Heroines in Peril - Mainstream - PROJECT GREEN-LIT!

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^^^Nobody is suggesting he should be worried about a backlash against Logans content and if thats what you have taken from these discussions you have missed the point. Logan has said he's in talks about whats going to be produced and as he's a professional I've no doubt it will be fine. But the point I was trying to make was the interest it will generate in places like this will cause problems. Having lost Batgirl Spoiled to copyright issues I dont want to lose Cali as Batgirl or Christina as Wonder Woman, or Rye's Supergirl 1984, or Kendra's Batwoman. As we have already seen it happen I cant see how it can be dismissed as paranoia. Logan isnt going to have any problems with his stuff in the mainstream as he has original characters. But thats not true of all producers here.

For earlier posters,as this is a forum, a place where ideas and goods are discussed and exchanged, and this is a Lounge thread not an advert I don't consider expressing concern as 'bitching'. If we cant talk openly about such things in the thread where they are mentioned then where can we?

And I dont consider any of us have attacked or criticized his actions other than expressing concern that whilst this maybe good for him, it may not ultimately be good news for us as a community, given whats already gone down.
If Logan or anyone else for that matter views my earlier comments as criticism of his actions then I can only say thats not how I intended them to be perceived, I accept that Logan is making business decisions that are good for him and doesnt owe me anything. But that doesnt mean I have to look forward to the prospect of wider interest here that may well result in other producers I like suffering.
It is literally just concern for where a wider interest in this genre will end up given 60% or more of the content here probably breaches some copyright or other and some of the rest is pretty extreme.

I bare no ill will to anyone and wish you success with it Logan, for as you say its going to happen, so I hope my fears are for nothing but I think we will be lucky if this community avoids more copyright losses like Batgirl Spoiled once , as mentioned earlier, the breadcrumb trail leads back here.
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The reason Batgirl:Spoiled was taken down was the use of the costume, logo, names, and exact story from the DC universe. This was a blatant copyright infringement issue even as a fan film.

None of the other producers here are doing that. They all fall under Parody and/or Fair Use law. Your worry is not based on apples to apples here.

"If that is what happens, then that is what happens. I'm not concerned with a small chance that something may happen here."

Logan really doesn't care if his project affects our genre. He isn't a fan of this material. His constant polling and careful analysis of what sells has led to him producing material that is popular, but if it ends tomorrow it won't bother him, he'll just switch to another genre and carry on pursuing his ambitions. I say this not as a criticism, exactly, but as a statement of fact. I admire Logan's incredible work ethic and his drive to improve himself and his product. My point is that if this new project ends up causing a backlash against our genre, it won't bother Logan. It sure as hell will bother the rest of us.

Logan, you've been very clear that you are moving forward with this endeavor. I know you think this conversation is just a distraction, but we don't want to see our niche come under attack. I hope you will take the concerns raised in this thread to heart as you lay out the storyline for your project and make decisions with the knowledge that there could be lasting effects on the fans who have financed your learning curve. If you design this project right, defending it on plot/artistic grounds may be possible. If it plays as blatantly pandering to an audience that WANTS to see the heroines lose, we're fucked.
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HeroineLegends wrote:The reason Batgirl:Spoiled was taken down was the use of the costume, logo, names, and exact story from the DC universe. This was a blatant copyright infringement issue even as a fan film.
Sorry, but Completely, Utterly, Not True!

With all due respect,

1. BATGIRL: SPOILED is NOT taken down. You can watch 25 of the videos they made, still on youTube at this very moment.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZ90td ... 8bw/videos

2. They did NOT use "exact story," They had writers, who wrote a parody script based on Stephanie Brown's run as Batgirl. Yes, you can parody story. It's a parody, pure and simple. It is NOT "blatant copyright infringement even for a fan film." It isn't any more "blatant" than the DC and Marvel characters you parody.

3. The reason they stopped producing more Batgirl videos is reported on their facebook page...

"As of yesterday afternoon our IndieGoGo has received a take-down notice from Warner Brothers. Thus our crowdfunding campaign is canceled." Here's the facebook page to read more...


They made parody, but got their project funding campaign hit with a take-down. They could have fought, but then it comes to how much did they really want to continue, putting time and money fighting a legal battle. They chose not to fight. I would've done the same.
HeroineLegends wrote:None of the other producers here are doing that. They all fall under Parody and/or Fair Use law. Your worry is not based on apples to apples here.
On the contrary, many producers here are doing that. And yes, they "fall under Parody and/or Fair Use law."

And the "worry" some people have is legit. At least it is to the people who think it's possible that your series on Netflix could be seen by lots of people and get some popular notice. I'm one of the few that don't think this is going to amount to much of anything. But I'd be happy to be wrong, I subscribe to Netflix, so I'd definitely put it on My List.

the Scribbler

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Don't take ofence unless you wnat to but you do not speak on my behalf so please less of the "we".
Also if you think Logan is not a fan of this genre then you need to glean some moire information and from informed sources.
I have chated via pm and email wih Logan and a couple of his lovely actresses and I can assure you they are very much into this genre, in fact I would not be suprised if Logan is under pressure fro his ladies to crank things up a bit LOL! From what I know they are very much into the genre and are very creative.

Sure I am a fan of HL but that is not just because of what they produce it is because I know from personal experience they love the genre and I can only assume as a businessman and a fan Logan sees this move as a plus plus for him and the genre.

Sure everyone is entitled to their opion and I wholly suport that hence why I have just given mine.

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theScribbler wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:The reason Batgirl:Spoiled was taken down was the use of the costume, logo, names, and exact story from the DC universe. This was a blatant copyright infringement issue even as a fan film.
Sorry, but Completely, Utterly, Not True!

With all due respect,

1. BATGIRL: SPOILED is NOT taken down. You can watch 25 of the videos they made, still on youTube at this very moment.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZ90td ... 8bw/videos

2. They did NOT use "exact story," They had writers, who wrote a parody script based on Stephanie Brown's run as Batgirl. Yes, you can parody story. It's a parody, pure and simple. It is NOT "blatant copyright infringement even for a fan film." It isn't any more "blatant" than the DC and Marvel characters you parody.

3. The reason they stopped producing more Batgirl videos is reported on their facebook page...

"As of yesterday afternoon our IndieGoGo has received a take-down notice from Warner Brothers. Thus our crowdfunding campaign is canceled." Here's the facebook page to read more...


They made parody, but got their project funding campaign hit with a take-down. They could have fought, but then it comes to how much did they really want to continue, putting time and money fighting a legal battle. They chose not to fight. I would've done the same.
HeroineLegends wrote:None of the other producers here are doing that. They all fall under Parody and/or Fair Use law. Your worry is not based on apples to apples here.
On the contrary, many producers here are doing that. And yes, they "fall under Parody and/or Fair Use law."

And the "worry" some people have is legit. At least it is to the people who think it's possible that your series on Netflix could be seen by lots of people and get some popular notice. I'm one of the few that don't think this is going to amount to much of anything. But I'd be happy to be wrong, I subscribe to Netflix, so I'd definitely put it on My List.

I guess we'll see. ;)
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rayman wrote:@Bert
Don't take ofence unless you wnat to but you do not speak on my behalf so please less of the "we".
Also if you think Logan is not a fan of this genre then you need to glean some moire information and from informed sources.
I have chated via pm and email wih Logan and a couple of his lovely actresses and I can assure you they are very much into this genre, in fact I would not be suprised if Logan is under pressure fro his ladies to crank things up a bit LOL! From what I know they are very much into the genre and are very creative.

Sure I am a fan of HL but that is not just because of what they produce it is because I know from personal experience they love the genre and I can only assume as a businessman and a fan Logan sees this move as a plus plus for him and the genre.

Sure everyone is entitled to their opion and I wholly suport that hence why I have just given mine.

Peace and love to all, especially Kelly Haha!
This is absolutely correct. I can tell you that it's not in my personality type to continue in a job or genre that I don't actually like. I love filming these - we have filmed nearly 270 films at this point. Trust me, if I didn't like doing it, we would not have shot that many! And yes, my girls are the ones who took this entire thing to the next level - they are the ones who are giving you those sexual moments, not my males (although they don't complain). You should see (and hopefully will see) some of the stuff coming up - it's pretty awesome! :)

Please re-read my post. If you do want the superheroine peril genre to come under attack then I stand corrected. That is the only time I used a collective term. And Logan has admitted before that he isn't into heroine peril. He saw an opportunity and he went for it. Again, that's fine and he will do what he wants. I just hope he gives some consideration to the fans that got him here. We have a lot to lose if this thing goes sideways.
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Bert wrote:Please re-read my post. If you do want the superheroine peril genre to come under attack then I stand corrected. That is the only time I used a collective term. And Logan has admitted before that he isn't into heroine peril. He saw an opportunity and he went for it. Again, that's fine and he will do what he wants. I just hope he gives some consideration to the fans that got him here. We have a lot to lose if this thing goes sideways.
Just because it's not my "fetish" doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing it. There's a big difference there. And as far as "things going sideways", well, it's just like everything else in the world - you won't know until you try. I guess we will all see.
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Bert wrote:"If that is what happens, then that is what happens. I'm not concerned with a small chance that something may happen here."

Logan really doesn't care if his project affects our genre.
This isn't fair at all. According to what he's written here he believes the chance of a damaging backlash against this genre is infinitesimal. Of course it's theoretically possible he's wrong, but It doesn't automatically follow that he "doesn't care if his project affects our genre". There's a degree of acceptable risk in pretty much anything we do. There's a chance that when I drive to work tomorrow...I could lose control of my car and plow into a group of people. It has happened to people before. However, regardless of the existence of that risk, I'm going to drive to work anyway. So by this logic...I just don't care if I plow into a group of people with my car tomorrow? No. I'll drive to work tomorrow because I don't believe anything bad will happen. Same as Logan with this.
Bert wrote:He isn't a fan of this material. His constant polling and careful analysis of what sells has led to him producing material that is popular, but if it ends tomorrow it won't bother him, he'll just switch to another genre and carry on pursuing his ambitions. I say this not as a criticism, exactly, but as a statement of fact. I admire Logan's incredible work ethic and his drive to improve himself and his product. My point is that if this new project ends up causing a backlash against our genre, it won't bother Logan. It sure as hell will bother the rest of us.
Even if we break this down to purely selfish motivations(as you seem to be doing), Logan has a TON of content that has been shot and not released. As well as even more material that continues to be shot. Some of it definitely appears to be edgier than stuff he's released in the past. It cost money, time and effort to produce this material. I'm pretty confident that Logan does not want billing issues with PayPal, or any other issues that would cause any difficulties for him in getting a return on all that investment. The truth is that Logan is in a heavily committed position regarding this genre for some time to come. THAT is even if you assume purely selfish motives...which I guess you can do if that's what floats your boat. I'M not going to though.
Bert wrote:Logan, you've been very clear that you are moving forward with this endeavor. I know you think this conversation is just a distraction, but we don't want to see our niche come under attack. I hope you will take the concerns raised in this thread to heart as you lay out the storyline for your project and make decisions with the knowledge that there could be lasting effects on the fans who have financed your learning curve. If you design this project right, defending it on plot/artistic grounds may be possible. If it plays as blatantly pandering to an audience that WANTS to see the heroines lose, we're fucked.
I would imagine that the concept would have to be approved by Netflix, Hulu, or whoever...before this even became a thing. Some of the stuff I've seen on Netflix indicates that this would not be too difficult, but still. To be honest, I'd be closer to where you are if we were talking about this being on network TV, or even HBO. Although I still wouldn't believe it should be a problem.

Even though Netflix has very wide distribution, it's not like the content just shows up on your TV or computer at a given time. You still have to seek it out. It's not like people completely uninterested in, or opposed to this material...are just going to blindly stumble upon it. Big picture, I still think there's a better chance this works out in our favor, or has no major impact...then that it causes any noteworthy problems.

Fans didn't "finance" Logan's "learning curve". Indirectly...sure, but not in the way this implies. People have made financial transactions with Logan where he provided a product, and customers purchased it. Kudos to him that he's used the money from those sales to improve the quality of his productions, and has used the experience to improve his skills. It's not like plenty of other producers haven't done the same. This could really be said of ANY of the producers I buy from regularly.
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theScribbler wrote:1. BATGIRL: SPOILED is NOT taken down. You can watch 25 of the videos they made, still on youTube at this very moment.

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZ90td ... 8bw/videos
Cool...I didn't know that. At least it wasn't a total loss.
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If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
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the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

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it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
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Cover your eyes! & ears!
Alex Bettinger
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For what it's worth, to those expressing concerns, I don't think this is anything to worry about. Netflix, for example, has tons of gross, violent, exploitative content on it; no one complains. The only reason you don't see more fetishy types of movies there is because the money isn't as good as what you can make selling directly to customers. I've read some of Netflix's contracts that it offers to independent producers--not really all that advantageous to the producer. Only movies that get watched A LOT make any real money on Netflix. But money isn't everything in this business, of course. And you never know, it could catch on.

So I applaud Logan on this--probably the first time I've done so, lol. Worst case scenario the material gets pulled for having too much violence against women. Best case scenario it stays up and people enjoy it, and we get tons more fans looking to the internet for more. Everybody wins.

Though I do think it's cool the way people are protective of this niche. It's good to think big picture sometimes, for the better of the community. I think this has been a good discussion. But in this case, I doubt a deal with Netflix or Youtube or any similar service is going to make any bad waves.
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theScribbler wrote:If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
I'm not impressed...I've seen "Sand Sharks" and "Thankskilling". This is probably like "Citizen Kane" compared to those.
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Alex Bettinger wrote:For what it's worth, to those expressing concerns, I don't think this is anything to worry about. Netflix, for example, has tons of gross, violent, exploitative content on it; no one complains. The only reason you don't see more fetishy types of movies there is because the money isn't as good as what you can make selling directly to customers. I've read some of Netflix's contracts that it offers to independent producers--not really all that advantageous to the producer. Only movies that get watched A LOT make any real money on Netflix. But money isn't everything in this business, of course. And you never know, it could catch on.

So I applaud Logan on this--probably the first time I've done so, lol. Worst case scenario the material gets pulled for having too much violence against women. Best case scenario it stays up and people enjoy it, and we get tons more fans looking to the internet for more. Everybody wins.

Though I do think it's cool the way people are protective of this niche. It's good to think big picture sometimes, for the better of the community. I think this has been a good discussion. But in this case, I doubt a deal with Netflix or Youtube or any similar service is going to make any bad waves.
It might just be because I agree with you, but maybe YOU saying this will at least help allay some peoples fears.
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theScribbler wrote:If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
Or the stuff on Sci Fi. Mansquito, Sharknado, sharktopus.
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theScribbler wrote:If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
Again we all have our opinions, I actually own that movie on DVD and I enjoy B movie style films, spending a couple of years working for a TV Video and satellite company that had a large selection of VHS that I had free access to I got into Roger Corman and things like Phantasm,Re-Animator,Franken Hooker and the list of so called tawdry travesties goes on, remember Bud the CHUD LOL!

And Bert I apologise for the group reference you are of course corect but I do still hold that there is no risk to the genre the evidence is clear as mentioned Netflix is full of extreme content and youtube has many clips that are on the edge too.

I am a superheroine fan in general but because I am a fight fan I get the biggest bang from the peril videos, I used to have to have to buy VHS tapes and have them shipped over from the US usually from DT wrestliing and even they have really ramped up over the years from what used to be what can only be called mainstream wresting with a superheroine style costume now is full of blood and total destruction of every body part, maybe some fans have been keeping below the radar and only looking for content below the radar but a lot of this genre is already more out in the open than it eve rused to be.

It is a very intersting thread and project and yes as said above if someone has a concern then it is valid but I am in the camp that thinks there is not really anything to worry about..

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rayman wrote:
theScribbler wrote:If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
Again we all have our opinions, I actually own that movie on DVD and I enjoy B movie style films, spending a couple of years working for a TV Video and satellite company that had a large selection of VHS that I had free access o I got into Roger Corman and things like Phantasm,Re-Animator,Franken Hooker and the list of so called tawdry travesties goes on, remember Bud the CHUD LOL!

And Bert I apologise for the group reference you are of course corect but I do still hold that there is no risk to the genre the evidence is clear as mention Netflix is full of extreme content and youtube has many clips that are on the edge too.

I am a superheroine fan in general but because I am a fight fan I get the biggest bang from the peril videos, I used to have to have to but VHS tapes and have them shipped over from the US usually from DT wrestliing and even they have really ramped up over the years what used to be what can be called mainstream wresting with a superheroine style costume now is full of blood and total destruction of every body part, maybe some fans have been keeping below the radar and only looking for content below th eradar but a lot of this genre is already more out in the open than it eve rused to be.

It is a very intersting thread an dproject and yes as said above if someone has a concern then it is valid but I am in the camp that thinks there is not really anything to worry about..

Respect to everyone :yes:
The "extreme content" issue is interesting. While various forms of murder, maiming and mutilation may be acceptable (even when combined with nudity), the fetishization of sexual assault and rape remains a massive cultural taboo. Even "Rape Revenge" movies such as I Spit on Your Grave (and its remakes and sequels) go out of their way to make the viewer identify with the victim, rather than the rapists.

Can you name any mainstream film or TV series in which the audience is supposed to identify with the rapist(s), rather than the victim(s)? The reason it doesn't happen isn't because producers aren't creative and innovative enough to "pioneer" content with female sexual peril inflicted by the victorious (identificatory) characters; the reason it doesn't happen is because it's a cultural taboo.

Context is the key word here. It's not a matter of just observing that "extreme" material appears in other movies and TV shows, but rather of analyzing the context in which such material is presented.
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Update: This project has been green-lit for pre-production! We are locking in our main actresses today, a few villain ideas, and working on the title and logo. A splash graphic will be created and costume designs are underway! The concept will mesh Power Rangers with SHIP and favors a team of Heroines who are constantly under attack by a series of villains who maintains control of the battles. Our promo videos are being scheduled now!
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Will one be in tights?
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Mamooche24 wrote:Will one be in tights?
We have not decided on the costumes that detailed yet. Each costume will be similar to the next with subtle differences to match the character's personalities. It's going to be up to the actress to help design their costumes...
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Heroine Addict wrote:
rayman wrote:
theScribbler wrote:If a travesty and atrgedy called Alice in Murderland can get on Netflix, there's hope for anyone! I wonder what videos they've not approved :hmmm:

Alice in Murderland review
Again we all have our opinions, I actually own that movie on DVD and I enjoy B movie style films, spending a couple of years working for a TV Video and satellite company that had a large selection of VHS that I had free access o I got into Roger Corman and things like Phantasm,Re-Animator,Franken Hooker and the list of so called tawdry travesties goes on, remember Bud the CHUD LOL!

And Bert I apologise for the group reference you are of course corect but I do still hold that there is no risk to the genre the evidence is clear as mention Netflix is full of extreme content and youtube has many clips that are on the edge too.

I am a superheroine fan in general but because I am a fight fan I get the biggest bang from the peril videos, I used to have to have to but VHS tapes and have them shipped over from the US usually from DT wrestliing and even they have really ramped up over the years what used to be what can be called mainstream wresting with a superheroine style costume now is full of blood and total destruction of every body part, maybe some fans have been keeping below the radar and only looking for content below th eradar but a lot of this genre is already more out in the open than it eve rused to be.

It is a very intersting thread an dproject and yes as said above if someone has a concern then it is valid but I am in the camp that thinks there is not really anything to worry about..

Respect to everyone :yes:
The "extreme content" issue is interesting. While various forms of murder, maiming and mutilation may be acceptable (even when combined with nudity), the fetishization of sexual assault and rape remains a massive cultural taboo. Even "Rape Revenge" movies such as I Spit on Your Grave (and its remakes and sequels) go out of their way to make the viewer identify with the victim, rather than the rapists.

Can you name any mainstream film or TV series in which the audience is supposed to identify with the rapist(s), rather than the victim(s)? The reason it doesn't happen isn't because producers aren't creative and innovative enough to "pioneer" content with female sexual peril inflicted by the victorious (identificatory) characters; the reason it doesn't happen is because it's a cultural taboo.

Context is the key word here. It's not a matter of just observing that "extreme" material appears in other movies and TV shows, but rather of analyzing the context in which such material is presented.
Good point and well made BUT I believe that Logan has already stated their will be NO rape material so maybe some fears about a backlash are based upon content that probably will not be used?
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HeroineLegends wrote:Update: This project has been green-lit for pre-production! We are locking in our main actresses today, a few villain ideas, and working on the title and logo. A splash graphic will be created and costume designs are underway! The concept will mesh Power Rangers with SHIP and favors a team of Heroines who are constantly under attack by a series of villains who maintains control of the battles. Our promo videos are being scheduled now!
Great news Logan this al sounds good to me.
Can't wait to se some updates and pictures as thi sproject takes flight :yes:
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rayman wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:Update: This project has been green-lit for pre-production! We are locking in our main actresses today, a few villain ideas, and working on the title and logo. A splash graphic will be created and costume designs are underway! The concept will mesh Power Rangers with SHIP and favors a team of Heroines who are constantly under attack by a series of villains who maintains control of the battles. Our promo videos are being scheduled now!
Great news Logan this al sounds good to me.
Can't wait to se some updates and pictures as thi sproject takes flight :yes:
To your other post, you are correct. I would not actively have rape scenes in the new project. To be clear, there are 2 projects - one is a lighter, Power Rangers style. The other, is a darker, HBO style. Both of them will focus on the villains winning and carrying along the story. It's more fun than the Heroines winning... If you have scene the CW show Arrow, there is a lot to take from the way they did that show. There was death and him triumphing at times, losing at others and plenty of peril. Replace him with Heroines and add some more peril scenes and there you have it. We will continue to update everyone as we lock in certain aspects of the project, of course! ;)
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What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
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-----I'm from the distant future---------Logan's work has ended ALL fetish video production and we are being hunted down-------Logan must be stopped----
------GET HIM GUYS!!!!! :ss: :bh: :otto: :im: :supes: :ybat: :hq: :cylon: :ninja: :pirate: :spidey: :wolverine:

Kidding of course :)
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HeroineLegends wrote:What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
........no Samantha? :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:
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Richpartist wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
........no Samantha? :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:
Samantha is slated to be a part of the project, but as a villainess.
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costumes shouldn't match but share a symbol Have a couple in tights! KO's, carries, light bondage. Batman '66 feel!
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Mamooche24 wrote:costumes shouldn't match but share a symbol Have a couple in tights! KO's, carries, light bondage. Batman '66 feel!
Don't hit me, just stating an opinion here! :laugh:

Leave 1966 where it is, in the glorious past. It's 2014, time to move forward with the feel and do new, better things.
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As for the "future" stuff...........I just saw the X-men movie :)
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HeroineLegends wrote:
Richpartist wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
........no Samantha? :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:
Samantha is slated to be a part of the project, but as a villainess.
What characters are the women playing? This would influence my costume design preferences. For example, if I know that Lindsay is playing a Supergirl-type character, then I prefer an outfit like the ones she had for Angelstar and Olympia, with cape and skirt and boots and such. But if she's playing a different (such as a Wonder Woman type) character, then I don't care if she's got the Supergirl type outfit, because obviously Wonder Woman's costume differs from Supergirl's. Just thought I'd ask.
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Brad wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:
Richpartist wrote:
HeroineLegends wrote:What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
........no Samantha? :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:
Samantha is slated to be a part of the project, but as a villainess.
What characters are the women playing? This would influence my costume design preferences. For example, if I know that Lindsay is playing a Supergirl-type character, then I prefer an outfit like the ones she had for Angelstar and Olympia, with cape and skirt and boots and such. But if she's playing a different (such as a Wonder Woman type) character, then I don't care if she's got the Supergirl type outfit, because obviously Wonder Woman's costume differs from Supergirl's. Just thought I'd ask.
None of the costumes for the series are going to be based on any existing characters. That means there won't be any wonder woman or Supergirl references at all. We have already decided that there won't be any capes though as they are troublesome for fight choreography and block the girls figures. We are thinking of having. Different variations of a high cut of leotard not thong but somewhere between a Brazilian and a thong. We have a meeting tomorrow to begin discussing all of these types of details. :)
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HeroineLegends wrote:What are your favorite costume types/styles? We will be creating the costume designs at our meeting with the 5 girls on Wednesday!

The 5 leads are:

Kristina Hess
Lindsay Lamb
Shannon Lee Rey
Tiffany Chase
Kristin Ige

We're excited to begin putting this large-scale project together! :)
Naturally I hope to see Kewlly make an apearance but I know it is doubtful.
But on topic I know that Tiffany is probbaly the most comfortable actress in the line up so I would love to see her in something tight and properly high cut and Kristina is stuningas the Black Queen so something to show off her legs and figure, I think Kristina would be a perfect actress for armour as she has that beutiful long hair and dusky shin tone, I don't mean WW amazon but a warrior with the raits of an amazon.

I remeber a film called Arena it was naff but had a great premise of intergalactic fighting where the ring used a "equalisation beam" to increase or decrease the combatants powers so it was a more even fight.

Oh and any Azarra style outfits would be incredible.
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Richpartist wrote:As for the "future" stuff...........I just saw the X-men movie :)
So why was wolverine in it? Except for a gratutious butt scene I couldn't figure out what he was doing. In fact one critic said Quick Sliver could have solved the whole thing.

And everyone in the future were all matrixed up. Rain coats, heavy leather outfits. No skin. I saw NO sex appeal except maybe Mystique and her natural skin isn't exactly a costume.

Yeah I guess if the future is full of androgynous gray people it'll be great for the fetish.
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Mr. X wrote: Yeah I guess if the future is full of androgynous gray people it'll be great for the fetish.
Andro what grey people? Is that a racial slur? :starwars:
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Just heard something on the news that might be an interesting twist to all the arguments about this project - Apparently the new Sleeping Beauty movie has shot to #1 at the box office AND it tells the story from the villans point of view, I believe it stars Angelina Jolie
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Sounds very cool. Will definitely follow this. Look forward to seeing the finished product.
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Games Of thrones Depicts rape, Spartacus depicted many many rapes, Dexter had rape, All were very successful shows I see no reason why Logan with a great story line can't do anything that those shows already did and even a bit more.
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Dragon1 wrote:Games Of thrones Depicts rape, Spartacus depicted many many rapes, Dexter had rape, All were very successful shows I see no reason why Logan with a great story line can't do anything that those shows already did and even a bit more.
It's all a matter of context. Depictions of rape are fine in the mainstream when presented unsexily as a violation. Anything which looks remotely like jack-off material would get pulled pretty quickly.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
Dragon1 wrote:Games Of thrones Depicts rape, Spartacus depicted many many rapes, Dexter had rape, All were very successful shows I see no reason why Logan with a great story line can't do anything that those shows already did and even a bit more.
It's all a matter of context. Depictions of rape are fine in the mainstream when presented unsexily as a violation. Anything which looks remotely like jack-off material would get pulled pretty quickly.

Male wack off material = evil and bad and must be banned.
Female wack off material = completely acceptable.

Note romance novels have a great deal of burly indians forcibly "taking the lust from her that she refused to yield but could not resist relinquishing".
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Mr. X wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:
Dragon1 wrote:Games Of thrones Depicts rape, Spartacus depicted many many rapes, Dexter had rape, All were very successful shows I see no reason why Logan with a great story line can't do anything that those shows already did and even a bit more.
It's all a matter of context. Depictions of rape are fine in the mainstream when presented unsexily as a violation. Anything which looks remotely like jack-off material would get pulled pretty quickly.

Male wack off material = evil and bad and must be banned.
Female wack off material = completely acceptable.

Note romance novels have a great deal of burly indians forcibly "taking the lust from her that she refused to yield but could not resist relinquishing".
I see where you guys are coming from but you have to also consider that some things about this genre appear normal to outside viewers even though they are considered fetishes here. It can work.
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We are moving forward with a different scenario - with Kristina Hess & Tiffany Chase ONLY due to scheduling conflicts with more cast members. My question to you: what are your favorite costume types?
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Logan wrote:We are moving forward with a different scenario - with Kristina Hess & Tiffany Chase ONLY due to scheduling conflicts with more cast members. My question to you: what are your favorite costume types?
I think you already know my answer, lol ^^
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Domi666 wrote:
Logan wrote:We are moving forward with a different scenario - with Kristina Hess & Tiffany Chase ONLY due to scheduling conflicts with more cast members. My question to you: what are your favorite costume types?
I think you already know my answer, lol ^^
Unfortunately, that's not possible for mainstream content.
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Tights Tights Tights!
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Curve enhancing...
Seriously, a carrier bag from the local supermarket would turn into high fashion with those actresses.
I love the small net panels, I love the area of leg just above the boot top, I love a sexy mask, I love....is it getting warm in here or what?
I just love leaving these things to your good sense. If it works for the character - i.e. she's a heroine not a prostitute - then it works for me.
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Logan wrote:We are moving forward with a different scenario - with Kristina Hess & Tiffany Chase ONLY due to scheduling conflicts with more cast members. My question to you: what are your favorite costume types?
I always like an outfit that shows off part of th ebody especially the midsection.

For ideas of how far you can go just look at som eof the Olympic sportswear - The gymnasts, non racing swimwear, skating, weight lifting and the athletics..some very sexy outfits that don't seem to bother anyone.
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rayman wrote:
Logan wrote:We are moving forward with a different scenario - with Kristina Hess & Tiffany Chase ONLY due to scheduling conflicts with more cast members. My question to you: what are your favorite costume types?
I always like an outfit that shows off part of th ebody especially the midsection.

For ideas of how far you can go just look at som eof the Olympic sportswear - The gymnasts, non racing swimwear, skating, weight lifting and the athletics..some very sexy outfits that don't seem to bother anyone.
ooh. all true :)
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Any news on how this project is progressing?
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