The Perils of Victory

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Neophyte Lvl 3
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MY name is Jordin Tyler and I’ve spent all twenty-four years of my life in Capital City. I’ve watched this town go from bad to worse as the crime and gangs have slowly taken over our once proud city. Growing up with a cop for a father you can imagine it was even harder around my house as the state of things deteriorated. He raised me with a strong sense of right versus wrong and duty towards the former but over the years things seemed to change slowly for him and consequently for me. I guess it must have been the lawyers, slowly turning the judicial and legal systems into a weapon for any and every criminal with enough money.

I still remember the last time I saw my daddy sober. He came home and told my mother they had let a mob boss (which one escapes me just now) walk free on a technicality. I remember watching him pull that bottle of whiskey out of a brown paper sack.

“They’ve made the system a joke,” he said to me sadly and broke the seal.

As I grew and watched him slip further and further into alcoholism I knew I had to do something, to find a way to take a stand! I decided to become a reporter, a hard hitting legal reporter or political journalist, someone who would fearlessly expose the filth and crime in my beloved Capital City!

My visions of grandeur subsided quickly. As a young attractive woman it’s easy to find work in front of a camera but hard to get any respect. And ambition like mine is a scary thing to anyone in a town run by criminals and villains. Even though I had no background in meteorology I soon found myself relegated to reading the weather in “aesthetically pleasing” outfits.

Then on my twenty-third birthday I received a gift from an aunt I had little connection with on my mother’s side. It was a silver belt. I thought it was funny, an out-of-touch aunt trying to send me something hip and stylish. I even wore it to the club with friends once. That very night I was attacked on my way home!

I soon learned that not only could this thug barely hurt me but also I was massively stronger than him! I beat him to a pulp on the street and staggered home in a daze. I realized quickly that the belt had given me power. It was not a long road to my realizing I could use my gift to help others and possibly break the hold that crime had gained on this fair city.

Almost over night I became a superheroine! I called myself Victory knowing that was what lay ahead for me. I admit I dressed scantly, wearing purple lycra hot pants and a matching halter top that left my toned stomach bare but it allowed for ease of movement in a fight. It also serves to distract most male opponents I face, seems it’s difficult to land a solid punch when they’re staring my plump C-cups or imagining my long slender legs wrapped around them. I found a pair of silver boots that matched my power-belt and completed the ensemble with a silver mask that hid my identity as Jordin the weathergirl.

I spent the next year working to break the hold crime has brought over this city. I started small, stopping a few muggings, saving a few women from being raped in alleyways. As word spread my enemies grew and I found myself in the position to make bigger impacts and as I did, more and more people took notice. On every side of the law. My superheroine career has become a growing success!

The gangs and mobs have not fully relinquished their hold on this city nor are they giving up without a fight but I’m ready! No matter what I face or how perilous the situation, I’m prepared for victory! …but will they be?

Part One
THE streets have been buzzing lately. Word is some hotshot escaped convict has come into my city looking to set up shop. I’ve got enough to deal with as it is without other problems snaking their way onto my plate. I beat answers out of a few common lowlifes. I get a name: Jacob Wilder, apparently convicted of everything from rape and murder to racketeering. An obviously dangerous guy he spent five years on the inside before orchestrating and achieving a daring escape. Not the kind of guy I’m going to leave on my streets! Word is he’s planning something big. Some of my unwilling informants say a bank job, others say an attack of some kind. All of them point to the same tool; explosives, home-made and big.

It wasn’t hard tracking him down, after all he’s on my turf. I find his hideout in an abandoned warehouse on the lower east side. I don’t waste time with scouting or recon, I want this scum out of my town immediately, preferably back in prison but I’ll be satisfied with otherways.

Jake Wilder jumps up from his work bench as I storm into the room. Knowing his time is suddenly growing short he draws his pistol and comes toward me. I smirk and move too quickly for him, stripping the gun away with one hand and flinging him across the room with the other. I'm brimming with confidence as his back and head hit the wall with a resounding "thwack"! He glares at me with unrestrained contempt. I smirk putting my hands on my shapely hips. His burning eyes drift over my statuesque body starting at my silver boots and rising along my long slender legs to my shiny lycra hot pants, with the silver belt resting on my hips. He continues up my toned bare stomach and however angry he seems his eyes still linger on my pert breasts, wrapped in the skintight lycra halter. My long brown hair falls about my shoulders framing a pretty face obscured by my silver mask.

“Who the hell are you?” he growls.

"I’m Victory, don’t act like you don’t know me,” I say sternly. “You should know I’d be coming for you sooner or later.”

"Actually," he groans standing. "I have no clue who you are."

An indignant frown washes across my glossed lips. "Well then you’re a fool! This is my city."

"Funny I hear that a lot," he says straightening before me. "Well guess what honey, I tell you what I told everyone else… I’m taking over."

“Unlikely,” I scoff.

“Really? Well I doubt you’ll be to opposed one way or another... once my little… project… goes off,” he grins and looks over my shoulder.

Warily I turn to regard his "project". He tries to take advantage and springs at me but I catch him nearly in midair! I heft him with one arm, shaking my head disappointedly. I carry him backwards pressing him against the wall, my free hand curling into a fist threateningly.

"You have quite a reputation, Mr. Wilder," I say dismissively. "I hope that's not the best trick you've got..."

"Careful what you wish for," he snarls.

Suddenly he pulls a small black device from his pocket and presses it against the arm holding him. Pain shoots up my arm and I can't help but cry out! I pull my arm away dropping him, but quickly lunge forward with the other in a crushing blow. The wall shudders under my power but he slips just out of the way. Darting forward he presses that wicked little device against my firm thigh and again I cry out in pain and surprise. I drop to my hands and knees gasping, my slender body wracked with pain.

"Of course I know who you are and the truth is I came here specifically to lure you in, heroine," he spits the last word as if its very utterance is foul tasting. "This particular device is a modified tazer, it pumps out enough voltage to kill a normal person instantly, I figured it'd at least do a number on he despite her powers...and I was right!" He drops the tazer kicking it away. “Unfortunately putting out that kind of voltage it’s only good for a couple of shots but apparently that’ll be enough!”

I try to stand but even with my belt on his device has left me weak. How could I have let him get the drop on me this way? His muscular arm snakes around my neck, pulling me upright. I grab it intent to throw him off but my head is spinning and it takes a second to get my bearings. A second too long! His other hand quickly unbuckles my belt and snatches it off.

"No!" I gasp feeling my powers drain away.

He laughs and shoves me forward into the wall. I whirl to face him, the pain of her tazer beginning to subside however without my belt I'm powerless. I look down at my naked waist in dismay.

"Give that back you fiend!" I demand.

"Come and take it," he chuckles, holding the silver belt towards me.

I step forward reaching for it. Just as I do he pulls it away and slams his free hand into my stomach. The air bursts from my lungs and I stagger back, bracing myself against the wall. He’s stronger than he looks. He tosses my belt far out of reach and cracks his knuckles coming towards me. I take up a ready stance, defiantly intent to fight, but my expression is far from confident.

I throw a few punches, he slips one and lets the other land. It's solid but without my belt I'm just skinny girl with little strength to speak of. He grabs one of my hands as I launch another attack. I can't even pull it free. He manages to catch the other as well and quickly clamps both of my skinny wrists in one hand. Then he slaps me across the face with his free hand! A back hand quickly follows and then another slap. My head snaps back and forth with each strike, and my resolve breaks quickly. Another slap and I yelp in pain! A backhand and I cry out. The pain hurts less than the knowledge that I'm this little of a threat to him now.

Finally he shoves me back against the wall, a broad smile plays across his face. I cradle my stinging cheeks and glare at him. He takes a step forward. I throw a lightening quick kick but he catches my silver boot easily. A frustrated groan escapes my glossy lips as I teeter on one foot. He pulls my leg tauntingly, not quite enough to throw me off balance, just enough to let me know he easily could.

"Let go," I say threw gritted teeth.

"Have it your way!"

He sweeps my free leg out from under me and gives my boot a light shove. It's more than enough to send me sprawling to my back with a painful grunt. I try to scramble to my feet, this might be my chance...but he’s too quick. He pounces on top of me, holding my squirming body down and straddling my slender waist. I try to shove him off but again he’s able to catch hold of both my flailing wrists and pin them to the ground. I gasp and writhe helplessly, being overpowered now easily. I kick my legs and buck my hips desperately but even just his weight is too much. He chuckles, enjoying my futile struggles.

"You bastard get off of me," I growl. "Let me go!"

"Let he go?" he scoffs. "Oh but we've only just begun!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said yourself you wanted to see my best tricks," he say grinning down at me. "Well I hate to disappoint, not to mention apparently I've got a reputation to live up to."

I groan dreadfully and shove against him feebly. He easily holds me in place. I can't believe this is happening. How could I let myself get caught so off guard?

"How did he know about my belt?" I moan dejectedly.

"What about…?” Begins confused, then realization dawns. “That’s the source of your power isn’t it!”

He laughs and a disgusted feeling settles in my stomach. I can’t believe I gave that away like this!

“I was just trying to start stripping your fine ass down," he says with a vindictive smirk. "Guess I can take my time ...You belong to me now!"

To be continued...
Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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very good start.. look forward to it although I prefer villainess over villains :)
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Thanks Boss! I tend to lean towards villains myself, sorry, I hope you enjoy whats in store anyway!
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Neophyte Lvl 3
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Part Two
"NEVER you scum!" I try to sound strong and defiant but it’s hard when I feel so helpless.

I came here to capture or at the very least run Jacob Wilder out of my city but now it seems I’m the captive…but I’m a heroine, I have to find a way to fight back.

Grinning he pulls my wrists together and then reaches back and produces a length of rope. As he begins to bind them I wrench free momentarily and lunge upward. A fist slams across my jaw and the force causes the back of my head to smack the concrete floor. Instantly I become dizzy and disoriented. My body goes limp beneath him and a groggy moan escapes my lips.

"See now was that necessary?" he asks condescendingly. "Or even smart? You're pinned and helpless why even try to resist?"

"I'll never give in to you," I mumble fighting to regain my bearings.

Chuckling, Wilder quickly lashes my wrists together, pulling the rope tight and leaving a long extra length hanging off. I'm still disoriented as he stands and pulls me up off the floor. I want to fight back now but simply can't. He loops the extra length of rope over an exposed pipe crossing the ceiling. My arms stretch up over my head as he the pulls the rope taught, tieing it off somewhere behind me.

I'm regaining my bearings just as he gives the rope a final tug, stretching my arms and drawing an uncomfortable groan from me. I glance around looking for a way to escape. My belt is lying just out my reach or what would be my reach if my arms weren't bound. In fact anything I might use to escape or even fight back is just out of my reach. Almost as if he was expecting, planning for this. I begin to realize the severity of my predicament.

As I struggle uselessly, he goes about his own business. I can only watch in frustration as Wilder sets up a tripod and fixes a small digital camera on top. Once he’s finished a switch is flipped and the little red light begins pulsing: recording.

"Comfy?" he gloats stepping back in front of me.

"Let me go this instant!" I snarl.

"You might as well give that up," He says with a chuckle. "Eventually even you'll get sick of hearing yourself say it."

"When I get free, you're g..."

"Shut up!" he says sternly, producing a small gleaming knife.

My words catch in my throat as a flicker of fear flashes through my head. Wilder sees it behind my eyes and grins wickedly. Fearfully I pull back as he stalks forward but my bonds only allow for so much. Grabbing the strap of my purple halter he tugs me towards him. The gleaming blade is lifted before my eyes. I bite my lip tenderly and find some resolve.

"Cut as deep as you want I'll never give in," I try to sound strong but without my powers I can't keep a slight quiver from my voice.

"I don't need to make deep cuts," Wilder hisses. "It's where I'll cut that counts."

The knife flashes downward and slices smoothly through the lycra of my halter top! As the two sides fall open and my perky C-cups spring forth, humiliation washes over me and I feel my cheeks flush. What kind of heroine allows herself to be captured and exposed this way? I glare at him with a dejected pout as my firm round breasts and soft pink nipples rise and fall with each breath.

"There see, not a deep cut," he says stepping back.

Wilder drinks in the deliciously lurid sight. Just his lewd gaze is enough to make me squirm, causing my naked breasts to bob and quiver even more. Shame begins to well up with me as I hang helplessly before this man.

"You bastard," is all I can say.

"You haven't seen bastard yet," he says, it sounds like a promise.

Then he steps behind me and his hands snake around my torso grabbing my firm round breasts. I gasp and writhe in his grip, disgusted at being touched this way by him. Wilder’s rough hands begin to squeeze and grope and I realize just how helpless I am.

"Take your hands off me!" I gasp.

"Damn these are some nice tits," he mumbles.

"Stop..." I gasp as he continues molesting me.

I squirm trying to pull away but bound as I am there would be nowhere to go even if I could escape his grasp. A humiliated moan escapes my lips as my soft nipples harden between Wilder’s groping fingers. He fondles me excitedly, kneading and tugging on my breasts forcing moans and gasps from my glossed lips. All the while the little red light flashes on the camera reminding me that my degradation is being recorded.

"Ready to submit?" he asks giving my breasts a poignant squeeze.

"Never," I groan.

"Good," Wilder purrs into my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

He releases my breasts and grabs me by either hip. Then he twists me so the camera can get view of my firm heart-shaped ass. I wiggle my shapely hips, trying to turn away not knowing what he has planned. Wilder holds me firmly, easily, as one arm snakes under my stomach and pulls me into a slightly bent position, thrusting my little booty out towards the camera. I yelp in pain and surprise as his hand slaps my ass!

"What are you doing!?" I gasp.

"You've been a bad girl, heroine," he says and spanks me again. "Bad girls get punished!"

"No! You can't do this..ow!" I cry as Wilder spanks me again, harder.

"I can do anything I want to you now," he says, slapping again!

I yelp and whimper as he continues to spank me. I know he’s right and that I'm completely helpless. Each slap is harder and harder and my yelps of pain become louder and more plaintive with each spank. The pain is secondary to the disgrace though as I cry out helplessly, on the verge of begging him to stop.

"Ow! ...stop this... Oh! ...please...OW!"

"Begging already?" he baulks. "Ready to surrender?"

The spanking never relents as he speaks. Ashamed but determined, I find what resolve I have left.

", never...Ow!” But I can’t take much more punishment; “…Please just stop this...OW!"

"But if I stop this before you submit to me," Wilder says. "I'll have to find something else to do with you."

"Haven't you.. ow...humiliated me enough?" I moan. "Please just let me go...OW!"

I cry out sharply as he administers one final slap! Then Wilder steps away letting me sag in my bonds. My ass is stinging and my knees bow inward weakly. I hang my head in shame, gazing down at my naked breasts. I can't believe this is happening, I was supposed to be a heroine not his victim. I came here to stop Wilder but he has taken away my powers and turned me into nothing but a helpless girl. At least I still had my...

"Smile for the camera," he hisses grabbing my chin.

"No!" I gasp trying to pull away.

His thick fingers grab the edge of my mask and yank it off! I thrash my head trying to stop him but I'm just as helpless against this. I hang my head in shame and defeat, trying to shake my thick brown locks to cover my face. I see my mask drop to the ground between my silver boots.

Then I feel him gathering my hair, pulling the thick brown locks away from my face. A desperate sob rises from my throat as I try to turn away from the camera. Wilder holds my hair with one hand and uses the other to lift and turn my head. A few hot tears roll down my cheek as my face and true identity are exposed to the camera.

"No," I whimper as that little red light flashes mockingly at me.

"Let's get a look at you," Wilder gloats.

I turn my green eyes to face him, my cheeks flushed in complete humiliation.

"Jordin Tyler?" He laughs. "I never would have guessed!"

I look away ashamed.

"I guess I should have," Wilder says mockingly. "I’ve only been in town a few days and already I was sick of watching you prance around in those slutty little outfits on the evening news...admit it you don't know shit about the weather, you're a just a whore for them to parade around and give guys like me a reason to watch, right?"

"Fuck you," I snarl.

"Oh we'll get there miss Tyler," Wilder says.

The sting of hearing my real name is the worst denigration yet. No longer a heroine at all, now exposed as Jordin the weathergirl I've been stripped of my powers, my dignity, and even my secret identity! All caught on video. Could my defeat be any more complete? After a long moment I lift my eyes to Wilder once again and the look in his eyes tell me it can.

He moves over to a desk on the opposite side of the room and produces a small bottle and rag from one of the drawers. He empties the contents of the bottle onto the rag and comes toward me. I can smell the chloroform from here and I recoil away.

"No, stay away," I whine pleadingly.

"Yeah ok oh my bad," he says sarcastically without ever breaking stride.

Wilder firmly presses the rag into my face, filling my nose and mouth with the sickly-sweet smelling fumes. Instantly my head begins to spin. I try to pull away but he’s too powerful, clamping his hands on either side of my face like a vise. Held helplessly in place, I can only squirm futilely as the chloroform overtakes me and I plunge into unconsciousness.

...To be continued...
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Neophyte Lvl 3
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Part Three
WHEN I awaken I'm laying on a cold metal table. I shake a few strands of brown hair out of my face and glance around. My still naked breasts rise and fall before my eyes, the ruined halter still hanging around my shoulders. Beyond them my knees standing straight up and my legs spread. I try to close my legs or even move them, and groan at a sudden strain on my shoulders. I realize dreadfully that my hands and wrists have been bound now to my ankles. This effectively holds my legs spread open and bent upright in an intimately humiliating position.

I test the binding realizing how this simple position renders me perfectly trapped. I can’t stretch or move my legs and my arms are held down at my sides. I try to pull or loosen them but that only causes my firm C-Cups to bounce and jiggle.

"Oh please," I hear Wilder say. "Save the show for the camera."

I glance between my legs and see him repositioning the camera so it would get the most degrading view of me. He switches it on and comes toward me. I slump back, letting a whimper escape my lips, knowing I'll be completely helpless against whatever he has in store for me.

"What are you going to do to me," I whimper.

"We’re gonna show the world that superheroine pussy of yours," he replies.

"Oh gawd, you've already exposed my secret identity," I groan. "Please just let me go."

Wilder only smiles and places a rough hand on one of my knees. My slender body shudders as it slides down my bare thigh toward my widespread crotch. Then he snakes his fingers under the thin strip of lycra covering my pussy and glances towards me, grinning.

“No…Please don’t do this,” I beg.

Ignoring my pleas he pulls the lycra aside revealing my clean shaven pussy. A humiliated sob rises in my throat and I let my head fall back knowing that the camera has a perfect angle of my exposed crotch. Then I feel Wilder grab my prim little pussy and unpleasant tingles ripple across my abdomen and chest.

"What are you…?” my head shoots back up in alarm. “Oh gawd, no…don't do this to me," I beg. "Please just let me go."

Jacob Wilder grins lewdly. His thick fingers begin to probe and explore my vulnerable soft spot causing my body to jump and writhe involuntarily. I never imagined this would happen, even when I awoke bound in this position I didn’t think…The humiliation of being molested this way overwhelms me.

"I'll submit to you," I gasp as tears begin to roll down my flushed cheeks. "I do... Just don’t do this…Please…"

"Oh it's way too late for that," Wilder says.

He begins squeezing my pussy more firmly then slowly spreads the lips and rubs a rough thumb over my clit. My entire body trembles at his touch.

“No…” I moan miserably. "...please don't do this to me..."

I squirm uselessly against my bonds. Wilder rubs and presses gruffly, wiggling his thick fingers into my tight little cunt. I moan and whimper helplessly, begging him to stop.

"This is the prettiest pussy I've ever seen, miss Tyler," he purrs. "Won’t you get wet for me?"

"Uhh..stop...please stop..." I continue to beg.

He fondles my a little faster, finding control and forcing an unwanted arousal over me. I get wet for him. My humiliation only deepening.

"Stop, no! ...please stop..." I moan ashamedly.

I can’t hold back a shuddery moan, drawn as Wilder plunges his powerful finger into me. He thrusts firmly making me gasp and moan with each repetition.

“Nooo…” I sob. “Don’t do this to me…”

I glance from him to the camera. Its red light blinking, mocking, reminding me that it's recording every degrading moment. This can't be happening!

"Please stop," I whimper pathetically.

Finally he does. I slump back gasping, grateful for the respite, if only briefly. I watch Wilder step between my legs and lift his knife again. I tremble but hold still as I feel the cold metal brushing the skin between my legs. He works quickly slicing away then ripping off my lycra hotpants completely. I shudder in humiliation, completely exposed to the camera. I think errantly how much I must look like a stripper this way; mostly naked with silver, patent leather boots still on.

I dreadfully realize what’s next and I know that I can't stop it. Even thought I've been completely defeated by this man I realize that won’t be enough. Jacob Wilder unzips his pants and reaches inside. My mind spins with fear and humiliation. I've never been taken against my will and now I'm helpless to stop him. I'm supposed to be a superheroine but he’s made me into a hapless whimpering victim.

"Please don't do this to me," I moan. "I'm begging you, please don't."

Without a word Wilder pulls out a rock hard erection. My green eyes go wide staring at the instrument of my ultimate denigration. He smiles lewdly and leans forward.


My pleas become a pained grunt as Wilder stuffs his cock into me. My tight little pussy aches as his massive member is stretches me, forcing his way in. He’s too big, I can’t help but squeal with every thrust.

"Please...uh uh...noo, stop...Ah!"

I moan and whimper as Wilder fucks me! Between each humiliated moan I gasp and beg him to stop. My head spins and I let out a long shuddery cry as my tight cunt stretches and he forces his cock deep inside me! I mewl helplessly as I’m ravaged, feeling my own body turning against me. My hips squirm then buck against him as the forced arousal begins to conquer my body.

"Please quit doing this," I sob and beg even as my hips begin to roll in time with Wilder’s powerful thrust.

"Feels like you like it to me, slut," he chuckles, driving a little harder.

"No, agh, no please just let me go," I gasp. "Please I'm begging you."

My breast are bouncing with every powerful thrust and he grabs them, fondling me without ever braking rhythm. Overwhelmed by frustration, helplessness, anger and humiliation, my tears flow freely. My pathetic sobs seem to fuel his fervor.

My slender body rocks as Wilder increases his tempo once again. My head is spinning, the shame washes over me, renewed with every wave of unwelcome pleasure. My conquered hips struggle to keep up and humiliated moans quickly become desperate cries.

"Stop... Stop... Stop..." I yelp with each thrust until... "AAAAGH!"

My entire body shakes as Wilder forces me to orgasm! I go limp beneath him; feeling like a defeated, panting whore. He steps away listening to my soft gasps and the barely audible whir of the camera for a long moment. I lay on the table breathing hard, unable to look at him. I can't believe I’ve been used this way. My body is little more than a toy to Jacob Wilder.

Then he undoes my bonds and pulls me off the table. I’m barely aware of what’s happening, trying to stifle my tears. Trying to find some strength left in me but I’m not sure there is any. Standing feels good though. I'm still weak as a kitten though and Wilder easily rebinds my hands behind my back. I don’t put up much resistance.

"Kneel," he commands.

Naked now and already bound once again, I comply thinking my degradation can't get any worse. Once I'm on my knees I realize his still-rock hard erection is bobbing just before my face. A ball of dread drops into the pit of my stomach. Wilder reaches over and takes the video camera off of the tripod and holds it over me.

"I didn’t get to finish, slut," he growls. "Now suck."

"What? Never!" I muster the strength to gasp.

"You've got no choice," he laugh. "See I'm actually going to let you go...because I own you now. Want to go back to your little weather girl job? Fine. Hell even go back to being a superheroine, you'll be eliminating my competition. Because no matter what, I'll always have this video. I told you I’m taking over the town and you’re going to help me!”

“Never!” I groan. In the back of my mind I know I wont have a choice.

“If you ever disobey me or try to betray me,” Wilder continues. “I'll send a copy to every major news outlet in the U.S…and even your very minor one here in Capital City! The whole world will see not just your secret identity revealed but they'll watch you be beaten, fondled and fucked like a cheap whore!"

My head drops as I finally learn true defeat. I had been defeated, captured, stripped and molested, fingered while I was helpless and bound, raped and forced to orgasm for this scumbag…every humiliation was worse than the last and this was the ultimate. I truly belonged to Jacob Wilder now, as long as he had this recording. He could use me however he saw fit and I would have no choice but to obey every command.

Accepting this I lift my head and open my mouth. Wilder wastes no time thrusting his manhood between my teeth. I close my soft lips around the shaft, struggling to accommodate the size. I gag as he thrusts in a little further. With my tongue I begin massaging the massive cock. In complete submission I suck and lick all while the camera flashes on above my head. I hear Wilder groan and then with his free hand he grabs the back of my head. He yanks me forward and thrusts his hips at the same time, filling my helpless mouth and gagging me with his cock. He does it again and I pull back momentarily.

"Please, not like this," I whimper.

"However I want, slut," he growl.

Yank and thrust...Yank and thrust! A humiliated sob muffles around his cock as Wilder fucks my face finally finding the pinnacle of my degradation. As I struggle to blow him this way I realize that beyond being a helpless victim, beyond being a superheroine for him to conquer and humiliate, I’m nothing to Jacob Wilder. My heart sinks and I let him have his way, knowing anything but total submission is pointless. As if sensing my final defeat he pulls back and orgasms, unloading all over my face and breasts. I slump back, humiliated and defiled.

Wilder stumbles, gasping with a satisfied grin on his face. I gaze at him, slightly doe-eyed knowing, almost feeling his complete ownership of me. After a moment he looks at me smugly.

"Clean yourself up, Jordin," he says, as if I need reminding that he knows my true identity. "You'll be hearing from me soon enough. Until then, you can go on about your life, report the weather in your slutty outfits, even do some superheroine-ing..." he laughs then adds, "only try not to get defeated again, I'm not interested in sharing you!"

Finally Wilder undoes my bonds and even kicks my belt over to me. I grab it up, clutching it to my chest. We both know as long as you have that camera I'll be as powerless with or without my belt but it affords some comfort. Wilder stumbles out of the room clutching his precious camera, leaving me naked and defiled, alone with my humiliation.

As I gather my wits, I know I’m in a bad position. Jacob Wilder must have big plans if he needs to use me to accomplish them. I may become an instrument for the very criminal element I began this to fight…

No, I tell myself firmly! I must find a way to free myself of his ownership and put him back where he belongs. He defeated me this time but it’s far from over and in the end I will know victory!

Continued in Chapter 2: the Wilder Side of Capital City…
Elder Member
Elder Member
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Nice. Pretty cool start!
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Awesome...I'd love to see her pushed to the next level of humiliation, maybe gang raped or in the public etc. Fill up her body with cum...both inside and outside. Or now that she's being owned, maybe she'll be forced to help trap a fellow heroine?Just a thought=P Keep going!
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 7
Joined: 13 years ago

Great stuff.........waiting for the next part.......and if a future episode plz bring in a seven feet tall beast......may be doomsday (i would like to see him fight victory) and defeat her without taking away her source of power.......n then have his way with her.......
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