American Star: Enter Tsukiyo

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I decided it was time to get back to writing. So I've gone back to American Star and her adventures. I've been thinking about doing this story for a while, hope people enjoy it!

The building was dark.

Few lights were on in the massive Kongo Enterprises high rise. Built in the last two years the building was a marvel of modern engineering with self-sufficient technology. It was also equipped with a top of the line security system that would have even made Catwoman think twice about breaking in. Of course the intruder tonight was not her. A hiccup registered in the security system caused a guard to be sent upstairs so he could check on the data storage level. He walked onto the floor heading for the sever room. After scanning himself in with his key card and biometric readings the very secure door in front of him opened. Walking in, he was hit by the much cooler feel of the room.

Banks of servers dedicated to storing the massive amounts of data used every day by Kongo hummed away endlessly in the room. Their hot processors were cooled by the heavy duty air conditioning which caused the guard to button up his suit jacket. A big man of Japanese descent he walked among the computers sweeping the floor with his flash light. After a few minutes of searching he found nothing. Annoyed at the wild goose chase he’d been sent on he headed back towards the entrance.

“This is Tanaka, all clear.” He radioed back to the main security desk. They acknowledged his check just as she reached the door. Opening it from the inside was far easier, just needing a scan of his card again. As he opened the door he didn’t even have time to react as a pair of legs kicked him in the chest.

He grunted from the impact of the feet, the kick which sent him staggering back and wondering what was going on. His attacker swept inside the sever room as the door closed. In the dull light of the room he saw for the first time it was a young woman. Reaching for his radio the woman lashed out with another kick knocking the device from his hand. Seeing he had to counterattack Tanaka reached inside his belt and removed a telescopic billy club. Used by the Secret Service it would shatter a man’s bone with the right amount of force. He yelled and swung it at the woman. She ducked her body moving like there was no resistance from air or gravity. Her legs, clad in dark grey tights, bent and she slid across the floor on hosed feet. She reached out with her leg striking him in the knees. Tanaka cursed and dropped to the floor in a kneeling position.

Before he could get up she was on him. Something hard pressed against his neck, while he felt her fingers in his back. Again with surprising strength she pressed her fingers into the small of his back. Tanaka gasped and felt strange as the fingers dug into his back.

“Now tell me, what is your login information.” She spoke flawless Japanese.

“Uhh….” He found himself unable to resist telling her the truth, “My name…..and code…” he rattled off some numbers and characters.

She took in the information, “Arigato.”

The guard felt a sudden jolt in his back which caused him to pass out. His attacker, the Japanese woman sheaved the unique sword that had been at his neck. Walking over to one of the servers she found a workstation hooked up to it. Quickly booting up the login screen, the intruder entered the guard’s information. This got her into the system. Next she reached for her sword’s scabbard. Along the form fitting apparatus which was uptight against her back, were numerous compartments for her equipment. From one of these she pulled out a flash drive. Inserting into the workstation it uploaded the virus that would mine the Kongo Enterprise’s database for what she needed and when it was finished, erased all their data. Of course they would detect this and send more people upstairs.

Good, the intruder thought.


The car was easy to lift.

Allison had the front of the SUV firmly in her hands. Pushing up with her flight power and keeping the heavy grey vehicle in hand with her strength, she eased the SUV onto the bridge over the river. Once the SUV was in place she landed next to the driver’s side door and opened it. The driver, a still very shocked teenage boy eyes went wide as he looked his savior up and down. The masked blonde was in her mid-twenties, with an attractive athletic form. She wore a red and blue leotard which was halved by the colors. A series of varying sized white stars leading off from one large one located just off center of her chest covered the blue part of the skin tight suit. Her long legs were dressed in white tights which led to red boots.

“Are you alright?” the superheroine American Star asked.

He nodded and realized he was still holding the phone that had nearly caused a crash. She took the phone from his hand, “Is sending a K to your girlfriend really worth the near fatal trip into the river?”

Meekly he looked at American Star, “No…”

She turned off the phone and handed it back to him as the first Metro Police officers responded. Flashing lights and police sirens were getting closer. American Star finished her lecture, “Then kid please leave it in the charger next time, okay?”

After a nod of agreement from the kid she flew off.

Allison shook her head as she resumed her patrol. Flying over the nation’s capital she had enjoyed an easy night so far. She wasn’t spending as much time out as she usually would. It was due to the fact that her real identity of FBI Agent Allison Madison was due for an early meeting at the Hoover Building. It was tough balancing her two law enforcement careers. In fact her superheroine duties had been slacking for a little while as she worked hard to get into her current position at the FBI. Now though her new duties as a roving inspector gave more flexibility. American Star was back and she would be making up for lost time.

A small communication earpiece built by her little sis allowed Star to monitor the various police and Federal communication channels as she flew over Washington. Her communication device beeped with a new message, there was a break in at the Kongo Enterprises building with a strange possible meta-human intruder. American Star changed her course and flew towards the new skyscraper where the Japanese company was located.

First super criminal in a while, Allison thought, good I could use a good workout before heading in for the night.


They were thugs.

The intruder was easily carving her way through them. Dark suited guards flew in every direction as she delivered kicks, slammed punches into their guts, or used her martial arts training to toss them over her body. For the men trying to subdue this young woman, she was a demon. They barely seemed to be able to lay a hand on her. Like liquid she flowed around their bodies striking at them in precise places, a kick here, neck chop there, blow to the head for a finisher. Frustrated one of them pulled their gun from a holster inside their jacket. The .45 caliber black metal pistol aimed at the woman dressed in dark blues and greys. Suddenly though she spun towards him and there was a hiss of something electrical in the air. He watched in amazement as his gun which had a glowing line through the middle fell into two pieces. The woman then proceeded to hit him with the sword like weapon. Although it didn’t cut him, just shocked him severely, knocking the man out. The intruder stopped in place surveying the carnage.

When it was over, a pile of twenty guards rested around her. They were moaning or completely silent since many had been knocked out. Standing in the middle of them was the intruder. She had short black hair that framed her face. This was covered by a partly see through dark blue mask. It covered her nose and mouth revealing only her eyes. These stared at the defeated men with cold hatred. The piercing light brown eyes surveyed the area seeing that it was clear. Her sword when into storage on her back, the slight blue glow from its edge covered up once it was in place. Her body was clad in a leotard which featured a mix of dark blues. The intruder’s legs wore grey tights with reinforced titanium weave soles removing the need for boots. A dark sash was tied around her waist. The dark outfit it worked well for her mission. The brightest thing on the whole outfit was a small seemingly jade stone on a necklace.

Satisfied that her message would be received by the enemy, it was time for her to make her escape. The intruder ran down the hallway heading for her escape point. As she rounded the hallway though someone blocked her path, “You might not know me, but I advise you to stop right there.”

American Star stood in the intruder’s path, her arms crossed and staring down the other woman. The woman seemed to look her up and down as if studying something. Allison noticed something flash for a second on her chest. She filed it away as unimportant at the moment.

Allison spoke again, “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble tonight.”

The intruder didn’t speak. American Star put her hands on her hips, assuming a classic stance, “Now let’s not engage in any nasty fisty cuffs. How about we just talk?”

The woman made one last glance at American Star and then closed her eyes. Allison started again, “Listen I know your channeling Snake Eyes here but the silent treatment….”

She didn’t finish her snarky sentence. The woman’s eyes opened and she shot forward with speed that equaled American Star’s. As Allison moved to counter the intruder was already dipping below her punch. She swept out with her leg connecting it with American Star’s white clad legs. The sweep knocked Allison onto the ground but she quickly got up only to receive a kick to the face.

“Ughhh” she grunted as the blow, which was backed with superhuman strength, caused her to stumble back.

The intruder used the momentum of her kick to whip out her sword. She swung it at American Star but the patriotic powerhouse was able duck out of the way. Allison heard the sizzling or electrical hum of the sword and decided getting hit by it was not a good idea. Star threw a punch at her opponent who grabbed and yanked American Star forwards into her grey covered knee. Allison let out a massive sigh as the air was knocked out of her body as the knee shoved into her gut. She doubled as the girl brought the handle of her sword up and slammed it down on American Star’s back. The strong blow caused Allison to cry out in pain, falling to the floor.

Raising the sword above her head, the intruder was going to bring it down on American Star’s body. At this point Allison managed to surprise her foe. Using her flight, American Star shot forwards avoiding the sword. She saw when it hit the ground crackle with electricity, yeah don’t get hit by that, Star told herself sarcastically. With some distance between them Allison got back to her feet. She charged the intruder hoping to get her with a right cross. The woman waited till Star was almost in contact before moving. With the same speed the intruder side-stepped and swung her leg into American Star’s back. Allison winced as she was kicked down the hallway, slamming into the wall.

Plaster and pieces of broken material fell down on her as the blonde shook her head. She began pushing herself up off the ground when an arm wrapped around her neck and fingers touched the small of American Star’s back. Just as Allison was going to through the woman over her body and into the wall, she felt a stabbing touch at the top of her spine. Suddenly it was like all the energy was leaving her body. Her eyes closed as crippling weakness began to spread out from the point on her back.

“What….uhhhhhh” she sighed as her knees collapsed and she sagged in her opponent’s grip. The intruder held her tight pressing her finger deep into American Star’s back. Allison couldn’t see it but two fingers close together were pressed into the fabric of her leotard. They connected with a pressure point but Allison didn’t know or see any of this. American Star’s head dipped as her energy faded.

“I’m sorry but, I can’t allow you to stop me.” The woman said in English with the hint of a Japanese accent.

American Star felt so weak. It wasn’t like in the old days when she still needed her power bracelets and they had been removed. Back then she would just be her normal self. Now though it felt like her powers were being suppressed or canceled out. Her voice revealed how weak American Star looked, “How…polite for…a crook...”

Although she couldn’t see her face, the intruder’s eyes looked sad, “I wish I could tell you why I’m here but I cannot.”

Star tried to move but a renewed press of the fingers in her back caused her to feel more of her strength fade away. Her body sagged in the grip of the lady attacker. Her arms could barely hold onto the arm wrapped around her neck. The intruder spoke softly, “Your recovery ability is remarkable, I’m sorry but I must take measures then to ensure you cannot follow me.”

She changed how her fingers touched American Star’s back. Spreading them out (but keeping one on the original spot) the intruder pressed on four other points on Star’s back. Slowly she began walking her hand down American Star’s spine heading to the small of the heroine’s back. The blonde bombshell gasped as the weakness now combined with an overwhelming fatigue. Allison’s eyes grew heavy in her red mask, while her chest slowed in its breathing. The intruder decided to explain what was happening.

“Your powers flow through your body, like anyone’s energy. They can be blocked or subdued. I’m slowly sending you into a deep sleep American Star. It is impossible to fight it so just relax.”

American Star tried to answer but was too far gone. Her arms slipped of the leotard covered sleeve of her opponent. They ended up hanging limply from her sides while her head dipped towards her star spangled chest. The intruder began lowering American Star face down towards the floor. There was a soft sigh as Allison’s body was laid flat. In her current state the cold floor felt good to Star’s drained body. Her face rested on her cheek as her eyes slowly closed. The last thing she heard was,

“Sosen wa watashi o yurushite mo.”

The intruder saw that the American superheroine was out cold. She removed her fingers from Star’s back; the Walking Spider attack had rendered her completely powerless, something which she knew worked from experience. Although today was the first time she had used it on a superheroine. She did not relish attacking the heroine. If there was one thing the intruder did believe in over anything else it was justice. That’s why she was here tonight. It was the reason she had stolen information from the company and made it pay by destroying its computer database. Justice was what she sought.

Sosen wa watashi o yurushite mo, may the ancestors forgive me, Tsukiyo thought.

She turned to the nearest window. With a precision strike of her foot she smashed the glass with super strength. The dark haired woman rubbed her necklace thinking about the distance to the next building. If she was right her adopted power would last long enough to allow her to reach the other roof. Taking a few steps back Tsukiyo then ran and then leapt out of the window. She flew through the air, a new and exciting sensation, but as she had been trained kept a tight rein on her emotions while she flew. The flight power lasted long enough for her to reach the next roof top. Landing with a small slide she rose from the crouch and looked back towards the Kongo building.

Removing her mask the pretty face of Emiko looked back at the broken window through which she escaped. Ashamed she said, “Forgive me American Star.”

And like that she was gone.
Tsukiyo, friend or foe?
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American Star back in new threads!
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Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Was glad you came back with the story of american star, this story actually started very well
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Nice intro.
I like a bit of intrigue in stories, so a nice job
Liked the sound of 'the sever room ' though! Shame it wasn't what I thought! ;)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Nice to see American Star again, but since when does she not need her bracelets? Did I miss a story somewhere?
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good to see you writing again! Looking forward to the seeing how American Star deals with Tsukiyo who seemed to defeat her so easily.
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Centurion wrote:Nice to see American Star again, but since when does she not need her bracelets? Did I miss a story somewhere?
Hey first off thanks everyone for the comments! They help fuel the writer's engine! Just wanted to let everyone know I wrote a ton of stuff today so hopefully soon I can another update.

Centurion to answer your question, yes American Star had needed her bracelets before. I've decided to change it up and now she doesn't need them. I do have a story idea to describe this but decided to do this one instead. For now how AS made her powers natural is an off screen event. Maybe I'll visit it in the future. Now while she can't be so easily stripped of her powers now, she's still vulnerable to all the old things like chloroform, gas, power draining :evil:

Thanks again guys for the feedback!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Hey, S!

Great to see you back at it again!

Awesome intro.
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Just to forewarn you guys, not any action in this bit. Basically lots of backstory, promise plenty of action though for the next bit. Thanks to Caniac89 for giving my stuff a read through to make sure it made sense!

Hoover Building
Next Day

Special Assistant to the Director of the FBI Harry Browning looked across at his agent. He was quite a few years senior to Agent Madison. A former military officer Browning had lead a tank battalion in Gulf War One. His dark skin and heavy voice had given him the nick name of Vader Six in his unit. His career at FBI was very successful in both law enforcement and counter espionage. This personal history was shown in photos and awards on the wall behind him. Allison was staring at his Gulf War one, a younger Browning standing atop the wreckage of an Iraqi T-72, his own Abrams in the background. The older Browning now controlled the roving inspectors for the Director that made him Allison’s boss. Sitting without his suit jacket and his shirt sleeves rolled up he finished reading Allison’s report.

“So American Star was unable to stop the thief”, Browning summarized.

Allison hid her expression but a bit of her annoyance slipped out, “Yes sir. It seems the intruder used some sort of specialized attack method that disabled her. Kongo’s technical people reported that something was downloaded off their system and then a virus wiped the entire database. It will take the techs days to recover their systems, causing a massive finical loss for them.” Allison had been stirred back to life by a Metro cop. It had been embarrassing to the patriotic powerhouse that she had been taken down so easily.

He dipped his head in acknowledgement, “Apparently this isn’t the first time this woman has done this.”

That caused Allison to raise an eyebrow. Browning handed her a folder which she quickly opened. The junior agent saw it was a series of reports filed from Asia and a few cities in Europe. Many came from Japan while the others were from scattered spots across the Pacific. Two reports from Berlin and Paris respectively rounded out the information. Last night’s run in with the woman was her first incident on U.S. soil. All her previous crimes involved theft, cooperate espionage or sabotage, and seemingly targeting Japanese organized crime.

“Tsukiyo” Allison said aloud, putting a name to the face from last night.

“Yes, the name has something to do with the Moon I was told.” Browning said and then continued, “Our colleagues at the CIB in Tokyo are the ones who generated most of this info.” The Criminal Investigation Bureau was essentially Japan’s FBI. He handed her a computer pad, “This is their officer who been working the case for over two years.”

Mariko Yamata, Allison read the name at the top of the file. She was a little older than Allison with a photo that showed a good looking Japanese girl. She had been tracking Tsukiyo all over Asia. Looking through her list of previous cases and other credentials Officer Yamata was quite the accomplished young woman. Browning laid out Allison’s marching orders.

“She’s flying out at the request of the Japanese government. Actually more like the request of Kongo Enterprises, they’re screaming at different Congressmen and the Director for us to let her help with the investigation. You’re going to work with Officer Yamata and track down this ninja or whatever she is.”

Allison stood up and accepted her assignment, “Yes sir.”

“And Agent Madison, if American Star plays any further roll in this case, I expect to be kept informed.”

Allison nodded. She and her boss had an unspoken agreement on her superheroine activities. It had shocked her to discover Browning had figured it out. Later she admitted that he was no dummy. Too many of her early cases had resulted in the heroine and the agent crossing paths. In the end Browning had accepted her activities agreeing to keep it out of the FBI. The Bureau had a bit of a love hate relationship with costumed crime fighters so best to keep her nighttime exploits in tights a secret. Allison was expected to keep him informed though of anything American Star learned that the FBI needed to know. It was a sign of trust by the senior agent in his younger subordinate.

“Of course sir.” She said before leaving for the airport.


The senior manager of the Kongo Building in Washington was nervous. He was sitting in a limo that had just left the airport after picking up his boss. He was seated with his back to driver, so he looked back at his superior. She was dressed as the business woman she used as a cover. However she was far more dangerous than any executive East or West the man had met. Her long legs were crossed as she sat dressed in black hosiery that was the most expensive and styled a lady could by. Her business suit was perfectly cut to show off her beautiful body. Finally she had long black hair and the face that could have belonged to a Japanese supermodel. Her green eyes looked over a cup of hot tea she sipped.

“So tell me how did she penetrate our security?”

He replied nervously, “She…entered from the basement. Apparently getting in with a delivery…security…they responded but…”

“But failed.” She said coldly. They spoke English but the faint hint of her accent was there, “And as a result vital information was comprised and our legitimate operations which clean our funds were disabled.”

“I’ve been told they’ll be up….” He didn’t get to finish.

“I don’t care how soon they’ll be back. Every minute they’re down more of our dirty money sits, money that we need to pay off people, to finance our operations, and to pay useless minions like you.”

The man stammered, “I accept full responsibility for the failure if you would like to cut of my pay for….”

He wasn’t sure what happened next. Suddenly he was pressed against the seat of the limo, crushing strength at his throat. With shock her saw his boss’s long leg pushing down on his windpipe. The stocking foot felt like a lead weight on his throat. She didn’t seem at all disturbed by pushing her foot against his windpipe. Time seemed like it slowed down as he choked. The only noise other than his gasps was the sound of her expensive heels landing on the floor of the limo.

“I should crush you windpipe and then sever your head and show it to people as a reminder of what incompetence leads too.” She hissed. Suddenly the pressure though eased and she removed her foot. As he gasped for fresh air he saw that she was once again sitting in the limo seat legs crossed and even her shoe back on.

“Consider yourself lucky, to only receive a ninety percent pay cut for the next two years.”

He bowed his head, “Thank you Ms. Sato.”

Naomi Sato looked back at her minion, “Your welcome, now tell me what has been done to find Tsukiyo?”

The limo’s progress was being monitored by someone on a motor cycle. Keeping far enough behind to keep the limo in sight but not to be detected, the tail wore a dark blue helmet with a shaded visor which hid her face. Wearing a tight black leather coat and black padded road pants the figure’s shape was that of a woman. If the limo knew she was Tsukiyo the driver would have probably tried to run her over. Sh kept pace with the limo watching as it began to head away from the American capital. Knowing that she would be spotted on the less packed roads outside the city, the cycle sped up. At the next intersection with a stoplight Tsukiyo headed for the right lane to take the turn. This brought her right next to the waiting limo.

As she seemingly looked left to spot any oncoming traffic from the perpendicular street, she got a glance inside the limo. There was a man and a woman in there. Could it be? Tsukiyo thought. Her little raid might have a larger impact then she thought. Part of her wanted to hop off the bike and smash the windows on the limo. If her target was inside like she suspected the temptation to strike her down right there and then was nearly overwhelming. But her training kicked in, patience! The one word her Sensei had drilled into her from a very young age. Tsukiyo calmed herself and focused on the mission, observe and track. She kicked the motorcycle into gear and began turning away with a roar of the powerful Yamaha bike. As she did this a small device fired from a hidden spot on the bike. It flew straight at the limo and attached itself to car. With her tracker in place Tsukiyo drove away.


“Officer Yamata?”

Allison stood in the receiving area at Reagan International Airport. As hundreds of international arrivals stood waiting to get inside the country, one person in particular noticed Agent Madison. The young woman came with a rolling suit case and large side bag. The Japanese woman smiled when she was face to face with Allison, “Greetings I’m Mariko Yamata, you must be Agent Madison.”

Mariko had black hair that went just past her shoulders. The woman’s face featured brown eyes with pink lips. Her suit was light grey and went down to her mid thighs. Absent mindedly Allison wondered how loose CIB dress codes were. Black boots completed the Japanese cop’s outfit. She extended her hand and shook it, “Allison, I’m your ride into the city.”

“And if my reading materials were accurate my partner for this investigation”, Mariko said pulling her rolling suitcase with her as they started to walk together.

“That’s right I was reading your case files, good work.” Allison complimented offering to take the CIB officer’s suitcase.

“Arigato.” Mariko said securing her bag over her shoulder, “I appreciate the praise but since I have yet to capture Tsukiyo I feel that my progress is somewhat hollow.”

“She seems like a very difficult suspect to catch from what I’ve read.” Allison offered in consolidation, “She managed to beat one the local heroes.”

“I saw that report of yours, emailed to me by Assistant Browning. American Star is no slouch but I’m not surprised that she was bested by Tsukiyo.”

That caused Allison to raise her eyebrows as they passed through customs. Her badge along with Mariko’s ensuring they didn’t need to wait for permission to enter the United States. Once past the TSA and Customs people Allison asked, “Why do you say that? American Star has faced meta-human opponents multiple times. What makes Tsukiyo different?”

Mariko smiled, “She’s not a meta-human.”

Allison almost stopped in place, no way. She had speed and strength equal to me, how could she not be superhuman, “I have a hard time believing that…based on what I read”

“I will explain later but first.” Mariko asked, “Can we stop somewhere to rest? I’ve been on a plane for most of the day well technically yesterday, the power of the dateline.”

Allison chuckled at the joke, “Sure you can sack out at my place for a little bit.”


The limo stopped outside a large Japanese style home. It was mostly one story but had a few upper levels in parts. Built in the hills of Virginia not far from the home of the American CIA the house was secluded and private. The hired security saw to that. Men, all Japanese, walked around the perimeter armed with assault rifles. Their dark suits covering up the tattoos on their arms which showed they were part of the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia. While these thugs would deal with any curious people who came wondering to the estate, the real protection against rivals, superheroes, and one person in particular came from the people standing at the top of the stairs near the entrance to the home. Naomi smiled a she looked upon her Ronin.

They were both women, thin and athletic. Each Ronin wore a neck to toe body stocking. The black sheer material was skintight hugging their bodies. Over this they wore a black leotard which featured only one sleeve. This bared the Ronin’s nylon covered left shoulder and arm. They wore black gloves and tabi footwear. The distinct two toed boots were known to martial arts and samurai fans. A red sash was tied tight across their waists. Each Ronin had their faces in masks, colored black of course. A slit for their eyes was all that showed. Finally each Ronin was armed with a katana, sheaved on their backs.

They bowed to their master. Naomi dipped her head a tad in acknowledgment of their loyalty. In this organization they were completely loyal to only their master, her. Walking inside she was met by a servant dressed in traditional Japanese robes. The young woman didn’t speak to Naomi simply taking her suit jacket and briefcase. Naomi walked to her room followed by the servant. The home was for the criminal organization she ran but when she came to America it became hers. As a result it was fitted to her desires. There were guest rooms, a conference room, a dojo to practice her skills in, a Japanese garden, and even a spa. Her room was located on the second floor and giving her a view of the woods around the home.

Naomi walked into it and headed for a privacy screen that was already prepared with her change of clothes. The servant waited patiently outside it as her mistress changed. The blouse Naomi wore was laid over the screen and soon joining it were the skirt she wore and her pantyhose. As the servant took the dirty clothes to the proper place, Naomi changed. White tights slipped up her legs and over her white panties. The only thing she wore over her bra and tights was a Japanese robe. However it was cut much shorter than the one her servant wore. It showed off her long legs thanks to its cut.

Once she was in the more comfortable clothing Naomi told the servant, “Have them meet me in five minutes.”

Exactly that amount of time later, Naomi walked into her conference room. Inside were several men senior members of the crime syndicate in America. They were dressed in suits and stood when she entered. Naomi told them to sit taking her own seat at the head of the table, naturally. The same servant from earlier poured them some tea. Eventually the woman settled against a corner in the wall.

“Thank you for coming.” The statement meant nothing they all knew. One did not disobey the head of the Tengu Yakuza and lived long to talk about it, “I want to know what she took.”

The head man who had a shaved head spoke, “It seems the devil downloaded our current financing operations. Theoretically with that information she could track our money to….”

“I know what she’s looking for.” Naomi said coldly.

Naomi looked to her head of security in America, “Have you found her?”

A younger man with long dyed blonde hair looked nervous, “No…no signs of Tsukiyo.”

Naomi’s eyes seemed to flare hearing the name but quickly returned to their cold stare, “She’s still here. I want her found.”

They all looked nervously at her. Naomi snapped, “What is it?”

“Boss…” the shaved head one spoke, “I know I only work in America but from what I’ve heard…we’ve never found her.”

The rest of the group was surprised by the man’s boldness. Naomi surprised them though by answering without killing the man, “You are correct Seiko, and we have not been able to find her.”

Feeling a bit more relaxed he asked, “What will be different this time?”

Naomi smiled sinisterly, “Because we will offer her the ultimate bait. The real reason she is here, to kill me.”


It was early afternoon when Mariko emerged from Allison’s guest bedroom. The Japanese law officer had changed from her business suit into some comfortable yoga pants and a tank top. She smiled to Allison, “Thank you again for letting me rest. Sleep is the only way to cure jet lag.”

“You’re right about that, I do lots of traveling myself.” Allison responded. She too was casually dressed in a Supergirl t-shirt and some jeans. She smirked thinking what she couldn’t say, but usually I’m doing the flying.

“You cooked?” Mariko said in surprise seeing what Allison was up too.

“I like to cook occasionally. Besides I figure after twenty hours of airline food you could use a good meal.” The two women settled into seats at Allison’s island in the middle of the kitchen. Mariko looked excited when she saw the meal.

“Italian, I can never find good Italian places inside Japan.”

Allison laughed, “I have to admit the only thing I had on the shelves.”

They ate the spaghetti and Italian Sausage (luckily hiding in Allison’s freezer) and talked. Mariko learned about Allison’s sister who now worked for the high tech Starrworks. The American learned that Mariko was an only child but related to an American family. One of her aunts had married an American Servicemen in Tokyo, Uncle GI she used to call him. Allison liked Mariko and would enjoy working with the CIB officer. As they cleaned up the meal they talked shop.

“So earlier at the airport you mentioned Tsukiyo isn’t a meta-human. However she handled Star with ease so what gives?”

“I’m not sure but I suspect she uses some sort of magic.” Mariko replied as she dried the sauce pot.

“Magic?” Allison hadn’t had much experience with magic all her heroine friends had science based superpowers, “What makes you say that?”

Mariko stopped cleaning and looked at Allison, “There have long been stories of supernatural warriors or samurai in Japan. Most dismissed these as legend but some stories never seemed to go away. Stories of criminals dealt with, warlords defeated, and even tales of mystical warriors fighting in the Pacific War. One of the names floated for these warriors was the Moon Clan.”

They headed for a comfortable sofa as Mariko continued the story, “Legend says the Moon Clan was chosen during the feudal days of Japan. The kami choose them to protect the innocent and defend the weak. Gifted with training which was passed down over thousands of years they were Japan’s protectors. Never working in the open and sometimes even going against the government if necessary. They could never be defeated in battle, as if their warriors were gifted, however they weren’t stronger than their enemies but matched them at every point. The stories spoke of their magical power to never be defeated; maybe that’s what happened to American Star.”

Allison was riveted by the story now as Mariko continued, “They were rumored to be much smaller by time of the Meiji Restoration, the time our country modernized. Still rumors about them continued to exist acting as well superheroes do today, the most recent stories go back to the late 1990s.”

“So you think Tsukiyo is a member of this Moon Clan?” Allison asked, “That doesn’t seem to jive with what I read last night. She’s gone after companies, multinationals, and stolen from them. Sure she hits Yakuza targets but if she’s a superheroine why commit crimes?”

Mariko looked unsure, “I have a theory but one my superiors don’t quite agree with.”

“I’m all ears.”

“I think something has happened. Remember those reports I mentioned from the 1990s? Well I’ve seen none since then.” Mariko continued, “In 1999 there were reports of a massacre at a remote village far up in the mountains of Honshu, the main island of Japan. It was investigated by the police and then CIB. A whole rural village was found burned to the ground. Bodies were located all buried nearby.”

“What does that have to do with the Moon Clan?” Allison inquired, confused now.

“Not long after that remote village was destroyed one of the Yakuza branches grew. They became more powerful muscling out the others and penetrating the economy which in turn meant infiltration our government. We’ve worked hard to try and take them down but they have many friends in both our government and others in Asia.”

“So you think this Moon Clan was wiped out by the Yakuza? If they were so powerful and made use of magic like you said, how did they get taken down?”

Mariko raised an eyebrow, “Indeed how. The only thing I know for sure is when reports of this group of warriors disappeared, the rise of the Tengu Clan begin.”


The warehouse she had rented was seemingly deserted from the outside. Tsukiyo believed in camouflage and had applied those lessons to her hideout. She preferred this type of building for its open layout. Plus its position in an industrial district would ensure no one could make an assault on her base without showing signs. Large numbers of people after certain hours would be noticed. During work hours people should be too busy moving around her building to be loitering around it. Plus it offered her one more thing she wanted, solitariness.

She kicked and moved with rapid quick breaths. Tsukiyo wasn’t practicing on the mats but Emiko. She wore a dark blue robe which was tied around her waist with a maroon sash. Her face was unmasked showing off her lovely features. Her bare arms were up as she threw fake punches at imaginary enemies. Tsukiyo’s legs bent and rarely stopped as she moved all over the mat. With yells she kicked out her hosed legs as she engaged the phantom enemies. Sweat formed on her skin but she ignored it.

Today’s encounter with Tengu had shaken her. Thoughts of home, family, and loss plagued her on the way home. You are stronger than this! She told herself, you are within sight of justice of avenging them; don’t let your grief override that now! In an effort to get rid of the negative thoughts, she had engaged in a multi hour long meditation. That had made things worst. As she tried to calm her mind and focus at the task at hand, she just kept remembering her past.

It was a series of flashes like usual. Her mother and father watching as she trained with her Sensei. A sword match with Tengu, the two of them clashing their wooden katanas together as Sensei looked on. There was the day she was told that Moon Stone, their greatest gift one of them could receive would be hers. The face Tengu made when she heard a face of pure anger. Of course there was also the memory of her return from the mountains on the final day. Seeing the smoke on the horizon caused her to run down to village. When she got there the place was ruins, the buildings burned, and the bodies. Tears filled her eyes as she ran at a nearby dummy target.

With a roar she slammed her foot against the head of the dummy which came right out. Despite the kick, Tsukiyo still felt the pain from the memories. She had laid her family and friends to rest. Dirty from the digging she collapsed in the remains of the temple. Here she had been guided by her Sensei to meditate and calm her body. However that day she just poured her heart out in the ruins of the town that had been her life. So distraught with grief Emiko had nearly missed the box lying in the middle of the ruins. Opening it she saw it was…the Moon Stone. A note from her Sensei was inside as well.

Emiko didn’t know how long she had been down on her knees. She realized that she was in the warehouse in Washington DC and not back in Japan. Angry with herself for letting her emotions overwhelm her, she wiped her cheek getting rid of the dampness there. Standing she prepared herself for bed. Once in her night clothes Emiko held the necklace that contained the Moon Stone. Her master had died hiding it for her. With it and her extensive training using the lessons of the Moon Clan she had struck back at the one who had betrayed them. Her Sensei had told her who had led their long time enemy the Yakuza to their village.

Naomi, who took the name Tengu during their training, had betrayed them. She used the same skills Emiko had to climb up the Yakuza ladder eventually taking it over. Now Emiko, Tsukiyo worked to destroy them. She raided their operations, struck at the legitimate businesses they used for cover, and got her resources by stealing from them. All of it done to lead her to Tengu.

And now I have my chance
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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A pic of Officer Mariko Yamata
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Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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It was an interesting chapter to tell the story of Tsukiyo
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Nice characterisation and interesting sub plots, shaping up very nicely indeed!
Good job, looking forward to next post .
I like a dash of global intrigue! :thumbup:
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Glad to see ya back sgz! Off to a great start. As usual, no detail spared...
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Excellent start, sgz. Looking forward to more.
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I've just read all the American Star stories and enjoyed each one thoroughly!
Could you add some chloroform? And use handsmother as a way to knock American Star out as well?
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C'mon SG, we want more!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:C'mon SG, we want more!
You're right should get back to this soon. Have another character in the works as well but we'll see who comes first. Excited about the new one.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I must agree. I went back and read all the American Star stories, this one is the best yet.
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