Superheroine Defeat Card Game

Superheroine Clips & Pictures Here! No copyright infringement, please.
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Philo Hunter
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Hey all! I have something I'm working on that I wanted to share (and hear what people think). I'm not entirely sure where this fits board wise, but it will be picture heavy so I'm putting it here.

I'm working on a card game where you play a Supervillain who must defeat superheroines. It will be playable either alone or with someone else competitively. Once I have enough cards done for it to be playable I'd love to get some help playtesting it! As of yet I don't have anywhere near enough cards done for it to be playable, but I'm hoping to get there soon.

I'm trying to make the rules not entirely superhero specific, so that say I could make a set based in a kinky fantasy setting or even a normal modern day setting. The point of the game is for the Predator players to defeat the Prey cards either physically or sexually.

Here's the simple run down of the rules so far:

Start of game: Start with one Prey card in play. Predator players each start with three Prey Action cards.

Play order:
- Predator draws a Predator Action card.
- Predator declares an attack or a pass. If attack declared player does not have to declare what kind of attack it is.
- Prey plays the top card of the Prey Action deck.
- If attacking Predator may play action card then makes either a sexual or physical attack.
- If attack is successful Predator player gains appropriate victory points. If Predator is unsuccessful they gain -1 victory point.

Play ends when either all Prey cards are defeated or the Predator cannot draw a card at the beginning of their turn. In solo play player wins if they have positive victory points. In competitive play the player with the most victory points is declared winner.

And here are the cards I've done so far:
archbaroness card.jpg
archbaroness card.jpg (655.52 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
Brickhouse card.jpg
Brickhouse card.jpg (687.59 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
Champion Girl card.jpg
Champion Girl card.jpg (673.36 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
Lab Rat card.jpg
Lab Rat card.jpg (637.53 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
Psychia card.jpg
Psychia card.jpg (705.93 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
the gasser card.jpg
the gasser card.jpg (789.28 KiB) Viewed 9301 times
As you can see, they are based on the characters from my Heroine's Perilous World setting. Once I have enough cards done for the game to start play testing I'll do the cards up on printable pages (probably in a PDF). Love to hear any ideas anyone has!
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Elder Member
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If you lay down the rules, and put up a blank template, peeps (like me) might be interested in adding our 'cards' to the library.

A sample of a turn of play would be interesting.

I've been tinkering with something like this too (based on the old white wolf rage game)
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Good luck with it.

I think an example of what you mean by the 'prey action cards' would be good.

Are there (for want of a better term) 'artefact' cards eg a belt or batarang sort of thing that can be retained to decrease an attack defensively or if the villain gets hold of it increases an attack?
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Philo Hunter
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I've got a few of the Prey Action cards done, but they don't have pictures yet. I'll attach them on the bottom. And yeah, there will be the equivalent of Artifact cards. Some cards will "Remain in Play" and most action cards will have a "type" so an item like Wonder Woman's lasso could have the action tye "Item" or "Weapon".

As you can see the first Predator Deck I'm working on is The Gasser. In my stories he uses a ton of gasses and drugs, most of them in gas grenades, so his action cards will have a lot of "weapon" and "Tech" cards.

I'm doing the card's in Photoshop. Would it be more helpful for people who want to make their own cards/version of the game for me to post the Photoshop file for the blank card or would you rather it just be a blank Jpeg? Right now this is just a fun little time wasting hobby and excuse to pull some more renders (I plan on having different pictures on each card), but if the game ends up fun I might one day look into getting it actually printed up/published. Maybe.
Dodge Attack prey action card.jpg
Dodge Attack prey action card.jpg (786.94 KiB) Viewed 9247 times
female civilian onlooker prey action card.jpg
female civilian onlooker prey action card.jpg (747.46 KiB) Viewed 9247 times
Helper Bot action card.jpg
Helper Bot action card.jpg (764.69 KiB) Viewed 9247 times
I cleared my mind action card.jpg
I cleared my mind action card.jpg (797.52 KiB) Viewed 9247 times
Team up prey action card.jpg
Team up prey action card.jpg (698.5 KiB) Viewed 9247 times
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Philo Hunter
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I think I almost have enough action cards done to make a VERY early version of the game "playable" to start testing things. Want to spend another day or two before I drop all the cards into a printable file.

My Girlfriend has been helping me with some of the cards and she thinks it looks bad that I'm designing the action cards with there picture not uniform in size. I didn't like the look of a ton of white space on the text area AND I wanted to have the most room possible when I start dropping graphic pictures in (I mean, looking at heroines getting fucked is half the fun, right?). What do you guys think? Here's a few examples:
Fuck Her Tits.jpg
Fuck Her Tits.jpg (851.37 KiB) Viewed 9059 times
knock out gas attack.jpg
knock out gas attack.jpg (787.09 KiB) Viewed 9059 times
kick em where the sun don't shine.jpg
kick em where the sun don't shine.jpg (655.07 KiB) Viewed 9059 times
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Philo Hunter
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I've gotten enough cards done to make the game "playable". Going to give them a few play tests and implement any changes that seem needed before posting the printable pages and updated rules, hopefully will have that before the weekend!
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Millenium Member
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hmmm i second the desire for card templates so's we might put up some stuff ourselves :)
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Philo Hunter
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How should I post them? As photoshop files or Jpegs?
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Millenium Member
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can you edit photoshop files in gimp? I'd actually say PNG files are better than JPG's for this as they retain the images original resolution (whereas JPG's blur it out a little) then someone with a little technical knowhow could finagle a working 'template' program. Until then it'd be easy enough to just edit our own over a PNG.

You could always release both, since peps with photoshop might appreciate it?
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That's awesome, I'm completely looking forward to it.

Just need to find a way to play it online. :)

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Philo Hunter
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Alright, I did up some blank cards for home brew sets. If you make some and decide to post them somewhere please credit me as the original creator of the game. I'll add the files at the end of this post (looks like I can't upload Photoshop files to the forum) but first I thought I would put up the most recent version of the rules book we have hashed out:


Set Up:
- Each player chooses a Predator and their corresponding Action Card deck.
- Players decide which Prey Decks to use.
- Shuffle all Prey Action Cards together then form the Prey Action Deck by including 10 cards per Prey. (Note: Ten cards per thing MAY be too many, I don't know. This will need a lot more play testing)
- Players also shuffle their Action Card decks and use 10 cards per Prey.
- Reveal the first Prey Card.
- Predator players each draw three Prey Action cards.
- Whichever player had an orgasm most recently goes first.

Turn order:
- Predator Player draws a Predator Action card. (There is no hand limit)
- Predator Player declares an attack or a pass. If an attack is declared player does not have to declare what kind of attack it will be.
- Each Prey plays the top card of the Prey Action deck.
- If attacking, the Predator player must at this point declare whether their attack is a Fight or a Sexual attack (use the appropriate Gender sexual attack). Once this is done the player may play any number of action cards. Once this is done all card effects are taken into account. If the Predator’s Attack is greater than the Prey’s Defense he has won and scores the appropriate Victory Points. If his attack is less than or equal to the Prey’s Defense he loses Victory points equal to the Prey’s Victory Point worth (Player’s may have negative Victory points).
- After combat is over, or if player passed, all Action Cards that do not “Remain in Play” are discarded.
*Special Note: Item Action Cards may be played even on turns where a attack was not declared by the player.

Ending The Game:
Play ends when either all Prey cards are defeated or at the end of the turn when Action Card Deck runs out of Cards. In solo play the player wins if they have positive victory points. In competitive play the player with the most victory points is declared winner.

Current official card types:

Character Types: Male, Female, Superheroine, Supervillain
Action Card Types: Ally, Anal, Breast, Climax (female orgasm), Cum (male orgasm), Degrading, Item, Mental, Oral, Physical, Tech, Vaginal.
predator action card.png
predator action card.png (656.74 KiB) Viewed 8850 times
preditor card.png
preditor card.png (716.34 KiB) Viewed 8850 times
prey action card.png
prey action card.png (843.51 KiB) Viewed 8850 times
prey card.png
prey card.png (902.49 KiB) Viewed 8850 times
A note when making your cards: We've found out that anything smaller than size 8 font is hard to read when printed out.

Also the system I am using now uses a scale of 0-3 for Predator's states and 1-10 for Preys, although that might not be what was in the cards I shared earlier. Like I said, I want to get a few more days play testing in before posting a "playable" version of the game.
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Philo Hunter
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Hey everyone, looks like the big thing I need to add is basic, generic attack cards. So can you guys throw out some lists of basic fight moves, and some simple sexual acts?
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Philo Hunter
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Alright everyone, I now have enough cards done to make the game “playable” although it is FAR from finished. The Gasser’s deck is complete, but the Prey deck still needs a ton of cards. And almost everything needs pictures, although I have started pulling renders and am dropping them in as I make them. My intention is to have a unique picture on each card, even those that are duplicates. Sexy pictures is half the fun, right?

Right now with only The Gasser done the game can only be played by one person, but realistically that’s probably how this game will be played most of the time. If anyone prints these out (I suggest using card stock) and gives it a try I’d be VERY interested in feedback. I figure The Gasser’s deck will need some balancing.

And if you do play expect to spend a good part of the game with negative victory points. The last time I played it was like that. It’s supposed to be challenging, but hopefully the right kind of challenging that makes it fun.

You'll find a link to the Zip that has all the pages you need to print out to play below: ...
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So I'm working on pulling renders and dropping them into the appropriator cards. I stumbled upon something that I think looks better, but before I go back and change all the cards I have artwork for I thought I would try and get some other opinions.

Here is the original style:
costume dissolving grenade 3.jpg
costume dissolving grenade 3.jpg (814.01 KiB) Viewed 8666 times
This is the "new" style I'm thinking about moving to.
costume dissolving grenade 3 full.jpg
costume dissolving grenade 3 full.jpg (545.25 KiB) Viewed 8666 times
What do you all think?
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We've been play testing a bunch the last few days and I just added in a TON of changes for balancing plus a ton of new cards. And I've been pulling between 2-5 renders a day. I plan on doing one more intensive round of play testing with a new, second Villain (Mary-Annette, who has body control powers in my stories) before posting up an updated set of cards and rules. Maybe sometime early next week?
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Alright, I’m posting with a MAJOR update to the game:

- Probably near twice as many cards in Prey action deck.

- Predator and Prey character cards are now twice as big, making them stand out more on the table and giving more room for rules text and illustrations.
- Two new playable Predators: Cape Crusher and Mary-Annette.

- I’ve just about doubled the size of how many Prey cards there are. Some are generic characters, others are pulled from my stories. A few of them are characters that haven’t yet appeared in published stories.

- A handful of new illustrations. Most of them are in the Prey deck and The Gasser’s deck (I’ll probably finish his deck before I start in on the other villains’ cards).

- Almost every card that existed in the last upload has been tweaked for balancing or just to make their wording more clear and consistent with other cards wording.

- There have been some significant additions and changes to the base rules for the game. I’ve also added an FAQ section clarifying things that we have noticed that weren’t very clear and that will be added to as people comment on the game after trying it out.

We still haven’t done very much play testing with multiplayer games, so not entirely sure how balanced those are. If anyone prints these out and plays some I would REALLY appreciate any and all feedback. I probably won't post another update till I've either made a TON of balancing tweaks or completed the artwork for one of the decks. And again, the game is fully playable now but it still needs plenty of tweaking for balancing which I'll only be able to get done with lots of play testing.

A link to a zip file with all of the printable pages and rules can be found below. It's a fairly big file as there are now nearly 300 cards. ...
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Philo Hunter
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You can download the new files here: ... They include printable pages for all of the nearly 300 cards in the current version of the game! Changes include:

* More rules tweaks.
* A handful of cards added to each Predator deck for balancing issues as well as a few new Prey action cards added, also for balancing issues.
* Tweaks to wording on may cards to make it more clear how they work. Also fixed the major misprint on The Gasser’s Predator card.
* Around 20 new illustrations for various cards (mostly in The Gasser deck and some in the Megatropolis Amazon deck)
* There is now pages to print out for card backs, but they aren’t required for game play especially if you are worried about conserving ink.

The game is very much playable and pretty damn fun. As always I would appreciate any and all feedback if you print he cards out and give the game a try! And here's a few of the new images on the cards now:
Cum on their chest 2.jpg
Cum on their chest 2.jpg (757.82 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
Cum on their face.jpg
Cum on their face.jpg (665.05 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
Fuck Her Tits 3.jpg
Fuck Her Tits 3.jpg (654.25 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
nipple play.jpg
nipple play.jpg (587.51 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
punch her in the tit.jpg
punch her in the tit.jpg (647.68 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
Dodge Attack prey action card 2.jpg
Dodge Attack prey action card 2.jpg (615.32 KiB) Viewed 8114 times
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Philo Hunter
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There's a new version of the game available!

Sadly, my computer crashed late last year so I had to recreate everything from scratch. This forced me to redesign the cards, which looks better. But I sadly lost all of the renders I had pulled, so this new version has better, clearer rules but almost no artwork.

The download also includes single image version of all the cards for use in programs like LackeyCCG, which a few people have been using to play the game digitally.
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Another fairly significant update with slight changes to nearly half the cards and some small but important changes to the rules. Some artwork was added back in, but there still isn't very much that is sexually explicit.
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Oi, missed the last few updates on here. Here is the newest one:

Just added a handful of new Prey as well as a few print pages worth of new cards for the Prey's action deck. But where I, and those helping me play test, have been busiest is in The Gasser's deck. I've been concentrating all my play testing on him, working with others to try and balance his deck as I work on pulling renders as I slowly get closer to completing it. Right now there are tons of illustrated cards for him, most of it sexually explicit.

And as a reminder I've included single image files for every card in the game so you can play it digitally via either LackeyCCG or Table Top Simulator on Steam. For now you'd need to input the cards into the programs manually, but a few people have done so and got it to work.

Also, as a thank you to anyone that takes the time to download the game and give it a try I've included a coupon code in the back of the rules sheet that will get you a free copy of one of my heroine stories on Smashwords.
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This is brilliant. my only problem is not all the cards have pics on them
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Philo Hunter
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drvoodoo wrote:This is brilliant. my only problem is not all the cards have pics on them
Eventually they will. But taking renders for over 300 cards is time consuming. I'm chugging away at it. Hopefully by the time I get the next upload up The Gasser's deck will either be complete or be damn close to it.
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Here's some examples of some of the recent artwork.
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Philo Hunter
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Here's the latest update:

Probably won't be another for a while. I'm feeling burnt out and need a break, so I'm going to work on some comics before coming back and working on more illustrations.
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There's a new update available for download! ... ((Fixed the link so it works!!!))

- The Gasser's deck now has nearly complete artwork with just a handful of cards left to pull renders for.
- The Prey deck and their actions cards have all undergone heavy play testing and balancing along with some light balancing on Cape Crusher and Mary-Annette's decks.
- There has been an all around attempt to weed out all of the typos, although I'm sure there are still plenty left.
- Two brand new, playable villains have been added: Adaptatron and Brain Master. Like all of the other villains, their play style feels fairly different to the other villains. Adaptatron has a lot of small bonuses that stay in play and stack, while Brain Master's deck is almost exclusively sexual attacks but targeted at both genders. But be warned, neither character has had any real play testing yet.
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Alright, the newest version uploaded and ready! Here's the link: ...

Major changes:

- A new playable character: The Enlarger. She is a supervillain that permanently enlarges the breasts of heroines and public figures and blackmails them for the antidote. She also has the powerful bimbo ray in her deck.
- A ton of artwork added to Prey Action deck. Also a smattering of artwork in all other decks, and The Gasser is now only a few cards from being finished.
- Adaptatron and Brain Master have undergone major balancing since the last release.
- Every playable character now has rules that allow/force other players to join in attacks making multiplayer games much more interactive.

At this point the game is 100% playable and all that is left is minor balancing tweaks as well as the art work!

Also in celebration of the new playable character you will find at the end of the rules a code to get a free ebook ("Champion Girl Vs The Enlarger) from Smashwords!
Last edited by Philo Hunter 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Elder Member
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Free Ebook listed at the end of the rules is Megatropolis Amazons vs Red Dragon.

The free code seems to be expired.

(I also dont see the 'Enlarger' so.. maybe this is just an old link to the old rules?)
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Philo Hunter
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Kitten wrote:Free Ebook listed at the end of the rules is Megatropolis Amazons vs Red Dragon.

The free code seems to be expired.

(I also dont see the 'Enlarger' so.. maybe this is just an old link to the old rules?)
Sorry! I accidentally posted the link to the last version. I fixed it in the previous post and it should be the newest files now.
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Philo Hunter
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Hey all, new update to the game!!! ...

Here's what's new:

- As always there have been a lot of little tweaks to many of the cards throughout all of the sets, little balancing things here and there.
- There's a few new cards in the Prey's action Deck, a handful of new Prey with some interesting mechanics AND a brand new playable villain: The Undermen. Their play style is unlike any of the other decks and they gain victory points in a totally different manner (they must defeat female Prey and impregnate them, gaining victory points and new cards for their deck by letting their young gestate in the defeated women).
- Plenty of new art! And The Gasser's deck now has complete artwork!!!! There is also artwork on all the Predator's main cards and almost all of the Prey minus a few of the new ones.
- The rules also have an updated coupon for a free ebook on smashword as a thank you to everyone that gives the game a try.

I've gotten to play test a lot recently with a group of friends and have found that it is definitely most fun with other people, although you should expect a lot of giggling. I'm going to keep adding artwork, keep adding new villains and Prey, and keep tweaking the rules for balancing purposes. If any of you print it out and give it a try I'd love to hear any comments you have, especially about tweaks you feel the game needs to balancing issues.

Some people have asked about a digital version. It is totally possible to get the game to work in either Table Top Simulator on Steam or Lackey CCG, but the coding needed for both of those is a little above what I am capable of. If anyone does port the game into either of those engines I'd love copies of the files to share with other people.

And as always the game is free (and a big thank you to the Hypnopics Collective for hosting the files), but if you'd like to show your support/help me finance new files for rendering more art work you can head on over to and pledge a support. Pledges range from $1 through $30 and even at the lowest pledge level you'll get access to a ton of artwork.

P.S. - I attached some of the cards with new artwork to the post!
breast growth grenade 1.jpg
breast growth grenade 1.jpg (558.81 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
Clitoral Stimulation Attachment.jpg
Clitoral Stimulation Attachment.jpg (440.53 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
Multiplicity anal.jpg
Multiplicity anal.jpg (1.04 MiB) Viewed 3960 times
titty slap.jpg
titty slap.jpg (467.88 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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The game looks quite funny...Pity I find hard learning this kind of Card Games.
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Philo Hunter
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It is pretty funny, especially when you are playing in a group. Reading off all the action cards for how you defeated a heroine and what you did to her in what order is pretty fun and can lead to a lot of good humored giggling, especially if everyone has been drinking.
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