6: Batgirl on the Hook?
By S. Sneakly, 2023
Barbara pulled her Batigirl-cycle silently in between stacks of lobster pots that littered the docks of the fishing pier. She was still blocks away from Penguin’s old hideout, but she knew Pirate Princess was on the alert for her. She had gotten the drop on Batgirl and Amanda both, so caution was paramount.

Barbara moved stealthily from cover to cover across the pier. Stacks of lobster pots, ropes and cranes for hawling various types of catch were spread out across the dock. Despite it being mid-day, the dock was almost completely deserted. Barbara assumed most of fleet was out hawling pots, taking advantage of the early morning’s falling tide to swiftly carry them out of harbor.

As she approached the Gotham City Lobster Shack, Barbara caught site of some slight movement inside one of the nearby towers of wire pots.

An ambush? Barbara knew she might be expected. Pirate Princess did not seem to have
unlimited manpower (or should she say stripper power, since most of her crew seem better suited to cockteasing videos). Pulling out her batarang, Barbara moved quietly into position.

“Amanda?” Barbara immediately recognized the yellow cape and green fairy shoes. The real Robin was unlikely to be on a case when the bars were opening for the day.

“Shhush… It’s Robin!” Amanda whispered back.

Barbara put her batarang back on her belt and knelt down in the defensive hide created by the pile of fishing gear.
“What are you doing here?” Barbara thought Amanda would be home soaking in a hot tub and was surprised that she was not only here in costume, but ahead of Batgirl.

“Waiting for you. What does it look like?” Amanda whispered back.

“I mean, how did you find her hideout?”

“The Gotham Gazette wasn’t always a grocery flier. Before Wayne Enterprises forced all their advertisers to cut them off, they had a pretty good news team. I looked in the electronic archive for villain lairs that were near the waterfront. This one seemed obvious.” Barbara was impressed by the simple logic. Amanda didn’t seem to need an atomic powered bat-computer to do some basic research.

“Well, what have you seen so far?”

“I got here about a half hour ago, I’ve only seen the same four or so girls we saw at the shipyard coming and going. It looks like they are planning to pull out of here. They have been loading cameras and lighting equipment into a station wagon.”

“Most arch-criminals have pretty small gangs, fewer people to split the loot with.” Barbara looked at one of the girls carrying a box to the open back of the wagon. She was busty, braless, in a shear peasant blouse, with black leggings and snakeskin thigh boots. A sheathed cutlass dangled from a sash between her breasts. “Stripper chicks that want to make archvillain kind of money are easy to come by in Gotham.”

“Pirate Princess seems to have gotten the pick of the litter. These girls are hot as fuck… I mean heck.” Amanda kept her eyes fixed on the action in front of the shop.

“Are they armed?” Barbara thought of the Penguins weapons of choice, the umbrella gun or his gas umbrellas. When he was sent to prison a number of them were confiscated, but there was no guarantee they were all accounted for.

“I haven’t seen anything other than those cutlasses” Amanda shifted her weight and produced two thin cutlasses of her own. “I found these in a crate when I first got here. I saved you one.”

“Do you know how to use them? Barbara was surprised again by Her companion’s resourcefulness.

“I was a theater geek in college, I took stage fencing for four semesters. It’s probably more than any of these pop-tarts had” Amanda handed Barbara a sword.

Barbara looked at the sword. She pulled it out of the sheath and felt along the blade. It looked like steel, but when she tried to flex it, it snapped easily in two.

“Oh-oh” Amanda quipped. A light started blinking on the end of the hilt.

“Well. That isn’t a good sign…” Barbara slid the sword across the ground. Amanda tossed her sword after it. “I guess we aren’t going to have the element of surprise..”

Just as the two heroines stood up, two pirate wenches blocked the only exit to their hiding place. They were both taller and heavier built than either Barbara or Amanda. The taller of the two was full head above Amanda. They looked more like female bodybuilders than the stripper type waifs seen earlier. Instead of cutlasses, they each were armed with long wooden boat hooks, one end with a metal hook and a pointed tip. Barbara immediately thought of a medieval pike more than a boat tool.

Without a moment's hesitation, Barbara gave a high sideways kick that immediately knocked the weapon clear of her opponent. Amanda didn’t need a second to think. She launched a her green fairy shoe up between the wench’s legs. She hit with enough adrenalin fueled energy to lift the woman briefly off the ground. Barbara landed a second kick on side of her target’s head and sent her to the ground.

“That went better than I was expecting” was all that Amanda could think to say as she and Batgirl rolled the two over and batcuffed them.

“Definitely,” Barbara was pleased that Amanda had reacted so quickly. She could have handled them both, but Amanda was showing some spunk.

Batgirl and Robin force the two attackers to their feet. “Two down and two to go…”

Armed with the wooden pikes and two prisoners Barbara and Amanda pushed them towards the hideout.

“If there are any booby traps or nets, we’ll let these two take the brunt of it.” Barbara slammed her wench, still groggy from the round-house to the head, through the door. Amanda’s captive almost tripped as she was pushed stumbling in behind. The two hench women landed on the ground in the center of the almost empty store front a few holding tanks for lobsters were bubbling along the wall.

Batagirl and Robin stood defiantly in the center of the empty store. Murals and fishing tackle adorned the building’s walls in rustic decorations. One wall had the relief of an Octopus with the United Underworld logo and their moto “Today Gotham, Tomorrow the World”. Another wall had a painting or two pirates standing next to each other. The taller one was blue and grey and the smaller one had a green and red motif.

Looking around the empty room, Amanda quipped, “I guess we missed them.”

At that moment the door behind them clanged shut and a loud metal clang of drop bar announced that they were sealed in.

“Not quite, Robin.” Six women emerged from hiding spaces within the room. Each carrying a large wooden pike-like boat hook. The Pirate Princess stepped to the fore. “I guess we are going to make our second show a matinee”

Batgirl and Robin assumed fighting stances as the six pirate wenches started to encircle them, blocking any escape and trapping them in the exitless lair. Amanda put her back to Barbara’s and faced off against three of the attackers and Barbara faced the three others.

Barbara faced her three attackers and kept her boat hook in motion. Her training with a bo staff was immediately useful. The metal hook on one end made it unbalanced, so she had to change it’s center of gravity. The advantage was the wood end gave her some extra reach. Her first move was to take on her tallest opponent first. Take out the one who was most dangerous first.

Barbara made a quick, hard connection with the woman’s head. The relatively light wood didn’t take her down immediately, but it gave her time to swing the hooked end behind her attacker’s leg and with a quick pull, yanked foot out from under her. The woman fell back hard and, at least for the moment, out of the fight.

Realizing she was getting the upper hand in the battle, Barbara turned check on the progress of the girl wonder. Amanda was surprisingly holding her own. Robin was not the most elegant of fighters, but she was making good use of the boat hook, parrying her three attackers with the long wooden handle and swinging it hard and aggressively in counter strikes, forcing the three wenches to stay on the defensive. Being aggressive was the only option being outnumbered and Amanda seemed to realize that instinctively.

Just as Batgirl turned her attention fully back to her own battle the Pirate Princess appeared in the room. Barbara wasn’t sure if she had come in at that moment or had been in the room all the while.

Unlike the wenches, the Princess was armed with a cutlass in one hand and a slightly smaller dagger in the other.

She moved deftly between Batgirl’s two foes and raised her sword to swing down on Batgirl in what would certainly have been a killing blow.

Barbara raised her bo staff up in a defensive move, hands wide apart so the center of the shaft would absorb the bulk of the force.

The blade cut deep into the wood stopped the blow. Princess immediately thrust the dagger towards Batgirl’s abdomen forcing her to retreat. With blade trapped in the boat hook, Barbara tried to twist the wood in a way to disarm her attacker. Unfortunately, instead of the cutlass being yanked from the Pirate Princess’s hand, the wooden shaft collapsed and split into two pieces.

At that moment Barbara heard a scream from behind her and turned just in time to face her two remaining attackers charging her simultaneously. Each woman was holding their boat hooks at a diagonal to the disarmed Batgirl.

They hit her almost simultaneously and launched her backwards against the wall. Barbara hit the wall still standing and clouds of vapor and dust shot from the boards.

Once triggered by the impact, thick metal fish hooks extended from the wall on either side of her and with blinding reflexes only capable of a mechanical device rotated ninety degrees and retracted.

In an instance, Batgirl was pinned to the Lobster Shack wall by giant metal fish hooks. One trapped her arms to her narrow waist, another was pinning her at the shoulders and across her breasts. Finally a pair of hooks were pinned across her throat. One coming from the right and an inch above it, one coming from the left.

A final hook, just above the floor, pinned her ankles to the wall.

Barbara could feel the sharp metal barb touching the side of her neck. For a brief moment she wondered how she had been impaled by either hook as they violently retracted into the wall.

Now trapped, Barbara could only watch helplessly as the five remaining women turned on Amanda.

She had been holding her own against three attackers, but with Batgirl out of the fight it was only a matter of time before Robin was subdued.

Amanda backed away form the Pirate Princess and her wenches as they created a defensive line against the lone heroine. They had the luxury of time and numbers against the young heroine.

Amanda couldn’t retreat and if she could, she wouldn’t leave Batgirl to whatever grizzly fate Pirate Princess had planned for her. With the locked door of the shack behind her and five killer pirates facing her, Amanda charged forward into the group.

It was a noble but futile attack. While Pirate Princess and two of her wenches fell back, the two remaining wenches moved to the sides and immediately flanked her. Now surrounding the inexperienced Robin, the women grabbed at her boat hook and spun her around rushed her five against one towards the wall next to Batgirl.

Barbara realized the paintings on the wall weren’t just odd decorations, but targets for trapping the caped crusaders. Amanda landed against the painting of the red and green pirate and with a near explosive release of gas she was trapped with a series of metal hooks arranged almost identically to Batgirl’s. The tips of the hooks embedded into the rough wooden walls of the Penguin’s abandoned hideout.

Pirate Princess ignored the casualties amongst her ranks once Batgirl and Robin were trapped against the wall of the Shack. The Barbara was gratified to see the pirate wenches had paid dearly for their victory. Purple welts rose from the faces and exposed skin from all six of their attackers and the two captured outside were having a hard time getting released from the magnetically keyed bat-cuffs. It would take hours to cut through the titanium coating if they weren’t able to figure out the electronic lock.

Barbara was gratified to see that Amanda had broken the nose of one of the girls, moving it off to one side by a good quarter of an inch. The bleeding had slowed but not stopped and was certain to start once again when someone tried to reset it.

“Well, that was more exciting than I was expecting it to be…” Pirate Princess, now comfortable in her victory, slipped her cutlass and dagger back into their sheaths.

“Your merry band of wenches won’t be making any new titty videos for a while” Amanda said with a hint of pride. “It took nine against two to trap us.”

“You will note, my nosey little newshound, that you were trapped in the end…” Pirate Princess cupped Amanda’s face in her hand. The narrow black mask accented her brown eyes and blonde pixie cut. Amazingly, none of the wenches were able to land a blow that marked her face. Which she secretly thought all the better for what was about to happen.

“Fortunately, the two of you were accommodatingly willing to deliver yourselves back into my tender care.” The Princess came over to Batgirl and slid her hands down the front of her costume, tracing over the breasts and the half inch of steel that restrained them across the hook that pinned her arms to her waist and to the frantically shifting crotch of her Batsuit.

The idea of creating a more explicit end of Batgirl crossed her mind, but that would have been for herself. What she needed was something more appropriate for the more general criminal populace. Sex tapes never seemed to enhance one’s standing in the Gotham Underworld. Catwoman was smarter and more successful than almost every other arch criminal, but those sex tapes of her on top of Batman and Batgirl had permanently undermined her credibility. The great Pirate Princess was never going to make that mistake.

Don’t worry though, the girls will, unlike you, recover. And your spectacular capture and soon to be broadcast demise will make it all worth it.” who wouldn’t want to be associated with the ‘Death of Batgirl’?”

“Unlike the shipwright, this deathtrap is pneumatically powered” The Princess leaned in to smell the fragrance of Batgirl’s soap. She smelled of a mix of musk and botanicals. Fresh washed shortly before the sweaty ordeal of combat gave the heroine a delicious scent. She almost wished she could bottle it.

“You see the back up aeration of these lobster holding tanks is powered by bottles of compressed air. They also power the steel fish hooks Penguin installed in the walls.” The Pirate Princess traced her fingers over the polished steel bars that had been crafted into enormous fish hooks. A slow hiss could be heard from the bubblers of the various holding tanks.

“Behind this wall are rows of tanks that were designed to keep the fish stocks alive for days in the event of a hurricane.” Pirate Princess moved over to Robin,

“You’ll never get away with this…”

“Are you expecting Batman and Robin are going to bust in here and save you?” The Princess traced her fingers over the outline of Robin on the wall. “It’s not a secret that Batman is not nearly the hero he is made out to be in the press…” She smiled at Batgirl, “you know licensing fees and what not…”

“Anyway, no one is coming to save you, everyone is going to tune in to watch you die.” Pirate Princess was warming to her favorite part, explaining their slow and painful demise.

“You might have notice that you can hear the wood of the wall creaking behind you.” She paused for dramatic effect. “That’s because the hooks around your throats are slowly retracting back into the wall.”

“Nothing complicated, just a slow and visually appealing strangulation while all of the Gotham underworld watches and enjoys the sight of the metal bar slowly choking the life out of you while a prison full of angry arch criminals pleasure themselves at your agonizingly slow demise….”

Pirate Princess signaled to her collection of wenches to withdraw from the lair. Barbara knew that the lair was probably crawling with cameras, recording the event from every angle.

She could already feel the two metal bard pressing into her neck and slowly having the tips of the hooks digging deeper and deeper into the wall… She glanced over at Robin and saw that the two metal tines were pressing against her neck forcing her to avoid moving her neck more than necessary.
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Nice job. It was an interesting twist that Batgirl was defeated before her less experienced cohort.

When the Penguin captured Batman and Robin in the same trap, the henchmen overwhelmed Robin. When Batman tried to rescue him the henchmen bull-rushed him into the trap.

Mr. Freeze (vaporizing chamber) and the Mad Hatter’s (fluoroscopic chamber) used the same tactics.

Must be tough on Batgirl’s psyche to see that she couldn’t last as long as Amanda. Also demoralizing for Amanda to see Batgirl defeated before her.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Great story, I'm loving it. Can't wait to read further, I'm stuck to my seat!

First, some fans would love to see Robin the boy wonder stuck in that trap. Batman having the same treatment and so on...
I'm glad you're staying focus on what is in your mind. Stay with what you love, we will follow you!

Second, a new villainess add to the mystery. We have to wait for finding out how evil she can become and if she will be tempted at playing with Batgirl gorgeous body.
There will never be too much villains in Gotham!

Third, I'm glad you are writing again and sharing your Batgirl universe with us, wich I am a big fan!

Thanks again,

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If Batgirl and Robin somehow get out of this one, I hope the Pirate Princess feeds them to the giant clam.
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Great story!!! I am a big hook fan!!!
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Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 7: Robin's Tunnel Look
By S. Sneakly, 2023

“You’ll never get away with this!” Amanda shouted after the retreating group.

“That will show them…” Barbara rasped as she felt the metal press against her throat.

“I don’t suppose you got a chance to booby trap the hydraulics on this trap Batgirl?” Amanda gasped. All the restraints were slowly withdrawing into the wall, not just the hook around their throats.

“The hooks are getting tighter Batgirl….” Amanda could feel them squeezing her chest. The razor sharp barbs were digging into the wooden wall behind them, causing the beams to stress and crack as the metal dug in. It made clear to both heroines that the relatively soft tissue of their bodies was going to be no match for the pneumatic trap that was set to slowly squeeze the life out of them for the perverse entertainment of Gotham’s criminal elite.

Amanda struggled beneath the retracting metal hooks. There was virtually no give in the smooth steel. Batgirl and her were done for and she was lamenting her brief crime fighting career. She glanced sideways at Batgirl, she was pinned just as helplessly as herself. The Penguin’s hooks were drawn tight across her chest and squeezing the breath out of her. The hook around her throat was pulling in and like Amanda causing her breathing to become more labored.

The insidious nature of the trap soon dawned on Amanda. The shape of the hook, while making it harder to breath, that wasn’t what was going to kill her.

The shape of the metal device was closing down her carotid arteries. No matter how hard she breathed, less and less blood was flowing to her brain.

She could no longer see Batgirl. She was only able to see across the room directly in front of her… and that patch was getting smaller and smaller… it was slowly being surrounded by black. Sounds within the room were becoming tinnier and weirdly more metallic sounding as they faded away.

Her breathing, now raspy and louder, was becoming the focus of what was left of her consciousness. The tight metal that pinned her to the wall and was slowly pressing the life out of her was becoming a sensation that was outside of her. The narrow tunnel of consciousness in the panorama blackness was focused on straight across the room.

Into her collapsing cone of consciousness Amanda saw the Pirate Princess appear. She wasn’t looking at Amanda or Batgirl, but her phone, almost like it was a movie camera filming a panoramic scene of destruction. The distant voice of her captor was barely audible beyond the rasping sound of her own breathing. One of the few sensations left to her was the thumping of her pulse. She could feel it in her neck and it was rhythmically pulsing in her ears, drowning out almost all other sounds.

“Apparently you two have stumbled into my lair at just the wrong time…” The Princess seemed oblivious to the fact that Batgirl and Robin were almost certainly within moments of death. “It seems The Arch Criminal Wing of Gotham State Penitentiary have been in the exercise yard the whole time you swabs have been strangling….”

She lowered her camera phone. “I can’t have have my most devoted subscribers miss one of my biggest live streams ever” She moved back to the wall opposite the gasping Batgirl and Robin. “And besides this was going just too quickly…”

The Princess of Plunder punched a red button mounted on the wall.

“All subscribers that paid for this live stream will get free access to tonight's exclusive streaming of the Death of Batgirl and Robin at no cost.”

Having finished addressing her community PSA, she lowered her camera and walked over to Batgirl and Robin. “Good luck for me that I accidentally made one of the hottest previews in history is going to be bad luck for you”

Amanda could feel the pressure of the hook around her throat easing slightly as the pneumatic strangulation eased off her throat. The narrow tunnel of light had spread slightly as blood flowed to her brain. The Pirate Princess was no longer a distant fog and She could feel the pulse of blood through neck.

“Strangulation is such a popular demise… So intimate.” The Pirate Princess was walking over to her to recovering victims. “But this was going far too quickly…” She pulled a purple umbrella from a stand.

Amanda turned and looked at Batgirl, she was recovering, too. Amanda was able to gulp down clean fresh air, the panic of her near strangulation was starting to ebb from her mind. She could see that Batgirl was regaining her witts, also.

Neither heroine was ready to respond to the monologuing villainess as she approached them with the tip of the umbrella pointed towards their heads.

“Night-night” was all The Pirate Princess said as a stream of purple haze spilled from the tip of one of Penguin’s trick umbrellas.

Batgirl and Robin immediately slumped into unconsciousness as the Penguin gas knocked them into slumber.
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Saved by lack of high paying viewers. Penguin would have just filmed the death scene and would replay it later as delayed broadcast.
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All the super criminals who tried to bump off Batgirl and a mere coed, albeit an enterprising one, just might succeed where they all failed. The indignity.
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Visitor wrote:
11 months ago
Saved by lack of high paying viewers. Penguin would have just filmed the death scene and would replay it later as delayed broadcast.
Where is your sense of integrity? It’s called a LIVE stream. Joker, Penguin al. are going to spank the monkey rewatching it. The big money is getting to watch, as it happens.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Another great chapter dear.

A good mix from the past and now. The old tv shows and a way to make money now.
A new idea about an unescapable trap and it's a good one.
The poor Batgirl is about to die but something else (maybe deadlier and nastier) is coming next and we have to wait to know about it like the old tv show.

I'm still on the edge of my seat and will watch the same Bat-channel for more to come with the Bat-beauty!

Holy catastrophe Batman!
Will she escape from this situation (I hope not) and send them to jail?

Thanks for sharing your creative mind with us honey, I'm loving this!
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Looking forward to the next chapter.
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For anyone who can do the rendering, love to see Kari Sane in her Pirate Princess outfit having Yvonne Craig's Batgirl in bondage
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Dazzle1 wrote:
9 months ago
For anyone who can do the rendering, love to see Kari Sane in her Pirate Princess outfit having Yvonne Craig's Batgirl in bondage
This would be an amazing image for sure!!! More More!!!
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Batgirl vs, the Pirate Princess<Chapter 7:
By S. Sneakly, 2023
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Barbara was disoriented as she started recovering from the Penguin’s knockout gas. She had experienced it in fights before, but this was much tougher. The Pirate Princess's trap had her nearly strangled when the gas was administered and the chemical had gone deep into her lungs.

Her body had a convulsive coughing fit, attempting to purge her lungs of the intoxicant. As she did so, she discovered that she was laying on a wooden deck that she initially assumed was the floor of the Lobster Shack. As she coughed herself to wake, she assessed her predicament. She was alive. Why, she didn’t really understand. She vaguely recalled the Pirate Princess recording something on her phone, but she was too close to passing out to really understand what she said or why she did it.

As she coughed into her gag, Barbara realized that she had been extensively tied. Villains were usually very thorough with her because of her reputation for surviving the unsurvivable. But the extent of these bonds were to the point of needless. She was lying on her side. Her arms were tied behind her back, at the wrists and above the elbows. The ropes around her wrists were tied around her waist and down between her legs and behind her back again. What little movement she had behind her back that she had resulted in pulling the rope in between her legs tighter into her nether regions. Her legs were bound above and below the knees and at the ankles each with four neat turns of the cord.

Barbara looked down at her body. Ropes crossed her chest and above, below and between her breasts. She mused for a moment that Pirate Princess must be worried that one her boobs was going to escape and smack her into submission.

As her head cleared she remembered the fight and being thrown against the wall. And watching as Amanda gave a good showing as Robin. She remembered the trap slowly choking the life out the two of them

“I wouldn’t struggle too hard, Batgirl. Your ankles are tied to a garrote around Robin’s throat. And her ankles are similarly tied to strangle you if she puts up too much of a fight.” Pirate Princess was standing over the two prone heroines. Barbara could feel the contours of Robin’s body directly behind her and the back of Robin’s feet behind her head. As she shifted her body in a gentle writhe, she could feel the contours of her co-captive moving behind her.

“What now?” Barbara demanded through her thick purple gag. She had long ago realized most villains looked on gags as more of an aesthetic choice rather than a practical matter. Although her mouth was tightly packed with cloth, she knew The princess could easily understand her. She glowered up at her captor only to realize that her head was dangling a few inches about the salty waters of Gotham Harbor.

“I realized that my biggest patrons were going to miss out on my best death trap yet, and so I decided to reschedule your demise to a more opportune time. Hightide is just after midnight and I thought what a beautiful time to die…. When all of Gotham Penitentiary is locked down for the night. When the prisoners are all locked snug in their cell with their contraband phones and nothing to do but watch you slowly strangle…

“You will note that you and Robin are tied one of Penguins floating docks. Batgirl, you are tied back to back with Robin. To make things interesting, I have double looped a rope around Robin’s neck and tied it to your ankles, which are behind Robin’s head.” Barbara strained to look up over her shoulder at the Pirate Princess. She could feel the heels of Amanda’s pixie boots on the back of her cowl.

“Robin has her feet tied similarly around your neck… the beauty of this is that your leg muscles are some of the strongest muscle groups in the body…. As the two of you struggle and convulse in your death throes, your final act in life will be to strangle your most loyal ally.” Pirate Princess squatted down next to Bagirl and stroked her cheek just below the cowl.

“But, that’s the quick way.” Before she could say more, a busty female pirate clambered from a ladder onto the small deck. “All ship-shape, Starkey?”

“Ay-ay, Captain,” she announced with hint of pride to her voice. Her peasant blouse clung to her almost naked bossom. The thin white linen was virtually transparent an the cold wet fabric clung to her chilled nipples, pert and erect in the cold air. Her leather pants were plastered to her legs. She picked up her cutlass dangling from a leather sash and her knee-high boots. “I tied their ropes to the bottom of the pier, they won’t be getting untied down there.” She gave an unlady-like snort and headed up a ladder into the shack above.

“Good,” Pirate Princess turned back to her two victims. Incase you haven’t figured it out, Batgirl, you and the Girl Wonder may be tied together on this little dock, but you each have a noose anchored to the bottom of the pier. The tide is on it’s way in and the prisoners are being locked down for the night at Gotham State Penitentiary.”

Pirate Princess was almost giddy with excitement. Her joy at explaining the gruesome deaths she had engineered was palpable. “High tide is going to be around 2AM. I expect you will both be long dead by then.” She blew a kiss down to her victims.

“It will be slow and I can only imagine what will happen to your bodies as the tide lifts stretches them another two feet… I know Joker and Riddler will enjoy that part. They were the ones that suggested I paint the inside of the boatworks with your innards.” She smiled and pressed her boot on Barbara’s neck.

“Good bye, Batgirl. And Robin, I hope you’ve enjoyed your little day of cosplay.” She turned and started up the ladder.

“The shoes were awesome.” Amanda rasped for the first time.

The Pirate Princess paused for a moment on the ladder. She had nothing, it was such an odd statement.

“You are a bit odd aren’t you…” And she left.

Taking her weight off the floating dock caused it to rise several inches drew the two nooses tighter around the heroines’ necks. Batgirl and Robin were left alone, the dock bobbing, delicately tethering the two women to the bottom of Gotham Harbor.
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That was definitely worth the wait. Thank you.
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Please more images of the Pirate Princess
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They were just AI generated from Bing Image Generator...
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Well, here is the final Chapter. I have started using my long dormant Deviantarts page. I will include a most of my older stories, including the non-superheroine ones. I will include a tag in my signature.
Batgirl vs The Pirate Princess, Chpt 9
By S. Sneakly

Barbara could feel Robin moving behind her.

“Batgirl, I am getting cramps…” Amanda gasped through the ropes. “I’m trying to keep my legs straight, but this choke rope is pulling my head back… arching my back…”

“Aman… Robin, you’ve got to fight it…” Barbara could feel the ropes tightening on her neck.

Barbara could sympathize. Her own back was arched cruelly to connect her choke rope to Robin’s ankles and her own ankles were similarly close to strangling Amanda with the slightest of movements. Behind each woman’s back was a set of ropes binding their wrists to her opposing elbow. She could feel her arms pressed uselessly to Amanda’s.

The Pirate Princess took her bondage seriously. The dock was slowly rising in the tide, and the two heroines were certain to be strangled eventually, But Barbara was wondering if that would be their ultimate cause of death.

The awkward arched back of being bound back to back and head to toe between the two women posed a deadly peril in its own right. With both sets of arms folded across and behind their backs, Batgirl and Robin were likely to shift uncomfortably, resulting in unintentional strangulation. Barbara knew that if one of the two girls started convulsing in her death throes, both women would be strangled in short order.

“Robin, Pirate Princess tied so we are more likely to strangle ourselves than to be killed by the ropes tied to the bottom of the harbor…” Barbara was struggling to get the words out as best she could. “Her audience in Gotham State are more interested in watching us strangle each other than having the tide do it slowly. The tide is just to make sure it happens tonight.”

“I know Batgirl. I don’t suppose you planted any explosives, or anything handy like you did before?” Amanda’s voice was raspy as the ropes contracted around her neck with even the slightest movement.
“Sorry kiddo, not this time…“ Babara tried moving her arms slightly; the back of her gloved hand could feel the edge of a storage container on her batgirl utility belt. “I still have my utility belt, but there is no way to get my hand around. I am already losing sensation in my fingers.”

Barbara was panting. She could hear Amanda doing the same. It wasn’t that Barbara couldn’t breath, it was that none of the oxygen was getting to her brain. She was already starting to get tunnel vision. “Aman- Robin, I am sorry this is how your first outing as a crime-fighter is going to end…” Barbara kept puffing. “I really did like having someone at my side for a change. You did a good job fighting those goons. I was really proud of y….” Barbara didn’t have enough air to finish her thought.

“Thanks, Batgirl….” Amanda was facing the same struggle for consciousness. “I got to live a dream…..” Amanda’s voice was weakening. “God damn… Iove.. those shoes….”

Barbara was fading fast. Her breaths were slowing and more labored… she felt Amanda convulse slightly as her vision narrowed to a small black cone with a dim camera lit glow in the center. Barbara slurred her final word as darkness settled in.

Amanda knew she was near death, but she fought to keep going. She felt her wrist come free from her opposing elbow. The single rope had amazingly held both arms in place. Once she had cut through the one strand. Her arm fell uselessly from behind her back. She could still not get air. But the force arching her back was gone.

Her arm was numb and her fingers useless, but the stress on her throat was gone, even if the garrote was still around her neck and if she didn’t act quick, it would still kill her.

She flexed her numbed fingers, praying through a fog to get blood back to them. Glancing down her body, she could see the small fragment of steel blade and green tape laying immediately in front of her. Her lifeless hand flopped on top of it and fingers fumbled to grasp it…

It took several tries, but the tape stuck to her finger and she was able to lift it. Once able to get it from the wood deck, Amanda was able to grasp the blade and feebly bring it to her neck.

She was near blackout and her arms lacked any strength or coordination, but she swiped the blade at the rope that passed behind her neck. She could feel her hand hitting the back of Batgirl’s purple ankle boot and the edge of the blade glancing along it. It took several passes before she started to feel progress on the ropes.

First she felt Batgirl’s seemingly lifeless legs fall away from her neck. Despite escaping one garrote, there was another, just as deadly anchored to the bottom of Gotham Harbor.

She hacked at the line behind her neck. The rope traced up behind her head and was pulled tight as it went over the edge of the dock and into the water. It made an audible twang as the steel cut into it with each strike.
Amanda gasped when the rope finally parted and she could feel the dock buoy up in the water once her neck was cut free. She let go of the blade and pulled the ropes from her throat. The collar of her cape had prevented the rope from cutting into her neck as fresh air flooded her lungs.

The arm she had been laying on was dead and lifeless, as she struggled to right herself, it dragged uselessly over the wood.

She looked down her legs at Batgirl. Her body was lifeless, Freeing one end of the dock had allowed the other end to sink lower, if only an inch or two.

Batgirl gave what could only be called a death rattle as a uselessly small amount of air was escaping her body.

“Oh my god! No you don’t, Batgirl!” Amanda struggled to pick up the small blade in her dead fingers and contorted around to cut her ankles free from Batgirl’s neck.

Amanda struggled to right herself and slashed sloppily at the strangle strap that connected her legs to the heroine's throat. And then at the garrote that was holding her fast to the bottom of Gotham Bay.

Amanda rolled the still tied Batgirl onto her back and began to force air from her mouth into Batgirl’s. She could feel Batgir’s lungs expanding inside her chest and she felt it drop when she lifted away to get a fresh breath.

Amanda did this several times and was worried she was too late for her friend. Eventually, Batgirl started to breathe on her own.

“Batgirl, are you okay?” Amanda was now struggling to cut her way out of the elaborate nest of ropes she and Batgirl had been subjected to.

Batgirl was groggy, disoriented and still bound head to toe. “What happened? Amanda?”

“I’m here Batgirl,” Amanda started working on the ropes binding the crimefighter. “You had me scared it was too late.”

Barbara, slowly recovering, pushed herself up on her elbow. “What happened? How did you get loose?”

“After you dropped me off at my apartment, I was looking at my Robin costu…uniform. I noticed the leather in my gloves was the exact same color as some electrical tape I had in a kitchen drawer.”
“After looking at how perfect the match was, I thought, ‘I could make use of this.’” Amanda held up the scrap of tape with the blade still partially sticking to it. “I taped an Exacto blade to the palm of the gloves.” She held up her gloved hand to show the trace of glue and the imprint of the craft blade was.

Barbara gawked for a moment as the fog continued to clear. “That worked?”

“This time. I remembered what you said about the bomb you planted on the transformer. I wasn’t willing to bet that if I said something, Pirate Princess wouldn’t come down and disarm me.”

Amanda stood up and offered her hand to Batgirl. “Let’s go find that bitch.”

“Let’s” Barbara took the offered hand and stood up, somewhat unsteadily.

The hatch to the Gotham Lobster Shack was unlocked and the two heroines climbed up into the dark building.

After they had both made it into the darkened interior. They dropped the wooden hatch and Barbara turned on her Batgirl-utility lamp.

“It took you two long enough. I was thinking I was going to have to go down there and cut you free myself”


“In the flesh, sweet cheeks,” Catwoman was sitting at the bar, her gloved hands wrapped delicately around a bottle of sarsaparilla. Her gold claws twinkled in the dark and her black costume made her blend perfectly into the shadows. The Batlamp made the black fabric twinkle occasionally, only her pale face and gold belt betrayed her presence.

“What are you doing here?”

“Watching the show mostly. You do make a lovely couple…” she tapped her phone gently on the counter. “Who’s your new friend?”

“I’m Robin.” Amanda planted her feet apart and hands on her hips.

“So he really is the Balless Wonder now…”

“She Amanda, I picked her up earlier.” Batgirl put her guard down.

“I saw.” Catwoman sucked on the straw from her soda.

“Why are you here?”

“I found out about this Pirate Princess chick” Catwoman pushed two sodas towards empty seats at the bar. “Joker, Riddler and Penguin love this place.” She looked around, “it’s a dump, but it’s their dump.”

Barbara walked over to the bar and took a long drag of soda from her bottle. Amanda, still suspicious, did likewise.

“The boys are stuck in jail, lonely and nothing to do but jerk off think of ways to fuck you up.” Catwoman tapped a pad on the counter and the lights came up.

“Along comes this pretty little cock-tease and they were willing to do just about anything to see her pretty little titties snuff out your lights.” Catwoman sighed. “Not that isn’t an entertaining prospect, but, the boys are not very strategic thinkers.”

Catwoman looked at Amanda. “Penguin and Joker will pretty much fuck anything that moves, but Riddler only has eyes for the Boy Wonder, the one with balls”

“The problem with this Pirate Princess is she isn’t really a criminal like we are. Riddler and Joker love ye’ olde deathtraps, but they are trying to commit some kind of caper and trying to kill you is icing on the cake, not the cake…”

Catwoman pushed a soda towards Amanda as if to assure her it was harmless. Amanda took and was relieved at how good it felt going down.

“Pirate Princess is looking to make her brand snuff porn. She kills you two today, she gets Batman or the other Robin tomorrow. She’s gonna run out of heroes and heroines pretty quick.”

“Tying you up and leaving you to die is one thing. But really, that’s not the point.”Catwoman sucked on her drink. “This chick is bad news. She is going to start going after civilians when she runs out of people in capes and undercover cops and snooping reporters.”

“The Boys are horny and in prison and don’t see that.” Catwoman waved to the shabby establishment. “They love this place and should never have let her use it.” She reached over the bar for another soda, popped the cap and dropped in her straw.

“They are going to be SO PISSED when they find out she burned it to the ground.” She looked at the clock in her necklace. “They will absolutely want to kill her, and not in the sexy, let’s see you escape this, sort of way… I doubt we’ll see her in Gotham in the future. Not if she knows what’s good for her.”

Catwoman woman got up from her seat and smiled at Batgirl, “finish your drinks, there are more cold ones under the bar if you want to take some for the road.”

“I wouldn’t recommend being here more than about fifteen minutes.” She headed for the door.

“Why?” Amanda piped in.

Catwoman looked at Barbara and then to Amanda. She tapped her locket. “I think there might be a fire….”

Catwoman opened the door and looked at Barbara, “Thursday?”

“Yeah, I guess so…” Barbara was somewhat sheepish with her response.

Amanda looked at the door. “Fire?”


“So, you and her?”

“It’s complicated.” Barbara reached over the counter and grabbed four bottles and handed two to Amanda. “I don’t think anyone is going to be missing these.”

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That's the end of this story, but what I decided to do was to start using my Deviant Art account as an archive of my stories. The nice thing will be I can post material that would not fit here and it will not cycle into obscurity within a few days.

Stop by and say hi and leave some feedback
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Sargeant 1st Class
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You reach your top standards again. Well worth the wait.
Thank you!
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Great ending. Funny how Amanda, the newbie, end up finding a way out of the trap as well as doing better in the fight than the more experienced Batgirl.

Would you happen to have any art of Amanda?
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IMSancho wrote:
6 months ago
Great ending. Funny how Amanda, the newbie, end up finding a way out of the trap as well as doing better in the fight than the more experienced Batgirl.

Would you happen to have any art of Amanda?
Thanks, Amanda is an on line friend for many years. A lot of my stories have pretty explicit content, so I wrote this about her and kept it clean. I thought it was a fun story and everyone enjoyed it. This is one of the first multi chapter stories I’ve written quite a few years.

I am kicking around some story ideas that I might take on in the future.
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sneakly wrote:
6 months ago
IMSancho wrote:
6 months ago
Great ending. Funny how Amanda, the newbie, end up finding a way out of the trap as well as doing better in the fight than the more experienced Batgirl.

Would you happen to have any art of Amanda?
Thanks, Amanda is an on line friend for many years. A lot of my stories have pretty explicit content, so I wrote this about her and kept it clean. I thought it was a fun story and everyone enjoyed it. This is one of the first multi chapter stories I’ve written quite a few years.

I am kicking around some story ideas that I might take on in the future.
That’s cool. I prefer this type of story to the explicit stuff anyway. I know I may be in the minority on that here but to each his (or her) own.
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IMSancho wrote:
6 months ago
sneakly wrote:
6 months ago
IMSancho wrote:
6 months ago
Great ending. Funny how Amanda, the newbie, end up finding a way out of the trap as well as doing better in the fight than the more experienced Batgirl.

Would you happen to have any art of Amanda?
Thanks, Amanda is an on line friend for many years. A lot of my stories have pretty explicit content, so I wrote this about her and kept it clean. I thought it was a fun story and everyone enjoyed it. This is one of the first multi chapter stories I’ve written quite a few years.

I am kicking around some story ideas that I might take on in the future.
That’s cool. I prefer this type of story to the explicit stuff anyway. I know I may be in the minority on that here but to each his (or her) own.
When I tried my had at writing a book, I realized before I started that erotica sells better than stories that are less explicit. I have always tried to make my stories engaging beyond the sex, but sex is what people want. I have been kicking around a damsel in distress style of steampunk project and I am not sure how explicit to make it. I am open to doing something less explicit, but if it has BDSM themes, why not go all the way?
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This was great! Unique, wonderful traps and a delightful bonus of having the "sidekick" saving the heroine. Terrific job!!
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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DrDominator9 wrote:
6 months ago
This was great! Unique, wonderful traps and a delightful bonus of having the "sidekick" saving the heroine. Terrific job!!
Thanks, I try to keep it fun.
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