Why doesn’t Hollywood want a Wonder Woman film?

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http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... p=features
“Her costume is dated in a way that makes new audiences reject her ,and traditional audiences get angry if it is changed. DC tried to change it with one of its top creator/artists, Jim Lee, but fans had mixed feelings… She just doesn’t have a fresh coolness,” said film producer Madison Jones. “Females would be her biggest target audience and girls traditionally are not the largest market for super heroes. There aren’t a lot of guys who will rush to see a Wonder Woman movie.”

Total bunk! Yeah men won't rush to see something made for women, sure, but I think its flawed thinking to assume the character IS for women. And there have been plenty of successful female action figures. Lara Croft for example and she wears hot shorts. It would be like taking a Jane Austin book and targeting it for men or making a Sex in the City movie for men. NO ONE WILL SEE IT. Men won't see a modern WW movie cause it'll be some chic empowerment showcase with ZILCH sexuality and women won't go see a comic book female character cause there's nothing of interest for them.

BTW I happen to think a lot of the current DC straight to DVD representations of WW are good characters I'd watch. The version in Batman/Superman/Darkseid for example or even the one I see now in the Flashpoint paradox previews.

No this is about targeting WW for women who don't care about comic characters and ignoring the market that would see her which are men.

In fact can anyone name one movie put out in the last 5 years that targets men in a sexual manner in anyway? Heck even The Wolverine was essentially a romance novel for women. How about in the last 10 years. Heck there was a little bit of boobie in the last Conan movie. NOTHING is targeted for male sexuality anymore unless you're gay. Sure some action stuff but that's about it. Where are the hot chics?
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Plus the elements that would make it succeed like the series - KOs and captures and peril - are no longer PC in Hollywood. If you made it without those elements, no one would go see it. We no longer admit our animal sides in so many ways, at least not in the mainstream. Well, you already said this in so many words, but still. A WW movie with just the level of peril the 70s series had would probably appeal to a mass audience.
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Hollywood doesn't know what to do with her. Production budget + mkt of Man of Steel was around $350 million and it grossed less than $660 million. Warner hoped the film would gross more than a billion. That's the reason why they called Batman back to save the frachise in the next movie. A WW movie would cost something between $250 and $300 million (budget + mkt) to be done and Warner cannot bet in something that won't return the investiment.
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Mr. X is right this is a problem of people who don't care about the character. Look at the horrendous (and that's me being kind) WW pilot. The problem wasn't her costume, powers, or look. It was they completely misread Wonder Woman as a character.

The WW direct to DVD animated movie from a couple of years ago was awesome. It didn't matter that it had a lot of Greek mythology, WW in her traditional costume, nor it failing to call upon the larger DC universe. It had a good story treated Wonder Woman as she should be a caring warrior plus wasn't geared to men or women, just focused on telling a good story.

The problem isn't Wonder Woman Hollywood dumbasses, its you.
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Exactly sgz6. The cartoon versions of her seem just fine. The JLA JLU versions. The Darkseid version. The animated DVD version. And they portray her right. Have you noticed that for the most part the WW in these is an adult, sophisticated, intelligent person who isn't emotionally dysfunctional. Sure each version has their problems. The JLA version was hot tempered at times and rash. Some are arrogant. But all understandable human flaws. I don't understand why male heroes can be confident and sure of themselves but female heroes have to be emotional basket cases. The WW pilot version was essentially a psychopath. She was just NUTS. "I'm clapping Wonder Woman. I don't want Wonder Woman mad at me." They did adore her they were scared of her.
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I think a real issue is the female perspective of this character. Wonder Woman is obviously part of many a guy's fantasy. I would bet that a lot of Wonder Woman comic book sales are driven by that aspect of the character. The tons of YouTube posts of Wonder Woman in peril--and the thousands of hits on those vids--seem to support this point, let along the many Wonder Woman superheroine peril videos we have here. As such, creating a Wonder Woman movie that doesn't have a sexy side to her and puts the character in peril would be a total flop. Furthermore, a Wonder Woman whose costume looks nothing like the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman or the classic George Perez Wonder Woman would be panned by those fans (me included!).
However, if those two aspects are included in a Wonder Woman movie, feminists would be irate over the sexualization of a classic female character. Hollywood wouldn't want any of that, and would therefore be caught between appeasing the Wonder Woman fans and appeasing feminists who want a non-sexualized superheroine. I think this is different from something like the Kate Beckinsale "Underworld" character because Wonder Woman is a long-standing DC character who has a strong female following who like her for different reasons than many guys. It just seems a tough line to straddle while risking millions of dollars on it. And a good Wonder Woman movie would have to be an expensive endeavor to make it worthwhile. A half-ass production would be an abysmal failure.
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The Amazon tv series is still a go... however I think we can all assume we will never get to see her in full costume just like what happened with Smallville.

Personally I would love to see her in a stand alone production but I don't think that will happen. At BEST Hollywood is looking at WW as a supporting character in the JL movie if it ever gets made.
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What bothers me is the today's inability to portray men and women in equivalent situations. Superman still gets weakened by kryptonite, but don't you even dare imply Wonder Woman has any kind of weaknesses magical belt, tied by a man or you are a pervert. Beat up and tie up Batman and OMG I bet even he gets knocked out from time to time. Do that to Wonder Woman, and you're advocating rape. Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Thor and Spider Man all needed some help to ultimately prevail. Sometimes the help even cam from the opposite sex. Show Wonder Woman needing help, and you are a male chauvinist pig.

This sexual hypocrisy has lead to this dichotomy between fans who would like to see a good movie with yes vulnerability for the heroine not the secret identity the heroine, and those who need a Fema-Christ like goddess who never breaks a sweat or a nail. I mean seriously who wants to see movie when you know what's already going to happen? Spin - deflect - win - toss lasso - save the day - what's so hard? -Tyr Garm
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Apparently William Moulton Marston created the character to serve as a role model for girls. I'm led to understand that there was a better balance of male and female readership of comics during at least part of the Golden Age. The history of the character is... complex and a bit strange at times. :laugh: But I agree that it would be a mistake to assume that the character or her story should be targeted toward women specifically.

I would like to think there could be some way to modify the costume design to make it appealing both to modern mainstream audiences and to more traditional fans. Such an effort, IMO, should start by running as far as possible from Jim Lee. :laugh: Tarim's Teeth, but I've always hated his design aesthetic. Shudder. Alex Ross or someone with comparable design chops and respect for the traditions of superhero design would be a much better candidate, but perhaps too expensive these days. :unsure:

DC has often (one could almost generalize this to "always") had trouble making the Wonder Woman character appealing to audiences. No effort seems to have lasted for very long and the character keeps being re-imagined to a greater or lesser degree. Apparently it's hard to hook the public's interest with Wonder Woman, for some reason. That bums me out, as I'd like to see a decent treatment of WW again. But I'm a traditionalist who prefers the 40s run of the character, or the 70s comics and TV show which stuck fairly close to the 40s core concepts, so I'd probably rather hate any mainstream Wonder Woman film these days. :unsure:
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Look at all the superhero movies out... Iron Man... Avengers... Thor... Captain America... New X-Men... Old X-Men... Wolverine... New Superman... and especially all of the very popular new Batman movies.

Lynda Carter did not give 'meaningfullness'

That is what mainstream wants now... or Hollywood thinks customers want. A story has to be meaningful. It has to be real... to sell a lot it has to be gritty.

I personally think the Nolan Batman movies suck ass. The mask is not needed - it could just as well be Jason Bourne stopping bane and Joker... they are basically terrorists... for a crowd yearning to see terrorists defeated... I am guessing.

How is a greek amazon wearing a one piece swimsuit gonna fit into this new era of meaningful realism and grittiness?

They had to ditch Superman's mainstay suit for a Batman-esque full latex bodysuit to get away from his corniness... in the new Superman movie. But even then... a male hero can get away with being a little corny. Female heroines have to be portrayed even more serious than the guys in mainstream... to deflect the assumed weakness of their gender.

This need to make superhero/ines real reveals just how UNreal superheroes are as a base... and the more real one tries to make them, the more silly the characters actually become. Like the latest Catwoman... she has a 15 year old's face and a pixie's body but she is serious and can take out a room of professional killers with some sexy kicks. In a fictional world made to look real it looks silly... in Tim Burton's make believe Gotham, Michelle Pfeiffer was free to explore the character as much as she wanted... because it was unreal.

The Wonder Woman TV show looked fine. Reminded me of the Xena type shows. But this era doesn't want that... or Hollywood is not comfortable with that kind of superhero.

The fun is gone. It's all about the realism and gritty aspects of being a superhero now. The villains don't really need to wear masks and the superheroes are just James Bond and Jason Bourne and Lara Croft... wearing masks and capes.

Old bastard rant over :P
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But I will say... the Thor movie gives hope for a Wonder Woman movie... because there, they turned what could've been a comical character into a good cinematic hero.

But Marvel seems more open to loose interpretations of their characters than does DC
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finisterfoul wrote:But I will say... the Thor movie gives hope for a Wonder Woman movie... because there, they turned what could've been a comical character into a good cinematic hero.

But Marvel seems more open to loose interpretations of their characters than does DC

Yes cause Marvel doesn't try too avoid the hero aspect. They relish it. The new Superman really didn't have Superman in it. It would have made a good Hulk movie maybe.

I didn't like the Burton movies but also did not like the Nolans either. I'd say the first Nolan Batman was good because it diverged from the wacky Burton stuff.

Its like Hollywood is making movies for some other group other than comic book fans. Like the new Star Treks are not made for fans anymore.

On a side note maybe Kickass 2 might be good.
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sgz6 wrote:Mr. X is right this is a problem of people who don't care about the character. Look at the horrendous (and that's me being kind) WW pilot. The problem wasn't her costume, powers, or look. It was they completely misread Wonder Woman as a character.

The WW direct to DVD animated movie from a couple of years ago was awesome. It didn't matter that it had a lot of Greek mythology, WW in her traditional costume, nor it failing to call upon the larger DC universe. It had a good story treated Wonder Woman as she should be a caring warrior plus wasn't geared to men or women, just focused on telling a good story.

The problem isn't Wonder Woman Hollywood dumbasses, its you.
:yes: :thumbup: :yahoo: :clap: :clap2: :happy2: :thanks:

I'm a DC fan primarily, but I'm amazed at what Marvel has accomplished on the big screen. They clearly have the right people in positions of power and influence. People who (A) understand the characters and (B) understand what it takes to make a movie.

I really love the DC animated movies and series. I constantly wonder why those creative minds aren't put in charge of the live-action movies. That's really what you've got with Marvel's in-house movies.
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The new Superman movie sucked. The Wonder Woman pilot sucked. I wouldn't trust DC Comics and Warner Brothers to make a movie about Wonder Woman at all.
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I agree with all that's been posted thus far. Here's my two cents based on my independent research of Hollywood. Hollywood now is in a state of flux. It doesn't know what it wants to produce, as this summer's movies clearly demonstrate. There's always been a strong herd mentality: if one long neglected movie genre works -- say, horror -- the other studio assume everyone wants that, so we get lots of bad horror movies in coming years. Up until about 10-15 years ago, studios hedged their bets by diversifying their release types. They knew some would make more $ than others, so them so that blockbuster movies would subsidize the Oscar nominees or appeal to special interests. No more. Every movie must be a blockbuster. If that means no Oscars, at least the shareholders are happy.

All this means that studio executives simply extrapolate trends on bar charts. They no feel or instinct of what the public wants. Quality and craftsmanship are quaint notions no longer affordable.

We're stuck because, though there is a market for a well-made Wonder Woman movie that touches on many superheroine themes, even in an obviously token manner. Good luck getting that made without recent history & market research that movie executives are too risk averse to conduct. That's why I agree with Rye that it's going to have to come from a small independent movie maker on Amazon TV or YouTube. The recent Batgirl Spoiled is a good example of what we're looking at for the foreseeable future.
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Many good opinions here. I did like the tv pilot, the classic costume is good and doesn't needs changes or been darker.. etc.. I remember some comment about one of those people related to the production of the Marvel films, don't remember who he was, but he was asked.. what he would tell WB/DC for it's movies to be sucessful.. he said something like:

.. don't take anything away form the characters, as silly as they may be..

WB/DC wants to change their character a little too much.. this DC fan is no longer buying DC books.. I don't recognize the characters..

I wish I could tell you a bit, but I know a person with a comic book superheroine that if it gets published you would see lots of classic 'peril' scenes without it looking silly. (yes, even chloroform) I've seem art and can't share, sorry..
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The problem is that Hollywood refuses to acknowledge Wonder Woman's roots, and I'm not talking about her comic book bondage roots (sorry.) And this may be somewhat in part our own fault. I'm not saying its impossible to do a movie of Wonder Woman in her classic leotard costume kicking ass and running into proportionate quantities of peril as a man would in his own film but in today's culture it would be difficult (or at least it is difficult in the minds of studio execs with to little imagination to get the real selling point.)

The problem frankly, is that Hollywood is forgetting that Wonder Woman is an Amazon Princess straight out of Greek Mythology. Forget WW running around New York City cleaning up the streets for the first movie, take a page out of Thor's book, and make it modern mythology attacks the world and only Wonder Woman can stop it. Audiences eat up this kind of stuff right now. We're in that perfect moment where fantasy epics are all the rage, and implementing WW with her back story in mind is the perfect way to introduce her.
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Yes its odd that Marvel does an awesome job with most live action movie versions and not so well at direct to DVD animated yet DC does awesome direct to DVD animated and sucks at live action. And the direct to DVD animated are adult, edgy etc. I would love a live action version of the WW in any of these animated shows.
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Superman and Wonder Woman are true comic characters. I think the more you try to make them 'real' the more they look fake and goofy. Look at their civilian disguises... they are laughable.

Batman is more like a Marvel character... 3 dimensional with multiple layers of contradictions. Wonder Woman comes from a utopian society. She is a demi-goddess basically. She has a rope of truth... why? Who knows... it just worked to the creators sexual fantasies. She's wearing a flag basically as a costume.

To make a movie with just Wonder Woman she would have to have her origin overhauled. Superman is Hercules in a costume. Wonder Woman's beginnings remain in greek mythology.

The main thing that works in her favor for her own live action Hollywood movie is she is the most popular superheroine world wide. Only comic geeks knew who the X-Men ladies were when their first movie came out. Marvel sucks with female leads.

I bet she only gets a spot if a Justice League movie is made. Then, if she is portrayed well, she might get her own movie.

Supergirl starring Miley Cyrus will probably be made first :P

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finisterfoul wrote:Superman and Wonder Woman are true comic characters. I think the more you try to make them 'real' the more they look fake and goofy. Look at their civilian disguises... they are laughable.

Batman is more like a Marvel character... 3 dimensional with multiple layers of contradictions. Wonder Woman comes from a utopian society. She is a demi-goddess basically.
Interesting observations. Wonder Woman and Superman are characters of idealization and perfection, sort of top-down, whereas Batman is flawed and damaged, more bottom-up. Perhaps Superman and Wonder Woman are better suited to stating, "This is what we should be", whereas a Batman is better for "This is what we are". It's probably harder to write "This is what we should be" without becoming preachy and awkward, unless the public is ready somehow for that kind of message. Perhaps the culture was open to such a message when Christopher Reeve started as Superman. Hmm.
She has a rope of truth... why? Who knows... it just worked to the creators sexual fantasies. She's wearing a flag basically as a costume.
William Moulton Marston, creator of Wonder Woman, was also the inventor of the lie detector, strangely enough. That was apparently part of the reason that she carried the lasso of truth. But it may also have suited his sexual fantasies. He seems to have been an unusual and complex man. :laugh: The patriotic/nationalistic symbolism of WW's costume seems awkward now, but it was very common in the early days of superheroes, when she was created. I guess she's kind of a strange character, like many from the 40s, and has always been rather hard to update without losing the core value of the character. Hmm. :unsure:
I bet she only gets a spot if a Justice League movie is made. Then, if she is portrayed well, she might get her own movie.
This makes a lot of sense to me. Some characters may work better in a group context. There's less need to focus on the character's background, in a group. If Wonder Woman's root elements somehow make it hard for her to drive a full feature, she may have a better hope of being a driving force in a team-based movie.
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I'm not so sure about the patriotic theme not working. Captain America had both a successful movie and successful team up on avengers. No reason why they can't do the same formula for WW. Have the first story be all about WW2 then she comes back in modern day.
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Mr. X wrote:I'm not so sure about the patriotic theme not working. Captain America had both a successful movie and successful team up on avengers. No reason why they can't do the same formula for WW. Have the first story be all about WW2 then she comes back in modern day.
I guess that's sort of what they did with Lynda Carter, although possibly not intentionally. :unsure: Was that the approach used with Captain America? How well did the Captain America movie do internationally? I haven't seen the Captain America film, or any of the other recent Marvel hero films.

I wonder if the top-down/bottom-up idea might make a difference when trying to translate the Captain America approach to Wonder Woman. Captain America was a weak guy, rejected by the military, who took the Super Soldier formula in order to serve his country. Wonder Woman isn't American, comes from a different background and culture altogether, and is sent to America as an emissary because the U.S. is the greatest beacon of democracy in the world and democracy is a common value between the (apparently Athenian-descended :unsure: ) Amazons and the United States. I may have some of the specifics wrong, in those origin outlines. :laugh: Umm. But I think that's the essence of it.

That being so, would that implicit message that the U.S. is the greatest nation in the world sell well internationally? Why wouldn't she go to Greece, or China, or Brazil? I'm not suggesting that these or other nations should be considered greater than America, I'm just guessing that these criticisms would be brought against the Wonder Woman origin story. Starting in WWII might reduce the risk of any such response, I guess. Hmm. :unsure: Which is to say, I may have talked myself out of the point I thought I was making, here at the end of my post. :laugh: So, yes: stick to Wonder Woman's historical roots and maybe it would have a better chance. Introduce a patriotic element and perhaps you risk having to grapple with international political issues, which might be dodgy in a contemporary context.
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cdrei wrote:
Mr. X wrote: ...... Why wouldn't she go to Greece, or China, or Brazil? ........
Same reason why The Doctor saves London every Christmas, spends most of his time in England when visiting The Earth, and when visiting other countries, planets, he is almost always traveling with British companions.
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cdrei wrote:
That being so, would that implicit message that the U.S. is the greatest nation in the world sell well internationally? Why wouldn't she go to Greece, or China, or Brazil? I'm not suggesting that these or other nations should be considered greater than America, I'm just guessing that these criticisms would be brought against the Wonder Woman origin story. Starting in WWII might reduce the risk of any such response, I guess. Hmm. :unsure: Which is to say, I may have talked myself out of the point I thought I was making, here at the end of my post. :laugh: So, yes: stick to Wonder Woman's historical roots and maybe it would have a better chance. Introduce a patriotic element and perhaps you risk having to grapple with international political issues, which might be dodgy in a contemporary context.
Well they did that with an earlier Captain America movie that they shot I believe in France of all places.
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jarrambide wrote:
cdrei wrote:
Mr. X wrote: ...... Why wouldn't she go to Greece, or China, or Brazil? ........
Same reason why The Doctor saves London every Christmas, spends most of his time in England when visiting The Earth, and when visiting other countries, planets, he is almost always traveling with British companions.
Yes, this is a good point. :thumbup: If the international appeal of Doctor Who and other BBC exports is based somehow on their inherent "British-ness", would something similar be true of Wonder Woman? Does the "American-ness" of American pop culture create appeal internationally? Hmm.

The Doctor Who geek in me wants to note that the reason the Doctor keeps returning to London, England, Britain supposedly ties to Susan Foreman's choice of the location as a Tardis stop. Or so one of the essays in the About Time books would suggest. London, 1963 was apparently an attractive destination for a teenage time traveler. :unsure:
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cdrei wrote:
jarrambide wrote:
cdrei wrote:
Mr. X wrote: ...... Why wouldn't she go to Greece, or China, or Brazil? ........
Same reason why The Doctor saves London every Christmas, spends most of his time in England when visiting The Earth, and when visiting other countries, planets, he is almost always traveling with British companions.
Yes, this is a good point. :thumbup: If the international appeal of Doctor Who and other BBC exports is based somehow on their inherent "British-ness", would something similar be true of Wonder Woman? Does the "American-ness" of American pop culture create appeal internationally? Hmm.

The Doctor Who geek in me wants to note that the reason the Doctor keeps returning to London, England, Britain supposedly ties to Susan Foreman's choice of the location as a Tardis stop. Or so one of the essays in the About Time books would suggest. London, 1963 was apparently an attractive destination for a teenage time traveler. :unsure:
I'm not an American, but I moved here because of the appeal the US has worldwide, including countries were people will deny the appeal to foreigners, but not to their friends.

Have you been to Europe lately?, most nonlive shows are US shows, I can't tell you how funny NCIS sounds in French or CSI Miami in Italian. BBC exports many shows, and I love them, the US exports way more shows to the whole world. People love the US , people hate the US, no one is in the middle with the US, love me or hate me, but keep talking about me.

Susan, I so want the series to show us or at least mention Susan, like they did it with Sarah Jane Smith, or how they mentioned the Brigadier , the last time we saw Susan was during the 5 Doctors.
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She'll never work in a movie, alone, because she has no 'set' origin story. No ONE tale of how she came to be that would be a good foundation to start a movie. Batman always did...His parents were killed in an alley, Superman came from the exploding planet of Krypton and was raised by the Kents. Wonder Woman has been molded from clay, born from a Greek god and her Mother...she's had powers to rival Superman, then had them taken away in the 1960's, she's carried the mantle of Wonder Woman, then had Artemis remove it....I mean her stories are all over the place. And IMO, this is what gets the 'fanboys' all pissed off with her never getting a green light for the big screen. Which version of her do you do? And then when Hollywood does pick one, fans from (pick whichever origin version you're a fan of) tear it apart from day 1 never even giving it a chance because it's not the version of her they love.

And her costume??? Oh forget that. Hell, even the comic book artists can't decide on what she should wear anymore. Pants/no pants, skirt/no skirt, boots with a heel/flat heeled boots....lists can go on and on.

I just don't see her ever getting a movie of her own. I'd love to see her possibly join in a Superman or Batman movie. IMO that could work out best for her. But until she receives a solid foundation from her origin, I doubt we'll ever see anything of her on the big screen.
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if her origin is set during WW2 then it's pretty easy to justify her costume and.. she does have an origin.

And with the first re-boot from 1985, her costume did have a reason behind it: a female aviator crashed in Paradise Island, fought with the amazons against some evil things that the Amazon must keep imprisoned, the aviator sacrificed herself so those things would not get out. In her honor, the eagle, stars and colors were given to WW costume. The reason for her to go to 'man's world' is a bit cliché and somewhat false: 'teach amazon peaceful way to man's world'. But.. if it starts during WW2 with the golden age reason for her to go man's world (help the US and Allies win WW2) then.. there's a good origin.

A WW movie can work. It jsut doesn't have to be changed, just used properly.
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Someone else pointed out that she doesn't have a tragic back story. Spiderman, Batman, Superman etc all have tragic back stories. So its going to be very difficult to fit her into a Nolan dark universe without making her be some harsh princess brute. And if anyone has noticed a whole lot of that truth, justice etc etc stuff isn't in too many of the new movies.

I personally don't think she needs an origin. People know who she is.
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Mr. X wrote:Someone else pointed out that she doesn't have a tragic back story. Spiderman, Batman, Superman etc all have tragic back stories. So its going to be very difficult to fit her into a Nolan dark universe without making her be some harsh princess brute. And if anyone has noticed a whole lot of that truth, justice etc etc stuff isn't in too many of the new movies.

I personally don't think she needs an origin. People know who she is.
Actually, I believe that for a long while (and perhaps even know), Superman didn't really have that tragic of a backstory. He wasn't old enough to remember Krypton going boom, and he grew up with largely functional parents.

And for a long time period of his publication history, Batman's "tragic backstory" was little more than window dressing on a guy who was essentially Sherlock Holmes in tights. Sure, every now and then, they'd reference that his parents were shot by a mugger, but most of the time, he acted like a normal lawman who just liked going around in a Halloween costume.

On the subject of a WW movie... yeah, I can see why WB is kinda stuck. Wonder Woman's publication history is a lot more scattershot than Superman's or Batman's - heck, after Marston died in '47, I think that the only reason DC kept her around was because Marston's contract stated that they had to give the character back to him/his estate if DC didn't keep her in print. And we all know how much DC hates giving up its rights to anything...

Thus, (roughly) from '47 to '87, Wondy was basically passed around from writer to writer, none of whom cared particularly much about what her creator wanted. Those guys basically threw whatever the hell they felt like into her stories, either in adherence with their personal fetishes or as a painfully awkward way to "fit in" with whatever feminist trend was going on at the time (see: Diana's infamous "mod suit" era, basically writers trying to rip off of Emma Peel).

These four decades of lackluster stories finally came to an end after Crisis on Infinite Earths, where George Perez, Greg Potter, and Janice Rice rebooted her history from scratch and finally figured out what the hell they wanted to do with her. In the process, though, they wound up making the Wonder Woman book a tad too highbrow - I've heard that people back then called it "the thinking person's superhero book", and I'm not sure if a comic series where the main character spends half her time talking in foreign languages and doesn't have her first big fight scene until issue four would make good fodder for a movie adaptation.

'course, the studios can just give the bird to her long and convoluted comics history and just make their own WW mythos up from scratch...
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Gail Simone's Wonder Woman trilogy a couple years ago was really good. It created the best WW origin I've seen.

The WW animated movie a year ago or so kind of built on the Gail Simone concept... with WW saving the US government.

Plus, in the animated JLA series you have the controversy of the god Ares wanting WW's Mom.... and these two examples lead to...

and I hate to say this, but it would work perfectly for a Frank Miller '300' - as a gritty 'We are Sparta!' bullshit melodrama this era seems to crave. The scripts of the animated series and the Gail Simone series would work perfectly for this... but it would be the anti-Lynda Carter... WW punching her fist through the skull(s) of her enemies... blood spattering ( 3d probably ) onto the screen.

The Lynda carter style WW will probably never be re-done ever again. The 70's were at the end of a civil revolution and the beginning of Reaganomics... it was a very rare time in history where Led Zepplin and Disco co-existed in perfect harmony. It was as UN-polar as society gets.

WW porn is the closest one will ever get to Lynda carter WW... in my opinion.
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And a couple replies up... Captain America wears a full body suit.

This is why he gets away with wearing the flag.

Most importantly, he is a man - and men get away with five tons more than any woman can in this culture.

In this day and age a woman wearing a swimsuit with a flag design is competing in a pageant.... or in some gawd awful reality show.
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stationk wrote:if her origin is set during WW2 then it's pretty easy to justify her costume and.. she does have an origin.

I like her WW2 Origin story as well, but it was really torn apart back when the TV show was first being discussed. The Wonder Woman forum on WB's web site was in overdrive with fanboys wanting ANY story for an Origin, as long as it wasn't anything to do with WW2. Personally I hated reading that. I LOVED Lynda Carter's season 1 of Wonder Woman. But I also realized that those stories couldn't last forever. WW2 did eventually end. When her show started season 2, and they had the new costume, her working for a new agency, and the 'Original' Steve Trevor dead and her working for his 'son'...It certainly wasn't my favorite time to be watching her, but at the very least, the did keep her with some vulnerabilities. Season 3 I hated.

But I got off track...I'd love to see her get her own movie. I just don't see it happening. Hollywood sure doesn't seem in any hurry to do one, WB either. And neither can even get a silly CW show worked out....so how a movie will ever transpire is beyond me.

And I know a lot of people HATED the David Kelly pilot...but in fairness to him, the crap that was posted on the web was unfinished. It hadn't even gone through post production. I'd love to see a finished version of it. Won't happen, but I'd like to see it. Then see what 'might have been'....with a few more episodes. How would they have answered WW killing and what not. Given somewhat of a chance I think something might have been able to have been done with it.

But I'd like to see WW makes some appearances in some of the other big budget Superhero movies first. By doing that, I would think that would help ease a much more simplified back story in place for her. That way producers aren't wasting 1/3 of a big budgets movie time on material that is already known. They could get right into some 'meat' with her...However once again Producers would be back at square one....which back story to go with?

I like Omega Woman's idea.....Let them start from scratch on her background. Not a total overhaul, IMO, but pick some of the best material, throw it in a blender, and see what comes out. I could even imagine that something really enticing, interesting, and creative might occur. X-Men movies in a round about way, prove that sliding left of center still can produce something that works, and makes a crap load of money. Good actors, good story, balanced fights, and costumes that...ehhh...maybe weren't true to the comics and Saturday morning cartoons, but worked perfectly for Live Action.

And I'm rambling now, just posting thoughts that pop into my head about this....so it's time for me to stop. LOL! But I do hope that one day a Wonder Woman movie gets made. And I hope I'm still alive to see it. :yes:
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