O Girls vs Dyna Flix ( What do you prefer)

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Dyna Flix: They have sexy costume. There are no nudity. So in the style of the classic batman show, they want to touch erotic feeling, by their sexy costume. The cam point mostly on the sexy ass or vagina. THeir costume are fantasy costume and very sexy. But the actoring is very bad, the classical Batfight and Trap are simpy missing.

O Girl: Her costume is sexy. YOu can directly see the this costume is extremly influend by Yvonne Craig Batsuit. The womans are sexy, costume is sexy. The actoring is even on a higher lever as by Dyna Flix. The whole athmosphare is linked to the classic Batman. That meand the fight ( Biff Baff, Bang etc), BDSM and the funny fight music. Some traps are very similar to the traps in the classic Batman show.

What do you prefer?

I prefer O Girl, because you see that they realise the erotic potential of the classic batman show.
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Personally I have bought a few downloads from dyna-flix and have been happily satisfied. I like their costumes and the variety of death-traps along with their throwback to the 60's Batman luck or devices to escape. Also, they seem more innocent and comical I like the voice-over work and the acting seems like on-purpose out of sync. I have never bought a O-Girl video so i have no fair comparison but have not found any that interested me yet this is not to say anything against them just simply not my style. The O-Girl videos seem more serious and less playful and I am not necessarily into nudity or some of the other elements. I think both companies perform great and produce great material just my personal opinion leans toward a campier video. I am just glad we have so many great producers to choose from with a variety of different material both of these companies to me seem very unique and understand what their audience is looking for. :)
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I personally like dyna-flix better they use chloroform and sleeping gas alot more
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My avatar should probably clue you in as to my preference. They're both great, but I like the bondage and traps in the O-Girl videos more. Watching the D-Cup Duo struggle and squirm is nothing but fun...
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I liked the early Dyna Flix stuff best, especially the first two ElectroBabe and DynaChicks. I liked the traps, though the honey basting lasted a little too long in the first one. I liked the costumes. They stuck to the basics. leotards and tights, and the girls looked great in them. Katelyn Downey was my favorite.
The next three EB &DC were good, too, but I didn't like them as much as the first two. By the time he got to the Dare Dolls, I kind of lost interest.
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Gotta go with the O-Girl videos. I've been watching those since the Andrea Neal days. Return of the Black Minx was an awesome movie as well - Christina and Diana Knight looked amazing in that, and the movie actually had a story to follow. Costumes are always top-notch, excellent production quality, sets, etc. Kendra James is incredibly sexy as Nylonika as well. Unfortunately, there haven't been any new O-Girl releases lately.
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Each has their strengths and weaknesses, I LOVE the variety of costumes and traps for DYAN FLIX. MOst of the models have amazing legs and look great in those pantyhose! But I can't stand the acting/voice overs nad the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE wigs! DYNA isnt guilty of thise cause they dont parody characters, btu I hate it when producers use a bad wig for a Super Girl just because the model isnt blonde! Keep the model looking hot, brunetes work too! BNIg wigs are SUCH a turn off! I hate it whe Katie Perry and Niki Minaj wear those AWFUL wigs! They are both so pretty and they ugly themselves up!

Anyways, O-girl has better acting, sound and overall production, but the costumes are too slutty. I always liked less revealing costumes to add more innocence to the characters thus making the horrible thigs that happen to them more sexy.

I have seen Plenty -Girls and not so many Dynas, I guess I need to see more of those for a better decision.
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Each have the bonus, Dyna-flix was a a Really great tribute to the classic Batman tv style,more for simple enjoyment, where O-girl is definitely. I like them both & have many of them both. If I had to choice only one, I would probably go with O-girl,
If Dyna flix was re-released in HD might chance my mind lol
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Dyna Flix hands down-- chloroform peril is the best. IMO
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Ahhhhh, Koa-Marie Turner. Hottest Daredoll of them all.

I still talk to Koa every once in a while. She's working for Hulk Hogan these days on his international tours as one of his ring girls. Great work if you can get it! :)

I wish she'd come back to doing fetish videos. Those days are gone forever, they were over a long time ago.
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THe Daredolls are very sexy and delicious.
Koa-Marie Turner she is really sexy in her superherocostume. She has a nice cameltoe, when she wears the supeherosuit. Yvonne Craig would be jealous.
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Shakeshift wrote: I wish she'd come back to doing fetish videos. Those days are gone forever, they were over a long time ago.
Why do you say gone for ever? I worked with a girl who did the wrestling circuit in EU and Asia who came back and did fetish. These girls do get down time. The again I do remember a girl who worked at chloroformed girls who became a big time wrestler (Like Lita or someone like that). She never came back to that fetish work. But lets not forget Hollywood who was big in the wrestling gig then her whole site was fetish. So yeah its a toss up but I wouldn't discount it. Koa is hot and she looked amazing in those cat suits.

I do like Dynahunks camera work. He does do a lot of gratuitous shots, what I call buffet tables where he pans the girl up and down, gets some nice hip and rear shots, mouse eye shots etc. I think part of the fetish is drinking up the view.
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dyna Flix all the way ! Dynamo , pyro, minx and pinx sooooooooo hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dyna Flix all day , everyday!
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As a strange coincidence,looks like he revamped his website.....dyna-flix.com
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I much prefer O Girl. The perfect combination of gorgeous heroine in Christina Carter, and equally gorgeous and wicked villainess in Diana Knight. In fact she probably makes it, because I don't believe there is a better villainess in the bondage world.
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Heroine Addict
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Dyna Flix crossed the line too far into goofball comedy for me. Maybe it was due to the awful dubbing they used because having non-speaking models - rather than speaking actresses - allowed them to pay the girls lower rates.

Jim Weathers' stuff, however, is played straight. Regardless of how ludicrous the situations might be. This seems much closer to William Dozier's idea that even the most ridiculous dialogue should be delivered with deadly seriousness.
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Definitely O-Girl -- Better production, rigging, and acting. Dyna-Flix was just as creative as Jim Weathers but was no where near as well executed.
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Dynaflix far and away!! quite a few hot girls and it was just fun!!!!!!
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Heroine Addict wrote:Dyna Flix crossed the line too far into goofball comedy for me. Maybe it was due to the awful dubbing they used because having non-speaking models - rather than speaking actresses - allowed them to pay the girls lower rates.

Jim Weathers' stuff, however, is played straight. Regardless of how ludicrous the situations might be. This seems much closer to William Dozier's idea that even the most ridiculous dialogue should be delivered with deadly seriousness.
I just saw this thread and read it... interesting. I have to say that Heroine Addict's comment that my stuff was more serious is correct. I specifically believe that camp has to be played for real by the actors, once you start making fun of yourself, it isn't camp anymore, it's farce. William Dozier believed that and I do too... :)
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It's a little like asking whether you prefer the NBA or the WNBA.

Jim Weathers' O-Girl is the complete package and has been the Gold standard of superheroine videos for quite some time.

Dyna-Flix had many elements going for it: Attactive heroines, pretty decent costumes, interesting setting but ultimately the execution was poor. The quality of the 'film' was poor, the voice-overs were distracting, the way they would repeat an element in a scene multiple times detracted from it, etc. Given that the episodes were only $5, they were worth the price but they're really not in the same ballpark as the O-girl series.
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Jim weathers' O Girl all the way !

It's not even close in my opinion...
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I must agree that Koa Marie was incredible in the Minx costume. My choice though would have to be O-Girl and Nylonika. I just wish the focus would be more traps and peril and a little less vibrator play.
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I liked Dyna more. The campiness, traps and costumes are what brought me to this genre and nobody else has been able to capture the original feeling. And you also had Koa of course. Unfortunately, it is also very dated, and the production values were extremely rough even back then.

Jim should be the best game in town. He takes it much more seriously, and his videos has an actual story, acting, and the best production values in the industry... But then he does the most strange things, such as Nylonika's non-costume, where he goes straight into porn territory, which is not my thing.

I just wish somebody else were doing deathtrap videos with at least Dyna's level of production. There are thousands of productions now in this genre, but the focus is usually not on those. I guess it is too expensive. Other fetishes such as demasking, belly punches, or nudes are as easy as putting your model in a costume, start filming, and collect the sale. Spending weeks or months building Batman-66 props to put your models inside probably requires some level of insanity.
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O-girl all the way. Production values are much higher than Dyna Flix. The Dyna Flix narration is plain annoying along with the wigs. Some of perils in DF are pretty good, but BC seems more committed to quality. What I would like to see is o-girl and Nylonika (or Angie's batgirl) face some of the more interesting Batman/ robin perils. I do realize that those can cost serious scratch but would be great to see.
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Dyna-Flix reinvigorated my passion for superheroine in peril scenarios and while I agree that the videos repeated too many elements too often and took too long on certain sequences (all those ladder descensions for starters), I have to stick with Dyna. The traps were so erotic, especially the Antimatter Gloves, and models were sexy. O-Girl is just too pornographic for me and the costumes too openly slutty. If we got some combination between Dyna's traps and the acting skill of other peril vids, we'd have the perfect series really.
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