Looking for investors

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We are looking to start a series of projects and are looking for investors.
Either full funding or maybe an indigo-go please PM me for details.
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I and another friend wants to invest, $2000-$5000 want returns can we expected
Can you send us a contract?

I will email or Call
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amy wrote:I and another friend wants to invest, $2000-$5000 want returns can we expected
Can you send us a contract?

I will email or Call
We have already gotten a backer for the larger projects.
If you wish to fund a smaller project please feel free to contact me by email

[email protected]

We have several small projects (starting at $200-$300) that you can get your feet wet with. When we complete on a smaller project and confidence is high we can experiment with larger projects.

I can tell you that most projects have a payback of 150% plus projects developed.
Usually these are investments for fans of the projects we produce.
Payouts are usually monthly

if $300 is funded then the payback would be $450 and payouts would be $75 for 6 months.
A custom movie is usually part of the package if the project includes the creation of a costume
Also every movie made with the costume for 6 months is sent to the investor

as I mentioned earlier these are projects perfect for fans of our work since they get their money back in 6 months with a bit extra, plus added movies.

this isn't something very lucrative for non-fans or serious investors.

We do these things because we have longterm plans to launch new projects, if there are no investors then we just fund them ourselves over the long run. Investors allow us to put out projects faster.
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I'm interested. Are these high quality productions, i.e., with props, locations, special effects? Something with a story arc similar to the Batman tv show with cliffhanger and resolution, or something more like an episode of Wonder Woman?
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avenger wrote:I'm interested. Are these high quality productions, i.e., with props, locations, special effects? Something with a story arc similar to the Batman tv show with cliffhanger and resolution, or something more like an episode of Wonder Woman?
The large project is.
but as I have said thats funded already.
the larger project was for a movie with a green screen studio, outdoor location as well as indoor locations (a bar, a liquor store, a dentists office)
That project will start shooting in October since a scene is in New orleans and we are going there for halloween.

The smaller projects are for costumes. high quality custom made costumes.

these costumes start at $200 and go as high as $600

150% paid back monthly over a 6 month span, plus a custom movie with the costume, and a download of every movie made using the costume.

We already have a backer for the large project but we only have space for one smaller project at the moment.
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All spots for backers has been filled.
If you would like to be contacted the next time an opportunity opens up please feel free to contact me but we will not be taking any new backers until the current three projects have been paid back in full.

This works out roughly to 6 months for the large project backer, and 3 months for all three small projects.

So unless these backers want to re-invest
(and usually they don't because they got their free custom and free movies out of the deal already)
We will either reach out to people who say they are interested or re-post here again when new opportunities open themselves up.

thank you to everyone who participated, and to those who wrote in with questions.
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