Supergirl Continues...

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Supergirl Continues…

Well I am going to try again; hopefully this attempt will be a little better.

Supergirl had just used Selena’s own magic against her, defeating Selena, the shadow demon, and Bianca.
Walking to her, Ethan hands Supergirl the omegahedron. Looking at him, then the omegahedron, Supergirl scans around the room. "I have to go. I have to return this to where it belongs. And I must ask you all something." "It's all right, Supergirl. We never saw you," says Jimmy Olsen. "We never even heard of you," says Lucy. Turning to Ethan, Supergirl tells him that Linda had to leave; he only nods in understanding.

In a flash, Supergirl takes off. Her figure whisks across the sky. Looking up, Ethan whispers, "Good-bye, Linda." Clutching the omegahedron, Supergirl flies over the lake then dives beneath the surface entering the binary chute leading to Inner Space. Within seconds, Supergirl emerges, flying to Argo City to return the omegahedron and light Argo City to the brightness of a new star.

Supergirl upon returning to Argo City tells them of her trials and of the fate of Zaltar. Even though she has returned to Argo City where she left only a few hours before (Argo Time) she had grown into a beautiful young woman with extraordinary powers. She could not stay and said her good-byes and left back for earth.

Supergirl upon arriving changes back to her Linda Lee secret identity. Arriving at her dorm room, Lucy greets her; “Where have you been?” I was only gone a couple of hours. Replied Linda. No, you were gone over a week. I had Clark say you were staying with him after being traumatized by the strange events. Linda is about to say something when she hears a muffled moan down the hall. Quickly, running out of the room she heads three doors down seeing a boy molesting a bound and gagged girl on her bed. Not wanting to give up her true identity she knocks loudly on the door, “Are you OK in there?” She sees the boy and girl look at the door in a state of semi-shock / embarrassment. He quickly undoes the ball gag and she says yes, everything is fine, I will turn down video. Supergirl looks through the door dumfounded, slowly realizing the girl was not in any danger at all.

Nigel is looking at a tall ornately decorated mirror. The Burundi Wand is hanging down from a cord next to the mirror. Nigel is looking into the mirror but what is seeing is not his reflection but of a young coed, that he recognizes as Linda Lee from his class. Now he knows her secret identity. He keeps watching and sees Linda change her clothes and head for the showers. He has seen enough. Now he is ready to put his plan in action.

To Be Continued…
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Very interesting!!
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Do continue! Helen Slater was perfect as SG, and it was a shame the movie didn't live up to expectations, but at least we can make the ideal sequels if only in our fantasies! :D
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:
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Whens the next exciting chapter due?.
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So interesting!
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Chapter 2

Nigel quietly waits in his car with his young apprentice Seanna. They watch as Linda and her roommate leave the dorm for their morning classes. Once the two girls are out of sight they head to the dormitory. Seanna stops at the top of the stairs as Nigel continues on to the resident assistant’s room. Nigel knocks on the door and when the girl opens the door Nigel blows a dust on her face. She immediately eeks in surprise as Nigel pushes her into the room. Seanna pulls the fire alarm as she watches Nigel enter the room. Seanna heads after Nigel who left the door cracked open. The RA with a blank look on her face hands a set of keys to Seanna. “Which one?” asks Seanna. Nigel tells the RA “Show her.” The RA dutifully identifies the key. Seanna looks out into the hall and sees the last girl head down the stairs and then her and Nigel goes to the dorm room of Supergirl. As they enter Nigel quickly opens the secret chest and pulls out a very familiar bright blue and red mini-skirt outfit. Nigel sees a couple more outfits but leaves them. Seanna takes a toothbrush and a pair of panties from the hamper. Nigel pulls out a strand of hair and the Burundi Wand from his jacket. He places the hair inside the Linda’s pillowcase and then touches the wand to the pillow. He quietly casts his spell while holding the wand to the pillow. Seanna looks at Nigel, “What are you doing?” I am placing a sleep and dream spell for our little friend. He then opens Linda’s dresser and removes her nightshirt and the top pair of panties. He dips the wand into a small vile of what appears to be water marks each of the garments with a pentagram while casting a spell. “And what is that for?” asks Seanna. “Oh, just to enhance our lovely lady’s dream!” Nigel smiles at Seanna as the two thieves leave the dorm.

Linda enters her room and chains the door. She starts undressing then opens her secret chest. With a shocked look she looks over her shoulder as if someone is there. Using her x-ray vision she scans the room for her uniform. She grabs her cell phone and calls Lucy. “Someone took my clothes!” she almost yells into the phone as soon as Lucy answered. “What? Do you mean someone took your costumes?” Lucy responds. “Yes, I mean only my clothes with the skirt. They left my one piece and hot pants outfit” replies Linda.

Nigel looks on as Seanna walks in wearing Supergirl’s outfit. Nigel sees Seanna sexily walking up to him. Nigel’s mouth goes dry as he sees the sexy little sister of Selena sashaying up to him. “What do you think?” she says as she twirls around flipping the skirt and cape playfully. He finally stammers, “You shouldn’t be wearing that! We need it for the ceremony tomorrow tonight.” “Why are you worrying? It is indestructible. Besides, it fits me quite well except maybe being a little tight across the top!” Seanna says as she puts her hands on his waist. “Seanna, please take it off I do not want it contaminated prior to the ceremony. If it is contaminated we may not be able to link her and draw upon her power!” “Don’t worry Nigel, I am sure you will free my sister so we can finally take our rightful place in the Craft and the World!”

Supergirl, in her hot pants outfit has been searching for her clothes for 30 hours straight before she returns to her dorm. She enters the dorm room, Lucy rushes up to her and hugs her, “Where have you been, I have been worried sick wondering where you have been!” “I have been looking for my clothes. I can’t find them anywhere. I have no idea who could have taken them or why. Do you think someone is going to try to blackmail me or something?” “Don’t worry Linda. What could they do to you anyway? You are Supergirl after all!” assures Lucy. “I guess you are right.” “Why don’t you take a rest, you look like you could use some sleep.” Supergirl changes into her nightshirt wearing only a pair of plain white panties under them. No sooner than her head hits the pillow she falls fast asleep.

Nigel watching through the mirror is surprised at how quickly she falls into the spell he had cast. The spell seemed to have an immediate affect on her, when it should take at least several minutes for it to work on a normal unsuspecting person. Nigel looks over at Seanna, “This is your chance, she is ready. Now don’t screw it up! Remember, I only want to distract her, make her feel like an ordinary girl experiencing a loving moment with her wonderful boyfriend Ethan. I need her distracted so I can siphon her powers to rescue Selena.” “Don’t worry her dream will be worthy of a harlequin romance novel.” Replies Seanna as she takes the Burundi Wand pointing it toward a picture of Ethan.
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Nice continuation!!
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a couple of photos from the film attached to this post would go great with this story
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Maybe the story will go this way
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I might just have to use some of those
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There must be a limit to how many pics one can post in a day/night
Cause now im not allowed to post anymore for now.
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Chapter 3

As Seanna concentrates on the image of Supergirl, her eyes close as if in a trance of her own. Nigel places his hands over Seanna’s head helping direct her to penetrate Supergirl’s dreams. Nigel feeling Seanna had made contact, Nigel continued his preparations to the alter. Tonight would be a full moon and he had to time the apex of the ceremony when the moon was at its peak in the sky. Nigel placed the large ornate mirror, which Supergirl used to trap Selena and her powerful shadow self, over the top of the cape of Supergirl and as near as possible to where Selena had been trapped. In front of the mirror was the coffer of shadow with Supergirl’s costume neatly folded inside it. Nigel had the lid of the coffer close to the coffer of shadow so when Selena’s Shadow entered he could trap power inside and allow Selena to pass unfettered through the portal.

All around the alter were the personal effects of past high priests such that their power could also be called upon, and around the entire alter was candles and four foot high ornate candle sticks such that if you connected them with a line they would form a pentagram. Nigel is holding the Burundi Wand with a strip of the white panty tied against the shaft holding the toothbrush. The remainder of the white cloth is tied around a small doll-depicting Supergirl.

Supergirl is sleeping peacefully in her room; Lucy is at her desk studying. Supergirl is dreaming she is in her royal blue uniform with bright red skirt with a bright yellow belt. She is wearing heels for her date with Ethan, almost making her as tall as the 6’ 2” tall Ethan. She finds herself in Ethan’s strong arms as he leans in a gives her a long passionate kiss. Unlike the last time this kiss is not interrupted, Kara allows a small “mmmmm” escape as Ethan’s tongue explores her mouth. In response to Supergirl’s obvious approval to the kiss, Ethan right hand slides down the back of Supergirl till it rests on her arse. Supergirl wiggles her ass and pushes her chest into Ethan. Ethan left hand brushes against the side of her breast. Supergirl mews her approval. Ethan kisses his way to Supergirl’s neck as his hands start to knead the arse and tits of Supergirl. Her nipples are now rock hard and very obvious through the blue spandex type material of her top. Ethan turns Supergirl so her head leans back onto the shoulder of Ethan as he kisses the nap of her neck and his hands work her magnificent chest and nipples, while his right hand has found the inside of her thigh stroking it as his hand brushes against the sex of the girl from the stars. Supergirl’s hand reaches down and grabs Ethan’s hand to stop his encroachment on her most sensitive area, knowing they can’t go that far due to her star fueled power is too much for her boyfriend. But to her shock he seems to not be hindered by her efforts to stop him. His fingers start to stroke her sex through her panties. She gasps as his actions become more intense “Ooooohhhhh Ethan Please…uuuu…Don’t….you can’t do this….please….I’m Supergirl!!! You must stop!” Ethan responds “Don’t worry my sweet Supergirl I am going to take you higher than you have ever been before.” He pinches her nipple as she lets out a slight yelp from his attentions to her chest. He then slips his hand under her panties and begins to finger Supergirl. “OOOOOOhhhhhh” Supergirl shudders as a minor orgasm rocks her. “You can’t do this to me Ethan, I’m….OOOOOhhhhh” as she feels a thumb on her clit. She feels him grab the back of her neck and bends her over the back of a chair; she uses her hands to support herself on the seat of the chair. She feels her panty’s being pulled to the side and a large cock then press against her sweet pink lips. “Ethan, I can’t please you can’t do this, I might hurt you” The response to her pleas surprises her it is a female voice! “Ethan may not be able to do this to you but I can SuperGirl!” Kara is startled and looks back to see an unfamiliar pretty young face. It is Seanna dressed in her Supergirl suit and a large strap-on across her hips. The false cock is glowing a bright green and is poised to impale the helpless heroine. Just as she is about to protest Seanna pushes the stap-on past the last of Supergirl’s defenses! “WWWWWWWWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA” cries out Supergirl.

Meanwhile the moon is near its zenith. Nigel is using his dark magic and is drawing the shadow spirit to the portal. Ribbons of the shadow are now streaming into coffer of shadow filling the bundled costume inside. Seanna is perspiring from her efforts, she feels the power of Supergirl passing through her then she feels a cold shiver on her shoulder. A small dark tendril seems to be caressing the skin of the girl. The shadow feels the power and starts to exit the coffer to the girl kneeling with her back of the coffer. Nigel sees Selena coming to the portal as the last of the shadow is exiting the portal. He turns to put the lid on the coffer and sees the shadow escaping towards Seanna. Nigel slams down the lid to trap the shadow demon, but the demon resists with a loud roar sending the lid flying through the wall. Nigel is thrown into the mirror cracking it sending Selena screaming “NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO” as she is propelled back into limbo. The tendrils of the shadow demon begin to cover Seanna forming a second skin. She now looks as is she is wearing a black latex Supergirl uniform complete with 6” high heel black heels. The S is red in a diamond field of silver.

In Supergirl’s dream Seanna is now also dressed in the black latex parody of Supergirl’s costume and relentlessly plowing the maid of might toward a mind shattering climax. Supergirl is panting and moaning as Seanna picks her up and slams the Supergirl up and down on the false cock. Supergirl’s arms and legs flail as if they are completely useless as Seanna abuses her. Supergirl’s skirt and hair waifs up and down with Seanna’s efforts. Seanna cock then magically forms a second probe that starts to tease Supergirl’s clit, pushing Supergirl over the edge. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhahhhhhhh NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO” screams Supergirl as she shakes her head back in forth in disbelief. Supergirl feels the cock explode into her. Her mouth forms a large “O” but no sound escapes. Seanna slams the cock in deep filling the girl of steel up with demon seed. Seanna then lifts Supergirl off of her as if she is a light as a feather and turns her so they are facing each other. “Kneel” commands Seanna. Supergirl only shakes her head seemingly dazed and confused. Seanna punches Supergirl in the gut doubling her over “Uuuuuffffffff” gasps Supergirl. “KNEEL NOW BITCH!” Supergirl slumps to her knees looking down at the floor. “Look up slut” Obediently Supergirl looks up and is staring straight into the cock. “Clean it” Supergirl places a dainty hand around the cock and slowly starts to lick and suck. Seanna is not satisfied and grabs the back of Supergirl’s head and forces her to deep throat the cock causing her to gag. Supergirl begins to find herself unable to breath and starts to panic. Seanna smiles down upon the struggling girl holding her effortlessly in place.

Meanwhile in the dorm Lucy is trying to wake up her roommate. Linda has her hand buried deep in her pussy and is moaning loudly.

Then as Supergirl passes out in the dream, Linda wakes up quickly sitting up in her bed. Her clothes and bed sheets soaked, the smell of her sex fills the room. Lucy is staring at her roommate, whose actions have had an erotic effect on Lucy as well. The two girls look at each other in surprise, Linda is panting from her wet dream and Lucy moves to Linda and hugs her. “Are you alright?” Linda responds “I, I don’t know.”
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Very interesting and good!!
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tmon wrote:Very interesting and good!!
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Ok i LOVE the idea of selena taming supergirls tight body with that sweet strapon .......working supergirl into a sapphic lez slave
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Chapter 4
Linda sits up uneasily in her bed. “Oohhh” she moans lightly. She puts one hand to her forehead and the other on her bed. She feels very weak and dizzy. She slowly stands up and the room starts to spin and she stumbles but catches herself. Lucy rushes to her side and looks at her with concern. Putting her hand on her roommates shoulder, “What’s wrong? Can I get you anything?” Linda responds “I’ll be fine” as she regains her balance and walks over the window, and looks out at the full moon shining in the night sky. She feels a chill as she remembers her dream and knows that the dark sorceress that drained and tormented her will be coming for her.

As the connection with Supergirl is broke, Seanna looked around the room. She had been so deep in the connection with Supergirl she is shocked at what she sees. Nigel is lying against the wall, obviously dead as his body is still and in an obscene angle. All the artifacts have been shattered, the candle sticks stuck in the ceiling and then she sees the mirror is cracked. She realizes that her sister was not present. Again looking at the mirror she realizes the only portal to return her sister is gone! She screams with the pain of losing her sister forever “NNOOOOOO” and starts to sob.

Seanna feels a cold hand on her shoulder, startled she turns around. What she sees leaves her speechless. A dark angel with empty eye sockets that reveal an inner flame. Her hair appears to be strands of smoke waving in a non-existent wind. Hints of the unworldly flame escape between the joints of the armor that appears to be black leather with chains interlaced with bone. Large wings like a bat unfold behind her as she speaks. “I am Aryices the demoness of vengeance. You young witch have the power of your sisters shadow and therefore the power to avenge her!” The demoness places a hand on Seanna and tells her “Strike now while she is weak, bring me Supergirl and I will take her to the demon lord so she can suffer in eternal damnation!” Seanna looks at the demoness and with a steely resolve says, “I will bring you Supergirl, but only after I make her suffer!” Seanna reaches down and picks up Supergirl’s costume and walks past the demoness and smashes the wall and walks into the night.

Supergirl is sleeping as Lucy calls her sister and tells her of what has happened, hoping she could help. Lois tells her that Superman is on a mission with the green lanterns but she knows of someone that could help. Lucy hangs up and sits next to her sleeping roommate who is naked beneath the covers. Lucy strokes her blonde hair and tells her it will be alright.
As the morning sun appears Lucy opens the blinds and see a girl in a black Supergirl costume walking toward the dorm. She stares at the girl and is then shocked when she sees her push a car out of her way like it was paper mache. She turns to her roommate and tries to wake her by shaking and yelling but is unable to awaken her.

Seanna enters the dorm by smashing the doors and heads for the stair case. She pauses once she reaches Supergirl’s dorm room, as the girls in the dorm flee in chaos. Seanna smashes the door down, Lucy falls onto her ass as Supergirl wakes up and looks to see Seanna entering the room. Seanna rushes to the prone heroine and grabs her by the neck lifting her from her bed. Supergirl’s naked form is dangling off the floor as she grabs the wrist of witch’s single hand at her throat. She is shocked that she is helpless in the young witch’s grasp. Supergirl twists and squirms as blackness starts to close in around her. Lucy screams “Stop you are killing her!” The witch says “No she will not die, until I have my revenge!” With that the Seanna releases Supergirl who falls onto the floor. “Put on your costume bitch.” As she throws the red and blue costume on top of prone heroine. Supergirl feels some of powers have returned but she is definitely not at full strength. Supergirl starts to stand up to put on her costume but is met with a fist that sends her straight through the floor. Supergirl finally comes to rest in the basement of the building. Her costume floats down and lands on top of her. Moaning she starts to get up when Seanna lands on top of her with both feet. “Stay down until I tell you that you can get up…Now get dressed slut!” Supergirl puts on her uniform and Seanna hands her the boots. Supergirl puts on her boots and looks up and asks “Why are you doing this?”

“You killed my sister Selena you stupid cunt.” Supergirl eyes flash in anger at the insult as she hits Seanna with twin heat beams directly in her eyes. Seanna is taken aback but not hurt as Supergirl flies out of the basement away from Seanna. Seanna jumps straight up and onto the roof of the building. “Come back here or I will demolish this entire college!” Supergirl stops and turns toward Seanna. “Why would you hurt innocents?” Seanna reaches down and rips a large air handler off the roof and throws it toward the people below. Supergirl streaks in front of the unit and catches it and throws it safely away. “Stop this” yells Supergirl as she rises up to the roof of the dorm and lands near Seanna. “I will come with you if you spare the people here.” Seanna looks at the girl from the stars and tells her
“Come here” Supergirl reluctantly steps close to the powerful witch. Seanna pulls Supergirl to her as if to kiss her. Supergirl recoils from the witch but is held tight due to the witch’s strength she has gained from Selena’s shadow. Seanna smiles broadly as she feels Supergirl squirm in her arms. “Ha, you are no match for me, Supergirl” Seanna then roughly kisses Supergirl. The maid of might squirms but does not break the lip lock. Seanna breaks the kiss. “Fly me to the old amusement park” she then jumps into Supergirl’s arms. Supergirl slightly bends her knees then lifts the two girls into the sky.

Supergirl flies slowly as she feels the bright sun restoring her powers. She flies slowly as possible to allow as much of her strength to return as possible. As they near the amusement park Supergirl spots a small lake near-by. Suddenly, the maid of might streaks straight into the middle of the lake. “Hey” is all Seanna is able to say before the girls hit the water at incredible speed. They hit the muddy bottom of the lake and go deep into the mud. Supergirl lashes out with her heat vision and pushes the shocked Seanna away from her leaving the witch buried alive. Supergirl blasts back out of the lake and hovers 30 feet over the water. Using her vision she sees the witch panicking deep in the mud. Seanna struggles as she is not even aware of what is up or down and in her struggles she actually digs herself deeper. Supergirl watches closely as the girl’s struggles subside and she becomes still. Supergirl takes a deep breath and hurtles back down to save the unconscious young witch.
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Back in the game, and with the good stuff!
Nicely done climax and nice surprise with Nigel 's sudden demise.
Look forward to more.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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What he ^ said. Very nice update K.
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Excellent continuation!!
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Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.

Tallyho, I never really liked Nigel (the character) in the original movie, so I had to kill him off :twisted:
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Chapter 5

Aryices the demoness of vengeance senses that her minion is in trouble and flies toward the lake. As she approaches, she sees Supergirl dive down into the lake. Aryices slows, then gains altitude to watch what is happening. Moments later Supergirl reemerges from the lake with Seanna in her arms. Supergirl has her back to the demoness as watches the muddy pair fly to the edge of the lake. Supergirl lays the girl down next to the lake’s edge and cleans the mud from Seanna’s face and mouth. Supergirl leans down and breathes air into the lungs of the still unmoving girl. Suddenly the girl starts to cough and sputters. . Supergirl turns her over on her side as Seanna clears the remaining water from her lungs. Supergirl gently holds her and looks at the pretty young woman. “You will be alright.” She says.

Aryices makes mental contact with the young witch as her consciousness returns. “You are safe, I am here Seanna. I need you to reconnect with Supergirl as you did before. You can weaken her like before, then we shall destroy her. Do you understand?” Seanna answers both mentally and audibly with a “yes.”

Supergirl takes a look at the young girl not sure if the near death experience of the young witch will slow her hatred of her and just add fuel too it. She is on her guard, as she sees the girl turn to her. “Please, do not fight me anymore, it is of no use and I do not want to hurt you.” Seanna looks into the eyes of the wet and muddy superheroine. Seanna does not answer with words but puts her hand up to Supergirl’s cheek and wipes so mud from her face, as her hand falls to her ‘S’ symbol that is smudged with mud. Seanna smiles at the heroine and asks “Why did you save me?” “It is anyone’s natural duty to help anyone that needs it.”

Aryices contacts Seanna “Why haven’t you made contact with her yet?” Seanna replies “She is too strong, I can’t get through.” The Demoness responds “Then distract her! Seanna you must use Supergirl’s naivety and gullibility against her.”

“Thank-you” says Seanna to Supergirl. She then traces the symbol that is so proudly displayed on the chest of the girl of steel. “I guess that is why you wear this.” Then Seanna rises to her knees but does not break eye contact. “How can I thank you? as Seanna’s other hand is now resting on the bare thigh of Supergirl just below the hem of her wet clinging red skirt. Supergirl feels a little uneasiness , at the attention of the pretty young woman is showing her. Supergirl takes a deep breath and starts to withdraw from the young witch. Seanna can feel a small crack in the will power of the kryptonian and throws caution to the wind and balls up the ‘S’ in her hand and kisses the girl from the stars. Supergirl’s eyes open wide in shock of the sudden kiss. Supergirl tries to pull back but Seanna holds her close and with a little help from Seanna mental urgings, Supergirl decides that she will let herself enjoy this moment. Supergirl feels the strong tongue of the Dark Superwitch pushing between her lips and now exploring the inside of her mouth. Seanna is now pushing herself deeper into the mind of Supergirl. Supergirl starts to have flash visions of the dream of her and this witch in the dark Supergirl costume.

“Supergirl is it true you always tell the truth?” whispers Seanna into Supergirl’s ear. The girl of steel is now breathing a little heavier and says “yes” Seanna’s hand slips under the wet skirt to stroke the girl of steel’s love box. “Have you ever made love to a woman?” “Uhhh, No” responded Supergirl.

"Just relax honey I am going to take very good care of you." With that Seanna's shirt split open exposing her beautiful breasts. The vision made Supergirl yearn to kiss them and touch them. Supergirl started to ask herself 'Great Krypton, what was wrong with me, why am I enjoying this?' Supergirl then relaxed her body and Seanna immediately sensed the total surrender. Seanna leaned down again and kissed Supergirl hard, her tongue exploring the depths of her mouth. Supergirl responded by looking into her eyes and sucking on her tongue. Her breathing quickened as she pushed her hips up into the hand that was playing with her.

Seanna pulled the thin blue strip covering Supergirl’s pussy with a savage hunger. Supergirl was scared but aroused at the same time. She could feel her whole body tingling as the air hit her exposed pussy. Seanna’s began to kiss her way down to Supergirl’s amazing tits. Seanna pulled gently and stroked Supergirl’s nipples through her tunic. Supergirl was going crazy, she had never felt something like this in her life. She couldn't control her response to the intense feelings of pleasure and started gasping for air. Seanna then grabbed Supergirl’s ass and lifted her body off the ground slightly. Seanna pulled the bright red skirt up as her tongue started downward. When her tongue reached Supergirl’s pussy her hips started to buck, almost throwing Seanna off of her.

"My, someone is a little wet" Aryces hissed as she approached. Supergirl looked up and saw the demoness. Supergirl was too intoxicated by the pleasure and mental control of Seanna to respond. Seanna’s costume began to morph so a long thick dong was now pushing against the soft puffy pink lips of Supergirl’s pussy. Seanna pushed Supergirl’s legs apart as the Demoness placed her hands on Supergirl’s shoulders and started to push. Supergirl unable to break eye contact with the demoness could only plead “Oh please…..Don’t do this to me…..I’m Supergirl!” With that the Demoness said “Yes you were!” and pushed Supergirl onto the thick dong. Supergirl screamed in defeat and pleasure.

Seanna “Um, how does it feel Super-toy-girl” as she pushed the full length of the dildo into the helpless heroine. Seanna began to stroke the dildo in and out of the girl of steel as the Demoness reached her hands under the blue tunic onto the tits of Supergirl. As soon as the demoness’s hands touched Supergirl’s bare breasts, a dull glow could be seen through her tunic. “Now your soul will burn in the fires of hell” Supergirl, could only moan as she felt Seanna fucking her and what seemed like her soul being sucked out of her by the Demoness. Supergirl started to pant “No” as she felt the orgasm build inside her. Then with a thunderous sound the demoness was gone.

Wonder Woman could see Supergirl being molested by the demoness and the Dark Supergirl. She swooped downward without slowing hit the demoness with both fists square in the chest sending them out into the middle of the lake. Wonder Woman did not release the Demoness and moved behind her. Wonder Woman placed both of her boots square in the middle the back and grabbed each wing. Wonder Woman pulled backward with all her superhuman strength. The Demoness screamed under the water as she could feel her wings being ripped off of her. The Demoness thrashed wildly but was unable to throw the superheroine off of her. Then with a final amazing effort Wonder Woman ripped one wing off and partially ripped the other. Ethereal fire erupted from the wounds sending Wonder Woman reeling in pain, as the demoness disappeared in a ball of fire and smoke.

Wonder Woman inhaled a large amount of water when the demon fire engulfed her. She flew herself out of the lake and onto the shore. On all fours she coughed and sputtered expelling the water from her lungs.

Seeing Wonder Woman fly out of the lake, Seanna grabbed a handful of blond mane of the limp Supergirl and punched her, knocking her out. Seanna then ran at amazing speed toward Wonder Woman. Without stopping Seanna kicked her in the rib cage sending Wonder Woman flying. Wonder Woman already having problems breathing now was in big trouble, she couldn’t stop her unintended flight until she had smashed through her fourth tree and landed on her back. She tried to catch her breath but could only wheeze when the Dark Supergirl was on top of her again. Seanna grabbed Wonder Woman’s dark locks and punched her square in the face. Not releasing her she hit her again and again. Then releasing the dazed heroine she removed the lasso from Wonder Woman’s hip and wrapped it around her throat. “Time to die, Wondie!” as Seanna pulled with all her might. Wonder Woman’s eyes bulged as she struggled to escape. She tried to speak but no sounds escaped her lips as she could feel the lasso constricting around her throat.

Supergirl rolled over onto her back and moaned. Sitting up she put her head in her hands, it felt like someone had put her head in a vice. Then with her superhearing she could hear a struggle in the woods. She jumped to her feet in realization “Wonder Woman” she said aloud and flew in the direction of the sound. When she arrived she could see Wonder Woman was barely able to struggle any more. Seanna looked up and saw Supergirl streaking towards them, but was not able to react fast enough as the girl of steel smashed straight into the face of Seanna. The girls went rolling along the ground until the Dark Supergirl was on top of Supergirl. Seanna reached for Supergirl’s throat and the girl of steel grabbed her wrists. Seanna pushed downward as her fingers were now dangerously close her throat. Just when Seanna’s hands had reached her throat, the golden lasso encircled the Dark Supergirl’s shoulders. “Unnnngggggghhhh” screamed Seanna as the black costume covering the witch split were the lasso touched it. Wonder Woman seeing this began to wrap the witch in the magic lasso. As the coils began to cover the witch the costume seemed to melt off of her into a dark puddle on the ground. As the shadow of Selena left the witch so did her superhuman strength. Supergirl still fighting for her life crushed the girl’s wrists in her hands in a gross sounding crunch. Supergirl recoiled in horror at what she did as the young witch screamed in pain.

Wonder Woman pulled the witch off of Supergirl with the lasso. Looking down at Supergirl, “Are you going to be alright?” Supergirl nodded yes and Wonder Woman left with the injured witch to get her emergency treatment. Supergirl watched the two soar out of sight and collapsed in exhaustion.
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Your great story inspired me to make some pics of supergirl and selena.enjoy
Here we have Selena and company using selena's magic mirror to spy on supergirl changing/nude
selena13.jpg (30.44 KiB) Viewed 7997 times
Selena weakens supergirl with her magic
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Selena now has supergirl trapped and tied up
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Selena traps supergirl in the phantom zone glass.but before selena sends supergirl away selena uses her magic to remove the top part of supergirls costume,leaving her tits exposed
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Selena Reaching for supergirl
Supergirl under selena's spell
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hel11.jpg (15.03 KiB) Viewed 7980 times
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Thanks samurai!
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Loved the guys leching after her in that last pic!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Your welcome ksire_99.It was fun taking Helen slaters actual nude shots/body and fitting them onto her supergirl pics.And tallyho,the guys leching after her in that last pic,it looks like they mauled her and ripped her top off,or,she just had a really rough battle in front of the crowd and had herself exposed during the battle and is now beat
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