Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

All Kinds of Trouble with That Crack
Part 8-B

All of Supergirl’s arms and legs are held by giant jungle vines. She is stretched out in every direction possible while small, smooth tendrils of some hideous plant monster explore her body inch by inch. One tendril is forced deep in her ass and another is about to slide down her throat when yet another tendril rises up and slaps her rear end. She yelps but the tendril comes down with another painful slap.

“...up, Supergirl. Wake up and join us,” Tony Bonano says. He gives her a third stiff whack on her butt.

“OW” she blurts through gummy, rubbery lips.

“I think that one finally did it,” Carmine says, as the shapely blonde strapped down to the table beside him groggily lifts her head and blinks at him with a dumb look of simple annoyance. Who was this guy?


“Rise and shine, sugarplum,” a voice says brightly behind her. “ It’s time for your special twilight training session.” Slowly, the dazed blonde turns her head and sees Tony Bonano standing over her.

“...buh...nan...oh...” she mumbles.

“Mr. Bonano, my dear. Remember?”

“...y..yes...sir...” the wakening girl recalls, coming to her full senses slowly. She turns her head to look again at the man standing on the other side of her, between her and the wall.

“...vay....uh...Mr. Vega...”

“Wow. What a polite little whore you got here, Tony.” Vega reaches down and squeezes the flinching Supergirl’s cheek like some old proud grandmother from a childhood she never had. “And cute as a button, too.”

“I’m not a whore,” replies the blonde teen without hesitation, coming out of her stupor fully and assessing her situation. Dildo still there. No powers. No way out. A deep frown crosses the tired girl’s face which Carmine picks up on. He presses his advantage.

“You are every inch the whore in my book, girlie girl. Anybody who sucks me off like you did, honey, is certainly a qualified professional hooker in my eyes. As a matter of fact, I do believe I felt a little trail of cum on your cheek here, Supergirl, when I squeezed it just now.” The girl lowers her head and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. “And look,” Carmine continues his psychological assault, “there’s some more dried out cum that dribbled down your chin there after I came in your mouth. Just another aspect of being a pro in the cocksucking game, right sugar?” He scrapes the crusty residue off with his fingernail, then squats down so he’d directly in her face. “What, you don’t remember swallowing my spunk, Supergirl. You should, ‘cause your breath stinks of it and your hair is splattered with it.” Standing up, he winks at Tony. It isn’t seen by the girl staring straight ahead, marshaling her resolve, holding on to her courage.

“You drugged me,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Maybe,” says Tony above her, “but you sure took to sex like a bee to honey. I was trying to keep it slow and romantic, but you couldn’t wait, Superslut. Had to kiss me full on the mouth and grab my cock like some cheap barroom floozy.”

Supergirl continues her resolute stare, her lips compressed into thin pale pink bands as she tries to shake off the memory that Tony’s dragging out of her subconscious.

“ was all the drugs...ton...uh...Mr. Bonano. I...I...assure you.”

“Great. Then let’s get back to the drugs, by all means.”

“What?” Supergirl turns her head towards Tony just as his arm shoots out and his palm seizes the side of her head. “Wait....don’t...”

He presses her head firmly against the tablepad. “Carmine, will you keep our blonde friend’s head steady for a moment.

“Glad to.” Firm hands circle Supergirl’s head and press her cheek even harder against the tablepad. The pressure of Carmine putting his full body weight into his arms keeps the wide-eyed blonde’s head from moving an inch.

“Don’t...Tony...sir...Mr. don’t have to do this...I’ll...I’ll have sex with you...”

“And everyone else, too, I’m afraid, Superslut.” Flicking the syringe he’s holding now with his thumbnail, Tony smiles in a very unpleasant way. “Because we’re doing things my way, blondie. And my way includes crack.” There is a pinching sensation in her neck and Supergirl grimaces in anger.

These bastards are drugging me again, dammit! If I had my powers for just one minute I’d......

“AYEE....WHOOAAA....wh...wh...what...a....a....feeling.....” Supergirl blurts out in shocked delight. The intense high that this pure crack creates sends Supergirl into a whirl of cloudy bliss she cannot begin to resist. The harsh hands pressing her head down disappear and the blue and red clad teenage heroine lies on the table in a slack stupor of total joy.

“Nine seconds,” says Tony with a smirk. “Let’s bring out the toys.”

“.....mmmmnnn....” the contented champion moans softly, happily unaware of the devices being readied for her training. Tony straps a small electric massage motor on the back of his hand and flicks it on. A low buzzing hum erupts from the device and Tony holds his middle finger out to see it vibrating in a blur of flesh.

“Oh, you’re going to enjoy me giving you this finger, Supersnatch.”


Carmine picks up a purple candy dildo wrapped in plastic that’s six inches long and three inches wide. He tears away the crinkly wrapping, licks his finger, swipes the shaft with it and tastes the flavor. “Grape,” he says with a grin.

“Okay, honeydew,” says Tony with glee, “it’s time to pull down your panties for some crack super sex!”

“...oh....really....” sighs the uncomprehending superheroine. She feels her underpants being pulled slowly off her rear end, the cool air surrounding her buttocks gives her a wiggle of pleasure. The panties are pulled down to the backs of her thighs. And then a hand is at her crotch cupping her sex. It’s pulsing and shaking against her, the warmth of the palm holding her firmly, the fingertips tickling her bush with inhuman speed.

“OHH....AAAH....Whoaaa...” Tony feels the girl’s pussy moisten almost instantaneously. She writhes in his grasp with repeated moans of excitement. Strapped down and unable to reach out or participate actively, the gasping girl arches her neck, her eyes clamped shut and stutters...”...slow...slow down....tuh...too...intense....”

“Try this dick, Superslut,” says Carmine. “You’re going to love it.” He rubs the tip of the candy dildo around the lips of the panting teen’s open mouth. Immediately, the eager tongue swipes all over and around her pink lips leaving them with a glossy sheen.

“....mmmmm....” she purrs.

Carmine puts the tip of the candy dildo against the blonde’s slightly open mouth and holds it lightly against her lower lip. Without hesitation, the aroused teen slides her tongue out, licks the underside of the candy tip and then flutters her tongue rapidly against the tasty treat. Carmine pushes the dildo forward and the quivering teen takes the whole tip eagerly into her mouth, sucking on it with delight and moaning with pleasure.

“AWMMM.....OOMMM.” Supergirl thrills both to the sweet taste and generous width of the dildo. Carmine pushes it in further so it fills her mouth. The once innocent Maid of Steel rocks her head back and forth with mewling grunts of pleasure as she savors the flavor and sensation of the candy cock as it passes across her lips and tongue. “mmmhhh..mmmhhh”

And then Tony puts his middle finger against her clitoris and Supergirl jerks with joy. In seconds the pulsing, humming, twitching finger is flushed with the teenage heroine’s musky juices and the air is filled with the perfume of her desire.

“The crack is accentuating the sensitivity of your body, Supergirl. I hope you appreciate what I’m doing for you here.”

“..yheth....yhethh ..ah...dooo.....” replies the world-renowned female hero with the candy cock in her mouth. And then the planet’s shining example of purity, truth and justice slowly and deliberately grinds her pelvis around Tony’s buzzing finger – first in a small circle to the left and then to the right. There’s no mistaking this shockingly vulgar act from the gorgeous writhing blonde on the table. She is wantonly demonstrating just how much she appreciates Tony’s efforts. Even more so as he slides his palm over her rear and massages her ass with firm round circular strokes. She moans in delight at every cycle of his warm palm. This man knows what I want before I do, thinks the crack-addled heroine. And then a second finger slips into her vagina and begins to circle there in dizzying spirals, even as the other humming digit remains unerringly yet lightly pressed against her clitoris.

“...oowlmmm......oowlmmm......oowlmMM......OOWLMMM...” the frenzy builds quickly as the helpless teen is relentlessly stimulated at both ends by the two determined Dons. Carmine tightly holds the squirming young woman’s hair and looks searchingly into Supergirl’s famous blue eyes. There he is thrilled to see that, from under listless green-tinted eyelids, the irises that once radiated love, honor and unending inner strength are currently little more than dull, flat windows into a surprisingly boorish stupidity.

“Isn’t this just the best tasting cock ever, Supergirl?” Inundated with crack-induced, irresistible erotic needs, the one-time champion of the people is, at this moment, nothing more than a gullible, doped up teenage girl whose only concern is how much pleasure she can channel from the attentions of her two male friends.

“Ghhuddd,” she replies. The sweet fat dildo fills her mouth and withdraws, fills and withdraws, its syrupy slickness staining Supergirl’s lips a deep purple. Thin lines of purple drool flow out of the oblivious girl’s mouth from both corners, dripping down her face and sliding in twisting streams along her neck in rivulets of purple passion. Supergirl’s body jerks and trembles continuously on the table. Her full, rounded breasts hanging beneath her shake and wobble heavily within her skintight top, the protruding nipples prominently displaying her arousal for the cameras.

With Tony’s fingers vibrating continuously against her clitoris and with her vagina, the mighty Maid of Steel is helpless to resist the overwhelming surge of sensations flooding her brain anymore. With a keening shriek of delight, masked by the candy dildo filling her mouth, the blonde shuts her eyes and succumbs body and soul to the orgasmic tsunami that sweeps through her being.

“EEEEEMMPHHH....EEEEEMMPHHH...” Tony feels the flood of juices gush against his hand and slide all over the tablepads. Carmine pulls the slippery candy dong out of Supergirl’s purple stained mouth and drops it on the floor, but continues to hold her head up by the hair. The panting teen moans and gasps with rippling waves of pleasure.

“...OHHH...AAHHHHH.....ohhhh....myyyy.....myyyy....godddd...” Still with his hand cupping her crotch and his two fingers humming in her snatch, Tony watches Supergirl freeze in place, trying desperately to find a hint of control. But she can’t.

“..doh...don’t....whhayttt....stuuppp...stop...stah....STAHH...AAAIEEEYAAHHHH.” The overwhelmed blonde in the tight blue and red costume shakes and wobbles uncontrollably as she climaxes for a second time in the hands of the Mafia kingpins. Tony pulls both fingers out of Supergirl’s snatch and smiles at his partner with a nod. Carmine then reaches his hand down to the sticky collar of Supergirl’s blouse and slides it underneath, moving it forward until his palm slides over the curve of her rapidly rising and falling breast. He squeezes it firmly.

“....uhhhh.....huhh...oohhh....” Coming down from the heights, Supergirl languishes in the afterglow of her climax. She felt like a melted pad of butter in the frypan of life. Carmine squeezes her tit harder and draws a gasp from the breathy blonde.

“....aahh...oww....” Carmine grips her hair and squeezes he tit harshly again. “OWW”

“Now listen up, juicy,” Tony is declaring loudly behind her. “All that pleasure only comes with crack from now on. Understand? Crack and cum. Cum and crack. They’re a team. No crack, no cum. And vice versa. Okay, let’s go, Carmine. This slut has had enough fun for now.” Tony puts the massage motor back in the drawer. Carmine pulls his hand out from under Supergirl’s blouse and wipes the sticky purple candy slobber on the back of his hand in Supergirl’s hair. The stunned teen watches in bewildered confusion as the two men turn to leave. Then Tony pauses and says, “Oh, and I’m leaving your panties pulled down, whore, so I can have you nice and easy whenever I please.” Without another word, Tony and Carmine leave the jail cell and Supergirl lays her head on the tablepad with a heavy sigh. Still heady from her two orgasms and feeling only a little pain in the tit that Vega had mauled, the blonde heroine shivers with one last aftershock as she lets herself drift in an pool of unrestrained pleasure.

An hour later, the nodding blonde picks her head up from her drowsy lethargy. She hadn’t actually slept but her awareness had drifted in and out. Earlier, Supergirl had heard voices in the next room but, without her super hearing, she could not make out what was being said. She strained to pick up any bits of valuable information but all she heard was a low murmur. And then a TV must have been turned on because there were frequent shouts of “Look at her go” and “What a slut!” There were also many raucous cheers and sinister laughter. She wasn’t positive, but it certainly sounded like some kind of porn movie was playing. Some grunting, unfortunate female in the film was moaning very loudly, probably experiencing a series of orgasms. Filthy cretins and their smarmy porn!

Supergirl sighs heavily. The kryptonite-laced sex toy these bastards had forced into her anus was keeping her miserably weak. She also felt extremely slow-witted, with all her thoughts cluttered and imprecise. She couldn’t concentrate on anything for more than a few moments at a time. She starts wondering if they were going to give her another dose of crack. I certainly hope so...uh...hope not. Stopping her thoughts abruptly, Supergirl backtracks. Her mind had mistakenly jumped at the possibility she’d be getting more crack and was momentarily eager for it. Was that possible, she wonders. That can’t be a good. sign. She takes several deep breaths. Settle down, girl. Stay strong.

Looking down at her shaking hands, the anxious blonde then notices with great alarm that her fingernails have a definite greenish tint to them. Oh no! Kryptonite poisoning. I’ve got to get these men to take this damn dildo out of me! It could eventually kill me if they don’t know what they’re doing! Even now it’s playing hell with my insides. The blonde teen groans in discomfort. She desperately needs to use the bathroom in every way possible. Her insides felt like a churning storm that was threatening to break into a tropical deluge any moment. Her ass, as if to acknowledge the inner turmoil, helplessly releases a blustery, whistling fart past the firmly set dildo.

“Oh dear, that smells horrible!” Supergirl actually gasps. “Ohhh...sweet Nightbells of Krypton, did that actually come out of me?! I’ve got to get to a toilet. SIR! Mr. Bonano!” the distraught blonde calls out loudly to get the attention of the porn-watching lowlifes in the next room. “Can someone come in here, PLEASE?”

“Ah, the call of duty,” Tony says in the next room. “Our young houseguest sounds like she’s ready for her next dose of crack. What have you got for her this time, Stevie?”

The young hoodlum hands Tony a small white capsule that’s 2" long and an eighth of an inch wide. “This capsule is filled with my own specially treated crack from your supply, Tony. It has a lower ignition point so it will go up easily in a thick puff of smoke when lit. Make sure it’s right under her face. She won’t be able to avoid it or its effects. Obviously, you should keep out of its way until it dissipates. In less than ten seconds after inhaling it, however, the proud and noble Supergirl will turn into that stupid, cock-loving slut we’re all getting to know.”

“Thanks, Stevie. That’s great. I’m thinking this should be a quick session again. I’m putting a couple of my most efficient battery run remote dildoes to work on our lovely young heroine’s libido. Be ready with the swivel cameras, boys.” Tony heads for the door, singing as he walks. “She’ll be cummin’ round the mountain when she comes. She’ll be cummin’ round the mountain when she..” Tony pushes open the door to the jail cell, ready to introduce a new level of hell into Supergirl’s life. She gets the first shot in however. Tony shuts up and stops dead in his tracks.

“Whoaa...What the FUCK did you do in here, you stinking skank? Good lord it smells like a the worst fucking shithouse in the worst cholora ward in Calcutta!” Tony retreats back to the door of the control room, calling to Randy while trying to hold his breath. “Randy, turn on the fan in the jail cell on full blast, then follow me in and bring the super K shooter with you.” Standing in the frame of the open jail cell door, Tony shakes his head and blows out his breath with a hugh sigh. “Jeezuz, yet another new super power from the mighty Toxic Waste Waif”

The rumble and whine of a high-powered fan starts up and, after a minute, the smell has dissipated significantly. Tony walks over to the blonde teenager strapped onto the domination table. He carefully checks the straps as he circles the table, talking all the while. Her anxious, darting eyes follow his progress with a perceptible groggy bobbing motion of her head.

“That’s quite an ability you’ve got there, Fartgirl. You unleash that power and you can clear any room of evil doers in 15 seconds flat.”

“Mr. Bonano, I need to use the bathroom, badly.”

“NO. You think so?”

“The kryptonite...thing... in, it’s damaging me internally. I can feel it. You’ve got to remove it.. I have to use the bathroom right now.”

“Or what, you’ll shit yourself, Supergirl?” Tony leans back against the table and looks down at the pale, squirming teen lying prone beneath him. She’s not going anywhere without his say so. And he’s going to draw this torment out a bit. It’s yet another surprise opportunity to blast a hole in the faltering foundation of Supergirl’s self esteem.

“Is that what you’re going to do, hero? You already pissed yourself, girlie. Now, what, if I don’t let you go make poopy are you’re going to drop a fat load in those fancy costume panties of yours?”

“’s..not what I...i..mean....i...won’t...”

“Gosh, I’m not so sure, Supergirl, that you won’t, you know, crap yourself. You look pale and a little green if you ask me. Let’s just see how things are going back here.” Tony walks behind the restrained blonde who rests her chin on the tablepad and moans with discomfort from the churning stomach and harsh pelvic spasms. The mafia don squats down to look directly at her ass crack. With her panties already pulled down from the previous session, it’s a simple matter for Tony to reach up with both hands and pull the weakend Supergirl’s round, well-muscled butt cheeks apart. There was a time you wouldn’t have been able to pull these beautiful soft mounds apart with even the Jaws of Life used to extract car wreck survivors. But that was two days ago. Now Tony Bonano can expose the proud superheroine’s asshole without a second thought.

“Hmmm. That’s interesting. Did you know that your balloon knot was bright green, Supergirl?”

“Oh no!” The girl’s lower lip quivers at the news. This is a disaster. She has to get this horrible tool removed as soon as possible.

“Oh yes. It is. In fact, the whole inside area from here to here” Tony indicates the two points with a steely poke of his finger, “between your cute little buttocks is now colored a cool, smooth green. It looks just like the front door to Shaunessy’s Pub on Saint Patty’s day! How does this feel, champ?” He drags his fingernail in a quick hard slash right between Supergirl’s cheeks where her skin is completely green. It slices the skin like a paper cut. A small line of blood seeps up into the wound from the layer of skin below.

“YEAAGGHH....OWW.....ohhh...please...don’t...don’t do that again...!..” Supergirl pants hard as she looks straight ahead, trying to stare into the future

“Just as I thought, gorgeous, you’re skin down here between your ass cheeks where it’s a solid green is now weaker than even a normal human’s flesh. That’s gotta suck, huh? And what happens when I do this?” Tony lines up the end of the dildo with the palm of his hand and gives it a hard little whack.

“HAAUGNH.....Don’t...don’ that...” Supergirl clamps her jaw and spits the words with anger. Tony ignores her. He grips the end of the dildo in his fingers and swivels the long tube in a small circular motion.

“AAHGHHHH...WHUGGHH....AAAH....” The toes of Supergirl’s boots thump and knock against the sides of the bondage table as her neck arches and her eyes well up with tears. Randy walks up to the table while the screaming girl helplessly flails in the leather straps. Randy is holding the kryptonite slime gun firmly against his chest, the muzzle pointed in a upward slant in the ready position. He looks down at the girl’s sweaty blonde bangs as they slap wetly back and forth against her forehead. This fucking bitch is toast. Tony’s got her beat down but good.

“OH..OH...Ohhhhh...don’’re making much worse...I have to get to a bonano...please...don’t”

The churning motion that Tony did with the dildo has set irrevocable sensations in motion within the grim, helpless teen’s bowels. She knows for sure that if she doesn’t get to a bathroom in the next couple of minutes, she will blow whatever’s inside her intestines all over herself and this table. A loud gurgling sound emanates from the female hero’s stomach and, trying to keep control, Supergirl bites her lip hard, drawing blood. She breaks out in a fresh round of sweat all over her body now. Her armpits, crotch and her blouse beneath her breasts are all circled with damp, dark rings of the salty moisture. Even her face, legs and exposed ass shine in the light with a sheen of her heavy persperation..

Another horrific fart wheezes out of Supergirl’s tush and this finally convinces Tony that he really doesn’t want the Maid of Steel to shit herself. As much as the humiliation would be a major leverage point in his domination strategy, the fact was, it was just too gross to think about.

“Okay, Randy, keep her covered with the slime gun there. Supergirl, I’m going to allow a bathroom break. I’m even going to pull out the dildo.”

“...thank you....sir....” the relieved heroines grunts softly.

“You remember your good friend Randy, of course, He’ll be watching you very closely and I think you know what an itchy trigger finger he has where you’re concerned, so behave yourself. If you don’t you’re going to be a very messy hero with kryptonite slime all over you as you lie in a pool of your own stinking waste. So no funny moves. I’m unstrapping your legs now. After I do your arms and yank the dildo, I want you to sit up with your hands in your lap and wait for my permission before you leave the table. Understood?”

“ bonano...”

Moving around, Tony quickly unstraps the leather holding Supergirl’s wrists to the table. She lies there trying to hold her world together. She’s not sure how she’s even going to walk to the bathroom. She hoped to Rao it wasn’t far away.

“Randy, you good?” Tony checks.

“I’m aces, boss.” Randy is the iceman, staring at Supergirl’s every quiver, his gun trained on her. Stevie and Carmine watch the monitor with deeply concerned faces. If anything went wrong here....

“Okay, Supergirl, I’m pulling out the dildo now. Try to relax your sphincter without losing your whole intestinal tract, shithead, okay?”

“Yes,” the girl grunts, focused on her task. Escape was not the issue here. Not humiliating herself by shitting all over herself was the issue. She feels a slow release of pressure within her bowels. Release the dildo, not the crap, Supergirl repeats to herself over and over like a mantra, concentrating on every muscle group down below.

Having been weakened so consistently for so long, the muscles in Supergirl’s rear end relax more than enough now for Tony to be able to pull out the long glowing green lucite sex toy. First a reluctant 2" and then, more rapidly, 4", 6", 7" and finally the rest of the long deadly device is withdrawn from the blonde teenage girl’s ass. The tiniest little rivulet of green sweat drips out of Supergirl’s asshole and nothing more. She lets go with a long, soft sigh as Tony wipes the greasy toy down with a cloth from a nearby drawer. Then, he steps closer to her and pulls up her underpants, stretching them over the curves of her ass until they’re back in place. He smooths the fabric down with his palm, reaching between her thighs so the leg bands are not twisted. Supergirl flinches badly. And so does Randy. But nothing happens. Yet.

“Don’t,” she spits.

“You’re actually getting shy at this point, you pathetic skank?” blusters Tony. “I ought to let you crap....”

“Not a pride issue. Control issue.” Supergirl says bluntly.

“Ahhh, right. Fine. Well, sit up, princess, if you think you can. Slowly. Hands in your lap.”
The weary teen slowly maneuvers her body to the appropriate position. Squeezing her butt cheeks together, the Maid of Steel looks at Tony and asks, “I hope it’s not a long way to go to the bathroom.”

“About 75 feet, I’d say,” Tony replies coldly. “Can you walk it, cunt, or not?”

“,” The sweat-stained blonde answers, gritting her teeth. A slow grumbling roll of her stomach gives everyone pause.

“If you shit yourself, bitch....”

“Let’s do this, SIR.” Supergirl snaps, her face a stone mask of resolve. “Permission to stand.”

“Fine. Randy, anything funny and Leprechaun Butt here gets a full dose all over her tits, right?”

“Right as rain, boss,” says the tall, pale hood.

“Randy, you walk backwards, leading blondie here to the crapper. I’ll be holding her arm to make sure she doesn’t sway or fall or make you unnecessarily nervous. Okay, bubbles, stand up.”

Supergirl slowly edges her rear off the table and gets her feet on the floor. She wavers on rubbery legs. Tony grabs her bicep and steadies her. Supergirl breathes rapidly in short little doggy pants through lips pulled tight over her teeth.

“EEUULLGKKK!” A nasty cramp seizes through Supergirl’s stomach and a loud rumble ushers from the distended belly of the wavering blonde. “OHHH,” she grunts loudly, bending at the waist slightly. The smell of a sudden fart from the grimacing blonde gets Randy moving backward quickly.

“Fuck! That smell is...This way, bitch. Move it,” he commands. With Tony holding her arm, the sweaty, mortified heroine takes a few stiff legged steps forward. She starts up her panting again.

“Follow me, Supergirl. This way...” encourages Randy. Stiff legged, the grimacing girl walks stiffly forward, tenuously step by step with her ass muscles clenched, her sphincter constricted as tightly as possible. “Through this door. Keep going,” Randy urges, breathing through his mouth.

The group is in the control room now, Randy backing past Stevie who’s directing the camera shots on the main panel with practiced efficiency. Carmine stands in the corner. He has actually pulled his gun and has it trained on the grim faced heroine as she passes by. She gives him a look, sees the gun and blanches as a sudden surge of fear twists her stomach in a knot.. That finishes it.

Another wrenching stomach spasm bends Supergirl suddenly at the waist.

“OHHWW...NOOOO....” She’s not going to make it. A loud blattering fart blows out her ass along with a sudden small greenish brown stain that appears in the back of her silken underpants

Without thinking, Tony sweeps one arm under the grimacing, paralyzed heroine’s legs, throws the other around her back and lifts her right off the floor. Without another second’s hesitation, he dashes through the control room and straight into the storeroom. Twenty feet away, the bathroom door is ajar and Tony drives to it with legs pumping.

“AAGHHH!” Supergirl gasps in the throes of a nasty spear of pain from her rectum. And then another sputtering blat of air pumps out of the limp girl in Tony’s arms. The smell is horrendous with this gassy burst. And the stain on her panties grows noticeably larger.

Tony kicks the door of the john open and holds it there with his thigh as he swings the shocked girl out of his grasp and sets her roughly on her feet. Reaching around, he snaps down the shocked girl’s underpants so hard they fall straight to the floor around her ankles. Tony then pushes down roughly on the mighty teen’s shoulders and forces her unceremoniously onto the bright white waiting throne.

The Maid of Steel doubles over on the toilet and empties everything within her into the toilet in a long rushing flood. Tony backs away, steps out the door and lets Randy step in, training the dangerous kryptonite slime gun at the oblivious blonde who is doubled over on the seat, grunting in a mix of pain and relief.

“What a pathetic, foul-smelling loser you are, Supergirl,” Randy says with scorn. Supergirl merely bends lower on the throne and tries to breathe normally in the horrid smell of the tiny bathroom.

From outside the door, Tony says, “We’re going to have to wash those costume panties of yours champ, they’ve had a tough day.”

The author apologizes for the grossness factor of this last segment. I was going for realism and boy did I get it. Anyway, it'll get better from here on out. --- Dr. D
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By the way, did I mention that Wonder Woman will be making an appearance down the road in an effort to rescue Supergirl? Well, she will.
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For some reason, I remember seeing something along those lines earlier in the story.
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If you mean soiling her underwear, she did pee in them before, yes, but not other things.

If you mean the appearance of WW, nope, not yet she hasn't appeared.
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DrDominator9 wrote:If you mean soiling her underwear, she did pee in them before, yes, but not other things.

If you mean the appearance of WW, nope, not yet she hasn't appeared.
It was the appearance of Wonder Woman. I thought for sure it was mentioned somewhere in the text of your stories. I could be imagining that, though. Oh and the peeing from fright thing was a nice touch. This latest turn, meh, I could have done without. But hey your story!
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fluidMetal wrote:
DrDominator9 wrote:If you mean soiling her underwear, she did pee in them before, yes, but not other things.

If you mean the appearance of WW, nope, not yet she hasn't appeared.
It was the appearance of Wonder Woman. I thought for sure it was mentioned somewhere in the text of your stories. I could be imagining that, though. Oh and the peeing from fright thing was a nice touch. This latest turn, meh, I could have done without. But hey your story!
Dr. Dominator has actually written an entirely separate serial that focused almost exclusively on Wonder Woman's defeat and debasement. It was a real treat for people like myself who are such massive Wonder Woman fans and love to see her downfall. She shows up a bit later in this story as well and once again receives ample opportunity to humiliate herself in front of stronger men. :love:
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meepmeep wrote:
Dr. Dominator has actually written an entirely separate serial that focused almost exclusively on Wonder Woman's defeat and debasement. It was a real treat for people like myself who are such massive Wonder Woman fans and love to see her downfall. She shows up a bit later in this story as well and once again receives ample opportunity to humiliate herself in front of stronger men. :love:
Well, you've let the cat out of the bag now, meepmeep, :whistle: but no, folks, this is not a new story but one started years ago that I only just brought to a conclusion earlier this year. If you don't want to wait for my gradual re-posting of it here at this forum, you can binge-read it over at Wizard's Lair website. Over the course of a week-- it's a long sucker!!! :yes:
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Devastated, Debauched and Defeated
Part 9-A

It had just been a devastating 90 minutes for the Maid of Steel. Like none, she’d ever experienced, and now Supergirl is back on the floor of the jail cell, bolted down again by solid steel manacles. She is mentally and physically exhausted. She had attempted an escape right after the fiasco with her bowels. And that escape attempt had ended in miserable failure. The moment was a flash of possibility that was here and gone in an instant.

However, she is now, once again, under the sickening, energy-draining influence of kryptonite. Oh, but she had been so very close to getting away. But Tony Bonano had been too careful, too prepared and too quick for her. It had happened suddenly, right after she’d finished emptying herself of any and every thing her body wanted to discard. Ultimately, pulling her head up and sighing heavily, the mortified heroine told the gun-toting Randy she was done with the john and felt good enough to stand up.

Under the watchful eye of the grim-faced thug, the mighty heroine pulled up her underpants and had been quickly ushered from the bathroom to nearby shower stall. She was told to stand under the stream of warm water and wash herself and her uniform all over with the cake of harsh bar soap. She recalls her aborted bid for freedom with bitter disappointment.

Even with the dildo removed, the beautiful teen still feels tired and weak from all the abuse she’d taken over the past day. Obediently, the chagrined teen gets under the warm spray and immediately tilts her head back and washes her mouth out, then rubs her face and neck to remove the sticky purple candy streams. Next, she starts rubbing herself down with the oversized bar of soap, barely working up a lather from the cheap brand. Her uniform, now soaked with water, clings to her body with a breath-taking transparency, showing off every curve and dimple of her beautiful figure. Wet from head to toe, the drenched blue and red costume reveals powerful, sinewy arms and firm round breasts capped with delicate rosebud nipples that are plainly visible. Below, her washboard abs and graceful swiveling hips are complemented by a fetching rounded ass that wiggles alluringly as she soaps herself up thoroughly. Finally, flawlessly smooth legs taper to firm young calves that disappear into those bright red low-heeled boots.

Briskly rubbing her armpits, crotch and breasts to clear them of the sweaty circles that had outlined them so prominently before, Supergirl glances up to see the Randy staring at her in lip-licking lust. The gun is held tightly by the aroused hoodlum, pointed straight at her. Even Tony who has returned from the control room after a brief discussion with Carmine is back, staring at her with dilated pupils. Supergirl blushes heavily at the wanton looks of the two men, realizing what a turn-on this probably was for the pale, tall thug and his cruel boss. She was standing here in her dripping costume rubbing her crotch and tits and moaning. Even if it was in pain from the soreness of her breasts and vagina, she knew Randy and Tony are aroused by the tented pants and faster breathing. She rinses herself off then has a thought.

Wondering if she had enough strength back to use her heat vision, Supergirl lowers her head and stares at the dull metal drain between her feet. It looks as if she’s bowed her head in disgrace but in actuality, it is a test. But it’s a test that goes badly. There is no reddening of the small steel trap within the drain that would occur if her heat vision were working. Her powers are not yet restored, even though she feels much stronger with every passing minute. Buying time, she bends over and pulls down her panties so she can wash them more thoroughly before the entranced men. She knows the glassy-eyed duo is checking out her shapely ass peeking out at them from under her skirt. She turns around and bends slightly so her full moon is showing and, lifting her leg, picks up the glimmering panties with her toe. Then the beautiful blonde girl reaches down and seductively takes them slowly off her foot and holds them up in full display under the shower spray. Bending in half, the wily teen keeps her crotch in full view of the men and begins soaping up the panties to clean them more thoroughly. She is also stalling. Her powers, now surging back into her, fill her with a glow of confidence, a heady feeling that makes the girl’s heart leap in hope for the first time since she was first captured. She does all she can not to show it to the men watching her rear. In fact, she sighs deeply and curses out loud.

“...damn... I hope...I hope these stains can come out.” Her soft whiny girl voice is meant to show the men she is not a threat, merely a helpless blonde bimbo, in order to maximize her chance to surprise them. Rinsing the soapy red material under the spray, the mighty heroine feels the time to act had come. Her powers, though only at half strength, are still more than enough to finally take care of these two. She will put her costume underpants on, turn in a blur and crush the kryptonite gun with mighty blow. Then they’ll pay for the torturous degradations they subjected her too. Pay big time.

“I guess these are as clean as they’re going to get for now,” she says, shaking the panties back and forth vigorously that makes them and her whole body quiver in the most distracting way she can think of. The clever teen keeps her head toward the shower wall so as not to let her face give any errant clue to the fact that a good deal of her super strength has come back. Slowly, she lifts her leg to put on the panties. Tensing, she thinks Then I’ll turn in a flash and take out these low life thugs for good. “Well,” she says in actuality, “I guess I’ll just have to wear them wet for now ...WUUHH ...OH....OH. ...UHHHHH.”

A hand suddenly thrust between her thighs now cups her crotch in a firm grip. Looking down, the groaning, dumbfounded heroine sees a brightly-glowing green latex glove holding her groin. Overwhelmed with a miserable weakness that stuns her thoughts and pulls a breathless gasp from her lips, Supergirl drops blindly to one knee, her head on her chest, groaning is misery. Reaching for the wall for support, the mighty blonde weakly drops her panties, a sodden red shiny lump on the drain. Then, unable to keep her balance, her second knee touches with a quiet thump as she sags in sluggish confusion at this astonishing turn of events. Five seconds ago she was feeling strong, confident, ready to pounce and now...

A second gloved hand glides rapidly up her body from her abdomen to her chest. The fingers open and the hand sheathed in deathly glowing green latex encompasses her breast and squeezes it slowly, wringing a small trickle of water from the tight shimmery fabric that mixes with the shower spray running down her belly as she sways feebly in Bonano’s powerful grip. Swooning forward, Supergirl drops to all fours now, hands and knees spread out in rubbery, shaking helplessness.

Overhead, Randy turns off the shower, then returns to position, his gun trained on the unseeing girl, ready for action that will now not be necessary. Tony kneels beside the quivering blonde teen who is engulfed in that unique fog of nausea, lightheadedness and pain that only kryptonite generates. Gripping her pussy and tit with firm command, Tony coos in the ear of the swaying helpless blonde heroine.

“You weren’t thinking about leaving us, were you, skank?”

“” the moaning, defeated teen lies in a thin whisper.

“Don’t ever try to kid a kidder, sugar plum. We know all the tricks. I knew just from the way you were tensing up that you were getting ready to make a move. ” He squeezes both the breast and groin of the restrained girl. Too weak to even keep herself in this humiliating pose, Supergirl sags in Tony’s grip and is demeaningly dropped to the floor in a pathetic, ungainly sprawl. Her arms are limp at her sides, palm up. Her right cheek presses against the puddled floor of the shower stall. Damp hair surrounds her face as her sluggish, bewildered eyes stare at the shiny tile in total disarray, trying to make sense of her sudden failure. The powerful teenager’s thighs are spread wide, the sides of her knees flat against cool floor tile, her calves twitching and fluttering as her brain is flushed with toxic radiation that drains every ounce of strength and willpower..

“.....uuhhhhhhh.....” Not again. I’ve lost again. Bastard...stopped me before I even had a chance.

"So, how do you like the gloves, champ? Simple latex dishwashing gloves that I let marinate in deutronium-kryptonite slime alloy for a week so they’d be as potent as possible. Seems to have worked.” Tony continues to squeeze and rub the feeble teenager’s breast and crotch, making sure the full effects of the deadly glowing green gloves keep the young heroine defenseless and as easy to control as possible.

“ to...get...uhhhpppp...” Amazed yet again by this girl’s drive to overcome the odds, Tony feels her struggling to get her hands and legs in position to raise herself up. Well, I’ll stop that nonsense right now.

“You want up? How’s this for up, princess,” Tony growls. Letting go of her breast while now firmly grasping her pussy, Tony grabs a thick bunch of blonde hair on Supergirl’s head and yanks upward as he himself rises to a stable, kneeling spread-leg stand. The unprepared blonde suddenly finds herself in the awkward position of having her back arched, her breasts thrust out, her knees spread wide apart and her dangling arms jerking weakly at her side.

“...lehhh....gohhh....” grunts the pained teen struggling ineffectively to regain her leverage in this indefensible position. Her ample breasts shake and shimmy side to side, pushed up against the damp, darkened red S emblem that shifts left and right with every wobble of her tits.

“Not just yet, Supercunt.” Tony opens the hand clutching her crotch, bends the middle finger, twiddles it rapidly at the entrance of the startled heroine’s vagina and then thrusts it deeply into the slippery opening.

“UHHNN” The grunting teen’s eyes go wide as deadly deutroneum-kryptonite radiation suddenly floods her unprotected cavity. It spears into her like a huge, agonizing flaming sword. “OWW!...YIIEE...STOP.. ..STOP...OWWWW!” Supergirl twists and jerks in agony as she dangles helplessly by the stretched clump of hair that Tony holds aloft.

“Is this up high enough for you, Supertwat?”

“AAGHH...MAKE IT STOP...PLEEEAASEE.....” Supergirl cries out in tortured agony. This pain was beyond belief. In only seven seconds, she has been reduced to a blubbering, pleading wreck.

“Anything you ask, cupcake.” Tony smiles and immediately pulls the devastating digit out of Supergirl’s spasming pussy. The searing sword of agony withdraws from Supergirl’s insides and she sags in limp defeat under Tony’s clenched fistful of hair.

“ Bonan...UUNGHH...”

Randy’s fist has exploded into her solar plexus, blasting out every ounce of oxygen within the limp blonde’s body. Tony releases his hold on her hair and the beaten heroine flops forward on her face in a wheezing stupor. Tony surveys his comely prize. The beautiful Maid of Steel’s rear end sticks high up in the air, the curve of her ass clearly defined by the sopping wet red skirt draped over it, her arms flung wide, her full, swelling breasts within the nearly transparent blue fabric expand and contract in tantalizing delight with every labored breath.


“Resistance is futile, you silly blonde.” Tony says with a smile, mocking his conquered prize. He nods at Randy. “Take her back into her cell for a little R&R, Randy. Repression and Rape. With her ass hiked up and ready like that, I’d say our young whore-in-training here is ready for a lesson called ‘Tapping That Ass,’ don’t you, lad?”

“Without a doubt, boss.”

Tony winks at the single camera installed in the corner of the ceiling he had installed just in case something like this had occurred. Back in the control room, Stevie and Carmine smile at the satisfied face of Tony Bonano on the monitors.

“Fuckin’ genius,” Carmine shakes his head.
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Devastated, Debauched and Defeated
Part 9-B

Four minutes later Tony is sitting with his back to the wall of the basement jail cell of his mafia headquarters. His pants and underwear are folded off on top of the bondage table across the room. Randy is slowly lowering Supergirl’s limp form on top of his naked crotch. Her muscular legs are sprawled out in front of her, knees bent, calves drooping, the toes of her boots pointed in opposite directions, straddling Tony’s legs. Supergirl’s head nods slackly against her softly rising and falling chest. A thin thread of drool hangs from the corner of her mouth. Tony guides the blonde’s soft, yielding ass onto his crotch so that her butt crack pushes the semi-erect cock flat against his pelvis. The wet costume skirt slaps softly against his stomach as the girl’s shapely warm buttocks spread over his long penis. Tony does not want to enter this girl’s beautiful ass just yet. He’s wants Supergirl to be completely defenseless, unprepared and emotionally disoriented before he brazenly buttfucks the beloved hero. His ever-vigilant high-speed cameras will record the historic moment from every conceivable angle.

“There we go, sweetheart. That’s right where I want you.” Tony’s eyes sparkle with joy. The sweet heat of Supergirl’s world-class butt against his cock immediately brings Tony’s member to full attention. Nestled within her cheeks, the stiff muscle pulses eagerly within the damp space.

“....uuhhhnnn....” Supergirl begins to stir at some kind of throbbing sensation in her rear. What... happened?

Tony gathers a ponytail's worth of blonde hair in his left fist as his right hand reaches up. The wide palm presses firmly against Supergirl’s breast with a slow, circular motion.

“Stay still, princess. I’ve got a very special gift for you.” Tony pulls back on Supergirl’s hair, arching her neck and holding her breast securely in his hand.

“...ohhhhhh......” The dizzy, defenseless teenage groans loudly, her mouth sagging open, her eyes fluttering weakly under half-open lids. Tony slowly slides his legs apart, forcing the vanquished heroine’s ass lower as her own legs are forced apart by the pressure of his calves against hers. He stops his movement and enjoys the pressure of Supergirl’s tush nestled tightly against his cock.

The cameras whir in their positions now, zooming in from every angle, capturing the renowned teenager’s grand humiliation as the Mighty Maid of Steel lies spreadeagled in Tony Bonano’s lap, her sopping wet costume blatantly displaying her body’s every curve, every muscle, every sensuous recess in stark relief. Her famous face is now merely the visage of a slack-jawed, incompetent blue-eyed teenager with a vacant look of bewildered defeat.

“Randy, give Supergirl her new necklace, please.”

Reaching into his shirt pocket, Randy pulls out a small, heavy gray pouch. Opening the little lead container, he lifts out a silver-chained necklace. Dangling at its end is a highly-polished emerald cut kryptonite stone in a 2" inch wide silver setting. Randy squats down next to the sprawled, slack-jawed heroine and fastens the necklace around her neck, then stands up and steps back to watch the show.

The glowing green jewel nestles heavily within the famous teenager’s cleavage and the girl shivers in Tony’s lap at this new measure of abuse heaped onto her broken body. His cock feels the delightful shimmy of her buttocks and rises into the warmth of her crack with an involuntary jerk. Wow! That delightful little ass shake was worth the ridiculous price that jeweler charged me!

“...uhhnnnhhh...” The semi-conscious blonde lets out a low groan of pain and Tony moves on to the next step in this training session.

“Okay, wobbles,” I’m taking off these nasty gloves now, so you can rejoin us for our training.” Tony lets go of Supergirl’s hair and breast. Positioned securely in his lap, she simply slumps a little lower in his lap while her head leans softly against his own and she expels a long mournful sigh into his ear. Tony quivers in delight at this unexpected erotic bonus

“What a tease you are, sweetheart,” he mocks, then quickly strips off the glowing green latex gloves that had been Supergirl's complete undoing. He hands them to Randy and, shifting his body slightly, takes the oblivious girl’s face in both hands, turns her head and leans over to kiss her fully. It is a long, leisurely soul kiss.

“...mmmff....” The groggy heroine feels her tongue being circled and caressed by someone else’s tongue and comes to her senses to feel Tony’s lips clamped firmly against hers and his hand squeezing her breast. She pushes against him weakly, her hand against his chest. “MMULFFF!” Without the strength to resist him and unable to take a breath, the blonde teen swoons dizzily beneath the insistent thug from lack of oxygen. Finally, he breaks off the kiss and shifts his body back so that the gasping young girl slides back into his lap with her legs spread wide apart. Supergirl’s soggy red costume skirt is draped barely halfway across her pelvis so her soft blonde thatch of pubic hair and bright pink pussy lips gleam brightly in the lights. Cameras capture the entire scene in vivid detail as the half-naked young heroine’s head nods in dull confusion while she tries to gather her senses.

“You are my own unique treasure, you beautiful tramp,” Tony says, palming her breast with one hand and, with his other hand around her waist, pulling her body tightly against his own.

“...i’m...not yours....never will be...” the limp teen grunts, disgusted and demoralized by the roll of hard muscle rubbing between her buttocks.

“Oh, but my beautiful gift says differently. Can’t you feel it there against your chest, Supergirl?” Tony mocks her as he squeezes the heavy tit within the damp blue fabric, wringing out a dribble of water and a pained yelp from the limp teenager.


“You sure feel like you’re all mine, cutie. Especially with the way that kryptonite keeps you oh so vulnerable, oh so accessible in every orifice...” He wriggles his hips to make the blonde hero frown in response to his hard penis throbbing in her butt. “...every sensitive point on your body...” Harsh fingers tweak her nipple with a quick twist...”


“...and every erogenous area in your body.” Tony hand drops from her waist and fingers the frowning heroine’s clit with a sudden invasive poke of his finger.

“WHUHH..” Held tightly by her breast and drained by the large glowing crystal pressed into her cleavage, the outmaneuvered champion of the people cannot protect herself from his relentless attack on her mind and body.

“Why every part of your body is a willing accessory to your humiliating defeat, princess,” Tony declares, somehow reading her mind. His hand continues to tickle her clit as his other reaches up and grabs her head, holding it in place.

“...not my soul...SIR...” grunts the exasperated teen, unwittingly acknowledging the conditioned respect she’d been trained to show.

“Oh, don’t worry about your soul, bitch. We’ve got plenty of crack to take care of that!” Tony nods at Randy and the tall hood squats down in front of the startled blonde beauty. Withdrawing a small capsule and a red Bic lighter from his pocket, Randy holds the tiny white cylinder at Supergirl’s waist and flicks the lighter. The small steady flame is held under the capsule even as Tony forces the wide-eyed blonde’s head forward so she’s bent low, her face directly over the white crack capsule. Tony’s own head is arched back and far away as possible even as he grips the horrified, writhing teen. Tony luxuriates in the sensation of Supergirl’s soft wriggling ass as it jerks and rubs against his swollen cock when the weakened teen tries in vain to escape this impossible trap. Randy’s head is also turned away, keeping just a sidelong glance at his hands so he doesn’t burn them while lighting the crack.

A sudden plume of smoke erupts from the capsule and, seeing this, Tony vigorously twists Supergirl’s clitoris. This immediately draws a pained, involuntary gasp from the shocked girl.


The rising column of crack smoke is pulled in a stream into Supergirl’s flaring nostrils and gaping mouth by her sudden intake of breath. She tries to jerk her head away but Tony’s hold on her head is too strong. The full cloud of the powerful drug surrounds the blonde’s face and she blubbers in frustration.

“” Tony gives the girl’s head some slack and she raises it slowly, looking at Randy with pure hatred.

“...if i...ever...ghet...away...from...he...YEEOHH....oooohhhh!” Once again, the mighty champion’s brain is flushed with the heady, wonderful glow of a crack high. She slumps in Tony’s lap, her head lolling on his shoulder, her mind caught in a swirling whirlpool of absolute euphoria. Tony sighs, thrilled with the sudden, sagging soft beauty swooning in a drugged-out stupor in his lap. Slowly, he circles the finger within her pussy, lightly caressing her injured clit.

“AHH....easy...there.....” she murmurs in a twitch of sensitive pain.

‘Sorry, sugar. Guess I got a little rough before. Randy, how about a little KY gel to smooth things over with our lovely young guest.” Randy is over to the table and back in a flash, squeezing out a spray of smooth, silky gel onto Tony’s outstretched fingers. Tony puts the greased digits back into Supergirl’s vagina, slowly working the slippery ointment all around her pulsing hole.

“Aaah...that’s better...” the blonde moans with pleasure “....that feels..SOO...much better!”

Tony’s fingers have found her hooded clit. Now soft stroking caresses bring it out from its hiding place, swelling it nicely.

“’s....ghoood....” Supergirl squirms, her blood rising within her, her face flushing with erotic zeal.

“I do believe it’s time to introduce our mighty superhero to the pleasures of anal sex, young squire,” Tony looks up at Randy. “Please help me lift her up so we can proceed.”

Tony removes his hand from Supergirl’s snatch and pushes up on her rear with one hand as he lifts her forcefully by the collar with the other. Randy at the same time grasps the red and yellow emblem on her blouse and the ankle of Supergirl’s left boot. The two men hoist the teen three feet off the floor, her head, both arms and right leg dangling loosely in the air.

“...hey...whut...are...yuh guys doin’?” Supergirl asks with a giggle. What kind of game is this now? Tony quickly releases her collar, inasmuch as Randy has a powerful grip on the drooping teen’s blouse, and rubs his cock thoroughly with the slippery KY jelly coating his fingers. He also smears the unwary blonde’s balloon knot with the lubricating gel.

“..whoa....that felt good...what’s going on...”

“We’re just playing a little game of assfuck the famous heroine,” Randy replies as Tony carefully steers the soft curves of the shapely blonde’s butt over the tip of his cock. As she is slowly being lowered by this powerful man standing over her, the drug-addled girl shakes her head slightly.

“What?...what mean...?” The perplexed teen’s eyes dart back and forth trying to see what’s below her. A sudden grip of paranoia, typical with many crack users, fills the teen with nervous confusion that battles the euphoria. “What are you doing to me?”

“Don’t worry, Supergirl,” Tony says soothingly to the anxious girl. “This is going to feel fantastic. I guarantee it.”

“Really?” Fear mixed with euphoria and a feeling she can’t be harmed. Crack speaks volumes to her at this moment.

“Trust me, this is a ride you’ll never forget.”

Tony grips the blondes hips firmly and lets gravity and the KY salve do their work. The tip of Tony’s penis prods Supergirl’s asshole the girl realizes with a wide-eyed gulp what’s being done here.

“Whoa...fellas....hold on...I...I’ve never been...uhhh....had...this way....”

“There’s a first time for everything, Supergirl.” Tony feels her tight young asshole slowly encompassing the full bulbous end of his cock.

“...whuhh...wait...hold up...that....that’s a little big...there.....” gasps the nervous teen. The crack has dulled her fear significantly but the blonde champion knows this act isn’t right, and not something she wants to do. But she is too weak and too high to know how to prevent it.

“Don’t worry, darling, every whore has to take on a larger-sized man every now and then.” The mafia don raises his hips and pushes his penis deeper into Supergirl’s lowering butthole,

“UUHHH...OHH...that’s...wrong...too...much...too soo...ooooohhh. Supergirl feels the muscular shaft fill the tight tunnel between her cheeks more than half way and moans loudly in a mix of discomfort and startling pleasure.

“Don’t worry, champ, you’re young enough and pliable enough to handle a long, hard cock like mine.” Tony’s hands surround the girl’s belly and he nods at Randy, then pulls her to him as Randy releases her leg and her blouse at the same time. Supergirl’s ass slides down the remainder of Tony’s shaft with a soft thump

“AAHHH!’” Supergirl grunts in shock as her body shivers, trying to accommodate the huge pulsing shaft shoved deep between her buttocks. Her eyes blink rapidly and she pants quickly. This was an astonishing feeling. Tony was right about this ride. The strong young Mafia don surrounds her breast with his hand and cups her pussy in his palm.

“Let’s get you juiced up, Supergirl, so you can fully appreciate a true rump ridin’ rodeo.”

“...ohhh....don’’t move it...not ready...yet...” Supergirl pleads. Tony doesn’t move his dick yet but his slippery fingers tickle Supergirl’s nipple and rub against her sensitized clit.

Tony licks the soft pink earlobe of his helpless captive, then probes her inner ear with his wet tongue. He’s enjoying his complete physical domination of this doped, inept heroine draped helplessly in his lap as her warm, sweet scented ass scandalously grinds and wriggles eagerly over his rock hard cock. “You know,” Randy says, “I don’t think any whore is really ready for her first anal fuckjob, Supergirl. Especially young, inexperienced debutantes like yourself. But once they get the feel of that long hard shaft shoved up under their pretty little party dresses, like this,” Tony thrusts deeply into the mesmerized young blonde

“” she gasps with pleasure at the length and force of the hard muscle driving deep to the center of her pleasure pool.

“... they learn to deal with it,” Tony continues nonchalantly. “Anyway, they all get used to it, just like you will. Hey, be thankful we used lubricant. Some guys aren’t as thoughtful as I am.”

Tony’s hands continue to work their magic, slowly at first then with more and more speed. The girl’s head lolls back at this unique blend of pleasure: an arousing, nerve-tingling nipple rub, a head-spinning full-on clit massage and a thrilling, unprecedented anal penetration. He jerks his penis up and down again, taking Supergirl’s breath away with a rushing thump of bewildering pleasure.

“’s b..b..better.” Her body shivers with intoxicated delight. Her butt cheeks tighten with a sudden electric thrill from within and Tony gets a five-second rippling cock squeeze along the entire length of his shaft. This causes him to grunt in his own mind numbing wave of ecstacy.

“Whoa. That was great! You sure you haven’t been sodomized before by some long forgotten superhero friend of yours, wonder cheeks? You got the talent.”

“You... are my first...Mr. Bonano,” says the panting, delirious, crack-befuddled blonde heroine. “Now you can move that thing around, sir.”

Tony obliges willingly. Now with both hands on her hips gripping the famous little red skirt, he withdraws his cock slowly out of Supergirl’s rear until just the bulbous tip remains. He rotates his hips so she can feel the ginding bulb rub around the sensitive walls of her anus in slow, steady passes.

“Mmmmmm.” Supergirl licks her lips and reaches down to slowly stroke Tony’s thighs. He moves his hands up to take hold of both breasts and begins to fondle and caress them. Then he begins to pump his prick in and out of the rocking blonde’s buttocks. The delighted blonde leans her head back, her gorgeous young lips twisted into an unapologetic, shockingly debauched leer of sinful delight as Tony repeatedly fills her young ass with cock; up and down, up and down, up and down with piston-like intensity. Supergirl’s short red skirt flaps up and down between her thighs like a flag in a stiff wind.


The oblivious, drug-crazed heroine rocks and moans and drools with absolute joy as Tony’s shaft drives back and forth within the tight, greasy hole she so willingly offers.

“I think Randy’s getting a little jealous, Supergirl. Are you willing to let him fuck you in the ass, too?”

“’t...think so. Randy’s too rough for me,” Supergirl smiles nastily at the pale hoodlum watching her grinding away with her gorgeous butt. She doesn’t have a clue how absolutely vulgar her behavior is now. As if to prove the point, the revered blonde hero lifts herself up slightly and then drops her ass down on Tony’s eagerly waiting prick. “UNGHHH! ....Ah...that’s nice.....”

Randy stands over the jerking, rubbing, indulgent couple ass humping on the floor and marvels out loud, “Damn. Look at this fucking slut give it away. I can’t believe my eyes here. The virtuous idolized Supergirl, the sainted role-model for teenage girls around the globe absolutely craves taking cock up the ass! And we’ve got it all on the record!”

“Randy, why don’t you give the Maid of Steel a bonus for her fine efforts here today. Use the Short and Sweet Equalizer.

“Good idea, Tony.” Randy replies, walking over to the bondage table and opening one of the many drawers.

“...UNNHH....ohhh....what’s the....sweet...equalititator...?” Supergirl mumbles stupidly as another wave of erotic sensations sweeps through the channels of her brain.

“It’s a special motorized toy I think you’re going to like. A lot.” Tony continues to fondle and squeeze the slumping girl’s chest with continued zeal, even as his penis thrusts and withdraws within Supergirl’s responsive ass.

The distracted girl has her head turned to the side and back, trying to kiss Tony’s mouth as she rides his penis up and down like a carousel horse. Consequently she doesn’t notice Randy as he kneels before her and takes a wide yellow crystal dildo out from behind his leg. Only 6" long but 3" wide, the tool looks formidable. With her attention totally on Tony, all Supergirl registers is a motor humming to life. And then her world changes in an instant.

Grabbing the Maid of Steel behind the neck, Tony places the smooth vibrating glass dildo against the lips of Supergirl’s moist vagina and slides the wide pleasure stick deeply into the shocked teen.


“There you are, slut. That’s the Short and Sweet Equalizer,” Randy coos maliciously. “Kinda takes your breath away, doesn’t it?”

Supergirl has folded forward in stunned and helpless excitation. Bent low in Tony’s lap, her head hung low, her eyes are reduced to slits, her breath torn from her body with ragged harsh doggy pants.


The motorized dildo, forced high into her cooz takes Supergirl’s breath away with a rushing jolt of ecstacy. Randy begins moving the wide, smooth dildo in and out of the whimpering blondes slit with a slow patience that surprises and pleases the young heroine.

“...this...thing is....f...f....f...fucking...f...fantastic....” blurts the overwhelmed girl.

“I thought you’d like it,” says Tony, jerking his pelvis up to please the quivering girl from both ends.

“HUUHHHH....can’t...take...much more.....of this...” The humming, sliding, crystal device pressing against the walls of her vagina fills her to her maximum width with vibrations that link directly to her brain. The gasping opened mouth blonde bent over in Tony’s lap drools unknowingly onto her skirt as the two men hold her firmly in place and vaporize every notion of feminine restraint. Helpless to resist this onslaught of sensations, Supergirl is easily led down the garden path toward an orgasm.

With her ass and her pussy filled to the walls with buzzing, grinding and slippery advances and retreats by long hard staffs of incomparable pleasure, the blonde heroine rushes down her own highway to heaven. Without a pause, in fact, Supergirl speeds past every milepost of joy into a yawning chasm of pure white ecstacy. Her eyes clamp shut and she rocks back and forth in Tony’s lap in shrieking helpless passion.


Tony holds the blinded, lost teen tightly in his arms as she rocks within her orgasmic flood Randy, too, lightly holds her neck even as he rotates the smooth crystal dildo within the now whimpering girl’s crotch.

“’s...another...another....cumming....I’m cumming....AAHHHHHH!”

Supergirl leans even farther forward and balls her fist in helpless joy as she is overwhelmed by her second orgasm. She drools in mindless confusion as her drugged brain shuts down, now allowing only primitive grunts.


Randy pulls the vibrating wide crystal toy out of Supergirl’s cunt with a soft pop of her muscle. She languidly nods in the warm white afterglow of her absolute satisfaction. Seeing nothing, simply feeling Tony’s hands caressing her tits. She certainly doesn’t see Randy standing up right in front of her, then squatting so his dick is directly in her face. Smelling the musky man scent right before her, Supergirl lazily lifts her eyes just in time to see Randy grasp her chin.

“How about a nice big thank you blow job after old Randy gave you so much pleasure, Supergirl?” Surprisingly, this is Tony making the request as he shifts his hips and rotates his cock within the feverish heroine’s ass.

“Haahh....oh...yes...okay...” whispers the spent symbol of purity and justice. Unable to fight the throbbing pleasure of his cock still grinding away in her ass, the gullible Maid of Steel, her tired arms slack at her sides, opens her mouth willingly for Randy’s long hard penis. He slides the musky member along her tongue. She grabs the tool with her lips expecting the man to stop so she can pleasure him But he thrusts his tool deeper into her mouth until it passes the very back of her tongue and digs into the roof of her upper throat.

“GGAGKK!” Supergirl’s eyes go wide at this clumsy intrusion. Raising her hands to take his tool and guide it back to where she can perform a decent job on this crude thug, Supergirl is shocked to feel Tony grab her wrists halfway up her sides, then wrap his legs around her calves, effectively immobilizing the exhausted heroine.

Randy grabs the back of Supergirl’s head with two hands and withdraws his penis halfway back til it rests thickly on her tongue. That’s better at least. Now I can...

“WRAULLLGG” Once again, Randy drives his dick down her throat and holds it there. Supergirl can’t get away from Tony’s restraining hold and the frightened blonde’s eyes go wide as every feeling of pleasure, even the long hard cock in her ass, dissolves instantly within her. The crack high already thirteen minutes old has been obliterated by her fear and horror.

What the hell is going on? I’m being fucked in the ass and the the same time? How in hell did I let this hap...”

“UURRLLLKK” Randy has pumped his dick back and forth within the helpless teen’s throat for a third time. And then, holding her head firmly in his palms, the grinning hoodlum begins rapidly stroking his pulsing, veiny cock in and out of the mortified girl’s mouth. In and out, back and forth, deeply along her tongue and then back to her numb lips, the nasty penis dominates the helpless heroine. It chokes her airway, slimes her tongue, fills her cheeks and strikes back and forth within her mouth like some huge angry snake. A snake that’s growing larger and wider even as it relentlessly searches for a prize she knows she won’t be able to resist.

And within her ass, Tony’s member is also building momentum, driving forward and back, dominating her anal cavity, sucking out all the joy in life. There’s no pleasure here anymore, just relentless driving need from the heinous fiends holding her in place. Together, the two men swell to their full length now, jerking with anticipation. And then they both release their pleasure simultaneously. Randy shoots a thick jet of jism down the gagging blonde heroine’s throat and Tony fills her butt with a firehose of his own, the warm cum shooting deep within her. Supergirl is forced to swallow just so she can breathe, but she is frozen in place by the unyielding arms and hands of the two men. Overwhelmed by shame at this despicable abuse, Supergirl’s eyes fill with tears even as she feels Randy’s member go slack in her mouth. The vile cum drains down her throat as he holds her face steady and grins lasciviously at her.

“That’s a good cunt. Truly a stellar BJ, honey. I’d say you’re ready for the big time.” Randy chuckles and pulls his dick out of the rigidly held girl and releases her head. Immediately, the blonde superhero lurches forward and gags out a thick wad of cum. Coughing and crying the distraught teen shakes miserably in Tony’s grip as he too begins to soften within her.

“That was truly the best piece of ass I’ve had in ages, Supergirl,” Tony says, pushing the startled girl forward with a hard thrust of his palms. She flops forward, bent double with her face gagging and choking up thin lines of white cum onto the skirt draped in her lap. Pulling back, Tony pulls his cock out of Supergirl’s ass and stands up. “Very, very nice, champ. I’d say we all deserve a rest. Randy let’s get our guest back into the floor shackles, then we can hit the sack. It takes a lot of energy to completely and totally fuck over a superhero, you know?”

Randy drags the choking, defenseless blonde along the floor by her hair until he has her lined up with the floor manacles. The limp, demoralized teen offers no resistance whatsoever as he efficiently locks her arms into place. Next, he pulls the glowing kryptonite necklace around her neck so that the large stone is centered between her shoulder blades, held in place by her tight blouse. He then secures her neck in the hoop manacle with a loud click.

“Before you lock her legs,” cautions Tony, “let me get Supergirl’s panties and put them on her. I know how modest she is about her appearance. Got to keep up appearances for her adoring public you know. Isn’t that right you eager little ass-fucked, cum-sucking whore,” Tony says over his shoulder as he goes into the shower stall to retrieve the whimpering girl’s panties. When he returns, he pulls the damp cold panties up the long shaking legs of the miserable captive. She offers no resistance to this as Tony pulls the wet red silken material over the curve of her wide, trembling ass. He smooths and adjusts the panties and then pulls down Supergirl’s short skirt.

“There! All nice and virginal again for your millions of fans, Supergirl. Of course, we know better, don’t we, slut?”

Supergirl merely lies in a pool of self-pity, drowning in the horror of the acts she had been forced to perform...and those she’d done so willingly.

“Get some rest, sweetie. You’ve got another training session tomorrow.”

I am damned forever. The exhausted Supergirl shudders, then drifts off to merciful sleep. It is midnight of the second day of her capture by Tony Bonano and everything is going his way.
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More Training and More Trouble
Part 10-A

Come dawn on the third day of her capture, a bleary-eyed Supergirl struggles back to consciousness with an effort she’s not sure she wants to make. With her powers neutralized by the large glowing kryptonite stone tucked under her blouse behind her back and her hands, legs and neck shacked to the floor, the powerless girl feels a unfamiliar coldness seeping through her body from the stone on which she lies. She’d never felt so chilled in her life. Shaking with the inner chill, she realizes that she feels something else inside her. Not a device of any kind. No dildos, no hoses, no plugs or patches, no gags or ropes or needles or dope. Or was there?

Dope, she thinks. I do have dope inside me. I have crack inside me. Or, to be more precise, the need for crack. The thoughtful heroine ponders the meaning of this for a moment, then comes up with the answer. She is waiting for Tony or his men to come in and dose her up with crack then abuse her in some hideous way. That was the pattern.

But it’s been a long time since the last session, she knows that, even without windows in the cell. She wonders why she’s been left alone this long. We’re they getting complacent. We’re they out on some grand heist of some kind? Now that they didn’t have to worry about her interfering in their bank jobs, their con games, their protection rackets or their drug running schemes, they could be running rampant in their various shady business dealings. Their whole operation was probably running like clockwork now that they had taken Supergirl down and made her their very own fuck toy!

I will make these bastards pay if it’s the last thing I do!

She watches the door anxiously now. There was no way to defend herself that she can think of. How would they introduce the crack to her this next time? She had to try to control herself. The euphoria of the drug was an unbelievable high. Almost impossible to contain it or her emotions. It was like plunging down a roller coaster from the top of one of those gigantic hills these coasters had now. You were terrified and thrilled at the same time. The high was impossible to resist as far as she could...

Why am I so fixated on the crack? I should be thinking up escape scenarios. What if they try to come in and rape me again. Is there any way I can twist away from those invading penises while I’m caught up in that emotional and physical whirlwind that crack generates. What if they put their cocks in my mouth and vagina again. How will I cope with that feeling of dicks filling my cheeks and my pussy while I’m high on....
I’m doing it again. I can’t get my thoughts away from crack or sex. Can’t concentrate on solving my situation. Have these bastards hooked me?

An hour or so later, the nervous teen hears the door between the control room and her jail cell open and Tony walks in with Stevie.

“You’re not going to give me more crack are you?” Supergirl looks from Tony to Stevie with a frantic glare.

“What?” Tony asks nonchalantly as he checks her manacles.

“I asked if you were going to be shooting me up or making me inhale any more crack today.”

“No.” Tony inspects the kryptonite stone pressed between the pinned heroine’s shoulder blades. “This isn’t giving you too much discomfort I hope, Supergirl. We’re just trying to keep your powers away while we complete your training. Who knows, when we’re done, you may get them back.

“Yeah, right,” the skeptical champion doesn’t believe them for a moment. “When is the next training session."

“Not for hours.” Tony whistles a old Guns and Roses tune as he goes over to the bondage table and checks the supplies in the various drawers.

“Really.” Supergirl blinks dumbly. What was going on here?

“You sound disappointed, slut,” Stevie crouches down, slips his forefinger under Supergirl’s chin and lifts it up. Looking directly into the Maid of Steel’s beautiful blue eyes, Stevie asks brazenly, “Were you hoping for my cock in that pretty mouth of yours?”

“Or maybe a dose of some Grade A, Number One crack,” Tony suggests from across the room.

“Not likely,” Supergirl snaps back. “Either one!”

“Yeah, right,” Tony mimics her earlier skepticism. “Come on Stevie, everything’s set. Let’s go.”

“You’re not going to win, Mr. Bonano.”

“We practically already have, Supercunt. See ya!” The door shuts firmly behind them as they leave the room. Supergirl hears their retreating laughter and frowns in frustration. No forward progress there. No escape possibilities. And no crack.

* * *

Five hours later, a bored, queasy and depressed Supergirl hears the jail cell door open and opens her lazy eyes. The deadly glowing kryptonite situated so close to her head for so long has rendered her more helpless than usual. She’s got a major headache, she can’t focus her mind on anything for more than half a minute and she’s back to being a little nauseous. So when she sees Carmine come through the door instead of Tony, she doesn’t know what to make of it.

“You here to give me another training lesson in crack and sex, Mr. Vega?”

“Exactly in that order, bitch. Happy?”

“You know, when I ‘scape from here....”

“Tony talked to you about that bullshit. Knock it off!” He stands over the shackled teen and enjoys the view of her beautiful ass. The soft curve of it under that short little skirt of hers...

“What’s the matter, Carmine. Scared?”

Carmine squats down and punches the prone teenager right in her kidney.


“That’s Mr. Vega or sir to you, Supercunt! Got it?”

“...yes...sir....” she says with a grimace.

“Do I look scared to you, Supergirl? I’d say it’s just the opposite and you’re just trying to keep up a brave front, you pathetic floozy. Anyway, you can’t even keep your hands and mouth off of all the dicks around here for more than five minutes. I’d say you’re scared that you’re getting an education about the true inner slut that you’ve become, Supergirl. And graduating from slut to whore is a tiny little step in our book.”

Taken aback by the cold hard facts thrown in her face, the dazed and unprepared blonde teen simply replies in a low mumble, “ It’s the drugs, the crack that makes I’ve done.”

Carmine squats down in front of the girl’s face. “Crack is not the whole reason you’ve been eagerly taking our cocks in your mouth, your cunt, and your pretty round ass, you oversexed little sexpot. You love it. In your heart you know I’m right.”

“No...IT’S NOT TRUE! I AM NOT A WHORE AT HEART. IT’S THE CRACK. THAT’S ALL!” Supergirl snaps in anger and exasperation. She can’t debate in this condition. She can’t think straight.

“Well, if it’s the crack, then by all means, let’s take advantage of that.”

“’s not what I meant. I’m sick. I’m tired and confused. Don’t really know what I’m say...Hey! What...”

The shocked teenager watches Carmine’s fist as it suddenly rockets in from the side, crushing against her nose and mouth.

“Ghunnff!” Supergirl’s head snaps sideways, held painfully in place by the neck manacle. Her nose runs with a small drip of blood that slides down the blasted teen’s lip, into her mouth and down her chin. The side of the blonde’s mouth drips its own small rivulet of blood.

“....uuuhhhhh....” With her head knocked to the side, the stunned Maid of Steel doesn’t see Carmine take a needle filled with the good stuff out of a leather belly pouch. He throws a handkerchief on the floor in front of her. Then pins her lolling head down into the handkerchief to absorb the blood even as he pokes the needle into a small vein in the defenseless girl’s neck and fills her with another noxious dose of crack. Between the crack and this kryptonite necklace pinned to her back here, this bitch will be the easiest fuck I’ve ever had.

Battered into a simple-minded incoherence, Supergirl morosely thinks to herself. Did I actually want this to happen?

Eight seconds later, it’s not even an issue as the euphoric Supergirl lets Carmine clean her face up with the handkerchief. The amount of blood isn’t much at all. Nodding in a haze of good feeling, Supergirl feels Carmine pull her head up by the hair. The dizzy girl’s mouth hangs open slightly as she tries to breathe through it rather than her tender nose.

“Time for more candy cock, Supergirl,” Carmine say, pulling a dildo from his waist pouch. “This one’s root beer flavored and filled with pheremones. Suck on it.” Putting the wide tip into the drifting teen’s open mouth, Carmine pushes it to the back of the girl’s tongue so she’s forced to grip the dildo with her lips and taste its unique flavor.

“AWLFF....AUMM....mmmmm...” it tastes very good to her. Better in fact, than any root beer she’s ever had. That’s the pheremones working overtime. Released into her mouth and nostrils by her sucking action, the activated sensory molecules inundate the beautiful blonde heroine with an instinctive desire for some type of sexual stimulation. Carmine rotates the wide candy cock against Supergirl’s tongue and she takes up the sucking motion quite voluntarily now. Her cheeks suck in and out like a tiny bellows as she savors the flavor and feeling of this wonderful wide treat filling her mouth.

“Mmmmmm.....awlmmm....ahhlmmmm....” Carmine circles behind the now orally fixated blonde superhero and pulls another distinctly shaped device from the leather belly pouch. This hard pink rubber tool is nothing less than a two-inch wide motorized buttplug.

“I’ve got another toy for your pleasure back here, sweet cheeks,” Carmine says, smearing the end of the buttplug with AnalEze lubricant for easy insertion. You’ll get off on it, I’m sure.”

“...thathhh...fhine...” the drugged girls replies, still sucking with all her attention on the mouth filling root beer flavored delight. “Mmwaulmmm....awwlllfff.” The pheremones released by her steady sucking make the teenage wonder giddy with sexual desire.

Carmine lifts up Supergirl’s skirt and pulls her panties down to the backs of her thighs with a quick maneuver he’d practiced countless times over the last day and a half. Greasing her anus with the pointed applicator, Carmine shoots a generous dollup of the AnalEze up Supergirl’s butt. She flinches at this and turns her head to look at what’ going on, swinging the dildo around with her. The look of infantile stupidity as she sucks mindlessly on the fat brown candy cock and stares questioningly up at him makes Carmine snort in wonder. How did this naive Supercunt even make it through the day?

The large Mafia don puts the buttplug against Supergirl’s balloon knot and pushes hard. It slides in a full three inches, just enough for the girl’s ass to accept the full rubber conical head of the slippery tool.

“MWUUNGHH.” Grunting hard, the young heroine is caught off guard and spits out the candy cock in a stunned gasp. “...wh..whatchu....doing?” She blurts. “...whazzat...”

“This is the special toy you told me I could shove up your ass, Supergirl. Remember?”

“..what...?..did...i...? Don’t...remember saying....OHH...OH...OHHH....” Carmine has turned on the powerful government-designed motor within the buttplug. Stolen from a different high tech device, the high-speed, high-rotation motor had been installed especially for the sexual needs of the mighty Maid of Steel. It works up to spec, to say the least. The writhing, delirious blonde has jerked her head back so it faces forward. Her neck is now arched in ecstacy, her mouth and eyes both open wide. The heavily vibrating buttplug massages every single nerve ending in the blonde’s rear end with powerful, repetitive stroking sensations that send wave after wave of pleasure into the gasping, writhing teen’s brain. Her libido has gone from zero to 60 in under four seconds.

Carmine reaches up to replace the candy dildo into the moaning girl’s mouth. She sucks it in like brand new Hoover vacuum machine. Her cheeks drawing in deeply as she satisfies her oral needs, even as her anal needs nearly overwhelm her completely.


“Tony said we should have a good time together. Are we having a good time, Supergirl?”


“Good,” Carmine says, “then you’re fine with me fucking this wet, eager snatch of yours?”


“That’s what I thought, slut.” Carmine immediately pulls out his penis and kneels between the insensible heroine’s thighs. The bumping, shaking vagina is a beautiful and tantalizing target. And Carmine’s always been good at target practice. He nails it on the first shot.

“HEEWWAAALLFF!” The delirious teen yelps with uncontrolled passion as she is penetrated by Carmine’s wide penis. He pins her hips and strokes in and out of the wet, eager hole.


Filled in every major orifice, Supergirl moans in absolute oblivion from the sensations going off like fireworks in her head. Carmine’s strong, self-assured thrusting of that wonderful wide prick of his is pouring into her head like the Mississippi flowing to the sea. The incredibly relentless buttplug cannot be ignored either, it’s every movement a telegraph signal to her brain tapping out CUM...CUM...CUMMMMM.

Carmine climbs onto Supergirl’s writhing, trembling body and reaches up with both hands. One hand finds the candy cock, holds the end of it and slowly moves it in and out and around the delighted heroine’s mouth. With her hands pinned to the floor, this special service makes the pleased young teen grunt in appreciation.


“Don’t mention it, Supergirl. This is for you, too.” Sliding his hand underneath her blouse, Carmine grasps her naked breast and squeezes it gently.

“...mmmmmmmm....” she purrs. Yet again, the famous insignia that symbolizes honor, trust and freedom is disgraced and dishonored as knuckles from Supergirl’s captor stretch out the red and yellow shield, wrinkling it, violating its bright promise and abusing its meaning as Supergirl is eagerly and willingly felt up under its distinct diamond shape. Adding insult to injury, Carmine thrusts his prick once again high up under the heroic teenager’s famous skirt and the ravished champion shrieks in uncomprehending delight at this shocking violation of all she stands for.

Carmine’s pumping hips take on a rhythm that is strong, persistent and yet varying in its back and forth and side to side motions. With his hand fondling her breast and his other now stroking her gorgeous ass, Carmine is having the best fuck of his life. This girl was tight, she was totally receptive thanks to the crack and she even grateful and responsive to his technique.

Ultimately the pumping penis within her loins coupled with the vibrating buttplug are far more than Supergirl can handle any longer. With her mouth, ass and vagina filled to bursting with constant wet, slippery, sliding, rubbing and vibrating sensations, the powerless teen is quickly and easily pushed into a full-fledged vaginal orgasm. She spits out the candy cock so she can breath and screams at the top of her lungs.


Carmine hangs onto the teen while she lies on the floor in a rigid, mindless frieze of sexual release. He’s still slowly sliding his cock in and out of the gasping teen. And she goes limp in his hold, spent for the moment.


“I appreciate a girl who likes her work.”


“Just an expression.” Slyly, Carmine feels for a remote in his pocket and touches a red button. The motorized buttplug hits a new and faster speed. And Supergirl’s attention is snapped back to her ass.

“WHOA.....thadt’s a ...n...neat....trhik.,” Supergirl murmurs. “ do...tha...OHHHH”

Carmine has begun thrusting vigorously again within her pussy. He hasn’t cum yet but he plans to. With energetic determination, the Mafia don strokes away with relentless hip pumping at the girl’s warm, wet slit. His wide tool is a drilling machine now, matching the humming endless vibrations of the super-modified buttplug.

“...Oh....ohh....yesss.....yesss....” the girl who could once lift mountains is too weak now to even keep her head up. Rubbing her tits with one hand, Carmine reaches around to the waist of the now grunting blonde beneath him and sticks his hand down the front of her skirt. He quickly massages his palm against her soft bush then drives his fingers into the top of her vagina, finding her swollen clitoris. He flutters his fingertips against it and then rubs it briskly, even as his hips dominate her very intelligence, shutting it down so that her body’s demands can be met yet again. The buttplug finds a new dimension of reality within the gasping girl’s rear end and all her sensations culminate in synchronized rhythms that explode within Supergirl’s overstimulated brain like an abandoned building being blown apart with dynamite. The entire structure of Supergirl’s powerful ego disintegrates in a rushing hot cloud of expanding pleasure

Yiiieeeeeahhhhh......RAOOOOOOOO....HELP MMEEEEEE.....”

The trembling spasms of Supergirl’s pussy send Carmine on his own funhouse ride. He grunts in sudden, blind delight as he shoots his load deep into the warm center of Supergirl’s snatch.

“...eeeemmmmm...” she moans at the thrill of this sensation, knowing she has pleased this guy completely. Her whole figure slumps in exhaustion beneath the large, still form draped on top of her. Together they savor the warm floodlight of joy that comes with intense sexual release.

“Hhhnhhhh....” Carmine moans softly as he slowly gathers his wits. Tony was right, this girl was fucking amazing. He could have never pulled out and humiliated her on this one. It was too good to lose. He pulls his hand out of the girl’s blouse and carefully rises to his hands and knees over the still limp blonde. First he withdraws the buzzing buttplug from her ass. For this, she grunts and sighs in relief. Then he picks up the candy cock and throws it in the garbage. Finally he goes back, squats down and pulls up Supergirl’s panties arranging them neatly and pulls down her skirt so she has some modesty left, until next time anyway.

“These panties have been up and down more times than a kite on a windy day, sugar hips. You’re getting quite a training seminar here in the pleasures of being a whore.”

The drowsy heroine turns her head away from Carmine and murmurs softly, “Not a whore,” as she drifts off in exhausted slumber.

Carmine walks into the control room where Stevie had been handling the motorized swivel cameras. “What a fucking ride she is, Stevie. You won’t be disappointed. I gotta get a nap, this cunt wore me out! See you in a couple of hours.”

“Sure thing, Carmine. I’ll keep watch.” Stevie checks the monitor, sees the sleeping girl and goes back to his Elmore Leonard book.

Neither man noticed that the kryptonite necklace had been knocked loose from under her blouse near the very end of all the action. It now rested underneath the dozing blonde heroine, against her stomach, the chain broken.
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Resistant to the end, even when defeated but uh oh, sloppy work with the necklace guys! These villains are pretty wicked, that could cost them in the end!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Another escape attempt coming? Count on it...sometime later today.
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Sorry about the delay. :ras: I promised this for yesterday afternoon, but some unexpected hurdles were put in my way. Anyway, here's the second half of Chapter 10. Enjoy! :)

More Training and More Trouble
Part 10-B

Late in the afternoon of the third day of her capture, Supergirl stirs to consciousness with a horrible stomach ache. It stems from two very different causes. First, the large kryptonite crystal has been pressed against her stomach for the last three hours or so since the tired teen drifted off after Carmine’s “training” session. The radiation pouring out of the deadly green element underneath her has, once again, disturbed the captured teen’s digestive system creating the need to use the bathroom. Secondarily, the blonde heroine hasn’t eaten anything other than several generous servings of Mafia semen. Under normal circumstances, Supergirl did not require any food to sustain her energy, but the last three days have been anything but normal. She needs food.

Dragging herself out of the grayness of her sleep lethargy, Supergirl takes stock of her situation with a pained grimace at the twisting uneasiness from her belly.

I’ve got to get to the bathroom again. Stomach’s acting up badly. What’s this hard lump I’m lying on, anyway? Feels like kryp...oh, yeah. That damn necklace that Tony had put around my...Hey, it’s not around my neck! When did that happen? Don’t remember Carmine moving it. Does it even matter? Thing’s still keeping me too weak to do anything. Hurts so much. Crack would sure help take away this pain....

“...ohhhh....” The helpless teenage champion groans miserably at her plight. Inside the control room, Stevie checks the monitor with Randy at his elbow.

“Sounds like Superslut is coming to again,” Randy notes.

“Yeah, but Tony and Carmine said not to do anything while they were out. Let her lie there and suffer,” Stevie replies.

“Guess so.” Randy looks at the beautiful girl lying in manacles on the floor of the jail cell in the next room. The one and only Supergirl. He’d had his dick in that famous heroine’s mouth. True, she hadn’t been a particularly willing participant in the act. He would have preferred she had been, but Tony had asked Randy to brutally face fuck the self-important heroine while she was held down. The humiliation would help break the bitch down so she’d be a willing whore at the end of the training. Randy smiled to himself. His face fuck of the famous Maid of Steel was still something he’d never forget. Her look of surprise in the midst of her crack high was perfect! She would have willingly pleased him and even swallowed. Until Tony grabbed her wrists and pinned her down that is. He hoped Tony or Carmine would let him have another go at this girl. She was amazing. When they got back from their meeting with the other Mob bosses, he might ask them when that next time with Supergirl could be.

The two-way speaker in the ceiling overhead in the control room comes to life. “Hello? Someone? Can someone come in here? I need help.” The shackled blonde is calling out for assistance. The two young thugs look at each other and shrug.

“Suck it up, Supergirl,” Stevie says sternly into the microphone even as he gives Randy a wink.

“Please, Stevie. I don’t feel good. My stomach...”

“Not again with the stomach,” Stevie says to Randy in the control room.

“Yeah, that’s not good,” says Randy.

“Fellas, I need the bathroom again. Please guys.”

“Not now, Supergirl,” responds Stevie coldly. “Not til Tony gets back.”

Randy lightly slaps Stevie on the back of the head. ““What’d you say that for? Now, the bitch knows Tony’s not here.”

“Why does that matter. Fuckin’ slut can’t do anything about it.”

“I guess not,” Randy replies.

“Stevie, please! You don’t want to have to clean up my...uh..mess...again, do you?” Supergirl pleads in earnest. She’s weak and feeling very queasy.

“That’s the fucking truth. I’m tired of cleaning up after this bitch,” growls a frustrated Stevie.

“Yeah, but Stevie....” Randy gestures at the monitor. “That’s Supergirl!”

“That is one severely fucked over Supergirl who’s about to pump out a load of super shit with its super stink all over the floor in there. I don’t want to have to deal with. Do you?”

“Of course not, but...”

“Look, Randy, put on those kryptonite rubber gloves Tony used before. Hold her tits and face, I’ll cover her with the gun and we can walk her over to the bathroom together, real careful like. Come on, Randy. You took her out before. I saw it on the monitor. You were a beast. That little twat in there’s afraid of you. We can handle this. I know it.”

“You know, you’re right. I took this bitch down before. We both did, a couple of times already. Why, back up on the street, she even had all her superpowers at the time and we still double teamed the bumbling twat and took her down. Fine, let’s do it.”

Stevie pushes the talk button on the microphone and says, “Alright, bitch, we’re going to allow this. But by our rules!”

“....thank you....”

Two minutes later, the two men walk into the jail cell together. Stevie’s carrying the fully reloaded kryptonite slime gun. He walks over to the prone blonde and trains the gun at the middle of her back. Randy goes to the bondage table and removes the deutronium-kryptonite rubber gloves from a drawer and pulls each one on, slowly working the fingers down so they’re snug and completely flexible. He then walks over and stands beside Stevie, looking down at the silent girl lying there in shackles. She looked harmless enough, but he knew better. Weak as she was, he and Stevie had to do this right.

“Please fellas. I can’t hold it in forever.”

“We’re going to let you up now,” says Stevie, "but we’re doing it our way. No tricks or you’re toast, Supergirl. Got that?”


“Okay then. Uhm. I’m going to unlock your legs first, then the arms and then your neck. I want you to get up slowly and carefully. Randy will be right beside you with the kryptonite gloves Tony used before, so you behave and everybody’ll be happy.”

“...okay...please hurry....”

“Yeah, yeah, we are. Cool your jets, sugar.” Randy is pumped but anxious.

Stevie undoes the leg clamps first and then the arms. Supergirl curls up in a fetal position holding her stomach and groaning. Neither man has noticed that the blonde heroine grasped the glowing green necklace hidden beneath her and had slid it in the only possible hiding place, her underpants.

Oh Rao, I hope this works. It feels like I’m on fire down there!

Finally the neck manacle is released and Stevie nods to Randy to kneel down beside him and take hold of the moaning, twisted teen.

“Come on, bitch,” Randy snarls, “you need the john so bad, let’s get up and moving.” He grasps Supergirl’s bicep with his gloved left hand and pulls the groaning teen to her knees. Her arms still clutch her stomach in genuine distress. The glowing stone necklace in her panties drops lower and hangs in her crotch, unobserved. But the girl goes white, swaying feebly on her knees. This could be the worst idea I’ve every had. The's so strong...

Stevie, his gun pointed at her chest, motions with a jerk of the nozzle. “Let’s go, Supergirl, we’re doin’ what you asked. Get moving!”

“...too...weak...i...can’t...walk....stomach’s killing me...”

“I may have to carry her again like Tony did,” Randy says. The gloved hand on the blonde heroine’s bicep is also draining all her energy. Supergirl’s head drops to her chest and she groans in misery. Randy has an idea. He puts Supergirl’s arm around his shoulder and holds it tightly with his gloved left hand. The other arm he wraps around the slumping teenager’s upper torso and cups her breast tightly with his right hand.

“Aahhh....ohhhh...” The helpless blonde sags impotently against Randy as he stands up straight. “...uuhhhhh....”

“Look, Stevie, put down the gun for now and grab her legs, would ya? This cunt’s not going anywhere we don’t want her to. I got her tit wrapped in this kryptonite glove. You know what it does to her. We’ll hoist her over to the toilet and you can come back for the gun quick and easy. She’s under control.”

“Yeah, alright.” Stevie puts the gun over on the table and returns quickly. He grabs the inert teenager’s shiny red boots by the ankles and the two men carry the groaning, nodding superheroine all the way to the bathroom in the storeroom without incident. At the bathroom door, Stevie lowers her legs and opens the door then turns and runs to get the gun on the table in the other room. Randy continues to hold Supergirl’s shoulder with one arm and removes the other from her tit. He reaches down, about to pull down Supergirl’s panties when the woozy Maid of Steel puts a weak palm against his chest while she slides her other hand unseen around behind her back.

“ it” she murmurs. She desperately slides the hidden hand past the waistband and deeply into her panties. She only has seconds here. Her fingers grasp the stone and hold it tight.

“I don’t think so, Supergirl,” says Randy with a leer. “You look like you could use some help pulling down your panties.” He wants to be sure he can at least humiliate his captive while he’s letting her get her way with this trip to the toilet. Tony would be pleased he’s keeping to the plan in that way at least. Grabbing the back of her underpants, Randy just misses Supergirl’s swiftly retreating hand clutching the stone. She swoons limply in his arms as he pulls down the famous Supergirl’s panties with a satisfied yank.

“There you go, Supercunt! Now sit down and do your shit!”

Supergirl’s hand swings behind her back once more and she drops the glowing necklace into the toilet bowl just as she squats down and lets out an ear-piercing groan to cover the sound of the clink of rock against porcelain. She bends forward with true distress from the terror of the last two minutes: all the nausea from the gloves mauling her and the actual strain her digestive tract has undergone has been horrific. She lets go and suddenly the small confined area reeks horribly. Randy backs up suddenly and bumps into Stevie who’s returned with the deadly krypto-slime gun ready in hand.

“Everything okay?” Stevie nods at the bent blonde on the toilet.

“Everything’s good except that stink from our gaseous young girlfriend here.”

“...little...privacy...?...” The drawn blonde heroine looks up in pathetic hope.

“Not a fucking chance, Supergirl," says Stevie, aiming the gun straight at the teen on the toilet.

“Well, let me get the fuck out of the way, then," Randy demands, "if you two want to be alone in this stinking shithole!” The big man shoulders past Stevie, walks ten feet away, bends over with his green- gloved hands on his knees and takes a deep breath. “Whoooo...that girl’s got intestinal problems.”

Supergirl sits on the bowl for a good three minutes, slowly releasing the remainder of whatever’s inside her in intervals so her captors don’t get suspicious. Her color has returned and her powers are slowly creeping back. But not nearly fast enough. The abuse she’s been subjected to over the last three days has drained her energy reserves completely. She feels as weak as any normal girl her age would be at this moment. Possibly even a bit weaker.

Randy and Stevie are talking together nervously a mere three feet away from the bathroom door.

“Look, he and Carmine are going to be back in about ten minutes according to what he told us,” Stevie is saying. “Finished crapping or not, this bitch has to be strapped down now. I don’t want Tony finding her up and out of position from when he left.”

“You don’t think she’ll tell him how kind we were, letting her use the toilet and whatnot,” Randy replies.

“I don’t know. I guess. Still, let’s get her back in place,” Stevie raises the gun and points it once more at Supergirl’s chest.

“Yeah, okay. Guess you’re right. Come on, beautiful. Time to get back into restraints.” Randy moves in front of Stevie now, reaching for the still bent over teen sitting on the toilet. She’s frowning deeply. The bright glowing rubber gloves are coming right at her. Ready or not, powers or not, she’s got to act. This may be her very last chance to escape the horrors that this team of mobsters had planned for her. She tenses her muscles, ready to fight to the death.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

The Great Escape

Part 11

Supergirl is trapped! She has been caught by the mob and subjected to sexual abuse and forced to take drugs from which escape was impossible. And now she was about to be dragged back to her jail cell and shackled to the floor for yet more sessions with drugs and sex until she was trained to be nothing more than a crack whore for the pleasure of the mob. But now, with cunning and luck, she’d been able to fool her captors and regain at least the ability to fight back, with or without her super powers.

And now she had to act or lose everything. With Randy coming at her, waving kryptonite-imbued gloves, she readies herself to leap off the toilet she’d been sitting on, stalling until she had enough energy to finally defend herself after three days of total misery and degradation. With an anger and a willpower borne of her truly heroic character, Supergirl leaps forward in a surprising offensive against Randy’s outstretched hands.

Throwing both arms up in opposite directions with all her strength, Supergirl’s forearms smack against the startled Randy’s arms and knock the oncoming glowing green gloves up and back behind the hood’s head before he can react. Stevie stumbles back into Randy as they both fall back a step from the heroic blonde’s sudden onslaught. Following up quickly, Supergirl slashes out with a tight fist and slams Randy in the nuts with a hard left jab that draws a gasp from the suddenly paralyzed hoodlum. He drops to his knees with a grunt. Supergirl falls forward herself, purposely landing on her knees with a wince, away from Randy and the deadly gloves. She pulls up her panties with a yank as she glances upward at where Stevie has regained his balance. She sees him pulling the trigger on the krypto-slime gun and immediately throws herself sideways between the door jam and Randy. An arc of green sludge splatters the floor and toilet bowl where she’d been squatting half a second before.

Pushing off the floor with a grunt, Supergirl rapidly rises to a crouch and springs over the disabled Randy. Her leg muscles are strong enough to power her short flight directly into Stevie’s chest, knocking his gun nozzle up and sending the dumbfounded thug backwards onto his rear, herself on top of him.

How did this bitch get so strong again? Why isn’t that kryptonite necklace working?

Supergirl pushes off Stevie with both hands on his chest, springing over him toward the control room. Running in a jerking, weaving pattern, Supergirl avoids a second green splatter all over the wall beside her. Frantically, she runs into the room filled with electronic equipment, shelf after shelf of it. She sees no immediate weapon available to use against Stevie and, reluctantly, dashes into the jail cell. She wishes she could have shattered the recording equipment back in the control room that probably has all her misery over the last three days saved on shiny silver disks, but she didn’t have the strength yet or the time. Her powers are about those of a average man right now she’d guess, but she didn’t think that would be enough to take on those two bozos back there yet.

She hears a savage yell from Stevie and running feet. Dashing to the bondage table she snaps open a drawer, looking for that short steel bar Tony had used on her. Only a short leather whip and several candy dildos are rolling in there from the force she’d used to open the drawer. She looks up but Stevie hasn’t entered the cell yet. Why not? She hastily pulls open another drawer in search of that damn steel bar and falls back a step in horror. A glowing coil of green kryptonite rope throws it deadly radiation up at her.

“Ohhh...” She leans against the drawer with a grunt of pain, forcing it shut with her body weight. “...maybe not such a good idea...” she gasps. She’s dropped back to normal teenage girl strength with this costly error. Yet she need some kind of weapon. Standing back, she pulls a third drawer open. Ointments, ballgags, hoopgags and other bondage equipment too sordid to think about. Maybe she could use the ball gag like a bolo...

Suddenly Randy slides into the room directly toward her. He’s used the frame of the control room door as a fulcrum in his attack and his shoes are slipping easily on the stone floor. He doesn’t have full control of his slide however and Supergirl is able to duck behind the table in time to miss the awkward haymaker he’s thrown. The powerful man’s face is flushed with anger and maybe the pain from the shot to the nutsack she’d delivered. In any case, his clumsy attack had completely thrown off the enraged man’s balance. He falls forward onto his right shoulder and rolls heavily into the concrete wall with a loud thud.

Turning immediately, Supergirl leaps into the air and lands hard on Randy’s exposed ankle, hoping to cripple him enough to slow him down.

“AAGHH...Damn you, bitch!” Randy screams in pain and reaches for his ankle just as the Maid of Steel knees him in the face. He flops backward like a stone and Supergirl quickly leaps backward and away from him. That should take care of him for now.

Where the hell is Stevie? She turns to retrace her steps to the control room to find him, weapon or not, when a loud hissing over Supergirl’s head stops her in her tracks. Looking up she sees a soft, greenish cloud drifting out of a tiny grate in the ceiling. Kryptonite gas! Instantly, the Maid of Steel drops to her palms and toes to cushion the fall and, on her belly now, crawls rapidly toward the control room door. Sneaky bastard’s trying to gas me but he’s in for a shock when I get into that room.

The ceiling of the jail cell is almost completely hidden by a thin greenish fog just as Supergirl reaches the control room door. Getting to a crouch, she silently turns the knob and, bracing herself against the floor, throws herself into the room with a leap. Stevie is off in the back right corner trying to pull some large round device off a wall. The krypto-slime gun is on the floor behind him. Good!

Hearing the door bang against the wall, Stevie looks up to see Supergirl rushing at him. He turns and bends for the gun but the blonde heroine is recovering more and more of her powers now. She is probably as strong and agile as a world-class olympic gymnast by now. She actually leaves her feet and does a forward flip right onto the gun. Her weight dents the small reservoir on the front of the gun and a shocked Stevie is caught in mid-bend. He starts to straighten up when Supergirl grabs his collar, and yanks him up slightly and delivers a hard fist into his gut.

“...oofff...” Stevie bends over with a gasp, but Supergirl yanks him right back up and slams him against the wall. It’s not an easy maneuver but less taxing than she’d expected. Her powers are definitely coming back.

“Where’s Bonano, Stevie?” She gets in his face with an angry stare. “Where’s Tony?”

From out of the shadows from the unseen left corner of the control room, a figure moves forward with two quick steps and puts a taser against the smooth blue fabric at Supergirl’s back.


“Unghhh!” The stunned blonde heroine’s body jerks helplessly and she sags against the already limp Stevie.

“Right behind you, sweetheart.” Tony drops the taser on the floor and reaches out toward the Maid of Steel.

The two bodies might have collapsed to the floor together but Tony has grabbed hold of Supergirl’s collar. Incredibly, the blonde superheroine groans loudly as Tony holds her sluggish figure before him. Anybody else would have been knocked senseless by the charge in that taser. The bitch had gotten some of her powers back no doubt. He wondered how that had occurred but he had bigger concerns right now. Turning quickly, he drags the now struggling teen’s body toward the jail cell. She was fighting back already, clawing at her collar and trying to rip his hand away. Damn, she’s getting way too strong here!

With a powerful effort, Tony turns, twists the hellcat suddenly around onto her knees and heaves her through the open doorway of the control room into the jail cell. Sliding along the stone floor on her side, Supergirl smacks into the cinder block wall with a loud thump and a grunt.

Shaking her head and gathering her senses, the mighty champion realizes that, despite the shock of the taser and the embarrassment of being tossed like a bowling ball, she’s got even more of her powers back. She unwraps her twisted body and quickly rises to take on Tony Bonano in a fair fight once and for...

“WHAULK!” the flabbergasted heroine straightens up to find a thick, sickening green cloud obscuring her vision and nauseating her to the pit of her stomach. The gas! I forgot about...

Supergirl falls on her ass with a dizzy swoon, coughing and wheezing, trying to shake off the crippling effects of the gas she’d just inhaled. Right then, Tony walks into the jail cell. Looking down at the woozy teen with her arms behind her, palms on the floor and her legs sprawled out before her, boots pointed outward, Tony laughs out loud.

“Fucking bimbo forgot about the kryptonite gas! What a hoot.”

Shaking her head, Supergirl starts to stand up when Tony kicks her supporting arms out from under her. She fall flat on her back just as the mafia don drops straight down onto her exposed stomach with a crushing knee drop.

“Huugnnhhh!” She grunts and her legs curl up against Tony’s thighs, blocking her from the fetal position her body was instinctively trying to reach. Tony rears back and punches the gasping blonde in the temple.

“OWW! God dammit your head is hard as a fucking wall, bitch!” Tony grips his hand in a frown of anger and pain. He doesn’t like the way this is going. She was way more powerful than he expected or could handle right now. She herself might not realize the full potential of her power right this second because he’d kept her off balance. I have to get her back up into that green cloud and hold her there.

With the force of the knee drop dispelling, the gasping Supergirl once more starts to stand. Seeing this, Tony quickly backs off and stands himself, waiting to pounce. He sees the dazed girl stop in mid-rise, this time recalling the fog just over her head. She turns to face Tony in a half crouch, only to see him driving at her with all his might, forcing his forearm under her chin, hard against her windpipe and grabbing her hair with his free hand. Caught off guard, the whooping Supergirl with a brutal forearm crushed against her throat finds herself lifted directly up into the cloud drifting slowly down from the ceiling.

“HAAGKK” Tears spring to Supergirl’s eyes from the stinging horror of this noxious green soup surrounding her head. Coughing and wheezing, the mighty blonde heroine’s strength feels like its flowing out of her body like water. With her legs kicking and jerking, Supergirl’s hands clutch at Tony’s forearm, trying to rip it away from her scorching throat.

“..huulgkk...allggkkk...d...don’t....” In desperation, Supergirl forgets the unrelenting forearm and reaches down to grab Tony’s hair. She pulls on it with both hands and Tony screams with rage.

“Fucking cow. I’m going to kill you!” But the pain is too much for Bonano and he suddenly releases the girl so she drops like rock to the floor. Losing her grip on Tony’s head, the desperate girl rolls away from the man screaming threats at her, curls onto her side for a moment, gasping and wheezing, trying to take in the relatively fresh air below the deadly cloud.

Tony shakes his head, amazed he has any hair left and looks around for the dangerous cunt. She’s trying to crawl away, like a scurrying crab, toward the control room. Pissed that he doesn’t have time to retrieve any of the many weapons just sitting there in the bondage table drawers, Tony rushes after the crawling girl. Having lost a good measure of her powers from that last foray into the kryptonite cloud, Supergirl is frightened that she’s lost her opportunity to escape this hellhole. She nervously turns her head only to see Tony running toward her a mere five feet away. She stops, rolls onto her back and kicks at Tony’s knee with a surprisingly novel move from a long-forgotten karate lesson from her grade school days. It doesn’t connect, but it causes a startled Tony to swerve hard to the side and away from her.

Pulling her knees to her chest, Supergirl, uses the slickness of the stone floor to spin around and face the unprepared Bonano yet again. This time a leg swipe does connect. It sweeps the unbalanced kingpin off his feet, drops him painfully onto his back, and causes his head to hit the stone floor with a harsh thud. Tony’s eyes roll back into his head, knocked cold as a fish. Supergirl slowly gets to her knees, facing her helpless foe at last. With the green cloud descending, the Maid of Steel knows she has to get out of this place. She’s too weak again to drag Tony with her to the safety of the control room while she regains her powers. She’ll have to do it later when she feels....

“HUNNH!” The taser pressed into the back of her neck shocks Supergirl in every way possible. "Hunnh..hunnh...hunnh...hunnh...hunnh..." Jerking in paralyzed stiffness, the beautiful blonde heroine drops helplessly to her hands and knees, her brain a muddled mass of impossibly fried wiring. Behind her, Carmine holds the taser guardedly. He shakes his head at the spasming teenage champion trying desperately to fight against the screaming electric whine that drones like a jet engine in her ears. With her tits wobbling below her, the trembling, quivering blonde looks badly disabled. Nevertheless Carmine walks over, grabs the Maid of Steel by her hair and drags her to a full standing position against the common wall with the control room. The broad shouldered Mafiosa sticks his hand under Supergirl’s skirt and grabs her pussy with a wrenching squeeze.

“AAHH.” The agonized blonde instinctively gasps in pain and inhales a devastating gulp of misty green kryptonite gas, which causes the defenseless teen to choke and gasp even more, over and over within the noxious mist.

“That’s good. Breathe in the nice kryptonite gas, Supercunt. Breathe it all in for Uncle Carmine.”


After two minutes, the inert form of the beautiful Maid of Steel hangs in Carmine’s unrelenting grip; a defeated, inert, drooling wreck. Her head slumps awkwardly against her chest, her legs dangling in an uncharacteristically crude manner with her knees touching and her calves pointed outward in opposite directions. Her panties have been pulled down below the hem of her wrinkled skirt, dragged there after Carmine had roughly pulled his hand away from her crotch. He had made sure he’d left his hand in plenty long enough though, squeezing her crotch roughly again and again to make sure she would gasp in pain every now and then to breathe in the incapacitating green cloud until she lost consciousness. Now Carmine finally lets the pathetic figure fall to the floor in a heap of red and blue.

“Fucking bitch. Should have killed you when we had the chance!” Carmine actually pulls his gun from a mini-holster at the small of his back and aims it at the unconscious girl’s head. “Well, it’s never too late.”

“DON’T, CARMINE!” Tony is lying on the floor with his eyes half open in dazed anger. Carmine looks at Tony, wavering there with his gun aimed at the unconscious blonde.

“Don’t,” Tony repeats calmly, looking at Carmine who shakes his head with regret. Slowly he replaces the gun behind his back.

“Okay, it’s still your play, Ton, but that was too fuckin’ close to closing up shop for both of us. For a long, long time, Tony, you know. Jail. No money. Nothing but regrets. You’re walking on a wire here, Tony. A thin, fucking, dangerous high wire. Think about that.” Carmine stares at his partner. The guy was a twisted genius. But the cost was damn high.

“I have. I’ll tighten things down a little more. She’s probably one, maybe two doses away from being the gold mine I know she can be, Carmine. We’ll be able to write our own ticket with the Boss of All Bosses. Not just our own gangs, Carmine. Our own families. That close!”

“I’m gonna change your name from Tony “The Wire” to “Tony the High Wire Act!” Carmine says with a sarcastic smile. Fuck, Ton, what a clusterfuck!”

Tony sighs and struggles to his feet with Carmine’s assistance. “Can’t argue with that. How are Stevie and Randy? Do you know what the fuck happened here before we got back?”

“Not a clue. I came in just in time to see her on the monitor, kneeling in front of you, wavering but smiling. She had you dead to rights. I grabbed the taser, snuck in and zapped her. Then I held her head up in the gas that someone released until she was out cold.” Carmine looks around the room and over at the Randy, looking paler than usual. “Looks like she surprised the boys. Stevie’s in the back out cold. Randy’s still sleeping like a baby in that corner and I don’t have an inkling about how the fuck it all happened. What about you? You got back a few minutes before I did, how’d she get the drop on you?”

“I actually had the drop on her at first, believe it or not.” Tony looks at the unconscious teen lying in a heap, breathing shallowly, on the floor. She has tipped over onto her side with her thighs stretched wide apart and her ankles crossed underneath her. “I’ll tell you, Carmine, from this second on, I’m not underestimating this bitch by one little cunt hair. Everything’s by the book or somebody’s getting whacked. In fact, let’s drag her right over to the shackles over there and lock her down. Should have done it as soon as I was awake.”

The two men proceed to drag the unconscious teen by the hair over to the other side of the cell. Her belly and boots brush against the floor as she's pulled over to the area where the shackles are waiting. She doesn’t utter a grunt or moan as she’s roughly maneuvered face down into place. All the while Tony is recounting his side of the action before Carmine’s return.

“I came in through the back door of the control room to check on things in the disc storage center closet, you know. I mean the stuff we have in there of her capture and all our training sessions. That’s worth millions by itself. Anyway, Stevie didn’t even know I was there at the time. I hear Randy scream out in real pain, ‘Damn you, bitch’ and I look up at the monitor to see what’s going on. Fucking bitch is not only not shackled to the floor, she’s standing on Randy’s ankle and kneeing him right in the face. The big guy flops back out like a light and I’m thinking we’ve got real trouble here.”

“You think?” Carmine says, appalled at this story. Tony fits the leg shackle over Supergirl’s ankles and secures the booted leg firmly in place with a definite click. He moves on to the other leg.

“Anyway, Stevie gets smart and cues up the K gas delivery system and then retreats to the back corner of the control room. He puts the slime gun down, a major mistake I’m thinking at the time...”

“Fuckin’ major, major mistake.” Carmine nods in assent. He clicks the left arm shackle shut around the limp blue-clad wrist of the unmoving blonde heroine and moves over to the right wrist..

“So, the gun’s on the floor,” Tony continues, “and Stevie is trying to pull the big body compressor harness down off the wall, thinking, I don’t know, that he’ll put it over her and keep her in place after the gas gets her. Who knows. Point is, he’s so scared he doesn’t see me standing in the opposite corner in the dark. And knowing that bitch, I’m thinking the gas might not work, so I keep quiet and watch for my move. Next thing I know, Supertits over there comes flying into the control room looking to spit nails. Stevie sees her, forgets the body compressor and goes for the slime gun. Then, get this Carmine, the fucking blonde does a goddamm forward tuck and roll in the air, some fucking gym rat move like you wouldn’t believe, and lands right on the kryptonite slime gun. I doubt the thing will even work anymore. Took me three months and forty grand to build that motherfucker.”

“No shit?” Carmine says, clicking shut the right hand shackle over the unconscious teenager’s wrist. He then stands up and looks down at the limp girl who was lying there in sweet oblivion. She’s cost Tony a pretty penny so far. I wonder if she is worth it.

Tony is explaining why she is worth it to him even now. “Hell, I told you I was deep into doing this thing. Nights, weekends, whenever I had an extra hour, I was working on taking this bitch down, Carmine. That’s why I’m so keyed into the success of this thing. She’ll be worth millions to us. And so far, it’s working pretty close to the way I figured it.” He snaps the neck brace shut and stands up, stretching his muscles and rubbing his head gingerly. Nice lump there. Bitch got a little payback for the whacks I gave her."

“So what does Stevie do after she breaks the gun?”

“Well, Stevie was, you know, bent over trying to get the gun, totally off balance. She grabs him by the collar, straightens him up and gut punches the poor kid.

“Ouch.” Carmine winces at the thought.

“Fuckin’ A Ouch! Now, I can tell this bitch is getting some of her powers back, but not so strong yet, cause, you know, she really had to punch him hard. When she’s maxed out at full strength, if this bitch taps you on the head a little too hard with her little pinky, you’re spending a week making smiley faces in your oatmeal in the psych ward at Bellevue.”

“Fuckin’ A, Bellevue,” Carmine nods.

“So, after Stevie doubles over, she slams him back up against the wall and asks ‘Where’s Tony?’ And it’s a good thing that Stevie didn’t know I was there, cause he would have tipped her with his eyes or something. I didn’t know for sure if he hadn’t seen me though, so I couldn’t take the chance. I walked right up behind her, two quick steps, and zapped her with the taser I’d taken off the shelf right after I’d heard Randy scream.”

“Good thinking, but what happened? She didn’t go down?”

“Mostly she goes down, but not out, not completely. She was gaining her powers back every minute by that time I guess. Anybody else, gets zapped like that they’re drooling in their soup. This bitch is moaning and groaning and groggy a little I guess. But that’s it. So, I want to try to get her back in the cell at this point, you know where all the kryptonite shit is stored in the table so I can work her over with it somehow. She’s out of it enough for me to heave her out of the control room into the cell here. But’s she’s still strong enough to stand up, even after sliding into that wall over there.

“You must have shit a brick at that point!”

“Probably would have if blondie hadn’t been so dumb or so loopy that she forgot about the kryptonite gas Stevie had released. She stood up nice and straight, all ready to walk back into the control room and beat the shit out of me when she suddenly finds her head in a cloud of the worst thing in the world she wants to deal with right then; more kryptonite. Naturally it doesn’t agree with her and she falls on her ass, choking and wheezing. I walk into the jail here and see what’s happened and start laughing. Blondie shakes off the dose and starts to stand up, so I knock her on her back and give her my best atomic knee drop. She’s curled up against me wheezing all helpless and everything so I figure I’ll punch her lights out. I give a fist right to the side of her head and it’s like hitting a wall. Almost felt like I broke my hand. Fuckin’ thing is still a little numb.”

“No doubt.”

Tony walks over to the bondage table, opens a lower drawer and takes out the long anal dildo he used before to keep Supergirl out of action. He hold it up and inspects it for any cracks or damages, but it looks in good shape. It is still filled with straight kryptonite slime. No deutronium. Perfect to keep her helpless again during the next few sessions. He opens a different drawer and takes out the container of AnalEze then walks back over to the beautiful prostrate figure clad in her famous red and blue. He squats down next to her shapely rear end and peels back the silky little red skirt.

“Anyway, after my almost useless punch to her head, the persistent bitch tries standing up again,” Tony continues his recap. “Now, at this point, believe it or not, I want this ‘cause I want blondie’s head back in the K cloud, you know.

“To weaken her. Soften her up for the kill.” Carmine watches intently as Tony casually pulls down the panties of the famous teen heroine like she was just some normal skank from his whorehouse. Thankfully, the silent girl doesn’t as much as quiver.

“Right. And that actually works. I get her with a forearm to the throat and by her hair and drag her pretty face right up into the thick of that kryptonite cloud, you know.” Tony sticks the AnalEze applicator tube against the inert blonde’s balloon knot and squeezes out a generous dollop of the greasy gel. He spreads it around the outside of her anus with his forefinger, then sticks the finger into the girl’s tight ass and swipes it around within her anal passage.

“So there she is,” Tony says, “back to choking and gagging, and getting much weaker, I can tell. But before I can sign off on the deal, the cunt grabs my hair and tries to pull it out by the fucking roots. Thought I was gonna black out, she’s pulling so hard. Anyway, I had to drop the bitch and back off to, you know, get my head back on straight for the next attack.”

“Sure, sure.” Carmine nods as he watches Tony squeeze a little dab of the anal gel onto the tip of the long glowing dildo, smear it around, then press the device against Supergirl’s butthole. Reaching around the limp girl’s waist with one arm for added leverage, Tony slowly forces the lucite tube filled with glowing green kryptonite into the silent, unmoving heroine’s butt. Without even a whimper from the inert form shackled on the stone floor, the deadly tube gradually disappears far up the silent young champion’s anal passage until only three inches of dildo's end can be seen poking out from her tight balloon knot. Tony pats her rear with a flourish and pulls up panties until they’re smooth and snug against her rounded tush. The round end of the dildo can be seen poking up against the smooth red fabric.

“Anyhow, the next thing I know,” Tony relates, “Supergirl is crawling back to the control room to get away from the big green cloud that’s drifting down toward the floor pretty steadily now. I’m thinking still about trying for some kind of kryptonite tool I can get from the table there, but I know I’m going to lose her if I try that, so I run after her to keep her in the room with me. She’s lost a real lot of her superpowers though. Hell, I must of had her sucking in that kryptonite gas cloud for like 30 seconds or so. Anyway, I’m about to catch her when she turns and tries a karate kick. Some weird shit I never saw before. But she’s been slowed down by the cloud so I swerve just in time and she misses me.” Tony looks a little embarrassed when he says the next sentence. “I turn and am about to give her my hardest kick her right in the kidneys, she’s that close. But she pulls a spin move like, on her back, and does that leg swipe think that ninjas are always doing and that totally takes me out. I remember falling and hitting my head and thinking, ‘Fuck, I had the bitch cold’ then I passed out. After that, I guess you came in with your cavalry act and here we are.”

“Shit, what an A number one fuck up show!”

“True enough,” Tony admits, finally standing up and looking down at his beautiful prize shackled in steel beneath him. “Anyway, things are back to right where we want them, Carmine. I’m thinking Supergirl is ready for her next lesson, Crack on Parade. This girl is getting hooked solid in the next ten hours or I’ll kill the bitch myself,”

Carmine’s eyebrows go up at this. “Ten hours? You think that will do it?”

“I do ‘cause I’m accelerating Supergirl’s training for the next ten hours. She’ll be hooked. You have my word. But first let’s get the boys awake and find out why the fuck Supergirl got the better of them in the first place. This ought to be interesting!”

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More Training and More Trouble
Part 12

At 6:30 p.m. on the third day of Supergirl’s kidnapping by Tony and his gang, the unconscious superheroine is shackled to the floor in her jail cell with a kryptonite dildo stuck up her ass as both Stevie, Randy, Tony and Carmine sit in a circle of chairs within the control room drinking coffee and eating big greasy burgers and fries off a side bench that’s been covered in napkins. The two younger mafia hoods have told their side of Supergirl’s escape attempt with embarrassed faces and hung heads. Tony is both angry and impressed by the retelling.

“So this whole clusterfuck could have been avoided if you had just let her shit herself on the floor in there,” Tony summarizes, “but you two geniuses didn’t want to clean up the mess and thought you could
handle the strongest fucking bitch in the known universe. That about it?”

“..well...she wasn’t actin’ like the strongest known bitch. That’s all we’re sayin’,” Randy says with a defensive whine. “She was whimpering and begging and it seemed, you know, like before when you rushed her in there.”

“Uh huh,” Tony nods, his anger building now. “And can anybody here tell me what the fuck happened to the six thousand dollar kryptonite necklace I had specially made and hung around that bimbo’s neck?” There is a deep silence as Stevie, Randy and Carmine look back and forth at each other with mouths full in mid-chomp of their dinners.

“Uh...that could be my fault, Ton,” Carmine admits, looking at the floor with chagrin as he tries to recall his session with the heroine earlier that afternoon. “I had just started the training session with Supergirl. I remember dosing her with the needle and thinking at the time that the necklace and crack together would make her an easy lay. So it was stuck between her shoulder blades by her blouse at that point. But things got goin’ hot and heavy, you know how that blonde cunt gets when the crack kicks in. Anyway, I guess I forgot to check where it was when I left. She was still shackled and drugged, so it didn’t cross my mind. Sorry, Tony. I’ll pay you the six grand back.”

“That still doesn’t explain where the fucking thing went. Neither of you two guys saw it when you took her to the crapper?”

“Missing in action,” Randy says. "But like I say, she was so weak, moaning and groaning and everything that we had to carry the bitch to the shit stall. I had the gloves on and everything. I even humiliated her by pulling down her....her.....Hey maybe that’s it. She wanted to pull her panties down by herself. Stopped me like she was shy or somethin’. But would that crazy cunt have hidden a necklace that could kill her right between her legs? That’s nuts!”

Tony looks off to the side, shaking his head in wonder. “Un-fucking-believable”

Carmine’s eyes go wide with the realization, “You don’t really think she almost kill herself like that, do you, Ton?”

“Absolutely! No fucking doubt in my mind whatsoever.” He stands up in agitation, pacing with an energy that Mob members throughout the eastern seaboard have come to fear and respect in equal measure. He turns back to the group. The three men are sitting quietly in stunned amazement at the guts this cunt had shown. “That’s exactly my point, gentlemen, about why we have to be on guard with that blonde in there every single time we’re in that room. All of us, including me! She may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but she’s certainly the most fucking dangerous one you’ll ever come across. She’s clever, she’s resourceful and she’s a desperate animal that will chew its own paw off to escape a trap. Is everybody on the same page with me on that?” He sternly looks to all three men gulping down the suddenly hard-to-swallow food in their mouths.


“No doubt.”


“Good,” Tony nods. Alright we’re not back to square one, however, because this bitch has been given quite a few doses of the best crack available. She should be very near to addicted to the stuff by now according to Stevie here. But we’re going to be absolutely sure about it. In fact, for the rest of this entire night, folks, Supergirl will be getting the full-on crack training seminar of her life. She will be earning a fucking Crack Whore Ph.D or my name isn’t Tony Bonano. Everyone’s got their instructions. Let’s finish this thing tonight. It’s almost 7:00 p.m. now. Stevie, you’ve got the first shift. Stay alert.”

“Right, boss. Oh, say. How’d it go with the bosses?”

“They’re interested. We do this thing right tonight, we could finalize things in a couple of weeks if everything goes the way I think it will. But step by step, Stevie. Keep focused on the step that’s right in front of you, right?”

“Yes, Tony. I got it.”

“Good fella. See you later, I’m going in for a nap.”

“You don’t want to watch?” Stevie is surprised.

“No. First, I trust you. And second, I’m beat. That bitch takes it out of you. Why don’t you take it out of her for the next two hours.”

“Sure, sure thing, Tony.” Stevie beams with pride at the trust Tony is showing, even after the afternoon’s near disastrous fuckup. After all, he’d been the one to convince Randy to unlock her and take her to the crapper. Well, I’ll be fucking laser focused from this point on, no matter what!

* * *

Supergirl comes up into the fuzzy realm of consciousness with a nasty headache. She also feels the familiar sensation of kryptonite inundating her, draining her energy. This dose is filling her with a dull pain in her muscles and making her slightly woozy with nausea. The pressure within her rear end tells her they’ve reinserted the anal dildo.

No! Damn it! I was so close to escaping. Bonano was knocked out. I remember kneeling over him...then what? Then that bastard Carmine tasered me. That’s what must have happened. After that he forced me to suck that kryptonite gas. Must have passed out...i...i couldn’t..couldn’t ...breathe...couldn’t.. ...FUCK! Every single time I get close to escaping they...overpower me...surprise me...somehow screw me over...and...drag me and...I can’t take it anymore...they’ve won...they’ve won...they’ve beaten me....”

Supergirl cries out in a wail of helpless misery. Wracking sobs shake her tightly shackled figure as she succumbs to the deepest despair of her life. She was sick, near starving, and her body is crying out for a shot of crack. Tony Bonano is my master. That's all there is to it! I might as well accept the fact.

The door to the jail cell opens and Stevie saunters through it, eyeing the crying girl with surprise. He hadn’t even touched her and she was already a weeping wreck. The psychological and physical abuse was obviously taking its toll. Or is she faking it? Doesn't sound like it but caution is the word of the day. Time for some verbal abuse.

“What’s the matter? Is the famous Supergirl feeling sick and helpless from the nasty old kryptonite dildo shoved up her tight little butthole?” Steve stands over the crying teen, taunting her from above.

“..yes...” she admits with a whimper. She didn’t care what she said anymore.

“It’s not making you want to puke or piss yourself or drop a load in those pretty little red costume underpants of yours, I hope, Little Miss Toxic Waste?”

“” a small voice, petulant but cowed.

“But I bet you’d like a nice hit of crack to make you feel better, wouldn’t you, princess?”


“No? You don’t want it. Really? I find that hard to believe.”

“’s not....good...for me...”

“That’s much different than not wanting it. Come on, Supergirl. Let me fix you up. Here, I have a nice dose of the stuff right here in my pocket. I can see in your eyes just standing over here how much you’d like a nice hit of this crack to set you right for a while.”

“..No...don’t need it...” She was lying of course. The blonde teen’s mind and body are crying out for it. It had been many hours since her last dose and her need for the drug was coursing through her weakened system like chlorine cycling through an indoor pool. You could smell the need coming out of her pores.

“Okay. Your loss. Maybe you’ll want some crack later. How about some food, though? I’ll bet you’re hungry, sweetie?”


“Okay. Great.” Stevie circles round until he standing in front of the spreadeagled girl and kneels down so his crotch is a foot away from her face. He pulls out his schlong and waves it in the startled heroine’s face. “Then open up your mouth and I’ll give you a nice long tube steak, Supergirl.”

“” Supergirl whines, her face streaked with tears. She pulls back in disgust.. “..i..need. ...real food...”

“But this is Grade A meat, little lady,” with his cock in his fist, he pushes the tip of his penis against Supergirl’s quivering lips. His other hand is poised over her shaking blonde head.

“...don’t...want it....get it...away...please don’t...” the weakened Supergirl recoils in nervous despair. Then as the excited Stevie smears a drop of clear pre-cum on her upper lip. “!”

Despite all her anguish, pent up fear and shame at all the abuse she’s endured, Supergirl strikes back in sudden furious humiliation, straining her neck forward, her mouth open as she tries to bite his cock off. She is too slow and he’s been expecting this. He instantly withdraws his prick out of range and slams his palm against Supergirl’s head, pinning her chin to the floor with a snap of her jaw.


“Nope, uh uhnn, you’re not getting a bite out of me today, cunt,” Stevie says, pushing down hard on her head with one hand as he pull his hand back in a fist, threatening to give her a hard one right to her temple.. “And now I’m gonna make you pay for making me look bad with my boss. Randy and I have full permission to fuck with you any way we like for our own pleasure and amusement. So we decided you need a refresher course in taking two men at the same time. Every good whore needs a specialty. We think twofers should be yours.”

“Don’t! Stevie, I’m begging you, don’t.”

“Don’t? What? Why? You mean you don’t want to satisfy two men at once?” Stevie asks with a surprised expression. He lets go of her head and sits back on his heels. Change of tack, the old emotional switcheroo as prescribed by Tony Bonano to keep the weakened heroine off balance and unsure of herself.

“No. Of course I don’t. This is rape!”

“Rape. Nah, it’s not rape. Tony said you wanted to have sex with us. You just didn’t know it.”

“You can’t believe that!”

“Yes, I kind’a do, Supergirl. I mean, the way you’re always moaning and reaching so eagerly for everyone’s penis when we give you the crack sure seems as if you truly like all the sex!”

The blonde teenager blushes furiously at this. She doesn’t have an immediate response in her startled mind. Stevie continues to chip away at the self-esteem of the red-faced blonde superheroine pinned to the floor before him. Her downcast eyes tell the story.

“I mean I even heard you beg Tony to put his dick in your pussy,” Stevie asserts.

“...i..never....did that!” Supergirl shakes her head vehemently.

“I pretty sure you did. Hey Randy,” Stevie calls out. “Can you play the audio of the segment a while back between Supergirl and Tony.” Stevie lowers his voice and taunts the distraught blonde. “Just wait and listen to this and see if you recognize the voice.” There is silence while the frowning blonde rests her chin on the floor and sighs. The kryptonite dildo held securely in her rectum by her own panties is making her very tired and dizzy. She lets her eyes close for a moment, shutting out the world. And then, from the speaker overhead a loud breathy whisper blares out. It is the unmistakably familiar voice of the very heroine shackled to the floor.

“I really need your cock inside me now, Mr. Bonano.”

Supergirl’s mouth drops open in a barely audible gasp of horror. Tears well up in the blonde’s wide staring eyes and she shakes her head in complete denial while her soul corrodes and her ego shatters under this devastating psychological trauma.

“’ me....i....couldn’t have...”

“I’m afraid it is you, Supergirl. And we have dozens of cuts that sound just like this or worse, begging for sex in one way or another.”

“ me...i..wouldn’ that way....”

“Oh no? Randy run it forward a few seconds to when our young blonde heroine here had her legs wrapped around Tony’s waist while he’s giving her a hard high one.”

“Okay, Stevie.”

Once again the breathy voice of the blonde on the floor issues from the speaker. “Mmmm....yess ....that’s...nice....very...nice....” A momentary hiss of tape overhead, then “Just what I needed” in the flabbergasted blonde’s soft young voice. Another hissing lapse occurs and then Supergirl’s voice comes out loud and clear, “I think it’s time you use that thing for what it’s good for, Tony.”

“AAAGGHHH.” Supergirl’s heart actually hurts as it batters within her chest like a wild, caged bird. “’t believe this...i....this...isn’t the” The girl is visibly shattered, shaking her head and weeping openly. Racking sobs begin shaking her prone figure.

“Not the real you? Well, this sounded real enough. Randy, give me the audio from the session with Supergirl on the bondage table with Tony at one end and Carmine at the other, please.”

“Sure thing, Stevie. Hold on for a second.” The overhead speaker goes through a series of clicks and then Tony’s voice is heard clearly.

“The crack is accentuating the sensitivity of your body, Supergirl. I hope you appreciate what I’m doing for you here.”

“..yheth....yhethh ..ah...dooo.....” Supergirl’s voice, masked by the candy dildo in her mouth at the time, is still unmistakable. The girl on the floor goes ghost white and lowers her head with a jerking shake that telegraphs a horror and self-loathing that’s physically manifested by a visible shrinking of her figure.

“Yes. Yes I do.” That was your answer, my dear,” Stevie continues to blast away at the corroded underpinnings of the horrified blonde’s self-respect. “And if I remember correctly, then the famous Supergirl, that would be you, sweetie, did the most vulgar bump and grind with your gorgeous hips against Tony’s finger to demonstrate exactly how much you appreciated his crack, his cock and his generosity.”

“....ohhh...eeeeeh.....eeeeehh...” The blonde is bawling without a shred of restraint now. Her ego is shattered by the blunt truth of the actions conveyed over the loudspeaker. Broken by three days of torment, sexual abuse and debilitating kryptonite radiation, she can no longer differentiate between her own free will and the crack’s powerful effects. She totters on the brink of moral and physical damnation. A long string of drool hangs out of the broken blonde’s gaping mouth as she can barely breathe in her blubbering, keening despair.

Stevie removes a capsule of crack from his pocket. Like the one used earlier, this easily ignitable form of crack that he’d developed is easy to use, powerful effective and devastatingly addictive.

“I think you could use that crack now, Supergirl. It’ll help you forget what you’ve done. At least for a little while.”

Her physical need for the crack combined with the sudden total collapse of the very structure of her heroic self-image, her precious identity as a being of goodness tilts the balance against the Maid of Steel. She nods her head in dull compliance, unable to speak.

“That’s my girl.” Stevie holds the capsule under Supergirl’s nodding head and lights it with a blue Bic. He doesn’t even hold the mighty teenager’s head toward the plume of smoke as she willingly draws it into her nostrils and mouth. He knows the devastated teen has taken her first willing step down the road to ruin. And he was the one who had guided her to take that first step onto that long and winding road.

The crack high does its job. Nine seconds after inhaling the thick white smoke, Supergirl lies in a moaning stupor. Forgotten for now, the horrors of her behavior. Now, the drifting wonderment of pure bliss fills her head. She gives a long wheezing sigh of relief as she becomes one with the floor.

Stevie walks over to the bondage table and withdraws several items to use as mood enhancers for his lovely blue and red clad captive. Returning, he places each device carefully on the floor, then kneels between the oblivious blonde’s legs.

“Since I made you feel so bad, sweetie pie, I want to make it up to you by helping you feel good. That sound fair to you?” Stevie sprinkles a few drops of KY lubricant onto the end of one of the devices on the floor by her shiny red boots.

“...yep....” Drifting in a pool of quiet pleasure, Supergirl’s mind is elsewhere.

“Good. Well, the first one is a dildo but different than the one you have inserted up your rear. It’s longer, it’s wider and it’s made from a unique rubber compound that’s designed to feel just like a real cock. Hard, yet with a touch of flexibility, this little number has a raised irregularly striped outside layer. That’s so it will feel like normal veins on a guy’s cock when I stick it in you. It’s all designed just for you, sweetie, to enhance your pleasure. I promise you that you haven’t felt anything like this in your life, champ. And it’s motorized!”

“...t..triffick.....” mumbles the contented drug-addled beauty, her eyes dilated and her cheek pressed against the floor in stupid insensibility.

“Let’s just get you in the mood for these custom-built pleasure toys, shall we?”

Stevie smiles widely, a cat-ate-the-canary grin, as he puts his hands on Supergirl’s famous little red skirt. He palms the soft beautiful tush of the shackled teen, then slowly begins squeezing and fondling her buttocks with his firm hands.

“...mmmhhh...” a satisfied consent whispers from the pleased blondes lips as she wets them with a quick swirl of her pink tongue.

Stevie continues to slide his hands all over and around the slippery red skirt. He’s loving the sensation of her silken skirt sliding over the silky fabric of the panties, and the feel of those firm round teenage glutes that fill those panties so appealingly.

“ have...a nice way of...caresshing...a girl’s ass.... Shtevie.”

“My pleasure, Supergirl.” Pulling himself forward a bit, Stevie then uses one hand to withdraw his cock from his pants while his other lifts up the hem of her costume skirt. He lays the bright red fabric over the yellow belt and lets it drop against the inattentive heroine’s back as he carefully leans over the softly moaning girl. He lowers himself slowly so his rock hard prick fits neatly within the deep crease in Supergirl’s panties, his throbbing tool pressing into the soft silky crack of her buttocks.

“mmmhh...that feels a little weird....but okay...I ..suppose........”

“Give it a moment, all the girls get into this eventually.” Stevie begins to slowly slide his penis back and forth within the silken red fabric of Supergirl’s underpants. He’s luxuriating in the feel of the smooth cool material surrounding his hard hot tool as he slides it back and forth, again and again within the welcoming curves of the finest ass on the planet. “You’re okay with me doing this aren’t you, Supergirl?”

“..s’okay...I guess....” She murmurs, feeling a little embarrassed by the lewd feeling of the act, but enticed by the firm pressure of his warm cock stroking her butt. It wasn’t getting her particularly excited but if he liked it, she’d allow it for a while.

Stevie chuckles out loud. Here he was crudely dry humping the ass of the world famous Maid of Steel and she’s willingly allowing the degrading sexual humiliation to go on, merely reacting like some dumb little sorority pledge trying to earn a spot as a sister in some demeaning hazing assignment.


“What? Oh, nothing. I was just remembering an old comedy routine. Forget it.” Stevie reaches up with both hands and slides them under Supergirl’s body, stretching forward until he envelops her ample breasts in his two palms. He fondles them slowly, enjoying the feel of her full shape filling his hands as he eagerly paws the silkenly smooth blue fabric and the revered red and yellow emblem without a whisper of protest from the once mighty teenage champion. Quite to the contrary, she’s enjoying the feel of his calculated molestation.

“...ohh..that feels good.” Supergirl arches her back slightly, thrusting her pliable tits deeper into his palms. Stevie squeezes them gently, rolling the generous fleshy spheres in his hands as he continues to stroke his cock in the gradually warming crease of her panties.

“Squeeze a little harder,” Supergirl urges him on.

Gripping her tits with pressure from his knuckles, Stevie bears down on the eager blonde’s body, compressing the soft cushy tits with gusto.

“Aahhh! That’s great.” The drugs and sexual conditioning have once again reduced the powerful heroine to the mentality of a helplessly aroused teenage street hustler.

“You like it a little rough, huh, Superslut?” He picks up the pace as hands squeeze, press and maul her tits with rough intensity even as his prick slides back and forth faster and faster within the silky tunnel of Supergirl’s panties. Stevie is getting off bigtime on the crude violation of Supergirl’s butt and boobs, but the crack-addled blonde is now uneasy with the rough constant stroking of his penis buried in the crack of her underpants.

Losing a bit of her high, Supergirl says, “I think....that’s enough with the buttocks, Stevie. Can you move something... more satisfying for me”

“Shut your pie hole, Supergirl. I’m in charge here, in fact, swallow this.” Quickly pulling one hand off the surprised blonde’s tit, Stevie grabs a bright red ball gag from the floor beside her boot and brings it up toward her face. Tightly gripping the red rubber ball with one hand, his other squeezes down on Supergirl’s left breast with a violent pinching claw-like contraction.

“YEEAGH......Auwllgkk!” The yelping blonde’s mouth is roughly stuffed with a bright red rubber ball that shuts off her airway momentarily and shocks her out of her brief crack high.

“...whuffahhuooing.” Stevie pulls the ball gag straps tightly around Supergirl’s head and velcros the ends firmly together. “...ohnhaboooisss.”

“Ah, that’s better already, cunt. Can’t understand a fucking word you’re saying!” Supergirl’s eyes go wide and she starts to struggle against the shackles pinning her against the floor. But, naturally, as weak and disoriented as she is, her pitiful struggles do absolutely nothing.

Stevie begins his dry humping maneuver again, this time pressing the protesting blonde’s hips firmly against the stone floor. The large hard penis rubs back and forth against Supergirl’s buttocks, the warm muscle forcing the smooth panties deep into her crack. Back and forth, sliding between her cheeks and out, between them and out, the relentless muscle violates Supergirl’s tush and her dignity without remorse. The hands move up her body from her hips to her waist to the sides of her breasts. They then slide beneath her body and, once again, fondle and maul her tits with harsh familiarity.

“..op....op.....op...eeze op....” While not particularly painful, the violation of her ass, her costume and her pride fill the powerless heroine with a deep and troubling shame. She had never ever been man-handled in such a degrading and disrespectful manner. She was Supergirl, for Rao’s sake. It was unthinkable for her to be so cavalierly abused: dry humped and fondled like a common harlot. This creepy little thug wasn’t even slowly down. If anything, his hands and hips were moving faster than ever. Squeezing, sliding, pressing and pushing.

This a new low. These bastards... treated me like their own personal blow-up doll from the very first....EEYEUUWWW! My ass is soaked!

Indeed Stevie has happily blown his sticky load all over Supergirl’s shiny red panties and skirt. As he pulls away from the mortified blonde, a thick puddle of white cum fills the messy crease of her bright red underpants, dribbling downward in a slow flowing rivulet that slides out of the valley of her cheeks and drips onto the stone floor, forming a smaller puddle there. Splatters of cum also arc out of the top of her ass, dotting the rumpled fabric of her costume skirt with thick dollops of white jism.

“Now that is the way a truly well-abused superheroine should look,” Stevie laughs as he leans back on his heels and tucks his sticky prick back into his pants, “her precious panties and famous little skirt dripping with puddles of thick, sticky jism and a tightly fastened ball gag stuffed in her pretty mouth so she can’t spout idiotic opinions that nobody wants to hear!”

“....astharrr...” Swearing at him unintelligibly, Supergirl’s mouth is drooling heavily with long glistening strings of spit she cannot prevent from dripping onto her neck, her blouse and the floor.

“What was that, Supergirl? I’m having trouble understanding you, you pathetic soaked little cunt.” Stevie leans low and yells into the ear of the angry superheroine. “Speak up, you’ve got a ball gag in your mouth, stupid!” Stevie slaps the girl’s ass and her eyes go wide in shock, then her bravado crumples into horrified despair as Stevie slowly smears the thick puddle of his cum all over her rear end, humiliating her even further. She feels his warm palm sliding over the curve of her cheeks, making them damp with his pungent scent. Then he slides his hand under Supergirl’s body and smears the remaining sheen on his hand all over the insignia emblazoned proudly on the front of her famous blouse.

“I guess that ‘S’ now stands for Semen Girl, huh, bitch?”

The choking sob catches briefly in her throat, then burbles out around the ball gag and grows with expanding volume into a mournful wail of defeat. The mighty Maid of Steel has been sexually abused and humiliated yet again. And she can’t stop herself from diving into a dark, bottomless pool of self-pity. Drooling and quivering in a shocking display of unrestrained grief at her situation, Supergirl doesn’t see the punch that Stevie throws right at her temple.

“Ghunhh...” The bawling teenager’s head snaps to the side, her eyelids drop to half mast and she slumps lower on the floor in bewildered pain. Her gagged mouth sags unevenly around the spit covered ball and a wide little puddle of drool grows steadily beneath her cheek.

“Okay, whore” says Stevie brightly, “self-pity time is over. We’re back to more crack to lighten up the mood.


Ignoring the garbled pleas, Stevie puts another capsule under Supergirl’s nose, this time holding the resistant teen wonder’s head as he flicks the lighter under the capsule. Placing the capsule on the floor next to the blonde’s head, Stevie rears back away from the area. He keeps one hand on Supergirl’s head and other he’s got up her skirt. As the crack capsule bursts into its familiar plume, Stevie suddenly squeezes the Maid of Steel’s labia tightly between his fingers. Gasping helplessly in pain, Supergirl inhales the bright rising plume deeply into her nostrils and mouth.

Ten seconds later, the celebrated champion clad in her tight red and blue crime-fighting costume has been reduced to a stoned-out, bewildered blonde teenager with a ball gag in her mouth and her garish red semen-soaked panties peeking out shamelessly from under her sloppy, disheveled skirt.

“My, how the mighty have fallen,” Stevie mocks the girl shackled to the floor beside him. For now, she’s nothing but a drooling, blissfully unaware teenage drug fiend off in her private world of crack-created bliss. And she’s about to learn the incredible effects of a dildo called Massive Marvin. Tony’s training regimen continues and Supergirl is, more than likely, a mere eight and a half hours away from being the compliant crack whore that Tony expects her to be.
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Graduation Evening
Part 13 - A

So far, Stevie had been brilliant in his most recent training session with Supergirl. He played her perfectly; first teasing and belittling her, next undermining her self-respect and then physically dominating her. And that was just for starters! He then forced the confused and disoriented teenage heroine to believe her own powerful sexual impulses were the very cause of her own humiliation!

Employing a carefully staged and edited audio replay, he forced her to relive several indisputable instances where she was anything but the virtuous, morally-upstanding champion of the people. Out of the chrome ceiling-mounted speaker, a horrified Supergirl had heard herself moaning and begging for cock! She couldn’t be more shocked if she’d taken a direct hit from a bolt of lightening! She heard herself disgustingly groan with primitive pleasure. And, aghast, she listened to herself actually thank Tony Bonano for abusing her, even as her mouth was filled with a big, fat candy dildo!

In short, the mighty Maid of Steel had been systematically abused, sexually manipulated and cruelly tricked into believing her twisted, drug-driven sexual improprieties were actually blatant expressions of her obvious unworthiness as a heroine and a role model. She had, through non-stop kryptonite poisoning, starvation, physical exhaustion, and repeated drugging, been effectively coerced into accepting her scandalously erotic behavior under the influence of extremely powerful crack as a clear indication of her defective character. Hers was obviously a flawed personality by any reckoning. She heard herself behaving like a vulgar, trash-mouthed whore who was, astonishingly, a willing and eager participant in her own sexual degradation. And she now had come to believe that she was nothing better than that: an exhibitionist slut in a famously short skirt, provocatively tight blouse and shiny red “fuck me” boots.

Supergirl’s newly conditioned conviction that she was a decadent creature of unworthy stature was the key to the success of Tony Bonano’s entire scheme. By seeing herself now as a deeply immoral sexual deviant and a hypocritical fraud, Supergirl no longer had the foundation of her incredible heroic willpower to support her resistance to his unrelenting assault. Her most precious asset had been ruthlessly targeted and effectively eliminated. It wasn’t her super strength or super vision or invulnerability or her ability to fly. No, it was her belief in her true inner goodness and the indomitable strength from which it stemmed that Tony’s unrelenting training sessions had so thoroughly subverted.

It was that masterful subversion that would dramatically undermine all of Supergirl’s attempts to withstand his degrading attacks. She’d be unable to fight her growing need for crack. She’d be helpless to resist her own sexual impulses in the face of his dominating toys! She wouldn’t have the strength or emotional resolve to fend off even the weakest john that Tony would pimp her out to. Faced with her profound corruption, the demoralized Maid of Steel was now an easy target for Tony Bonano and his cohorts. The initial proof of that had been clearly demonstrated when the famous heroine had willingly accepted the hit of crack offered to her when she couldn’t handle the truth of her depraved character.

What’s more, the simple fact that she had been reduced to a sobbing, pathetic wretch by a simple but crude dry humping was more than enough evidence of the Maid of Steel’s shattered willpower. A little puddle of spunk sprayed on her precious panties and the once indomitable blonde dynamo had collapsed in a pitiful display of whimpering, drooling grief at her predicament.

It was now clear beyond a shadow of doubt. The most beloved and powerful female heroine on the planet had been brilliantly and indisputably neutralized by Tony Bonano. This mobster’s keen understanding and ruthless exploitation of her physical and psychological weaknesses had conquered the supposedly invincible champion with shocking efficiency. In just under three days, Supergirl had been converted from a proud, principled, all-powerful defender of liberty and justice to an entirely different personality: a weak, confused, sex-starved crack addict with zero self-esteem and even less hope. So now the fun would begin.

Stevie leans over the sweaty, incapacitated blonde champion lying in a blissful, drooling crack haze on the cold stone floor. Supergirl’s mouth is forced open by a bright red ball gag, her shiny pink lips obscuring the teeth that surround the ball. From around and under the gag thick rivulets of clear drool flow down the dazed, unfocused teen’s face, forming a slimy pool of considerable size beneath her wet cheek.

For the second time in as many hours, Stevie pulls up the moaning teenager’s costume skirt. The thin, semen-spotted fabric is dropped without fanfare against Supergirl’s back and Stevie reaches for the waistband of her costume panties. Still slick and damp with the pungent smears of Stevie’s cum, the bright silky red underpants are pulled off of Supergirl’s softly curved buttocks with a quick, disrespectful yank. In the control room, Randy uses a small lever to zoom in on the scene, chalking up another humiliating moment for the epoch record of the famous teenager’s capture and captivity. Randy notes in the log: “Stevie s3; Supergirl with her panties crudely yanked down to her thighs.”

“Alrighty. Let’s get you ready for Massive Marvin, sunshine.” Stevie looks carefully over his target area. With all she’s been through, this bitch still has one of the most beautiful butts I’ve ever seen. He takes both buttocks in his palms and pulls the fleshy, easily separated glutes in opposite directions.

“...whuh...” the distant drums of Supergirl’s jungle message system taps out a muddled beat that something’s happening somewhere she should probably pay attention to. But the pool of her crack-induced semi-consciousness is so delightful that she doesn’t even try to swim to the shoreline.

Between her cheeks a soft glow of green light around the end of a dildo tells Stevie that the power-draining device buried within the lethargic blonde heroine’s ass is still working. Even without the effects of the crack , the 8" Lucite tube filled with kryptonite gel would be more than enough to keep the powerful Maid of Steel helpless, weak and disoriented. But when the kryptonite is combined with the crack, even the mighty Supergirl can’t withstand the overwhelming stupor the powerful duo generates. Stevie thinks that even if she wasn’t shackled to the floor, this conquered cow lying before him wouldn’t have the strength, desire or capacity to get to her knees at the moment, much less escape. And with the bitch-taming monstrosity he was about to force up Supergirl’s twat, he was sure that facing such a trifecta of torment, she wouldn’t have the intelligence or the focus to do anything other than lie in her shackles in jerking, orgasmic ecstacy. Just the way Tony wanted it. Tony also instructed him to take out the ball gag so Supergirl’s rapture could be captured in Surround Sound by the miniature microphones place surreptitiously around the jail cell.

“...t’anks...” the doped blonde says, stretching her jaw after the long session with the ball gag.

“Oh, don’t thank me yet, precious. Wait til Daddy gives you what you really, really want.”

After spritzing a few drops of KY lubricant on his fingertips, Stevie swabs down the exposed thin, wrinkled pink lips of Supergirl’s pussy with an all-to-familiar sweep and poke of his hands and fingers.

“...ahhh....nice....” the blonde bubbles softly at the sensation of him moistening her twat.

“Ha. You ain’t felt nothin’ yet, blondie.” Picking up the huge dildo measuring 12" long and 3" wide, Stevie places the fat mushroom tip of Massive Marvin against Supergirl’s labia and rubs it gently within the dark pink crease

“..mmmmm...that’s good too. .” The drugged blonde unkinks her head neck muscles a bit, then her shoulders, then her hips, stretching and unwinding like a cat as much as she can within the constraining shackles that keep her pinned to the floor.

Stevie rubs the monster device against the blonde dynamo’s pussy, gently grazing its outer realms with a slow up and down motion, then around in circles. This achieves its desired effect, stimulating the blonde teenager’s body so that a glistening wetness from within combines with the gel from without. Stevie sees this and begins to push the large tip against Supergirl’s vagina.

“Whoa dere....” the drugged teen blurts. “..that’s ghunna....take some...d...UNNFFF!” The whole 3" wide head of the Massive Marvin dildo now rests inside Supergirl’s vagina, penetrating a full 3-1/2" inside its opening. “’s...quite...a...big’re using... ...there....” The blonde’s baby blue eyes open half-way as she smiles in a grinning leer of pleasure at this unexpected bonus beyond the crack.

“You don’t know the half of it, princess. This bad boy measures a full foot long and three inches wide. He’s made of a special rubber compound I mentioned earlier.” Stevie pushes against the end of the dildo slowly and two more inches of this cavity-filling behemoth plow into the dizzy teen’s snatch.

“!..” Supergirl is panting heavily now, every nerve within her vagina is feeling the immense width of this marvelous device as it presses against the walls of her tightly stretched pussy. Just under a painful size, the huge hard rubber toy, feels incredibly lifelike to the delirious teenage heroine as it is now slowly pushed farther within her sex.

“..are dose veins...i’m...feelin’?” Supergirl murmurs.

“Simulated veins. We spared no expense for your total pleasure, Supergirl.”’ .please...slower... slo... OHH...”

Ignoring her pleas for sexual mercy, Stevie has fed 8" of the huge tool in between Supergirl’s shaking thighs and she’s drooling as if the ball gag were still in her mouth. The baby blue irises are barely visible under the heroine’s fluttering eyelids and the muscles in her arms strain within the bright blue fabric as her white-knuckled fingers press against the floor for strength. Her bare knees rub and scrape against the stone floor as the gasping teen’s body instinctively does all it can to accommodate this huge invader.

“Well, it looks like we still have at least another third of Massive Marvin to get up there into your promised land, Supergirl. How’zit feel now?”

“Haaahhh.....aahhh....ahhhh....(pant)” The huge rubber cock presses into Supergirl’s cunt like an irresistible wave of shock troops charging forward. Every square inch of her cavity is occupied by this opposing force. How can this thing go any deeper?

“ break...REST...moment...from...wideness...GOOD...pressure.. ... so...BIG...feels....”

Supergirl is so overwhelmed by the dildo and the crack she can’t even form coherent thoughts anymore.

“I didn’t get that, champ. But I’m just gonna keep on pushing.” And he does!


Massive Marvin is stretching Supergirl’s pussy and her psyche to the breaking point. Every point of consciousness is focused on her vaginal walls. She’s never taken anything so huge within her. Not even close! 10 inches of this giant cock is enveloped by the gasping, moaning superheroine now. She feels the hard rubber filling every inch of her being. Feels like a warm, real muscle. Incredibly wide, with veins that seemed almost to throb against her vaginal wall. Or was that throbbing from her? She can’t tell because the motion of Stevie still pressing this GodCock(!) into her is starting a thrilling ripple within her that her primal inner brain knows will break upon her consciousness like a tidal wave.


“You’re not making any sense, Supergirl. Just relax and enjoy the feel of the crack and this big bruiser for all its worth. For now, Tony just wants you to have a good time.”


“Yeah, I guess it is, Supergirl. Cause it’s all the way in now. Congratulations. You took all 12" of Massive Marvin like a pro! Just like a true professional call girl who’d taken a nice little roll of singles would have. Others thought you’d break down and beg to have it taken out. ‘Not this girl.’ I said. ‘You don’t know her. She’s got skills!’ That’s what I said and that’s what I bet Tony. I put up ten bucks that you could handle all of Massive Marvin like a real pro. I said you could do it and you did. So Tony owes me ten bucks. Thanks, mean Supergirl.”

“..ohhhh....sooo....biggggg.....” gasps the haggard Maid of Steel. She does catch the repeated references to professionals and whores but is too focused on the earth-shattering sensations of this godcock within her to worry about this insult. Panting and moaning, the blonde champion lies face down on the floor, her body now gleaming with sweat at the exertion of taking a foot long dildo into her snatch. Her tightly constrained breasts within the tight blue blouse are heaving with the overwhelming pleasure she’s barely able to control. Her shiny red boots slide and scrape on the floor as Supergirl shivers with spastic pleasure from the ripples she feels extending through every muscle in her body. The gorgeous bare ass of the beautiful blonde shimmies and shakes as Supergirl’s body hums with the sensation of her every inch being smoothly pressed wider by a rift in the cosmos.

And then Stevie turns on Massive Marvin’s motor and pulls his prick out of his pants.

“YAAAHHHHH!” The room shifts and drops with a sudden rushing swirl of instant gratification that Supergirl had never felt before in her life. She’d never had such a sudden fulfilling wash of pleasure sweep through her like that. It was different than an orgasm, but it was damn close! Stevie climbs onto the blonde heroine’s trembling body, pulls her hips up off the floor slightly and slides his stiff penis between Supergirl’s bare buttocks. He then begins to grind his hips and move them back and forth enjoying the warmth of Supergirl’s ass nestling his cock.

The overly-excited champion barely registers Stevie’s all-too-familiar maneuver. All her existence is centered on the massive vibrations emanating from her loins. With 12" of motorized dildo buzzing away at her vaginal walls, Supergirl has no understanding of the world beyond her cunt at the moment.

“Ohhh....myyyy...dear...Rao....this is some....k....kind of godddd....cccocckkk...AHHH... ...stopppp... please....too...much...”

Supergirl’s eyes are welded shut as her body goes into overdrive. She’s grinding her hips, helplessly aroused by the shattering width and length of this massive tool pressing against every single nerve cell within her cooz. It was so big, so wide, so devastatingly real. The crack carries her physical being onto a new plane of existence. The pleasure peaks within the helpless teenager with a joyous shriek of unequivocal ecstacy.

“Yiieeeehhhhhh....” The vaginal orgasm shreds Supergirl’s world with a force of nature that stretches through every muscle in her body. Her hands spread wide on the floor, her mouth gapes open, her toes curl within her boots and her buttocks clench in helpless delight. Stevie almost cums himself as the Maid of Steels ass crack massages his prick with uncontrolled spasms she’s not even aware of. This gets Stevie so excited that he concocts a brilliant plan on the spur of the moment. He backs off the quivering, panting blonde and kneels behind her.

“....oohhhhhhh....” the moaning champion is between orgasms. The motorized dildo is still switched on and a helpless Supergirl is about to go around the roller coaster for another ride.

Meanwhile Stevie reaches between Supergirl’s buttcheeks and suddenly and unexpectantly pulls out the kryptonite dildo with a hard pop. Too blasted by the crack and the humming dildo, Supergirl doesn’t even register the fact of the kryptonite’s removal, other than a pleasing absence of pressure in her ass. Mounting the oblivious blonde teenager again, Stevie covers Supergirl’s 5' 8" trembling body with his own larger frame, then reaches around with his hand and slides the glowing kryptonite dildo under the Maid of Might’s tight blue blouse and between her heaving breasts, nestling it tightly withing the sweaty spheres.

“Uuunnghh......OOOOHHH....AAAHH !...” Her minor grunt of momentary discomfort from having the radiating element slid between her tits, so close to her wildly racing heart, is very quickly overwhelmed by the sensations of the giant dildo motoring away within her crotch with unrelenting consistency. It was still too wide, too long and too active to resist. And now there were new sensations joining in. Her clit is being stroked! Unbelievable! Her vagina is filled to bursting with an immense irresistible ultra-realistic cock and now her head is being pulled back by Stevie and her clitoris is between twiddled and flipped and rubbed by wet fingers that definitely know their work.


“Just making sure we’re both getting our moneysworth, darling!” With that, Stevie bends his face close to Supergirl and kisses her deeply just as he presses his rock hard penis against Supergirl’s lubricated ass and drives up between her butt cheeks with a grunt of pleasure.

“Unhh.” I’m in!

“Mmmff!” Supergirl gives a gasp of pleasure of her own. This was not a painful ass fucking by any means. Having been so wet from the size and motion of Massive Marvin, and Stevie having lubricated his penis with KY gel, the grinning, ecstatic blonde accepts Stevie’s cock deep into her rear without a whimper of pain. The two bodies, entwined, are thrusting and bucking and moaning in pure, thrilling sexual exploration.

“...whllff...mmmmm....eeehhh...ooohhhhh....mmmffff.....” Supergirl, on the last vestiges of the crack dose, is still lost in a maelstrom of quivering, delighted flares of sexual joy sent up by her curvaceous body. Steve’s penis is sliding in and out of her butt with a quick rhythmic slide and twist, slide and twist, slide and twist.

Supergirl’s tight, warm ass squeezes and flutters around Stevie’s cock with a matching rhythmic beat of her own and Stevie shakes his head with a spasm of pure unadulterated pleasure.

“Wow....What a fucking ass you have, Supergirl. You’re incredible.”

Pulling himself back from the brink of his orgasm, Stevie concentrates on Supergirl’s clit once again. And now his magic fingers stroke Supergirl’s engorged love nub with frenzied passes that swirl, caress and vigorously brush her clit into a frenzy of its own. Coupled with Massive Marvin’s firm, consistent throbbing and buzzing against every nerve within her vagina, the teenage wunderkind is overwhelmed once again by all the stimulation her brain is receiving from her body’s beleaguered message centers. Blasted to smithereens, her mind’s defenses shut down and the beautiful blonde falls down a hole in the cosmos into a shimmering white cloud of physical pleasure she cannot see through, cannot touch and cannot resist.


The paroxysms of pleasure the young teenage champion are quivering with instantly telegraph their message of release to Stevie and he too tips over into the same cloud of physical ecstasy that Supergirl is immersed in. Gripping her body tightly, Stevie shoots his warm jet of thick semen deeply into Supergirl’s ass, filling her cavity with a strong stream of spunk that generates a feeling of release and pleasure that Supergirl is surprised to experience.

The two figures lie on the floor spent and panting. After a moment, Stevie reaches under Supergirl’s blouse and checks that the kryptonite dildo is still secured with her breasts. It is. Then he reaches below Supergirl’s pelvis, feels the warm wet opening of her cunt beneath him and switches off Massive Marvin..

“...eeemmm....” A sigh of total relaxation and total capitulation by the Maid of Steel.

Stevie’s session is completed. Supergirl has been given the two doses of crack that Tony stipulated he wanted her to receive. She’d also been humiliated as well as sexually satisfied while under the influence of crack. Every aspect of the session’s targeted experiences had been achieved and then some. They were a step ahead of schedule with Supergirl willingly inhaling the crack at one point. And she was a broken shell of herself in terms of her psyche, falling apart badly after just a simple dry humping. On top of that, she’d had two orgasms and was beginning, Stevie thought, to need the sexual release almost as much as the crack.

The thrilled hoodlum pulls his slowly shrinking dick out of the shapely blonde heroine’s butt and rolls off the exhausted, drifting teen. Once on his knees beside her, Stevie looks down at his conquest. Supergirl’s skirt is hiked up in disarray. Her cum-soaked panties, now crusted over, have been stripped down to her thighs. Her tight young anus is slowly releasing a thick white clot of semen in a fat trickle down her flesh between her ass and her twat. Shifting her body slightly, the blonde teen expels a thicker, wider clot of white spunk. It oozes out of Supergirl’s ass and continues down her body until it forms a tiny white puddle between the oblivious teen’s spreadeagled thighs.

“..ohhhhh....” Still coming out of the clouds, the moaning blonde doesn’t have a clue that her dripping, cum-filled ass is being recorded in extreme close-up, wide angle and mid-range view from every camera stationed around the room. Even as her body slowly expels the pungent dribble of semen, the evidence of her degrading buggering is being recorded for posterity and, naturally, massive profits later on.

Stevie shakes his head in wonder at the sight. I’ve seen plenty of whores and even some willing girlfriends wind up bare assed and “sexhausted” like this, drooling stupidly with a shit-eating grin on their faces. But I never in my life thought I’d see Supergirl in this position, with a dopey look on her face and her ass dripping out cum. Especially my cum!

Bending over the dormant blonde, Stevie slowly and carefully withdraws Massive Marvin from the softly sighing teen’s pussy. There’s a bit of difficulty due to its glistening slickness from her mulitple orgasms. But after a minute, it is pulled free from the teenage heroine’s dripping snatch.

Moving quickly now, Stevie next retrieves the kryptonite dildo from between the moaning blonde’s tits. Squatting down beside her, Stevie carefully and steadily pushes the long glowing dildo firmly back into Supergirl’s anus and pulls up her stained panties up over her shapely butt as she simply grunts in a bewildered, lightheaded fog. He arranges her skirt as neatly as possible, but the Maid of Steel’s costume is a drycleaner’s nightmare, badly stained with stale sweat, sour semen and the heady scent of kryptonian pheromones.

Straightening up, the young thug looks down at the dazed teen with the world class ass and pumps his fists in the air in victory. Yeah, I tapped that super ass and she loved it!

Walking out of the jail cell and into the control room, Stevie looks at Randy who's just finishing up on a zooming close-up of the prostrated superheroine on the monitor.

“...and fade out and done,” Randy says. He pulls down on the fade lever and then looks up at Stevie with a wide grin. “Stevie, my man! You fucked that bitch up in every way Tony could ever want. I couldn’t believe how fuckin’ awesome you were, man. You were a beast. I want to be just like you when I grow up!”

“Hey, you got the next shot, Randy. I know you’ll do me proud.”

“Fuckin’ A, I’ll do you proud,” Randy says. “Watch my smoke when I get going. But first, how about some coffee. It’s almost 9:00 p.m. already. We got a long night before us.”

“Not as long as that cunt’s night,” Stevie says with a smile. “Not nearly as long.”
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Like how he slowly brainwashes her to accept what is happening to her. Looking forward to more of this story.
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Bronson881 wrote:Like how he slowly brainwashes her to accept what is happening to her. Looking forward to more of this story.
Thanks, Bronson88. Liked you in Death Wish. :smile: Although 1988's film was "Messenger of Death," so that may be your favorite. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the series. Lots more to come.

In fact, here's the next chapter.

Graduation Evening
Part 13 - B

An hour later, Randy is describing his plans for the Maid of Steel’s next session with Stevie while they allow the depleted blonde to rest and recover a bit before her next endurance test. Over the open speaker in the control room ceiling they hear a froggy rasp call out.

“....stevie...need you....need water...come help me....”

Randy, grabbing a bottle of spring water from the mini-fridge says, “I got this,” and walks into the jail cell.

“Heya, babe. Stevie’s a little busy right now, but I got your water right here.”

Frowning, Supergirl looks up at Randy holding the water bottle at his crotch and waving it around suggestively. The large, pale hoodlum is winking at her with wry contempt. The blonde beauty is exhausted and upset. Everything was a sexual game with this guy and she doesn’t want to play. She just wanted the water. And food. She was weak with her need for nourishment.

“Come on, supertits. You want the water or not?” Still waving it like a cock in front of his groin.

She looks up with exasperation. “Of course.”

“Well then, it’s simple. You just have to ask me in the right way. You need to say, ‘Randy,sir. May I please suck the water from your big bottle like a good Superwhore.’ That’s all!”

“ can’t be serious?”

“Most definitely.”

“It’s so...childish. Are you a child, Randy?”

“I like to get what I want. And if you want this, you know how to get it.” Waving the bottle lewdly, Randy raises his eyebrows.

“I’ll never need water that badly,” Supergirl sighs and rests her head on the floor.

“Really?” Randy nods, then walks over to the bondage table and reaches into a lower drawer. He pulls out the short metal rod Supergirl had been desperately looking for during her escape attempt. It looms largely over the unwary blonde as Randy walks over and stands behind her.

“I think you do need water that badly, lady.” Randy says coldly, raising the bar literally and figuratively.

Supergirl swivels her head to see the shiny steel rod lifted in mid-air and yelps, “Wait!” The bar circles
menacingly, Randy’s fist clenches its end tightly, the knuckles white. “Alright! Okay, I’ll say it!” The threat of being bludgeoned by this brute is too much for the cowed heroine. Once she would have bravely withstood his cruel beating with disdain, even through the battering assault, knowing she was better than this street filth. But now, was she any better than street trash herself? Her honor wasn’t something she felt deserved much protection these days.

“Let’s hear it, blondie. Loud and clear.”

“Randy,sir,” Supergirl says in a flat monotone. “May I please...suck the water from your big a good....”



“Didn’t catch that last bit, sweet thing.”

“Superwhore. Like...A...Good...Super...Whore! Happy now?”

“Delighted. Drink up, bitch.” He opens the bottle and tips it into the girl’s waiting mouth, slowly let it drain down her throat.

As desperately parched as she was, Supergirl can’t help but feel this cold clear water filling and soothing her throat still tasted bitter, but then she was drinking the bitter dregs of her defeat, wasn’t she? Nevertheless, she gulped it down greedily, finishing the bottle as Randy squatted before her, his imagination running wild at the sight of this gorgeous blonde heroine laying helpless before him.

Sighing in delight, the pale thug, withdraws the empty bottle and says, “Tony said it was okay to feed you.”

“And what do I have to say to get that?” Scorn with a tinge of fear in her voice.

“Actually hadn’t thought about it. I’ll come up with something. Be right back.” Randy leaves the room and Supergirl lowers her head to the floor, licking the last drops of water off her lips. Once again the constant kryptonite exposure within her ass has given the mighty champion’s lips, eyelids and fingertips a slight greenish tinge. Revived by the water, Supergirl looks around the room blankly. She’s not planning an escape. She’s not thinking about whether her friends are searching for her. She’s not trying to test her shackles. She’s just waiting dumbly for her food to be brought. Her stomach is rumbling anxiously now that the real possibility it will be filled has been raised.

And the impatient Maid of Steel is also thinking about crack. She’s tired and hungry but Tony’s crack would make those feeling go away immediately. She could sure use that. That would make her feel a whole lot better. She hoped Randy would bring it on the tray with the food. Maybe she should call out and ask him for it. But that was ridiculous. That’s what these bastards would love to hear. She wouldn’t give them the pleasure. She’d wait until they gave it to her. She wouldn’t beg for it.

After a few minutes, Randy returns with nothing resembling a tray. He’s simply holding an aluminum-foil-wrapped object and carrying a second bottle of water. He kneels down before the blue and red clad beauty and unwraps a cold greasy burger leftover from the dinner Tony and his crew had eaten earlier. He holds it up to Supergirl’s face and she starts to stretch her neck forward to take a bite when Randy pulls it back.

“Uh uh. Not before you ask politely for it, girlie.”

Sighing, Supergirl says,“Fine. Please, sir. May I have my hambur...”

“No!” Randy cuts her off bluntly, “I want to hear you say, ‘Oh Randy, baby. I really want your meat in my mouth.”

The frustrated blonde lowers her head, bites her lip in sudden anguish, and sighs, saying in a barely audible murmur, “Please don’t do this.”

“Don’t be such a big baby, Supergirl. It’s just words.”

Lifting her head, she shivers off the despair, looks straight at Randy’s belt buckle and, back to her monotone, says, “Oh Randy, baby....”

“Stop!” Randy grabs the startled teen’s chin in his palm and tilts her head up sharply so she’s looking right into his angry brown eyes. “This time with real feeling, Superwhore. I want to hear you mean it. Otherwise you get nothing.” His eyes lock onto hers with cold expectation. “Except maybe a shot from The Convincer over here,” he says, nodding toward the bar lying on the floor behind him.

“...okay...” she gulps. “...uhhh...Oh Randy,,” Supergirl purrs with a nervous stutter at first, then licks her lips, bats her eyes and, giving up all resistance, moans in mock lust, “I reeeaaallllly want your meat in my mouth.”

“That was much, much better, Supergirl. I knew you could do it if you your heart into it.” He pushes the cold greasy burger up to her face, her chin still in his palm and watches as she takes a very unladylike bite out of the fat sandwich, tearing away a chunk and chewing it while not looking in his eyes. Randy lets her chin go and rocks back. Chewing silently, Supergirl is disappointed that the burger is cold, but thankful that it actually tastes pretty good. A little tangy.

Fifty minutes later, Supergirl gasps in utter joy as her nipples are roughly twisted and Randy thrusts himself deeper into her throbbing, eager cunt. Once again, the Chemist’s powerful aphrodisiac that the burger had been heavily laced with has completely subverted all of Supergirl’s sexual inhibitions. Combined with the multiple hits of crack she’d taken, the famous Maid of Steel was back to being a sex-crazed trollop in a short skirt and cum-crusted panties who’s only interest was exploring the depths of her sexual appetites with the nearest available partner. And Randy was the lucky, grinning recipient.

Overwhelmed with lust, the eager Maid of Steel lifts her hips so Randy’s stroking prick can delve deeper into her musky cavern while she thrills to the feel of her nipples being teased and stimulated by the pale man’s harsh but effective fingers.

“Ahh....that’s fantastic, Ran,” she blurts in delight. Holding her body tightly against his own, Randy savors the sensations of his cock being willingly squeezed along its length by this talented bitch’s vaginal muscles. Flushed with excitement, he looks down to see Supergirl’s semen-stained red skirt flip up and down with each rushing thrust of his cock. The crotch of her panties has been merely pulled aside for a lustily requested quick impaling by the sex-crazed blonde heroine. Randy notices they too are thickly crusted with large white patches of dried cum. Boy, these panties are exactly the way Tony described they would be. And we haven’t even set her up in his special whorehouse yet!

Meanwhile, his hands maul, caress and tease the breasts and nipples within the tight blue blouse, stretching it out as he takes his pleasure from this insatiable teen hero.

“...mmmhh.....ohhhh....good....yes...oh...grab my that...yes...i..ohh...i’m..getting there....Randy...AHH.....” Pumping away at this incredible babe in his arms, her shiny uniform darkened and damp with her sweat while her shiny red “fuck me” boots jerk and twist in spasms of pleasure, Randy is on top of the world. This oversexed babe hadn’t needed very much persuasion to get her going. The Chemist’s aphrodisiac had sure seen to that. Although she seemed more than willing to get it on pretty quickly. Even faster than Randy had been led to believe it would take.

He had left Supergirl alone for 10 minutes after she’d wolfed down the hamburger he had so obligingly held in place for her. By the time he came back, he saw that her baby blue eyes were slightly dilated and she was breathing a bit faster than normal, a bewildered expression on her face.

“Is it hot in here?” she had asked, shaking her lowered head, obviously trying to fight the effects of the powerful sexual stimulant. Randy kneels down in front of her, looking her over with obvious lust.

“I know you’re hot. In fact, you look great considering you’ve been sucking cock and taking it up the ass since you arrived!” Supergirl still blushes after all the depravity she’s gone through. Why that was, she had no idea. She just knew that such crude sexual banter like this, especially about her, still took her by surprise. She’d have to get over that if she was going to be a crack whore...

Crack whore? Why the hell am I thinking like that? I’m not going to be a crack whore! That’s insane! Got to get a grip here. These guys haven’t let up an inch...but still...I should fight back somehow. I’m just so weak. The only thing that gives me energy is that crack! Maybe if I could control it and not let them get me aroused so quickly, I could escape somehow. Plan to play along, get them to unlock me by insinuating it would easier for them to get at my body if it weren’t pressed against the floor like this. Hmmmm. It’s a hell of a chance, but it’s the only opening they’re giving me.

“So, are you ready for a nice hit of crack, Supergirl?”

The moment of decision. I’m not sure I can control this stuff. It’s just so powerful.

Randy notices her hesitating. Tony said if he could get her to willingly take the crack, that would be the best. And here she was seriously considering it. He’d try to tip the odds a bit in his favor with a softer approach.

“You don’t have to do a full hit, you know,” he says, taking her face in his large and powerful palm and tilting it up gently so she’s looking into his eyes. “I’ve got some weaker stuff that we cut down for the rubes on the street. It still has a nice kick to it, but not anything you couldn’t handle, being Supergirl and all.” He smiles, but this one actually seems genuine, with a hint of ironic humor between them.

“...uh...I don’t know. Doesn’t seem right.” She’s playing hard to get, seeing where it leads.

“I guess it doesn’t. Supergirl doing crack. That’s not something anybody would think would happen in a million years.” Randy knocks his forehead with his other palm, looking embarrassed. “Ahh, it was a dumb suggestion. Tell you the truth, Tony wants us to get you hooked on the stuff, but I think the kryptonite is enough to do the job. I’ve been watching you closely and that glowing green stuff really takes it out of you.” He actually strokes her cheek at this point. “The crack isn’t necessary at all. We can arrange it so you’re know...private escort girl that Dons around the country can show off on when they come into town on their nights out. I’ve been thinking, a little kryptonite collar would keep things nice and simple. You’d be weak, sure, but you wouldn’t be strung out all the time, begging for a hit, like all the crack whores I’ve ever seen. Goddammit, you’re Supergirl. You don’t deserve that life.” With an off-hand grazing pet of her hair, he lets her head go and sighs.

The Maid of Steel doesn’t know what to make of this speech. She’s stunned to hear everything laid out so matter-of-factly by Tony’s henchman. She certainly suspected that was the plan, but to have it so blatantly stated like that was a shock. Then there was the surprising respect that Randy had shown out of the blue. He admired her in a twisted way. And probably feared showing that in front of his boss and mafia family members. But feared it so much that he covered it with violence against her? He’d been nasty and brutal along the way here, but that might have been overcompensation. She wasn’t sure. It was so confusing and she was so tired! And why am I so flushed? Did they turn up the heat in here?

“Thank you...uh...Randy....I...appreciate...that.” She’s stalling, trying to figure out how to play this. She did need the crack. Her body was now silently screaming for it and the energy it gave her for short bursts could be exactly what she needed to escape. Was she rationalizing this? She was so confused. Did this big brute with the soft hands have a heart of gold? That was probably too generous. But then, unexpectedly, Randy leans forward and plants a very gentle kiss on her lips and pulls back just as quickly.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for three days.”

Supergirl rears her head back and looks at the open face of this man. She licks her lips absently, deciding on a course of action finally.

“Would you consider unlocking me so I could stretch my muscles. I’m so cramped.”

“What? No, I can’t do that! Tony would kill me. Literally, he’d whack me himself. You’re nuts.”

“But, wait, Randy, listen. I’m already weak from the...the thing... inside me. You know how much that takes out of me. You said that yourself.”

“No. It’s still way to risky. Besides, I hate to be...ah..selfish about this. But what’s in it for me?” Randy looks at her pointedly.

“Well, I’m willing to do that other crack you described, you know, the less potent stuff. You could tell Tony that you still gave me a dose. And you could still keep me secure some other way than these shackles. I’m just so stiff and sore.”

“Well, we do have handcuffs and rope and stuff.”

“That would work,” Supergirl nods. She at least had a chance against that type of bondage equipment. Two-inch steel shackles in her condition left her no options at all!

“Hmmm. I’ve got to think how we’re going to do this.” Randy starts working it out in a quiet running commentary that the attentive blonde heroine listens to carefully. “All the cameras around here make it tricky. I don’t want it to look like I’m goin’ easy on you. Tony wouldn’t like that. I guess I could put you on the table over there.

“What? No!” Supergirl breaks in. “I mean..that’s like..the same position really. It wouldn’t help my cramps at all.” And those thick leather straps would be almost as bad as the steel floor shackles, she thinks silently.

“Gosh. I’m not sure if there’s...well, wait a second. I guess that chair Tony has in the back would work. That would be a completely different position. Not too uncomfortable either ‘cause it’s padded.”

“What kind of chair?” Supergirl is leery of this twist.

“You’re getting a little picky aren’t you?” Randy looks at her sharply.

“I’m sorry,’s just that I’m tired and confused and scared.” She actually is and the tear that makes its way down her cheek is quite real. Randy again strokes her cheek gently and looks at her earnestly. His concern is touching. And his touch is very warm against her face. She lets herself rub against it, actually enjoying the firmness of his palm.

After just a moment though, he pulls his hand away, awkwardly waving it in the air, covering his sensitivity with a brashness. “Ah, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a bondage chair that has a bunch of different positions. His girls use it occasionally for a change of pace with their regular customers. There’s no straps or shackles or anything. The girl’s usually just hang on to the hand grips and leg pads. It might be broken, otherwise I’m not sure why it would be here in the storage area. But it might work. I’d have to use either the rope or the handcuffs with it, you know.”

“Of course,” the blonde says looking directly at Randy. This could work!

“Alright. I’ll get the crack.” Randy turns to go.

“What, now?” Supergirl is thinking she needs to be alert while he was unshackling her, ready for her opportunity, not loopy with crack. Of the course the energy boost might be the extra edge she needed. She just wasn't sure about her plan. She's so tired and confused.

“Sure now. Why not?”

“I don’t know. I just thought we’d do it when I was in the chair. Relaxing, you know.”

“I don’t think so. And there’s no we about this. I can’t take a hit of the crack. Tony’s rules. Strict rules. Very whackable rules!”

“...oh...” Stalemate. Unless the crack wasn’t so severe that it knocked her silly like all the other stuff. If it made her a little high and gave her the energy she needed. Big if, Kara.

“Look, if you don’t want to do it this way, unfortunately, I’ll have to go back to Tony’s plan....”

“Huh? Oh no, it’s fine. We’ll do it as you suggested. It will sure be better than this situation anyway,” the blonde replies quickly. She sure hopes it will be better.

“Great. I’ll go get the stuff.”

When Randy returns he’s holding a small crack pipe in his hand. The small glass tube is already prepared with the small crack crystal inside. Supergirl is flabbergasted by this surprising turn of events.

“Is that a...a crack pipe?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“...i...i..don’t know...” The girl stutters nervously. “I guess I thought you’d use those little capsules.”

“But you didn’t want the full strength stuff, you said.”

“No, I didn’t...uh...don’t. But..i...i...never..expected...I mean, aren’t there lower doses of those capsules?

“No. It doesn’t work like that. Stevie made this batch up special. You usually can’t even get it like this.”

“Well, stuck me with a needle. Can’t you do that, inject it or something?”

“Inject it? That’s for full strength stuff too, usually. Anyway, I don’t know enough about handling crack in that form. Stevie’s really the expert and he’s out. I sure don’t want to overdose you.”

Supergirl’s head jerks up at this. “No. Of course not! I don’t want that!”

“Hey, the pipe’s easy, really. I’m doing all the work, you just have to inhale when I tell you.”

“Well, I guess...okay....” This was the last thing on earth she ever thought she’d be doing and she was scared to death. But the tiniest flame of courage still glowed deeply in the dark abyss of her hopeless soul. “You’re sure this stuff is a weaker..uhm...cut down version?”

“Oh sure. This stuff has been stepped on hard. It’s probably half baking soda if not more. Should still be a pleasant little lift though,” Randy says with a wink as he gets on his knees in front of the anxious blonde heroine.

He lowers the small bluish glass tube in front of her face and, once again takes her chin in his big, gentle hand. He tilts the frightened teen’s face up toward his and smiles.

“Relax, sweetie. You’ve already done crack, Supergirl. Several times now. This is just a weaker form of it through a pipe. No big deal. Just inhale when I tell you to, okay, honey?”

“..yeah...sure...” He's right. It just doesn't seem right. Not at all.

Nevertheless, on the third night of her captivity, through foolishness, desperation and a badly misjudged sense of trust in a mafia hood generated by a very potent aphrodisiac, the famous Maid of Steel is about to take her first hit off a crack pipe. She knows she’s going to get high. She is planning to get high! She has to have that extra energy. And, due to the crack swirling already within her body’s chemistry, she desperately needs to get high! It’s all perfect and it’s all so very wrong.

A concealed high-speed digital video camera records the scene in detail. Randy is slightly off to the side, flicking his lighter and holding the flame at the end of the short glass tube. Supergirl puckers up as she lies shackled to the floor, looking from Randy’s face to the end of the crack pipe and back again. Her breasts are rising and falling within her tight blouse with nervous anticipation and accelerated emotions from the aphrodisiac. Her hands are clenched into fists. Then, the sound of crackling emerges from the end of the pipe and, seeing smoke clouding up the blue glass, Randy says “Inhale now.” The red and yellow shield the world has come to respect and trust expands outward from Supergirl’s chest as she takes a deep hit of crack cocaine from the small crack pipe Randy so obligingly holds. She takes the smoke into her lungs, holds it a beat and then exhales. The famous red S contracts, hidden in a plume of smoke, a strikingly symbolic image of its wearer’s badly shrunken honor. Twelve seconds later, Supergirl is high as a kite.

The feeling of euphoria bloomed within her like a giant red orchid. She felt wonderful and positive. Positively wonderful. She giggles at the wordplay. This particular crack she’d smoked wasn’t uncontrollable. She wasn’t nearly as stupefied as the last times. Not knowing how long it would last, she asks Randy, “So, you gonna’ let me go now?”

He laughs. “What? No. I’m going to do what we said, princess. I’m going to unlock you and put you in the chair.”

“Right. S’what I mendt,” she slurs, giddy from the initial rush. “J’want help?”

“How are you going to help me? You’re hands and feet are shackled.”

“Right. I’ll just lie here.”

“Yeah, you do that,” shaking his head and chuckling, Randy starts to leave the room.

“Where ya goin’, Ran?” He stops and turns, looking askance at that gorgeous beaming face with those beautiful baby blues. His heart actually melts a little.

“You are really a piece of work, babe. I’m going to get the chair we talked about, remember?”

“Okay!” He turns to go into the storage room when the cheery blonde pipes up again. “Hey, Ran?”

“What now?”

“You’re actually a big softee marshmallow man. Inside. I can tell.”

“Really,” he frowns.

“Oh sure. I can see through you. Well, not right now cause I don’t have my xray vision.” She pauses to giggle at this little joke of hers, then gets serious again. “But even if I didn’t have it, which I don’t, I could see through you anyway. You know what I mean?”

“It’s coming out a little screwy, like you. But I think I get you. Let me get the chair.”

“Okay!” She happily rests her chin on the floor and yawns widely. Randy shakes his head and heads to retrieve the chair from the storeroom.

“Hey, Ran!”


“I like marshmallows. They’re sweet. Like you.”

“Thank you. I’ll be back.” He sprints for the door before the giddy girl has a chance to say anything else.

Randy returns in less than a minute carrying a large, heavy multi-hinged padded chair. The smiling girl lifts and turns her head to watch him lumber in with it, straining with the load.

“Wow. That looks heavy.” Still high as a kite. Still giddy.

“It is.” He heads grimly to the open area between the prostrate girl and the bondage table.

“If I had my superpowers, I could lift that with my little finger,” she says, the voice of a 6-year old spoiled princess. “Too bad I dooon’t...”she draws out the word playfully.

Randy teeters with chair, trying to figure out the best angle at which to set it down.

“I could ever be so much help!”

“Who are you, fucking Shirley Temple?”

“Who’s that?”

“Nevermind,” he says, setting the chair down with a thump and a grunt. “Whew. That’s quite a load. Let me catch my breath and then I’ll get you ready and unlock you.”

“Get me ready? How, Ran?”

“I’m not just unlocking you. I’ve got to secure you first, so you can’t try anything cute.”

“You don’t like cute? Don’t you think I’m cute?”

“You’re fuckin’ adorable. But I don’t need the kind of cute you tried before, if you remember.

“I remember, but that was before we liked each other.”

“Nevertheless, we’re goin’ with the handcuffs. They’re the fastest and easiest. And they’ll be pretty secure, I’m thinking, with you weakened by the kryptonite.”

“Sounds peachy keen to me, Ran. I’ll just be happy to get off this cold floor and stretch a bit.”

“Right. Well let me get the cuffs. How you doin’ by the way. That crack okay, you still feeling good?”

“Terrific. Super Duper. Well, not super, I guess, but duper. Or a doper!” More giggles. “I can see why people like this stuff. When it’s not too strong, it makes you feel warm and good all over. Like you never want it to stop.”

“Yeah, that’s the problem. People never want it to stop.” Randy pulls a silver bag out of a bottom drawer of the bondage table and walks back toward his lovely companion. He’s actually enjoying her company. She’s a hoot! “And, the thing is, with crack, they usually don’t stop. Not until they’ve changed into someone completely different. Someone not as nice.” He kneels down near Supergirl’s wrist to begin unlocking it.

“Hey, Ran,” the blue eyed blonde says softly. He looks up, surprised at the change in her tone, and sees her bright blue eyes brimming with tears. “You won’t let that happen to me, will ya?”

The big man gulps. “I...I...don’t think I can do anything about it,” he mumbles, unlocking her right wrist. He pays much more attention to the key and lock than they require, frowning deeply at how unfair life could be. Wondering if things could be different, would they be?

“ could try...” She replies quietly.

Wordlessly, the big man shifts over to her other wrist and unlocks it. He puts the key in his pants pocket and says, gruffly, “Alright. Put your wrists together now so I can handcuff them, Supergirl. You’re not going anywhere, ‘cause your legs are still locked down, so behave or...”

Before he can react, the blonde teenage champion lurches up, her upper torso in mid-air, and grabs Randy by the ears. Twisting his head hard to the side, she uses all her leverage to turn the large kneeling man’s body so he awkwardly falls forward and flips onto his back right under Supergirl’s chest, his shocked face directly below hers. Her own face drops like a rock. And then, a shocked Randy, his mouth gaping open, finds his tongue intertwined with the warm caressing tongue of the Maid of Steel as she plants the kiss of all kisses right on him! If this were a Mob kiss, he’d be as good as dead! As it is, he’s never felt more alive in his life!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Randy’s Big Night
Part 14-A

Supergirl’s kiss is like sweet honey filling Randy’s mouth; her breath warm, her tongue a swift flighty thing that teases and satisfies in equal measure. Randy’s cock expands and stiffens rapidly and his eyes drift with erotic delight. Finally, she breaks off the incredible kiss and looks down at him with a smile.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for the last 10 minutes!” She giggles, parroting his earlier kiss and comment about her. Then she strokes his cheek with one hand and moves her other up to his hair. Pulling his head back a bit harshly, she grins and says, “in fact, that was so good, I’ll have another.” She lowers her head again, her mouth slightly open, and finds his lips with hers, grazing his lower lip softly at first, then his upper lip and finally pressing both lips against his with a perfect combination of the soft desire and hard lust. Her tongue reaches for his and their mouths seal in an electric charge. Randy is lost in the rapture of this incredible girl’s kiss and the scent of her incredibly powerful kryptonian pheremones. And, under the influence of the aphrodisiac and the crack, Supergirl actually has developed a sudden, deep crush on this gentle giant.

His hands, driven by primal needs, reach for her breast and ass simultaneously. Finding her softness in both places, he squeezes them greedily, pulling the girl closer as she breaks off the kiss and attacks his ear with heady determination, circling the tip of her tongue within its deepest part.

“Ahhh,” He moans, palming her firm breast and feeling the nipple poking at attention through the tight blue fabric. He fondles the young heroine slowly, feeling her fullness rise and fall in his hand as she breathes deeply and sighs in his ear. His other hand is under Supergirl’s skirt, sliding over the stiffened cum-stained red panties and squeezing the soft roundness of her left butt cheek hidden beneath the bright red material.

Pressing her breasts eagerly into his squeezing palm, Supergirl whispers into Randy’s ear, “Mmmm... Why don’t you unlock my legs, Ran, so we can enjoy ourselves without these shackles in the way!”

Captivated by her body, Randy doesn’t answer. He continues to fondle the blonde beauty’s ripe young bosom, sliding his hand over the outer curves of each breast in quick figure eights that pass across the red and yellow emblem with total disregard for its sanctity. He firmly squeezes their fleshy shapes, then narrows down to her nipples, squeezing each hard enough in turn through the blue fabric to draw gasps, but not tormenting them. Supergirl, intoxicated by his undivided attention to her chest, the aphrodisiac and the waning effects of the crack, simply sighs in pleasure at first. Then, his other hand goes on the move. Altering from its slow, non-stop caressing of her ass, Randy’s hand slides down lower into the deep valley between her thighs. His hand works its way under the leg band near her crotch and finds its way to the young heroine’s most vulnerable treasures. There, eager exploring fingers discover a warm wetness and, a little deeper, a highly aroused clitoris awaiting attention. Randy obliges with a firm rub with his thumb and forefinger.

Supergirl’s body jerks in his grasp as if she’d been tazered again. Her head snaps up, her neck arches and her shoulders shake for a violent second as her body reacts helplessly to this intense stimulation.

“Whuuuhhhh.....whhooaa...hold on...wait...You’re moving too fast, Randy. I...i...want this to last. We...b..both do. Don’t w..we..?” The teen hero is confused. Her head is spinning with lust and the last happy feelings of her dissipating crack high. She wants his body to take hers in every way she can possibly imagine. The aphrodisiac is supplying a dozen possibilities in her mind, even as she leans over him in heavy lidded desire while he continues to ignore her, simply letting his hands play her body like an instrument. But there’s something else she wants...She knows she wants to participate, not just to be taken. And something else...getting away...With him? An escape, a romantic escape somewhere possibly. Just the two of them. Escaping together to some island? Had he said anything about that? She couldn’t remem...

“OHHH!” A sudden quick and firm counterclockwise circling finger on her clit draws a loud moan from the now trembling blonde. She slides her arms around his upper body and squeezes him with utter joy. And then Randy gets inventive. He slides his thumb into her vagina. Holding her tightly in his hand, his index finger works her clit and his thumb massages back and forth at the entrance to her dripping sex.

“AAHH....oohhhh, Ran....that’s really....really great...” She lowers her head and goes in for another endless kiss. Supergirl is so lost in the heightened sensations from the aphrodisiac and Randy’s delicious technique that her jumbled thoughts of escape evaporate in the heat of her desire. All she knows right now is the delight she feels as one hand firmly squeezes her breast and the other grips and manipulates her crotch with perfect synchronization. She breaks off the kiss, breathless and panting. She presses her face against his and, cheek to cheek with the mafia thug who’s captured her mind and spirit over the past half hour, the Maid of Steel feels herself lose all control.

“....oh....yess...yessss...keep...doing it...with your fingers...and at my nipples...ohhh...don’t’s too good....OHHHHH...ahhh ...yess...i’m...there...Randy...yes...yes....YEESSSSSSSS!”

Her juices run freely over his now still hand as she trembles in his arms with ecstacy, frozen with pure pleasure. Randy simply holds her tight, one hand enveloping her breast, the other holding her crotch in a steady grip, relishing the feel of her trembling body in his arms. The teenage beauty clad in her tight fitting red and blue costume moans softly, a happy prisoner under Randy’s dominating sexual control. Small aftershocks send quivers through the delighted, sighing blonde.


“Uh, sorry, I got carried away,” he apologizes.

“...s’alrhiiighhhhttt...” she breathes. “It happens.” She snuggles against him and, lying beneath her, he finally moves his arms away from her most sensitive areas and simply wraps her in his big arms and hugs her tight.

“You ready to move to the chair so we can uncramp those muscles? If they haven’t already,” he jests.

“Okay. And can I do another pipe?” She looks down into his eyes.

“Really?” He searches their deep blueness and sees desire there. Burning bright. And its not for him. It’s for the crack!

“Oh yeah, I want to. A lot..”

She’s hooked! Tony’s gonna be thrilled.

“Well then, by all means. Let’s do one,” he says, with only a half smile. He’d done his job and, frankly, was bummed by it. Not completely surprised by it, mind you, not with everything this girl had been put through. But he was disappointed. He never actually believed deep down that the famous Supergirl that everybody thought was invincible could be so easily outsmarted, sexually victimized and reduced to being a crack addict like this.

It just goes to show you that everybody’s got a breaking point. Even the famous Maid of Steel. And now she was riding the demon. And very few people could handle the reins on this monster and come out alive.

Randy unwraps himself from his beautiful blonde partner, sliding out from under her. He then reaches over to the silver bag lying on the floor that he’d brought over from a drawer in the bondage table earlier. Unfastening the clip that locks the flap of the bag, he pulls out a pair of handcuffs to put on Supergirl’s wrists. She’s humming some tune he doesn’t recognize, her hands now folded intertwined under her head as she rests her exhausted body. The orgasm had drained a lot of her energy. And yet she still feels extremely horny for some reason.

At least she does until the gut-wrenching pain hits.

“Aaghhh!” The handcuffs that Randy are holding by her head have been coated in a deutronium kryptonite alloy. Supergirl has pulled her hands out from under her head and is now clutching her stomach and writhing in pain on the floor. Her ankles, still tightly shackled to the floor, prevent her from going into a full fetal position, but she is bent in half, groaning miserably.

“...whut’re...ya...dhooin’ to mheee?” Horrified by this disastrous emotional and physical cliff she’s just been pushed off, Supergirl looks at Randy with pleading blue eyes to see if there’s any mercy there.

“Give me your hands. Quickly. I have to do it this way. It’s the fastest way to get you in the chair and secured. I’ll take them off as soon as I possibly can, promise. Then you can do another pipe. We’ll get you feeling better in no time. There, both hands, that’s good.”

Tormented but trusting, Supergirl unclenches her arms from her stomach and slowly gives them up to her large pale friend, stretching them straight out on the floor before her. He adeptly clicks both wrists into the cuffs with practiced efficiency.


Silently, he scurries to the leg shackles and unlocks each in turn. Then he bends down over the groaning teenage heroine and slides his hands under her arms and lifts the limp blonde up off the floor. He pulls her up until she’s on her knees, holding her by the waist. Her arms dangle limp at her sides even as her upper torso sways before him like a drunk sailor on the first night of shore leave.

“Can you stand up. Supergirl, look in my eyes. Can you stand up?”

“...caan’teven....stay up” she says, weeping pitifully. The cuffs and the dildo combine their deadly energies to sap the powerless girl of all her strength, courage and willpower.

Why’s he doing this? I thought he was different.

“Ooohhhh....” Swooning with a sudden surge of dizziness, the helpless heroine collapses against Randy’s chest. The clinking chain of the glowing green handcuffs sway against his chest as her palms try to steady herself in her fall. But the dizziness is too much for even that and she starts to pitch forward face first toward the floor. Only Randy’s instinctive reaction of grabbing her by the collar keeps the senseless heroine from smashing her pretty face onto the hard stone floor. Inches away from it, she is hauled back up by the collar and her hair. Supergirl’s head lolls back onto her shoulders, her mouth hangs open and her bright blue irises have slid halfway up under her eyelids The resulting look is a shocking expression of bewildered stupidity.

“Oh you poor girl,” Randy says, even as the cameras record yet another humiliating moment for the defenseless young champion.

Immediately Randy gathers up her wilted body, supporting her under her knees and behind her back, and carries her drooping figure over to the bondage chair. He carefully lays her body down into the beige padded chair. Completely adjustable in infinite positions, the chair is set to a prime position, its back slightly reclined and the legs set to a 90 degree position, straight up and down. Holding her body in place with his palm held firmly against her chest so she doesn’t fall out of the chair, Randy picks up a remote from a plastic holder fastened just below the chair’s arm. He reclines the back a little lower with one button then raises each individual leg support higher with two other buttons. They whine into place with small but powerful electric motors. This supports the girl’s limp frame better and she settles down into a relaxed position, her arms in her lap chained with glowing green handcuffs and her legs slightly raised. Her head is now slumped against her chest.

“” murmurs the devastated blonde.

“Almost there, Supergirl.” Kneeling beside the chair, he grabs two thick, oversized plastic cable ties from his pocket and quickly wraps them around the ankles of the groaning heroine’s bright red boots, threading each tie through the squared opening and yanking it tight.

Vvvvttttt. Vvvvttttt

The ties contract tightly against the shiny kryptovan fabric, allowing very little slack. With that done, he unlocks the cuffs and tosses them six feet away so they land right on the silver bag from which they’d come. Randy looks up at the ceiling grill where the kryptonite gas was released. He knew a camera was positioned inside it and gives a sullen nod toward it.

“...t’ank yuh...” whispers the limp teen below him. He looks down at her. Stringy blonde hair, wet with her sweat, droops in her face, her chin rests against her chest breathing laboredly. The red and yellow emblem on her chest rises and falls in a staccato rhythm that scares Randy. Can Supergirl have heart failure?

“Are you alright? You sound horrible!”

“...give me a sec...i’m...very weak....deutronium makes....radiation so much....worse...”

“I’m sorry about that, cupcake, but there wasn’t any other way with the cameras watching.” He takes Supergirl’s flaccid right wrist and places it on the padded arm of the chair. Another cable tie from his pocket is looped around her wrist and the chair arm and pulled tight.


He does the same with the other wrist.


Supergirl is now bound securely in the chair. The thick cable ties can withstand up to 350 pounds per square inch of surface tension before material failure. With a kryptonite-filled dildo jammed into her anal cavity, there’s no way the famous heroine can exert even a fraction of the strength it would take to break these ties. She’s just as defenseless and incapable of escaping this bondage scenario as she was before. Steel or plastic, it didn’t matter as long as there was the right amount of glowing kryptonite included in the equation. But for now, at least the agonizing handcuffs were gone. Once the planet’s mightiest defender, now the sighing girl opens her eyes and lazily lifts her head.

“Can I have that crack pipe now, Ran?”

“Oh. Sure. Sorry. I’ll go refill it.” He rushes out of the room to retrieve more crack from Tony’s private stash. In the control room his three compatriots are frowning at him as he enters. Stevie at the camera controls has his eyebrows raised and is looking askance at his fellow mob thug. Carmine has his arms folded, his legs spread in a dramatic blocking maneuver in the middle of the floor. Tony is leaning against the wall rubbing his chin.

Randy stops short. “What?” He’s looking back and forth between the three men and not liking the expressions one bit.

“Getting a little chummy with the prisoner, ain’t you, Randy?” sneers Carmine.

“I’m just doing what Tony told me,” snaps Randy defensively. “I’m even getting more crack for her, Ton. She asked for it herself. You must ‘a heard that! She’s hooked, Tony. We’ve done what we planned. What you planned.”

“I heard, Randy. I heard that, it’s true. But I heard a lot of other things in there and I’m not sure I’m liking all of it. Either you’re a much better actor than I gave you credit for or you’re falling for that pretty blue-eyed beauty in there pretty hard. I need to know whose team you’re playing for, Randolpho.” Tony looks calmly at the anxious face of his large, pale associate. If anything it looks even paler than usual.

The voice that comes out of Randy is a combination of anger and fear. “I’m on your team, Tony. You gotta know that. Sure, uh, she’s a great fuck and all, but, but...I’m with you on this.” Hard to read. Tony stares at the man for a moment and then pats his shoulder.

“Okay, Randy. Get the crack. And make it the good stuff this time. Not the stepped on shit you gave her before. Although I have to say, Randy, that was a great idea. You got her to accept the crack willingly by suggesting a lower dose. I think she thought she might be able to get away if she weren’t so out of it. Anyway, she took the pipe and that’s a step I definitely wanted her to take. And now she’s asking for more, so, yeah, you’ve done your job better than I could have hoped for. Okay, guy. Give her the good stuff and fuck her brains out. Oh, Randy, give her another small dose of the stuff from The Chemist. She looks like she wants what you’re selling, but I just want to cover all the bases. ”

“Sure. Okay. And thanks, Ton.” Randy gets the crack from the storeroom safe and takes a bottle of dosed juice from the door in the mini-fridge, then returns to the jail cell.

Back in the control room, Tony looks at the monitor as Randy kneels beside the chair to give Supergirl a drink from the tainted juice bottle. He wipes her mouth with his sleeve and she smiles at him. Then she eagerly nods toward the pipe he’s holding in his hand and he holds the crack pipe up to her lips. While he’s lighting her up, Tony begins to talk to Stevie and Carmine in a soft, controlled manner.

“Gentlemen, I believe we’ve got a couple of issues here we have to deal with quickly. First, our pretty little coed in there seems to have developed a case of Stockholm Syndrome. Nothing that we can’t handle, even use to our benefit.”

“What’s that, Stockholm thing?” Stevie pans a camera down to the scene of Supergirl taking another hit from the crack pipe. While handling the camera controls he shifts his eyes back to Tony every now and then.

“It’s a condition when a captive under stress, usually a lot of stress like Superjugs in there has been enjoying for the last three days, begins to align her sympathies and alliances with that of her captors. A little psychological defense mechanism designed to help ensure survival. If you relate well enough to your captors, you’ll know what pisses them off and won’t do it anymore. You also misinterpret the sort of small kindnesses that Randy there has been showing her. Your brain is kind of substantiating the belief that the guy who’s tormenting you isn’t so bad ‘cause he’s just, I don’t know, um, just calling you a whore instead of beating the shit out of you. That’s about the gist of it.

So, given the right circumstances, you can use those feelings of well, ‘bonding’ let’s call it, to get the captive to do what you want. Intentionally or not, Randy was able to convince Supergirl to take that first hit of the crack pipe, just the way she’s just done,” he nods at the monitor, “in a way none of us could have done so quickly. I happen to think the aphrodisiac played a role in that, too. But it doesn’t matter. What does matter, however is the other issue I’m worried about. I don’t believe Randy is playing this girl for the patsy anymore, despite what he just said in here. I’m pretty convinced that Randy in there has a strong infatuation with Supergirl. And that could be clouding his judgement in ways that aren’t good for any of us, including little Miss Sunshine. He could try helping her escape and get him, her or any of us killed in the process. I’m pulling him off the team.”

“Oh, really?” Stevie is upset even as he watches the monitor as Supergirl’s head flops forward, obviously heavily drugged.

“Got to, Stevie. The situation is too dangerous, too uncontrolled. You know how carefully we have to control this bitch, right? You’ve seen it first hand. She’s capable of anything. And that threatens the entire success of this project and your considerable financial share in it, I might add.”

“You know he’s right, Stevie,” confirms Carmine.

“Yeah, I know it. I just don’t like it.”

“Hey, me neither, Stevie. But for chrissake, I’m not whackin’ him! He’s getting his full share, I swear on my mother’s grave. I’m just moving him out of town for a while. Maybe LA even. The kid’s got acting talent I think. Anyway, I’m just giving him time to listen to his head instead of his dick!”

“You’re right, Ton. I wasn’t hasslin’ you. I was just...sad.”

“Forgettaboutit. Anyway, Stevie, Randy’s going to get a nice send off from his pretty gal pal there that will keep him smiling for a week. One for the road. Just make sure you get in all on DVD for us. She looks like she’s going to give him quite a ride!”

Pulling Carmine aside, Tony takes him to the back corner of the control room.

“Right after Randy blows his wad I want you in there fast. I don’t want to give him a chance to work up any escape plan. Be nice with him, but firm. Send him back in here and I’ll take it from there.

“What about her, she’s gonna throw a fit when he leaves, I’ll bet.”

“Depends. She may be too out of it from the crack if Randy doesn’t take to long to reach the finish line. If he’s slow and patient, which is a fucking challenge with her going at you with all her charms, we could have a situation where she’s starts fussing for loverboy. We’ll have to play it by ear. Those zip ties should keep her in that chair, too, don’t forget. Besides, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be working Camera # 5. I love a good closeup!”
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Zeta Clark
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The "Supergirl Captured by the Mob" story continues to be one of my favorite super heroine fan fictions of all time.

Dr Dominator captures the characters (both good and evil) splendidly with each installment. And each chapter keeps me yearning for the next. Great work Dr. D!

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:smart: Thank you, Zeta. High praise indeed. I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Randy’s Big Night
Part 14-B

“’faw...” The drooling champion is slowly lifting her head up off her chest for the second time in two minutes. She was too doped for the first minute than to do anything but slouch in the comfortable chair and let the rushing balloon lift her to the heavens. Now, on this second attempt, she raises her chin to look at the gentle face of the man kneeling beside her. Her blue eyes are glazed and barely focused on his. She’s wearing a cockeyed smile, though as she mutters, “But zat’s okay...feels...good.”

“I’m glad, sweetie.”



“..will you...kiss me...and me...?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” he says with a smile. Positioning himself between her legs he takes the remote and presses two buttons to spread her legs a little wider to accommodate his large physique.


He chuckles, amazed at the naive, loving and fearless core of this incredible creature stretched out before him. This girl was worth 20, 40, 100 of any girl he’d ever met. He’s torn apart inside by his physical need for her other-worldly beauty, his complete delight in her charm and grace under pressure and his disastrous obligation to humiliate her by taking her in such a crass and shameful manner. She clearly wants him inside her but that was the drugs and three days of abuse talking. In the real world she would be appalled at her behavior and her language. But in the real world, she wouldn’t have given him the time of day. Except maybe to cart him off to jail with a lecture thrown in. She did have that superiority streak. But she wasn’t so superior now, was she? No, she was weak and helpless. Didn’t ultimately have the character to resist his advances, his crack or his sexual talents.

“Some Supergirl you turned out to be,” he says, disassociating himself and projecting his own sense of failure onto her.


“Well, let’s just see how super you are when I give you the Randolpho special.”

Way too stoned to capture the bitterness in his voice, Supergirl simply giggles as he roughly pulls down the collar of her famous blouse so low that her tits pop out and shimmy before him. Perfect curves of soft teenage beauty, tipped by tiny pink nipples standing at attention, Supergirl’s breasts are breathtaking. Randy releases the fabric and the bunched blue material retracts quickly into soft rolls beneath her chest, lifting the two spheres with an inviting shake. Randy dives in with his mouth.

“...somebody’” she says, thrilled to have him at her breasts, even if he was being a little rough. The aphrodisiac leftover from the burger is still working its charms on the addled teen. Combined with the new hit of crack as well as the short dose from the juice bottle, the blonde heroine feels renewed energy but is hopelessly confused in her excitement at her friend’s rough attentions. Thinking he cannot get enough of her, she urges him on even as his fingers now pull and twist at her nipples.

“...ohhhhh...mmmmhh....want you...inside me...” she moans. “NOW!”

Looking up, he sees the lust in her eyes and shrugs, “Whatever you say, you’re highness.”

Missing the subtext of his displaced anger, his despair and his lust, she teases, “...unsheathe thy sword...for thy ladies’ honor...sir...Or dishonor...” She laughs brightly at this witticism just as Randy pulls aside the crotch of her panties and slides his penis deeply into her wet, slippery vagina.

“..ha..ha..ha..HOHHHH....Aaahhhhhh....” Satisfaction on so many levels. This man has a nice size penis! And he’s been nice to me.

Randy begins to rotate his hips and them pump them up and down in a slow methodical fashion. With her wrists and ankles pinned to this bondage chair by extra strength cable ties, the drugged and deluded superheroine has been rendered completely defenseless against this humiliating assault. Her breasts are exposed, she’s stoned to the gills with two different drugs and she’s being crassly violated by a man whom she believes actually respects her. Willingly, she lifts her hips so Randy’s stroking prick can delve deeper into her musky cavern while she thrills to the feel of her nipples being teased and stimulated by the pale man’s harsh but effective fingers.

“Ahh....that’s fantastic, Ran,” she blurts in delight.

Holding her body tightly against his own, Randy savors the sensations of his cock being willingly squeezed along its length by this talented teenager’s vagina. Flushed with excitement, he looks down to see Supergirl’s semen-spotted red skirt flip up and down with each rushing thrust of his cock. The crotch of her panties has been merely pulled aside for a lustily requested quick impaling by the sex-crazed blonde heroine, Randy notices they too are thickly crusted with large white patches of dried cum. Boy, these panties are exactly the way Tony described they would be. And we haven’t even set her up in his special whorehouse yet!

Feeling a touch guilty, Randy pulls up Supergirl’s blouse.

“...don’t stop...playing boobies, baby...” she says with a grin.

“Not me,” he says,” as his hands maul, caress and tease the breasts and nipples within the tight blue blouse, stretching it out as he takes his pleasure from this insatiable teen hero.

“...mmmhh.....ohhhh....good....yes...oh...grab my that...yes...i..ohh...i’m..getting there....Randy...AHH.....” Pumping away at this incredible babe in his arms, her shiny uniform is now darkened and damp with her sweat while her shiny red “fuck me” boots jerk and twist in spasms of pleasure, Randy is on top of the world. She was, he had to admit, an unbelievable lay!

Picking up his rhythm, Randy gives in to his lust and the kryptonian pheremones that the mighty blonde is flooding the air with. He thrusts himself deeply into Supergirl’s tight, warm pussy again and again even as his mouth tickles her nipples with quick circular passes.

Unable to move her arms or legs more than an inch in any direction, the bound champion is totally intoxicated with this complete loss of control. There was absolutely nothing she could do to protect herself, to prevent him from taking her most precious of treasures, to resist his overwhelmingly powerful domination of her. Her sexual desires and her fantasies, spurred on by crack and the aphrodisiac, are being fulfilled to the utmost. Such total abdication of any responsibility was an incredible turn-on! Especially in the hands of a man she trusts! She doesn’t stand a chance against those odds. Her orgasm rushes at her like an animal pouncing on its prey.


Randy’s brain is inundated by the pleasure. This incredible beauty’s scent, the sudden seizing tightness of her inner muscles and the fact she was calling his name pushes the young man into his own powerful climax. He fills Supergirl with a thick jet of warm love, his cock pulsing and jerking within her.

“Uuughhhnnnn,” the mafia hood grunts in pure satisfaction.

“...eeeeehhheeee.....aahhhh...OHHHHHH....” Flooded with love in all manner of speaking, the mighty young heroine enjoys the sensation of his sperm pulsing against her inner walls so much that she climaxes a second time. Her head is thrown back in ecstacy, her hands, bound tightly to the chair, are stretched out and shaking like fluttering doves. The blonde goddess’ mouth gapes open with her tongue draped against her lower lip and her eyes squeezed shut in total delirium. The pungent scent of her juices waft around her as they dribble down the crease of her crotch.

He’s just too good at this! Supergirl’s eyes slowly open with a warmth and tenderness that’s a by-product of all the drugs and her own powerful endorphins working overtime.

“...that....was....the best!” The blonde teen looks down at the head of young male consort as he pants heavily against her naked bosom.

“...absolutely...” He murmurs. He can’t help this feeling of tenderness toward this beauty.

“It certainly looked stimulating from where I was standing,” Carmine says from five feet away.

“Huh...whozzat....?” The startled Supergirl tilts her head back to see the straight-faced Carmine looking down at her with disdain “ here..?

“I’m watching you hump your pal Randy here like a career whore, Supergirl. I can’t believe you’re not already working on your back in one of our cathouses – a girl with your obvious skills and perverted needs!”

The Maid of Steel receives this verbal slap with a stunned gasp and a deep red blush . She looks at Randy who’s face has come off her naked tits and looks at Carmine’s with anger and a touch of embarrassment.

“Christ, Carmine, what the fuck are you doin’? Have a little decency. We’re right in the middle of things here! I’ll be in there in a minute!”

“From what I heard, loverboy, you’re done! Pull out of this dripping skank and go see Tony now! He wants to talk to you.”

“You got no right to talk to us like that, Vega!” Randy’s anger rises fast, his face flushing red. With his penis buried in Supergirl’s pussy, however, he’s in no position right now to confront the scowling bulk of a man standing in front of him.

“Let’s not lose our heads here, Randy. You’re talking to a Don here, remember? A made man who’s got every right to talk to a soldier like you any fuckin’ way I like. You may be Tony’s boy but I got the pull to make things unpleasant for you. Keep your head, remember your place and...” Carmine gives a polite nod of his head, “..please... go see Tony now.”

Randy’s face sheds its redness even as his prick deflates by this dressing down. He’d been shamed badly and was quickly coming back to himself now. He was jeopardizing everything he had worked for over the last five years for this lovely wonder in his arms. A girl he knew in his heart could never be his; in fact, was only his because of drugs and three days of unrelenting mental and physical torment. Who was he kidding?

“Yeah...alright, Carmine. I’m goin’” He pulls his limp dick out of Supergirl’s juicy pussy and puts it back in his pants. Her inner thighs gleam in the lights with the mixture of sweat and cum smeared on them.

Below him, a flabbergasted Supergirl, ripped out of her fading drugged high of only moments ago, stares open-mouthed at the pale man rising off the floor and away from her. “But...wait....what....why....are you going...? I don’t understand...”

Randy reaches down and caresses the bewildered blonde’s cheek. “Hush, babe. This is just the way it’s gotta be. Face it, you know we don’t fit. Never really did. It was just the drugs talking."

“ was more,” she insists. She presses her cheek against his palm for a desperate moment, frightened of a future she can’t see and needing a moment of pure grace from his rough caring touch.

“Just be strong, okay? We both know you got it in you. You’re Supergirl, after all.”

Then he moves away, walking slowly toward the control room as Carmine looks on with stern eyes.

“Hey, Ran," Supergirl murmurs.

He turns with a world of sorrow in his heart. “Jeez, what now?” he forces himself to jest.

“I’ll miss you, Marshmallow man,” she says softly.

“Yeah,” he mutters, afraid to speak. Then he briskly walks into the control room.

“Very touching,” Carmine says sarcastically. “Now, how about some crack?”

“No thank you!” Supergirl says coldly.

“You misunderstand me, Supergirl. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order.” He walks over to the chair and kneels down behind her head. “Anyway, you know you want it. Your body’s already trembling ‘cause you need it so much. You want to get over your little heartbreak, right? So why not take a nice hit of crack and forget your troubles?”

“You’re the only trouble I’ve got, Car...MR. Vega,”she spits. “And, believe me, I wish I could forg...UUURGGKKHH!”

The thin gray rope suddenly flipped around Supergirl’s throat is yanked tightly against her airway. Carmine keeps it tightly in rein with both hands, his knuckles pressing against the base of her skull.

“Tony’s not the only person in the world who knows how to choke a pretty girl, you stupid cow. I suggest you remember that.”

“...ehhhllgkkk.....glaaacggkk....hhraauullggghh....” With her eyes bulging, and her wrists and ankles straining helplessly against the wide white plastic zip ties, the choking, gagging blonde heroine is completely defenseless against Carmine’s ruthless attack.

“Now listen to me carefully, Supergirl,” the broad-shouldered, dark haired Don commands to his gasping captive as he holds the choke cord tight against the struggling champion’s throat. “As of now, your hero days are done! You realize it, too, blondie, because you and I both know that no real heroine pees in her panties like you did, right?”


“And no real superheroine begs and whimpers for cock like you keep doing, right?”

“....du...du....dun’t...” Her bright red boots jerk and shake helplessly within the tight plastic loops holding her ankles to each chair leg.

“And no real superheroine worth a plug nickel would be caught having an orgasm when she gets fucked in the ass by the very guys who abducted her, just the way you have, right?"

“...whraaagkk....leh...gohhh...preeze....” The tendons on her wrists bulge with the strain of trying to wrench free from the white loops that so effectively pin her arms to the sides of the chair.

“I’m not letting up on this choke cord 'til you face the facts about what and who you are, Supergirl. Anyway, you’re much too weak from the glowing kryptonite dildo shoved up your pretty, young ass to even break four little simple store-bought plastic zip ties.”


“Ironic, ain’t it? The girl who could once bend massive steel girders like pretzels now can’t even snap a little plastic zip tie and stop me from strangling her pretty little neck. You may not want to believe it, girlie, but that’s a fact that even you can appreciate as your tiny little brain shuts down!”

Supergirl’s eyes begin to roll up under her lids with panic and helpless confusion.

“Here’s another fun fact, Supergirl. You are a whore! Plain and simple. Only a true whore would behave as crudely and lewdly as you have. And the sooner you face that fact, the better.”


“Not just yet, blondie. You need to get it through that thick blonde skull of yours that you don’t have a say about anything that happens to you from this point on. You’re our whore. You’re our property, bitch. You do exactly what we say exactly when we say it.”

“....Aaaakkhhh.....heegkkkk....oh..oh...ukay.....” Supergirl’s tongue flops out of her mouth and drapes over her teeth as black dots begin to collect in her vision.

Carmine shifts his hands, keeping a relentless grip on the two ends of the impossibly tight rope with one hand as his other hand slides over the wheezing blonde’s right shoulder, passes under the collar of her blouse and slowly encompasses her left breast.

“....eeeeggkkk...” The hovering black dots before her eyes are beginning to dance in greater numbers, circling at the edges of her vision. Her body helplessly bucks and jerks as Carmine roughly mauls and fondles her wobbling round breast with a broad smile.

“And when I say property, you pathetic, skanky sloppy seconds bitch, I mean just that – touchable, pliable and without any will of its own. Got me?”

Slumping from a critical lack of oxygen in the chair, her eyes staring at the ceiling in utter horror, Supergirl rasps out her barely audible answer“....huuurghkk....iillgghhh...yeh.... yezzz...”

“Good,” Carmine says, finally releasing the cord. “Then we’ll have no more bullshit about resistance, will we?”

The wheezing, coughing blonde cannot speak for a moment as she takes huge wheezing gasps of air to fill her starving lungs. She coughs and rasps for several moments in horrible rasping pain as her throat screeches with relief that she thought would never come. Finally, the rasping blonde painfully whispers “’sist...ance....” Her long, pretty throat as a bright red horizontal line across it.

“Alright, then. I’ll get you some water to soothe your throat and you’ll do that pipe like a good girl.”

As he leaves the room for water, Supergirl burst into tears, gasping and wheezing for air and shattered by yet another near death experience from strangulation. Oh Randy, you bastard, you overwhelmed me with sex! You never gave me the chance to escape!

In the control room, Carmine reaches into the mini-fridge for a bottle of pure spring water as a somber Randy is shaking Tony’s hand goodbye. “ understand, really I do, Tony. And I thank you for the share in this and the opportunity you’re giving me in LA. I won’t let you down.”

“Randolpho, if you do half as good a job out there as you did in here tonight, you’ll go far. I’m going to set you up at a hotel called the Raffles L'Ermitage for the next couple of weeks. It’s supposed to be the best; five star all the way. You’ve earned it, not just for tonight but for everything you’ve done over the past five years! You’ll meet with Sal Vincentamino and he’ll help you find local digs, acting lessons, whatever you need.”

Tony then looks the pale hood straight in the eyes, earnestly advising him, “And Randy, try to relax about all this. She’s a hero, she’s young, she’ll survive. It’s just a year out of her life, then we let her go before the rest of the hero’s have time to snoop out where she is. I figure I can keep her on the move at least that long, keep one step ahead of the over-muscled pricks and cunts who will try to rescue her. If you need anything, call me. I’ll do anything I can to help.” Tony then turns and talks to Carmine for a minute.

“Randy,” Stevie says, getting up from the control board after he zooms out from the face of the crying blonde teenager in the other room, “I want to be just like you when I grow up!” He grabs Randy and hugs him as the big man scoffs.

“Yeah, well. You know how it is. She’s so high she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She makes it easy,” His smile is very low wattage. Stevie looks at him and shakes his head.

“Don’t fixate on it, bro. Let it go and move on. And send me a postcard when you’re in the movies and famous and shit!”

“I’ll do that, Stevie," Randy replies. "See ya, Carmine. Don’t kill the golden goose, Carm! She’s worth her weight in gold.” And without waiting for the big man’s reply, Randy leaves out the back door of the control room and disappears into the dark night and his bright future.

Tony looks at his mentor Carmine with a raised eyebrow. “You don’t think you might have been a little rough in there with Randy, eh Carmine? The situation could have gotten a little dicey, you know.”

“Ton, the tough talk was more for the cunt’s benefit, really. I was putting her in her place just the way you said you wanted. What’s more, I was shutting things down fast and distracting them from anything they might have been planning. It worked out. And I did say, ‘please’ didn’t I?” Carmine winks at his fellow mob boss.

“Yeah. You’re right. I shouldn’t have criticized. Everything’s going fine,” Tony pats Carmine on the shoulder. “Now get back in there and get that bitch hooked. I said I wanted her addicted by morning and I meant it.”

“My pleasure, Tony!” Carmine grins and takes the blue glass crack pipe out of his pocket and checks that the little white crystal is settled within the deeply smudged end of the demon machine.

The Maid of Steel takes half a dozen hits from the crack pipe over the next four hours. Every one is done with timid acceptance under Carmine’s watchful face. He holds the pipe for her and she willingly sucks in the potent drug, getting more and more proficient at holding in the smoke without coughing. Her face is filled with grim determination at first, then, when the rushing euphoria hits, she merely slumps sideways a bit in the bondage chair and hums softly to herself. Carmine feeds her junk food burgers and even a taco. She drops bright red ground beef covered in hot sauce on the insignia on her chest and doesn’t think twice about it.

There’s also the five forced orgasms. Still carefully forging the link between crack and her deepest sexual needs, Tony has insisted that the blonde champion be heavily stimulated until she cums, preferably right while she’s near the peak of her crack high. Massive Marvin makes a second appearance and the blonde teen cannot help but shriek with delight at the unrelenting sensations the huge dildo generates. Her panties are sticky from her uncontrollable pleasure.

At another point, special vibrating metal nipple cushions attached to her chest create so much erotic tension and release that the mighty heroine almost separates a shoulder trying to pull out of the plastic ties that bind her so securely to the chair.

On two other occasions Carmine’s prick dodges in and out of the heavily lubricated snatch of the heavily-doped blonde slumped helplessly in the bondage chair, her eyes rolling in her head as her brain is flushed with sexual bliss. The KY bottle is nearly empty from the malevolent attentions the famous teenager heroine is receiving throughout the endless night..

The final time has the drug-addled teen being stimulated by the motorized conical rubber butt plug, a pheromone infused cherry flavored candy cock and a special vibrating pussy-gripping rubber butterfly. The beautiful blonde girl is so overwhelmed by her crack-fogged orgasm that she’s left drooling and panting like a toy poodle, her tongue hanging out and her eyes rolling up in her head. The continuous 30-second orgasm leaves the helpless champion a bleary, nodding wreck. Moments later she passes out entirely from a brutally effective four hour “training session” that has finally sealed her fate.

Supergirl had taken enough hits of top-grade crack over the past couple of days to hook an entire team of steroid-filled body builders. There was no way that even Supergirl can resist a crack habit this deeply ingrained. At this point, the young blonde superhero would do any and everything she had to for another hit of the old crack pipe. Just the way Tony had planned it all along.

At four in the morning, Carmine’s shift is over and he goes into the control room to find Tony labeling DVD disks from the sessions just held and some previous ones over the previous three days. These disks are easily worth millions of dollars. He’s been making back-ups all the time Carmine was working with the blonde beauty in the cell next door. Stevie is taking a break from his cameraman responsibilities and gone out to an all-night diner for coffee and a cannoli.

“Nice job, Carmine. I enjoy watching a man who likes his work.”

“God, Tony. I can understand why Randy got so worked up about this bitch. She’s got a tight pussy, a great ass, world class tits and a face you can bring home to your mom. Although I’d much rather be stickin’ my cock in it!”

“Careful there, Carmine. I’m not sure I can afford to send you to L’Ermitage, too!”

“Fuck off, Bonano. You know I like the Bel Air!”

“Boor.” Tony grins.

“Snotty upperclass wonk!” Carmine says watching the sleeping girl on the monitor. “She’s hooked solid, Ton.” He says, getting serious. “The last two times, when I held off giving her the crack for just a few extra minutes, she was getting edgy already. I’d say we’re done.

“Almost. I have a little extra final maneuver that will help me control the entire plan for the next year.

“Really? What else is there to do?”

“At seven o’clock or so, our young superheroine will be meeting her pimp.”

“I thought you were doing that part.”

“I decided I needed somebody with a strong hand to manage our investment while I concentrated on the bigger picture or had to be away on business. He’s worth the extra money. It’ll come out of the DVD sales and her whoring work.”

“Sounds okay as long as my share don’t suffer.”

“There’s plenty to go around, Carmine. Don’t worry about that.”

“Who’d ya get?”

“Sergei Zhukovia”

“You’re shitting me!”

“I shit you not.”

“Fuck! ‘The Mad Bear’ as her pimp? That’s genius, Bonano! When did you think of this?”

“I was mulling it around. Then Randy went AWOL emotionally and I figured ‘Why not,’ so I made the call. There are some details to work out, but I’m pretty sure they’re minor. I’d say he’ll come on board. It’s right up his alley and right to his taste!”

“Fuck!” Carmine shakes his head in wonder. “The Mad Bear, that crazy Russian. Well, the bitch is toast.”

“Pretty much.” Tony says, marking up another DVD.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Sergei’s Rule and Tony’s Tool
Part 15-A

Huge triangles of glass are falling from the sky. The man across the street is shockingly decapitated by one of them as it spears into the hard lead surface of the roadway. His headless body collapses like doll. A shower of smaller glass splatters on Kara’s head and she ducks into an overhanging doorway to escape the lethal downpour of shimmering crystals.

Supergirl is back in Argo City reliving its destruction by meteorites at the tender age of 12. Her world is coming to a devastating end and there is nothing she can do about it. She has to make it home to see her parents for the last time. Ever. She is crying, her tears washing freely over her face. But its more than tears. It feels like rain. A splattering of thick drops hitting her face. But it doesn’t rain in Argo....

Supergirl awakes to the light splashing of water being flicked in her face.

“Ah, so now she is awake. Good. I was to be thinking she never would come out of this beauty sleep of hers.”


“Good morning, sweetheart. It is past eight a.m. now. You should be up and facing the day already.” A smiling man with a round face, widely-set pale gray-blue eyes and closely cropped blonde hair is squatting not more than two feet from Supergirl. His fingers are dripping from the large bottle of water he’s splashed into his palm and onto her face. The sluggish teenager strapped into the padded bondage chair looks into his eyes and sees a coldness there that gives her the slightest shiver.

What fresh hell is this?

“My name is Sergei Zhukovia.” The blond Russian stands up and begins to pace. He is tall and lean. His dark brown suit seems a little large for him. “You, of course, are the eminent Supergirl. I am knowing you from television, newspapers and many Internet websites which display you in compromising positions without your permission, yes?”

Tony and Carmine smirk off to the side, leaning against the wall. Stevie zooms in on Supergirl’s face as she takes this remark with a scowl.


“Oh, believe me, Supergirl, this is the truth. I have done some research already while you were taking this nap of yours.” Sergei stops for a moment and takes a long gulping drink from the quart container of spring water he’s holding. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, he continues. “Your face is being put on bodies not yours and manipulated in ways you yourself would be horrified to be seeing. Most unpleasant for you to be so crudely used I would think. Shameful, yes?”

“..i’” This conversation is already crazy. Who is this guy?

“Yes, is true, but is still demeaning, no?”

“’ve heard about it...but...but...What do you want?”

“Me. Only to serve you, my kraceevo divooshka.”


“It is to mean beautiful girl. I am Russian as you are probably already knowing from my accent and face, yes?”

“Yes. I have been to your country,” says Supergirl, coming to her full senses slowly. She is very tired and feeling sick. She needs a hit of crack too. It’s been too long. “The Russian people I have met have been very nice,” she states pointedly.

“Yes, but I am afraid I am not so much nice as those you encountered. This you will be discovering too soon, my blonde...toy.” Sergei takes another long pull on the spring water as a startled Supergirl absorbs his insult.

“Toy? So rude so quickly. I see you like to get to the point, Mr. Zhukovia. Throwing that...pornography in my face the moment we meet. Name calling. What’s next, beatings, more drugs, torture? Why are you here?” The frustrated champion speaks louder now, talking to Tony across the room, “What’s his specialty, Mr. Bonano?”

Sergei turns to Tony and says for all too hear, “Did you not say this bitch was tamed?”

Sheepishly, Tony responds. “I said she was hooked. She’s got a spirit that’s...very strong. I’m sorry, Sergei, I...thought she’d be less...aggressive by now.”

“No apology is necessary, Tony Bonano. None at all. This is not even an inconvenience. It is pleasure,” he turns back to the girl bound into the chair beside him giving her a wolfish smile that makes the teenager gulp. “I am liking my new job already!” He takes a protracted gulp of water and twists the top back on.

Rao, what has my mouth gotten me into now? And what’s with this guy and his water?

“So, even after all I am told you have been through, you have a spark of fire in you still, my dear divooshka. That is too sad for you. Let me explain to you who I am, and who you are, and what our relationship is to be.” The lean and dangerous man kneels down close beside her, his arm covering hers lightly. His palm is on her wrist, fingering the plastic zip tie.

Supergirl turns her head and looks at him with a dead calm that surprises herself. She is past the point of despair, she thinks. They will do what they will do.

“They call me The Mad Bear. This is a nickname I do not mind. I believe it is one that I have earned by my temper and my many bad behaviors. Much of my madness has been visited on young, pretty women just like yourself.”

While holding her wrist gently, the quietly reasonable man with the pronounced accent and cold eyes slides his hand over Supergirl’s breast. She takes an involuntary breath and by doing so her chest rises to meet the man’s palm as it slowly glides over the silky blue fabric. The only sound in the room is the tiniest whine of a motor as one of Stevie’s many cameras closes in for a tight shot of the hand as it leisurely passes back and forth over the Maid of Steel’s chest.

“So, you go from verbal insults to physical assault in, what, two minutes, Mr. Zhukovia? Mr. Bonano, your friend has the manners of a....


The blonde beauty’s face snaps to left with Sergei’s harsh backhand. She blinks twice, silence and chastened.

“I am the one speaking, cunt! Apparently these manners of which you speak must be learned by both of us, nyet?” Supergirl turns her face back toward him, glowering but silent. His hand is poised for another slap. The Maid of Steel remains quiet, the fire in her eyes damped down.

“Yes, well, anyway, these beautiful women of whom I am speaking were quite proud of their big tits just as I am sure you are,” the man’s hand returns to the Supergirl’s breast and squeezes the ample flesh under his hand slowly savoring the hefty width and weight of its lovely shape. The blonde heroine grimly sets her jaw and stares at the man with bright anger as he calmly molests her wide, easily accessible bosom. With her arms and legs pinned by the zip ties to the bondage chair, Supergirl is powerless to do anything but glare.

“As you may appreciate, the joy these women felt about their breasts was very much in evidence. Bouncing from here to there in their small villages, playfully displaying their cleavages in low cut blouses during the brief Russian summer. I also see them letting their boyfriends play with their teats in the dark corners of seedy bars as even now I am doing for you.” Sergei’s hand squashes Supergirl’s right breast like a wide, fat loaf of dough, creasing the fabric and wrinkling the red and yellow S without a shred of respect. Then he works the flat nipple with his fingers, rolling it and pressing it with his fingertips until it grows and stiffens with constant attention, despite the seething anger of the girl now staring daggers at him.

“Anyway, my job at that time was to keep the fathers of these lovely bosomy girls in line, getting them to pay the protection money on time, collecting all the money from their gambling debts, you know this work of which I speak, yes?”

“You were a two-bit thug threatening violence against the innocent.”

At the wall, Tony’s breath whistles through his teeth at this remark.

Sergei doesn’t even frown. He continues to fondle and caress the blonde heroine’s breasts, working her other nipple now to an aroused state. He pauses for just a moment, thinking, as he looks at the obviously tented fabric of Supergirl’s tight blue blouse. Her alluring figure is accented to its maximum from his attentions.

“No. Not innocent,” Sergei responds calmly. “Not most. But yes, I was thug. You have hit nail right on its head as they say. Smart girl. I am liking your tremendous courage in the face of your hopeless situation. You will make an excellent whore for me and my friend Tony and his friend Carmine.”

“If you think I’ll be your...OWW!” Supergirl yelps as her aroused nipple is crushed beneath pincer-like fingertips. “Ohhh....Aaaghhh...” She winces in bright tear-filled agony as his fingertips turn white while he compresses her nipple below the tightly-creased fabric.

“Shhhh! Nyet! You are to be silent now. Sergei is still talking. I explained the rule. I will let you know when it is permissible for you to speak. You get me? You will comply, yes?”

“...ahhhh....yeh...yesss....” she whimpers. It has been quite some time since she’d experienced pain in Tony’s training. Unequaled heights of ecstasy yes. But pain, that had been a bad memory that has just been brought to the agonizing here and now.

Sergei releases the nipple and now it is Supergirl’s teeth through which a sharp breath is whistling. Tiny tear tracks mark their slow journey down her temples as she grimaces in pain. Sergei stops to take yet another long drink of water before he continues his talk.

“Well, let me make this long story short,” Sergei says leaning against the bondage chair now, one arm casually draped over the right arm of the chair, his head resting on it, not even two feet away from the distraught heroine’s face. “The girls, like you, treasured their sensitive neeples so when I threatened to cut them off with a pair of electrician’s wire cutters unless their fathers paid every ruble they owed, you can imagine how they went flouncing and jiggling to their papas in tears. Most of the men paid, of course. Nobody wants to marry a girl with no neeples, yes? It takes such delight away from the experience of fucking a beautiful young treasure. You yourself know the thrill the neeples produce, no?”

Sergei puts his right hand into his pants pocket and pulls out a pair of red-rubber-handled wire cutters that he holds up in front of Supergirl’s face. Her eyes go wide and she stops breathing as he waves them casually in the air before her, mesmerizing her with fear as he speaks.

“Some of the fathers were hard men and stupid. Whether the girls were their stepdaughters or the fathers did not like them or were too greedy or too dumb to realize that ‘The Mad Bear’ does not bluff, I don’t know. However, three otherwise pretty girls are walking around the small city of Rostov today without neeples because of their idiotic fathers. That I do know.”

Supergirl’s body shrinks away from the blond Russian’s hand as it suddenly reaches out and grabs her right breast, squeezing it firmly so the protruding nipple is extended through the silky blue material. He pushes the wire cutters against her covered breast, the open blades on either side of the raised nub beneath the cloth, the shining edges pressing against the base of the nipple ever so slightly, ready to do their horrific chore. Supergirl’s eyes are like saucers. Her lip is quivering and sweat is streaming down her face.

“So, what I need to know from you, darlink Supergirl, is just how smart you are. You say that I am liking to get to the point, yes? Okay, so, here is point. If you agree with me right here, right now that you are, in fact, a whore who is ready to work for me in any way that I demand, than you can keep your neeples. Please to remember, as I mentioned, I am not a bluffing man. So, you are whore, yes?”

Not even a pause! “....y..yes...” With her eyes glued to the wire cutters, the blonde teen dares not move a muscle.

“Please to say it loud so all in room can hear. ‘I am Sergie’s and Tony’s and Carmine’s whore.’”

“” she is trembling badly now, her nerves completely shot.

“For?” Sergie tightens his grip on the handles of the wire cutters and teases the nipple through the fabric with the tiniest nudge.

“...for Sergei...and...and Carmine....” Supergirl stutters, then bites her lower lip to stop it, and then looks at the Russian’s face with pleading eyes. The pale glaciers she sees under his heavy Slavic lids reflect a cold, wind-blasted terrain that remind the terrified teen of the Siberian wasteland she has flown over in the past. She sees him hesitate and shudders despite herself. A small, dark yellowish spot blooms suddenly in her crotch but nobody notices. Sergei abruptly smiles and pulls the small tool away.

“Excellent. We have established a crystal clear understanding of everybody’s status, yes? I am looking forward to be working with you as your personal pimp, Supergirl.” Sergei stands up and looks down on the devastated blonde champion strapped helplessly in the chair before him. “You will find that I am treating my girls very fairly when they do as they are told. You are the best specimen of everything feminine that I have ever seen. Sweet girl.”

The Russian madman starts to walk over to Tony to shake his hand and seal the deal. “Many men will be paying for the privilege of knowing you intimately," he calls back to her. "That I assure you, my pretty friend. In fact...” Sergie stops in mid-stride and turns around. He walks over to where he was before and stands over the morose teen as she slowly breathes in and out, trying to regain her composure after her humiliating subjugation. “...I cannot resist you myself, my young divooshka. Already between us there are feelings that I can’t help but express in my own way.”

Saying this, Sergei opens his fly and pulls out his penis. It is not hard, yet, but as the Maid of Steel looks up at the ample sized organ in the Russian’s hand, she knows when it is hard it will be formidable. She looks away, turning her head in anguish and thinking she is to be raped yet again. Her body is now crying out for crack. At least if they give her a pipe, she should be able to take Sergei’s penetration without it being....

“Ugghhh!” I’m wet! What the hell...”

Supergirl thinks Sergei spilled his bottle somehow. But when she turns her head to see why her chest is suddenly warm and damp she finds herself sprayed in the face by a warm arc of yellow piss streaming from Sergie’s waving prick!

“AUWK...(sputter)...” Some of it actually gets in her mouth which she spits out with a flustered blurting of utter shock and disgust.

“I can’t help but express how I feel about you, Supergirl,” Sergei declares loudly.

His stream is directed at her belly now and her famous costume is shamelessly darkened and made transparent by his rank watering. A pass over her crotch thoroughly soaks her skirt and panties.

“Yeeaghh.....ohhh....eeeeyeeuuuwww....” Supergirl flails helplessly in the chair, straining against the tight, unyielding zip ties as she endures this miserable shower of shame.

Moving to her bare legs, the yellow rain sprays all over her thighs, her calves, her boots. Piss even trickles down inside the boots leaving the mortified blonde with damp warm spots between her toes.

“What’s the matter, Supergirl? Feeling piss poor?” Carmine calls from across the room.

Chuckling, Sergei says, “Everybody is comedian in America. I love it!”

He waves his penis and continues the downpour of despair. Moving back up her body, the steady stream now drenches her chest again, flooding over her flawless shape and clearly accenting every curve within the urine-soaked red and blue costume. And still the seemingly endless dousing continues. Turning her head so she doesn’t take anymore piss in her mouth, Supergirl now feels piss raining down all over her blonde hair. The over-sized water bottle now makes all the sense in the world!

“..aagh...eeeeh...yechh...” Streams of his warm water drain down her face and her neck and she shakes herself like a dog. The hosing moves back down to her chest and Sergei aims his venomous attack at the red and yellow diamond shape on Supergirl’s chest. It splatters and splashes against the famous emblem without a break for a full ten seconds and then, finally, the stinking yellow stream slows and stops. He shakes the final drops onto Supergirl’s body and puts his dick back in his pants.

Supergirl slowly lifts her head and looks up at the Russian in complete and utter submission as he stands before her, his hands on his hips in a withering imitation of her classic power stance.

“Now I have made it absolutely obvious to you, whore, that no longer are you the famous and powerful Supergirl striding like a colossus in defense of her planet. Now you are nothing but a lowly piss-soaked crack whore! Nothing but a pathetic blonde skank who will fuck and suck and give up her ass to any and everybody I tell her to, yes?”

“..y...yes...” Supergirl lowers her head. Lying there with her body drenched to the skin with this Russian’s putrid urine, her skirt draped between her thighs and dripping on the floor with loud, repetitive humiliating drops, the blonde teenager’s soul is absolutely shattered by this ultimate disgrace. The resistance is crushed. The point is made. She will do what she is told. She hopes to Rao that the crack comes soon. She needs a lot of it to make her feel better after this. Pipes and pipes and pipes of the stuff.

From the other side of the room, Tony walks over to the bondage table and takes out a hose and a small rubber triangular face mask from a lower level drawer. Unseen by the depressed, blankly oblivious blonde, Tony connects one end of the hose to a small brass circular outlet recessed into the stone and the other to a small input hole in the rubber mask. He gets behind Supergirl’s head and quickly slips the mask’s rubber bracing strap over her head while he presses the rubber triangle against her face. The urine actually helps create a better seal as the blonde girl’s eyes dart around in shock as Tony firmly presses her head against the chair’s headrest. Pressing a release valve on the mask, Tony hears a loud hissing as the clear triangle fills quickly with bright, glowing green kryptonite gas.

“...noohhhhh....dohnnnnnn’ttt....” Struggling feebly, the defenseless heroine can’t fight the gas, the glowing dildo in her butt, the zip ties or her exhaustion for more than a quarter of a minute. After that, the soaked, limp body slumps lower in the chair and emits a long sigh that closely mirrors the sound of the escaping gas moments before. In with the bad air, out with the good.

Tony stands up and says, “Stevie,” he calls into the control room, “Sorry, man, but you have to clean her up. She’s finally ready for Phase Two.”

Stevie quickly comes out of the control room, looking over at the defeated figure strapped into the bondage chair five feet away. His eyebrows go up at the sight. Seeing it on a monitor was one thing. But this was Supergirl he’s looking at in real life. And she’d just been hosed down like a skank in a five-dollar porn video. Fuckin’ unbelievable!

“We’ll go over how to transition her while she’s asleep from the dildo to her control disc. Hey, look at it this way, you get to fondle her and grope her as much as you like while she’s in the shower stall. She won’t know the difference. She’ll be out for at least three or four hours.”

“No problem, Tony. She’ll be clean as a whistle. Especially her tits and twat. I’m gonna soap them up real good!” Stevie looks at the piss-drenched figure with a mix of amazement and disgust, but shrugs his shoulders and gets to work.

“Sergei, why don’t we talk in my office while Stevie gets our young friend ready during the next few hours.”

“Certainly, Tony. The pleasure is mine. You have Vodka?”

“I can arrange that.”

“Da, well, then let’s go and talk and drink, my friend!”

Carmine looks at the unconscious beauty on the chair in the middle of the jail cell as Stevie removes the mask and hose from her angelic face, now dripping with Sergie’s marking scent. “Like I said, toast.” He shakes his head in wonder as he walks into the control room.

Comments gratefully accepted, dear lurkers. :whistle:
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Sergei’s Rule and Tony’s Tool
Part 15-B

It is almost noon on the fourth day after Supergirl’s capture by Tony Bonano and his crew. The powerful and beautiful champion that the world was just beginning to miss is an emotional and physical wreck. But you wouldn’t know it right now to look at her lying on the bed in a room hidden deep within Tony’s headquarters. At first glance the most powerful teenage girl on the planet could be said to look as good as ever. Her lustrous hair is fanned out on the bed over a pink silk pillow. Her face is slack in sleep, but even without the informing beauty of her personality to enliven it, hers is still one of the most angelic faces a man’s gaze might fall upon.

The only flaw here involves the dark circles that fill the shallow hollows under her eyes. Trouble curls there for sure. Nevertheless, her uniform is spotless, tightly hugging every curve with not a hint of the abuse the fabric had taken over the past four days. Her cape is secured to her collar and drapes over her thigh, a sensual accent to her bare, flawless skin. Her breasts rise and fall slowly as she lies curled up on the bed in the undisturbed bliss of sleep without dreams. Her boots shine brightly, too, un-scuffed in eye-dazzling red.

Indeed, Supergirl is a sight to behold and, so she is, because cameras hidden throughout the room are carefully trained on the sleeping beauty. But all good things must come to an end and slowly the lovely Maid of Steel returns to consciousness. Stirring from her slumber, Supergirl lifts her head and the signs of her emotional wreckage become instantly apparent as her eyes dart back and forth like a frantic fox mere yards ahead of the baying hounds as the blonde heroine begins trying to make sense of her situation.

Five days earlier, this girl upon waking would not look panicked or drawn, not have the frenzied air of desperation, not be trembling and shaking in the need for drugs to relieve her unbreakable desire to be high on crack. Four days ago she would have been a superheroine simply waking up from a nap. That life was gone!

“Where am I?” The blonde teenager turns her head and looks around the room nervously, with the jerky static motions of a junkie in need. “Where’s Tony? I need a hit of crack right away! It feels like its been forever!” She springs off the bed and seeing a door, walks over, tries the knob only to find it locked from the outside and so pounds on the door loudly. She has no idea that the room she is in is accessible only by the private elevator that lies behind this door. Tony had converted an old freight elevator into a posh leather padded conveyance to his private bedroom. The door she’s pounding on is the sole entry and exit point for the room.

“Hey, Mr. Bonano, sir? Hello! I’m in here and I’m waiting for my crack pipe!”

Where is everybody when you need them? I don’t see anybody hanging around ready to fuck me! Where’s that Stevie guy? Or Carmine even. I bet that Russian dude, Sergei, can get me some crack. He’s supposed to be my pimp....

Supergirl stops pounding on the door and looks down at herself.

“Hey! I’m clean! No stains, no crusty crap scraping my thighs, no cum on my skirt, and no piss on me anywhere!” Pulling her hair to her nose, Supergirl takes a deep breath and smiles for the first time in since she got high with Randy. “Gee, my hair smells terrific!”

And there was something else! She feels pretty powerful. She’s wondering if maybe she can actually break this door down and find all that lovely crack herself. With all she’s been through, her full powers haven’t returned but she looks at a box of tissues by the bed and stares at it for a moment. Concentrating, she’s focusing all her attention on the side of the box. “250 count.” Finally a wisp of smoke trails up and then the entire box goes up in flames.

“Yes!” She pumps her fist. It took a while but she definitely had some of her special abilities back. She grabs the flaming box, runs into the bathroom with it and drops it in the sink. Opening the tap, she splashes water all over the small conflagration and sighs happily. She actually skips out of the bathroom, heading for the door, saying, “Now let’s see just how str...UUNGH!”

In mid-skip, she falters badly from a sudden head-crushing headache and swooning dizziness and trips forward, falling flat on her face against the deep-pile pale yellow carpet with which she is now quite familiar with, since it’s poking into her left nostril.

“....ohhhhh....” she moans. “That was a surprise.”

“I’m continually surprised myself, Supergirl, about just how blonde you are!” Tony’s voice emanates from a speaker in the ceiling. “Is there no bottom to the depths of your stupidity?”

“I have my days,” she groans, putting her hands against the floor and struggling to her knees. Bastards did it to me again! “Where’s the kryptonite, sir?”

“It’s a special control disc hidden beneath the attachment to your cape, precious. And I wouldn’t fuss with it. The explosive charge would send dozens of shards of kryptonite into your neck and the base of your skull. I doubt you’d live through it.”

“Neato. Hey, let me ask you something, Mr. B. This is pretty classy stuff for a guy like you. You sure you’re not getting extra help?” Struggling gamely, Supergirl gets herself to a sitting position, propping herself against the bed with a grunt and a thump.


“Mad scientist types? Evil geniuses? High school science fair winners with a grudge?” Sitting in a sick funk on the carpet with her back against the bed, Supergirl tries to gather her strength but cannot find it within her to even attempt standing up. Just as depleting as the anal dildo without the embarrassment. I guess that’s progress.

“Well, just the deutronium formula. That was Lex Luthor’s. He says hello.”

“Swell...a parting gift from ole Lex. What more could a girl ask for?”

“She could ask for a nice hit from a crack pipe.”

“You’re the one with the cameras, Mr. B. You know I’ve already made that request when I pounded on the door. Let’s not be coy.”

“Well, it’s just that I never get tired of hearing a former superhero asking for a crack pipe. It’s probably something I’m obliged to do from the archvillian’s handbook. Sorry, I’m babbling. I’ll be right in with it, dear.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I wonder if anybody’s looking for me? Kal, Diana? Barbara? Anybody out there? I could sure use a little help here. Brushing away a tiny tear, the blonde teenager takes a deep sigh and moans slightly. “Where’s that man with the good stuff?”

It takes ten minutes before Tony unlocks the outer door of the special elevator and strides into the special bedroom he’s constructed. Walking around the bed, he see’s Supergirl lying on her side with her face pressed deep into the pale yellow pile. Her eyes are fluttering under half-closed lids and she’s twitching and shaking badly. Tony immediately calls out, “Stevie. Aperture at 3.5 now please.”

“Check. 3.5. Tony,” the speaker responds.

“Let’s get you up, sweet thing.” He sits down next to the girl with his back against the bed and pulls the dead weight blonde back to a sitting position and holds her there with his arm around her shoulder. “Sorry, Supergirl. I’m still learning the intensity values of this deutronium kryptonite alloy. It’s just so powerful, you know. Well, look who I’m talking to, Who else would know better than you?”

The swooning girl rolls her head on her shoulder and it flops toward Tony so that her eye is level with his mouth. She looks up at him through that eye with dull frustration. “...yuh...gotta work....on your...dosages....Mr. B. Or...yuh’” With effort, she straightens her head up and shudders in his grasp. “ won’t have...your cash cow to kick around...” She sighs as the control disc under her cape exposes her to a fraction of the previous amount of kryptonite she’d absorbed over the past ten minutes. She feels at least some measure of her energy returning. No powers but no devastating waves of crippling radiation. Just this nasty case of nausea.

“True enough. Spoken like a practical business woman. Have you ever considered...”

“Hold that thought,” the blonde goes pale, holding up her forefinger. She actually crawls rapidly on her hands and knees to the bathroom. Tony remains sitting on the carpet in surprise, until he hears the sound of heavy vomiting echoing off the tiles in the other room.

“Hmmmm. She’s right. I gotta start keeping charts on these things! That was Randy’s job but he’s gone and Sergei doesn’t seem like the type. What to do?”

After a couple of minutes of retching and then one more of silence, the bathroom doorway is abruptly filled by Supergirl. She’s leaning against the frame with one arm holding her up while the other holds her forehead as she shakes her head.

“Toothpaste?” She arches an eyebrow at Tony.

“Under the sink. New package. Spared no expense.”

“Fuck you, SIR!” She closes the door with a thump and he chuckles aloud.

Five minutes later, the beautiful blonde teen trudges out of the bathroom and sits on the plush pink satin comforter at the very end of the bed with her hands clasped between her thighs. She looks over at Tony, who is now sitting up in the bed leaning on a cushioning pillow against the headboard, his own hands clasped in his lap as well.

“Can I please have my crack now, Mr. B?”

Tony rubs his chin, slowing massaging his lower lip with his forefinger.

“Of course, but you have to do something for me first.”

“Let me guess. You want to fuck me, don’t you?” A small voice resigned to her fate.

“Actually, no.”


“No I want something more elaborate.”

“What? You want me to write a recommendation letter for your son’s application to Yale?”

Laughing outright, Tony looks over in surprise at this incredible beauty with her sardonic wit. Of course, sarcasm was just anger turned inward, but it was a secret pleasure of his to hear it bandied about so well. This could be a fucking great year with this broad! She certainly was going to be storing up a lot of anger.

“No, that’s not it. Although.....No, never mind. He’s not going to make it in anyway.”

“I’m sure you could donate a new wing for their student union. That would get the dumb prick through the door.”

More laughter. “You’re probably right. Ah, let him rot at UCONN.”

“I hear they have a great basketball team. What do you want, Mr. Bonano?” The jerking roving eyes tells Tony her level of desperation for the crack is peaking again.

“A lap dance and a blow job.”

“ that all...” she mumbles, taken aback.

“That’s all. And both of them done very well.”

“And I get the pipe right after that? No waiting?”

“You get the pipe right after that. Scout’s honor,” he says holding his hand up in the boyscout salute.

“You were no fucking boy scout, Tony, sir.”

That’s okay, You’re girl scout enough for both of us. Now let me get myself situated in that nice comfortable armchair over there and you can sell me some cookies.”

* * *

A few minutes later, after Supergirl is feeling less nauseous, she is still sitting on the end of the bed and looking at Tony. He's sitting in a comfortable, modern armchair with a glass of cognac in hand with a end table beside him, Tony looks up at the ceiling and says,“Stevie. Would you please pump in some music to help set the mood for us. That Police CD, ‘Every Breath You Take’ should do nicely. Okay with you...say, what is your real name anyway?”

Supergirl’s eyes flame with sudden anger and she stands up now, pacing the room. “Four days you’ve been fucking me and doing every despicable action you and your filthy friends can think up and now you want to know my fucking real name? Isn’t that just so Middle America, apple pie, flag waving, fourth of July decent of you!” Her voice cracks with the tension and fear that’s suddenly welled up inside of her like a flash flood in a very dry desert. She walks over and stands before the Mob boss and scowls down at him. “Let’s just get this over with so you can get your rocks off and I can get my pipe.”

“Settle down, BITCH!” He reaches up and slaps Supergirl’s face with a hard forehand that knocks her back a step. She looks down at him sitting there as she wavers before him. He glares up at her. “Don’t make me get Sergei in here to control you. I was just asking for a short form of your name so I don’t have to keep saying ‘Supergirl’ all the time. Especially since you’re obviously not so super. Skank is nice and short. You want that for a name? Maybe I should give you a professional name like Cherry LaTush. Like that one? You’re creative, you come up with something the customers will like.”

“Don’t kid yourself, Mr. Bonano,” Supergirl snaps back, standing with one hand on her hip now, the other waving at her incredible shape with a sweep of her hand. “Look at me. Look at this body! The customers are going to want to be saying the name Supergirl a dozen times over because that will help them keep their erections going as they nail the famous heroine. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that what this is really all about? My ‘real’ name is the last thing you or any one of the degenerates you’ll be selling me out to is going to want to know or care about. It’s the costume they’re fucking. I’m just the goddam body inside it!”

“Stevie. Give me a 4.2 on the aperture.”

“Oh, right. Let’s just fuck up the troublesome whore before she..ohhh...hurts..uuhh..the..b..big..” Supergirl collapses to the floor onto her knees. “ Tony...” She falls face first on the carpet with a grunt and lies there, eyes open, crying openly.

“Hey, princess,” Tony says, his voice softening as he watches the sorry creature weep quietly in her despair, “I...I know you’re hurting. I was just trying not to keep throwing the name in your face all the time. I really do like your style.”

Gauging her weakness has progressed enough, Tony calls out. “Aperture 3.5, Stevie.”

“Check. 3.5.”

“And your sense of humor is dynamite. It’s not just the costume. But yes, it’s business, too. I won’t lie. You know it. I know it. You’re worth millions from the discs we’ve collected already. The thing is, this is going to last a year. That’s all. Then I’m letting you go. I’m using you for a stepping stone to run my own family. Then we’re done as far as I’m concerned.

“ harm, no foul?”


Getting back to her knees, she groans, steadies her self and sits back on her haunches.

“That’s such bullshit I can’t believe even you believe it, Mr. B. Just because I have super powers and can recover from all this torture,” she brings her arms up with a sweep to indicate everything she just went through. “...then spending a year as a crack whore doesn’t mean much? You’re delusional. Call me Linda. That’s fine. But we’re not compatriots or friends or associates or acquaintances, sir. I am your sexual victim and your pretty little tool to get what you want. At least until I can escape or maybe just die in some cheap bordello from an overdose or abuse from one of your overeager johns. So let’s do each other a favor and keep it real and I won’t puke on your shoes from disgust at some phony friendship. Now, the hell with the lap dance, let me have your prick and I can get my crack that much faster!”

With that Supergirl rocks forward on her knees in front of Tony as he sits in shocked silence at her anger, her clear thinking and her actions. Her hand reaches over and she zips open his fly. And then Supergirl pulls out his limp tool and goes to work on it with a vengeance.
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I love how SG is always ready to test the balance of power and has adapted to her situation, she may well be going through the motions for her tormentors pleasure but the first moment they slip up ....... look out! :D
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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So few responses, I'm wondering whether I should continue to post this series?
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The problem is with so many parts truthfully I'm waiting until you're done to read the whole thing. Once a story gets over 10 parts I get a little tired of rereading earlier parts every time a new part comes out. I started reading this series over in the Wizard Lair and was enjoying it but with to many parts. :) It's an excellent story and I hope you finish it.
A fan.
PS. This isn't the only story in this forum that I'm waiting to finish before reading the complete story.
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Hi tmon,

Okay, I did a little math and came up with the middle of July next year that this story will end if you wait for it to conclude before commenting. (Assuming that I post a full chapter twice a week.) Guess I'll hear from you then. :D Unless you choose to read it faster over at The Wizard's Lair.

Thanks for taking a moment to state your position. :thumbup:

To my other readers,

I hope not everybody is taking that approach. :no: I see that the readership numbers are pretty consistent at approximately 150 readers per week. Certainly other people have an opinion about this series. While it's true that I won't be changing this story to add your suggestions I will certainly file them for use in future works of mine. So I'd love to hear what is working for people and what isn't working. Please do step up and let me know. Thanks.

Dr. D
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I'l be reading it from where ever it's finished first. :)
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Millenium Member
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Is it the opinion then that it would be better to write an entire story and post it rather than to drip feed chapters as we do here? I only ask as I dont know if the readers I have prefer to get mini episodes or prefer to have whole stories instead.

The risk for the writer of course is they could post an entire story in one hit and then see it quickly wash out from page 1 of the stories section never to be seen again. At least while submitting the chapters in phases you get to keep your story on page 1 until it is finished and be exposed for longer to comment.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I would hope that waiting to post a comment until the whole story is completed is a minority opinion. Certainly there are many writers on this Forum from Tallyho to Centurian to Batgirl1969 to sgz6 who publish in installments and their work gets interim replies.

Perhaps the length of the series is simply too overwhelming or the fact that it's posted in the Dungeon makes people shy about responding. In either case, the silent majority out there seems intent on keeping true to its nature.

Hello? Anyone care to add to this discussion?
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The Girl Has Serious Game
Part 16 - A

Tony Bonano is astonished; he is exultant; he is on the express elevator to heaven. Positioned on the floor in front of his arm chair, the one and only Supergirl is on her knees with one hand holding his thigh off to the side while the other hand slowly and gently slides up and down the shaft of his cock. Just the fact that the gorgeous girl clad in her tight red and blue costume had pulled down his fly, pulled his prick out of the opening in his dark blue briefs and planted a soft wet kiss on the tip of his penis had already brought his member to full attention.

Tony realized that the addicted heroine wanted the crack in a hurry and that Supergirl knew for her to get it she had to give him a blow job that was ‘done very well,’ but this was an appealingly fast start to what he had feared was going to be a fumbling, amateurish hatchet job the first time out. But no, this was better than expected and getting better by the minute.

Taking her hand off his thigh, the blonde teenager gathers her hair dangling in her face and flips it behind her with a casual fling, letting it fall over the long brilliant red cape that drapes her kneeling form from the back. From the front, however, Tony watches in wonder as, with eager hands, the venturous young girl slides her palm all the way over the glans of his circumcised penis, circles it there with a few gentle passes and then slides her palm back down the shaft. Even as her hand is sliding down his cock with a rapid, tight stroke, the girl bends forward and lets a thin string of drool slide from her lower lip to the bobbing mushroom tip of his cock. Dipping her head lower, she works her mouth slowly over and around that tip with a firm grip of her exquisitely full lips.

“Whoa!” His cock jerks up as do his hips.

“Doth that hurthh?” she asks, her mouth filled by his cock as her bright blue eyes look up in concern.

“No. It does not hurt. Not in the least!”

“Goodt.” Her smile around his cock is wide and goofy looking. He could give a fuck! She looks down and returns her mouth’s grip to his mushroom tip. Her lips pulse and flutter as she moves her head up and down. In this way the lubricated tip moves in and out of her mouth with a quick sensual rhythm of slick, delicious friction that gives Tony an involuntary shudder of delight. She does this little maneuver more than a dozen times and Tony lets his head fall back against the chair cushion with utter delight.

“Juth relaxthhh, thir,” she murmurs softly through the prick in her mouth. Then she pulls her lips quickly off the tip with a delicate pop. “And keep your penis and scrotum in an upright position prior to takeoff.” She next breathes a stream of warm air from the depths of her gorgeous chest onto his moistened glans.

“Aahhhh!” Tony moans with pleasure. He looks down between his legs to see the famous Maid of Steel go to work with her tongue, slathering his glans, circling it and tickling the most sensitive underside where it meets the shaft. She flicks her tongue at this juncture with a fluttering butterfly quality that stiffens Tony even further. And then with coyly malicious intent, she presses her tongue flat against this junction and firmly holds it in position there as she rocks her head up and down five, seven, eleven times in torturous repetition. Tony bangs his head against the chair cushion, enthralled with her inventive technique.

“Fuck. Who are you?”

“Whuy...I’m Thooperguuwll....mithter...she takes her mouth off his cock and blows soft currents of air with her words against the sensitive underside of the shaft that she holds firmly in place.“..Bhhaaa....Naaaanh ... Nnnohhhhh...”

“Godfuckingdammit! You sure are!”

Then the industrious young maid unconsciously licks the precum off her lips as her fist begins to slide rapidly up and down the hard 8" staff, moving the skin up and down with each stroke with a firm steadiness that fills Tony’s senses with shivering joy. She adds more spit to the equation and sucks hard on Tony’s member. Up and down, up and down, his cock head is licked, sucked and coaxed as the shaft is stroked with a building frenzy that makes the mob boss’ head swim.

Rising higher on her knees, Supergirl is captured by multiple cameras as she firmly holds the base of Tony’s cock with one hand, fondles his balls with her other and opens her mouth wider to take the throbbing muscle much deeper in her throat. Her breasts wobble and shake heavily within the tight confines of her blouse as the world renowned blonde bobs her head up and down in Tony’s lap, taking the full measure of the man’s cock down her eager throat again and again and again and again. Where has she been all my life! The tightness and warmth of her throat causes an incredible swell of erotic sensations to crash on the psychic shoreline of Tony’s brain.


A camera from the side angle catches the profile of the famous Maid of Steel going down on the mob boss with the enthusiasm of a high school cheerleader. Her head is bobbing up and down in such an obscene and unmistakable rhythm that even a passerby would be embarrassed to witness it.

“ tathe guhhhd....”Supergirl says during a momentary pause of an upstroke with her voracious mouth. Her mouth then slowly releases his cock with the softest brushing of her lips around the outer ring of his glans. A thread of thin clear pre-cum connects her lower lip to his prick. It finally releases when, looking up with a smile and a wink of her infinite blue eyes, the renowned blonde heroine grins and says, “Like a good steak smothered in mushroom sauce.” Her soft pink tongue then skitters and slides wildly across the head of his prick like a skateboarder in a gale force wind.

“Aahhhhh...” Tony’s breath shudders from his jittering mouth.

Scooting even closer, the beautiful teen reaches into Tony’s fly, through the fly flap of his underwear and buries her hand between his buttocks. She sticks her middle finger up his ass, even as her mouth encompasses the full length of his member and the lining of her throat contracts hard against it.

“Awgk” This is a much too deep for the blonde’s amateur ability and she gags heavily from the unexpected depth of penetration of her throat. Instantly withdrawing her face from the depths of his crotch and her hand from Tony’s ass, Supergirl dodges back away from his lap with another string of drool that clings from her lips to Tony’s glans. This one is much thicker and longer and doesn’t break until she pulls her head away with a sudden shudder.

“Whraaaagkk,” she gasps. The drool dangles from her lower lip in a long shimmering line of which she is totally unaware. Finally it drops onto the S on her heaving chest. Cameras capture the incapacitated teen in her distressed gag reflex with pinpoint clarity. The famous heroine mouth gapes open, issuing squeaking clicks from irrepressible throat spasms, her eyes are half-closed in her helpless need for a clear air passage and her head dips forward in a weak headiness from her sudden lack of oxygen. A stunned and fascinated Tony watches the helplessly gagging blonde, held still by her fist continuing to grip his cock even as she fights for air. Her long blonde hair has fallen past her ears and now droops over her face. Finally, after several frozen seconds, Supergirl takes a sudden deep wheezing gulp of air and is able to breathe again, albeit with a ragged harshness. It is not the finest moment in the illustrious champion’s career as a protector of decency. Not by a long shot.

“Wheww....Guess I got a little too....eager there.. .hwauk...for a second. Motioning to the
glass of cognac on the table, she says, “May I?”

“By all means.” The dainty young blonde lifts the wide crystal snifter and downs the mellow brown liqueur in a fast gulp.

“Eeehhh. Huhhhh. Smooth,” she rasps. She would have preferred water but the after effects of the potent drink along with its concentrated aroma has settled her down.

“Well..huhh..that was interesting,” she says, shaking off the event. She looks down at the cock in her hand and then up to Tony’s hopeful face. Composed again, the blue-eyed beauty looks up at Tony, smiles with a shrug then chimes, “Back to the salt mines!” and dives back onto his cock with her mouth. Re-positioning her body to where it was before, Supergirl pushes her hand back into the depths of Tony’s pants and reinserts her finger into his butt. Now she pulls it back and forth slightly, stimulating his prostate gland and sending him into a new level of pleasure.

The camera loves the girl! High-speed film captures the sequence forever as the idolized teen heroine’s mouth slides up and down the length of Tony’s cock, the dark pink shaft entering and exiting the girl’s face over and over and over. Careful not to let the penis delve too deeply down her throat again, the conscientious teen still keeps a gentle pressure on his cock with her lips. Meanwhile, Supergirl’s free hand cups and gentle fondles his nutsack while her other hand, stuffed up his crack, continues to circle, press and stimulate his prostate. A full minute of this has Tony on the edge of the chair, worked up and ready to blow.

Sensing this, Supergirl takes a break from her mouth work and goes back to a fast, firm handjob. “You’re pretty damn big, Tony. And hard!” The willing young girl’s fist applies the perfect pressure, her thumb sticking up so that with every rapid upstroke, and there are too many to count, it rubs against the underside of his cock where the bulbous tip meets the shaft. “I can see how much fun these things can be when they come out to play nice!”

Leaning over, Supergirl works up more saliva and drools it lazily all over the engorged tip of Tony’s pulsing cock. Then her hands work it quickly all across the tip and down the shaft, creating more gasps from the man with his head wavering woozily on his chest.

“You like?”


“You ready for my big final production number?”

“God no!”

“Twoooh baaahhhhth.” Her luscious mouth takes his cock again and swallows it whole, then rapidly retreats and advances up and down Tony’s fleshy pole at a frenzied pace that stuns and paralyzes Tony. Her dedication and enthusiasm for his pleasure knows no bounds it seems. Poised on her bare knees before him, clad in her famous costume, her bouncing breasts barely contained by the tight blue fabric, Supergirl’s head bobs relentlessly in his lap. Repetitive gulping sounds waft up to his ears to match the thunderous roar in his head.

“..ulgk...ulgk...ulgk...ulgk...ulgk...ulgk...” He’s overwhelmed by her tenacity, her mouth, her hands, her shocking aptitude at this. Helplessly, his hands reach for her head now and his fingers bury themselves in her flowing golden locks. Supergirl has her eyes shut in complete concentration as she feels the swell of the man’s prick reach its full potential. His breath coming in short gasps now suddenly get deeper and she knows he’s going to blow his wad. She pulls her head back to let him release his cum over her chest as she suspects might be his pleasure. But her head won’t move back! He’s gripping her tightly and her eyes bulge in shock as she realizes she’s going to have to take this shot down her open throat.

“.uullk...” she gags in panic at the thought. Too much, too soon! And then the rushing stream of warm liquid erupts in her mouth and rushes down her gullet before she can do anything about it. He holds her skull tightly in place as she’s forced to swallow a huge blasting river of his semen.

SO MUCH CUM! Rao. It doesn’t end!

“Haulggkkk...ellgk.....WHET GOH!” she pleads.

Finally, he does let go of her head and the breathless, gagging Maid of Steel yanks away from his crotch, falls off to side on her hands and knees and gags up huge dripping white clots of cum onto the pale yellow carpet between her hands.

“Hoooooggkkk....haaaccckkkk....hurrrlggg....” The white strings of cum hang from her mouth like streams of thickly sour milk. And are just as revolting to her. Some of them swing wildly back and forth in the air as she pants heavily in place. Others drain onto her chest.

“Tony....whatthehell....Awwkkk....bhulahaaghalaah.” More cum spills over her lips and down her neck. “Rao....give...a....girl...a....fucking....clue....” Then with a loud hack, a final thick wide clump jets out of her mouth, catches on her lower lip and hangs there like a clump of tapioca pudding for a full ten seconds, even as the blonde heroine slowly shakes her head back and forth. “Oohhhhh.....” Finally it drops to the carpet as Supergirl stands up slowly on very shaky legs and teeters over to the bathroom to collect herself and rinse out her mouth with a gallon of mouthwash.

Through all this, Tony simply slumps in the armchair savoring what was the best blow job he’d ever had in his life. Numero uno, without question! He moans happily in Neverland while the disgusted Maid of Steel leans against the sink in the bathroom, running the tap water at full strength and sobbing deeply at the horror in the mirror. Herself.

When she returns to the bedroom five minutes later, she is stunned to see Tony has left. On the small table beside the armchair, she sees the crack pipe and lighter and rushes over to the small items. She had certainly earned this pipe’s worth of crack. She didn’t even know how she came up with half the stuff she had done. Some of it she’d seen performed on an evidence porno DVD for a ring she’d busted three years ago. She couldn’t believe she remembered half of the techniques! She must have been more curious than she thought.

The shaking blonde heroine is anxious to get to her fix now. Then she notices that the pipe is sitting on two five dollar bills fanned out neatly with a little yellow sticky note stuck to the top fiver. What’s this?

The note reads. “Superwhore, You’re supposed to swallow, stupid. Keep practicing.”

Supergirl’s expression changes from excited anticipation about the pipe to blank, stony, dead awareness of all she has become. She puts her arm out, balancing weakly on the chair, then drops into it heavily, her head turned staring at the sticky note. Her lips tremble violently, the flame from the lighter barely catching the end of the crack pipe as she purposefully sucks deeply on the blue glass cylinder and the short, deeply needed oblivion it offers.
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The Girl Has Serious Game
Part 16 - B

Down in the control room, Tony and his crew are reviewing the playback from the mind-blowing BJ session in the bedroom. They can’t take their eyes off the monitor.

“This is the same girl?” Sergei asks in disbelief. “Cannot be. Is impossible! This is not superhero! This is whore. This is true whore!”

“It’s her,” Tony sighs. “I was there and I couldn’t believe it.”

“This girl has serious game!” Stevie is hard as a rock just watching the monitor. “Tony, I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did. No disrespect intended,” he takes a sudden nervous look at his boss, wondering if he crossed the line.

“You and me both, Stefano.” Tony just sighs again. Talk about job perks!

“After the way she went off on you about the costume and all, I never, ever, ever thought she’d give you a hummer, Ton,” Carmine says in stark astonishment. He can’t believe his eyes even now, as he’s watches with envy and shock as the famous blonde heroine in the bright red and blue outfit moves her head up and down in Tony’s lap like it was the apple bobbing championship of the world! “She’s doin’ you like a ten-dollar dock whore trying to make her rent while the fleet’s in town. Shit, look at her use that mouth! Fuckin’ A, Bonano, you are the master.” He stretches his arms over his head and bends his body in half up and down three times. “I bow to your magnificence.”

“And that’s exactly what I left on the table for her. Two pathetic five dollar bills. With a note that told her to work on her shoddy technique."

“The fuck you say!” Stevie can’t help his outburst.

“Gotta keep the girls in line, you know,” Tony pronounces. “Well boys, Phase Two has begun. Start lining up the bidders. We’re moving Supergirl at 6 p.m. to the Pleasure Dome. That’s two hours from now. We’re going to start making some serious cash.”

* * *

Sitting at her office desk in the U.N. building, Themyscira’s Diplomat-at-Large Diana Prince was deeply concerned. She was supposed to have met Linda Danvers at a dinner rendevous for simple drinks and serious gossip dishing three nights ago. And she was a no-show. Very unlike her. Certainly unlike Supergirl, too. Diana’s affection for the bright young heroine was a deep and abiding joy in her life. The girl’s spirit and courage were phenomenal. She might be a bit impetuous, and that had gotten her in trouble a few times, no doubt, but when it came to loyalty and heart, you couldn’t ask for a better person on your side. That’s why she had placed a call to Clark. She wanted to know if he’d talked to his cousin lately. He’d yet to return the call.

Drumming her fingers on her desk, her short but beautifully sculpted nails tapped out a staccato beat that helped the Amazon beauty think. She would try to see if she could backtrack Linda’s news assignments for the past week and see where that led. It was a long shot but she couldn’t sit and wonder about this a minute longer. It was time for Wonder Woman to step up to the plate, as they said these days. She stands up, grabs her purse off the desk and heads out toward the elevators.

“Cancel my appointments for the next day and a half, Bonnie,” she says. “I have to go locate a dear friend who’s gone missing.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Anybody I know?”

“Linda Danvers.

“The TV reporter?”

“That’s the one. If she calls, put her through to my cell phone immediately.”

“I hope nothing’s wrong. I love her take on things. Serious news or human interest, she just knows where the heart of every story seems to be.”

“That’s my friend,” Diana says as the elevator doors close with a soft thump.

* * *

When Carmine and Sergei open the door to Tony’s private bedroom, they immediately see the Maid of Steel splayed belly up all over the shiny pink comforter with her head actually draped over the end of the bed and upside down. Her boots have been kicked off to opposite sides of the room, her cape has been removed and dropped on the floor like an old beach blanket and her skirt is in disarray as her bright red panties face the two men coming out of the elevator with shocking lewdness.

“Hi ya, fellas!” Supergirl throws out a wave and then lets her hand drop. “Did you know you can extend a crack high if you hang over the bed like this and let the blood rush to your head?”

Sergei looks at Carmine with a shrug. “That is news to me, divooshka. But sit up, you must be coming with us now. Besides you have done two pipes already. Is enough for now.”

“Where we going, Sergie, ole watery wiener?”

“That is Sergei. Not Surjee. Show respect woman before you start trouble you cannot handle. And stand up and respect yourself as well”

“Hah! That’s rich.” The Maid of Steel tries to pick her head up and, being too disoriented by the crack and to weak from the kryptonite control disc attached to the back of her costume, she fails miserably. Failing that, she abruptly launches into her best Aretha Franklin impression. “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.. .find out what it means to me. R.E.S.P.E.C.T...sock it to me, sock it to me. Urp. Ah fellas, can you help me up here. Kinda stuck.”

Carmine goes to the end of the bed and drags her off it with a hard yank. Falling gracelessly, the mighty teenage champion ends up on her back with her knees touching the carpet by her ears and her crotch on display for virtually every camera in the room.

“Whoa! This is a position you guys haven’t tried on me yet.”

“Get up, slut, before I take out my wire cutters!” Sergei barks.

Supergirl immediately unfolds her body and swiftly and smoothly adjusts her costume, then stands by the bed with her head bowed awaiting further orders.

“Better,” Sergei says. “Now we must make you to be ready for your new deegs. A fine house in the South Bronx.

“I didn’t think there were any fine houses out there,” Supergirl says, looking back and forth at the men on either side of her as she tries to recall the neighborhood. She’s been yanked off her crack high, already 15 minutes old, and is not greedy for another hit just yet. So she’s thinking somewhat clearly again. “Pretty rugged neighborhoods. put a lot of crooks and junkies away that came out of there. No, no nice houses since I was there last that I can think of.”

Let’s just say this is a new urban development plan,” Carmine sneers. “It’s a New Enterprise Zone thing that Tony is starting to take an active role in.”

“Really. How admirable. Let me guess, I’m the enterprise.”

“Smart cookie, as always,” Carmine smiles. “Stevie. 5.2 aperture please.”

“5.2. Check.”

“What? Why? I’m cooperating. You don’t have to...OWWW....ohhhhh....” Supergirl slumps weakly against Carmine, her hand thumping against his chest as the deutronium kryptonite control disc opens up widely, bathing the groaning girl with devastating radiation. “Not giving trouble.” Carmine grabs her wrists and tells Sergei to grab her legs. Hoisting the sluggish, deeply sickened blonde, they place her carefully onto the bed with a minor bounce. Carmine continues holding the girl’s wrists.

“F’you wanted... to play with my body on...the bed, why dinju just leave me there?”

“Procedures, darling. Tony’s got his ways,” Carmine nod to Sergei who throws him a small rubber device. “Here, open up your mouth for something tasty.”


“Something like that. Hush and be good girl,” Sergei says.

“Fine figure...goes to hell....from all these calories, don’t blame..Mmmllff”

A medium sized rubber bladder is thrust into Supegirl’s mouth, its end hanging down against her lower lip.

“Whhaitt...Thithh duttannt tase wike candee at awwl!”

“I lied.” Sergei says as he reaches over and touches a button on the bladder’s end and it immediately inflates to fat sausage shape in the bewildered blonde’s mouth, filling it completely.

“AWGK! Whaah...oooen?”

Without warning Carmine punches Supergirl in the stomach and she doubles over on the bed, clutching her stomach as she rolls to her side.

“HOOOWFFF” Her eyes blink and stutter and the gasping girl goes cross-eyed in pained bafflement.

“Stevie. 6.6 please,” Carmine says.

“Check. 6.6.”

“...Eeeemmm.....ooooooooohhh.....” Supergirl writhes in agony at this high aperture. It feels like somebody is hammering climbing pitons into her skull, her chest and her abdomen. She contorts and thrashes on the bed for a full minute in the tight controlling grasp of Carmine and Sergei. Sweat pours off her body in splattering sprays. She could be a lawn sprinkler with what she’s throwing off. Tony stands off to the side, nodding with approval at his team's efficiency.

Carmine’s seen enough. “Stevie. 2.2 now!”

“2.2. Check and done,” the speaker confirms.

The thrashing settles down very quickly. Only rapid panting is left. Supergirl’s eyes are shut as she is barely conscious from this stunning attack.

Reaching up under the unwary heroine’s skirt, Carmine pulls down her panties with an effortless yank. He pulls them all the way down to her ankles.

“..whhhhooo...” muffled, weak protests through the bladder gag. Pointless.

Lifting her thigh up high, Carmine then takes a regular 7" batter powered dildo and unlubricated, quickly forces it into the moaning teen’s vagina.

“GWUUHH” Shock and awe on a personal front. And the sick, powerless blonde has no possible response for now. Carmine pulls the thigh back down, straightens her leg on the bed, then pushes the tiny On switch and the device begins to hum within the frustrated teen’s cooze.

“EEEMMMMM!” More pointless protests.

Sergei reaches under the body of the writhing blonde beauty and flips her unceremoniously onto her stomach. Moving around toward the end of the bed, he takes out the rubber conical butt plug from his pocket and pulls apart Supergirl’s wobbling butt cheeks. There he does use a dab of AnalEze and swipes it on the now terrified but helpless champion.

Forcefully using his palm, Sergei presses the buttplug into the girl’s asshole until the entire conical head is buried within her. He turns on the device’s high-speed motor from the remote in his pocket.

“EEHHHHMMM” Supergirl’s brain is barraged by incredible sensations from both orifices beneath her skirt. Carmine flips her over again onto her back and drags her to a sitting position against the headboard. He begins to fondle her breasts with firm insistent strokes. Then moves on to stimulate the nipples. The dazed and bewildered heroine’s eyes can barely stay opens as she looks up into Carmine’s face for answers that are just not there. In the mean time, Sergei pulls up the teen heroine’s panties tightly against her ass once more. This helps keep the buzzing dildos firmly in place. The dildos, the kryptonite control disk and the constant attention to her nipples by a smiling Carmine has the Maid of Steel succumbing quickly. She orgasms from this duo of relentless humming, throbbing toys stuffed within her.


Her juices dampen her panties and still there’s more pleasure to bear. But who can bear the unbearable under these conditions? Supergirl comes a second time in as many minutes. Her wriggling, exotic form relaxes momentarily as she pants and whimpers lying on top of this smooth, silken, delightfully sensuous pink comforter. Everything is a stimulating experience, with these two toys throbbing away. Carmine’s hands are remarkably talented and Sergei bumps the buttplug motor into overdrive. With her head thumping against the pillow in slow steady beats that only Supergirl can hear, Supergirl is thrown once again into the deep end of the blissful pool, experiencing her third orgasm as her vagina and rectum clash in heavenly harmony to create some new galaxy of stars and light within which she is held by gravitational forces too great to resist. The Maid of Steel faints dead away. A silent entity of ghostly fame who now is finally ready to be carried into the elevator and out into the world of sin.

“Please to tell me again why we subdue already helpless girl this way. It seems...wasteful of resources,” Sergie asks Tony as he lowers the limp blonde onto the thick army blanket lining the long wood crate. Her wrists and ankles are constrained with regular steel handcuffs. A thick lead pad is wrapped around her head covering her eyes like a blindfold. Her cheeks balloon out with the expanded rubber gag stuffed in her mouth. Her pale face is bathed in sweat. And within her panties, two powerful dildos hum away creating a perpetual, delirious dream state of ecstacy from which the blonde teen can not escape. Coupled with the kryptonite control disc attached to the back of her costume with a 2.5 aperture, the powerful Maid of Steel is about as dangerous as a old dirty, wet sock lost on the street.

Tony covers the crate with the plywood top and begins hammering 2" construction nails into the frame of the lid. “Well, it’s not actually that complicated. It’s all about humiliation and suppression of her heroic personality. True, I could have chloroformed her or K-gassed her or even knocked her silly with a steel rod. I’ve done all those things to her and she keeps coming back with attitude. Now you, Sergei, have a special genius for getting compliance through fear and physical...confrontations, shall we say.”

“Hmmf!” Sergei snorts at the phrasing. He takes the hammer from Tony and starts nailing his side of the crate shut.

“...but there is one thing I know works with this bitch. Doubt! Relentlessly attacking her belief in herself. Eliminating her self-confidence. Crushing her ego to dust. Twisting her with guilt so she thinks she’s responsible for her own failures. Filling her with crack so her heart and mind are too wasted and too addicted to accept or believe in hope. Basically, they’re all pathways to the same goal. Neutralizing the core of her personality and controlling it for our own means. Our own very profitable means, I might add.

“But you have done these attacks on her...ego you many...four days now and still you worry about this? She has will so strong as this?”

“I’ve seen it myself. With everything I’ve thrown at this bitch, and that’s a hell of a lot of punishment, I still feel she could be waiting for an opportunity. Even your wire cutters, though they scared her shitless at the time, may be minimized in her head if she thinks she’s got a reasonable shot at escaping. So that’s why I’m shipping her this way. It could take two hours or more to get her inside the club without being seen. So, inside this box, when she wakes up, she will feel the total ecstacy of the dildos overwhelming her will to resist. In that way she accepts a good amount of blame for not escaping. Bingo! Doubt, self-recrimination, submission, despair, crack habit, whorish behavior. It’s all locked in her head even as we uncrate her. If she’d just been knocked cold, she’d come out fighting mad. This way, she comes out fighting herself and our battle is much easier with her on our side!”

“This is an intelligence I can respect. It makes you very dangerous, Tony Bonano.”

“No more than yourself, Mr. Zhukovia.”

“Differently dangerous. I am a humble ‘thug’ as our young friend says.”

“I don’t believe that for a second, Sergei. If I did, I wouldn’t have hired you. But it’s good to ask questions. I’m happy to explain my methods and my ground rules to you anytime.”

“Thank you, Tony. Your trust in me will pay dividends.”

“I’ve no doubt, Sergei. Now help me lift this box in the truck. Carmine’s gone up ahead to get things ready at The Pleasure Dome.”

“What is this place of which you speak. I have not heard of it.” The two men slide the long crate into the back of the indiscriminate box truck and pull down the back gate with a bang.

“It’s an unlicensed, underground club of mine that offers all sorts amenities to the locals who like drugs, girls, rock and roll and gambling. Vegas East, if you will. It will be your base of operations until I think its security might be compromised. Or if you think it’s compromised in some way. You’ll be my eyes and ears there as well, tracking customers and non-customers alike. Sensing the flow of the place and any dangerous conditions that might create troubles for our enterprise.

“This I can do very well. I have exceptional antennae for these things.”

Tony closes the padlock to the back of the truck with a satisfying click. “That’s what I heard. That’s why you’re here. Let’s get going.”

It’s actually three and a half hours later that the box is finally lowered to the floor in the basement of the decrepit old building housing “The Pleasure Dome.” With impossible traffic from a nasty accident that actually shut down every lane of the FDR Drive for forty minutes, plus having to wait for the crowds to clear away from the front of the club during its busiest time, Tony is nervously tapping his fingertips together as Stevie and Carmine yank the nails out of the long wooden crate with a squeal of tortured metal.

“Hurry it up, fellas. I didn’t plan on everything taking this long. It’s awfully quiet in there. I hope to Christ I haven’t killed the bitch.”

The final nail is pulled with a painful screech and Tony kneels down beside the box as Carmine and Stevie lift off the cover and put it off to the side quietly. Lying absolutely still like a corpse in a coffin, Supergirl looks lifeless. Her costume is virtually transparent with sweat. Her boobs even with the nipples prominently poking through the damp fabric, are deathly still. Her face is pale white. Her cheeks, unnaturally swollen by the rubber bladder, are slack and shiny with a sheen of perspiration. A huge stream of drool has cascaded down the pale, drawn face and collected in the blanket beneath her neck. With the lead blindfold over her eyes, Tony can’t tell for sure if she’s alive or not. Underneath the dark gray pad, she could be staring into the gates of heaven for all he knows. He presses a valve and the mouth gag blusters and hisses as the air rushes out, as if desperate to leave this scene of horror. Tony pulls the gag out of the blonde’s mouth and there’s a breath of air there. But it could be natural gasses exuded by her death! He can’t tell.

Peeling off the leaded blindfold, Tony is happy to see closed eyes, not the stare of death he’d so clearly imagined.

“Supergirl! Linda! Can you hear me? Wake up. Come back to us, sweetie. Come back to the world.”

No response. Nothing. Tony puts his head on her chest to listen for a heartbeat. And there is one! “I can hear her heart. Very faint though. God knows what’s she’s going to be like after all this. Could be a vegetable for all the fuck I know.”

“Settle down, Ton.” Carmine doesn’t want or need to see his fellow boss lose it in front of the troops if the worst has happened here. “Let’s let her get some air into her for a sec. Maybe that’s all she needs.”

“Air, da. This is good idea, Tony Bonano,” Sergei hurriedly agrees. “Carmine speaks the truth.”

“Look, her eyes are moving,” Stevie points to her face.

It’s true. The eyelids are slowly fluttering. Then they are still for a moment. And then they slowly open like the door to a church after Mass, slowly letting the congregation move out into the light of a fresh day. Supergirl’s blue irises radiate a warmth and a consciousness that fills Tony’s heart with relief. Her mouth slowly opens with another of those angelic breaths. And, finally, she speaks.

“....hullo....boys...” she murmurs softly. And, as they help her to sit up, a silly, ridiculous really, shit-eating grin sets her face aglow and she speaks with a loud slur as her head swoons in circles on her graceful neck “...tell me... have you come me cum...and have fun...when I cum... when you cum as you are...Have you cum from afar....Do you cum in a jar....” Her voice suddenly trails off and she sighs heavily. “...i...come from...a star...”

“Dr. Suess I presume.” Tony smiles down at the blasted teen. Her mind, while obviously fixated on her topic by the humming dildos, is clearly working. He’s breathing again.

Slowly he reaches in to pull her out of the crate and help her up, up into a dark, strange and nasty world with which she has no experience and precious few resources to withstand.

“Tony,” she purrs softly into his ear, even while being held up by Sergei and Stevie on impossibly wavering, boneless legs. “Can you pretty please with a cherry on top pull these Fucking Dildos OUT OF ME NOW!”

“Da, Tony Bonano. Please to be giving this girl a break, yes?” Sergei smiles at his boss and nods. It’s so rare that he gets to play the nice guy in situations like this.

“I guess I can do that,” Tony says with a shrug. And the tiniest of smiles.
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I will be away for a week so I am posting a double length chapter here for your enjoyment until my return next Sunday. Enjoy and feel free to comment. It's been a while since I've heard from anyone. I can check in while I'm out of town. See you soon. Dr. D.

First Big Night in the New Digs
Part 17

Back and forth, to and fro, the anxious barefoot blonde teen wrings her hands, licks her lips and paces her plush new living quarters like a jungle cat at feeding time. Supergirl’s bare feet don’t even leave footprints in the carpet, the pile is that deep. The lovely blonde is wearing nothing but a pink satin body-hugging teddy under a pink terry cloth robe and, around her neck, a pink choker with a small oval kryptonite crystal inset securely within a unbreakable nylon web band. The crystal is large enough to keep the pacing teen powerless but not nauseated. The band had been “provided” by Tony after he took away her costume for cleaning.

That been two hours ago. And the physical cravings were really bad now. The blonde teen hadn’t had any crack since just before Carmine and Sergei had subdued her back in the bedroom in Tony’s warehouse in Brooklyn somewhere. She had wanted some crack right after she’d been taken out of the crate but that hadn’t happened. Supergirl had been simply hustled up from the basement of what appeared to be a badly neglected warehouse to the upper floor of the building via a small private elevator. The little elevator was surprisingly nicer than she expected, given the state of the vast, dark, leaky area where they’d opened the crate in which she’d been transported.

But the elevator cab was nothing compared to the room that she was now in. A luxury suite with every possible amenity greeted her when the door slid open. The plush carpet, a pale sea green color with white and dark blue floral accents throughout, gave the room a sense of relaxation as soon as you entered. The living area was wide open, a converted factory floor that spread out at least 25 feet in width with a huge, elegant pale beige leather contemporary sectional dominating the space. A glass and brass coffee table had recent issues of City Living, Smithsonian, New York and Architectural Digest magazines fanned out in perfect order. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal were also squared up to the table’s edge. A beautiful sea green vase with a floral arrangement consisting of orange birds of paradise, tulips and lilies was set on a matching glass sofa table behind the couch. Original watercolors, oils and framed posters gave the eye beautiful views of Tuscan landscapes, Grecian churches and Parisian cafes.

“I can’t wait to get these freaking dildos out of....” Supergirl had stopped in mid-thought when the elevator door opened. A room like this in the South Bronx? If the door had opened onto the reddish dusty surface of Mars she couldn’t have been more shocked. The word dildo did not belong within a city block of this room! “What is this?” Her blurted question is returned by a smile from Tony Bonano.

“This is your suite, Supergirl, during your stay with us.”

“Shut Up!”

“It’s true. It’s all yours. We’ve stocked the fridge in the kitchen area there with plenty of tasty treats from fresh fruit and salads to cold cuts and cheeses. There’s wine and beer and stronger stuff over there in the bar,” he says pointing off to a built in wall unit complete with drop down bar, a 50-inch wide-screen LCD television and Bang and Olafson music system. “We want you to be comfortable here. And we want those people who we’ve invited to meet you to be comfortable as well. Now why don’t you take advantage of the bathroom back in that direction and freshen up. The shower’s got a pulsing spray with 5 settings. We’ll be right here when you get back. There are clothes that are your size in the bedroom just across the passageway from the bathroom by the way. If you give me your costume I will have it cleaned for you. The ride over I know was pretty taxing and you probably want to shower I’d guess.”

“What about the drugs. They kept any place in this luxury suite for my convenience?” Supergirl crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at Tony.

“Sorry no. That’s under Sergei’s control. And mine. We approve the distribution of that as far as you’re concerned,” Tony replies cordially.

“So you’re admitting you’re distributing illegal narcotics, are you?”

“As much as you’re admitting you’re using them, sweetheart.”

“Touche, Mr. Bonano. I’m going in for that shower. I would absolutely adore it if you would provide me with the items under discussion when I return.”

“We shall see about that. Now go in an freshen up. You could use it.”

“You’re saying I smell bad?”

“Not for a herd of wildebeasts.”

“Charming, Mr. B. So, you’re saying the magic pebbles might be here when I come back out?”

“Magic pebbles, that’s what you call crack?”

“Sounds nicer to me.”

“Whatver floats your boat. Now go get that shower. Go on, scoot!”

“I notice you didn’t answer my question about the crack.”

“You’ll get it when I think you’re ready for it.”

“I’m ready for it now!”

“Beetch,” Sergei yells out. Carmine, Stevie and Tony all stop dead and look at him in surprise. “Stop whining for your drugs like a little girl and go in and shower that stink off you. Now, yes?”

Chastened, the costumed teen heads off to discover what the rest of the suite looks like, turning her head and appraising the quality and expansiveness of her new environment with pleasure. If she was going to be a kept woman, at least it was in style. She wonders if there were iron bars on every window.

She had to check out the bedroom, of course, and yes it had bars in the one small window. But it also had a white and pink cast iron king sized four-poster bed with an expansive headboard and sheer pale pink drop curtains surrounding the bed, all of it looking like something out of Martha Stewart’s wet dream. Grabbing a robe from a closet filled with beautiful if somewhat skimpy clothes, she headed into the bathroom where she’d stripped off her sweat-drenched uniform and then took advantage of the power pulse option on the shower head to bring her back to her senses as well as full cleanliness. Exotic body washes, loofa sponges and expensive shampoos cluttered the wide tile shelf in the shower and more lotions, potions and perfumes crowded the vanity of the oversized bathroom. For a moment, she’d considered filling the Jacuzzi and soaking in bubbles up to her nipples, but she wanted the crack more than the luxury so she went with the shower instead.

After drying off her body with towels so thick you could use them to ship fine art, Supergirl was now sitting at the vanity with its ring of small round makeup lights staring at her face as she adds the smallest hint of blush to her cheek. Sitting in a long pink terry cloth robe that matched the towels in its sinfully luxurious feel, the Maid of Steel is wearing nothing beneath it. She looks in the mirror and twists her hips to show off her breasts hanging half hidden beneath the untied robe. Thrusting out her chest, she thought her breasts still seemed not to be sagging even with all the kryptonite radiation she’d absorbed over the last few days. Her nipples didn’t have a hint of green, nor, for that matter, did her lips or eyelids. In fact, she had to admit she was feeling better than she had in a while. In fact, scrutinizing her face, she notices that the circles under her eyes don’t seem nearly as pronounced. She takes a deep breath and grips the makeup brush tightly, coming back to her true self for a flash. What the hell am I doing here? Why am I playing along like some cow shuffling off to the slaughterhouse who doesn’t know any better?

Suddenly she looks over at the crumbled costume lying in a heap on the floor by the bathroom door, everything was there to be washed. Her top, her skirt and panties, even her cape and boots smelled of her sweat from her three hours of non-stop arousal and multiple orgasms during her journey in the crate. Even the two dildos hidden beneath the carelessly thrown pile of shimmering red and blue material stank of her. She knows why she feels better! The kryptonite control disc was over in that pile, too! She was getting her powers back, big time. In her excitement, the makeup brush crumbles to dust in her hands.

Brushing off the crumpled plastic onto the top of the vanity, Supergirl stands up slowly. How am I going to handle this? Casually walking over to the bathroom window she sees there are thick iron bars set into cement on the outside ledge. At full power, she could push those aside like she was spreading open a beaded curtain but she knew she wasn’t that strong yet. She had to stall. Tony and his goons were probably outside waiting for her to come out and hand him her costume to clean. He had slipped up! Or had he? This could be a trap, a test to see if she was going to try to escape. Of course, if she tried that and failed again, the punishment, she knew would be brutal. Possibly even fatal. And even if she did manage to escape, that would cut off her supply of crack and that was something she didn’t want to jeopardize. With her powers returning, she might be able to take them on in a fight however and steal the crack from Tony, assuming it was on him.

“Everything all right in there?” Tony sounds calm, not even put out. Barely concerned. What did that mean. Was he so confident or had he made a mistake? She even hears Sergei and Carmine laughing crudely over some vulgar joke no doubt.

“Yes,” she calls out. “I’m just doing girl things. You’ve got more makeup choices in here than I’ve ever seen!”

“Spared no expense!” He jokes.

“Fuck you, sir,” she calls back. Rao, we have a private joke now! What has my life turned into here? I’m so afraid to try to escape. He’s been a step ahead of me every time. Or lucky or both, I don’t know for sure anymore. Sergei’s got his wire cutters. I’m sure Tony’s got plenty of other kryptonite around to keep me in line. What’s the point of trying to escape anyway? I’ll probably just blow it and end up dead. I haven’t been able to do anything right in four days now. Plus, I do know if I don’t go out there, I’m not getting any crack and I absolutely have to get some of that. I just need to play it by ear and see how it goes.

Moving over to the bedroom she, goes to the dresser, opens the top drawer and sees half a dozen folded slips in a rainbow of color options, a full section of silk bras and panties of every style imaginable except comfortable, and several spaghetti strap teddies in six different colors. She chooses the pink and, throwing off the robe to the floor, steps into the leg holes and pulls it up over her perfect body. It fits, of course. And looking in the full length mirror on the wall opposite the bed, sees the smooth thin material show off every physical attribute she has, including the slight bulge of her pubic hair.

“Not much left to the imagination with this thing!” She swipes her thumb into her crotch to straighten out the twisted leg band.

“You coming out of there, Linda?” Tony shouts. Now he does sounds exasperated.

Throwing on the robe over the teddy, she walks back to the bathroom, gathers up the pile of her costume, including the boots and dildos and heads back through the small hallway to the main living area. Tony is standing there with his hands on his hips looking anxious. He’s hand is in his pocket, fidgeting nervously.

“Here’s my uniform and those damn dildos. Get rid of them please. The material is machine washable, even the boots and cape. Usually I just dive in the ocean or a lake and dry it out by going supersonic or flying over the desert slowly.” She sighs heavily. Would that life ever be hers again? It seemed unlikely at the moment.

“But a washing machine would work, too.” He says, taking the clothes and stuffing them into a pillow case he had ready in his hand.

“Not too heavy on the bleach,” she smiles. Like it mattered. The outfit was indestructible, at least it used to be. With that kryptonite disc on it, it might be weakened. Should I mention that? She notices that Tony is looking at her in a strange way. And still worrying something in his pocket. She glances at his hand and looks him in the eye, face to face, only two feet apart..

“What?” She says tightening the robe belt with a nervous twist.

“Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking you look very nice. Beautiful, in fact.”

“Probably because I’ve got a lot of my powers back since I took off the costume with the kryptonite disc. Can I have my crack now?”

Over on the sectional, Carmine and Sergei and Stevie all stop talking at once and look to Tony with alarm. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small pink choker. There is an embedded stone in the pink nylon webbing.

“Turn around please,” he says holding up the choker. She turns around and he slides the smooth pink nylon against her throat and fastens the specially-designed clasp.

“Uuhhh...” Supergirl swoons slightly as the choker is fixed around her neck. Tony steadies her with one hand firmly gripping her elbow and the other slides down to her hip. He turns her around to face him again, and she tilts against him, a little dizzy and suddenly weak again. Well, that was a short respite. He holds her upright, straightening her wobbly figure, and looks down into her clear blue, slightly drifting eyes. She had to readjust to the radiation levels again. It wasn’t crippling and painful, but the lethargy and lack of energy and dizziness drained her every time she was exposed to this stuff.

“What a good little girl you are! See boys, and you were worried!”

“Did they even know?” She is skeptical about his hired help’s mental capabilities.

“Actually, it was not discussed. Sergei,” Tony is still holding the girl steady and looking right at her, not even looking toward the sofa. “did you remember the kryptonite control disc in the uniform and what would happen to it if she took it off to take her shower?”

“Tony, I am admitting nyet, I did not remember.”

“That will cost you dinner for me and the boys tonight with a nice $400 bottle of champagne, I think.”

“This would be my pleasure, Tony. I will not be so unfocused again.” Sergei starts breathing again. As do Carmine and Stevie.

“ I was wondering what you were going to do when the disc was removed,” Tony continues to stare into those baby blues without a break. And this remarkable girl, even with an occasional twitch from her crack habit, does not back down one inch. He doesn’t know what to admire more, the power of the crack to make this super-powered teenager give up an advantage like that or the power of her will to still be able to assess the situation and come out ahead. “Why did you even say anything about the disc?”

“Three things. First, I need the crack so I’m behaving. Secondly, Sergei’s wire cutters. And thirdly, I saw the kryptonite choker in your hand inside your pocket with my xray vision when I came into the room. You run a gambling den downstairs. You know about playing the odds, I’m sure. I did the math. Now how about that crack?”

“By all means. Gentlemen, let’s give the lady some privacy. I’ll be back with your crack, I don’t have it on me right this minute. You will be dining alone tonight, I’m afraid I must insist. Certainly until we see how things go over the next few days. You’re forthright approach about the kryptonite control disc not withstanding, we still have a shakeout period we have to go through here. I trust you understand.”

“Naturally. As you said, the fridge is filled. I won’t starve. Got any good DVDs?”

“Quite a good selection. Comedies, Classics, Drama, Thrillers. You can watch ‘The Godfather’ if you’re in the mood.

“Cute,” she says drolly.

“Plus, there’s always news and 300 channels of programming. Spared no expense.” Tony smiles and moves toward the elevator, then turns on his heel with a final thought.

“Obviously I spared no expense on the security in this apartment either, inside and out. Feel free to explore. Escape is not an option. But with such elegant surroundings and free drugs, why would you want to?”

The quartet of mafioso heads into the elevator and Supergirl is left standing in the middle of the apartment with her arms crossed.

“Why would I want to, indeed?” She heads for the refrigerator to see what goodies she can snarf down. She’s just realizing she’s starving. Food and crack and a big bed. What else could a girl want if she couldn’t have her freedom?

But that was more than an hour and a half ago. And so she was pacing. And now her head is really twitching more often as she tries unsuccessfully to calm herself down and breathe normally.

As soon as I get one or two of those magic pepples in me, I’ll be fine. Two hours plus who knows how long in that box crate with my own body driving me crazy as a loon! Dr. Suess indeed! No wonder I’m a wreck. Who wouldn’t be in my situation? If there’s ever a chance for me to beat the crap out of Tony Bonano without getting myself killed, I’m taking it. Where is he with my crack? If he expects me to give him another blowjob like that last one, it’ll be a cold day in hell. If I hadn’t been so mad at him and myself, I would never have done all that stuff to him. I just needed to be in control myself for a change. And was I ever! He didn’t know what hit him. Never expected your pure little prize to put out like that, did you, Mr. Tony Bonano? That’s right, just keep underestimating me. You’ll get yours..... Now Where Is Mine?


“She’s goin’ apeshit in there, Tony,” Stevie says, watching from the other side of the special two-way mirror hung over the dark green marble sideboard in the dining area of the penthouse suite. “When you givin’ her the next dose?”

“In a few minutes, I’m just reinforcing her behavior patterns so she performs the way she supposed to as our Whore In Residence.”

The small, specially-built sound-proofed observation room behind the mirror had a passageway and a spiral staircase that led to it from the floor below where Tony’s apartment was located. The secret passageway surrounded virtually the entire exterior of the penthouse suite. In fact, the only windows in the entire suite were in the bathroom and the bedroom. Both were small, five feet off the floor and would have been difficult to shimmy through, even without 2" thick steel bars blocking them. The passageway continued under the height of the windows and it had a wide variety of peek holes situated at least every ten feet or so to ensure at any time, with enough manpower, the Maid of Steel could be tracked as to her position in the suite. Of course, concealed cameras throughout the apartment fed into recording equipment of the highest caliber. The sex tapes Tony planned to sell from Supergirl’s tricks would be a big part of the income this girl would generate. Not to mention the bidding already going on among the wealthiest people on the planet who wanted to spend time with this new Superwhore.

And it wasn’t all men doing the bidding either. Not entirely. Plus, there were some very nasty villains who were also willing to pony up big bucks to humiliate the famous Supergirl, plenty of those, including famous psychos like The Joker and Lex Luthor (from his new hideout god knows where, all Tony had for him was a third party contact and even that was an email drop box). There were also major Mafia Don’s lining up for her by email throughout the country whose operations she’d disrupted over the years. Even small time hoods had scores to settle with her, the mid-range to low-end scumbags that she’d put in stir who had served their time and were now roaming the streets and halfway houses of New York. She didn’t know it but starting tonight, she was going to have a very busy lifestyle. Everybody who knew about the auction for her services wanted a piece of this young teenage wonder!

Tony had been too conservative in his pricing considerations at five grand a pop. He was getting bids of ten times that from some of the bigger fish. Especially the nasty ones who wanted little to do with sex and more to do with revenge. There were obviously going to have to be rules laid down to keep the Maid of Steel alive and profitable. Maybe the five grand stuff would come later, after the novelty had worn off a bit and she looked more whorish. That had to happen didn’t it? He wondered if he reduced the kryptonite, would her looks keep coming back to that natural beauty he’d seen tonight just after she’d come out of the bathroom. That would certainly keep sales brisk if it did.

But for now, he checked his Rolex, it was almost midnight. Time to give the broad her crack and get her started on an easy customer. He didn’t want her to have any heavy hitters right off. She was hooked for sure, but that didn’t mean she was predictable. That was why he needed Sergei. He would keep her and the customers in line. He certainly had a talent for it. Things worked out for the best. Randy would not have had the skills to handle this balancing act. As long as Sergei didn’t get too violent, things should go okay. But who knew for sure. This was virgin territory, so to speak.

He takes out the crack pipe and puts a tiny nugget of brittle white cocaine into the base and starts around the passage to bring Supergirl her hit of some very low-rate crack. It would get her high, but not very. He needed her to be ready for the client, not nodding off in a crack haze. A little before and a little after. He’d keep her stringing along at this point on the low dosage stuff and keep the good stuff only when necessary.

When the elevator door opens, the Maid of Steel strides over to accost him with a vehement snarl.

“What the hell happened to you? You said you’d be right back with the crack. That was two hours ago! And I was so nice to you, too! I’ve been the good girl for the last day or so, even you have to admit that. I really don’t think I deserve to be kept waiting like I had to tonight. Let me have the pipe in your hand please!”

“Slow down, princess. You’re not running the show. I’m running the show. Now calm down and let’s be reasonable about this. You do want the crack right?”

“You damn well made sure right from the very start of this that I’d want it, didn’t you. So now I do want it. So now can I have it?”

“Are you calm?”

Twitching and gritting her teeth, Supergirl’s eyes have a hooded, jerkiness to them. “Yeah, yeah, I’m calm. I’m real calm. Let me have it.” Tony hands her the pipe. Taking it with shaking hands, she looks up at him. “I thought you were a gentleman. Can I have a light?”

He takes a cheap Bic lighter out of his pocket and hands it to her. “You’re hands aren’t shackled now, princess. I think you can light your own pipe.”

“Fine,” she says, flicking the thing without waiting another second.

“Aren’t you going to sit down,” Tony takes a seat on the leather sectional and motions to the cushion beside him. “That stuff could knock you down in ten seconds if you’re not careful. And I don’t need burns in this expensive rug.”

Puffing on the glass pipe with its crackling bowl, Supergirl sits beside Tony and inhales deeply. She releases the lever on the lighter and Tony watches with satisfaction as the bright flame of the lighter goes out as fast as the bright intelligence in the girl’s eyes beside him. Through half-lidded eyes, Supergirl breathes out the smoke at Tony and then waits with a anxiously nodding head for her high to kick in as she glances idly around the apartment.

“Really nice paintings,” she says. “Real, too. Aren’t they. Genuine oils, I mean.”

“Yes, they are,” he replies with a smile.

Tapping her toe, she’s waiting for that old black magic to kick in. She feels pleasantly happy. But that’s it. She looks at a brass clock on the wall in the kitchen area.. The sweep hand is circling the face in calm tiny ticks.

“What gives with this stuff?” Supergirl asks.

“Beg pardon,” Tony replies, leaning his head toward hers as if he hadn’t heard clearly.

“The crack, what’s the matter with it?”

“Matter? There’s nothing the matter with it. It’s normal street stuff. Maybe stepped on a bit. Stevie got it for me, I ran out of the better stuff. We’ll get you some more of that tomorrow. Now, about the gentleman who’s coming in to meet you in a few...”

“Wait a minute,” she interrupts. “I waited two hours for this sorry excuse for crack? I need a real high, Tony. Come on, stop joking.”

“I’m not joking. That’s the stuff you get for tonight. Now, anyway, this guy’s name...”

“I don’t care what his name is or why he’s coming. I’m playing by your rules, I think I should get better stuff than this.”

“You’re wasting the little high you’re on, Supergirl. And I’d like you to watch your tone with me!”

“MY TONE? YOU BASTARD! You got me hooked on the strongest crack on the planet and then hand me a bowl of baking powder and expect me to be the nice quiet dumb blonde. Well, if you want me to do what I think you want me to do with your friend tonight, I think you should try to find me some better grade cocaine, Mr. Bonano.”

“You do, huh.” Tony’s face gets grim.

Seeing this, Supergirl switches tactics. She shifts her body so she’s sitting closer to him and unties the cloth knot in her belted robe, letting it fall open to reveal the tight pink teddy underneath. She puts her hand on his crotch and snuggles up close to the tall dark Mafia don and strokes the crotch of his gaberdine pants slowly, tracing her fingers up and down the expanding bulge beneath the fly. “Come on, Mr. B,” she breathes softly. “Give a girl a chance to be grateful, kay?”

His hand slides into the opening of her robe and he palms her warm breast, slowly encompassing its fullness within the pink silk. It feels like heaven in his hand. Squeezing the plumpness gently, he hears a soft moan from the girl and feels her nipple poking into his hand through the smooth fabric.

“Mmmm. What about it, Ton?” She kisses his lower lip. Then his upper lip. He squeezes her nipple with growing pressure.


“Save it for Mr. Rozzo.”

“Damn You, Tony! That’s just not fa...”

SLAP. “Enough, Linda!”

The shocked blonde’s face barely does a quarter turn. It wasn’t that hard a bitch slap. Just the right force to make his point. What a pro, she thinks. Her face sets like cement, glaring at him and not speaking.

“You’ll get more after Mr. Rozzo leaves. I don’t want you so stoned on crack that you can’t lift your head up! Anyway, he’ll be here in ten minutes. I want you to do what he asks. Be good and you’ll get your crack. The good stuff. I’ll be back with it when you’re done.” Tony stands up. He then motions to a gym bag on the coffee table in front of the sofa. “Your uniform is being cleaned. Wear the outfit in this bag for now. Rozzo expects you to be wearing it.” Tony heads for the door. As the elevator arrives and he walks into it, he turns and says loudly, “Do what he asks and you’ll get the good crack!”

Fuming, Linda looks up at the ceiling, around the apartment and down at her shaking hands. The crack had barely calmed her down. Damn that prick! She reaches over and grabs the gym bag and almost tears the zipper off, she’s so pissed. Inside she sees the familiar red and blue of her costume and smiles.

“What a joker, he already had it cleaned. Well, I better get ready for Ratso Rizzo or whatever his name is.”

It wasn’t her costume after all. It was a bargain basement version that was much too small. Even getting into it was difficult. The top was tightly constraining her breasts, making them look large bigger than their already ample size. Tight lines of fabric stretched from her sides to her nipples in a grotesque parody of her real costume. The famous red and yellow emblem looked the same in color but it was so poorly silk-screened onto the fabric that she could already see crinkling imperfections in the ink. Anybody playing with her breasts would be wearing down this cheap logo in just a few uses of the blouse!

The panties were also overly tight and uncomfortable. Obvious fabric lines stretched down from the top waistband over her pelvic muscles and pointed straight to her nether regions like neon arrows at an all-night truck stop.

The cape was far shorter than her regular cape, also, only extending halfway down her back, more the impression of a cape. It looked like something a kid would wear running around his bedroom playing superhero in.

And the skirt. The bottom hem didn’t come within shouting distance of her thighs! It barely covered her butt at all. You couldn’t dignify it by calling it a micro-mini. This was a pure male adolescent wet dream skirt right off the whore rack! Looking in the full-length mirror on the bedroom wall, she checks out her butt by twisting her head around. She can see the bottom swell of her red panties and she wasn’t even bending over a little. She bends down slightly while still looking at her reflection and there was her crotch, so tightly outlined by the fabric that you could see her pussy lips! No imagination wouldn’t be necessary to appreciate all her assets. None whatsoever!

The boots were shoddy plastic but at least they fit well. They gripped her calves and accented her legs nicely, but the cheap zippers down the sides didn’t look like they’d stand much more wear and tear than the shoddy logo on her blouse.

Looking at herself in this horrifying abomination of her own beautiful silky costume that always made her feel special about herself, she bites her quivering lip and squeaks in anquish.

“Look at me! I’m a cheap, slutty-looking imitation of what I used to be! I’m hooked on crack and I look like some lowly whore trying to play at being Supergirl.” Tears roll down her cheeks at the image in the mirror. She hates what she sees! She hates herself! She hates the world! The fact is, she thinks, I’m really Supergirl trying to play at being a whore! Or was it really the other way around by now. She was tired and confused and strung out. She really needs more crack. Desperately. She’ll get this guy over with, whatever he wants, as soon as she can and get the good stuff.

“Nobody’s going to even believe I’m the real Supergirl!” She says to the empty room. And without her powers, she couldn’t prove it if she wanted to. Maybe that was a good thing. But, of course, her face was familiar. She still looked the same, if not a little worse for wear again, now that she had kryptonite around her neck again. The circles under her eyes had reappeared already!

“Hello? Anybody home?” A deep voice from the other room calls out. “Supergirl, Frankie boy is here. Come on out and play!”

Gritting her teeth, Supergirl, swings around from the mirror and stalks out to the living area to meet her new friend.

Frankie Rozzo is a 42-year old with hair plugs who runs a bookie joint in the Bronx, not far from Yankee Stadium, the old one and the new one. He takes bets on the boys in pinstripes, takes them on the Mets, Jets, Nets, Giants and Rangers. Even the fuckin’ Islanders, when people had nothing better to do than throw their money away on hockey games. He did all right and Tony owed him a favor from a while back. So, as Tony’s test case, the guy is perfect. He’d agreed to five grand without batting an eye. Tony already had the cash in his pocket. Frankie wanted a standard double, nothing kinky, just a blowjob and a fast fuck. Well, maybe not so fast for five grand. That depended on Frankie, didn’t it. Tony had all the recording equipment cued up and had told Frankie to lay out a measly ten bucks for the girl before she started to let her know she was appreciated. Frankie didn’t even question it. He was drooling already.

When Supergirl comes into the living room, Frankie is leaning against the railing separating the two-step walk up dining area from the living room. He’s wearing a brown plaid sport jacket and khaki chinos. He’s sipping on a drink that he’d made from the bar. Something light brown with ice. The crystal cocktail glass alone weights a couple of pounds. Everything is first class in this suite at the Pleasure Dome.

Supergirl walks right up to Frankie and takes the drink out of his hand, stirring the ice slightly.

“What is this?”

“Gold tequilla.”

“Uh huh,” she grunts and knocks it back with a quick tilt of her head. “Tasty.” She smacks her lips and drops to her knees. She then puts her palm on Frankie’s crotch and says, “Well, let me guess, you want me to suck...”

“Whoa! Slow down there, lady! I paid good money for this. I’d like it to last a little...Ow. Stop that!”

She’s squeezing his balls too hard and kneeding his prick like a roll of cookie dough.

“Can I help it if you motivate me, big boy?”

“Motivate you, We haven’t even said hello.”

“What’s the problem, Frank. Having trouble getting it up at your age already?”

“What? No, not me, darling, but you’ve got all the finesse of a dump truck.”

“Oh, Frankie, wants to be fucked like a girl? Let me open your fly and see what color your panties are, Frankie.” Ziippppp. “What do you know, regulation whites. Slightly stained and smells like...” she sniffs him. “Blue cheese. Ah well, let’s take Frankie Jr. out for a little air and see if we can’t get him to grow a pair.”

“Fuck you, Supergirl. I got a pair and...”

“Fucking comes later, Frank, if you’re up to it. But I got to be honest with you, it doesn’t look good here, buddy,” she wags his dick back and forth between her thumb and forefinger like she’s opening a combination lock in a big hurry.

“Ow...Hey, bitch, knock that off. Haven’t you ever given a blowjob before? You suck at this.”

“Yeah, that’s how I remember the directions reading, too, Frank. Except I read mine in The Joy of Sex, whereas I’m guessing you picked up a copy of the Dummies Guide to Gay Blowjobs on the way to your stretch in Attica. That about right?”

“What? Fuck that. I’m nobody’s bitch, bitch.”

“Right! But you gotta give me something to work with here, Frank. I’m getting zilch on the boner meter. How about some nice stroking action to get you hard enough so I’m not sucking rope, sound like a plan?”

“How about you slow down for a second and..Ow...that’s too tight, too rough...and hey.. ...what’s with the teeth? There’s no biting in blowjobs. That’s rule number one. Didn’t anybody ever tell you that, blondie?”

“Muthta thkipped thath clatthhh,” the blonde with the limp dick in her mouth replies. She takes her mouth off his glans just as he starts to show signs of interest.

“Oh, yes. Here he comes, Mr. America,” she sings then goes into a lower voice. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Pride of the Yankees. And who’s a good boy? Who’s the best boy? What a big boy you are. Yes, you are. Yes. Oh no...Uh oh...ohhhh. Houston, we have a problem.” Sitting back on her haunches, Supergirl looks up at Frankie’s grim look of anger, embarrassment and frustration.

“You can see the management about your refund at the door.” She stands up and turns to head back into the bedroom. “So sorry no jolly. Maybe next time, soldier.” She throws him a wave. “You make me so horny. I would have loved you long time. Oh well. See you around the ladies room, Frank.” Walking briskly into the small hallway that leads to her bedroom, Supergirl gets half way when she suddenly stumbles sideways to the right two steps and puts her hand against the wall to steady herself.

“Ahhh....what the...hell....Owww.....ohhhhhh.....” She spins awkwardly toward the wall and puts both palms against it now, but that doesn’t help. The dizziness and stomach cramps are overwhelming. Now her whole body sags and presses against the wall. She begins to slide down the smooth surface, her head nodding forward with a thump, until she’s on her knees, pressed against the flat surface trying to keep herself up.

This can’t be the collar. It’s too much kryptonite. All around me!

Frank Rozzo walks up to the moaning teen and looks down at her without pity. Not after the humiliation she just put him through.

“I’m sorry about this, Frank.” Tony’s voice over the intercom speaker in the ceiling raises Frank’s eyebrow and earns a tilt of the head, but he’s still looking at the girl in the tight red and blue costume with heat in his eyes. She’s collapsed onto all fours and is swaying feebly in the hallway, her crotch plainly visible beneath that almost nothing skirt of hers. Christ, he can see the outline of her pussy through the thin red silk!

“You will, of course, have all your money refunded and it would be my pleasure to comp you to a room, dinner and a two grand of chips for the casino on the main floor whenever it’s convenient for you.”

“Not so fast, Bonano. I paid my money and Supergirl looks like she can use a good fucking right about now.” The bookie with the hair plugs licks his lips. Little Miss High and Mighty sure didn’t like so haughty now.

“ up....Frank...” Having said that, she completely collapses to the floor with a loud thump, her cheek on the polished wood of the hallway, her arms at her sides, palms up.

“We’ll talk, Tony, after I’m done teaching this little blonde cockteaser just what Frankie Junior is really capable of.

“Play it out, Frank. It’s your call.” The speaker clicks off even as Frank Rozzo advances on the defenseless blonde.

Kneeling behind the prone blonde, Frankie places his palm against the blonde’s exposed crotch, squeezing the silky red fabric and fondling the teen’s outer and inner labia roughly.


“Hmm. Let me guess, Supergirl, you want me to finger your cunt!”

“...nuhhh...pleeeze...nohh...” Frankie slides his hand under the legband of Supergirl’s panties, finds her hidden clit and quickly diddles the nub with his middle finger for ten seconds.

“..OH...” A little wetness there. Not much. Nevertheless Frank thrusts his forefinger up the blonde’s vagina without waiting any longer.


“Hey, can I help it if you motivate me, little lady?” He spins the forefinger around one way and then the other deep within the grimacing girl’s twat.


“Oh, what’s the problem, Supergirl? A juicy young whore of your age should be excited and wet and ready to go already. Suffering vaginal dryness at your age so soon? I’m not sure you’re going to do very well in this profession with that kind of problem.” He rubs her dry clit and she yelps in pain.

“Yahhh....ow...please don’t....”

“Oh, Supergirl wants a big man to teach her how to be fucked from behind like a dog? Well, let’s just pull these panties off to the side and see what color your cunt is, shall we?” Pulling the crotch of her panties away with one hand and exposing Supergirl’s snatch, Frank now spreads her labia with the same fingers he’d been manipulating her with earlier.

““What do you know, regulation pink. Slightly puffy and smells like...clam sauce. Ah well, let’s take Frankie Jr. out for a little air and see if we can’t get him to fuck your sorry cunt!”

“...ohhh....don’ this....I’ can’t....”

“Oh no? Try to stop me, Supergirl, if you’re up to it. But I got to be honest with you, it doesn’t look like you can from here, sweet buns. He pushes his dick up and down against her tender labia like he’s plowing a field.

“Ow....too...rough....hurts me...”

“Yeah, but I got to tell you, bitch. I’ve never been harder. Come to papa.”

Grabbing the blonde teenager’s hip with one hand and putting his arm around her waist with the other, Frank Rozzo leans forward and drives his cock into Supergirl’s unresponsive vagina with a hard thrust.


He holds her tight and slowly pulls his cock halfway out of her hole. “Ready for the greatest hits of Frankie Jr., Superslut?”

“ ready....make me hurts...”

“Yeah, that’s how I remember the directions reading, too, bitch. Except I read mine in the Hustler Forum when I was ten and I’m guessing you learned your technique by reading the bathroom wall in your college dorm. That about right?” He thrusts again into the limp blonde’s body, enjoying the humiliation and payback if not the dry sex. He slowly picks up his pace, lifting the sagging blonde’s hips for deeper penetration. His size is average but as he continues his movements, Supergirl’s sensations of his width and depth barely begin to bring a moisture to her loins.

“Come on, you pathetic whore, give me something to work with here, bitch. I’m getting zilch on the pussy juice sponge test. How about I go back to rubbin’ the nubbin to get you at least wet enough so I’m not pumping a dry hole, sound like a plan?”


“Must have skipped that class,” he says, fingering her clit as he pushes his cock in and out of the helplessly splayed teen. Her head bobs up and down helplessly as she is ruthlessly fucked by a now smiling Frank Rozzo.

“” His fingering speeds up and Supergirl’s vagina finally gets wet enough for some really rapid stroking from Frank. With the kryptonite weakening her willpower, she can’t fight the sensations as the steady friction bombards her brain.

“...uh...uh...uh....uh....uh....” she grunts with each thrust of his hips now. He’s building momentum and having the time of his life with the famous blonde grunting helplessly in his arms. Who would have thought he’d be fucking this world class piece of ass?

“You’re not the fucking smartass superhero anymore, are you blondie? Not with a real man showing you how to take it doggy style. Well, it would be doggy style if you were on your knees, but you’re not even whore enough for that, Supergirl.”

“.oh...that’s..better...ohh...oh...ohhhh...yess.....” Supergirl is getting tremendously excited as Frank’s prick grows to its full measure, filling her tightly with his stroking tool with each rapid thrust.

“Why listen to Supergirl starting to get off on Frank’s big bone. Why, you’re just a pathetic whore giving it up for money. That’s what you are, yes. A whore. What a whore you are. What a big whore. Yes. Who’s the biggest whore? It is you? Yes. Yes it is.” Frank has pumped himself and talked himself onto the righteous edge of his orgasm.

“Oh...Houston, we....!”


Together the bookie and the blonde cum in matched harmony of groans as Frank shoots his wad thickly into the helplessly climaxing superheroine. He pins her to the floor as he grunts and swivels his hips against Supergirl’s ass to make the very most of his pleasure. Their juices slime the floor below their bodies as they lie in damp exhaustion.

After five minutes of just holding the moaning blonde, Frank finally pulls his limp dick out of the tight hole and gets up slowly from the hallway floor. “What a fucking great snatch you have, Supergirl. Tight and warm and, finally, wet. I’m gonna pass on the blowjob this time, champ. You wore me out. Give me a rain check, love. Or I’ll talk to Tony about it.” The smiling bookie starts to head for the door, when he turns and takes out a five and five singles from his wallet. “Almost forgot, Tony said to give this to you. Thanks for everything.”

“...whuhhh....” The dazed and exhausted blonde feels paper being forced into her hand and then hears receding footsteps down the hall until the carpet silences all the noise of Frank Rozzo’s exit. Confused, Supergirl opens her tired eyes and sees a thin stack of dollar bills clutched in her sweaty hand. Her hand springs open and flails to the side as if it had been burned by an open flame. The bills go flying around the hallway and Supergirl breaks into tears laid out in her tawdry outfit on the floor of Tony’s penthouse suite. A whore after work!

For another ten minutes Supergirl lies there, wracked by sobbing gulps of shame. Whatever source the kryptonite came from, it’s been lowered significantly. Only the jewel around her throat keeps her powerless now. Finally cried out, she weakly gets to all fours and makes the long journey to upright status. She’s going to go to bed and try to forget she’s alive. She doesn’t even care about crack right this second. She’s too exhausted for anything but sleep. Teetering toward the bedroom, her back is to the front door, which is why she doesn’t see Sergei come out of the elevator with a purposeful stride and wearing the face that gave him his nickname, “The Mad Bear.” He heads for the bedroom and the lesson he’s about to give to the unwary blonde.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Hard Lessons Learned
Part 18-A

At 1:33 a.m., Supergirl teeters into the bedroom spent and miserable about the evening she’s just been subjected to. True, with the way she’d been a world-class bitch to Frank Rozzo, she had no right to expect any sympathy from him, but the rape was both demeaning and upsetting in so many ways. The fact that she’d actually had an orgasm during a rape spoke volumes about just how powerfully conditioned her mind and body had been since her kidnapping. Plus, the sudden weakening from kryptonite had totally taken her by surprise. Where could that have come from? And, of course, having that money pressed into her hands for services rendered made her feel horrified and ashamed at the blatant implication of her active participation in all this.

Exhausted and depressed, she parts the pink sheer curtains of the four poster bed and throws herself face down on the mattress. Covering her head with a pillow to shut out the world, Supergirl turns her head to the side and exhales forlornly with a mighty sigh. Her cheap cape drapes against her back. With her legs slightly spread, the hourglass shape of her crotch is prominently displayed beneath the ridiculously short fake costume skirt she's been forced to wear. She’s totally unaware that Sergei has entered the bedroom and is standing at the foot of the bed staring at the prone figure lying there. His disobedient whore! A hard lesson was about to be learned by the blonde superheroine.

“Superwhore. You thought you were being cute? This is the reason for your behavior?”

“Ohh...Sergei. It won’t happen again,” Supergirl sighs from under the pillow. “ I was angry with Tony. Tell Frank Rozzo that I’ll give him a blowjob he’ll never forget. Just let me sleep for a while. I’m so tired. It’s late.”

“Yes, too late. Too late for apologies that I don’t believe and you don’t really mean.” Sergei moves over to the right side of the bed. The bitch doesn’t even have the manners to look at me. That will change!

“No, I do mean it. I apologize I was angry about some weak crack that Tony had given me. Really, it won’t happen again. I’ll be your good little g...UUHNNTT!” The girl’s body jolts with a nasty flinch to the left. The pillow covering her head flips off the bed from her jerking response.

Rao! That one hurt a lot. The nasty jolt to her side hurts almost as much as the blow Randy had delivered to her kidney. Not quite, but almost. These guys sure knew the weak points to go after. Sluggish from the rape, the low-level kryptonite at her throat and the punch to her side, the blonde teen slowly opens her eyes to see Sergei standing there fuming at her.

“You sure know how to hurt a girl.” Looking down, she says, “That felt like brass knuck....”

There’s a wood-handled paring knife stuck in her side! The waist of her blue costume blouse is beginning to bloom with a spreading stain of bright red blood. Her blood!

“ stabbed me!?...”

“Correct, cunt!” His hand reaches forward and pulls the knife with it’s 5" blade out of the flabbergasted girl’s body with a quick yank.

“Uuhhhnn....” The girl’s eyes are wide with shock at this sudden turn of events. The blood oozes out of her like a pot bubbling over. Supergirl turns on her opposite side watches as a small red drizzle of blood pools on the bedspread.

“You are not very bright for a superhero, beetch. I would have thought my story about the neeples would have made very clear how important it was for you to be a good whore under my employ, yes?”

Sergei jabs the knife forward toward Supergirl’s chest but she instinctively blocks this with a sweep of her hand. The knife pinwheels away out of Sergei’s grasp. Supergirl starts to slide back off the bed and away from this mad Russian but he snakes out his hand and catches Supergirl’s wrist. He smiles broadly at her even as his other hand grabs her middle finger.

“So this is the second time I am to be warning you about disappointing me in this job you do as my whore. You give me the fuck finger when you teased Mr. Rozzo. This cannot be.”

“No...i...i..didn’t...i..swear...i..was...angry...I’m sorry....please don’t hurt me...please...” The blonde teen is shaking in absolute terror as she watches Sergei bending her middle finger back. The pressure in the knuckle is tremendous. “OW...oww...oww....don’ Rao..’t....”


“AIEEYAAH!” The broken fingered blonde looks at the middle finger pointing upward in the wrong direction and almost faints. Sergei releases her and the panicked teen slides backward off the bed and immediately starts to head for the bedroom door and the escape it offers.

“’s gone mad!” Shouting and limping badly from the wound at her side, Supergirl strains and pants as she disappears through the bedroom door. Sergei calmly reaches down and retrieves the knife from the corner of the room and places it on the night stand. Turning around he sees the bright spotted blood trail and starts to follow it out to the living room area.

Coming out of the bedroom he sees no blood trail down the hallway. Glancing at the bathroom he see’s the door’s halfway open, and a tiny spot of blood is on the tile. He takes two steps toward the living room then suddenly spins and rushes back at the door. Slamming into it with his shoulder, Sergei feels it knock against the hidden teen’s body and recoil back.

“HUUNFFF...OWW!......ohhhhh....” A hairdryer drops to the floor and shatters it plastic shell. A beat later, Supergirl falls onto her knees, supported by one weakly wavering arm as the hand with the broken finger clutches at her bloody nose. Apparently it had taken a direct hit from the door. Supergirl’s hair drapes over her eyes and she’s blubbering like a four year old.

“...don’t hurt me....anymore....please...i..need....medical...attention...for the...wound.....”

“Maybe later. Stand up, whore.”


“I want you to do what I tell you. All the time. As soon as I tell you, da?”

Slowly getting to her feet, the woozy blonde wavers in front of Sergei with violent trembling, not even looking in his eyes. A small trickle of blood from her nose drips into her mouth with a coppery taste. The blood loss from the knife wound is starting to be serious as the bright red liquid drips down her leg, into her boot and also onto the floor.

“So you were going to be making me unconscious with the hair dryer to the head, yes?”


“As well you should be!” He feints at her face with an obvious bitch slap but, instinctively, the desperate heroine puts up her good hand to block it. Sergei easily snatches the hand out of mid-air of the dazed and panicked girl and grabs the middle finger of this hand and bends it sharply back.



“AAHHHH!” Sergei releases the teetering blonde’s hand and backs off two feet.

“So, now we have declawed the kitty, yes?”

“...ohhhh....owwww...owww...owww...” Supergirl stands in the bathroom staring at her violently shaking hands before her. Both middle fingers point in opposite directions and she is helpless to put them in her armpits for comfort. She is waving them in small circles as her head hangs lower and she cries abysmally at her fate.

“Now you will not be giving me the middle finger fuck you attitude with any john who comes to you, yes? Everybody gets what they want from you, yes?


Sergei nods in affirmation as the girl nods like a crazed woman along with him.

“Good. Now I am going to make one more point and I am wanting for you to be listening very carefully, da?” He puts his arm around the tottering teen’s shoulder. She has trouble keeping focused due to the loss of blood. Her life is in the balance.

“..i...i’m...listening.” she stutters, her face only inches from his, is looking down at her feet and the blood pool spreading between the garish boots.

“Please to be looking right at me,” Sergei asks.

Supergirl looks up into his cold blue Siberian eyes and shivers. That’s why she doesn’t see the gut punch coming. Even if she’d seen it, she couldn’t have stopped it with both hands out of commission.

“Oooofffff” The Maid of Steel collapses on her ass like a bag of wet sand. Snatching a lipstick off the vanity, Sergei gathers up a thick clump of Supergirl’s silky blonde hair and drags the moaning teen on her back into the hallway and all the way to the entrance to the living area. He looks back toward the bathroom and sees a long smeary blood trail she’s left behind. He knows he’s got to finish the lesson quickly. He didn’t want her dying on him. He just wanted her absolute obedience.

Sergei lets go of Supergirl’s hair and her head knocks against the wood floor loudly.

“Okay, so here is lesson for last time.” After uncapping the lipstick and tossing the plastic top back toward the bathroom, Sergei turns the bottom of the tube until the bright pink point of lipstick gleams in the light. Holding up the back of the dazed and nodding heroine’s head, Sergei draws a big garish circle around Supergirl’s mouth. It streaks above her upper lip, around her frown lines at the sides and across the front of her trembling chin.

“This is mouth area. Used for cocksucking, kissing, ear licking, ass licking, cum swallowing, ball gags, hoop gags, drinking fluids and anything else a mouth can do and shouldn’t do. This is clear to you?”

“...yes...” Supergirl says faintly, hands trembling helplessly at her sides, one knee up in the air, her breasts rising and falling weakly now, her body numb, drifting along with her mind.

Moving around to her kneel between her legs, Sergei pulls Supergirl’s knee down with a tug on her boot and spreads her thighs slightly. Then reaching under the skirt, he grasps her panties by the waistline and pulls them down, exposing her feminine treasures to every camera in the room. He draws another circle of lipstick here, too. Quickly now, he smears the greased pink point over her naked pelvis above the soft bush of bright blonde hair and around to her inner thigh. Jumping to the other leg with the pink crushed greased point, he closes the circle.

“This is cunt! Used for fucking, fingering, pissing, quiffing, taking in all sorts of devices, ointments and, vegetables, if necessary. Everything a whore is expected to take in, this you will do, yes?”

“...yes....” more faintly, Supergirl is trying to hold onto consciousness like a lyric she’s forgotten.

“Excellent. There is hope for you still.” Flipping over the limp figure like a sack of potatoes, Sergie makes his final circle. He pulls apart the inert blonde’s ass cheeks and draws the bright pink line on the insides of both cheeks, up and over and around her beautiful curved rear.

“Finally, this is ass area. This you use to take in cocks, tongues dildos, beads, balls, devices of all kinds. Also for excreting everything that is put up inside ass, as well as normal body functions. Everything is go for entry back here by everybody and everything, yes?”

“...yessss...” Supergirl vision is closing to a circle. Sergei turns her over onto her back again. She looks up to see Sergei nodding at her and then Tony appears over her, his face looking very concerned.

“Okay, Mr. Zhukovia, you made your point. I appreciate you have a job to do, but you’ve cut this damn close. Now can I try to save her life?”

“Da. The lesson I am believing is learned.”

Tony lifts Supergirl’s head up slightly and undoes the catch on her choker with surprising finesse considering how nervous he was about her condition. He puts the choker in his pocket and walks over to the dining area and grabs a yard of paper towels off the roll. This damn Russian may have just killed Supergirl. He actually wasn’t sure. That last hiss of her ‘Yes’ soundly awfully final. Returning to her side, he kneels down and puts the wad of towel against her side, applying pressure to stop the blood flow. The redness fills the towels like a slowly opening flower. And then it slows somewhat.

Looking at her fingers, Tony isn’t sure what to do about those. Should he bend them straight or would that do irreparable damage.

“Hold the towels tightly against the wound, Sergei!”

He didn’t know for sure, but, in the end, the fingers look so gruesome that he decides to straighten them. The unconscious teen moans loudly as he does this. Now he can only wait. He goes into the bathroom and brings back white surgical tape and gauze pads from under the sink. He tapes up the wound and is pleased to see the blooming redness has slowed. There’s still a spot that grows a bit but it’s not nearly as bad as the wad of towels. With every bit of kryptonite withdrawn, there’s a chance she’ll recover. He doesn’t want to move her and risk disturbing the wound so he just puts a small pillow under her head from the sectional in the living room and lets her rest and recover. He retreats to the secret control room behind the mirror and watches the monitor closely, taking the first shift of three hours and giving the second one to Stevie. Now he just has to wait and see if the Maid of Steel will live through the night.

* * *

“Good morning, Vega Construction.”

“Hello, My name is Diana Prince. I’d like to speak to Mr. Carmine Vega, please.”

“Mr. Vega is not in at the moment. Can I ask the nature of your phone call?”

“Do you know when he’ll be back?”

“I’m not sure if he’ll be in today at all. He’s been busy with meetings all week. Is there a message I can take for him?”

“I have a friend of mine to whom he may have granted an interview. A reporter named Linda Danvers.”

“Danvers? The brunette on Channel 5?”

“Yes, that’s her. Do you know if she’s talked to him. Or was she on his appointment calendar?”

“I’m sorry I don’t have access to the calendar. I haven’t seen her in this office. I would have remembered her. I love her work.”

“I’ll tell her that. What’s your name, dear?”


“Well, Kate. I know its an imposition but Linda’s gone missing for a few days now and I’m trying to locate her last whereabouts. I was given to believe she had a meeting with Mr. Vega.”

“Well, as I said, I don’t know much more than what I’ve told you, Mrs. Prince was it?

“Ms. Diana Prince, yes. Can you please tell Mr. Vega I called and that I’d like to talk to him very briefly? He’s just one of several possibilities I’m trying to track down. I won’t take up much of his time. It would be a big help.”

“Of course, let me take the numbers where he can contact you.”

“Thank you.”

After taking down Diana Prince’s contact information, Kate wishes her well on her search and raises an eyebrow. That was unusual. She truly hopes the young reporter isn’t in trouble somewhere. She had such an energetic and engaging reporting style.

* * *

It is 10:45 a.m. before Supergirl opens her eyes. She is on her back lying on hard wood. There’s a pillow under her head and, looking down, her tight blouse has been pulled up and bunched in a roll under her breasts, exposing her abdomen. She sees a wide gauze pad stretched over her side with white adhesive tape. It takes her a second to recall why on earth that would be necessary.

“Why in the...oh.” She also sees a bright pink waxy smear circling her crotch. Putting her fingertips to her cheek, she feels the same pink waxiness of the lipstick. “Oh yeah. Sergei’s lesson.” After slowly sitting up, Supergirl gingerly peels the tape back, removing the bandage. Her skin shows no mark or entry wound of any kind. And then, flexing her fingers like she’s playing the piano, Supergirl realizes her broken fingers have healed as well. The horrifying memory, however, is something else.

“Good morning, my little sunburst.” Supergirl entire body jerks in panic at Sergei’s voice over the loudspeaker. She looks around the apartment with darting, terrified eyes. Her head pivots this way and that before she takes a panting breath.

“..g...guh...good...m..morning....” She bites her lip, frozen in place sitting in the hallway.

“You look a little out of it, my dear. Can I bring you some coffee and a doughnut?”

“No! No! No! Umm....thank you. I’m...I’m not....hungry.”

“Are you sure? It’s been some time since you last ate anything. Should I fix you some eggs perhaps?”

“What? Eggs. Is that what you want? You want me to have eggs?” Supergirl is babbling with the fear welling up within her like a fountain.

“Whatever you like, Linda. May I call you Linda?”

“Yes! Sure! Yes... Linda’s fine. You can call me Linda. Yes.”

“Do you like your eggs scrambled, as an omelet or sunny-side up? I’m quite a good cook when it comes to eggs, you know. You’ll be getting quite a treat.”

“I don’t care. Any way is good. I’ll eat them anyway you like. Any way at all.”

“Well, I will make you a cheese omelet. You like this?”

“Yes! Cheese omelet’s fine. That’s great. Thank you. Cheese....omelet....” She’s panting like she’s just run a marathon. This man has instilled a fear in her she’s never felt before. She had to get a grip here. She couldn’t live at this state of panic. Her heart would give out in a couple of days, if that. Already she feels it thumping wildly in her chest. She closes her eyes and tries to breathe normally. Oh Rao, do I need crack! The best stuff possible. Please, if there’s any justice on this little blue planet, Tony will be bringing me a pipe of his best stuff in through that doorway any second. She wants to ask but is scared shitless to pose the question to Sergei. She doesn’t want to make a single demand on him to get him upset in any possible way.


“Yes, my pet?”

“” I have to stop stuttering like this. “”

“He is coming in to see you shortly, my dear.”

“Oh thank Rao,” she murmurs softly. She pulls the blouse down to her waist and tucks it in as best she can.

“What was that?” Sergei asks.

“Nothing. I’m sorry. Nothing,” the Maid of Might mumbles quickly, her body shrinking into itself.

Sergei is laughing in the control room. This bitch was about to piss herself with the fear she’s showing. He was thrilled with the results of his lesson. His control over her should be virtually absolute from now on. He tells Stevie to keep an eye on her on the monitor. He’s going to go into the kitchenette in his suite on the floor below Supergirl’s and make her omelet.

“And Stevie," Sergei says to the young man at the control board, "she’s back to almost half of her superpowers we think, so please to be ready to open the aperture on the control disk in her cape to full radiation. Should it be necessary. We don’t want any sudden escape attempts. But I think she’ll be fine. Especially when Tony comes in with the crack.”

“Sure thing, Sergei. Boy, she’s sure scared a’ you!”

“That was the idea, my friend.”
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This story is good but it should reach a climax now that Supergirl has been broken. Either she secretly hopes to find an opening to escape or Wonder Woman resuces her that is unless they do the same to her.
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Thanks for the comment, Bronson881. As you suspect, Wonder Woman is going to be badly ambushed within the next couple of chapters by people employed by Carmine. And even with Superman on the scene, he won't be able to help the Amazon princess.
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Sounds great. Looking forward to reading it.
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Hard Lessons Learned
Part 18-B

Five minutes later Tony enters Supergirl’s suite whistling in high spirits. He’d gotten an update from Sergei by cell phone on the way up in the elevator. The girl was an emotional wreck, babbling in positive response to anything Sergei suggested. What’s more, judging by the cameras located around the room, her wounds had healed completely. She was seen wiggling her fingers and, in an extreme closeup from camera four, no mark at all was evident under the bandage. This was great news. Any johns that roughed her up would not leave lasting marks on the beautiful prize. She could be a punching bag and as long as she wasn’t killed, she would recover as good as new. At least physically.

“Hello, Supergirl. I trust you’re feeling....okaay...” He’d been so busy last night with trying to save her life that he hadn’t appreciated the full effect of her appearance until now. The teenage blonde is still sitting on the hard wood floor by the pillow, afraid to make any moves other than scooting her rear around to face him as he crosses the plush rug. Her face is circled with a bright pink ring of lipstick. So is her crotch. What’s more, her breasts are boldly accented by the tightness of the tawdry blouse. The badly printed S emblem stretched over her boobs is such an outright mockery of her true famous costume that it makes the mighty champion look truly whorish. Her crotch is completely exposed for his viewing pleasure, the lines of her labia accented by the overly tight red panties. Wearing this outfit, with her orifices so outlandishly highlighted in pink, the promise of sexual gratification is broadcast by the unwary girl like a 50,000 watt clear channel signal on a summer eve. You can feel the ooze of sexuality as far away as Mexico.

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Bonano. I feel okay.”

Crossing to the nodding blue-eyed blonde, he extends his hand to help her up. “Good. Sergei gets very upset when his girls don’t behave like he expects them to.”

“Yes. Well, um...sir. I assure you, that will not happen again. Lesson learned. Absolutely.” She straightens her tawdry costume as much as possible but there’s so little fabric to work with, it only takes a pass of her palm here and there.

“Well, that’s excellent then. Because Sergei’s arranged two gentlemen callers for you today. We’ll go over what’s expected of you in a few minutes. But first, I need to replace your choker that I had to remove last night to help you heal.”

“Yes, of course.” She turns so her back is facing him and bows her head without a second’s thought about resistance. There is a third humiliatingly bright pink circle of lipstick around the beautiful blonde’s ass. Sergei was relentless and thorough, Tony had to give him that. The choker taken from Tony’s pocket is fastened around her throat in no time and once again, Tony steadies the grunting teen with a hand on her bicep and another on her waist.

“ your...assistance, Mr. B. Kryptonite always takes it out of me until I get a little adjusted to the radiation. Ohh...whew... Did you bring me any crack?”

Sliding both hands around her waist, Tony hugs the blonde teenager close and whispers in her ear. “As a matter of fact I did. Look, you should go into the bathroom and clean yourself up a little. We’ll talk when you come out.”

Supergirl looks down at her body and sees the rings of shame. “Oh my god! Yes. Alright, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” She rushes off to the bathroom absolutely mortified.

Tony stands at the edge of the living area and rocks on his heels, waiting patiently until Supergirl comes out cleaned, buffed and smiling with nervous anticipation.

“Is it good crack? I mean, like the first few days? Strong?” She stands before him eager.

“You should have no problem with this shipment, Linda.” He puts his palms on both of her shoulders and looks her in the eye. “After all you’ve been through I would say you could use some primo stuff and I aim to please.”

“That’s fantastic. Can I...can I have it now, please. Mr. B. Please!”

Why, yes, certainly.” He starts to put one hand in his jacket pocket for the pipe, his other still pressed around Supergirl’s shoulder when Sergei pushes through the apartment door, backwards at first, carrying a tray of breakfast food.

“Here I am with the omelet you requested, Supergirl,” Sergei says brightly. Tony feels the blonde teenager go absolutely rigid against him. Wow! She is utterly terrified of Sergei!

“...but the pipe..” Supergirl says in frustration.

“Oh, that,” Sergei says. “Well, why don’t you enjoy the omelet and then have the pipe for dessert, yes?” He carries the tray into the dining area and pulls a chair out for the blonde like a friendly waiter. “Please sit.”

Supergirl almost yanks out of Tony’s hold and scurries over to the dining room table and sits down obediently at the end of the table where Sergei has set the tray. Tony hides a smirk behind his hand at the submissive body language of the girl who could once stop a charging rhino with a simple puff of air from her beautiful mouth. Right now that mouth is stuffed with eggs and melted cheddar cheese as the anxious heroine tries to finish the omelet as quickly as possible. Sergei is sitting in the chair next to her, simply watching the blonde shoveling the omelet in like a chore.

“Slow down, Supergirl. Please, you can’t even taste my secret ingredient you’re eating so fast.” Tony comes around the table and sits on the other side of the nervous heroine.

Looking up with a forkful of eggs poised in mid-air Supergirl swallows and murmurs, “Sorry. It’s very good. The omelet. It’s a little spicy. Nicely spicy, I mean. And the cheese is terrific. It all tastes terrific. What’s the secret ingredient? Can I ask that? I’m sorry, you said it was a secret ingredient. I didn’t mean to...I’m sorry. It’s good. It’s really good.”

Sergei winks at Tony. “Nonsense, it’s not that big a secret. Just a touch of Tobasco sauce and a some white pepper. No big deal. But people seem to like it.”

“Yes, Tobasco. I can taste it now that you mention it. It gives it a little tang.”

“Coffee?” Sergei asks, pouring out a fragrant steaming black arc of liquid from a small two-cup server to a beautiful red and black oriental mug. “How do you take it?”

“Two sugars and cream. But let me. don’t have to do that.”

Snatching up a spoon, the blonde teen takes the lid off the sugar bowl and ladles two heaping spoonfuls into the mug, followed by a splash of cream from the tiny pitcher on the tray. The spoon rattles against the rim of the mug like a telegraph operator with palsy. And then it stops as Supergirl lets the spoon drop to the table and lowers her head and begins to cry.

Sergei and Tony, sitting opposite each other at the table look at each other with raised eyebrows. Soft, mewling sobs come out of the girl as her chest heaves in its tight blouse.

“...I’m sorry. I don’t mean to do this. To cry like this.’s been a hard, hard, week. Harder than any time I’ve ever experienced in my life. And I’m just so damn scared of...of doing something wrong again. I don’t want to be hurt anymore. Don’t hurt me.”

She looks up at Sergei with pleading watery blue eyes as wide as the sky and grabs his hand, bends her head and kisses the skin on the back of his hand, wetting it with her dripping cheek and she places her face against it. “Please, Sergei, don’t hurt me anymore. I’ll be good. I’ll do everything you ask. I...i..need you to promise me you won’t kill me or torture me again. I need to know I have... some...leeway...if I don’t do everything exactly correctly. You understand? I don’t....know...I’m not sure how to behave... I can’t....take...all this’s for But...but...if...I know...there’s room to...make small mistakes without being stabbed or burnt or, I don’t know, beaten, I’ll be a better whore. Less nervous. Can you promise me that. So I can be a better whore for you? Can you agree to that. Please....please Sergei?”

“Da. Yes. I can restrain myself from hurting you. If the mistakes are small. I will not hurt you unnecessarily. Nobody is perfect. And, as you say, it is better for business if everyone is working together to accomplish what we want: a pleasant experience for the men who come to you. I will be fine with this, I can assure you. Small mistakes are not my concern, sweet Linda. Big mistakes only, like yesterday’s.

“Oh thank you. Thank you. She kisses his hand one more time and then releases it and turns to Tony. “Can I have the crack. Please, Tony. Please. It’s been so long. I’ve finished my eggs. Please.”

“Sergei when is the first gentleman expected?”

“He will be here at 4:00 this afternoon. There is plenty of time.”

“Good. Why don’t you and I go sit on the couch, Supergirl, and you can relax with the pipe over there.”

“Okay.” She breathes a huge, heavy sigh and looks at Sergei. “Thank you for your promise,” she nods respectfully.

“Is nothing. We understand each other perfectly. As I said, I like to treat my girls well when they behave. We have turned a corner and put the willful child behind us. That is all I ever wanted.” He opens up the paper on the counter and begins to pore over the day’s news.

“Behind us. Yes,” she agrees with a nod and slowly makes her way over to the big beige sectional. Tony has the blue glass crack pipe out and ready.

As she sits down beside the Mafia Don, Supergirl eagerly takes the pipe from him and then the lighter. She flicks on the small yellow flame and applies it to the base of the pipe and takes short quick sucks to light the tiny white pebble completely. The small crackling sound from which this form of cocaine gets its name is music to Supergirl’s ears by now, as is the sharp taste of the tiny cloud of smoke from within the blue glass. It means a high will be mere seconds away, and within that precious high she will drift off into the distance, away from all her cares like a cruise ship leaving port. Wave to the silly troubles standing on the dock of life! She is starting her short vacation! Eleven seconds to have her ticket punched by the steward and be standing at the rail waving goodbye. This was wonderful crack and promised to be a wonderful journey.

“Mmmmm. Ohhh. Rao, did I need this! Aaaahhhhh.” Her head sags back against the soft leather pillow back of the sectional and she sighs yet again. “Feels like vanilla pudding,” she says with euphoria.

“This is a new supplier I’m testing. And I agree. Everybody who’s had this batch as told me it was a sweet high. I think you just created a brand name for this stuff, Supergirl.”

“Well. work...with a reporter....” she says, drifting away from the metaphysical shore.

“Say, I have a great idea. Don’t go away.” He stands up and heads toward the kitchenette cabinets.

“You’re funny, where would I go?”

When he comes back Tony’s got an opened container of pre-packaged vanilla pudding and a spoon in his hands. “Tell me how this tastes, Supergirl.” He sits next to the blonde who’s leaning back into the depth of the sofa cushion, the picture of a whore at rest. Her breasts are rising and falling like gentle bellows, her knees are splayed wide apart and her silky red panties are gleaming brightly in the sunlight. Tony spoons a generous dollop of vanilla pudding into her mouth.

“Ohhh...yuu–uummm. Ah ha ha. That’s freakin’ fabulous. Oh, mmm...more!” He ladles in another spoonful and the blonde sucks hard on the spoon as he slowly withdraws it from her mouth. “You try some. It’s great.”

Tony takes a spoonful and nods his head. “It is good.” It’s not as orgasmically good as she thinks it is, but then he’s not orbiting the moon, is he?

“Vanilla Pudding. Who would have thought it would be so erotic?” Supergirl opens her mouth for another spoonful.

“Plenty of people have discovered the joys of pudding, my dear. They even wrestle in it sometimes.”

“Oooh. Kinky. More, please.” She opens her mouth wider and looks at Tony expectantly.
He pulls the spoon away for a second then brings it in slowly until she grabs it with her mouth. Tony releases the spoon and, using both free hands, unzips his suit pants and takes out his penis.

Hearing the zipper, she opens her eyes and looks directly at Tony’s lap. “Why Mr. Bonano. This is so sudden.”

“Spoon some of that ambrosia on my cock, Supergirl, and see just how erotic pudding can be,” Tony requests with a firm nod.

Biting her lip for a fraction of a second in dismay, Supergirl suddenly smiles up at Tony while thinking of Sergei sitting in the kitchenette reading the morning paper.

“Sure!” She leans over and does as she is told, placing a neat gumdrop sized mound of pudding on his half erect penis. He takes the pudding and spoon from her and tosses them gently on the cocktail table as she shifts her body so her soft chest bounces against his thigh, her legs are bent with her booted toes waving in the air and her head is directly over Tony’s pudding- covered cock. She goes down on the dick slowly, lowering her head with her mouth open and her tongue out. She encompasses the whole tip of his penis and sucks in her cheeks. This creates a pocket of warm mouth and cool pudding that raises Tony’s eyebrows straight up. His pecker too! She swirls it all around in her mouth and circles his glans with a simultaneous rotation of her head and tongue.

“Mmmmm. Thweet to the tongue. Thmooth on the gums.” She pulls her mouth off the tip and swallows the pudding with a loud gulp. “Tastes like pudding but looks like cum!”

“You’re a fucking Longfellow!”

“No. You are. I’m Emily Dickens-mouth!”

“Don’t stop, sweet mouth!” Tony grins.

She lowers her head into his lap again and licks his prick all over with her tongue, using lots of saliva and lots of flicking tip action with the very tip of her tongue on his shaft, on his glans and on the underside of his prick where he’s the most sensitive.

“Ahh. That’s great!” Now he’s the one leaning back into the seat cushion. Her left hand cups his balls, fingering them lightly as her right hand slides up and down his shaft. Her mouth continues to suck and rotate and pull on and off the top third of his cock with a building rhythm that’s bringing his breath in short pants now.

“I’m not going to swallow. I want you to come on my breasts, okay?”


“Don’t hold my head.” She looks up at him with blue-eyed hope.

“I won’t. I won’t. Don’t slow down.”

Picking up the tempo, Supergirl strokes faster and with a little more firmness, even as her fingers play Mozart with the hairs and skin of his nutsack. Her mouth now grips the whole top half of his penis and is tightly jerking back and forth on it with gusto.

“Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm....” She works steadily as she feels his width increase and his prick bob suddenly. She pulls her mouth off in a hurry. She lowers his dick even as he grasps her shoulder and she can’t quite move fast enough in position for him to hit her chest. The white arc of his jism catches her full in the face, splattering all over her cheeks, nose and mouth.

Her mouth gapes open in shock and a secondary squirt goes right down her throat like a perfect jism dunk shot. There’s even a follow-up three pointer squirt from downtown that lands right on her left eyelid. Once again Supergirl discovers a new way to be sexually humiliated.

“..hreegkk...Oh....eeyeegghh....aakkh..ohh...tony!” The cum-splattered face of the Maid of Steel drips with thick white strands of Bonano’s salty jism. Blinking away the cum dripping from her eye, Supergirl sputters and gags in disgust and shame. She starts to get up to go clean off in the bathroom, when Tony’s arm grabs her bicep and pulls her right back down to the same position on her belly.

“Where are you going?” Tony looks at the frowning cum-drenched face of the famous teenage champion pulled onto his lap.

“I was....huullgkk....going to clean myself up!”

“We’ll do it here,” Tony says.

“What? What do you mean?” Supergirl girl tries to rise again and he pulls her back with a firm grip again.

“Let me help you with that,” Tony says. His palm sweeps down from her forehead, around her cheeks, skims over her mouth and down and under her chin. He’s effectively smeared Supergirl’s entire face with cum.

“What the hell...oh...oh....acgkkk...huurlgkk...stop....stuhpp....gonna be sick...”

“Is there a problem, Tony?” Sergei asks, folding the newspaper to a new page.

Supergirl freezes in place. Breathes through her nose and calms herself down immediately.

“No. I think we’re fine over here, Sergei,” Tony replies, looking at the miserable blonde with the darting eyes in his lap. He holds out his hand and there’s a white puddle of the thick viscous jism in his palm. “Lick it up.”

The crack high is long gone. Reluctantly but obediently, the blonde heroine to millions laps up the cum in Tony’s hand like a pet poodle. Taking small licks at the edges and working her way inward so she doesn’t gag and puke, Supergirl finishes the job in about eight minutes. Twice she had to rest for twenty seconds to keep from losing her composure and her breakfast. But the newspaper rattling off in the distance keeps her focused and determined.

“Good,” Tony says with a smile. He takes the forlorn cum-streaked face of the blonde beauty in the palm of his freshly cleaned hand and looks into her baby blues. “Now listen to me, Linda. Sex is not always neat and not always fun. That you’ve clearly learned over the last few days. And, you’re new to this so I expect mistakes, but this gagging thing you’ve got about cum, you have to beat that! Customers want to think you enjoy swallowing. Some may get off on the gagging, but you never know which ones will take it wrong."

Supergirl frowns and nods obediently.

"It will take practice and patience to solve this. But it has to be done. It’s part of your profession for the next year! You may or may not believe this but I did not try to cum in your face. You got me very excited and didn’t release me fast enough and I couldn’t control myself because you did such a good job with your mouth. I would have happily cummed on your tits. Believe me. It would have been a pleasure to cum all over Supergirl’s tits. Who wouldn’t agree with that?” Tony says with a smirk.

“Do you understand what I’m saying? Cause Sergei will hear about the gagging and the complaints and that will not be a small mistake. I will talk to him about this ‘failing’ of yours and try to get him to understand, but you’ve got to try on your end, too. If its practice you need, I’m sure Carmine and Stevie would be happy to help,” Tony smiles broadly at this

“Hmm!” Supergirl grunts and gives a small wry grin back. “Yeah, I don’t doubt it. I’ll work on it, Tony. Promise.”

“Good. Now go in there and clean up and we’ll do another pipe to get you back in a good mood. I like my ladies to be smiling and satisfied whenever possible.”

“Okay, Mr. B.”

Fifteen minutes later, Supergirl is back on the cruise ship Driftwood floating along on the Gulf Stream of Crack. Lying back in the big beige leather couch cushion, her legs are spread wide apart and Stevie is on his knees on the floor in front of her. The cocktail table has been pushed off to the side to make room for his legs because Stevie has his chin on the sofa seat and is rapidly stroking Supergirl’s clit with his tongue. His right hand holds the crotch of her panties off to the side while his other hand feathers softly against her inner thigh.

“Oooohh....ohhhh....ah...ha...haahhh....that’s wunnerful...Stevie.....” she says twitching with joy.

Tony’s actively working on Supergirl’s breasts, using firm steady squeezes to ply them, caress them, lift them and press them. He breaks up the steady fondling with exquisite nipple work as well. Pulling down the collar of her shirt to reveal the bouncing beauties, he concentrates on tweaking, twisting, nibbling and dribbling saliva on them to an unending series of squeaks, moans and shudders from the drowsy, satiated blonde.

“This is the kind of attention a girl should always have,” she murmurs happily. “Oh... Tony...don’t stop what you’re doing...”

“Wouldn’t think of it.” Tony glances at the wall clock. 2:25 p.m. He had to get things underway. He nods to Stevie. “In fact, I think we’ll pick up the pace a little.”

“Be my guest,” she sighs.

Taking a compact 4" blue crystal dildo with a 2-1/2" width from his pocket, Stevie puts the tip against the panting blonde’s well lubricated vagina and slowly presses the device into her tight pussy.

“ and....your toys.....”

“We aim to please, Miss Linda,” Stevie says in a bad southern accent. Then he turns on the battery-operated device and sends Supergirl into the first class cabin on the Driftwood’s Millionaire’s Club Section.

“WHAAHH....OHH....Rao....that’s incredible...” Supergirl’s hips buck spastically as the motorized dildo takes over her focus. It doesn’t hurt that she’s still high from the second pipe of the Vanilla Pudding. Not to mention the aphrodisiac that thoroughly laced the cheese omelet so courteously supplied by Sergei. The Maid of Steel is a chain reaction about to initiate. Just the way Tony had planned.

Tony leans over and licks Supergirl’s ear as his hands continue to fondle her breasts in slow figure eights. Then he whispers in her ear, “Carmine had a call from an interesting woman this morning who was looking for you.”

“Oh...whooooo....” she breathes softly as Stevie pulls the dildo out and works the outside of her slick pussy, rubbing it in the folds of her major and minor labia. “Ohh....”

“Someone named Diana Prince.”


“You know her?”

“Aaahhh..ohhh...yess....she’s...a...long time....friend....mmhhhh....”

“She was quite concerned. We had to lie to her of course. Carmine returned her call and told her he had talked to you but hadn’t seen you since the night you disappeared.”

Diana is looking for me! So are others probably. There could be an ending to...

“WHAAHH!” Supergirl’s hips twitch and buck again as Stevie puts the dildo right against the sensitized heroine’s clit. She turns her head and gnaws not so gently on Tony’s shoulder. “Oohh.”

“She was quite persistent., Carmine tells me.”

“....that’s Diana...mmm...ahhh...OH! OH!..Stevie...tha..that has to be illegal somewhere!”

“Should I stop?” He winks at Tony.

“Don’t you freaking dare!”

“A friend like that, well, it must be a wonder to have a woman like that in your corner.”

“ say that...” She giggles, then sighs then moans loudly as Stevie goes full bore with the dildo under Tony’s command.

Tony had heard the giggle and knew what it meant. Supergirl under a barrage of sexual manipulation and crack and a simple verbal slight of hand by Tony Bonano had just given up her friend’s secret identity to a Mob boss.

And for her reward she got a wonderful screaming multiple orgasm that would last a full minute and haunt her for the rest of her days.

Tony suspicions would have to be verified. Once that was done, he was prepared to move decisively against Ms. Diana Prince.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Donovan Sanders’ Specialty
Part 19

By 4 p.m. Supergirl had been briefed about her first trick of the day, a Mr. Donovan Sanders. The explanation was efficient and precise. He was a refined, wealthy bachelor in his late thirties who enjoyed anal sex. Supergirl was to entertain him for two hours any way she thought appropriate. That was it. Except for one other item. No one who came up here was to know that Tony Bonano was associated with this enterprise. If she had to refer to him, she would call him “her handler.” Sergei’s name could be used since he was meeting with the clients. Tony’s name being mentioned was cause for very, very severe punishment. She nodded solemnly at this warning.

Then Tony returned her genuine costume panties, cleaned and fresh.

“What about the rest of my gear?” She was frowning at the small, folded silky red material in her open hand.

“I’m keeping it for now. I have my reasons. That’s all you need to know,” Tony says, turning toward the elevator. “Sanders is downstairs. Sergei will send him up in a couple of minutes. Give him a good time.”

“Yes, Mr. B.” She agrees quietly and walks into the bedroom and changes from the cheesy, tight imposter underwear into the smooth, silken material from her home world. It felt infinitely better and even raised her spirits a bit. Although the thought of having a complete stranger put his penis in her rear brought her right back down. But there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. Her body simply wasn’t hers anymore. She looks at herself in the mirror. The tight, ridiculous outfit made her despise the farce that looked back at her.

“Hello? Anybody home?” A smooth, deep voice from the living room calls out.

“I’ll be right out,” she call back. “Well, let’s go out there and show old Donny what a good sport you are, Kara.”

When she enters the living room, Donovan Sanders is mixing himself a scotch and soda. Wearing a dark blue business suit with the palest salmon colored pinstripe, his matching tie and pale beige shirt complement his short curly dark hair and olive complexion very well. He looks up at the beautiful blonde coming at him in red and blue and stops pouring and starts admiring. But there’s something quizzical about his expression as he moves forward and actually proffers his hand.

“Hello, Supergirl. Donovan Sanders. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman who has done so much to keep America’s citizens safe.” His voice is like dark, rich molasses.

“Well, thank you, Mr. Sanders.” She is surprised at his cordiality.

“Please, call me Don. My father is Mr. Sanders.” He goes back to mixing his drink. “Can I offer you anything from the bar?”

“It’s nice to meet you, Don. I’ll just have a coke, thanks.”

“I heard you like coke.”

“Right. Cute.” She likes the way he looks and sounds at least. She takes the tumbler of coke and sips it quickly, looking askance at him. Bit of an ass with that comment, though.

“I’m sorry. That was rude. It was supposed to be a joke to lessen the tension. I’m a little nervous here.”

“Apology accepted. There’s nothing to be nervous about, Don. I’m just a person like you with fears and joys in her life who’s having a troubled time right now. Why don’t you think of me as an old girlfriend who you haven’t seen in years and missed a lot.” She walks up to the pull down bar, sets her drink down and begins to loosen his tie. “Wouldn’t you like to make yourself a little more comfortable?”

“Thank you. Aren’t you sweet,” Sanders looks genuinely taken with her charm. “Look, I know it’s a bit forward, but isn’t that costume a different look for you?”

Supergirl laughs outright at this. “Well, aren’t you the diplomat. Yes, my original outfit is being cleaned and apparently this is what my handler thought was appropriate.”

“Well, your handler’s taste in room decor is a hell of a lot better than his taste in women’s clothes.”

“I can’t argue with that,” she chuckles, tossing the tie over the sofa. She starts to unbutton his shirt but he puts a hand on hers and stops her.

“Wait. Are there any other clothes in this apartment you can wear? You have, if I may say, an absolutely breathtaking figure, not to mention the face of an angel. I would not feel right sharing any kind of intimacy with you in that get-up. It is, well, I’m sorry, but the word is demeaning.”

Supergirl is stunned by the simple humanity of this person. She gulps. “Uhh, I guess that there might be something in the bedroom closet. I haven’t given the clothes there much of a look yet.”

“Let’s go check them out, if that’s alright?” He removes his suit jacket and tosses it over the arm of the sectional.

“Sure. Certainly. I’d like that. Very much,” The heartfelt smile she gives him almost gives him a coronary. Walking toward the bedroom with her hand pulling him gently along, Don Sanders is already having the best day of his life.

In the bedroom, Supergirl is pushing hangers apart and examining the dresses, skirts and costumes with a running commentary that keeps Sanders laughing so hard, he can barely take a drink from his scotch and soda without doing a spit take.

“Hello, it’s 2009 and Carmen Electra doesn’t live here anymore....Oh, puuhhleeze!... ..Trash.... Trashier...Good lord, this one makes the other trashier ones look like Ralph Lauren..." Supergirl continues. "Hmmm, maybe for a drunk female impersonator but not on this girl...Yikes! The color combination from hell....Wow, like I suddenly so don’t want to wear that!” The valley girl accent is dead on. “Oh god this is not getting any better as I go through these,” she looks back at him. “I’m trying Don but this is the closet of a whore on crack in my handler’s mind. It’s not me. I’d go naked before I wore any of these things.”

“I’m not opposed to that,” He grins.

“Let’s not give up hope,” she says turning back to the closet.

“I know which way I’m hoping for.”

“Shut up, you perv!” And suddenly the smiling girl’s face goes white as she turns back to look at him in alarm. “Ohmygod, I’m sorry. That was so wrong. I’m so sorry. I...i...didn’t mean it that way...I....apologize...please... please...accept my apology...I don’t know what got into me.”

“Whoa. Hey. What’s the matter? I know you were joking. Hey, don’t get upset. I took it as a joke, really. I really did. Hey, look at me, sweetie.” He turns her face up to his with his hand under her chin. “What the hell have they done to you?”

“What? Nothing. I’m sorry,” she blinks back tears. “I get like this recently. Forget about it. Let’s see if we can find a simple black dress in here. I thought I saw one....”

He kisses her suddenly and holds her waist. She relaxes into him as his tongue slowly explores her mouth. She does not resist, allowing herself the pleasure of a sudden surprising tenderness. After a moment, he breaks it off and she puts her arms around his waist and hugs him tight, resting her head on his chest.

“That was nice,” she whispers.

“Very,” he replies, returning the hug.

“I really did think I found a dress in there...” she motions toward the closet.

“Let’s just lose what you’re wearing and let me take a look at perfection on earth as nature designed.”

“I’m not opposed to that,” she smiles brightly. The two-million volt special goes right to his heart once again. The beautiful blonde unzips the 2" zipper to the skirt and lets it fall to the floor in a heap. She steps out of it and quickly removes her cape and drops it on the floor. Next, she pulls the blouse over her head revealing her bouncing breasts without a hint of self-consciousness. She reaches down to unzip the boots, when Sanders puts his hand up.

“May I?”

“Be my guest.”

He kneels before her and slowly unzips her left boot and pulls it off. She puts the foot down and flexes her toes in relief, kneading the pink pile carpet with delight.

“Aahh. That feels good.”

“Boots too tight?

“Not really. I’ve just been wearing them all day.”

Tapping her calf, he gets her to lift the other boot and removes it.

“Would you like a foot massage?”


“Why not you?”

“I’m the one who’s supposed to be showing you a good time, Mr. Sanders.” Motioning to the four poster with the sheer drop curtains, she says. “Let’s get you inside my magic harem bed, master, and let me make your head spin.”

“You already have. But let’s not have any of that ‘master/slave’ bullshit. You, my dear, are nobody’s slave. You are far too noble and sweet for that. And I mean it about that foot massage. I’m very proud of how good I am at giving them.”

She looks at him with a deep melancholy and sighs deeply, along with a tiny drip down her cheek.

“What? More tears? What’s the matter now?”

“Nothing. You just have a nice way of putting things that makes a girl happy,” she looks into his eyes and they crinkle deeply.

“What can I say. I got the gift,” he grins widely, puts his knuckles on his hips, strikes a heroic pose and in his deep bass voice says, “Super Nice Man!”

“Are you making fun of my cousin?” She says coldly, her face getting grim.

“Oh my god. Now I’m the one who’s sorry. Really I...” He stops as she breaks into a giggle. “You rat! You scared the hell out of me!”

“Couldn’t resist. Now, get in there and let me get those clothes off you. It’s not fair that I’m the only one naked here!”

Once on the bed, the blonde teenager unbuckles Don’s pants and pulls them off with a tug even as he lies back and unbuttons his shirt. Lifting up slightly, he tosses the shirt off the bed. She pulls off his Italian loafers and peels off his socks and then crawls up to his chest and rubs her palms all over it with broad, smooth, circular strokes. Both of them are wearing only their underwear now, except for Donovan’s Rolex and Supergirl’s pink nylon kryptonite choker. Nodding at the collar while her hands caress his nicely defined abs, Don asks, “What’s that jeweled collar for?”

“Let’s just say it keeps me in line. And, by the way, keeps me weak enough so I don’t crush your manhood to pulp.”

“Jeezuz, you’re not from the National Council on Promoting Celibacy, are you?

“I’m sorry,” she giggles. “That didn’t come out well.”

“And it’s not going to go in well, either, if you keep up that kind of talk.”

“Poor baby, let me give you a little encouragement.”

“I’m all yours.”

“Let’s lose that underwear,” she says. Scooting backward so her knees are near the end of the bed, Supergirl takes the waistband of his dark plaid boxer shorts and pulls them down slowly and methodically, rebuilding the sexual tension between them after her deflating comment. When they’re at his ankles, he sits up and makes a move to remove the beautiful blonde’s own red silken panties.

“Wow. I’ve never felt material like this,” he says as he slides the bright red underwear over the soft curves of Supergirl’s rear. “You have these made special?”

“You might say that. These are part of my original costume. The fabric is Kryptonian. Normally indestructible.”

“Hmmm.” He pulls them down her long, powerful legs and calves, also slowly to match her style. Then he drops them off the side of the bed on top of where she’d dropped his shorts. “I wish you had your original costume on. That would feel pretty erotic I’m guessing. I wouldn’t mind making love to you in that.”

“It can be sexy. It definitely can. Speaking of erotic, I can’t help but notice you’re off the celibacy list.” He’s lying on his back now with his hard penis extended up to his stomach. Just looking at her in all her stunningly beautiful nakedness has already gotten him hard.

“It’s your wonderful way with me, woman!”

Supergirl freezes in place. That phrase rang a loud warning bell in her mind for some reason. Something she’d been talking about with Tony earlier in the day. Diana was looking for her. She remembered that. But there was something else and it was making her very uneasy. What had she said to Tony? She certainly couldn’t remember. She’d been zoned out on crack at the time and Stevie was working that crystal dildo in her in ways that made her flush red just to think about.

“Where did you go there?” Donovan is looking up at her.


“Earth to Supergirl. You left the planet there for a minute.”

“I’m sorry, Donovan. I just felt like somebody walked across my grave. Or my friend’s.”

“You okay to do this?” He nods toward his stiff penis bobbing against his stomach. All eight inches of it.

“You have my full attention. Pwaahhmiss,” she says, lifting his manhood up and putting it in her mouth.

“What more could I....Ahh.haha!”

Supergirl has the tip of his cock firmly in her mouth, pulling back and forth gently with her lips, even as she rubs his shaft in a spiral motion, up and down repeatedly. She looks up with her baby blues to check his reaction. His arms are crossed on his chest, his bright eyes are watching her with amazement and he’s breathing heavily already.

“Any weqwethss?”

“Excuse me?”

Taking her mouth off his penis, Supergirl continues stroking his prick while she flips her hair back from off her face. “Requests? Is there any particular way you like things done?”

“Well, now that you mentioned. I really was hoping you’d....god no, there’s nothing you’re doing that I wouldn’t want you to do.”

“Thath a douboo negatiff,” she says, taking his cock back in her mouth.

“There’s nothing negative about what you’re doing, I promise you that.”

Working up her spit, Supergirl slowly and seductively circles her tongue all over the tip of Don’s penis as she continues to stroke him up and down with her hand. He is rock hard and panting rapidly as she works him up and down relentlessly. Then, backing up a bit, she takes her mouth off his cock and puts her face right up to the base of his prick and takes one of his balls in her mouth. Gently, the world-famous Maid of Steel makes little puffing motions with her mouth against his ball as she rubs the tip of his cock with a light, fast rolling rotation of her wrist.

“Ohh! Wow...Whoaa...that’s incredible...wowww.”

Switching balls, she puffs softly against his nut with the gentlest pressure from her cheeks even as her palm continues to rapidly stimulate his glistening glans.

“Damn....I’ve never...this haven’t...when did you...Yahhhh.”

Releasing his ball, the determined teen’s face moves back up and hovers over the tip of his penis. She drools more spit onto the head of his rod letting a string of it slide down his shaft while most of it slips over the sides of his glans like thin icing. Her tongue then slathers it all over his cock, moistening every part of it so it shines in the light coming though the pink sheers. Changing her grip, Supergirl uses just her thumb and her forefinger and rubs it up and down the length of his shaft very lightly but very rapidly. This gets Don to sit up in bed and reach for her breast with one hand and to caress her head with the other. The blonde opens her mouth and goes down over the top half of his cock, closing on it tightly and sucking hard on it for two beats before starting to move up and down against it, working in sync with her light hand job.

“..yess....yess...that will do it....for.....sure....” He is panting heavily now as his hand squeezes and caresses the rubbery wobbling breast dangling into his palm.

Supergirl takes a deep breath through her nose, taking in as much air as possible. She does not want to gag with this man. She wants to be able to take him and his cum and swallow it. She wants to please him. She keeps up the light teasing motions with her fingers and maintains the pressure with her mouth, rising and falling onto his cock with a frenzied pace that makes the dark complexioned man flush hot with need.


“Ahhh...” He’s there and she’s as ready as she’s ever going to be. She feels his prick pulse, widen slightly and then bob helplessly in her mouth, spurting his semen in a warm jet upward into her throat. His palm holds her head down and his other hand freezes in place holding her boob a hair tighter than is pleasant but not painfully so.

The first wave is done and she swallows heavily. Then breathes deeply as a second jet fills her mouth.

“..elgk...” Some cum drips out of the side of Supergirl’s mouth, a thick ropey gob of it. It slithers down her lip and hangs there suspended like a tiny white yoyo bouncing on a string until finally it drips into his pubic hair. And still his hand continues to hold her head in place. Concentrating, the blonde teenage superhero swallows again and the second large gulp of jism slides down her throat without further incident. The third and final pulse of cum from Don’s jerking cock hits the back of Supergirl’s throat in a splatter of droplets that surprises and alarms her. His hand still holds her head in place on his cock and as she gently tries to withdraw she’s afraid she’s going to lose it and gag horribly.

“..ilgh...” Taking a final deep inhale through her nose, the strong-willed blonde dynamo gets her panic in check and swallows a final time. And then the hand lets go of her head and she’s pulling back off his cock with a final deep inhalation through her mouth. Fresh air never tasted so good. But she’d done it.

“..kack..” she works up a thick final gob of cum from the back of her throat and surreptitiously turns her head and wipes it off her lips with the back of her hand.

“I’m sorry. Did I hurt your breast?”

“My breast? No, I’m fine.”

“Good. I though I squeezed it a little hard when I came. It was just so damn fulfilling. I don’t remember the last time I got that excited from a woman’s mouth.”

“I’m glad I could please you,” she smiles at him

He pats the bed beside him. “Come up here. I want to hold you.”

Sidling up to his naked body, the pleased blonde nestles into the crook of his arm as he gently fondles her breast. After a moment, he tilts his head toward her and kisses her deeply on the mouth.

“Mmmm.” she purrs contentedly.

“Hmm,” he says, breaking the kiss after a moment. “Is that what I taste like?”


“I don’t know how women do it. Swallow cum like that.”

“It’s no big deal,” she says, smiling to herself.

“Give me a minute to let my head clear and I’ll do that foot massage.”

“If you’re offering massages, I’d rather you did my pussy. I got excited giving you head. I’m kind of worked up over here.”

“Sorry. Of course. I didn’t mean to be selfish.”

“No problem and I know this ‘date’ is not about my needs. It’s just that you offered the massage and I figure if you don’t ask, you don’t get.”

“I aim to please. Besides, we still have 45 minutes by my watch.”

“Let’s make the best use of it, I say,” the blonde kisses his mouth and he returns the soft messages of her searching tongue with equal fervor. After satisfied smiles face to face, Donovan takes his turn at the base of the bed, sprawling his legs off the end as his face goes between the giggling blonde’s thighs.

He licks her inner thighs with a wide sweep of his tongue on one thigh then the other. Slowly, he works his way toward the junction, working with the flicking tip of his tongue deeper and deeper on the inside of her thighs. Even as he’s applying this light tickling action with his tongue that draws gasps and giggles and spastic jerks from the aroused champion, his hand is circling her downy bush with the softest caresses possible. Dancing, tickling fingertips drum and swirl and caress their way slowly down toward her damp pussy from the opposite direction of his mouth. This coordinated assault by the brilliant General is putting a rout to the opposition’s front lines. When his fingers drop below her hair line and rest over the crease where her clit is buried beneath the skin, the blonde teenager actually squeals with delight. Squirming in delightful torment, Supergirl’s breath is coming in little huffing puffs now.

“Great moons of Krypton. Put your tongue on my clit or one of us will die in the next two minutes!”

“Yes, ma’am!” He does as requested and Supergirl gasps with joy. Then he begins to lick away with the rapidly fluttering tip of his tongue and Supergirl grabs her a handful of his hair and holds him in place for a change. See how he likes it!

The build up was slow but his finish is relentlessly fast. How can he breathe and do that so fast and so well? His nose is halfway up my snatch. Strike that. Why do I care? He’s sending me to heaven!

Indeed, the wriggling blonde is at her limit with his ticking fingers and precise tongue. She seizes in place and gasps loudly as she cums helplessly in his face.


Her juices flow over his mouth and cheeks and drain down onto the crumpled bedcover. She is lost in a cloud of pure pleasure. He blows softly on her clit, bringing a rippling wave of aftershocks that send spasms through her pelvis, her fingers and her puffing lips.

“.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh....that was.......fantastic.....thank you.....Don......”

“My pleasure. Turn over, I’m stiff as a board again and want to be inside you.”

“...hmmmm......what?.....turn over? Oh....right. Of course.” Anal sex was on the menu tonight she remembered. She rolls over onto her belly, her gorgeous round cheeks facing up to his adamant approval.

“Wow. You’re gorgeous from every angle, blondie! Do you have lubricant?”

“Mmmm....try the night table, Dagwood” she murmurs, still savoring the last vestiges of her orgasm.

Retrieving a tube of anal lubricant from the drawer, Don unscrews the top eagerly. Pulling aside the drowsy teenager’s cheek, he puts the narrowly rounded applicator tip against the Supergirl’s butthole and squeezes a generous amount inside her anus.


“I was told you were okay with this,” he says with a frown.

“I’m fine. The gel’s cold, that’s all.” Plus the fact that I’m the so-called Maid of Steel who’s about to take 7" inches of cock up my ass so I can have crack in my diet.

“Oh. Sorry about that. Let me warm it up a bit. He squeezes a large bead of the gel on his finger and works it all around Supergirl’s asshole, smearing it all along the insides of her ass crack. Then he slowly pokes his finger into the tight anus and works it around inside to try to warm up the gel in there.

I guess this is what it feels like to be a whore. Letting a guy you hardly know stick his finger and then his cock up your ass. So I’m there now. I’m a whore pure and simple. Welcome to the club, Kara. Let me stamp your soul so you can come in and out of Whoresville any time you want, Supergirl!

“I’m going to need you to raise your rump a little darling for a better angle, if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all,” she replies and sticks her butt in the air. Hey everyone, look at the famous blonde superhero. She’s going to willingly take it up the ass for money! I guess she’s not much of a super anything anymore, is she now? I guess she’s nothing but a bitter disappointment! A joke that no one can believe in anymore. A plaything for...

“Yeow!” The tip of his penis has pushed into her butt with a sudden surprising urgency. And it is far from pleasant. “Ahh...”

“You’re pretty tight back here, Supergirl. Try relaxing a bit, it won’t hurt that much, especially with the lubricant. Also, I’m going to stimulate your clit some more to help you get in the mood, okay?”

“That’s kind of you, Don”

His hand reaches between her thighs from the back and his forefinger finds her withdrawn and barely damp clit.

“Wow, you cooled down in a hurry.”

“I’m sorry about this. I’m still a little new.”

“No problem. I’m glad to help. You’ve been so nice to me.”

His finger slowly circles her clit, tickling it gently. A small smear of the lubricant on Don’s finger does help tremendously. The glistening nob is soon coaxed out of its shelter as Supergirl’s breathing gets shorter and breathier by the minute.

“Ahhh....that’s better. I feel much more relaxed now,” she affirms.

“Great. Let’s try this again.” He continues to twiddle her clit and Supergirl’s body reacts favorably throughout, juices flow and passions rise. She feels pressure in her rear as the long pole slowly pushes into her anal cavity. The lubricant eases the way as more and more of Don’s thick long shaft penetrates the blonde heroine’s rear end.

“Ahhh...that’s better..keep rubbing me there, please. It helps me accept you deep..Ahhh.”

“You’re wonderfully tight, sweet cheeks. I can feel you the length of my cock.”

“Likewise, I’m sure.”

Using his free hand to tweak and tickle Supergirl’s nipple while his other hand continues to manipulate her pulsing clit helps the blonde teen with her ass in the air to accept even more of Don’s long hard prick.

“Uuhhhhhhhh....that’s pretty deep in there. Are you in all the way?”

“Yup.” He slowly pulls his prick out halfway.

“Where you going? Over so sooo....OOONHHHH!”

The rushing thump of 8" of manliness thrust hard into her rear takes Supergirl by surprise. And then it is withdrawn again. And thrust in yet again.

“ certainly like your work....”

This sequence continues, slowly gaining speed as the lubricant works all the way into Supergirl’s ass. Don’s member begins to slide more and more easily now. And slowly, the famous Maid of Steel learns to appreciate a good anal fucking. Despite herself.

“Ohboy! Hunffff....Ohhh.....uhhhh....ahhhh....ahhhh....okaaaay....this..iss...better....”

The clitoral and nipple stimulation helped opened the door, but the length of Donovan’s penis and his long expertise at sodomy bring Supergirl to a place she’s never willingly explored before. The sensations of this hard, living muscle pumping in and out of her ass is surprisingly pleasurable to the panting teenager. Properly lubricated and slowly stimulated, the mighty blonde champion of the people finds herself eagerly pumping her rear back and forth now to match Donovan’s timing, allowing him a depth and a virginal tightness that he’s never fully experienced himself. The whores he’s had in the past were pros who’d been around the anal block more than a few times. This girl was fresh and sweet and, now after her initial hesitancy, a very willing student.

Now Don puts both hands on the blonde girl’s hips as she rocks in time with him, her forearms pressing hard into the mattress. And Donovan Sanders begins pumping away at Supergirl’s ass with a machine-like speed and rhythm that neither person will be able to withstand for another fifteen seconds.

“...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh..oh...oh...oh...” Supergirl moans in stuttering rhythm to the beat Don’s balls banging against her pussy.

“...uhh...uhhh...uhh...uhhh...uhh...uhhh...” His low, bass grunts match her higher moans as together they search for ecstacy in their co-mingled bodies. They find it at the same time.



He hoses the inside of Supergirl’s rear end with a thick juicy blast of cum that, in her sensitized state delivers a second rush of pleasure to her body.

Her own gushing fluids stream down her thighs as her head presses against the mattress in pure white oblivion. The world-famous Maid of Steel had been patiently and thoroughly assfucked – and she had loved it!

After a minute of panting and sighing, the two sweat-drenched bodies begin to disentangle. Donovan gradually pulls the full length of his slowly dwindling cock out of the smiling blonde teen’s anus. A bubbling clot of white semen drains out of Supergirl’s balloon knot as he withdraws. It follows the same route as her own cum, sliding down her thigh to puddle on the bed cover.

She sighs deeply, “Mmmmm....that was wonderful. Thank you.”

“The pleasure was all mine.”

“Don’t you believe it,” she mumbles.

Checking his watch, Donovan sees he’s got about six minutes left for his session. He slowly slides off the end of the bed and stands up.

“Where ya going, Don?”

“My time is up.”

“Right now?”

“I’ve got five minutes.”

“Come cuddle for two. Please.”

“Sure.” He walks over to the side of the bed and lies down next to the naked blonde. Spooning with her, his sticky dick pressed against her ass crack, Donovan Sanders thinks again. This is one of the best days of my life. It was worth the twenty grand. Hell, he could make that back with a good week at work.

Supergirl plays with the dark hair on the back of his forearm as he holds her tight. “That was one of the best times I’ve ever had in bed,” she says. Her ass continues to leak with his strongly scented jism.


“You don’t believe me?”

“I figured it was something working women said.”

“Well not this working woman. Not yet anyway.”

“Hey, don’t get upset.”

“Sorry,” she cuts herself off. She didn’t really want to piss off Donovan. What did he know about her situation anyway. And she certainly did not want to piss off Sergei. If it got back to him she was snotty at the end of the session, she’d be up shit’s creek!

“Now I do have to go,” he says and quickly pulls on his clothes.

Three minutes later, he’s kissing her goodbye in the living room, by the bar where he had left his jacket earlier. She’s wearing a terry cloth robe over her naked body.

It is a good kiss with earnest delight but not overly passionate. A touch of sadness, perhaps. And a final hand for a quick feel of her tit beneath the open robe.

“Mmmm. Nice kiss. Hey Donovan. Before you go, Can I ask you a personal question?

“Hmm? I guess.”

“What do you do for a living, if I may ask?”

“Well, that’s not something that usually gets asked in situations like this.” He still holds her by the waist. A final embrace.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. It’s just that you’re a real gentleman, good looking with money and charm. You’re not what I expected from a...a....”

“A man who goes to whores.”

“That’s one way to put it.” She pulls away and tightens the belt on her robe, suddenly self-conscious.

“Fact is I’m very rich, very busy and very good at what I do. I travel all the time. More than a wife or even a girlfriend would probably put up with. Hence, this type of arrangement suits me for now. I mean, when you’re running cons all the time like I do, it just gets too...”

“What? Wait. Running cons?”

“Cons. Yes, I’m a con man.”

Looking at him in a whole new light, Supergirl takes a halting step back, surveying his face. “What kind of cons? Government fraud?”

“Hell no, that’s too much work. I work the middle and upper class marks.” He picks up his tie and folds it neatly.

“How so?”

“You don’t really want to know,” he waves her off and turns to go.

“I certainly do,” she says brusquely.

“Alright then,” he turns back around and then says coldly, “if you’re so curious, here’s the breakdown: My real name isn’t Donovan Sanders. That’s for the marks. It’s actually Otto Grupershank. But who would do business with a guy named like that, right? Anyway, there are a number of cons but basically they’re all designed to clean out their savings accounts and then I disappear.”

“Their life savings?”

“Whenever possible, sure. The sixteen year old last month was just gravy.”

“Gravy! What do you mean gravy?”

“You’re pretty naive for a whore,” Otto declares. Supergirl steps back another pace as if slapped. “What I mean is that I gave her the hard high one just like I gave it to her old man’s back account and just like I gave it to you back in there. Except she wasn’t quite as willing as you were, sweet cheeks.”

“You raped her?”

“It’s her word against mine but I don’t think she’ll go running to daddy. And daddy doesn’t have any money for lawyers at the moment. Hey, it’s what I do. What can I say. Gotta make a buck in this life. Well, I gotta go. Oh, wait. Almost forgot. Here’s the fifteen bucks for services rendered,” he says, slapping three fives on the bar. “You were great. Maybe I’ll see you again.”

The shocked blonde teenager looks at the money and the retreating back of the man who she had just willingly, no, make that eagerly, let sodomize her! It didn’t register. She had read him so wrong that she couldn’t believe that the man leaving was the very same one who had come in. He walks out the door into the private elevator and turns. Leaning forward he gives a wave just as the door swings shut.

She stands in the middle of the room, frozen in disbelief. This was probably how every single mark of his felt. Stupid. Horrified. Humiliated. Shocked. Crushed! The adjectives kept coming and she was now looking at the ceiling and panting hard as if she’d been punched.

“ could I have been.....why didn’t I sense....what was I thinking....FUCK HIM! THAT LOUSY PIECE OF SHIT! I hate that bastard. I hate myself for swallowing everything he said...” And then she remembers exactly what she did swallow and everything else she did as well.

“HUURLGKK...WRAALFFFF.” And she loses her lunch right there in the middle of the living room. Just leans over with her palm clutching the open bar and pukes onto the expensive deep sea foam green carpet. Drool and vomit drip from her mouth as she collapses to her knees and then falls sideways onto her thighs and buries her head in her arms, face down on the carpet away from the mess. She weeps inconsolably yet again. “...i...let...that...prick...fuck... my ass!” Truer words were never spoken.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Supergirl has finally calmed down. The barefoot blonde is wearing a yellow teddy under her pink terry cloth bathrobe and lying on the beige leather sectional with comfortable matching pillows raising both ends, under her head and under her feet. Her eyes are closed and she’s listening to Billy Joel’s “Summer Highland Falls” on the stereo. In her dangling hand, dangerously tipping is a tumbler of straight whiskey. Her second.

“They say that these are not the best of times, but they’re the only times I’ve ever known...” She hums along with the tune, occasionally sipping her drink and when it gets to the chorus, she nods slowly.

“’s either sadness or euphoria.” The piano riff fills her with a sad sense of joy and she sighs as she waits for Tony to bring in the crack pipe before her next appointment comes in a couple of hours at 8 p.m. It’s supposed to be
the Minetti brothers.
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Great story! very much looking forward to the troubles Wonder Woman will soon find herself facing!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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A stunningly colourful passage, I was on this trip with SG all the way falling for this con-man's "rogue with a nice side" character, well written stuff :)
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Yes, one has to be careful with whom one sidles up with, they could stick it to you in the end.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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The Minetti Brothers
Part 20-A

Tony Bonano is drinking Johnny Walker Blue Label scotch and savoring every sip. He is in the apartment within his building in the South Bronx, relaxing with Carmine and Sergei and talking over plans for the near future. He had just concluded a deal over the phone with Joey Bastimento, the head of one of the mob’s strongest families in Boston. With news of Supergirl’s capture and domination having made the news, and Tony’s webcast presentation to Bastimento of the teenage heroine’s domination from various stages of his training, the Boston mob boss had agreed to consolidate with Tony’s family based in the New York Metro area for an equal share of all of Bastimento’s Boston area prostitution, gambling and drug traffic.

On his part, Tony was providing extra protection of Bastimento’s businesses for his share of the Boston pie. Tony was guaranteeing this protection based on keeping Supergirl out of the picture for a minimum of one year as well as Tony supplying additional muscle in Boston that he would be paying handsomely for with the proceeds from both Supergirl’s whoring revenue and, more substantially, from the income from DVD sales of her capture and subsequent domination.

Already through underground sales of her capture video, Tony had realized more than five million dollars. And with the series of DVDs he could release over the course of her imprisonment and debasement, that figure could easily multiply by a factor of ten.

The only concern was the pressure that would come down on him from the police and, more worrisome, from the heroes and heroines around the U.S. who would be trying to locate Supergirl and bring Bonano to justice if and when they found out he was the man behind her capture. The police couldn’t be bought off on this matter, well not entirely. Prostitution, gambling and even drugs was one thing, but the degradation of a female superhero would reap the whirlwind in ways even he would have trouble handling.

Right now, with just about a week since her capture, Supergirl’s disappearance was headline news. Thanks in part to the initial DVD of her capture being shown on every major network and local channel that carried a signal, the heat was on. Of course, network and local television outlets had edited the capture video drastically . But there were YouTube clips galore being downloaded day and night of Supergirl’s tits and crotch being smeared with the krypto-slime from that first night near Carmine’s warehouse.

And Tony was the one who was going to be controlling the subsequent distribution of her imprisonment series. He had set up a thick network of dummy corporations over six months ago in anticipation of this revenue stream. He had to protect himself as much as he could from nosy reporters and cops from tying him to the digital record he was selling. But he realized the buffer he had built wouldn’t hold up forever. Too many people knew too much. He only had so much deniability in this issue. The legal proof would take at least a year for the legal system to process, and he’d let the girl go before that year was out. But Tony’s concern were the Meta-humans like Superman, the Fantastic Four and every other spandex wearing knight in shining armor. Not to mention and every butch dyke like Batgirl or the Black Canary. Those types wouldn’t have any trouble bending the legal code to get to him. They were vigilantes pure and simple. That included Wonder Woman, of course, but he thought he had that situation under control.

He was discussing with Carmine and Sergei whether he should try to slow the wheels of justice down on everybody’s part by threatening to whack Supergirl if they didn’t stop their rescue efforts. A nice video could be made showing just how vulnerable the young blonde teen had become. Hell, that sequence with Carmine almost choking her to death in the bondage chair would throw a scare into them. Naturally Carmine was against that since his face was all over that scene. It could be distorted so they couldn’t make him out if they had to. Basically, the threesome agreed that would be a last resort.

Right now, every john that Supergirl was going to be entertaining from here on in was being vetted and handled through 3rd and 4th party contacts and blind email drops in order to keep distance between Tony and the monies involved. Except for Frank Rozzo and if that caused trouble, Tony had no problem removing Frankie from the picture if started talking too much. Keeping the lid on this thing was going to be more difficult than he had figured. It was a risky business, but for now things were holding and the money was flowing.

“Let’s move on. What’s the report on the Diana Prince tail, Carmine? Things play pretty much the way we thought they would?”

“Like a fuckin’ script, Tony. You were right on the money! I had three good men at the meet we set up with her at 5:00 p.m. Two in the store and a spotter in the apartment looking down on the site. The broad shows up on time, dressed in a raincoat and a floppy hat. A little hard to see but it was definitely her my spotter says. I gave him a picture of her from the UN internet site about that Amazon Liaison office. Anyway, she’s waiting on the corner for me as directed to discuss Danver’s disappearance. The spotter waits seven minutes past five and the babe is checking her watch every minute or so and getting a little edgy. Finally he gives the two boys in the store the signal with the double ring on their cell phones and they start the robbery as directed, making all the noise and bustin’ up the shelves and shit, like they’re speedballers.”

“Sounds good so far,” Tony says with a quiet nod and a sip of his finely aged scotch.

“They did just like they were told my spotter says. He’s got binoculars looking into the store and sees them wavin’ their knives around and threatening the cashier. Anyway, the Prince dame suddenly ducks into the alley like you said she would, way back so the spotter can’t see her from his angle. He sees this bright flash of light though and next thing he knows, Wonder Woman is zipping out of the alley and right into the corner store. She takes out my two boys like they’re second graders holdin’ crayons instead of hard cases with switchblades. They’re slouched on the floor like nappin’ babies and she’s gesturin’ at the cashier to call the cops. Then Wonder Woman splits quick, dashes into the alley, there’s another flash and fifteen seconds later Diana Prince strolls out checkin’ her watch again. That’s when the spotter calls me and I call Prince’s cell phone number, apologize for a sudden meeting I had to take and reschedule for tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the place we discussed. So yeah, it looks like the information is good from blondie: Diana Prince is Wonder Woman. Unless you think she was hiding in that alley and somehow contacted Wonder Woman and stayed there while she stopped the robbery?”

“Nope. She’s Wonder Woman. And we got her. Did you bail out your two guys?”

“That’s being done. Our attorney says they’ll get at least a year for assault with a deadly weapon but since it wasn’t guns, it won’t be extra heavy time. I had the attorney tell them they’d be well taken care of for their services as long as they don’t talk. Nobody from my regular crew talked to them as you asked, but she never questioned them with that magic lasso or nothin’. I guess she was concerned about missing the meet, so hurried it up a bit. Mistook it for just another crime in the course of a day.”

“Excellent, Carmine. Great work. Okay, get all the rest of the men we talked about and get them in position at tomorrow’s meet. How good are the trigger guys?”

“They can knock the linguine off a fork at a quarter mile with a good scope!”

“Great. We’ll see just how good Wonder Woman is with those bracelets of hers,” Tony smiles and sips his scotch. “Did you contact Scarlett, too?”

“Yeah, she’s on board. Costing us a pretty penny, that one!”

“She’s worth every penny. I’m just covering every base I can think of. She may not even be needed.”

“But we gotta pay her anyway, whether or not she’s required?”

“Yup,” Tony says. “Don’t sweat it, Carmine. The money don’t mean shit. We’ll be ass deep in cash before this thing’s over.” Checking his Rolex, Bonano then drains the rest of his drink with a quick gulp and stands up. “I’m going up to give our young crack whore her pipe. Who’s next, the Minetti’s?”

“Correct,” says Sergei, who’s been quietly sipping his vodka and listening intently. “They have paid 100 g’s for a two-hour rough double. BJ and anal, and they may not be so nice about it. They enjoy roughing up the ladies a little, they are saying.”

“Jeezuz, doesn’t anybody just plain screw anymore? Like it’s not enough to be tapping Supergirl, you got to get your rod stiff slapping that beautiful broad around, too? Fine, but not too rough, Sergei. I know she can take it physically, but she’s not mentally adjusted to this scene yet. She took the Sanders thing harder than I thought she would. Be sure that Stevie keeps a close eye on them while he’s working the cameras. No knives or guns. Nothing but their own hands. Put ‘em through a metal detector! These guys make me nervous.”

“Tony, this is why I am here, yes? To protect the girl and your investment. I, too, will be watching to be sure they play within the rules.”

“Okay, everything’s covered. Carmine, you want to join me at the club downstairs after I give Little Miss Sunshine her pipe? We got Penne Putanesca as tonight’s special?”

“Wow. Sounds delicious, Ton. First, though I want to be sure everything’s set for tomorrow with the team. How long you figure you’ll be with upstairs with Supergirl?”

“Not long. 30 or 40 minutes, tops.”

“Should work. I’ll meet you downstairs. If there’s a problem, I’ll buzz your cell.”


Tony walks in to Supergirl’s suite to find the pretty blonde pacing back and forth, jittery, twitchy and talking a mile a minute. Her hands are all over him when he reaches her, fumbling in his pockets and searching for the crack pipe she so desperately needs.

“Wow, what took you so long? I thought you would have come up sooner. Did you bring me my magic pebbles? Wow, do I need this,” she says, pulling the blue glass pipe from his jacket pocket. “You wouldn’t believe what an a-hole, excuse my French, that Don Sanders was. Creep number one. Did you know he was a con man who steals people’s life savings and he raped a sixteen year old girl? Not to mention sticking it up my butt!”

“Hello to you, too, Linda.”

“Sorry. Hi! I’m a little stressed,” she says, smiling up at him. She wiggles the pipe. “There’s nothing in here.”

“No, not yet.”

“Oh my gosh, what’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?” Her face falters and she looks up in alarm with wide blue eyes touched by panic.

Tony notices the eyelids have the tiniest hint of green from the choker at her throat. He’d have to give her a break from that somehow later tonight after the Minetti brothers were done.

“You? No, you’re fine. I got a lot on my plate and I wanted to brief you before the next ‘gentlemen’ arrived,” he
says with scorn. “And I need your attention before you get lost in the crack.”

“Okay, sure. What’s the bad news?” she asks offhandedly, eager for the pipe that will come shortly. They sit down together on the sofa side by side. The pink terrycloth robe falls open revealing a flash of the bright yellow teddy underneath. The skin tight silk shines like a promise in Tony’s eye. It caresses her figure and shows off her breasts, hips and crotch with breathtaking allure. It is with great difficulty that he concentrates on the conversation he needs to have with this blonde goddess.

“First, thank you for remembering to refer to me as your handler. That’s very important as I mentioned. So, good girl,” he pats her thigh softly and leaves the hand there.

“No problem, Mr. B. I’m trying my best. You’ve got some nasty friends though, I have to tell you.”

“Most of these guys aren’t my friends, Linda. They’re business contacts. Some guys I owe favors to and others I’m trying to help out so I get influence down the road. Business things that you have to do in my line of work. And I appreciate the effort you’re making. A lot! I noticed on the monitor you were able to swallow Mr. Sanders’...uh...load ...without getting sick.”

“That prick! Yeah, I was motivated at the time because I thought he was nice. Real nice, I thought. So I wanted to please him, you know. Three times he shot his load and I, like an idiot, took it all for that scum! And...and... I let him sodomize me and...and it felt good and then.....he turned out to be a real bastard.” She concludes softly at the end with a deep frown. Tony strokes her thigh gently.

“Well, I appreciate your efforts and to thank you, I’ve brought you more ‘Vanilla Pudding,’ so I know you’ll enjoy it. But let me tell you about your next two visitors first.”

“Shoot,” she smiles, pleased at the good crack and pleased that Tony was satisfied with her work. Though why that mattered to her would probably take a shrink the better part of a year to fully explore, if she ever made it to one.

“The next guys coming up are the Minetti brothers, Sal and Mario. I’m going to tell you right up front that these are definitely not nice men. The only reason I’m letting them within a mile of you is that the connections they have are extremely important for my expansion plans. So while I want you to treat them nicely, they won’t be giving you the same courtesy. They like their sex rough. They’re signed on for a blow job and, once again, anal intercourse.”

“Oh.” Supergirl grimaces. Sanders proved to her that anal sex could be pleasurable but if these guys liked it rough, she supposed she was in for a painful session. “You don’t suppose I could sway their decision during the course of their visit, do you?” Her eye twitches and her neck does too. She’s strained at the edges now for the crack. It’s been too long since her last time and the beautiful blonde addict looks a little haggard in this light.

“You can try. You’re quite persuasive when you set your mind on something,” he smiles and pats her thigh before pulling it away and putting it in his jacket pocket. Frankly though, I doubt it with these two. I want you to know that we’re screening them for weapons so you won’t have to worry about that, but they may knock you around before they get down to the sex. You can use defensive maneuvers. They’ll probably get off on them, frankly. But you can’t attack them. Stevie and Sergei will be monitoring them, so there’s that backup, too.”

“Okay,” she licks her lips looking at the hand in his pocket eagerly, her mind already focused on her next high.

“Linda, listen to me,” He pulls her chin up and looks into the darting blue eyes and the nervous trembling lips. Focus for me on one last thing.” She takes a breath and looks him squarely in the eye now. It’s a strain though for the teenage champion who’s body and mind scream with the driving need for the crack that is her existence now. “Get them interested as fast as you can in the sex and it will probably go easier on you. That would be my suggestion.”

“Alright, Tony. Is that all?”

“I guess so. Oh, no. Actually, one more thing. I need you to be wearing the Supergirl costume for these guys. The asked for it specifically.”

“Sure, sure. I’m getting the picture about what these guys want. They’re looking to beat the crap out of Supergirl and then fuck her so they can feel superior to all the woman in the world, even the most powerful. Make them feel like they’re swinging the biggest dicks on the planet. Excuse my language, but I know the type. I dealt with a guy called Mr. Metropolis a while back when I covered for Superman while he was off on a deep space mission. Mr. Metropolis had to fuck every heroine in a skirt he could find, including yours truly. It took some doing to get out of that situation but I finally did, and then set him straight on the right way to treat a woman. But that was a long time ago....” She drifts off, thinking about her other life.

“Here’s the stuff.” He says, purposely bringing her out of her funk. He needs her to be up and happy if possible, not morose about her past existence as a superhero. He pulls a small ball of aluminum foil from his pocket and hands it over. The shaking teen’s fumbling fingers desperately pry open the crumpled foil and then drop it on the floor as she plucks out the small white pebble and drops it into the base of the pipe. Tony hands her his lighter and Supergirl puts the flame under the pipe and sucks greedily on the mouth of the blue glass crack pipe. Yet again the cameras hidden around the room record the image of the mighty blonde heroine willingly smoking crack like a common street whore, chipping away at the foundation of her inner strength and burying herself in a habit from which few people ever fully extract themselves. She inhales deeply and settles back on the cushion of the plush leather sofa.

“Mmmmhhhh...ohhhhh....yess....that’s the stuff I remember!” Supergirl’s irises lazily drift around and her head slumps to the right in a foolish, drugged up expression of bubble-headed joy. This once was a girl that kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers from all around the globe conferred with as an equal when talking about national security and global defense. Right now she was barely smart enough to discuss the weather!

Tony Bonano had done to Supergirl what he had promised a mere week or so ago. He had irrefutably turned the world’s mightiest, most beloved female defender into a vulgar, sexually subservient addle-brained crack whore for his personal pleasure and profit. Even now, as her robe drapes widely open exposing her flawless figure barely sheathed in smooth, yellow silk, Tony casually reaches through the gap and fondles the slouching blonde’s tit without her demonstrating the remotest hint of disapproval. In fact, the stoned teen moans in erotic pleasure. That is how completely Tony has dominated and controlled the famous Maid of Steel! The silky yellow crotch of her tight teddy actually gets darker and damp from his simple manipulation of her breast. Supergirl has been well trained to be the slut he envisioned long ago, a lovely teenage champion who eagerly puts out for Tony and whoever he or Sergei sends to meet her. Her honor, her discipline, her self-esteem and her courage have been completely neutralized by his brutal and disciplined training regimen.

“Your hands feel wonderful on my boobies,” the crack-high blonde giggles, pressing her chest eagerly against the smooth palm holding her soft roundness. He caresses her breast gently at first and then squeezes it harshly.

“Aahh...” Supergirl purrs at his rough handling, her brain a million miles away as she gives her body up to his pleasure. His fingers roll her nipple and his other hand pushes the robe off her thighs and firmly squeezes her damp crotch. He’s getting hard just holding his drugged prize.


“I think we have time for you to give me a blowjob, my dear.”

“Can't I enjoy my high a bit longer, please, Mr. B?”


“...ohh...kay...then.” she murmurs and slides off the couch like melting ice cream. On her knees before him, the dreamy teen slowly unzips Tony’s fly, concentrating on her work with her tongue sticking out between her lips like a overly careful second grader. She pulls out his quickly stiffening rod and pulls herself up higher on her knees for a better angle. With her face hovering over his penis now, she works up a generous dollop of saliva and lets it drizzle all over the tip of his waiting cock. Then she dives in, pressing her mouth over the shaft and working the lubricating spit all over the top third of his prick with her mouth, rotating her head slightly as she does.

“Ahhh!” Tony exclaims. Quickly thrilled, his hands reach to her ears and he holds her head loosely as the blonde wonder works eagerly on his throbbing shaft. Her head rises and falls rapidly in his lap, over and over she mouths his dick as her right hand strokes the shaft in rapid circular motions and her left hand fondles his balls with a soft feathery twittering of her fingers.


“’re really amazing at this!”

“Fwank yoo whehwee muthh,” she says with her lips wrapped around his cock. She slathers her tongue heavily all around his glans, bringing it to a throbbing sheen in the light. And then the famous heroine goes down deep on the full length of his member, taking it all the way to the hilt of his cock and holding it within her throat, breathing carefully through her nose. Even with his full 8" length jammed down her gullet, the Maid of Steel is not gagging in the least. She has mastered this skill extremely quickly. In fact, she is totally turned on by her mouth being completely filled with cock. Her throat compresses the full warm length of him. Her repeated swallowing action clinches against Tony’s cock, squeezing and stimulating it in a way he’s never experienced before. As her throat tightens along the entire shaft and flutters as she sucks in and out, Supergirl’s eyes rotate upward to watch while Tony’s face loses all control as his orgasm overwhelms him. His prick bobs once and, holding her head tightly against his groin so her nose is buried in his pubic hair, Tony shoots a jet of thick jism into Supergirl’s yawning throat. She takes it all without a shudder or a gag.

Then Tony splurges again and she swallows two thirds of the salty jism down easily. At last he releases her head and she pulls her face away from his groin. Several long strings of ropy cum connect her sweet red lips to his cock momentarily. Then she pulls farther away and the long white threads break from his dick and hang loosely from her mouth. After a moment of suspension in mid-air, the gooey jism drops onto the breasts covered in yellow silk, staining it with dark blobs of cum. Her tongue circles her lips, cleaning them and leaving a shiny glimmer under the soft spotlights over the couch. Her eyes are dreamy with satisfaction from the crack and the intense oral stimulation.

“That was a fantastic blowjob, Supergirl,” Tony sighs, patting her head like a pet dog. “You’ve really come far in an incredibly short time,” Tony says, putting his wet dick back into his pants.

“S’nuthin’ to it,” she mumbles and climbs awkwardly onto the couch, satiated with the high of sex and drugs.

“Well, I’m meeting Carmine for dinner downstairs,” Tony stands up. “Here’s a second hit of the ‘Pudding’ for your excellent work. He hands her another small aluminum foil ball. But be sure you’re ready for the Minettis in an hour and 15 minutes, wearing your full costume and ready to entertain them, alright?”

“Righteeoh, Mr. B. Don’t worry about a thing. This is a job for Supergirl,” she calls out as he opens the door to the elevator. Filling the pipe again with the little white nugget, the Maid of Steel goes to a drawer in the kitchen area, retrieves a matchbook and returns to the sectional. After only eight minutes, Supergirl lights up the pipe for her second hit. The blonde champion takes a full inhalation of the marvelous drug and settles back to simply enjoy the afterglow of the sex and the quick and rushing high of the crack.

* * *

By 8:05 p.m., Supergirl is dressed in her bogus overly tight uniform and her real costume panties. And, of course, she’s still wearing the nylon choker with the kryptonite inset. The Minetti brothers are walking into her living room and she strides up to meet them, her arm outstretched.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” she says shaking their hands.




“Duh!” Both men chuckle. They are in their late twenties. Sal looks a tad older than Mario, deeper lines around the eyes and a touch of gray twinkling in the dark curly black hair that both men sported.

“Can I offer you guys a drink?” Supergirl gestures toward the open bar. Both men’s faces light up with pleasure.

“Now you’re talkin,” missy.” Sal walks over to the bar. “I’ve got this,” he says, waving her off. She stays by the large leather sectional facing Mario. “I like to make my martinis precisely to taste. I hope you don’t mind.” He picks up a bottle of Grey Goose and pours a generous helping into the special conical martini glass.

“Not at all. I don’t drink much, so I’m not that good at mixing drinks anyway. Help yourself,” she waves at the bar as Sal picks up the vermouth.

Mario is looking her over with obvious pleasure. He is wearing a white shirt, black slacks and shoes, no tie and a dark blue blazer with elaborately filigreed gold buttons. Sal is similarly dressed, except for his jacket which is dark burgundy. But the buttons match. Same Hong Kong tailor no doubt. Probably got a discount for the pair of jackets. Supergirl returns the admiring glance with a wide smile. Nothing is said, everything is implicit. She wonders when the hitting will begin and how.

“Can I mix you a drink, Supergirl?”

“Well, hmmm. I guess I’ll continue with whiskey. I had some earlier. In fact, I think I even left my glass over there.

“I see it. Whiskey double, coming up.”

“I don’t need a double, Sal, but thanks.”

“Whatever you say, princess.” Sal busies himself with the whiskey bottle.

“Would you gentlemen like some music to get the party started?” Supergirl starts to head over to the stereo next to the bar when Mario grabs her wrist and spins her around like a dance move. He pulls her tightly to his chest, puts his arm against the small of her back and goes in for a kiss.

His soft lips cover hers and, surprisingly, he’s firm but not overly aggressive. She kisses back and no tongues are involved. Just warm pressure that is actually enjoyable. He breaks the kiss and smiles at her.

“I like to break the ice quickly,” he says softly looking deeply into her beautiful blue eyes and enjoying the feel of her figure in his arms.

“I can see that,” she smiles back. What Supergirl can’t see is Sal surreptitiously mixing in a small envelope of powder into her whiskey at the bar behind her. It’s Rohypnol, a powerful odorless date rape drug that creates weakness, confusion and often problems talking in anyone who imbibes it. Effective in about 20 to 30 minutes, the drug called “roofies”, “ruffies” or “rope” often produces a drunk feeling along with a distinct loss of muscle control, thereby making it difficult to refuse sex or defend oneself. Using it on a woman who is willingly offering her sexual favors anyway would seem to be redundant.

“Are you eager to get started, Mario?” Supergirl puts her hand on the young man’s crotch and feels his boner rising to her touch.

“Sounds good to me,” Mario grins widely.

“Mario’s always eager,” says Sal, surprising Supergirl by coming up behind her and whispering in her ear. He insinuates his arm between them, handing Supergirl her drink. Then he hands Mario a straight single malt scotch which he knows his brother likes. “Why don’t we enjoy our drinks, Mario, loosen up a bit and then play with our new friend?” The blonde teen takes her drink and sits down on the large leather sectional.

“Yes, let’s sit down together for a moment and chill,” she agrees with Sal, trying to keep things on a nice even keel.

“Sure,” says Mario half-heartedly. He sits down beside the shapely blonde, drinking her in with his eyes. Sal waves his Martini glass and says, “Salud.” The three of them drink. Mario knocks his whole shot back quickly and licks his lips with enjoyment. Seeing this, Supergirl shoots back a third of her drink with gusto as well. She needs the fortification and alcohol doesn’t affect her anyway. Oh, but that was when she had superpowers! How dumb was that? Well, she’d go easy with the rest of the drink anyway. Sal sips his martini and smiles.

“Ah the pleasures of a well heeled potato,” Sal says toasting his companions with a tip of his martini glass in their direction. He sits on the other side of Supergirl, penning her in.

“Do you guys work in the same field as Sergei?”

“That’s a stupid fucking question, Supergirl” Mario says bluntly.

Lowering her head submissively, Supergirl murmurs, “Sorry, I’m not used to this. What would you like to talk about?”

“How long you been putting out?” Mario snaps.

“What?” Supergirl is startled at this nasty remark. Then she calmly reins herself in. “Look, I’m sorry I intruded on your privacy, Mr. Minetti. It won’t happen again. I apologize. Really.” She searches his eyes for forgiveness. There’s none in there but Sal breaks the moment by putting his hand on Supergirl’s shoulder.

“No harm done. Right, Mario?” He glares at his brother with razor sharp brown eyes that don’t allow any wiggle room.”

“Yeah, no. Forgetaboutit. I apologize, too.” Mario’s smile shines everywhere but in his eyes Supergirl notices. “Hey, how about North Carolina winning the whole thing this year, huh? I actually picked them to go the distance and won three thousand bucks on ‘em. My bookie’s so pissed! But what the fuck, he took everybody else’s money, so I got no sympathy for him.”

“North Carolina? Aren’t they called the Tar Heels?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” says Sal. “Bright girl. They won the NCAA basketball tournament. You know, March Madness.”

“I thought UCONN was going to win. A...friend...of mine said so.”

“He wasn’t alone. Lot of people picked them,” Mario grinned at his brother maliciously. He stands up suddenly and walks to the bar to pour himself another shot of single malt.

“Yeah,” admits Sal. “I had them going all the way, but they got beat in the later rounds.”

“Speaking about going all the way,” says Mario returning and sitting back down next to Supergirl, “why don’t we get this party started for real?” He knocks half his drink back and puts it down hard on the glass cocktail table with a loud clink.

“Hey, Mario. Where are your manners?” Sal says sharply

“No, Sal,” the blonde teen holds up her hand. “Mario’s right. You’re not paying to talk basketball. I think it’s time to enjoy yourselves,” she takes a strong pull on her drink, forgetting her plan to go easier on the liquor. “How do you want to do this?”

“First things first,” Sal says, pulling his wallet out of his jacket pocket. He fans out two twenties and puts them on the cocktail table. “Business before pleasure. That’s for you, my dear.”

“Oh, right,” scowling at the paltry sum of money, Supergirl picks the money up off the table and walks it over to the wall unit and a small wooden box on a lower shelf. Bending down to stuff the two bills in the box, Supergirl unwittingly gives the two brothers a full lingering view of her crotch beneath the tiny non-skirt, showing off the shimmering red material of her panties to the wide eyes of the Italian duo. Straightening up, Supergirl turns, sees their rapt expressions and blushes a deep crimson from her face to her cleavage.

“Oh, right! Well, I guess I shouldn’t apologize for that, since you both so obviously enjoyed yourselves.” Returning to her previous place on the sofa and sitting down, Supergirl smiles gamely at Mario and then turns to Sal. “And that’s what this is all about, right? Enjoying yourselves! What’s your pleasure, guys?”

“Why don’t you start by giving us both a handjob at the same time,” Mario says.

“Well...okay, that’s not what I was told you wanted but I’m flexible.”

“Why, what were you told?” Sal turns her shoulder toward him with his hand.

“You wanted a blowjob and anal sex, I was informed.”

“Yeah, that too! The handjob is just a warm-up exercise. And I was told it wouldn’t be a problem,” Sal says coldly.

“No, it’s fine. Fine, Sal,” the blonde teen smiles widely, cutting off any problem before it develops. And she quickly reaches for Sal’s fly with nervous, fluttering hands.

“Leh...let...let me get right to it,” she stammers, anxious to please so there’s no physical violence. She pulls his dick out from his pants, her eyebrow rising at his length already, and then, holding Sal with one hand, turns and sees that Mario has already brought his unit out of his fly for her convenience. She takes his cock with her other hand and then, nibbling her lower lip, the renowned Maid of Steel begins jerking off both men simultaneously with her rapidly moving fists.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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The Minetti Brothers
Part 20-B

Up and down, up and down, Supergirl strokes the two men's penises rapidly, keeping a firm grip on both men as their cocks throb eagerly within her warm palms. Sal has to be at least 10" long and his brother only an inch or two shorter. Formidable indeed!

Mario leans into the blonde beauty and holding the back of her neck, brings her mouth close to his and kisses her deeply. This time his tongue presses between her parted lips and explores her mouth with slow, warm eager twists and turns. She responds in kind, enjoying the sensation even as she continues to stroke both men’s pricks.

The aroused Sal has covered Supergirl’s breasts with both hands, feeling her up with wide sweeping arcs of his palms, firm squeezes with his fingers and rapid twiddling of her nipples with his fingers. Her illustrious diamond-shaped S emblem is pulled, stretched, wrinkled and similarly mauled in countless ways by Sal’s hands as he continuously fondles the Maid of Steel’s sensitized tits.

“Mmmmhh. You two are great at getting a girl going,” the blonde teen purrs happily with the attention her mouth and breasts are receiving.

Having pulled away from her mouth, Mario begins kissing Supergirl’s neck, pecking and licking at the sides of it where her blood pulses noticeably in tiny veins beneath the skin. She shivers with delight at the sensitivity Mario is exploring. Switching styles as her concentration falters, Supergirl begins using a slow, steady pulsing of her hand on the men’s cocks to keep them rigid to her touch.

“It’s pretty easy to get a girl going who’s cunt is already wet when you walk in the room,” Mario says, running his tongue up and down her neck with slow, tickling flicks.

At the same time, Sal moves one hand off her breast and slides it down her body to the waistband of her panties and then deeply down within them, into the silky thatch of her pubic bush which he slowly stimulates with flickering fingertips.

“Ahhh!” The blonde jerks with pleasure at this new barrage of sensual delights to her neck and pelvis. “I...guess you could look at it that way,” Supergirl says. She wasn’t thrilled with the comment but it was better that physical violence.

And then Sal’s finger slides smoothly up and down the length of her pussy lips, caressing them without attempting to part them. Supergirl’s hips jerk with pleasure again, even as Mario goes in for another deep soul kiss. Supergirl’s concentration is sorely tested as her mouth, breasts and vagina all receive pleasurable manipulation while she holds both men’s cocks in her squeezing palms.

“Mmlphhh....hrrhhhh....eehhhhhh....” The steady fingers sliding up and down her labia is getting her more and more wet by the minute. The pace picks up and the digits tickle and tease the Maid of Steel with serious intent. She begins wriggling her hips and pressing herself upward to let Sal’s hand complete access to her womanhood. He accepts the invitation, sticking his forefinger into the warmth of her twat, pushing it deep within her and circling it slowly against the twitching walls of her vagina. Mario is back to Supergirl’s neck, stroking a particularly perfect erogenous zone with tiny flicks of his tongue. Both men’s attentions bring short thrilled gasps from the excited blonde.

“Yah...yessss....ahhhhh.” Twisting and writhing, Supergirl squirms on the couch, pinned between the two men helplessly enjoying the intense stimulation of her body. Now it’s Mario with his hands fondling the champion blonde’s breasts, one hand pawing the emblem as the other slides up underneath the blouse and grasps the weighty breast from below. More squeezing. More nipple play.

“I have to say, though, that I sure never expected it would be so easy to finger fuck the famous Supergirl,” Sal declares. “I expected at least a little resistance. Some pride in this emblem on her tits or something.” He saws his finger in and out of the juicy cunt with quick short strokes. An endless supply of them that starts to build a wave of sensation the blonde girl will not be able to resist. “But I mean, just look at the famous Maid of Steel here, Mario! She’s spreading herself wide for me and holding our two cocks like she’s a common street-wise cockteaser who’s been hooking for years!”

“I see it. I feel it,” Mario says, twisting her nipple harshly and then squeezes the fat breast like soft dough. “I just don’t believe it!”

“Ohh....ahh...OHH!’s what you...wanted,” the panting girl rasps softly.

“Since when does Supergirl let two total strangers stick fingers up her snatch and feel up her titties like some slutty party girl on spring break?” Sal’s sawing finger goes even faster.

“I ask you Mario, did you ever think the woman who supposed to be protecting the planet would be giving you a hand job on a simple request?”

“Fuck. Never, Sal. I would’a thought she’d die before doing this!”

“ me....for this....” The befuddled blonde teen tries to reason through the incredible rush of sexual tension the men have brought to her. Her body wriggles, jerks and spasms in helpless sexual delight between them on the couch. Her juices deeply darkening her crotch and seeping onto the beige leather of the sofa.

“All that does is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re nothing but a lowly whore, Supergirl.” Now Sal’s other hand joins the dance, meeting within the depths of Supergirl’s damp panties and finding the extended clit that’s poking from under the hood, needing attention desperately. Sal’s thumb obliges, rubbing the pink nob gently with the pungent oils of her snatch it had gleaned on the way through her loins.

“Whahhhh!” Supergirl’s head drops to Mario’s shoulder and she roughly gnaws in delight at it, helpless to withstand this new thrill without some response. She couldn’t fight back against these customers, not that she wanted to, but the bite helped a little. Mario doesn’t seem to mind as his hands continue to fondle the ample tits of the sex-crazed blonde slumped against him. She releases her grip on the two men now, her palms face up on the cushion beside her, limp with sexual overload.

“” Supergirl pants.

“Sergei? That dumb Russian? You weren’t smart enough or powerful enough to take out one dumb Russkie? And you call yourself an American superhero? You’re a pathetic loser, superslut! I hope you know that!” His fingers rub and rotate the clit with slow, patient insistence that swells the fever in Supergirl’s brain, even as she winces at the words he sprays at her with cold vehemence.

There are variations on abuse, she now realizes. Physical abuse was the obvious one. She’d been fighting that all her life it seemed. But this verbal abuse in some ways hurt even more! She wasn’t as used to defending against it. Sal was slashing her unprepared soul like a butcher with a broad blade. Why is he so angry at me?

“You know what it is, Sal?” Mario takes Supergirl’s jaw in his hand and turns her head to face him. Her heavily lidded blue eyes are clouded with lust as she blinks slowly at him, her tongue draped over her lower lip in an expression a dumb ox pulling a plow might have. “I think the legendary Maid of Steel is all smoke and mirrors. Blondie here put up no resistance ‘cause the mighty Supergirl is nothing but a cheap, low-life slut. She likes her twat tickled.”

Sal complies with this suggestion quickly, rotating his finger against the walls of her vagina which causes Supergirl’s pelvis to jerk up suddenly.“She needs to have her breasts fondled and mauled and her nipples tweaked like a dumb cheerleader putting out for her boyfriend under the grandstand.” Her whimpering at his sudden twisting of her nipple wafts into the air like perfume. “And, of course, she certainly can’t do without a good old fashioned clit massage!” Sal’s fingers twitter rapidly against the vibrating pink knob that has a direct line to Supergirl’s brain.

“Aahhhh....stah....stop.....” she looks into Mario’s eyes, her own pleading for the words and the relentless toying of her body to end. There’s no chance of that!

“In fact, right now there are probably crimes going on all around the city that she won’t be stopping because she’s enjoying her sexual pleasure so much.” Mario closes in on her, his face mere inches from her distressed, befuddled expression. “Just imagine it, Supergirl. Some poor eighty-year old woman with a walker getting mugged right now while I french kiss you and Sal twiddles your twat!” His arms slide off her breasts and enclose her body tightly, pinning her own arms against her sides. Her eyebrows go up as his mouth closes tightly against hers, his lips parting as do hers, his tongue searching as, almost involuntarily, so does hers. The steady stroking and caressing of her clit continues and Supergirl’s eyes roll back as she is forced deeply into the back cushion of the couch, her legs splayed apart with Sal’s two hands thrust into her panties through the waistband and the legband.

“...eeeehhnnnn.....mmlphhhhh....nnuhhhhhh....” Supergirl slouches in ecstasy, her body tuned tight as a drum. She needs release and she feels it’s on its way. How soon?

Sal now picks up the thread of abuse Mario has initiated. “Why, Mario, you don’t suppose it’s possible that some low-life punk husband is actually beating his wife to a pulp while Supergirl here enjoys getting a finger stuffed up her ass, do you?” The forefinger that had been thrust up the mighty teenager’s cooz has suddenly been pulled and moved to between her buttcheeks. It drives deeply and easily into the heavily excited blonde’s balloon knot with a sudden soft thump.

“Gglllphhh!” Sal’s two fingers do their thing. One rubbing and flicking her clit, the other rotating and sawing at her anus. The mouth covering her own prevents her from calling out but her boots twitch and kick in untold delight as the stimulation of every major orifice drives her into a frenzy.

“Damn these guys have got her going!” Stevie says, peering at the monitor in the control room, and going for a closeup on Sal’s hands moving around within Supergirl’s panties. “She’s staining the couch with her cum.”

“Da! They are not what I expected,” Sergei responds. “I thought them to be violent with her, to be beating her around the room. This is very bad for her though, this mocking her status while fucking her over. Worse I am thinking than the fists.”

Mario releases his kiss and the blonde teen’s head slumps sideways on the cushion as her body quivers helplessly in his arms. Sal’s continuing manipulations of her clit and ass have brought Supergirl to the doorstep of her orgasm.

“Why, Supergirl,” Sal says in mock shock. “ I never thought I’d live to see the day when the planet’s most powerful defender would willingly just lie back in a irresponsible erotic stupor while some heroic young police officer got his head blown off during a drug bust that you could have prevented!”
“...can’t....stop...every...crime....” The Maid of Steel’s eyes blink as tears of helplessness drip down her temples even as her orgasm builds within her. Mario takes the hem of Supergirl’s blouse and pushes it up roughly, exposing her round ample breasts to the spotlight over the couch. He bends low over them and begins to softly lick and nibble at her tender nipples.
“Excuse me for pointing out the obvious, Superslut,” Mario says, moving between breasts, “but you don’t seem to be trying very hard.” He bites her nipple harshly even as Sal picks up the speed of his clit massage to a rapid jittering blur.

“OH!....i....can’” the young blonde’s orgasm prevents her from completing her thought,. It thunders through her like an express train running late. “...Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh!”

Her pussy floods with her overwhelming joy, seeping in small rivulets down the beige leather onto the rug below. Mario holds her waist tightly with one arm as her top half slouches away from him, his mouth at her breast. Sal’s hands hold her steadily, his fingers frozen in her twat and her ass, feeling the rapid pulse of her interior muscles as the Maid of Steel’s residual spasms send aftershocks to her brain. She jerks and shivers in the grip of these two men who had completely overwhelmed her defenses.

After half a minute of simple luxurious sensory delight, the blonde beauty moans heavily, “Oohhhhhh.” It’s a deep alto voice for her.

“Now I think it is time to fuck your face and ass, Supergirl,” Sal says. “You are ready to take everything we’ve got, I should think! And then some!”

“...yes....okay...whatever... you want....” murmurs the blasted blonde.

“You got a dildo around here?” Mario pulls her top down and pats her breasts.


Grabbing her jaw, he lifts her stupified face to his. “Dildo, Supergirl. Is there a dildo in the house? For pleasure, you know? Sticking it up your cooze to get you off? Dildo?” Mario is barking out his request.

“Wall left drawer...” she points languidly to the built-in shelves. “..plenty to... choose from...take...yur pick.....”

Mario releases the girl and she flops down on her back, nestled between the back and seat cushion. He stands up and goes for the dildo as Sal takes his hands out of her panties and stands up as well. Walking around and behind the limp blonde, Sal reaches underneath her back, grasps her under the armpits and pulls her toward the arm on the end of the couch. He draws her along the length of the leather until her upper back rests directly on the arm and her head dangles over the end a bit, her neck arched slightly. She remains in this position as Sal puts the tip of his long 10" dick against Supergirl’s lips, rubbing it against her mouth slowly back and forth.

“I bet you know what to do with this, huh, Supergirl?” Sal smiles down at her

Opening her dreamy baby blues, Supergirl looks up and smiles back. “...uh huh...” she murmurs.

“Well, do it, bitch!” Sal demands. “I got you off, I expect your best effort here!”

“..s’not a prob....uhhhhh...what the....” Supergirl is suddenly flushed with a wave of dizziness. And then a secondary wave of sleepiness and slight nausea.

“ bleehh...” She whispers, feeling drunk. She can’t even speak coherently! The roofies have kicked in with a vengeance. Supergirl lies limply on the sofa, arms at her sides and her mouth suddenly filled with the head of Sal’s cock.

“That’s a good girl,” he says loudly, holding her head and working the stiff dick all around inside Supergirl’s cheeks. You can see the effect as first her right cheek bulges out from the pressure of his cock and then her left cheek. Supergirl’s eyes drift lazily in her head, her breath shallow as the nasty rape drug takes full command of her body.

Mario walks back to the couch with a long pink rubber dildo shaped with wide rubber bumps along its full length. A tool with a purpose he meant to put to its full use. Seeing the limp body and the subtle nod from Sal, Mario puts the dildo down and takes the two ankles of Supergirl’s boots and lifts them in the air, settling down on the couch on his knees as he does so.

“What do you say we get the party started down here, too, Supergirl?” Mario pulls a pair of handcuffs from his jacket pocket. He had convinced Sergei during their preliminary body search that these were for sex play and not for violent intentions. Now he quickly shackles each ankle of the lethargic teen, clicking the cuffs closed around the cheap red leather boots. With her legs cuffed together by a short chain, Supergirl would be hard pressed to defend herself in the best of times. Mario pulls the girl’s cuffed legs over his head and lets them hang around his neck. Then, bending over, he draws down Supergirl’s panties with a slow, steady pull. He leaves them pulled down to mid thigh, exposing the blonde’s soft, neatly trimmed bush and her gleaming pink vagina.

“Ddufffhuunoooghhh” Helpless gibberish through the large cock from the helpless blonde.

“Whoa, I never felt somebody do that before with their mouth, Supergirl. You’re quite talented,” Sal lies boldly, pushing his cock deeper into the teenager’s mouth now, filling it with his head and half of his cock so she can’t make much of any intelligible noise.

Picking up the dildo, Mario easily inserts it into Supergirl’s fully lubricated pussy, pushing it deeply into her vagina, it’s large bumps sliding against the walls of her sensitive channel. Supergirl’s pelvis spasms with delight, her boot tips clicking in joy. He strokes the toy in and out of her cunt with short, fast thrusts.

“Yeah! You like that, don’t you, champ!” Mario grins broadly at the helpless blonde heroine sprawled beneath him. Her mouth was chock full of his brother’s huge dick. Her snatch had 7"of hard rubber sliding in and out of her, driving her nuts and he was about to stick his penis up her soft, beautifully accessible asshole.

The bitch didn’t have a prayer! He and Sal would show her how the Minetti brothers exacted retribution for sending their first cousin to jail for ten years for a crime he barely committed. Vinnie Minetti had been the getaway driver of a gang who killed a guard in a bank robbery. Supergirl had caught them not 400 feet away from the scene, flying right in front of Vinnie’s car so he smashed right into her. She didn’t budge but the front of the car collapsed like an accordion. Everybody was shaken or unconscious and the mop up took only minutes. The police came and Supergirl handed everybody over to them, Vinnie included. The judge sent Vinnie up for ten years cause of the dead guard. He wasn’t even in the fucking bank! And Supergirl hadn’t even asked for leniency. So she certainly wasn’t going to get any leniency from the Minetti brothers now! Now she was going to die by choking to death on Sal’s 10" inch cock even as Mario assfucked the hell out of the stupid, helpless cunt in cold cruel revenge!

Stimulated to distraction by the hard, curved bumps rubbing in and out of her vagina and obliterated by the Rophynol, the mighty blonde heroine, weakened to mere mortal status by the kryptonite control collar, is helpless to defend this attack in any way. In fact, she was so erotically charged at the rushing sensations from her pussy and her mouth that she didn’t want to do anything but experience the swelling joy from the stimulating dildo and the live, hard cock pushing further into her throat. It was more than two thirds down her gullet and she was breathing roughly and irregularly through her mouth. The date rape drug was playing havoc with her new cocksucking skill! She couldn’t control her throat muscles well and was feeling the edge of panic from the hint of gag reflex she was fighting.

And then there was a cock at her rear, rubbing against her anus insistently! Correction, it was inside her!

“UUUUUNGHH! In fact, it was all the way inside her! Never had she been so quickly sodomized to the hilt like this before. Having been so wet from her previous orgasm, it had been simple physics for Mario to accomplish his pile driving act! An irresistible force against a very unresistant object, her ass!

Mario begins stroking his cock in and out of her rear, lifting her hips with his palm as her boots flop back and forth constantly around his neck. His other hand holds the dildo and works it relentlessly as well. At Supergirl’s face, Sal has managed to slide his entire cock down the Maid of Steel’s throat. It presses down on her tongue and pushes down into the deepest realms of her throat. No airway is left here. Only her squeaking little nose allows the paltry flow of oxygen now. The Maid of Steel’s eyes are closed from the ecstasy of her anal and vaginal penetration. The drug has suppressed the panic, the sexual domination has blocked her reason. There is no outcry here. No alarm. No hint of despair from the defenseless heroine sprawled at the mercy of her cunning assailants.

Very slyly, the finger on Sal’s hand starts to move. While his palm is holding Supergirl’s cheek, fixing her head in its tilted back position on the arm of the sofa as his penis plunges to the very depths of her throat, the forefinger slides deftly under Supergirl’s nose and presses up ever so slightly. He’s blocking her nostrils, her last and only oxygen pathway. The blonde’s eyes flutter and flicker now, barely open slits from all the pleasure down below.

Mario sees the finger restricting Supergirl’s air supply and begins thrusting hard now to cover up any death struggles her body might attempt. Even with the drug, the will to survive in living beings is deep and strong.

“Yeah! Now we’ve talking. Supergirl taking it up the ass just the way she likes! Ain’t that right, hero girl?” Mario is shouting now as the Maid of Steel’s choking gag begins to finally overwhelm her. No oxygen. No defense. Nothing but long, throbbing muscles jammed deep into every orifice she has!

“...ghlk...” the faintest hint of distress is covered up by Sal’s voice.

“Whoa. What a mouth you have, blondie. That was great! I guess there’s never too much cock in the world for the famous Supergirl!”

Lies. Deception. Death and Desire. Supergirl is experiencing it all. Her vision grows to a circle with a dark ring closing down around the edges. Through the slits in her eyes all she sees is the smiling Mario fucking her ass with total abandon. And it feels incredible. The bulges on the dildo do their work, too. It’s all too much to bear now. The pleasure, the pain, the despair and the hope of unrestricted ecstasy all combine in a final assault on now the most vulnerable woman on the planet.

Lost in a daze of desire, drugs and oxygen depletiton, Supergirl allows herself to release her life will and succumbs once more to a violent final eruption of pleasure. This orgasm takes her body completely, rocking it and twisting it within the hold of the two shocked men.

“She’s getting off on this. I don’t fucking believe it,” Mario blurts. And then he’s suddenly overwhelmed by the incredibly sensual constriction of Supergirl’s ass. He can’t hold back from this and shoots his wad deep into Supergirl’s ass. Coming like a firehose within her bowels.

“Why wouldn’t she be getting off on this?” Sergei says in the control room. “He’s fucking her every possible way he can. What is the meaning of this statement?” He looks at Stevie who’s concentrating on the monitor and on Sal. Specifically Sal’s dick.

“This guy’s a strange fuck!”

“Who? What do you mean,” Sergei asks.

“I don’t know about you Sergei, but I like a little friction from my women. This guy just puts his dick in her ass and doesn’t move it an inch. And this Sal has a lot of inches he could be moving in her throat, let me tell you! But he’s letting it lie there like a fucking flounder! What gives?”

“What gives is this is not a sex act! This is a hit! Come with me now! Bring your weapon. Hurry!”

The two men rush out of the control room, weapons drawn, hoping to reach to door to the suite in time.

On the monitor, Supergirl’s body is thrashing in the hold of the two men. Her will to survive is breaking through all the effects of the sex and the drugs and the hopelessness. She may live to see another day.

Sal Minetti can’t believe what is happening. This bitch was actually cumming! Her body is jerking in his grip. He’s having trouble holding her head and her throat is clamping down on his tool with a rhythm and a force he cannot fight. Looking up, he sees that Mario is in the crux of blowing his wad and lost to the cause for the moment. He’s fighting with all his will to withstand the spasms his cock feels as Supergirl fights for air and life.

He can’t hold the center of himself against this girl’s surprising surge of energy. His prick spasms and he cums helplessly into Supergirl’s throat, his hold on her head slipping with the distraction. His finger slips off her nose and the blonde teen is able to take a long wheezing stream of air into her nose. But her throat is now completely clogged with hard dick and greasy spunk. She swallows desperately, the slime disappearing down her gullet in a river of clots.

Her vision is still focused into a small circle of consciousness. The brief respite is not enough to clear the field. And then calamity! Her nose is harshly pinched by Sal’s rough fingers, and, horrifically, he shoots another strong jet of jism into her throat and it dams her airway completely. The Maid of Steel’s brief hope is extinguished as quickly as fingers snuffing out a candle. The same fingers that now pinch the life force closed on her face. Her eyes roll up in her head for a final time and the famous blonde champion chokes and gags for air that does not come. The circle of focus tightens down to nothing. Her entire field of vision is now black as she drifts off into a world of soft nothingness. She feels her legs suddenly falling to the couch and that is all there is to that. She is gone.
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The Killing Ground
Part 21

Diana Prince is admiring a beautiful horse and it seems almost to be looking back at her with amused delight. But, being carved out of wood, that is impossible. Standing on the 40th Street side of Bryant Park on a beautiful sunny day near Le Carousel, the attractive brunette is trying to keep herself calm and patient as she waits for Carmine Vega to appear. He’d missed the last meeting and since then, Diana, like the rest of the world, had been horrified to see the video of Linda Danvers, the noted news reporter being attacked, brutalized and captured. Her secret identity was completely blown as her clothes were stripped off her, her Supergirl costume was exposed and she was slimed with a glowing green kryptonite gel. Every network had shown the edited bootleg video dozens of times. Diana was sick with worry for her young friend. It had been more than a week since her disappearance and then this filth had begun to surface. She was sure there was going to be more of it unless she found Linda quickly.

This world of men often made Diana feel that her mission here was hopeless. The violence, sex, drugs and, worse still, the blithe resignation to the unrelenting horrors that the people of this world showed generated a depression she constantly had to fight against. There were good points too, she knew. The young boy’s face filled with delight on the carousel waving to his mom on every passing cycle as the joyful music of a French cabaret filled the air was a hard image not to smile at and take joy from.

Diana sighs deeply, checking her watch. 1:03 p.m. Vega was three minutes late already. She was wondering if this meet was genuine. Vega had sounded scared on the phone. He’d changed the time twice already, from 11:00 to 3:30 and then to 1:00 p.m. He’d said the whole thing had gotten too big for him. He was going to tell her who the brains were behind the kidnapping and video but wanted immunity.

He also wanted to meet her and discuss this in a public place for his safety. You couldn’t get much more public than Bryant Park. Set in the heart of New York City behind the famous New York City Library and it’s matching stone lions, the park had been reclaimed from drug addicts and the homeless for more than a decade now. It’s manicured Great Lawn, while small by Central Park standards, still offered a delightful open space for New Yorkers to take bagged lunches, stroll past monuments, wander among bookstall and flower booths and generally enjoy the amenities of a beautiful park in the middle of a beautiful early June day.

Suddenly, however, there is shouting coming from the direction of the NYC Library. Diana spins and looks at the large building at the end of the park. It’s not the library! People are streaming out of the Bryant Park Café, a smaller building in front of the library. From the building and from the patio tables set up under colorful umbrellas, people are running in all directions in panic.

“Somebody’s shooting up the Café,” yells a dark haired man in a red ball cap and bright red matching sneakers running right at her. He stops. “If you have a cell phone, call for help.” He runs behind the carousel to hide.

She hears the chatter of an automatic weapon and noting a temporary tent set up on the huge lawn, Diana races toward it quickly. Why were things always happening before she could meet with this Vega character? Well, she couldn’t worry about that now, people’s lives were in danger.

Stepping past the flap of the green tent, she spots huge lawn mowers and power edgers lying around but no people. With her arms spread, Diana quickly spins in place and the workman’s tent fills with a bright white light. The light fades and Wonder Woman stands fixed in place for a mere fraction of a second. The famous stylized eagle on her chest barely contains the prominent breasts stretching out the red and gold bustier. The blue silk costume panties with their white stars accent her womanly hips to perfection. Her white-striped red boots, gold power belt and loosely draped glowing golden lasso shimmer with the promise of all that is good in this world. All that is right. The tiara on her head gives notice that this is a true princess of Themyscira and she is here to give the world a chance at nobility, greatness and peace. Wonder Woman dashes out of the tent to help mankind yet again. To make a difference in the world.

With all the speed and grace granted by Artemis, Wonder Woman covers the 80 yards between the workman’s tent and the terrace in a mere four seconds. More automatic gun chatter fills the air. People are rushing out from the Café as she slows her pace to try to get an understanding of the situation. She races up the steps separating the Great Lawn from the Upper Terrace where the Café is located. It’s all happening in there! And then something bites into her left thigh and throws off her balance badly. In the center of the upper terrace, Wonder Woman falls to her left knee in a clumsy stumble, shocked at this sudden pain. Looking down, she sees that she has been shot! A bullet hole with bubbling red blood is beginning to leak a small stream of red down her thigh.

“Great Hera. What is happening here?” A flash of silver in the near distance to the left catches Wonder Woman’s eye and her left wrist moves without thought. A bullet whines off the shining silver bracelet into the lawn, throwing up a clot of dirt. Another flash from the right and her wrist is there, blocking the bullet, sending it careening into the stony terrace at her feet.


There is a third bullet and it strikes hard into her right side just above the hip from a completely different direction.

“Aghh!” Wonder Woman looks down to see the hole near the bottom hem of her bustier, feeling the lancing pain blossoming there even as the blood begins to drip. All around her people are shocked to see Wonder Woman kneeling in the middle of the Upper Terrace in Bryant Park bleeding from gunshot wounds. The silence breaks and everyone scatters with screams in every direction away from the grimacing brunette. She starts to rise, thinking to seek shelter in the café from this deadly killing ground when yet another glimmer brings her right wrist directly in front of her abdomen with instinctual grace, blocking a bullet destined for her stomach. It whines off in the distance, striking a lamp post near the 42nd Street side of the park.


She’s halfway to standing when a bullet from behind her rips a nasty burrow deeply into her left shoulder.

“Hungghh” Wonder Woman falls to all fours from the agonizing impact of this shot. For the first time in her life, the Amazon princess is deeply frightened. This is a trap from which she may not escape. From which she might not even survive. Breathing deeply, trying to ignore the pain, a grimacing Wonder Woman again tries to rise so she can get into the security of the cafe’s cover. She stands on weak, wobbling legs and takes one step toward safety. A glimmer to her left stops her in her tracks and she flicks her wrist back and to the left sending a another bullet into the lawn, a spray of dirt somersaults inches above the lawn.


Her right arm jerks backward as the flesh of her forearm is plowed into by a bullet she had not seen.

“OWW!” The mighty woman warrior cries out as the useless hand suddenly drops to her side, blood draining onto the stone terrace from the nasty wound.


From behind her a bullet buries itself into Wonder Woman’s right buttock.

“Yeagghh!” Her ass was vibrating from the impact.


From the opposite direction, from some high vantage point in front of her, another bullet bites into her right shoulder.

“Guungghh!” The defenseless heroine’s eyes close in horrible pain as the hail of bullets begin to take their toll. Helplessly, Wonder Woman crumples to the terrace, her knees no longer strong enough to support her. She lands on her bleeding butt cheek with hard thump that brings a shriek of agony from the embattled brunette. And then she flops weakly onto her back, her legs pinned beneath her.


Something smaller stabs into her lower right calf, jerking it upward slightly.

“Ughh!” Extremely painful but not the devastating crippling effect that the bullets brought. “!” Wonder Woman tries to breathe as a few people hidden in corners and behind poles snatch cell phones and flip them open desperately.

Zhhippppt! Zhhippppt!

“Agghhhh!” The beautiful female shrieks in terrible pain as both breasts take individual hits to their fatty undersides from the whining little slugs. None of these deadly accurate wounds are killshots, but added together they may well bring the mighty princess of Themyscira to the stygian shores of Hades. Ares must be enjoying the view of this massacre!

The dazed and bleeding heroine tries to retain consciousness as a growing puddle of blood forms beneath her inert body. Her body feels wet in several places and her brain is fogged with pain. Struggling desperately, Wonder Woman tries to pull herself onto her side. Using her good lower left arm, she rolls her upper torso to the right and brings her knees up slowly to a fetal position, trying to make herself as small a target as possible. Nobody cringing in the corners of this massacre site can believe their eyes. Wonder Woman is a bloody mess who is behaving like a helpless little girl. They didn’t blame her. They just couldn’t process the shocking sight!


A whining sting splits the difference between her shoulder blades cutting a tiny round black hole in the upper portion of her back. Several inches away from the spine.

“Owwwww!” Wonder Woman slumps onto her stomach now, her legs spread ungainly beneath her in perpendicular directions, flung there from the agony of the shot. Bright tears begin to well in her blue eyes. Is this how my time in the world of men ends? So ingloriously. So callously gunned down without honor? Would there be no...

Zhhippppt! The wasp sting of metal finds the sole of her foot which jerks up and falls back in just the briefest tortured second.

“Hissss” the brunette grimaces through the onslaught of pain to which there seems to be no end in sight. “,” she pleads to her gods. But strength is the last thing Diana is feeling. Her very vitality, her energy and her will seem to be seeping out of her. Indeed the blood pool beneath her has grown. She has lost much blood in her sprawled, unprotected position here on the terrace. The harsh stone does not absorb her life flow. It simply collects it in the crevices on which she rests.

There is screaming in the distance. People she can no longer protect? No, it's a police siren she thinks through the haze. She is too weak to lift her head. There are gun shots. Automatic fire. A scream. More screams. People scattering away from this horrific kill zone. A policeman’s lung collapses, his airway bubbling with blood. His partner is pinned behind the car angled at the 42nd Street side of the park, not far from the bookstall. He is drawing heavy fire from the café.

Zhhippppt! Zhhippppt! Zhhippppt!

“Hiieeyaghhh!” High on her upper left thigh. Low on her left buttock. Just above her left wrist. Three small, very painful holes through which her consciousness would love to escape. “Oohhh, please.... make... it...stopphh.....” the Amazon whimpers. She’d lost count of how many bullets her body had absorbed. Her great belt, a gift of the gods was only sustaining the agony now. Any normal woman would have been dead long before this.

The policeman behind his car, seeing the form of the mighty fallen heroine jerk from three impacts makes a mad dash for the cover of a hot dog cart to try to get a better position. He never makes it. Three shots from different locations, triangulate on him and blow him off his feet, flailing his body into a heap on the sidewalk.

Wonder Woman’s eyes see a pair of bright red sneakers approach her. The left foot forces itself beneath her wounded breast and rolls her over onto her back.

“Uuunnghhh!” Dizzily, the groaning Amazon beauty looks up at the man in a red ball cap who had warned her at the start of this ambush.

“” Her mouth mumbles as her eyes sluggishly search a cold hard face. She didn’t know this man who would have her dead. That seemed ridiculous to her. She actually coughs out a laugh of scorn, bringing up a bright red shimmering well of blood that drips down her chin.

“Those bracelets didn’t do you a lot of good, Wonder Woman. Not so effective against triangulated high-powered assault rifles with scopes, huh?”

“’d you know.... I’d be here...?”

“Why, that part was easy, Ms. Diana Prince. Carmine told me.” The dark haired man grins down at her as her eyebrows lift in astonishment. He knows my identity. How in heaven could he?


The man in the ball cap pulls a small derringer type gun from the waist holster behind his back and aims it right at Wonder Woman’s chest.

“That part was easy, too. Your stupid blonde girlfriend gave you up. Supergirl. You know, Linda Danvers the reporter. Haven’t you been following the news?”

“...she’d it....” Wonder Woman looks at the bore of the gun facing down at her. This was her end. She mentally prepared for it. Courageous to the end.

“Maybe not intentionally. But I hear she’s not the brightest bulb on the light string. Plus, drain all her powers with kryptonite, force crack into her system for a week and beat the living shit out of her and you never know what a friend might let slip.

“” Diana snarls with her last breath, her neck straining to pick her head up. She spits on the sneaker. A final defiant act of a warrior.

“You pathetic, big-titted cow!” The man shoots her in the left breast. Right over her heart. Diana’s body jerks once and her head falls back onto the hard stone terrace, her eyes closing shut with a long, breathy wheeze that brings up more blood out of her mouth. It drips down her chin onto the stone terrace, bringing a quiet finality to the horrific ambush that had broken the peace of this sunny early summer’s day. Even the birds have fallen silent.

The man in the red sneakers looks down at the bloody bullet-riddened body sprawled in a deadly silence at his feet and pulls a flip phone out of his windbreaker. With a flip he presses a button and says, “Bring in the van.”

Bruno Gemano, Carmine’s freelance hit man, shakes his head slowly at the sight of the famous Wonder Woman, the victim of a old-style mob hit: “Never let them see it coming. Keep the guns blazing and don’t give ‘em an exit strategy.” It worked to perfection just as he planned it. The famous Wonder Woman was cut down just as he knew she’d be, lying in a bloody pool at his feet. Another notch on his belt. A great little addition to his portfolio. He pulls out a small digital camera and snaps a picture of her limp body.

Except for the tranquilizer dart in her breast, the airgun BB’s and the carefully executed wounding shots, she would be dead. Would have been if he had his way. Look how easily he’d taken the dumb bitch out. Six bullets, eight BB’s and a knock out dart and the mighty Wonder Woman was hamburger meat! Tony was sure going through a lot of trouble to capture this cunt! Why he didn’t just kill her outright he’d never know. But hell, for two million to pull this off, he didn’t have to know. “Let’s move people, we got a world of cops coming our way in about four minutes!”

Three men in jeans and a t-shirt, wind breaker and sweatshirt, respectively, have arrived quickly from positions all around the park. Their looks, calculated to blend into the scene at the park, are unremarkable. Each is holding a rifle with a spotter scope that each leans against one of the café tables. Other shooters remain on nearby rooftops and hidden windows to hold off the police support that will be coming. People have drifted away from the site, afraid for their lives. A crowd has formed on the other side of 42nd Street, watching with tear-stained cheeks at the unmoving body of the famous brunette superheroine clothed in red and blue and gold. Looking at the devastated woman, none of the onlookers feels like heroism has a place in today’s horror show. They huddle in fear from the team of hit men.

Two of the burly men pick up the limp, bloody form of Wonder Woman and carry her over the dozen yards to the 40th Street side of the park and the panel van that’s been backed up onto the sidewalk. The third man walking with them opens the doors and they slide the bloody, dripping champion into the back of the van. One man hops in and pulls her deeper into the van as the other men push against the soles of her boots, handling her like a side of beef. One man, Jerry, closes the doors and checks his hands to see they are filled with blood from the wound Wonder Woman had taken in her foot. He wipes it on his pants and then goes to the drivers side and climbs in. Bruno meanwhile has come jogging up in his red baseball cap, holding all the rifles.

“Let’s bail,” he says, opening the back of the van and tossing in the guns. “There are about half a dozen cop cars coming down Fifth Avenue. They’re only at 72nd Street so far. If we’re lucky we can get outta here without a huge firefight.”

“The guys on the roof will cover us though, right?” The blonde shooter wearing the dirty I (Heart) NY T-shirt asks, climbing into the van.

“That’s what they’re there for, Marco. Okay, Danny, you hit the subway over there and meet me back at my place for the split at 8 p.m. Don’t be late.” He climbs into the passenger side of the van.

“Won’t,” the young redhead grunts and spins around to walk to the nearby subway stop. He’d just made 150 grand and he wasn’t even 22 yet. His days in the shooting arcade have paid off big time, no matter what his fat, pizza-stuffing mother said!

Bruno pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and touches the instant radio button. “Hold the cops off fellas for six minutes guys, then bail!” He waits for an answer but hears only one or two shots fired. “Hmm. Guess they’re busy shooting. What are you waiting for, Jerry? Punch it,” Bruno barks. Jerry doesn’t have to be told twice. He guns the motor, throws the van into drive and peels down 40th Street toward the west side. He doesn’t even get to the light at the Avenue of the Americas 200 yards away when the van comes to a screeching halt.

“What the fuck you stoppin’ for?” Bruno can’t believe this idiot. “You forget something?”

“It ain’t me! What’s that sound? Cheering?”

Beep. Bruno’s cell phone chimes loudly and he flips it open, “What the fuck do you want?”

“Oh, nothing. Just thought you might want to know you got Superman hanging on your rear bumper,” the voice says and clicks off.

“Shit,” swears Bruno. He clicks his phone a second time. “We need Backup Plan S. Now!” Bruno shouts. And the back doors of the van fly open, the lock broken as if it never existed. Marco punches the man’s face that appears through the open doors. He pulls his hand back with a howl.


“Nice language, moron. Superman grabs Marco and flings him out the back of the van and forty feet away where a clump of bushes breaks his fall. He collapses unconscious in the vegetation.

The glowering face of the dark haired Man of Steel is now looking directly at Bruno who says, without hesitation. “Jerry, cut the engine. Now!”

“That’s the first smart thing you’ve done today, scum! If this woman dies, you will not see the light of day in my lifetime. And I expect to live for a long, long time. And Jerry, you’re not really going to pull that gun on me, are you?”

“What? No, sir, Superman. Not me. I was going for my seat belt.”

“To run away from me? Can you run to Mars, Jerry. Because I would follow you.” Superman stares carefully at Wonder Woman, using his X-ray vision to check her wounds. No single one is fatal, but the blood loss worries him. He’s got to get her to a hospital within the next half hour or she may well die. “Stay put Jerry and I won’t turn you over to that angry mob across the street. You’ve got a lot of people very upset out here with the cowardly ambush you two have pulled off here. If you’re lucky, the police will take you into custody instead of that angry mob getting to you.”

“The police might be a little busy, Superman,” Bruno says, stalling for time.

“Oh, you mean the four shooters in, let’s see, that fire escape, the second floor of the hotel over there, the one hiding in the public bathroom and the one on the roof of the library? Those guys?”

Bruno gulps noisily. The guy was good. He was Superman, after all. “Yeah, uh... them.”

“They’re no longer a problem. I don’t know who you are, sir, but you’re going to go to jail for attempted murder. Now stay where you are. The police will be here in a few minutes,” Superman says, reaching toward Wonder Woman. “Unlike you two, this is a real human being that people care about, and I have to get her to a hospital thanks to your total disregard for human life. You two vermin are fixed in my memor....UNNGGHH!”

The mighty superhero winces in surprised pain as somebody behind him clobbers him with something that actually stuns the tall, black-haired champion. He leans heavily against the rear of the van, his palms actually quivering, his elbows locked. Superman is momentarily groggy from the blow. He doesn’t know it but a strong feminine hand sneaks over to his costume trunks. It pulls the waistband open, drops a steel ball into them and lets them snap back in place. Superman feels a cold hard orb fall heavily through his butt crack and drop to the lowest point of his crotch.

“What the....” Partially recovering himself, Superman spins around to find himself face to face with a beautiful woman with long red hair of medium height wearing shiny red, form-fitting latex hotpants and a matching red latex sports top that shows off a set of breasts that would impress any editor of a men’s magazine and sculpted abs that would impress any body builder. She is also holding a set of glowing green kryptonite nun-chucks that certainly have made an impression on the Man of Steel.

“Hi ya, sugah. Want to play with Miss Scarlett?” She holds the deadly weapon close to her body in a calm but purposefully poised attack position. “Scarlet O’Shea at your service.”

“Not your way, I don’t,” Superman says and suddenly leaps into the air before the kryptonite nun-chucks drain too much of his energy to do so. He hovers 20 feet overhead, looking down on the redhead.

“Well! I never! That kind of rudeness is not something a girl of the South like myself was brought up to tolerate.” Her thick Southern accent is right out of ‘Gone with the Wind.’ “I’ll have to get hah’sh with you Supermain. I really weell!”

Wavering slightly from the blow to his head, Superman tries to heat up the nun-chuck with his heat vision but he’s still too hurt to concentrate in a way that will generate anything strong enough yet. He has to wait a moment, even though he knows he has to dispatch this woman quickly so he can rush Diana to the hospital.

“You know, those things are illegal in New York State,” Superman says, stalling so he can fully recover from the nasty blow to his head. He feels for a lump and surely, the kryptonite weapon has left one. And even a small cut that makes him wince. It feels like blood and something greasy on the wound. If it was leftover kryptonite, he thinks he knows why it’s taking so long for him to begin feeling better.

“I’m going to have to insist you come down he’ah this instant, honeybuns. Scarlet doesn’t have patience for yo’ games today.” She points a plastic handheld device at him that she’s removed from a small matching red latex waistpack at her hip. Superman is prepared to evade any ray her little toy generates. But he doesn’t see any beam of any kind. He’s finally about to unleash his heat vision when there is a loud bang in his trunks and a concussion wave expands the shorts with a momentary hot blast of air. It dissipates immediately leaving Superman confused as he looks down at himself. The costume is as form fitting as ever. Although he realizes the trunks are actually soaking wet for some rea...

“OHHH! Aaagghhh!” The sudden painful heaving stomach cramps, nausea and absolute weakness sweep through Superman instantaneously. He drops out of the sky like a graceless pelican diving for a fish. Smashing onto the sidewalk shoulder first from 20 feet up stuns the heavily radiated Man of Steel. He may even have dislocated his right shoulder. His whole right arm is numb from shoulder to fingers.

Across the street, the crowd’s collected groan and shouts of horror float across the park in the sunny summer afternoon. Scarlet is pleased to hear “Oh no!”, “Not him, too”, “Why doesn’t he get up?”, “How did she do that to him?” and “First Wonder Woman and now Superman. This city, no this world is not safe anymore.”

“Jerry, get out of the van and bring your gun, we may have to hold off some cops now that Superman has taken out our cover team.”

“Sure Bruno. But did you see him flop down like that. What she using against him?”

“Must be some nasty kryptonite. I’ve never seen that overgrown boyscout look so out of it in my entire life. She’s teaching him quite a lesson. Hey, heads up, we got a hero at four o’clock. Don’t shoot him, just back him off til this is over.” Jerry backs off the rookie cop with well placed shot that throws dirt in his face. The blonde rookie cop backs off to the landscaper’s tent to reconsider his career choices.

“Carmine,” Bruno presses his cell phone’s direct talk button. I need back up for my extraction of package one and package two. Copy?”

“Is package two prepped and ready to go already?” An incredulous voice on the other end.

“Not quite yet, but she’s getting there. This bitch is hell on wheels!”

“That’s why she gets the big bucks! Extraction team in your area in ten minutes.”

“That’s the best you can do?”

“I’ll tell them to push it to six.”

“Please do, this place is starting to crawl with cops.

“Sending special Freight Hauler to your location.”

“Really? Fan-fucking-tastic. I may just live through the day.”

Slowly, the man who can mold planets to his will tries to collect himself and stand up but the kryptonite in his trunks is too powerful for him to achieve that right now. This stuff was murder! It felt ten times worse than any kryptonite he’d ever felt before. Sitting up with his hands behind him supporting him, his knees raised up and his boot tips pointing in opposite directions, Superman wavers weakly in place. Scarlet now stands a mere three feet away from him, smiling broadly.

“Why, Supermain. You look plumb tuckered out alreddy and we ain’t even had much of a scuffle yet.”

With his head bowed and only his eyes looking up, the black-haired hero mumbles softly to the redhead in latex hot pants, “Wha...iz...thiz...stuff....”

“Uh uh, dahlin’, you’re not controlling this he’ah conversation. I aim!” She whips out the nun-chucks viciously and the octagonal steel bar coated in deutronium kryptonite smashes into the left orbital lobe surrounding Superman’s eye, crushing the outer rim to splinters.


Superman collapses onto his back in agony from this.

“See, sugah. You didn’t want to play nice with Scarlett, so I had to play rough. You are a bad boy for that!” She walks behind the prone hero, unbeknownst to him, and swings the nun-chuck in a wide blade like action that smashes down flat on Superman’s abs, driving all the air out of the defenseless hulk.

“Fffoooooomphhhhh.” He doubles up and rolls over to protect himself, curling into a ball. The second hero to do so in Bryant Park in less than an hour!

“No, that won’t do at’tall, honeypie. Stand up, Supermain.”

“...c...c....can’t...” he wheezes. “I’m...too...weak....”

“Alrat then, get on all foahs, ya big galoot. I may want to ride you.”

“...Wonder woman....dying....” He pleads.

“Damn, sugah. You got a point theyah. Fine, we’ll play laytah. Sit up like you just did befo’ah.”

“Ohhhh....uuunnghhhh....” The world’s most powerful man shows what he’s capable of by sitting up in place. Quite an achievement for the wavering dull-eyed stud. “Whatt..ahrr... yah gunna do....t’us...”

“What did I say about questions, stud muffin? I know you heard me. I know that,” Scarlett O’Shea circles in front of the dazed and confused man in the tight fitting blue and red uniform. “Well, we’ll have to work on yo’ah listening skills, Supermain.” With a clear shot to his head now, Scarlet wings one of the deadly green bars at Superman’s face for a knock out blow. His hand reaches up in time with pure instinct and he actually snatches it in mid-air, holding it tightly for one second. And then the burning radiation is too much and he is forced to release the deadly stick with a pained yelp.


“Don’t tell me you just did that, Supermain!” She pulls the weapon back and then goes to work on the Man of Steel with a vengeance, swinging the two deadly green glowing steel bars this way and that, holding it tight by the chain and then by the ends. It’s all over in just twelve seconds.

“Don’t....” A smash to the mouth takes out two teeth and will require a rewiring of Superman’s jaw.

“Touch...” A backhand cross swipe takes out Superman’s right orbital lobe, crushing half of it to small bone shards.

“My.....” His Adam’s apple is knocked out of position causing Superman to cough out loudly in a strangled choking wheeze.

“Nun-Chucks!” The back of Superman’s head lights up in searing white pain as she fractures his skull in the same place she’d clobbered him before. This sends the defenseless male hero into a deep black hole that has no bottom Superman collapses onto his face and lies there completely inert.

Taking a shot at a second cop who’s trying to save Superman’s life, Bruno wings the man in the shoulder. The large bull who’s stupid enough to try such heroism while only a week away from his 20-year pension retreats with a wound that should earn him an extra 20 bucks a week in his pension. He considers himself lucky for his effort and high tails it back to the café where statements are being taken from witnesses and no one is trying to save Superman.

“On three. One...Two...Three! Lift.” Bruno strains with all his might, holding Superman by the armpits. Jerry’s got his feet and Scarlett has a firm grip on his trunks. With a huge effort the three of them are just able to manhandle the 6 foot two 275 pound Man of Muscle into the van.

“God what a load,” wheezes Jerry.

“I’ll say,” Scarlet agrees peering deeply into Superman’s trunks with an appreciative eye.

“People, there’s our ride!” Bruno says, waving towards a large vehicle on the Avenue of the Americas 150 fifty yards away. “Jerry, close the back door and pile in. I’m driving. Come on, make it quick.”

“This lock’s useless,” Jerry says.

“Fine, use this rope to tie the handles,” Bruno says, chucking a short length of plastic rope at him. “Double time Jerry! Scarlett, you stay back there and keep an eye on Superman. Make sure he stays put in transport. I don’t need this guy waking up on me before we can get him secured at Carmine’s.

“Don’t fret about him, sugah. I got big plans for this ole’ big blue boy he’ah! He’ll be quiet as a lamb, I assure you that.”

“Doors roped,” Jerry announces. “Let me come up front and let’s get out of here.”

“Great. Alright people, it should take 10 minutes to the switch-out point. Scarlett,” he says tossing her a package of gauze and then a roll of white medical tape, “please plug up that cunt’s bullet holes so she doesn’t die on us. Tony paid a lot of money for her to come back alive.”

“Well, I’m no nurse, but I’ll do what I cain, Bruno.”

“That’s all I’m asking.”

On Sixth Avenue, the Freight Hauler that Carmine has sent turns out to be a huge Mayflower moving van with a ramp already lowering down automatically off the tailgate. Once he takes the corner at 40th Street, he maneuvers into position and then Bruno drives right up into the large eighteen wheeler and then cuts the engine. The moving van’s driver pushes a button to retract the ramp. That done, the moving van gets underway, heading for the Lincoln Tunnel and a prearranged switch-out with another moving van inside the tunnel to avoid the possible capture by the single police helicopter now circling overhead.

Inside the van, meantime, Scarlett O’Shea is tending to a shivering Wonder Woman.

“I believe little miss wonderful he’ah is going into shock, Bruno.”

“Take off Superman’s cape if you can and cover her with it.”

“Oohh, I get to strip the Main of Steel. How thrilling.”

“Just be sure you keep Wonder Woman breathing til we get her to Carmine’s doctor.”

“Well, sugah, you ‘ah the one who put so many bullets into her. If you hadn’t a turned her into Swiss cheese, she might’n not be at death’s do’ah rat now.”

“Just plug her wounds, I had to be sure we took her down.”

“She’s surely down, sugah. For yo’ah sake, you betta hope that she’s not out. Permanently.” Even as she’s talking, Scarlett is unclasping Superman’s cape. “Jerry, hon, be a doll and help me roll over Mr. Tall, Dark and Stupid he’ah so I can get his cape over Wonder Woman.”

Reaching back over his chair, Jerry manages to tip Superman’s shoulders enough so Scarlett can yank his cape from under his limp body. This she throws over the inert heroine’s shivering body with a snap of her wrists. Then, working quickly she searches the black-haired beauty’s body for the most serious wounds. She counts six or seven that need immediate attention.

“Lord, what a mess,” Scarlett shakes her head. Despite the accent, this is no ignorant woman working on Wonder Woman’s wounds. Her actions are deliberate, quick and surprisingly gentle. She dresses the major wounds as best she can, but has doubts.

“I’ve slowed the blood flow considerably, sugah,” she says to Bruno. “But those bullets have to come out real soon or she’s still gonna die.”

“I know. Carmine’s doctor is waiting. Ah, good. There’s the other vehicle.” They are just inside the Lincoln Tunnel now, heading toward New Jersey. The other vehicle is an eighteen wheeler with a Piggly Wiggly logo on the side. “Scarlett, is Superman still out?”

“For now, ye’ah, but I got a few things to do to make shu’ah he stays out of trouble,” Scarlett says, removing two pair of handcuffs from the small waistpack at her hip. She locks up the limp hero’s wrists first and then his legs. For now he does not even stir.

As they reach the halfway mark of the tunnel, the Piggly Wiggly truck suddenly slows and stops dead in the middle of the tunnel. Cars start honking instantly. Two men pop out from the front truck. Taking careful aim and using silencers to keep the terror to a minimum, the two men shoot out the four nearby cameras mounted on the tunnel walls. Then one man moves quickly to the rear door while the other holds off traffic from the New York bound side with his outstretched waving hand. He then starts to direct traffic around his truck from the cars on the New Jersey bound side.

Bruno stops his own van and Jerry hops out and starts directing traffic the same way around the Mayflower moving van. Within a loud honking two minutes, the switch is made. Bruno’s van holding the defeated two superheroes is now inside the Piggly Wiggly truck and the empty Mayflower van is starting it’s engine and gearing up to drive to Pennsylvania to a truck stop that Carmine owns.

When the two trucks leave the tunnel on the New Jersey side, the police helicopter is hovering overhead, along with two cop cars. They wave the Piggly Wiggly truck on by and aim their guns at the driver and his assistant in the Mayflower van. They won’t be getting to Pennsylvania any time soon. With luck, Carmine may be able to spring them in a year or two. Depends if they’re arraigned for traffic violations or as accessories to kidnaping and murder. It all hinged on what happened to Superman and Wonder Woman after Carmine got his hands on them.

* * *

Carmine is watching the television and drinking a small glass of lemon seltzer in his suite in the Pleasure Dome building in the South Bronx. He wanted to stay sharp so he wasn’t going to be drinking anything hard until the whole afternoon’s operation was over.

As directed, Carmine had insulated Tony from any contact with his hit team. His ass was on the line for this little excursion and, so far, things had gone exactly as planned. Wonder Woman had bought his “crisis of conscience” phone call and been taken out brilliantly by Bruno, judging by the video feeds from the networks. They had broken into regular programming and now had almost a constant broadcast alert going with all the action that had occurred at Bryant Park. Christ, that Wonder bitch taken a lot of bullets in the hit! Watching the video he counted more than ten!

Carmine was wondering if she’d even be alive like Tony wanted. Had Bruno miscalculated? What would Tony do if she died? He didn’t think it was critical to the operation, but it sure would bring a world of heat down. It would definitely be better if she lived.

And how about Scarlett O’Shea. She actually had taken out Superman! They weren’t sure if he’d even show up, but she was ready for him. That video was simply shocking! Not only did he drop like a rock from that kryptonite slime bomb in his shorts, (Thanks again Lex Luthor for that formula!) but his face had been badly beaten by those kryptonite nun-chuks. It was over so fast, he couldn’t believe it. She was worth her two million, too. But what the hell were they going to do with Superman for now?

With Tony out right now meeting with the heads of the five Mafia families that ran the New York Metropolitan area as well as large portions of the rest of the country, Carmine was in charge temporarily. If things went as expected, Tony would be given a commanding role over two of the five families for this little venture today, and Carmine would be stepping up to a higher position with a hefty pay raise to boot from all the revenue streams that would begin to flow like a river of money into Mafia coffers now that Supergirl, Superman and Wonder Woman were all out of the crime-stopping game. As long as Wonder Woman lived and Superman didn’t escape, they’d be kings of the world after this. What a day!

Of course, there was still Supergirl to worry about. She had yet to wake up after that clusterfuck of a situation with the Minetti brothers. It had been almost 18 hours since Sergei and Stevie had blown the heads off of Sal and Mario. Just in the nick of time. Maybe. If she came out of this coma or whatever she was in. Carmine had looked over the video feed from the suite about a dozen times. The sneaky bastards had done quite a job on Supergirl. One little angle from a corner camera with about four frames worth of visual showed that Sal had slipped something into Supergirl’s drink. Probably some kind of date rape drug, he’d guess. Then they got her all sexed up and, like the whore she was well on her way to becoming, she agreed to do whatever they asked. By the time the drug kicked in, she didn’t have the presence of mind to defend herself.

It was only quick thinking by both Sergei and Stevie that the girl was even half alive. Good work there by those two. They just as easily could have missed the choking entirely. Who could tell she just wasn’t cumming in that situation. Especially with the way those pricks covered it with their loud voices and physical slights of hand. It was too damn close. If Stevie hadn’t noticed that Sal wasn’t moving his dick at all and Sergei hadn’t been clued in to the developing hit by Mario’s outburst about her actually coming during the choking, well, who knows what the results of Supergirl dying would be? Even now it was iffy with her not waking up yet.

Still, it seemed that Tony and he were living under a lucky star when it came to this broad. Hopefully Wonder Woman was under the same protection. She’d be in the hands of Tony’s doctors in about six minutes now, in his Secaucus hideout not far from the tunnel. They sure were keeping Tony’s doctors busy these days. Carmine hoped they were reliable. There were a lot of people in on this whole thing by now. Too many for his liking.

The complication with the Minetti brothers getting killed by Tony’s men wouldn’t go over well with Don Lupenzo, the head of Minetti’s crew. Carmine knew that was a given. But Tony could talk his way through that. His protection required the subjugation of Supergirl, not her death. The public had to think she had a chance of being saved to keep the police in check somewhat. If the Minetti brothers had killed her, that plan would go out the window and way too much heat would come down on every Mafia family. As it was things were already mighty hot. Now with Wonder Woman and Superman taken, who the hell knew what the outcry would be?

They were playing for huge stakes. Tony’s idea of returning Superman alive would help keep the heat off. Carmine had to admire the brilliance of his young protege. He’d eclipsed him completely and yet Carmine was proud of the young man. He’d made a name for himself in no time among the families and, if he could pull this off, there’d be no stopping him. Still, it was a big if!

His cell phone rang and he was hoping it was Bruno checking in about reaching Secaucus and getting Wonder Woman’s wounds tended to. But this was Stevie’s cell number.

“Yeah, Stevie. What’s up?”

“You better get up here,” he says darkly.

“Oh god. Is Supergirl dead?”

“No. But she sure ain’t herself. Come on up, Carm. I don’t know what to do!”

“On my way!” Carmine dashes for the elevator and wonders if his and Tony’s lucky star has moved out of position.
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A World of Hurt
Part 22-A

When Carmine rushes into Supergirl’s suite in the penthouse of the Pleasure Dome building, he is alarmed to see nobody in sight. Then he remembers that last night Sergei and Stevie had cleaned up the place top to bottom. They had scrubbed the sea foam green carpet as much as they could, then rented a rug shampooing rig from a local hardware chain to finish the job. Now you couldn’t tell that two guys had been whacked right here at all!

The Minetti brothers were politely escorted off the premises within two rolled and tied ten-foot carpet remnants. Although Sergei was all for letting the two men spend their long, quiet futures in a Staten Island landfill, Tony had nixed the idea. He put them on ice, literally in a meat packing locker on the lower west side of Manhattan until he talked to the Minetti’s family and explained things. He planned to return the bodies to the family as a matter of honor.

Stevie and Sergei had also treated the beige leather sectional with a special stain remover. (Thankfully both the Minettis had fallen backwards away from the couch. These things cost seven grand each after all!) Of course, before all that, Supergirl had been carried back to the bedroom and placed on the bedspread. And she had barely moved a muscle since then. She was breathing, she had a pulse, but there were no other response whatsoever to repeated pinching, shouting and clapping.

Now, however, as Carmine rushes in to the bedroom, his view is momentarily blocked by Stevie who’s looking down at the figure on the bed, his head shaking, hands on hips. When Carmine circles past Stevie he sees the beautiful blonde teenager curled up in a fetal position sucking her thumb.

“Oh shit,” Carmine swears. “How long as she been like this?”

“I went to the bathroom about ten minutes ago. She was flat on her back at that time, same as the last 17 or so hours,” Stevie says, somewhat defensively. “When I came back, I find her like this.”

“Take it easy, Stevie. This ain’t your problem. The girl wouldn’t even be alive at all weren’t for you, okay,” Carmine pats his shoulder.

“Yeah, I know. Still I feel if I’d been a few seconds, I don’t know, smarter, she’d be lighting up the room with that smile of hers. Not looking like some helpless preemie in a hospital nursery.”

“Don’t beat yourself up, Stefano. You did your best. This girl’s just been put through a world of hurt for the last week and a half. It’s just been too much, I guess.”

“You got any ideas, Carm?”

“Hmm. You know, I hate to bring in yet another person into this whole mess, but I’m thinking of a shrink friend of mine that could take a look at her and give us his thoughts on what’s going on with her,” Carmine says, nodding at the thumb-sucking teenage heroine.

“You not going Tony Soprano on me, are you, Carmine?”

“Fuck off, Stevie. He’s not my shrink. I just know him from my golf club. We play in a foursome every so often out in Ridgewood. In Jersey.

“Good. I thought maybe we had a little ‘Analyze This’ goin’ on. You know, that Bobby DeNiro flick?”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re fuckin’ Rodney Dangerfield. Now shut the fuck up while I think for a second. Maybe I ought to wait ‘til Tony gets back before I call the guy. Tony’s good at all the angles and this poor girl ain’t goin’ nowhere right now. Maybe if she were....”

The cell phone rings and Carmine checks the number and flips it open. “Yeah, Bruno. Talk to me.”

“We’re at the place with the doc," Bruno says. "We got the wonderful lady on a table and he’s checking her out. He’s got a lot on his plate, three or four hours maybe on the table, but he thinks she’ll pull through. She’s a fighter, he says. She’ll need to be, he also says. Lotta damage. Some possibly permanent. He ain’t sure ‘bout that though. The hip and the arm and the shoulder all look nasty. The thigh shot...”

“Bruno. Stop. This line ain’t secure. Anything else critical I gotta know about?”

“Package two is restrained and out of commission,” Bruno reports. “Our lady in red made sure of that. She’s very efficient, very thorough and very....” Shhhhhhhiiiggggrizzzzttt! Static interrupts the end of the sentence.

“Say again, Bruno. I didn’t get the last of that,” Carmine asks.

Shrizzzttt. “..very happy. I’ll report back in an hour or two. Doc says he’ll have a better idea then of how it’s all gonna shake out.”

“Alright, Bruno. Good work. Talk to you then.” He flips the cell phone closed and looks at Stevie. “Happy? Why the fuck is she happy. Unless it’s the money she’s thinking about?”

Stevie looks at him with eyebrows raised. “Who’s happy?”

“Ms. O’Shea.”

“Hmm. Well, two million would sure make me happy.” Stevie looks at his watch: 2:25 p.m. “Sergei went out for lunch at the deli. He’ll be back shortly. He said he’d pick you up a Roast Beef on Rye with cole slaw and pickle and a Dr. Brown Creme Soda. Same thing that he’s having. ”

“That guy may be Russian, but he sure eats like an American.”

“You ever eat Russian food?” Stevie asks.

“You counting Vodka?”


“Then no,” replies Carmine.

“The only good Russian food is their bread,” Stevie states. “Great black bread like pumpernickel but heartier. A fucking meal in itself with butter. The rest of their diet is potatoes and bad beef. Forgettaboutit!”

* * *

In the van, on the way to the Secaucus hideout, with Wonder Woman’s wounds tended, Scarlett O’Shea had been able to concentrate on her real assignment, the one for she’d been paid so handsomely to take out of the picture. Even now, driving to the airport in her red Miata, Scarlett’s pussy gets wet as she relives the scene in the van on the way to the Secaucus warehouse.

The famous Man of Steel is handcuffed at his wrist and ankles. The wrists have been tied with a long coil of rope to the passenger chair in which Jerry sits half turned, checking out the two heroes in the van with amazement. The handcuffed ankles are secured by a different length of rope to the plastic rope holding the back doors closed. It is looped around that rope with a dozens turns to keep it secure if the big fella wakes up and starts to struggle. As long as the kryptonite slime works, he shouldn’t be strong enough to break away, Scarlett believes.

“Supermain, honey, I am afraid you ‘ah a two-bagger date now,” she chuckles as she leans over to check Superman’s fat, puffy black eyelids. All around his eyes are dark bruises from the nun-chuks breaking the bones there. They give him a raccoon-like appearance. His mouth is also a bloody mess from her attack with the nun-chuks. The lips are skewed slightly from a dislocated jaw he suffered from the jolting blow of the kryptonite-coated steel bar to his mouth.

“Darlin’, you ‘ah so ugly, before I fuck you I’ll need one bag on your head and one bag on mine just ‘case yo’ah’s breaks,” she jokes. Lifting up the badly swollen black lids, she sees no one at home just yet. That’s good, it gives her time to set him up right. She puts two fingers against his neck to check his pulse, eyeing the nasty bruise at his adam’s apple from the other shot she’d given him with the nun-chuks. His deep voice would be garbled and strained for a while, too, until that got fixed. She’d certainly had done a number on him. But then she had to be sure she took him out fast. And she had. Now she had to keep him out until they arrived at the place in Secaucus where she had placed her equipment in case she’d been needed. She has a plan for that.

Shifting her position, Scarlett turns around, faces Superman’s body and straddles his legs so her inner thighs rest on Superman’s outer thighs. Then she pulls down the front of Superman’s red trunks and begins to give the Man of Steel a fast-action hand job. She strokes the shaft of the dark haired hero rapidly and draws a garbled groan from the sluggish form lying in the back of the van.


“Looks like the South is going to rise again,” Scarlett grins. “Something from the South of Superman’s waist, that is!”

“” Superman moans past his broken teeth and skewed jaw. He pulls on the rope at his wrists but the deutronium-kryptonite slime sloshing in the crotch of his trunks makes him too weak to do anything but jangle the cuffs noisily. His feet he can’t even move since her weight is pinning down his thighs.

Despite all his weakness and pain from the strength sapping gel in his shorts and the beating he’s taken, Superman’s penis begins to expand under Scarlett’s rapid fist.

“” Superman complains in a loud mumble.

Scarlett grabs Superman by the dislocated jaw and jerks it hard.

“Yowww! Ugghhhhhnnn....” The mighty hero in the famous blue and red uniform grimaces in extreme pain from this harsh treatment. His eyes roll up in his head and he collapses in a moaning grunt back onto the floor of the van. As soon as this happens, Scarlett scoots her body backward so her ass is on Superman’s calves and her mouth is over his groin. She continues to stroke the helpless hero’s dick for another 15 seconds and then spits a large glob of saliva on his prick and smears it all around Superman’s cock, which enlarges more and more under her constant stimulation despite his pain. By the time his full member is glossy with her spit, Superman’s dick has grown to over 12 inches long. Scarlett smiles at the huge prize she has created in her hand. Then she goes down on his exposed penis with a lips spread wide open, taking in the huge shlong deeply within her mouth. Her head bobs up and down repeatedly as Superman moans in a combination of pain and sexual enjoyment.

“...this....ishh....wong....” he grunts and tries to raise himself up. Scarlett stops slathering the top half of his cock with her tongue for just a moment and grabs his balls in her palm, squeezing just a bit.

“Slow down thea’ah, tiger. Mistress Scarlett’s in control and if you don’t want me to put the final bullet into your pretty brunette friend’s head who’s lying right here next to you, near death, I’d let me take mah pleasure from you while you lie still, Superstud! Jerry, sugah, point your gun at Wonder Woman, please.” Reluctantly, Jerry does as ordered, pulling a Glock.

“ will neva... herrd...a me...” Superman growls, but lies still anyway.

“Whatever you say, sugah pie. Just keep growing this cock of yo’ah’s so Scarlett can have her fun.” Her palms tickle his balls and she goes back to sucking on his dick with gusto. Up and down, up and down her head bobs with hard, relentless purpose. Her face rises and falls on his full 13 inches of manhood. Superman grimaces in confused disgust and pleasure as Scarlett brings him to a throbbing stiffness. Then she takes a quick break. Reaching into her waist pouch, now that’s Superman is maxed out in size, Scarlett pulls out a glowing green cock ring with bullet vibrators on two sides. She slips this over Superman’s penis with a swift sliding motion and pushes it down to the base of his shaft. Then she turns it on with the quick click of a tiny switch.

“Ohh...huhhh...” Superman grunts with unexpected pleasure at this vibrating device stimulating the top side and bottom side of the low end of his penis.

“Feels good, doesn’t it, Superstud?” Scarlett quickly undoes two snaps at the crotch of her red latex hotpants. With no panties on underneath, Scarlett O’Shea easily mounts the Man of Steel’s long hard cock and slides herself down on it with a slow lecherous smile.

“That’s the Supermain I’ve been dreamin’ about,” she says as she leans over and caresses his wide chest with her palms. The roaming hands wrinkle, distort and pull hard on Superman’s diamond S logo but with a gun pointed at Diana’s head, he resists fighting back even as he is raped by this grinding, wanton slut.

“Now give me a kiss and no biting, Superstud, or Wondie he’ah gets a nasty little hole put in pretty little cranium.”

She crushes her lips against Superman’s mouth and her tongue begins to twine slowly with his. In the meantime, her hips are bucking up and down with piston-like action as she revels in the full length of this man’s mighty cock. The width and length of it are incredible and she rubs her red latex covered chest against his sweaty uniform now, succumbing to her passions even as his own excitement builds helplessly within him. She kisses him for a long twenty seconds, their tongues fighting and their breathing quickening.

Suddenly, pulling away from Superman’s mouth, Scarlett sits up and reaches behind her back with both hands and unzips the red latex sports top containing her full size 38 breasts. She pulls the top down, freeing the fleshy orbs so they bounce enticingly in front of the disoriented Man of Steel. She gently presses her chest against his bruised face, burying his nose in her cleavage. The scent of her intoxicating perfume, her skin oils and the slight sheen of perspiration creates a heady swoon in the overwhelmed superhero. In the meantime, her vagina is tight and wet and in constant motion, creating a repetitive friction that clouds his brain with sensations he cannot control. With all this weakening kryptonite in his trunks and circling his dick, not to mention the vibrating nodules at the base of his cock, Superman is helpless to defend himself against Scarlett’s relentless barrage of sexual domination.

“” Superman growls loudly. It’s garbled but still angry enough to be heard through his bruised mouth and her smothering breasts.

Scarlett takes her breasts away from Superman’s face and looks down on him with gleeful confidence in her domination of this powerful hunk. She continues to pump her hips and caress his chest as she talks.“Oooh, you like to talk dirty during sex, huh, lover? Well, how about this, Supermain. You supposed to be the biggest cock swinging on this he’ah planet but I took your ass down in just about a minute and a half – from first clobbering to final knockout.”

“...s’prised me...d’hat’s all...” Superman grunts.

“Not hah’d with someone who’s all muscle and no brains, Supercock,” Scarlett purrs in his ear and slows her pace down, her hips now slowly rocking as her vagina slides up and down Superman’s engorged dick with a velvety motion that drives a pleasure spike directly into his brain. “And speakin’ of muscles. How do you like having your love muscle sliding in and out of my hot... tight.. sweaty...soft... cunt?”

“Ohhhhhh...” Superman groans in undisguised delight at her warm tight pussy grips the full length of his stiff member.

“I mean, dahlin,’ with all those thrilling sensations you’all are experiencing with my tight, wet pussy wrapped all around yo’ah huge man meat, you must feel kind of dirty and used, don’t you, sugah?” The red latex clad dominatrix leans forward and whispers in Superman’s ear and flicks her tongue in it with quick, flipping licks even as she grinds her pelvis against him so his cock is flooded with a whole new wave of frictional sensations.

“Hunnhhh...ohhhhh...” Superman moans in complete sexual duress. He can barely hold back the building wave of pressure mounting inside him.

“Why, I’d imagine since you cain’t do nuthin’ but cum on my command, dahlin’, you feel pretty pathetic for someone who’s supposed to be so powerful?” Scarlett offers more sensuous pelvic grinding creating much more building pressure within Superman who grimaces in frustration. “So just how super do you’all feel now, Supercock? A puny earth woman is taking your jism without yo’ah permission. You like that fuckin’ rhyme. Superprick?” Scarlett’s enjoying her domination as well as the vibrations of the glowing green cock ring against her labia as she nestles her groin against his.


“ cum. Right now, Superdick. You’re cumming in Miss Scarlet just the way she planned it.” She squeezes his upper chest tightly and snuggles her snatch down even more tightly against Superman’s groin as she accepts all 13" of his throbbing cock within her eager, clutching slowly pumping cunt.

Finally, helplessly overwhelmed by the sensations within him, Superman blows his wad, cumming like a fire hose within Scarlett’s tight pussy.


The sensations within the beautiful red-headed hit woman of Superman’s jetting prick throbbing and splurging within her takes the crazed woman over the edge and she cums with a shriek

“Yes....yes....YESSSSSSS!” She rocks her body up and down against Superman’s helpless form, milking every drop of his cum with carnivorous delight.

“...OHHH....” He groans with a short second burst of helpless ecstacy as Scarlett O’Shea has her way with him. She bucks and twists her pelvis like a wildcat, draining every drop of the Man of Steel’s semen and depleting his energy reserves in the process.

“....ohhhhhh...” he moans with a helpless flush of despair as he feels his dick begin to shrink. This bitch had actually raped him and he couldn’t help himself from reaching an orgasm. He did feel dirty and used, just as she’d said.

“We’re here,” Bruno says, as he gets word from the driver of the Piggly Wiggly hauler through an ear phone he’d gotten during the tunnel switch.

“Perfect timing, Superstud,” Scarlett say, pulling herself off Superman’s quickly shrinking dick and snapping her crotch closed. “Thanks for keeping us troops entertained, big fella. That little camera in the corner ovah the’ah should have gotten some very nice angles of us bumping uglies, Sugah. It’ll be on YouTube before you can say, Fucked by kryptonite again!”

Then without warning, Scarlett’s fist comes around from behind her back and slams into Superman’s jaw. His head snaps back in a blinding flash of white hot pain and his body sags to the floor of the van unconscious and completely drained.

“Why are the pretty ones always so dumb,” Scarlett says putting her sports top back on and zipping it up.

Bruno and Jerry are silent partners for the moment, stunned by what they’ve witnessed. Superman had been made to look like a totally incompetent dork. Helpless to fight, unwilling to defend himself and then groaning and cumming against his will, the two men couldn’t believe it could be done. But the woman who’d done it was now quietly kneeling by the body of Wonder Woman’s carefully timing her pulse.

“Slow but steady,” Scarlet says, all business now. After that she undoes the rope leading from Superman’s ankle cuffs to the back doors.

One minute later, the doors of the van are quickly opened by the tractor trailer driver and Scarlett climbs out first, looking around, getting her bearings. It is a large, clean warehouse. She sees the rectangular tank she’d prepared yesterday and tells Jerry and the two truck drivers to bring Superman’s body over to the tank immediately. They undo the ropes tying the handcuffs to the front seat of the van and heave Superman’s body out of the vehicle. With much effort and grunting, they carry the heavy figure over to a large, low rectangular steel tank filled with liquid kryptonite slime. It’s only two and a half feet high. Gently lowering him in under Scarlett’s careful watch, the men finally let go and Superman’s body slips down to the lowest point in the tank. His entire torso is submerged into the glowing green liquid with only his arms and legs hanging over the side of the tank. Each limb is carefully secured to ring bolts sunk into the floor. Adamantium manacles with short chains of the same material do the job nicely. Frankly, with the amount of deadly kryptonite now surrounding the Man of Steel’s body, the metal cuffs could be cotton rope and he wouldn’t be able to escape this deadly tub.

The memory of her domination of Superman would give Scarlett a lifetime of sexual fantasies to pleasure herself with. And she had now had to money to do nothing more than that if she wanted to. She laughs with girlish delight as the wind flows through her hair with the top down on her convertible Miata. It’s just one of the pleasures this huge payday has brought to her. She guns the accelerator and hits 85 on the way to JFK and her vacation in Spain.

Anybody out there? Haven't gotten any comments in a while. Are we enjoying this or what?
-- Dr.D.
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A World of Hurt
Part 22-B

With Superman secured in the tub, Bruno takes charge again and directs Jerry and the drivers to take Wonder Woman through a set of stainless steel double doors into a small waiting area outside a makeshift operating room that had been set up. Doctor Gyldenhall, a trusted surgeon that Tony Bonano had under his thumb, would be working on her. The sandy haired, middle-aged man in surgical green scrubs instructs the men to place the unconscious woman on the waiting gurney. He has two nurses with him.

“Thank you, gentlemen. I’ll take it from here. This woman needs my attention immediately. I will come out with progress reports as soon as I can. Or I’ll send one of my nurses. It’ll take an hour or two before I can confirm her status with any certainty. Now go, I have to get her into a sterile environment and start operating immediately.”

“Sure, doc,” says Bruno. It’s six bullets, eight bb lead shots and the tranquilizer dart.

“I’m capable of finding my way around a human body, sir. Leave or suffer the consequences if this woman dies!”

Without another word, Bruno spins on his heels, motions to the rest of the men and they all leave the waiting area, going back to the huge warehouse section. Surprisingly, Scarlett O’Shea has already left. Her bright red Mazda Miata with its “Killer” vanity plates is no longer parked in the corner space where she’d left it this morning.

“I’d better check in with Carmine,” Bruno says, flipping open his cell phone to make his report.

After he tells Carmine about Scarlett’s efficiency and, in a word, her happy ending, Bruno clicks off.

“Well, we’re on our own for a while. I guess we better keep an eye on the big guy soakin’ in the tub over there and give Carmine reports when we get them. Anybody up for a game of poker?”

Bruno pulls out a deck of cards from his white sweatshirt pocket and thinks he can win a couple of grand off these guys in the next few hours. Hell, they all had money to spare after the payment Carmine would be bringing to Bruno’s place at 8 o’clock tonight. But a few extra bucks from these bozos wouldn’t hurt. Jerry and three truck drivers agree to the game. The fourth driver begs off and heads out. Pulling a card table and chairs into the center of the space where they could keep a close eye on the unconscious Superman soaking in the kryptonite slime tub, the men begin to play poker.

* * *

By 4:30 that afternoon, Tony Bonano is standing in the bedroom with Carmine, Sergei and Stevie looking anxiously at the silent, thumb sucking Maid of Steel. Wearing her fake uniform and curled up in a fetal position, her underpants are clearly exposed. After twenty hours, even as Stevie had looked on in shock only half an hour ago, the inert, stupefied Maid of Steel had suddenly wet herself. The blooming yellow stain took him completely by surprise, but what the hell could he do. When it was over, the entire crotch and half the seat of Supergirl’s famous red silken panties were damp with urine and there was a wide wet spot on the comforter under her hips. Fortunately she hadn’t emptied her bowels. Yet.

Sergei had removed her cheap boots earlier and her toes and feet were even clenched into small sad appendages of lost hope. A wet spot of drool stains the comforter under her mouth as she works her thumb non-stop with her sucking cheeks.

“Alright, Carmine. Tell me about your shrink. What’s his name?”

“First of all, Ton. He ain’t my shrink, okay? I play golf with the guy. I don’t talk family business. I don’t unload my troubles. I talk golf handicaps and sports and the ponies, which he likes. I’m a businessman to him, plain and simple. ‘Course, that will change the second he see’s the patient I bring him. His name’s George Cosmopolis. He’s successful, very discreet and he’s into me for forty grand between the golf and the ponies. I can squeeze him a bit.”

“Will he talk to the cops if they start to squeeze?”

“He’ll have doctor-client privilege to lean back on for a while. He’ll play that card. I’ll have to watch him and bug his phone if they play him hard. But that’s only if they find out about him workin’ with her, and we can control that.”

“Right. Bring him in. But we’ve got to change her clothes. Make her look different and try to use a cover story if we can. If he doesn’t see the costume, he may not make the connection.”

“Jeez, why didn’t I think of that. Of course, but wait, what if he needs to know who she is to, like, snap her out of this?” Carmine waves his hand at the catatonic blonde heroine making loud sucking noises on the bed.

“We’ll deal with that if and when it comes up. Call him, get him in here quick. I’ve got to play some sort of holding game here. The meeting with the families went real well by the way. Just like I figured. We’re running two full families now Carmine.”

“Hey, that’s great news, Tony!” Carmine is delighted for Tony and for himself.

“Good goin’, boss,” cheers Stevie, thinking his star was rising with Tony’s.

“Many congratulations, Tony Bonano,” says Sergei, pleased to have gotten on this express elevator ride while it was still on the lower floors.

“The thing is, gentlemen, this is all predicated on keeping Supergirl a working and subservient whore. Not a vegetable like this. If word got out about her condition, it would generate outrage and an unholy backlash. We have to keep the public thinking that she’s been captured but could escape somehow. Keep them off balance and hopeful. I’ve thought about this since Carmine phone me about her condition and I want to use her attempted escape video. The one where she knocks the crap out of me. We’ll digitally obscure my face and alter anything that might identify me. We edit it so it ends where she’s standing over me. We do a voice-over saying we were able to restrain her after all but if there are any attempts at rescue, we take her out. That ought to cool their jets while giving them something to root for.”

“Nice,” Carmine nods.

“What’s more,” Tony continues, “We release a small, grained up version for the media and a full-fledged, full-color beauty, still somewhat edited but X-rated version in DVD format through our regular underground supply chain. We need the cash infusion anyway after paying Bruno and Scarlett. Hey, I meant to tell you that was brilliant work at Bryant Park, Carmine,” he rubs Carmine’s shoulder. “Your troops were phenomenal! The van drivers that got arrested, what’s with them?”

“Not arraigned yet. Depends somewhat on the news about what happens with Wonder Woman and Superman. It could go from a traffic violation to kidnaping to murder, depending on what happens with them.”

“Yeah, well, Wonder Woman will take a while to settle out. How she doing?”

“Latest report is she’s out of the woods. Critical condition but hopeful. You know that doctor crap they all spout. Should pull through but no guarantees. There will be some scarring he thinks. He’s amazed at her recuperative powers. Oh, that was an interesting point. He said he started to remove her outfit for the surgery after hooking her up to the all his readout machines, you know. He takes off that belt she wears and suddenly she started having what he called ‘severe distress’ that scared the shit out of him. Her blood pressure drops like a rock and her heart starts goin’ a mile a minute. He’s telling me he’s afraid he’s gonna lose her. Not knowing what to do, he places the belt back over her waist and the machines quiet down and her breathing goes back to normal. Everybody stops sweating and he operates on her with her clothes on and everything. Operation’s all over. All bullets and bb’s removed. Actually said the tranquilizer dart may have helped save her life. Slowed down her metabolism under stress so the blood loss wasn’t fatal when it could have been. He put three pints back into her.”

“What are we paying Gyldenhall?”

“150 grand.”

“Double it. It’ll keep him quiet and he’s more than earned it. Besides, I think Wonder Woman may be earning that back for us and much, much more than that in the near future. If we can work our magic on her like we did with Supergirl, we’ll have two beautiful superheroines in our stable of whores. And who wouldn’t want to stick their cocks into every single hole that stuck up feminist’s has, to teach her what a real man’s all about, eh? Think that little marketing plan wouldn’t pull in millions for us?”

“God, Tony,” says Stevie. “You think we can really turn her like Supergirl?!”

“Yeah, I believe it can be done. But it will take something stronger since I’d have to believe her will power is stronger than Supergirl’s, being older, more resolute and coming from a long tradition of royalty. I’m thinking heroin plus automated fucking machines to keep her pussy busy. Very powerful machines to keep her preoccupied and confused. Plus aphrodisiacs. Everything full force to keep her off balance. Anyway that’s the way I see it,” the Mafia boss declares. “But as for Superman, I’m throwing him back to the public. He’s too much to handle and he’s already been humiliated pretty good by Scarlett. When we release him, we’ll do it in a way that’s even more humiliating. I’m working that out just yet. We make a statement that anybody who tries to take us on gets the treatment we gave the famous Man of Steel. See if that doesn’t cool their jets for a month or so.”

“Sounds good to me, Tony. Sounds real solid,” Carmine agrees. “And hopefully, Supergirl here comes back to earth soon and things get back to somewhat normal.”

“Amen to that, Brother Carmine,” Tony responds. “Amen to that. Call Cosmopolis and try to get him over here tonight if you can. Say 8 o’clock?”

“Can’t do it at 8, Ton. I’m giving Bruno and his guys their cut at 8 at Bruno’s place.”

“Can Stevie give them their split? Will Bruno get nervous? You think he’ll make Stevie as some kind of hit man to cover up loose ends?”

“Possible. I could call him with a heads up. Take the edge off the situation.”

“Stevie, you okay with this?” Tony looks at his young associate.

“Sure, Ton. How much cash am I bringing him?”

“Two million,” Carmine answers.

“Sure hope I don’t get mugged on the way. Where’s he live?”

“Clifton. Nice little house in the Allwood section,” Carmine relates. “About 15 minutes west from the warehouse in Secaucus. Off a’ Route 3. I’ll give you the address. Take my limo, the Lincoln. In fact, take my driver, Roget. You can Mapquest it and give Roget the printout.”

“I fuckin’ hate Mapquest,” Stevie sneers. “They’re always fuckin’ up one critical thing in their directions. A left instead of a right. A left turn where it says ‘No left turns allowed,” or wrong road names. It’s always something. Like go two miles til there are no fuckin’ signs anywhere, then roll down the window and ask some wino where the fuck you are!”

Tony, Carmine and Sergei all laugh at Stevie’s rant. Then Tony says, “Okay, Carmine, call your...sorry, call The Shrink. Let me know what he says. Well, gentlemen, how about a little celebration while we have a quiet couple of hours. My treat. They’ve got a Tortellini Alfredo special downstairs that I’ve been waiting for all day.”

“Count me in,” says Carmine, ringing up Cosmopolis from his speed dial list on the cell phone.

“Me as well,” Sergei says.

“I’m in, too,” Stevie agrees.

Tony looks over at Supergirl a final time before they leave the room. “How about you, Linda,” he shouts. “Wouldn’t you like to come out of your shell and have a nice plate of Tortellini Alfredo?”

Carmine gets through to the psychiatrist after a few moments. “Hey, George. Hi, yeah, it’s Carmine. Not as much lately. My handicap is up. You’re gonna be able to take me for some serious money next time we’re on the links. Yeah, we’ll see about that. Hey, George, I’ve got a girl who works for me who has gone, I don’t know, catatonic on me, I guess you’d say. Something about a rape last night, she mentioned. Then this morning, she doesn’t show up for work so they send someone out to see how she is and she’s sitting in a chair and sucking her thumb. No, no response. Yeah, they tried that. That too. I brought her to a place here in the Bronx. I know it’s a lot to ask, but can you take a look at her for me. I’d owe you big time. Well, she’s been like this for at least a few hours now. What? Yeah, but tonight would be better. It would be a big favor to me George. You’re the only guy I can trust on this. You know, to try to keep the rape thing quiet. The poor girl doesn’t need that screwing up the rest of her life, right? Well, it could at that. You never know. What? You will? Say that’s great George. I’m in your debt. Yeah, I’ll see you at 8. I’ll send you directions by email. From where you are in Jersey, it’s pretty much a straight shot over the GW Bridge and up to the South Bronx. No, we’ll park your car in our lot. It’ll be fine. Yeah, thanks George. See ya.” He closes the cell phone with a click. “Done.”

“Great. Let’s see what he says,” Tony nods at the teen. “She sure is out of it.”

The catatonic young teen simply sucks her thumb with a steady, neediness that almost breaks Tony’s heart. He walks over by the bedside and puts his hand on her wrist as the three other men look on. Slowly he pulls the thumb out of her mouth and looks into her baby blue eyes. She doesn’t even look at him, shifting her eyes away and frowning. She simply tries to pull her thumb back to her mouth.

“Guess I put you through the wringer, huh, Linda?” He turns her head toward his with a firm hand on her chin, trying again to establish contact. When she does look at him, it’s like she’s looking through him to the opposite wall. Wherever this girl’s mind was, it wasn’t in this room.

“Stevie,” he says shaking his head. “Can you put a plastic sheet or something under her. Change her out of this dirty outfit and have it cleaned. There’s pajamas in the dresser. She shouldn’t give you any trouble.”

“Sure thing, Ton. I’ll do it now and meet you guys down in the restaurant.”

“Thanks, Stevie. You’ve been great at all this. Carmine told me how you recognized the hit, you and Sergei. You’re both on this team wherever it goes, I want you to know that.”

“I know, Tony. Thanks,” Stevie nods.

“Thank you, Tony,” Sergei says as well. “We wish we had been faster. But such is life, da?”

“Da.” Tony looks at Supergirl then turns and leaves the room. Sergei and Carmine follow as Stevie heads for the dresser.

* * *

At 6:10 p.m., Bruno checks his watch. He’s already taken the three truck drivers for three grand apiece in seven card stud. No cheating even! His cards had been that good. And he’d played them like fish on a line for about three and a half hours, with the only breaks coming from visits by the doctor or the nurses with status reports about Wonder Woman’s condition. The news was getting better and better with every visit. The girl wouldn’t die. She might have to undergo rehabilitation for her arm and hip injury. Like he gave a fuck about her rehabilitation! The shoulders and thigh were surprisingly clean entry wounds and no exit wounds. He’d planned on that, of course, choosing the ammo carefully to inflict minimum damage while still getting the job done. In less than two hours, he was going to be a rich man. The lion share of the split was going to be his. He was going to have to give his seven shooters 150 grand each which would have left him with a little over a million bucks.

But five of his shooters had been caught by Superman who handed them over to the cops. That just left Jerry and the redhead 22-year old Danny he’d have to split with tonight. He’d put the other shares in short term money market accounts and see what the justice system did to the remaining shooters before he had to give them their splits. If he had to at all. He’d talk to Carmine about that. In fact, he had to call Carmine now anyway. He had to head home to meet Carmine for the cash handoff and he wanted to ask what the hell to do with the badly beaten green-faced Superman moaning in the glowing tub of krypto-slime. He did not look good.

He takes the phone out of his pocket and flips it open when it rings by itself. It’s Carmine. Fancy that.

“Hey,” he answers brightly, standing up and walking away from the table for a moment, “I was just going to call you. Yeah, things are wrapping up around here. The doc’s finally gone and Wonder Woman is sleeping in the recovery area. Doc says she’ll be out for another 12 hours easy. The nurse is staying with her for now. She expects you here early before she wakes up to take possession of her. He’s got her on a Valium drip or some other such shit. I was just about to head out for our meeting and...What? Who? How’s he connected. Alright, Carmine, don’t get hot. No, I’m not. I’m just askin’ is all. No, it’s fine, I understand. Things come up. We’re good though, right? You happy with the results? Great. No, glad to hear that. Yeah, it means a lot. How you want me to handle the split for the guys the cops snatched? No, they’re gonna do hard time for sure. The guys in the truck are yours, right? They weren’t part of our deal. Carmine, don’t get hot. I’m just double checking.” Bruno is pacing the warehouse area, a bundle of nervous energy. Jerry watches him with surprise. Bruno hadn’t been this agitated during the hit in Bryant Park.

“Fine, we’re cool on that. Yeah, so what’s he look like, this Stevie? Uh huh. Yeah. Okay. No sweat. So, what the hell am I supposed to do about the big fella here? Superman. The guy in the tank! No, she left after we dropped him in. No, nothing. We carried in the Wonder bitch to the doctor’s area and when we came out she was gone. No, I’m telling you she didn’t say nothin’. Just left. She sure had a smile on her face when we dropped him in the tank though. Plus the other thing. That I told you about before. Yeah, happy. You didn’t get me? She fucked him. Yeah, Superman, who the hell else are we talkin’ about. Yes, I’m serious. She rode him like a fucking rodeo star. Fireworks and everything on both sides based on the stains I saw in the van. What the fuck do I care? It kept him busy til we chucked him in this slime bucket he’s in. Yes, shackled with the full set of manacles. But I got to tell you, Carmine, he’s pretty green and he ain’t breathing right. Well, he’s moanin’, he’s wheezing every so often and his face is pretty greenish. No, I wouldn’t say bright. Not yet. How the fuck do I know if she’s comin’ back? I gotta leave here in ten minutes to get home for your friend Stevie and my money. Huh? Yeah, I’ll wait.”

Bruno looks at Jerry and the drivers. “Can you believe this shit? Carmine says the lady in red was supposed to stay and handle Superstud here.. How do you not account for Superman in your plans? Carmine’s about to blow a gasket. Guess the communication between him and Scarlett was a little fuzzy about the final details about what to do with...Yeah, I’m here, Carm.” Bruno begins to pace the warehouse again. “Uh huh. Well, I’d doubt that. DO WHAT? You ain’t serious? How long? Completely out? What if he starts getting his powers back. I mean, I’m on the fucking front line here, Carmine. This wasn’t what we talked about. I don’t know shit about this slime stuff or him or anything like that.”

Putting his hand on the phone, he says to Jerry, “This is incredible? He wants us to handle Superman! Un-fuckin’-believable!”

“Shit, fuck, crap, damn it to hell, motherfucking, cuntlicking, pricks!” Jerry responds.

After Jerry’s tirade, Bruno takes his hand off the phone, he listens for a moment and starts talking again. “Well, can’t you reach her? For how long? Did you pay her already? Beforehand? Really? Whether or not Superman showed, she got paid? Wow! She’s got Superman’s balls in a sling plus a pair of her own! Swiss account, huh. Internet transfer, codes and all. Yeah, well she’s gone. I’d renegotiate her ass with a baseball bat up her twat if I were you, but that’s just me talkin.’ She’d probably get off on it anyway. She took all Superman had to offer and he’s got a pole you wouldn’t believe. No, they’re still here, too. We were playing poker while the girl was on the table all this time. Yeah, I can do it. But Carmine, it’s going to cost you more. What do you think it’s worth to baby sit him for 12 hours? Uh uh. Not even in the ballpark. Double it. It’s certainly not unfair. Things go wrong here, and he gets his strength back and everybody ends up with nothing. Or if he dies, the heat comes down. Don’t think I don’t know that? I get paid for risks, Carmine. I’m willing to take ‘em but I get paid for ‘em. Alright, I can live with that number. Yes, we’ll stay. Send Stevie here instead of my house. He does? Well, that’s something. At least he’s got an inkling of what it takes to control these superhero types. Well, if he comes right away and we don’t have to stay 12 hours I’ll cut my rate, sure. Just two hours? You’re that confident this Stevie can handle that? Well, it’s not just that factor, Carmine. The guy’s heavy. Took three of us huffing and puffing to get him in the fucking tank in the first place. A winch? I don’t...yeah, I’m looking at one hanging from the ceiling right now. Yeah, I see them too, chains, coiled up in the corner. Hey, it’s your call. Well, for two hours, I’ll do it for that. Yeah, I get it. I take him out and let him lie on the ground for 20 minutes and then put him back in. You sure about the 20 minutes? Dead sure? Swear on your fuckin’ mother’s grave sure, Carmine? Cause bad estimates get people killed. No, I won’t wipe him off. If that’s what Stevie says I won’t wipe him down. His breathing, right. I got you. He goes back to white skin, his breathing clears up, it’s back in the tank. Before he’s white? Sea foam green? What the fuck is sea foam green? Like a pea? A string bean? Broccoli? What do you mean wrong direction? Hint of green, right. Clover leaf in the sunlight. You’re a fuckin’ poet, Carmine, with these color descriptions. I GET IT! Very pale green back in the tub. Just make sure he gets here with the money by 8. Fine 8:30. About two hours from now. Right. Is he going to have the extra cash with him when he comes? Great. We’ll watch for him. Yes, we’re taking him out as soon as I hang up. I promise, Carmine. You want to break my balls or you want me to take him out of the tub, it’s your call. Thank you. Yes. Talk to you later tonight.”

Looking at Jerry, Bruno shakes his head. “Guy acts like a fuckin’ Italian grandma, sometimes, I swear! Alright guys, let’s lift this sack of shit out of the tub and lay him on the floor face up so we can watch his face turn the color of clover in the sunlight. Fuckin’ Carmine.”

They gather around the Man of Steel and Bruno unlocks the manacles with the special key. Then, with a huge heave, the five guys pull him up and out of the steel tank. Being heavy and a very slippery for the two drivers holding his waist, the group drops the heavy load onto the concrete floor with a loud wet slap and hard thump.

“UNNGHH,” a grunt bursts from the Man of Steel and every man surrounding him takes a step back. But after seeing Superman lying face-up on the floor for a full minute without moving a muscle, they stop looking down at him and at each other instead.

“What do you think,” Jerry asks, “another couple of hands before this Stevie gets here?”

The men nod and sit back down at the table, each man glancing over repeatedly to check for himself if the color of Superman’s face approximates the color of a cloverleaf in the sunlight.
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Does Tony's plan to 'return' Superman in a humiliating fashion involve the Doctor castrating the Man of Steel before release? Will he be given a tattoo on his forehead with Kryptonite infused ink reading: 'The Eunuch of Steel'? Will he be delivered in a wig, makeup, and wearing Supergirl's uniform to match his new emasculated state?
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

gbanneriii wrote:Does Tony's plan to 'return' Superman in a humiliating fashion involve the Doctor castrating the Man of Steel before release? Will he be given a tattoo on his forehead with Kryptonite infused ink reading: 'The Eunuch of Steel'? Will he be delivered in a wig, makeup, and wearing Supergirl's uniform to match his new emasculated state?

Well, I suppose that could be one way to go, gbanneriii, but while Superman will be experiencing a lot of torment, it wont be of that sort. I like your "out of the box" thinking though...and I do thank you for your response.
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