Is 'Trumpgret' really a good thing?

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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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First off, a content warning. This is a political topic. If politics upset you or drive you toward name calling, explosive rages, crying fits or queasiness of the stomach... you may want to look elsewhere. It's my hope this doesn't turn into a shouting match considering the actual point of this topic, which hopefully has more to do with the American people than the politics themselves, but politics can and often do go awry.

Now, much of Trump's cabinet is picked and it reads like a who's who of A-list former big business CEO's and wealthy elite's... which among other turnabouts on promises (Perhaps the most baffling being the throng of human beings whose complaints are focused entirely around their rage that Trump is not prosecuting Clinton... like, if your only reason for voting someone into the most powerful position in the United States was to arrest one single solitary person you probably shouldn't have voted at all) has caused some people to begin tweeting their upset over their vote.

The problem? It's created Trumpgret, a blog where people go to make fun of these tweets... and mildly amusing as it can be to chuckle at 'winners regret' I have to ask myself and others if this is really the right means to handle this? These are the people whom we need to have on our side to get RID of Trump in four years, and the last thing we should be doing is trying to convince angry Trump supporters that to voice their upset will result in ridicule enough to scare them away from expressing that dissatisfaction or growing twice as angry and upset as they were to even consider voting for him in the first place.