GRACE EXPECTATIONS A Batgirl/ Wonder Woman Story FINALLY UPDATED 10/09/2020

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Fun stuff!!
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Well, help has arrived, or so they think ;) :evil:
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Any chance of a rousing chorus of "Officer Krupky" from the heroines? After all with a hopefully working gun, it looks like there will be three captured heroines.
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Visitor wrote:Any chance of a rousing chorus of "Officer Krupky" from the heroines? After all with a hopefully working gun, it looks like there will be three captured heroines.

Visitor, I'm beginning to think you may be 'psychologically disturbed'
(you spotted it, but did our mysterious new arrival?) :hmmm:
Thanks for the comments guys, keep 'em coming if you've a mind to.
(its the source of my secret powers, bwahahahahahahaha! :) )
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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The chapter was good, looking forward to the next, since we have the fun of the sisters with the Wonder Woman
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Thanks a lot guys and gals, glad you are enjoying it. Any opinions good or bad , please post or pm me.


The mysterious stranger has returned to the theatre, but is about to be way-laid by Cousin Jimmy, whilst inside the playhouse, Wonder Woman has been coerced into yielding her body to the sexual attention of the Graces for Batgirl’s sake. Meanwhile, the young hero of Gotham is oblivious to her sacrifice, laid out cold by Charity…

Hu-UHHH!” gasped Wonder Woman as Faith bit down on her nipple, squeezing it painfully between her teeth and pulling it, stretching the skin around the teat until it sprang back into place as she released it. As she did so her eyes were locked on Wonder Woman’s, still ferociously defiant but reduced to staring straight ahead, her mouth clenched closed at the humiliation, her cheeks burning red with embarrassment at her impotence.

Charity too was enjoying herself, licking around the aureole of the other breast, relishing the slightly salty taste from the light sheen of sweat from Wonder Woman’s exertions, gently sucking the teat of the Amazon every so often.

Wonder Woman sucked in the air between her teeth with an audible hiss, wincing periodically as the sisters’ attentions proved too painful, too intense, too intimate but above all too humiliating. She swallowed hard, her shame a heavy burden for her. She flicked her gaze to the table where the motionless body of Batgirl lay. Only if you looked closely could you see the breasts of the young heroine rise and fall slightly with each breath. She had to find a way to help the young woman, regardless of her own safety. Without her belt, held by strong chains, she couldn’t hope to escape. She had to get her hands on her belt, and so she would have to play along with the sisters plans. She grimaced and winced as Charity first kissed, then bit her neck.

The elder sister moved her attention up, turning Wonder Woman’s head to face her as their eyes met and she brushed her lips lightly against the Amazon’s, hers being soft and warm against the dry pursed ones of the heroine. Charity pressed her mouth tightly in on the law enforcer’s, her tongue darting out only to find Wonder Woman’s lips pressed tight and unyielding. She stopped and pulled back.

“Oh, that won’t do at all, Wondie. You’re ours now or else SHE is, remember? Let’s try that again…”

Charity went in on the heroine’s orifice again, whilst Faith continued to toy with, and tease her teats. Wonder Woman reluctantly recalled the words of the felon and this time her lips equally reluctantly parted. She could feel with revulsion Charity’s tongue probing her, pushing against the back of her lips, then against her teeth, then finally touching delicately her own tongue, dabbing at its tip, her mouth reacting instinctively, salivating as the tongues touched. Warm and moist, like bizarre duellists their tongues battled like sword fencers before Wonder Woman’s yielded, forced to by her reluctant bargain with Charity. As her tongue surrendered and gave ground to Charity’s so the villain’s explored her mouth, darting up against her palate and rolling beneath the tongue itself, pressing against its root, licking against the back of Diana’s teeth and sweeping across the sensitive top surface of the Amazon’s tongue. The duel resumed and Wonder Woman found herself inadvertently resisting the unwanted invader, pushing it back, feeling the resistance stiffen as Charity did the same. Finally the villain retreated breaking off for air in a desperate gasp of excitement and pleasure.

“Now THAT’s more like it!” she said breathlessly as she closed in again.

As Jimmy fell in behind the new arrival he couldn’t believe his luck. He’d got to grope Wonder Woman, ass fuck Batgirl and now, with this new do-gooder on the scene, he could do who knows what! His cousins had no claim on her whatsoever. She would be entirely his to do with as he pleased. He smiled at the thought as he eyed the back of her head in front of him, her fiery red hair rich and dark in the dim half-moonlight but occasionally it would catch a moonbeam as she walked and there would be that exciting flash of bright red in the half-light. He watched her dark, knee length rubber cape billow behind her as she walked, leaving an occasional partial glimpse of her amazing ass in that tight black costume. His cruel smile spread as he picked his spot and raised the pistol, holding it by the barrel as he swung the butt down to club his unsuspecting victim over the head.

The makeshift club came down to connect with empty air, the swing sending him forward and off balance as his intended victim crouched, ducked and took a half step backward, off to his left, her right elbow slamming into his gut as she did so and doubling him up, only for her gloved fist to sweep back vertically at the elbow and hit him back upright with a loud “OOOFFFFF!!!”. He staggered back a half step before she was standing beside him, gripping his collar and hurling him into the wall beside the stage door. He managed to break his point of impact with his forearms but an instant later she had snatched away the gun and spun him around by his shoulder to face her, landing two quick knuckle punches to his gut that winded him. As he gasped for breath and doubled up, she pressed her left forearm against his throat pinning him back upright against the wall with her bright red glove. She brought her right hand back into a scarlet fist, ready to land a blow.

“NOT THE FACE!!!” squealed Jimmy, who was proud of his looks and a touch vain.

“Fine. Have it your way…” She dropped her hand and gripped his testicles, then started to squeeze.

“OH GOD NO! PLEASE, THE FACE, THE FACE!” his shouted cry was silenced by the pressure of her forearm.

“Sorry, no backsies. Now, suppose you tell me what’s goin’ on inside, hmmn? Officer Krupky…” she squeezed slightly harder to reinforce her point.

“OKAY!!! OKAY!!! Oh, god…ok! W-Wonder Woman and B-batgirl are –are in there…”

“Alive?” she asked with obvious concern.

Jimmy nodded. ”P-prisoners…”

“Who else is in there?” she pressed home her question with another squeeze.

“Coupla my cousins…” he said vaguely.

“How many?”

“T-THREE! THREE Auuuggghhh G-god! It’s three I swear it!” he gasped as she finally released her grip.


“Coupla pistols…Oh GOD!”

“Why thank you, Officer” she said sweetly.

“W-wait. I gotta know. How-how come you knew I wasn’t a cop?”

“Gee, where do I start? Maybe it was the smoking on duty, or the nineteen-sixties style cop uniform, or the fact that your name badge is that of a character in ‘West Side Story’ and you are standing outside of a theatre stage door, or maybe it was seeing the shadow of you on the ground -standing behind me in the moonlight about to knock me out, or the fact that you said they were waiting for me when they had no idea I would be coming? Or how about , all of the above? Trust me, it was obvious.”

“Oh…right.” He gasped.

“Batgirl and Wonder Woman… have they been hurt?” she asked tersely.

“Er…no…no not…not at all” he said hesitantly.

“You’re a lousy liar, Krupky. THIS –“ she squeezed his genitals painfully stifling his cry with her other hand –“is for Batgirl. And THIS –“ she squeezed again even harder – “is for Wonder Woman. And THIS-“ she brought up her knee with vicious force knocking him up in the air, she hit him so hard. He slumped down the wall then, clutching his groin. “This is from me.”

He groaned as he looked at her resentfully.

“You better pray they are still alive, or I’m gonna wear your gonads as earrings…” she said with venom. He swallowed but then seemed to rally.

NNNnnnghhh…y-you got me now…but at least I g-got to ass-fuck you’re little Bat-pal in there…” Jimmy gasped between groans, grinning up at her .“S-she your daughter or something? She w-was a sweeeeet fuck. Yes, sir!”

She squatted down to look him in the eye as he sat slumped on the floor, back against the wall. It was the cold gaze of a huntress with her prey. She angled her head to look him up and down with disdain. She sighed. With lightning speed she broke his nose with a quick sharp jab with her right hand and stabbed him in the windpipe with the extended fingers of her left, partially choking him.


“You just don’t know when to shut up, do ya Krupky?” she said tersely with a tilt of her head, before she stood, drew back her foot and rammed it between his legs, driving the toe of her red boot into the back of his hands and compacting them once more into his genitals with sickening force. As he groaned in agony, she grabbed an arm, dragged him to his knees and placed him in handcuffs from her belt. She then half-pulled and half-dragged him around to the front of the theatre. She forced him to his knees and re-cuffed him to a traffic sign so he couldn’t flee, then proceeded to beat the living daylights out of him.

OOOFFF! Ya –ya can’t do this!” he cried desperately as she worked on his gut with a furious flurry of punches.

“Watch me.” She landed a combination to his jaw.

Aaaauuuuggghhhh! T-this ain’t right…you’re one of the -OOOFFF!!! One of the good guys… you can’t do th-arrrgggghhh!!!” he squealed.

“Not tonight…” she said tersely. “And I sure ain’t no guy…”

OOOFFF!!!! Y-you’re f-fucking crazy!!! OOOFFFFF!” Jimmy squealed and panted between blows.

“What can I say? Gee-whiz Krupky, I’m a psychologic mess…” she quoted the song lyrics from the musical . Maybe she was psychologically disturbed, she thought idly - you had to be different to take up the mantle of a masked vigilante in the first place- but right now, well, like Rhett Butler, she just didn’t give a damn.

It wasn’t terribly heroic of her, she conceded to herself, but part of her felt it was justified, and a bigger part of her really enjoyed it. Well, unlike some of the others, she never pretended to be a ‘perfect’ heroine, she told herself in justification. She hit him until he was senseless, then lifted his head by the hair, checked that he was out and then let his head drop. If what the bastard had said was true, he was getting off lightly. She left him cuffed to the stop sign, discarding his patrolman’s badge, for the next police patrol to find. They would call for back up and an ambulance and it would save her the trouble of making a call. She retrieved of all things a bright red lipstick from her utility belt – well a girl had to look her best when fighting crime- and wrote ‘NOT A COP’ on his forehead just in case the attending officers were not as sharp as her. She didn’t know what state the two heroines were in, but she guessed they had probably had a rough time at the hands of the hoods. Better that she save them rather than they have the embarrassment of being rescued by Gotham PD. As all the activity in the theatre she had witnessed had occurred at the back of the building, she decided on a frontal entry, for a better chance of surprising the occupants. She grimly turned her attention to stopping whatever debasement the three brothers inside were up to. And that simple assumption, that Jimmy’s cousins were men, would prove her undoing.

Inside, a dazed Batgirl was starting to come to. Her ears were filled with strange muffled moans and groans that to her befuddled brain made no sense. They gradually resolved themselves as she came to her senses. She moved groggily and frowned in disbelief at what she could see.

Wonder Woman, her mighty ally, was bound and chained to the knifewheel, helpless as the two elder Grace sisters proceeded to molest her intimately. She was splayed, spreadeagled against the board like a hunter’s trophy, her thighs parted, her breasts exposed as the sisters toyed and sucked at her teats. Her head was bowed, but she raised it briefly, a despairing look on her face, shaking it slightly to indicate Batgirl should stay silent. She frowned and grimaced as Charity’s hand slipped inside her blue shorts, a pained look upon her features as she drew in a sharp breath.

The violation was too much for the youthful crimefighter to witness in silence and in her naive exuberance she blurted out “WONDER WOMAN!!! NO!!!” as she struggled to rise.

Faith turned to look at her idly, casually strolled over and pressed her splayed fingers to the young girl’s chest, pushing her flat, back down onto the table as Batgirl ‘Hmmmpppphhhed’ and struggled against her. When her back hit the table Faith pressed her palm flat over the young woman’s sternum, leaving it there for a long moment, her hand hot where their bodies connected, the warmth spreading from palm to breast. Batgirl’s breathing heaved her breasts rapidly up and down as Faith stared at her for a long, intense moment. It finally slowed, her flattened diaphragm distending her ribs as she waited, holding her breath for whatever may come.

Faith splayed her fingers then slowly drew them in so that her hand sat like a spider on her chest. She spread them again and drew them in again, slowly, sensuously, five hot points of contact where her finger tips traced back and forth in a warm gentle caress. Despite herself, Batgirl found her body responding, her blood pumping into her swelling nipples as she found her young and relatively inexperienced body aroused.

“NO, YOU CREEPS!” cried Wonder Woman desperately, forgetting her own desecration as Faith looked over her shoulder and smirked. She then leaned forward, her lips close to the purple covered ones of Batgirl and waited there, so close their breath intermingled invisibly before them, the warm air playing just beneath their noses. Batgirl’s heart was beating faster and faster, in dread anticipation yes, but with a touch of something else too- a shameful excitement. Finally Faith closed, sealing their mouths together in a gentle clasp, her tongue pressing in on the young crusader for justice. And despite her situation, despite the violation, the innocent young woman found herself on the verge of succumbing, of responding to this new experience. The touch of the hand had been so warm, so soft against her skin, almost hypnotic as she had waited to see where it would go, to feel what part of her body would be touched next. Then the taste of her breath as she had moved so close, so close…

“NO!” cried Wonder Woman and the spell was broken, Batgirl coming to her senses pushing Faith away with her cuffed hands and a grimace and anguished sigh of her own. Faith straightened and caught Batgirl with a vicious backhand across the neck and jaw that stunned her once more. She fell back with a groan and a frown before, with a sigh, she lay still.

Faith again splayed her spider fingers down the length of Batgirl’s body from chest to navel, where she traced endless swirls and circles as she looked at Wonder Woman. And slowly she moved her hand ever lower, down the young girl’s body. She paused over the neatly shaved slit, a small tidy triangle of trimmed hair signposting her ultimate destination.

“Were you trying to stop…THIS?” she thrust her fingers cruelly into Batgirl’s womanhood with a laugh as she saw the agony of impotence etched on the face of the Amazon, her actions causing Batgirl’s unconscious body to arch in her slumber, her mouth open in a silent moan though her eyes were still closed.

“YOU -HUHHHH! NNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!!” Wonder Woman gasped and grimaced then, as Charity’s middle finger entered her, the corners of her nail catching slightly on the inner surface of her lips. She felt it slide in, past the first knuckle joint, and move vertically up and down just inside her slit, forcing the secret flesh apart, her opening sealing itself back up behind the intruder. Yet each time she moved up and down the seal behind or before her finger was a little less tight, a little less secure. And with each successive movement, she was becoming more moist. Charity could sense it too, and slid the finger out, dabbing its tip against the top of her thumb, still with her hand inside the star studded blue shorts, just to be sure, relishing the sticky warmth that told her the Amazon was responding. She pressed the back of her fingers against the crack and slowly unfurled them pressing her middle finger into the slit where it was joined by its brothers to left and right, and then the terrible trio pressed in, swiftly in one degrading thrust that entered the heroine’s defenceless cunt and forced it wide, literally taking Wonder Woman’s breath away, leaving her open mouthed, gasping as the fingers slid beyond the first and right in up to the second knuckle.

Just as Batgirl had reasoned, so too the newcomer had decided to make her approach via the Grand Circle. She crouched there now in the darkness and watched through binoculars, her red gauntlets resting on the edge of the balcony. And once she had ascertained that the two heroines on stage were alive, and reasonably unharmed, and in no immediate danger of death, a dark and secret part of her had been thrilled at the sight of their bodies exposed and helpless. And she had watched some more. Her mouth was dry as she delicately ran her tongue tip over her ruby red lips, and subconsciously, as she had watched the woman’s hands enter the blue briefs, she had slipped her own hand down to press gently between her own thighs, slowly feeling the soft mound of her cleft beneath her panties, beneath her bodysuit. She had been holding her breath and starting to move her fingertips around and around in small strong circles, pressing in on her sex faster and faster, with ever more force, when she suddenly realized with a start what she was doing, that she was being carried away. No time for personal pleasure now, she needed to save her sisters-in-arms. The two women she reasoned, must be the molls of the three men Krupky had mentioned but of the men she could see no sign. No matter. She would soon flush them out. They had to be backstage somewhere. Krupky hadn’t mentioned the two women, but then she shouldn’t have been surprised that he had tried to trick her.

She swept her cape behind her as she reached for the pouches at her belt when suddenly she was surprised by a hissed voice in the darkness.

PSSSST! P-PLEASE ! P-please h-help me!” said an urgent voice in the darkness. “Don’t let the awful outlaws get me!”

“Who’s there?” the heroine whispered, annoyed that someone had sneaked up on her in the dark, before she finally spotted a crouched figure further along the balcony edge, dressed in a red gingham shirt and jeans.

“I’m here! Please don’t let that terrible gang get me! They are doing … things to Batgirl and er…Wonder…er …”


“YEAH! That’s it, Wonder Woman! Please say you’ll help me!” the voice belonged to a young dark haired woman in her early twenties who crawled forward below the level of the balcony to sit alongside the heroine, grasping her arm earnestly. She was wide eyed and frightened. “Please save me!” she whispered.

As the heroine looked at the tearful eyes of the beautiful young girl before her, something touched her deep down, a pang, an urge to help her that went beyond her role as a hero. Whether it was because of the eroticism she had just witnessed or a more suppressed desire within her, she did not know, but she felt a …a passion to look after this woman, so vulnerable, so defenceless. A longing for her. A raw, powerful, lust.

“Its ok, I won’t let them get you, its gonna be ok, but do you know where the rest of the gang are?” the heroine whispered.

The woman nodded tearfully, putting a finger to her lips to indicate they needed to be quiet. “I’ll show you…” she whispered as she rose in a half crouch to peak over the balcony.

“You see that little doorway down there…?” she leaned forward and pointed over the balcony, behind the heroine, forcing her to turn and follow her finger.

“No…I can’t see…” the heroine began falteringly as she struggled to make out the doorway, leaning ever more forward herself as the girl did also, her palms on the balcony edge as she rose a little to get a better view. “I don’t see it ?” she turned to face the young girl with a frown beneath her mask.

“That’s cos there ain’t one, DUMBASS!” Hope cried loudly as she pushed the dark figure by the shoulders clean over the balcony.

“AHHH!” the heroine cried as she just managed to grip the edge with one hand as her body tumbled over, but the plush velveteen fabric offered little grip for her satin gloves and she merely delayed the inevitable as her fingers slipped. She managed to get her other hand up as she dangled there briefly looking up with desperate green eyes from beneath her mask at Hope, who she could see now was dressed as a cowboy complete with a sheriff’s badge.

“Wow, you’re really pretty!” said Hope as their eyes met the instant before the gloves slid off completely and the heroine fell twenty feet to the auditorium below. She was conscious of the seats below her and spun and twisted in mid-air with tremendous agility, somehow managing to avoid them with her body but destroying any hope of a controlled landing. She almost made it but caught the side of her head on the back of the aisle seat and landed in the aisle, heavily on her side, stunned. She groaned a low moan and rolled over on to her back winded and gasping, a frown of pain beneath her mask. She struggled to rise, lifting her head slightly and reaching out with an arm for support that wasn’t there, before the darkness claimed her and she slumped back unconscious.

Charity and Faith had heard the commotion and rushed from the stage, arriving with guns covering the fallen hero.

“Well, well, well…look who we have here…” said Charity delightedly as she toe-poked the hero, getting no response. “So nice of you to drop in…”

"She's knocked out Char, can't hear you..." Hope called down helpfully from the balcony

“That who I think it is? “ said Faith looking at the red bat emblazoned on the prominent breasts of the beautiful masked redhead who lay at her feet.

“Yup. None other than Batwoman herself. This town is full of fucking bats.” said Charity.

“WOW!” said Hope looking down on the helpless body of the prone heroine below her. “BatWOMAN! So…Batman finally had that sex change op then, huh?” she asked.

Still below from 'Batwoman Gets Cat Scratch Fever' starring the fabulously sexy Kendra James- hopefully here is the link ... 37&t=20073
Batwoman is KO'd and captured
Reproduced by kind permission of Kendra James
file-31-1.jpeg (18.95 KiB) Viewed 16873 times
Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:Visitor, I'm beginning to think you may be 'psychologically disturbed'
Think, I had a psychology major roommate who said everyone we knew had psychological problems.

Good chapter with Batwoman figuring out Jimmy's plan and making him really regret saying not the face. But it appears Hope is becoming the brains of the Grace sisters. Now is anyone going to look for Jimmy or is it back to terrorizing heroines?
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Another great chapter, I am anxious to see the next oara, and also see the reaction of batwoman, when hope is with her
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Poor Kate (Batwoman) :/
Hope everything turns turns in the heroines' favour, eventually (after a lot of sex and chloroform) ;)
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kendrajames wrote:Love it!
Kendra, in the Batwoman gets Cat Scratch referred to above, Batwoman is gagged in a very effective harness gag which looks amazing over her mask. Is there any chance you could use this on her again in a future Batwoman movie? Keep her masked as this looks so cool.
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Help has arrived briefly in the form of Batwoman, but all too soon she also falls victim to the sisters’ tricks and now all three heroines are at the mercy of the villainous siblings….

“Great job, Hope!” Called Faith up to the balcony where her younger sister waved excitedly.

“Did you see me Char?! I was like ‘look over there’ an’ she was like ‘why, whats over there?’ an’ I was like take a good look’ and she was like ‘I don’t see anything’ an’ I was like ‘Yeah well see this dumbass' an’ then I pushed an’ she fell an’ then hit them seats. Well, I didn’t say that but it was stuff like that. But she did fall and hit them seats.”

“Yeah we got that part, Hope.” Said Charity. Faith gestured pointedly with a nod of her head and the older sister sighed, before reluctantly adding “Well-done-Hope” in a flat tone, rolling her eyes.

The elder sisters picked a wrist each and started to drag the limp body of the heroine down the aisle.

“FREEZE! NOBODY MOVE! THIS IS THE SHERRIFF!!!” cried a voice echoing around the auditorium.

The older sisters froze before slowly looking at each other and letting out a weary sigh each.

“GODDAMMIT HOPE! Will you stop shittin’ around and get your boney ass down here and give us a hand!?“ yelled Charity angrily.

“That’s Sherriff Hope to you no good outlaws , an’ you better do as I say an’ give up real quiet like or I’m a gonna-“

“HOPE GET DOWN HERE NOW, AND QUIT THAT STUPID COWBOY ACCENT!” Charity shrieked as Hope startled, jerking upright from leaning over the balcony.

Faith was more conciliatory. “Hope, honey jump on down here and give us a- NOOOOO!”

“Ok.” Said Hope before the sentence was finished and with her right hand on the top of the parapet vaulted clean over the edge of the balcony.

But as Faith and Charity watched open mouthed she clung on for an instant, swinging her body in towards the base of the balcony, where she gripped it with her left hand as her body dropped and swung on, catapulting her whole body forwards, towards a support pillar, that she wrapped her right arm around before curling the rest of her body around it and sliding gracefully down, spiralling the 12 ft or so to the ground with an elegant slowness that left her older sisters speechless.

“Told ya she was a spunky little monkey today…” said Faith finally as Charity just stared, mouth agape.

“No Faith I’m a cowboy! Not a monkey. Look I got a holster an’ a gun an’ a star an’-“ she reached behind her head and put on a ten gallon hat that was hanging from a neck cord out of sight behind her, “I got this here hat, yessiree” she said as she put it on, pushing the brim up with one finger. “Y’all” she said rather pointlessly.

“I said cut it out, Hope. Now give us a hand.” demanded Charity.

The elder sisters continued to drag Batwoman by the wrists and elbows as Hope grabbed her ankles, and between them the trio barely lifted the heroine’s body off the ground, her butt intermittently touching down on the sloping aisle floor as her cape dragged beneath her. Her head was lolled onto her shoulder and chest and Hope bringing up the rear angled her head to mimic the heroine’s as she stared at her.

“She sure is pretty, asleep like that…” she said softly looking at the ruby red lips and imagining them touching her, leaving the bright red imprint wherever they met her skin, soft and warm and slightly wet. On her neck…her cheeks…her ear…her lips… her –


They manhandled the unconscious woman onto the stage where they dropped her body unceremoniously on the wooden boards as they decided what to do with her.

“BATWOMAN!” gasped Wonder Woman in alarm as she saw the champion of justice land, sprawled on her back.

“Quite a collection we got goin’ , huh?” said Charity, amused as she stood hands on hips, surveying the three heroines.

“Ya know, Char,” said Faith “I can’t help thinking,… this secret hideout of yours… leaves A FUCKING LOT TO BE DESIRED! I MEAN ANOTHER ONE? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT YOU DO, TAKE AN AD OUT IN THE PAPER?!” she shrieked.

“Don’t blame me, she musta followed Jimmy.” Charity said defensively.

“Where is he anyhow?” Faith asked.

“Dunno, probably ran off when she pitched up.”

“Is she her Mom or somethin’?” asked Hope as she nodded at Batgirl.

“What? Don’t be so stupid. She ain’t old enough…” Faith indicated Batwoman.

“It ain’t stupid. They both got red hair and they are dressed like bats. They coulda been, or maybe they is sisters like us.”

“Yeah… that might be it. But it don’t matter who they are, they are ours now.”

“I wanna play with her” Hope said pointing at Batwoman, “I caught her so it’s only fair…”

“We can all take a turn later Hope. Right now we are just getting started, so we just gotta decide what to do first.”

“I got an idea…” said Hope. “Yessiree, partner, I surely do…”

“Things ain’t that bad yet Hope, that we gotta start listening to you…”said Charity coldly.

“No Char, fair play, the kids come good once or twice. What is it, honey?”

“I ain’t saying while she can hear…” Hope pointed at Wonder Woman.

“Fine.” Charity sighed and walked further away from the Amazon. “OK, whisper it here “ she beckoned Hope over and Faith followed, though Charity was clearly reluctant at the whole idea of listening to her younger sister.

Hope whispered for a few minutes, looking and pointing over at the heroines. Though she was in no position to stop it , Wonder Woman found herself straining to hear whatever the gang had in mind. But she could not, no more so than she could break her bonds without her belt, still being worn by Faith. Finally the older Graces exchanged appreciative glances.

“And all that shit is in the back there?” Charity said loud enough for Wonder Woman to hear.

“Yup. Sure is partner.” Said Hope with her bad southern drawl.

“I told ya Hope, no accents dammit!” Charity snarled. Hope dipped her head shamefaced. “What the hell were you doin’ up on the balcony anyways? “

“I got lost backstage looking for Jimmy, made it round to the foyler…-foyra… the front hall and saw her sneaking up the main stairs, so I ran up the side ones an’ then I tricked her, an’ I went an’ I pushed her off.”

“You done good Hope, you done good.” Charity conceded as Hope smiled happily. “NOW GO GET ALL THAT STUFF AND THE CHLOROFORM FROM BACK THERE, PRONTO!” she snarled.

“I ain’t Pronto Char, he’s the Indian fella with Lone Ranger, I’m just a plain ol’ law man, yessiree-“

“WILL YOU STOP IT WITH THAT COWBOY SHIT?! GO!” Charity shouted angrily, startling Hope into action so she scurried off.

“Go easy on her Char, she’s tryin’ to please you all the time…” Faith said to her older sister.

“Hey you wanted to kill her an hour ago with all that Pablo the horse shit…”

“It was a donkey…”

“Donkey, horse, mule who gives a fuck? Look forget it, we need to find a way of tying her up. Or down…” she kicked Batwoman in the ass sending her unconscious body rocking.

“She’s probably got handcuffs in that belt of hers…” Faith offered.

“Great idea!” Charity flipped open a pouch. “Bingo! We have a winner! Two sets no less! Hey, perfect! I got an idea…Gimme a hand…you put it on that one…” Taking a wrist and a set of cuffs each , they quickly cuffed each hand in a single cuff, but then Charity grabbed a leg, bending the limp limb and then attaching the other open cuff to Batwoman’s ankle. Faith followed suit leaving her helpless in a kind of handcuff hog tie, each arm cuffed to an ankle, her knees bent as she lay sprawled.

Wonder Woman could only watch helplessly as they hauled Batwoman upright onto her knees with much groping of the pliant breasts in the tight rubber bodysuit, holding her beneath her arms as she slumped forward, her head on her chest, the rich red mane falling about her shoulders. Faith squatted beside her, looping an arm around Batwoman’s shoulder and neck, and cupping the heroine beneath the chin, raising her face toward the Amazon, tilting her head up slightly so the hair fell away, exposing the peaceful, beautiful, vulnerable face to the female warrior. Faith looked at her and smiled as she pressed her cheek close, feeling the soft warm skin and the press of the rubber mask against her own cheek. With her eyes still locked on Wonder Woman she edged her face closer until the corner of her mouth was millimetres from the ruby red lips, then finally touching, the contact causing Wonder Woman to bite down on her own lip in frustration as she was powerless to stop the violation of her ally. Faith turned the head then and kissed her passionately, her tongue penetrating the unresponsive mouth and causing the Amazon’s breath to quicken, her own breasts rising and falling faster as her feeling of impotence grew until she started to struggle against the chains that bound her, though she knew full well that without her belt she could not break them.

“Hera…give me…strength…mmmnnnnnnnngggghhhaaaahhhh!” she whispered, as she tried in vain to break the chains, her efforts earning her a round of sneering laughter from the elder sisters. Faith started to lick Batwoman’s neck and ear as Charity fondled her breasts, both of them with eyes glued on the bound crimefighter as she struggled frantically. Finally realising it was hopeless she slumped and tearfully turned her head away, not wishing to give the twisted sisters the satisfaction of seeing her glistening tears. She was ashamed of herself at her weakness and that she had allowed herself to be captured and now, to her mind, these two brave young women would pay with their lives for her mistake.

As Charity kneaded the firm mammaries beneath the tight rubber, she felt the body respond, as the blood rushed to the nipples, reacting to the stimulus, causing them to swell and harden, pressing against the rubber cups that encased her breasts. Her arousal started to revive Batwoman, though she was still groggy and confused after the blow to her head.

“Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh…”she groaned as she started to come to, her head stiffening and raising under its own volition, as she dimly became aware that Faith was holding her chin. She groggily pulled her head free and as she frowned then finally opened her eyes her first glimpse was of Wonder Woman, chained and helpless before her.

“Wonder Woman!” She stiffened and tried to rise and only then realized she was shackled with her own Batcuffs as she clumsily lurched forward as her legs couldn’t move. If the sisters had not held her she would have fallen flat on her face, but they grabbed her as she pitched forward, laughing at her obvious distress as she finally realized her predicament and began to wriggle her shoulders furiously, trying to test the scope of her bondage. She then noticed Batigrl, half naked and comatose, her exposed body spread over the table, her Batsuit pulled down around her lower legs but snagged where the arms were cuffed, but with her womanhood exposed. Batwoman was left with little doubt as to what fate had befallen her and the words of the thug outside echoed in her head as a painful memory. What horrors had the poor girl suffered?

“B-BATGIRL! NO!” Batwoman gasped as she saw her ally in the fight against crime. What a black day this was for the forces of justice in the city. Her head slowly began to clear.

“We’ve had some fun with your two little pals already…now we’re gonna have some fun with you too, sweet cheeks…” Charity sneered.

Batwoman looked around but could see no sign of any other male thugs. As an…active lesbian the prospect of indulging in some girl on girl with some pretty hot villains on her last night on Earth wasn’t quite the disaster it would have been to a heterosexual heroine. Then things started to look decidedly good as Charity continued.

“Maybe we’ll make you lick that bitch out, huh?” she gestured towards Wonder Woman. “ How’d you like that hero? Huh?” she sneered.

Whilst she had no wish to die, the prospect of being forced to eat out the stunningly statuesque Amazon was not without its attractions to someone of her predilections. It was all Batwoman could do to suppress a slight smile.

“Oh no.“ she said flatly before realizing she didn’t want to give the game away. “OH NO!” she said more forcefully and trying to sound reluctant.

“You’re gonna lick that cunt until its dry…” Charity crowed.

Batwoman gave an almost delighted sigh, before masking it with a pained look at the Amazon, though in reality with the curve at the corners of her mouth it was more of a ‘hey-ho, but-what-can-a-girl-do?’ kind of smirk.

The elder sisters walked over to the Amazon and stood either side of her as they first pulled aside her famous star spangled briefs then, ripped asunder the renowned satin tights, exposing Wonder Woman’s mons pubis and the tight slit that held the last of her body's secrets.

“Oh!” gasped Batwoman with excited anticipation as she saw her sex exposed, before covering herself by adding “Er, oh no! You monsters…” slightly unconvincingly.

“Its ok, Batwoman… I know it’s against your will…” Wonder Woman whispered, as the sisters dragged the Batwoman over by the elbows, though she did seem to be hurrying somewhat on her own knees.

“Er… yeah… forgive me, Wonder Woman…” she said a tad unconvincingly, whilst she secretly thought ‘Hey there are worse ways for a girl to bow out…’

On her knees before the bound Amazon, she was held by her elbows as she looked up at the powerful bound body; the strong toned thighs; the flattened abs defined by the famous red bustier; the perfect round globes of the wonderful breasts exposed where the breast cups had been pulled back; the smooth round shoulders; the elegant neck; the rich raven black curls of her hair; the beautiful high cheek-boned face with its strong jaw and a defiant yet vulnerable look in the dark shining eyes. Finally her gaze dropped again to the torn hole exposing the last secrets of her comrade in arms in the fight against crime. She could see where the stage lights sharply lit the slit whilst at the same time the gentle rise of the mound to the labial lips either side was more subtly defined, picked out by a softer sloping shadow that hinted at where she had shaved. The thin crack of her cunt was bracketed by the soft darker flesh of her labia, her hood neatly coiled and tucked in tight at the top, only its tip slightly protruding that showed its hiding place.

Yes,' she conceded to herself, ‘going out on a high like this wasn’t a bad exit afterall…’
Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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The sisters are just awesome, delightfully wicked creatures worthy of keeping on any villains 'contacts' list. :)
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Yes! Love your stories, from the start!
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Another great chapter, congratulations on the job, I'm anxious to see the opening scene of the next chapter
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Thanks all, and especially to Miss James for taking time out to read this and post a comment, keep 'em coming. Hope you like this installment, featuring a devious notion from the dark recesses of Mr Valugi's mind...(thank you!)(I'll credit all contributors at the end in full)


Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Batwoman have all been overpowered by the villainous Grace sisters. Handcuffed and helpless, Batwoman now finds herself forced to sexually humiliate the Mighty Amazon… but not exactly against her will.

Half dragged, half shuffling on her knees, Batwoman found herself arrayed before the powerful female warrior, chained and with her proud body exposed as she stood mounted like a trophy against the knife-throwers wheel.

Faith and Charity held her, with a hand beneath each arm as they taunted the Amazon.

“Awww, so you guys were gonna take us in, huh? I don’t think so….” Faith cooed. Wonder Woman clenched her jaw, tight lipped in her frustration.

But Batwoman wasn’t even listening. She was poised, kneeling, looking up at the spectacular toned body of her fellow crimefighter, almost with a sense of anticipation. Far below them a subway train passed, causing little tremors to ripple up through the stage, passing through her knees, up through her thighs and stomach, setting the impressive breasts of the warrior a-quiver. The vibrations seemed to accentuate Batwoman’s sense of expectancy even more, the passage of the slightly shaking sensation moving through her flesh from cell to cell like an urgent dispatch. From her knees, through her thighs and her ass, passing over her toned hips and stomach, up through her diaphragm until it found her breasts, which seemed to naturally focus the ripples towards her teats, forcing the blood into her already aroused nipples, such that they pressed like bullets against the inner rubber cup of her uniform.

“Again? How the fuck did they put on shows here, with all these freakin’ trains runnin’by?” Faith asked.

“They only used to run a few late night or early mornin’ ones while this place was open, now its closed I read they use the line more to re-route the rolling stock for the next day.” said Charity. “But let’s worry about Gotham’s transport network some other time, shall we?” She gripped Batwoman by the hair at the back of her head and pushed her forward. “We got more….pressing matters to attend to!” she laughed as she pushed the crimefighter’s face deep between Wonder Woman’s legs, causing the Amazon to stiffen and brace herself as Batwoman took a final gasp of air before she was delightfully smothered.

But she only held her there for an instant, before Batwoman forced her head back to give herself some breathing room- literally. She gasped, her face just centimetres from the Amazon’s sex, her nostrils filled with the fishy scent of her, the gravity of her predicament hitting home, yet still tempered by her own secret desire to taste the forbidden flesh.

She looked up the Amazon’s body , and at the stern but beautiful features that looked down at her. That close, she could smell the intimate scent of the champion of justice; the faint smell of sweat from her exertions in the battle against the sisters, heavy and sweet, stronger as she knelt close to her crotch with the slight almost sea-smell from her womanhood.

For her part, Wonder Woman stood in chains, frustrated by her own impotence but as Batwoman knelt before her, she could detect the change in the dark-clad heroine. She could feel the play of her breath against her slit like a soft warm breeze, faint and barely noticeable as Batwoman’s frantic gasps settled down to a more measured level. Deeper, more rhythmic, more…passionate. The realization that the masked woman before her was genuinely becoming aroused shocked the Amazon and re-awakened old memories of her youth. Growing up in isolation with her sister Amazons, it was only natural that as they reached maturity so they had turned to exploring each other’s bodies. Though she had been violated by the evil Grace sisters on previous occasions, this time, with a fellow crimefighter involved, it was somehow different. This time, that smouldering sense of desire, of longing, from someone who shared the same ideals, the same goals and found herself in the same deadly peril, was an immense turn on for her, too. And the mask…that wonderful, secretive mask…that mask somehow accentuated everything…She licked her dry, red lips. As she stared down at Batwoman’s green eyes beneath the mask, she found herself wondering just what lay behind those eyes, what secrets did they keep? Who was she? She felt her own nipples hardening as they sat exposed where her red bustier had been pulled down. The whole package was immensely erotic, both the costume and its beautiful wearer. That dark, matt black rubber costume, skin tight and smooth over the toned body beneath it, like a fall of fresh snow over rippled ground. The bright red Bat symbol proudly emblazoned across the equally proud breasts. The rich crimson colour of the Bat, her boots and her belt, accentuated the rose-red lips and flaming red hair of the crimefighter from Gotham. Wonder Woman found her sense of desire rising inside her. She knew this was wrong and inappropriate but somehow the imminent prospect of her death tonight, captured and chained as she was without her belt, seemed to negate all sense of morals.

And yet in that instant, as she almost succumbed to her own innate desire, her gaze fell on the helpless, already brutally abused young body of Batgirl, lying powerless, spread and vulnerable, unconscious on the table. Whatever her own thoughts, whatever her own desires, whatever her own predicament, a new priority filled her as she knew she had to focus on a means of getting free, for all their sakes. But especially for the young champion of Gotham. She could not and would not let the brave young woman’s life end here tonight with her legacy wiped out, her dying memories being ones of pain and humiliation. She would resist the urge to yield to Batwoman. Though she could not stop herself being taken, she would not give herself to her own pleasures. She would endure, whist she thought of a means of escape. She would be strong for all their lives were at stake.

Batwoman too, had followed her gaze to the young girl on the table and felt a sudden flush of embarrassment at the way she had dismissed her duty to defend and protect others for the prospect of her own pleasure. That duty included protecting her fellow crimefighters when they were unable to do so. And yet…she was being forced to orally satisfy the Amazon, a task that she couldn’t help but look forward to. And she had no doubt that on a personal level she would enjoy doing so. Was that wrong of her, to take delight in something she would enjoy? Yes, she decided, if it meant overlooking a chance to escape and save the day. She would focus, perform her task and take pleasure in it, but it would be secondary to her looking for a means to rescue her allies.

Wonder Woman stared grimly ahead, her jaw locked and tense as she waited for her humiliation to be played out before the sisters. Again she felt the warm breeze of Batwoman’s breath play across her femininity like the gentlest caress of an intimate lover, drawing her attention back to the beautiful woman before her. The green eyes looked back at her from below the mask once more, but the lustful longing they had previously shown seemed to have been replaced by a steely resolve. Batwoman too, it seemed, had realized where their priorities should lie.

“Awww, you two worried about your little Bat-pal feeling left out? Don’t worry, we got something special in mind for her and the two of you later.” Charity crowed as Faith sniggered. ”Real special.”

“There’s a funny gas smell again…” called Hope distantly from back stage. “I got Cousin Jimmy’s lighter back here, should I try and burn it off?”

“CHRIST!!! NO!!! HOPE, FOR GOD’S SAKE NO!!!” screamed Charity, sentiments echoed by Faith.

“O-kay….” Hope answered back hesitantly, but clearly not fully understanding why that was such a bad idea. “Actually, I don’t think its Cousin Jimmy’s as he had his one on him when he went out. It must be someone else’s. Should I still not use it?” she asked uncertainly.

“YES!!!” cried both sisters.

“Is that ‘YES!!!’ I should NOT use it, or ‘YES!!!’ I SHOULD?” asked Hope.


“Just get that stuff together and get back in here, honey,forget about the weird smell.” called Charity. “Go get her.” She added to Faith.

“Fuck that! You go get her!” Faith retorted. “I ain’t going out there if there’s gas and the dumb bitch is lighting matches.”

“You said there wasn’t any…?” said Charity.

“Yeah, well I ain’t betting my life that Dopey Hopey ain’t gonna blow something up an’ me along with it. I’m stayin’ right here.” said Faith.

“It’s kinda gone now anyway….” Hope distantly answered Charity.

“GOOD…” called Charity resignedly, with a wait for any reply. Or possibly the sound of an explosion. When neither came, she turned back to Wonder Woman and Batwoman. “Now, where were we…? Ah, yes, feeding time at the zoo for our captured little pet bat…” she laughed as she pushed Batwoman’s head once more towards Wonder Woman’s groin.

Meanwhile, Batwoman could feel her mouth become incredibly dry, not so much in fear but in anticipation. Despite her resolution to focus on a means of escape she was only human, yet confronted by the semi naked, near perfect form of a superhuman before her, her body bared for her, Batwoman, Katherine Kane…a chance to taste forbidden fruit, a once in a lifetime chance perhaps, and it was all proving impossible to resist. And if she paid with her life for this brief pleasure…maybe…maybe it would even be worth it? No. She shook her head, to physically stop herself thinking like that, but her movement was limited with Charity holding her hair. The criminal laughed as she thought it was Batwoman’s reluctance at the task in hand. Yet it was the opposite- she desired this, craved it. Her heart was beating faster than ever, a thunderous drumming that she felt even others might hear. So loud, pulsing the blood, rushing it through her body, flushing her lips, her cheeks, her nipples, filling all the sexual extremities designed by nature to communicate one simple fact from female to male: that she was ready to mate. Yet this was another woman… but to Katherine it didn’t matter. She had long desired only the intimate company of women, and to enjoy the pleasure this Amazon offered, even under these circumstances, was virtually a fantasy made manifest. Her breathing was ragged until she finally held her breath and then locked her gaze on that of the Amazon. She saw the pained look of guilt behind those eyes, guilt that this warrior of justice couldn’t help Batgirl; couldn’t help Batwoman; was chained and…vulnerable. Katherine found the moment immensely erotic. It gave her a desire to embrace the Amazon, a desire to hold her , to pull her close to her own body…how had it been put in Lady Chatterley’s Lover...? Yes, to gather her in by touch. That was what she wanted, almost more than to taste that thin sweet slit of brighter, softer pink flesh framed by its darker neighbours, just tantalizing inches from her nose, her own lips, her tongue. Yet she was denied that embrace, to run her fingers over the smooth toned skin, to trace circles of desire around those pert, prominent nipples, poking above the dishevelled eagle wings of the bustier, denied by her own Batcuffs, shackled as she was, wrists to ankles. So it was not for Batgirl’s sake that her mind turned to thoughts of escape, but far more selfish reasons. Yet either way, she would first have to perform this act of cunnilingus on her fellow crimefighter…

‘Hey-ho let’s go!’ she thought as she buried her face into the Amazon’s groin, her nose pushing into the soft top of the pubic mound even as her lips and mouth found the secret cave they had been desiring for long, long moments.

Wonder Woman went rigid, her jaw locked and face grim at the indignity. But as Batwoman’s nose first made contact she realized with a start that she was dealing with an expert. For as the nose pushed the flesh above her hood in, so too the coiled flesh just below it was roused from the warmth of its nestling slumber as it protruded slightly proud of the rest of her sex, allowing Batwoman’s upper lip to nuzzle it upwards, before flicking just inside its now extended tip with her tongue. With expert precision and the lightning strike of a cobra, Batwoman’s tongue swivelled 90 degrees so that it was parallel to Wonder Woman’s sex slit, darting in, down then up, opening the mouth of the cunt even as Batwoman’s own mouth formed a seal over the entrance, her flushed cheeks pressing in tight against Diana’s thighs, both women conscious of the press of warm flesh against warm flesh, but far more aware of the more intimate push and press of pink wet lips against pink wet lips.

Batwoman moved with the practiced ease of an experienced lesbian lover; an expert, rolling her lips around the opening, first sucking then squeezing, her lips pressing powerfully down, with every now and then the hint of a bite to provide an intimate reminder of the danger of the moment that both heroines were sharing. Wonder Woman gasped, wide eyed, her steely resolve gone, as she suddenly realized that if Batwoman kept this up, she was going to inevitably cum. Losing her dignity before these low-life monsters was something she was reluctantly resigned to do, but to have it so visibly destroyed- with the prospect of showering her juices over her fellow crimefighter, of being reduced to standing there, once proud, with her sexual fluid dripping from her cunt- THAT was something she had never even countenanced. She bit down on her lower lip, her head dropped, her eyes pleading with Batwoman not to do this, not to debase them both in this fashion – only to find that those beautiful green eyes were closed, lost in the rising passion of the moment. Involuntarily Wonder Woman tensed, her loins clenching, the muscles in the pelvic floor tightening, causing her labia to tighten slightly, gripping the intruding tongue a little which caused Batwoman to smile secretly, the curve of her lips and the soft play of her warm breath inside the Amazon tickling the warrior. But it was the devastating intrusion of the warm wet weapon of sexual arousal that was weakening the Amazon’s resolve, causing her to sag in her bonds, her slightly bent body allowing more movement of her pelvis and groin meaning she was inadvertently gyrating against Batwoman’s face, stimulating the eroticism more and more for the lesbian law enforcer.

“No!” Wonder Woman muttered in a pained low moan of anguish tinged with panic as she felt herself aroused more so than she had been in years, more so than ever before perhaps. ‘NOT NOW’ she thought desperately, looking plaintively at the still unconscious young body of Batgirl.

“Batwoman, NO!’ she cried finally as she felt the tongue begin to probe ever deeper and was secretly frightened by the all too likely outcome.

Her words broke the spell and Batwoman suddenly looked up, realizing just how far she had gone and finally remembering too, her duty to try and save Batgirl, as well as herself and Wonder Woman. She twisted her head in Charity’s grip and forced her head back and away, breaking the spell she had on the Amazon, and giving her ally relief from the rising passion, like a besieged city liberated at the 11th hour before it would surely have fallen to a conquering invader.

Batwoman fell away as Charity laughed, sprawling on her side and looking up venomously from behind her Batmask, her jaw thrust out grimly, twisting her wrists and rattling them uselessly in her cuffs. Her pristine makeup was now smeared, almost as if she had been given a bloody blow to her mouth. She glanced at the tell-tale traces of her presence around Wonder Woman’s crotch, a rose red smear, like virgin’s blood. She subconsciously licked her lips, savouring the salty taste of her ally still fresh on her tongue.

For her part, Wonder Woman breathed a sigh of relief. At least now the humiliating prospect of standing, chained, in her own dripping juices was receding.

“Howdy, folks! Sherriff Hope Grace, is back on the trail of some no good rustlers who been operatin’ in these parts, yessirree. Say , partner, ya’all ain’t happened to a-seen ‘em h-“

“HOPE! I told ya to cut that shit out!” barked Charity angrily as the youngest sister returned laden with items that she deposited on the table, among them the long awaited chloroform.

Hope fell silent then hurried to rip a small piece of paper into three. “This one is for you –“ she gave a piece to Charity, “ and this is for you” she handed it to Faith “and this one is mine…” she tucked the last slip down between her cleavage.

“What the hell is this?” said Charity frowning at Faith who shrugged bewildered as she read what was on hers.

“I thought we could bet $5 bucks each – whichever of them says one of them sayings first, whoever has that wins.” Said Hope brightly. “Cos they all say shit like that all the time.”

“Oh, I love it!” said Charity as Hope beamed. “Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun! Cool job Hope, well done. You got the stuff from the kitchen?” Hope nodded happily. “Well, get to it kiddo, it was you’re idea…”

Hope skipped over to a small table “Got it here Char, all ready to go! An’ I brought the knife throwers knives so we can throw them at her” she patted the cluster of stage knives she had brought in with her, as she gestured at Wonder Woman “after, an’ I got this here special knife which is mine…” she held up a large handled blade before tucking it into the waist band of her belt. It looked especially vicious.

“Great job!” cried Charity , though she was slightly perturbed at Hope having such a blade. “Faith, hold her.” she nodded towards where Batwoman lay on her side.

Faith grabbed her by the elbows and hauled her upright onto her knees as she fought in vain to resist.

Ughhh! Huhhhh! Thuuhh!” she gasped as she struggled, but it was hopeless to try to break free. Yet still she tried.

“Get that bitch awake, I don’t wanna have to explain things again…”Charity gestured Hope towards Batgirl.

Hope wandered over and slapped the young crime fighter’s cheek repeatedly, causing her to wince and groan, her head slowly moving with a soft moan.

“Ah, welcome back.” said Charity. “She wandered over and grasped Batgirl by her red pony tail emerging from the back of her cowl, and turned her head so she could see Batwoman, causing a pained gasp.

“Got another of your little pals to play with…” she crowed as she laughed at her captives.

“Yessirree…” said Hope, to no-one in particular.

“Dammit Hope ! I told ya to cut that cowboy shit out!” Charity yelled at the interruption.

“Okay!”Hope said with a panicked sigh “<Yessirree, I will…partner>” she whispered the last part under her breath so her sister didn’t hear.

“Right…where was I? Oh yeah, that’s right.” Charity tightly gripped Batgirl’s red hair, not realizing it was actually a wig, twisting her head to force her to look at Batwoman. “See who came all this way to see ya? That dumb bitch, that’s who… She actually thought she was just gonna rush in here and take us down and save the day! Hallelujah! Yep, she was gonna rescue you two losers and be the hero of the hour. Guess how that’s going, huh? You know her? She your sister or cousin or some shit? Huh? Well? Nothing to say, huh? Well I’m not surprised seeing as she kinda steals your thunder a little, don’t ya think? I mean what’s your career path in this set up, huh? I mean she’s a woman…and you…well, where does that leave you, huh? Can’t stay a Batgirl all your life, right? I mean, if you weren’t gonna die tonight, just what was gonna happen, huh? You two gonna duke it out, eh, ‘Battle of the Batwomen’…I can see it now. Mister McMann would love it. Winner gets to keep the title of 'Batbitch of Gotham'.” the sister laughed as all three crimefighters remained stony faced and silent.

“In fact, we are kinda doin’ you gals a favour, when you think about it, by getting rid of one of you…well ok, all three of you…but we are saving you all that pain over who is gonna be top dog. Nah, I’m only fucking with you…we are only gonna ice one of you tonight. And here is the deal – Batbaby-“she tapped Batgirl’s cheek with her other hand as she stared down at her “- the good news is YOU GET A FREE PASS! You ain’t gonna die! No shit! We can take you down any time we like so I got no worries facin’ you down. But that Amazon bitch and this here unknown commodity…”she kicked Batwoman’s knee “Well, I’m more worried about them. But we are thieves not killers, so it’s just gonna be one of you rather than both. And guess what Batbaby? You get to choose who lives and who dies!”

The crusaders for justice exchanged worried looks between each other.

“Let them go Charity, you know I’m the one you want…” Wonder Woman uttered bravely.

“Oh, no, Wonder Whore. It’s like I said …she chooses…” Charity stroked Batgirl’s cheek once more. “And here’s how. Now, a while back when we was on the run, Faith there, shacked up with a real bona fide scientist fella. And he came up with a special compound. An acid that eats away at the soft skin of a woman’s clit. Its activated by the vaginal juices. It drives her wild with sensational orgasms as it burns away the flesh of her …er…well, ya know. And we just happen to have a sample of it right here!” Charity gestured to where Hope made sweeps with her palm as she held up a small jar, like a game show hostess. ”But it ain’t all doom an’ gloom ladies…ya see there is an antidote…”Charity smiled down at Batgirl. “Saliva!” she crowed as she threw back her head and laughed at the pained anxiety etched into Batgirl’s face beneath the cowl. “So here’s how it goes down…we are gonna cover both these two fine upholders of the law in this stuff, down below, as it were…and as you hear their screams YOU baby Bat , are gonna have to decide which one to save, and then you are gonna have to lick them out to neutralize that special compound. Oh yeah, you are gonna have to do a real thorough job too, and make sure you get it all off, every little nook and crevice or else they…well, might die!” Charity relished her moment as Faith and Hope laughed. “And while you do it, you’ll be haunted by the screams of the do-gooder gal that you couldn’t save, that you chose to let die for the sake of the other one.”

Charity dropped Batgirl’s head back onto the table as she wandered over to gloat over Batwoman and Wonder Woman, caressing them as she strolled back and forth between the two of them as she spoke. They were all grimly silent.

“Bet you didn’t think it was gonna end up like this for ya, huh, when you donned them cute little outfits and set out tonight to ‘Boldly fight crime!’ ?” she uttered the last in a childish voice as she gave a little punch into the air to emphasize the words. “Well, let me tell you girl’s something… while you are all there getting ready with your belts and your gadgets and your little masks and your capes and your booties and your gauntlets and bracelets and tiaras…all getting ready to ‘DO-BATTLE-FOR-JUSTICE!’, ” she said the last in a booming mockery of a heroic voice, “ You over looked a coupla facts. First off, you weren’t ever fighting for Justice. Nope. You were fighting for your lives. And guess what ladies? You lost. And one last thing, for you to bear in mind. When you gals set out of an evening to ‘GO AND FIGHT CRIME!’ she declared again in the silly mocking tones, “ you should have remembered : sometimes when you set out to fight crime, well…sometimes crime…FIGHTS BACK.” She laughed uproariously as her sister joined in.
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Staff Sargeant
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chapter is amazing and I'm glad you use my idea, I'm eager to read the next chapter
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Hey, when's the next installment going up? I want my chloroform fix! :P
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Wheelie915 wrote:Hey, when's the next installment going up? I want my chloroform fix! :P
This weekend, I'm just wrapping it up now. No chloro yet though - needs to be an escape bid first!
Edit : Monday 15th now, had some things happen
Edit: Changed my mind, 'Let there be chloro!'
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Hi chaps and chapesses. Its pretty late here now but I wanted to get this up today, I'll edit it for typos tomorrow, so please excuse any glaring errors, but I have to get up for work in about 6 hours :rolleyes:
Hope you all enjoy it, if you do or don't please leave a comment


Batgirl, captured by the evil trio of sisters, now faces a terrible decision. Who should she save between Batwoman and Wonder Woman?

It was only as she was untied and hauled off the table by her elbows, that Batgirl realized just how physically devastated Jimmy had left her. As she lay on her back, breathless and exhausted by the brutality she had suffered, she had set her mind to escape as she heard the sisters’ terrible plans for her unfold. That she has to choose between her two crime fighting allies who would live and who would die. Despair filled her brave young heart as she felt a rising surge of guilt and failure wash over her, that she, she of all people, she who had dedicated her life to saving others to helping people, would now be forced to indirectly take a life, and of all victims, it was to be a fellow heroine. Either Wonder Woman, who she considered a friend, or else Batwoman. Though she knew little about her fellow masked crimefighter, what right did she have to choose the life of one brave woman over another? Plus, she doubted the sisters would keep their word regardless, and so what then? Was her choice simply who would die now and who would die later , possibly a far worse , lingering death at the hands of some even more despicable scenario that these three twisted specimens of humanity would dream up? She clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth in bitter frustration at her own impotence and inability to save both herself and her companions. She took a deep breath, and as they had gripped her and pulled her dishevelled body upright, she had determined that now, now would be her best chance, possibly her only chance, to escape. She would feign a slip, stumble and then spring into action, elbowing Faith before clubbing Charity with laced fingers, bringing her powerful thighs into the game with a few well-placed kicks and knees to head and torso, she wou-

“AGGGHHHH!” she screamed as she tried to stand upright, clear of the table, and crumpled, all energy leaving her body, all thoughts of her escape forgotten, washed away in a tide of strength-sapping pain as a wave of agony washed over her stemming from her rectum, her pelvic floor on fire as her ruined anus screamed in alarm, warning her body of the terrible pain it was experiencing. She nearly passed out as tears welled up in her eyes, only the supporting hands of Charity and Faith stopping her from falling to the floor. She winced and grimaced as they held her upright.

“WOW! Jimmy really did a job on you , huh?” said Faith looking delighted at the distress the young crimefighter was in, as she smiled across the young girl held between them at her sister.

Batgirl was left panting pitifully, in agony, her pain made worse by the realization that her plan for escape, for rescuing her sister crimefighters was in ruins, as indeed was her brutalized rear. It ached and throbbed with a new kind of pain for her, a deep seated throbbing numbness, spreading from her anus through her loins, making her pelvic floor quiver and spasm after her ass had been stretched far beyond its normal rigors. She felt nauseous, sick to the pit of her stomach. Her mouth too, quivered, the corners of her lips turned down in a grimace of shame and pain. Her knees buckled and she sagged, almost sitting on the floor before they hauled her upright, still handcuffed. Ironically, that action actually restored some of her dignity as the sisters inadvertently pulled her costume back up her body and her own wiggle of her shoulders recovered her modesty, as once again the yellow Bat symbol now was back in its rightful place, across her once proud and splendid breasts. But it also hid her Batbelt, removed and refastened over her naked hips by Jimmy, it was now beneath her suit and impossible to access easily. But whilst she again looked more the part of a heroine, there was no mistaking her weakness as she took painful faltering steps forward, each step eliciting a shuddered whimper of agony as she gingerly trod on her tip toes in baby steps, like a child trying to suppress its tears.

Each step towards the heroines brought a quiet, high pitched “Oh!” of pain from the Angel of Gotham. But its effect on her two companions was equally devastating. They watched Batgirl’s painful progress with despair and anguish. It was clear her body was wrecked. Whereas but a moment earlier they too had thought that she might be able to make a bid for freedom, it was clear now that the young crimefighter was physically exhausted.

Knowing the terrible choice she would be forced to make, Wonder Woman was all set to sacrifice herself to make the decision for Batgirl, by insisting that Batwoman be spared but she never had the chance. To her surprise Batwoman suddenly took the decision out of her hands.

“BATGIRL! PICK ME! YOU HAVE TO PICK ME!” she shouted desperately. The somewhat less than heroic action causing derision amongst the sisters.

“Gee, I guess maybe she ain’t made of the ‘Right Stuff’ afterall, huh?” said Charity mockingly.

Batwoman was forced to endure the unspoken insult, that she was a coward. She knew all too well how this action would appear. But the truth was not that she was begging to save her own life, but more because she had thought of a way to escape. With her wrists shackled to her ankles with her own Batcuffs, she had realized that whilst in the sitting position she could not reach her belt pouches and access the key. But if she were able to lie flatter, that gave her more flexibility to move her hands up behind her back to the belt compartment that housed the key. Her body was lithe and supple and she could easily lie flat on her back with her knees bent, her lower legs off to the side, next to her thighs so that her ankles were by her hips and then she could free herself . Hopefully, then she might rescue them all. It was a chance at least. But it all depended on a distraction, a reason for her to lie flat on her back, with her legs parted, that wouldn’t attract attention. A reason like receiving cunilingus from Batgirl. Plus of course there was the added bonus that she didn’t think the experience would be entirely unpleasant. And somehow she thought, with the sisters given that particular floor show, they wouldn’t be too interested in her hands, which would be behind her back anyway. But it all depended upon her convincing Batgirl to save her rather than Wonder Woman. So she endured the humiliation of begging for her life.


Batgirl too, was shocked by Batwoman’s apparent cowardice. She looked with a mixture of bewilderment and disgust from Batwoman, begging on her knees to the proud Amazon still bound to the knife throwers wheel before her. Wonder Woman, also surprised and disappointed, merely nodded.

“This isn’t your doing, Batgirl. These scum will probably kill us all anyway.” She tried to reassure her.

“Who you callin’ scum, whore?” said Charity mockingly.

“She means us, Char.” Hope said helpfully, drawing an exasperated sigh from her elder sister.

“I know, you moron. Look you’d better spread the love, as it were, on our two little friends here, ok?” she gestured at the helpless women before her. “Don’t choose too quick now, little Bat bitch, maybe the screams will persuade you otherwise, when you hear them.
And believe me , they will scream.”

“Y-you…twi-twisted witch…” Batgirl panted tearfully, her groin in agony. With her hands cuffed before her, she clutched at her womanhood, trying to find some physical release for the pain that was emanating from deep within herself, hoping that the pressure would numb the hurt.

“Don’t get any on yourself Hope, that stuff will really smart” Faith warned her younger sister as they watched her force aside Wonder Woman’s famous star-spangled shorts once more, this time revealing the flimsy blue silken briefs beneath them that previously been hidden, pulled aside by accident when Batwoman had been forced on the Amazon, without being noticed. Hope hooked the bottom of the leg of each garment around the enlarged pubic mound, forced to bulge by the pressure of the elastic leg opening, exposing the thin dark crack of forbidden flesh, whose sanctity was a source of pride to all Amazons.

Hope pulled on a single kitchen glove and scooped out a dollop of the acidic paste from its plain little jar. She sniffed it and pulled back in disgust, crinkling her nose. “Ewwwch!It smells like …like awful stuff!” she said.

“Gee, thanks for that insight, dumbass…” said Faith.

“I ain’t no dumbass! Tell her Char, I ain’t! She’s the dumbass, she thought pork an’ bacon and ham all come from pigs” Hope said disparagingly of Faith.

“They do!” Faith said with tired exasperation.

“No they don’t ! Bacon does and that’s it, the only one!” Hope insisted."Tell her Char!"

“Well where the fuck do you think pork and ham comes from then?!!!!”

“Well, duh! Pork comes from porcupines and ham comes from hamsters, stupid!”

“There is nothing I can say to that” said Faith tiredly.

“Yeah ‘cos you know you is wrong, that’s why!” said Hope triumphantly.

“FOR GODS SAKE JUST GET ON WITH IT!” Charity finally snapped.

“I will kill her one day, seriously.” Faith said under her breath.

Wonder Woman writhed and gyrated her pelvis, more in impotent frustration than any serious attempt to break the chains. With her belt they would have parted like tissue paper, but bound and stripped of the source of her powers, there was nothing that she could do.

Hope splayed the concealing flaps of Wonder Woman’s sex wider, revealing the brighter, wetter pink flesh within as the Amazon grimaced in dread anticipation, ready for the pain she knew would come.

Hope took her vicious looking knife and delicately slid the tip through the existing hole in the flimsy satin tights and made it wider, as that was all that protected Wonder Woman’s crotch. The Amazon drew in a sharp breath in dread anticipation as she felt the very tip of the knife force its way through the material with some difficulty, such that the sudden cold press of the steel surprised her as it came a second or two after she had thought it would. Hope then physically pulled the hole wider with her fingers, her warm breath hitting the flaps of the Amazon’s sex like a sudden gust of wind. She ripped the crotch hole ever wider, as Batwoman secretly stole a glance, eyeing up the secret love channel appreciatively.

Batgirl’s eyes, in contrast, were tightly shut with her body’s pain, her jaw clenched, her teeth set on edge. A part of her could still not accept that this terrible fate was happening, not just to herself but her two powerful allies, and it was that refusal to contemplate what had happened, to recognize the awful situation, that was clouding her mind, preventing her from concentrating on what she should really be doing. Thinking of a way to escape. She had to focus, she had to, for all their sakes. And by God, she would. This terrible pain in her wrecked rectum, a burning soreness from her stretched muscles, was not critical to her survival unless she let it be. It hurt, but it was not life threatening. She would recover, given time. So it was painful, so what? She had suffered painful injuries before. Now she had to concentrate on escape – 'so she could suffer them again'! She thought wistfully to herself. Her display of dark humour showed she was getting to grips with her situation. If only she could break these magician’s cuffs that bound her wrists. But she was still in bad physical shape to do anything, even if she could somehow break loose. She needed to bide her time, gather her strength and when a chance came, be ready to seize it. She mentally prepared herself for the humiliating shame of what she was about to be made to do. She was still quite shocked at Batwoman’s apparent capitulation.

“Wait, Hope. Open her up too.” Charity nodded at Batwoman. “Smear ‘em at the same time, don’t wanna give one an unfair advantage.”

Hope looked at Batwoman’s skin tight latex body suit, fitting snugly around her crotch and then at the gloved hand with the acidic paste on it. She sighed and carefully pulled the glove off, making sure the paste didn’t gum up the glove’s fingers. She smoothed the black rubber over Batwoman’s thighs, her palms pushing the legs wider to give her better access to the groin. Taking her knife she pulled the rubber out slightly, away from the body and made a slit where the left leg met the crotch of the suit, peeling it back to reveal a flimsy pair of black lace panties. She pulled them taut and then cut through the gusset, exposing the soft pink mound, dotted with tiny fine red hairs that got gradually thicker and more wiry as they progressed up her body. She sniffed the opening, a slight hint of sweat greeting her nostrils, and a sweeter, softer perfume from a deodorant. The subtle, pleasant fragrance of a meadow, and a lighter odour from talcum powder, used liberally beneath her suit to prevent it sticking uncomfortably to her body and minimizing her sweat. In a suit that tight, any concession to comfort was welcome, especially when it might be worn for many hours at a time, and involved in vigorous exploits. But right now, comfort was not on Batwoman’s mind.

Batwoman had used the threatened assault to drop her body back lower, her bent legs starting to splay out alongside her thighs as she prepared to go flat on her back. She knew she could not make what she was doing too obvious. Which meant she would have to endure the pain of this sinister , bizarre chemical, whilst hiding her actions from the sisters.

Hope looked at Charity. “Now?”

“Yup. Now” Charity said as she and Faith held Batgirl upright on her knees by her underarms.

Hope stuck her tongue out in concentration as she readied herself, carefully pulling the glove back on. She looked at the grimly set face of the heroine, then at the paste covered fingers of the glove, then smiled as she plunged her hand between Batwoman’s thighs. She forced up the cut flap of the Batsuit with the back of her knuckles, forced aside the thin lace triangle of the front of the panties with the back of her fingers and then turned her wrist and shoved her fingertips inside the darkened slit, parting the outer labia and forcing up the nestling hood, rolling her hand around right and left inside the champion of justice. She withdrew quickly, then dived her hand inside the small tub once more and moved over to the Amazon.

For an instant, Batwoman felt nothing other than the not –too unfamiliar feel of a woman’s fingers deep inside her. But as Hope withdrew she suddenly noticed the coolness of the air that seemed to replace the hand, and a sudden tingling began around the edges of her opening. The sensation spread like pins and needles in her inner cave, as a slow spreading warmth began around the outer edges of her labia.

“Ah! A-uh!” she gasped, more in an anticipation of pain than because of what she could feel. As part of her plan she started to quiver and spasm, each shake dropping her body ever lower to the floor.

By now Hope had liberally spread the concoction over Wonder Woman and stepped back to admire her handiwork, tilting her head appreciatively at the view. As she made to pull the glove off she noticed a splodge of the compound still on a finger. She stared at for a second and then slowly edged it towards her own mouth.

“HOPE !!!NO!!!” Barked her elder sisters in unison and she snapped back to attention like a scolded puppy. She peeled off the glove and dropped it on the stage.

Batwoman felt the warmth spread around and inside her loins. But whilst it was a strange sensation it still wasn’t painful. But then the heat started to intensify, the warm sensation becoming a hot one, then an uncomfortable heat, then a burning irritation before finally it rose in intensity to become a searing inferno of agony.

AWWWKKKK-GHHAAAA!” she gasped rolling her thighs together in a reflex reaction. She tried to keep it together mentally as she finally achieved her goal of lying flat but as tears pricked her eyes, she was in too much pain to stick to her plan, and rummage around in her belt pouches unseen. She needed Batgirl’s body as a screen for her actions and so, partly out of necessity and partly out of desire, she found herself begging to be licked out.

“B-b-bu-Batgirl!!! P-please! PLEASE!” she panted, beseechingly.

Wonder Woman too had reached the same stage but was fighting it, helpless in her bondage as she clamped her mouth shut, stifling a scream, her eyes screwed tightly shut in pain.

Batgirl looked at her desperately. Swayed largely by Batwoman’s perceived cowardice, given the genuine choice she would have chosen to save the Amazon. But Batwoman’s cries weighed heavily on her conscience. She looked at Wonder Woman for guidance, for reassurance. As the Amazon had said, the sisters would kill them all ultimately, it was just a question of how.

“PLEASE!” Batwoman cried again. Wonder Woman opened her eyes and her gaze met Batgirl’s, understanding the unspoken question. She nodded imperceptibly.

Batgirl lunged forward, burying her face in Batwoman’s snatch, licking for all she was worth, moving her face and mouth around as much as she was able, her head burrowing in like a suckling calf at its mother’s teat, her lips and tongue working furiously to counteract this bizarre acidic poison.

Batwoman felt a wave of relief as the pain eased a little and then a sudden wave of pleasure as her body started to respond to the sexual stimulus, the rolling of her hips and thighs pressing tight against the sides of Batgirl’s cowl in a reflex reaction, feeling the warmth of the young woman’s cheeks through the rubber, feeling the movement of Batgirl’s jaw muscles as her mouth worked furiously. Batgirl’s eyes were closed but tears seeped from beneath the lids at the shame of her predicament and for the fate that was befalling her friend just a few feet away. She had half expected the compound to burn her tongue or dissolve it but she suddenly realized that the immediate effect was that the heat intensity against her skin had numbed her lips. She continued to chomp down on the secret flesh, her tongue constantly working, moving tirelessly as tried to deliberately roll it as much as possible to lubricate the labia and vagina walls and so neutralize the compound. But then she remembered that the sisters had said it reacted with those juices…that didn’t make sense, did it?

Wonder Woman’s suppressed moans and groans finally broke Batgirl’s resolve and she broke off from Batwoman and shuffled over on her knees to the Amazon, trying to help save them both and at least give the raven haired beauty a few moments of relief. Her abrupt halt left Batwoman gasping in disappointment as she felt her internal juices respond. But as she came back to her senses and the pain started to build again from parts that Batgirl had evidently missed, she realized that all eyes were firmly planted on the spectacular sight of Batgirl, the Angel of Gotham eating out the Mighty Amazon herself, Wonder Woman. Batwoman herself sneaked a peak before she got a grip of herself and finally lying flat, worked her right hip lower to allow her hand to reach up, pulling her ankle with it slightly, before she could at last un-clip the pouch flap and work her index finger inside. She felt the key fob; needless to say it was bat-shaped. Pressing the small wings against the side of the pouch she was able to slowly work it up to the opening where she could finally grasp it with her thumb. Unlike Batgirl’s cuffs, this was a sonic key, like a modern car lock. She had three sets of cuffs each on a different sonic frequency and so there were three buttons that opened or locked both wrists at the same time. As she was wearing two of the sets, the third being on Jimmy, it was just a question of finding the right combination to release herself. She had a 66% chance of being right. She was confident Jimmy was too far away out the front for his cuffs to unlock even if she chose the wrong key frequency but she was also aware of a tell-tale beep and a click as they opened. She decided she would hide the noises with screams. With the pain building in her loins she wouldn’t have to pretend.

Meanwhile Batgirl was sobbing as she chomped down on the womanhood of her hero. The warm tears flowed from beneath the cowl and sped down her cheeks to disappear, crushed to a moist smear where Wonder Woman’s thighs pressed against her face. Batgirl worked feverishly, her tongue and lips numbed and burning from the compound meant she was frequently licking her own lips as well as the nether lips of the Amazon, her tongue flicking across her mouth like wet lightning as she knew every second might count in her bid to spare the mighty warrior any serious injury. Yet even as she worked, her unease grew…there was something about this whole scenario that just didn’t ring true…The raucous laughter of the sisters emphasized her shame and distracted her as her tongue slid between Wonder Woman’s labial lips, darting up to moisten her clit before dropping to penetrate further into her body, probing, seeking out the taste of the compound…And then she realized that was it, that was what was wrong – it was the taste. It tasted of …of peppers. She could detect jalapenos, scotch bonnet, curry powder, chillies of all kinds and a tangy medical taste that must be the deep heat balms that went on muscular aches and pains. There were also other hot and spicy sensations like tabasco that emphasized that this was no weird acid but something the sisters had made.

“I-it’s a trick!” she gasped as she forced her head away, back to look in anger at Charity and Faith who just burst out laughing. “I-its just hot foodstuffs, c-chillies and spices! T-Tabasco!”

“HA-HA! Bravo little Batbitch. Well done. Penny finally dropped, huh? Yeah we just used anything we could find back there in the kitchen. And some from the medical cabinet. And you dumb fucks fell for it. And best of all it was all Hope’s idea!” crowed Charity.

“THAT’S ME!” said Hope excitedly raising her hand.

“AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!” screamed Batwoman loudly as she pressed the first button on the sonic key. But nothing happened. Damnit. She should have remembered she had put the first set on Jimmy. But she was understandably distracted. It didn’t matter which button undid which of the remaining cuffs as she was opening both of them.

She screamed again, this time successfully hiding the beep and click as her left wrist and ankle were freed.

“Oooo, get her, she’s really suffering, poor gal. Guess you’d better get back in there slugger.” Charity said as she grabbed Batgirl by her pony tail and swung her round before pushing her roughly so she fell face down in Batwoman’s crotch.

“R-resist the p-pain BATWOMAN!” Batgirl gasped. “I-its not fatal!”

Batgirl’s body provided the perfect visual cover for Batwoman to release the second cuff.

AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!” the senior Bat crimefighter cried, to cover the noise as she released her second hand. But she couldn’t yet spring into action, not with Batgirl lying on top of her upper legs as she was. She would have to bide her time a moment longer, then try and catch the sisters unawares. But Batgirl, close as she was, heard the click and beep and unfortunately the naïve young crimefighter couldn’t hide her reactions. She froze, looked pointedly down at Batwoman’s hands beneath her body and then up at Batwoman, all without saying a word.

But that silence spoke volumes and alerted the sisters.

“Hey…hey, some things up…” Faith said as she and Charity exchanged a look and took a step nearer.

Batgirl grimaced, giving Batwoman a pained look of apology as she knew she had messed up. Batwoman let out a low sigh of frustration before she tried to look at Batgirl reassuringly. She gave the slightest tilt of her head off to her left, Batgirl’s right, to indicate she should roll that way. But Batgirl had other ideas. Determined to make up for her mistake she half rose on her knees and then dived into Charity’s legs as she drew near, knocking her off balance so she fell backwards.

“SHIT!” cried Faith as she saw her older sister fall and then Batgirl struggle up onto one knee. Ironically it was a sentiment shared by Batwoman as, still lying flat, she was in no position to make her move swiftly and decisively. As Charity rolled away Batgirl rose fully to her feet, turning just in time as Hope reached for a bottle on the table and hurled it at the masked vigilante. Breathless and physically exhausted as she was, Batgirl’s instinct took over, grabbing her cape hem in her cuffed hands she ducked and crouched behind it as she raised it in protection, the bottle shattering against her raised elbow and drenching her Kevlar cape in its contents.

“Hope you dumb shit! That was the chloroform!” Faith shouted as Batwoman used the distraction to roll and half rose to her knees. “Oh FUCK!” Faith cried as she saw the movement and managed to bring up a thigh that caught her a glancing blow to her temple, knocking her backwards so she fell supported on her palms, stunned slightly.

Wonder Woman could only watch in frustrated impotence as the two Bat-themed crimefighters fought for her life, as well as theirs. Charity was on her feet now and behind the crouched Batgirl. As the Guardian of Gotham rose to face Hope, she was completely oblivious of the older sister behind her.

“BATGIRL! LOOK OUT!” Cried Wonder Woman in warning as she strained impotently against the ropes in frustration. But it was too late.

Charity enveloped Batgirl in a fierce bear hug, pinning her arms to her body as she crushed her, lifting her off the ground and forcing a grimace of pain and frightened whelp from the young woman in surprise. Charity extended her leg and slammed Batgirl’s butt down on to her knee with jarring force. She winced and clutched her groin in agony, sinking slowly into a half crouch. It was the moment Charity had been waiting for and she grabbed the cape and pulled it up over the young crimefighter’s head.

Meanwhile, a slightly dazed Batwoman shook her head to clear it, oblivious of Batgirl’s troubles. She started to rise after Faith’s blow only to be confronted by Hope slashing forward before her with her vicious-looking knife. Batwoman skipped back on her heels, breathing in sharply as the blade flashed inches from her stomach. But she had inadvertently backed up towards Faith, who lunged forwards.

Batgirl’s world went black as she opened her eyes after the pelvic slam, only just in time to see her own cape engulf her. But Charity had realized what the young Gothamite did not, that the cape was now drenched in chloroform. Batgirl felt Charity’s body position shift behind her as she brought her cuffed hands up to her head to try and free herself – only to find Charity’s arm appear there first, pressing the cape down over her mouth and nostrils. Only then, in the darkness, did she understand the real danger as the deadly scent of chloroform filled her senses; its dampness felt by her satin-gloved fingers on her cape; its taste on her tongue where it touched her mouth, pressed down hard on her lips by Charity’s hand; and of course the smell. Above all , the terrible smell. Only too well aware of what the smell signified – weakness, defeat, death- she fought with all her strength to prise the hand away, to free herself from that terrible fate. But brutalized as she had been, physically weakened by the sexual assault, her earlier combat and now handcuffed and surprised from behind by a larger, stronger physical opponent – she could do nothing. She threw her body around in a frenzy, but the movements gradually slowed as all the while she could hear Charity’s laughter in her ears, the villain’s mouth just beside her head, only her cape separating the two of them. Her cape pressed into her face…betrayed and undone by her own cape…her cape…her…ca………
The chloroformed cape had done it's work.

Charity felt the body go limp in her arms and released her grip, re-adjusting her hold as she pulled back the Batcape to see her victim. Batgirl was just on the cusp of unconsciousness, her eyelids fluttering closed for the last time as she gazed, glassy eyed at Batwoman. Batgirl's beautiful hazel eyes fluttered in panic, then slowed, her lids drooping as they began to relax. Drugged, she had little comprehension of what she was seeing as she had looked on Faith, who grabbed Batwoman from behind by her elbows, locking them behind her with her forearms as she pulled the crimefighter closer to her, pinning her arms between their two bodies as she twisted the struggling hero around so she was facing Batgirl, and turning her towards Hope.

As each saw the predicament the other was in, both felt a pang of impotent despair. But for Batgirl the last sight she had before the chloroform claimed her was of Hope plunging her deadly blade into Batwoman’s proud breast. Burying it up to the hilt into her valiant heart in a spray of rich-red arterial blood, right in the centre of the scarlet Bat symbol, a scream of terrified impotency bellowing from Batwoman’s throat, her eyes wide and round in stunned disbelief as she stood helpless, powerless to defend herself as Faith held her arms. Then Batgirl’s eyes finally closed.
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Staff Sargeant
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another great chapter, liked the way you used the idea with the sisters fooling the heroines and the plan of Batwoman
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Hope's not as dumb as she acts. She's been out thinking the heroines.
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Hmmm, I have a sneaking suspicion that that blade Hope's plunged into Kate's chest is a trick knife, update soon so we can find out! :/
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Holy shit what a chapter
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Thanks for your patience fellas, sorry for the bit of a gap in posting, but real life kept getting in the way. Any more ideas please PM me, might not be able to use them but will if I can.

PART 13 (Unlucky for some!)

Batwoman has managed to escape only to be struck down by a brutal knife attack from Hope as Faith held her, helpless…

“AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!HU-UHHH?!” screamed Batwoman, stunned by the force of the blow as the knife struck her breast, by the vigorous thump of Hope’s fist as she drove the blade in to the hilt and finally by the top of her fist slammed into the chest of the heroine. She was shocked by the impact as the blow hit home, surprised to see the spray of her own blood emerge from where the knife struck and Batwoman’s face was frozen into a bewildered frown, her mouth agape as she tried to process what she was experiencing. Whilst the initial blow had hurt in the same way a fist striking her chest had hurt, now she felt …nothing. No pain and how could she have been stabbed? Her suit was supposed to be knife-proof. As Faith released her, she sank, stunned, slowly to her knees, her hands clutching at the bloodied wound as Hope stepped back laughing. Batwoman looked up frowning in disbelief as Hope leaned forward.

“It’s a trick ya big dummy! It aint real! It’s a magic knife. The blade goes into the handle and then all this blood like magically appears from somewhere!” said Hope excitedly.

“It’s in the handle Hope! There's a blood capsule or bag or whatever that gets burst when the blade goes back into the handle. Hold on! Shit, then she ...AIN’T STABBED!” Faith cried as the penny dropped.

Batwoman had made that connection too, and sprang forward off the floor to head-butt Hope in the gut.

“OOOFFF!” cried the youngest sister as she was winded and fell backwards, but Batwoman had already whirled around before she hit the ground to confront a surprised looking Faith. She swung an elegant leg up in a fierce kick, her thigh and foreleg straight as the hand of a clock, but the middle sister was quicker and swayed back out of range. Kate cursed to herself softly all too aware that she still had the eldest sister to contend with. Faith threw a jab at her and she caught the wrist spinning her around to try and hurl her at Charity.

Wonder Woman could only watch in impotent frustration, rattling in her chains ineffectually as she remained trussed to the wheel.

Charity half caught the spinning Faith and steadied her, casting a glance at Hope who was still gasping for breath after the blow to her stomach. She sighed with resignation as she looked at her younger sister.

“Just you an’me kiddo” she said to Faith. “It’s still two to one.”

“Gotta like them odds, even if she is a tricky bitch” said Faith panting as she stood up. She spread out and moved around the far side of the table whilst Charity stayed where she was, thus facing Batwoman with two angles of attack.

Kate backed up then turned quickly to try and free Wonder Woman, but a quick look and rattle of the chains was enough to tell her that it would be no quick task, she exchanged a pained look with the Amazon before whirling back to face the criminal sisters.

“I need my belt!” hissed Wonder Woman in a low whisper that caused Kate to throw a quick glance back at her. As the words sank in Batwoman glanced around looking for the golden girdle before she noticed that Faith was still wearing it. As she did so she sneaked her right thumb and forefinger into her own Batbelt and retrieved a small item unnoticed by the sisters.

As Faith made her move, Batwoman hurled the smoke bomb down at her feet engulfing her in a flash of smoke that stopped her in her tracks and equally surprised her sister Charity.

“What the fu-?” was as far as Charity got before Kate spun around on one leg skipped forward so her weight was now on the other and landed her foot plumb into Charity’s stomach, propelling her backwards to land on the far side of the stage.

She stood straight then turned and hopped forward lightly onto both toes in a fighting stance, fists raised to counter Faith only to find the coughing middle sister hadn’t come on through the smoke flash. Instead she had retreated a few steps to stand, leaning, one hand on the table as she shook with another round of coughing spasms. But Kate was still a little unsteady herself, the action causing a rush of blood and adrenalin which, after the blow to her head left her a little woozy. She was a bit off her game, she realized. Ordinarily, she was confident that she could handle these three hoods, but as she was, in this state, she realized the more help she had, the better. Batgirl, after her violation was a physical wreck and still out of it from the chloroform. Which only left Wonder Woman, who herself was bound and helpless. But she needed her belt, apparently. So that must be Batwoman’s primary objective. But now that Faith had backed away that belt was moving away from her.

Batwoman cursed silently as she realized that she would have to go to her, bringing Hope back into play as a possible threat as she crouched before the table, waving her hand to dissipate the clearing smoke.

<COUGH> That was SOOOO cool!” the younger Grace sister piped up, smiling as Batwoman strode towards her.

Kate cast a quick glance at the smiling young girl squatting beside the slumped form of Batgirl and dismissed her as an immediate threat. Hope was staring up at the black clad heroine with big eyes, watching impressed as her cape was swaying behind her like a dark cloud as she marched purposefully towards Faith.

“You look amazing…” she said admiringly.

“Thanks!” said Batwoman shortly, never taking her eyes from the middle sister as she marched passed. She had a firm objective now - subdue these three, yes, but get that belt first to make the job easier.

“I HOPE YOU WIN !” Hope called to Batwoman as she turned her head to follow her.

“DAMMIT HOPE!” Faith called angrily as she backed away from the table and the advancing crimefighter. Batwoman seemed to be on a mission.

“Well , I do! She’s awesome…got a killer bod…” Hope said in a quieter tone as she eyed the sashaying ass appreciatively, glimpsed now and then as the cape billowed out of the way to reveal the tight, black-clad buns.

“Stay there and DON’T MOVE!” Batwoman barked as she squared up to Faith once more. She threw a quick glance at Charity but she was now out of sight on the floor behind the table.

“Ok!” said Hope obligingly.

“SHIT, Hope!” cried Faith “Don’t listen to her!”

“But she’s so bossy! She’s the real deal. An’ she is soooo hot in that outfit…”

“Get in here an’ help me!” Faith squealed, looking around for Charity. She had moved well away from the table now and as Batwoman rounded it too, she threw a glance to where Charity should be on the floor – but was not.

She whirled to look behind her – but no one was there. Dammit. She hated unknowns and having Charity loose on her flank was not a good spot to be in. She turned back to Faith and looked left and right.

“Getting’ the hang of this now Faith…” said a voice from the darkness of the wings as Charity then strolled casually into view beside Faith, a big smile on her face, one hand on her hip and the other arm bent at the elbow, holding a bulky remote control in her other hand casually over her shoulder.

“They take a second or two so I pressed this before I walked on stage,” she said to Faith. “Should be good about… now!”

Batwoman frowned beneath her mask and was on the verge of looking around for danger when a warning cry distracted her.

“LOOK OUT !!!!” cried Wonder Woman as she saw the sand bag fall from the rafters. But Batwoman turned to the noise for a split second as the words sunk in.

Sudden panic gripped her heart as she looked up in alarm, eyes wide to the danger, just in time to see the weight fall. With her amazing reflexes from hours of training she was able to jerk her head back at the last minute but not able to avoid catching a stunning blow to her temple.

The room spun and she staggered a half step forwards, her head dipped and her arms half raised, fingers clawed and opened in a pathetic parody of the fighting stance she had adopted just moments before. The blackness first closed in and then relented, the room swimming back into focus briefly before distorting into weird shapes. She blinked to clear her head, feeling groggy as the first pulse of pain hit her. She was vaguely aware of two pairs of hands grabbing her wrists and somebody laughing as she swayed and staggered on the spot.

“Bullseye! Or rather Bats-head!” said Faith delightedly as they held the barely conscious heroine between them.

“Finally got the hang of this li’l gizmo o’ yours!” Charity said happily, smiling as they held Batwoman in a firm grip.

Wonder Woman looked on in genuine despair.

Batwoman panted heavily as she was held and half dragged between the two sisters over to the table, desperately trying to gather her befuddled wits.

“What’ll we do with her, Char?” Faith said.

“I dunno. Wasn’t expectin’ ol’ Supertits here to get out of them cuffs.”

“There’s a big magician’s water tank back there, we can put her in that…”said Hope, going quiet as the two sisters turned to stare at her. “I-I saw it from the balcony, its over there behind them screens” she pointed falteringly.

“Shit, Hope! You are having SUCH a good day today! Well done, honey, that’s just what we are gonna do!”Charity smiled.

But Batwoman suddenly yanked in both arms and stepped backwards violently, clattering the two elder sisters into each other before her as she caught them by surprise. She jerked her arms backwards, elbowing Faith in the stomach in the process as she pulled herself fully free. Charity threw a punch which Batwoman parried with a forearm before landing one of her own that sent the elder sister staggering back. Kate spun around grabbing Faith, still doubled up, clutching her gut and breathless, and raised a knee to her head sending her reeling. She clung on to her wrist with one hand and punched her in the stomach with the other, doubling her up again.

I’LL take that, thank you very much” Batwoman cried as she undid the clasp at the back of Wonder Woman’s belt as she let Faith’s body drop away to the floor with a breathless groan.

Wonder Woman’s spirits soared as she beamed at Batwoman, who strode purposefully towards her, holding the prized source of her power. Batwoman was still a little shaky and weak on her feet but hiding it well as she strolled triumphantly passed Charity, as she had risen to her knees, whipping the belt across her face and knocking her down to the floor, stunned.

She smiled at the Amazon who beamed back, but as she got within a few feet of her a voice spoke up loudly.

UH-UH-AH!!!” said Hope loudly, shaking her head for emphasis as Batwoman froze and turned around.

Batgirl was lying sprawled, face up, her head cradled in Hope’s lap, whilst Hope for her part had a palm on Batgirl’s cowled forehead, arching the neck back over her thigh. And bearing Batgirl’s throat to the magician’s throwing knife that she held in her other hand, its edge across the unconscious young woman’s windpipe.

“That last one weren’t no real knife, but this one sure is…” said Hope with a mischievous smile.

Frozen in place Batwoman looked from the struggling Amazon back to Batgirl.

“Now, I really, REALLY like you an’ all, “ said Hope with an apologetic smile, “but there ain’t no way I can let you set her free…”

Batwoman looked back at Wonder Woman helplessly, her teeth on edge as she let out a low growl of annoyance and frustration. Faith and Charity were slowly recovering as Batwoman reluctantly knew there was no choice for her to make, though the decision could, and indeed probably would ,condemn them all to death. Yet, she couldn’t stand by and see the unconscious young girl get her throat cut before her very eyes, knowing that she, Katherine Kane, The Batwoman, was responsible.

Her chest heaving with her exertions, she looked ruefully at Wonder Woman and reluctantly dropped the belt, letting the shiny golden material slip through her fingers. She dipped her head slightly in defeat, all too well aware of what this would mean for them all, gritting her teeth. Charity and Faith slowly made their way back to stand before her, malevolent looks on their faces.

“Great job, Hope.” Charity said absently over her shoulder to her younger sister, but never taking her eyes off Batwoman, who, reluctantly, slowly raised her eyes to meet her gaze. Kate knew what was coming next and she knew too that with a knife poised at Batgirl’s throat there was nothing she could do but take it.

The gut punch from Charity winded her and she doubled-up, taking another from Faith and a third from Charity before Faith laced her fingers and brought both hands down in a clubbing blow to the back of Batwoman’s head.

OOOOOFFFFF! AAUUUGGGGHHH! EUGGGHHHH! ….UUUUUUNNNNNNnnnnggggggggghhhhhhh-uh…..” she blacked out with a final sigh as Faith’s blow knocked her flat, face down on the stage. Wonder Woman had already turned her head away, unable to bear the sight of the brave female champion for justice powerless to defend herself.

Faith stood with one foot resting on Batwoman’s ass in triumph, mimicking a cheering crowd with a low ‘Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy’ noise and raising her hands clasped, shaking them in triumph as she turned to accept the non-existent applause .

“Thank you! <Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy> Thank you! No really, <Yaaaaayyyyyyy> No you are too kind, honestly!” Faith crowed, whilst Hope looked about to see who she was talking to, and who might be cheering.

“Quit it, dipshit.” Charity said angrily as she kicked the prone body of Gotham’s senior female crimefighter. “This bitch nearly did for us all.”

“What we gonna do now Char?” Hope asked, still cradling Batgirl and stroking her face even though she held the knife to her throat.

“Hmmmmnnnn. Good question. I think it’s time we saw a magic show, don’t you?” she smiled as she turned and raised an eyebrow at her youngest sister.

“Oooo! Will there be rabbits?!!!” Hope said excitedly, dropping the knife to the stage as she clapped.

“Nope. Just a few Bats…” Charity smiled as she looked at the two helpless crimefighters lying prone before her. "Oh, and…” she turned to look at Wonder Woman “maybe one poor, weak li’l ol’ lamb to the slaughter….” She laughed cruelly.
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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a chapter where we had more action by batwoman and also show how the sisters employ every kind of tactic to win
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Hope is really on a roll with her being the only reason the Grace sisters aren't on their way to jail.
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Thank you for the comments, I hope you enjoy this part


Batwoman has been forced to yield, just as victory was in her grasp, and now, rendered senseless under a flurry of blows that she could not defend herself from, she too is at the mercy of the cruel sisters who already have designs on what to do with the three helpless heroines…

“I don’t wanna kill any lambs…lambs are cute…” Hope said reluctantly.

“She means her, shit-for-brains!” Faith threw an arm to indicate Wonder Woman.

“Oh. Well that’s different. I’m ok with that. Yuk! I’m all sticky, Char” Hope said looking down at the stage blood that covered her shirt and chest, pulling a face and waggling her fingers even though none was actually on her hands.

“Well, take it off and find something to wipe yourself down with, or go get cleaned up in the kitchen back there…” Charity sighed.

“But I’ll miss all the fun then…” Hope moaned. ”I’ll take it off and wipe it off here…”

“Whatever. Now Faith, let’s get that water tank.” Charity said.

As her sisters moved away, Hope stripped out of the Cowboy shirt, down to her black lace bra, casting the messy garment aside with an “Euk!!” She threw the shirt away and instantly regretted it, looking around for something to wipe her hands on. She waved her now genuinely sticky fingers as she turned her head and finally spotted Batgirl's cape. She rolled the unconscious young crime fighter over, gathered up the fabric and proceeded to wipe her chest down with the bunched garment, still attached to Batgirl at the neck. All she succeeded in doing was smearing the fake blood all over her breasts. She wiped more vigourously for several seconds before she realized that the Kevlar cape was simply not very absorbent for such a large quantity of viscous liquid. It had however soaked up the chloroform a treat. Pretty soon Hope discovered this fact too.

“Char…Char…I feel kinda…woozy…Char?” Hope fell back semi-conscious in a daze. “OOOOO! I got spinny room, CHAR! All spinning! He-he!” she laughed to herself as she lay flat on her back on the stage, light headed from the chemical, her breasts quivering as she giggled to herself. She lay for a few moments blinking in silence then slowly came to her senses. She raised herself on to her elbows and instantly felt woozy again, her eyes rolling up and her head falling back with a bump as her mouth and nose were directly over her chest and breathing in the fumes.

Charity and Faith came back, wheeling in the magician’s water tank to find Hope flat out, smiling in her bra, eyes slightly glassy.

“What the fuck is up with her?” Faith asked her older sister.

At the sound of their voices Hope rallied, but this time didn’t rise.

“FAITH! CHAR! I got superpowers like a real hero! I done and wiped myself down on her cape and now look!” she raised herself again onto her elbows and breathed in and promptly collapsed in a fit of light headed giggling. “I GOT <TEE-HEE>, I GOT CHLORO-BOOBIES!!!HA-HAH-HA-HA-HA….ERRRR.”

“Oh great.” Faith flapped a palm up to indicate the flat again Hope. “She’s got chloroboobies…”

“FUCK” said Charity.

“I-GOT- CHLORO-BOO-BIES! I –GOT- CHLORO-BOO-BIES!” sang Hope, shrugging her shoulders in time to the non-existent rhythm “CHA-CHA-CHA !!!HE-HEE

“Awww, fuck, shit. DAMNATION AND FUCK!” Charity cried. “HOPE! HOPE! Listen, listen to me honey. Just lie there on your back and don’t move ok? You’ll feel better in a minute and we will sort you out then ok? We’ll get you cleaned up, alright? You’re just a bit dizzy from the sleepy stuff, ok?”

“OK, Char…CHA-CHA-CHA!” Hope giggled once more then seemed to focus a little “It’s really weird Char…I’ll lie down here until I’m better…”

“That- a- girl!” said Charity encouragingly as she rolled her eyes to Faith.

“I’ll go get a bowl , clean her up…” Faith turned towards the back stage area but Charity stopped her.

“Screw that! She’s less trouble like this! Let’s enjoy the peace while it lasts. C’mon!” Charity went back to moving the wheeled water tank into position then hit the brakes on the wheels to lock it in place.

Faith retrieved a set of movable steps and hooked them on to the top of the tank. With her arms beneath Batwoman’s armpits Faith dragged the limp body of the beaten champion over to the tank, her heels scraping pathetically across the stage.

“Leave her alone you scum! You monsters! You can’t just drown her in a tank like that!” Wonder Woman’s cries echoed around the theatre.

“What do you care? You’re gonna be dead soon anyway…” Charity sighed. Then she paused in thought. “ But you’re right . We can’t JUST drown her…we’re gonna play a game first. Set her down Faith and get more of them magician’s chains and ropes…” Charity gestured with a nod of her head.

They unceremoniously dropped the stricken defender of the law to the wooden stage, the thump as she landed eliciting a small groan. Moving quickly they proceeded to bind her in the heavy chains wound over her upper arms, and some of the ropes that tied her at the wrists.

“You BASTARDS!” cried Wonder Woman as she had the first inkling of what the sisters had in mind, causing raucous laughter from the two elder sisters. Hope laughed too but as she was lying flat had no idea what was going on.

“We gonna give your friend a little swim after all…” smiled Charity to Wonder Woman, “ but here’s the deal...”she wandered over to the table and picked up one of the throwing knives. She held it in one hand, feeling the sharpness with the index finger of her other one as she kept her eyes locked on the Amazon. “Every time she goes under…” -she gestured with the knife point casually over her shoulder at the slumped body of Batwoman –“ SHE –“ she kicked the still unconscious form of Batgirl, lying near her, in the thigh-“ gets to throw one of these -“ she waggled the knife before Wonder Woman-“ at YOU!” she finally finished, gesturing with the knifepoint at the Amazon.

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth in impotent frustration.

“You’ll never get away with this!” she cried defiantly.

“We gonna need Dopey Hopey Char. I’ll help her get cleaned up. C’mere genius” Faith hauled Hope upright.

“I WIN! Hope shouted pulling the slip of paper from between her cleavage restrained by her black lace bra. “I got that… oh no…mine says something different…must be on Char’s” she frowned as she read the paper.”CHAR WINS” she cried as Faith supported her, holding Hope’s arm behind her neck and hand around her wrist and the other around Hope’s waist.

Charity pulled out the slip of paper Hope had given her earlier “Oh yeah!” she crowed “I have got ‘You’ll never get away with this!’ Cool! What was on yours Faith?”

“Er, something like ‘you’ll pay for this’…what did you have Hope?” She took Hope’s slip of paper off her and read it. “Oh for fucks sake!” she said exasperatedly. “That is just so stupid! I mean, Jesus SHE wrote them! You’d think she’d pick the best for herself. I mean when in the hell are you ever gonna say that!” she toddled over with Hope toward Wonder Woman, shaking her head contemptuously as she held out the slip with one hand for Wonder Woman to read as she steadied Hope with the other.

“’Is this the way to Amarillo?’” a bewildered Wonder Woman read out loud.

“DAMN IT! THAT WAS MY ONE! JUST TOO LATE!” said Hope with a resigned shake of her head as Faith looked as Charity and Charity looked to God. “See Faith, she did say it, it weren’t so stupid…”

“Get her out of here and clean her up” Charity said with a sigh as Faith duly obliged. On her own with the three heroines, the older Grace sister toe poked Batwoman, who didn’t stir from her bound position on the floor, before she walked over to the still form of Batgirl. She squatted beside her stroking her cheek, taking delight in seeing the Amazon bristling as she strained at her bonds riled by the sight of seeing the powerless young crime fighter toyed with. Pleased by the reaction, Charity started to stroke the girl’s thigh from knee to hip, watching as the Amazon’s breasts heaved as her breathing quickened. When her palm reached the top of the leg, she slid it across to cover the crotch of Gotham’s Angel. She could feel the gentle mound beneath the fabric rising to fill the hollow of her palm, warm skin almost against warm skin, only separated by the thin Batsuit material, the flimsiest of defences. Charity squeezed, slightly pressing the pink- beneath- the- blue up into her hand, delighting in Wonder Woman’s furious flurry of activity as she strained at the chains as she witnessed the vile violation of her friend. Charity sniggered as she moved the hand up across the rippling abs, still evident to the touch, even though the Batsuit was loose fitting, as it was still unzipped at the back. When she reached the modest but perfect breasts, flattened now as she lay in slumber, she stopped, before cupping and kneading each one in turn.

GRRRRRRRAAAAAA!” the Amazon snarled angrily but Charity only laughed as she was reduced to rattling in her chains ineffectually.

“Awww, you feeling left out? Maybe we’ll play with you some more as you lie dying, hmnn? Sound good?” Charity laughed and rose as Hope and Faith returned.

“I’m ok now Char!” Hope declared brightly. “All back to normal!” she was still just in her black bra and jeans. She went to put the same bloodied shirt back on then realized. “Oh.”

“Gee. Great.” Said Charity sarcastically. “Never mind that now, Hope. Get that bitch up and awake…” she gestured down at Batgirl.

Taking a wrist each, Faith and Hope hauled the senseless body into a slumped sitting position. They then shook her by the chin, slapping her a few times across the cheek until she started to rouse.

Uggghhhhh…..wha-? Ohhhh…where -?” Batgirl said groggily, her first sight a blurred image of her own knees. She raised her head and saw Wonder Woman just as she realized that she was being supported on either side.

“WONDER WOMAN!!! What the-?” she glanced left and right, seeing the sisters, then struggled to break free from the hands that held her by her still cuffed wrists and upper arms. “NO! LET-ME-GO! NO!MMmmMHAAAH!!!”.

“Ah welcome back, my junior rodent!” crowed Charity. “Your mom is over there, behind you…” she gestured casually to where Batwoman lay.

Batgirl glanced around to see the slumped body, fearing the worst “BATWOMAN!” she cried looking desperately back at the Amazon.

“Oh, don’t panic. The tricky bitch is alive for now.” Charity reassured her. “But here’s the thing.” She squatted putting the knife below Batgirl’s chin. “You are gonna sit here real quiet until my beloved sisters put her-“ she flicked her head in Batwoman’s direction –“ Into the tank over there”

Despite the knife Batgirl started towards Charity until the blade pressed home, then stiffened, biting her lip.

“Now she’s wrapped in them ropes ‘n’ chains an’ all…so she’s gonna find it hard to stay afloat, but every time she goes under YOU get to throw one of these, at HER.” She waved the knife and pointed with the tip at the Amazon. “For every ten seconds she is under the water.”

Charity stood to look down on the brave Dark Damsel. Batgirl looked up contemptuously back, her eyes blazing hatred from beneath her cowl. She rattled her hands ineffectually in the magician’s cuffs. “Oooo, such fire! And such pretty eyes! Ya know, it might be a bit too easy if we let you use them peepers. Yeah, I think we’ll blindfold you. An’ of course she’s mounted on a wheel so we will have to give that a spin, see that it works. Before you get any ideas, Hope will be behind you with a knife at your back. We got 9 knives, minus Hope’s one so…that gives you 8 shots at skewering an Amazon. Although I’m guessing you will be trying to miss her. But you miss the wheel completely and Faith there is gone hold your friend under until you get one on the wheel or in the Amazon. The longer she stays afloat, the less you will have to worry about, as then the longer you all live.”

Over the next few minutes Hope and Faith got Batwoman’s limp body up the ladder beside the tank. Faith stood at the top, perching Batwoman’s ass on the lip, her head still slumped forward onto her chest. With Hope’s help from halfway up the ladder they lifted the red booted legs up and turned the body to drop them into the tank then let the whole of Batwoman’s body slide in. She sank like a stone to the bottom but the cold water did at least start to revive her before Faith hauled her by the cape that she still held back up to the surface.

With a loud ‘whoooop’ of gasped air Batwoman came too, coughing and spluttering , treading water furiously as Faith slipped an arm beneath her and helped her stay afloat. Batwoman was totally disorientated, looking around frantically as she tried to take it all in. But unbeknown to her, her frantic kicking was only weakening her for the task ahead.

“Ready to go Char.” Faith smiled.

“Hope, get over here and watch her, here take this” she gave Hope the knife as Charity walked over to the table. She looked idly at the scattered items but found nothing to use as a blindfold. She picked up a second throwing knife, felt the weight, tossed the handle to flip it and caught it by the tip and then suddenly stepped forward and threw it at the helpless Amazon with a loud stamp on the stage for dramatic effect. Wonder Woman, powerless to deflect it flinched and turned her head, but Charity just straightened up, still holding the throwing knife, laughing.

“Boy you really are a scaredy-cat, aint ya? You jumpin’ out of your skin, her begging to be saved “ she gestured with the blade once more at Batwoman , “Guess its only little old Bat –tits there whose got any balls in this hero outfit of yours, hmmn? Your little group got a name? ‘The Well Titted Trio’? No? ‘Baps’n’Bats’? No?” she shook her head at Wonder Woman. Oh, I got it.’The Helluva Threesome’. Yeah that’s it. That’ll be getting all the jocks wet. Well after tonight you gals will be known by another name. ‘Yesterday’s News’” she walked over to the stage curtain and cut off a strip, wandering over to Batgirl.” Haul her up Hope.”

Batgirl was manhandled to her feet, Hope standing behind her with an arm around the crimefighter’s neck, the blade held at her throat. Batgirl glared defiantly at Charity.

“You may have us now, but good will always triumph…eventually!” she said rather hollowly.

“Gee, that’s terrifying.” Charity pressed the blindfold home as Batgirl squirmed and twisted her head, trying to avoid it, but after a few seconds it was in place. Tied at the back of her head, Batgirl, robbed of her sense of sight became more subdued, listening more to events around her.

“Now,” said Charity with relish “let’s spin the wheel of fortune, shall we?”
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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another good chapter, the sisters pitched several traps for the heroines trio and looks is increasingly having more fun
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There was so much more added to this than I had thought - I don't know how I kept missing that it had been updated. Blimey.

It's all great - both for how amazingly it reads and the really fun story we're gliding along for the ride on - and I just love how you do the small details, making things very exciting and interesting where other writers would just glaze over it. It's just really good; I love the back and forth within the sisters and between the sisters and the heroines. I sodding loved the knocked-out-by-the-cape bit.

You know I'm more for darker, 'harder' stories, but even so your stuff blows me away. I'm a little bit in love with Charity.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Thanks for the interest chaps and taking time to comment, hope you and everybody else have had a good Christmas


The sadistic threesome are about to start a cruel game, where a blindfolded Batgirl must throw knives at Wonder Woman every time a chained and helpless Batwoman fails to stay afloat in a magician’s water tank…

Wonder Woman threw a desperate look over to the water tank. Batwoman, chained and roped at her arms couldn’t hope to stay afloat constantly, and every time she sank below the water then a knife would be thrown. It was only a matter of time before one found its unintended mark – a warm, soft sheath of flesh as it buried itself in her breast. But every second she delayed such a fate brought the prospect of help nearer, perhaps from a passing patrol car or even Batman. It was a desperately long shot, but it was all she had. Delay, stay alive as long as possible and hope for rescue or a means of escape to present itself. It sounded thin as plans go, even to her. But chained as they were, she could not deflect the blades with her bracelets as her arms were rigidly held in place. She needed to come up with a way, anything, that would help Batgirl even a little and increase her chances of avoiding the blades and buy them all some time. If she were in the shoes of Gotham’s Guardian, physically and mentally weakened by being brutalized, blindfolded and with a knife at her back and forced to throw knives at her friend, what would she need that could help her? Ideally she would need to see, but that option was out. But perhaps Wonder Woman could still guide her in some way.

She realized all she had was her voice to help Batgirl reference her position - by sound. But talking wouldn’t be enough.

“BATGIRL! Listen to me, hear these words and believe in yourself as I do! YOU CAN DO THIS, LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY!” she called out hoping the reference was subtle enough that the sisters didn’t realize what was happening.

Batgirl’s head twitched at the sound of her name and subconsciously she realigned herself slightly to the direction of the wheel. Charity had walked over to stand beside it. She gripped it firmly in both hands as she addressed Hope.

“Straighten the bitch up for Godsakes! I don’t want her hurlin’ a blade in my direction” she snarled, as Hope roughly grabbed Batgirl’s shoulders, aligning her more to the wheel.

“THAT’S IT, BATGIRL!” Wonder Woman called “I’M RIGHT HERE!”

“Let her go Faith!”Charity called to her sister who duly let go of Batwoman’s shoulders as Charity looked on, helping her below the water with a callous shove.

“Shall I let her go too? “ asked Hope nodding to Batgirl as a distant train rumbled below them, shaking the stage and causing the water in the tank to slosh back and forth.

“NO!” sighed Charity heavily, closing her eyes. “Not you.”

Batwoman felt the ice-cold water engulf her as she kicked back up to the surface, desperately fighting the weight of the chains and rope that were dragging her down. She stabilised briefly on the surface, breaking back up to breathe in with a ‘WHOOOP’ of precious air. She bobbed, panting, her head held back out of the water, her eyes wide with the shock, forced to spit the freezing liquid back out of her mouth as the waves from her actions and the vibrations from the subway train sloshed the water about the small tank. Her Batsuit was insulated and she soon realized that the water wasn’t freezing, simply cold compared to the air temperature in the theatre. Her heart was racing with the shock of the chill but she made a conscious effort to calm herself. Panic helped nobody, not her, not Batgirl and certainly not Wonder Woman, who, of the three, was the one in immediate danger of death. But the weight was too heavy for her to tread water indefinitely and slowly she felt the chill rise up past her collar, dabbing at the tips of her earlobes like the touch of an icy frost as her sodden hair gathered cold and damp about her neck before she finally sank in one sudden, shuddering cough and splutter.

“HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE WE GO!” cried Charity delightedly as she spun the wheel.

As Wonder Woman started to spin she did the only thing she could do for Batgirl – give her a point of reference.

“BATGIRL!” she called “It’s all…right…I know…you…can do…it” she desperately hoped that Batgirl was shrewd enough to pick up on the only clue she could give to her body position. “Take your…’s all…up…to you…just…keep your…HEAD…its all…you…can do”

As Wonder Woman spun and spoke the words, Batgirl was rigid, trying not to move her body position from the last alignment with the wheel and concentrating. Wonder Woman’s voice was a help but there was something more…something in her words. Her head was dipped subconsciously as most blindfolded people did as she concentrated on the only sense that was now of any practical use to her – her hearing. Something in the words.

“Get on with it Batty, don’t forget Faith is holding Batmom over there under for every second until you throw. Or hadn’t we mentioned that part?” Charity and her sisters laughed.

‘Dammit!’ Batgirl cursed silently to herself. She could hear now the thrashing sounds from the tank as Faith held Batwoman under the water by the shoulders. She drew a deep breath and straightened her arm in the rough direction of the wheel, holding the knife by its point and with the handle pointing towards her ally.

“Batgirl…be strong…you…can do…this…just keep…calm…try not…to…move your…head…”

Then Batgirl finally got the significance of Wonder Woman’s words. It wasn’t so much the words themselves, it was the pattern of her speech. One word for when her head was vertical, two for when she was inverted. That coupled with the sound told Batgirl almost all that she could wish for. The sound of Wonder Woman’s voice aided her in the direction, the coded phrases gave her a reference point for where her head was and the gap between the single and double word phrases gave her the speed that the wheel was spinning at. Wonder Woman’s arms were either side of her head, so Batgirl’s best option to throw and miss her would be in the brief gap between words, when Wonder Woman was horizontal. It would be difficult for Batwoman, but it was necessary for Batgirl to wait as long as possible so the wheel was moving as slowly as she dare allow it, before throwing.

“Be…brave girl…You …can do…this “

With a deep breath and biting her bottom lip in frustration she finally lunged forwards, throwing the knife. She listened for the half a second for either a scream or the reassuring whump as it hit the board. As the blade was released Wonder Woman too held her breath - then breathed a sigh of relief as the blade embedded itself into the board on her right side some 6 or 7 inches from her hip.

“Awww, crap! She missed her! Talk about dumb luck” Faith said as she pulled Batwoman back to the surface by the chains wrapped around her upper body, the senior Dark Lady of Gotham panting desperately for air.

Batgirl let out a sigh of relief echoed no less by Wonder Woman. Batwoman’s own exhalations were altogether more frantic.

“OK ladies, we go again! Bat bitch, you’re up!” Charity nodded to Faith who let go of Batwoman, forcing her again to tread water for her very life.

This time, Batwoman tried to pace herself more, refraining from the frantic desperation that had marked her first attempts to stay afloat. But it was tough going. The weight of the chains and the sodden rope dragged her down, eventually forcing her to kick more forcefully. It had seemed to her like long moments but the reality was that it was only a matter of seconds before she started to struggle to stay on the surface. The one meagre consolation now, was that she had got used to that first shock of the chill in the water. It was still cold, but not the breath-taking surprise it had been just a few moments before. Yet she was already tiring from the effort of treading water with such a weight about her. But the despair of her predicament with all three of them ultimately doomed weighed even heavier on her shoulders. Should she have let Batgirl die at Hope’s hands if it meant saving Wonder Woman – and herself ? She was rapidly reaching the awful conclusion that she should have, that two lives saved were obviously better than one temporarily spared, yet when you had the power to prolong that life and that life was belonging to a very brave young woman at that, it was not an obvious decision to make at the time. Yet bitter regret now ate away at her, though she knew such recriminations were no good to anyone. She had made her decision with the aim of looking to escape at a later time. Well, now was that ‘later time’, yet here she was, coughing and spluttering and dwelling on the past instead of trying to think of a way to free herself. As she sank beneath the water again, the sounds of the theatre were cut off, one by one. No more sisters laughing ; no more rattling sound of the spinning wheel; no more sound of Wonder Woman’s strangely stilted voice. Peace engulfed her beneath the water, peace and calm. Time to think. Time to plan. Her wrists were bound with rope that was then wrapped around her upper body with the chains looped tightly around her arms overlying the rope.

And that, Batwoman realized, gave possibilities. Because the rope would soak up the water and expand- and slacken. Which would mean that the chains overlying it would themselves not be as rigid.

A second blade was thrown as Batwoman sank again and again there was the reassuring sound of it hitting the wood, music to Batgirl’s ears. Batgirl was starting to feel comfortable with this.

Batwoman was also reassured by the two-from-two tally and as she sank a third time she felt much more at ease. She flexed her wrists and her heart soared as she felt the ropes give slightly – but then suddenly she felt the rope and chains constrict about her body as Faith hauled her roughly upwards as Batgirl must’ve hit the board again. Batwoman gasped in the air gratefully but now couldn’t wait to get back below the surface and working on the sodden ropes. The trouble was, whilst she was at the surface all eyes were on her- so even though her hands and the rope were beneath the water if they noticed her struggling too much to free herself then they might spot that she was working herself loose – but once she sank then attention turned to Batgirl and Wonder Woman.

So, reluctantly, she let herself drop quicker this time, but taking a much more controlled, deeper lungful of air. Focussed now she had purpose, the panic had gone. But she feigned it, swirling around deliberately to hide her actions in a sheath of bubbling water and writhing limbs. Her luxuriant red hair swirled in slow, spiralling crimson curls about her as she thrashed in the water. Her cape was heavy and also dragging her down, yet it helped now to cover her actions as she feverishly rubbed her wrists back and forth as if lighting a fire by rubbing two sticks together. Each motion created more slack and every once in a while as she turned with her back to the sisters she was able to dip her head and pull with her teeth in quick, sharp jerks, loosening her bonds further. Another two, maybe three attempts and her hands would be free. She was feeling good about herself as she was brought back up to the top of the tank, this time almost enjoying the air on her wet face as it revived her, invigorated her. Her optimistic mood evaporated when she heard the squeals and screams of delight from the sisters and then looked over at the wheel.


Wonder Woman was rigid in her chains, her head back and face a mask of pain, the board stained with blood from her right arm where a blade had caught the underside, just above the elbow. Then she physically slumped breathlessly gasping. The cut was perhaps a slice half an inch into her flesh.

“OH! Unlucky kiddo! Ya almost got her with that one! Still, better luck next time, eh?” Charity crowed.

Batgirl swallowed hard, her head jerking up with Wonder Woman’s sudden scream. She felt terrible, knowing it was her actions that may have killed her friend. Her mouth was dry and she drew in a sharp breath as she waited for some kind of confirmation of what had happened. Her first immediate reaction had been to raise the blindfold but as she had put her still-cuffed hands on to the strip of curtain blinding her, Hope pressed the knife into her back, the sharp point sending a meaningful message.

“Uh-uh-uh. Don’t even think about it Batbaby.” She said.

So Batgirl had frozen, listening with a dread fear for the voice of the Amazon, biting her lip in impotent frustration.

“B-Batgirl…I’m O.k….it’s alright….j-just a scratch…you can do it” Wonder Woman said weakly, trying to reassure her friend.

The brief feeling of confidence and self belief that Batgirl had in her own abilities evaporated, fading from her like smoke on the wind. She felt wracked with guilt and as the adrenalin left her, once more she felt physically weak, engulfed by the pain of her earlier violation. She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes beneath the blindfold. But this was no time to succumb to such feelings. She knew when she first donned the cowl that there would be difficult situations she would have to face. Well, none was more difficult than what she now faced. But her friends needed her. And giving in to the pain and the shame that she felt would do no one any good. She needed to be strong. They needed her to be strong. She could not let them down. She steeled herself. She would not let them down.

Batgirl fought back the salty tears in her eyes, scrunching her face up underneath the blindfold, beneath her cowl, drawing in a shuddering breath as she battled for control against her own emotions and against the pain of her physically wrecked body. Her hands were still cuffed as Hope pressed another blade into her palm from the nearby table. As ever she waited for the command from Charity to begin, listening to the rattle of the wheel as Batwoman sank once more and she was ordered to begin. But this time, Wonder Woman’s voice was weaker, sounding more distant. Batgirl herself was more disorientated and waited to be realigned with the wheel but Hope did nothing. Only one thing for it – to aim so wildly that they would have to re-orientate her.

When Charity said “Go ahead”, Batgirl aimed straight for the sound.

“WHOA! HOPE STRAIGHTEN HER OUT, FOR CHRISSAKES!” the older sister barked urgently as she ducked and moved away to her left and Hope gripped Batgirl by the shoulders, pointing her once more directly at the wheel.

“Right, anytime ya like honey, ‘cos remember you’re momma over there is kinda drowning as we speak…” Charity smiled over at the tank where Batwoman was once more thrashing around in her chains like a captured shark.

“B-Batgirl….its………..ok……you…can do….this…I know…you…can do…this”

For a moment Batgirl was thrown as the female warrior struggled to resume her old coded message of guidance, but gradually the Amazon again found her old pace. Batgirl concentrated hard on the sound and the rhythm to Wonder Woman’s speech.

As she took a half step forward she suddenly felt a shocking stab of pain from her ruined anus, cruelly stretched and battered by Jimmy as it had never been before. All strength left her and she collapsed suddenly with a gasped sob caught completely by surprise. She had pulled up her blindfold almost automatically before she had hit the floor, giving full vent to her tears though this time they were for her own miserable agony. She was roughly manhandled upright by Hope and at Charity’s insistence the blindfold pulled down and tightened. But though she was physically failing, she had used her quickly snatched glimpse of events to her advantage. She had looked at both Charity and Faith and confirmed an important fact. Neither was immediately armed. They may have a gun on them, but it would take a few seconds for them to get it and draw it. Plus maybe they didn’t have weapons on them at all. Which meant Hope, with the one knife, was really all she had to deal with immediately. But the longer she took to throw, the longer Batwoman was under the water fighting for her life.

“Oooo, you are really, REALLY FUCKED sweetie, aintcha? Jimmy did a real good job on you of poppin’ that li’l ole anal Bat-cherry of yours, huh?” Charity taunted her.

Still unsteady on her feet, she steeled herself, bracing herself with her feet apart. She focussed, concentrating on Wonder Woman’s weak but constant stream of words; one, then two, then one, then two, helping her friend as much as possible. The sound of Batwoman’s struggles in the tank brought home the seriousness of the situation once more to her – she couldn’t delay. She drew a deep breath and let fly with the blade, hitting the board and scraping against the knife from her first throw.

“Aw, another lucky miss! Keep a cluster together like that and we’re gonna need to get a new wheel honey” Charity said flippantly. But her words gave Batgirl an idea.

She listened as Batwoman came coughing and spluttering back up to the surface, zeroing in on the sound, placing it mentally in a cognitive map of the stage within her head. She fixed her feet and straightened her back slightly. The sounds were coming from 90 degrees to her right shoulder, perhaps slightly forward of it.

After a few moments, Batwoman could stay afloat no longer and once more started to sink. As Batgirl heard the spluttering sounds of her distress and Charity ordered her to throw, she again collapsed, this time crumpling in situ, forcing Hope to again grip her shoulders to pull her upright. In that instant, when Hope was holding the blade flat against Batgirl’s upper arm, she stood straight, firing out her knife off to the right where it hit the water tank with force. But the tank was not made of glass as she had supposed. To minimize the weight on the stage, on its wheels and to make it easier for the magician’s assistants to manoeuver, it was actually made of thick Perspex. The blade struck it true but instead of shattering it, embedded itself in the wall of the tank, puncturing it and sticking through with its tip an inch or so into the water. The sisters were still staring at its impact in surprise as Batgirl elbowed Hope in the stomach and then brought up her knee, catching a glancing blow to Hope’s head with her upper thigh.

“SHIT! WATCH HER HOPE!” cried Charity, too late. Faith, surprised and startled by the blade hitting the tank near her tottered on the steps, over balanced and went crashing down, off out of sight. Before Hope had hit the floor Batgirl had the blindfold off and had snatched up two of the throwing knives, one in each hand, quickly stepping forward before twirling and throwing one, then spinning the opposite way to generate added momentum and releasing the other. She hit where she had aimed, a blade either side of Wonder Woman’s right hand but slamming in to the wood from such short range the wood broke and splintered. Wonder Woman seized her chance, straining in her chains against the weakened wood, the sound of it splintering giving her renewed hope as she finally pulled her hand free.

Charity took a step towards her to stop the Amazon, but Batgirl had grabbed another knife and smiled at her as she hefted it.

“SHIT!” said Charity as she saw her and, half crouching, backed off, giving Wonder Woman the time to pull a second hand free. Though both were still chained, she had managed to break off and through the top of the wheel. Her body overbalanced the apparatus, and she found herself brought down towards the floor, her legs still on the wheel as she floundered, now above her head. Batgirl ran to her with difficulty but armed as she was Charity had no option but to back off further.

“FUCK, FAITH! IT’S ALL GONE TO CRAP!” she wailed. But when she looked to where Faith had been on the steps by the water trick, she could only see flailing arms on the floor behind the tank as a groggy Faith struggled to get to her feet.

Still with one hand brandishing the blade at Charity, Batgirl stopped and steadied the wheel, allowing Wonder Woman to kick and pull her legs free after several attempts. She fell to the floor still chained, landing breathlessly on her injured arm with a gasp of pain.

In the tank the thud of the blade sticking through the Perspex had come as a huge shock to Batwoman, causing her to lose her mouthful of air in a cloud of gasped bubbles, giving her escape even more urgency. She was almost free under her own steam, but the blade sticking through into the tank made it easier. She cut through the ropes on its tip and freed her hands at last, pulling the rope out as much as she could and winding it around her hands, producing more torque to finally get some of the loose strand out from beneath the chains. She breathed in a lungful of water but the shrinking of her diaphragm was allowing her to wriggle loose of her metal bonds. The coils of chain collapsed and she slinkily shook herself free of them with a wiggle of her delectable hips, to kick to the surface, hoisting her under arms onto the top rim of the tank and stabilizing herself with her elbows, with enormous gulps of air as her reward as she blinked profusely, gasping in long, shuddering breaths. She brushed a hand back through her matted hair, sweeping her tousled locks back out of the way so she could finally see what was going on clearly.

She saw Wonder Woman coiled foetally on the floor, clutching her bleeding arm, panting form her exertions, her eyes closed as she recovered from her ordeal. She saw Batgirl facing down Charity, knife brandished before her as the elder sister backed away. And she saw Hope, still with her knife in hand, launch herself from behind at an unsuspecting Batgirl
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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The chapter was very good, by the way we're getting near the end of this story
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Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Color and character development are excellent, though I must say that Hope would be better cast as Charlie Laine at this point. I like the way she doesn't seem to have a clue, yet is cunning enough to do just the right thing while still exasperating her 'smarter' siblings.
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Thanks guys to those who have posted a comment, and to the other 1,198 viewers I'm getting between posts, anything to say at all?
All comments good or bad gratefully received!
Its a bit late and I got school in the morning, so please tolerate any typos and I'll edit it tomorrow

Part 16

The three heroines have managed to finally free themselves, at least in part, but they still face a dangerous struggle against the menacing sisters…

“BATGIRL!” Batwoman called a warning at the same time as she gripped the tank edge , bobbed down to get momentum and then launched herself up, hoisting herself clear to her waist from the water and locking her arms rigid. “BATGIRL!!!!” she cried again, urgently.

Batgirl heard the warning, but could do little about it. She half turned, but after her brutal violation she was a shadow of the proud and dexterous crimefighter that she had been only an hour or so earlier. Her abdomen ached and she was feeling sick with pain as her sensitive intimate places had been stretched and abused as never before. Hope plunged the knife at her shoulder, but seemed to hold back, seeking only to wound as the rest of her body followed the knife and she wrapped her knees around Batgirl’s trim hips and her other arm closed around the young champions throat with the surreal cry of “Jerry Springer!”

AAAGGGHHHH-OOOOFFFF!!!” cried Batgirl as her Batsuit did its job, the tough Kevlar weave resisting the knife point and deflecting the blade away and off her shoulder. The blow was still painful and the young girl reeled as Hope’s body landed on her like a backpack. Batgirl’s legs started to buckle and she staggered forward, dropping the knife she held. But as it seemed she would crumple and fall she rallied supporting her weight and Hope’s in a half crouch. Charity, with the new found courage borne of superior numbers stepped forward now to grapple with the Angel of Gotham and help her younger sister, but Batgirl was ready.

With the courage of desperation the law enforcer straightened herself upright and lashed out with one of her trademark ‘bat-kicks’ as the newspapers liked to call them, her right leg flashing out in a rigid line that brought the toe of her purple boot into a perfect connection with Charity’s advancing chin.

The vicious felon had a moment of realization as she saw the boot coming towards her but was powerless to stop it.

“Oh, shi-UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” she cried before she was propelled backwards by the blow, arms flailing. She landed heavily in the darkness of the wings some ten or twelve feet away.

Wonder Woman was busy prising her feet free of the knife wheel, where they were now loose but still shackled together, whilst Batwoman had by now raised her knee up onto the edge of the tank. Seeing Batgirl’s valiant struggle secretly thrilled her; perhaps the young girl was not as physically distressed as she had seemed. But even as she watched, as she swung herself over the tank to drop and land lightly on her feet, she was forced to reconsider that evaluation.

Batgirl had put all her efforts into the blow against Charity, but now on one leg, with Hope clinging desperately to her back and having wrapped her second arm holding the deflected knife tightly around Batgirl’s throat it was all too much for her. This time when she sagged her leg really did buckle, collapsing beneath her as she dropped to the ground, falling backwards against Hope, pinning her to the stage.

Wonder Woman, a little disorientated by the effects of spinning upside down on the wheel and then suffering some blood loss from the arm wound, shook her head to clear it , looking around slightly dazed for her all-powerful belt.

Batwoman shook herself for a moment to rid herself of excess water before she started across the stage to help out.

But she had only made it a step before she felt herself yanked backwards by her own cape, the sudden and surprising force bending her upper body backwards. She barely had time to realize what was happening before a blade appeared edge on at her throat, with Faith’s smiling face popping up alongside her cheek.

“What say you we sit this one out, huh, Slugger?” Faith said smiling as she flicked her gaze over to see how her younger sister was doing.

Hope was gamely clinging on, her feet now wrapped around Batgirl’s waist and crossed at the ankles, whilst her forearms squeezed tightly around Batgirl’s throat, choking her. Batgirl was struggling to grip the forearms of the younger girl and prise them away from her windpipe, but the constant rolling back and forth on Hope’s back wasn’t helping the weakened crimefighter, as she became more and more disorientated. They thrashed around for several seconds as Batgirl tried in vain to dislodge her, but though small, Hope was deceptively strong and she was not to be dislodged.

Just as Wonder Woman spotted her belt so the struggling duo knocked it beyond her reach. Silently she cursed the will of the Gods as she snatched at empty air, as the shiny golden girdle skittered across the stage. She made a snap decision: the smart play was to secure her belt and then take down the sisters, but it was abundantly clear that Batgirl needed her help NOW.

As Batgirl leaned forwards Wonder Woman, still on the floor herself, grabbed Hope from behind, her top priority being to secure the knife that the young girl still held. Consequently, she grabbed both wrists and with her superior strength slowly began to pull Hope’s arms apart, away from Batgirl’s neck, turning and twisting the hand with the blade until Hope could hold on to it no longer.

“OW! YOU’RE HURTING!” Hope said in a surprised tone, whilst Faith just shook her head as she looked on. “You’re making me drop the knife”

“Boy, is she dumb…” Faith muttered quietly, smiling to herself.

“What’s with the ‘Jerry Springer’ business?” Batwoman asked distractedly.

“Who knows? Probably tryin’ to remember ‘Geronimo’ , knowing her” Faith responded, equally distracted.

The inane conversation, whilst not exactly part of Batwoman’s plan, at least bought her time and so served a purpose. She was still recovering her breath after the water tank ordeal, but being lax would put Faith at ease, ready for her to strike and disarm her. Faith had bunched up her cape and pulled it tight at the back of Batwoman’s head, forcing her to angle her neck back slightly, thereby baring her throat to the blade. When Faith started to mumble to herself, striking up a seemingly meaningless conversation was too good a chance to miss. The water was spattering from the tank behind her and she realized Faith must have retrieved the knife Batgirl had thrown that had embedded itself in the Perspex tank. The water falling on the stage gave her other options- it made a slippery pool on the wood just behind them.

Batgirl for her part, finally felt the release of the limbs that were choking her, weakly clawing at Hope’s arms before gasping in the precious air, as her eyes fluttered in anguish beneath her cowl. She slumped back against Hope, weak as a kitten now, her chest heaving up and down desperately but at least she felt like the forces of good were getting the upper hand as she was turned away from Faith and so could not see Batwoman’s predicament.

“You ok, Char?” Faith called uncertainly into the darkness, as she realized that there had been no sign of her sister since Batgirl’s hefty kick had connected. “Char…..?” But she was answered by silence. She crinkled her nose up slightly as she caught a faint whiff of gas, from the direction of the backstage kitchen, as she flicked her gaze from the struggling Hope now dealing with two heroines to the dark areas off stage, looking for any sign of Charity.

Batgirl, free of Hope’s hold at last, slowly began to crawl away on all fours as the wildly thrashing limbs flailed about her as Hope wriggled and twisted to get free of Wonder Woman’s grip. Her back was pressed up against Wonder Woman as the Amazonian held her arms at full stretch by the wrists as they both more or less sat on the stage. But Hope suddenly twisted and rolled onto her front, her arms now crossed at the wrists above her head and her face in Wonder Woman’s groin.

“OOO!!!” cried the young sister in delighted surprise as she sensed a very inviting target of opportunity. She smiled as she looked up the length of Wonder Woman’s body before she ploughed her face into the blue clad valley between the Amazon’s thighs. She bit down on the blue satin feeling the rise of flesh that denoted the mons pubis just beneath the surface of the silky material.

Wonder Woman’s mouth opened wide in surprise and her neck arched, head thrown back in shock. The bite was sudden and quite painful without being any real problem in the long term, causing immense discomfort but without breaking the skin. As Wonder Woman felt the initial shock pass, she let go of one of Hope’s hands, swiping a glancing blow across the side of the young girl’s head, the strike partially deflected by Hope’s free arm. Hope released the Amazonian snatch and rolled away, rising on her palms and knees to face the Amazon.

“A tasty treat!” she said and grinned at the Amazon. Wonder Woman grimaced, rising slowly to her feet, an act mirrored by Hope. When upright, she threw a glance around for her magic belt but couldn’t find it.

“LOOKING FOR THIS?” crowed Charity as she wandered back onto the stage brandishing the golden girdle idly, her arm bent holding it up at shoulder height. She looked from the belt to the Amazon, with a flick of her eyes, her head unmoving. “You really do need this for something, don’t ya?” she said, locking her gaze on the female warrior. “Hope, you deal with Batty there, will ya darlin’? Me an’ this cocky princess gonna have us a party…”

“OH! WILL THERE BE CAKE?!!!! CAN I STAY FOR CAKE, CHAR?!!!” Hope clapped excitedly. “She ain’t got no cake…” she swept an arm to indicate the still crawling Batgirl.

“Oh, for Fu- look there is NO CAKE, JUST GET HER! “ Charity again gestured at Batgirl. “I’m gonna teach this one a lesson” she pressed her tongue against her upper teeth as her eyes locked on Wonder Woman.

“Oooo…” said Hope as she swayed slightly, unsteady on her feet.

Batwoman bit down on her red lips in frustration as Faith pressed the blade edge to her throat in a warning to stay still. She could only watch as Hope closed in on Batgirl, whilst Wonder Woman and Charity squared off.

“You gonna weigh-in any time soon?” Charity called out to her sister.

“Things is just fine over here, Char.” Faith called with a smile. “You gals is doin’ great…” she laughed. “Ain’t that so, Batbitch, huh?” she pressed a cheek against Batwoman as she looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Hmmmn? No comment? Well, I’m gonna take that as yes. Go get ‘em,Char.”

“Char, I ain’t feelin’ too g-ooops!” Hope toppled forward onto her knees as she headed towards Batgirl, still crawling on all fours. She landed just behind the stricken crimefighter and threw herself once more over her back, wrapping her arms about her neck. The weakened Batgirl collapsed under the extra weight and the two young women again began to roll around on the floor as they struggled, Batgirl gasping and Hope giggling uncontrollably.

Charity waved the belt before the Amazon. Although she knew what would happen, sooner or later Wonder Woman had to make towards it, and Batgirl’s plight demanded it be sooner rather than later. She took a step towards the older sister.

“UH-OH! BYE-BYE!” Charity said as she hurled the magic belt off in to the darkness of the theatre orchestra. She gave a little wave after the disappearing power belt and then turned back to face Wonder Woman.

“Well, now that’s outta the way, why don’t w-UGGGGGHHHH!!!” she gasped as Wonder Woman had quickly and silently closed the distance between them and landed a straight right cross to her jaw. Charity staggered sideways and straightened, rubbing her chin in surprise, just in time to take a straight left.

“You wanted a show down between us, Charity? Be careful what you wish for…” Wonder Woman declared as she landed a flurry of unanswered blows to the elder sister.

Part of Faith felt the urge to intervene but a greater part was actually enjoying seeing her sister get her butt handed to her.

“OOOOO!” Faith winced as another blow fell. “Get her Cha- oh, bad luck!” she called, as Wonder Woman ducked beneath a wild haymaker and popped up on the other side to land a punch of her own.

Batgirl couldn’t breathe, but Hope was again suffering from the effects of her ‘chloro-boobies’ as her clinging to Batgirl’s back had once more rubbed the chloroform soaked cape into her chest. She was feeling just as giddy and light headed from the indirect inhalation of the chloroform as Batgirl was from Hope’s choke hold. Batgirl’s struggles became weaker, her fingers pawing at Hope’s fore arms ineffectually as her pretty brown eyes fluttered beneath the mask. With her body physically wrecked by the sexual assaults she felt immensely weak, and starved of air she desired nothing more than to relax, to rest, to sleep. Yet she knew vaguely that she was still needed, and so, like a true heroine, she struggled on valiantly until finally her bruised and battered body could resist no more. Her hands fell away limply as her hazel eyes finally closed, her chin slumping snugly into the crook of Hope’s arm as her whole body relaxed. She was too heavy for the semi anesthetized Hope to hold onto and she released the ko’d crimefighter, slowly rising to all fours before tottering slowly to her feet.

“You-“ BAMMM!!!as Wonder Woman hit Charity- “ have had- “-another gut punch-“- your fun” a final uppercut to the chin set Charity heading for the floor.

“CHAR!” cried Faith in alarm, the cry a signal for Batwoman to finally make a move. She elbowed Faith in the stomach as she threw her head sideways into the middle Grace sister in a lateral head butt that made up for in surprise value what it lacked in force. At the same time she had brought a hand up to secure the blade, pushing away the wrist and twisting it as the same time. She turned to face a startled Faith as behind her Charity hit the stage with a heavy thump.

“JERRY LEWIS!” cried Hope as she threw herself into the air as Wonder Woman turned away from the prone body of Charity, a grim smile of satisfaction on her ruby red lips. She ended up getting hit full on by the younger sister who wrapped her legs around Wonder Woman’s waist and her arms around the back and top of her head, her own chin on top of the Amazon’s skull, pressing her face into the soft but strong jet black hair and Wonder Woman’s face fully into the delectable contours of the young girl’s modest but well-formed curves.

“MMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!” Gasped the Amazon, as she was winded by the shock, her first reaction to draw in a gulp of air. But with her head nestled in Hope’s breast she soon regretted that reflex reaction, as suddenly the Amazon’s senses seemed to cloud and swim. She couldn’t understand the reaction of her own body for a moment until an instant later her smoky brain decoded the smell and taste of her most feared chemical adversary – chloroform!

Hope was clamped onto her like a limpet and even without the chloroform Wonder Woman would have found it difficult to breathe. She staggered around, as gripping Hope by her upper arms she tried to throw her off but the legs wrapped tightly around her waist made it impossible. She pulled her off a few inches and so eased the effect of the smothering but the chloroform vapour that was emitting from the heat of her chest caught her full in the face as she drew in more air.

“Ya know, “ Hope said absently to her as the Amazon staggered around blindly trying to dislodge her, “ When you were on top of me earlier and you were breathing on my boobies and I said it was kinda nice? Well, now I got CHLORO-BOOBIES! Yessiree, I sure do! He-he! Oh, ain’t got my Sherrif badge no more, it’s on my shirt an’ that’s all icky… but anyways I got these here knockout boobies now so I thought ’hey, her breath was nice on them before and now she can breathe on them and I will be knocking her out at the same time’ so it’s like a double win. “ She smiled, smugly. ”Hmmm it is still nice…all that hot breathing….hmmmmnnnn”. Wonder Woman was failing, her actions getting weaker. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t throw or pull the young girl off and each effort drew in more debilitating vapour. In desperation she hurled herself onto the floor but Hope, though dreamy, seemed wise to the danger and turned her body just before impact, such that Wonder Woman caught most of the force of the landing, knocking more air out of her. Winded, she was again forced to draw in more of the chemical.

“This is nice!” said Hope pulling off the Amazon’s tiara as the proud female warrior finally succumbed to the partial suffocation and the knockout effects of the chloroform. She slumped in Hope’s grip, her body going limp beneath the young Grace sister.

Batwoman landed a crisp combination without answer to the luckless Faith, but had fought oblivious to Wonder Woman’s plight occurring behind her.
‘A job well done!’ Katherine thought to herself as Faith slumped to the floor. ‘Good riddance. Now to –‘“UNNGGGHH!” she cried as she turned around to be struck heavily in the face by Wonder Woman’s tiara. Her head bobbled and wobbled as her knees shook, her eyes glazed as she stood, stunned.
“OH…………noooooooo……” she whispered breathlessly before she collapsed, her eyes rolling up beneath her mask as she fell swathed in her crimson cape.

“OOOPS! SORRY! It kinda got away from me there…” said Hope apologetically as she slowly stood giggling. She frowned as she looked around the stage, strewn now with bodies. “OOO…everybody is having a nap.” She looked about at the scene, which resembled the last act of Hamlet . She sighed disappointedly. She swayed over to Batwoman and then peered down at her unsteadily, her hands on her knees.

“You are lovely….”she waggled a finger drunkenly at the prone red head “But ya know, I knowed you for like an hour or so…an’ ya know what? You done an’ been bonked on the head three times! Ya might wanna start wearing a cow thing like your daughter over there, ya know like a helmet. Yeah you need one of them cow things….oooo”. She tottered and swayed.

“I got chloro-boobies again, Char…Char? Oh. Did you see me Faith? Awww….nobody done an’ saw me…” She flopped down to sit beside Batwoman. Absently she cupped a boob beneath the tight suit and started kneading, almost on autopilot and let out a heavy sigh.” Sherrif Hope rounded up all the rustlers an’ nobody done an’ saw me.” She said dejectedly, her chin down, and drew in a deep breath. “Aww crap!" she said as she inhaled a large breath of the chloroform and fell back with a bang into a dreamy but happy sleep. “Out done by my own chloro-boobies!.....I got chloro-boo-bies, cha-cha-cha! Hee-hee! Char….?” She giggled as she finally slipped into a brief unconsciousness.
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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It can't be possible a story this good hasn't had a single response in 8 month, can it? Well, that's almost criminal. I for one think its great. I am sorry I have been too busy to notice. It won't happen again Tallyho. Keep up the good work.
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Oops! Was reading the bottom of Page one. Those drugs from the 60's were some good s**t. My bad.
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Yay, breast smothering! :D
I have a strange feeling Hope is falling for Batwoman and is about to turn good, why else would she only stab Batgirl lightly instead of in the gut or heart?! ;)
Last edited by Wheelie915 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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I loved that scene with Hope taking out WW with chloroform-imbued breasts. An instant classic. This story is terrific!
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Hope takes out three, yes count them three superheroines. She may be dumb, but she's on a roll. Then she goes for four and takes herself out. :)

Now we got to wait to see who wakes up first. :(
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Nicely played! I especially liked Hope's ramblin' story whilst she chloro-boobied our heroine!
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Another sensational chapter, the final then it was worth it all, after defeating the third fell in own trap
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Thanks all,glad you are enjoying it


After a fierce struggle, heroines and villainesses alike have been laid low. The question now is who can recover first to gain the upper hand….?

Auuuuuuugggghhhh….” Groaned Faith as she slowly came to, blinking up at the darkness of the rafters above the stage, the tinkling sound of the water running from the tank where the knife pierced it the only other sound.”Shit…” she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her neck and jaw. She raised herself up onto an elbow and looked around, fully expecting to find Batwoman gazing down at her as she slapped her in cuffs. To her surprise she saw the sveldt body of the heroine slumped unconscious near Hope. The sight spurred her into more vigourous action, hurrying to scramble unsteadily to her feet. She cast a look around and saw her sister Charity spark out near Batgirl’s body with Wonder Woman lying not far from Hope also.

She swayed shakily over to her, bypassing Hope who was singing drunkenly to herself as she lay flat on her back.

“Char! Char! You ok? “ She asked with concern as she gently patted her sister back to wakefulness.

Batwoman blinked awake at the noise, taking a second to gather her wits before she looked around, now fully compos mentis.

Her eyes fell on Hope who looked at her and smiled dreamily, still light headed from the chloroform vapours coming from her chest.

Purely on instinctive reflex, and based on her limited experience of the youngest Grace sister, Batwoman slowly raised a red silken clad index finger to her lips.

Shhhhhhh” she whispered.

“Gotcha!” whispered Hope back with a theatrical wink and a smile.

“Faith, that you?” Charity asked as she came back to wakefulness to see her sister nodding.

“Great job Char! Thought that bitch had ya licked.” Faith said as she hauled her sister up into a sitting position.

“Yeah….me too…” said Charity uncertainly as she wondered what the hell her sister was on about. “Wow,” she said as she looked about her. “We won!”

“Thanks to you!” Faith said.

“Me? What did I do? I managed to block every punch with my face! Last thing I remember was seeing stars…Didn’t you…?”

“Nope, that bitch in black put me down…” Faith said bitterly, gesturing at Batwoman.

“Well, if I didn’t get them, and you didn’t get them, then…..?”

Hope’s singing, to the tune of ‘You’re the One that I Want”, slowly cut into the near silence.
I got booooooobs,
They’re soaked in chloro
An’ I’m knockin’ people out.
Cos the power
Of my Chloro-boobies,
They is…
…somethin’ that rhymes with ….somethin’ else, hee-heee-ha-ha-ha!” she giggled to herself maniacally.

Slowly, Charity and Faith turned their heads to stare at the only other candidate, their younger sister Hope.

Hope stared at them happily from the stage floor, still laying flat on her back, gave a soft little wave and smiled.

“AWWWW, NOT YOU! ANYONE BUT YOU!” said Faith with a groan.

“No fucking way!” Charity echoed, looking to the heavens.

“Yeah! No way!” echoed Hope. ”'No way' what?”

“Jesus. How the fuck did she do that?” Charity asked her sister.

“Well, she had boobied Batgirl when I was still in the game. Last I remember she was wrapped around that bitch” Faith gestured at the slumped form of the Amazon “Maybe she got her too?” she said questioningly.

“Well, what about Bat-whore over there?” Charity demanded. “She wouldn’t have fallen for the same trick after she put you down, surely?”

Faith shrugged as they walked over to squat beside Hope. Batwoman now lay motionless behind them.

“Hope, did you take down Batwoman too?” Faith asked her younger sister. “Hope, focus , I’m up here” she called her sister’s wandering attention back to her as she looked down at the dizzy girl. “Did you take down Batwoman as well?”

Hope thought a bit then nodded slowly, uncertain if she had done something wrong.

“How?” demanded Charity.

Hope thought hard for a while, then, giggling, said “I hit her with that crown thing off the other one and she just went BONK! And down she went. But only for a little bit. Hey, <ha-ha>- hey, Char, I got a good one! I GOT THEM WITH MY BOOBY TRAP! HA-HA! GET IT, CHAR?! DO YOU GET IT, FAITH? MY BOOBY TRAP ‘cos…cos it was my boobies that went an captured them! HA-HA! That’s the BEST JOKE EVER! HA-HA! Ooooo …I feel sick. ”

“Shit. She did get her. How about that?” Faith said turning to Charity, shaking her head in disbelief. “Then what?” she said looking back at Hope.

“’Then what’ what?” frowned Hope.

“Then what did you do?” Faith sighed.

“’What did I do’ to what?” Hope giggled.

“What did you do to knock her out cold like she is now , dumbass! You said you only put her out for a little bit. “ Charity growled.

“Oh, nothing.” Hope leant up on an elbow, looked left and right and then whispered. “She ain’t really out , but it’s a secret…” she winked conspiratorially and tapped her nose with her finger, then fell back giggling to herself.

“She ain’t…? SHIT!!!!” Faith spun round and started to rise, only to be confronted by Batwoman’s boot that sent her sprawling backwards over Hope.

Charity had risen fully and turned just in time to see her younger sister fly past her and land on Hope. Instinctively she pulled back and so was only caught by a glancing blow. She staggered back and Batwoman used the time to skip over to Wonder Woman’s prone body. She crouched beside her feeling for a pulse with one hand, her other raised defensively, but never taking her eyes from the threat the sisters posed and never looking down at her ally. To her relief she felt a strong and regular beat. Wonder Woman was just sleeping. She had seen Hope smothering her but had no idea if that was all that she had endured, or how long she was without air and whether anything had happened to the Amazon afterwards. She was also keen to place herself between the sisters and her allies as much as possible, to prevent the Graces using the threat of harming them to force her surrender. But Batgirl was still a way off. Fortunately, at the moment the sisters only had murderous intent towards herself. Great she thought.

She stood, defiantly stepping before her stricken friend to confront the two villains, her fists raised, a grim look on her face, partially hidden by the mask she wore.

“You three have had your fun. Now it’s time you pay for your crimes!” Batwoman declared imperiously.

“REALLY? That’s the little speech you are leading with? What, we s’posed to be scared or somethin’? ‘Oh no! We are only outnumbering her 2 to 1, we give up’? Do them stupid little statements ever do any good or are they just to make you Super-dykes feel better, ya know like you are actually doing some good for society, hmmn?” Charity sneered.

“Bring it on, girls.” Batwoman beckoned, though she had blushed slightly beneath the mask as the ‘Super-dykes’ reference touched a nerve.

“What’s the plan, Char?” Faith said, her eyes locked on Batwoman as she slowly stood.

“You go left, I’ll go right and we’ll meet in the middle and whip her ass!” the elder sister smiled. Her eyes too never left their adversary as she and her sister slowly fanned out.

By contrast, Katherine’s eyes were flicking like a metronome from one to the other. There was a lot she had to contend with: the two upright sisters, Hope on the floor, Wonder Woman’s body at her feet and Batgirl four or five feet further away, plus the stage trap remote control device on the table. She had a lot of targets to try and defend and her opponents had a lot of options to try and go for. As she concentrated on her next move she suddenly felt a wave of weakness wash over her, leaving her giddy and slightly unsteady on her feet. It would seem she hadn’t fully recovered from the three blows she had taken to her head tonight after all. She swayed slightly and adjusted her fighting stance. Dammit! Focus, concentrate. Lives depended on her actions over the next few minutes, not least of all her own. She couldn’t afford to be off her game now, when her friends needed her the most. She was determined not to let them down. But unfortunately the sisters had spotted her weakness.

“Hey! Hey, she’s a- hurtin’, ain’t ya slugger?” Faith taunted her. ”Maybe all we gotta do is wait this one out Char and she’ll go down all by herself…”

“Yeah…maybe. But I ain’t known for my patience!” Charity lunged in at Batwoman, ostensibly throwing a wild right. Batwoman ducked underneath the blow easily but to her surprise she had crouched down and into a sharp rabbit punch from Charity’s left hand. She rocked back on her heels in surprise, her eyes wide beneath her mask. As Charity straightened to land another she recovered, blocking a second left jab and then skipping back out of the reach of her right.

Faith closed in too, but Batwoman made room for herself to fight, edging away from her as she closed. She kept pacing slowly back one step behind the other, heel to toe, heel to toe, one leg at a time with the slow deliberate steps of a predatory cat, her arms raised in defence, her alert gaze moving between her two assailants. She kept moving back towards the water tank drawing the sisters after her, away from the vulnerable bodies of her unconscious allies. She had a small arsenal of non-lethal weaponry at her shapely hips in the form of the devices in her Batbelt, but the sisters were too close to allow her the few seconds she needed to retrieve the Batsleep or a smoke bomb or gas pellet. For now at least, she would have to subdue them the old fashioned way- physically.

The sisters closed simultaneously, then halted, exchanging a knowing look between them and then rushed her together, but Batwoman was more than ready for them. She ducked agilely beneath Faith’s attack, countering with a short, sharp stomach punch that winded her, whilst she swept her right leg out catching Charity behind her heel and flinging her to the ground. As she straightened up she tried to land a right cross to finish off Faith, but the middle sister was a graduate of some of the toughest women’s prisons in America and this was far from her first fight. She swayed back easily out of the way, giving Charity time to stand. Her agility surprised Kate a little but she tried not to let it show. She had underestimated the fighting abilities of the sisters, assuming they were just brawlers, but Faith in particular had a nimbleness and keen sense of danger that made up for her lack of recognized martial arts ability. Faith had the speed but Charity, larger than her sister, had the power. Both came at her again but she surprised them by advancing herself, offsetting the rhythm of the attack and landing two disorientating blows before the sisters knew what was happening. But again as Batwoman looked to finish them off they quickly recovered and she instead found herself swiping at empty air, before going on the defensive herself.

She realized that this would be no push over. The sisters were clearly used to this kind of dual attack and so she must find a way to eliminate them, one at a time. Divide and conquer. One was quick, one was powerful. She must find a way to use their own skills against them. As she backed away towards the water tank the sound of the dribbling water grew louder, as it both trickled from the base of the crack down the Perspex and arced a few inches out from the split to spatter in the ever growing puddle on the stage floor. Batwoman smiled to herself. She would use the tank as a weapon, hurling one sister into it would stun them at the least for a few seconds which would give her time to tackle and finish the other. Happy she had a plan she confronted the sisters confidently, feet now planted, no longer retreating, and arms raised, ready for action.

The sisters seemed to sense the change in their enemy – from wary, slightly nervous, to supremely confident. They didn’t like it. They exchanged a nervous look of their own.

“Let’s get the bitch!” Charity declared vehemently and threw a left that Batwoman swayed right to avoid, but Faith had been waiting for the move and threw a right of her own. But Batwoman too had expected the blow and with a flash of her scarlet gloves seized Faith’s wrist and started to lean back, using Faith’s own speed against her as the momentum swung her around towards the tank. Yet as she did so, Kate saw Charity’s leg sweeping forward to knock her off her feet. She skipped back on her toes and to her dismay felt her right foot splash and slide out from beneath her. It was just at the point where she had intended to release Faith’s wrist, launching her into the tank. As she felt her balance go, she reflexively gripped Faith’s wrist for a split second longer to steady herself. But that was the time Faith needed to grab Batwoman’s own arm, slowing her speed as she too slipped in the puddle on the wet wooden stage. Faith shot clumsily forward still clinging on to Batwoman’s arm as she fell onto her knees her free hand breaking her fall against the tank, but Katherine fell onto her butt with a splash beside her.

There was a second of inaction by both as they took stock of the new circumstances, before Faith grabbed Batwoman around the neck from behind, prompting the guardian of the law to grab a handful of Faith’s hair with her free hand. In an instant they were locked in a grappling embrace, writhing around each other as they splashed about in the puddle, twisting and turning in each others uncertain grip, the water pouring from the tank now soaking Faith’s satin catsuit, then Batwoman’s latex body suit, making both slippery to hold on to. Faith managed to get both her hands briefly up around Batwoman’s neck, but the stronger woman was able to seize her by the wrists and prise them away. The girl’s slithered around for several moments before Katherine managed to wrap both legs tightly around Faith as she held her flailing wrists. With a twist and a turn she had squirmed her way on top to sit triumphant astride her as the middle Grace sister bucked and gyrated her lithe body beneath her. Breathless from the struggle the two of them panted, with Katherine secretly aroused by the strong pelvic thrusts up against her groin as Faith struggled below her, arching her back and thrusting her bosom up as she rolled around to left and right as Batwoman asserted a grip on both her wrists and pinned her down.
But lost in the sexually charged moment Batwoman had forgotten about Charity. She too now straddled Faith’s thighs, but on her feet, behind the heroine. Reaching forward she suddenly looped her arms beneath Katherine’s armpits right up so her elbows nestled beneath them and she was able to lace her hands behind the Batwoman’s neck.

“What the-? NO!!!” cried Katherine in alarm as Charity pulled her upper body from her sister.

Batwoman used all her strength to partially break the grip but it allowed Faith to squirm out to the side beneath her. Still with her thighs locked around Faith’s trim hips like a lover, as Faith went to the right so too Batwoman slid to her left squirming in Charity’s grip until she had mostly broken free. But Charity was still on her feet and she used that height advantage now to grab Batwoman’s falling torso by the shoulder and wrist and force her down to the stage on her back.

“N-no!” Batwoman cried, as Charity fell down across her breasts, pinning her down with her body weight a she gripped Batwoman by her scarlet satin wrists.

HUH! NO, DAMN YOU! HUH! MMUUHHH!” she gasped as she felt Charity get the upper hand. Her legs were still around Faith and the sister had manoeuvred around to pin the lower half of Katherine’s body down with her bodyweight. She felt Faith’s hand grip her inner thigh and force her knee down, away from her body allowing Faith to get her own left leg loose and use it to pin down Batwoman’s lower right leg with her thigh. Katherine squirmed and writhed, trying to wriggle loose but she felt a growing sense of desperation that the fight had gotten away from her. She flashed her head frantically left and right, looking for any kind of assistance but all she could see were the prone forms of Batgirl and Wonder Woman. She managed to half butt Charity on the shoulder and this allowed her to pull her left hand free. She was able to drop it to the pouches at her hip, scrabbling into her utility belt with desperate fingers, searching for something that could even the score as Charity pressed her other arm flat , pinning it above Batwoman’s head as she gripped Katherine’s right shoulder with her other hand pushing her firmly down to lie flat on the stage. But as her hands rummaged in her belt behind Charity’s back , completely out of view, Faith by contrast could see exactly what she was doing. She had manoeuvred herself so that she was lying diagonally across Batwoman’s legs, her ribs across the upper knee, her face tantalisingly close to that latex clad mound of pleasure that even now had been pressed inwards to reveal a perfect and delightful cameltoe, wet and shiny and smooth and black in the stage lighting, glistening with a promise of future happiness for those who would enter it.

As Batwoman’s hand emerged with a means of escape from the pouch, Kate’s spirits soared, only seconds now from restoring her fortunes and saving the day. But hope turned to despair in an instant as she suddenly felt Faith grab her wrist with one hand as her other closed on the fingers that held the small object she had managed to retrieve.

“NO!” Batwoman cried in alarm as she heaved her lissom torso up to try and throw off Charity but even as she failed to do so she felt Faith pull her salvation from her hand.

“WHOA! WHAT-A WE GOT HERE?” she crowed as she turned the small spray in her hand to read the label. “Wow! ‘Instant Batfreeze’! I wonder what that does, hmnn? Well,” she slithered around so her upper body poked around Charity’s arm, pinning down Batwoman's legs and groin with her own abdomen and lower body, “let’s give it a go and find out, shall we?”

Laughing, she rotated the nozzle in her hand so that it was facing Batwoman and held it just below her mouth and nose.

“WHAT?!!!NO! NO! DAMN YOU! YOU CA-“ Kate was cut off abruptly.

“PFFFSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT!” came the chilling hiss of the escaping drug as helpless and struggling, Katherine could do nothing to avoid her own weapon for crime fighting. ‘Batfreeze’ was a strong paralyzing nerve agent, fast acting and lasting around twenty minutes, designed to help subdue dangerous criminals who were physically more powerful than Batwoman could handle.

AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!” Katherine gasped as she inhaled the drug, her eyes wide in shock.

Almost instantly she felt her muscles tense and stiffen as the nerve agent acted.

“N-NO! C-CAN’T…..M-MOVE!” she gasped in desperate sadness.

Charity felt the heroine’s body go rigid in her grasp. “Oh, man! That is sooooo cool!” she crowed. She tentatively released Batwoman’s hand held above her head, pinned to the stage. As she hesitantly moved it away she delighted in the lack of reaction from Katherine as her hand stayed put.

“OH, BOY! IS THIS LI’L OL’ BAT IN TROUBLE OR WHAT?” she crowed as she squeezed and kneaded Katherine’s breast, her nipples hardened from the adrenalin of the struggle and held rigidly to attention now, as her own body could not make a single movement to defend her honour.

Charity moved to crouch on her knees beside the heroine as Faith crawled off her to match the pose on the other side of the stricken champion.
Tears of self pity pricked at the corners of Batwoman’s eyes as she looked up beseechngly, almost pleading silently for mercy in her helpless state from her pitiless captors. Charity stroked the bright red Bat symbol with a delicate touch, delighting in the forlorn impotence of the once-powerful, beautiful woman who lay spread out below her. Squeezing a breast seemed to make the tiny tear drop at the corner of her eye swell, almost as if there were a direct relation. Faith for her part had a hand pressed in against the tight slit of Katherine’s womanhood, relishing the sensation of soft, warm heat beneath the skin tight latex as she stroked her free hand across the smooth black thighs of the heroine’s bodysuit.

“Today just keeps getting’ better ‘n’ better, eh Char?” She smiled at her elder sister.

Charity leaned forward, her face close to the powerless hero, her hot breath playing across the soft skin of Batwoman’s cheek like a summer breeze.

“What was it you said earlier? Oh yeah, ‘You three have had your fun. Now it’s time you pay for your crimes!’ Wasn’t it? Well sorry to disappoint ya, Batbabe, but we ain’t even BEGUN to have our fun with you. And now,... it’s time that YOU pay for our crimes!” she grinned evilly down at the defenceless heroine.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Just when it looks like it can't get any worse for the three superheroines, it does. Now Batwoman is down, again and Faith now can keep them all from fighting back. Good twist.
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batwoman now in big trouble here, let's see what will happen in the next chapters
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Tallyho, please tell me you will be finishing this epic. It feels close, yes? :unsure:
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Thanks for your comments chaps and for your patience. Here is the next part (Still a few more to go yet Dr Dom!) Its a bit late here at the mo and I'm busy the next few days so please forgive any typos I'll edit it mid week.


Batwoman has been thwarted in her attempt to rescue her fellow heroines, rendered immobile by her own paralysing spray. As the sisters gloat over her motionless body, she can do nothing to prevent whatever evils the Graces have in mind for her…

“Well now, there’s a turn up, eh honey?” Charity leered down at Katherine as she stroked her hands over the smooth latex of her batsuit. The pressure on her body was firm, but not hard, not cruel. There was a lightness behind it, a sensitivity that surprized Batwoman. Then, with a chill in her soul Katherine realised what it signified. Desire. Her mouth went dry and if she had been able, her eyes would have widened at the shock of realization. But she could do nothing, totally paralyzed by her own crime fighting spray. Only her breathing betrayed her anxiety at her plight, her desperate breaths of despair making her breasts rise and fall rapidly.

Charity flicked her gaze over the prone form as she moved clear, on her knees beside the fallen champion, her hand still pressed to Kate’s body. Faith stood at her feet, watching her sister and looking at the freeze spray with new-found power.

“Ya know Char, we can like take down ANY FUCKER with this stuff! I mean, she like had this to put down real bad asses like Bane and shit, and now….now it’s OURS! We could like zap Batman with this stuff and then see just how much of him is a man and how much is a bat!” Faith crowed.

“Yeah…” Charity said absently. “Right now, I wanna see how much of this here gal is…bat and how much is….woman” she leaned close, her nose brushing Batwoman’s lower cheek, her breath caressing Katherine’s neck. She moved her head sideways, hovering over Katherine’s mouth with hers, her lips just a second away from the crimefighter’s own, she waited, savouring the moment, sensing Katherine’s dread, the taste of her fear giving the criminal a perverse pleasure, accentuating the desire to take this crusader for justice, to demean her, to violate her, to debase her in anyway Charity desired. And with Batwoman paralyzed and helpless, she could. And she would. She smiled to herself at the thought.

“Go get Hope cleaned up out the kitchen.” She commanded of Faith. “Get all that chloro shit off of her”

“You gonna be ok with them?” Faith nodded to where Batgirl and Wonder Woman lay.
“Sure. Just leave that spray stuff an’ I got ‘em covered.” Charity replied.

Reluctantly Faith tossed the small spray to her older sister. “Hope! C’mon shit-for-brains, lets get you back in the game.”

“I got brains-for-brains ! Char! You tell her, she can’t say that about me…Hey , hey you’re playing with my girl! I wanted that one! That’s not fair. I catched her!” Hope said as she rose and walked unsteadily passed Charity with a supporting arm from Faith.

“You caught her Hope” Faith corrected her.

“See even Faith thinks it ain’t right!” Hope bleated.


“Good.” Charity said with a voice laden with menace. “Get. I got some stuff to see to, right here.” She drummed her fingers lightly across Kate’s stomach before pressing her hand flat and sliding it up smoothly over the tight rubber, her hand coming to rest upon the scarlet Bat symbol upon her chest. She pressed down upon it, lightly at first, her eyes locked on Batwoman’s, wide and fearful beneath her mask. As she stared down at her she slowly splayed the fingers wider, pressing down more firmly with the heel of her hand, pressing the black latex down into the secret cleavage hidden beneath the smooth, even, exterior, her fingers still resting on the Bat symbol.

“Ya know,” she said softly to the crimefighter “always wondered why you folks went for Bats? Ya know what I mean? Like you guys coulda been…oh, I dunno…Night Wolves or somethin’ or Tigers of Truth or some crap, ya know? Like been fierce, powerful animals, hunters like, yeah? Huntin’ down crime the way them big critters prey on the weaker ones. That sorta shit. But no. You all chose to be …bats. I mean, what the fuck?” her hand had turned so the back of her knuckles now gently caressed her victims chest as she moved it slowly over to cover Batwoman’s left tit. She turned it over so that her palm now pressed on the flawless curve of the mammary below, sliding her palm down to where the bosom met the ribcage and slowly squeezed with a smile. Her thumb and index finger slowly drew towards each other the pressure pumping blood into Katherine’s ever hardening nipple, causing a small black mound to rise under the latex before forming a more permanent, prominent point.
“HUH-HUH-HUH-HUH” Katherine barely realized that she was panting, her breaths short and desperate with fear. She had never known a sensation like this. Though she lay impotent and immobile, her powerful toned body locked in a rigid trap of its own making, she wasn’t bereft of feeling; though her muscles were paralyzed, she found that she was mentally substituting the sensations she ought to be having, to complement the few that she really was. But the fear that gripped her, that made her heart race and her chest heave with her heavy breaths, was not that she was afraid of what Charity was going to do to her. It was deeper, darker and more primal. It was a fear that deep down she was excited by this. As a rich and powerful member of elite society, as a brave and fearless champion of justice, as a bold and proficient master of the martial arts she was used to dictating events, to being in complete control or else being determined to do all that she could to attain that goal. But in this state, she knew there was nothing that she could do, even though she was capable of doing nothing. And that absence of ability to shape her world, to change the events around her to her will … was…exciting by its shear novelty. And that was her fear, that she somehow, deep down, wanted this, wanted to be dominated, wanted to be defenceless, wanted to be taken. And this paralysis gave her an excuse to yield, to give in to that secret desire to that ultimate temptation to submit to the will of another. To be bossed, to be owned. And that niggling little grain of doubt that she might actually have desired this outcome, at any level, that was what frightened her. That she was prepared to forget the cause of justice, the plight of her fellow heroines and her own immediate danger of death, that she was ready to forget all that for the simple sexual pleasure of someone having dominance over her and she for all her millions, for all her training, for all her physical prowess, for all her gadgets and devices could not prevent it. And it felt good. Just a tiny bit, but it was there.

Charity straddled her, her own groin pressing down against Batwoman’s mons pubis, their body suits rubbing together as the criminal shifted her weight and adjusted her position. She relished the fear in Katherine’s gaze as the breathing made her breast rise and fall, rise and fall.


“Aw, you just as keen for this as I am, honey?” Charity gloated although she had meant them sarcastically her words were closer to the truth than she would ever know. “Say just how long does this little spray o’ yours last, anyhow?”

The words hit Katherine like a slap to the face. This wasn’t about her and her pleasure or desires. The lives of two brave young women were also at stake, and in that question Katherine found a means to help them. The spray lasted around 20 minutes but perhaps, if she could convince the eldest Grace sister otherwise, it might cause Charity to let her guard down.

“H-H-HOURS!” Batwoman panted desperately her eyes now wide in pretence of fear. She was herself once more, the moment of submission having passed. She would endure whatever fate befell her now, and perhaps even enjoy it briefly, but now she had a bigger goal than submitting to her own pleasure – she was once more committed to escape.

“HOURS!” Charity echoed gleefully. “’HOURS’ PLURAL!” she crowed. “Gee it’s gonna be a long night for you and your little pals!” she smiled as she leant forward, her nose almost touching Batwoman’s as she stared intently into her eyes. They shared a long, intense moment as they gazed at each other, with Charity relishing the heat passing between their touching loins, only separated by the thin fabric of their respective body suits.

Charity cupped the crimefighter’s face in both hands, as she pressed in close, her lips hovering just beyond the law enforcer’s. She plunged down suddenly, her tongue violently parting Katherine’s numb lips as it thrust forcibly down into the dark, warm, wet recesses of her mouth.

“HUHHHHMMMMMM!” Katherine gasped in surprise as she felt the shift in weight over her loins a Charity moved down to kiss her mouth. That sense of impotence returned, exciting her. She could feel the sensations of touch and caress over her lithe body and yet she could not react to those sensations, could not respond. She could only endure.

After the passionate kiss Charity leaned back, sitting upright, her palm atop both of Batwoman’s breasts as she ran the tip of her tongue slowly across her top lip, relishing the moment of total supremacy.

She squeezed the fulsome mounds in her hands gently at first her victim still motionless beneath her. She felt the firm but yielding mounds warm beneath the latex as she slid her hands away from each other, down and around the side of Batwoman’s ribs, sliding onward until her fingers slipped beneath her foes body, squeezing between Katherine and the wooden stage. She lifted her hands back up, hauling Katherine upright, her head lolling back on her shoulders slightly before the paralyzed muscles locked. Her arms were still upright above her head and one by one Charity gripped them by the biceps and forced them mechanically down before sliding a hand beneath her cape at her back and finding the seam that hid the zip fastener. She pulled the champion of justice towards her, rocking the torso towards her until the crimefighter pitched helplessly forwards to land with her cheek squashed against the curve of Charity’s shoulder.

HU-HUH!” Batwoman gasped in alarm.

Charity embraced her tightly, enveloping her arms around Katherine’s back as she seized the zipper and slid it slowly down toward the base of her spine in a series of short, sharp juddering motions.

HUH!” Katherine’s only source of reaction was in her desperate, panted breaths as Charity slipped a hand beneath the open top of the costume, found the fasteners for the cape beneath the tangle of wet, flame- red hair and slowly released them, letting the black latex crumple to the stage in a heap gathered at Batwoman’s butt. Katherine could now feel the slight chill of the large empty auditorium against her damp skin. Charity held Katherine by the shoulders, pulling her back so she could look her in the eyes intently. As she did so, she slipped her hands around to the crime fighter’s back, her fingertips slipping inside the now open Batsuit and pressing warmly against her spine, drumming slightly on the warm flesh as they crept forward, feeling the central bump of the vertebrae on Katherine’s curved back, then running lightly down the spine until she reached the point where the suit narrowed and met the zipper. She coiled her fingers around the garment from each side and pulled her hands apart, swiftly running her hands up the length of the opening to the back of the neck, feeling the light touch of Katherine’s wet hair on the back of her hands. She pulled them further apart, hooking the edges of the costume around the curve of Katherine’s shoulders, feeling the straps of Batwoman’s bra scrape against the back of her fingers as she did so.

Charity smiled as she saw Katherine’s eyes widen at the iris, almost the only muscles not frozen by the spray, as she slipped the costume down Katherine’s arms. The smooth, pale skin of her shoulders glistened with a light sheen of dampness, a mix of sweat from her exertions and where water had seeped beneath her costume from the water tank.

“I’m gonna make ya REALLY wet in a minute honey!” Charity crowed.

“H-HUH!H-H-HUHHH!” Katherine's inflection made the breaths almost pleading, as she gasped in time to each yanking jerk as Charity pulled the costume clear down to her waist, revealing Katherine’s breasts barely contained by the simple black silk bra that she was wearing.

“Aww. Ain’t that sweet. All coy and cutesy…” Charity hooked a finger between the junction of the cups and pulled back before releasing it with a twang. She ran the back of her hand up over the right cup, part of which was stuck to her breast where it was damp from the water on the stage. “Hmnnn. What say we get you out of those wet things, yeah? Before you catch your death…”


Charity pulled the straps down over her upper arms, the flimsy cups of Katherine’s bra gradually slipping down to reveal the milky white flesh beneath. She lowered Katherine’s body back onto the stage so that she was once more lying flat upon her back. Charity leaned over her, supporting her weight on her palms as she stared down at the luckless crimefighter. The perfect orbs of Katherine’s breasts flattened beneath Charity as her hair straddled down to play lightly across the nipples of the Heroine of Gotham.

Katherine felt a dread sense of shame and fear like a knot in her stomach as Charity, still on all fours swayed backwards so that her face was hovering over the snow white breasts of Katherine’s body, her breath warm as a desert wind on her aureole. The crook leaned ever closer until her lips brushed delicately across the tips of the teats, first one, then the other teasing Katherine into thinking they were about to be suckled, licked or bitten. All the while her eyes were locked on Kate’s, as she nuzzled her nose into her cleavage, keeping it in contact with the soft, warm skin as she swept it up and down the gentle rise of each breast, back and forth, each time rising slightly higher like a skateboarder building momentum as she moved towards the nipples. Finally, as she reached the crest, she smothered one of the teats in her mouth, her lips pressing tight in a seal over the aureole that locked her down in position, as her warm, moist tongue set to work on the tip of the nipple, feathering across it rapidly, feeling it harden further to the stimulus before she curled and coiled the wet intruder around the sides of the teat.

“HUH! N-NO!” Kate gasped as she felt the tongue work its magic, but suddenly she also felt a palm pressed flat and warm over her belly button, pushing the flesh in and down, the fingers clearly aimed down the length of her body. As Charity suddenly bit down viciously , the hand snaked, fingers first, with lightning speed, down, under the bottom part of the Batsuit, her fingernails slipping below the elastic top of her flimsy panties and coming to rest beneath them, the warm pink slit of Kate’s womanhood pushing against the underside of the digits. Charity pressed down, curling her fingers inward even as she pulled back her head, her teeth stretching the nipple painfully as the teat was still clamped between them.

HUH-AUGGGHHHHH!N-NO!AUUGGGGHHHHH-HUH-HUH-HUH!” Kate could only emit a garbled scream between breaths as she suffered at the hands of the eldest sister. Charity finally released the teat as her middle finger explored the crimefighter’s most intimate area, curling up towards her palm and cleaving aside Batwoman’s labial lips in the process. She then straightened it suddenly, causing another gasp from Kate as she rammed it in ever deeper, then squeezed in the other fingers beside it. Frst the index; she worked the two around for a few seconds, moistening Kate’s hole, before edging in the fourth and little fingers, Charity’s long nails snagging on the flesh painfully as they made their way inside her.

Kate, trapped in the immobile confines of her own body, could only gasp - the eroticism she had felt earlier now long gone, engulfed by the pain and humiliation. Was there to be no end to this torment for her? And then, from the corner of one of her tearful eyes, she saw a glimmer of hope. It was weak and slight, but it was hope none the less.

For there in the darkness, several feet away, lay the unconscious body of Wonder Woman, seemingly motionless. Except for one finger that Kate had just seen move. Only slightly, but it was definitely there. As she looked, it seemed to twitch again. Which meant only one thing – Wonder Woman, the mighty Amazon was coming to her senses. Or so Kate hoped.
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Staff Sargeant
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Great chapter, we see batwoman "suffer" a bit sexually in the hands of a more experienced person
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Excellent as always. More please
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Neophyte Lvl 4
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Finally got a chance to read this. I really like the introspective struggle Batwoman has in this chapter. Well written and wonderfully descriptive.
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