New Hardcore/Softcore Preference Poll

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Which do you prefer? Softcore or Hardcore Superheroine Content?

Softcore - Costumes on, no nudity, light or no sexual activity.
Hardcore - Nudity, sexual situations and perils, insertion, sex.
Doesn't Matter. - Love it all!
Total votes: 149
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Im just curious what the ratio of fans are for hardcore vs. Softcore material.

To try and define it, (which is NOT easy!)

Softcore - Costumes on, no nudity, light or no sexual activity.

Hardcore - Nudity, sexual situations and perils, insertion, sex.

I know there are plenty of lines in between, but let's start with these two general choices and drill down from there.

I'm really doing this out of curiousity.

Just a side note, I don't see who votes for what. All votes are anonymous unless you make a post telling us what your choice was. Hope to get some good feedback on this!
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For me the issue is whether there's actual content - peril/hypno as part of it, or if it's just sex.

Softcore without peril/hypno = hardcore without peril/hypno.

Hardcore with peril/hypno > softcore without peril/hypno

Hardcore with some very passionate/psychological hypno would be incredibly hot. I'm not too sure that any of the vids have gone that darker direction yet.

I feel like your vids have always kept the softcore peril/hypno balance very well. Now that things are getting more "hardcore" I think you're still finding that same balance. It's like breaking in a new pair of shoes.
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For me, there has to be some kind of element of hypnosis. That is a must, or else it is not the same and it becomes regular sex and porn. In terms of soft core and hard core, I will say I like nudity and sexual content, but I really like it when the video stays close to the story and element being explored.

I will say for me, there has to be minimum nudity in order for me to see the price as justifiable. Not that your videos are bad without it, but I buy videos to indulge a fantasy and fetish. I do not see clothed peril in that category although I respect those who do.

I do not just straight sex all the time but do not like the simple forced orgasm all the time either. So if I had to break it down...

50% Hypnosis Themed Elements (Induction, continuation, transformation at the end)
50% Story (How strong the story makes me see the characters in peril due to the hypnosis)

50% Nudity
30% Sexual Content Varied (Forced Orgasms, Gyrations and Sexual Positions explored more like lap dances and cowgirl riding)
15% Stripping the costume
15% Keeping the character in costume to enforce who that character is.
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I'm honestly alright with pretty much anything, I just like it when the majority of the costume stays on, the heroine is forced to orgasm in her costume, or it's just tugged to the side to expose her naughty bits while she is deflowered or taken advantage of. For me the appeal is that while it is porn to some extent, there are superheroines involved. Once the costumes are completely gone or mostly off it just loses its appeal to me.
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RedMountain wrote:I'm honestly alright with pretty much anything, I just like it when the majority of the costume stays on, the heroine is forced to orgasm in her costume, or it's just tugged to the side to expose her naughty bits while she is deflowered or taken advantage of. For me the appeal is that while it is porn to some extent, there are superheroines involved. Once the costumes are completely gone or mostly off it just loses its appeal to me.
I totally agree. Partial costume removal gives us the wonderful sight of a semi-naked superheroine in a compromising position while full removal just turns the video into any other skin flick.

One thing I would like to see more of is costume destruction, although this would obviously be quite expensive to do with the custom spandex custumes used on the HypOnlineMedia sites. Maybe if a costume is getting a bit worn and tatty, it could be used specifically for the destruction scenes? Of course, tights are cheap as chips and look great when ripped apart at the gusset.
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I also agree with Redmountain.

I loose interest when what was once a powerful superheroine is reduced to a broken normal woman being sexually taken advantage of.

It is all about the superheroine for me that is why I enjoy and constantly re-enjoy movies like Avalon and recently Rye's supergirl.

I hopwe this sounds right but I would rather watch a superheroine movie that contains some sex rather than a porn film where the actresses are dressed as superheroines.

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I've got to say I don't really mind, I like everything - but if I'm not going to buy something, the PG-13 type content is the first to go. You can get PG-13 peril content all over the place, really isn't worth almost a $ per min.

Must say I don't mind if a heroine loses 90% of her costume, or even all of it. It's all about the pacing. If the vid's an hour, and the heroine ends up in a straight up porno for the final quarter it's still money well spent IMO

I hear you about cosplay porno's, but the mainstream seems to be cottoning on more and more to the fact that the peril sells - so it is becoming less of an issue. Although slowly I'll admit.
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Ive always enjoyed the vids where a heroine stays in her costume the entire time, and is only subject to ko's and bondage with a smattering of sexual threats added in. By sexual threats I mean some groping, pantyhosed leg rubbing, maybe a little boob touching through the costume.

Ive always been against the whole superheroine porn thing. I want my heroine vids to be an extension of comics, but accentuating the aspects the comics sometimes glossed over, like a well planned ko and capture scene with the heroine carried and messed with while unconscious. The whole aspect of a hot heroine lured into a trap and then captured and knocked out cold has always been incredibly hot to me.

I'm essentially open to anything on top of this (hypnosis, maybe some orgasm play) as long as the costume stays on. I like porn, dont get me wrong. Just not mixed with my superheroine vids.
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Either softcore or hardcore can succeed or fail, for me, depending on how it's executed. In a lot of the SHIB material I've seen, of both types, the problem is that whatever, um, ancillary material has been tacked on tends to overpower the superheroines-and-bondage part of the project. Much of the material out there adds extra fetishes or themes to the core, which can keep it interesting... or completely derail things. The XXX porn parodies do this with run-of-the-mill hardcore sex, which overpowers everything else. Many of the videos advertised on this site (while often quite good, nonetheless) veer off into foot fetishism or knockouts or hypnosis or... other things I'm not even sure how to label. :lol: That only becomes a problem when the project ceases to be about the SHIB context and becomes predominantly a (more general) fetish video with SHIB elements as decoration.

Maybe part of the problem is that the core of the SHIB thing lies in ideas that are hard to convey in a sex video, or that I'm looking for the kind of depth that comes with a written work instead of a video or series of images. Maybe I just don't connect with the material properly, or maybe my own particular fetishes and idiosyncratic preoccupations aren't being treated in the material. Hmm. And many projects are made-to-order for specific clients and focus on their requested themes.

At any rate, either can work. It just depends on the balance of elements, how the project is approached.
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I am also one that is with the Costume being left on, it can be shall we say maybe shown in tatered, or some shreaded condition, But to have them fully naked Well that's just like anything that you can fond at millions of places on the web.

The forced sexual stuff is also not the biggest thing that I look for in a good heroine peril. one of my favorites is still the O-girl Sagas that Christina Carter, & ji weathers produce, There is great action, some really awesome peril scenes, , Some have yes forced orgasms, but the characters ae ussually in the costumes,
My 2 cents 8)
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I choice answer "C"

I don't mind costumes on, however, I'd rather see the nudity eventually. I mean come on let me see it!

I got my fetishes too that is the hook, the hypnotic submission,the mindless obedience. The peril, the chick on chick turn outs,plus some freeze play; yo MH if it ain't broke...
U feel me?!
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I'm in the middle. Like the nudity but don't need sex or insertion. Do like heroine being teased and fondled when captured.
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C. I enjoy it all! That's kinda why I think these polls and debates are silly. I enjoy the heroine fully clothes maybe winning at first then getting the tides turned on her. I prefer the softcore stuff early on in the video with her costume mostly on, no nudity, but then I enjoy the progression that leads to the more sexual peril, at least partial nudity which climaxes with a forced orgasm or even death scene.

Whenever I see no sexual peril in a "pg-13 vid" I feel that the peril is incomplete no matter how good the peril is. NGC's vids and the new Supergirl 1984 are great peril vids but I'm left to only imagine what could also happen to the heroine but never does. Similarly, if a vid has all sex and no peril that also sucks because it's not too far from a regular porn vid i.e. those dumb xxx parodies.

That being said, there doesn't need to be any penetration, and I do like it when at least some of the costume stays on but it's not a deal breaker if the costume comes completely all off. But again, I prefer it all as long as the sexual content is still peril and as long as the porn scenes aren't overly raunchy. I guess if I had to break it down I'd prefer this formula:

40% Battle. Back and forth battle with the heroine winning at first or gaining the upper hand but then ultimately losing the fight. Maybe some subtle sexual humilation. Costumes tattered.
40% Torture Humiliation. Start with heroine clothed then slowly tortured/humiliated. Costumes comes off more. Sexual humiliation not subtle. Heroine exposed to nudity.
20% Sexual humiliation/Forced Orgasm/Death. Nudity. Sexual content blatant. Violation. Death scene (if possible).
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I'm with Colt13. I don't think you quite get what "softcore" means. Partial nudity and some mild sexual content would be allowed, about the level of your typical R-rated movie (I'm not talking about the violent kind, but the kind that shows flashes of breasts). Hardcore would mean violence, forced penetration, humiliation and so on, none of which I like. Maybe this explains why I can't find a video that appeals to me. The "softcore" ones are all TOO "soft" for my taste, and the hardcores are too hardcore.
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I like a wide variety so i am good with it all
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yeah me to doesn't matter all that much so long as it works for the storyline.
only suggestion if you go hardcore and the actresses agree try a dildo or a strap on
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There's a huge gap between what you list for soft core and hard core porn. I think a lot of people will fall in the middle.
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What is light sexual activity with no nudity? Is that like feeling up the girl while she's in costume? Anything else?
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Soft-core is more likely to keep the hypno- and superheroine-fetish elements involved....but also requires more work because I think it allows (and demands) more story elements, requires much better acting and direction, and appeals to a smaller audience.

Hard-core is easier to do and will appeal to a much larger mass audience...which will result in more sales......which is what its all about....

Personally, I'd like things to stay as focused and story-driven as possible....but you gotta earn a living at this stuff.... - please contact me for your editing, and visual and audio effects needs.

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These categories are too mixed. Technically, softcore should be anything short of insertion. Hardcore should be insertion and anything more extreme. Then there should a be a 3rd option that has little to know sexual activity.
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MightyHypnotic wrote:
Who doesn't?
This is my idea of softcore... the heroine spends 70-80% of the story fully clothed, either in costume or in her secret identity. The villain might remove PART of her costume, but rarely all of it. We might see breasts but usually not vaginas. Even when the vagina IS glimpsed (e.g. while in a changing or shower scene), it isn't touched. Any sex would be simulated and not explicitly shown. (This is not to say that I have anything against seeing vaginas, it's just that I'm trying to draw an admittedly arbitrary line between soft and hardcore.) Violence would be about the level of the Batman or Wonder Woman television series... comic book punches and/or wrestling moves. No blood, no bruising, no broken bones. The badguys might fondle the heroine lightly, but not for prolonged periods. There might be light bondage or comic book type deathtraps (but not, e.g. hogtied while various objects are rammed up her anus).

As Rklein says, this means that some attention would have to be paid to the plot, and to making the heroine a character we can care a little bit about.
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I can see how drawing the line for this poll makes sense in the context of the talent pool. Can you use mainstream artists, or do you need fetish artists, or sex artists, or fetish+sex artists? (I first used "hardcore" instead of "sex" but I realized that wasn't helping clarity. Here by "sex" I mean penetration and associated stimulation of genitalia and female breasts.)

Along these lines, the content I like best seems to feature fetish+sex artists, when the protagonist is a sexualized superheroine, the peril is about both power and sex, and the antagonist sees the heroine's orgasm as a prize, preferably one the antagonist gets with sex. Huge bonus points when arousal *is* an Achilles heel or is linked to the heroine's Achilles heel. Other fetishes are interesting to me only as a means to those ends -- they're cool as long as they don't get in the way.

But other content in the genre can be good for me, even great. I'll put down ducats for almost anything with high production value (author, actor, costume, camera, lighting, location) just for general entertainment, and for most things that push a button or two. That said, it takes a lot to overcome my aversions to pantyhose and gore/heavy bruising. (One can't help one's turnoffs.)
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RedMountain wrote:I'm honestly alright with pretty much anything, I just like it when the majority of the costume stays on, the heroine is forced to orgasm in her costume, or it's just tugged to the side to expose her naughty bits while she is deflowered or taken advantage of. For me the appeal is that while it is porn to some extent, there are superheroines involved. Once the costumes are completely gone or mostly off it just loses its appeal to me.
I completely agree with this...part of the intrigue is the costumes: tights/trunks/cape etc and when they are stripped totally, all intrigue is lost. A tease is must sexier - partial removal of the trunks or, just hooked to one side as in some wrestling matches: brief exposures rather than full on nudity.
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