The Caliph

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I thought I'd make another feeble attmpt

The Caliph Chapter 1

“Uhhh…unnn…ohhhh” The young woman moaned softly as she tugged gently at her bonds, trying to move. Her long black eyelashes flickered allowing flashes of light against her dark blue eyes. She sighed as the black cloud once again engulfed her mind. Her head then sagged into the luxurious pillow, and her gorgeous naked body relaxed onto the silk sheet..

The man sitting next to the bed wondered if he should notify the Caliph that his prize was awakening, but decided against it until the lady was fully awake. He heard her stirring again. The moans were soft and seductive, arousing the man’s desires, but he dare not touch the woman or the Caliph would have his head.

“Wheremmm..ammm..nnn” The gag muffled her question. “ mouth is so dry.” She rotated her head from side to side, but could only see an ocean of pink, since her eyes were still not focusing, and her muscles were not working. When she raised her head dizziness overwhelmed her as she once again feinted.

Peeking through the drapes, the man drooled at the sight of the heavenly body helplessly tied to the bedposts. “I hope I didn’t give her too much of the drug.”

Her long black eyelashes fluttered, trying to open, as her limbs strained against the ropes. “Whammm..happemmmm.” She struggled to speak, but the gag turned her speech into an inaudible mumble. Focusing on her surroundings awed the helpless young woman. She was bound securely to a large four poster bed with a pink silk top, and silk drapes around the sides. “I don’t understand.” Her head raised off the pillow to peer down at her naked body, and then she caught sight of her costume hanging from the top of one of the posts. “I’m beginning to remember.”

Wonder Alice entered her apartment through the secret panel in the bedroom closet, and stood in front of the mirror to check out her minor injuries. “I put that gambling operation out of business tonight.” She turned to remove her costume and was hit square in the face with a fine spray. “AAARRGGHH” Trying to raise her hands to wave off the spray, her muscles wouldn’t respond. “I’m paralyzed.”
“Something wrong, Wonder Alice? The Caliph would like to see you.”

Alice never saw the wicked punch coming. “Unnngh” It swung her head nearly all the way around, sending the shapely body crashing to the carpet, where the Heroine lay groaning with pain. “Oooooohhh.” She felt the man yanking on her curly blonde tresses, but was unable to resist being pulled to her feet. Another crashing blow connected with her jaw, filling her mind with flashing stars sailing through a black sky. Her long lithe legs buckled, sending the already unconscious Wonder Alice hurtling towards the floor. She never felt the impact, as she lay sprawled and unmoving. Neither did She feel the needle as it pierced her skin, injecting a clear liquid into her vein. The gorgeous limp Heroine was tossed over the attacker’s broad shoulder, and carried back through the secret panel.

“What is this place.” Wonder Alice pondered her predicament, trying to pull loose from the bindings. “This is really luxurious.” Suddenly the drapes were pulled apart, revealing two men staring at her naked body, helplessly bound spread eagled to the large bed. “MMMMMM” She thrust her head back and forth in an attempt to show her anger.

“Untie the gag, Leo.” While Leo did as commanded, the man dressed in a cloth headpiece and flowing robe paced in a circle. “I’ve been watching you for some time, my dear. You will be a real prize for my collection.”

Wonder Alice was prepared to yell all sorts of protests until she heard the Caliph’s words. “What do you mean collection?” Her body sank into the plush bed to ponder the purpose of her kidnapping. She lay there stunned at the conversation between the Caliph and Leo.

“I have all the information on Miss USA. Here’s the folder, so do what’s necessary to add her to my collection.” Leo took the folder and left the room. “How do you like your accommodations? This is your new home, until I tire of you.” He leaned over to kiss his captive, but she moved her head away. “That’s all right dear. “You will learn to like it.”

Wonder Alice saw the tall handsome man retrieve a bottle and rag from the night stand. “No, you don’t have to do that.” Raising her beautiful torso up and down on the silk sheet as she yanked on the ropes. “Please not chlorommmmmfmmm.” Her plea was cut short by the wet rag covering her mouth. “I can’t resist the powerful fumes.” Her nostrils felt the sickly sweet vapors waft past and fill her lungs. “Getting so sleepy...can’t stop from fading into the night.” Her mind became confused and her breasts moved sensuously up and down regularly. The magnificent body sank deeply into the soft mattress, as her muscles went limp, and her last thought was of Miss USA.

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Elder Member
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Another admirable attempt, Frisky! I'm a little confused about one thing though. Is the heroine's name Wonder Alice or Miss USA? You mentioned both. No slight intended, just clarifying. I'd like to see you develop this a little more. It's an interesting start! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
Elder Member
Elder Member
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Nice start. :P

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Thanks for the comments, but to clarify the characters. There are two different costume heroines, Wonder Alice has been captured, and the Caliph has ordered Leo to capture Miss USA for item two in his collection.

I'm trying to work out how I'm going to introduce Miss USA.

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