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Shazzan- Heroine of Arabia

Under the cover of nightfall...a shapely female figure flew over the vastness of the desert of Ancient Arabia. She was a young woman of 18 years..with a thick mane of black hair which was flowed from the top of her head on to her broad shoulders. Her brown body..shapely and muscular...was clad only in a flimsy black silk bra which barely concealed her pair of large firm breasts..and a black silk panty which barely garbed her loins. A golden belt bearing the insignia of a crescent moon on its buckle..was wrapped around her small...shapely waist. She wore gold bracelets on her wrists..and gold bangles above her ankles. Her feet were bare and erotic to the eye. Her toenails gleamed with an ivory lustre as did her fingernails. A mask of black silk stretched across the upper part of her face to conceal her true identity.

"Bandits are attacking the merchant caravans coming to Baghdad...There are evil forces guiding their efforts..It will take more than the Sultan's guards to stop them...It will take the mighty powers of..SHAZZAN...HEROINE OF ARABIA.. to thwart their evil deeds!!" declared the young masked woman as she flew over the Arabian desert on her magic carpet which was black as the night. The beauteous Arabian superwoman flew over the desert..searching for signs of her quarry and other thoughts passed through her mind. "Father certainly would not approve of me revealing my body in this way as I battle those who would dare to undermine the Kingdom of Arabia..Father has no knowledge that Shazzan is really his own daughter...Jadra...Princess of Arabia..Now to find these bandits" she her magic carpet flew over the vastness of the Arabian desert.

Movement in an oasis below caught the attention of the scantily-clad heroine and she commanded her magic carpet to descend towards the band of hooded, cloaked and armed men who fit the description of those who she was searching for. Without a second thought...Shazzan launched herself into battle. The bandit closest to her..drew his sword to strike her down..but the Princess of Arabia was too swift for him. "Behold my great strength and warrior skills evil bandit!!" declared Shazzan as she extended her muscular right leg in his direction. Distracted by the glossy ivory toenails of her right foot..the bandit was slow to act and his jaw was rocked as the top of Shazzan's right foot connected with it. Landing on the balls of her erotic bare feet..Shazzan used the gold bracelets on her wrists to parry the strikes of another bandit's sword before sending him flying through the air..and landing hard on to the sand..with a left fist to the jaw.

"You and your band of brigands shall not take the treasures of the people to satisfy your thirst for greed!!" declared Shazzan as she whirled around and drove the ball of her erotic left foot hard into the flabby gut of another bandit..sending him sprawling along the ground. :wink: "Not while Shazzan fights for justice and protects the innocents in the Kingdom of Arabia!!" declared Shazzan as she grabbed another bandit by the collar of his shirt and flung him over her right shoulder effortlessly and landing him hard on the ground. A vicious right fist to the jaw of the fifth and final bandit sent him crashing to the ground beside his fallen comrades. "Speak brigands!!..Who commands you to rob the merchant caravans!!,,Speak!!..Or face the wrath of Shazzan!!" declared the buxom Arabian superwoman. However none of her foes was able to answer her question as they were all unconscious from the battle.

Binding them with ropes she magically extracted from the crescent moon emblem in the middle of her golden belt...Shazzan bound the bandits hand and foot..knowing that the Sultan's soldiers were out searching for the bandits..and hoping they would find them. Leaping back on to her magic carpet...the Heroine of Arabia flew in the direction of the ancient city of Baghdad and the Royal Palace where she resided in the form of the Sultan's daughter..the Princess Jadra. " I must return to the Palace before morning and I am missed as Princess Jadra" resolved the beauteous Champion of Arabia as she flew over the desert towards Baghdad. However as she flew towards her destination..a gust of wind stirred up around her..which she paid no attention to.

This proved to be a grave mistake on the part of the beautiful Arabian heroine. "Moons of Muhammad!!!..My magic carpet turns against me..its strands bind my hands together!!" cried Shazzan in alarm Before she could use her strength of 20 men to free moved faster than she could act. She was amazed as a man's hand rose from the carpet..and reached between her thighs..finding its way underneath her thin black silk panty. "Ooooooooahh!!!...The hand of a man!!..It touches me in my most sacred place...Oooooooooooah!!!!..My loins become wet!!!..My nipples!!!...They become very hard!!!...I am naive in the ways of man!!!...I grow tired!!!...I grow very..very tired!!!...My strength of 20 men!!!..My warrior skills!!!...Useless!!!..My return to the Palace must be delayed!!!..I am so very tired!!!..I must yield to the hand of man!!!" blurted Shazzan...sinking to her knees atop her magic flying carpet..which had somehow turned against her :wink: .

The mysterious magical hand stroked the virgin clit of the Princess of Arabia...making her excited and wet in her loins..bringing feelings of erotic pleasure which were impossible to resist. "Ooooooo!!!!...Ooooooo!!!!..Ooooooooooooo..." cooed Shazzan as she felt a surge of warmth and wetness released between her shapely thighs...causing her brown eyes to roll up in her head...and slowly close in the slits of the black silk mask that stretched across the top of her face..framed by her short thick clump of shiny black she collapsed on her back on to the top of her magic flying carpet. Her shapely arms limp on either side of her body..the palms of her hands resting flat on the surface of the carpet..her shapely legs at full stretch below her shapely waist..the toes of her sexy bare feet pointing to the sky...the Princess of Arabia accepted her fate. " What manner of trickery has bested me this night??...My loins...My nipples...prisoners of pleasure..I am a slave to my own desires...I have no choice...I must sleep my carpet takes me to the lair of my enemies..who have defeated Shazan on this night..." sighed Princess Jadra as she blacked out.

The magic carpet continued on..bearing its unconscious mistress to a castle located in the desert...flying straight into a dimly lit room. Male hands..grabbed her under her arms and by her ankles...lifting her off the carpet which hovered in the air..and lying her flat on her back atop a plush bed. Her thin black silk bra was removed..her golden crescent belt unbuckled and taken off her curvy waist...and her thin black silk panty was also stripped..exposing her neatly trimmed patch of black pubic hair. The gentle brush of cool night air over her naked chest..made her dark brown nipples stiff and erect..causing Shazzan to sigh "Ooooooooh" as her mysterious host approached. As her brown eyes slowly opened in the slits of her black silk mask..he slowly waved a bronze staff..bearing the head of a front of the Arabian heroine's face.

"Watch into the gaze of the Serpent Sceptre...You are tired Shazzan...Too tired to stay awake...You want to sleep...Sleep" said the host in a firm but yet soothing voice. The young Arabian princess could do nothing but obey. "Yes...I am in agreement with you evil one...My nipples made hard by your expert spell...My loins wet....I am most the treachery of men...I am tired...I want to sleep...I must obey you..." sighed Shazzan as she slipped deeper and deeper into a hypnotic trance. In the slits of her black silk mask..Jadra..the 18 year old daughter of the Sultan..had glazed tired brown eyes. She had no desire to fight..only to obey whatever her mysterious captor asked of her.

"So...Your fabled strength of 20 men...Your unique fighting skills...They are all undone...when you succumb to the power of pleasure??" asked the mysterious man as he slowly waved the Serpent Sceptre in front of Shazzan's sleepy brown eyes..keeping her trapped in its spell. "Yes evil one...My nipples..They grow hard at the sound of your voice...It possesses such authority...My breasts..have never been touched by any man...The power of your Serpent makes me very tired...very is impossible for me to remain awake...You have defeated me..on this night" confessed Princess Jadra.

"Hear me now wench...You shall forget all that you have said to me...I give you fair warning..Do not meddle in my affairs again...or a worse fate shall befall you...Do you understand?" said the mysterious man. "Yes...I..understand...We shall meet again..and I shall defeat you..." sighed Shazzan unconvincingly. :shock: "We shall see..for now...Sleep..Sleep...Sleep..Sleep.." chanted the mysterious man as he sprinkled fine grains of sand over each of the Arabian superwoman dark brown nipples which were hard and aroused. "Oooooooo...Yes...I obey...I must...sleeeeep.." sighed Shazzan as her brown eyes closed in the slits of her black silk mask and she faded into unconsciousness.

With a gesture of his right hand..the mysterious man..caused the unconscious body of the Arabian heroine to levitate in the air...her flimsy bra..flimsy panty..and her golden crescent moon belt garbing her shapely figure once again..before she was placed on her own magic carpet..which her captor sent on its way..taking her back to her intended destination. Hidden in the shadows of the secret castle..her mysterious captor relished the thought of when next their paths would cross.

To be continued.
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Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 2

In the privacy of her chambers at the Sultan's Palace in Baghdad..the Sultan's 18-year old daughter...Princess Jadra..pondered the outcome of her secret exploits the previous night in the form of the scantily-clad...shapely Heroine of Arabia known as Shazzan. She remembered besting a band of sword-wielding brigands in the desert of the Arabian Kingdom..but nothing after that..awakening back in her chambers at the Palace. "What could have happened?..I do not understand..but I cannot be distracted by such trivial matters...There is much evil at work in the Kingdom of Arabia...which causes great worry to my Father...I shall bring him relief and defeat the evil forces at work as Shazzan" resolved the Princess of Arabia as she planned her next outing in her flimsy attire against the opponents of all that was good in Arabia.

Later that night..a shapely female figure..flew on her magic carpet over the city...unknown to the persons far below. Clad in a flimsy black silk bra which did little to cover a pair of firm..well rounded breasts..a flimsy black silk panty between her powerful bracelets on her bangles above her ankles..her erotic bare feet ..with toenails hard and glossy as ivory..muscular arms and strong hands with fingernails similar to her toenails..a golden belt with a crescent moon insignia wrapped around her shapely waist...her beautiful face framed by a short thick mane of black hair...her identity concealed by a thin black silk mask which stretched across the upper part of her face..Shazzan..Heroine of Arabia brought her magic carpet in for a landing at her intended destination.

Her shapely breasts swaying gently from side to side as she walked...a slight tingling noise being made by her gold bracelets and bangles...the beautiful Arabian superwoman entered the building before meet an elderly woman who doing cleaning inside. "O Mighty Shazzan...I am honoured by your presence...My young charges speak glowingly of your battles against the evil brigands who threaten our Kingdom" said the elderly woman with a bow. The scantily-clad heroine..assumed her heroic pose. Her hands balled into fists resting lightly on either side of her curvy waist.. her muscular legs spread slightly apart..her erotic bare feet slightly apart..her fabulous bust pushed towards the elderly she spoke with confidence.

"I have come here on a mission of great importance Headmistress Hanna...The young boys who you have taken under your care...the orphans from the streets...I have reason to believe that they are being recruited by forces aligned to enemies of the Kingdom of Arabia..." said Shazzan. "Have no fear O Mighty Shazzan..My boys will not fall prey to such evil.." assured Hanna. "It pleases me greatly to hear such words of comfort..I shall be watching over them...Farewell.." replied Shazzan as she turned and walked out of the building. Mounting her carpet...the beauteous Heroine of Arabia..prepared to make her departure as magically and swiftly as her arrival. was not to be.

Before the scantily-clad heroine...who was secretly Princess Jadra...daughter of the Sultan..could command her magic carpet to carry away in the night continue her search for the brigands who were attacking the merchant caravans coming to Baghdad..a thick cloud suddenly engulfed the middle of her shapely upper torso. "Ehh??..Moons of Muhammad!!..A strange cloud covers my chest!!...Moons of Muhammad!!..It is a powder!!...It is getting under my attire!!..Ahhhhhh...My nipples harden as it covers them!!...Feelings of weakness fill my breasts as I fall under the mighty power of this strange powder!!..What manner of treachery??!" cried the Princess of Arabia in alarm as she fell to the ground.

Assuming her trademark position of defeat...the beauteous Arabian superwoman lay flat on her back with her muscular arms stretched above her head...whilst bringing her muscular left leg into her body..such that the sole of her erotic left foot was planted flat on the ground..whilst her muscular right leg was at full stretch..the toes of her erotic right foot..twitching helplessly. A figure stood over the helpless Heroine of Arabia..and used a cane to remove her thin black silk bra...exposing her large firm brown mounds..whose summits were completely covered by a white powdery blanket.

"Ha ha ha ha!!...You may struggle if you wish...but there is no hope of you resisting this powder which covers your young breasts..O Mighty Shazzan!!" gloated the elderly woman whom the Princess of Arabia had moments earlier been chatting with in more amiable circumstances. "Headmistress Hanna...You educate me in new ways of treachery..Your wisdom is undeniable...My breasts...They are the source of my strength of 20 ability to command my magic fighting skills as champion of the innocent..." moaned Princess Jadra as she stared in sleepy disbelief at the elderly woman who she believed to be an ally in her quest for justice.

"Your lengthy speeches will do you little good foolish girl...I have studied you for some time...My knowledge has been handsomely compensated by persons whose interests you seek to harm...Already now...the powder works its magic on your large nipples silly forces you to dream the forbidden dreams that will make you helpless and weak" explained Hanna. "Yes...Only a woman as wise as you would perceive that I am indeed vulnerable in my breasts..the biggest and most beautiful in all of Arabia...Moons of Muhhamadd...My nipples grow hard as gems in the turban of the Great Sultan...Capturing them in a never ending fantasy of being touched by men...By the Prophet's dictate...I am to be punished if I allow my breasts to be touched by the evil of man...I sing my praises to you Headmistress Hanna..." moaned Shazzan who knew that defeat was imminent.

However defeat came not in the manner that the virgin Princess of Arabia expected. She was startled as she saw.. three young boys emerge from the shadows at the command of Headmistress Hanna..armed with soft bristled brushes in their hands. "Ahhhhh...No my young friends...Ahhhhh..You must heed my words...Ahhhh..I am Shazzan...Ahhhh..Champion Heroine of Arabia...Ahhhhh...I command you to....Ahhhhhh...Stop brushing my mighty nipples....Ahhhhhhhh...Moons of Muuhammad..Despite my superior age...Ahhhhhhh...the dictate of the Prophet rings true...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...My nipples...Ahhhhhhhh..They become the slaves to your mighty brushes...Ahhhhhhhhhhh...I am defeated...Ahhh..Ahhhhh..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned Shazzan as the blackness of unconsciousness washed over her.

To be continued.
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Just a reminder if your going to update the story, keep it to one thread.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Holy crud, he's back.

... did you forget your old login, mate?
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Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 3

Hanna..the elderly headmistress of a place for young boys orphaned on the streets of Baghdad smiled with satisfaction as she gazed upon the topless and unconscious body of Shazzan..Heroine of Arabia..who had been easily deceived by her feminine charm...lulled into complacency and easily captured by her young charges. against who she could not offer any resistance. In her quest to find the mastermind behind the attacks of armed brigands against the merchant caravans that traded with the Kingdom of Arabia...Shazzan had decided to pay a visit to Hanna who ran a special sanctuary for orphan boys..which was aided in part by the Sultan...believing that her enemies might be using Hanna's charges to pursue their nefarious agenda.

What Shazzan..who was secretly Jadra...Crown Princess of Arabia..daughter of the Great Sultan..was completely unaware of..was that the kindly, elderly Hanna was in fact in league with the very foe she was attempting to stop. At that moment...the Arabian princess was unaware of her large virgin breasts were exposed to the eyes of young boys who on Hanna's instructions had used soft bristled brushes all over Jadra's fabulous chest..which was covered with a special powder..working it into the large tender dark brown nipples of the Princess of Arabia...lulling her into her alter-ego of Shazzan...Heroine of Arabia.

"Carry her inside and bind her hands and feet ...I will be wanting to speak more with our guest some more" instructed Hanna to the three boys who had brushed the large breasts of the beauteous Arabian superwoman until she fell asleep.One boy grabbed Shazzan by her right wrist..a second boy grabbed her by her left wrist..while the third boy held her by her ankles. The Arabian superwoman's head lolled backawards..her thick mane of short black hair lightly touching the ground as the boys carried her inside of the a special room as instructed by Hanna. Laying her on her back a bed...they used ropes to bind her wrists to the top of the bed..and ropes to bind her ankles to the bottom of the bed.

"Uhhhh..Uhhhh.." sighed Shazzan..her large naked breasts..rising and falling slowly..her muscular arms and legs tugging weakly at her bonds as Hanna sat beside her. Realising that the Heroine of Arabia was starting to awaken from her slumber...the elderly woman was not about to let her young captive regain her full powers and exact retribution for her capture. Placing her wrinkled coarse hands atop the large smooth brown breasts of her prisoner..Hanna started to rub these massive mounds in a slow circular motion. "Moons...offf...Muuhaamad...What manner of treachery...My breasts are being rubbed...Oooooooo...I...I..feel myself weakening...I am becoming..very..very..tired...cannot resist..." admitted Shazzan as Headmistress Hanna rubbed her big breasts..round..and round.

Despite her fabled strength of 20 men..and expert warrior fighting skills...the beauteous Arabian superwoman was naive to the ways of men...which gave Hanna a very significant advantage over her young prisoner..and she took full opportunity of that to keep her young foe subdued and make it increasingly difficult for her to offer any resistance. Hanna's wrinkled fingers deftly stroked the thick dark brown areolas of Princess Jadra..slowly and circularly..and the old crone was happy to see the thick dark brown nipples of the Princess..respond by thickening into spires which rivalled those atop the highest towers of the Royal Palace in Baghdad.

"Do not resist Shazzan...You overestimate your powers and are overconfident in your abilities...I shall humble you now...Teach you your place foolish girl...Your nipples are by man...They grow hard as I touch them now...You are becoming tired...too tired to stay awake...too tired to think...Your only to sleep...Sleep...Sleep...Sleep" chanted Hanna as she stroked the helpless heroine's hardening nipples and areolas with impunity.

"Oooooooo...Yes....I must submit to you Headmistress Hanna...My nipples paying attention to the lesson you are teaching them...the lesson that you are teaching me...You are right...Ooooooo...Tired...I am so tired...Fallen into your clever trap...Cannot resist...You make me very tired...I only wish to sleep...I am defeated...Why are you doing this??" sighed Shazzan as she stared sleepily at her captor...her dark brown nipples hardening at an alarming rate as Hanna stroked her areolas.

"Silence wench...Know your place!" quipped Hanna as she gave the Arabian superwoman a sharp pinch in each of her hardening dark brown nipples with her wrinkled coarse fingers. "Uaahh!!..You hurt my nipples...Uhhh..That makes me so tired...Uhhh...No choice...must obey you..Uhhh" sighed Shazzan in a sleepy and submissive voice. "Good..I wish to know the secrets of your mighty powers...How is it that you can be tamed...made weak, tired..and helpless.." said Hanna as her fingers stroked the hardening dark brown areolas of the helpless heroine..making her dark brown their centre..become thick and hard..rising like the spires of twin towers. "Unhhh..Will not tell you..secrets of my powers...with this knowledge...anyone can best me..." sighed the Princess of Arabia as she tried to clear her head of the feelings of erotic bliss that threatened to overwhelm her.

However the naive young heroine...underestimated the experience and craftiness of her older captor. Hanna took a what seemed to be an ordinary piece of paper and rubbed it over each of Jadra's thick dark brown nipples ..slowly..up and down. "Ahahh!!..My nipples..Pain!!..So much pain!!..Aaaarh!!!..Aaaarhh!!!..Aaaaaarrrh!!!" moaned Shazzan as the paper was rubbed all over every inch of her beautiful nipples..making a rasping sound as it did so. "You can do nothing foolish girl...Except sleep...Sleep and obey!!" declared Hanna as she rubbed her piece of sandpaper all over the throbbing dark brown nipples of the helpless Arabian superwoman..whittling away her resistance..with each stroke. "Yes....I grow tired...Moons of Muuuhaamadd...a mere piece of paper...subdues my nipples...brings fatigue to my strength of 20 gone...No will to fight...No hope...Aaaaarh...I am your slave....Aaaaaarh..must obey you..." cooed Shazzan...her brown eyes barely open in the slits of her black silk mask.

"Good...Now tell me the secret to making you helpless.." said Hanna as she rubbed the sandpaper over the hard and erect dark brown nipples of the captured Arabian superwoman..who was secretly Princess Jadra...18 year old daughter of the Sultan. "Aaaaah...My clitoris...Aaaah...must never be touched like the Prophet's Dictate...I lose my strength of 20 men...I become helpless...weak...tired...if I am touched in these places...Your evil paper hurts my nipples..makes me very tired...have to fall asleep" confessed Shazzan as she struggled to remain awake..tugging frantically at the ropes which were binding her hands and feet. "No!..You cannot sleep yet...I must know your true master will reward me richly..Tell me who you are.." demanded Hanna as she pinched Shazzan in her large dark brown nipples..again..and again.

"No...Aaah..must not tell..Aaah..must" moaned Shazzan...knowing that if Headmistress Hanna kept torturing her hardening dark brown nipples in this way..she could very well reveal her true identity as Jadra...daughter of the Sultan...the Princess of Arabia. Fortunately for the Arabian superwoman..the boys who had tied her erotic bare feet to the bed...did not do a good job and her repeated struggles had managed to loosen the knots..even with her depleted strength. Knowing that she could not afford to be revealed as the Princess Jadra...Shazzan mustered her waning will power..for one final effort. She managed to get her muscular right leg free and thrust her erotic right foot at the elderly Hanna.

"Agghh!!" groaned Hanna as she fell unconscious to the Shazzan's beauteous nipples a chance to soften..and allow her to regain her strength of 20 men. Flexing her arms and legs...the Heroine of Arabia freed herself from her remaining bonds..and donned her flimsy bra..panty and golden belt which lay nearby. She stood over the Hanna.. who lay dazed on the floor...her young charges having deserted the building in the time while she held the Arabian superwoman prisoner. Shazzan..planted the ball of her erotic right foot to the throat of the dazed villainess as she spoke to her. "You showed me no quarter when you so expertly manipulated my large breasts...but I shall be merciful to you Headmistress Hanna...if you tell me where I may find your Master..." said Shazzan. Fearing the heroine's wrath...the elderly villainess did as she was told.

Her erotic bare feet planted flat on the surface of her magic carpet...her muscular legs spread slightly apart..her muscular arms extended on either side of her curvy body...the night air blowing against her large bust and between her large thighs..barely clad by thin veils of black silk..which formed her bra and panty...her brown eyes filled with determination in the slits of her thin black silk mask..which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face which was framed by her thick mane of black hair...Shazzan flew towards her destination..a house on the outskirts of Baghdad. Seeing a light coming from a window on the upper floor of the house...the Arabian superwoman flexed her large thighs and leapt off her carpet as it flew over the house.

Her entrance caught the attention of a 40 year old man...who was dressed in fine silk attire and leather boots..befitting his status as one of the most privileged members of the Sultan's court. "Ah!...The Mighty Shazzan!.. Long have I heard the tales of your exploits against the evildoers in the Kingdom of Arabia!..To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit by such a beautiful and powerful woman to my humble home?" asked the noble as he turned to greet his guest.

"You may save your flattery for the Sultan Court Lord Jaffah!..I have learnt on this night that you are the one who has been guiding the acts of rebel brigands!..You order them to attack the merchan caravans to Baghdad..Only you as chief counsel to the Sultan would have knowledge of their routes!..I have come here to arrest you for your crimes!" declared the scantily clad heroine..who was secretly the 18-year old daughter of the Sultan..Princess Jadra.

Lord Jaffah smiled as he watched his young female nemesis standing before him in heroic pose. Her hands resting on either side of her curvy waist...her muscular legs spread apart..her erotic bare feet planted flat on the floor..her large bust..barely clad by a thin black silk bra pushed towards him..a golden belt with a crescent moon buckle entwined around her bracelets on her bangles above her ankles..her identity concealed behind a black silk mask which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face that was framed by her thick mane of short black hair. She was truly all that he had heard her to be. "A most noble speech Shazzan...Clearly you are well versed..but alas you shall not be able to carry out your intentions...not when your young nipples grow hard at the sound of my the hands of men...touch your virgin breasts.." said Jaffah in a firm but soothing voice.

The tide turned immediately against the beauteous Arabian heroine. "Moons of Muhammad...My nipples respond to the sound of your voice....they fall under some form of sorcery...They become aroused as you speak...I..become so tired...I..cannot move..." sighed Shazzan as her head sagged between her huge breasts..her dark brown nipples becoming hard as rocks underneath her flimsy black silk she remained rigid in her heroic pose. "A very astute observation my young fool...Observe now as your genitals become wet as men's fingers explore the forest of your untouched place..You are becoming tired Shazzan...too tired to remain awake...Sleep...Sleep..Sleep...Sleep..Sleep" chanted the evil lord as he cast his evil magic over the young Princess of Arabia.

"Uhuhnn...I want to stop you Jaffah...but I breasts..become men's hands touch's fingers toy with my beautiful nipples..never have they been touched by a man...I grow wet in my men's fingers explore my nether lands...Uhnn...I am helpless against your evil magic...your cunning...cannot stop you..from making me..tired...weak...helpless" moaned Princess Jadra as she stood in heroic pose...staring sleepily at her foe.

"Ha! Ha!..You are now under the control of my special sleep spell...Hear and obey me now busty wench!" declared Lord Jaffah. " my breasts...Master of my nipples..My your slave...." replied the young Arabian princess who was completely hypnotised and helpless to act.

"Did you truly believe I could be bested my one such as you?!...I am a master of the dark arts...The sleep spell of which I speak to you exposes the most intimate secrets of it's victims...Remove your chest attire...I command it!" said Jaffah. "Yes Master...I obey" replied Shazzan as she undid her bra...exposing her large breasts..capped at their peaks by big dark brown nipples and areolas which were stiff and erect. "You are helpless are you not..when your young nipples are harded than the huge diamond in the turban of the Sultan?" asked Jaffah rhetorically. "Yes Master...You command them to be so...When my nipples are hard...I am I have never experienced in my breasts...I am powerless against you...Master..." cooed Princess Jadra...her head bowed between her amazing cleavage...awaiting the next instruction that Lord Jaffah would give her.

To be continued
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Joined: 9 years ago

Shazzan-Heroine of Arabia 4

Jaffah...the 40 year old special counselor to the Sultan...smiled wickedly as he watched the 18...

year..old...SHAZZAN...Heroine of Arabia...standing..topless and tired before she slowly succumbed to a powerful sleep spell that he cast upon her. She had come to his house on the outskirts of Baghdad..intent on capturing him and making him reveal the truth..that he was the mastermind behind a sinister plot to undermine the Sultan...who was her her alternate identity of Jadra...Princess of Arabia. Jaffah smiled as he watched the large firm breasts of the helpless heroine.rising and falling slowly before him in their naked glory...the dark brown nipples and areolas which capped their respective summits being hard and erect from the words of the sleep spell which he had cast over them.

"I command you to remove your belt and your loin cloth wench...and then lie down on my bed...and sleep!" commanded Jaffah. "Yes...Master...I only sleep...I will do as you command me..." sighed she unbuckled her golden belt...and let it fall to the floor..close to the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet...and then slid her thin black silk panty down her large thighs and calves..over her shapely ankles and dropped it atop the golden belt. Her brown eyes barely open in the slits of her thin black silk mask..her head bowed between her naked she walked over to the nearby bed..and laid herself...flat on her back..on top of the bed. "You...You shall not prevail...Jaffah..I you..." sighed Shazzan as she stared sleepily at she stretched her muscular arms above her head..and spread her muscular legs wide she lay atop the soft mattress.

"Most unlikely foolish girl...It is I who have stopped you..It is I who have exposed you..Soon the Sultan will believe you are the criminal..." laughed Jaffah as he removed a silk sheet that was covering a nearby pedestal...where a cage with a parrot with a yellow beak and red feathers sat..and watched in the direction of the naked Arabian superwoman. "Shazzan sleep...Nipples hard.. Breasts weak...Think of sex.." sqwaked the parrot on cue. "Unnnuhhh...Mooons...offff...Muuuhhaamaad....Impossible but true...My nipples...responding to the mocking tones of your evil bird....My loins become wet as they yield to its evil words...My strength of 20 men...has abandoned me...My nipples..enslaved by forbidden desires of sex..and thoughts of a man's hand touching them...I am becoming very tired Jaffah...I...I cannot stay awake...for much longer...I..I am defeated..." conceded

Shazzan..her brown eyes barely open in the slits of her black silk mask..her lovely dark brown nipples hardening..her virgin clitoris becoming excited and wet..the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet twitching helplessly.

Jadra..Princess of Arabia..who was secretly Shazzan.. knew she was utterly powerless to resist the clever spell cast on her breasts and genitals by the evil Jaffah...and would soon be unconscious and unable to return to the Palace before she was missed. "Sleep peacefully O Mighty Shazzan...When you awaken..the Sultan's soldiers will be here..and they shall take you in chains to the the traitress who threatens the Kingdom of Arabia.. Farewell" boasted Jaffah as he walked out of the room and vanished into the night. "Shazzan sleep...Your nipples hard...Your breasts weak...Think of sex..Think of sleep..Shazzan stay in bed...No escape for Shazzan...Sleep..sleep..sleep..sleep..sleep..sleep...sleep..sleep.." squalked the trained parrot of the evil Arabian noble Jaffah.

Over and over..the trained parrot repeated the same sleep spell..and Shazzan was completely helpless against her lovely dark brown nipples hardened..and her clitoris became wet and excited..with every word that the parrot uttered. "Unnnuhhh..Your master does not fight fair evil long as you speak that evil magic...I...I cannot resist it...My breasts..My nipples..never have they experienced such incredible pleasure...They are so hard...My loins...burn with excitement...grow wet with anticipation...I..I..cannot resist for much longer...will fall asleep soon...and..I dare not dream of my fate..when I awaken.." moaned Shazzan..who feared she would be revealed as the Princess Jadra when soldiers loyal to her father the Sultan arrived at the house of Jaffah.

However fortune smiled on the young Arabian the parrot was driven away. Free of the sleep spell..Jadra felt her nipples soften and her clitoris become dry again. "Ohhh..What??...Who??" groaned Shazzan as she slowly got off the bed. "I believe these are yours my lady.." said a young man..two years younger than her..clad in a white boots..and with a pair of swords hanging from a belt around his waist handed Princess Jadra her thin black silk silk panty and her golden belt..with a respectful bow..taking care not to stare at her naked body. "Who...Who are you?" asked Shazzan with gratitude as she accepted and donned her flimsy garb and the golden belt from the mysterious stranger. "I am called SABER...and I support your quest for justice Shazzan..That is all you need to know about me...but we shall meet again" said the swordsman.

The sounds of approaching horses..alerted the young Arabian superwoman to the arrival of the Sultan's soldiers. When she looked back..Saber had vanished as mysteriously as he had come. "He is too is Jaffah...and I have no proof to tell Father that he is the true enemy..I must return to the Palace and change back into Princess Jadra...Jaffah has gone into hiding..and I must withdraw to plan my next move.." resolved the Arabian princess as she summoned her magic flying carpet..leapt on top of it..and flew off swiftly into the night sky.,.as the soldiers entered the house to find it was empty.

In the days that followed...Shazzan defeated several more brigands..and left them for the Sultan's soldiers to take prisoner. However there was no sign of Jaffah..who her father the Sultan believed had gone into hiding because his life was in danger. The evil, cunning noble was never far from the mind of the beautiful young Arabian princess..nor was the mystery swordsman who called himself Saber. She pondered these thoughts as she watched the festivities taking place in an annual Carnival which took place in Baghdaed from the balcony of her private chambers in the Royal Palace.

Dressed in a light blue silk dress which offered a glimpse of her cleavage..the young Arabian princess was pondering all of these thoughts..when an elderly man entered her private chamber and bowed respectfully to her. Princess Jadra smiled at the elderly man..whose name was Apoo..the science adviser to her father the aide to her deceased mother Jade for many years..and the only other person who knew about her secret identity as Shazzan. "Princess...I come with grave news that I must share with you..." said Apoo as he caught his breath. "Be at ease o wise Apoo...Tell me of what you speak..." replied Princess Jadra with a smile as she took his hands in her own.

Apoo nodded and releasing his hold on her hands...he reached into his pouch and handed a scroll to the young Arabian princess..who read its words with interest. "This scroll says that Shazzan is to participate in the Carnival tonight...compete in a test of strength against Abdulah the Strong.." said Jadra who was the mighty Heroine of Arabia.

"Yes my Princess...Already your father has signalled his intentio to observe the event from his Royal Box in the Square..where the event is to happen...Many people are coming...they all wish to see Shazzan..." replied Apoo. "Then so be it..I shall change into Shazzan and accept the challenge" replied Jadra with a smile.

Her words caused Apoo to look at her with concern. "I must advise caution my Princess...Lord Jaffah is still at large..his emissaries are everywhere...their mission is to capture you as Shazzan...This could provide the perfect pace for them to set a trap for you my Princess" said the old man. "I take note of your concerns Apoo...but I must become Shazzan....I dare not do anything to disappoint the people...Fear not...Jaffah and his allies would not dare to attempt any action against me...not here in Baghdad.." replied Jadra with a smile on her beautiful face.

As night fell over the ancient city of Baghdad...hundreds of people gathered around the large wooden stage in the middle of the Square...soldiers from the Sultan's Army ringing the perimeter to keep them back as they all assembled for what they heard would be the highlight of the Carnival. From the Royal Box..located 40 feet away..with a good view of the stage...the Sultan sat on his throne..with his adviser Apoo standing to his he watched the crowds gather..and heard the playing of flutes and beating of drums as entertainers filled the Square with music ahead of the much anticipated event.

"A pity that the Princess will not be joining us here tonight...I would have wanted her to see this much touted masked woman meet her match...None have proven stronger than Abdulah..." said the Sultan as he watched the giant bald headed strongman standing atop the wooden stage..with a massive iron weight in the middle of the stage..the likes of which no one had ever seen. "Yes O Great Sultan..It is" replied Apoo who knew that the 18-year old princess would in fact be making an appearance but not in the way that her father expected. Suddenly the air was filled with cries of " Shazzan!!...Shazzan!!..Shazzan!! " as the people looked to the see a shapely figure floating over the rooftops of Baghdad..atop her magic carpet which was as black as the night itself.

With incredible agility..Shazzan leapt off her magic carpet...her muscular arms raised above her head..her muscular legs extended below her small, curvy waist..landing on the balls of her erotic bare feet. The crowds of people cheered as walked to the middle of the stage...and they got a good look at their courageous champion..who was singled-handedly defeating the horde of mysterious and ruthless brigands which had been attacking the merchant caravans. The Sultan too got a good look at this equally mysterious woman as well. He noticed her curvaceous and muscular brown body that was barely covered by a thin black silk bra which did little to conceal her huge firm breasts..a thin black silk panty between her muscular thighs..a golden belt with a crescent moon insignia in its buckle..wrapped around her waist..

Gold bracelets adorned her did gold bangles above her ankles. Her hands were strong with glossy fingernails..and the same obtained for her bare feet. Her identity concealed by a thin black silk mask which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face..which was framed by her thick mane of short shiny black hair. "Hmmph...What manner of female would display her body in such a cavalier way??..She bears a resemblance to a woman who I encountered many years earlier..before my daughter's birth" remarked the Sultan. Apoo knew only too well..the woman to which the Sultan referred to was called Shazzana..and unknown to him...was actually his own wife..the Princess Jade..mother to his daughter...Jadra..who now paraded herself before him and hundreds of people..against his better judgement.

As she approached the middle of the stage..where the weight and Abdulah stood waiting..a thin man with a mustache approached..and introduced himself as Salim. "O wondrous Shazzan... Honour us if you will with a demonstration of your great strength...that the people will marvel as one as beautiful and powerful as yourself..." said Salim. "Shazzan!!..Shazzan!!..Shazzan!!..Shazzan!!" chanted the hundreds of people who filled the Square. Princess Jadra cast her eye briefly in the direction of the Royal Box where her father the Sultan sat watching her with keen interest. "Father is watching from his Royal Box...His soldiers are everywhere...I know he has doubts about my powers as Shazzan...I shall be pleased to demonstrate them to him" thought the Arabian princess to herself.

"Indeed..I shall be honoured to delight the people of whom I have sworn an oath to protect from evil...They shall witness the power of Shazzan on this night!!" declared the big breasted Arabian superwoman. The crowds cheered in she walked slowly towards the middle of the stage where the massive iron weight lay. Salim and Abdulah stepped away. A hush fell over the crowd as Shazzan planted her erotic bare feet flat on the wooden boards of the stage..and slipped the fingers of her right hand around the large ring on top of the iron weight. The crowd..and the Sultan watched in the beauteous warrior woman..who was many times smaller than the giant Abdulah...raised the weight above her head..with one hand. "No sign of the emissarie of Jaffah anywhere...I'll dispense with this weight and return to the Palace..Apoo really worries too much.." thought Shazzan as she smiled at the crowd.

However before the beauteous Heroine of Arabia could carry out her plan...a thick cloud of smoke swirled around her..flutes and drums began to play with heightened intensity...and she felt the floorboards..suddenly disappear below the soles of her erotic bare feet. "Ohhh!!!" cried Shazzan as she lost her grip on the huge iron weight she had effortlessly lifted moments earlier..and fell through a hole and into the darkness below the stage..landing unceremoniously on her well-rounded buttocks..which were barely covered by her thin black silk panty..on the ground below the stage. The Princess of Arabia was only getting over her initial surprise..and starting to get up..when several small figures..converged on her in the darkness under the stage.

"Ehh??!!...My has been removed!!..Who dares to steal the bra of Shazzan?!!...I shall..." cried Jadra in alarm as she felt her thin black silk bra abruptly pulled off her chest...causing her huge firm brown jiggle freely from side to side. The big breasted Arabian superwoman never had the chance to complete her heroic she was interrupted for a second another unexpected act of wickedness. "Oooohhh!!!!...My breasts!!!...Unnnhhh!!!!..Some kind of oil being rubbed on them!!!!...By small hands!!!!...Unnnhhh!!!!...Stop!!!..or face the wrath of...of...of....Shhaaa...zzzz....aaaaan..." blurted the big breasted Arabian superwoman..her muscular arms and legs flailing wildly in the the reality of her situation..was made very clear to her by her attackers.

The 18 year old Princess of Arabia..was utterly helpless to defend her huge breasts..from being rubbed all over with the strange sweet scented oil. "Uuuunnnnh....My...My nipples...You...You make them...grow hard...when you..rub oil...on them...Uuuuuuuuuh....sapping the strength from my mighty breasts...You know my be powers...Thoughts of my head...Uuuuunh..Uuuuunh..Uuuuunh" moaned Shazzan as her enemies slowly took the fight out of her. Her muscular arms were flung past her head..falling limp to the ground...while her muscular legs spread themselves wide apart below her curvy waist..the twitching of the sexy toes of her erotic bare feet..the sole and rapidly diminishing source of the big breasted Arabian superwoman's resistance.

Princess Jadra's brown eyes fluttered in sleepy disbelief as two of her attackers came into view. They were not a children as she had initially thought..but a small men...dwarves. "Heh heh..There is no escape for you now hero woman...!!" gloated one dwarf as he massaged oil into the huge right breast of the helpless Arabian heroine. "You fall into our trap!!" added the second dwarf as he massaged oil into Jadra's huge left the same time..both of them ensuring that her fabulous dark brown nipples and areolas were completely coated in the powerful sweet-smelling oil..making them hard and shiny like diamonds in the vault of her father's palace."Uuuuuuunh...fiendish little men...I must congratulate you...Uuuuuuuh..My nipples...Uuuuuuuh...must never be touched like this...Uuuuuuuh.....Uuuuuuuh" moaned she raised her muscular left leg...the sexy toes of her left bare foot..pointing down at the ground beneath her shapely body..the gold bangles above her left ankle jingling lightly while her muscular right leg.. was at full stretch on the ground.

The sounds of the festivities outside of the stage..becoming increasingly the malicious midgets skillfully exploited the huge brown breasts of the helpless young Arabian superwoman...rubbing excessive amounts of potent aphrodesiac oils into her massive mammaries...ensuring her beautiful dark brown nipples and areolas were hard and gleaming like the plethora of jewels in the treasure vault of the Royal Palace of the Sultan. Much too late for her to do anything about it...the reality of her predicament..became apparent to the Princess Jadra as her young virgin breasts were so expertly manipulated by her little foes...who bathed her naked bust completely with the powerful oil..she could not resist.

"Uuuuuuuh...Oil...on my nipples...making them hard...sapping the strength from my breasts...filling my head...with...

...Uuuuuuuuuh...forbidden thoughts of sex...and...sleep...fell through a trap door...when I lifted the under the stage...Uuuuuuh..too small for me to opportunity...of alerting my plight...Uuuuuuh...Should have Apoo...heeded his are right little man...on this have defeated...Shazzan...Heroine of Arabia.." conceded Jadra as she lowered her left muscular leg to the ground..and spread it and her right muscular leg wide open below her curvy waist ..accepting her defeat. To her horror..the young Arabian heroine felt her golden belt removed..and her thin black silk panty pulled down to her knees. "Nooo..My breasts are so weak..My nipples so hard..Nooo..Do not..Uuh..Uuh..Uuh..Uuh..Uuh

Uuh..Uuh..Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Shazzan as her nipples and clit were simultaneously fondled by the evil dwarves..until she was for--d to cum...and knocked into total sleep for many hours.

To be continued.
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Shazzan- Heroine of Arabia 5

Royal Palace, Riadyh. 800 AD

Apoo..adviser of science to the Sultan..was deeply troubled as he paced back and forth in the confines of his private laboratory in the palace. The elderly man..who was secretly an inventor and dealer in the mystic arts... was holding a secret that he dare not tell anyone..
least of all the Sultan. It seemed like an eternity but the source of his concern had only happened mere hours ago.

It began with a conversation with the 18-year old daughter of the Sultan..Princess Jadra.
Apoo was the only person who knew that the crown princess was secretly the masked heroine known throughout the Kingdom of Arabia as..SHAZZAN. She had discovered a mystical amulet as a child and when she grew into a young woman..learnt of its powers.
At the utterance of a special chant...the princess would be transformed into a beauteous woman..clad in nothing save a flimsy black silk bra..matching panties..a black silk mask across the upper part of her face to conceal her bangles above her ankles..golden belt around her waist and gold bracelets on her wrists.

The amulet granted her superhuman strength..agility..unparalleled fighting skills.. and use of a magic carpet to take her wherever she was needed to battle evil and protect the innocent. As Shazzan..Princess Jadra had dispatched many foes which threatened her father's kingdom. However she now faced her greatest challenge. Lord Jaffah..the former top adviser to the Sultan had been plotting against him secretly. Jadra thwarted his plots to date...but it came at the cost of revealing her lone weakness as Shazzan. The cunning Jaffah
..who was also skilled in the mystic arts...was determined to use it against the beauteous Arabian superwoman whenever he place her under his control.

Apoo recalled how he cautioned Jadra against changing into Shazzan and participating in the annual fair in the city. She ignored his advice and participated in a test of which she literally vanished in a puff of smoke..and had not since returned to the palace. He feared the worst. Shazzan had obviously been outsmarted and captured by the servants of Jaffah. How would he ever find her? How would he ever save her from whatever evil plans the sinister noble had in mind for her?

The answer to Apoo's question lay in a desert to the south of the capital an oasis where a small camp had been set up. The camp's occupants were alerted to the sound of a wagon's approach under the cover of nightfall. From his tent..the brigand chieftain known as Yago receive the band of travelling performers..led by the fair master Cassam. "Greetings Cassam...I trust that you have carried out the wishes of Lord Jaffah..." said the stocky, bald brigand to the portly fair master. "Of course...I have the one whom our Master wants..." replied Cassam and clapped his hands.

On cue...four dwarves emerged from the back of the wagon..bearing a red velvet litter. Yago and his band of thieves gasped in awe as they gazed upon the curvaceous and muscular brown body of the young woman who lay asleep on the litter. She had short, thick black hair.....shielding the back of her neck and exposing most of her broad, muscular shoulders.

Her well-rounded breasts...which were normally covered by a thin, translucent black silk bra.. were exposed to her captors..and gleamed with a hazy aura. The dark brown nipples which capped her big brown breasts..were glossy and hard as diamonds.

A pair of black silk panties barely garbed the space between her huge thighs...a golden belt bearing the insignia of a crescent moon in its centre..entwined itself around her small shapely waist. Her eyes were tightly closed in the slits of a thin black silk mask which stretched across the upper part of her beautiful face. She wore gold bracelets on her wrists and gold bangles inches above her ankles.

Her hands and bare feet..looked sensuous and strong..with her fingernails and toenails seeming as if they were made of pure ivory. Throughout the land she flew on a magic carpet..fighting injustice with the strength of 20 men...sworn to protect the innocent from evil. She was none other that SHAZZAN..HEROINE OF ARABIA..who now lay helpless before the servants of her arch enemy...Lord Jaffah.

"Of Lord Jaffah anticipated..the young fool could not resist showing herself at the fair in please the people...and from was not difficult to capture her.." said Cassam. "And there is no need to fear her causing any trouble...We have ensured that the mighty Shazzan shall remain subdued until the arrival of our Master..." replied Cassam's wife Hanna as she exited the wagon to join them. Trapped in a state of unconsciousness..the
18 year old Princess Jadra..heiress to the Arabian Throne..who was secretly Shazzan..had no choice but to agree with Hanna.

"The words of my captors ring virgin nipples...source of my great powers...are no match for the special oils that now bathe them...they keep my nipples hard..fill my mind with thoughts of man's touch...I am powerless to resist...feel so tired..
so aroused...must remain helpless...must stay asleep...if I do not return to the palace by daybreak...father may learn my secret..." thought Jadra as she lay unconscious on the litter which was carried by the dwarves towards a nearby tent.

However fate turned in favour of the helpless Arabian a series of flaming projectiles were hurled at the tents of the brigands' camp by a young man who charged into their midst on horseback. As the villains scampered for cover and rushed to out the fires.. they got a good look at their attacker.He was no more than 18 years old...clad in loosely fitting black pants, black boots, a white shirt over his upper torso and a large mask made of black silk over the top of his head. A pair of gleaming swords sheathed on either side of his belt.

"Hold evil fiends!!..None shall harm Shazzan!!..Not while Saber lives!!" declared the young hero as he hurled a pair of clear spheres at the stretcher bearing the unconscious heroine.
They shattered on impact with her great breasts..bathing them in water...removing the devious oils which enslaved them. The effects were immediate as Shazzan's nipples softened quickly..restoring both her consciousness as well as her full powers.. Her missing black silk bra..flying from the waistband of covered her shapely brown mounds once more.

"Now evil fiends!..Slaves of Jaffah!..Face the wrath..Face the fury...of Shazzan!!!" declared the sexy Heroine of Arabia as she flexed her mighty thighs and leapt into the air. Responding to her telepathic commands...Shazzan's magic carpet swooped in from the night sky and she landed on it with incredible agility. Directing its twisting her curvaceous body..Princess Jadra knocked down ten brigands as they rushed towards her..trying to subdue her. Flexing her large thighs again..she leapt off her flying carpet towards the portly Cassam who was trying to escape.

"No evil one!..You lured me into a trap...You shall not escape my wrath now!!" declared Shazzan as she drove the balls of her feet hard into the chest of Cassam as he turned to face her. The portly fair master groaned in pain from the force of the blow and slumped to the sand..unconscious. This brought his six dwarf helpers charging forward to stop the beauteous Arabian superwoman. "I have not forgotten you little men!..How the touch of your hands made my breasts sleep!..Now it is you who shall sleep!" quipped the heroine as she effortlessly dispatched them with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Their camp ablaze..and knowing it would draw attention to any others crossing the desert...
Yago ordered his men to mount their horses and flee. "Shazzan is awake..and angry..We have no chance of defeating her...we must flee! declared the brigand leader as he led his men out of the oasis. The sexy Heroine of Arabia summoned her flying carpet..and she mounted preparation of pursuing her fleeing foes. Jadra reasoned that if she could learn from them the whereabouts of Jaffah..she would be able to end his persistent threats to the rule of her father..the Sultan.

As Shazzan's carpet rose into the air...she also spotted..the masked avenger Sabre riding out in the opposite direction to the brigands. Jadra could not help but feel a tingle of warmth in her dark brown nipples under her flimsy the sight of the younger hero who had for the second time..rescued her from the evil clutches of her arch nemesis. She silently wondered who he was..and why was it that she felt such a powerful attraction to him.

Her thoughts were returned to the present by the sounds of approaching horses. Shazzan turned to see a contingent of the Sultan's Royal Guards now riding towards the oasis. "They have been sent by Apoo...His clever mind must have deduced where I was...I must depart before they arrive..." resolved Shazzan as the magic carpet lifted up into the night sky and carried her away.

Last edited by BC2014 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4
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Anyone would like to do a pic of what Shazzan looks like?
Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Posts: 324
Joined: 14 years ago

Very good story. An Arabic superheroine. That is different.
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