Supergirl - Phazed Out

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Supergirl flew lazily over a clear cold night in Chicago. She turned to go home when a red strobe light on top of the Chicago Board of Trade caught her attention. Supergirl hovered in mid air ‘A break in! Could be a job for Supergirl!’ Supergirl did not hesitate and within moments she was hovering over the top of the building. Using her supervision she peered inside the building. Scanning the whole building the only movement she saw was the on duty security heading towards the vault in the basement. Supergirl was familiar with the vault, it was a level 5 security vault, that even with her powers was not able to see inside. Supergirl could see no obvious signs of forced entry. Supergirl continued to scan the area focusing on the perimeter of the basement, but could not discern any breaches in the integrity of the building or the vault. Supergirl floated above the roof as the guards open the vault. Using her superhearing she listened in on the guards. ‘Must have been another false alarm’ said the captain of the guards as they left the vault.

Supergirl was about to leave when she heard a car start. Looking down she saw a petite red head wearing a skin tight black suit, spit a small black bag out of her mouth into her hand. The girl placed the bag in the center cup holder. Looking closer Supergirl saw the black bag was filled with diamonds.

The red head smiled to herself as she turned on the headlights. Her smile went away when she saw Supergirl standing akimbo five feet in front of her car. As the girl stared at the maiden of might, Supergirl walked around to the side of the car, opening the door. “Care to tell me where you got those diamonds.” The red head gave Supergirl a smirk “What diamonds?” Supergirl leaned into the car between the girl and the steering wheel. Her large ‘S’ right in front of the thief. Supergirl looked at the girl derisively as she reached past the girl and grabbed the black bag. The smirk on the maid of might’s face suddenly changed to shock as she froze in place. Supergirl looked at the girl who was smiling at her. “What’s the matter Supergirl? Cat got your tongue?” Supergirl slowly looked down at her chest and what she saw horrified her. The girl’s arm just past her wrist was impaled into her chest. Supergirl could feel her heart in the girl’s icy grip. The girl let out a small grunt as she tried to squeeze Supergirl’s heart but did not have any effect. She could feel Supergirl’s heart rate rapidly increase as fear was taking hold of the maid of might. The girl took the black bag of diamonds from Supergirl’s hand. “Thank-you” Before she put them in her mouth she told Supergirl “stay away from me or I will end you!”. “Who are you?” asked the maid of might? “Phaze! and little girl, I am your worst nightmare” the girl stated flatly as she then disappeared right in front of Supergirl. Supergirl felt the icy cold hand of Phaze release her heart. Supergirl collapsed onto the now empty driver seat as she gasped for air her hands clutching her chest.

After a few moments Supergirl regained her composure realizing she wasn’t hurt. She felt a little ashamed that she had reacted that way, after all she is invulnerable. But it was very disconcerting that someone could reach inside her and hold her heart in their hand, even though she was sure they did not have the strength to actually hurt her. Supergirl stood beside the car looking around for the mysterious woman. Seeing no sign of the red headed thief she bent her long legs and took off into the night sky.

Two weeks later Supergirl in her secret identity, Linda Danvers an investigative reporter for the Midvail Gazette was interviewing a bank manager. The manager told her about a number of the bank’s customers reporting valuable gems missing from their safety deposit boxes. There was no sign of forced entry and no common thread to the people that had their valuables stolen. The manager said they first thought it was an inside job until they heard other bank branches and other banks reporting the same mysterious thefts. Linda thanked the manager for his time and started to leave. As Linda was leaving she saw her. The redheaded girl was going into the bank as she was leaving. Linda watched Phaze go into the women’s room. Using her supervision she watched her enter a stall hanging her purse on the door hook. The girl took off her sundress revealing her skin tight black suit. The girl then vanished. Linda rushed out of the bank and between buildings, a moment later Supergirl landed on the roof of the bank. Supergirl using her x-ray vision watched the safety deposit boxes and saw gems disappear right out of the locked boxes. Supergirl then waited and saw the red head reappear in the bathroom stall. The thief then spit out the gems she had just stolen and placed them in her purse. Supergirl watched as the Phaze waltzed right out of the bank with the stolen gems. Supergirl continued to watch the as she left in her car. From high above Supergirl followed as she tracked the car until it reached a large estate just outside the city.

Supergirl hovered high above as Phaze entered the large mansion and placed the gems in a large vault in the basement. She could see that there were boxes full of gems inside the safe through the open door. Supergirl knew from her first encounter with Phaze that apprehending this thief was going to be difficult. Until she had time to study this girl she could at least make her life more difficult and at the same time get physical evidence for the police. She decided that she was going to take the safe and its contents to the police station. She hoped that perhaps there would be some evidence inside the safe or finger prints that would link the girl to the thefts. The redhead closed the safe and started to walk up the steps when Supergirl smashed through the ceiling landing next to the safe. Supergirl gripped the safe, her fingers sinking into the metal box as if it were clay. “What the hell” Phaze said as she spun around in surprise. Supergirl looked up at the startled girl, “Crime doesn’t pay miss, and I strongly suggest to stop before you end up in jail!” Bending her knees slightly Supergirl ripped the safe from its concrete anchors as she flew back up through the hole through the ceiling and roof she had just made and into the bright blue sky.

Phaze’s initial surprise turned to anger as she thought of all the hard work. She screamed in anger “Come back you coward! I told you to stay away from me Supergirl, now you will Pay! You WILL PAY YOU FUCKIN’ BITCH!”
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Phaze is a clever idea. I love the way she can simply reach into SG like that. It will be interesting to see how she deals with her.
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Interesting ... can't wait to see how this goes!
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An interesting beginning. I like the conceit that even though she can reach into SG's chest, she doesn't have enough strength to affect her heart. If she can't figure out a way to hurt SG, she'll be fairly easily dealt with.
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^^ But it's a nice counterpoint that Sg can't get her either, so I don't think anything will be easy.

Either way a nice set up
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Part 2
Phaze looked at the spot where her safe had been just moments ago. She couldn’t believe almost all the money she had collected over the past six months was gone in a few seconds. She thought to herself how did Supergirl find her? But she also realized Supergirl did not try to apprehend her either, but she knew that Supergirl would not just leave her alone now she knew how to find her. Phaze had to get Supergirl out of the way!
Supergirl floated gracefully down in front of the central police station, her skirt and cape fluttering as her feet touched concrete steps in front of the station. She held the half ton safe over her head as if it were a feather. Supergirl smiled at police officer that was just entering. The officer smiled as his eyes took in her long legs that were encased in red and yellow FMBs and disappeared under her sexy red mini. The officer smiled holding the door open for her, “Supergirl, what do you have there?” Supergirl walked in “Thanks, I recovered the gems that have gone missing from all over the city!”
The red headed villian parked her motorcycle a block away as she saw a crowd of people with camaras and such milling around out front of the Central Police Station. ‘Paparazi’ thought Phaze. ‘I knew miss goody too shoes would go to the police! Of course her suspicions were helped as wherever Supergirl showed up intagram and twitter exploded. Well you are in for a surprise Supergirl, as I too have friends in the police department! They will not be happy that I can’t give them any more gifts because of you!” Phaze became intangible and entered the police station through the side wall.
Supergirl walked out of the Police Chief’s office, “Your welcome Chief, I am sure together we will put a stop to Phaze.” Supergirl walked down the corridor heading to the evidence room to make sure they did not need anything else, when an officer approached. “Miss Supergirl, will you please come with me.” Supergirl looked at the young man and agreed having no reason to suspect anything she complied. “So where we going?” she asked as they went down the stairs. “Captain Callaghan wants to talk to you.” As they arrived the officer opened the door and motioned Supergirl into the room. The officer looked in as the Captain had her back to the door. She was reading a report as she stood next to an open holding cell. “You can leave officer.” The Captain said as she waved her hand dismissively.
Supergirl stood just inside the doorway. “You wanted to see me Miss Callahan?”
The officer turned around, she was a very fit 5' 9”, long dark brown hair, green eyes, with legs that most women would kill for. She didn’t look mean but stern. "Miss Please Come here. I have a report that I have been asked to check on" Callahan stated plainly. “What sort of report?” Supergirl asked quizzically. “I am sure it is false but I still need to follow procedure.” She lied. “I can prove it isn’t with a quick search. I have two video cameras set up to record the search and once it is done you will be free to leave.”
Supergirl looked at the officer, “Search?” “Yes Supergirl I am sorry but please turn and face the wall. Supergirl did as instructed knowing this is just part of her officer’s job. Supergirl looked over her shoulder at the officer. Callahan put her hand on the small of the maid of mights back. “Face the wall and spread your legs." Callahan kicked the insides of Supergirl’s boots spreading her legs further, causing her already short skirt to climb her thighs.
Supergirl did as instructed as she could feel the taller woman behind her, Supergirl relaxed slightly, a bit comforted knowing this was a woman checking her, not a male.
Slowly, the officer began at Supergirl's hands..patting down her arms..then down her sides. She then slide her hands around Supergirl's front..firmly cupping her full breasts, squeezing gently, making sure nothing was hidden under her tunic. Callahan felt Supergirl's nipples tighten in her palms, she kept her hands on Supergirl's breasts as long as she could, without looking obvious. Feeling Supergirl's body arch slightly in response, Callahan pushed from behind pressing her pussy against the firm ass of Supergirl. Reluctantly, her hands left the maiden of might's pliant breasts and slid down her stomach, feeling it tremble slightly at her touch...then down to her hips; squeezing them gently. The officer then slid her hands over Supergirl's round firm ass, making sure nothing was hiding.

"Is that slow search necessary? You are taking too long frisking me...." Supergirl protested. “Quiet! This will be done soon.” The door opened and in walked Phaze, wearing a police uniform. She had a large aluminum brief case which she set on the table. Phaze removed an electronic baton that had a gold ‘LL’ symbol of Lex Luthor’s company on the handle. Phaze smiled and nodded as she handed it to Callahan. “Better search her cleavage that is where I saw her put the necklace!”

Supergirl started to look behind her wondering who had come in, but Callahan instructed Supergirl to stand still. Callahan reached over the shorter heroine’s shoulder and down the front of her shirt. Supergirl felt the hand inside her tunic, then felt the familiar cold touch of Phaze. Supergirl gasped “Phaze!” as Officer Callahan pulled out a pearl necklace from under Supergirl’s shirt. “What do we have here!”

Supergirl spun around, “This is…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” she screamed as Callahan activated the baton and jammed it into the thigh of Supergirl. Supergirl swatted the baton away. The officer grabbed her own hand as she was afraid Supergirl broke it. The baton clattered along the floor as Supergirl gripped her sore thigh. Phaze standing to the side of Supergirl activated her matching black and gold rod against the side of Supergirl’s head. White energy arced from the end of the baton into Supergirl. Supergirl’s eyes looked as if they might pop out of her head as she spasmed. With incredible will she started to reach for the baton just as the powerful burst stopped and Phaze stepped back. Supergirl slumped against the metal bars of the holding cell as she caught her breath. Supergirl’s eyes glowed red before Callahan who had recovered her baton hit her again, this time in the neck. Phaze then activated her baton against the maid of might’s ear at the same time. Supergirl spasmed as the batons zapped the maid of might, her body twitching uncontrollably as the weapons overwhelmed her. Supergirl slowly slumped down the bars as the batons expended their energy into the maid of might.

Supergirl sat on her ass leaning against the bars her legs spread out on the floor in front of her. Phaze jammed the baton into eye of Supergirl letting loose another blast of white energy. Supergirl screamed as she could not take the pain. As phase pulled back Supergirl’s chin slumped to her chest. “She looks like she has had enough” said Callahan as she shoved Supergirl with the heel of her boot causing the superheroine to fall to her side. Phaze knelt down next to Supergirl, “How do you like the neural scramblers? They are a gift from Lex Corp to the City’s finest! Phaze rolled Supergirl on her stomach as she pulled up Supergirl’s blonde locks and pressed the end of the baton at the base of her skull. “This will teach you for fucking with me you Bitch!” Phaze let loose another jolt into the helpless maid of might. Supergirl’s body tensed as she flopped on the floor uncontrollably. Phaze laughed “Not so tough now are you Super Bitch! “ Phaze handed her baton to Callahan. “Do not shock her if I am in contact with her” Phaze ordered as she rolled Supergirl over onto her back, leaning down she put her knee into the stomach of the prone Supergirl. “Perhaps you are now vulnerable to my touch!” Phaze then buried both of her hands into Supergirl’s chest and grabbed her rapidly beating heart. “This will be the end of you SUPERGIRL!”
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Me like. Especially those neural scramblers. I look forward to your next chapter.
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Wow! That's a cliffhanger!

Nicely done.
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Nice one! But she cannot hurt her, even in this condition. You 'll have to put something more in the equation.
Let's say that she wanted to stop her heart causing cardiac arrest she could have some kryptonite with her and you can guess the rest.
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:please: Any hope of there being another chapter in this tale? :wavecry:
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yes, I had it written and scrapped it. I am rewriting it so it will lead into the following Chapter better.

Thanks for the encouragement.
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Supergirl’s moaned “No!” just as felt the icy grip of Phaze’s fingers around her heart. The feeling took her breath away. Phaze grunted as she tried to strangle the heart of Supergirl. “FUUUUUUUCK” she screamed as she was unable to do anything to Supergirl. Phaze began to rock back and forth trying to break the girl of steel’s heart, but she could move Supergirl’s heart about the same amount as she could move a mountain. Supergirl was recovering rapidly as she watched the villain struggle. Her body felt numb from head to toe. She tried to move her arms and legs but it seemed as if she was completely paralyzed. With great effort she managed to move her head up slightly trying to look up at her attackers. Phaze saw Supergirl look up at her and removed herself from the recovering maid of might. “Fuck! Hit her again!” Phaze ordered in frustration, as she stood over the weak Supergirl. Callahan straddled the prone heroine bringing the neural scramblers to both of Supergirl’s temples and let loose another dose into the brain of Supergirl. Supergirl screamed again but only for a moment as her eyes rolled up in her head as she fell unconscious. Phaze kicked Supergirl in the chin, causing Supergirl to lay out in a ‘X’ on the hard floor. “Shit that hurt” Phaze grimaced. “Damn how do you kill this fucking bitch?” Callahan leaned down next to Supergirl seeing her chest rise and fall rhythmically as she seemed to be sleeping comfortably. Callahan kneeled next to Supergirl and lifted her left eyelid touching her eyeball with her forefinger. “Well she is alive but she is definitely out!” Callahan stood up and looked at Phaze, “I have an idea!”

Phaze glared at Callahan, ignoring her. “You have any change?” “Yeah, some” replied the confused officer. “Give it to me.” Callahan gave Phaze 82 cents of change. Phaze held the coins in her fist as she sat across the hips of the unconscious girl of steel. “Die BITCH” sneered Phaze as she plunged her hand into the heart of Supergirl. Supergirl did not move as phaze released the coins into her heart. Phaze pulled her hand out, watching closely as she rose off Supergirl. Supergirl just laid there seemingly unaffected by the coins in her heart. Phaze looked at Callahan, “She should be having a fuckin’ heart attack!” pointing at the prone Supergirl. Phaze thought for a moment and looked at Callahan, “Let’s see how she handles the hardest rock in the world…DIAMONDS!” Before the officer could say anything Phaze was gone to get the diamonds from the safe that Supergirl had stolen from her.

Callahan, shook her head as she saw Phaze leave partly in amazement at the girl’s power and her ruthlessness. It gave her a shiver of fear. Callahan was startled when she heard a low moan “noooo”. She looked down as Supergirl was still laying in a ‘X’ on the floor but the maid of mights head was moving slightly as a look of fear was on her face. Callahan realized that Supergirl was still out but have a bad dream. Knowing Supergirl could wake at any moment the officer grabbed the batons and tried to shock the girl of steel again. However, this time the batons only fizzled as the energy cells in the batons were depleted. Callahan, dropped the batons and thought: ‘Well I have one chance.’

Callahan sat on the floor lifting Supergirl’s head onto her lap. Callahan stroked her golden blonde hair as she spoke softly to Supergirl. “Relax Supergirl. It is okay Phaze is gone. You are safe, No one can harm you. I will protect you. “ The officer continued to reassure and praise Supergirl as she started her first part of her plan to hypnotize the girl from the stars. As she continued to stroke her hair she could feel Supergirl started to tense. “It is okay Supergirl, I am here. Phaze will not harm you. I am here to protect you. Don’t you feel good?” Callahan caressed Supergirl’s cheek, as she continued to calm and reassure the maid of might. Supergirl murmured as she seemed to relax in Callahan’s lap. “That is a good girl, breathe deep, relax your mind. You are safe with me let yourself relax, you are safe and feel very good. Keep your eyes closed as you feel your body condition. You feel so good and relaxed. I want you to concentrate on your body. I want you to concentrate on how good I make you feel. Breathe deep as you concentrate on your body and my voice.

Supergirl moaned in affirmation as she was slowly falling under the officer’s spell. The officer continued to sooth and relax Supergirl while she ‘pushed’ for more control over the maid of might. “Let your arms relax, let them go limp” Callahan picked Supergirl’s right arm up and let it flop back down. “That is a good girl. Now let your legs go limp, let your whole body relax. Your whole body feels relaxed and wonderful.” Callahan smiled as she knew she had the girl of steel under her power. Now she needed to deepen the trance.

Callahan concentrated on controlling Supergirl’s breathing. “Hold your breath” Callahan was concentrating so intently on gaining control over Supergirl she did not realize that Phaze had returned. “What are you doing?” questioned Phaze. “Shhhhhh, I have hypnotized her” Phaze kneeled down next to the prone Supergirl and without warning plunged her fist into Supergirl’s heart again. Callahan was shocked as she watched, knowing there was no way Supergirl’s heart could handle a fist full of diamonds. “What do you think we will do with her after she is dead? Have you thought of that?” protested the officer. Phaze glared at Callahan, “I am sure you will think of something!” Phaze glared at Callahan to remind her she could kill her too if she did not follow! Callahan watched as Supergirl stirred. “PHAZE…” The villians stared at Supergirl waiting for the heroine’s heart to stop, but Supergirl did not seem to be in any type of distress as she continued to rest on the police officers lap.

The villainesses looked at each stunned, not only was Supergirl alive but the diamonds had no effect on the girl from the stars. Callahan regained her composure and again began to stroke Supergirl face “Shhhhhhhh, It is ok I am here, you are safe.” The officer looked up at Phaze telling her to be quiet. Supergirl seemed to relaxed as a small smile crossed her face. "Supergirl, you are going into a very deep trance. I will count to one hundred and with each number, you will go deeper." The officer counted slowly to one hundred. Pausing the count to suggest she was feeling wonderful, every part of her body. Yes, Supergirl you are feeling wonderful, your whole body feels warm and wonderful.” Once Callahan reached 100 she asked Supergirl “How do you feel?” “Wonderful” came the quiet blissful response. “Supergirl can you feel my gentle and loving touch?” Callahan slowly ran her hand along the side of the girl of steel as she spread her fingers letting her finger tips press into the sides of breasts of the girl of steel. “Yes” cooed the helpless girl. “Supergirl as I speak your trance is getting even deeper. Your mind is turning inward and your only thought is how good my voice and hands make you feel. Your whole body is becoming more and more sensitive. Your breasts and pussy are getting warm and tingly. The feeling is spreading to your arms through down to your fingers. It is traveling down your legs from your vagina to your toes. You are feeling very aroused. Very, very aroused. You want to feel your body caressed. You want the pressure that is building up in your pussy to be relieved. You want to feel your breasts stroked. You feel my hands on your breasts, it feels so wonderful.”

Callahan hands cupped Supergirl breasts squeezing them crunching the large red and yellow ‘S’ in her grip as Supergirl pushes her chest into the officers hands. Callahan wrapped her legs around Supergirl kicking off her shoes so her stocking covered feet could rub and press into the blue leotard flower of Supergirl.

“How do you feel Supergirl?” asked Callahan. “I feel so horny” Supergirl answered almost breathlessly. “I love you Supergirl, Callahan whispered in her ear. I need you. Do you need me?” Supergirl answered “yes, oh yes!” “That is a good girl, you want to please me don’t you?” Callahan offered, luring Supergirl into a trap. “yes” came the reply.

Callahan stood up and looked down on the prone Supergirl. Her nipples swollen and erect poking on either side of the proud red and yellow ‘S’ of her tunic, her bright red skirt bunched up on her hips showing her blue leotard so wet that it molded to Supergirl’s flowering pussy. “Get up Supergirl” Supergirl rose and stood in front of Callahan. “You want to please me don’t you” said Callahan as her fingers traced the ‘S’. Supergirl nodded. “That is what a good girl does, isn’t it?” “yes” answered Supergirl as Callahan leans in and gives Supergirl’s nipple a long wet kiss. “You want to please your mistress don’t you my little horny slut” Supergirl gasped as Callahan’s hand was now rubbing her pussy as she kissed her breasts. “Tell your mistress you want me to make you cum” Supergirl lipped silently “please” Callahan went to her knees as she pulled the blue strip of fabric aside so she could properly service the maid of might. Callahan gripped the ass of Supergirl with one hand as the other her thumb found the swollen clit. Callahan’s tongue stroked the hot wet lips of Supergirl’s pussy. “Your legs are jelly, your super body is mine. You are my Superslut. Admit to me I am your Mistress and I will grant you the relief you so desire!” Supergirl sighed and moaned and bucked her hips against the officer “Yes my mistress please fuck me!” Callahan stopped for a moment as she looked up at Supergirl. Callahan’s face was covered in the pussy juices of Supergirl. Callahan watched Supergirl’s impressive chest heaving as she was so close to climax. “Supergirl where do you live?” Supergirl shook her head in confusion. Callahan let her thumb circle the hard nub of Supergirl. “Tell your mistress” Callahan demanded. “I live in Dorm 36S at Stanhope. “ “Who is your roommate my superslut?” “Lana Lane” she answered. “Supergirl from now on when you hear me or Phaze call you Superslut you will feel the same as you do right now. You will feel flushed with desire and helpless to resist your mistress. You understand?” Callahan instructed. Supergirl nodded affirmation. “Answer me Superslut!” “Yes my mistress yes I understand. Please make me cum mistress!” moaned the former maiden of might. “Of course my good little girl, you have been a good girl for your mistress!”

Supergirl was purring as Callahan renewed her sensual ministrations. Finally Callahan almost tentatively put her tongue between the folds. Supergirl sighed and moaned and bucked her hips against her mistress’s face. Callahan’s tongue darted in and out teasing Supergirl mercilessly before plunging in deep. “Oh Mistress, I’m coming, I’m coming.” Supergirl moaned as her legs buckled slowly slidding down the wall. Callahan continued to take the girl from the stars, forcing her onto her back as Supergirl collapsed in bliss.

Callahan stood up “Supergirl remember how you feel, when you are climaxed your powers will fail you. You will be powerless, you understand?” Supergirl answered “powerless”. Phaze whispered into Callahan’s ear. Callahan grimaced as she heard what Phaze wanted. She did not want to ask but she knew she had no choice. “Supergirl, where can I get Kryptonite?” Supergirl mumbled “Star Labs”. Phaze smiled and gave Callahan a kiss on the cheek. “See you soon” and Phaze left.

Callahan then spoke to Supergirl “When I count to ten you will wake, feeling absolutely terrific. When I snap my fingers you will immediately go into an even deeper trance.”

The officer counted to ten. Supergirl opened her eyes. Supergirl looked up in confusion. Thinking how did I end up on the floor. She looked at Callahan as she spoke. “How did I get here? I feel weird. What happened.”

Callahan snapped her fingers. She didn’t want that conversation going any further. Clearly she had no memory of what happened. Supergirl immediately went back into a trance. "When you wake up, you will feel very, very good. You will not remember being hypnotized. You will remember me frisking you and how it turned you on. You will remember that I protected you from Phaze and how she tried to frame you for theft of police property. You will remember I am your friend and mistress." Supergirl nodded “Yes my mistress” smiling. “Supergirl stand up” Supergirl stood as instructed. Callahan snapped her fingers and Supergirl stood in front of Callahan with a confused look on her face. Her nose flared as she could smell a musky smell in the room before realizing it was from her. Her face turned red as Callahan moved close to Supergirl. “It was nice meeting you Supergirl, I look forward to seeing you again” Callahan took Supergirl by the elbow leading her out the door. Supergirl paused at the door looking lovingly at the officer “Thanks” she said sweetly. Callahan lean in and kissed Supergirl lightly “It was my pleasure”

Supergirl walked out as her whole body tingled with an unfamiliar feeling of weakness. She hugged herself as she left the police station by the side door, knowing the press would be out front waiting for her. She tried to fly away but instead stumbled and fell. On all fours she looked around in shock and embarrassment worried that someone might of seen her fall. Luckily no one was there. She stood as she gripped the edge of a trash canister to steady herself. Her legs felt like jelly as she stood in the shadows. She stood there for a while letting her powers slowly seep back into her. After a half hour she felt strong enough to fly and she took off into the dark Chicago sky.
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lol her heartbeat will sound like having change in your pocket along with glasses. You are correct though her blood is strong enough to even melt the coins and diamonds. (What a waste.) Having kryptonite will make her heart jelly along with diamonds and coins will tear her apart. Wonder what will come first cardiac arrest or heart attack, even a small squeeze of phaze 's grip will deform her heart cavity badly to a point of no return. Very interesting to see where this goes.... Good job!!!!
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Will there be more? :please:
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Very good I enjoyed it.
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Once air born she oriented herself and began to fly unsteadily back to her dormitory. As she flew she remembered she was supposed to tutor a classmate at the library earlier. With a burst of super speed she landed where she hid her ‘Linda Danvers’ clothes. Checking her phone she saw a missed call from Peter and two text messages. Linda texted him back and he said he just got back home. She offered to go over and tutor him and he accepted. Linda quickly returned to her dorm room got cleaned up, grabbed her backpack and flew to Peter’s off campus apartment.

Peter answered the door a beer in his hand. He was tall at 6'3" with an athletic build, most of it solid muscle. He had dark hair and a megawatt smile as invited Linda in. He was wearing khaki cargo shorts and a blue shirt with the university name on it. Inviting her in he led her to his room. “My roommate will be back soon and will be making his dinner, so it is best we study in my room.” He explained. Linda followed him into the bedroom which had a dresser, desk and regular sized bed. The walls had sports posters and of famous actresses and models in sexy poses on the walls. As he closed the door she was astonished to see a life size poster of her or Supergirl in her famous ‘power’ pose on the back of the door. He pulled up a chair for both of them as he noticed Linda staring at the poster. “You a fan of hers too?” he asked. Linda smiled and said “You could say that.” She then noticed another poster of her on the ceiling? This one of her as she was flying. “I guess you are fan of hers too?” He smiled a little nervously “Oh yeah, of course who isn’t? You know she is just about the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” Supergirl’s stomach fluttered as he inadvertently flattered her.

Peter held the chair out for Linda as she sat down, he moved his chair next to hers as the began studying. The desk was small so the two sat close, there legs and hips touching. As they studied Linda noted that Peter would steal glances looking her over, when he thought she wasn’t looking. He also let his hand rest on his thigh and partially on hers. After a while he got up “I am going to get another beer, you want one?” Linda declined as he left. Her phone rang, answering it she recognized the voice of “Phaze!”

“Seems your hunky young friend is interested in more than studying!” Linda instantly was on guard looking around using her supervision to see Phaze in her car out front. “What are you doing here?” Linda asked. Phaze ignored her “I want you to stay in for the night, Supergirl. He seems with the right motivation he would not mind keeping an eye on you.” Linda through gritted teeth “What are you talking about?” “Well your friend has a Supergirl posters in his room, a Halloween costume in his closet, and probably many stories and photos of you on his computer. I imagine he would be very open to Supergirl seducing him.” She said teasingly.

Peter walked back in as he took a slug of beer. Linda turned and looked at Peter as she held the phone. “Why would I do that?” Linda tried to sound not to alarmed with Peter in the room. “Because you do not want him or your roommate harmed!” came the response. “Why..” Supergirl was cut off. "Listen up Stupid Girl" Phaze angrily shot back. "I am tired of your questions." Phaze let that sink in for a moment. "I promise to leave your friends alone including your sweet little roommate, as long as you do what I say, you understand?" Supergirl nodded as she said softly “yes”. “Ok ask your boy friend if he would like to see you in your costume, Supergirl.” Phaze instructed.

Linda looked up at Peter, it was clear she was nervous as she searched for the right way to ask him. Peter noticed her change in demeanor “You ok Linda?" he said Linda hesitated and said “I was wondering…” There was an awkward silence that Peter broke, "yes" he asked nicely. Linda shifted on her feet nervously, "I want your opinion of something." "Sure" Peter said. "Well...I have a Supergirl outfit I would like your opinion of." A stunned grin crossed the 19 year old boy's face. "Sure"

“Tell him to give you a few minutes and come to your room, and be ready to take you on!” Linda cleared her throat as she repeated what she was told, "Well come to my room in about 15 minutes, and be ready to take on Supergirl!" Linda then rushed out of the room, before Peter could say anything else.

Linda got into Phaze’s car for the ride back her room. Phaze looked at Linda quizzically "Ok he is coming" Supergirl said. "Good, know when we get there you are to change into your red and blues, but before you do I want you to put on this remote control butterfly as Phaze handed it to her. Once back to the room Linda undressed and then began to fumble with the straps which was to secure the butterfly. Supergirl was startled as Phaze appeared behind her. “Oh my you are such a nerd!” Phaze then attached the sex toy. She held the remote in her hand and hit the ‘low’ button. Supergirl eyes got wide, as she felt the toy buzz against her clit. Phaze explained the purpose of the toy and put Linda’s phone in a discreet location so Phaze could monitor Linda. “Have fun!” Phaze teased as she vanished.

Peter had another beer before he drove over to Linda’s dorm, her last words echoing in his head ‘be ready to take on Supergirl’, as he reached the door there was a small box hanging from the door handle with a note. Opening the note it read "This is a special kryptonite emitter, use it to conquer and tame the Girl of Steel if you think you are man enough!" Peter grinned as he opened the box and took out a small remote control with an off button and three ‘power’ settings. He thumbed the ‘low’ button as he grinned to himself, before quickly turning it off. Peter knocked on the door, Linda slowly opened the door, wearing a robe that covered her peeking out from behind the door. Peter came in "Hi Linda". Linda let Peter past as she closed the door behind him. Supergirl with her superhearing could listened to Phaze instructing her via the phone 'tell him to address you as Supergirl from now on and take off the robe'.

Linda looked at Peter and let the robe drop to the floor. "Please call me Supergirl" instructed Linda. Supergirl stood in the middle of the room wearing her form fitting blue leotard with the large red and yellow S stretched across her breasts, a short red skirt held on with a yellow belt. Her blonde hair draped over the back of her red cape that came down just below the bottom of her skirt her long toned legs fitted inside calf high red boots with yellow outline.

Peter's mouth hit the floor at the same time the robe did. Supergirl looked at Peter, "Well" she said as she took her power pose. "Wow Linda, you look amazing!" 'correct him' Phaze ordered. "I am Supergirl" Peter gulped as his eyes roamed over the sexy heroine in front of him. "oh yes, um Supergirl."

Supergirl smiled as she spun around in place taking her cape in her hands and playfully showing herself off. Supergirl then took her power pose again. "Well what do you think?" Peter walked up to Supergirl looking down, staring at her chest. "You look just like the poster" he then walked around behind her and took her cape in his hands. "Wow this material feels like silk, but is thicker". Peter said as he placed his other hand on her hip.

Phaze told Supergirl 'ask Peter have you ever fantasized of having Supergirl in your clutches?" Supergirl said aloud "NO WAY!" Peter was startled "What" as he stepped back. Supergirl quickly corrected herself, knowing that Lucy's life was in the balance. "Villian you may have lured me here, but you should know better than to tug on Supergirl’s cape.” Peter smiled as he played along. Supergirl turned to face Peter as they spoke. Peter reached up and traced his finger along the large S in the middle of her chest. “I am going to do more than tug on your cape Supergirl”

Supergirl grabbed his finger and bent it backwards “Ow!” causing Peter to yank his finger from her grip. Peter held his finger in his hand as Supergirl smiled as she stood with her feet slightly apart folding her arms under chest pushing up her nice C cup breasts. Supergirl as instructed then said "You are sure to fail if you think you can defeat me villian!"

Peter smiled and walked up to Supergirl, he put his hands on Supergirl's biceps and lifted her up. "That is where you are wrong Supergirl. I am not only going to defeat you, but make you beg for mercy!" Supergirl as instructed broke his grip and backed up. "You are strong, but no human man can beat Supergirl" Supergirl could hear Peter's heart rate increasing, glancing down she saw a bulge forming in his shorts. Peter reached in his pocket. “I have a special surprise for you, Supergirl”

Supergirl replied as instructed “You must know I am invulnerable to oh” Supergirl eyes got wide as she gasped.
Peter had his hand in his pocket and had clicked on the remote. "What were you saying Supergirl?” Peter then turned off the remote as he pulled the remote out of his pocket. Peter could see small tents on either side of her ‘S’ shield on her chest. “This emits Pink Kryptonite rays” Peter walked up to Supergirl again putting his finger on her S. “It appears to be working, or is it cold in here?” Supergirl reached for his hand again when he again activated the remote. Supergirl stopped in her tracks as vibrations suddenly rocked her again. “It seems even you have weaknesses!" Peter whispered in her ear. Supergirl gasped as she felt the vibrator come to life.
Phaze watched on her phone as she drove to star labs. “Now Superslut make sure you enjoy yourself or your little friend gets it!” Phaze smiled as she used the ‘trigger word’ put the phone down as she watched the young couple on her phone.
Peter hands cupped Supergirl’s breasts running his thumbs across the tips the mounds. “No” Supergirl protested, as she put her hands on Peter’s chest a pushed him away. Peter was surprised by her strength and was knocked down onto the floor. “Still some fight in you in see” Peter responded as he clicked the remote putting it on its highest setting. Supergirl squeezed her eyes shut as her mouth went slack. She struggled to take in a deep breath as she put a hand out against the wall to steady herself.

Peter stood up and pulled Supergirl into him, kissing her deeply. Just when she thought her knees would give out, the vibrations stopped. Peter broke the kiss, and looked into her eyes. “Just where is the Kryptonite?” he asked with a smile as he put his left hand over the red skirt cupping her ass as his right hand traced the remote up her thigh. Supergirl grabbed his right hand “Please No” Peter clicked the remote on low again. Supergirl’s fingers trembled as Peter’s left hand pulled Supergirl into him. “No more resistance from you. You will do as I wish! You are powerless Supergirl” Peter’s hand cupped Supergirl’s hot wet sex feeling the vibrator that was tormenting her. The thin blue material was soaking wet trails of Supergirl’s sex juices running down her thighs. Supergirl’s chest heaved as a mini orgasm spasmed in her. Peter leaned into her grinding his hard cock against her thigh. “Rub my cock” he instructed. Supergirl didn’t move. “Now you fucking cock tease!” Supergirl was startled by the sudden change in tone and put her hand on the large bulge in the boys shorts. Supergirl rubbed it lightly through the material of the shorts. Peter grabbed hold of his shirt, pulled it off and flung it out of the way. His large hands framed her face as he tilted her mouth up for his kiss.
Supergirl opened her mouth to the hot probing of his tongue. He ravaged hers, his tongue plunging deep. He moved one hand to bury it in the silkiness of her golden blond hair. The other hand swept down her side and around her back to press her up against his hard body. She moaned as she felt so hot! She, Supergirl was being made so fucking hot, she was losing her mind with lust. Her hand was now rubbing his cock through his shorts with abandon.

Peter hands began to play with her chest. “Yes, Superslut, take my cock out.” Supergirl fumbled with his shorts reaching inside, pulling the large member out. She couldn’t believe how large it was, her fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around. “Stroke it ” he whispered in her ear Supergirl did as she was instructed then she felt Peter grip her chest and pull downward. “On your knees Supergirl, time for my reward.” Peter stated in triumph.

Supergirl sank to her knees, her hands on his thighs as she looked upward at Peter. Supergirl looked like a doe caught in the headlights. Peter wiggled his hips causing his cock to slap across her face. “Suck it!” he demanded. Supergirl took the large member in her hands staring at it. Supergirl opened her hot mouth slowly as she licked her lips before tentatively taking the member in. “Yes” he encouraged as her lips closed around him. Peter lustfully grabbed her golden locks and pushed his cock deep into Supergirl’s mouth as she gagged slightly. “Use your hand to hold my balls, Superslut” Peter instructed as he started to face fuck the heroine.

Phaze pulled up outside Star Labs. With Supergirl busy with her new fuck buddy, Phaze was confident there wouldn’t be any super interference. Phaze wearing her black form fitting catsuit turned the car off and became intangible. Phaze walked through the highest security known to man undetected until she came to the vault she was searching for. As she entered a temperature sensor picked up a slight temperature decrease alerting the guards. Security looked at the video screens and didn’t see anything until they noticed a slight distortion on the infa-red camara. They hit the silent alarm.

Next Chapter Phaze meets Superman
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Very enjoyable. I look forward to the next chapter of this.
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Part 5

Superman was hovering high in the upper atmosphere as he surveyed the world below when he received the signal that the vault that stored the kryptonite at Star Labs had been breached.

Phaze surveyed the kryptonite collection, there was plenty of green k, some gold, and others including red, black and pink. She picked up two small green rocks that she could fit in her mouth then looked at the small pink k specimen. ‘This might be fun’ She picked up the pink one, slipping the small stones in her mouth she made her exit.

In an instant Superman was above the facility looking down. He could not see too far into the facility as it had many lead lined areas including the vault that the kryptonite was stored. As he watched he noticed a strange ‘sparkling’ on the outside wall just for a split second. He floated down to the ground next to the wall touching it. He could feel the area was slightly cool to the touch. Superman turned around just a Phaze past through a perimeter fence, leaving even fainter ‘sparkles’ , even Superman probably wouldn’t have noticed it if he wasn’t looking for it. Superman flew over the fence and landed 20 feet in front of what he assumed was someone. Looking with his supervision he couldn’t see anything.

Phaze paused as she saw Superman land in front of her. She looked at the man of steel trying to discern if he could see her. She moved to the side and Superman’s eyes did not follow her. She walked around him as he looked around searching for her.

Superman brow furrowed as he realized that someone or something was there but even with his super senses could not find the thief. Superman floated up about 15 feet in the air. He took in a deep breath and let loose with his super breath. The dirt and debris on the ground was thrown up in a violent tornando of debris. He kept this up as he searched the debris for the telltale sparkles that would give away the intruders location. “There you are!” Spotting her, Superman then concentrated his super breath causing a dust storm to surround the thief. The small sparkles glittered as Superman kept up the assault.

Phaze stopped as she knew Superman was following her. She looked up at Superman as she saw the debris flying around her. The debris did not affect her in the slightest but she noticed Superman was looking directly at her. Then she felt the chilling effect of his concentrated breath. She shuddered from the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature and began to run. Superman tracked her as he kept up the attack. After a short period Superman landed directly in front of Phaze as she stumbled and fell. Superman then changed tactics and inhaled causing a vacuum around the now prone intruder. Phaze suddenly realized she could no longer breath, clutching her throat she collapsed.

Superman was pleased with himself as she flickered back to her tangible state. Phaze coughed, gasping for air spitting out the kryptonite rocks as she tried to get fresh air in her lungs. Superman approached, “Now young lady, you…” Superman paused and gasped as his victory was short lived. The kryptonite she had in her mouth was also now tangible and began sucking the life and power from the man of steel. Superman dropped to one knee “No, Amalganite!” he muttered as he not only felt the green kryptonite but the pink stone. The man of steel staggered back trying to distance himself from the villainess. Phaze gasped as she took in deep breaths. On her hands and knees she looked up as she saw Superman backing away.

Phaze grabbed the stones as she stood up holding the stones in each hand, she closed the distance till she was right in front of the man of steel. She looked at Superman as his mouth slackened gasping for air. Phaze looked down and noticed his red trunks were starting to tent. She smiled at him “Happy to see me?” as she shimmied up next to the man of steel. She traced the pink stone across the ‘S’ then slowly down his abs. “NNNuuuugggg” Superman groaned as the pink and green rocks overwhelmed him. “What’s the matter Supes?” Phaze put the green stones in her pocket as she used both hands to massage Superman’s member through his trunks. “So is this pink stone is Amalganite?” Superman gasped as he felt her push him onto his back. “Yes, take it away” Superman moaned, but he was helpless as the villainess rubbed the Amalganite against him. “Almalganite is a compound combining gold Kryptonite and red Kryptonite” gasped the man of steel.

Phaze kneeled next to Superman as she traced the glowing pink stone over his stiffening member. Superman felt himself stir, as his cock stiffen. The sexy red watched in amazement as the pink stone glowed brighter as Superman’s steel hardened. Phaze watched as the tenting gap his seemingly unrestrained cock created revealed the base of the man of steel’s cock. In seconds his 12” cock was throbbing, pulsing with desire. Phaze placed the palm of her hand on the tip of Superman’s cock which seemed to be ‘painted’ with his red briefs, causing him to moan “Gaawwwwd”.

Phaze felt Superman’s hands on her ass as he struggled to rise “Come here you bitch” he growled. “Oh no you don’t” she stated. Phaze stood up and placed her foot on Superman’s chest pushing him back onto the ground. She looked at his face, it was no longer the self-assured hero staring back at her, but a wild eyed desperate boy. Phaze paused as she felt herself getting unbelievably horny. She could not take her eyes off his long, thick powerful cock wrapped in the red material. Phaze dropped the stone next to Superman, and kneeled down, pinning his arm under her legs. “I am want some Supercum” she stated, her hands snaking through the ‘gaps’ below the leg openings of his red trunks. Wrapping her fingers around the man of steel she pumped the massive man meat, soon a wet stain appeared followed by gushing of his supersede coating her hands. “You nasty boy. Look at the mess you made. She put her hands up to his lips. Lick me clean!” The defeated hero eagerly licked her fingers pulling her fingers into his mouth with his free hand.

Their moment is broken as she heard barking dogs closing in on them. “Sorry Supes, but this is where we have to part ways.” Phaze wipes her wet hands across his chest, before reaching into her pocket and grabbing the smallest green stone. “We will not be meeting again I am afraid.” She states almost sadly, as her hand plunges through his chest, depositing the deadly green stone inside the man of steel. His eyes go wide in horror. “You have seen me, and know how to find me. I am sure you understand I cannot take the risk!” Quickly she undoes the belt and pulls the cum stained red trunks off of the convulsing dying hero. “I am sure these will be more worth more than the ‘Star of Victoria bra’! Ciao.” She runs off into the night as the man of steel clutches his chest, gasping for breath, dying half naked in the dirt.

This is really really amazing can you not turn this into a movie you should!!!!!!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Very nice chapter! Will Supergirl get there in time to save her cousin? And how could she even get that kryptonite out of his chest cavity/heart in time. Doesn't sound good for Supes!
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