Invisible Woman: Hard to See Her Like This

A darker, full bodied blend.
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I'm glad to hear that the next chapter will be coming soon! And I totally failed to spot the plot hole! :D
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I am eagerly awaiting the next installment!
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Hey everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to those readers in the USA and a very happy Thursday to the rest of you folks. Here's my gift for you, a big fat slice of turkey... or is it, Sue Richards? Either way, her goose could be cooked.


Enjoy! And thanks one and all for your patience and loyalty. My readers are the BEST!!

Chapter 24

Dazed and confused, Sue felt herself carried on Allamordo’s shoulder through the rooms of his condo, seeing nothing more than wood floors and carpets and area rugs as she was conveyed from room to room. Well, not nothing else, there were also the occasional dripping bright purple strings from her body from the nanobot glue plastered to her costume. She felt damp and dirty and very weak in this debilitating gunk. She forgot why.

Throughout the journey through his vast apartment, Dante was softly singing “The Girl from Ipanema” while ferrying her like some stunned game bird to his larder. Except it was his training room that was the destination and he’d switched out the lyrics of the old song.

“Tall and blonde and awfully stupid, the girl fantastic came gently stalking. And when she loses each time she loses… goes ‘Nooo!” Changing verses Dante finished up with a flourish, “But each time when she tries to beat me…she just fails oh so completely!” He chuckles even as Sue’s head bumps none to gently against a very thick soundproofed door that swings away once it’s opened.

“We’re back to the site of your greatest failure, Subject Sue: my delightful training room. This session will not be as easy as those in the past. This will be strenuous to say the least.”

Leaning to his good side, Dante lets go his grip on Sue’s waist and her body slides off the man’s shoulder and flops down on the hard, white tile with a resonant thump of her inert soft weight.

“…ooohhhhhh…” Her moan is thick with bewilderment.

I’m back…in this room. Why am I here? I can’t be here again…how’d I let this…happen?

Sue has no answers. All she has is sudden agony as her hair is grabbed and she’s pulled on her side along the surface of the tile floor. She yelps from the pain searing within the very roots of her tresses embedded in her skull even as the speed of her slide across the smooth white plain increases exponentially. Sue is still too disoriented to think about braking her forward motion in any way. She feels herself as little more than dead weight in brain and body alike. At this point her path carves a curve across the floor and at some fulcrum of speed and strength she feels herself flung hard away, the hair released, the lack of friction on the smooth tile enabled by the slimy aspect of her doused costume. Then a dawning awareness fills Sue with icy fear.


It happens and it happens cruelly. Sue’s upper back hits hard concrete and then her lower back whiplashes against it with a thunk that sends a world of bursting stars and bright blue dots into her field of vision. Her left ankle hits wall next and that brings a sharp brightness all its own along with a shriek. Sue feels herself bounce forward, rolling face first with her arms akimbo with a flood of nausea surging through her very existence. She lies there forcing herself not to puke. It’s her entire world just now. Forcing away the nausea, shutting down the pain.

There’s a voice from far away. It’s muffled. All she hears is Dante’s condescending tone and two words: “Shoulder” and “Deserve!” And then Sue passes out.

“Well, I was hoping for much more fun than just one hard high-speed spin into a concrete soundproofing wall. You call yourself a superheroine? By what fucking standard, lady?”

Dante walks over and glares down at the limp figure sprawled out on the floor at his feet. “You’re pathetic, Invisible Woman. Thinking you could best me! Me, with all my planning, my resources and my psychological profiling skills. You never had a chance, cunt!”

The shallow breathing, the soft curves of the rounded butt in that form-fitting costume, the awkward sprawl of a defeated foe laid out before him whom he’s already fucked and abused in countless ways gets Dante rock hard as he enjoys immensely the tableau before him.

“Well, all my delightful plans for punishing this lamentable bitch will have to be put on hold for now. She’s clearly fighting above her weight class. But that’s why I get paid the big bucks! No super hero is in my weight class once I put them through my analysis. But enough of that, let’s get you out of that silly costume and onto my table for the next stage of your humiliation, training and total mental control.”

* * *

Sue wakes up some unknown time later, slowly creeping her way reluctantly toward consciousness. The pain in her body and head make her think twice about crossing the threshold into full awareness. Maybe she should just sink back into the blackness of her dreamless state. Maybe she doesn’t want to know what she’s facing. Maybe she’s just facing too much to bear!

Sue opens her eyes. She makes that choice. She’s a hero, right? No choice, right? Greater good, right? Habit, right? Right! Also, she feels cold.

She’s on her back on a table under a large rectangular fluorescent light fixture way overhead that throws out very little heat even as it shines down on her…nearly naked form? She’s been stripped down to her champagne-colored matching silk bra and panties. They are damp and cool against her skin, purplish glints gleaming off the golden-brown fabric. She sees the soft bulge of her blonde bush clearly through the panties.

She’s not bound in any way so she instinctively brings her hands up to cover her ample cleavage and the cleft of her panties. The goo must have slipped past the belt and down inside her costume because the panties feel slightly slick. Even her bra had somehow been second-hand slimed. Maybe down her collar from her doused hair? Sue sits up quickly, her breasts sagging in the slippery bra, her nipples showing clearly through the damp fabric. She swings her legs off the table rapidly preparing to leap into action. That is a mistake!

“Ooohhhhh!” Sue swoons badly, her thighs spreading wide in a lurching attempt at centering her balance before she holds herself frozen in place with her hands gripping the edge of the steel table and trying not to fall forward onto the floor. Her head hangs low on her shoulders as she burps out a gaseous bubble of bile.

“Wow, not very heroic there, Sue.”

The sickened beauty looks out from under her barely lifted brow through limp strands of blonde hair glazed with pale purple goo and sees Dante Allamordo sitting face forward on a steel folding chair that’s turned around. His legs straddle the chair seat, his crossed elbows rest on the chair back.

“Bite me, loser,” Sue snaps angrily.

“Susan, Susan, Susan. Have you learned nothing from all our hours together? You know you will be severely punished for that comment. Why put yourself through that misery?”

“Maybe it just feels too good not to say it,” Sue replies coldly. She looks around the room. Everything’s pretty much the same. The leather hobby horse with its mink cuff restraints, the steel tube domination chair, the hanging hook dangling from the ceiling, the whip rack: All the greatest hits of Dante’s training dungeon all cleaned up and ready for use.

“You should realize giving in to such foolish impulses hasn’t worked out for you yet. I’m disappointed that you are this slow to learn, Subject. Clearly, I have to bear down on my training methods.”

Sue’s jaw twitches and her pupils dilate at this but she speaks up anyway. “It’s called heroism, strength of character, spirit or any other of a wide range of traits that you have no clue about, you pretentious ass!”

“You’re lecturing me about strength of character while you sit there with your glazed cunt on full display through those nearly transparent camel toe panties, hero? That’s rich!”

Sue looks down to see the truth of his statement and snaps her legs closed but his point scores and she averts her eyes momentarily in disgust at the humiliation he’s heaped on her over the last few days.

“I’ll tell you what, Subject. I will overlook your insolence if you remove your bra and shake your titties at me.”

“Never going to happen, Allamordo.”

“Never. Hah! You are so wrong about that. You must recall how persuasive I can be, Subject Sue.”

The blonde heroine has been stalling in order to recharge her strength, to ready her powers for a focused attack on this madman. She’s ready now!

Sue launches herself off the table with both arms flexing hard, her mind focused. Landing two feet away from the table, she aims her palm at the tall blonde Italian just rising from the folding chair and blasts him with her invisible shield. The shield cone she sends out is a weak and pathetic thing. No better than the rush of air from a hand-held battery-powered fan you’d buy at some cheap flea market stall. Dante smiles and un-straddles from the chair, walking forward with a head shake of pity as Sue recoils a step from his advance. Her fear and frustration on her face show clearly.

“It was an interesting test of calibration, Subject Sue. I had to arrange it so you didn’t feel the absence of your full powers while still damping them down to the pitiful level you just
ridiculously displayed. I think I did admirably, don’t you?”

“……” is all Sue can say.

“It required a profoundly careful calculation of just the right amount of those miniaturized nanobots in the goo that I so patiently smeared all over those impressive jugs of yours and down inside the petal-soft folds of your lovely super snatch.”

“…you…fondled me…groped me…while I was out…?...”

“Most assuredly! It took patience and dedication to manipulate those marvelous melons of yours just so. Not to mention fingering your twat at just the perfect depth but one does what one has to for one’s science, right?”

“You are one sick fuck,” Sue growled.

“Me? I’m not the one who was moaning and writhing with pleasure like some randy slut while I felt you up! Do you sound like that when Reed is doing you? Bet that gets him stretching out all over, huh?”

Sue needed to bash that arrogant smirk off the bastard’s face. All reason fled her. She might not have her invisible powers but she was well-trained in many martial arts disciplines. Dante might be in decent shape and had several inches on her but she was skilled, had righteous anger on her side and didn’t think he’d expect her to attack. She figured he’d expect her to wilt like some pitiful waif.

Fuck that noise!!

Sue charged forward and when her adversary immediately shifted to a sideways posture to present a smaller target, she went low, going for a leg sweep. He almost hopped over her long luscious bare leg but she was too fast. No superpowers but still a daunting fighter, she took him down hard on his back. Her elbow strike to his gut drove all the breath out of Allamordo and had his eyes bulging. He even arched his neck back and banged his head on the hard tile floor. Sue pressed her attack, hopping up and straddling his waist, her knees spread to the side as she pummeled his face with her fists. Left and right she delivered blows to his face, knocking it side to side until the man’s eyes glazed into near unconscious shock. His hands reached up to protect himself but Sue easily knocked them aside and delivered more punishing strikes to either cheek in turn.

“OWW! No more! Don’t! Please! Stop!” Dante pleas were cut short when Sue’s right fist landed a good shot to his mouth, spraying a string of blood from his cut lip.

“Stopping is not on the menu, dirtbag!” Sue leaned forward and gripped his throat, squeezing her hands together with a malicious madness she was unable to rein in. Her fingers pressed in, dimpling the skin of his throat as his face bloomed a tomato red.

“Ghhrrggkk!!” His right hand went to her wrist, desperately trying to pry it off. His left hand went to her inner thigh, trying to shove her up and away from him. She leaned in and bared down on him, her ample breasts bobbing inches away in her slippery, clinging bra, the nipple nubs showing prominently against the silky material.

“…geht…toffff!!” Dante rasped. His hand shifted even as Sue watched his face go from a rich tomato color to pale eggplant. She was over the edge of fanatical anger, a righteous wrath that was well deserved for all the man had visited on her. She hesitated with this inner knowledge of a boundary transgressed, her tight thighs relaxing just slightly enough for Dante to wedge his hand deeper between her legs. His eyelids began to flicker even as his quivering fingers twitched and tried to stretch longer, just enough to…


The tiny button on his belt buckle was jabbed inward and the light show of bright blue lightning between Sue’s legs flooded her thighs with an unearthly glow. Sue’s hips jerked and bucked in helpless spasms. Her hands clutched Dante’s neck with a rigor of defenseless muscle tension that he had to break with one hard upward jamming thrust with his forearm. The movement knocked the blonde heroine off his waist and sent her sprawling in twitching helplessness on the tile nearby. Dante gasped hard, swallowing precious air in huge gulping draws. His face drained from purple to red to a wan pale fleshy white. Both figures groaned and moaned in pitiful weakness, lying on the floor trying to recapture enough sensibility to gain an advantage. It is a race but neither person seems up to the challenge right at the moment.
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Great chapter! :)
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Agreed, definitely enjoyed the latest chapter! And definitely hungry to see more of this story going forward.
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Thank you, Noon Shadow for your comment. I am working on the next chapter and hope to have it out soon.
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Moving this story forward a bit more toward its conclusion off in the distance. Hope you find this somewhat longer chapter worthwhile. All comments gratefully accepted. Enjoy!

Chapter 25

The pain radiating in Sue’s crotch was so intense it was nauseating.

…powerful taser….in his belt….

The nearly naked heroine laid curled up on her side, her hands gripped between her legs as she massaged herself to try to ease the agony there. She got her nausea under control but her low moan droned on like a mantra, her distress filling the air with a steady tone. It was matched by the stuttering choking sound and high-pitched wheezes from Dante lying on the floor not five feet away. Even without her hands compressed like a vise on his throat, the prone Italian with the mussed brown hair and worried eyes was still having trouble drawing a full clean breath. He lied there on his back wondering.

…cracked my….windpipe…?...

Simultaneously they both came to the same conclusion through their pain-addled brains.

Got to get up. Get the upper hand!

Both put their hands down on the tile and pushed off against it, fighting their ailments and fighting for balance. Neither succeeded at first, with both keeling over and flattening out on the floor with an awkwardness that would have been humorous if the outcome wasn’t so dire. Whoever gained an advantage first could end the fight right here.

It wasn’t Sue.

Though she rose as quickly as she could, the pain and the blurred vision from the tears in her eyes impeded her ability to react quickly enough to Dante’s scrambling for the steel baton he’d rested on the floor beside the folding chair earlier. She tried to duck his awkward backhand swing at her head with the extended steel rod but her shoulder bumped against that same folding chair, knocking it over with a loud clang even as the baton struck her temple.


Sue went down like a stunned steer in an abattoir. Her beautiful body was sprawled out on her back with her eyes unfocused, staring up at the ceiling. It was impossible for Dante to determine if she was completely unconscious. He suspected she was on the thin edge of awareness but, in any case, clearly, she presented no threat. Her breasts swelled within their slippery champagne bra rising and falling slowly. Her legs were spread in a V and her matching panties with their thin purple glaze revealed her bush and cleft in all-too-intimate detail.

A crouching Dante stood up to his full height and winced. He was grateful he hadn’t been so dumb as to swing that baton with his bad shoulder. He could have ripped the stitches and done great harm to his doctor’s good work there. As it was, even using his good arm had uncomfortably strained at his other side with the violence of his swing.

But the results were worth it!

Dante proceeded to drag Invisible Woman toward his equipment, ready to begin his second to last extended training session with Subject Sue. When all was said and done, the sadist used everything at his disposal. He was meticulous. He was scientific. He was relentless.

The torment that Dante Allamordo dished out to Sue Richards over the next seven hours was cruel and brutal and insistently efficient. The foundations of her mental and physical structure were assaulted relentlessly, minute after minute, hour after hour.

If it wasn’t the weighted nipple rings with their powerful batteries dragging ragged cries of pain from her throat with successive shocks to her sweaty breasts, it was the alternating cries of pleasure shrieked out during her seemingly endless periods strapped into the steel tube domination chair with his vaginal vibrator set to maximum.

Her resistance faltered then shattered like glass goblets in a hurricane. The carnage of physical, mental and sexual abuse formed a cage in her mind that was inescapable. It buried her in despair, pulled her into obedience, collared her in confusion and drained her in helpless mental fatigue. And all along, tied to the commands were the matching audio tones that Sue learned to obey as quickly as the words themselves.

The leather hobby horse with its dildoes and mink cuffs and all Dante’s commands; the whippings of alternating rawhide and silk while hanging from the ceiling and all Dante’s commands; the rebuilt hood with its throat-constricting collar and all Dante’s commands: Sue broke down. The repetition, the commands, the brain-itching musical notes, the overwhelming attack on her very being. It was all far too overwhelming to resist.

Down her throat and between her legs, the assault was relentless, shoved deep were fingers, dildos, stim toys of every ilk and Dante's own cock. Powerless in her condition, Sue’s juices ran out like a roughly-crushed grapefruit and her eyes rolled back in her head like marbles under a blanket. Sightless and thoughtless, she came and screamed and came and screamed until there was nothing left but the dull repetition of her own breathing.

Ultimately, whatever there was of Sue Richards before this final training session was no longer resident in her being. It faded into obscurity and the being that replaced her was little more than a mindless automaton that was rigidly adherent to all those commands or accompanying tones to which she’d been painstakingly indoctrinated. The woman was little more than a puppet for the master psychologist’s whims or the whims of those he would be telling Subject Sue to obey.

* * *

It was 10 p.m. on Saturday night and Dante Allamardo was wearing a suit and tie, looking polished, dapper and relaxed. The day couldn’t have gone better from the moment he’d clubbed the pathetic heroine in the head, putting her down and out just as he needed. After that, his regimen worked to perfection and the results he would be presenting to Madame Minh upon her arrival would be self-evident. The Richards bitch was completely tamed and ready to show off his brilliance. She’d be performing like a trained seal blowing trumpets in a circus act.

“Trumpets indeed,” chuckled the self-satisfied psychologist. “That’s not quite what she’ll be blowing.”

Minh, he knew, would be bringing her two top henchmen, Guilford Jones, the balding butler/advisor and Rick Tillman, her enforcer. Both men expected that Sue would sexually prostrate herself at their beck and call. Both men would be satisfied. Would Minh herself want to get in on the party? Dante wasn’t sure. He’d play it by ear. Whatever happened, he knew that Invisible Woman would do as she was told. Eagerly and quickly.

Dante walked out of the bathroom attached to the master bedroom and eyed the tightly clad Invisible Woman in her costume lying on his bed with her hands resting on her belly. There were no restraints anywhere to be seen. They had all been thoroughly installed in Sue’s brain at this point. The lovely blonde was catching up on some much-needed sleep. But Minh would be here anytime so Dante spoke down at her, watching her blank expression as he said, “Rise and shine, Susan. Company will be here any moment. You want to please me and my guests, don’t you?”

“What? Oh, yes, yes, of course.” Sue slowly came to, then quickly sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up facing Dante with dull blue eyes.

“Good, follow me to the study. You will sit there until I call you.”

“Yes, Dante. I’d like that.”

“Of course, you would, my dear. Back straight, no slouching. You’re a superheroine, after all.”

“Sorry, Dante.”

“Smile Susan, this should be fun.”

A crushed and submissive Susan Richards suspected that would not be the case.

* * *

The Sudan assignment had gone well after all for Reed, Johnny and Ben. Reed’s missing snitch had turned up at last after a two-day bender in the seedy illegal bars of back-alley Khartoum and he groggily gave them the location of a terrorist cell hunkered down in an abandoned hotel on the outskirts of the city.

In a raid on the broken-down building, there was a short standoff when the terrorists fortuitously spotted the encircling assault team and opened fire on the Sudanese soldiers before they got into place. A brief firefight started but the terrorist cell’s fortunes quickly turned against them when the Human Torch showed them what real fire could do when thrown as hot balls of destruction through the cheap plasterboard walls of an abandoned hotel. The charging Thing who confronted the four terrified men had them turning their rifles at him in panic only to have their weapons snatched away from behind by the stretchy Mr. Fantastic who had flowed through an open window in a dark basement supply room and quickly made his way upstairs. The Sudanese assault team came in to mop up the situation and thank the heroic team for their excellent work.

After returning to the Acropole Hotel, Reed was just getting out of the shower when his room phone rang.

“Hello,” he answered, clinging to the towel around his waist with his free hand.

“Reed, hi. It’s Dan Sheridan.”

“Aahh, hi Dan, thanks for returning my call so quickly.”

“Sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner actually. I was on a radio-silent stakeout.”

“No problem at all, Dan. Was that part of the huge meth bust that Sue helped out on?”

“Huge meth bust? I didn’t hear anything about it.”

“Are you still in the field?”

“No, I’m in the station house. I certainly would have heard about any huge meth bust if it’d gone down in this city. I’m one of the ranking officers in the Drug Crimes Unit, Reed. That stuff doesn’t tend to slip by me,” Dan noted with a chuckle from across the world.

“I see, no, of course not,” Reed said, stunned and perplexed.

Sue lied to me?

“Everything okay there, Reed? Dan asked with concern.

“What? Oh, sure, Dan. I guess Sue and I just got our wires crossed.”

“She’s not there with you?”

“No, she’s holding down the fort for the team in NYC.”

“Well, I hope all is well. We need to get together for a drink soon, Reed. When are you coming back from the Sudan.”

“Thanks, Dan. I’d like that drink. Khartoum is hot and dusty. But we’re wrapped up here now…so I’ll be back soon. Bye.”

“Bye Reed.”

Hanging up the phone, Reed thoughtfully stared off into space. “Sooner than soon! As fast as the Fantastic Car can fly, I’d say.”

What is Sue hiding from me?

* * *

Minh swept into Dante’s condo like she owned the place herself. As soon as he pulled the door open and made to greet her with an outstretched hand, she brushed right by him with her silken yellow scarf wafting against his cheek. He moved to brush it away but her passage was so quick, his hand never touched the fabric before it was pulled past him. It settled against her back as she turned and surveyed the living room.

“Nice digs. Where’s the girl?”

“A pleasure to see you again, too, Minh,”

Guilford Jones and Rick Tillman walked past Dante with civil nods which he returned.

Decked out in a cream-colored figure-hugging business suit, Minh’s expression showed all the patience of a fox checking out the open door of a chicken coop.

“Yes, yes, Dr. Allamordo. It’s kind of you to entertain us in your lovely abode. I just wish you hadn’t pushed things so close to the limit of our time frame. Everything is scheduled for tomorrow as you are well aware and it’s now already 10 at night!”

“You have a good 24 hours before you need to be at the museum. There’s plenty of time, as I’ve assured you repeatedly, Madame Minh. Would you and your companions like a drink? It seems you could use one to settle your nerves.”

“What I could use is a demonstration of your training discipline to set my mind at ease, Dante. You’ve been well paid for this. You’re working for me, don’t forget.”

“How could I when you remind me at every opportunity. But seriously Minh, I’ve done all you’ve asked and more as you will soon see. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed in the least. In fact, you will be thrilled and delighted. So, you really do need to unclench your sphincter just a tad so you can enjoy the moment.”

Rick couldn’t stifle his guffaw and even Guilford mouth was twitching to suppress a smile. Both men were well accustomed to Madame Minh’s titanic need for control.

Minh fixed a deadly stare at Allamordo that could freeze nitrogen. And then she flung her arms out with exasperation and sat down on the nearby dove gray armchair and sighed heavily.

“You’re right, of course, Dante. Always the brilliant psychologist. You’ve pegged me. I’ve been working myself to a frazzle and these two unfortunate souls as well, planning and thinking and making certain that every variable and possible scenario in our heist was considered and analyzed. So yes, I’ll take that drink. Sit down, gentlemen. What do you stock in your bar?”

“Whatever the lady desires, she has but to ask,” Dante answered with a bow.

“I would like a Rusty Nail. Do you know what that is?”

“Three parts scotch and one part Drambuie. On the rocks or neat?”

“Rocks please,” Minh replied, then nodded at her cohorts. “And you men?”

“That sounds fine for me,” Rick answered convivially from the matching gray couch.

“And me as well, but neat,” Guilford replied, sitting up straight beside his lounging companion.

While Dante went to the bar to fix the cocktails, Madame Minh looked around the room with appreciation.

“You have excellent taste, doctor. Are those original Klee’s?”

“They are,” Dante affirmed.

“I’m not sure why but I find his work very comforting.” Minh absorbed the beauty of the painting with greedy eyes.

“For me, it’s his palette,” their smooth Italian host declared. “His colors are relaxing even though there’s much dynamism in his subject matter.”

“That must be it,” acknowledged Minh thoughtfully.

“His background washes are exquisite,” Guilford offered.

“Nice frame,” Rick threw out there.

Dante delivered two glasses to Minh and Guilford first and then returned with Rick’s drink and his own as he seated himself in a matching armchair. He raised his glass high and Minh’s crew hoisted theirs in turn.

“To successful endeavors all,” Dante toasted.

“Indeed,” said Minh.

“Amen to that,” answered Guilford.

“Back at ya’,” Rick replied. The silence was thick as they all sipped their drinks until Minh broke the tension from Rick’s boorishness with a query to Dante.

“So, you’re truly satisfied with how Sue’s training went? No rough patches?”

“None that couldn’t be smoothed out or steamrollered as the case demanded,” the psychologist affirmed. “She will be more than compliant. Your commands will be followed as dutifully as if I had uttered them myself.”

“Good. I really am looking forward to this demonstration. Do you have her tied up then. Is she secure?”

“There is no need to tie the lady. You can’t have her going in tied during your robbery. She has to look like herself and act accordingly so that’s how I trained her.”

“I know that’s what I asked for, I just find it uncanny that you’ve succeeded in that, I suppose.”

“You’ve paid me a pretty penny for her to comply to that scenario. I’m almost insulted that you are so dubious that I have accomplished that goal.”

“Well, I certainly hope the vast sum I forked over will sufficiently paper over that insult,” Minh said with a twinkle in her eye and a hefty sip of her drink.

“I will have to stuff the dent in my ego with hundreds.”

“I hope that will do. You have a good-sized ego.”

“True but you make good-sized dents.”

“Then we understand each other. Shall we get to the presentation?” Minh downed the rest of her drink with a gulp and placed the tumbler on the table beside the couch. The attractive Vietnamese madame began to rise but Dante waved her down with a flourish of his hand.

“Please sit. I will bring her in here for your evaluation and your amusement.”

“Amusement,” declared Rick. “I like that.”

Minh shot her flunky a glare but Dante covered the moment elegantly.

“You all will like that, I assure you.”

The threesome that was Minh’s contingent all had dreamy visions rise in their minds with smiles to match.

Dante went to a door off the living room and opened it wide, speaking to the woman in the other room, “Oh Susan, would you mind joining us now?” The reply given was too soft to be heard.

Dante returned to the center of the living room with the world-renowned Invisible Woman following closely behind him taking mincing steps with her head bowed. Her costume was gloriously tight and displayed her incredible figure to its best advantage. The famous numeral four over the white square sat prominently in the middle of her chest, bent around Sue’s ample breasts. The dark gloves, boots, hip band and neck piece all gleamed brightly in the lights. Sue stood there not looking up yet, just letting herself be appraised by the foursome without acknowledging them at all.

“Hello, Invisible Woman,” Minh said. “It’s nice to see you in costume for us.”

“Hello Madame Minh,” Sue replied, looking up nervously. “I’m glad you’re pleased.”

“So far I am…with your deference. Manners are important.”

“They are,” Sue Richards agreed, nodding a tad more enthusiastically than necessary.

“I wonder,” Rick declared, “do those manners include sucking dick, Invisible Bitch?”

The room went dead quiet. Minh turned her head slowly toward Rick, ready to slap him or give him a blistering tongue lashing the likes of which he’d never heard before. But before Minh could launch into either, Sue spoke.

“Of course, they do, Mr. Tillman. Would it be okay with everyone here if I sucked his cock first? He seems to be the one most ready.” Sue’s deadpan delivery and seeming willingness to immediately debase herself brought a second pause of absolute silence that lasted for a good six seconds.

“Oh yeah I am!” Rick nearly shouted.

And then Sue approached him and got down on her knees; ready, willing and able.
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Millenium Member
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OK, so I know it only makes up a short section of this solid chapter but that training montage in red is sublime. You don't even need to be told what it is and your mind just drifts into a music-only-dialogue-muted haze as the wicked Dante molds Sue into the voice activated sex-doll he needs her to be for the imminent heist ... awesome!
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So I'm conflicted. The red section, as a montage, works pretty well for moving the action along without repeating story beats from earlier, showing more repeated torturing and training. But I actually dislike that it essentially skims over the moment when Sue's resistance finally fades and she finally submits completely. It would have been nice to be following a bit more closely at the very moment Sue Richards couldn't take anymore and Dante won.

Obviously there's still more story to go, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I'm happy to see Subject Sue ready to suck cock on command at the end of this chapter :) Definitely lots more depravity and humiliations to come.
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NoonShadow wrote:
3 years ago
So I'm conflicted. The red section, as a montage, works pretty well for moving the action along without repeating story beats from earlier, showing more repeated torturing and training. But I actually dislike that it essentially skims over the moment when Sue's resistance finally fades and she finally submits completely. It would have been nice to be following a bit more closely at the very moment Sue Richards couldn't take anymore and Dante won.
Honestly, Noon Shadow, I didn't want to get that graphic with what would have been virtually a torture scene, so I laid it out in broad strokes. That red section was even broader strokes in the first draft but it was too much of a block of not much description and mostly outcome, so I broke it up with hints of what was done, the equipment used, a hint of the anguish ... and I let it go at that. You will see the after-effects of her breaking, with many examples of submissiveness before the story ends. I've gotten hints from readers that it was time to move things along in this story and so I have.

That said, I appreciate your taking the time to comment about my work. It's helpful and rewarding to hear from people. It's pretty darn infrequent I'm sorry to say, especially since there are hundreds of people reading the story and only one or two people commenting on it per chapter. That's a bit depressing. Therefore every comment means a lot. So thanks again for voicing your interest in a constructive way.
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I am eagerly awaiting Chapter 26. Any idea when it's likely to appear? :)
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Now that my Amazos chapter has been posted, I am getting back to writing more of Invisible Woman's troubles. I hope to post it by the end of next week.
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Release Schedule congestion + the festive season = delays! We know you're good for it, Doc! We'll be waiting!
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This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I know it's been a month since my last chapter so I not only apologize to those few with the patience to follow this wandering tale, but I will update briefly as well...

After being captured for the purposes of using her powers during an art heist, Sue has been thoroughly trained by Dante Allemordo to do his bidding on command and thus we find her being presented to Madame Minh and her cohorts for approval. Will they be satisfied with his results? Let's read on and see, shall we?

Chapter 26

Sue felt deep down that it was somehow wrong for her to offer to suck on Rick Tillman’s penis, much less to do so without a moment’s hesitation. Dante’s final night of training, however, had obliterated virtually all notion of right or wrong from her mind. Pain, repetitious indoctrination, humiliation and a belly full of cum and horror can do that to the strongest of souls. She lived now only for his commands! Anything else didn’t matter. She lived to anticipate his wishes, his needs or the needs of those he directed her to follow. That was all. Besides that, sucking dick was easy and pleasurable for Sue. Dante knew that and used that, masterfully.

So, the princess of invisibility, one of the most powerful heroines on earth, readily knelt at Tillman’s feet. She put her hand between his legs and stroked the crotch of his khaki slacks with her warm palm. She felt his rod respond immediately, twitching within the material and stiffening under her hand. Sue smiled, subconsciously pleased that she could raise a man’s cock with the simplest of motions. Her skin-tight uniform and her sexy manner were no match for any man’s dick. She knew that. Everyone knew that. Dante had told her so countless times through the night.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Tillman chortled, his eyebrows bouncing up and down suggestively.

“Perhaps it’s best if you refrain from speaking for the moment, Dick,” Madame Minh suggested archly, then took a sip from her drink and watched Sue’s performance from the comfort of her gray armchair. “Let Ms. Richards show us how talented her mouth is…instead of revealing how lacking yours is!”

Frowning, Rick nodded at the rebuff but he couldn’t hold his anger long as Sue’s hand continued to attend to his bulge by alternating a firm grip and lightly tracing her fingertips up and down the length of his growing trouser snake. After a playful full 60 seconds of “stroke the secret shaft,” Sue pulled down Rick’s zipper and brought the large fleshy member out into the open. It pointed upward like the prow of a boat cresting a giant wave; proud and confident.

Sue’s eyes blinked at the sight, appreciatively assessing the quality and size. She’d taken this prick in her mouth before, way back when Minh had first held her captive. It was a pleasurable experience then and Sue intended for it to be one again. She held the large shaft in her warm palm, opened her mouth wide and went down on the cock in front of the audience without any further hesitation.

Her head bobbed in a slow, steady rhythm that would make a metronome envious. Rick looked down at his crotch, watching with delight as the blonde’s head moved up and down. She kept her lips tight and her eyes half-lidded. Invisible Woman’s expression was fixed with a quiet, dizzy pleasure. A long slow two minutes went by with Sue’s hair quietly grazing against Rick’s inner thighs as she took him in her mouth over and over and over. Her fist held him in place and she felt his throbbing in her palm. It wasn’t unpleasant. Especially her sense of control, false as that was.

Those surrounding her performance were leaning forward with fascination from most and with smug self-assurance from Dante. He’d enjoyed that same expression from Rick’s point of view not so many hours earlier. Sue was talented at this. Extremely talented! There wasn’t a gag to be heard. Finally, Guilford unsteadily slurping his drink broke the mood and Sue pulled her head back and looked around, suddenly aware of the tableau in which she was front and center.

“Oh…uuhhmm…is this okay? Am I supposed to bring him to climax?” Sue nodded at Rick like he was some curio in a shop that she was barely interested in purchasing. “Or does someone else need something?”

“Well, since you have so kindly offered, yes,” Madame Minh speaks up, finishing her drink and rising from her armchair. “I would like you to eat me out, Invisible Woman.”

“Right now?” Sue motions with a tip of her head and a side-eye at the slippery hard cock in her hand.

“Yes, now. You can do that while Mr. Tillman fucks your brains out for all I care…if you’re that hot to trot, blondie.” The smirk on Minh’s face wasn’t lost on anyone there.

“Uhm, well, sure…if that’s okay with Master Dante,” Sue’s eyes nervously shift over to the smiling psychologist who was swirling his deep amber cocktail in lazy circles within the glass. The clicking of the remaining ice chips was all the sound in the room.

“Oh Sue, you know that you are now as much Madame Minh’s pleasure toy as you are mine. Didn’t I make that clear earlier. We can train a bit more on that if you feel it’s needed?” The Italian’s raised eyebrows had Sue’s shoulders jerk in a spasm of fear. Her hand rode over the tip of Rick’s penis with this motion and he groaned out with pleasure.

“NO! I’m fine. I understand absolutely, sir,” Sue’s voice trembled as her face turned to the Vietnamese madam’s waiting eyes. “I’d be happy to eat you out, Madame. I will open my crotch zipper for Mr. Tillman’s benefit and be with you in just a second or two.”

“Well, aren’t you the agreeable little slut muffin? Come down a peg or two from your lofty perch, haven’t you, hero?”

“...I…uuuhhhh…yes, er…Mistress. Yes, I have.”

“Well, unzip yourself then, you cum-loving fuck toy,” Minh exhorted. “Chop, chop!”

Releasing her grip on Tillman’s cock, Sue reached down with one hand from the front to fold back the tiny hidden zipper flap in her costume’s crotch and reached back under her butt with her other hand to pull open the zipper until the latex and Kevlar material separated and both holes were unprotected. Invisible Woman then got down on all fours and rapidly crawled across the rug to where Minh had spread her thighs as much as she could within the tight cream-tinted business skirt. Her champagne-colored panties under the skirt made an attractive target for Sue’s compliant eyes. Both Guilford and Rick didn’t mind the view either. Rick’s exposed dick even gave an appreciative bob.

Just as Sue was about to extend her hands between Minh’s thighs for some intense finger play within her mistress’ panties, Dante spoke up, freezing Sue in mid-reach and pulling a momentary frown from Minh at the interruption.

“Subject Sue. Show tits!”

Immediately, Sue’s arms switched position and she found the hidden zipper flap on her costume’s top and pulled it down all the way to just above the belly button. Then she pulled out her breasts from her costume and presented the generous mammaries to the room.

Smiling now, Minh complimented Allamordo, “My, my, you have been thorough!”

“That’s not all,” Dante grinned. “Present Ass.”

On all fours, Sue reached back behind her and spread her cheeks apart so the zipper flap pulled wide exposing her anus and pussy directly at Rick’s smiling face.

“If you’re done showing off, Dante, can the hero cunt have at my cooz finally?!”

“You paid for obedience. I’m just demonstrating the results of your expenditure.”

“Fine, fine. Your obligation has been met…clearly. I will draw your check for the balance due before we depart here tonight.”

“You’re too kind,” Dante said.

“And you’re too chatty! Let’s go, Invisible Cunt, put those fingers and that tongue to work. Pronto!”

“But you’re forgetting one thing,” Dante smirked.

“WHAT?” Minh’s horny exasperation was at the breaking point.

“Phase out, Subject Sue,” Dante declared.

The lovely bare-breasted blonde heroine on all fours with her snatch and butthole on full display to the entire room suddenly disappeared. The commotion was instantaneous. Rick shouted, “No” and stood up, his prick at attention, Guilford drew his Glock from his shoulder harness and pointed it where Sue was kneeling a second before. Minh’s thighs closed with a slap even as the madame squealed, “She’s getting away!”

Dante’s hand shot out at Guilford’s gun and waved his finger back and forth as well as shaking his head with a clear-cut ‘wait’ motion.

Minh’s voice suddenly went buttery soft with a long “Oooohhhhh” as her legs were parted for her and her panties were pulled aside. Invisible Woman went to work and the smile on Minh’s face had everyone standing down. Everyone but Rick and his dick that is. He walked over toward Minh, got down on his hands and knees and reached forward awkwardly until his palms felt warm feminine ass in his hands.

“There she is!” Rick’s smile as he pushed forward, his dick disappearing into an invisible sheath. “And she’s really wet!”

“Sue, phase in,” Dante ordered. And Invisible Woman returned to everyone’s view, her face buried between Madame Minh’s thighs, her tongue wiggling and twisting like a worm on a hook and her pussy being filled and emptied by the large cock of a very happy Rick Tillman behind her.

“…ohhhhhh…”groaned Minh as Sue’s tongue lathered at her pussy with gusto. “..g..give… yourself a $10,000 bonus, you madman! You’ve earned it!”

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Madame Minh.”

“The pleasure’s all….MINE!!” Minh gasped and jerked in place as Sue’s tongue and finger drove into her simultaneously.

“I suppose it is,” Dante nodded. “Well, not entirely,” he murmured softly to himself, watching both Tillman’s expression and Sue’s, both in the throes of rising ecstasy.

Guilford’s expression was sour as he sat back into the couch, put his Glock away, picked up his glass and sucked down a gulp of his drink, the odd man out.

Dante stood up and reached for Guilford’s glass. “Refill?”

“Got nothing better to do,” he replied bitterly.

Dante motioned for the older gent to follow him over to the bar as he mixed up two more cocktails for himself and Minh’s major domo.

“Don’t look so forlorn, my friend,” Dante whispered conspiratorially. “You’ll get your share of Ms. Richards.”

“Will I then?”

“Hope you like anal?”

“Bugger me? Really?”

“Bugger her is more like it.” Dante clinked glasses with the man whose face now lit up like a Christmas window display.
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Thank you for another fantastic chapter in this great story Dr. D.!
I especially loved the description of her following the invisibility command of Allamordo. The description of the shocked persons around Susan is very well written. But also her being manhandled after the blood pressure of Minh's gang decreased to normal level has been a pleasure to read. I somewhat missed a description what happened to Rick's cock at that moment. Could it be seen when he thrusts inside the Invisible Woman like a transparent Fleshlight or did it disappear as well?
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Thanks, Nearkos, old friend, for the comment. Great to hear from you. It's been a while.

Anything that goes inside Sue's invisible force field is invisible. Normally, she would have the power to block any entry at least until her powers waned, but under Dante's training, she allows penetration like a good little submissive should! At least, that's how I envision it in my stories.
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I can't even describe the feelings I have for poor Sue and her glove tight pussy and asshole, he phasing in and out, very nice that!!
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Thanks batgirl1969. More to, follow.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
Thanks batgirl1969. More to, follow.
is there or did I miss a scene where she is invisible and someone cums inside her and you can just see the cum? She is such a sweet petite innocent little blonde slut isn't she....hope they really work that pussy beyond her recognition!!!
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Great chapter! It's dramatic to see the change in Sue since Dante broke her, and I look forward to the newly submissive Sue getting her full 'road test' with the criminal gang.

It'll also be interesting to see what lasting effects this whole ordeal will have on her psyche in the future.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
Thanks batgirl1969. More to, follow.
is there or did I miss a scene where she is invisible and someone cums inside her and you can just see the cum? She is such a sweet petite innocent little blonde slut isn't she....hope they really work that pussy beyond her recognition!!!
Sorry but no interior cum shots written as of yet, nor expected to be. As I mentioned earlier, since you don't see anything inside Sue when she's invisible. you won't see the guys unloading in her when she's invisible or even visible. Doesn't mean you won't see the effects of them taking their best shots though. Overflow happens! And yes, her pussy and mouth will both be worked hard. And her butt.

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exxxidor456 wrote:
3 years ago

Great chapter! It's dramatic to see the change in Sue since Dante broke her, and I look forward to the newly submissive Sue getting her full 'road test' with the criminal gang.

It'll also be interesting to see what lasting effects this whole ordeal will have on her psyche in the future.
Thanks, Exxxie. More "road test" to follow. As for her psyche in the future. I'm still considering how to handle that. Probably an epilogue attached to the story. I'm not really planning any sequel to this adventure. Other projects on my plate.
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More 'road test' will be awesome. And yes, an epilogue would be nice to give us a glimpse of how this has all affected the Invisible Woman, and tantalize us with the possibilities of what could follow. Even if you never wrote a follow-up, we could amuse ourselves by imagining one. :)
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This is really next level stuff, Doc. I especially enjoyed the phase in/phase out trick. I hope we hear more whether it is verbally or an inner monologue about how Sue is feeling about her degradation. Can't wait for more!
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Well now you've gone and done it, Doc, a new level of Superheroine depravity! Imaginatively done!!
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More 'road test' will be awesome. And yes, an epilogue would be nice to give us a glimpse of how this has all affected the Invisible Woman, and tantalize us with the possibilities of what could follow. Even if you never wrote a follow-up, we could amuse ourselves by imagining one. :)

Thanks for the comment, Exxxie. Another chapter should arrive by this weekend sometime. And if you ever want to imagine Sue undergoing Dante's training or any other imagery from my stories, I'm always open to sharing it with others here in my thread. Your artistry can only enhance this project!

This is really next level stuff, Doc. I especially enjoyed the phase in/phase out trick. I hope we hear more whether it is verbally or an inner monologue about how Sue is feeling about her degradation. Can't wait for more!

I appreciate your effusive praise, BatFan! Clearly, the phasing in and out aspect has struck a nerve in my readers. I've hit the mother lode. LOL!! Expect more of it as the story progresses. Who would have thought Sue's invisibility would strike such a chord. Oh, uuuhmmm...duh! Invisible Woman! Get a clue, doc!! Anyway, I certainly will try to incorporate an interior monologue moment or two. Excellent idea, BF!

Well now you've gone and done it, Doc, a new level of Superheroine depravity! Imaginatively done!!

Thanks, too, to you, AEM. Your feedback as well as your creative skillset in your SG movie screen capture series sets a high bar indeed. I'm glad you're enjoying my devilry.

And thanks to all my other readers, lurkers and commenters, for sticking with this story despite the gaps in postings. It's been very rewarding to see your support in the viewership numbers and in the words of encouragement!! You guys rock!
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Well, I said I'd try to get this chapter posted by this weekend. Technically, it's President's Day and that means a kinda' sorta' extended weekend, yeah? So it's kind of somewhat pretty much posted on time?


After the capture of Susan Richards off the streets of New York by henchmen sent by the psychic Vietnamese Madame Minh, Invisible Woman is ultimately subjected to extreme training sessions at the hands of sadistic assassin/psychologist Dante Allamordo. Ostensibly for the purposes of a major art heist, the scheme proceeded almost entirely as planned. Sue had even been allowed to escape only so she could be quickly recaptured in her famous costume in less than 20 minutes after she stepped inside Dante’s pricey condo. Sue then underwent further training reinforcement over the course of an endless night.

Currently, the shapely blonde heroine is submissively performing every sexual act she’s commanded to do in a display of Dante’s absolute control over the helpless woman’s will. Rick Tillman’s dick has been sucked and now the Madame’s pussy is being eaten out while Rick busies himself behind the famous Invisible Woman, plowing the heroine’s own pussy with abandon.

Chapter 27

Sue was surprised that Madame Minh’s pussy tasted as good as it did. She expected a bitterness somehow but it just wasn’t there. There was a tang to her juices but nothing objectionable. More to the point, it was pungent in a good way, like a strong brie or a dry wine with some kick to it.

So, Sue licked and slurped and fingered and nuzzled away at the opening, pushing her face deep between the fragrant thighs and scouring the folds there with an eager twirling tongue. Without a doubt Sue preferred cock because there was that fat warm sausage mouth feel that nothing else quite matched in her mind for oral satisfaction.

But there’s nothing wrong with this sensation either! And after all, it’s what Dante my master wants and it’s what the Madame wants, so it’s what’s right. And ohhh… that shaft back there is priming my pump pretty well, too. Man, the friction, the heat, it’s unrelenting. This guy is a great fit and he knows how to work that stick!

The moan that issued out of the blonde heroine was muffled by her face being buried in a cavern of warm flesh but the sound that issued from there, like a low growl of a mildly annoyed jungle cat, filled the room and brought smiles to the faces of all those present. When Rick Tillman stopped his thrusting hips for a somewhat lengthy pause to catch his breath, that low throaty murmur broadcasting from under the Madame’s dress rose in pitch to a plaintive whine. Consequently, that high humming vibrato had Minh grunting, squeezing her thighs together and arching her back, forcing her snatch to seal against Sue Richard’s cheeks and drawing a sudden loud exclamation from the Vietnamese beauty.

“Fuck! What a ride! This bitch means business! What a rating I’m going to give you! Oh…ohhh ohhhhh….Yelp, here I ….CUM!!!”

Minh’s body jerked and spasmed as her juices sprayed into Invisible Woman’s mouth, filling those cheeks with the essence of the Madame’s absolute joy. Sue swallowed. She had to because more cum was bursting out of the juicy crevice and the powerful woman’s thighs were clamped around the blonde’s head with no sign of releasing any time soon.

Sue’s eyes crossed as she swallowed hard even while Rick began to pump away at her from behind with renewed zeal. His cock rammed forward and withdrew again and again inside her, the width of him and the heat and the fury built inside her, the fire in her loins spreading throughout her body and infusing her mind with a pleasure that was insurmountable. She shuddered in place, her palms flat on the floor and her elbows shaking with tremors that made her arms too weak to sustain her balance. Her face slipped downward only slightly though as Minh’s thighs refused to slacken in the least. Sue’s knees wobbled and she would have collapsed back there if Rick’s palms weren’t gripping the undersides of both thighs and holding her up as he pounded away at her pussy with a rabbiting motion that put Sue’s brain into neutral.

…i….he…this…can’t…too much… too much…

Sue grunted loudly and came hard. Her body helplessly jerked within the grasp of both her dominating partners. Unable to do a thing, Invisible woman’s juices bathed Tillman’s dick and spritzed out around it in an earthy display of total feminine ecstasy.

Nobody could see her face but Invisible Woman’s eyes were clamped shut between Minh’s legs and her mouth was slack as her mistress’ cum dribbled off her lower lip and fell in a thin string to the floor.

“Phase out, Sue,” Dante commanded…and she did.


Her sudden absence drew focus to the tiny cum lines draining down in the empty air from under Minh’s dress, bulging with the outline of Sue’s head; and from the base of Rick Tillman’s dick. That was the only visible part of his cock; the rest of him was buried to the hilt inside the blonde heroine’s snatch.

…that dick…so…firm….deep…can’t…OHH…!...wait…no…!...

And when Rick shifted slightly and Sue’s vag helplessly squeezed down on his manhood, that was more than enough to shove Minh’s minion past the edge of his resolve. His face tightened up in a grimace of pure sexual release as he held on for dear life on the warm ass he could feel but not see. His cock let loose with a hosing of pent-up pleasure, inundating Sue’s pussy with hot splurging warmth. Pulsing jets of it triggered off Sue’s own orgasm.


“Gnnnuhhh!” Rick released.

“Huunnnhh!” Sue did so too. The area where she knelt unseen resounded with her ecstasy.

So both parties grunted and froze in place, befuddled by the rapture, immobilized by the joy. Minh’s soft panting joined the duo and Dante watched with amusement as the silvery thread from under Minh’s dress thinned out to nothing but a sequence of slow drops spattering on the floor. And when Tillman regained his thoughts and pulled out of Sue’s pussy, the white glowing stream of mixed cum that drained to the floor from the invisible crotch was like watching a tiny waterfall from nowhere.

Guilford Jones was back on the couch, watching the same scene from a different perspective. He could think only of his own pleasure to come. The idea of fucking the one and only Invisible Woman in her butt was making him hard already. Clearly, she now seemed a willing participant in all this. Sucking dick, eating pussy and letting herself be screwed on command…even with her powers. It was astonishing really!
Minh’s balding associate realized that having this gorgeous heroine’s tight, slick bunghole bumping up and down on his rock hard cock while he fondled her titties would be the sexual highlight of his lifetime!

I may even contribute a grand towards Minh’s bonus for this Dante gent. Well worth it!

Minh’s 68-year old subordinate smiled dreamily as he watched his attractive Vietnamese boss rouse herself from her sexual lethargy after her orgasm. Tillman tucked his cock back in his pants and rose up in a sort of quiet fugue state of his own. He went over to the bar and fixed himself another drink.

“Phase in,” Minh ordered Sue. When the heroine reappeared, she was now hunched over on her forearms and shins, her bare breasts hanging out of her top, ass in the air, her head nodding dully beneath a curtain of swaying blonde hair. Guilford couldn’t see her face from his angle but that snatch and ass were prime real estate from his vantage point: a delicate floral invitation surrounded by firm, round, flawless cheeks. He got a bit harder in expectation of what was to come for him. Even at his advanced age, he had no qualms about being able to keep hard for this prize bitch!

Minh bent over slightly and gently wrapped her silky yellow scarf around Invisible Woman’s smooth neck.

“Come up and give us a kiss, Sue,” she said softly, lightly tugging on the yellow silk. The blonde heroine did so immediately…well, as quickly as her dazed mind could after her own climax. She rose up on her haunches so her face came even with Minh’s. Sue face was shiny with the sweat and cum smeared all over her cheeks and lips and forehead. Her mascara was a runny mess. And those dreamy blue eyes were zoned in on her mistress; eager to please, not a hint of defiance.

Whoa! I don’t have to urge her with my psychic skills one iota! Dante really HAS broken this bitch down. She’ll be perfect to help take out the guards and complete this heist tomorrow.

Sue bent in and planted a long, warm lingering kiss on her mistress’ silky lips, breathing softly into her mouth, followed by a soft nip or two of those lips with gentle teeth work. Seconds after that, two tongues entwined while the hands of both women came up and began caressing each other’s breasts. Sue’s hands palmed Minh’s warm full breasts beneath the silky champagne blouse while Minh’s hands caressed the easily-available curves of Sue’s tits hanging out of her uniform. Deft fingers tweaked Sue’s nipples, drawing whimpering mews from the heroine.

Several minutes of pawing, caressing, squeezing and mauling had the two women very overheated. Minh’s blouse lost every button. Both had very damp crotches and both were breathing in short raspy pants. Long hair swayed back and forth. There was even a bit of growling. Hands moved down from breasts to between eagerly parted thighs and the huffing noises got throatier and the movements quicker. Finger work ensued; lots of it. Knuckles got slippery. Palms groped. Whimpering prevailed. Speed increased until, finally, yelping gasps and helpless moans burst forth along with juicy cascades down sweaty, trembling thighs.

Sue slouched down to the floor on her side mewing contentedly while Madame Minh flopped back into the armchair with her knees akimbo and her champagne-colored panties showing under her skirt. Both women were glassy-eyed and satisfied. Minh’s business suit would either spend a week at the dry cleaner’s or take a short trip to the garbage. Sue’s costume was damp with perspiration.

“My reputation remains impeccable I’m assuming,” Dante said smugly before taking a sip of his drink.

For the moment, all Minh could muster was a flailing wave of her hand in the air and a dull nod.

* * *

The Fantastic Car was rocketing through the air over the Atlantic at one and half times the speed of sound. Even at that rate, it would take Reed, Ben and Johnny at least four more hours to get to New York City. Flying several thousand feet over the jet traffic, the vehicle was on autopilot and Reed nervously drummed his fingers on the small area of the dashboard not taken up with gauges.

“Uuhh, Reed, could you stop that? It’s getting annoying,” the Thing growled.

“What? Oh, sure. Sorry, Ben,” Reed replied, stopping his fingers. He webbed his hands together and tried cracking his knuckles but that was impossible. The fingers just stretched like taffy giving Reed zero satisfaction. He started tapping his foot on the floor but that had Johnny crying out.

“Oh, for crissake, Reed, get a grip! Sue can handle herself. I’m just as worried as you and you don’t see me going off the deep end.”

“I just don’t like the signs of everything going on back home, Johnny. It doesn’t add up.”

“I agree with you. We’ve been over it half a dozen times. But you being a Nervous Nellie for this entire trip isn’t helping anything. How about we play some chess?”

“Hah!” The Thing’s guffaw echoed inside the car’s polycarbonite dome. At this altitude and speed, the pressurized housing was required. “Checkers is more like it, match head. You taking on Reed in chess? May as well have Steven Hawking teaching math to second graders.”

“Hawking isn’t even alive anymore, you orange rock.”

“And that still makes him twice as likely to win a game of chess against Reed as you, ya’ cheesy flame-tard.”

“And how is this bickering supposed to help things?” Reed’s temper was showing.

“Got your mind off Sue for a while, didn’t it?” Ben’s face broke into a smile as did Johnny’s. They’d played Reed well. At least for a short time.

Reed went back to drumming his fingers. Ben growled and settled back to try to nod off. Johnny looked down at the cloud cover and just sighed.

Where is sis anyway? What’s going on with her?

* * *

Invisible Woman lay on her side slightly dazed and out of it on the area rug in Dante’s living room. Her naked breasts hung out of her costume top, her legs were drawn up so her knees were drawn up to her belly and the zipper in her costume’s crotch was gaping wide open, displaying her snatch and shadowed ass crack to Guilford’s eager gaze.

Dante spoke up, “There’s just one more skill that I need the respected and adored Invisible Woman to perform before this demonstration comes to its conclusion.”

Sue’s head lifted at the slightly foreboding tone in Dante’s words. Her hair fell away from her face, allowing Guilford to see her dull blue eyes blinking at the Italian as he spoke.

“This charming and possibly most powerful member of the mighty and heroic Fantastic Four team will permit our friend Guilford here the freedom of something she’s yet to experience even during my extensive training. She will let him plow her ass!”

“You never violated her rear?” Minh blurted in astonishment.

“I didn’t say that. Her butthole has been penetrated many times during training, I assure you. There have been dildoes, butt plugs, sphincter rings, enema tubes and several other devices I felt were necessary to break down her resistance and to render the humiliation required to bring her to the state you now witness.”
Minh nodded thoughtfully.

“That said, I never subjected her to my own dick or anyone else’s in my employ.”
Guilford smiled wide with heightened appreciation of the pleasure to come. He was going to virgin territory.

“Of course, I can’t say if her husband Reed Richards has fucked his comely wife in the butt. Subject Sue, any confirmation of that? Do you allow Reed backdoor privileges?” Dante inquired. “Or will Guilford here be the first to fuck your virgin ass?”

“ ass...?...”

“Yes, Subject Sue,” Dante replied with a nod.


“You’re grasping the concept nicely, yes.”

“ ASS??!!”

“Indeed. Deep up in there.” Dante’s amusement faded and his tone cooled considerably. “Is there a problem, Sue?”

“I was wondering the same thing,” Madame Minh echoed, grimly watching the wide blue eyes of Sue Richards facing this test.

Guilford’s patience at this hesitation evaporated. He’d expected the same eager compliance he’s seen throughout the night. “What, you’re too good to take it up the butt, Invisible Woman? Hah! I think not. I’m going to make my dick disappear real quick between those cheeks of yours. Invisible Cock it’ll be!!”

“…no, please…you can’t…” Sue whimpers.

Dante’s frown deepened; his face shadowed now with a hint of anger.

“Subject Sue, I trust you’re not going to disappoint me and my guests here tonight.”

“It’s just…i…i…never…” Sue began to whimper there on the floor before Dante.

“This is most displeasing, Subject! You’re forcing me to discipline you harshly.”

“…I…no…it’s not that…I just…this is too…I only ever….please…no…pleeeaaasee.. not more discipline…pleeeeeaaassseeee!!!”

Sue clings to Dante’s trouser leg, her head bowed, eyes tearing up. On the pale beige area rug with its pale green floral pattern, a puddle of dark urine grows beneath the famous Invisible Woman. It stains the rug and the heroine’s reputation in one steady rush, pooling there as she whimpers and pleads for mercy.

Minh’s shock is evident. As is her displeasure. It seemed Dante’s methods were not infallible. Incredibly cruel, clearly, but not foolproof.

From the bar area, Rick Tillman waves his drink at the scene, the ice clinking in the glass, “Wow, the fantastic Invisible Woman pisses herself like a scared little bitch. Guess you’re not so imposing now, huh, champ?”

“Quiet, Tillman!” Dante barks at the man. “I’ll deal with this.”

But Rick presses his point crudely, “I thought you said you trained this bitch, Dante. She doesn’t even look house trained to me? Sorry, only two stars, pal.”

“Shut the fuck up, Tillman. I said I’d deal with this,” Dante spun and pointed at the rude minion.

“Please do, Mr. Allamordo,” Minh said icily.

“Yeah, please do,” Guilford repeated glumly.
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Sue's strong will is proving to be Dante's greatest challenge yet! It will be very interesting to see what comes next. :)
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Thanks for the feedback. Working on my Amazos chapter of late but will be back to writing Sue's story during this week.
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Thanks everyone for your patience and support! Without further ado...

Chapter 28

“Subject Sue, strip down!” Dante knew he had to show his control fast before Minh got any ideas about reducing his fee or even negating the second half balance of it entirely.

Sue Richards looked up from her position on the floor, clinging to Dante Allamordo’s pant leg with shaking, clutching fingers. With her blue eyes brightened by tears, the once-formidable heroine blinked as she bit her lip, panicked like a frozen deer for the moment.

Just do what he tells you, Sue. Follow master’s commands and all will be fine!

The moment her training kicked in, Sue calmed down, released Dante’s leg and immediately stood up. She crossed her arms at her waist, released the miniscule tabs that held her top to her form-hugging leggings and pulled her costume top up over her head. Her breasts shimmied briefly within the royal blue cotton bra before she bent over and pushed down the leggings. She stepped out of them, leaving them clumped on the floor and promptly dropped her costume top on the leggings, Then the blonde beauty straightened up. At attention, hands at her sides, palms facing her thighs as trained, Sue awaited the next command. She would stand there as long as necessary.

I am a good heroine who obeys. Dante says I’m the best he’s ever trained! I make Dante proud!

“I need you to apologize to Mr. Jones, here, Sue,” Dante declared, less stern now that Sue was back to behaving. “You don’t want him to think that his dick doesn’t deserve to be nestled inside your butt, do you?”

“No, Dante. I’m sorry that I…”

“Not to me, bimbo! Apologize to him. Face him. Show him you’re eager to please him, yes?”

“Yes,” Sue replied as she turned around to face the older gentleman. “I apologize, Mr. Jones,” Sue declared, facing Guilford. “I would be … happy… to have you sodomize me.”

“That’s more like it!” Guilford went back to smiling like the Cheshire cat. “But what say you clean up that costume? I’m keen to bugger you in that famous uniform of yours but I don’t fancy the scent of piss while I’m at it.”

“Yes, of course, Mr. Jones,” Sue nodded demurely.

“And call me Guilford, seeing as I’m going to be balls deep between those lovely round cheeks of yours.”

“Yes, Guilford,” Sue agreed with another nod. “Shall I go over to the bar sink and wash my costume there?”

“Excellent idea,” the randy gent said with delight. “Except let’s do it together.”

“Okay.” Wearing just her royal blue bra and panties, Sue bent over at the waist and gathered up her costume in her arms only to have Guildford grab her waist and nestle his crotch into hers.

With only the layer of her cotton briefs to protect her, Invisible Woman felt the old man’s stiffy nudged into her ass crack. She stood up slowly and wiggled her butt slowly and provocatively. She felt the hardness in the man’s pants increase.

Compliance is the key to getting along with everybody.

Dante’s training had been heavily sprinkled with catch phrases to help Sue learn quickly. That one was repeated often.

As a unit, the mismatched pair made their awkward way over to the bar sink where Sue plugged the drain, squeezed out some liquid dish soap and ran both taps, creating a bubble bath for her costume. After a good six inches of water filled the bottom of the sink, Sue dropped her costume in it and then picked up the leggings, found the crotch and squirted a dollop of more dish soap on it. She began to scrub the fabric together with busy hands even as Guilford rested his chin on her shoulder and casually ground his pelvis against her shapely rear.

“What a lovely wash maid you are, Invisible Woman.” Guilford’s hands moved from holding her hips to sliding up her torso until they reached her breasts. He squeezed them gently within their cups as she continued to clean her costume. His bulge never left her butt crack, pressing her forward slightly into the counter. She pressed her rear end backward as best as she could in this awkward position, continuing to scrub the fabric of her leggings while the rest of the costume soaked in the suds.

“You have lovely soft titties for a woman your age, you know that?”

“Yes, Reed mentions that from time…” Sue stopped herself. Compliance was one thing, sharing secrets was something else. “Thank you,” she concluded abruptly.

“No, thank you, Invisible Woman. Your body was meant to give a man pleasure. And yours is doing that, I guarantee it.”

“I can tell,” Sue said with a self-conscious smile, arching her back against the old man with an obligatory thrust of her rear so the bulge in his pants was as deep into her crack as conditions allowed. Sue dropped the leggings and squished the rest of the costume in the sudsy water, making sure the entire costume would be clean of any offending scent.

After another minute of that, Sue drained out the foamy water and ran the hot and cold tap with nice warm water to rinse the costume completely. She squeezed and manipulated and held the costume under the running water until no trace of foam remained. It took a while and throughout the entire time, Guilford Jones happily held on to the shapely blonde heroine and ground against her and mauled her tits and whispered taunting promises of his sexual skill in her ear to which Sue pleasantly murmured agreement and eager anticipation, like any skilled prostitute would.

Whores do have power. You just have to let the man get a taste of what he wants and then you can be in control.

Except that second part never seemed to arrive during the training sessions. Still, Sue suspected there was some truth behind it.

Once the entire outfit was fully rinsed, Sue called over to Dante, asking where she could hang it up to dry. Dante and Minh and Rick were all quietly conversing out of earshot, going over the plans for the umpteenth time regarding tomorrow’s art heist.

“I don’t mind you getting things a bit wet, Sue. I’m guessing that Mr. Jones doesn’t either?”

“I do not,” Guilford called back, then whispered into Sue’s ear. “You’re going to look great in that wet costume of yours I’m guessing Invisible Woman. Can’t wait to see that.”

Sue merely nodded lifting the soddened mass of fabric from out of the sink and letting it drip into the steel basin for a moment. She turned her head and politely asked the gent still clinging tightly to her warm body. “I think you need to back off a bit so I can actually don the costume for you, Guilford.”

“Oh, sure, certainly,” The man grinned. “Got carried away a bit, I suppose.”

“Quite understandable. Your body is in high gear.”

“So’s yours, sweetie. Those nips of yours are poking out pretty prominently.”

Sue looked down and realized that Minh’s major domo’s constant squeezing and rubbing of her breasts had indeed worked her nipples into a highly excited state. They jutted against the dark blue cotton of her bra most noticeably.

“Guess you’re right,” she looked up, her face barely acknowledging her arousal.

Everybody loves happy nips, Subject Sue. The heroine remembered Dante’s encouraging phrasing from her many hours under his command. And smiled to be polite. “Oops,” she teased.

“Where do you want us, Dante?” The balding old fellow asked. “Bedroom?”

“No, I think you should take her here on this couch,” Dante replied with a pat of the cushion. He stood up as did Rick and moved over to the open armchairs on either side of Madame Minh and sat down. They sipped their drinks and waited as if the Dinner Show at some community theater was about to begin.

* * *

With just over two hours left to go in their home-bound flight, Reed dialed yet again on the FantastiCar’s communications link to Sue’s cell phone. And once again the call went directly to voice mail. Reed’s message was shorter than any of the dozen others he’d left.

“Sue, call me! I’m worried! It’s Reed.” He disengaged the link and scowled.

“You don’t think she knows your voice by now, Stretch?” Ben glared at the salt and pepper hair peeking over
the chair in front of him.

“He’s just insecure. It’s been almost a full week away. His wife may have forgotten who he is,” Johnny said, sarcasm thick in the air.

“What would you know about relationships, Torch? You’ve burned through more of them than projectiles thrown at you by our adversaries! And with less subtlety.”

“Fuck you, Reed, you pompous ass. And I say that with only love in my heart for you.”

“He’s the one you love? No wonder you keep going through the ladies,” Thing chuckled. “You picked the wrong gender, Flame Boy!”

“At least I have a gender, Rocky!”

“This has been a fun trip,” Reed frowned deeply and went back to drumming his fingers on the wheel of the aircraft.

The Thing decided not to kill him then and there. A most generous gesture on his part.

* * *

With Guilford Jones backing off a step or two, Sue was finally able to get into her sopping wet costume. After a final squeeze of the heavy dripping leggings into the sink, she snapped them out with a jerk that had water splashing everywhere: against the polished mahogany bar cabinet, the parquet floor and even against Sue’s own legs. She gingerly stepped into the uniform pants and pulled them up her legs working them slowly up her shapely body and over the curves of her beautiful round butt.

The water sluiced off her thighs in thin rivulets as the combination of woven Kevlar and spandex material was pulled up, then smoothed down to perfection. Pulling the resistant leggings up tight with a final little jump up and a yank, Sue landed back on the wood floor with a thump and a prominent camel toe. The wet fabric outlined her sex in folded detail. Invisible Woman pulled at the cloth around her crotch, trying to minimize the effect of the wet uniform but there was little she could do. The camel toe wasn’t going away so Sue merely moved on to her top. Once again, she shook the tunic hard and splashed water in all directions before pulling it over her head and yanking on the material until it slid down her upper torso and gave the crowd a delightful view of Invisible Woman’s chest with her curves blatantly clung to by the wet material and her excited nipples accenting the beauty of her bosom.

Guilford’s eyes widened at the prize before him. And those of the remaining afficionados of the female form across the room matched his own for all their long experience. This woman was in incredible shape: thin waist, flaring hips, athletic muscular arms and legs and a face designed by angels having a good day.

“Shall we get to it,” Sue prompted with a flourish of her arm at the couch across the room.

“By all means,” Jones agreed, stepping lively before Sue, making quick progress toward the sofa.

For just a moment, Invisible Woman thought about phasing out and making a run for the front door to escape. The fight or flight instinct surged a rush of adrenaline into her body but the contemplation of pulling the covers over her head and assuming the fetal position back in bed in the Baxter Building lasted only seconds. Dante’s training had been quite explicit about the consequences of bad decisions. Sue chose the option of giving her body up to those who wanted it.

The sex will never hurt nearly as much as what will happen if you disobey, Subject Sue!

Sue quickly followed the nearly prancing Guilford over to the couch, skipping after him thanks to all the energy from the adrenaline spiking her system. In fact, she passed him on the way and gave his butt a graceful little rub to show her eager complicity with the upcoming activities.

A real heroine knows when to act and when to wait. Waiting is always best for you, Sue.

Dante had dozens of helpful little mantras to support his training. Sue had little choice but to memorize them all. They were repeated often enough, usually with negative reinforcement. Dante wasn’t a big believer in positive reinforcement. He used it only very rarely. Sue would wait. She’d take a dick up her rear and, well, just wait to see if things changed for the better. With Dante, that would be a first.

Sue stood facing the couch dripping on the rug while Guilford waited quietly off near the left armrest. Angled slightly behind her and to her left, Dante, Minh and Rick enjoyed the sexy curves of Invisible Woman’s ass. The Kevlar, spandex and wetness gave it a shine.

Behind the couch was a window wall that looked out on a magnificent New York skyline to the south. Prominent landmarks like the Empire State Building and, further south, the Freedom Tower, were lit up with colored lights in the clear black sky. Sue found it hard to fathom the fact that she was about to be cruelly abused on such a lovely evening.

Without warning, Dante loudly barked, “What a bitch!”

Sue dropped to her hands and knees immediately, the command training kicking in like a reflex. The trio in the armchairs smiled at that while the old man standing by the couch nodded and murmured, “Good, good!”

““Present Ass!” Dante commanded and Sue lowered her front torso slightly and raised her rump in the air. “You see, Madame, control has been reestablished. Invisible Woman is once again fully compliant.”

“But will that hold during the robbery, Allamordo? That’s my concern.”

“She will not face anything during the heist nearly as demanding as what she is now about to endure, will she?”

“As demanding as what, exactly?” Minh knew what was coming but she had a fondness for the dramatic on occasion and this seemed to be the perfect occasion.

“As this: Allow cornhole,” Dante said, speaking with a quiet matter-of-factness that was somehow more embarrassing to Sue than all she’d endured this long evening. Nevertheless, she quickly did as she was ordered She stretched out the leggings until the roll of fabric clung to the underside of her butt cheeks, the full moon given to the trio in the armchairs much to their delight.

Without waiting a moment longer, Guilford Jones walked from the end of the couch and positioned his hard cock right at the glory hole he’d been waiting to fill for, well, a lifetime it seemed. He prodded the tip of his prick against Sue’s wet balloon knot and, taking her hips in his palms, steadily forced his rock-hard shaft into the clenched orifice.

Feeling some resistance, Guilford uttered the required command once again, “Hey! Fucking Allow Cornhole, InvisiBitch!”

Lowering her head, Sue tried to relax her butt as best she could. She was nervous about seeming to be obstinate, worried about the possible pain levels and near panic-stricken about Dante’s possible response if Guilford back there couldn’t stay stiff enough to get into her rear.

“I’m allowing! I’m allowing,” Sue whimpered. “Maybe some lube. NOT FOR ME! I promise! Not for me. For Mr. Jones. For YOUR pleasure, sir! Honest!! Please, for him!!”

“Merde!” Minh swore in the French, a familiar language from her youth spent in Vietnam. “Work with the man, you pitiful ass virgin. Reach back and pull your cheeks open.” The whorehouse madam knew all the tricks of the trade, of course. “That will help him push through. Either you spit on your hand and lube your butthole or let him do it. Store bought lube is for amateurs!” Minh half scowled and half grinned, enjoying the heroine’s humiliation.

“I got this,” Guilford declared, leaning back a bit, spitting a generous dollop into his palm and then rubbing his dick. The remaining moisture he took from his slippery palm after that using the finger on his other hand. He smeared it all around Sue’s tight anus as she held her cheeks apart for him. That done, he leaned forward into the compliant heroine with her head pressed against the couch seat cushion, centered the head of his still stiff cock against her pale pink hole and pushed himself hard into her.

“Uuughhnn!” Sue grunted as three wide inches of hot male muscle drove inside her rear.

“Mais non, you see, you see? This always works,” Minh gestured at the famous blonde heroine impaled by her elderly assistant. “Now, forward, mon amie. Harder and deeper. But slow, yes. Make her feel every inch of you as you take her completely.”

“Uuhhmm, Minh. I’ve buggered women before. I can take it solo from here, thanks,” Guilford admonished his boss slightly. “I’ve got my own set of skills, believe you me.”

Minh’s eyes sparkled as she leaned into the view of the mated bodies before her, her tongue slightly between her teeth, her breath shortened. She caught the annoyance in Guilford’s tone and waved her hand at them, settling back now and taking a long final pull at her drink. “Yes, of course. Plow away!”

And plow he did, showing the energy of man ten years younger. Inspired by the thrill of butt-fucking one of the most famous and desirable women on the planet, Guilford Jones drove himself like a man possessed, working his pole in and out in an ever-shifting variety of pacing. He thrusted fast and hard, bumping his thighs against shimmying soft round butt cheeks over and over as Sue grunted before him, her body rocked with each forward jerk.

He also switched off to a slow dreamy rhythm of an oil well pump on the Texas plains; all the time in the world to drill, drill, drill. He varied off this theme, too, leaning in and just holding her close, unmoving with his chest against her back, her wet costume tunic soaking his shirt. He’d unzipped her top just enough to have her breasts dangling out. When they weren’t rocking back and forth in a frenzy, they were held still and quietly squeezed and mauled. At times, his palms caressed her exposed tits as she knelt beneath him with the old man merely swaying in place, his stiff heat centered in her tightly clenched rear.

Having given herself up to the inevitable ass-pounding she couldn’t avoid Sue was flabbergasted to discover herself transported to a wonderful state of bliss. Her body lit up like a pin ball machine with his tricky hands, energetic hips and even his eager murmurs of encouragement in her ear. It was the very last thing she expected. She anticipated a torturous session of pain and humiliation and it was the exact opposite.

This Jones guy is fucking good! Literally!

When Guilford switched back to his tight tit grip and quick rhythm humping, going for the gold medal so to speak, Sue lost all composure. She thrust her rear back and forth, matching his motion and momentum stroke for stroke.

So hot. He’s got me….sooo hot….

He was shockingly relentless and Sue shrieked out loud as he grunted, finishing her off with a jet of jizz deep inside her rear. The mutual sensations had shoved them both over the edge into white oblivion. They wavered there on the floor, Sue held tightly coupled to the old man, both of them wheezing and panting and sighing and moaning. Fluids dripped and drizzled everywhere, from holes, from wet crotches, from sweaty thighs and damp pants legs. Pleasure inundated the pair as they bathed together in a miasma of bliss.

Minh raised her empty glass in dry toast to Dante’s successful presentation of a completely submissive and cooperative Invisible Woman.

“Phase out, Sue,” Dante commanded, just for fun.

She did. Fully empowered and completely subjugated. Everyone could hear the famous heroine panting and moaning. They could see the splashes on the carpet and they could sense the friction and just make out the pop as Jones pulled out of the invisible woman’s butt. A thick white clot of semen appeared in mid-air and fell on the carpet.

“Phase in, Sue.”

Invisible Woman did so and them promptly slid off the couch cushion and stretched out on the floor on her back, simply staring at the ceiling, dumbfounded in a puddle of her and Jones’ liquid ecstasy…and her own absolute satisfaction. Before she went under every one heard her mumble something.

Most believed it was, “…i…never….knew…”
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Beautiful inner monologue and conflict. LOVED this chapter. So goddamn hot.
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BatFan11 wrote:
3 years ago
Beautiful inner monologue and conflict. LOVED this chapter. So goddamn hot.
Thanks so much, BatFan11. Several readers a chapter or two back mentioned they enjoyed the inner dialogue and I like to give my readers what they indicate they want, if I can work it reasonably into my story line. So, if others out there have ideas out about specific poses, thought processes or interactions between specific characters that you'd like to see in this story, comment here and it could very well make it into an upcoming chapter.
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Neophyte Lvl 2
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Thank you Dr. Dominator for a great chapter!
I loved the scene when Sue was forced to wash her uniform. The simple process of hand washing clothes is circled out excellently. But I also enjoyed reading about her thoughts. It made the ongoing activities so much more understandable.
Regards Nearkos
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nearkos wrote:
3 years ago
Thank you Dr. Dominator for a great chapter!
I loved the scene when Sue was forced to wash her uniform. The simple process of hand washing clothes is circled out excellently. But I also enjoyed reading about her thoughts. It made the ongoing activities so much more understandable.
Regards Nearkos
Thank you Nearkos. Always a pleasure to hear from you. The clothes washing scene was suggested by one of my regular beta readers who I either run my chapters by before posting or discuss with them in the outlining stage. I added the aspect of Guilford sidling up behind her and imposing himself on her personal space because, well, I'm me.
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Brilliant chapter! Great work. :)
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The latest scene has real weight in terms of impact on Sue, both the deed itself and its significance - her training having been a big success!! When this is all over Sue may have new demands she will want to place on her husband!
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
3 years ago
The latest scene has real weight in terms of impact on Sue, both the deed itself and its significance - her training having been a big success!! When this is all over Sue may have new demands she will want to place on her husband!
Thanks, AEM. Indeed, Sue had her eyes opened in this last chapter. And now it's just about time for that heist to begin now that she's shown she can be relied on to be a team player. They'll hit the museum tomorrow night (in story time, as for my timing, that's still to be determined. Working on my Amazos chapter for now).
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I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment! :D
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With Amazos chapter posted, I'm back on Sue. Hopefully it won't be more than a few days.
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KUDOS Doc! I just caught up with this story and read it straight through. I couldn't stop. Peril well done, writing excellent and I have to admit the shorter chapters were an interesting touch. Amazing work.
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Thanks so much, McGheeny. That means a lot coming from such a respected story stylist as yourself.

To all my fans, I'm sorry that I haven't updated this story lately. Life got very busy for me and it's not slowing down. I will be out of town for the next two weeks so you won't be getting any update until the second week of June or so. If I can possibly do it sooner, I will.

See you when I return! And don't give Tallyho a hard time while I'm gone. He's a sensitive type.

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I'm guessing life has continued to be busy? I can understand that, mine's been busy too!

Once again, there's a total dearth of erotic fiction featuring my fave Sue Storm, so I'm hoping we'll see another chapter of this glorious saga before too long...
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I love love love this story, we just can't get enough of Suzy!!!!
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Hey folks. Thanks for continuing to support this work of mine. Now that I've turned in my latest Amazos chapter, I actually have time to tackle this story again after a very long hiatus. I hope to get something out by next week so stay tuned.

My Amazos chapter is something completely different from me but I'm having fun with the characters of the Greek Gods and Goddesses and there's always Diana (pre-Wonder Woman days) in peril to enjoy. Okay, shameless self-plug is over!
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I do hope you gain momentum here again once your stint with Amazos is over!
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'Hopefully it won't be more than a few days.'

Six months later...:D
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exxxidor456 wrote:
2 years ago
'Hopefully it won't be more than a few days.'

Six months later...:D
Technically, it's been eight months since my last chapter. I'm a bad person. I will make every attempt to write more Sue this coming week. (I wonder if she's still with us!)
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really looking forward to the new installment
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DrDominator9 wrote:
2 years ago
more Sue this coming week. (I wonder if she's still with us!)
I fear not! :D
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Waiting for more....
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