So everyone does a series with the Heroine but what about

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the villain. Im thinking of doing a series based solely around Poison Ivy. What do you guys think? Yay or nay? Thoughts or ideas?
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That could certainly work, especially if the content and actresses are appealing...
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Ninja J.
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A series about a villain could definitely work. Catwoman or Poison Ivy or White Queen or Mystique could be good villainesses to use. The story could involve her getting betrayed by whoever she works for or works with. Or have her taken in by some corrupt police officers who decide to take advantage of the villain after her capture. There's actually a lot of room to work with in a villain series.
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Are you thinking villain triumphs over the hero of the week? Or over cops and civilians?

Or are you thinking villain gets caught by civilians?

Or a little of each?
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Ninja J.
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I was thinking of a Super Heroine in Peril series except with a villain as the main character. So I guess that would make it a Super Villain in Peril series. It's basically the same concept except the villain is the protagonist and the antagonists could be corrupt cops or an even more evil villain. It could be a superheroine as the antagonist too but having a superhero do despicable things to a villain in peril seems out of character. Like I said there are many directions it can go.
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I suppose if Poison Ivy was actually into peril roleplay she might use her powers to get a heroine to dominate her, but that might be too many layers, and only a one-shot.

Sure, villain in peril is cool... as you said there is the challenge of the antagonists not being particularly heroic, but I could go for that. I like the idea of a villain getting caught with her pants down in general -- their reaction to peril wouldn't be the same as a virtuous heroine. More cynical. The private security person chuckles and taps the tin of "herbicidal lozenges" when Poison Ivy's usual influences fail to work, and Ivy mutters a disappointed "oh, fuck." More entertaining bargaining. "Listen, if you'd just put down the taser wand for a minute I'm sure we could work something out..."
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Ninja J.
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Imagineer wrote:Sure, villain in peril is cool... as you said there is the challenge of the antagonists not being particularly heroic, but I could go for that. I like the idea of a villain getting caught with her pants down in general -- their reaction to peril wouldn't be the same as a virtuous heroine. More cynical. The private security person chuckles and taps the tin of "herbicidal lozenges" when Poison Ivy's usual influences fail to work, and Ivy mutters a disappointed "oh, fuck." More entertaining bargaining. "Listen, if you'd just put down the taser wand for a minute I'm sure we could work something out..."
I like it! As long as there is some distinction between heroine in peril and villain in peril I'm down with the idea. You could even have a villainess defeated by a hero or heroine but the hero or heroine in question is not someone virtuous or noble as a superman or supergirl but someone like The Comedian from Watchmen who's technically a "hero" but very much a dick morally. When the villainess gives up (cause that's what villains do) the antagonist hero/ine doesn't just bring her in to justice but has.... "other" ideas in mind. =P~
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Im honored that you want want to do a movie about me! As far as putting your "ivy" into peril, why not have her corrupt a heroine, and then have the heroine turn the tables on her and dominate and punish her? That way it would not only please me and those others who enjoy a good heroine being turned, but we would also get to see the new "villianess" in her new look and costume as well as see how bad she really is, taking out the villian who thought they controlled her! Just an idea, what does everyone think?
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You guys all have some great ideas and thoughts on it that I will be sure to keep in mind. I'm definitely thinking some days she fails and some days she succeeds. It'll keep it more interesting than she wins or loses every time I feel.
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AshleyGraham wrote:You guys all have some great ideas and thoughts on it that I will be sure to keep in mind. I'm definitely thinking some days she fails and some days she succeeds. It'll keep it more interesting than she wins or loses every time I feel.
I totally agree with this idea... Variety is the spice of life!
EvilBilly :twisted:

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PoisonIvy wrote:Im honored that you want want to do a movie about me! As far as putting your "ivy" into peril, why not have her corrupt a heroine, and then have the heroine turn the tables on her and dominate and punish her? That way it would not only please me and those others who enjoy a good heroine being turned, but we would also get to see the new "villianess" in her new look and costume as well as see how bad she really is, taking out the villian who thought they controlled her! Just an idea, what does everyone think?
That works for me, especially if the heroine starts off as a cute, naive type and then becomes transformed into a black hearted dominatrix (complete with gothic eye make up and blood red lipstick).
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Love it :) She wins some... she loose some... some guys... some girls... some she turns into slaves... some she kills :)
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Here's an idea... Hopefully not too off topic.

Poison Ivy devises a plan to mix kryptonite shavings into the body of Clayface in order to defeat and capture Supergirl. Ivy's plan works but Clayface soon turns unstable and attacks her too.

Both Ivy and Supergirl awake in Clayface's dungeon and must put their differences aside to work together and escape. But will they?

Clayface is one of my fav villains as he always leaves room for some WAM action.
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My vote would go to seeing Catwoman dominated. So often she is portrayed as the dominatrix in this genre, so it would be titillating to see the table turned on her.
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DevilMan38 wrote:
PoisonIvy wrote:Im honored that you want want to do a movie about me! As far as putting your "ivy" into peril, why not have her corrupt a heroine, and then have the heroine turn the tables on her and dominate and punish her? That way it would not only please me and those others who enjoy a good heroine being turned, but we would also get to see the new "villianess" in her new look and costume as well as see how bad she really is, taking out the villian who thought they controlled her! Just an idea, what does everyone think?
That works for me, especially if the heroine starts off as a cute, naive type and then becomes transformed into a black hearted dominatrix (complete with gothic eye make up and blood red lipstick).
Interesting idea
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lycan69 wrote:Here's an idea... Hopefully not too off topic.

Poison Ivy devises a plan to mix kryptonite shavings into the body of Clayface in order to defeat and capture Supergirl. Ivy's plan works but Clayface soon turns unstable and attacks her too.

Both Ivy and Supergirl awake in Clayface's dungeon and must put their differences aside to work together and escape. But will they?

Clayface is one of my fav villains as he always leaves room for some WAM action.
I like that I may save that idea. Totally not OT thanks
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I think a series featuring the adventures of the villain would be fantastic, perhaps even making the villain the sympathetic character, feeling justified in what they're doing.
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