Night of the Peeper Added Pt3

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Neophyte Lvl 2
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The Night of the Peeper

Johnny was a familiar site, riding around the neighborhood on his bicycle nearly every day. He waved at all the people working in their yards, and pet all the dogs taking their daily stroll. However, when night fell he put away his bike to sneak around, peering into all the windows.

“Henry, someones peeking in our window again. You ought to call the police.” Mabel wanted her husband to chase after the culprit, but he was too busy watching the news on TV.

Johnny drifted from house to house nearly every night, making sure he was not seen by the routine police patrols. Most of what he managed to see was dull and routine, since much of the more interesting stuff was done behind closed curtains. However, one particular night's peeking circuit changed his routine forever.

Diana Duke came home late one night exhausted from the days travail at the Agency. Normally she closed the blinds before changing her clothes, but this particular time, she forgot. The stress at work probably was the reason for her mind to be on a thousand other things and not on the blinds. That mistake just happened to coincide with Johny's passing through the area, and the light in her unprotected window caught his attention.

“Hmmm, she always closes those darn blinds, but not tonight. I wonder why.” Moving closer, the neighborhood peeping Tom was rewarded by seeing a beautiful woman in nothing but her panties and bra. She crossed the room to the dressing table, sat down and started brushing her long wavy brunette tresses, and then her cell phone buzzed. Johnny couldn't hear what was being said, but was so startled by what happened next, he stumbled backwards, falling on his tush. “I can't believe what I just saw, Holy Cow.”

He abruptly ceased his nightly prowling to concentrate on the lady known to him as Diana Duke. Unfortunately, she never forgot to close the blinds again, which really frustrated Johnny, who felt he had to somehow confirm what he had seen that one night. “This can't be real, I must have imagined what I saw.” He decided to do a lot of research on the Internet, and as a result gathered a lot of equipment to obtain his new goal in life.

It was a drizzly night, when the Peeping Tom escalated his activity to one of breaking and entering. The row house, where Diana Duke resided was dark. “She must be working late again.” Johnny had observed her working habits the previous couple weeks, so finding the house empty late at night was not unusual. Using his newly gained skills, he picked the lock and entered the foyer, and then locked the door behind him.

About an hour later, the front door opened, and Diana entered, shook out her umbrella, and placed it upright in a corner of the tiled foyer. “I'm really beat tonight. TGIF” She then hastily removed her high heels, and tossed them across the living room, turned on the light, and then flopped in her favorite easy chair to turn on the TV. “What's on tonight?” As she picked up the TV guide, she heard the phone ringing in the kitchen. “Who can that be?” Rising from the chair< Diana intended to answer the phone, but the Peeping Tom had another idea.

Johnny came out of his hiding place from behind the sofa with a pre-soaked pad in his hand, and approached the woman from behind. “This should disable her quickly.” He assured himself as his hand reached over the woman's shoulder.

“WHATHMMPPHHH!!” Diana was caught completely by surprise, and inhaled a large dose of the drug before realizing what was happening. “NNMMSTPPMM!” She felt a man's body press against hers, and an arm wrap around her waist. Knowing she had already breathed in too much of the vile chemical, it was imperative to act now. Johnny was surprised by the woman's resilience, and when she suddenly threw an elbow into his mid-section he lost his grip. They both staggered backwards, and Diana turned around to face the attacker, wearing a black ski-mask. “You'll pay for this.” She threatened.

“NO you don't.” Johnny charged the woman, pressing the cloth against her face once again, and forcing her back to the wall.

“UUMMPPHHH!” Diana let out a gasp, when she hit the wall, and inhaled more of the drug. This time she kneed the man in the crotch, causing him to back up and bend over. Seeing this as an opportunity to flee the danger she ran forward, but tripped and sprawled out on the carpet. “UUFFFF! Got to get up.” The athletic woman made a hasty attempt at regaining her footing, but was weakened from the chloroform and stumbled forward to wind up frantically crawling on the floor.

Johnny recovered and lunged at the woman, straddled her, and thrust the rag over her face a third time. “You're more resistant to this stuff than I was led to believe.” He held the cloth firmly in place, and Diana was eventually forced to breathe in the foul smelling fumes.

“Have to do something now or it's all over.” She decided on a desperate ploy, so held her breath and completely relaxed her body.

Thinking the woman had finally succumbed to the chloroform, Johnny rose to his feet almost exhausted from the tussle, and then peered down at his conquest. “Whew, you were tougher than I expect....whooaa.” Suddenly the woman jumped to her feet and ran into the other room. “I don't believe that.” He then saw the tell flash of light. “Aha, I didn't imagine it.” Then taking the pre loaded syringe from his pocket, her removed the plastic safety cap covering the needle, and waited.

“What exactly do you want from Ms. Duke.” Standing in the doorway to the living room was the most magnificent figure of a woman he had ever seen, wearing practically nothing, but a skimpy Halloween costume. She strode confidently towards the stunned intruder and reached out to pull off his mask.

Johnny's arm moved swiftly, jabbing the needle in the side of the heroine's neck and quickly injecting the fluid. “I really don't want you to do that.” He smiled as the woman's hand stopped just before reaching the mask, and she staggered backwards.

“Wha..hab..yooo..done?” Wonder Lady felt her forehead, as she suddenly felt very warm. “C..can't..stan..uup.” Her legs became wobbly, so she reached out for support, but fell to her knees.

Johnny was transfixed at the sight of this beautiful superheroine now helpless before him. “I never thought you actually existed. You were just a legend, a comic book character.” He went to where she was struggling for control of her muscles, and placed the cloth under her nose.

Her eyes pleaded with him to stop, but all she could do was to weakly raise one arm in a feeble attempt to push his hand away, and then it loosely dropped back to her side. “I'm getting weaker...c..can't..resist.” Even the Amazon's indomitable will power could not save her. She felt the powerful chemical oozing it's way into her brain.

Johnny watched her head begin to tilt back, and placed his hand behind to stop it, and then pressed the cloth gently over her nose and mouth. He heard the muffled moans as the beautiful blue pupils rolled back, and her long black lashes flutter a couple times then slowly close. He had finally done it, she was completely out. Lifting the gorgeous limp shape he carried her into the bedroom, laid her gently on the mattress, and then closed the blinds.

To be cont.

Last edited by Chloromaiden 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Night of the Peeper Pt 2

After making certain the helpless Wonder Lady was comfortable with her head resting on the soft pillow, Johnny went into the bathroom to wash up and relieve himself. When he returned....”Oh no..she's coming to.”

Wonder Lady was sitting on the side of the bed slightly bent over with a hand on her forehead. “” She moaned, obviously disoriented by the chloroform and the injection. “Who was that man?” Unaware that her attacker was pouring some chloroform onto a washcloth in preparation to putting her back to sleep, she braced herself with one hand on the mattress, while trying to stand.

“No,no I can't have you doing that.” Johnny pushed the heroine back on the bed, and once again forced the rag over her face. “Breathe deep...go back to sleep.” He then shoved her head into the pillow and her arms stretched out with her hands waving back and forth.

“MMPPHHNOOO...” One of Wonder Lady's hands found the end of the wash cloth, and yanked it from under the attacker's grip. “Unnnn..get..offff..meee.” She then raised a foot to place it on Johnny's chest, and shoved him backwards. Standing shakily by the side of the bed, Wonder Lady looked at the man, a few feet away, and noticed he no longer wore the ski mask. Even through the fog she thought she recognized him. “Johnny?” Taking up her fighting stance, she scared the young man, and he fled from the room. “You're not getting away from me.”

However, Johnny was not giving up, but going to plan C. and when the superheroine raced after the young fool, she headed for the stairway unaware he was standing to the side of the doorway. Too late she noticed he was not where she expected. “UUNNGGHH!” A wicked sharp pain exploded in the back of her head, and her knees buckled immediately. “OOHHHH!” She stumbled clumsily forward holding onto the railing, and then her momentum sent the stunned woman plummeting down the steps. “Uuuhhhh.” When Johnny got to her she was sprawled out on the last few steps groaning with pain.

“I'm sorry about that, but you gave me no choice. Wait, I'll get something for the pain.” He quickly retrieved the chloroform and soaked his handkerchief. “Breathe deep, and the pain will go away.” Pressing the cloth gently over her mouth and nose, he waited for her to struggle, but she didn't.

When the noxious fumes hit the heroine's nose, she instinctively jerked her body and tried to twist her head away, but she quickly realized there was nothing she could do. “Tooo..weak to..resist..have to” Her silent plea was her last thought before succumbing to the blissfulness of sleep.

Johnny carried the limp body of the unconscious superheroine up the steps and once again laid her out on the soft bed. “You've been a lot tougher than I expected.” He started removing the boots first before taking off the costume. “I wonder what special powers you have.” He said out loud, while unzipping the bustier and pulling it away from those two bodacious boobs. He then spent some time fondling them before removing the star studded blue thong. She now lay there, helpless and completely naked. “Must have her.” He lusted at the site of this beautiful lady, who now lay at his mercy. “I need a drink first.” He bound his beautiful captive spread eagle on the bed, and then affixed a chloroform soaked dust mask over her nose and mouth. “That should keep you out of trouble while I get some refreshment.” He then left to raid the refrigerator.

Within minutes Wonder Lady stirred. “Uuuhhh, my head.” She tried raising her hand, but found it restrained, and then out of anger and frustration, she yanked the rope with all her might, not realizing her power belt lay at the foot of the bed. The effort caused her to take a deep breath, and when the sickly sweet pungent odor hit her nostrils...”OH NOO..this can't beeee..happen..tooooo.” Her voice trailed off as she went limp.

The next time she woke, the morning sun shone through the sheer curtains. “Ohhh..feel so exhasted.” This time her hand rose to her head, but she didn't think that unusual. Looking down at herself, she wondered why she was wearing her costume in bed. The strangest thing was seeing the lasso wrapped around her waist. Why is that there?” It was now Monday morning and she was late for work.....

Elder Member
Elder Member
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Excellent story please continue.
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Millenium Member
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Hmmmm..great so far...Johnny needs to pay a visit to my subdivision...maybe I will leave my window curtains open and ahem..change into costume.........
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Night of the Peeper Pt3

Diana Duke, aka Wonder Lady, went to work on Monday morning as was her normal routine, unaware a pair of eyes followed her every move. “Good morning Marv, I need the file on the Verdugo sisters. We're starting our surveillance of their little operation tonight.” She then spent the rest of the day obtaining the necessary warrants, and equipment for the task of tracking the movements of the two Capitol Hill Madames. “If our preliminary investigation is anywhere close to being accurate, we'll snag some pretty big fish.”

“I guess you're wise to keep this between the two of us.” Marvin Kepel agreed with the plan, and would take the second shift between 2AM and 6AM.

Johnny had set up his listening equipment on the roof top of the building across the street from the agency, and heard the entire conversation between Diana and her partner. “That's perfect.” He thought. “When I grab her, the Partner will suspect the Verdugo sisters.”

Later that night Diana eased the large utility truck into a prearranged parking spot across the street from the swanky Georgetown brownstone building that housed the high priced Bordello. She then went into the back of the vehicle and set up all the surveillance equipment, including sophisticated listening devices, cameras, recorders, and monitors. “This should be a very interesting night.” She mused, thinking of all the high level officials that might have their indiscreet behavior recorded for posterity. “Aha, there's Judge Archibald already.” She filmed his entrance into the building, and started the recording device.

Johnny silently sneaked up to the surveillance truck, and tossed a canister underneath it. Within seconds gas spewed forth from the incendiary device. “It'll take a few minutes.” Johnny said to himself, as he prepared for the next phase of his plan.

Inside the truck, Diana concentrated on the job at hand, and saw a high ranking municipal official exit a limo and enter the brownstone. “It's getting better.” She felt it becoming warm inside the truck, and wiped her forehead. “The air conditioning isn't working very well.” Diana commented. Then she noticed her eyes were having difficulty focusing on the monitor. “Something's wrong.” Her movements became sluggish and then she noticed a gray cloud forming on the floor. “GAS! Got to get out of here.” Staggering to the back door, she threw it open and leaped to the ground.

Johnny had waited patiently for the woman of his dreams to hastily exit the vehicle, and when she did, he clamped a damp cloth over her mouth, and wrapped his arm around her waist, to hold her body tightly against his. “Breathe deep Diana. I'm not going to hurt you.” He squeezed her middle, trying to get the woman to inhale, but she slammed him against the side of the truck, forcing Johnny to loosen his grip. “UNFFFF!”

Breaking his hold, Diana spun around to face her attacker, and exclaimed. “Johnny?” She recognized him as a neighbor. “What are you doin..AARRGGHH!” She felt a wicked blow to the back of her skull. Her big blue eyes got even bigger, as she stumbled forward into Johnny's arms. Staring blankly up at his face, she struggled to deal with the pain.“Unnnnnn...don..dooo..thismmmmmm.” Her protest was muffled by the damp cloth that Johny reapplied over her mouth.

“Don't fight it, you can't win.” Johnny was now supporting the woman's full weight, as her body went limp. He peered down at Diana's glazed eyes, watched them roll back, and then slowly close. “Ok Bart, grab her feet and we'll take her to the van.” Johnny spoke to his lifelong buddy, who had agreed to act as back-up.

“When do I get to see her change to a Superheroine?” Bart asked, while sliding the unconscious Diana's feet into the van.

“I have a plan to let her transform, once we get to the cabin.” Johnny replied, and then proceeded to tie Diana's wrists behind her. “Here, use this piece of rope to bind her ankles together.” After she was secured, they headed towards the hills and Johnny's hunting cabin.

Meanwhile, Marvin arrived at the surveillance truck to find the rear door open, and no sign of his partner, Diana. “What could have happened?” He eyed the brownstone, thinking that one of the sisters had done something, but after checking the recordings and tapes he could find no evidence that they knew she was there. He found the gas canister, and discovered a trace amount of blood. “She's been abducted, but by whom?” Perplexed and worried, the agent drove the truck back to the agency garage determined to find out what happened.

It had started to rain as the van crossed the river, and Diana moaned softly, indicating that she was recovering from her drugging. “Uhhhhh..where?” She rolled over, tugged at her bonds, and then slowly opened her eyes. “HELPMMNNOMM!” Bart rushed to place his hand over her mouth, and she bit him.

“YIPES, the Bi*** bit me.” The young man pulled his hand away, and for a brief second shook it to ease the pain, then reacted angrily by balling up his fist to swing a wicked punch against the helpless woman's jaw.

“UUNNGGHH!” Diana had managed to raise up slightly off the floor, but as her jaw felt the impact, her head spun to the right, and her body collapsed back onto the floor. She was out cold.

Within another hour, the van drove off the main highway and onto a rain soaked dirt road that took the trio to a large log cabin hidden among a clump of pine trees. “We'll put her in the small bedroom for the night.” Johnny said as he lifted the still unconscious woman out of the van, and hurried to the rustic front porch. “Here take the keys and open the door.”

Bart led the way inside, lit the oil lamp on the table, and then proceeded to light the way into the small bedroom. “I'll get some rope.” Johnny gently laid his burden onto the hard mattress, took off her shoes, and then began undressing her.

“ head.” Diana raised her hand to rub her sore jaw, and then noticed Johnny pulling down her skirt. “Stop that you pervert.” Then leaping off the bed, she spun in place, creating a bright flash of light, and transformed into the figure of Wonder Lady. “Now to deal with you.”

“That's a lot sooner than I had planned, but it'll still work.” His eyes were transfixed on the beauty in the strapless red bustier and star studded blue thong panty.

“What will still work?” She took a step towards her kidnapper, but before reaching him, the man pushed a button on a small remote, and Wonder Lady suddenly found herself encased in a wire mesh net that fell from above. “This won't stop me.” She started to tear through the mesh, when Johnny pushed another button. “AAGGHHHHH!! NOOO..STOP..Helllpp.” Her shouts quickly turned to a whimper, as the electricity surged through the net and passed into her body.

Bart raced into the room to see the Superheroine writhing on the floor, wrapped inside a metal mesh net. “Darn, I missed it.” He complained.

Johnny removed a small canister from the bedside table, approached the struggling Wonder Lady, and sprayed a fine mist into her face. “This will help ease the pain.

Wonder Lady's anguished expression of pain changed to one of serenity as the sedative dulled the heroine's senses. “”

Yes, for the second time.” Johnny turned off the electric charge, and watched as the woman's body relaxed from the intense stress. Her arms and legs uncoiled to lay stretched out on the floor, as her blue eyes glazed over, and she succumbed to the chemical.

Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 459
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Very interesting and good. :-D :-D
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
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great job - keep up the good work!
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Thank you all for the nice remarks.

Night of the Peeper Pt4

Wonder Lady lay on the hard mattress moaning, as some feeling slowly returned to her body. She tried lifting a hand to massage an aching head but it wouldn't move, and her eyelids felt like they were glued in place. “Uhhhh..How..could I let this happen?” It took several minutes for the heroine to realize she was tied in a spread eagle fashion, and after many tries at opening her eyes, they finally fluttered a few times. Upon focusing on the dim lit surroundings, it became obvious she had been taken to a log cabin, which must be in an isolated location, since there were no sounds. “A crazy little Peeping Tom did this to me.” She yanked at the ropes,but couldn't loosen them, and then noticed that she was naked, her magic belt and lasso were hanging on a hook across the room.

“I thought I heard something.” Bart entered the room and saw Wonder Lady straining at her ropes. “That wont do no good. Johnny was in the Navy and he ties a pretty good knot.”

He seemed embarrassed at seeing her lying there without any clothes, so she wondered what his part was in the kidnapping. Then the ache in the back of her head made sense. “You're the one who whacked me on the head.” She watched him approach with alarm. “What are you going to do?”

“SSSHHH, you'll wake Johnny.” Bart stood next to the bed. “You're really pretty.” His hand ran along her body, and then gently squeezed her breast.

Wonder Lady squirmed, trying to pull away. “STOP THAT YOU CREMMMMMMM!” Her protest was stifled by Bart's hand clamping her mouth shut.

“You don't want to wake Johnny. Promise not to scream, and I'll take my hand away.” Bart felt her head nod, so he released her. “Sorry about hitting you on the head. I took no real pleasure in that.”

She became apprehensive at his look. “He's up to no good.” She surmised, but then he reached over to untie one of her wrists. “You're going to free me?” She asked as he untied her other wrist.

“Yes, I wanted no part I this from the beginning, but Johnny's my friend. Promise you won't hurt him.” He undid an ankle, while the heroine bent down to untie the other.

She was free, but not quite sure why. “The belt, I've got to get my belt. It's the source of my power.” She brushed past the young man, but tripped, landing face first on the shag rug at the end of the bed. “ tripped me.” Struggling to get onto all fours, Wonder Lady felt the man straddle her body and then was surprised by the wet towel pressed over her face.

“Johnny and I had a bet.” Bart pressed the towel tightly over the woman's mouth. “He said you're strength flowed from the Tiara, because that's what his latest comic book indicated.” Bart became stimulated by the squirming naked body between his legs.

“NNOOMMMSTPPMM!” Wonder Lady whipped her head back and fourth, while raising a hand to yank at the towel, but she'd inhaled too much of the vile fumes. “Don't have the strength to fight it.” Her arms sagged, and she suddenly fell onto her head, jerking at the cloth , which pulled Bart forward to sprawl onto the floor in front of the dazed heroine. “ the belt.” She climbed on top of Bart, making it impossible for him to rise up, and then grabbed the wet towel to press it over the man's face. “Soo..dizzy..don..kno..if I can hol..onnnn.” Her head lifted up, trying to inhale some fresh air, but the fumes from drug residue on her face was drawn into her lungs. “Ooohhh..tooo..late..uhhhh.” Her body drifted sideways, and Wonder Lady fell onto her shoulder, moaning...”C..can't..resis..”

Bart rolled the nearly unconscious woman off him, and then stood over the prone figure of feminine perfection, lying naked at his feet. “I bet your strength came from the belt. Guess I won.” He lifted her shoulders and dragged the helpless heroine around to the side of the bed. The door suddenly burst open and there stood a younger version of Wonder Lady standing in the open doorway.

“Get your grimy hands off my sister.” The woman in a slightly different red white and blue skimpy costume demanded. She looked around the room as Bart cowered in a corner. “What did you do to her?” She picked up the towel, then nodded as she smelled the chloroform. “Here, put this around her waist.” Wonder Lass threw the golden belt to the man. “Is there anyone else here?”

Bart thought for a moment, wondering why Johnny had not responded. “No, it's just me.” He gingerly placed the belt around Wonder Lady's waist, then lifted her limp body onto the bed. “I wasn't going to hurt her.” He stammered.

“How did a single little creep like you manage to capture my sister?” Wonder Lass crossed the room to the side of the bed, and then was hit by a sudden surge of electricity in her back. “AAARRGGGGG!!”

“Unfortunately for you, it wasn't one lone creep, but two.” Johnny stood in the doorway holding a tazer. “And who might you be?”

Wonder Lass stumbled forward into Bart's waiting arms, her knees giving way so that she hung supported by the young man as she looked up at his face, pleading for him to stop the pain. “Ohh..please..hellppp..meeee.” Her blue eyes rolled back, the shapely figure went completely limp, and then slid down Bart to lay sprawled onto the floor.

Wonder Lady's eyes suddenly sprung open, and she was instantly awake and alert. “What have you done to my sister?” She asked, leaping from the bed and slamming Bart against the wall. “I'm surprised at you Johnny.” The heroine raced after the fleeing young man. “You're going to pay for this.” Grabbing the man's neck, she tossed him back over her shoulder. “Why, why have you done this?” Wonder Lady asked, as she stood wearing nothing but the golden power belt. She received no answer from the unconscious body lying on the floor at her feet.

A week later....Johnny was mowing Diana Duke's lawn while Bart washed and waxed her car. She couldn't risk having them tell anyone about the experience, so she put them to work instead.

The End

Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 459
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Good finish to a good story. :-D
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