Help finding a Story

Want to just talk about stories? Float a request, do some research, recruit a partner in crime? Then come on in and have yourself a pint.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 13 years ago

This is not a story, I'm actually hoping you can find one for me.

I submitted a story (actually 2 of the same story) a little while back. It was called "JUSTICE WOMAN - HUMAN PINATA." The one was posted (then deleted per my request b/c i wanted to edit it). Then when I resubmitted it, it was never put up on the site.

Anyway, my hard drive crashed & I lost the story. I was wondering if you could send me the story?


Once a user requests a topic or a reply to be deleted, it's gone, unfortunately. Unless another user copied and pasted the original and kept it on their hard drive. Sorry about that, hope you are able to recover it.
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