The Wilder Side of Capital City: The Perils of Victory

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I hope you haven't forgotten about me! Or Victory Lol! Anyway here's the first installment of her next adventure. Hope you enjoy! :D

Part One

Its a cool night. As the wind whips around my slender figure I consider (not for the first time) designing a new uniform. Even though my powerbelt protects me from most things, including the elements, purple lycra hot pants and a scant halter don't exactly keep me warm. I need to find some scumbags to take in, a little fight would do good to warm me up just now.

I spring across a few roof tops in the business district. I've been tracking a rather brazen group of burglars lately. They seem to be some kind of industrual spies, hitting corporations instead of the usual jewelers or banks. I have aquired some intelligence of their next target though and tonight might just be their last.

I should've brought a coat though.

I wait patiently, shivering slightly each time the wind blows. Beneath my skin tight halter my nipples standout like thimbles and goosebumps ripple across my bare stomach. I should be quite the eye candy for these criminals last sight before going to prison!

Suddenly I see it. Across the road, in a huge glass building I can make out swaying flashes of light. Flashlights! Could be a nightwatchman I suppose, but this is the building my informant told me they were going to hit. Too much of a coincidence! I plant my feet and judge the distance to the very window. Then I take a running start and leap across the expanse!

My superstrength propels me easily to the building and through the glass window! The noise of the pane shattering is deafening and for a moment its raining jagged shards of glass. Luckily my powerbelt grants my soft skin nigh invulnerability as well. I hear alarmed shouting all around me, paniced scrambling as the shocked thugs try to get their bearings. I have no intention of allowing that!

I see one man drawing a gun but covering his face against the shower of broken glass. I quickly disarm him and easily hoist him into the air! Across the hall I see a second man glancing all around, disoriented. I hurl his companion into him and they both crash against the wall with a thud!

A third man, standing further back and with a better view of things levels his own gun at me. Things are beginning to settle down now as the last of the glass lands on the floor. He has a clear shot at me to be sure. He's stammering something a can't quite make out. Nevermind that, I tell myself and rush him. He fires off one shot just as my hand turns his wrist aside, the bullet flies harmlessly out the broken window. I grab him by the throat lifting him clear off the floor.

"What the hell," he gasps!

"You guys have some nerve coming into MY city," I snarl.

"Who are you?" he asks.

I smirk but before I can answer an all too familiar voice chimes in.

"You embicile! That's Victory!"

I freeze and shiver runs down my spine. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It belongs to the only man to ever defeat me.

"Set him down, Victory," the voice commands.

I comply and the thug scrambles out of my reach. I ignore him and turn to face the speaker: Jake Wilder! A miriad of emotions run through my mind, not the least of which is blazing anger, a bit of fear, some panic and embarassment. And though I hate to admit it, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some attraction.

Ever since my humiliating defeat at his hand I'd done my best to avoid Jake Wilder. After all I could do more without crossing him and not compromise myself. He had a video tape the showed not only every detail of my defeat but my true identity as well.

"Victory its been too long," he says smugly.

"Not long enough," I spit, revulsion twisting my stomach.

He chuckles and his gaze sweeps over my slender body. Moving up my long shapely legs, over my bare midrift and perky C-cup breasts and when he looks into my face, even behind my mask I can't meet his gaze. That alone makes me feel filthy. I can tell from the smirk on his face he's remember what I look like naked... How I sound moaning... My own mind flits back the humiliation I suffered at his hands.

"Wilder," I growl. "I should snap your neck and throw your worthless carcass out that window!"

"You could do that," he chuckles. "But I have a friend with specific instructions to send out a certain video tape if anything should ever happen to me."

MY video tape, I realize. Which is why I've been avoiding Jake Wilder despite some of the evil deeds he's been committing. I can't fight him and risk that tape being released.

"I suppose I'll leave you boys to your crime," I say through gritted teeth.

I force myself to turn to leave.

"Not so fast," Wilder says. "Turn around."

I turn slowly back to him. He three thugs have gathered around him now, they don't seem near as confident as he is.

"These boys have been working awfully hard lately," Wilder says. "Perhaps they deserve a little...entertainment?"

I feel my cheeks flush red hot as they all grin, their lewd gazes drifting over my scantly clad body.

To be continued...

How about we try something a little different this time? If you guys post some suggestions for our villains of what you'd like to see happen next to poor Victory, I'll write them into the next chapter. Excited to see what you come up with, Lady Jane
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Well I guess I'm just no fun. But I have just got to say that I don't think any real superheroine would compromise and let a supervillain go free (or dance naked for him) to protect her identity, even if it means she can't work as a crimefighter any longer. That's only my opinion; please no hate mail or car-bombs. :D
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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You are answering my prayers LJ. If you saw the thread about favourite situations, you'd find out I've been aching to see more stuff about blackmailing and threatening heroines to do humiliating stuff. I'll PM you my thoughts to avoid spoiling it for anyone should you use em ;)
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Part Two

"I'm no man's entertainment," I snarl!

Wilder regards me with enfuriating calmness. I remember the way he looked at me in our first encounter, like I was nothing. My cheeks are still burning red-hot. I could snap his neck like a twig, all of them! But then what if that video really was sent out? What kind of superheroine had I become? Letting this man, this criminal walk free to protect myself? No, not just myself, my loved ones who might be put in danger if my true identity were revealed. Plus I believe I do more good letting Jake Wilder go free than if the streets of Capital City were Victory-free.

"What do you say boys?" Wilder is talking to his thugs. "It's been a long couple of weeks, shall we have some fun?"

They look at me unsurely, no doubt seeing the barely restrained rage behind my green eyes. Then they look to him... him and his easy confidence. My stomach churns.

"See you've got them all scared," Wilder says to me now. "It must be because you were so mean... apologize."

I almost laugh. "They're still breathing and walking out of h..."

"Shut up bitch!" he snaps with authority. "You think I wont send out that tape for even the slightest disobedience?"

Seething, I press my ruby lips together tightly.

"Now, apologize," he growls.

"I'm sorry," I spit as insincerely as I can.

"Better, now make us believe it," Wilder orders.

Heaving a sigh, I know I have little choice. This is after all a small price to pay to keep that tape a secret.

"I am so very sorry," I say with as much sweetness as I can muster. "Silly me, sometimes I get carried away."

The apology practically leaves a dirty film in my mouth. I should be dragging the lot of them into CCPD lock up right now, not making fake apologies to these scumbags.

They all chuckle a bit.

"There now, see she's not so mean," Wilder says, his tone somewhere between joking and patronizing.

"Can I go now?" I ask, hoping that small humiliation will be enough.

"Not a chance bitch," he snarls. I should've known better. "And you know what, from now on I want you to call me master."

"That's not going to happen," I say plainly.

"Oh geez," he sighs. "Listen I'm not going to have this conversation for every order I give. The next time you disobey me, that tape is going worldwide!"

I think for a moment I should let it. Break Wilder's neck and take the others straight to prison! But I remember that tape has my secret identity on it. My family, my friends would all be at risk. I can't do that no matter what he asks...orders, me to do.

"Yes..." I begin but the next word sticks in my throat, it takes not small will power to force it out. "..master."

Wilder laughs hard and after a moment his boys join in.

"Now, bitch, on your knees!"

I sink slowly to my knees. Knowing I have no choice now but to obey.

"Good," Wilder hums. "Now crawl over here and kiss my feet!"

Frustration wells up in my chest. I make myself bend forward and crawl towards him. I feel their eyes on me. I know how my round little booty must look in this position, thrust up and heart shaped in my lycra hotpants. The thugs start to encircle me as I get close to Wilder. I can here their whispered approval of my "slutty little ass".

At last I reach Wilder, he's wearing black combat boots. Heaving a frustrated sigh I lean forward, pressing my soft lips against the rough leather of each boot. They practically cheer. I sit back on my ankles, my cheeks flushed once again and look up at Jake Wilder. Will that be enough?

"That's a good little bitch," Wilder says. "Now, do the same for my friends here."

I glance around at them, staring at me with an odd thrilled uncertainty. How can I be doing this? It's easier than the first time though. Crawling to the first thug and kissing his feet, I don't even have to look up at him. The next thug seems the same, I focus on the boots and not the man, after all these can barely be considered real men.

As I start to crawl past the second thug, he leans down and slaps my ass. I yelp in surprise and look up to glare at him. He grins broadly. I imagine knocking every rotting tooth out of that mouth.

"Thank him, bitch," Wilder orders quickly.

I turn to Wilder, incredulous. He can't be serious! He is... I can tell by the look in his eyes. How can he expect me, the mighty Victory to thank this scumbag for... What does it matter? I have no choice.

"Thank you," I say letting my head droop in embarrasment.

"What was that?" the thug asks.

I snap my head back up, letting my glare say what my mouth cannot.

"Thank you," I say through gritted teeth.

"You're very welcome slut," he hollers and slaps my ass again.

Burning with humiliation I crawl to the next thug and kiss his feet. I hurry just wanting to get this over with. This one grabs my butt, getting a handfull while I'm kissing his boots. My stomach churns at his touch. I crawl away as quickly as I can. How can this be happening?

"If you're men touch me again..." I begin, glaring at Wilder.

"You'll tell them thanks and ask for more," he interupts me. "Right, bitch?"

I drop my eyes, unable to answer. I can't disobey but I can't be treated this way. I am Victory!

"Right, Bitch?"

"Right, master," I sigh knowing I can't afford to provoke this man.

"Then ask for more," Wilder purrs.

My heart sinks, realizing the trap I fell into there. I turn to the last thug, he's holding back laughter.

"Thank you," I say softly. "I'd like more."

The words come humiliatingly easy. He can hardly believe it. In a second that thug is all over me! Pawing at my tight little ass like it's his first time. I can't believe I'm allowing this. Shame wells inside me and I hold back tears. The thug gropes and squeezes with the others cheering him on. He pulls my hotpants into a wedgie, fully exposing either cheek and then begins to slap them one at a time.

I can do nothing but bite my lip and endure this treatment. My face is burning in humiliation. He's running his hands up and down my firm thighs now and then, squeezing and slapping my pert booty...I can't believe this is happening to me. Strippers get more respect.

Finally Wilder calls for a stop. The thugs backs away. I keep my eyes on the floor, praying this is at its end. I take a moment and readjust my hotpants.

"Stand up bitch," Wilder orders.

I obey, still not looking at him, any of them, directly.

"Well obviously they think you're very beautiful," he says. "Isn't that flattering?"

"Yes, master," I say softly. "Thank you."

"Don't you want to show them more?"

I look up at him with a pleading look. He can't mean for me to do that! Doesn't he at least want to keep that secret for himself? Whether he knows it or not, he's one of the only men who've seen me naked!

"But master, aren't I just yours?"

It's a repulsive thought, I can't believe I let it come out of my mouth. It was just the only thing I could think of to keep this from happening.

"Just mine?" he scoffs. "Bitch don't you know? It ain't no fun if the hommies can't have none... strip."

My heart jumps into my throat. I know I have to but I can't imagine stripping for these scumbags. Willingly allowing them to see my naked body. But there's no use resisting.

I start with my lycra halter. It's skintight so I don't wear a bra. When I pull it off my perky C-cups spring forth into the cool air. My soft nipples go instantly hard and the thugs cheer. I quickly cover myself with one arm. Then with my free hand, I peel down the hotpants. Underneath is a lacy thong and the thugs are not short on compliments for that either. I pull it down my long, shapely legs shivering in the cool air.

"Perfect! Keep the boots and the belt bitch," Wilder says.

He knows the belt in the source of my power, why would he...? Of course, its even more humiliating this way. To have every ounce of my power intact but to still be their plaything? Could there be anything worse?

I'm trying to keep myself covered but its a futile attempt. The thugs have me surrounded and i only have two arms. Wilder stays silent, watching my awkward and hopeless attempts to conceal my body. Finally I give up. Which I realize is what he wanted, not to order me to stand still but for my spirit to break.

It does. With a single defeated sob I let my arms drop to my sides and my shoulders slump. Humiliation washes over me as I stand before them, my statuesque form stripped naked. My silver boots still on, my long smooth legs bare, my peach-like ass and my clean shaven pussy exposed, my plump C-cups bobbing with each breath I take. I feel perfectly powerless despite the fact my powerbelt is still firmly around my naked waist.

I fight back humiliated tears. At the very least I wont let them see me cry.

"Now bitch," Wilder says. "The real fun begins."

I glance up at him as he pulls a stopwatch out of his pocket. A ball of dread drops into the pit of my stomach.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by LadyJane 12 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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:smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 THANK YOU :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041

I bow down to your greatness, you depicted the stripping part so well. Can't wait!
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I'm afraid I agree with Sign4deaf. Is she going to surrender to this goon every time just because he has a videotape of her? She might as well not be a superheroine at all.
Neophyte Lvl 4
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I love this..very very intense narration. Keep going.
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I know people have individual tastes, but I have to defend why I like this blackmailing scenario so much more than, say, hypnosis(hope MH don't ban me for saying that lol). While the good ol' overpowering and bondage is fun, this type of mental domination is the most humiliating thing you can do to a superheroine. The little bits of fightback and seeing things from her perspective gives you a first hand experience to her shame. Can't wait to see more of these...
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Part Three

A chill gust of wind blows in through the broken window, caressing my naked body. Goosebumps ripple across my soft skin. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Damn, she's got a hot ass," one thugs says.

"How can you even look at her ass," another asks. "Those have got to be the perkiest tits I've ever seen!"

"Nah man, that ass," the first replies. "Its perfectly shaped and sticking out just a little bit. Plus she's got narrow hips so she'll be easy to hold onto when I stick my dick in that little peach!"

"You're both right," says the third now. "And wrong. She's the total package! Those long legs, tight stomach, petite frame with an apple butt and ripe melons...I'm not sure she's much of a heroine but she sure is super!"

Their words sting. Standing here naked allowing this scum to appraise my body like some common's beyond humiliating.

"Boys boys," Wilder says at last. "You're all right. Except for one thing, everyone knows you fuck a superheroine missionary style, so you can see the self-disgust and defeat in her eyes."

A dreadful sob rises in my throat but I choke it back with help from the lump of shame already stuck there. Wilder has taken me once before, in fact that embarrassing defeat is the reason I'm in this current predicament. He can't want to share me with these scumbags though, can he?

"But I told you," he goes on. "We're going to play a little game first."

I know that no game he wants to play will be enjoyable for me. Panic is rising with in me, there's got to be someway to escape this torment.

"My dear Victory," he says to me. I still cannot bring myself to look Jake Wilder in the eyes though. "First I'm going to need you to cuff your hands behind your back."

I'm not sure where he got them but Wilder tosses me a pair of handcuffs. I don't what he plans exactly but I know I have no choice. I put on the first cuff, feeling the cold metal against my skin, the ratcheting sound of it closing seems deafening. Then I put both hands behind my back and latch it shut. Even though I have my belt and therefore my super strength and could easily snap these cuffs off my wrists... I feel totally helpless.

"Now it's time for round one," Wilder says. "If you fail round one, I will send our tape out as I've threatened before."

"Our tape," I can't help but spit back. "You bastard."

He grins. "These boys are going to have free reign to do whatever they want to you. You cannot resist or fight them and your hands must stay cuffed behind your back. If you can last 5 minutes without reaching orgasm... you'll have passed round one."

Panic and revulsion overwhelm me!

"No!" I cry. "You fiend, you can't do this to me!"

"Oh we both know I can," Wilder chuckles. "But now we'll find out if they can."

"I'll never let that happen," I growl preparing to snap the cuffs.

"Well that's your choice, I suppose," Wilder says seriously. "Of course forfeiture of round one will result in me sending OUR tape out!"

My shoulders slump. Now he uses that phrase more pointedly, it's as if this man will seize on every way to torment me. I am thoroughly beaten by him, how humiliating. Realizing I have no choice but to "play" this game, I nod.

"Let's get this over with," I sigh dejectedly.

"Time starts now!"

Instantly I feel their hands on me. I'm superstrong but if I'm not resisting my nubile body is light in their grip. They manhandle me some. Calloused hands grab my breasts, squeezing and groping. I feel gruff paws caressing (if it can be called that) my slender waist and around down on my ass. I bite my trembling bottom lip as I feel a hand slide down my abdomen, over my hips and grab my prim little pussy.

Unpleasant tingles dance over my whole body. Inside my guts twist in revulsion. Goosebumps ripple across my smooth flesh, though not from the cold this time. My breathing speeds up. These men seem to have no idea how to treat a lady, perhaps this round will be easier than I feared, though no less revolting. They paw at me for what seems an eternity, more interested in pleasing themselves than me. Then something dreadful happens, Wilder calls out the time at "1 minute". Round 1 is going to be the longest 5 minutes of my life.

Suddenly the men begin to find a rhythm. The hands kneading and mashing my tits, lighten ever so slightly. A different hand gropes my crotch, a softer more deliberate hand, those unpleasant tingles begin to dance up my chest. Unwanted arousal wells within and shame washes over me. I try to hold it back, to resist that disgusting surge of energy but I can't. A gasp escapes my lips.

"Her pussy's wet," one of them chuckles. "This little whore likes it!"

It's as humiliating to hear as it is to feel. They're treating me like a whore and it's making me wet. My arousal, disgusting as it is, continues to build. Though I resist, the trio begin to find my buttons. Under their fingers my nipples harden and I'm unable to stifle a soft moan. Instantly one of the men working my tits grabs and twists my pink little nob. I squeal helplessly and begin to squirm in their gasp.

"Come on, Victory," one of them whispers to me. "Moan for us you little slut!"

"3 minutes!" Wilder calls.

"Look out, you obviously don't know how to handle this whore," one of the thugs says pushing his friend aside.

He plunges his thick fingers into my moist cunt. He works it like he owns me. Pushing his tempo I can't suppress an embarrassingly long moan. Maybe I am just little whore. As they work me over I begin to gasp and moan at their every touch. Despite my revulsion these three men have forced me into a state of arousal I can't control. I feel my orgasm mounting. I must resist just a little longer.

"4 minutes!" Wilder shouts. "Come on you losers!"

"Come on slut," the one working my softspot says. "You know you like it, cum for me slut!"

I'm going to! Some how he's taken control of my body and I'm helpless to resist. I know I must hold out a moment longer. He presses his tempo further, plunging his thick fingers in and out of me, making my head spin. I begin to want to give myself over, this unwanted desire is too strong. I gasp and moan in time to the throb of his hand, the other two practically vanish.

The only thought that cuts through his control is the tape. I must resist at least a few moments more. My knees begin shake.

"Come on, slut," he moans. "I own you!"

He does at least in this moment. I expend every bit of will power I have to hold back the orgasm. Despite my best efforts my hips begin to buck and roll against his hand.

"Damn it, time!"

Round 1 is over but he doesn't stop. He wants to prove he's got me and I can't resist any longer. My body trembles as the orgasm washes through me. My own juices gush down my long bare legs. I cry out, giving myself over this thug, for this moment I am just his helpless panting whore, gasping for more as his fingers slide out of me.

I sink to my knees, shaking and gasping for breath, completely humiliated. Without really thinking I snap the handcuffs and cross my arms over my breasts in hopeless search of some long lost measure of dignity. What have I become?

"Looked like you enjoyed that," I hear Wilder say. "You're an even bigger whore than I thought!"

A small jibe compared to what I've endured but... maybe he's right.

"Please just let me go now," I plead.

They laugh.

"That was only round 1," Wilder says. "Congratulations heroine, you won!"

I don't feel much like a winner and there's undoubtedly worse to come.

"Round 2 should be much easier for a hot little slut like you," Wilder says. "Win and we'll let you go free."

"Free?" I gasp incredulously, raising my eyes to Wilder for the first time.

"Yep, you can walk right out of here when the five minutes is up," he confirms nodding.

"What do I have to do?" I ask foolishly letting a glimmer of hope enter my mind.

Wilder only grins and clicks the stopwatch twice. "You will have five minutes to make all three of these men cum. I don't care how you do it, but if all three of them haven't cum when the timer runs out, I'll send out the tape."

Oh gawd no! He can't be serious! I glance around and the three thugs are undoing their pants and laughing.

To be continued...
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Hey guys, I'm glad for those of you who are enjoying it! :) Thanks for all your kind words. It's my first try at a blackmail story, so I'm just glad its working out for some of us. :-k Thanks for those of you who contributed ideas, I'll be wrapping this story up in the next couple parts so if you have any more wicked little suggestions just pm or email me!

If you're not enjoying it :smt010 sorry and hope it doesn't turn you off to all my future work.

Either way, thanks everyone for reading. Lady Jane
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I am just waiting to hear praises for you LJ after part three...too HAWT!
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Yepp me loving it too..intense stuff. I have a few suggestions which probably won't fit this current story so I'll pm you about it.
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:-D Thanks guys, I'm flattered really!

BG I don't think you'll disappointed... ;-)

Boss I'd love to hear your ideas! PM me any time, or feel free to email me...

Be back with the next chapter soon! Jane
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Zen10101 wrote:I know people have individual tastes, but I have to defend why I like this blackmailing scenario so much more than, say, hypnosis(hope MH don't ban me for saying that lol). While the good ol' overpowering and bondage is fun, this type of mental domination is the most humiliating thing you can do to a superheroine.
I completely agree with you there. I just don't get off on this level of humiliation I guess. I keep thinking at some point he's bound to push Victory too far, and she's going to think, "It's just not worth this crap." That's what I want to see. After a scene of humiliation like this, I want to see the heroine turn the tables!
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Part Four

"You can't be serious," I say.

Wilder smirks. "Dead serious, time starts in 30 seconds!"

All three of them have their dicks out now. Their faces splayed in wide grins. I can't I'll just have to let him send the tape out. Sure it'll mean the end of Victory but I can't do this.

"15 seconds till the fun begins," Wilder says.

My mind is racing, there's got to be another solution! The thugs have closed in on me slowly. Lewd grins widening gradually.

"10 seconds," Wilder says. "Till we find out how far you'll go to protect your loved ones, You do have family in Capital City don"t you miss Ty..."

"Stop!" I interrupt before he can say my real name. "Please don't do this!"

"5 seconds!"

I do have family. This isn't just about my crime fighting career, i'ts about my family and everyone who would be put in danger if every criminal I've taken down wants revenge not against Victory but against Jordin Tyler. My heart sinks as I realize I really have no choice.

"Time starts now!"

I sink to my knees and reach out to grab the two men on my sides. I feel disgusting just touching their already swollen cocks. With a disgusted sob I begin to stroke the two men.

"What about me?" the third man asks eagerly.

His erection is bobbing in front of my face. Can I finish these two with enough time to get him? If I'm doing this I can't risk failure. The thug helps me, taking a handful of hair he yanks back. I gasp a little in surprise and my mouth opens slightly. He thrusts in quickly, his massive member filling my helpless mouth. I gag then begin to suck.

My cheeks flush and burn with humiliation as I pleasure these three goons. They begin to moan and sway as my hands pump up and down. An intense shame boils inside me as I become their whore. My tongue massages the invading cock in my mouth and the thug's hips thrust involuntarily. I gag again but force myself to continue sucking.

"1 minute down!" Wilder calls.

Time is ticking away from me. I alter me tempo, and slow my hands using more a smooth slide instead of an urgent jerk.

"Ahg...dammit," the thug on my left groans.

His hot load splatters down my arm, shoulder and dribbles down between my pert breasts. Revulsion twists my stomach. Deep inside a pang of excitement and arousal begins, deepening my humiliation. What kind of whore gets excited by that? Still one down I tell myself!

I hear the others teasing the one who couldn't last. At least I'm not the only one being humiliated. Will the others be as easy though?

I take the cock from my mouth now that I have a free hand again. I have to keep myself from retching onto the floor. I imagine it'd be a turnoff if I puke right now, and I can't afford that!

"Oh honey, you're a class A cocksucker don't stop!" the thug purrs.

These two while obviously enjoying this aren't going to cum as easy. I try to vary my strokes again but suddenly the other goon grabs my hair.

"Stop wasting your time bitch," he growls.

Before I can react he is stuffing his cock into my mouth! This is humiliating, how can I Victory find myself being passed back and forth this way? He's much rougher than the first thug, fucking my mouth like I'm nothing to him...because I am nothing to him.

"2 minutes," Wilder calls.

I can hear amusement in his voice. He must enjoy this, watching me on my knees like a little slut.

"You're running out of time, sweetthang," I hear the other thug say. "Let me help you out."

He grabs my hips and pulls me to an all fours position and promptly stuffs his dick into me from behind! His first thrust pushes a choked gargle out of me as the first thug continues to thrust unabated in my helpless mouth. Then I feel them thrusting from both ends.

For a moment my head spins. The thick cock filling me out sends waves of unwanted arousal washing over me. Humiliation burns through me, my insides twist in revulsion. I've become nothing more than a panting slut taking two men from either side. And am I really liking it?

Realizing I'm helpless but to give myself over to this, I grab the hips in front of me and struggle to accommodate his thrusts! I find a rhythm and suck him. The dirty cock thrusting is my mouth is revolting and unwelcome but there's only one way to be rid of it!

My arousal builds with two cocks in me but they are thrusting in a different rhythm. I gag and grunt trying to handle them both but it's too much. Overwhelmed I feel myself cum again! Helplessly my body trembles, my slender hips buck and tense. My head drops, pulling away from the man in front of me to gasp for breath. It's almost beyond humiliating, am I just such a pent up little whore?

"This little slut just came again!" one of them shouts.

"3 minutes," Wilder's reply.

"Come here bitch," the thug in front says!

He comes forward aggressively pushing me onto my butt and shoving the other out of the way. He quickly thrusts back into my mouth and resumes face fucking me.

"Take this dick bitch!" he growls.

I look up at him, helplessly, pleadingly... as he thrust in and out. I do my best to close my soft lips around his shaft. He looks down at me with a glare in his eyes, when they meet mine, his face twists in something like triumph. Then his hips spasm and he pumps a load into my mouth! He has hold of my hair and he's pulling me forward. Holding me in place as he fills my mouth with his disgusting load. I have to swallow to breath or does something inside my want to swallow? Then he yanks back and squirts a few extra drops onto my face. I could puke. I feel covered in his semen.

But I'm not done yet. Beyond humiliation now I lock eyes with the last thug. He's in front of me, grinning. Panting and gasping, I spread my legs to him. He scrambles forward and pushes me onto my back. I don't resist, letting him have me whoever he wants. He hooks my long legs and pulls them up onto his shoulders then leans over me, folding me nearly in half. Then he thrusts into me!

"4 minutes!"

I yelp and moan, pinned to the floor and fucked. Stretching my cunt with his rock hard dick, he lays into me! My body shudders, my hips buck but in this position I'm little more than his toy. I feel another orgasm building. Shame wells along with it. Deep down am I really just another slut? Just a whore waiting for the right (or wrong) man (or men) to treat me this way?

Ignoring my self-denigration, I'm almost out of time. Reaching up I grab the thug around the neck. I look into his eyes in sultry submission.

"Come on," I gasp. "Give it to me."

He seems confused but pushes his tempo a little. A smile touches my soft lips.

"That's it baby, I'm your little whore," I groan. "Fuck your little whore! Come on make me your little whore!"

I don't know where the words are coming from but he likes them. He drives harder, rocking my slender hips and making my legs shake and quiver against his chest and shoulders.

"30 seconds!" Wilder shouts somewhere in the distance, it seems.

"You like that whore?" he finally manages to mumble back. "Yeah, you little slut, you like it like this!?"

"That's right, fuck this little slut," I gasp and moan. "Agh! Yeah baby, give me that cum! Give it to me!"

His thrusting reaches a fever pace. Pinned beneath him my head spins and even my lips tremble. He fucks better than Jake Wilder I think fleetingly. Then he spasms, his hips buck and I feel his load gush warmly inside of me. I get only a second of revulsion before my own orgasm washes through me. I cry out helplessly still pinned down as we cum together.

"Oh yes, baby!" I scream like a good little slut.

Then we fall away from each other. I roll onto my side, pulling my shaking knees into my chest. My naked breasts heave against my knees as I gasp for breath. Did I really let him cum inside of me? Oh gawd! What if...

No time for that now. I push myself back to my knees and look up at Jake Wilder. His face is a queer mix amusement and disappointment.

"That one fucks even better than you," I find the strength to spit derisively. "Time?"

Now his face turns into a scowl. "4 minutes... 55 seconds..."

"Then I..." I gasp as relief washes over me. "I win."

"Yeah you win," now Wilder smirks. "Round 2.... are you ready for round 3?"

My fists clench. Humiliation and shame begin to give way to anger. He said i could go if I won. How much will I allow myself to endure?

To Be Concluded...
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