Trapped in Ecstasy (Anastasia Pierce)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: Wesker Laboratories

Plot: Wonder Clone and Power Girl find themselves the prisoners of the felonious feline Catwoman who has captured them earlier and imprisoned them in a cell. Catwoman has some plans for these two beauties, but what is her real end game? And will Power Girl and Wonder Clone be able to resist each other’s company long enough to escape? (Probably not.) :evil:
wonder.woman.with power.girl.mp4_snapshot_00.27.33_[2015.08.07_01.40.46].jpg
wonder.woman.with power.girl.mp4_snapshot_00.27.33_[2015.08.07_01.40.46].jpg (27.79 KiB) Viewed 1260 times
-Absolutely loved Catwoman’s outfit in this particular vid. That satin body stocking and corset with gloves and mask was absolutely sensual. With that outfit, Anastasia should’ve made Catwoman the star for this vid instead of the Wonder Clone.
-Based on a friend’s recommendation, I rented this vid to see the lovely Carissa Montgomery in action. Sadly though, she’s not really given much to do along with Anastasia except sit, look pretty and be helpless. Really loved her Power Girl outfit though and I enjoyed how Anastasia played with her cleavage later on during the story.
-Loved the scene where Anastasia and Carissa fall under the spell of the lust gas that Catwoman pumps into their cell, but unfortunately, that alone isn’t enough to stop the flaws of this vid from creeping out. And there are many my friends, many…

-Oh my…Anastasia had a good idea for this vid but it wasn’t really executed properly. For starters, she’s trying to play two parts at once (Wonder Clone and Catwoman). Bad idea because it looks like she’s having a hard time trying to stay in character in-between cuts. What made it worse was that she’s trying to pretend like she’s talking to her prisoner on her computer screen when she’s really not and Carissa and Anastasia are doing their best to look helpless and worried when they both kinda look bored at first. It isn’t until things get sensual do the two begin to perform just a little better.
-Anastasia tried to have some visual effects thrown in for good measure to make it look like there was lust gas being pumped into the room, but from the way she and Carissa were behaving, there were scenes where the mist is shown and they’re not really noticing that it’s doing anything to them. They don’t cough, gasp or even try to moan in ecstasy when the mist is in the room.
-Oy…two superheroines sucking on the same dildo at the same time? And using it to penetrate each other at the same time? *sigh* Just doesn’t get any stranger than that, folks.
-The dildo machine from ‘Neutralizing the Clone’ reappears again and…*sigh* I’m not even gonna go into why that device shouldn’t be in this one.

Diagnosis (What *should’ve* been better)
-Note that I put the word ‘should’ve’ at the top, this time. I don’t think Anastasia should try to play two characters at once like that. I mean, she gave it a good try here, but she just didn’t hit the bullseye for me this time with trying to play Catwoman and Wonder Clone at the same time. Best case scenario, just have a third person to play the part of Catwoman so she can play Wonder Clone or vice versa.
-The visual effects could really use some work for next time…the whole thing with the mist just didn’t look real and the models weren’t reacting to its presence properly in any way.
-Carissa and Anastasia were acting as if someone was talking to them and ordering them to do sexual things to each other, yet there’s no voice being heard. If that’s the case, then they should’ve had Catwoman’s voice come in through an intercom to stimulate that effect. Without a response from the other end, it just looks like they’re talking to an invisible source.
-The makeout part was very good and erotic but…looked more like they were trying to do tongue play than kiss. The tongue thing should really be cut out next time…just let the ladies embrace and make out.
-They’ve really gotta try for a plot for the next story they do like this. It helps moves things along just a tad.

Final Outcome
I was really looking forward to seeing this story after Anastasia did ‘Neutralizing the Clone’ but sadly, this vid really flopped big time. So much potential and yet, the ball got fumbled near the end zone, leaving the quarterback (the fetish vid) in a paraplegic state. I don’t think any amount of operating can help it walk again, folks. Anastasia gave it her all, but execution-wise, things just didn’t turn out the way they should have.

Final Score for this vid: 3 ½ out of 10.
wonder.woman.with power.girl.mp4_snapshot_00.28.35_[2015.08.07_01.40.30].jpg
wonder.woman.with power.girl.mp4_snapshot_00.28.35_[2015.08.07_01.40.30].jpg (30.01 KiB) Viewed 1260 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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