Teen Titans Join Slade

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Neophyte Lvl 3
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Not sure how many of you remember the Teen Titans or how many of you actually liked them in there time but this has been going around in my head since I saw the show and just haven't got it onto paper until this point. I have left the end open to you to decide what happens next. I will update as I see responses.

We start in the time after Terra has joined Slade as his apprentice. We land right were that fateful order was issued to destroy the Teen Titans only the order wasn’t to kill them no it was far more sinister. He wanted to take them and have them all join him and be his slaves willingly or otherwise. Now first he had to capture them that should be easy enough since he can best any of them plus he has Terra.
I will skip writing the fight scenes since I am no good writing them and let you decide how the fight went but in the end Slade has captured every member of the Teen Titans. He is keeping them all in different areas of his compound away from each other.
The first stop Slade makes is Beast Boys room Slade along with Terra enter.
Slade: I know you love Terra that has been evident since I first laid eyes upon the two of you. I would hate to split something like that up and because of that I will offer this to you one time and one time only join me and you and Terra can be together or continue to defy me and I will convert you to my way of thinking.
Beast Boy: Well your right I do love Terra always have always will and while love is an amazing force I am not sure right now if it is worth betraying all of my friends for. Can I have some more time please Slade?
Slade: No
Beast Boy: Alright then I do accept your offer and all that it entails. Weather for good or bad I choose love over slavery though with you all I have done is select a different kind of slavery. One far more bearable than the other one offered.
Slade: Good. I will have Terra escort you to your guys room. There you will find the clothes you are to wear from now on and you will address me as master is that understood.
Beast Boy: Yes master
Slade: Good run along now
Slade is smiling under his mask he just secured the best of the titans and if that was any indication of how powerful love can be than the other titans will fall in line save Raven who he is still trying to get a read on how to turn her. His next stop is Cyborg.
After leaving the cell that had been Beast Boys quarters he and Terra head down a long corridor and finally get to their room. Upon entry Beast Boy finds a note from Slade informing him that he is to change and meet him in the main hall in one hour. Beast Boy goes to the closet to change and finds that inside are just solid black coveralls with combat boots. He quickly changes and he and Terra set out for the main hall for his meeting with Slade.
While they are preoccupied Slade is in visiting Cyborg. Cyborg is tied down and immobile he sees Slade and starts cursing him out.
Slade: I have an offer for you Cyborg neither option is one that you will want however they are the options laid before you. I can either reprogram you and keep you half human or I can completely robotize you and turn you into my perfect assassin.
Cyborg: Your right neither option sounds that appealing to me but if I have to choose I will choose……
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I remember and for once I'd like to see Slade WIN
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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I did to. I just kinda lost the heart for but if you want to see more tell me what you want cyborg to decide.
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i agree this board is all about giving the villains a chance to win out in the end for once.

so keep it up and as for cyborgs choice: have him choose the first option as it seems just more logical to him any way, but slade first programs in his loyalties and makes it that he can't refuse a thing slade tells him to do and then slade tell him to become a complete robot anyway.

btw i'll read the story soon
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Thanks for that. I just started working on chapter 2 if there is anything you want to see let me know and I'll try to get it incorperated.
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might wanna try writing from a narrator point of vieuw because right now its more like reading a conversation. try describing the situation, what the characters are thinking and feeling and what they do .

this ain't bad but it feels empty to me.

edit: this is my opinion though so take it how you like.

I doubt beast boy is the best member of the titans, i'm more enclined to go with 3 of them being robin, starfire and raven for that, also I doubt beast boy would think things through as far as you make him. agreed he's smart enough to understand when a situation is really bad as we've seen in the episodes about his past but even there he wasn't exactly thinking things through all that far, he's more the kind that doesn't think things through and goes with the flow more then anything.

as for cyborg you had his original reaction pegged just right i'd say.
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Thanks for the sugestions. I will for sure take them under consideration it's my first story so I am still trying to figure everything out but it does feel rather dry. As far as beast boy is concerned the only thing he thought about was rather he really loved Tara.
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exactly thats why in my opinion this version of beast boy seems like its out of character.
but again thats me.
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Chapter 2.
I choose to let you reprogram me as you see fit, says cyborg.
Perfect, Slade says. Slade then proceeds to open the program slot that looks an awful lot like a cd player and inserts his programing cd. After closing it Slade smiles and says in a few minutes you will be in such agony that you would have rather died than go through the program shift your about to go through. He then leaves the room to watch from behind his sound proof glass wall.
At first nothing seemed to be changing with Cyborg but ever so slowly things would start to change from his morals followed by his loyalty. That goes on for a few minutes after which he starts to notice that the metal that had been his skin for most of his life was changing color and this due to the neural pathways and everything attached was causing him such excruciating pain it was almost as if someone was trying to peel off his skin and replace it with someone else’s.
When all was done Slade walked back in and asked, How is my pet Cyborg doing after his reprograming?
To which Cyborg replied, I am ready and willing to do as you command master Slade.
Good, said Slade. Now I want you to outfit yourself with the best arsenal you can build, entirely lethal of course.
Not a problem master, replied Cyborg as he was being let down from the table.
Now to check back with Terra and Beast Boy.
Slade walk’s into the main hall and see’s Terra and Beast Boy in a makeout session in front of his throne. He clears his throat and they proceed to turn around, after stopping of course. Slade say’s to them, Glad to see that the fight didn’t ruin anything between you two. I was going to give you both new names however I think that it would be better served to do that once all of you are together as a team. So for now you can go back to your room and do what you want until summoned for dinner.
You have never seen to people flee from someone as fast as those two ran to their room to get to know each other better.

Feel free to write in any sex scene you want. Let me know who you want to go next. I have big plans for everyone but Robin right now.
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save robin and starfire for last and have one watch while the other is broken and then have the one broken break the other
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Good idea. What I was planning for Starfire is far more diabolical though. Hint it involves her sister.
Posts: 66
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include her in it too robin did like em both to some extent
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