Clark & Lois: The Misadventures of Ultrawoman

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Hey there, folks.

This little number is one of the earlier stories that BC (aka Bradchung) wrote, and one of my personal faves. With his permission, I've spruced it up a bit, and seen fit to post it here. What's more, since the original story was incomplete, I'll try to complete it with my own spin on things later on.

It's pretty easy to see where the inspiration for this episode came from: an episode of the 90s show Lois & Clark. In one particular episode, some red Kryptonite temporarily transferred Superman's powers into Lois, so Lois donned a costume and started fighting crime as Ultrawoman. BC's costume description in this story matches the one in that episode to a T, so this is the image you should probably have of the protagonist of this topsy-turvy parallel universe.

And one last thing... try not to think about how this would translate to the relationship of the "real" Superman & Luthor. I'm sure there's a market out there for male!Luthor putting Superman into erotic perils, but I ain't writing for that. Ever.
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As the sun set slowly towards the horizon, a bolt of purple and blue streaked westwards. Upon closer observation, one would have seen that this bolt assumed a very curvaceous female form. Clad in a form-fitting, sleeveless purple leotard with matching boots and armbands, a blue cape flowing behind her shapely body.

The upper part of her ample chest was partly exposed to reveal portions of her cleavage, while in the centre of her chest rested a blue shield with the interlocking purple insignia of "UW". Her jet-black hair was kept in place by some kind of strange hair gel, while her brown eyes stared straight ahead through the eye-slits of her purple mask. This was Ultrawoman, the strongest superheroine on the face of the Earth.

She was also Lois Lane, reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper in Metropolis and the adopted daughter of a farming couple from Smallville, Kansas. Since moving to Metropolis six months ago, Lois had found three main challenges. The first was being a reporter; the second was balancing her job and role as a superheroine; and the third (and most difficult of all) involved her love for her senior partner at the Planet, Clark Kent. Kent was the best reporter in the city, but his personal life was a disaster area. Lois silently regretted that despite her best efforts, Clark only tolerated her but swooned over her alter-ego. She'd always tried her best to keep her feelings hidden, knowing that she'd want Clark to love her for who she was, and not for what she could do as Ultrawoman.

The Woman of Steel put those thoughts out of her mind as she descended towards Metropolis Children's Hospital. She alighted with graceful ease onto the terrace and entered the ward to be surrounded by throngs of adoring youngsters. Out of the corner of her eye, Lois spotted the love of her life looking on and taking notes while Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen snapped away as she mingled with the kids. Ultrawoman offered the handsome reporter a brief smile, which he returned in similar fashion.

Her expression darkened slightly when she noticed an auburn-haired woman in expensive furs and jewels hovering next to Clark like a vulture. Her name was Lexia Luthor, and she was Metropolis' number-one wealthy industrialist and playgirl. Luthor's company, LexaCorp, was the main financier of the Children's Hospital and several other charities in the city. However, there were also widespread rumours of Luthor's connections to organised crime. Lois had tried several times to warn Clark about Lexia, but each time, he'd dismissed her as being paranoid and reminded her that they were just partners.

As the formal part of the proceedings were concluded, Clark moved towards Ultrawoman. "It's really great that you were able to come Ultrawoman... the kids really appreciated it," he told her.

"Thanks Clark... I had fun too... It's one of the more enjoyable things about being a superheroine," Ultrawoman replied as she folded her arms across her chest and smiled at Clark.

Clark held his breath as he observed the swell of Ultrawoman's breasts under her costume, and wondered what it would be like to touch them. Ultrawoman could hear his heartbeat increase, and his breathing become slightly irregular.

Wonder if he's thinking the same thing I am? Lois silently pondered as she gazed lovingly at her guy. Her warm, fuzzy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a nurse's shoes on tile approaching them.

"Excuse me, Ultrawoman... we have a special treat planned for the children... we were wondering if you would be kind enough to assist us?" the petite blonde nurse asked.

"Of course... see you later, Clark?" the heroine asked.

"Count on it," Clark replied. He watched as Ultrawoman and the nurse exited the ward, his eyes glued to the rhythmic swaying of the Woman of Steel's shapely butt.

"Ahem... CK... got those pics you wanted," Jimmy said as he approached the bespectacled reporter.

"Yeah sure... Whatever, Jimmy..." Clark replied absently.

All Lois could think of was the romantic evening that she had planned for Clark later. She contemplated the thought of a super-heated sauna to crown it off. It made her tingle all over at the thought of Clark's strong hands massaging her sore muscles. Though she recovered faster than a normal woman did, there was no need to let Clark know that little tidbit.

Ultrawoman was so engrossed in her romantic fantasies with Clark that she paid no attention to where the nurse was taking her. She was only jolted from her daydream by the sound of the nurse's voice.

"Here we are," the nurse announced as they entered a room filled with hospital linens.

"A store room?! Strange place for a surprise..." Ultrawoman observed.

"Only if the surprise is for you, Ultrabitch!" a man's voice growled.

Lois whirled around to see two burly roughnecks dressed in hospital orderly uniforms block the door while the nurse joined them.

The Woman of Steel folded her arms across her fabulous chest, accentuating her perfectly formed breasts and the Ultrawoman insignia between them, and stood with her mighty legs slightly apart.

"Time for you to go to sleep, Ultrawoman," the nurse stated as she revealed a thick cotton cloth and a smoky, dark brown bottle. Lois' super-vision allowed her to make out the bottle's small white label, which read, chloroform.

"I see you guys don't read the Daily Planet. That stuff doesn't work on me!" Lois quipped.

"I'll bet you fifty bucks... you'll feel sleepy when I uncork this," the nurse stated as she placed her hand on the bottle's cork.

"Okay... I'll play along, but it'll cost you three fifty bucks and a night in jail... so take your best shot," Ultrawoman replied.

The nurse grinned as she slowly removed the cork. Without warning, the Woman of Steel doubled over as she felt a searing pain in her abdomen. A sickly green glow was emanating from the uncorked bottle.

"Ohhh... Dear God... Kryptonite...!! Pain...! Ohh... the pain!!" Lois grimaced as she staggered towards a nearby linen shelf for support.

The two orderlies pounced on the dazed superheroine, each grabbing one of her arms and pinning it behind her back.

"Unhh...! Let me go...! Let me go!" Ultrawoman protested as she struggled to break the grips of the thugs. But the Kryptonite-laced chloroform had nullified her super powers.

Lois' eyes widened within the slits of her purple mask as she watched the nurse soak the cloth with the glowing green liquid.

"No...!! Please...!! Keep that away from me...!! Keep it away!!" Ultrawoman pleaded as her breasts heaved rapidly in fear of what was about to transpire.

"Looks like you owe me fifty bucks, Ultrawoman!" the nurse sneered, and clamped the cloth over the superheroine's nose and parted cherry lips.

The Woman of Steel widened her eyes in shock and fear as the mixture of Kryptonite and chloroform burned her nostrils and penetrated her lungs.

"HHNNNHHH...!!! HNNHHHHH!!!! HNNNHHHH...!!!! HNNHHHHH!!!!!" Ultrawoman screamed into the cloth as she gyrated frantically to break the grips of her enemies and the enhanced anaesthetic which was invading her super body.

"Scream all you want, super bitch...! This room is lined with several inches of lead... Nobody's gonna hear you scream... Not even your reporter boy toy!" the nurse sneered.

They're going after Clark...! Have to break free... Ohhh... but... chloroform... so strong... Kryptonite's reduced my strength to ordinary woman's... Drug getting to me... So tired... So very... very tired... Lois groaned mentally as her eyes began to roll under the effects of the drug.

After 20 minutes of struggling, Ultrawoman's body sagged within her captors' grasp as her eyes became heavy and drowsy. Her head rolled to one side, and her breasts rose and fell evenly as she sucked more of the tainted chloroform into her lungs.

Lexia Luthor entered the room at that moment, to see her nemesis on her knees in a dazed and disoriented state. The auburn-haired billionaire nodded to the nurse, who removed the cloth from Ultrawoman's face.

"Aahhh... Lexia Luthor... I... I should have known you'd be behind this..." Ultrawoman gasped.

"You and your Girl Scout ways, Ultrawoman. You have bested me before, but now I know you have a weakness other than Kryptonite: your love for a certain reporter," Luthor gloated.

"If... If you... hurt Clark..." Lois stammered.

"Au contraire, my dear... I shall take very good care of Mr Kent. Such good care that he will forget about you, and even that little partner of his, Lois Lane..." Lexia sneered, and nodded to the thugs holding the sleepy superheroine.

Lois gasped in shock as the thugs stretched the v-neck of her leotard, exposing her well-rounded breasts and their hardened brown nipples. "Luthor! You twisted fiend! You don't fight fair!" Ultrawoman quipped weakly and struggled in vain to break her captors grips.

"I know... that is why I shall always win!" Lexia sneered as she extracted a box from her purse and opened it to reveal a pair of small, glowing Kryptonite rings. Lois could do nothing except glare angrily at Lexia as the billionaire slipped one ring over each of the helpless heroine's hardened nipples.

"Uuunhhhh!" Ultrawoman groaned as she collapsed against the strong frames of the two thugs propping her up from behind.

"Sleep now, Ultrawoman. You no longer have any concerns over the safety of Metropolis... the world...or even Clark Kent..." Lexia sneered as she turned on her heels and made her exit.

Before Lois could say anything, the nurse was kneeling beside her and holding the chloroform-soaked wad inches from her face. "So how about my fifty bucks, Ultrawoman?!" the nurse taunted her.

"Uuhh... Left my purse in my other costume... Read about chloroform... Had no idea... it would turn me on... Cloud my thinking... Make me so tired... Don't tell anybody... I've always wanted to know what it feels like to be knocked out... Clark... Clark... Please... help me..." Ultrawoman babbled as she tried to stave off the weakness and fatigue in her body which was commanding her to sleep.

"Oh, shut up Ultrabroad, and go to sleep!" the nurse snarled, and pressed the cloth over Lois' sleepy face once more.

"Hhnnnnnnnhhhhh..." Ultrawoman, alias Lois Lane, moaned into the cloth as her breasts heaved one last time. Her eyes gently closed in the slits of her purple mask and her head rolled to one side as she succumbed to the will of her weakened body and surrendered into the waiting embrace of unconsciousness.
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Martha Lane hung up the phone dejectedly after she heard the answering service click in.

"So how's our little girl?" Johnathan Lane asked as he entered the kitchen of their Smallville farmhouse.

"I don't know dear... she's not home and I called at the Daily Planet... Clark hasn't seen her either," Martha replied.

"Clark... Hmm... the one Lois talks about every time she calls... our little girl's in love," Johnathan grinned as his wife washed his hands under the kitchen faucet.

"Johnathan, be serious... I'm worried about Lois..."

Her husband wiped his hands and then placed them on his wife's shoulders. "Honestly, Martha... Lois is no ordinary woman... She's the strongest woman in the universe... She can take care of herself. Try not to worry," he assured her.

Martha Lane sighed and embraced her husband. She was probably worrying about nothing. Lois must just be recuperating from some of her recent crime-fighting stints as Ultrawoman. Martha thought back to when she'd designed her adopted daughter's costume and how well Lois had filled it out. Lois had been worried about fitting in with her super powers, and the costume had allowed her to do just that.

"Lois is probably fine," Martha assured herself.
"Oohhhhhh..." Ultrawoman groaned as her brown eyes flickered open within the slits of her purple mask. Her temples throbbed with pain as Lois tried to recall the events which led her to this point. The children's hospital, Clark Kent, the blonde nurse who'd lured her away, the sickening aroma of chloroform combined with the potency of her sole weakness - Kryptonite - and the laughing face of Lexia Luthor as she blacked out.

Images swirled before the Woman of Steel's eyes as she regained consciousness. The first things she became aware of were cold air brushing against her skin and the feel of something solid beneath her. Ultrawoman gasped in shock as she discovered that she was lying on her back atop a bed, and that she had been stripped of her costume, save for her mask and her purple panties.

"Nhhhh..." she groaned as she tried to get up, but found that her outstretched arms and legs were bound about the wrists and ankles to the bed by heavy chains. The Kryptonite rings were still fitted snugly to the hardened brown nipples which crowned the summits of her creamy breasts.

Lois heard a wooden door creak open and turned her head in the direction of the noise. She recognised the face of the evil nurse who had chloroformed her to sleep. However, that woman now wore a black dress and high heels instead of her nurse's uniform. In her hands, she carried a metal tray with a cover on top.

"Good morning Ultrabroad... have a good nap?!" the blonde smirked.

"Where am I...? Uhh... What do you want with me?" Ultrawoman quipped as her captor set the tray she was carrying on a table close to the bed.

"My name's Leah Luthor... My Aunt Lexia... said she wanted you taken care of while she takes care of your boyfriend," the young woman sneered.

"If you hurt Clark in any way... I'll hunt you and Lexia Luthor down to the ends of the universe!" Lois swore.

Leah laughed in response to the Woman of Steel's campy rhetoric. "Aunt Lexia said you had an attitude problem... Fortunately... I'm real good at attitude adjustment..." she grinned and lifted the lid off the tray to reveal an array of instruments.

Lois glanced nervously at the devious devices as Leah examined the firmness of her breasts and her stomach. She knew that as long as the Kryptonite rings were attached to her nipples, she was deprived of her super powers and at Leah Luthor's mercy.

"What...? What're you going to do?!" Ultrawoman stammered as she saw Leah pick up an electric stun gun and set the voltage setting.

"This!" her captor grinned as she jammed the weapon into the centre of the superheroine's ample chest and pressed the trigger.

"Aaieeeee!!!!!" Lois wailed in pain. Her body writhed in response to the electric shock. Leah increased the voltage and fired additional jolts into each of Ultrawoman's beautiful breasts. "Aahhhh...!!! Aaahhhh!!!" Lois screamed as she twisted in agony.

"Scream all you want, Ultrabitch... This room is soundproof... No one's gonna hear you!" Leah snarled. She then applied the stun gun to Lois' stomach, under her armpits, and below the soles of her bare feet. Even after the shocks had been administered, Ultrawoman's sensuous body continued to twitch in pain.

"Oh God... the pain... is so much... Kryptonite depriving me of my powers... Vulnerable like an ordinary woman now..." the Woman of Steel sobbed, tears welling up in her brown eyes.

It turned on Leah Luthor to see the all-powerful Ultrawoman being humbled. "That was the hard treatment... Now for the soft treatment..." Leah sneered.

"Pain so much... Dear God... make it stop... Please make it... Ooohhhh!!" Lois gasped as Leah began to brush her naked chest with an extra-large feather.

"Uuhhhh...! Uuuhhhh!!" Ultrawoman cried as she twisted her head from side to side as the feather's quills glided over every inch of her fabulous breasts. Leah alternated the feather's strokes between Ultrawoman's mighty chest and the inner portions of the heroine's toned thighs. "Oohhh... No stop... Stop... Uhhh... Don't stop... It feels... so good..." Lois babbled as she felt herself becoming aroused. Ultrawoman giggled as Leah brushed the soles of her feet with the feather.

Leah glanced back at the video camera erected near the bed, which had been recording the entire session she was having with the Woman of Steel. Ultrawoman was so dazed from the electric shocks and erotic tickle torture, that she never saw Leah Luthor pouring the contents of a smoky dark brown bottle into a thick cotton pad.

"Now for the grand finale..." Leah grinned, and clamped the pad over the sexy superheroine's nose and mouth.

"HNHHHH!!!!" Lois screamed into the cotton. Her brown eyes widened in the slits of her purple mask as she smelt the chloroform it contained. Her head jerked sharply from side to side, but she was too weak and had no choice but to inhale the potent anaesthetic. "Nhhhhh..." Ultrawoman sighed as her eyes grew dimmer by the second. Leah partially uncovered the heroine's nose and mouth, and with her free hand, placed a microphone close to the heroine's mouth.

"This chloroform is laced with traces of sodium penathol... You've got no choice but to tell me what I want to know..." she sneered.

"Must... Must obey..." Lois sighed. "Who are you?" Leah asked.

"Lo-El... Daughter of Jor-El... of Krypton..." Ultrawoman replied.

"How did you come to Earth...? How did you gain your powers?" Leah asked next.

"Uhh... Came here as a baby... The yellow sun... gave me my special powers..." the groggy Woman of Steel stammered.

"So Kryptonite is your only weakness?" Leah inquired.

"No... it deprives me of my invulnerability... but Kryptonian women are not accustomed to physical contact... Touching me in certain places can weaken me..." Lois explained.

"What is your connection to Clark Kent?"

"He's the man I love... but I don't want him to... Uuhhh... Love me for my powers... but love me for me..." Ultrawoman babbled.

"Who are you when you're not Ultrawoman?"

"I... I can't tell you... My parents... Clark... So many lives at risk... I..." the heroine sighed.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ultrawoman spotted the video camera.

"Clark...!! Please help me...! Luthor's kidnapped me... She's after you...! Help me..." Lois cried before the cotton smothered her face once more. "NNHHH...!!! NHHH...! Nnnhhh... nnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Ultrawoman pleaded as her eyes rolled up in her head and then slowly closed as she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Leah Luthor smiled as she gazed upon Ultrawoman's sleepy face, and the rhythmic rise and fall of the superheroine's beautiful breasts.

Hours later, Clark Kent trudged up the steps which led to his apartment. He was tired and angry after having to do both his work and Lois Lane's. Clark cursed Lois for running off - as she often did - and vowed to take it up with her after she'd given him her latest lame excuse.

The reporter's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a videotape lying on his doorstep. Clark scanned the surroundings, but saw no one. Unlocking his front door, he entered his apartment, holding the mysterious tape.

As the door closed, Lexia Luthor emerged from a nearby sidestreet. "Enjoy the show, Clark darling..." she grinned, and turned and walked down the deserted street.
Horror of horrors! Is our heroine Ultrawoman doomed to be a captive of evil? Can no one defy the almighty Lexia Luthor? Will Clark Kent finally manage to become a better judge of character? And now that I've run out of material from the original story, will I actually be able to write a continuation in a timely manner?

The answer to all these questions - and more - in our next installment!
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You know there's not enough UW tales out there. I sort of remember this one from before, look forward to see what you can do with it.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I really liked this story, look forward to seeing more
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valugi wrote:I really liked this story, look forward to seeing more
very nice
I've read a lot of BC's work and though it's themes are repetitive across different heroines, it's pretty good.
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Inside a certain apartment in uptown Metropolis, Clark Kent stumbled back from his television, horror spreading across his face. The mysterious video tape he had found on his doorstep had turned out to contain barely five minutes of material, but those five minutes were enough to disturb him to the very core.

My God...! the bespectacled reporter thought to himself. Ultrawoman is in trouble! She's been captured by some vile criminal... getting tortured right now!

Clark clenched his fist, barely able to stop himself from shaking. He had personally seen Ultrawoman in peril many times before - several times, in fact, he had even been captured right alongside her - but he had never seen her being tormented so extensively. It made his blood boil; Ultrawoman was the most inspirational, powerful, and kindhearted... not to mention beautiful... superheroine on the planet. She was the last person who deserved such treatment.

And even as she was at her enemy's mercy, she had proclaimed her love for him... her wish that he would love her for who she was...

"I've got to figure out a way to help..." he said desperately.
"Ahhh... such a pity..." Lexia Luthor said with a bored expression. The billionaire business mogul was sitting in her private office, all the way at the top of the LexaCorp Building, the tallest structure in all of Metropolis. Fifty stories of glass and concrete separated her from the common folk of the city, just the way she liked it.

Lexia was watching images on a large monitor built into the western wall of her office. Currently, the monitor was hooked up to a series of microscopic cameras and listening devices that had been planted in Clark Kent's apartment, giving the businesswoman total knowledge of what the handsome reporter did in his "off hours". Like watching mysterious video tapes that had been anonymously left on his doorstep, documenting the downfall of the oh-so-mighty Ultrawoman.

"You always were something of a choir boy, Mister Kent..." Lexia said to herself. She had not exactly expected Kent to react to the video of Ultrawoman's humbling with glee, or even with neutrality, but the sheer amount of disgust and outrage she'd seen on his face had been surprising. He didn't even seem slightly aroused at the sight of Ultrawoman's perfect, almost totally naked body. "It would be adorable... if it weren't so irritating...."

It seemed that her courting of Clark Kent would be slightly more difficult than expected. Her niece Leah hadn't bothered to hide her face or her identity in the video, and any reporter worth his salt - much less the Planet's star reporter Clark Kent - could follow up on that lead.

But she was Lexia Luthor, the most brilliant human being alive. So she always had a "Plan B".

Yes, that alien tramp will regret ever sinking her claws into my Clark...
"Unnnnnhhhhhh..." Lois Lane, better known as Ultrawoman, moaned as she came to. For the second time in less than three hours, her eyes slowly fluttered open in the slits of her purple mask.

The first thing that the Woman of Steel noticed was that her entire costume had been restored. But she was still chained to the bed, inside a room that she didn't even know the location of. Worse, the Kryptonite rings were still firmly around her hardened nipples... keeping her entirely powerless. Indeed... she could actually see the outlines of her nipples, and the rings around them, poking from beneath the purple spandex of her costume. It felt even more humiliating than when she'd been left largely naked earlier; now, she looked every bit the part of Ultrawoman, but she couldn't even escape her chains.

Ultrawoman then heard the door creaking open again. To her dismay, she once again came face-to-face with Leah Luthor.

"Wh... what do you want?" Ultrawoman growled weakly. Leah just smirked condescendingly in response as she approached the bound superheroine.

"I thought you might be lonely..." Leah cooed, one finger tracing one of Ultrawoman's hypersensitive nipples. The Woman of Steel squirmed, but couldn't escape the wicked blonde's touch. "Nothing but your dreams to keep you company, Ultrabroad..."

"Unnh... my dreams... make far better company than you..." Ultrawoman spat.

"Really...?" Leah's hand began to travel down Ultrawoman's toned stomach, coming to rest on the superheroine's purple-clad crotch. "Then why do you feel so... warm and wet... down here...?"

"Ohhh... get your hands off me... you sick... deviant..." Lois groaned.

"Sweet talking me already...?" Leah purred as she began a slow rub with her middle finger. "Why, I'm beginning to think Aunt Lexia was wrong, seeing you as competition for that reporter... maybe your real interests lie... elsewhere..."

"In... ohhh... your dreams."

"Watch what you say, Ultrabimbo," Leah sneered. "My dreams are your nightmares, and I'm in a position to make them all come true right now."

The wicked niece of Lexia Luthor reached toward Ultrawoman's mask, making the Kryptonian crimefighter flinch. Fear flashed in Lois' eyes, much to Leah's amusement.

"Awww... don't be shy... I'm sure you're even more beautiful behind that ugly old thing..."

"Not... interested..." Lois retorted, already feeling her heart beat like a jackhammer under her purple spandex.

"Hmm..." Leah narrowed her eyes as she drew her hand away. "You're lucky that Aunt Lexia ordered me to leave your mask alone for the time being. Said something about the "right time", whatever that means..."

Ultrawoman said nothing, though the fear in her eyes didn't dissipate. In its own way, the anticipation of her unmasking was an even worse torture than her actual unmasking... a feat that no criminal on Earth had yet achieved.

"... but right now, I think it's bedtime for you. Again..."

"Nooooo...! Hmmmmpppphhh...!" Lois cried as Leah once again whipped out the bottle of chloroform and cloth, and pressed the drugged cloth against her mouth and nose. Still weakened from her previous druggings, not to mention a lack of food and water for the last several hours, the Woman of Steel succumbed to the powerful anaesthetic even more quickly than last time, as her eyes crossed and then fluttered closed in the slits of her purple mask.
Clark Kent rubbed his temples as he sat at his modest desk with a pen and paper, trying to compile what information he had. It wouldn't do to just rush in with hopes that he could save Ultrawoman with pure luck.

The young woman in the video - the one who had been tormenting Ultrawoman - had actually identified herself. Even if she hadn't, he was a good enough reporter to recognize her on sight: Leah Luthor, niece to Lexia Luthor. Not exactly a household name in Metropolis, since she was usually away studying (or partying) in Europe or Latin America, but he had seen her (or at least photos of her) several times during his many interviews with her aunt.

"But... how could a girl like her manage to capture Ultrawoman...? With Kryptonite, no less...?" Clark asked himself, writing the corresponding words down on the paper and circling them. Kryptonite - radioactive soil from Ultrawoman's home planet of Krypton - was rarer than rare on Earth. And since it was the one thing that could immediately bring Ultrawoman to her knees, fragments of it could only be found in various research facilities and heavily-guarded institutions like S.T.A.R. Labs. Last he had checked, all of the known Kryptonite on Earth put together amounted to less than two kilograms.

Clark found his mind going back to Lexia Luthor. There had always been rumors that the billionaire had procured certain samples of Kryptonite with her enormous wealth, but he had never found any solid backing behind them. The tendency of his... overenthusiastic partner, Lois Lane, to automatically entertain such rumors hadn't helped his opinion of them, either.

Wait... didn't Leah mention her aunt's name in the video? Clark thought to himself. So Lexia Luthor was in on this all along...?

Ultrawoman had always been a little cold toward LexaCorp, and its CEO in particular, but as far as Clark could remember, Lexia Luthor had always acted civilly (warmly, even) around the superheroine. Both she and her company had been saved by Ultrawoman on many occasions... and a few times, Lexia had even returned the favor by helping Ultrawoman gather information on some new crisis, or develop new equipment to combat the Woman of Steel's more dangerous foes...

Clark was no fool; he was aware of Lexia's feelings toward him, but he didn't reciprocate them. He had tried to hint to her many times that he wasn't interested, but she never seemed to listen for long. And whenever he got explicit about it, she would deny with a perfect poker face and claim that her interests in him were purely "platonic".

If Lexia Luthor really is involved... then this is going to be tougher than I thought... Clark rubbed his temples. Lexia Luthor was quite possibly the most powerful woman on the planet, with only Ultrawoman herself giving possible competition in that regard. Up until now, he'd thought Luthor used her immense wealth, fame, and power for good, but if she'd turned them towards less than savory ends...

He thought about calling in Lois to help him investigate, but decided against it. If things got ugly and Lois wound up getting hurt... which was all too likely, given her gung-ho personality... he'd never be able to forgive himself. Lois could be annoying at times, but she was also bright and almost as goodhearted as Ultrawoman was. The world needed women like her.

By now, the piece of paper in front of him looked like a chaotic jumble of names, possibilities, and arrows. He sighed and crumpled it up.

Wait... there is one person who might be able to help me... he suddenly realized. Someone who knows Ultrawoman, who respects her even more than I do, and is capable enough to stand outside of Lexia Luthor's sphere of influence...

He got to his feet and grabbed his coat and his hat. It was a farfetched idea, but it just might work...

I hope there's a train to Gotham City this time of night...
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Another good chapter. I like how UW is back in her suit but still helpless, also bonus points for having more chloro :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Another great chapter, by the way we enter into a new heroine in this story
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Well, I was gonna post the next chapter today... it was about 95% done... and then my computer ate it. :hmm:

It'll probably take me several more days to finish drowning my sorrows in junk food and get back to rewriting the thing. Sorry about that.
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You have my profound sympathies on that one - nothing sucks the wind out your sails quite as much as losing a big chunk of story and having to rewrite it all again, knowing it will never be the same as what you had.

I've enjoyed the story so far. It reads very well and I like the ideas in play.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Yeah that sucks dude, hope your PC wasn't messed up too bad.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Greetings, everyone!

I... haven't rewritten the fourth installment of this story yet, sad to say. But don't worry, it's coming...

In the meantime, have this kickass picture of a genderbent Lex Luthor to tide you over, courtesy of mick347 of tumblr:


I imagine that Lexia at her most intimidating might look something like this. And as for the baldness... well, let's just pretend that she wears auburn wigs when she goes out in public, yes?
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I don't normally like the bald women look but......that pic pulls it off :)

I can see her sitting on a desk like that looking down at Supergirl who lies with a chunk of kryptonite tied around her neck hehe
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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"Hgggggghhhhh... this is getting... old..." Lois Lane, AKA Ultrawoman, groaned as she drifted back into consciousness yet again after her latest chloroform-induced slumber.

"Really?" came a familiar, arrogant female voice. "I, for one, find it a refreshing change of pace."

Ultrawoman tried to clear the chloroform cobwebs from her mind and vision as quickly as possible, so she could renew her glare of hatred at her archnemesis Lexia Luthor... who was now standing barely three feet away from her. Ultrawoman was, of course, still restrained by chains around her arms and legs... not to mention the Kryptonite rings around her large, erect nipples, which totally negated her superhuman abilities.

As she looked around, trying to focus on anything but Luthor, she realized that she had been moved into a new room. This room, unlike the old one, had strange, metallic looking walls and was almost completely devoid of furniture. She herself was no longer chained atop a bed, but instead chained spread-eagle against one of the walls.

While Ultrawoman took in her surroundings, Lexia Luthor took out a long, thin cigar and lit it. She casually puffed on the cigar as she drew even closer to the helpless superheroine.

"Like it?" Luthor quipped rhetorically. "You were moved here about an hour ago, from that closed-off room in the Children's Hospital. I had this bunker built specifically to hold an alien with your abilities, you know. Took me millions..."

"Are you proud of yourself?" Ultrawoman growled. "That money... unnh... could have gone to worthier causes..."

In response, Luthor blew a cloud of smoke into Ultrawoman's face. Ultrawoman tried to avert her face, but couldn't. The cloud of smoke enveloped her head, making her gasp and cough something awful.

"What worthier cause could there be than teaching an arrogant alien like you her proper place?" Luthor asked triumphantly.

"A-Arrogant...?" Ultrawoman quipped weakly. "Look who's talking..."

"I might be arrogant," said Luthor as she took another drag of her cigar. "But I've earned it. I started from less than nothing in Metropolis's worst neighborhood, and I've clawed my way to the top by being smarter and more vicious than anyone else."

She blew another cloud of the foul smoke into Ultrawoman's face.

"But then you come along... with powers that were handed to you from the moment you were born... and you instantly take everything that was rightfully mine!"

Ultrawoman simply coughed, knowing that Lexia's speech... was one she had heard dozens of times before. She had largely given up on trying to refute it.

"Wh-where's your niece?" the superheroine tried when she stopped coughing. Anything to divert the subject for a while.

"I gave her the night off," Lexia said coolly. "But don't worry. She'll be back soon enough to play with you some more."

"I can't wait..." Ultrawoman groaned sarcastically.

"Oh, come now," Lexia grinned viciously as she grabbed Ultrawoman's left tit through the heroine's purple spandex costume. Ultrawoman squealed. "Are you that taken with my niece? A little young for you, isn't she?"

"Nnggghh... uggghhh... rather... be... nnngh... with her... ugh... than you," Ultrawoman ground out.

In response, Luthor applied even more careful pressure to the Kryptonian's boob, meticulously massaging it to give Ultrawoman the greatest pleasure and pain possible. In mere moments, the Woman of Steel was moaning helplessly.

"Pathetic," the billionaire gloated as she blew yet another cloud of smoke into Ultrawoman's face. "Without those powers of yours, you're just a natural-born slut!"

As if to prove her point, Lexia reached down and flicked each of Ultrawoman's erect nipples. Ultrawoman shrieked each time, her fabulous body going momentarily rigid.

Then, struck by an idea, Lexia held her cigar directly under Ultrawoman's crotch. The cigar's red-hot tip did not touch the superheroine, but the smoke was free to waft over Ultrawoman's spandex-shielded mount. Soon enough, Ultrawoman was moaning and groaning anew as the sinister smoke caressed her most sensitive area. A "camel toe" actually began to rise between her legs, pushing the purple fabric outward.

"Oh, this is too rich!" the wicked billionaire laughed. "Just my cigar smoke is enough to get you off!"

That was too much for Ultrawoman. With her last ounce of strength and self-respect, the Woman of Steel gathered up her saliva and spat in Lexia Luthor's face.

Luthor's face assumed a mask of deadly calm as the spit trickled down the center of her face. Then, without warning, she brought her knee up between Ultrawoman's spread legs.

"Uggggh!" Ultrawoman cried, mouth opened into a perfect "O" as her lovely eyes crossed.

"Turnabout is fair play, alien," Lexia Luthor tutted the brutalized heroine. Then, puffing on her cigar, she turned and approached a drawer built into the far wall.

As Ultrawoman watched through her tears of pain, Lexia drew a small black pistol from the drawer. Ultrawoman felt a stab of fear as she saw the weapon; without her powers, she was no more bulletproof than any other woman.

"I need to go now... business calls... but I'll be back before you know it." Lexia raised the pistol and pointed it directly at Ultrawoman. "Sweet dreams."

Before Ultrawoman could even cry out, Luthor pulled the trigger twice. Two soft hisses were heard, right before a pair of darts were shot from the barrel of the gun.

Ultrawoman yelped as each dart sank into her soft, vulnerable titty flesh. In seconds, she began to feel drowsy and helpless.

"Nnnnggghhhh... not... again... uggghhhh..."

Try as she might, the Woman of Steel couldn't fight off the anaesthetic-tipped darts for long. In less than a minute, she slumped in her bonds, peacefully dozing.

"Hmm..." Lexia Luthor murmured in annoyance. "I was aiming for the nipples. Oh, well. I'll have plenty of time to practice from now on..."

With that, the billionaire put the tranquilizer gun back in its drawer, turned out the lights, and left the bunker.
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Nice little back and forth between UW and Lexia. Liked the dart knockout at the end OW :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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The chapter was very good, the heroine is totally powerless against the villain, but I like how it is showing strength, eager to read more
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My contribution to the creative effort.

I got stuck between picking what's described in the story. A superman like badge with the Ultra Woman logo or the original one, where the UW ere used as a clasp for her cape. I decided to go with the television look and this is the result.


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Holy cow, this is an honor.

You might not know this, but I've seen your work for quite some time now. You did the first covers to the stories for one of my favorite super heroine writers, Dark One.

(Speaking of which, are you still being commissioned by him?)
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Yes. I did a few covers for him, and he's actually due to release them soon i think, or he might have already. Actually need to look.

Don's great, i can afford to pick up some nice poser stuff with the commissions i get off him, it's almost a non profit thing between what i make and spend on the hobby. Recently Don's decided to go with a couple of different artist, since he had concerns about using one artist too much might be a problem if they decided to stop doing the work he needed he would be up the river without a paddle.

I'd like to think future commission should be due from him though i couldn't say when or for what.

I do have it in my head to do a follow up to this eventually, one of Ultrawoman slumped in a corner with her top pulled down and the Green K Ring put on her nipples. Just not sure when i'll have time to get to it. Strong popularity for the render will usually help motivate me to move things up on the schedule though, and i think its a good render, so it should be popular, though viewers are fickle and ones that i thought were good in the past weren't popular with viewers so who knows?
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.... or i can just go ahead and finish what i was working on and throw it out for viewing...

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Very, very nice.

(I was more envisioning that the rings would be put on Ultrawoman's nipples, and then be completely covered by her top - to further the illusion that Ultrawoman looks perfectly okay but is really weakened and helpless - but I admit that that's not something that can come across easily in art. Your way makes the Kryptonite rings obvious to the viewer.)

Hey, who knows - this might inspire me to pump out the next installment quicker.
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I think it was done both ways in the story. I do recall her costume was pulled back on, but when they were first put on her top was pulled down and they were slipped on, but the top was never pulled back up.


Artisic call on which version to use. I could have had her nipples glowing green under her costume but i think that might have looked a little odd.
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Congratulations Kitten their arts were sensational
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Fantastic story - looking forward to more!
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I would love to see the stories written as Lois as a human who had {absorbed} Superman's powers since she would still have the typical human emotional weaknesses and could be more easily corrupted. Great story nonetheless.
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Congratulations, really great story. I can`t wait for the next chapter.
Sargeant 1st Class
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both the story and artwork are amazing!
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