GRACE EXPECTATIONS A Batgirl/ Wonder Woman Story FINALLY UPDATED 10/09/2020

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Hi all, thanks for checking this out

This is the third story in my BG/Wondie v The Grace Sisters trilogy and unlike my SG stuff contains sexual peril. Whilst you could probably get by without reading the first two I think you will get more out of it if you do give them a go
They are on this board, here are the links, if you enjoy them please leave a comment, if you don't read them then I hope you can follow this one well enough



The GRACE ESCAPE ... =9&t=16196

I must have done something right with them as they have had over 21,000 views each - maybe its the fiveway lesbian bondage torture orgies.... :thumbup:

Speaking of which, this will have more of the same, and I do mean MORE as there will be another heroine making an appearance. I will leave you to recognise her.

Just a heads up too, I shall be adding a link on my second story to this one in a few days time so don't bother reading my post when you see it appear if you have read the story, its just a link to here and a thank you

Enough preamble, I hope you like it, I will be using as many of your ideas as I can within the confines of the story, and please leave a comment, good or bad I'm totally open to both ideas and constructive feedback, so either post here or pm me.

I have a cast list purely to help envisage who I think of in the roles

Batgirl - Cali Logan
Wonder Woman - Christina Carter
Charity Grace - Diana Knight
Faith Grace - Emily Addison
Hope Grace - Charlie Laine


On a quiet Gotham backstreet near the theatre quarter, a nubile, slender figure edged through the alleyways on her motorcycle, swathed in the night, the street lights alternately revealing a cloaked bike rider then plunging her into darkness, her anxiety mounting as she slowed to a stop. But as she pulled up and extended one elegantly slim thigh over the saddle, stepping on tippy-toe with her other leg before swinging it around as she hit the stanchion to support the bike’s weight, she was completely unaware that she was far from alone…

Three months had passed since Batgirl’s injury and her narrow escape from the despicable Grace sisters, but the trauma was still fresh in her mind. This was her first real anti-crime patrol since, and she felt as nervous and slightly afraid as she had that first time, several years ago now, when she had first chosen to put on the cowl. But then she had been overwhelmed by the excitement, the thrill of the prospect of danger. Now, she had a tight knot of anxiety, like a baseball in her gut, and a terrible fear that maybe she was NOT up to this after all. She had languished in hospital for three days as her wounds healed before returning home with her father and spending the next six weeks recovering slowly from the fractured ribs. Even then she had been in no position to resume her combat training and that had been another two weeks added to her recovery. And then when she was training again, she had been slow, way off the pace as you’d expect from someone who had not done any fight training for two months. She was stiff, clumsy and awkward, and it had taken her another three weeks before she was remotely up to scratch. She had ached when she first sat astride the saddle of her bike and what use was a crimefighter without the ability to chase down suspects? When she had finally ventured out two nights earlier, she had been filled with trepidation, and her only contribution to the fight against crime had been to call in a burglary for the police to respond to. She had intended to go in after the villains, but she just froze. She had watched with a sense of shame from a distance as they had turned up a few minutes later and apprehended the felons.

Her embarrassment at her own inaction had filled her with a new resolve, and so now two nights later, she was determined to finally ‘get back on the horse,’ as it were. But now that she was here…the same doubts filled her once more. She bit her lip, chewing it for a long moment until she finally took a deep breath. This was silly. She could handle herself in most situations. She was capable. She was tough. She could handle anything within reason, and this investigation tonight was just that- an investigation, a look-see. In all probability this was just a group of teenagers who had found a new hangout. That was a perfectly logical explanation for the lights that had been seen in the old abandoned Windsor Theatre. She had been monitoring the police frequencies and they had swung a patrol car by, but all was locked up securely and in darkness. She had decided on a whim to follow it up with a more thorough investigation and as she had cruised by, she too saw a brief sliver of light appear in the foyer before the interior went black. She had driven on before doubling back on herself.

She had cut the engine two blocks back and had cruised to a stop about half a block from the entrance. Time to prove herself worthy of the mantle of Gotham’s Guardian Angel. Yet she felt a sense of foreboding. 'It was just a lack of practice', she told herself. Real life situations sharpened the reflexes, so she needed this test, this adventure, and she had no reason to expect anything drastic might happen. It was probably just kids…

But inside the theatre, it was not idle teenagers that were making plans…but three beautiful sisters with long dark hair, in thigh high black leather boots and black satin catsuits…

“I’ve been thinking…”said Hope the youngest of the three sisters.

“Yeah, I read about that in the paper…” said Faith, a few years older, with dry sarcasm.

“No that musta been something else ‘cos I ain’t told anyone this yet!” said the simple minded Hope as Faith rolled her eyes.

“Ok, go on, enlighten us…”Faith threw a pained look at the oldest sister, Charity, as she too sat down to listen at the table that was on the centre of the theatre stage.

“Well,” Hope began, spreading her hands palms down on the table as she stared at them in concentration as she tried to get the facts straight in her mind. ”You know how the cops are always after us?” she asked as the other two sisters shrugged and spread their hands in exasperation, Charity raising her eyebrows expectantly as she awaited Hope’s revelation.

“Well, I’ve noticed, they only seem to come after us whenever we do something wrong!”

“Oh, for Christsakes!” Said Faith as she stood suddenly up , knocking her chair over.

“No, it’s true!” Hope continued, misreading the reaction of disbelief. “We steal from a jewellers, the cops are after us; we rob a bank, the cops are after us; we bust outta jail, the cops are after us; we rob a bank, the cops are after us…”

“You already said banks.” said Charity, with a resigned sigh.

“Yeah but we rob lots of banks” said Hope in explanation as her older sisters rolled their eyes. When you were Hope’s sister you did a lot of eye-rolling.

“Oh, Jesus…” said Faith.

“No it’s true! It sounds crazy I know but it’s true!” Hope tried to make her point.

Charity leaned forward to stare intently at her young sister. She too spread her palms on the table and spoke slowly. “Hope…what do you think cops actually do?”

“They eat doughnuts…and clear up after accidents and murders and stuff. Oh no wait, CSI do all that now...”

“Hope, honey. I think they chase after criminals too...” Charity said slowly.

“ME TOO!” cried Hope delightedly.” See Faith you’re the stupid one for not believing me, Charity gets it.”

“I’ll kill her I swear!” said Faith as she stormed towards Hope.

“Now, now! C’mon ladies!” Charity stepped between them.

“Oh, come on Char!!! I’ve had enough, is all!!! We are on the lam for six weeks, we get to Mexico only to get chased out of some hick town, back to the border no less, by a bunch of angry locals just because SOMEONE-“ Faith looked pointedly at Hope”-STEALS A FREAKIN’ DONKEY! !!” Hope cowered behind Charity. ”A DONKEY!!!!???” she shouted again.

“I like donkeys…” said Hope quietly.

“Then we come all the Goddamn way back to this shitty city! What the hell for exactly?”Faith finished.

“Because, Brainiac, it’s the last thing anyone will expect. That bitch Wonder Woman has gone back to DC, Batman and Robin think with their dicks anyway so we can always outsmart them just by unleashing the gals “ she nodded towards Faith’s ample bosom, barely concealed by the skin tight satin catsuit she was wearing, a dress matched by the other sisters, “so all we gotta handle is the local law. An’ they’re dipshits. Batgirl ain’t been seen for months, perhaps the bitch is dead in a sewer somewhere. An’ good riddance. I tell you this town is gonna be ours.”

“I mean, for god’s sake, why the fuck a DONKEY?!!!” Faith asked her younger sister, not listening anymore. “What the hell were you gonna do with it for FUCKS SAKE?!”

“I was gonna ride him like the cowboys and Jesus do…He was nicer to me than YOU are. I called him Pablo an’ he was my friend, an’ we was gonna do real holdups like in the movies, an’-“

“SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP!!! I’VE HAD IT WITH YOU!!! Char, if I have to stay here one more day with –with fucking Josey Wales there, I’m gonna kill her, I swear it!!!” Faith shouted, as Hope looked around for Josey Wales, who judging by Faith’s hand gestures, was standing just behind her.

“ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!!!” Charity cried with a fierce look that would take no argument. Both her younger sisters wisely shut up. She then continued. “Look, we are here to pick up some gear, then we can pull a job, get a bit of real money behind us and then go upmarket. We’ll pull a real high class job, like robbing that asshole Bruce Wayne, that ought to get us noticed. Get us a rep. Give us some weight with the other criminals in this town. I hear he has jack shit security up at that fancy house o’ his, just some old fart of a butler called Albert or something. He’ll be a piece of cake to roll over and then he’s bound to have cash an’ jewels just lying around, waitin’ to be given a new home.”

“About Batman and Robin…” said Faith, hesitantly.

“What about ‘em?” Charity asked.

“Well…you ever think they might be…immune, shall we say, to the charms of our-“ she nodded her head at Charity’s breasts “gals?”

“Whadya mean?”

“Well… Batman…lives in a cave… with a young guy…wearing masks and testing out special handcuffs they’ve invented... as they run around in tights…Not exactly the manliest of pictures, is it?” Faith pointed out.

“Shit.” said Charity. “You think the Bat likes the ol’ chocolate starfish, huh?”

“Well…let’s just say he might Bat for the other side…” Faith said with a grin.

Outside, Batgirl had quietly worked her way around to the stage door at the back of the theatre. She had stood there for ten minutes, staring at it, her teeth set on edge. Twice she had reached out for the handle and pulled back when she saw her hand shaking. At the third attempt she gripped it and turned it – and it was locked. It was then that she let out an audible sigh of relief that both shocked and stunned her when she realized what she had done. She was afraid.

High above her, on a rooftop opposite, a figure crouched, watching her anxiously. Wonder Woman had been concerned after her young ally had been injured and had planted a tracking device from the IADC in both of the Batbelts that she had returned to Barbara Gordon’s flat. She had monitored them each night and for months they had not moved, as you would expect from someone recovering from a debilitating physical injury. Then two nights ago one had ventured out. When she had tracked its movement, she decided to swing by Gotham City and see how Batgirl was doing. She had arranged to inspect the IADC Field Office as a reason for being here. So now, two days later, here she crouched, watching over Batgirl like a guardian angel. What she was seeing filled her with concern. It seemed like Batgirl had lost her nerve.

Farther down the street, in the darkest shadows of an alleyway, another figure was watching them both through a pair of binoculars, fitted with a night vision filter. She slowly lowered them as she took in the scene. “Well now,” she said softly to herself, “what are you two dolls up to?”
Last edited by tallyho 7 years ago, edited 8 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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The chapter started well, I am anxious to know what will be the other heroine
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Awesome story so far, can't wait to read the next chapter!
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It's nice to see Batgirl getting back in the saddle again, but it'll be interesting to see her reaction to finding out who is in the theater and whether it will cause her to freeze up at the wrong moment. When I read the last part where another heroine is watching, I thought that if it was Catwoman this could develop into an all out catfight as she marked Gotham as her territory against the upstart Grace sisters as well as trying to capture the super heroines for pets.
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Great start, can't wait for two
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Thanks guys, glad you are enjoying it. Keep any comments coming, good or bad.
Oh, and Merry Christmas. :thumbup:


In a darkened alleyway at the back of the abandoned Windsor Theatre, Batgirl bravely fights her fears and tries to compose herself, completely unaware that she is being followed…

Batgirl shuddered. She felt exposed somehow, vulnerable, like she was being watched. She turned around suddenly but the street was empty. She let out a deep breath. This wasn’t good. She was already nervous, jumpy, timid and now…now she was getting paranoid. She tried to get a grip of her emotions.

Get a hold of yourself. You are Batgirl. You are just a bit rusty that’s all. You can do this. You’ve done it a hundred times before. It’s not even as if a known crime is in progress. You are just checking things out. It’s just a door. Let Barbara be afraid. You are stronger. You are Batgirl. You investigate crimes. You chose this path. So step up or ship out. You are here, now, so investigate. It’s probably something minor.‘ she told herself. She clenched her fists tight at her sides, her breathing growing sharper, more rapid as she psyched herself up for action. ‘You have risked your life a hundred times in the pursuit of justice. So, you had a narrow escape. Deal with it. That was then, this is now. You are strong, you are quick, you are clever, you are capable, you are agile, you are brave, YOU ARE BATGIRL!!!’

“DAMN STRAIGHT I AM!!” she said aloud, startling herself slightly so she looked about to see if anyone had heard her, before, with grim resolve, she finally set to work. A quick glance up each end of the street, a swift assessment of the door and its lock, and then suddenly she was squatting down on her haunches, her Batlock Picks in her gloved hands as she set to work gaining access. This was more like it. This was how a professional crimefighter behaved when confronted with the unknown. You make the unknown, known. By investigation. She calmed herself. It felt good to be pursuing a crime again, finally , no matter how minor it might be.

Above her, Wonder Woman let out a quiet sigh of relief as she watched her young friend. She felt responsible for her after the way she had treated Batgirl the first time they had had a run in with the criminal sisters. She remembered bitterly Batgirl’s muffled screams as she had been defiled and violated by the sisters, gagged, tied up and powerless, whilst she, the supposedly mighty Amazon, could only look on helplessly as she herself was treated as little more than a sex toy by the lesbian trio. The shame of her impotence and the fact that she had then used her lasso to try and make Batgirl forget her secret identity and the terrible abuse she had suffered, brought a flush of colour to the tall Amazon’s cheeks. It had all gone wrong when she had left Batgirl to guard over the trio until the police arrived, only for them to overpower her somehow and escape. Then when she had cornered them at their old farm, more degradation had befallen the heroic feminine duo. She shuddered at the memory. The groping; the taunting; the blows on her powerless body, as she was helpless to resist; the Batdrill from Batgirl’s own utility belt shoved deep inside her; the thunderflash bombs pressed into her own sensitive womanhood. The pain of defeat, the shame of humiliation, the bitter regret of being forced to see her young friend raped. They had survived and turned the tables but again the wily sisters had escaped, this time from police custody. She had tried to monitor the law agency channels through the IADC for news of the sisters over the last few months but other than one garbled report near the Mexican border nothing had shown up. It seemed they had gone to ground. Seeing Batgirl apparently nervous like this gave the Amazon a new resolve. She would watch her tonight, make sure she was back on her feet and then make a concerted effort to track down the Graces, wherever they might be. She felt she owed Batgirl that peace of mind at least. As she watched her work on the lock she felt slightly reassured that the determined young champion of justice was at last finding her feet again as an agent of the law.

As Wonder Woman stared down at Batgirl, the secret observer further down the alley was zooming in on the Amazon’s cleavage with her binoculars. She pushed the rubber cupped eyepieces hard in to her facemask as she focussed-in excitedly on the view. Though looking up, as she was, from her position to where the Amazon squatted on the rooftop, the breasts were clearly impressive, even in the green hue of her night filter. She swung the binoculars back down to the street level to observe Batgirl as she picked the lock to gain access to the theatre. The way Batgirl was crouched, on one knee with her cape slung back over her shoulder as she deftly worked on the lock, exposed her in profile to the mysterious watcher. Running out of hands, the brave young woman carefully slipped one of her tools horizontally between her delicate, full lips, squeezing down on it gently with the soft corners of her mouth to hold it in place. She looked endearingly cute to the hidden onlooker. She smiled approvingly at the view as her eyes took in the graceful roundness of Batgirl’s calf, lifting up from the back of the little purple leather boot to end behind a strong rounded knee, before she tracked along the sweeping curve of the young woman’s strong thigh, pressed snugly into the tight purple fabric, ending in the flawless round ass cheek of her oh-so-delectable butt! As Batgirl’s arms moved, her hands working the lock, there was the intermittent glimpse of the flattened abdominals, the edge of her ribcage leading up to the slight hint of the curve of her breast beneath the famous yellow bat. The watcher realised she was slowly running the tip of her tongue over her lips, holding her breath, her throat dry with anticipation. She smiled as she relaxed, exhaling deeply. Batgirl wasn’t the only one holding her breath as she picked the lock. She smiled again to herself. Plenty of time for pleasure later, perhaps. But now, now it was time for business.

Batgirl at last heard the reassuring click as the lock opened and gave out a little “Ha! YESSSS!!!” of girlish glee , and actually clapped in excitement, which she quickly reined in, holding her breath as she hurriedly cast her gaze about to make sure the alley was empty and no one had heard her little cry of delight. She straightened, bobbing up perkily on to her feet, standing with her fists at her hip, she gave a little nod of triumph at a job well done. A victory, of sorts. A small victory, no doubt, but it felt good never the less. ‘I still got it.’ She thought contentedly to herself, her confidence in her own abilities growing, as she beamed a big smile to herself in the darkness. Her bobbing stance and then classic pose had caused her modest but rounded chest to quiver slightly, with her elbows sweeping the cape back to give the silent witness an exciting view of the firm, proud young body; the near-perfect female form squeezed tightly into the figure –hugging suit, defined in green by the night filter. With one hand braced against the door she listened intently as she slowly turned the door handle. As she listened, she took in the fading poster of the last show at the theatre from some six weeks earlier. A large 'cancelled' sticker covered up in part the ‘Magical Magnificence of the Great Za-----na’, a pretty, dark haired girl in fishnets and a ringmaster get up, picked out by the dim light from the cloudy half-moon falling on the stage door. Barbara remembered reading in the paper that they had had to close the theatre suddenly due to reports of a gas leak, but the officials were having trouble tracing it. The engineers had moved on after a few weeks, digging further along the street as they believed the leak was located elsewhere but merely emerged in the theatre basement. Either way the theatre was closed down for the foreseeable future to the public until the problem was fixed. The whole block was cordoned off, which made it a prime target for looters. The only people allowed passed were the regular GCPD patrols. The gas might still be a danger. She double checked that she had her Bat-re-breather in her belt, just in case. It was a tiny emergency oxygen supply which would give her around 3 minutes of air. If she felt woozy or anything smelled funny she would be sure to use it. Still with a sense of reluctance that she fought to suppress, she finally opened the door and slipped quickly inside in to the inky blackness.

Wonder Woman let out a sigh of relief. The secret watcher let out a sigh of disappointment. That disappointment was quickly forgotten when she zeroed in on the Amazon as she jumped down into the alley near the stage door, the landing setting her breasts oscillating in the tight confines of the red bustier.

“Boy, they have a life of their own!” the dark observer whispered softly to herself as she mentally counted off the 4 seconds it took for the stupendously formed breasts to give up the wobbling battle and settle down to their confined existence, trapped within the red top like stir crazy prisoners. “Don’t worry guys, I might be bustin’ you outta there before the night’s over…”she smiled to herself at the thought. Well, a girl can dream.

Wonder Woman listened at the door intently but could hear nothing from within. Good. No sounds of a struggle. So far, so good. She would let her young friend explore for a few minutes ,maybe ten, maybe fifteen, before she entered and then she would go in only if Batgirl failed to come out. It was important that her ally find her feet again without thinking that Wonder Woman was babysitting her. Even if she was. No, scratch that. Especially, if she was.

The ten minutes became fifteen, the fifteen became twenty. Wonder Woman started to worry, pacing the alley nervously, still unaware that she was being watched, fighting the urge to enter. She was reluctant to go in as there had been no obvious signs of trouble. It was a big building, with lots of rooms to explore. Batgirl could still be just doing a thorough job, perhaps there was nothing wrong.

“For the love of – just go in already!” hissed the lurker in the shadows, who was tired of waiting herself. Crouched as she was she was starting to stiffen and get cramps. ”Well, it’s about time!” she whispered to herself as finally Wonder Woman disappeared from view through the doorway. She followed the Amazon up to the door , eyeing the familiar picture of the woman on the poster with a smile before kissing her two fingers and pressing them on the face of the female magician with a wink. ”You’re lookin’ good, kiddo!” she whispered to the portrait with a smile. She waited at the doorway. She too decided to let the figure ahead explore for a little while before she entered.

But then her ear piece crackled into life with a police bulletin about a robbery in progress, some six blocks from here. ‘Dammit. Well, there was nothing for definite happening here, yet. Better the devil you know’, she thought, as she reluctantly turned away from the stage door. With cat-like prowess she hugged the shadows as she moved back down the alley. First things first. She would investigate the robbery, then return to check on the two heroines. A threesome might be nice, though she doubted it would happen, somehow. Then again, she knew that the Amazon had lived on an island exclusively populated by healthy young women, who shunned the company of men… Yes, definite possibilities there, then. But Batgirl? ‘Well, maybe we could drug her’, she thought jokingly to herself.

“Goddammit! Char, how much longer we gotta stay couped up here? I’m bored.” Faith said petulantly.”An’ she is drivin’ me nuts!” she swept a hand to indicate a hurt-looking Hope.

“Well…just…go fiddle with stuff…” Charity said exasperatedly. “There’s all the stage pyrotechnics and the electronics and the lights and everything, go dabble with that lot. You love all that crap. Fill ya boots.”

“I done all that shit, Char…did all sorts of cool stuff first day we got here. Shitty place ain’t got cable , there was nothin’ else to do. Look.” She slid a makeshift remote over to Charity with a dazzling array of buttons. “Top row is all the lights, middle stuff is the trap doors and then the red ones at the bottom is all flash-bangs an’ shit. We can control the whole thing on that remote.”

“Christ! You have been busy!” said her older sister impressed.

“Was easy,” Faith blushed. “They have it all automated to a big control panel back there. Just had to re-jig that with a remote switch and then fix the stuff to drop or pop. The stage explosions was a bit trickier because I had to rig each of them, but the lights and the trap doors , they was easy.”

“I helped too!” said Hope anxious for recognition.”I held all her tools an’ stuff.”

“Yeah Hope, you helped too.” Faith said tiredly, and drew a huge smile off her sister.

“What are these?” Charity asked as she pointed to the buttons on a smaller control, duct taped to the back of the larger one.

“Oh they are the sand bags and booms for the scenery. I’ve rigged them to drop at the push of a button. Like the others, they are in sequence left to right as you look at the stage. So press that one –“she pointed at a button “DON’T PRESS IT NOW!” She shouted to stop her elder sister, sighed and rolled her eyes. ”Press that and you see that little stage marker over there?” she pointed again to where a faint mark was on the floor“ that’s where the light falls or whatever. See the others, there, there and there.” She pointed to each marker on the stage. “You get the idea.”

“Great job!” her elder sister said and meant it.

“Thanks. Beat talking to Einstein while we waited for you to show…” she gestured at Hope who looked around behind herself, but couldn’t see the scientist.

“I been busy too. Greasing palms, setting up deals.”said Charity.

“Palm trees don’t need grease Char!” Hope said with a chuckle. “You got them mixed up with tractors and pick-ups! They need water.”

“Yeah…’course I did.” Charity gave Faith a pained look.

“So what we waitin’ for anyway? This place gives me the creeps. I only rigged all that shit up in case we ended up stayin’ for a spell. There’s all them signs up saying ‘Danger of Explosion’ and ‘Keep Out!’?” Faith asked.”I mean, should we even have switched the lights on if this place could blow?”

“Don’t forget the earthquakes!” said Hope. “We keep getting little earthquakes!”

“Hope, that’s the goddamned subway, you idiot.” Faith corrected her.”But what about the signs Char? Is it safe? An’ how much longer we stayin’ here? Do you have any idea how many truckers I had to give blow jobs to just to get us all down there to Mexico?” Faith said angrily.”Just for us to end up back here!”

“Four.” Hope and Charity answered in unison.

“Well,…yeah…ok,it was four…” said Faith sheepishly.

“But one was going the wrong way. You blew him an’ he was headin’ north an’ we was a-goin’ south-“ said Hope.

“Alright dammit!” shouted Faith angrily.

“That was stupid…” said Hope. Rather smugly.

“Ok. But the point is I went through all that just to get chased north by a mob over a freakin’ DONKEY!!!”

“Will you quit it with the damn donkey?” Charity answered. ”And stop worrying about this place. It’s fine. And the reason we are staying here is that I’m waitin’ on a guy from the Planning Department at City Hall. He’s getting cousin Jimmy the plans to Wayne Manor. Jimmy said he’d drop ‘em off tonight.” Charity explained. “The signs are nothing. They had a gas leak a coupla weeks ago, it’s OK, they ain’t found anything. But that’s why this is a great place to hide out. No one will come here nosin’ around.”

“Guess again, ladies” said an imperious voice from the darkness.

With one agile jump Wonder Woman leapt from the darkness onto the stage to confront the sisters, standing hands on hips in an unspoken challenge for them to defy her power.

“Wonder Woman!!!” cried Charity

“Awwww crap!!!” cried Faith.

“How do you know its Wonder Woman?” Hope asked her elder sister who ignored her, as did the Amazon herself.

“Now that I have your attention, what have you done with Batgirl?” the Amazon demanded angrily.

“Awwwww double crap.” Said Faith.
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Apparently will now begin the action, looking forward to the next
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I wonder if Wonder Woman is standing on one of the marks?
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Wonder Woman has followed Batgirl into the theatre, but can find no trace of her. She has however found the Grace sisters…

“OK, you low-lifes. What have you done with Batgirl?” Wonder Woman demanded angrily, hands on hips as she confronted the three sisters on stage. The lack of any visible signs of her ally filled her with dread.

“We ain’t seen your precious Batgirl, Wonder Bitch. What’s up, lose your little fuck-buddy?” Charity sneered.

“I’ve seen her, Char, she wears like a purple-blue costume with a Bat on the chest in yellow. You seen her too, remember? She was at the warehouse and then at Pop’s farm when we kidnapped Barbara Gordon.” Hope said helpfully.

“She means tonight, Hope…we ain’t seen her tonight” said Faith wearily.

“Oh…” Hope pondered for a moment “but I have…we got her…she’s tied up downstairs…” she said slyly.

“Oh, don’t talk crap, Hope! We ain’-“Charity began before Faith tried to interrupt her.

Char!” Faith hissed between her teeth but her elder sister carried on.

“-‘t seen your little love pal all-“

“Char!!” Faith said louder, desperately trying to quiet her sister.

“ - night, she ain’t been here and we aint seen her an’ if we had-“

CHAR!!!” Faith said louder still but Charity was in full flow.

“ - seen her we’d have fucked her over and beat her little Bat-brains out all over this here stage-“

CHAR!!!” Faith was almost shouting now but there was no stopping her.

“- an’ then we’d take a load of pictures of her fucked up little body and send ‘em to the cops and say ‘this is what you get when you cross us’. You see her up here? No? That’s right, cos we ain’t fucking got her!”

CHAR!!!!” Faith finally screamed.

“WHAT, FOR FUCKS SAKE?” Charity answered with a scream of her own.

“Char,” Faith said more normally, hissing once more between tight lips as she looked away “Hope was making a play…”

“What?” Charity said confused.

“Hope was making a play…pretending we had Batgirl to get the drop on this fucking do –gooder…” Faith hissed in a whisper.

“Oh…shit.” Charity said looking at her younger sister with something akin to awe. ”Never thought she had it in her…”she said quietly, more to herself than Faith.

“I know.”Faith said, shaking her head in amazement. “Was pretty sharp. An’ would’ve been sweet. But you blew it.”

“If you three jokers are quite finished…I take it you haven’t seen her…” said Wonder Woman tersely. That thought chilled her. Had Batgirl lost her nerve? Had she entered the theatre, seen the sisters and backed off? Was she even now cowering somewhere in the dark? No time to dwell on that awful thought at this moment.

“Well, you may not have seen her, but you will be seeing the inside of a police station. I don’t suppose you want to come quietly?” the Amazon asked.

“The only thing we do quietly is break-ins…” Charity retorted as the sisters spread out a little, as she hefted the remote control with a sly smile on her face. Hope giggled.

Wonder Woman sighed wearily, and assumed a defensive posture, raising both arms. But she was in truth still slightly distracted by thoughts of her young ally, and concerned that the proud female champion of Gotham may have not overcome her demons after all. It was pure bad luck that her first real criminal encounter back on patrol had involved the very three wicked sisters who had caused her injuries last time out.

The bizarre remote control was a concern too. There were no tv, dvd or sound systems immediately evident, which begged the question: just what did the control control?

“Ya know what? Let’s just fucking shoot the bitch…” said Charity as she drew a .38 from behind her back. Faith and Hope drew guns from their belts also and had circled around to surround the Amazon on three sides, with Charity at Wonder Woman’s 12 o’clock, Faith at the 6 and Hope at the 3 o’clock position. Wonder Woman walked forward slightly putting herself directly between Faith and Charity, still in a fighting stance, her fists raised but keeping an eye on Hope as she turned to face her.

“You do know you’re likely to hit each other in the crossfire don’t you?” she said to Charity and Faith, glancing at the two of them, who reconsidered their location nervously and awkwardly shuffled around, circling her to stand at the 10 and 2 position, with Wonder Woman having her back completely to Hope, now directly behind her.

She raised her bracelets high now, with her eyes locked solely on Faith and Charity.

“Oh yeah…you can like magic the bullets away or something right? “said Charity as she fired, only to see Wonder Woman deflect the shot with her bracelet. “Shit!”

Faith opened fire with a similar result.

“Most Impressive… but how ya gonna stop Hope’s shot…?” Charity said with a smirk. ”Give it up bitch.”

“Yeah, like you’d give a real gun to her” Said Wonder Woman contemptuously.

“Shit!” Charity bristled as the Amazon’s remark hit home, her cheeks flushing briefly with embarrassment.

“I AINT GOT A PROPER GUN ?!!” cried Hope in dismay. She pulled the trigger and nothing happened. “Awwwwwwww! No fair!” she said as she looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger again, thereby completely justifying Charity's decision not to arm her.

“Faith, let her have it !“ Charity shouted and the two sisters unleashed a barrage of shots, most of which would not have caused much trouble, as even at close range the girls weren’t the best of shots, but the Amazon deflected them anyway. Hope pulled the trigger twice to no effect then ducked and squatted, cowering with her hands over her ears, still clutching her own gun.

“You gals finished?” said Diana, nonchalantly. But she acknowledged mentally that one of them had one bullet left, but as she had been distracted as she deflected them she was unsure as to which sister it was.

Charity sighed heavily and reluctantly tucked the gun back in her waistband, unlike Faith, which answered Wonder Woman’s question. “Alright.” She nodded, determinedly, with a grudging respect ”You got skills, I’ll give you that. But I got skills too…”

“Doing great blow jobs ain’t gonna help us now, Char.” Hope pointed out, receiving a scathing look from her eldest sister, though Faith smirked.

Charity ignored her. She still had the remote in one hand as she raised the other in a Karate pose, her eyes locked on Wonder Woman. She kept flicking her gaze down subtly, checking the marks on the floor in relation to the Amazon. She was careful to only do it when she saw Diana checking on Faith and Hope’s position, so that she didn’t tip her hand. Faith still had her gun out and on the warrior woman whilst Hope just seemed completely at a loss as to what she should do. She saw Faith point the gun and pointed her own replica weapon too, before realising such an act was utterly pointless. She huffed to herself and then decided to throw the gun at Wonder Woman instead. Wonder Woman had repositioned herself, edging towards Hope so the younger sister had moved around to avoid her, moving towards Charity with Wonder Woman keeping the distance so that the younger sisters were flanking her to left and right, with Charity once again to her front. When Hope hurled the gun Wonder Woman just swayed her upper body back, out of the way. It sailed passed her and hit Faith on the shoulder.

“OWWW! YOU DUMB FUCK!” she cried, actually levelling the gun at her younger sister in reflex before she realised what she was doing. She lowered the weapon and rubbed her shoulder. Charity seized the moment to dart in, swinging a chop at the Amazon’s neck but again Wonder Woman dodged back lashing out with a palm that knocked the remote from Charity’s other hand. The bulky device slid across the stage.

“SHIT!” Charity cried. “Get her, you two!” she shouted as she hurried after it. As Hope stepped in, Wonder Woman grabbed her fist and wrist with her own two hands and pivoted, swinging the young girl over her hip so she landed on her back with an “OOOffff!!!” of surprise. Faith had swung a kick at Wonder Woman as she bent down as Hope landed, but the Amazon saw it out of the corner of her eye, just managing to pull up in time so it was just a glancing blow that was barely noticeable to her. She straightened, knocking the gun aside and hitting the middle sister with a blow to her neck that sent her staggering back. Hope didn’t bother to rise but rolled onto her front and grabbed Wonder Woman’s ankle. The move surprised the big woman and she stopped, startled before pulling her leg loose and kicking at Hope. But the young girl was faster than she looked and rolled aside, avoiding the blow. This left Wonder Woman off balance and Faith slammed into her with a cry of “Geronimo!” as she wrapped her arms around the upper body of the defender of justice. The two crashed to the ground, rolling around as they grappled briefly before Faith seemed to get the upper hand. She emerged on top, straddling the Amazon in triumph as she tried to grab the wrists and pin her down. Wonder Woman bucked and kicked up with her powerful thighs, sending the middle sister sailing through space to crash in to Charity with a ‘Oh-oohhh-oohhhhhh!!!Agh!' as she flew through the air and then clattered into her sister.

As Wonder Woman rolled onto one knee in a crouch facing the pile of Graces, Hope jumped on her from behind. She enveloped Wonder Woman in her arms with a shout of “Aha!!! Sitting Bull!” But being only slightly built, the Amazon was still able to rise, standing up with Hope still clinging to her. She reached behind her, grabbing Hope by the hair and the back of the head before bending double and flipping the young girl over her shoulder to again land on her back on the stage. For a second their eyes locked, looking at each other upside down as they both took a breath.

“You are way better than me at fighting.” Said Hope with respect. “I mean like, a different league…”

“Gee, thanks. Do yourself a favour and stay down.” Wonder Woman turned to face the older sisters. “She may be dumb but even she knows when it’s all over. Give it up you two.”

“Like hell! You wanna take us in? Then you gotta take us down!” Charity cried.

“Have it your way…” Wonder Woman sighed and made to move towards Charity.

“NOT SO FAST, YOU COCKY BITCH!!!” Charity cried as she pointed the remote and pressed a button.

Wonder Woman froze and tensed, alert for danger. It seemed she would finally find out what the remote actually did. It did nothing, apparently.

“What the hell?!!!” said Charity. “It doesn’t fucking work!!!”she said, again looking up at the Baby Spot lamp that was supposed to come crashing down on the Amazon. She frantically pressed the button again and again to no effect. Wonder Woman followed her gaze and guessed what was supposed to happen. “You FUCKING ASSHOLE!” Charity screamed at Faith,” You fucked it up!! It don’t work!!!”

“You’re the asshole – you don’t point it at the marks you point it at the control box, dipshit…” Faith said testily, annoyed that her handiwork had been criticised.

“Well, where the hell is that?!!!” Charity asked angrily.

“Over there, where it’s always fucking been!” Faith gestured with a sweep of her hand in the direction of the stage lighting console in the wings.

Charity pointed the remote towards the console and pressed the button.

There was a small fizz and a pop and the stage lamp came crashing down- to land harmlessly beside Wonder Woman who had simply stepped out of the way with a weary sigh.

“Goddammit, it missed!!” Charity cried angrily.

“WELL, DUH!!! She saw it coming thanks to you!” Faith retorted.

“Can I get up now?” Hope asked, still lying flat on her back.

“YES!!!” –“NO!!!” both sisters and Wonder Woman cried respectively in unison. Hope, confused, stayed where she was, nervous of everyone shouting at her.

Charity looked up, then pointed the remote and pressed another button, this time releasing a sandbag from the scenery rigging that fell just beside Wonder Woman with a heavy thud.

“Oh, for fucks sake!” Faith cried and lunged in at Wonder Woman, missing her with her fist and then again as she swung her gun as a club but found the Amazon ducking below it, before ending with another kick - but Faith was caught by her ankle and spun away to land on the floor.

Charity pressed another button and a thunder-flash exploded, surprising the Amazon briefly. But without it being part of a concerted attack it served no purpose. She coughed slightly, covering her mouth with a hand and then waved it, wafting the smoke away. She had feared for an instant that it was a knockout gas attack, but it proved harmless.

“Was that it? Christ, Faith that was shit! I thought it’d be like a freakin’ grenade or something not a damned party popper …” Charity said bitterly.

“A grenade? Since when-the-fuck do theatres have grenades?” Faith said defensively.

Wonder Woman avoided another sand bag and a second stage flash which only succeeded in forcing her back temporarily and was just thinking that the remote was nothing to worry about after all when Charity levelled it at the console with a cry of delight.

“This will highlight your short comings! “ she said with relish as she pushed the button.

This time the explosion releasing whatever was about to fall was much louder. Wonder Woman stepped off to her right and turned, looking up into the dark interior above the stage with alarm.

There was a second of silence before a ‘whoosh’ noise as something heavy plunged out of the darkness. But it wasn’t heading for Wonder Woman.

Hope screamed as the lighting gantry plummeted towards her, where she still lay flat on her back. Her eyes were wide with terror as the rig of lights and filters dropped like a stone straight towards her, swinging down from one end, where it was still secured, in an arc.

Wonder Woman didn’t hesitate and threw herself unthinkingly across Hope’s head and chest protecting the young girl with her own body. It was a selfless act that saved the young girl’s life but was to cost the Amazon dearly.

The rig slammed into her back and shoulders as she shielded Hope’s upper body, catching a glancing blow to the back and side of her head, the firm metal of her tiara only offering limited protection as the heavy metal corner of the rig struck Diana forcibly just behind and above the ear, the stanchions of the rig falling heavily across her back and shoulders with a sickeningly dull thump, knocking the wind out of her before they fell onto the floor. Her arms were wrapped protectively over Hope’s exposed head and her own cheek was pressed against the young girl’s. She blinked in shock at the impact, her body rigid as she was stunned. The blow had knocked her sick to the core with the force of its impact. Her strength left her and she briefly collapsed on top of Hope, still conscious but dazed, her eyes wide with surprise as her open mouth gasped for breath as she was winded.

“Thanks Wondie! I owe you one!” Hope giggled. “Ooooh I can feel her breath on my boobies…its’ kinda nice…” she said happily as she pushed Wonder Woman’s head down onto her chest.

“SHE’S DOWN!!! GET HER!!” Charity whooped with glee as her and Faith closed in on the fallen hero.

“H-UUUUuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhh” the Amazon sighed as she struggled to recover from the blow, Charity’s cry acting like a call to arms for the stricken champion.

Dazed and groggy, Wonder Woman raised herself off of Hope on all fours, desperately trying to react to the threat she could hear approaching behind her. But she had little strength left. The blow from the rig would have killed or broken the back of any normal person but her superior physicality had saved her. But now…she was hopelessly exposed to the Grace sisters’ attack. Her head hung down, her rich dark hair cascading down to the floor, partially covering Hope, as she stared down at the back of her own hand on the floor as she tried to comprehend her situation, with all the while the youngest Grace sister grinning up at her.

She suddenly felt an arm around her neck, the elbow choking her, hauling her backwards, half upright on her knees, as Hope grabbed one hand at the wrist and Faith pulled back on the other. She tried to gather her senses but a hand was clamped over her mouth pinching her nostrils closed between thumb and forefinger. Dazed as she was, she desperately needed oxygen, needed to breathe, to clear her head, to focus, to plan, to counter attack, but with the arm lock around her throat and Charity’s other hand clamping her mouth shut and covering her nose there was nothing she could do. Hope wriggled up onto her knees facing the Amazon, still with both hands tightly holding her wrist. Wonder Woman summoned what strength she could and gradually hauled her hand up to grasp at the elbow around her neck despite Hope trying to hold her hand back. With a titanic effort, she pulled her other arm up to grip the wrist at her throat as Faith tried with her one hand to keep her from doing so. There was something significant about Faith only holding her with one hand but in her groggy state she couldn’t work out what it was. Each second she struggled the suffocating grip over her face was making her weaker. She tried to turn and twist her head free but the vice-tight grip of the arm locked around her neck prevented much movement.

“MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!” her muffled cries of despair filtered through Charity’s fingers, but still she could barely breathe.

She dug deep, focussing her befuddled mind on a plan of action –she would slump, relax ,make them think she was beaten and then erupt, breaking free with a- she felt the cold metal barrel of Faith’s gun press deep and painfully into her breast, over her heart, cruelly interrupting her thoughts of escape. She froze, tormented by the realisation that her desperate courage would not be enough.

“THE SLIGHTEST PEEP OUTTA YOU…AN’ YOU’RE HISTORY” Faith said hotly in her ear, smiling.”Gonna have some fun fucking you over…” she whispered.

Wonder Woman swallowed painfully, desperately trying to see a way out, but she recognised she was feeling too weak to break the hold; all she could truly see was Hope’s inanely smiling face before her, and that was blurring as she was on the edge of unconsciousness. As the seconds ticked by her resistance lessened, her agonizing fight for breath diminished, as her hope, too, faded. The fingers, clamped like a vice over her mouth and nose, denied her screaming lungs the air they craved. Already winded by the blow from the lighting gantry, then choked and suffocated, there was nothing she could do in her weakened state, physically overpowered as she was. Were she her normal self, she could have broken free; but now she realised with a rising sense of dread and panic that they had her. The sickening impact from the lighting rig had proved too much, even for her. She could feel herself weaken, her hands losing their grip on the crushing forearm at her throat, the fingers slowly straightening, slipping, before her hands fell limply away. Her eyelids started to flutter as Hope’s image blurred, the theatre swimming crazily around the periphery of her vision before her eyes rolled up in their sockets and closed, the laughter of the sisters filling her ears, echoing in her head like a scream. At last her head, still held rigidly, slumped in Charity’s arms. Her body finally went limp and sagged, prompting Charity to at last release her and she pitched forward into Hope, who let her body slide down her own, to land face first on the floor of the stage with a dull thump, partially on her side.

The three sisters rose, standing slowly, all smiling at each other as they breathed heavily after the exertions of the fight.

“Well…that went well.” Said Charity as she stood hands on hips, staring down in triumph at the crumpled prone body of her stricken enemy.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Yay, new update! :D

Loved the handsmothering ;)

Looking forward to more :)
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The chapter is very good, looking forward to see more
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Tallyho -- I have to say, though I came late to the party on this series of yours, I am enthralled with what you've done. Great scenes, great peril, excellent characters in believable fight scenes over and over. Stellar work.
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This is too good to not finish the trilogy, right?
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I'm glad you think so. On 4th installment now, be up by Wed.
I've been 're-editing ' the 2nd Grace story to get rid of the whole tenses issue that was annoying me (and some of you) and done the same on some of 1st story too.

Thanks for the very kind words all, I do want to emphasise now that some of the ideas I will be writing down belong to others, and I will give full credits if not thru the story then at the end to those who have contributed.

If any have other ideas on the story you can still pm me - I can't promise to use them all but I will, where I can, fit them in to the framework of the story.

Even if you hate it please post or pm to tell me why, it's the only way I will get better.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Wonder Woman has fallen foul of the three sisters, risking her own safety to save Hope Grace, only for the sisters to callously attack her. But of Batgirl there is no sign…

“She dead?” asked Hope.

“Nope. Just out for the count. Dumb bitch. Fucking risked her ass to save Hope. How about that, huh? Fightin’ us one minute, saving her dumb ass the next. Dumb fucking bitch” Charity shook her head.

“Yeah…speaking of which …what the FUCK were you doing, dropping that lighting rig? You coulda killed her!” Faith challenged her elder sister, swinging an arm to encompass Hope.

Charity looked guiltily at Hope. “She coulda got outta the way, no problem…”

“I coulda what?” said Hope.

“You coulda rolled.” Charity insisted.

“Why would I have rolled?” Hope asked.

“To get out of the way!” Charity shouted.

“Of what?” said Hope.

“The lighting platform thing!” Charity gestured.

“Why would I do that?” asked a puzzled Hope.

“So it didn’t HIT YOU!”

“But it didn’t hit me…?”

“I know, beca- aww never mind.” Charity sighed in frustration. ”Dumb fuck” she muttered.

“You’re the dumb fuck, you coulda killed her…” Faith said under her breath.

“Anyway, it’s done now and it all came good…”Charity said hastily changing the subject. “Now, how about a li’l fun with her, huh? Check out that booty beneath them star spangled briefs! And them mammaries o’ hers! Wow! And soon we can check out some Wonder Pussy…”

“Dibs on the pussy!” called Hope.

“Dibs on the titties!” called Faith.

“What the? You can’t call dibs!” Charity cried.

“Just did.” Faith said smugly. “ You still get her ass…” she smiled at Hope. “Nice an’ peachy.”

“Yeah? Well Einstein, all bets are off. Bat bitch is still out there somewhere…we’re gonna have to find her first. So dibs don’t count.”

Batgirl was indeed still at large. As she had explored the back rooms of the theatre with her infra-red night visor on her cowl, she had become disorientated. Somehow as she had worked her way towards the stage she had managed to miss the stage door completely, instead moving through the props department, dressing rooms and scenery stores before following a corridor that she thought would take her to the stage but instead came out at the front of the house, a staff door near the ticket booth in the lobby. The prolonged use of the night visor was making her nauseous. She felt disorientated, nervous and unsettled. Even more so when she had realised she was a little lost as to where she thought she had been heading and the reality of where she emerged. She was jittery and wary of what lay in each darkened shadow. Her mouth was dry and her heart was beating furiously as the adrenalin and excitement gripped her. But there was also a touch of fear. She wouldn’t admit it to herself, but when she heard the flash bangs, then the crash as the sand bags fell and then the louder bang as the lighting rig dropped and struck Wonder Woman, she had jumped. Then she had spun around, mouth open and eyes wide with surprise and she had almost, almost cried out. The one point of reassurance she could take from the moment was that her fists had come up instinctively in a defensive gesture. As she had spun at the noise, she had frozen, wide-eyed, mouth open, holding her breath at what she might find behind her – only to find nothing. Her gaze had then fallen on her raised fists, clenched white-knuckle tight in her satin gauntlets. But the point was, they were there, ready for action. And so was she.

Having found her bearings now in the foyer and with the noise obviously coming from the auditorium, she decided on a course of action. She would approach from above, from the direction they would never expect, whoever they might be. ‘The Gods’, the top tier of seating, would be too high, too far removed from the action to hear what was happening and to see it. No, she would observe from the Grand Circle, one floor up from the foyer, working her way around in the darkness, observing the thugs below and whatever they were up to. With a new sense of resolve she headed for the stairs.

As Batgirl wrestled her demons in the dark of the foyer, and the Graces debated what part of Wonder Woman each would get, the Amazon herself was far from finished. Once the choke hold had been released and the hand smothering her was removed, she had been able to breathe normally, albeit shallowly in her comatose state, and each breath had brought her back towards wakefulness.

As the Graces decided to look for Batgirl, the female warrior started to stir. With a low moan she started to raise her head.

"Uuuuuuggggghhhhh. Huh?"

“SHIT! She ain’t out! Get her!” Charity cried. Faith immediately drew her pistol, but Hope ran forward blocking the shot as Wonder Woman turned over onto her side. Hope landed a cruel kick to the jaw of the large woman, knocking her back before diving on top of her, where they grappled.

Faith raised her eyebrows as she lowered her revolver, as a shot was now impossible. “Spunky l’il monkey today, ain’t she?” she said in surprise, turning to Charity.

“Ye-ah…” Charity said before the body of Hope was hurled into the two sisters.

Faith’s gun flew from her grasp as she landed flat on her back with an “OOOFFFF!

All three sisters were left panting for a moment as winded they recovered their breath.

“Get off of me!” Charity growled at Hope as they all struggled to their feet, once more grabbing the remote as she did so.

“You two get her… I got a plan…” Charity hissed as Wonder Woman too got to her feet.

“Them deep breaths are gonna be your last.” said Faith.

The Amazon was still a bit groggy; her body ached from where the lighting gantry had struck her, and she was still, as Faith had observed, a little breathless. In fact she had no breath for any pithy comebacks as the younger sisters squared off against her and all three women just stood staring at each other, panting heavily. Charity had retreated to the wings, where she stood with the remote at the ready and one hand on the switches of the scenery and lighting controls.

Faith threw a kick at the Amazon’s ribs, but she caught it easily.

“Awwwww, SHIT!!!” Faith said hopping on the spot.

“HA-HA! You been caught!” Hope laughed, pointing at her.

“Get her, you dopey dumbass!” Faith said, sparking Hope to step in towards the Amazon, fist drawn back to throw a punch. But Wonder Woman had been waiting for the move and swung Faith easily by the leg into her younger sibling, knocking both sisters to the ground. She marched over to where they landed and planted a short, sharp punch to the jaw of each of them, dazing them both.

With a grim expression she turned on Charity. “You’re next.” she said as she marched towards her.

“Bring it on, asshole. Fact is, I got you juuussst where I want ya.” Charity looked above the Amazon’s head as she raised the remote control. Instinctively Wonder Woman too looked up, tensed and ready for anything. But this time the real threat was from below.

As Charity pretended to press the remote control she waited a second for the Amazon to follow her gaze up – just as she knew she would -it was only then that she triggered the stage trap door.

The Paradise Island Princess fell through, completely taken by surprise, her body slamming into the edge of the stage as she dropped. The blow winded her but her lightning reflexes allowed her to spread her arms wide, one elbow lodging on the stage, slowing her down as she fell through, enabling her to grab the stage edge exposed by the trap door with her other hand, her body swinging as it dangled in thin air beneath the stage. She had no idea what horrors they may have rigged up for her in the darkness below and so she daren’t take the risk of dropping in to the unknown.

She hauled herself with difficulty back up onto the stage, but she only got as far as both elbows and her shoulders clear, the stage beneath her armpits, as she fought to get back onto her feet. But a black leather thigh-length boot filled her vision. She froze and raised her head slowly as Charity swung a vicious kick to her jaw that snapped her head back to land with a sickening thud against the edge of the open trapdoor.

“UUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” she cried as, knocked senseless, her body fell like a stone into the blackness below.

“HUUUUUHHHH!” Gasped Batgirl in shock and panic from the darkness of the Grand Circle balcony, wide-eyed as she saw her ally fall. She had been confident that the Amazon had the beating of the three sisters, having come upon the scene after Wonder Woman had stood, recovering from the choke hold. Batgirl saw no sense of urgency as she prepared her small grapple hook on the gun launcher, ready to fire it into the mass of walkways over the stage and then swing down in triumph to join her ally. But Wonder Woman had surprised her with the speed with which she had dealt with the two younger sisters and now that she was in trouble, Batgirl was surprised again. Surprised and unprepared. She hurried to fix the grapple hook and fire it , a sense of building fear engulfing her as she worried that she might be too late. The thought that Wonder Woman could be bested by the sisters had never entered her mind. Her confidence had surged when she had first sighted the Amazon, so much so that even when she realized it was none other than the Grace sisters confronting her, she didn’t really care. She had known instinctively that the two of them could handle them, and in fact Wonder Woman on her own was more than a match for the vile sisters. But now…now Wonder Woman was down, maybe injured and suddenly it was all down to her…suddenly she was on her own…suddenly… she was no longer afraid. Anger gave her strength, her rage gave her courage. She would get them. She would make them pay. She would save Wonder Woman and bring the wrong doers to justice. Because now, once more she really was Batgirl. No more timidity. No more uncertainty. No more hesitating. Do or die. ‘Do’ obviously was her preferred choice. Despite the situation, she smiled grimly at the thought.

She fired the Batgrapple gun with a 'phhhffffftttt' as the compressed air shot the hook and line sailing high into the gantries above the stage, hearing the clatter and rattle as it hit home. Charity heard it too and looked up into the darkness above the stage. It was just the distraction Batgirl needed. She stood on the edge of the circle balcony, testing the hold of the line and then swung gracefully down, her purple cape splaying out behind her, to land on the stage perfectly, lightly on her feet, where she stood, legs planted and fists clenched, knuckles on hips, as she confronted Charity. Off to her left the other sisters groggily started to stir.

“Awww, HELL !!!” said Charity as she turned back and jumped with a start as she saw the young law upholder standing aggressively before her.

“How sweet. You remember me.” said the young Angel of Gotham with iron in her voice and steel in her gaze. Batgirl was back. And she had to admit, it felt good.
Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Hell yeah, Batgirl's back and she's going to be in trouble in no time! :D
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No comment.
(But I wouldn't bet against it! ;) )
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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This chapter was good, we batgirl back and also want to know what will happen with wonder woman downstairs
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Wonder Woman has been knocked out by the sisters, plunging through a trap door in the stage into the darkness below. But Batgirl has found her courage and swung down onto the stage to rescue her ally, where she now confronts Charity Grace…

“Oh, how could I forget you, YOU LITTLE BITCH?!!! You’re the reason we had to go to Mexico. And I hate tacos!” spat Charity venomously as she squared up to the masked law upholder.

Batgirl shook her head in bewilderment, pursing her lips contemptuously. As Charity raised her fists, she too assumed a fighting stance and beneath her mask she narrowed her eyes as she evaluated Charity’s options. She looked at her opponents feet; planted well apart, possibly ready for a kick, probably with the leading left leg which would mean a blow against her right side; Charity’s fists were high, right hand held back, possibly to-

OOOFFFF!” Batgirl cried in shock as Charity threw a straight left jab right through Batgirl’s guard with lightning speed, catching her full on the chin and snapping her head back. The young protector of the innocent staggered back, her eyes wide with surprise beneath her cowl as she blinked profusely, her mouth open wide with shock.

The only person more surprised than her by the blow was Charity, who was so shocked she failed to follow up her advantage as she had fully expected Batgirl to block her strike.

Batgirl panted heavily as she straightened, rubbing her jaw ruefully. She needed to be way sharper than that in both her assessments of her opponents and her reactions. She had been caught once, she would not be caught again.

“Well, someone’s off their game…” Charity smiled as a glance revealed her sisters were now on their feet and about to join her in the struggle. Batgirl saw them too, but with somewhat less enthusiasm.

“You get one free one, Charity. And that was it.” Batgirl said defiantly. Her eyes flicked quickly to the other sisters.

“Just shoot the bitch Faith.” Hope suggested.

“I would love to, but somebody KNOCKED MY FREAKING GUN OUTTA MY HAND!!!” Faith glared at her younger sister, who looked away guiltily.

“Girls, girls. Let’s not fight amongst ourselves. Not when we can be teaching this bitch a lesson.” Charity stepped forward suddenly and finally swung the kick at Batgirl’s right hand side.

Batgirl blocked it easily with a lowered forearm but suddenly doubled up as Faith toe poked her in the stomach. She saw the unexpected kick just at the last minute and skidded back on her toes, minimizing the impact but not avoiding it completely. Hope swung a right a second later that she barely blocked in time.

Batgirl was starting to get worried. The training was one thing, but punch bags didn’t hit back. In a real situation, she was proving way off the mark, and she knew it. Her mouth was dry as she licked her lips nervously as the sisters advanced on her again, her heart racing. This time she tried to take charge, darting forward to intercept Charity, but she ducked the blow and landed a gut punch of her own that doubled the young Guardian of Gotham up for an instant, which made the kick from Hope to her jaw even more powerful, so that it propelled her backwards, arms flailing .

She staggered back and had just about recovered her balance, when Faith closed on her. Batgirl threw two quick, panicky blows, both wide of the mark and was caught squarely on the jaw by a right cross from the middle sister. This time she landed face down on her forearms, gasping in shock, braced on her palms, breathing heavily. Now she was scared. She rolled off to her right and skipped up on to her feet, fumbling in the pouches of her Batbelt for something that would even the odds. But as she did so the sisters closed again. This time Batgirl met Charity with a jump and a scissors kick that finally connected, catching her a glancing blow that struck her neck and jaw just below the ear and spun her back to land on the stage. Batgirl ducked a wild right from Hope and was just starting to feel confident again when Faith smashed a huge left hook into her face that knocked her off her feet. She flew off to her left and landed face down in a stunned heap, her Batspray, retrieved from her belt rolled from her hand off out of reach. She could hear it rolling into the darkness of the wings but had no idea where it went. She could taste the warm, sickly- salty taste of blood in her mouth. She could feel it smeared over teeth and a warm trickle coming from the corner of her mouth.

She shook her head, trying to clear it, then found herself rolling instinctively to her left just in time to avoid a stamped stiletto heel from Hope. She was now face down, half raised on her palms and toes, her feet towards Charity and Faith, with Hope off to her right. She bent her knees into a low crouch and instead of rising with her back to them loped around on her finger tips, turning about on the spot to face them as they closed on her.

She was losing. That blow from Faith had hurt her, she knew. Her vision was still slightly blurred and she stayed hunched to the floor, panting, regaining her composure, licking away the trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. But she wasn’t finished yet. Charity and Faith moved towards her and she charged towards them in a low, crouched gait. She shouldered into Faith first, catching her in her gut, her bodyweight knocking into Faith’s hip and catching her off balance. But as she closed on Charity a split second later, the older sister raised her knee unexpectedly, just missing full contact with her head but striking a glancing blow against the side of her cowl.

“Unnnnggghhhh!!!!” cried Batgirl as she fell off to the side, her own charging momentum speeding her on as she slid several feet across the wooden boards of the stage on her shoulder and hip. She stayed down, wide eyed behind her mask as the sisters gathered to face her again, as she caught her breath.

“Hey…she’s kinda crap today, don’t ya think? Maybe Batgirl did die and that’s why she ain’t been seen an’ now this little fucker is tryin’ to take her place. Well, let’s show the bitch what it means to be a hero…” Charity said with relish.

Batgirl jumped to her feet and went onto the attack, swinging a roundhouse at Hope who deftly ducked under the leg, slamming her fist into Batgirl’s defenceless crotch even as Batgirl’s foot connected with a rather surprised Faith’s head. Hope emerged triumphant from beneath the swinging leg, smiling down as Batgirl crumpled and Faith collapsed into Charity.

All fight left the law enforcer as she clutched her stricken loins, her mouth agape, her eyes wide with pain and shock as she recoiled and then sank to her knees as she clamped her gauntleted hands over her sex, her head flung back as she stared in surprise and horror up into the darkness above the stage, before her shoulders slowly hunched forward and her eyes screwed up as she winced in pain, her head slumping down onto her chest.

Faith hadn’t fared much better as she slumped, dazed, into Charity who caught her beneath the arms.

“Whoa! Easy there, slugger!” she said slightly amused to her younger sister.

“W-what the fuck happened? Did we win?” Faith said shakily.

“Not yet.” Said Charity looking at the crimefighter slumped on her knees, holding her crotch. “But we’re getting there. Nice one, Hope darlin’.”

“Did you see me get her? I got her real good! Did you say me, Faith?!”

“I just saw a purple boot. Came from nowhere…”

Hope looked a little guilty and stayed quiet.

Oh-aaaaaaagggghhhhhh!” Batgirl gasped in pain from the low blow. She felt sick to her stomach, but knew she had to go beyond the pain and try to stand. She was a sitting duck here on her knees; at least on her feet she had options.

She struggled to rise and whirled away tottering on her feet, knees together for a few steps before she trotted more forcefully, bracing herself briefly against the table, swallowing hard as she began to recover. She turned as she heard the sisters start to come after her, swayed out of the way of a punch from Charity and landed a weak blow of her own that caught Hope on the cheek. Faith was still dazed at the back of the pack, posing no immediate threat.

She blocked a series of combinations from Charity with her gauntlets, breathing heavily and backing away as much as she could. The pain down below was lessening with each passing second, but she still felt sick as a dog and weak as a kitten. She gulped down the rising tide of nausea. She ducked a blow and pushed Charity back into Hope, seizing the few seconds respite to fumble in her Batbelt for something to even the odds. But as the sisters advanced and she rushed to get a Batarang, ‘fumble’ proved an apt description as she dropped it as it snagged on the edge of the pouch as she failed to clear it properly as she brought it out.

“Oh-OH – OH NO!” she cried as her fear and panic rose, as she backed away, scrabbling for something else, ANYTHING that she could use. Her confidence evaporated. She grimaced as she blocked a blow from Hope, grabbing the young girl and flinging her into Charity, but as her upper body rotated her shoulders were enveloped by Faith in an encompassing bear hug as she lifted a squirming Batgirl up off the ground, trying to crush her. Batgirl kicked out, ineffectually gasping for breath before flinging back her head, slamming it into Faith’s face with enough force for her to drop the crimefighter. Batgirl had barely landed on her toes before she had to duck a wild swing from Hope, lashing out with a more accurate blow of her own. But suddenly Faith grabbed her from behind again, this time securing both elbows, dragging them back behind Batgirl’s body where Faith was able to reaffirm her grip, locking them in place by sliding her own arms behind Batgirl’s back so that Faiths’ elbows were across Batgirl’s own, pulling her close to Faiths’ body.

“What the-? No!” cried Batgirl desperately as she realized she was in danger of being pinned. She bucked away from Faiths’ body, pushing with her butt first into Faith’s thighs and then arching forwards with her pelvis, pushing her shoulders into Faiths’ chest. She tried again to swing her head back into Faiths’ face, but the Grace sister was ready this time, moving her head easily out of the way.

As Batgirl writhed and gyrated Charity slowly moved to stand before her. Batgirl expected a punch to her abdomen but was caught completely by surprise as Charity just stood there smiling, inviting Batgirl to lash out with a kick – but it was a move she had anticipated. She swayed her upper body out of the way and deftly caught Batgirl’s foot by the heel, and held it, leaving Batgirl now standing awkwardly on one leg, still with her arms held back behind her. She was virtually defenceless.

MMMMpppphhuuhhhh-gaaaaa!” Batgirl gasped as she struggled desperately. “UH-HUH!!!

When the blow came it was with sickening force. Charity stepped in close, still holding the ankle and as Batgirl squirmed in Faith’s grip, she brought up her knee in a vicious blow straight between Batgirl’s inner thighs.

Batgirl sagged instantly in Faith’s grip, as all strength left her, her supporting leg folding at the knee as she felt a nauseous wave of pain engulf her body, rippling up through the floor of her pelvis, numbing her groin, forming a ball of weakness in the core of her being. Her eyes were bulging as a strand of blood and saliva escaped from her wide open mouth as her head quivered on her taut neck muscles. An instant later, pins and needles engulfed her loins as a crippling numbness spread out, moving up through her ass cheeks as well as through the lips of her labia as it fanned out from the seat of her pelvis. She felt her gut spasm as she retched, mercifully dryly; the massive jolt to her circulatory system as the blood flow was momentarily interrupted causing her to feel giddy and swoon. She slumped as Charity idly flicked her fingers up, flipping Batgirl’s held foot up into the air and then letting it drop, straight legged to the floor of the stage.

Batgirl’s head sank until her chin was on her chest. Her vision blurred as spots appeared before her eyes as her jarred nerve endings misfired under the force of the blow, her ears ringing with the internal scream of her own body.

Faith finally let her body drop to the floor where she curled up foetally as she lay on her side, her arms jerkily finding a home between her thighs, clutching her aching pussy, almost on autopilot, desperate to try and ease her pain, to find or provide some kind of comfort, to ease her terrible distress. She rolled her forehead against the wood as she buried her head into the stage, tears pricking her eyes now screwed up in pain.This was the low blow of all low blows that she had ever suffered.

“Can’t I hit her too?” Hope said, disappointedly.

“Sure. Knock yourself out. Better yet, knock her out.” Said Charity as Faith sniggered.

Hope landed a cruel kick to Batgirl’s curved back, right at the base of the spine that made her straighten and arch with a “NNNNNGGGGHHHH!” cry through clenched teeth.

Her body slumped on its side, her head to the floor as she lay gasping, all three Grace sisters standing over her. Charity landed a powerful kick to her gut, knocking the breath from her body and again forcing her into the foetal position.

Batgirl again fought the waves of nausea as she grimaced, her teeth set on edge, tears in her eyes. Her situation was desperate. Desperate, and hopeless. She was breathless from Charity’s kick and as the three stood around her she was powerless to stop them doing as they wished. And they wished to see her suffer. For long moments a seemingly endless flurry of hard and vicious kicks rained down on her exposed body. Blows to her back would force her to straighten before blows to her stomach would force her to double up before blows to her head would leave her stunned. As limited sense came back to her as the terrible effects of the low blow faded, she tried to bring up her hands and forearms to protect her head and upper body. Some of the blows were absorbed on her upper arms and forearms but too many still got through. Her groans and cries seemed to egg on the vicious trio that stood about her. Finally she seemed to become almost numb to the pain of the blows that did get through. Suddenly a particularly heavy blow from Hope forced its way through her protecting forearms and slammed into her jaw, whipping her head back with a sickening force that left her dazed and stunned. Her half raised arms finally collapsed, all protection now gone as she groaned feebly and slumped onto her back. Her head rolling slightly as her eyes slowly closed beneath the cowl.

Charity stepped forward and spat ferociously down onto her cheek, the spittle landing partially into her open mouth as her head became still. It mixed with the thin trickle of blood from her nose and her mouth. Faith then landed a last kick to her ribs that caused her to double up onto her side, more in reflex than by action. Hope’s last blow caught her on her shoulder and knocked her flat, face down, panting heavily, one arm straight, her hand by her butt, the other bent at the elbow, her clawed hand beside her mouth, the fingers moving feebly as her stunned body struggled to decide what to do, how to respond, how to fight back. Her back was rising and falling with each desperate breath as it struggled to draw life into her lungs, her breasts squashing flat into the hard wooden stage.

Charity smiled down at her nemesis, prone and helpless at her feet. “The bitch has had it. So much for Batgirl.” She laughed.

“What now then, Char?” Hope asked.

“Well, there’s all them magician’s props back there, in back of the stage. An’ we got chains an’ all kindsa straps and shackles too. And then we got two dumb fuck bitches who’ve sworn to bring us to justice or die tryin’. Well, I say we let them keep that oath. We’ll tie ‘em up, we’ll tie ‘em down and we’ll fuck ‘em all ways around the world, an’ then we’ll have a little magic show of our own.”

“No, I meant what are we gonna do with Batgirl and Wonder Woman Char, not those other two.” Hope said.

Faith sighed. “THAT’S who she means Hope. We’re gonna torture them with those magic tricks” she rubbed her hands with glee. “Gonna be kinda cool!”

“YEAH! Well , unless that weird Wonder Witch has already died. Probably had a helluva fall down there…” Charity said.

As the sisters had talked above her, Batgirl had barely heard them. She was staring unfocussed, glassy eyed across the stage as she tried to comprehend that she was going to die, cruelly raped and murdered by the very people she was trying to bring to justice. Her brave young heart was filled with nothing but despair as it raced inside her breast, its raging beat sending pulses that throbbed in the veins at her temples, pressed tight and constricted beneath her cowl. And then she saw it. Just as Wonder Woman was mentioned by Charity.

The ‘it’ in question was nothing. A dark, empty space of blackness; a forbidding, squarish hole where Wonder Woman had fallen through the stage and disappeared. Where even now, some twenty or thirty feet below her she may be lying dead or dying. The thought filled the caped crusader with rage. A dark, terrible rage that cast aside her morals; that cared nothing for her oath to uphold the law; a rage that screamed for vengeance for the fallen Amazon. And it was a cry that Batgirl could not ignore. Her breathing slowed as she regained control and ironically that helped convince the Grace sisters that she had finally passed out. She stared at the hole in the stage, lying motionless as the sisters stood above her and debated which of the stage props they would utilize on them, and her in particular.

But with each passing second she felt better, and could feel the sick sensation easing as her anger produced adrenalin that revitalized her. But she realized something else too. She knew now where she had gone wrong. She had been over analyzing, fighting more as Barbara than as Batgirl. She needed to switch off, to read the situations instinctively rather than deliberately trying to read them. That was where she had been going wrong, that was why she had been slow and off her game. She needed to fight and react on reflex.

Suddenly her aches and injuries were as nothing to her. She seemed capable of almost switching off the parts of her body that hurt, of just channelling her adrenalin and anger such that the pain didn’t matter. She could still function, but above all, she could still fight. And fight she would.

Her glazed, teary eyes focussed and became sly and sharp as she cast a glance from the corner of her eye. A faint trace of a smile spread to her lips. They had beaten Barbara, but Batgirl would take them down.

Like lightning she swept her feet around to her right, taking Hope’s legs out from under her. She was up in a half sitting position before Hope’s body had hit the floor and tuned to land a double punch into the all too exposed belly of each of the older sisters. She rose and stood, then skipped up with both knees alternately connecting first with Charity’s forehead with one leg then landing as the right knee came up to hit Faith’s jaw. Standing fully now, she didn’t even need to look behind her as she flung her right foot backwards, her heel smacking into Hope’s head with stunning effect. All aches were gone and her confidence was resurgent as she brought her arms up, elbows bent , fists clenched in a fighting stance as she faced the older Grace’s. Her spatial awareness was perfect as behind her she could hear Hope’s body land heavily on the stage as she lay on her back, panting. One down, two to go.

“Round two, ladies?” she said raising an eyebrow, although it was unseen beneath her cowl.

“H-HEY ! She ain’t out!” Faith said, genuinely surprised.

“Well no shit, Sherlock!” cried Charity sitting upright holding her head.

As she struggled to rise, Batgirl landed a right footed half-roundhouse to her jaw, knocking her flat. She then landed lightly on her feet as Faith struggled onto hers. They squared up, but Faith still seemed slightly dazed. Batgirl had no intention of letting her recover. She feigned a left kick then a right each time forcing Faith to bend to block a blow that never came. Each time Faith moved back slightly. Batgirl repeated the feigned attacks, noting Faith tiring and then landed a crisp one- two to her jaw before hitting her with a left and right kick as Faith closed up her arms protectively in front of her head. The blows to her ribs unsteadied her and as she tottered, her defensively raised arms spread out wider for balance and that was when Batgirl thrust straight through the flimsy guard to connect full on to Faith’s jaw with the heel of her hand. Faith’s head snapped back as she teetered unsteadily and then collapsed. Batgirl then turned as Charity closed on her, ducked a wildly swung punch and landed two of her own to Charity’s torso, doubling her up before she laced her fingers and brought down her hands in a clubbing blow to the back of Charity’s neck that laid her out cold. As she fell, face down with a groan onto the stage, Batgirl turned to deal with Hope.

“Hey that’s my sister!” Hope said as she moved forward.

Batgirl backed away slightly, not in fear but just to give herself more room to manoeuvre. As Hope drew level with Charity she looked down at her older sister.

“Is she like, dead or just out of it? So like, say for example…someone were to kick her now, when she’s like that…she wouldn’t know it was me…I mean who done it, she wouldn’t know who had done it, right?”

“She’s just out cold.” Batgirl said, smiling as Hope landed a little dig into her sister’s ribs with her right boot. But then she remembered Wonder Woman and her smile faded. “Give it up Hope, it’s over.”

“It’s never over until the Fat Lady eats everything!” said Hope rather bizarrely.

As she closed, Batgirl ducked left, then right, avoiding two clumsy punches. As she emerged from beneath Hope’s swinging arm she landed a precise knuckle punch that hit Hope on the solar plexus. She stopped and instantly sat, dropping onto her ass in a second, gasping breathlessly. Batgirl swung her knee into her jaw and the young girl fell back unconscious.

Hiiiii- YAHHHH!” Batgirl cried as she landed the blow, a little Miss Piggy-ish but it felt good to release the tension.

Batgirl froze, still in fighting pose, feet planted apart, arms raised, fists clenched. She looked around at all three sisters who were all spark out. She slowly started to relax her tensed body, nodding in grim satisfaction and allowing herself a sly smile of triumph, before her thoughts turned to her ally.

She knew that really she should secure them. But that would take time, and she knew too that after Wonder Woman’s fall she might be in urgent need of medical attention where every second might count. She ran to the open trap door and glanced down, flipping her night vision visor down on her mask briefly to see into the darkened gloom beneath the stage. She could just about make out Wonder Woman’s body lying across the bottom of the lift pad for this trap door. She flipped the visor back up, cast a glance at the stage console to her right and effortlessly retrieved and threw a Batarang the twenty or so feet with precise accuracy that hit the ‘lift’ switch for the one trap door that was showing as ’open’. Sure enough, there was a whirring noise and below her Wonder Woman’s body started to rise slowly. She smiled beneath her mask and gave a little nod of satisfaction as the lift rose. As it did so, behind Batgirl, Faith started to groggily come to. As Wonder Woman’s body neared the open trap door as the stage lift ascended, Batgirl sat, her butt on the edge of the open trap door, her feet dangling. As it came nearer to the top she dropped down lightly to land astride the Amazon, then picked her up beneath the arms and with difficulty positioned the bigger woman more fully onto the lift platform so she wouldn’t hit her arms or legs on the stage, holding her in a half sitting position. The lift came all the way up and then stopped with a jolt. As Batgirl gently laid the Amazon down she seemed completely oblivious to Faith standing behind her, clutching the small metal Baby Spot lamp in both hands. She drew it back high over her shoulder, ready to bring it crashing down onto Batgirl’s skull. Batgirl was still crouched over the Amazon but without even turning around flashed a fist out behind her that hit Faith full in the stomach.

“OOOOFFFFF!” she cried in surprise, as she doubled up, dropping the spotlight harmlessly behind her. Batgirl, still didn’t turn around as in a flash she followed up her first blow with a second, this time just raising a clenched fist at shoulder height as she crouched, flying up in a microsecond, that hit Faith full in the face. She fell back landing spread eagled with a dazed groan. Batgirl felt for a pulse on Wonder Woman and was delighted to find a strong one. She quickly checked for any obvious breakages, gently feeling Wonder Woman’s arms, strong perfect thighs and ribs pressed in to the famous tight red bustier. She found none, checked Wonder Woman’s eyes by raising an eyelid and finally let out a sigh of relief. She would be ok, if maybe a little sore.

Now to secure the sisters. She stepped away from Wonder Woman and allowed herself a moment to survey her handiwork. All three sisters were still out.

She stood, hands on hips and finally smiled, a closed-lipped smirk of satisfaction at a job well done as she nodded her head appreciatively.

And that was the end of the Grace Sisters’ escapades. No devious escapes, no lucky breaks that would allow them to get the upper hand. This time their saga was over, and without any sexual assaults of her or Wonder Woman (though because of Wonder Woman’s lasso she only had a vague suspicion from her bruises that that was what had happened last time, rather than any recollection of the horrors she had suffered) But now it had all been brought to a rapid conclusion, a swift but at times far from easy triumph for the forces of justice.

A victory that was underlined when a patrolman entered the auditorium.

“Ok, FREEZE! Nobody move! Gotham PD!!!” he shouted as he moved quickly down the aisle towards the stage.

Batgirl rotated her upper body at the hip, smiling as she looked back over her shoulder, knuckles still on hips.

“Ha-ha!” She laughed girlishly. “Perfect timing, officer! You can watch these three whilst I get an ambulance for Wonder Woman.” She took a half step.

“WHOA!!!” I SAID FREEZE! Nobody moves until I know what the hell has gone on here…” said the officer, advancing quickly, one foot in front of the other, gun drawn and braced with both hands, arms rigid before him.

She laughed again. “But officer… I’m BATGIRL!” she smiled disarmingly at him, still half turned with her knuckles on hips.

“Ok…let’s see some id…slowly….” He said warily as he advanced.

“B-but officer this-“ she turned to face him more fully to reveal the Bat symbol as she indicated her breast with her palm “- is my identification”.

He relaxed visibly then. “Oh, sorry miss. With your back to me I just could see someone masked standing over Wonder Woman’s body. You see how it musta looked to me…”

“That’s quite alright officer. Ha-ha!” she laughed again, partly in relief that her first mission back was over. She could see his point when he put it like that.

He stepped cautiously onto the stage, covering the three sisters, as with groans they started to come round.

Batgirl resumed her hands on hips pose as she smiled in triumph down at the three sisters. “Welcome back to reality ladies. You keep them covered, officer, while I get help for Wonder Woman.” She said as the young patrolman stood alongside her.

“My partner is out back, with a patrol car…” he said as he moved the gun around over the three of them. “I don’t wanna hear a peep out of any of yous…” he said still covering them.

Batgirl stepped forward to tend to Wonder Woman, “Oh don’t worry officer, I’ve just given them a good licking, I’m sure they won’t give you any trou –UUUUUNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHHAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!” cried Batgirl as something slammed into the back of her neck.

She rocked forward, dazed, as she grimaced and winced beneath her cowl, before her expression softened; her facial muscles relaxed and her frown slowly eased as her incredulous eyes slowly faded and closed as her head dropped before she collapsed face down on the stage with a low moan. Behind her, the patrolman was holding his pistol by the barrel, having used it to club the fallen heroine.

Charity had raised herself onto her forearms and was looking up, smiling. Hope had sat slowly upright and was rubbing her head. Faith was propped up on her elbows. All three were staring at the police officer.

“Hey, cousin Jimmy,” said Faith with a wide grin.

“Hey, cousin Jimmy” said Charity smiling slyly.

“Hey, cousin Jimmy” said Hope. “How long have you been a cop?”
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Ahh, the old "cousin Jimmy in the fake cop uniform" trick. That "yous" gave him right away, but just a bit too late for BG, eh?

Wonderful fight scenes, Tallyho and I did enjoy how Batgirl had trouble handling herself without her confidence. Looking forward to more.
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Pleasure to read. There's a few great paragraphs that I was tempted to quote here just to exalt them, but there's too many. Great, flowing descriptions that read really well, and totally gives me the impression you were writing with enviable confidence the whole time. Material like this isn't usually my cup of tea, but I've really enjoyed this - looking forward to seeing where it goes. WW and BG both seem very credible as people - which is something not often achieved in this genre.
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Wow, thank you very much Void for the kind words, and welcome to the forum.

To be honest the sexual peril that this story is about to explode with ( :w00t: ) isn't actually my cup of tea either, I only started to write it to see if I could, and now , 2.5 stories and nearly 50,000 views later for the trilogy, I guess I have my answer!

If you want the story minus the sex, try my Supergirl stories. There's a link below to one, I've written 3 and a short story all on this forum.

If you read them please post a comment, good or bad.

I'm glad you liked the faltering Batgirl Dr Dom, but then so you should as it was your idea!

I was going to have her just triumph with consummate skill but I have to be honest, I think your way worked better.

If anyone else has any thoughts on the story or requests for content please pm me or post here.

Glad it's being enjoyed, thanks all.

How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Hah, explosion of sexual peril sounds fine by me! *Sheepish look* Though its not exactly my 'go to' fiction, I actually don't mind the sexual content - I enjoy it as a bit of a guilty pleasure, if I'm honest - and when it comes to stories like these I quite enjoy when they go there. I say all this rather hastily because I've included loads of sexual peril in the story that I'm currently putting up.

Of all things, I was actually meaning the pseudo-comedy of the sisters' interactions. I would normally find that at odds with the story somehow (I admit I go in for pretty bleak fiction) but it totally works here. I was laughing along with it but never felt like it broke away from the more serious tone of the story. Its hard to put my finger on, but I just like how the light-hearted stuff is meshed with the darker stuff - and it makes me look forward to seeing it all play out.

Roll on the sexual explosion.
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Ah, well I'm glad you are enjoying it despite that.
I grew up with siblings and tried to recreate the petty squabbling you always get with close relatives.

Out of interest have you read the first two Grace installments? If so I'd be interested in your thoughts , and any wish list you may have for this story.

Thanks again for posting

How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Not at all: I was so won over by how you played it in the end that I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much without the sisters' shenanigans. It adds lots and, impressively, detracts nothing.

I confess I have not read the earlier instalments, but I will endeavour to do so now. As for wishes on this story... I know its totally unhelpful but I'm honestly just keen to see how you play it out from here - I wouldn't want to cramp your style with an errant suggestion. However it goes, I'm confident I'll enjoy reading it. I am excited to see Charity in a real position of strength over the heroines - but that's more of an observation than it is a wish, since I think we're already there.
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This was a great scene from round one to the end of round two. The twist at the end means more action to come, not that the two superheroines will appreciate it.

I like how Hope took advantage of the situation to get some payback without her sisters knowing about it.
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This story is well on the way to being as solid as the first two, thankfully with more stupid brilliance from Hope. My only dissapointment so far is the appearance of cousin Jimmy and him blindsiding Batgirl instead of Hope.
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The idea for BG to be awkward and hesitant might have been mine but, as we both know, it's all in the execution and in that, you excelled.

As for future scenes I'd like to see, I'm not sure how much more you plan, since, before Jimmy arrived, I thought we'd reached the conclusion here, but here goes:

a) I think a one-on-one scene with just BG and Charity fighting would be something worthwhile. No distracting sisters around for the scene, only a tired BG at this point and an angry Charity because she thinks BG may have badly hurt her sisters.

b) I'd like to see WW get a low blow from Faith and Hope and be hampered by that for a while as she tries to battle the two of them.

c) I'd like to see BG kick the crap out of Cousin Jimmy

If these suggestions work for you, great. If not, I trust you to do whatever you like. It's all good.
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Cheers Doc, but there's a long way to go yet. ;)
Have you forgotten about the watcher in the alley?

What shall I do with her? :whistle:
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I'd like the alley watcher to low blow Jimmy before punching his lights out and cuffing him, draw Charity into the shadows, alone and give her a taste of her own medicine then roundhouse kick Faith in the temple before having a talk with Hope which eventually inspires her to help the heroine she's secretly fallen for ;)
I'd also like to see Jimmy impregnate Batgirl (guilty pleasure alongside chloroform and lesbians) ;)
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Wheelie915 wrote: I'd also like to see Jimmy impregnate Batgirl (guilty pleasure alongside chloroform and lesbians) ;)

Well, Wheelie, I wouldn't hold your breath on the impregnation - can't help feeling she's got a Bat-morning-after-pill tucked away in that utility belt of hers, ;)

But that's not to say someone won't try..... :yes:
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The chapter is going well, I did not like the appearance of Jimmy, but let's see how the story is coming
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I'm just hoping the third heroine gets a move on and helps out o.O cause 4-2 odds are not good!

Hey, T, warn me if anything I asked for comes up (other than the handsmother)? ;)
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Wheelie915 wrote:I'm just hoping the third heroine gets a move on and helps out o.O cause 4-2 odds are not good!

Hey, T, warn me if anything I asked for comes up (other than the handsmother)? ;)

Won't that spoil the surprise?
Any more ideas keep them coming everyone, I can't promise to use them all and I might have to mix them up a little but I'll be crediting individuals for their contributions at the end.

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Good point :P
I'd still like to see Batgirl chloroformed with her own cape (one of the sisters pours it on then wraps it around her face) ;)
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You know, as much as I'm so tired of chloroform scenes, the concept of pouring it on her cape and using it against her is one of the better ideas for choloforming I've heard in a while. I like it!
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Just the part about covering Batgirl's head with her own cape so she can't see what's coming works..
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Wheelie915 wrote:Good point :P
I'd still like to see Batgirl chloroformed with her own cape (one of the sisters pours it on then wraps it around her face) ;)
I haven't even been keeping up with this story (a little too brutal for my tastes), but this is an awesome-sounding concept. Mind if I use it for my own story?
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Omega Woman wrote:
Wheelie915 wrote:Good point :P
I'd still like to see Batgirl chloroformed with her own cape (one of the sisters pours it on then wraps it around her face) ;)
I haven't even been keeping up with this story (a little too brutal for my tastes), but this is an awesome-sounding concept. Mind if I use it for my own story?
I don't mind but its obviously upto Wheelie. I have sent you a pm detailing how I'm gonna be using it, as long as you dont write it that way I'm fine.

Surprised you considered this too brutal, as you post in the Dungeon....?
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Your stories are brilliant. Please continue more!
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Hi guys , thanks for all the encouragement and the contributions. I realize part of the success of these stories has been the g/g focus - I had requests for some b/g so what follows is a brief attempt to address that, its right at the end and rest assured it won't be long before the g/g stuff is back, I accept it won't be to most tastes but I hope you will stick around for the duration. It will feature a little in this post and some of the next, then back to the usual rampant female orgy :smart:
Thanks again and please post any comments good or bad. If you have ideas to share pm me or post here (but a pm keeps the surprise).


Batgirl has been brutally attacked from behind by the supposed police officer, and now both she and Wonder Woman are helpless in the hands of the twisted sisters…

“He ain’t a real cop, Hope –its Cousin Jimmy!” said Faith.

“I know its Cousin Jimmy but he’s dressed like a cop…” said Hope.

“I got it from the costume department backstage – figured I’d sneak up on ya and surprise you all. Got a bit of a surprise of my own when I saw her!” Jimmy looked down at the prone body of Batgirl. She was lying face down, resting on her left cheek, her hands flanking her head.

Jimmy gently toe-poked her ass, rocking it back and forth as it settled back into position. Liking what he saw, he used his toe to flick back the hem of her purple cape, revealing the bright yellow lining as it folded back on itself, uncovering the perfect half-moon curves of her smooth round ass cheeks, pressed tight into the flawlessly skin-tight fabric of her Batsuit. Jimmy let out a low whistle.

“That’s Charity’s” said Hope. “She called dibs.”

“The hell I DID!” said Charity.”You two jokers called dibs and left me her butt. And in any case, I said all dibs were off!”

“Great, dibs on her ass” said Jimmy.

“Dibs on her pussy!” said Faith

“Dibs on her tits!” said Hope.

“What the hell? Now I ain’t got squat! Hey! Hey, wait a minute ! It was Wonder Woman we were talking about earlier! NOT Batgirl! I said all dibs were off on her” said Charity.

“Great, dibs on her ass too” said Jimmy.

“Dibs on her pussy!” said Faith

“Dibs on her tits!” said Hope.

“GODDAMMIT!!!” shouted Charity. “There are no friggin’ dibs!!!! ALL DIBS ARE OFF!!!” she cried angrily, her eyes blazing as she was outwitted.” ON BOTH OF THEM!”

“Easy Char,” said Jimmy, “be cool, girl.” He pressed his palm down on empty air to indicate she should relax.

“We was just fuckin’ with ya Char!” Faith smiled. “Plenty for everyone.”

“You gals been busy tonight…” Jimmy walked over to where Wonder Woman lay. “Sheeesh, she is HOT!”

He squatted beside her, his forearms on his knees as he rested on his haunches. He reached out and gripped the Amazon’s chin shaking it as he squeezed in the cheeks. He released the head, setting it rocking and swiftly groped the bustier. The firm mounds beneath his strong fingers yielded to his touch and he smiled as he squeezed them harder.

“Yeah, you been real busy…”

“You got the plans, Cousin Jimmy? To Wayne Manor?” Charity asked.

“Yeah I got ‘em…and the rest of the stuff you wanted…chloroform to knock out that dopey butler of Bruce Wayne’s.I don’t take no responsibility if the old fart dies though, he looks about a hundred. I got the B and E kit too. And look, you girls don’t need to call me Cousin Jimmy all the time.”

“Sure we do, that’s your name Cousin Jimmy” said Hope.

“You can just call me Jimmy.”

“But then …you wouldn’t be our cousin anymore, Cousin Jimmy.” Said Hope.

“Of course I wou-“ Jimmy began before Charity cut him off.

“It’s just easier for her to get it that way, COUSIN Jimmy.” She raised her eyebrows at him with a look that said ‘just let it go’.

He sighed. “Ok, fine. You three ladies look as lovely as ever. Look, I been thinkin’ about payment for the plans…” he walked back to Batgirl and again squatted beside her.

“You aint getting a bigger cut Cousin Jimmy, even if you are kin.” Said Charity tersely.

“I was actually gonna ask for less…” he said with a grin.

“Less?” Said Charity dubiously.

“But less is less than more, Cousin Jimmy.” Hope pointed out helpfully, earning a despairing glance from Faith.

“Gee, thanks for that honey. I was thinkin’, maybe I’d get me some payment in kind…so to speak.” Jimmy said with a grin as he slapped Batgirl’s ass gently with his palm. “Say…10% instead of 20 and a session with this piece of ass…” he looked lecherously at the prone body of the helpless crimefighter.

“Hmmmnnn. I think we could go along with that.” Smiled Charity. “How about no cut and a session with them both, instead?”

“Uh –huh.” Jimmy shook his head. “Bruce Wayne is worth multi-millions. I want me a piece of that action. No, 10% and a taste of this peach will do me fine.”

“Do I have to pay to fuck ‘em too?” asked Hope.

“No honey, we all get to play for free, as we caught ‘em.” Charity said.

“Good. I prefer my cash in dollars not them Mexican percents anyhow.”

“Oh Jesus.” Faith looked skyward as Jimmy smiled.

“Hope still the brains of the outfit, huh?” said Jimmy with a laugh.

Hope took offence at the laughter. “Are you sayin’ I’m dumb? I ain’t! I ain’t as dumb as…as her anyhow” she said, kicking Wonder Woman’s rump.

“Yeah. Guess what Cousin Jimmy? That dumb ass bitch threw herself over Hope to save her from that lighting rig! Got badly beat up herself and that’s how we took her down. Fucking dumb ass!” crowed Charity, flicking a thumb over towards Wonder Woman.

“That’s them hero types for ya. Noble to the end. Noble, and stupid. Listen, I gotta take a leak. John back here?” he jerked a thumb and set off as Faith nodded.

“I didn’t mean that.” Said Hope. “About her savin’ me, I mean. That ain’t why I’m smarter than her.”

“Well what the hell did you mean?” said Faith. “<This should be good>” she whispered for Charity’s benefit.

“I know how to use a belt.” Hope said simply. The sisters just stared blankly at her.

“Well, just look at her, in that stupid costume. I’ve read she throws that tiara thing like a Frisbee – well big deal it still looks stupid. And them bangles stop bullets somehow so ok, I can get them, but look at the rest of it. She’s basically in a bustier and knickers, runnin’ around like one of Uncle Jack’s special friends-“

“They were hookers, Hope. Uncle Jack blew his dough on Hookers.” Said Faith.

“Hey that’s my dad!” said Jimmy distantly as he searched for the toilet, but more with mock indignation than any real anger. He too knew the truth.

“Yeah, well that’s what I mean. She dresses like a whore. But like… she wears that stupid belt, it don’t even keep her pants up.” Said Hope. “ It aint got no pocket things like on her belt-“she indicated Batgirl-“ for keeping stuff. It’s dumb. It don’t do shit.” She gestured at Batgirl again.”Hers is much better with all them pockets”.

“She has that rope thing tied on to it.” Said Faith, but she was staring dubiously at the Amazon now.

“Yeah, but that’s not much for that big thick power lifters kinda belt she’s wearin’. Just one itty bit o’ rope on a big wide belt like that. It’s dumb. It just don’t do anything, it’s not even attached to her pants. She’s stupid. Even I know belts are for your pants.
An’ how come she’s so strong anyways? I mean she’s got a few muscles more’n me but nothing that would mean she could jump buildings an’ stuff, like they shown her do on the news.”

“A powerlifters' belt…” Faith said in awe as she turned to Charity her mouth open, only to see her expression mirrored on her older sister’s face.

“Yeah, you know they wear those big wide ones ‘cos it helps make them stronger or something…” Hope said. “Hers is kinda like that. I like the colour though, it’s nice and shiny. But it’s still dumb cos its useless. I ain’t as dumb as her…”

“No Hope, darlin’ sometimes you ain’t dumb at all. Are you thinking what I’m thinking ?” Charity asked Faith.

“I’m thinking about … gettin’ another donkey like Pablo…only this time I can keep him” said Hope uncertainly.

“Not you!” Said Charity.

“HER BELT!!!” said Faith excitedly. “It’s her fucking belt that makes her strong! Quick get it off of her before she comes round!”

“How’d you know that?” asked Hope.

“Lucky guess!” Faith grabbed Hope by the cheeks, pulled her head down and planted a huge kiss on Hope’s forehead. “I love you, sis!”

“I love me too” said Hope slightly bewildered by the attention.

Charity took charge – “Hope, go get them magicians chains an’ cuffs –they are back there on a table in the wings by the big magic tricks” she pointed. “Faith you-“

“TA –DA!” Faith said excitedly, having already unclasped the belt and pulled it from Wonder Woman’s unconscious body, holding it up by the ends like a triumphant boxer. She quickly fixed it around her own waist.

“Hey! Look at me! Now I’m as strong as Wonder Woman!” she crowed.


“Like what?” asked Faith glancing down and admiring herself in the golden belt of the Amazon.

“Oh, how about doing something to Cousin Jimmy when he comes back?!!!” Charity said, swept up in the moment.

“Great idea!”

“Get him to try and punch you in the gut! Bet your abs are super strong now!” Charity said excitedly. “You could probably take any blow!”

“Yeah!! Here he comes! Hey Cousin Jimmy! Jimmy! Hit me in the guts, go on, as hard as you can!” Faith said with glee.

Jimmy shrugged.”Okay…”

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!” Moaned Faith as she doubled up in pain after Jimmy landed a vicious, short, knuckle punch to her stomach.

“Oh well. It ain’t the belt after all…” Charity sighed.

Jesus….Jimmy…Jesus…” Faith gasped, clutching her belly. “Why’d you hit so hard….shit…”

“Well, sorry…but you told me to...What was that all about anyways?”

A minor tremble started to vibrate through the stage, interrupting them.

“UH-oh! Another little earthquake! I don’t wanna be around here when the big one strikes…” said Hope, nervously looking about her.

“Hope it’s the subway remember?” Charity said as she turned and addressed Jimmy. “We had an idea that bitch was super strong because of her belt. Turned out to be a crock o’ shit. Shoulda known better, as it was Dopey Hopey’s brainwave. Oh, well, worth a try.”

“Dammit, Jimmy!!” Faith panted, still recovering, still doubled over. “Fuck…”

“Sorry, cuz. But …er, well you asked for it. Literally.” Jimmy apologised. “Soooo…do I get me a piece of Bat tail now or what?”

“Yeah, sure. Let’s tie these two up then have us some fun…”

“I got them chains!” said Hope brightly, holding them aloft awkwardly. “And there’s a box of paddle - locks over there too.”

“PAD-Locks, Hope. They are PADlocks” Faith corrected her.

“That’s what I said!” Hope said defensively.

“Whatever. Go get them too. No screw it I’ll just tie up Wondie with this here gold rope…” Said Faith.

“No freakin’ way!” cried Charity. “That thing looks like George Burns could snap it. I want that bitch chained up, and chained up good.”

“Well…she ties criminals up in it…”Faith pointed out.

“Yeah but they are ordinary criminals, not folks with her super human strength. That bitch could snap that twine in a second! Be a different story with them thick chains. Look there’s handcuffs in amongst that shit too, put them on Bat bitch.” Charity ordered.

“So what makes that fucker so strong then, if it ain’t her belt?” Faith asked, kicking the unconscious Amazon.

“I dunno.” Charity frowned.

“Maybe it’s her hair, like Samsonite!” Hope said.

“It don’t matter what it is, them chains will hold her. Jimmy go get the Wayne plans and the chloroform, we’ll play it careful, soak a couple of rags and have them standing nearby - if they start to give us trouble, we can knock ‘em out, no sweat.” Charity declared.

“How you gonna knock ‘em out with them plans?” asked Hope dubiously.

“Because …they are REALLY heavy.” said Faith mischievously.

“Oh, right. I knew that…” said Hope.

“I ain’t gonna knock em out with the plans Hope, remember the Chloroform is the sleepy stuff. So don’t you sniff none of it either. And for God’s sake don’t drink it! I wanna take a look at them plans first make sure they are good.”

“HEY! I WOULDN’T CHEAT YOU! You’re family!” Jimmy retorted indignantly.

“Not you Jimmy, that guy at City Hall.”

A short while later Jimmy returned with the plans, a few burglary tools, lock picks and a small chemical bottle. He set them all on the table, centre stage. Hope had handcuffed Batgirl behind her back with the magician’s cuffs, her knuckles resting on her butt, whilst Faith and Charity had chained Wonder Woman above the elbow, the metal links wrapped tight around the heroine’s upper body, whilst a second chain had her wrists tightly padlocked over her groin. Jimmy and Charity stood over the floor plans.

“Ground floor and upper floor are all there. But look at this. Guy said there’s something weird up there- Wayne Manor has no sewage plans or geological survey under the entire grounds. Not for years. He reckons they are hiding something. Nothing since pre 1920 and then the geo survey has been blanked.” Charity raised an eyebrow as she studied the documents. “He ain’t rippin’us off Char- saw him pull them myself. No digitized records either and he said two years back the entire back catalogue was supposed to have been set up. He thinks Wayne’s got some big secret vault with art and gold an’ stuff. Either that or they found oil up there. But I reckon its gotta be the vault. Bet you can beat it out of that old butler of his. Now can we get on?”

“Sure.” Charity smiled. “Hope, go get a cloth from the little kitchen they got back there and soak it with the chloroform. But NOT all of it, as we need to keep some for the butler. And reload our guns too while you’re at it” she pointed to Faiths lying on the stage and handed Hope her own.

“Awwwwwww! I wanted me some Bat tail too!” Hope moaned.

“Plenty of time for that later. And remember –“

“I know, safety catch in all the time and no making ‘PEE-OWW’ noises and pretending to shoot stuff. I got it.”

“Hey! Haul that bitch up and bring her round, will ya? I want her to see me do her little pal.” Jimmy said to the elder sisters about the Amazon.

Faith and Charity smiled as they gripped Wonder Woman by the arms and hauled her upright, her head flopped down, chin on her chest. Finding her heavy, Faith wheeled over a large wooden wheel, on casters, part of a knife throwing act. She hit the brake, fixing it in one spot and they pinned her upright against it, slapping her face to bring her around.

Aaa-auuggghhh” she moaned softly as she started to respond to the slaps.

Jimmy gripped Batgirl’s limp body by the upper arms and hauled her, feet dragging, over to the table, dropping her upper body roughly on to it, eliciting a groan. He stood behind her, looping his wrists beneath her armpits as he lifted her up, her head lolling forward. He tipped her body back slightly so that her head fell back on his shoulder, her beautiful face upturned beside his. He pressed his cheek to hers, moving it against her warm, soft skin. As he did so, his strong fingers gripped her breasts, her only protection now her thin Batsuit and the once proud yellow bat symbol emblazoned across them. He could feel the silken cups of her bra and the firm but yielding treasures they held beneath the stiffness of her sturdy suit. Jimmy was getting a stiffness of his own.

“W-what? Wh- no!” Wonder Woman gasped as she started to come to and became aware that she was chained. “NO! Damn you, Charity you’ll –BATGIRL!!!” she cried as she raised her head and saw the terrible doom that was about to befall her young ally.

Jimmy looked at her slyly from the corner of his eyes as he kissed Batgirl lightly on the cheek. Then a new urgency seemed to grip him as he threw her forward with a painful thud as she landed on the table. He flicked aside her cape , opened up the protective flap up the back of her body suit, found the zipper and pulled it all the way down to the base of her spine. He then lifted her again peeling her Batsuit from her round shoulders pulling down the sleeves until they bunched at the handcuffs as the front of the suit slid down to her waist, revealing a dark purple silk bra barely containing a spectacular pair of pert, firm breasts, his stimulation of her body rushing blood unbidden into her ever hardening nipples, forcing them to press in tiny raised mounds against the silk. They raised and hardened, standing proud atop her mammaries like two signal beacons on successive hills.

His actions provoked a frenzy of movement in Wonder Woman, but as she squirmed and desperately struggled against her bonds, she knew that without her belt she could never hope to break free. Faith and Charity held her fast.

Now with the slack he needed in her costume, Jimmy pulled the gathered fabric down from above her waist, yanking it roughly over her slender hips to reveal the back of her dark purple panties. He pulled the clothing down as much as he could, getting it down to below her pelvis, bunching it up over her upper thighs where it could drop no further, snagged as it was by the sleeves against the cuffs. What was revealed was an enticing glimpse of her perfectly toned ass. Jimmy squeezed the ass cheeks delightedly before running his middle finger beneath the curve of one pantie leg, lifting the flimsy underwear off her skin as he moved his finger around to the gusset of her panties where he pulled it tight up the crack of her ass, framing the two half moon curves of her cheeks beautifully. He bunched up the silk in his fist and tried to rip it from her defenceless body but it held. Trying not to lose face after the second failed attempt he instead pulled them down, the elasticated waist of the panties now just resting below the base of her cheeks at the top of her thigh. He stuck his finger between her thighs and pulled the top of the waist band down in the middle so he could see her cunt. He smiled at the view.

The sound of his zipper sliding down provoked a storm of frenzied struggling form Wonder Woman, but she was held firm by the chains and the sisters.

He gripped Batgirl’s butt, his thumbs parting her ass cheeks slightly as he lined himself up behind her, smiling broadly as a tearful Wonder Woman looked away in disgust. His violent thrust into the still unconscious Batgirl provoked a low groan as her whole body shook under the impact but still she didn’t awake. As he entered her body, Jimmy gave an animalistic grunt as his cousins egged him on. His vigourous pumping slapped his upper thighs against her cheeks with a ‘thwap’ noise and a force that sent the motionless young crimefighter’s body rocking back and forth on the table top as the impact rippled through her flesh, her ass cheeks quivering.

Oh, Batgirl…” Wonder Woman whispered with a voice full of pity. “YOU ANIMALS! Leave that poor girl alone! Take me! You think you’re a REAL man, huh? Attacking an unconscious young woman! Why don’t you try me, huh? I’ll show you what an Amazon woman can do with you! Or are you afraid?”

The sisters and Jimmy just laughed. “Easy there, Wonder tits, you’ll get yours soon enough. But for now, just sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show!” Charity crowed. Her baiting of the Amazon prompted another flurry of pointless straining at her bonds from the impotent heroine.

"YOU BASTARDS! YOU -OOOOOOOOOFFFFFFF" Wonder Woman gasped as Charity gut punched her, knocking the wind from her and leaving her breathless.

After six or seven thrusts deep into her , Batgirl started to stir, uttering a long low, groggy moan as she came to.

A—uuggghh-ooohhhh. A-ooohhhh. Huh-huh” she started to gasp in time with the rhythm of Jimmy’s thrusts. “Huh-huh- w-huh-wha-huh-what? UGhhh! What? Huh! What’s -huh-ha-huh-ah-ha-happening? What? WHAT?! NOOOO! YOU’RE-! YOU’RE-“

“Relax, baby, I’m just fucking with ya is all…” Jimmy said cockily, causing laughter to erupt from his cousins as a shocked Wonder Woman could only bite her lip in frustration.

HUH! NO!! HUH!! NOO! NOOO! YOU’RE F-FUCKING ME? B-BUT THA-HUH-THAT’S NOT MY-HUH!” Face down on the table, Batgirl’s eyes opened wide with shock and disbelief as the realisation of what she was feeling hit her as she slowly regained her senses.

“NO! TH-THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!! B-BUT THAT- !!!!!!TH-THAT’S NOT MY – OH GOD!!! THAT’S- HUH-THAT’S MY ASS!!!! Y-YOU’RE FUCKING ME UP MY ASS!!!!!” she screamed despairingly as the tears flowed freely from her and all the while her spasming body was wracked with sobs.

Wonder Woman hung her head in despair as she had to look away from the horrific fate that had befallen her brave young companion.
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No need to apologize for the b/g action on my account. :w00t: I enjoyed the fun little surprise maneuver by Jimmy at the "end" there.

I am glad the trio wasn't so dumb that they replaced the belt, but it still could happen with this group. :rolleyes:

Anyway, nice chapter, TH. I look forward to more.
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chapter was very good, although I like more than g / g was a good chapter
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Batgirl and Wonder Woman have been captured and for Batgirl, the brutal reality of her defeat is being cruelly brought home to her with every painful thrust inside from her captor…

“HA-HA!!!YEAH, JIMMY! YOU MAKE THAT BITCH SCREAM AN’ BEG!!”” urged Faith as she helped Charity restrain Wonder Woman’s frantic struggles.

The sound of Faith goading on Batgirl’s violator prompted a renewed burst of activity from the captured Amazon but bound and outnumbered she had little chance of succeeding in breaking free. But for Batgirl’s sake as well as her own she tried. She twisted and writhed in their grip, trying to use her legs to topple one or both of her captors but after the first attempts failed they pressed in with their body weight against her upper thighs, pinning her to the knife thrower’s wheel.

“Ohhhhh Batgirl…” Wonder Woman sighed in a voice full of despair.

But for Batgirl, who had not witnessed them bind her and was oblivious to Wonder Woman’s plight, facing as she was away from where the Amazon stood, held prisoner, the sound of her voice gave the young woman renewed hope.

“W-Wonder Woman!!! Please!!! H-HELP ME!!!!” cried the captured crimefighter, causing uproarious laughter among the felons.

“She can’t do shit, honey – take a look!” Jimmy grabbed Batgirl by her ginger ponytail and turned her head on the table.

Her brief surge of hope at hearing Wonder Woman’s voice ebbed away as quickly as it had come when she saw the female warrior bound and restrained by the Grace sisters. The two heroines’ eyes locked and the mutual despair from each others’ impotence was almost tangible.

“YOU SCUM! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” Wonder Woman cried angrily.

“Oh? You girls charge for sex? So these heroine bitches dress like hookers an’ act like ‘em too - you was right Charity, they are just do-gooder whores!” laughed Jimmy as he thrust more fully into Batgirl.

“AAAA-AH – OH GOD! AAAA-AAAAHH! N-NO!” Batgirl cried as she felt the swollen member force its way painfully into her butt, her eyes wide and tearful with the shock of the assault. Her body was braced, locked rigid against each painful penetration yet they were impossible to stop. She felt the sickening sensation of her anus being forced wider with each thrust and she bit her lip to prevent a scream of agony.

“This ain’t God, honey – it’s just li’l ole me!” said Jimmy as the girl’s laughed.

Batgirl retaliated the only way she could – with a petty insult.

“B-be s-sure to t-to tell me when it’s in, won’t you?” she said weakly between gasps.

“Ha ha! She ain’t impressed Cousin Jimmy! Nope, she ain’t impressed at all.” Faith laughed. Jimmy’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“Why, you cocky little bitch!” He pulled free of her in anger, grabbing her by the elbow and roughly flipping her over onto her back. Batgirl smiled weakly at him then, partly in genuine relief that her terrible ordeal was briefly ended, partly as part of her plan to agitate him, to make him angry and irrational as angry people make mistakes and mistakes might give her a means of escape, had worked. Already she had now gotten herself into a better position physically, as on her back she could both see more, evaluate her options better and possibly, given enough room, bring her legs into play as a weapon. If she could ju-

Batgirl’s world went black as Jimmy viciously landed a right to her jaw that knocked her senseless. Her head snapped to her right and back up to face him as she groaned, weakly, before it slowly slipped until her chin was resting on her right shoulder, her last conscious breath slipping softly through her lips, between the glossy purple lipstick in a gentle sigh.



Faith and Charity exchanged smiling glances as they stood either side of her. With the briefest of nods, Charity slammed a fist into her stomach, doubling her up before Faith hit her with a left hook to the chin, snapping her head back violently.

“Oh, it’s kinda easy,” Charity laughed as Wonder Woman groaned.

Jimmy looked down in satisfaction at the unconscious young hero before him.

“Gonna get my money’s worth outta you… fuckin’ you is costin’ me 10% of Bruce Wayne’s secret fortune, so you better be worth it.” He run his eyes down her helpless body appreciatively, drinking in her beauty and relishing the pleasure that was about to come his way. He pressed his enlarged penis into her crotch, the shaft pressing against the purple fabric, hardening even more as he could sense the give in her cleft beneath the material. He could feel its warmth too and that also made him more excited, each pulse of blood causing his penis’ end to bob up and down, tap-tap-tapping against her soft clit intermittently. But then, just as he was set to pull aside her dishevelled Batsuit and ram his penis deep inside her, he realized there was a problem. Her costume zipped up at the back and he had been able to open it and pull the opening down below her belt to give him access to her rectum. But from the front, there was no opening, and with the bunched garment gathered at the Batbelt and snagged by the sleeves on the cuffs at her wrists, as things stood he couldn’t pull it down any further.

“Awww, shit!” he said aloud, grabbing the suit as he tried to rip the tough protective fabric, but failed. “Screw it I’m gonna have to uncuff her…”

“WHOA!!! HOLD ON THERE, FLASH! NO FUCKING WAY! You don’t know what these tricky bitches are like. They’ve caused us no end of trouble” said Charity, “no way is she getting uncuffed.”

“She’s spark out, look at her-“ Jimmy grabbed her chin, raised her head and turned it towards Charity, shook the unconscious girl vigorously and then dropped it with a loud bang onto the table. “I ain’t givin’ up my ten percent unless I can do her the way I want…”

“That’s fair enough Char…” Faith said.

Charity sighed “Yeah…ok…you’re right… but we’ll wait until Dopey Hopey gets back with the guns and the chloro…where the fuck is that kid?”

As Charity stepped away from Wonder Woman to stare into the wings looking for Hope, the Amazon finally shook herself free of Faith. She brought her heel down sharply on the middle sister’s ankle, causing a gasp of pain and shock, forcing her to let go of the arm in a reflex as she half bent to grip her injured foot. Wonder Woman then brought her knee up catching Faith a glancing blow that put her down. As Charity moved to restrain her, she body checked the elder Grace girl, knocking her backwards and off her feet.

“JIMMY!” Charity cried, alerting her cousin. But as he turned he realized his manhood was still exposed as did Wonder Woman, and as he paused to re-zip himself up she felled him with an enthusiastic kick to his balls that soon had him doubled up on the floor. She turned to face Charity then who, was half up off the boards. She jumped and landed a double footed kick to her chest that knocked the villain clean off the stage. The Amazon landed painfully on her back, arms beneath her but with nothing to break her fall. She was breathless for an instant before she realized it was vital that she get to Faith and her belt. She struggled to her feet, hurried over to where she lay groaning and knelt down with her back to the criminal and groped to get a hold on the belt. Just a touch would be enough. But as she reached blindly behind herself, her fingers touched something cold and metallic.

“Remember me? “ Said Hope in the Amazon’s ear, as she waved the gun and pressed it to her temple. She clicked back the hammer loudly to make her point. Slowly and with bitter regret Wonder Woman closed her eyes in frustration as she gritted her teeth, thwarted at the last moment.

“Good idea, you take a nap!” said Hope as she slammed the pistol down on the back of the Amazon’s head “You must be whacked! Hey Char that was a good joke I made then!” she cried as the luckless Amazon’s body pitched forward with a groan to lie face down. “Did you hear me Char? Char? What ya doin’ down there Char? ” she asked when she saw her sister lying in the orchestra pit.

“Well done Hope…” gasped Jimmy, “You might well be the brains of the outfit after all.”

“Where the hell were you?” Asked Charity, a trifle ungratefully.

“I found all sorts of cool things back there!” Hope jumped up and down excitedly. “I reloaded the guns like you said and then there’s all these big rooms of clothes and stuff! Can I go play Char? Can I?”

“What the hell. Why not? But don’t be too long, we’re gonna dust these bitches once we have some fun”

“GOODY!” cried Hope as she made to run off.

“WAIT! The guns?” Charity shouted.

“Oh yeah sorry!” Hope put them on the table and ran off. Charity gathered hers and tossed the other to Faith.

“Oh crap, she didn’t bring the chloroform…HOPE!! HOPE!! GET THE SLEEPY STUFF…YA STUPID…Ohhh, I give up.” Charity sighed.

“See what you mean about them being trouble. But enough of this, I’m gonna go explore the Batcave! Keep her covered while I undress her.” Jimmy ordered his relative excitedly.

As Charity covered the two unconscious heroines with a pistol, he undid the handcuffs and pulled the sleeve of the Batsuit free one arm at a time. He touched the raised bat symbol on her belt almost reverentially. A proud symbol of justice and of the power of the law. And now? Now it meant nothing. He undid the belt, pulling the bodysuit lower, but somehow seeing her slim naked hips before him…they seemed to need the belt. The contrast between her soft yielding skin and the hard metal and plastic excited him. He reattached it over her naked waist. He pulled off her gauntlets, but seemed to enjoy the tactile nature of the material, and after a seconds thought he carefully replaced them. He grabbed the limp wrists and pressed the seemingly lifeless gloved hands against his genitals, exposing them once more, which were, he discovered with a wince, still quite tender after Wonder Woman’s assault. But with what he was paying for this rare privilege, he wasn’t about to let that stop him. He relished the sensation of the soft strokes of her unfeeling satin fingers against his engorged phallus. He recuffed the hands, but this time, as they lay upon her stomach they were now before her. He lifted up the limp limbs by the handcuff chain and raised them over her head, letting them drop back onto the table with a dull thud, her face now framed by her upper arms, her fingers in hooked curls , her hands lying like dead crabs on a beach.

He stared at the still body of the sleeping girl, unconscious and oblivious to the terrible fate about to befall her. Her breasts, compressed now in to a tight cleavage by her raised arms, rose and fell rhythmically with her breathing. Their form was still largely concealed by the dark purple brassiere she wore and this realization gave him a silent thrill, a few more marvellous seconds of wonder at what secrets her body would hold as he, HE would be the one to expose them, to release them from their prison and do with her as he pleased. Conveniently the bra fastened at its centre, in a tiny clasp where the two cups met. He unclipped it and the cups sprang aside, exposing her body at last to his lecherous eyes. Her breasts stood slightly flattened by her body position but still well rounded, firm and curvaceous. Since his assault had stopped, her nipples had softened slightly, the once hardened teats crumpling as the blood ebbed away, leaving them only semi erect. His gaze ran over her finely toned stomach, her strong, well- formed abdominals visible with each breath in that she took, the flattened navel and diaphragm looking smooth and inviting like a field of virgin snow. He finally pulled the scrunched up Batsuit down further, over her hips and let it bunch between her knees and her ankles. He ran his eyes back up her defenceless body, from the curve of her rounded knees, bent as her lower legs dangled off the table top, over her smooth strong thighs to the slightly disarrayed purple panties. Pulled down at the back when he had first taken her, they hardly concealed the neatly trimmed quim that lay beneath them, the upper centimetre of her hood exposed as a small ball of pink-brown flesh, just barely peeking above the elastic waistband. Jimmy licked his dry lips as his hand reached up, his fingers slowly curling over the top of her panties. He felt his middle finger brush against the knot of yielding flesh that was her hood, his fingernail catching briefly for an instant on her skin. He held the panties and pulled ever harder, drawing them away from her helpless body, the last flimsy defence of her femininity, of her honour.

He ripped them off at last but released the torn and shredded remnants so that they hung down resting over her upper thigh, a physical reminder of her defeat, like a shattered shield or broken spear. His breathing had become shallow and ragged just as Batgirl’s had become deep and peaceful. He licked his dry lips and drank in her beauty fully – the slender neck; the gentle curve of her jaw still framed by her cowl; the smooth skin of her cheeks; the shiny gloss of her purple lipstick on the gently inviting lips; the soft lashes of her beautiful eyes, hidden still beneath her mask; and the rest of her spectacular body, exposed in her near nakedness, fragile and vulnerable and to his mind immensely sexual.

“Well…just look at you…” he said appreciatively.

He began at her breasts, groping each mound with his hands, squeezing the firm flesh together. They were soft and warm, pliable to his touch like warm jelly. As he leaned over her his penis throbbed, again tap-tap-tapping against her slit with each pulse, almost like a polite knock at a stranger’s door. But this time there was no protective covering to her womanhood and he had the delightful little sensation of the merest hint of her soft, soft sex dabbing against his manhood. It thrilled him.

He cupped his hands around the curve of the firm young breasts, pushing them together like reluctant dancers at a wedding. Beneath his strong fingers he could feel the murmur, the beat of her brave young heart as she slept still in a daze. He leaned forward, licking her breast, relishing the taste of her body, the faint hint of sweat from her exertions making her slightly salty but at the same time the traces of her antiperspirant and hygiene products gave her a soft, sweet smell. He smiled as he looked on her unconscious face, a slight frown beneath her cowl the only hint of trouble on her brow. It was an innocent face; an unsuspecting face; a beautiful face, sleeping peacefully, albeit due to a knockout blow. Now he intended to turn it into a mask of horror and disbelief. And pain. He would make her scream and beg him to stop. But he wouldn’t, no sir. He was gonna fuck her freakin’ little Batbrains out! And who knows, by the time he’d finished with her, maybe she’d be begging him not to stop? He smiled to himself again as he licked and then bit each nipple, each breast, loving the smooth taste, the feel of the tiny bumps of her gooseflesh around each aureole. He could feel her body respond, the blood re-hardening her teats under the stimulus, with Batgirl completely powerless to stop it. He slipped his hands down over her torso, feeling the warm ripple of her ribs beneath his touch as all the while his penis beat its continuous bobbing tattoo against her cunt.

He moved his palms lower, coming to rest on her slender hips, gripping them firmly in his strong hands as all the while she slept blissfully unaware of the awful danger she was in.

He traced his tongue down between the impressive breasts, zig-zagging across her stomach and down, his actions creating a shiver of involuntary muscle spasms to send her lower body quivering beneath his touch. He straightened up then and pulled back, just nuzzling the end of his penis against her opening, sliding it up and down her crack at first, to make her lips more responsive, to open her body up slightly more. He felt them yield and part as more of his head poked into her. Then when he was ready he pulled back and rammed his shaft viciously inside her, all the way up to her groin.

Finally she groaned then, her frown becoming firmer as her body tried to understand the senses it was feeling. He entered her again then, just as harshly, pulling out and then ramming it all the way inside her with a ‘thwap’ noise of flesh on flesh as their groins collided in shock of impact.

“UUUUUuuuuuugggghhhhh….” She moaned softly as her eyelids flickered and her head started to rub and roll against her upper arms.

“Whaaaaa……? Uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhh….N-n-ugh….no…..UGHHH! NO!! NO!” She screamed as she finally snapped back to reality, her eyes wide as she gasped in shocked disbelief.

“Oh yeeeeaaaaah, hun. You better believe it. Gonna make me some bat babies!” Jimmy laughed as he looked down at the revulsion carved into every feature of the innocent young law upholder’s face. “An’ there ain’t nothin’ you can do to stop it sweet stuff, huh? You can scream your head off but it ain’t gonna do you any good. No one can hear you and no one gonna come get ya. You’re other little pal there, Wonder Woman? She’s out of it. You can forget her. No one to hear you scream, no one to help you out. YOU. ARE. MINE!” he cried with relish.

Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as his words hit home with each thrust of his throbbing penis inside her. She groaned and winced as he entered her once more, feeling her vaginal muscles grip him, her cervical wall first part, then clench about him, her bodily juices responding, lubricating him, making his violation of the sanctuary of purity that was her body ever easier, whilst she could only endure. ‘Like hell’ she thought. She clenched her jaw, clamping her lips tightly together as again she winced in pain. His body weight was pinning her down and she needed room. He was now reaching over her, holding her cuffed hands in position by the chain. She raised her head, chin on her chest as best she was able beneath him, struggling, jerking her head to left and right frantically, her face a grimace of frustration. Jimmy had responded to being baited once before, why not again?

“Y-you do know it’s not supposed to be that colour, don’t you?” she said worriedly, looking down her body at the end of his shaft sticking out of her. But he couldn’t see it as easily. As her words sunk in he responded to the sincerity of concern in her voice.

“What?” He stepped back, withdrawing slightly and dipping his head. This brought it in range of her. She threw back her head and butted him full force on the forehead, knocking him backwards. She brought up her arms as his grip relaxed, and she started to rise. As he slid out of her completely and stepped further back she raised her legs, knees together between her body and his, and kicked out, her heels hitting him in the genitals with massive force. He clutched his groin and dropped to the floor, groaning. Batgirl struggled upright breathlessly - and stiffened, sitting on the edge of the table. There was the sound of a slow, sarcastic hand clap from Faith.

She froze as she saw Charity standing just a few feet away with the gun levelled at her, a cruel smile on the felon’s face. Her body went rigid, then slumped as she realized there was nothing she could do. Faith was leaning against the knife thrower’s wheel, arms now folded, an amused smile on her face, with a gun casually held in her hand too. They had her still.

“Nice try. Too bad. Great little bod ya got there though, I must say” said Charity appreciatively, causing Batgirl to glance down embarrassed at her own nakedness and try to cover herself up.

“Oh, don’t fret on my account” smiled Charity.

Charity glanced over at Jimmy, still writhing on the floor, cursing and groaning as he cried in pain. “Poor Cousin Jimmy,” she said with a sigh. “I warned him you were a tricky little bitch. Well, he’s had his turn. You’re mine now. Aaaaaaaaalllll mine.” she smiled humourlessly.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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I don't think Jimmy will be able to play for a long while.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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At least our 'fearless' heroines got a strike to Jimmy's balls before the sisters got them under control again ;)
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Lots of fun and games!!! :w00t:
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the story is getting better and better, leaving our heroines in great danger, I am anxious to see more
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Neophyte Lvl 4
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Just had the time to catch up on this one. Some interesting things in the making. I, for one, am particularly enjoying Hope's development in this story.
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Location: Land of No Hope and Past Glories


Batgirl has struck back briefly at her attackers but now finds herself once more at their mercy, whilst Wonder Woman has been knocked unconscious by Hope…

“FUCKING BITCH!” cried Jimmy as he still rolled on the floor, clutching his balls. “FUCKING BITCH! Gimme a gun! Gimme a fucking gun, I’ll make that lousy cunt pay for that here an’ now!” he slowly made it onto all fours and stretched out a hand to Charity for a weapon, then remembered the pistol at his hip in the holster.

Charity had stiffened as Jimmy screamed for revenge, but relaxed visibly now as he drew his own pistol.

“C’mon cousin, calm down. You’ll get your chance later.”

“Fuck later! I’m getting’ me some pay back now!” Jimmy raised the pistol as he stood shakily to his feet and pointed it at Batgirl’s cowled head. Charity just sighed wearily and shook her head with disdain, giving a Faith a ‘what –can –you-do’ kind of look as she waved at her sister to stay where she was. Frowning , Faith obeyed her.

Batgirl, sitting up on the table was helpless. Virtually naked, her Batsuit gathered at her knees, her wrists handcuffed before her, she knew she had no hope of dodging the bullet or overpowering her attacker. Whilst she still wore her Batbelt, she knew she would never be able to open a pouch and retrieve a smoke pellet or flash bomb in time to use it. All she could do was to stare down the barrel of the gun that would take her young life. She raised her head , chin out and bravely looked into the hate filled eyes of her would be killer. But even as she looked death in the face, she was determined that her sacrifice, in laying down her life in a bid to defend law and order, might serve some purpose. If she could only scream, perhaps that or the noise of the gunshot might alert the intermittent patrol cars that cruised through the cordoned off blocks around the theatre.

“Say your fucking prayers, you arrogant fucking bitch!” cried Jimmy as he cocked the revolver.

‘So this was it.’ Batgirl told herself. She gritted her teeth. ’Be brave’. She inhaled a last breath ready to bellow out a scream for all she was worth as Jimmy pulled the trigger. Her mouth was impossibly dry as in that last instant she thought of her family; her friends; how they would react when her secret life were revealed.

There was a loud click. Nothing happened.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!!!”Jimmy shouted staring in disbelief at the gun as he repeatedly pulled the trigger to no effect.

Charity sighed again. “Jimmy, hun, it’s from the cop uniform, remember? It’s a stage costume it ain’t gonna have a real gun…”

“FUCK!!! FUCK IT, GIMME YOURS! I’LL OFF THIS BITCH ONCE AND FOR ALL!” he cried, trying to grab Charity’s pistol as he dropped his own.

Charity held him back by the arms. “Now, now, Jimmy, Jimmy, honey, calm down! I know you’re hurtin’ an’ I know you wanna see her dead but listen – we got plenty of time for that, ok? Look, you had a bit of fun with her so how about we say you still get 15% of Wayne’s fortune and AND- you’re the one who gets to kill her, huh? How ‘bout that, yeah? But not yet sweetie. You go an’ calm down, huh? Get some air outside, take a smoke. We’ll play around with these dumb fucks for a while and when the time comes YOU are gonna be the guy that takes down Batgirl, huh? Sound good, huh?”

Jimmy nodded reluctantly.

“Ok then you go outside, keep watch, right? We’ve had two of these hero bitches lookin’ out for each other, we don’t need another one, or any cops nosin’ around, ok? They make regular sweeps don’t wanna pull the trigger while they happen to be outside. Good lad!” Charity patted him on the back as he glared at Batgirl, who, immensely relieved, stared back at him defiantly.

“Jesus, Jimmy it was just a kick to the balls…not like its child birth nor nuthin’…everybody knows that’s ten times worse than a crushed nutsack…” said Faith. ”Let it drift, you can kill her after we’re done…”

“Oh yeah? Well if havin’ a kid is worse pain how come women are happy to have another kid after the first and go through it all again, huh? You won’t ever, EVER find a guy who would WANT to get hit in the balls again…” said Jimmy angrily.

“Oh,…yeah , well when you put it like that…”Faith conceded the point.

As they argued Batgirl slowly slipped her handcuffed hands down to the pouches of her belt, subtly popping open a clasp on the pocket. But the movement caught Jimmy’s eye, and whilst he didn’t realize its significance as her gaze snapped up and met his he reacted angrily.

“WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOKIN’ AT, BITCH?” Jimmy suddenly broke free of Charity’s grip and viciously pistol whipped the young law agent across the left side of her head.

“UGGGHHHH!” cried Batgirl as she slumped semiconscious to her right, her upper body rolling feebly as she lay stunned.

As she rolled fully onto her back and her frowning face again turned upright, Jimmy spat on her contemptuously, hitting her in her right eye through the cowl. The gobbet of spittle glistened under the stage lights as Batgirl flinched in reflex as it hit her, before she groaned a final time and passed out. Only the metal skull cap reinforcing her cowl prevented her receiving a fractured skull, Jimmy had hit her that hard.

“Later bitch. Have fun!” he turned to Charity as he left “You make sure that cunt pays! I wanna hear her screams outside…”

“Sure thing sweetie…you just leave it to us, huh?” said Charity placatingly. “JIMMY!” she called after him and tossed him the patrolman’s cap as he turned back to her. “You may as well look the part, huh? Just in case anyone comes by…”

“’Spose. You’d best give me that damned fake pistol too then, cos I ain’t packin’” He holstered the weapon Charity gave him. He gave Batgirl a scathing look.” You were a lousy fuck anyway, bitch” he said angrily as her hobbled gingerly away, as his cousins smirked.

Hope reappeared. “Er… I can smell gas back here…” she said nervously.

“Faith, check it out…” Charity barked.

“I thought you said it was safe!” cried Faith with concern.

“It is safe, just go an’ make sure, okay?” said Charity.

“You okay watching them?” Faith asked as she walked off.

“YES! They are tied up.Go! Hope…Hope, have you been crying?” Charity said as she saw her younger sister’s tear streaked cheeks.

Hope nodded tearfully.

“Awww, Christ have you been looking up at the moon again? Why? Why the hell do you do that? It always makes you cry! What is it, it’s just the fucking moon?!” Charity demanded.

“B-but it’s so sad…all those brave guys up there…all alone…”whispered Hope as she blew her nose on a Kleenex.

“What? What guys?” said Charity irritably.

“Those men…the ones we put on the moon…” sobbed Hope “I still wave at them every now and again, let them know they aren’t forgotten…and I like to think they can see me and maybe one day they’ll make it back home…like Sam Becket in Quantum Mechanics. Poor Buzz Lightyear.”


“They weren’t? Are you sure? Nobody ever says anything about them coming back, it’s always just that we put them on there…”

“Oh, for Chrissakes! Of course they came back!” said Charity with a heavy sigh.

“They did? Are you sure? Them dogs and monkeys didn’t. We sent them up there AND we brought them back? AWESOME!!! YAAAAAYYYYYY! U-S-A!!U-S-A!!” she shouted punching the air as she said each letter. “When? “ asked Hope, cheering up.

“I dunno, forty years ago?”

“No one told me…” said Hope quietly.

“WELL- TAKE IT UP WITH NASA! THEY ALL MADE IT BACK, THEY ARE ALL ALIVE! Well…except Buzz he’s dead.” Charity corrected herself.

“OHHH, POOOR BUZZ! LEFT UP THERE TO DIE ALL ALONE!” wailed Hope as the tears came again.

“NO YOU MORON! HE CAME BACK TOO! He died last year or year before, he was an old man.”

“Space took a terrible toll on his young body…” said Hope wistfully.

“WHAT? NO! HE WAS JUST A GUY WHO GOT OLD AND DIED! Oh, for Christ sakes get back to exploring the costume department will you? Leave me an’ Faith to sort these two out. You can come back when we use the magic tricks ok?”

“But what about Ian?” asked Hope, with concern.

“Who?” said Charity. “What ‘Ian’? Ian who?”

“Ian Armlock, the other guy we left up there…”

“Armstrong, Hope. It’s Armstrong. And his name ain’t Ian” Charity sighed.

“Well, what is it then?”


“Okay…” said Hope uncertainly as she dropped onto her knees. “Now will you tell me his name?”

“Oh, for God’s sake, HIS NAME IS NEIL, NEIL ARMSTRONG! “ cried Charity. “Get up, dumbass!”

"Well, who's Ian then?"

"THERE IS NO FUCKING IAN, OK! Oh god, give me strength..." Charity muttered under her breath.

“I couldn’t smell nothin’ “ said Faith as she returned to the stage. “What’s up with her?” she asked as Hope stood slowly, dabbing her eyes.

“See, told you its safe.” Said Charity. “Oh, don’t ask.” She added dismissively.

“FAITH!” said Hope delightedly, “Great news! Ian Armstrong and Buzz Lightyear made it back! All the way from the moon! They’re ok! Well apart from Buzz, he’s dead, the journey back was too much for him…”

“Hope, Faith KNOWS they made it back okay…” said Charity. “Only YOU would ever think they were still up there….”

“Faith did too!” said Hope defensively “She’s the one who told me they got stuck up there…”

“Ha….er…yeah…” Faith laughed nervously and looked sheepishly at Charity. “I was just yankin’ her chain, Char…”

Charity glared at her. “Well, no wonder she don’t know shit from wild honey…” she sighed. “Look never mind all that now Hope, Neil and Buzz made it back fine, they had a big parade and everything, OK? “ Hope nodded. “Now how about you go get the Sleepy stuff, ok? And DON’T DRINK IT! Oh, and it ain’t Buzz Lightyear. It’s ALDRIN.”

“Really? WOW! Aldrin Lightyear! Those guys sure have crazy names. Guess that’s why they are called astronuts”. Hope padded out of sight towards the wings as Charity raised an angry eyebrow at Faith, who looked guiltily away. Finally Charity turned back to the task in hand.

"It's the other way round Char, Aldrin's alive, its Neil that's dead..." Faith pointed out.

“Forget it. She won't remember them anyway. C’mon. Let’s make these assholes regret they ever swore an ‘oath to uphold justice’” Charity sniggered. She gripped Batgirl’s cheeks between her thumb and fingers and shook her head from side to side. The young defender of justice didn’t stir. But a groan from Wonder Woman announced her recovery.

“Well, perfect timing! Sister, I do believe we have a volunteer!” Charity grinned as they gripped her beneath her arms and hauled the groggy Amazon to her feet.

Behind Wonder Woman’s head Charity , mouthed ‘watch this!’ to her sister.

She gripped Wonder Woman by the hair and spun her head around to face Batgirl.

“Take a good look at your dead friend, Wonder Woman! That’s what a dead Batgirl looks like!” crowed Charity as Faith sniggered, although she pulled Wonder Woman’s head away before she could take in the scene properly.

“Sh-she…she’s dead? “ Wonder Woman said groggily trying to comprehend what she had seen.

“Yup! As dead as your chances of getting outta here tonight! Don’t worry, you’ll soon be joining your little...ex-pal!”

“NO!” cried Wonder Woman as she struggled desperately “NO! YOU MURDEROUS SCUM!” she shook her body violently trying to break free only to be winded by a vicious punch to the gut.

As she doubled up in pain, Charity thrust Wonder Woman’s head into Batgirl’s groin, burying her face in the young girl’s exposed cunt with a desperate “MMMPPPPHHHH!” from the Amazon.

“Go ahead - try the kiss of life!” Charity crowed as Faith burst out laughing. “ Maybe you’ll bring her round…” Faith and Charity forcibly held her head, smothered in the young woman’s cleft as Wonder Woman’s struggles became ever more frantic as even without her belt her superior strength required all the effort of both sisters to hold her in place.

Winded first by the blow and then smothering, without air even she couldn’t survive indefinitely. Long moments passed but gradually her struggles slowed, her rigid muscles started to relax. Charity waited until Wonder Woman was almost passing out from lack of oxygen before she pulled the head back, the Amazon whooping in an enormous gulp of life saving air.

Then a moan from Batgirl revived her further.

“UUUUuuuuuuuuu…..” croaked the Angel of Gotham.

“B-Batgirl…?” gasped the Amazon hardly daring to hope that her young ally was still breathing.

“WOW! Helluva CPR job you done there, Wonder Tits!” joked Faith.

Wonder Woman went tight lipped, her teeth gritted as she was hauled away from Batgirl. She tried to grab her belt still around Faith’s waist, but with her hands still chained behind her butt, the middle sister’s body was out of reach. Luckily neither sister noticed the attempt. As Batgirl came to, she spotted the Amazon and started to rise.

“W-Wonder Woman…?” she said weakly before Charity stepped in between them, blocking her view.

As Batgirl’s confused gaze switched to the older sister she barely had time to spot the pistol before Charity slammed the butt into her forehead, knocking her out once more. Her head fell back with a dull thump onto the table, rolled slightly, then was still.

“Sorry, woulda been chloroform but our dopey sister keeps forgettin’ it.” Charity quipped as Wonder Woman struggled with renewed energy but to no avail.

“That was a rotten trick, you lousy creeps!” she hissed angrily at the sisters.

“Yeah…speaking of tricks…let’s tie her to the knifewheel!” suggested Faith as Charity smiled agreement. “Be easier to play with her then!”

Taking no chances, they landed a flurry of cruel blows to Wonder Woman’s stomach and kidneys, weakening her and doubling her up. They then pistol whipped her several times until she was barely conscious, groaning as she lay on the floor, her troubled countenance reflected by the darting eyes beneath her closed lids as she fought to remain awake. They dragged her limp body by the arms and carefully undid the padlocks on the chains, a pistol pressed into her heart, reattaching them to bind her through the straps on the wheel.

Wonder Woman was vaguely aware of being manhandled onto the wheel and then restrained, but dazed as she was she could do absolutely nothing to stop it. She could feel leather straps at her ankles and wrists with the thicker chain wrapped around her waist binding her body upright through holes in the round board, instead of them using the leather waist strap on the wheel. The thinner chain still restrained her wrists but this time was much slacker, just looped once around each hand and then stretched between the two arms through holes in the board. In her weakened condition and without her belt, it would be enough to restrain her.

Faith pulled the warrior’s head back upright by the hair as the two sisters pressed their bodies in close against the dazed Amazon.

“She is a looker, ain’t she?” said Faith appreciatively. “I know this may sound stupid …but knowing she’s a heroine…well, it’s kinda a turn on, ya know? Like she’s so pure an’ noble an’ virtuous, and we’re the ones who are gonna debase her…take everything she stands for …an’ destroy it. An’ for all her strength, all her powers…she can do nothing, NOTHING to stop us…we OWN her body, and we can do with it whatever the fuck we like…” All the while she spoke Faith was stroking the lithe body, nudging the hair aside with her nose as her warm breath played over the soft bronzed skin.

Charity was stroking Wonder Woman’s cheek, gazing at her groggy face as she slowly came to.“I know what you mean…” she said as she looked with eyes full of lust at the once mighty Amazon. “All bound…and helpless…soooo strong…and yet soooo powerless…we can do any-thing we want to her….a-ny-thing…”

Wonder Woman started to stir.

“Wake –up, sleepy head!” Charity sang the words. “Waaaaa-ke up…”

“Uggghh…w-wha-?” Wonder Woman’s body stiffened as she fully recovered, testing her bonds and reacting with frustration as she found she was securely held.

Charity stroked her cheek as she stared at the fierce dark eyes as her sister kissed the Amazon’s neck where it met her shoulder, causing her to flinch in revulsion, much to Charity’s amusement. “Easy, tiger. We just wanna make you fill them blue knicks o’ yours is all. Gonna make you cum over an’ over an’over…”

“NEVER! Do your worst you twisted sickos, I’ll never cum for you!” spat the Amazon defiantly.

“Here’s the deal…see that little girl playing hero lying over there?” she gestured at Batgirl’s prone body on the table. ”Don’t you think she’s suffered enough tonight, huh? But what happens to her next is entirely in your hands. We can play with you, an’ we all have a good time, with you like co-operatin’ so to speak…or you can watch us make her beg. You think you seen her suffer with Jimmy? Batgirl Buttfucked? That’s nothing to what we will put her through. Now you ain’t dumb enough to believe we’d let her go, or you for that matter, but she can still die quiet or die screamin’. Your choice. Unless you go the extra mile, as it were. So…you willin’ to take one in the cunt for the team, huh?” she laughed as Wonder Woman pursed her lips in impotent frustration, staring straight ahead, avoiding Charity’s gaze.

“I want an an-swer…” she sang the word again “or we really go to town on her.”

“YOU WILL ANYWAY, YOU SICK BITCH!” Wonder Woman cried.

“Ahh, you know me so well…but …maybe I will kill her quick rather than slow, hmmm? Or maybe I will keep my word? Your call. You can believe me and only you will suffer. Or not, and you both will. So…you comin’ out to play or what?”

There was a long pause as Wonder Woman weighed her words.

“What choice do I have, you twisted, evil monsters?” the Amazon said angrily.

“SAY IT!” Charity pressed. “SAY IT!”

“I…I’ll….” Wonder Woman’s impressive breasts heaved up and down as she fought to say the words she found so abhorrent. “I…I’ll give myself to you…” she hissed. “THERE, SATISFIED?!!”

“Atta girl!” crowed Charity. “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” she smiled as Wonder Woman gritted her teeth. “Apparently, you and I have different definitions of ‘never’ – to me it means something ain’t EVER gonna happen, to you its like…what, a minute later?” she taunted her, laughing.

Another subway train passed somewhere beneath the theatre and the vibrations made their way up through the stage, setting Wonder Woman’s breasts quivering delightfully. With all three women’s bodies pressed so close to each other the sensation rippled up through each of them, a gentle tingling sensation that passed one to the other.

“OOOoooh, look at them babies go!” said Faith appreciatively as she watched the quivering bosom of the Amazon.

“Ya know…maybe we’d better check that they didn’t get…hurt in the –er- ‘Earthquake’.“ grinned Charity as she too looked longingly at the barely contained mammaries.

“Yeah…cos like they could be damaged, ya know, we need to see they’re in full workin’ order…” Faith sniggered.

Both women pressed in close then, standing on either side on one leg and each rubbing the inner thigh of the other up, from the knee to the crotch of the leg of Wonder Woman. Their satin catsuits over their upper thighs slid easily up and over the smooth tanned thighs of the athletically built woman, up and down, creating an arousing friction of warmth and pressure and the promise of pleasure. As their limbs stimulated her lower body Wonder Woman found her upper body smothered in kisses, over her neck and bare shoulders, Faith nibbling at her ear, nuzzling her nose beneath the rich dark hair, her breath warm and soft against the Amazon’s skin.

In unison the two sisters each cupped a breast feeling the warm curve of the bosom beneath the tight red fabric of her bustier. Wonder Woman remained tight lipped at the indignity, staring straight ahead as all the while she tried to see a way out, a means of escape. But without her belt she had no hope of breaking the chains that bound her. Her only course of action was to play along with her own sexual humiliation, to maybe lull the sisters until a chance arose to grab her belt and break free. But she couldn’t be seen to give in too easily. She would have to resist initially, then allow herself to be reluctantly overcome.

As she felt the warm touch of their lips and the soft, hot dampness of their kisses she found her breathing increasing rapidly, setting her chest heaving, her nipples hardening involuntarily at the stimulus. The sisters both traced a finger around the top edge of each of the cups of the bustier then slowly gripped the top with the rest, curving their digits over the edge of the metal wings of the eagle, their fingernails scraping her skin as they closed and then slipped between her flesh and the inner lining of the fabric. Their grip tightened as they slowly bent down the top of the bustier, the rising motion of Wonder Woman’s breathing causing her chest to explode into view like a wave over a dam. As the spectacular tits burst into sight Charity drew in and held her breath in excitement. She ran the tip of her tongue over her top lip in anticipation as she looked at Faith with eyes shining with delight at the thrilling prospect of sampling those succulent, firm breasts, the brown-pink teats already standing hard and proud. The two exchanged an unspoken word before they both dived in open mouthed to suck on the exposed nipples as Wonder Woman winced in shame and humiliation. To the sisters the taste was exquisite.

Outside the stage door, Jimmy stood smoking, angrily cursing to himself.

“Them fucking bitches, I’m gonna fucking get ‘em both, that’s what I’m gonna do. Gonna make ‘em both pay!” he declared aloud as he hastily drew on his cigarette. “I’m gonna –FUCK!!! SHIT!!!!”

“Good evening, officer” said the watcher from the alley in husky tones.

“JESUS! Off-? Oh sorry, er, Ma’am, I…didn’t see you there.”

“I didn’t startle you did I, Officer?” she asked sweetly, the moonlight catching her ruby red lips.

“Oh, no…er...Ma’am…not really, I was just…er…surprised a little is all.”

“Have you seen Batgirl and Wonder Woman? They were around here earlier…” her green eyes shone beneath her mask in the moonlight, sparkling with intelligence. Jimmy could see she was stunningly beautiful. Well, unless the mask was hiding hideous scars, that is.

“Oh yeah, Ma’am, they’re inside. I’ll take you right to ‘em. After you…” he gestured towards the stage door.

“Why thank you, Officer….Krupky…” the dark clad heroine said as she leaned forwards slightly to read his name badge in the moonlight.

As she stepped forward ahead of him he fell in behind her, smiling cruelly and quietly drawing the pistol, again reversing it so he held it by the barrel, ready to use the handle as a club.

“That’s it, Ma’am, straight ahead…” he said in a reassuring tone. “They’ve been waiting for you…”
Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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