Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King

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I want to give credit to mesmereyes and his story "A Bad Week for Wonder Woman" as a source of inspiration for what will, when completed, be a rather lengthy and somewhat complex story. In fact, the first part of this story follows the main plot of that story and my original story will be a second fifteen chapter serial that will begin with Dr. Rennie, now using the name Chloro King, and will feature other heroines, including Zatana.

The primary changes in this serial are to the characters of Wonder Woman and Perry, the situations remain the same.

The changes to Wonder Woman: I never liked the whole magic belt bit. It seemed like a cheat to me and it cheated me of intelligent villains. The other change is the magic lasso. I like it being unbreakable and having the power to force anyone bound in it to tell the truth. Never did like it as a tool of brainwashing/mind control.

The changes to Perry: In the TV show, which this story is mostly based on, Diana Prince of the IADC lives in a pretty high class apartment building. Based on this I felt Perry needed to be a bit more successful. Since a goodly portion of this story revolves around brainwashing, he also needed to have the skills and knowledge to do such a thing. So I made him a Dr, while still keeping him pretty creepy. I also gave him a complete name. I chose to call him Dr Peregrine Michael Rennie, see if you can figure out why.

As always, DC owns the copyrights to Wonder Woman and related characters, the character Perry was created by mesmereyes, but his adaption to The Chloro King is strictly my own unique idea. Comments, are, of course welcome. Now, without further ado, on with the story.

Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter One: Dr Rennie's Obsession

Wonder Woman, in her guise of Diana Prince, closed the door of her apartment and walked purposefully down the hallway, unaware that she was being watched via concealed camera from the apartment opposite. As she stood patiently waiting for the elevator a man emerged from that apartment and walked towards her. Diana, concentrating on the floor indicator did not notice his approach until, directly behind her, he spoke. "Good morning, Miss Prince." Diana jumped a little as she turned to face him. "Oh hi, Dr Rennie, I didn't hear you coming." "Please, call me Perry. I guess I was rather quiet. Are you working today?" "Yes, we all have to earn a living." "True, true, though it would be nice to simply lay back and surround oneself with beauty all day." He smiled, perfect teeth in a handsome face topped with dark hair. The smile never touched his gray eyes.

The elevator door opened and they both entered Perry moved to the back where he could drink in the object of his desire. Diana pressed the button for the parking garage and watched the doors close, neither of them spoke further. Waiting impatiently for the elevator to fall, Diana was unable to see what Perry was doing. She focused her attention on the floor indicator, thinking over what little she knew of Dr Peregrine Michael Rennie. A brilliant doctor and one of the most skilled surgeons in Washington, wealthy, and, she had to admit to herself, more than easy on the eyes. No criminal record, no lawsuits for malpractice or sexual misconduct in the workplace. He was so clean he squeaked. Truly the most eligible bachelor in a city full of eligible bachelors. So... she thinks to herself, why is it every time I get anywhere near him my skin crawls?

Perry was smiling. As far as he was concerned she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She tried to hide it with those horrible glasses, with her hair done up in that ridiculous bun, but even the unflattering clothes she wore could not hide the truth from him. He started, as he did every morning, at her ankles, slowly making the journey up her gorgeous legs to the gentle flare of her hips. When the elevator opened and she turned, he briefly admired the swell of her breasts in profile before meeting the gaze of those deep blue eyes as they finally looked his direction. His eyes tasted her luscious lips as she spoke, “I guess I'll see you tomorrow.” She turned and walked away. A smile played across Perry's face as he watched her swaying hips, contemplating the plans he had for his favorite girl. “No, my dear, you will see me tonight.” His gaze continued to linger on Diana until she disappeared from view.

Perry returned upstairs safe in the knowledge that Diana would be gone all day. He would have plenty of time to get organized. The exorbitant fee he had paid the last building super had obtained a duplicate key to Diana's apartment with no questions asked, a key which turned easily in the lock. Her door swung inwards in invitation and he entered. With the obsessive attention to detail that made him such an excellent surgeon, he mentally began to go through the list of tasks, moving through the familiar surroundings as he did so.

Perry had lost track of the many hours spent here studying everything about her. He knew the music she liked, approved of the Greek artifacts that decorated her apartment. He had tracked the contents of her refrigerator, her freezer, and pantry. Knew what beverages she drank the most and which flavors of ice cream her sister ate when she came to visit. He had identified every vegetable in her diet, the breads, the earthy cheese she purchased from the deli, and that she got her meat fresh from a local butcher. He had looked through her closets and drawers and knew her every ensemble as well as she did. From time to time he had even removed small items as mementos. Nothing she would miss, just a perfumed handkerchief here, a pair of tights there, something that he could smell or touch as he sat in his apartment staring at the hundreds of pictures of her that were pinned to his wall. “Tonight,” he thought, “ if everything goes well, I get to play with the real thing.”

He quickly got to work, replacing the handsets on all her phones with handsets of the same make and model. He rewired the phone line to a ring generator and tested that it worked with the remote in his pocket. He replaced the light bulbs in the foyer with ones that were burned out. Finally, he added two additional cameras, one to the bathroom, and one to the bedroom. He had done the kitchen and living room much earlier. Finally, with most of the preparations finished, he decided to take a break.

Perry decided to look through her clothes, to see if she had anything new. He found three new bras, matching panties, a new camisole, five new blouses, two skirts, and one pair of pants. He reveled in all of them. Before he realized it the afternoon had passed. He shook himself in a near panic and got back to work, realizing that Diana could be home at any time. He cleaned up his tools, his bag of tricks, and painstakingly went about removing any trace of his presence.

Diana climbed from her Mercedes and headed across the parking garage. She looked at her watch as she waited for the elevator. It was nearly five thirty and she was grateful to Steve for letting her leave early so she could beat the traffic. It had been a quiet day and she was looking forward to spending a quiet evening alone, hopefully without the need for Wonder Woman to make an appearance. Tonight she just wanted some much needed rest and relaxation. She exited the elevator and walked down the corridor oblivious to the danger that awaited her.

Perry surveyed the rooms, comparing everything to pictures on his cell phone. Satisfied that everything was in order, he turned off all her lights, plunging the apartment into darkness. All he had to do now was wait and patience was not something he struggled with. He knew Washington traffic and had just settled in to wait when he heard the key in the door. He quickly put on a small gas mask and tensed, ready for action.

Diana entered her apartment, closing the door behind her, and reached for the light switch. She flicked it on, but nothing happened. “Have to get the super to check that out,” she thought, “I've gone through an awful lot of bulbs lately.” She was about to go to the kitchen for a spare bulb when Perry pressed a button on his remote and the phone rang. Two steps and she answered the phone, “Hello?” His finger pressed a second button and compressed gas spewed forth from the canister he had so thoughtfully installed in the handset. Everyone inhales after they answer the phone. Diana was no exception.
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Excellent start. :D :D
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I applaud the writer.
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looking forward to more.
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Excited to see how this turns out. "A Bad Week..." was one of my favorite WW Chloro'd stories...
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:

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I want to thank everyone for the kind comments and draw your attention to the fact that I retitled the story and have added considerably to the first post, making chapter one complete.
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Before I proceed with Chapter Two, I again want to credit mesmereyes and his story "A Bad Week for Wonder Woman" as a source of inspiration. Let me also draw your attention to the fact that the first chapter was significantly lengthened when the working title, "Wonder Woman vs The Chloro King" was changed to "Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King." If you have not read the first chapter since the work was retitled, you may wish to do so.

The beginning of each chapter will be like the chapters in the serial of old in that they will pick up with the cliff hanger, but take it someplace a little different than you might have expected. That said, here is:

Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Two: Are Ether of You Awake?

Diana entered her apartment, closing the door behind her, and reached for the light switch. She flicked it on, but nothing happened. “Have to get the super to check that out,” she thought, “I've gone through an awful lot of bulbs lately.” She was about to go to the kitchen for a spare bulb when Perry pressed a button on his remote and the phone rang. Two steps and she answered the phone, “Hello?” His finger pressed a second button and compressed gas spewed forth from the canister he had so thoughtfully installed in the handset. Everyone inhales after they answer the phone. Diana was no exception.

Perry was stunned. She must have an extraordinary metabolism. He had put enough knockout gas in the phone handset to bring down a man nearly twice her weight and she was still standing, struggling against the effects... and winning! Perry pounced, her cry of surprise muffled by the chloroform soaked cloth he clamped over her nose and mouth. Then it was his turn to be surprised as Diana's foot came down on his instep and she executed a perfect shoulder throw. Somehow he managed to hold onto the cloth, but he was winded by the impact and it took him several seconds to regain his feet. Terrified that she would recover before he did, he was pleased to find her on her knees trying to fight off the combined effects of the gas and the chloroform she had inhaled before throwing him.

Perry charged across the room, looking to press his advantage, but even as he moved towards her she regained her feet. He tried to maneuver behind her, but Diana was having none of that. Realizing she was still too dizzy to use any combat moves requiring skill and timing, she simply cannoned into him, driving him into the wall. Amazed at her resilience and the sheer physical power in her legs, he was, never the less, ready. He smiled under the gas mask, clamping the cloth over her nose and mouth once more even as she pulled her head away and pressed her arm across his throat. Her other hand clamped his wrist in a vise of steel and was starting to push it away from her face when he used his free hand to pinch her nipple.

Diana screamed at the indignity of it, once more inhaling the familiar smell of chloroform. He still felt strength in her hand, but that cry of indignation had pulled in enough of the dizzying fumes to make the outcome inevitable. Using the leverage of the wall behind him, he slowly made headway against her, reclaiming the inch she had gained. Her constant physical effort also required oxygen and clean oxygen was something he denied her.

Diana struggled as hard as she could, moving her head first to one side, then to the other in a vain attempt to avoid the insidious cloth wielding hand. Perry, on the other hand, was fairly successful at keeping the cloth close enough to her face that with every little bit of air she also got a good dose of the debilitating drug. Finally realizing she couldn't win that way, she tried to pull away and run.

Perry was quick to capitalize on this, reversing positions so that it was he who pinned her to the wall. Her eyes burned like coals with the heat of her anger, but she no longer had the strength to escape the chloroform soaked cloth in her assailants hand. Her struggles were ineffective and useless. Her body was pressed against the wall. Her attackers body was pressed against hers. Her arms no longer had the strength to deliver effective blows. She tried to use her feet to disable her opponent, but even though she could still feel her legs beneath her, they just refused to move. In a final act of desperation, she used one hand to tear his mask from his face and the other to twist his ear. With a scream of pain, he too inhaled the fumes and both of them slumped to the floor.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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nice job so far - looking forward to more - do you know where the original "A Bad Week for Wonder Woman" can be found?
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Neophyte Lvl 2
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When are you going to finish this. I love your rendition.
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I am glad that everyone seems to be enjoying this tale, but I am afraid I must disappoint you for the moment. The next chapter is proving very difficult to write, where as the ones before and even some of the ones after came together much more easily. In addition to that, I am loaded down with work at the moment, so I can't definitively say when the work will be completed. I can tell you that it is a little over two-thirds completed and that the particular project I am on should wind down around mid-April. I, too, wish to see the conclusion.
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Thank you for your patience, everyone. The next chapter is finally done. Still busy, so don't expect the newest chapter next week. Still, I hope you find the story worth the wait.

Without further ado:

Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Three: Perchance to Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Perry used his body to keep the weakened Diana pinned to the wall. Her eyes burned like coals with the heat of her anger, but she no longer had the strength to escape the chloroform soaked cloth in her assailants hand. Her struggles were ineffective and useless. Her body was pressed against the wall. Her attackers body pressed against hers. Her arms no longer had the strength to deliver effective blows. She tried to use her feet to disable her opponent, but even though she could still feel her legs beneath her, they just refused to move. In a final act of desperation, she used one hand to tear his mask from his face and the other to twist his ear. With a scream of pain, he too inhaled the fumes and both of them slumped to the floor.

Perry rolled away from the fumes, having lost the cloth in the fall. He fumbled with his mask and put it back on, drawing in great lungs full of filtered air, rapidly countering the effects of his brief exposure. He turned to look at Diana to find that fortune had sided with him. Diana, her eyes, still glazed over, was staring blankly at the cloth, the powerful drug it was soaked with still close enough to prevent her from recovering.

The chloroform which had robbed Diana of the ability to fight had not suppressed her will so she continued to struggle with every fiber of her being. The muscles on her neck stood out as she tried to turn her head away, her left arm twitched as she tried to reach the cloth, to move it away, all to no avail. Perry smiled beneath the mask kneeling next to her, lifting her upper torso into his lap. Gently cradling her head, he let her hair down, running his fingers through its luxurious tresses. “I have waited for this moment for far too long, Diana, and now?” he sighed in anticipation of the moment, then picked up the cloth, knowing she would soon succumb to the evil fumes. He gently caressed her cheek while looking deep into her blue eyes before placing the cloth over her nose and mouth once more. “Sleep well.”

Diana's eyes slowly softened, even her muscles relaxed as the chloroform finally robbed her of even the will to fight. Her vision blurred and soon even the outline of her assailants masked face became fuzzy. Her eyelids fluttered as she fought not to shut them. Her eyes rolled back in her head. A soft whimper escaped her lips. At last her eyes slowly closed and Perry could feel her breathing becoming slow and regular as she lay there in his lap. Using his free hand to gently caress the breasts he had so longed to hold, he knew he had won. He was going to enjoy a night that Diana Prince would never remember.

Consciousness slowly returned and Diana tried to open her eyes but her heavy lids refused to move even slightly. She wanted to rub them, to make them open, but her hands, tied somewhere above her head, would barely move. She tried to move her legs, but they, too, were restrained. She was helpless, but only for the moment. It wouldn't take long for her strength to return, then she could snap these bonds like tissue paper, if necessary. A voice, somehow familiar, spoke next to her. “Awake at last?” She felt gentle fingers on her left breast. “Good. Time to begin, but first...” She tried to hold her breath as she felt a cloth being pressed over her nose and mouth, but her body, still fighting off the effects of the chloroform, wouldn't cooperate.

From the first breath Diana knew this was somehow different. Chloroform, yes, but something else that she couldn't identify. “Don't worry, just a little chloroform to make you a little more cooperative and and a little something to make you somewhat.....” he paused for dramatic effect, “...suggestible.” Over the next several seconds, two things happened. First, she found it increasingly difficult to think clearly. Second, those fingers on her breast began to feel much better than they should have. “You're probably wondering what is going on. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You won't even remember this conversation, let alone anything else that happens tonight. This mild little cocktail I cooked up for you will insure that.”

Diana could already feel it beginning to work on her, the strength leaving her limbs even before it fully returned, her mind clouding so that even thinking became a challenge, and the whole world seeming to swirl around her in a kaleidoscope of sound and color. Whatever he was making her breath in was anything but mild. In less than a minute she couldn't remember any of the last twenty, was in a highly suggestible state, and was more than a little aroused.

After she became relaxed, Perry removed the cloth from her face. His voice seemed miles away as it spoke to her again. “There, Diana, doesn't that feel better?” It did.... She felt so... “Mmmmmm!” Her luscious lips formed a slow sexy smile. “I, and only I, can make you feel this wonderful. You like feeling this way.” He paused to allow her brain to process the suggestion, then rephrased, “Isn't it true that you like feeling this way?” A bawdy wink followed by a sleepy “Yes.” “How can you have this feeling again?” The slurring in her speech was more noticeable as she replied, “You.....will.... giv'it... to-me.”

Perry held the cloth up to her face. “Smell this.” Diana sniffed, as if she were smelling a flower. “Remember that smell, it is how I make you feel this wonderful. When you smell this, you will not fight it, you will inhale its fragrance with long deep breaths.” She pressed her face into the cloth and did just that. The fingers of his free hand returned to teasing her breasts. The fact that she was still fully clothed did nothing to prevent her body's immediate response or the moan that escaped her muffled lips as a result. “When you wake up in the morning, all you will remember is my voice, this smell, and how wonderful they make you feel. You will forget everything else or you will never be able to feel this way again. Do you understand and accept these instructions?” She nodded her head in the affirmative, still inhaling the drug from the cloth.

Perry reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of pure chloroform, breaking the seal and pouring it on the cloth. Diana continued to inhale, completely filling her lungs with each breath. This time it only took seconds before her breathing became slow and regular and she once again basked in the arms of Morpheus. Lovingly stroking her face, he whispered in her ear, “Sweet dreams, Diana.”

Perry carefully removed the restraints and eliminated all traces of his visit from the room, including the high resolution video camera he had used to record the night's events. On the way out the door he stopped at her phone, removing the ring down generator and reconnecting her phone line.

Tired as he was, Perry was still elated at his apparent success. He had successfully drugged Diana, played with her, and hopefully even set the stage for future encounters. Best of all, the drugs in his little cocktail should insure that she wouldn't remember anything about him until he was ready to reveal himself. He hadn't undressed her, not on a first date. Still, he had felt those large firm breasts, had stroked her stocking clad legs. He wanted to experience it all again and again, which he did, watching the film of the events several times before falling asleep in the chair.

Dreams of Diana filled his restless slumber, dreams that were abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door. Perry sluggishly dragged himself from the chair, going to the door. “Who is it?” “Perry, it's Diana. Can I come in?” Puzzled, he opened the door a crack, “Hi, Diana, what's up?”

Diana hit the door with her shoulder, knocking him off balance and coming through the door without breaking stride. Why hadn't he used the chain? Or at least braced himself against the door? She grabbed the lapels of his shirt, her right hand holding his right collar, her left hand on the left one. Trying to pull away only pulled the collar more tightly around his neck. She backed him into the nearest wall, not giving him any room to move. “Perry, we need to talk about what you did to me last night.”
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Very good, looking forward to next installment.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Very interesting!!! :)
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very good- looking forward to more.
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WOW! Love your story! You are a good writer. I am looking forward to reading the next installment

Wonder Tomi
Wonder Tomi: The woman with many faces
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Hi all, thanks again for all the positive comments so far. I would also like to extend apologies for the amount of time this chapter took to write, but work has kept me pretty busy and this chapter was very challenging because of several things I had to research once I came up with a suitable McGuffin.

Inspirational credit must again go to mesmereyes and his story "A Bad Week For Wonder Woman."

Finally, each name is based on some factoid or other, starting with Peregrine Michael Rennie and continuing with each original character in the story. Bonus points if you figure them out. Enjoy!

Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Four: Haze

Perry, having watched the film of the night's events several times before falling asleep in the chair, is dreaming of Diana. His restless slumber is filled with her gorgeous form, his hands caressing her large firm breasts, stroking her shapely stocking clad legs. It's a dream come true, a dream abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door. Perry sluggishly dragged himself from the chair, going to the door. “Who is it?” “Perry, it's Diana. Can I come in?” Puzzled, he opened the door a crack, “Hi, Diana, what's up?”

Diana hit the door with her shoulder, knocking him off balance and coming through the door without breaking stride. Why hadn't he used the chain? Or at least braced himself against the door? With crossed wrists, she grabbed the lapels of his shirt. Trying to pull away only pulled the collar more tightly around his neck. She backed him into the nearest wall, not giving him any room to move. “Perry, we need to talk about what you did to me last night.” Her eyes lowered demurely and her hands slowly slid down his chest, “No man has ever made me feel the way you did last night.”

Perry is suddenly aware that Diana is quite different this morning, her hair is down, she's not wearing her glasses, the teal blue silk blouse he loves to see her in is unbuttoned far enough that he can see her new black bra, but it's more than that. Her body is pressed against him, rubbing against him, and when she notices him looking at her bra, “Do you like it? I know you were holding it yesterday, it has your scent.” She looked at him through lowered eyes, her voice all breathy and sultry, “Would you think me too forward if I asked you to kiss me?” Her lips move closer, stopping less than an inch away. She whispers, “Please?”

The phone rings, involuntarily, Perry looks towards it, her hand gently presses against his cheek, turning his head back towards her, her whispered tone pleading with him, “Please kiss me, I don't think I can wait much longer!” The phone keeps ringing... wait.... it should have already gone to voicemail... that means it's not the phone.... it's

Perry is suddenly very awake, the alarm next to him making it all too clear that recent events were indeed just a dream within a dream. Shaking off his disappointment, Perry moved into the other room and looked at all the pictures he had of her as he brought his monitors online. First the two 22 inch monitors on the desk, one for close preview, the other a duplicate of the main feed. He also used these for editing his videos. The other two, on the wall, were duplicates of the 55 inch display he had in the living room. That was where he had watched his date with Diana over and over until he fell asleep. The one on the left was configured 12 up so that he could look at all the camera feeds at once. The second was the main feed, giving him a clear and large view of Diana just stirring in her sleep.

Diana woke up somewhat puzzled by two facts: first, she was still wearing her clothes, and second, she didn't remember anything after arriving home last night. “Something's wrong here.” she said softly, confusion evident in her voice. She looked at her watch and immediately realized that whatever was wrong, she didn't have the time to deal with it now. She had a meeting with Steve regarding that new designer drug, Cupid's Haze. If she were going to be on time, she needed to move.

Shoes and stockings came off first then she made a beeline for the bathroom, a trail of shed clothing marking the path. Perry was filled with anticipation, thanking the foresight that had caused him to plant the bathroom camera over the shower until she turned on the water and the lens began to fog up. All he got was a view of her silhouette as she quickly went through her morning ablutions.

The bedroom camera was no help either. When she came on camera, she was wearing her large Turkish cotton robe, the kind you put on when wet and you are instantly dry. Perry did get a nice view of her from the back as she rapidly dressed in front of the open closet, but not the frontal view he had hoped for. Perhaps tonight? He really hadn't planned on a second date quite so soon, he had wanted to watch her for a few days to see if she suspected anything. He stroked his chin thoughtfully. It didn't look as if she suspected anything, at least not as far as he could tell. She left, going to work early, something Diana often did. That meant he couldn't see her this morning, not unshaven and unkempt as he was. To top it off, he had a late surgery today. That meant she would probably be home before him.

Perry leaned back in his chair, thinking about his girl. More importantly, he was trying to figure out a way to see her. What he finally decided to do was to double the gas in the phone by putting a second canister in the handset. When that was finished, he showered, shaved, and dressed.

Perry checked the hallway on the monitor, all clear. He stepped out, crossed the hall, inserted the key, and entered Diana's apartment. Business first, he replaced all the phone handsets with the ones he had personally upgraded. Then he went to her bedroom. Diana had tidied up before she left, her room neat as a pin once more. He went to her closet, looking for and finding the blue silk blouse from his dream. It was soft, like he remembered, and hanging in her closet, clean and ready to wear. “Maybe tonight.” He rubbed his cheek against it, sniffing, but the only scent was of the laundry detergent she used. He went to the hamper, picking out the red blouse she had been wearing the day before, held it to his face and breathed in deeply. If only he didn't have those surgeries today, then he could spend the day here and be here to give her a proper welcome. He looked at his watch, sighed, lowered the blouse back into the hamper, and made his exit.

Meanwhile, across town, Diana was just entering a meeting with Steve. “Diana, this is Detective Edgar Dupin, he's been gathering intel on that new drug I told you about.” She looked into his brilliant blue eyes, her hand reaching out, shaking his firmly, he smiled, beaming good nature. A full head of brown hair and a pencil mustache adorning his upper lip were as well groomed as the rest of him. “Pleased to meet you, Diana, I've heard a lot about you from Steve.” She smiled, “All good, I hope.” He chuckled, “Steve never shares anything bad about anyone, it's part of his charm.” “All right you two, let's get down to cases, Ed?”

Diana took her seat as Detective Dupin began to speak. “The truth is all we've been able to compile on this is rumor, innuendo, and speculation. No drug sample, no supplier. Not even victims. Nothing.” Diana looked thoughtful, “So why involve the IADC?” “Because this drug is supposed to be the ultimate date rape drug. The rumor is that this drug is supposed to completely wipe the victim's short term memory. Total, and I mean total memory loss, properly used it can make you forget any event and not know that you have forgotten it. If the rumors are true, this drug could be used to steal secrets from our most secure facilities without anyone knowing they were missing, not even the people who developed them.” “Don't worry, Ed, Diana and I will be happy to help.”

Diana spent the rest of the day reading. Lots of paper and computer files that summed up everything they knew or thought they knew about this new designer drug called “Cupid's Haze.” If it were a date rape drug, the name was appropriate enough. What began to bother her, though, was that the alleged effects were almost identical to what she had experienced this morning. Perhaps the drug was not as effective as the designers thought or maybe it was her Amazonian constitution. Regardless, she saw one potential lead, a night club owned by Edward G. “Eddie” Bandello. As with all date-rape drug investigations, night clubs would be a place where potential victims were likely to be targeted. Add to that Bandello's rumored underworld ties and his connection to Dr. Szalony Wissenschaftler, the German biochemist, and there was potential. Her first thought was to tell Steve and set up a proper surveillance, her second thought, not too far behind the first was, “If they've already gotten to Diana, maybe a visit by Wonder Woman is in order instead.”

Later that evening, just before opening time, Wonder Woman entered Bandello's club. A big burly man, six foot four and easily 250 pounds of solid muscle tried to bar her way. “Mr Bandello doesn't want to be disturbed.” She looked at him, “You don't really want to try and stop me, do you? Besides, I'm sure if you tell Bandello that Wonder Woman is here, he'll be glad to make an exception.” He looked her over, a smirk on his face, “When MR. Bandello doesn't want to be disturbed no one gets in, not even you.” Even before he finished speaking, his fist was headed for her stomach. Diana knew that she could easily stop the blow before it landed and that she could just as easily dodge it. That could lead to a fight which she could easily win but that could allow Bandello to leave if he wished and he was her only lead. She decided to take the blow instead.

Despite legend, Amazons are human and even Wonder Woman is not invulnerable. A bullet, a knife, even a fist could do injury if she were caught unawares. An Amazon's muscles are far stronger, their reflexes much faster and Diana was the strongest, fastest Amazon of them all. To the bodyguard this made very little difference. With her stomach muscles tensed in preparation for the blow, it was like hitting a brick wall. The look of surprise on his face was fleeting as his other fist targeted her face. This time Diana caught his fist in her hand, holding it firmly in place, her grip like a vise. Her manner remained polite, “Please tell Eddie that Wonder Woman is here to see him.” The bartender picked up the phone while Diana continued to hold the bodyguard in place by his now aching fist. Seconds later the bartender hung up the phone, “Mr Bandello will see you now.” Diana released the strong man's fist, “Thank you, would you please show the way?”

The bartender walked around the counter, then led Diana to a doorway marked 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' which opened into a corridor. The first door on the left was marked 'Private' and it was this door the bartender knocked on. There was a soft click and the bartender opened the door, standing aside for the heroine to enter, then closing the door softly behind her. Edward G. 'Eddie' Bandello stood to greet her as she entered. He was heavy set and muscular with dark hair and intelligent eyes buried in a normally expressionless face. At the moment he was smiling. “Come in Wonder Woman, come in.” Bandello's manner was effusive. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you!” He offered her a seat across from his desk. Deciding to keep things cordial, at least for the moment, Diana accepted.

“Water? Smoothie? Something stronger?” Diana shook her head, “No thanks, I'm good.” Eddie's smile broadened, “Of course, you didn't come here just to chit chat, you must be as busy as me. What can I do for you?” Smiling her best smile, she answered, “Actually, Eddie, I need your help.” He leaned back, obviously pleased, lacing his fingers over his chest. “It would be my pleasure.” “Some rumors are flying around concerning a new drug being used at various nightclubs to victimize women. So far as I can tell, no specific club is involved.” He looked increasingly puzzled as she spoke, “What has that got to do with me?”

Diana took a deep breath, she was starting to feel a little warm. She ignored it and pressed on, “get him to relax” she thought, “and he'll slip up,” then she would know if her hunch was right. “You're the most influential nightclub owner in Washington, I'd like you to talk to the other owners, get them to be on the lookout for signs that a woman might not be feeling well and have them checked out by a Doctor.” Eddie looked thoughtful for a moment, then shook his head. “I can give you three reasons that won't work. The first is the cost of having a Doctor in the club, which I could eat for awhile, but not indefinitely. Second, ladies would have the right to refuse examination. The third is bad publicity, which could potentially bankrupt all of us.” As he spoke he studied her carefully, almost like a cat eying a canary.

Diana looked at Eddie, she had laid the groundwork, now it was time to bait the trap. “What about the Doctor you keep around? Szalony Wissenschaftler? Could he help figure out how these women are being drugged?” A slow smile came over Eddie's face. “You know, you might have something there. He's a brilliant biochemist. I have him here working on a little something special just for me. Let me get him in here, it will only take a few minutes, then three of us can figure out a plan.” He picked up the phone and dialed three digits. One tone for each digit, so a local extension, Diana thought, not a speed dial. “Hey, find Szal and get him in here. Yeah right now. Yeah, I know she's still here, that's why I want him.” He glanced at the gauge on the tank under his desk, it was more than half empty.

Eddie hung up the phone, smiling. “He'll be joining us in a few minutes.” Diana smiled again, “Well, while we're waiting.... Eddie, I'm curious, why a biochemist?” He leaned back, looking at her over steepled fingers, “The truth is that a little over two years ago three of our guests and one of our dancers experienced exactly what you have been talking about. Getting straight to the point, they were drugged and raped, but it didn't end there. The media was in their face and mine for almost three straight weeks. They suffered. Customers, especially women, stayed away and half of our dancers quit because they were convinced that there was real and ongoing danger here. We almost had to declare bankruptcy and close before we weathered the storm. I now had two reasons to see that this kind of thing didn't happen in my club ever again.”

“That's when he hired me.” The cultured German accent matched the background Diana had read earlier but barely hinted at his brilliance. Nine published papers while he was still a student at the University of Munich that were as well received by the scientific community as his unethical experimentation was not. Experimentation that resulted in his being dismissed from the university and shunned by fellow scientists and researchers. “Dr Szalony Wissenschaftler, a pleasure Wonder Woman, truly a pleasure.” His smile and casual manner was both charming and completely disarming. Even though Diana knew him to be evil, she inexplicably found herself feeling at ease with him. She tried to keep her mind focused on gathering evidence, but as he began to explain his research, she found it increasingly difficult.

“The human brain is truly remarkable, even with all the advances in computer technology, it would take an incredibly large machine to match the processing power and storage capacity it possesses, yet for all that power, it is simply a series of biochemical processes. Processes that can be analyzed and quantified. I have specifically been studying those processes related to memory and sexual stimulation. These are the two areas affected by the so called date rape drugs.” Szal looked at Eddie, “May I?” Eddie got up, freeing his chair. Szal sat down and immediately began typing away on the computer. A few seconds later, the projector came to life, displaying what looked like a fancy colored human brain on the wall. “What you are looking at is a PET scan of a human brain. In simplified terms, a PET scan allows us to see which areas of the brain are having what kind of activity. This one shows a human brain during normal activity.”

Szalony clicked a mouse and the image altered, “This one shows what happens in the brain during the early stages of sexual stimulation.” Some areas were beginning to light up, “You may have heard that the brain has a pleasure center that lets us know when something is enjoyable and reinforces the desire for us to perform the same pleasurable action again. This is also called the reward circuit, which includes all kinds of pleasure, from sex to laughter to certain types of drug use. Some of the brain areas impacted by pleasure include,” he pointed to various areas of the brain as he identified them. “The amygdala which regulates emotions, the nucleus accumbens, which controls the release of dopamine, the ventral tegmental area, which actually releases dopamine, the cerebellum, which controls muscle function, and the pituitary gland, which releases beta-endorphins, oxytocin, and vasopressin. All these areas are important in terms of what we are trying to accomplish.”

The doctor paused, checking the guage on the tank under the desk. Empty. “The chemicals are equally important. Dopamine, for example, has many functions in the brain, including important roles in behavior and cognition, voluntary movement, motivation, punishment and reward. Beta-endorphins decrease pain, oxytocin increases trust, and vasopressin increases bonding. In addition to that, we have discovered that there is a small period of time following orgasm in which the brain is completely quiet. Absolutely no activity at all, not even the storage of memory. You can see how this information can be useful."

Dr Szalony Wissenschaftler smiled as he revealed the truth. "We can create an artificial sense of trust that cannot be overridden, such as the one we have created in you. Try as you might, you feel relaxed, your famed muscles useless because we control the chemistry of your brain. Your cerebellum will not even allow you to move at this moment, so you do not. Never fear, the paralysis is temporary. More important to you at this moment is the amount of oxytocin we have caused your brain to release. Because of this, you feel that you can trust me more than anyone that you have ever known.” He smiles, “Wondering how? You have been breathing a gas that contains many precursors to these chemicals, basically directing your brain to release them in astronomical quantities. We, of course, have taken a capsule that counteracts the effects as a precaution beforehand. After all, we never know when a gorgeous female such as yourself will need dosing.”

Szal stood, walking towards her, she tried to resist, tried to move, but found her muscles simply would not respond. “Mind over muscle, Amazon, mind over muscle.” He removed her right boot, “The best part of all? I have found a way to artificially create and extend the post-orgasmic stillness of the brain. More, I have used that knowledge to unlock the key to memory storage itself.” He removed her left boot, “What this means is that, unlike something as crude as Rohypnol which simply suppresses and confuses memory, I have found a way to completely remove memory. Not as accurately as I would like, but....” she felt a small sting in her thigh, “in something under a minute, you will lose all memory of somewhere between ten and sixteen hours. In short,” he began to remove her bustier, his hands grazing her nipples in the process, causing her to gasp at the incredible surge of pleasure, “I can do whatever I want and you will not even remember wanting to come here, let alone anything that happened.” He held her up as Eddie slid her costume down, letting it pool around her ankles. “A highly effective combination, don't you think? We call it Cupid's Haze.”

Diana doesn't remember the hands pulling down her satin tights and a pair of grinning faces that look her body over. She doesn't remember showing them how to remove her bracelets. She doesn't remember the discussion they have about what to do with her.
Last edited by dravatar 9 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
Sargeant 1st Class
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BLOODY BRILLIANT! fantastic work - if the rest of your work is as good as this, take your time!
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I'm glad you appreciate the effort. Thank you.
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Would love to see her come back and them put a surgical gas mask on her and have her breathe in an entire tank-full - wonder what that would do to her. I remember the Bad Week for WW very fondly - well written and yours is doing it justice. Looking forward to reading more. Though I would ask that you keep her boots and bracelets on for some of her peril.
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More good stuff, keep it up ,sir, keep it up!
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Outstanding but more parts needed. :)
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I can only hope that it does not have a happy ending for Wonder Woman.
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For all those that are waiting:
Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Five: Coming Home To Roost

Diana is walking down the street, barefoot, nude except for a long raincoat that must have been expensive once. She doesn't remember how she got to be here in this rundown neighborhood in the middle of the night. She doesn't remember deciding to go to Il Palantine, a popular nightclub owned Edward G. “Eddie” Bandello or deciding to go as Wonder Woman. She doesn't remember the lengthy lecture given by Dr Szalony Wissenschaftler as she breathed in his carefully designed gas. She doesn't remember his bragging as he removed her costume, doesn't remember the hands pulling down her satin tights and a pair of grinning faces that looked her body over. She doesn't remember showing them how to remove her bracelets, doesn't remember their discussion about what to do with her nor its final outcome, that sexually violating her was too risky because of her connection to the JLA.

Diana doesn't remember the thorough cleaning they gave every inch of her body to insure there was no evidence left that even Batman could have traced nor the pleasure they took in exploring her body while doing so. She doesn't remember being wrapped in plastic and transported in a van out to 9th street, where she is rolled out of the plastic onto the sidewalk. She doesn't remember standing to her feet, walking down the street completely naked or the kindly old homeless man who saw her nakedness and gave her his only coat and the last vestige of his former wealth. She remains completely unaware of what she is doing or where she is until she finds herself as she is, walking down the street wearing nothing except the aged raincoat.

Diana quickly realized that she must have been drugged and that it must have been Cupid's Haze. Had she not been aware of the drug's existence, had she been out partying instead, had someone relieved her current state of sexual arousal before dropping her here, she would never have suspected the memory loss was purposefully caused. The truth is, even knowing what she knew, she felt strangely blissful and relaxed.

Shoving the remaining effects of the drugs aside, Diana quickly made her way home. Her Amazon training enabled her to do so quietly, slipping through the shadows as though she were part of the night itself. She finally reached home a little after 01:00 without attracting any unwanted attention along the way. Her phone started to ring while she was still retrieving the carefully concealed spare to her apartment. She quickly unlocked the door, took the three steps to the phone thinking it must be Steve. Who else would call in the middle of the night?. “Hello?”

This time the gas that hissed from the phone was far more potent and there was much more of it. Combined with the lingering effects of Cupid's Haze, the drug left Diana so completely relaxed she didn't even struggle when she felt the cloth cover her face. Breathing deeply, she leaned back into Perry's waiting arms, moaning in pleasure as she felt his hand caress her breast.

Perry had been pleasantly surprised to discover that he had arrived home ahead of Diana. He would get to see his girl tonight after all, he thought. Making a quick sandwich, he had settled down to what had become a lengthy vigil. Dozing off and on, he had almost missed her arrival. Lifting his head after nodding off, he had rubbed his eyes and noticed her approaching her door. Triggering the phone trap, he quickly made his way to the door. The automatic door closer he had installed began to close the door as he rapidly crossed the hallway. This had enabled him to slip up behind her without making a sound, clamping the cloth over her face before the gas wore off.

Perry felt strong fingers grip his wrist, irresistibly moving his hand from her breast to the inside of her coat and... She had nothing on underneath!!! His puzzlement was shoved aside by his own rapidly building arousal as she encouraged him to fondle her naked breast. He was stunned. He had thought he would need several more treatments of the drug, several more conditioning sessions to reach this level. He had no clue that her brain's own chemistry had been used against her or that was still incredibly aroused. He only experienced the result as she rubbed her bottom against him and moaned once more.

Perry was so distracted that, for a moment, he almost forgot the purpose of the encounter: to strengthen his control over her. “Do you remember my voice, Diana?” She nodded, “Mmmm-hm” “Do you like the way that you feel right now?” A slow, sultry smile as she arched her back into him, “You will remember that I, and only I, can make you feel this way.” The reaction to this statement was as abrupt as it was unexpected, “That's all I needed to hear!” Effortlessly, she spun free of his grip, grabbing the lapels of his shirt with crossed wrists, slamming him into the wall with such force it knocked the wind out of him and caused him to drop the cloth. The anger in her voice was apparent as she spoke, “How dare you do this to me?!?”
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As we say down the pub, 'tidy darts'! =D>
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very good chapter, so in hopes of what had happened to Wonder Woman
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nice work! short but sweet - looking forward to much more!
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Points this time for finding the rather obscure Monty Python reference.

Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Six: aDRESSing Her Needs

Having found herself walking down 9th street with no idea how she got there, Diana finally reached home a little after 01:00 wearing nothing except an aged raincoat... Her phone started to ring while she was still retrieving the carefully concealed spare to her apartment. She quickly unlocked the door, taking the three steps to the phone thinking it must be Steve. Who else would call in the middle of the night?. “Hello?”

Gas hissed from the phone, combining with the lingering effects of Cupid's Haze, leaving Diana so completely relaxed she didn't even struggle when she felt the cloth cover her face. Breathing deeply, she leaned back into Perry's waiting arms, moaning in pleasure as she felt his hand caress her breast.

Perry held Diana close to him, using the toe of his right shoe to close the door. As he heard the soft click of the latch, he felt strong fingers grip his wrist, irresistibly moving his hand from her breast to the inside of her coat and... She had nothing on underneath!!! Perry was so distracted that, for a moment, he almost forgot the purpose of the encounter: to strengthen his control over her. “Do you remember my voice, Diana?” She nodded, “Mmmm-hm” “Do you like the way that you feel right now?” A slow, sultry smile as she arched her back into him, “You will remember that I, and only I, can make you feel this way.” The reaction to this statement was as abrupt as it was unexpected, “That's all I needed to hear!” Effortlessly, she spun free of his grip, grabbing the lapels of his shirt with crossed wrists, slamming him into the wall with such force it knocked the wind out of him and caused him to drop the cloth. The anger in her voice was apparent as she spoke, “How dare you do this to me?!?”

As Perry tried to recover from the shock of Diana's abrupt and rather forceful action, she continued, crying as she vented her hurt in the form of anger, “How dare you fill me with such strong desire and fail to satisfy it?” Perry realized he had a tigress by the tail and thought quickly, hoping she would believe him as he said, “I wanted to satisfy you but was prevented from coming to you until this very moment. I even brought a magic box to insure that we can be together every time that you feel this desire.” Her voice softened, “Really? You brought a magic box just for me?” She snuggled up against him and he gently took one hand in his, gently kissing her knuckle, “Really.” Backing away, she spoke softly, “When can I see it?” Still holding her hand in his, Perry bent over, retrieving the dropped cloth before leading her to the couch “Come sit down, Diana, and I will give it to you tonight.”

Diana sat with sensuous grace, allowing her coat to fall open a little, then adjusting it and daintily crossing her legs. She smiled, noting that his eyes followed her movements as she intended. Perry had to force himself back to his plan.

Still unaware that Diana had been dosed with Cupid's Haze. Ignorant of the fact that it was causing her overstimulated pituitary gland to continue releasing incredible amounts of vasopressin and oxytocin. Perry had no clue that it was the combination of his chloroform cocktail and Cupid's Haze that was causing her to subconsciously bond with and trust him. Thinking, in fact, that it was his own drug doing all the work, he handed her the cloth. “Close your eyes, rub your breasts with this cloth, concentrating only on how good it feels. Breathe deeply as the fumes rise from your chest. Do not open your eyes until I say or I will be unable to make the magic box appear. Can you do that?”

Diana nodded, taking the cloth in her hand with eager anticipation. Closing her eyes, she slowly began to rub the cloth on her right breast, starting at the base and tracing an ever narrowing spiral until she reached her nipple. Slightly altering her grip, she drew it together inside her fingers, grasping the nipple and letting it slowly slide through the folds of the cloth. She then proceeded to repeat this procedure on her left breast, then on both breasts several times, her breathing getting more ragged each time. She leaned back, luxuriating in the delicious weakness she felt as the fumes invaded her lungs.

Perry quietly left, quickly going to his own apartment. "That was entirely too close and the SECOND time I've lost that cloth in a struggle with her, I might not be so lucky a third time." He grabbed a pair of surgical gloves, quickly putting them on, then a pair of white cotton gloves leftover from the charity function last year. He soaked the gloves with his chloroform cocktail before finally retrieving a flat polished wooden box with an ornate golden hasp. He hadn't originally planned to give it to her tonight, so he double checked the contents before rapidly returning to Diana, laying it in her lap. “You can open your eyes now.”

Diana opened her eyes, looked at the box, and gasped. It was six inches tall, twenty-two wide, and fourteen deep, but it wasn't the size that took her breath away. It was just that beautiful, the craftsmanship incredible. The box itself was made of a dark rich hardwood, Santos Mahogany. The lid of the box was inlaid with various lighter colored woods depicting a scene. The most intricate was the larch. The larch. Each branch, each leaf painstakingly carved of an individual piece of wood, and glued into a matching cutout in the box lid. The larch was a marvel of detail. Under the larch was something completely different, a woman reclining on a dais. No, not just a woman. Diana recognized this as a Roman depiction of the goddess Aphrodite, whom they referred to as Venus. Still it was much too new, certainly no more than 200 years old at a glance. “It's Victorian.” Perry told her. That explained it, the Romans had occupied England and the effect of that occupation on English culture could be seen to this day.

“You said it was magic.” she breathed, even more aroused than she had been before, thanks to her own continual rubbing of her breasts. “Open it and see.” Carefully unfastening the gold hasp, Diana lifted the lid. “Each time you open it the contents will be different because each situation will be different. Now that I've given it to you, the box will magically appear each time you need me to satisfy these feelings that you have.” She inclined her head towards him, “Like now?” she breathed. “If you like.” Lowering the lid onto her finger so that it was not completely closed, Diana stood. “I'll be right back.” she purred. Perry stopped her, holding her by her left arm, wiping the cool damp fabric of his glove over each breast, soliciting a moan of pleasure. “Each time you dress, you will dress like you want me to watch you... like you need me to watch you.” She took hold of his gloved hand as he removed it from her arm, turning the palm up. Dropping the cloth into it, she winked bawdily at him, her voice breathy and teasing, "Only if you promise to watch." Rubbing her body against him as she slowly slid by, she looked coyly over her shoulder, noting the reaction she had caused in his body. She sashayed out of the room with such sensual grace that she had complete control of where his eyes were looking with each step. They followed a leg here, the sway of her hips there. They watched her hand as she paused, slowly sweeping her hair back from the side of her face to reveal one of her startlingly blue eyes. Closing them and moaning softly as she turned towards him. Opening both eyes, arresting his gaze, she held it for nearly a minute. Twisting to leave, she arched her back slightly, inhaling deeply before vanishing around the corner, certain in the knowledge that his eyes had been on her breasts.

Neither Perry nor Diana knew that his chloroform cocktail was interacting with the remnants of Cupid's Haze in her system. They did not know that trace amounts of a drug designed to keep events and memories from being stored in brain cells had been subtly altered by that interaction so that each of Perry's commands was now being indelibly etched into her subconscious mind. Perry only knew that he was pleased with the results of his attempt to strengthen his control over Diana. Diana, for her part, only knew she wanted to please the man who gave her this feeling so that he would satisfy her.

Moments later, Diana was carefully placing the open box on her bed. Lowering the coat over her shoulders she let it fall away from her into a pile at her feet. Bending over with exagerated slowness, she lifted the first garment from the box, a shiny white corset. She happened to be facing the bedroom camera as she lifted it into place, gently sliding each perfect breast into one of the cups of the built-in bra. Not that she needed a bra, but as most women did, it was there. She cooed at the tingling sensation she felt on her skin as she fastened the corset in place, completely unaware that the fabric of each garment had been treated with a variant of Perry's chloroform cocktail.

Diana looked into the box to see what was next, then placed first one hand, then the opposite knee, slowly crawling onto the bed with a feline grace few women could match. In the middle of the bed on all fours, she passed her left leg under her and out past her right hip, then balanced on her left hand, lifting her right hand upwards. Rotating her body with an ease of control an Olympic gymnast would have envied, she pointed her toe towards the ceiling, holding it there for a few brief seconds. Lowering her left leg slowly she twisted her hips to allow her right toe to point towards the ceiling in turn. Her right hand slowly came down as she rolled her upper body onto her back and her arms slowly lowered her to the bed. For half a moment she lay there, her flawless skin, the white corset, and her raven hair, all contrasted against the pale green of her coverlet, truly a vision of beauty.

Diana placed the fingers of each hand lightly on each side of her raised leg, slowly sliding them down her thigh, past her knee, her calf, ankle, all the way to her toe. Eyes would be on the hands, but it was her incredible abdominal muscles that made this feat possible as she smoothly lifted her upper body until it was pressed against the raised leg. Holding this position, her left hand casually reached over to the open box, removing the first of two sheer nude stockings adorned with white lace at the thigh. Lifting it to her raised toe, she grasped the lace thigh with both hands, now holding her body in that position exclusively with her abs as she bunched the stocking together. Sliding the stocking over her foot, she began to play it out. She stifled a soft moan as her hands slowly slid back up her leg, her upper body lowering itself in a concerted movement to the bed once more. Still holding her leg up into the air, she fastened the garters in place.

Slowly lowering her leg, Diana simultaneously raised her upper body to a sitting position, her hands sliding smoothly down her thighs until they reached her knees. Pressing her hands against the bed she slowly lifted her body off the bed, moving it towards the edge. Moving her legs apart like a scissor, Diana lowered her right leg to the floor while pointing her left toe towards the ceiling. Transferring her weight from her hands to her right foot, she retrieved the second stocking from the box. Placing the lace between her teeth, she once more traced fingers up each side of her raised leg to the tip of her toe. Once more her upper body followed smoothly with never a hint of effort or difficulty maintaining her balance. Removing the stocking from her teeth, she raised it to her other hand, bunching it just before sliding it over her toe. This time she was unable to stifle the moan that came unbidden to her lips as she pulled the stocking up her long sensuous leg. She slowly lowered that leg to the floor, slightly extended in front of her right one, toe pointed. Holding that position, she fastened the garters in place, then pivoted, her feet keeping their relative positions.

Bending forwards, her back leg lifting slowly at the same time, Diana placed her hands on the bed somewhere around two feet from the edge. Slowly transferring her weight to her hands, she moved her legs into a split parallel with the bed, lowering her body until her stocking clad legs took all the weight. Again Diana demonstrated her amazing flexibility, bending forwards, her arms extended, moving with a fluid grace as she pulled a pair of silver sandals from the box. She deposited one next to her right leg, retaining the other in her left hand. Her right hand passed over her head, drawing her entire upper body towards her left foot. Her left hand, which had stayed at her waist, now joined her right, bringing the sandal with it. She placed the sandal on her foot, slowly doing the laces round her ankle and up her leg, Greek style. This time both hands moved over her head as her torso pivoted back to her right foot and the sandal she had left there. Putting that one on, she laced it as well before leaning backwards into a handstand, lifting her legs slowly until they touched.

Diana slowly lowered one foot to the floor, simultaneously lowering the second while lifting her body to the upright position. Stepping to the bed, she again looked in the box, lifting the next garment, she casually dropped it on the bed, a small white pool in a field of pale green. The next piece, flowing, white with some purple, the seams edged with the Greek key embroidered in silver thread, she passed around her shoulders, slowly lowering it to her waist. Her keen mind had analyzed the garment and its fastenings as she lifted it from the box so that she now knew exactly what to do. Draping the upper portion over her left shoulder and down her back, she passed the purple sash around her waist and tied it at her right hip. The skirt was so long that, even with the five inch heels of her sandals, it broke on the floor. It was split, hip to floor down the front of her right leg, tapering slightly away from the center to allow a peek of stocking here and there even when the skirt was closed. When she walked her right leg would be shown almost to the hip.

This done, the only item remaining in the box was a pair of gloves. First the left one, sliding her hand in and lifting it into the air while pulling the glove on. Once more the intimate contact of sensuous fabric moving against her skin elicited little sounds of pleasure that she could not suppress. Little sounds that grew into a deep throaty moan as she pulled the glove onto her right hand and smoothed both gloves against her skin, removing any hint of wrinkling or bunching. Satisfied with her gloves, she reached behind her back with her right hand, grabbing the toga-like dress where it passed over her left shoulder. Working down the length of the fabric until she found a small ribbon designed for this very purpose, she tied it round her right wrist. She looked into the mirror and smiled her spectacular smile. Now she was ready.

Turning, Diana saw him standing in the doorway. She had no idea who he was, but she knew it was definitely him. “You look lovely.” Perry kept his eyes on her as he crossed to her and sat on the edge of her bed. “Kneel.”

Diana pivoted gracefully as he crossed to her bed, her eyes on his, silent until after he spoke. “No.”
Last edited by dravatar 10 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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I'm curious to know how the wonder woman will escape this. if she will get
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Sweet writing!!
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Thanks for all the comments. I am working on the next chapter and expect to have it out before the end of the month. Dr Rennie will finally meet WW in chapter 10, I think.
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Can't wait! Nicely written, its subtle, its sensuous. It's good and above all interesting.
Keep it coming, Dr. A.!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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A note to all who have been following this story: I will finish the tale, but it is proving difficult to write. Details in the next chapter still don't feel right, so I will keep working at it and get it up sometime after Christmas. The real challenge in this story is balance.

In the meantime, a short and sweet story, "Wonder Woman, a Christmas Tale" has the first chapter up. Do enjoy, and please, PM suggestions and comments for either story if you have them.

Note: "Wonder Woman, a Christmas Tale" turned into "Wonder Woman: The Twelve Heroines Of Christmas" and turned out to be anything but short. Seems I can't write anything shorter than a novella. Ah, well. It is what it is.
Last edited by dravatar 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thanks for the update and the new story - great work so far - especially liked the gassing scene w/ the mobsters @ the bar - hope we'll see some more of that!

very good story indeed,i'm looking forward to see your new chapter and new Story.Ps: Combine brain wash machine and chloroformed is very interesting.The author has already combined hypnotic with chloroformed.It's very amazing
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I have been working on the next chapter for some months now, unable to satisfactorily get to the next point in the outline. It always seemed there was something forced or not quite right in the next bit.

I finally figured out what it is and have done a small edit to the previous chapter in order to better set up the next one, which I hope to have out later this month.
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Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Seven: Lingerie, tea, and ...

Diana had just finished dressing, putting on a show of almost impossible sensuality thanks to her unique Amazon physique. She smiled her spectacular smile. Standing on her left foot, she examined herself in the full length mirror. Her right leg, bent at the knee, forward of the left, was gently draped on either side by the long flowing skirt of her gown. The silver high heeled sandal, laced up almost to her knee, was exquisite. The white lace at the top of her sheer silk stocking, the only lace on any of the garments, was clearly visible just below a hint of creamy white thigh. She moved her eyes from her leg to her gown, gleaming white with purple at the hem, just inside that, a Greek key pattern in silver thread that perfectly matched her sandals. Her hands, gloved almost to her shoulders in the same shiny white silk as the gown, but with a touch of Lycra so that they fit like a second skin. Her hands, the left one on her cocked hip, the right one bent slightly at the elbow and held out from her side so that the back of her gown draped sensually from it. She inhaled deeply, her smile widening as her breasts seemed to swell within the confines of the corset, just barely visible in the V of her gown. She nodded her approval.

Turning, Diana saw him standing in the doorway. She had no idea who he was, but she knew it was definitely him. “You look lovely.” Perry kept his eyes on her as he crossed to her and sat on the edge of her bed. “Kneel.”

Diana pivoted gracefully as he crossed to her bed, her eyes on his, silent until after he spoke. “No.” Her steps were so swift and smooth that it seemed as if she floated across the room. She sat in his lap, her hands intertwined behind his neck, and kissed him. Her tongue invaded his mouth, probing, teasing, stirring his passion up to meet hers. She broke the kiss, pushing him down onto his back, looking down on him with almost feral eyes, her voice dripping with desire, “It is time for you to satisfy my need!” She felt his hands in the valley of her breasts, cool and moist against her hot skin, and moaned. Too late she realized the moistness was more of his chloroform, stealing her strength just as she was about to take what she needed so desperately. Then his voice was caressing her ears, “It doesn't work that way. You will obey me. You have to obey me or I cannot satisfy your need. You will be left with the ache of unfulfilled desire unless you obey me.”

He rolled Diana onto her back, sitting astride her as he uncovered her breasts, rubbing them with his chloroform soaked gloves. “You will obey me.” His voice was so commanding, the combination of the residue of Cupid's Haze and his own chloroform cocktail laced with aphrodisiacs and psychotropic compounds deeply etched the command into her subconscious as she faded. “I...mmmmwill...oooobeyouuuuuu...” her voice trailed off into a satisfied sigh. He was careful to breathe through the filter plugs in his nose so that the fumes would not affect him. “When you awaken you will think nothing about these beautiful clothes. You will simply remove them, returning them to the magic box and close the lid. Once you have done this, you will no longer be able to see the box, your eyes will refuse to see it. Do you understand?” She moaned as his gloved hands continued to massage the drug into her breasts before softly murmuring, “YyessIiighwiillooobeeey..” Perry thought back to his dream of that morning, deciding on a simple test for tomorrow. "Listen Diana. Here's what I want you to do..."

Some time later, Perry reached into his coat pocket, he produced a small bottle, emptying the regular chloroform onto the palm of his right glove, he covered her nose and mouth with it. “Breathe deeply.” Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, each breath leaving her more dazed than the last until her eyelids slowly began to flutter with the struggle of keeping them open, to keep looking at HIM, to see him before she was asleep and he was gone. Her eyes fluttered closed once more, but this time she could not open them. A small whimper escaped her lips as the darkness came and she drifted once more into the arms of Morpheus. "Yes, Diana," he thought, "tomorrow we'll see just how well we're progressing."

Having successfully tamed the tigress, at least for now, Perry stood. He picked up the box, moving it to her bureau. Returning to the bed, he positioned Diana more comfortably before leaving. In his struggle to get her tucked in bed, he failed to notice the panties, still sitting where she had dropped them.

Diana awoke slowly, warm, relaxed, and still a little aroused. She had slipped into a natural state of slumber sometime during the night, so that, combined with the previous effects of Cupid's Haze, left her unaware that she had even been drugged. She lounged in bed for some time before finally rising. Untying the ribbon from her right wrist, she began removing the gloves as if it was the most natural thing to awaken so attired. A few minutes later everything was in the box and she closed the lid, the box disappearing from her sight even though it was right there on her bureau.

A quick shower later, Diana is dressing. She selects a white bra and panties, putting them on slowly, as if someone were watching, but she is unaware of this. She puts on her hose the same way. It is not nearly as demanding as the night before, but it is still quite sensual. Crossing to her closet, she selects a simple black skirt, steps into matching black pumps and...She hesitates on the choice of her blouse before finally choosing her silk fuchsia one. Again she makes a show out of dressing. Using her long hair as an excuse, she arches her back, thrusting her chest out as the blouse slides up her back and under her hair. Stepping into the skirt, she bends over far more slowly than usual, but is totally unaware of this as she pulls it up with equal slowness. She doesn't take long with her hair, putting it up with swift sure fingers. Slipping on her glasses, she spends a few minutes tidying up before heading off to work. Making the bed, she discovers a pair of white panties and tosses them into the wash. Discovering the tattered but obviously expensive topcoat she decides to take it with her for analysis, hoping to discover where it came from and wondering if it could explain why she doesn't remember coming home.

A few minutes later she discovers her Mercedes is not only missing from its usual slot but it is nowhere to be found. She stands off to one side pondering her choices. She could call Steve and have him activate the tracking chip but she still didn't remember where she was yesterday. Without knowing why she was certain she didn't want Steve wondering why she couldn't remember where her car was. So, a cab then. Walking to the street, she hails a cab, rattling off an address as she climbs in. Leaning back in the seat she suddenly realized that the address she had given was not for IADC HQ, in fact she had no idea where it was. Could that be where she left her car?

The address turned out to be a boutique with the legend “Swimwear and Fine Lingerie” emblazoned on the sign. Seeing that her car was nowhere around, she figured she would go on to the office and research the place, but instead, found herself paying the driver and going in.

The bell tinkled as she entered, her eyes looking the place over, noticing detail in the manner of the professional spy. Little wisps of fabric that she could not positively identify as either lingerie or swimwear were displayed on mannequins both in the shop window and throughout. She was browsing when she was suddenly aware of a presence behind her.

Striding slowly towards her, in a manner reminiscent of a lioness stalking her prey, was a tall sensually curved woman with luxurious blond hair draped around her shoulders. She was wearing a red strapless front lacing corset teddy that lifted her breasts into cleavage that looked like it was about to burst free. Black boots came up to her thigh and had metal spike heels that Diana guessed were four or five inches long. Her black gloves came all the way to her shoulders and ended in a pointed hem. A skirt consisting of two layers of fabric, sheer black over red satin went from just below her breasts all the way to the floor. Open at the front like the teddy the skirt served to accentuate her legs. She didn't stop but kept walking until Diana had to back away from her. It didn't stop the blond who continued to press Diana until she finally found her self literally backed into a corner.

Suddenly the blond smiled, lighting her whole face. “Confidence and lingerie, as I've just demonstrated, can be a very powerful combination.” She extended her hand, “Victoria Frederick.” Diana, feeling more comfortable now, takes the proffered hand with the firm handshake of a confident professional. “Diana Prince.” Victoria winks, “So, how daring do you want to be?” She reached up, caressing Diana's face, “With a face like that, you can be as daring as you want.” The gloved hand felt cool and moist, then the familiar odor of chloroform wafted into Diana's nostrils leaving her dizzy and suddenly aware she was still backed into that corner. Fingers loosened her hair, letting it down, “You need help Diana.” Victoria began unbuttoning her blouse, running her fingers over her chest, the scent and effect of the chloroform getting ever stronger and still Diana could not bring herself to resist. Her blouse opened revealing her white satin bra. “You can be a pushover in a fuchsia blouse or, with my help, you can be a fox. Confident, powerful, able to bring any man to his knees.”

Diana felt the blouse sliding down her shoulders, dropping to the floor... gasped softly as she felt the gentle squeeze of fingers on her nipples... felt those same fingers remove her bra and moaned softly as those talented fingers gently caressed her breasts... each touch depositing yet more chloroform on her skin to help keep her docile. “Hmmm, you'll be wanting something in a ...” Diana's eyes widened as Victoria whispered her bra size in her ear. “How did you – “ “I've been measuring with these hands for a long time now. Besides.” She winked and held up the Diana's bra so she could see the label. “I can read.”

A few minutes later Victoria helps a naked Diana into a fuchsia halter style corset, tightly lacing the back. Nude silk stockings are next, Victoria's gloved hands gently caressing her legs from ankle to thigh as she slides them first up one, then the other, fastening the corset's garters to the top of each stocking. Panties that match the corset are next and again the hands dressing her are teasing her as well, depositing yet more chloroform onto her skin with special care taken that it was applied to her breasts. “Remember to strip slowly for maximum effect.” Diana, still in a daze, nodded as Victoria helped her first into her blouse and then into her skirt. Finally Victoria helped her into a pair of fuchsia pumps with four inch spiked heels. “There you go Diana. Wear this all day. When you arrive home, prepare the living room as instructed. When he shows up, and he will, slowly strip down to your lingerie and put on these gloves." Diana promptly deposited the proffered gloves into her handbag.

Many hours later, at the end of a long day, Diana's taxi pulls up in front of her apartment. Heading for the elevator, she is still preoccupied with the previous day and the fruit of her investigation into the mysterious coat. She had found the tailor from the label. The tailor had easily identified the garment from a photograph. It had been made for Godfrey Powell finding him had been hard. A billionaire who had gone missing several years ago, she decided to work through the local homeless community. The coat had been both her passport and her guide as people recognized it and pointed her towards the owner once she explained what must have been an act of kindness on his part and her desire to return it. Godfrey, once she finally found him, had recognized her immediately, though she had not remembered him. She wondered, not for the first time, why that was and what it was she couldn't remember. She hoped to discover the answer to both those questions during the course of her investigation. She stepped into the elevator.

She thought back to her meeting with Godfrey Powell on the way up. “Yes Miss Prince, I am the proud owner, not only of that fine garment, but also of all you survey.” Godfrey Powell waved his arm expansively at the confines of his little shack, she smiled at his effusiveness. “I like what you've done with it.” His hair was short and neat, if a little uneven here and there. His mustache was precisely groomed, his face covered with a full days growth. The suit he was wearing was threadbare and fit him poorly. The shirt looked dirty, but the knot on the tie was impeccable. “I thank you, dear lady, but it, like myself, is really not that much to look at. Would you care for some tea?” “Please.” He boiled water in an old and battered kettle with a broken whistle while they made small talk. She was again surprised on how well versed he was on what was going on. “I do read the papers, a little later than most, but I do read them.” The water reached boiling. “You'll have to make do with tea bags, I'm afraid.” She smiled her fabulous smile as he dropped one into the kettle. “You're supposed to pour over, I know, but my china service won't arrive until next week.” She grinned, “The pleasure of your company outweighs any such shortcomings.” More small talk while the tea steeped, then he seated her on the single folding chair as if it were a Queen Anne or Louis XIV in a finely appointed parlor, seating himself on the crate opposite her, a taller crate in between holding the kettle and two mismatched cups. He poured. “I'm sorry, but we seem to be out of cream and sugar.” She sipped, “This will do quite nicely, thank you.” They might actually be sitting in a parlor having tea, she smiled, actually they were. Sort of. “I want to thank you for the loan of the coat. If you don't mind my asking, would you be able to tell me how it is that I came to be wearing it?” He sipped, “Quite simply, you were dumped.” Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Dumped?” “Yes, dumped. From a black van. I got a good look at the license plate, but could only remember part of it when I went to write it down.” He reached in his trouser pocket, pulling out a small scrap of paper and handed it to her. “When you walked away without saying a word the other night, I figured I might have to give this to the police. I'm gratified that I can give it to you instead.” Diana smiled again and the time passed rapidly and pleasantly for more than an hour as she enjoyed his company. Whatever had happened that caused him to be here, it had not dampened his enthusiasm for life. “I want to thank you again, not only for the loan of your coat the other night, but also for the wonderful afternoon. It really has been a pleasure... unfortunately I... “ “Say no more. Parting is such sweet sorrow and all that. Perhaps you will join me for tea again some other afternoon.” She couldn't seem to stop smiling around him. “I'd like that very much.”

Her mind came back to the present as she entered her apartment, put on the lights, pulling the gloves out of her bag, dropping them on the couch and putting it away. Taking a chair from the dining room, she placed it in the middle of the living room. Into the kitchen, a glass of orange juice, then, as she sat at the counter. “Look at you!”

The voice came from her doorway... it was HIM. Smiling, she undid two buttons and turned towards the sound. “She said you would come.” She bent slightly at the waist, giving him a tantalizing view. Closing the door, he strode into the apartment with confidence, his eyes fixed on her as he spoke, “So gorgeous.” She smiled at him, the corset had not only sculpted her waist, it pushed her breasts inwards and up slightly in a way that created more than a merely spectacular décolletage. “So confident.” Why shouldn't she be? “So independent.” True she only needed him to satisfy her. “So...” He looked at her in a way that suddenly left her feeling... uncomfortable. “Powerful!”

Shaking off her discomfort, Diana smiled, “Yes, I am... and you are going to see to it that I am satisfied before you leave tonight.” Her tone was matter of fact, authoritative. She was in control here. ”You forget, Diana, that I own you.” Her response was as icy as it was immediate, “No one owns me!” She closed the distance between them so fast he had no time to react. Taking hold of him by the shirt collar, she lifted him off the floor and pinned him against the wall. “Not even you!”
Last edited by dravatar 6 years ago, edited 12 times in total.
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Excellent!! More!!!
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Well worth the wait, I reckon! Good stuff, keep it up!

(One minor point though....wasn't the previous one chapter 6? :yes: )
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Yes, the previous chapter was six... That's why this is chapter seven.

(diabolical villain laughter that dissolves into coughing)

OK.... OK, OK, I edited the post and changed the chapter header!
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Damn your technical wizardry!
Glad your back with the good stuff (and as I'm here,thanks for the kind words)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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very good chapter , look forward to reading more
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Chapter Seven is finally finished. Look up a couple of posts to read it.
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More nice stuff with great flowing detail and descriptions
Some interesting plot developments as her investigation unfolds and the lingerie girl seems a real fox.
Good characterization with Powell too.

(I would suggest though that with so long between posts maybe a line or two of recap at the beginning as an intro to the post itself maybe?)

Don't make us wait so long for the next one!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Interesting and fun!!
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Diana's breath came in short little gasps as he confidently strode into the apartment. His eyes remained fixed on her as he spoke, “So gorgeous.” She smiled at him, the corset had not only sculpted her waist, it pushed her breasts inwards and up slightly in a way that created more than a merely spectacular décolletage. “So confident.” Why shouldn't she be? “So independent.” True she only needed him to satisfy her. “So...” He looked at her in a way that suddenly left her feeling... uncomfortable. “Powerful!”

Shaking off her discomfort, Diana smiled, “Yes, I am... and you are going to see to it that I am satisfied before you leave tonight.” Her tone was matter of fact, authoritative. She was in control here. ”You forget, Diana, that I own you.” Her response was as icy as it was immediate, “No one owns me!” She closed the distance between them so fast he had no time to react. Taking hold of him by the shirt collar, she lifted him off the floor and pinned him against the wall. “Not even you!” She kissed him, long and hard, then smiled. "On the other hand..." she kissed him again, this time soft and tender, "if you give up this silly 'owning' business."

Diana kissed him a final time, teasing his mouth with her tongue. Lowering him to the floor, she wrapped his tie around her right hand. Pulling gently but insistently on the tie, she led him into her living room, seating him in one of the armless chairs from her dining room. Giving him a bawdy wink, she picked up her tablet, music filled the room, coming from concealed speakers all around them. "Now, just you relax and enjoy the ride."

Even as she spoke, Diana began to dance, hips moving to the driving rhythm. There were no vocalists to spoil the primeval effect, just the language of pure emotion conveying the simple message of lust. She straddled him, her conservative looking wrap skirt splitting around her right leg, revealing the black lace top of her nude stocking as she began to grind against him. Leaning forwards, her breasts carefully positioned in his face, her lips next to his ear. "Open my blouse?" He began to unbutton her blouse, revealing more of her succulent breasts. What had begun slowly became a frenzied attempt to get her blouse off as she continued to grind herself against his rapidly hardening manhood.

She playfully smacked his hands away. "Thanks, big boy, I've got it from here." Rocking back and forth, Diana began opening and closing her blouse in rhythm to the music. First fully exposing, then fully covering her corset clad breasts. The fuchsia fabric, a good contrast to her creamy skin, formed her firm, full breasts into eye popping cleavage, enhanced further as her arms pushed them in and up just prior to each closing of the blouse.

His hands reached for her breasts, to caress them and she backed away, rising to her feet and effortlessly dancing out of reach. She turned her back, lowering the blouse to mid-back, teasing him with a view of her shoulders before arching her back and showing him a different view of her of her bountiful breasts. She lifted her left leg, going into a reverse aerial and sliding down into a splits. Leaning back, she lay on the leg outstretched behind her, slowly opening her blouse and sliding her hands up the sides of her massive mammaries. "See anything you like?"

Without waiting for a response, she stretched her arms over her head as if she were reaching for him then began to close the splits with her front leg, her blouse sliding towards her wrists and dropping onto the floor before she raised her torso back to the vertical. Twirling towards him as though she were doing a right legged spin kick, she stopped short of impact. She continued standing standing there on her straightened left leg, her right ankle resting on his left shoulder, her wrap skirt fallen away to reveal a tantalizing view of that leg from the toe of her fuchsia pump all the way up to her creamy thigh.

He reached up to stroke her leg, but she pivoted away from his touch, shaking her head 'no,' "Not yet!" She unfastened the skirt, opening it wide and shimmying the fuchsia inside across her delightful derrière as she danced towards him. Another reverse aerial, this one over the outstretched skirt, leaving the fuchsia side in front of her legs instead of behind them. Pivoting, she reversed her hands in the process, refastening the skirt with the fuchsia side showing and the black now inside.

Dancing around behind him, she bent her left knee over his shoulder, pressing her calf against his chest and pointing her toe. "Remove my shoe." she commanded. Wrapping his palm around the heel of her shoe, stroking the sole of her foot as he slowly slid it off. She brushed the tip of her toe against the tent in his trouser. Keeping her body pressed against him she pivoted around him, leaning back across his lap and raising her right foot in front of his face, using her toes to force the heel of her shoe away from her foot. He took the hint, removing this shoe as well, again stroking her foot in as sensual a manner as he could manage in the brief moment she allowed him.

Diana shivered slightly at his touch, but stood, swirling away from him and danced towards the sofa. There she picked up the black stretch patent leather boots she had left there earlier and danced back towards him, dropping one of the boots on his lap. Standing in front of him, she raised her right leg parallel to the floor, bending over it. Scrunching the stretch part of the soft shiny leather in her hands, she slid the boot over her pointed toe. She slowly slid the buttery soft leather up her long exquisitely shaped leg, then stroked her fingers back down to her ankles and smoothed the leather out all the way back up to where it stopped in the middle of her thigh.

A dramatic twirl seated her in his lap, the previously deposited boot in her hand. Her breasts already at eye level, she arched her back, drawing his eye to her cleavage, then slowly lifted her left leg out to the side, swinging it slowly around until it was straight overhead. Pressing her chest against her leg, she playfully peeked around it. Winking, she scrunched this boot and slid it over her pointed toe, then slowly bent backwards and away from him while easing the leather along her leg. She held herself for a four count, then slowly raised herself upright again until she was holding her ankle. Drawing her left leg across to the same side as the right one, she slowly lowered it to the floor while smoothing the leather tightly against her skin. Smoothly rising, she again danced away from him and to the far side of the sofa.

Pressing the small of her back against the sofa, she leaned further and further backwards, showing off both her physical prowess and her breasts in the process. Balancing on the back of the sofa, she slowly raised her left foot straight up in the air, continuing to move past that point until it was halfway between straight up and touching her breasts. Slowly raising her right foot, her body began to tilt towards the front of the couch. She took the gloves in her right hand, clasping both hands against her chest and continuing to raise her right leg until she overbalanced, rolling neatly and lightly to her left foot, her right one pointing straight out behind her.

Diana pivoted smoothly on her left foot while keeping her right one pointed at him. A quick forward aerial and she was standing in front of him. She slowly bent forward at the waist, arching her back and giving him a face full of her gorgeously gropeable globes. Dropping one of the gloves in his lap, she slid the other onto her left hand and up her arm, inserting it into his field of view. After smoothing the shiny black fabric to her skin, she ran her now gloved hand down the side of his face, along the side of his neck, down his chest, and across his stomach to retrieve the other glove from where it rested on the bulge in his pants. Dangling the fingertips of the glove directly over his tented trouser, she slowly inserted her fingers down the inside, bringing them ever closer to the tantalizingly placed fingertips. Her fingers lightly stroked him as they finally filled the glove. Her previously gloved hand started on the top of his bulge, stroking along it and up the fingers her other hand, smoothing the silky skin tight fabric against her right arm.

Drawing her left hand slowly across her carefully positioned cleavage, she reached out towards the side of his face even as the fingers of her other hand rested on the rock hard manhood that threatened to rip itself from his pants. Again she caressed the side of his face, her back still arched, giving him a direct line of sight down the center of her delectable décolletage. Slowly she traced those fingers over his chest, her eyes never leaving his as she kept him immobile by force of will alone. Down over his stomach her lightly teasing fingers moved until they joined her other hand and, together, they gave that hardness a gentle squeeze. Slowly they moved upwards, across his stomach, up his chest, until they reached his neck. Her right hand slowly trailed down his tie, wrapping itself in the simple fold of burgundy cloth. Leaning over to his ear and giving him a face full of breasts in the process, she whispered, "Time to get you erect..." Her voice trailed off into a delightful giggle. "I think we might already have done that -- still -- if you will stand?" Slowly she stretched herself back to a fully upright position as she lifted him to his feet.

The two of them stood in front of each other, face to face, bodies nearly touching before she slowly turned. Her butt firmly pressed against him, her hand firmly ensconced in his tie, she gave him no option but to follow as she danced towards the bedroom. "So much for ownership!" she snorted softly.
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Finally read this story after four years and enjoyed it very much. Your descrptions of her movements are excellent. I look forward to reading more.
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Fun!! More needed a little quicker please. :)
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Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King
Chapter Nine: Dream a little dream...

He sat there, amazed at her athleticism and the way she was using it to be so very seductive. More than amazed, he was incredibly aroused. No woman had ever done this to him before.

He was breathless as her fingers lightly danced over his stomach. Softly teasing, always moving, until they joined her other hand, giving his rock hard rod a gentle squeeze. Slowly they moved upwards, across his stomach, up his chest, until they reached his neck. Her eyes never left his, her right hand slowly trailed down to his tie, wrapping itself in the simple fold of burgundy cloth. Leaning over to his ear and giving him a face full of breasts in the process, she whispered, "Time to get you erect..." Her voice trailed off into a delightful giggle. "I think we might already have done that -- still -- if you will stand?" Slowly she stretched herself back to a fully upright position as she lifted him to his feet.

Slowly he stood. Face to face, bodies nearly touching, he is much more aware of how painfully hard he really is. Slowly, she turned, pressing her butt firmly against him. Her hand firmly ensconced in his tie, she gave him no option but to follow as she danced towards the bedroom, "So much for ownership!" she snorted softly.

They were halfway across the living room before he was able to get himself together. They had reached the bedroom before he was able to pull out the vacuum sealed plastic bag, break it open, and don the pair of pre-moistened lined gloves it contained.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Diana?" She reached the bed as she turned to look quizzically at him, "Hmmm?" His now gloved hand caressed her cheek, the moistened thumb running gently over her lips. "I know what you really want." She turned her face towards the glove. "That's it, Diana, breathe deeply." She inhaled, fully filling her lungs with cloying sweetness. "You want to be helpless..." The distortion of dizziness danced across her vision as she continued to suck in great lungs full of the anesthetic without hesitation. He caressed her hair, running the fingers of his free hand through it to the back of her head, then pressed her face deeper into the chloroform soaked glove, "You want to be controlled --" She felt her strength slowly leaving her body and yet continued to breathe in the debilitating drug. "..to be..." He pressed against her, forcing her backwards until her legs were pinned against the side of the bed. He let the obvious pause linger in the air before breaking the silence, "owned!"

He released her before she became too weak to stand. Reaching down he unfastened the skirt, letting it fall to the floor. His gloved fingers ran all over her thighs as, one by one, he unfastened the garters from her stockings. She took hold of his wrist and lifted his hand to her face again. Inhaling deeply, she let out a small moan of pleasure as a new wave of weakness washed over her.

The corset no longer connected to her stockings, he undid the fastenings one by one. "You are not powerful..." His unfastened the second clasp, "You are not independent..." then the third, "You are weak..." Speaking a phrase carefully selected for maximum psychological impact between each closure, "Helpless." the fourth, "Controlled." the fifth and final fastening. "OWNED!" He removed the corset, dropping it on top of the skirt.

She let out a small whimper as his gloved hands began to caress and tease her breasts while he rubbed chloroform all over them. "Your body is mine to do with as I please, when I please. You like being mine to use however I want. You cannot resist my touch and what's more, you do not want to."

Her body heat combined with the volatility of the drug soon had its soporific vapors filling her lungs while she struggled, not to resist the effects of the drug, but rather to inhale every bit that she could. Soft moans passed unresisting lips as her arousal continued to increase. She reveled in her weakness and the fire of passion that she was now convinced went with it. She was helpless to resist his touch. She wanted him to take her -- to own her.

"Please." The whispered word could have meant anything, but the tone that went with it clearly conveyed she was begging.

He paused, looking at her. "Remove your right glove." She reached with her left hand to comply, but he shook his head. "With your teeth." She pulled the end of each finger with her teeth, one at a time until they were all loose. Taking the middle finger in her teeth, she pulled the glove off.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bottle and handed it to her. "Empty the contents on that glove."

She opened the bottle, removed the glove from her teeth and emptied the bottle onto the glove. The smell of chloroform wafted into her nostrils, making her even more dizzy.

He smiled, "Now, chloroform yourself."

She looked at him. "No -- I... Please don't make me ... You do it -- please?" She held the soaked glove out to him.

He shook his head. "You do it."

Her eyes locked with his, she wanted him to take her, not to surrender willingly like this. Slowly the fire of resistance went out and she began to raise the glove, her glove, up to her face. Covering her mouth and nose, she took a shallow little breath that ended in a whimper.

He lowered her now helpless body to the bed, watching as her body gulped in great amounts of air. The rise and fall of a chest so magnificent that, even now, it defied gravity. Sure, it looked softer, less round, but it still had a roundness and firmness to it as well. He allowed himself to enjoy a few more minutes of this sight combined with the sound of her helpless pleas before he got back to business by removing her boots.

His fingers teased the inside of her thighs as he took off her stockings, leaving her totally naked except for the left glove that was still holding the chloroform soaked glove over her nose and mouth.

Diana's eyes rolled back in her head, her eyelids started to flicker as she tried to remain conscious, but it was all to no avail. With a final sigh, she slipped into slumber.

When she awakened the following morning, her mind was a little hazy on how she'd gotten there. Oddly, she was wearing a very tight gray corset and a pair of matching panties. Odd, because the one memory she seemed to have was of someone telling her that slaves didn't have a right to clothing, they had to earn the privilege. Except for the panties, slaves HAD to wear panties until they earned the right to remove them. Something about learning whose pleasure was more important.

Shaking her head, she unfastens the corset without thinking about how easy it is to remove the unfamiliar garment. The panties go next, both of them going into the box, which she closes and puts on her bureau. She heads for the shower.

Fifteen minutes later she is professionally attired in a sapphire blue blouse and a black wrap skirt. The white bra and panties she wore underneath were utilitarian and, oddly after all the times she had worn them, that bothered her. Perhaps a brief visit with Victoria on her way to work?

Thoughts of work brought her to the one thing she clearly remembered from yesterday: she had figured out where her car should be. Not wanting to go when the club was open, she'd decided to visit it late this morning. Opening the door and stepping into the hallway, she walks down to the elevator, unaware of the eyes on her.

Perry's footsteps were nearly silent as he slipped out of his apartment, walking behind her. Diana called for the elevator, her concentration elsewhere, as a result she didn't notice him until he spoke.

"Good morning, Diana."

She jumped a little as she turned to face him.

"Oh! -- Hi, Perry, I didn't hear you coming."

"Yes, I guess I was rather quiet. Are you working today?"

"Yes, we all have to earn a living."

"True, true, though it would be nice to simply lay back and surround oneself with beauty all day."

He smiled, perfect teeth in a handsome face topped with dark hair. The smile never touched his gray eyes.

The elevator door opened and they both entered Perry moved to the back where he could drink in the object of his desire. Diana pressed the button for the lobby and watched the doors close, before turning to look at him. Neither of them spoke further. Waiting patiently for the elevator to fall, Diana looked Perry over. He really was extremely handsome and fit? She felt herself drooling a little and blinked back to reality. That of Dr Peregrine Michael Rennie standing right in front of her. A brilliant doctor and one of the most skilled surgeons in Washington, wealthy, and, she had to admit to herself once more, just plain dreamy to look at. No criminal record, no lawsuits for malpractice or sexual misconduct in the workplace. Truly the most eligible bachelor in a city full of eligible bachelors. So... she thinks to herself, how did I get so lucky as to be on a first name basis with him? Without conscious thought, she unfastened two buttons on her blouse and bent slightly, arching her back.

Perry was smiling. As far as he was concerned she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She still tried to hide it with those horrible glasses, with her hair done up in that ridiculous bun, but he knew what was under the professional attire. Besides the fantasy, changing her public appearance would have proved too risky. He started, as he did every morning, at her ankles, slowly making the journey up her gorgeous legs to the gentle flare of her hips. He lingered at the swell of her breasts, admiring her cleavage before gazing into her eyes. His eyes tasted her luscious lips as she spoke,

“I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”

She said, slowly fastening the buttons as the door opened behind her, then turned, exited the elevator and walked away. A smile played across Perry's face as he watched her swaying hips.

“No, my dear, you will see me again tonight.”

His gaze continued to linger on Diana until she passed through the lobby door.

"And a great many nights to come."


Victoria Frederick. Somehow Victoria had become her friend. She didn't know why, but she liked Victoria and trusted both her and her judgment. So it was that, white undergarments bugging her sense of style, she found herself at Victoria's shop browsing through the various blue garments but, somehow, not finding exactly what she wanted.

Suddenly, Victoria was walking towards her. This time the towering blond had died her hair midnight black and was wearing a blue hued costume right out of Arabian nights. One of the skirted costumes, like a belly dancer, but with a harem top and veiled hat like a Genie. The only odd note that Diana saw were the wrist length nearly sheer gloves.

Even as she was looking at Victoria an identical gloved hand, albeit a pink one, closed over her nose and mouth while another caressed her left breast. She tensed, ready to fight, but then Victoria whispered in her ear.

"It's me, Diana, so just relax and breathe, then we'll find what you're looking for."

Diana breathed deeply, acutely aware of the chloroform on the glove's palm. She sighed, leaning her head back to relax it on Victoria's shoulder. A pink hat and veil over blond hair filled her vision as her eyes began to cloud over.

"My sister, Jeanette. For some reason Master got the idea to have the two of us dress up like Jeannie after meeting her."

Jeanette's hands began to caress the buxom Diana as well and before long she once again found herself devoid of clothes from the waist up. Jeanette took over the supporting role -- literally -- holding Diana up on her feet while Victoria displayed the bra Diana had just been wearing.

"I thought we got rid of this, Diana. No. Don't tell me -- you have a dozen of these, all white."

Victoria shook her head, then held the silky satin blouse up for inspection.

"Matching bra and panty, that's what you want."

She walked away, leaving Diana in the hands of her sister.

Victoria was only gone a few minutes, but Diana's breasts enjoyed Jeanette's attention for all of them with the result that her nipples were rock hard little buds by the time Veronica was showing her the perfect bra.

"This one -- same shade and fabric as your blouse -- and look!"

She slid the bra onto the heroines breasts, cupping it into place with her hands.

"It's in your size!"

Jeanette fastened it and adjusted the straps so that the bra now gave Diana's breasts all the support they didn't need.

Victoria's eyes followed her fingers as they slowly traced their way down the front of Diana's body sending a chill of excitement running through it. She looked up playfully through hooded eyes as her fingers stopped at the skirt's waist.

"Let's see what's under there, shall we?"

Tugging at the fastening caused the wrap skirt to open and fall to the floor, revealing not only the white panties, but --

"Oh my! Look at that! A black garter belt? How naughty!"

Victoria and Jeanette run their fingers over the lace tops of Diana's stockings, then trace out the suspenders to the garter belt.

"I didn't think you'd be ready for something like this!" Victoria winked, "It just so happens I have one that will match the new bra and panties."
Last edited by dravatar 6 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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