SG&The Broker: Spydra, False Flags

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Hi, this story is part of a long running series the details of which you can find here in the SG&The Broker section.

Or, if you are slightly familar with the series you can continue with a brief reminder of where we are up to below.

It has been a year now since Supergirl was rescued from her predicament in "United We Stand" and about eight or nine months since the young Spydra was drawn into the team during "Spydra, Twice Shy". With training from her new found mentors Laura has shown she is a quick learner and a potent ally, one that might be important one day in the fight against the mysterious threat of the infectious "Green Dust". The dust, formerly crystals that had stored the minds of mentally ill and sometimes violent people had been sent out into the void after a great cataclysm and found their way to earth. The dust had already infected the minds of two people leading to tragic consequences and also revealed a previously unknown vulnerability in Supergirl. Now, Supergirl and her mixed band of friends are ever wary of what might come while managing their lives in the meantime.

Selena or "The Broker", once wronged by Supergirl and forced to become a hidden fugitive was wrongly convicted and now works in the murky underworld of information dealing. Selena continues to keep her loving claws in the heroine after getting her revenge but they have an understanding, Supergirl is free but her secret hunger is to be fed by Selena's deviant talents alone.

Lucy Wuan, formerly a mercenary, continues to work within the team. Although coerced into working for Selena she is satisfied with her lot, her role as a bankrolled party girl is to infiltrate the world of New York high society, uncover high end criminals and help Selena profit from them. Lucy also helps Detective Lisa Kozny boost her career using the information Lucy obtains. How Lisa came to work for Selena is another story for another time but for now all you need to know is she and Lucy are .... "enthusiastically involved". Lisa is a good cop and she feels that although she might be thought of as corrupted by her links to Selena she thinks Supergirl's presence legitimizes the team.

Then there is McGee, an agent with the FBI. The bulky friendly giant, may not look like much but he hides a secret power, the power to see into the minds of people and manipulate their memories. McGee knew Selena was innocent the day Supergirl had brought her in for interrogation many years ago but with no means to prove her innocent she had been condemned to the hell which had caused her to seek terrible revenge. Now though McGee pays his penance by working for the team, helping where he can while maintaining his integrity. Right now all the team knows what he can do save for Laura AKA Spydra and Neyra, McGee having been cautious about letting the newcomers know too much too soon.

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Neyra and Laura stepped up the stairs of the metro station and out onto the side walk of the bustling New York street. Yellow cabs honked their horns, the pedestrian crossing signs bleeped and in the distance the wail of the NYPD sirens echoed off the walls of the tall buildings. Neyra and Laura had been drawn to the lights of the big apple at the behest of the rest of the team and the previous few days had been filled with excursions to museums, attractions and nights out on the town with Lucy the party girl.

Neyra and Laura were getting comfortable with Lisa too but memories of Selena's conduct when they had first met still lingered, making friendship difficult. Selena had been tasked with “breaking” Laura in order to learn the truth about what she was, and what she had done while a captive of those who had mistakenly given her her special powers. That truth, once uncovered allowed the team to accept Laura into their group and let her move on free of guilt of things she had done, and of what had been done to her.

Despite the pair's misgivings of Selena the feeling of being part of something bigger and better was growing but now something had “come up” drawing the visitors to some sort of hurriedly arranged meeting. Neyra's wise eyes studied the street looking for the Range Rover Evoque with the tinted glass that she knew would be waiting for them and quickly saw it.

“There they are, just over there.” Neyra said, gesturing with her thumb as she faced Laura who nodded in reply.

“Hey … if you picked up any vibes, you'd tell me, right?” Neyra asked as she tried to read Laura's face.

“If I had any, sure …. I'm not picking up anything at all …. let's see what they want, I trust Lisa …. she's been amazing all year ….. Lucy too ….” Laura said as she looked at the traffic criss-crossing in front of her eyes.

“I know, I like them too....” Neyra replied as she looked to the lights at the crossing, waiting for the moment to cross.

The traffic slowed to a halt and the green man image appeared triggering the waiting people to cross the street, Laura and Neyra among them. Reaching the other side the pair turned and reached the parked Range Rover, the rear door popping open a crack as they arrived. Laura and Neyra were quickly sat in the back and saw Lisa and Selena in the front, Lisa in the driving seat.

“Hey …..thanks for coming …..” Lisa said warmly although her face looked a little serious.

“Hey” Laura replied shyly, her eyes averted slightly from Selena, trying to avoid eye contact.

“What's up? Is Lucy not coming?” Neyra asked with a frown.

“Lucy has had to go out of town for a few days..listen, Laura, I know you are on this little vacation but ….” Selena began, eliciting an angry glance from Neyra.

“Please … hear us out?” Lisa asked reading Neyra's expression.

“What's wrong?” Laura asked, seeing Lisa was troubled.

“Look, officially I can't even talk to you about this but if you can help me then you would be doing me a huge favour” Lisa began.

“OK …. a clue?” Laura asked, glancing at Neyra whose eyes were locked with suspicion on Selena who didn't retaliate, despite noticing.

“Tomorrow morning my department is executing a search warrant. The target is a penthouse apartment above a small office complex on the upper floors of the Wexford tower on 24th street.” Lisa explained.

“What do you need Laura to do?” Neyra asked with a puzzled look.

“We are concerned that when we begin to execute the warrant the people we are investigating are going to try remove incriminating evidence using the helicopter they have parked on the roof of the building.” Lisa added.

“Why not just have an air unit box them in?” Neyra probed, prompting Lisa to nod, accepting the common sense challenge.

“That is the plan but sometimes things aren't always that straight forward. If the unit gets pulled out of position before the raid in order to attend to another emergency it may not have the fuel to be around.” Lisa continued.

“Basically, what the good detective is asking is, can you fix the helicopter so it can't take off?” Selena asked, cutting to the chase.

“You mean like, sabotage it?” Laura asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Well, kind of, I mean it would be ideal if they thought everything was OK until the moment they went to use it” Lisa added.

“In other words, don't blow it up, just immobilize it ...Lisa would prefer they didn't suspect anything was wrong until it was too late.” Selena suggested.

“I guess I could get up there and have a look at what I could do …. I've not done anything like this before....” Laura said nervously, looking to Neyra.

“That's all I want … if you get up there and you can't find a way, it's OK, no one's life depends on it... besides, the air unit will probably be on point and the suspects may not even try and get the evidence away ….” Lisa replied to her friend.

“Well, assuming they don't crash into the NYPD chopper while escaping sending a ball of flaming wreckage down to the street below ...” Selena said coldly.

“Hey!” Neyra cut in, she wasn't going to have Selena blackmail Laura into acting.

“Don't pay attention to her … I just need to know, can you help me or not – no pressure – you can say no ..” Lisa said with a conciliatory voice.

“I want to help but...” began Laura, not wanting to undermine Neyra.

“Can't you ask Supergirl to help with this?” Neyra suddenly wondered aloud. To be part of the team and not be able to call on her seemed strange.

“She is dealing with more pressing matters, we slept soundly in our beds last night but there are less fortunate ones who have just gone through an earthquake...or don't you read the news?” Selena replied dryly.

“Yes, you are right BUT Laura doesn't even have her suit here ….” Neyra said, trying to excuse her young lover.

“Ah! Well … THAT I can help you with ….” Selena said with a grin.

Laura's heart leapt as Selena reached into the footwell on her side of the capacious Range Rover and pulled up a metal skinned case and passed it into the back and onto Laura's lap. Laura looked down to see the case was locked with two locks only to see Lisa remove a necklace from her neck which held a key while Selena did the same.

“This is yours …..” Selena said, looking Neyra in the eye as she handed over the key.

“And this one is yours ...” Lisa said as she placed the second key in Laura's hand.

“What? … what is it?” Laura asked, her face a mix of surprise and confusion though her senses were telling her confidently what lay inside the case.

With the turning of keys and the clicking of locks the metal clasps sprung open and the lid was opened, at first only a crack as the first rays of light revealed what was inside. Slowly the lid rose until the two backseat occupants could see what they had been given.

“Oh! Wow ….” Neyra said with surprise as her palm settled on the contents. She wasn't going to be bought with trinkets but she could tell that what Selena had put in front of them was special.

Inside the case was a new Spydra costume albeit in a kind of gun metal grey and black finish. The weave was dense and complex giving the surface a deep textured feel. The original costume seemed like nothing but a cheap fancy dress outfit in comparison.

“What is this made of ?!” Laura asked with astonishment.

“It's a high grade mix of polymers, it will transmit your cling ability to the surface you are working on while being pretty resistant to knives and bullets. You aren't indestructible wearing that but combined with your own healing ability you should be much better off than with what you had...” Selena explained.

“Bullets? What are you sending her into?” Neyra asked.

“Neyra, the day you two decided to unleash Spydra into the world was before we even met and it is the same world then as it is now. So.. I am not sending her into anything, you both already have done that yourselves” Selena retorted.

“Look, we are doing everything we can to make Laura safe. Lucy is teaching her as fast as Laura can learn, me too” Lisa cut in, trying to calm the mood within the car.

“Neyra … they are right …. that first night when I went out as Spydra, I knew it. I just knew one day there would be a gun, or a knife. I can't hang on in the middle ground forever. If I am going to be Spydra, and accept the training I am being given then what is it for? I have to step up eventually” Laura said, finally finding her confidence.

Neyra clamped her eyes closed and sighed in resignation. It was the next logical progression in Laura's life. Neyra had helped unlock the young woman's abilities, coaxed her, encouraged her and now the new heroine was starting to take bigger and bolder steps.

“Yes, you're right …..” Neyra managed reluctantly.

“It's tough, watching others go out and do things without you, but you're not alone” Lisa said, placing her hand on Neyra's.

Neyra looked into Lisa's eyes and could see there was a story behind the words though she didn't know what it was. Neyra accepted Lisa's friendly gesture which provoked a soft smile from the detective and for just a moment Laura's eyes found a moment of truce with Selena's as they watched on. Initially Lisa and Neyra had been a little frosty with each other when the two groups had first met all those months ago. Lisa had offered her hand to Neyra only to be coldly rejected, how things were changing for all of them.

“OK Lisa, I think you should give them the file .. let them get back to their hotel room and give them time to decide... it's not like it changes anything. With or without them the warrant will still get served, just your chances improve if the bird stays grounded.” Selena said, looking to Lisa.

“File?” Laura asked.

“Here … this is a copy of the pre-raid intel briefing – DON'T LOSE IT …. it basically lays out an assessment of the target before the raid” Lisa said as she handed over a manila envelope.

“OK … we will take a look. Lisa, it'll be ok, won't it, if I say no?” Laura asked meekly.

“Sure, no pressure ….” Lisa nodded with a weak smile.

“Come on … lock this up and let's go. We will let you know what's going on ...” Neyra gestured at the case before looking up at Lisa and Selena.

“OK , thanks for checking it out, both of you.” Lisa said as the side door popped open letting in the blocked out sounds of the surroundings.

Selena and Lisa watched on in silence as the pair slid out the Range Rover, closing the door firmly behind themselves before returning to the pedestrian crossing and away down the entrance of the metro station. Lisa seemed to be almost holding her breath until the duo disappeared out of sight and then let out a lungful of air in a sigh of relief.

“Do you think she suspects anything? I think it went ok but ...” Lisa asked as she spun around to sit facing forward in her seat.

“That girl is adorably transparent, if she had sensed anything I would have seen it. She thinks it is all legitimate... but now we have to see if she will do it. ” Selena replied.

“You think Neyra might talk her out of it?” Lisa replied, though her tone hinted she doubted it.

“Possibly but you need to be more forceful with them – 'no pressure' won't cut it... ” Selena replied.

“Perhaps, but blackmailing her with colliding helicopters, dead cops and flaming wreckage on the streets doesn't help us either.” Lisa said calmly. She wasn't angry but didn't always agree with Selena's methods.

“Doesn't it? Well no matter, I think she will do it. Laura nailed it, it's a good time to for her to step up and see what she can do” Selena concluded.

“What exactly was in that file?” Lisa asked.

“What they have is a plan of the top floors and the roof and some photo reconnaissance imagery and a threat assessment. They will learn there are a about a dozen men on a rotating shift, armed with all the non-lethal goodies a private army can buy. They are there to protect their client and his possessions like his computers, his safe, the offices and his nice shiny helicopter on the roof to name just a few things.” Selena explained.

“And who are these thugs, who is the client?!” Lisa asked, gob smacked.

“The client is a very pampered McGee and the thugs are a mix of Navy Seals, S.A.S, and other assorted former European special forces personnel, all lead by my good friend Dragon.”

“Jeez, you're not messing about!” Lisa said.

“Well to be fair, they've been doing their protection detail for a few days already just to let them get settled. By the time Laura arrives they'll be a bit more off edge, it's more realistic that way.”

“But they know it's a training exercise, right? If they get this wrong ….” Lisa asked, seeking reassurance, her hand pausing on the seat belt buckle before drawing it around her.

Selena glanced back at Lisa with wicked eyes that said everything.

“Selena, they know, right?” Lisa pushed.

“Dragon knows what he is doing, besides, if she breaks that helicopter I expect them to do what I am paying them for, it is only leased after all!” Selena said with a mischievous grin.

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Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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= = = = = = = = =

Laura paced the hotel room anxiously waiting for Neyra to return. The pair had spent the afternoon planning Laura's foray into the world of covert operations and then as the sun began to dally with the horizon Neyra had taken an impromptu trip out. As Laura paced the hotel room door clicked, the solenoid released the lock and Neyra ducked into the room, a plain plastic shopping bag in her hand.

“Where have you been, you've been gone hours, I was worried ….” Laura said, her hands fidgeting in front of her.

“Relax, I'm fine .. there was something I had to do” Neyra said warmly putting a peck on Laura's forehead.

“What's in the bag?” Laura asked, trying to peek through top. From the colours showing through the bag there was a dark red and black blob sat in the bottom but she couldn't guess much more except to think there was clothes in there.

“Not for you!” Neyra smiled as she put the bag to one side.

“I'm nervous” Laura said as she dismissed the bag and spun to face the window and take in the city skyline beyond. The sky was darkening, the glow of neon and the pin points of lights in every apartment and office space slowly coming to the fore like a field of stars in a colourful nebula.

“Good, the thought of you thinking this is nothing would make ME nervous too. Showered yet?” Neyra asked, changing the subject a little.

“About to ...” Laura nodded as she drew the curtains, shutting out the world beyond.

“Hey, it'll be ok, just stick to your plan ...” Neyra said, her doe eyes somehow sending a calming thought through Laura.

Neyra closed the gap to her friend and put her hands on the red head's shoulders.

“OK, first thing, lose the earrings, the necklace, rings, everything.” Nerya said.

With a subtle nod Laura began, off came the few pretty rings she had on her fingers, then the simple studs in her ears. Undoing the clasp of the necklace around her neck Laura gathered up the light chain and the small pendant which she pecked a light kiss onto before passing them all to Neyra who seemed to mentally tally everything she had been given.

Neyra combed back Laura's red hair with her fingers, the tall black beauty almost seemingly communicating her desires without words to the heroine who obediently begun to pluck undone one button after another of her shirt.

“If I screw up, you won't be disappointed .. will you?” Laura asked nervously as the last button fell open before grasping the clasp of her belt of her jeans.

“Failure is not the same as screwing up, you can be awesome and still fail. You're not going to screw up, but you might fail.” Neyra replied truthfully as she watched calmly while Laura dragged down her jeans.

Beneath her jeans Laura had a red thong provoking a gasp from Neyra and Laura to blush.

“THAT'S where they are!” Neyra protested with a giggle.

“I …. errrr.......” Laura replied with a nervous laugh of her own, backing away from her lover, arms crossing around herself defensively.

“I thought I had forgot to pack them but you've been wearing them!” Neyra said with mock ferocity sending Laura running to the bathroom in a fit of laughter.

Laura had 'borrowed' Neyra's underwear in a moment of desire to have her lover symbolically close to her and now had been caught in the act. Chasing Laura to the shower cubicle Neyra relented to allow the heroine to finish stripping before jumping beneath the now flowing water of the shower.

Making an indignant “Hmmmf” under a smile Neyra gathered up the discarded clothing as Laura cast an embarrassed and shy glance over her shoulder through the clear glass door which rapidly fogged up. Neyra carried the clothes back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, tossing the socks, bra and shirt into the laundry bag, one hand gripping onto her stolen red thong.

In the background Laura hummed a tune as she showered, the rush of water and smattering sound of the droplets scattering against the walls and floor of the cubicle. With a raising of one eyebrow Neyra's thoughts turned to herself and her own needs. In a few minutes Laura was going to finish, get dried off then try on this new Spydra costume for the first time. Neyra would have to be focused on helping the fledgling heroine in her mission, she would have to be hands off just when she would want to be very hands on.

“Hmm” Neyra said as she scrunched up the thong and drew it to her face. The scent was intoxicating to Neyra, each and every molecule her nose decoded was urging her to find the person at the source and ravage them.

One hand nestled in the crotch of her jeans, her other hand pulling the red fabric tight to her face Neyra drew out a fantasy – a fast fantasy before Laura was done. Neyras dark eyes were sealed shut by her eyelids, the luscious lashes decorating the edge of the seal holding out reality while inside the unseen fantasy began........

“Oh my god …. what ...oh!” Laura moaned as she felt the gentle pressure of Neyra pinning her to the wall by her throat.

“You don't think I got you ready just to give you the thrill of potentially being caught, did you?” Neyra said as she felt Laura accept her fate.

“I .. don't know.....” gasped Laura through her constrained vocal chords.

“Strip” Neyra commanded, her eyes wide, her grin wicked and her grip on her prey firm.

Laura drew her hands to her waist and unbuckled her belt and jeans and pushed them downwards a little and wriggled and writhed till they fell to her knees. Beneath she was wearing no panties, her skin painted pure white with black Dalmatian spots punctuating her body.

Neyra released one hand from Laura's throat and began to draw up the long sleeve top revealing her torso and then with both hands dragged it up over her head. Without a bra it was evident that Laura's entire body had been painted in the same manner as the rest of her body.

Laura bit her bottom lip, their shared secret revealed, reduced to being a pet, a plaything for Neyra's pleasure. Neyra's hand reached into her back pocket, the long fine chain dangling down dragging out the leather pet collar with the “LAURA” name tag.

“Put it on ...” Neyra said with a wink, her now free hands grasping a nipple each as Laura collared herself for Neyra's delight.

Taking the chain leash in hand Neyra dragged Laura away from the wall to the middle of the room and pointed at her feet.

“Sit up and beg!” Neyra said with a grin as Laura dropped to her knees obediently, 'paws' up, heart racing.

Neyra unzipped her loose black pants, the silicone dildo of the strap on springing forward upon its release towards the face of the cute redhead at her feet.

Laura looked up expectantly at her Enchantress, waiting for her comm...

“uck...” Laura managed as her face was tugged onto the toy, the shaft penetrating past her lips.

“Now worship it ...gently” Neyra instructed as she took up some of the slack in the chain collar.

“Mmmmm......” Laura moaned as she gently worked her head back and forth on the toy, her eyes gazing upwards.

Neyra looked down and their eyes met, the pair content with their roles in their secret game of mistress and slave.

“That's right, love it, take it …. take it deep” Neyra said warmly, her hand holding Laura's chin up with one hand.

The movements were of affection and tenderness, not a brutal face fucking, Neyra rhythmically easing the shaft into Laura's mouth just as much as Laura worked herself into the toy. Laura tried hard to overcome her own reflex, testing herself, trying to please Neyra albeit unnecessarily.

“Hmmm” smiled Neyra, pleased with Laura's efforts before withdrawing herself from the young heroine's mouth.

Laura panted from all her labours her hands still up in a mock begging pose her eyes looking up at the towering black skinned beauty.

“Turn around pet, down doggie ….” Neyra commanded, her index finger doing a twirling gesture, encouraging Laura to spin around.

Wide eyed the Dalmatian patterned redhead blinked before executing the command, spinning around on her knees. Stretching her arms out ahead of her, back arched with her red hair pooling around her shoulder blades Laura's toned behind presented itself to Neyra.

Neyra licked her lips in contemplation of what was to come before dropping to her knees. Planting one sock clad foot one side of Laura, her other leg braced beneath, Neyra presented the dildo to the soft flesh trapped between Laura's thighs. Grabbing Laura by the waist Neyra guided Laura back slightly and soon the dildo penetrated into her body.

“Oooooh ….” melted Laura.

“Good girl !” Neyra said, her tone like warm sweet syrup as she praised her pet while her silicone weapon sunk into the redhead.

Neyra drew back slightly then forwards again as she began the effort to loosen up her prey's tight flesh. Neyra let her head tilt back in quiet ecstasy as she gently began to break Laura's resistance, back and forth, a little deeper, a little shallower, back and forth, back and forth.

“Oh god, yes, yes , yes ...” Laura managed as her breath was stolen on every other stroke.

Neyra's thrusts slowly edged deeper and deeper with each and every stroke, the rhythm slowing as she plumbed the depths of Laura's body. Eventually the strokes were deep and slow, the sticky clad shaft just exiting the ever relaxing wet opening before pushing back in.

Each exit and entry at Laura's sensitive lips elicited the most arousing gasp from Laura that Neyra found addictive. The black skinned Enchantress used that psychological edge against Laura, what had been a tight and resistant pathway was now a soft, wet and sensitive weak spot to be plunged into at will.

Neyra grinned wickedly. “Good!!” - SPANK

“Aaaah” Laura moaned pleasurably.

“Fuckable!” - SPANK

“Ahhh!” Laura turned her head in mild protest.

“Doggie !” THWACK!

Neyras eyes widened as she felt the ravenous hunger to do more with the redhead grow.

“Ah ah! Stay put !” Neyra said with mischief, her forward leading foot lifting from the floor to end up lying across Laura's shoulder blades.

Laura felt herself underfoot, the domination being dealt out to her symbolically rising by the moment. Neyra reached into her back pocket and pulled out her next surprise for the young heroine, the small black cone shaped butt-plug and its furry tail add-on.

Withdrawing the strap-on from Laura's pussy Neyra introduced the buttplug into the soft wet waiting hole, her hand rhythmically lubricating the toy ready to abuse her slave in a new way.

“Oh god … is that the...tail and ..oh god..” Laura managed, her head resting on its side under the force of Neyra's foot.

“Uh huh!” confirmed the tall lean beauty, her lip curling as she kept pressure on her foot holding Laura down.

“Oh god oh god oh god” begged Laura in contemplation of this new sensation, the transformation to becoming Neyra's pet one step closer.

“You're making this so wet...this …. is …... going …. to …..slide ….... right … in ...” Neyra teased, her pumping action of the butt-plug at Laura's pussy punctuating her words.

With one last withdrawal Neyra placed the tip of the plug at Lauras sphincter which twitched in unison with a cry of uncertain pleasure from the red headed slave.

“Hmmmm someone's ready for it!” teased Neyra as she placed a hint of pressure on the toy, the first fraction of butt plug edging its way in.

“You had me at 'Birthday Girl'!” Laura moaned.

In that instant Neyra was transported back to her old workplace as a waitress and the moment they first met. The cute and confused red head ordered her birthday drink before experiencing her first misfire with her new abilities, just after Neyra had called her “Birthday Girl”.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh” Neyra moaned as she convulsed on the hotel bed, the fantasy pushing her over the edge and snapping her back to reality. Held against her face was her red thong that Laura had been wearing and she scrunched it up tight into her fist as she flopped back onto the bed.

Neyra felt the wave of euphoria from her orgasm, her fantasy crashing through her mind as she contemplated what would have happened next had she not reached her apex so soon.

“Oh god … that was too good!” Neyra thought to herself as she felt her heart rate start to subside.

Beyond the bathroom doorway in the shower cubicle an unseen Laura rested her forehead on the cubicle glass in a watery fog her eyes scrunched up as she finally broke. Unknown to Neyra Laura had sensed 'something' which was vividly sexual and although she could not see the details she sensed the general nature of the threat to her and her imagination had run wild.

Now, both guarding their secrets either side of the bathroom door the pair tried to recover themselves from their sexual delights before one might discover what the other had done.

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I see a real problem for Spydra, If she finds herself surrounded by a lot of young men her 'Spidey Sense' Tingling might be overwhelming!

:laugh: :evil:
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Kara was sat on Lucy's sofa in street clothes, her close fitting jeans and tight top showing off her figure. Returned from her lifesaving excursion the other side of the world she now waited with Lucy in the Asian woman's apartment, the pair hiding away from Laura and Neyra.

“Yes, we are both here, like you asked ….... yes …. uh huh …. a dozen times …... no of course not.... I let it go straight to voicemail......oh...she's doing it, good, what time? …... that's good, I will help Lisa set up......Kara? Yes … one moment ….” Lucy finished talking on her cell and offered it out to Kara, mouthing the name 'Selena'. It was a redundant but natural gesture, Kara could easily hear The Broker's voice.

“Oh hi …..” Kara began almost cheerily, drawing rolling eyes from Lucy.

Kara turned away with a smile and retreated down the open plan section of the capacious apartment.

“She's going to do it! Excellent …....yes, I want to be there, you know I do.........of course.....yes.....ok see you later on, goodbye Sel.......but Lucy is … ….......of course I are impossi........ fine …....bye mistress...” Kara ended the call, her voice having been lowering with every word, trying to not be overheard by Lucy at the other end of the room.

Turning around Kara began to walk back towards Lucy who had taken a seat at her desk with her computer her head turned taking in the sight of the heroine as she returned.

“Kara, can we .. can we talk?” Lucy began.

“What is wrong?” Kara replied with a slight frown, her head cocked as she offered out the cell phone back to the mercenary.

“I want to talk about The Broker, Selena” Lucy said a little hesitantly.

“Please, Lucy, you've got to tell me what the matter is. Ever since you pulled me off that oilrig you have been different somehow.” Kara said, her expression changing to that of concern.

“McGee would kill me if he knew I had told you about this... but the memory he put into my head ...I need someone to talk to, do you understand?” Lucy said nervously.

“A memory .. of what? Whose was it?” Kara asked, her arms folding across her chest.

“Kara, it has been driving me crazy, but he showed me everything, how he and Selena met, maybe even how you met Selena” Lucy explained.

“I'm not sure I can help you, I never met McGee until I met you....kind of” Supergirl shook her head. When she had planted the Seeds Of Deception she wasn't aware she had already been prepared by McGee. It was only after she had met Lucy had she discovered she had met McGee previously.

“But Selena …. she ….... she …. looked like Deadpool …. and I mean out of uniform” Lucy said, her eyes darting side to side like she was scanning for the foreign memory in her head.

Kara closed her eyes as she remembered more recent events. She and Selena had gone to see the movie Deadpool, and while it provoked their laughter some of the plot had hit a little close to home. Supergirl remembered glancing at the red head at one difficult moment only to feel the gentle squeeze of Selena's hand on hers...'It's Ok' was the message.

“You said you understood what had happened to me at that place, that was the reason why she did what she did to me… was all my fault.” Kara relented.

“Kara, I need to know you are ok …. that … that you are here because you want to be...” Lucy pleaded, her thumb circling the bullet splat pendant hanging from her neck through her top.

Kara noticed what Lucy was doing with her thumb and was reminded of the bond that seemed to bind Lucy to her. The splat of metal had been forged in Kara's own hand and had seemingly bought Lucy's loyalty. It represented Lucy's birth certificate, her new life in New York and her freedom from the people who had betrayed her.

“Lucy.. I'm fine ...Selena and I have worked past all that.” Kara said confidently.

“But how can you even begin to forgive her?” Lucy asked, her eyes searching into Kara's, yearning to understand.

“How can she even begin to forgive ME?” Supergirl replied.

“But in the memory she said you were her slave! Is it true? ” Lucy snapped.

Kara was frozen in her tracks as Lucy's words washed over her then slowly she stepped back and sat on the sofa, agog. There was a pause as the pair took each other in both realising the enormity of the words.

“Lucy, it's not what you think” Supergirl said, trying to cover for herself.

“Kara, I'm not thinking anything, I am WORRYING” Lucy confessed.

“Lucy, there are things Selena can give me that I need. I know it is corny to say it but she ….she completes me, I promise you, I'm OK” Kara said, appealing to Lucy's good nature.

“Wait...are you …...are you both ….. you know ….. an 'item'?” Lucy asked her expression changing as she reached the conclusion that the answer could easily be a 'yes'.

Kara's brain locked up, the Kryptonian's mental agility frozen by emotion. She started to speak. Then stopped. Then started again, slowly..

“Aaahhhhhmmm, it's ….. it's complicated” Kara faltered.

“OH – MY – GOD – you're DATING?!” Lucy's hands rose and covered the top of her head.

Kara winced at the response, “More like, friends with exclusive benefits?” she added nervously hoping it would sound more acceptable.

“But …. how long has this been going on?” Lucy said shaking her head as she tried to make sense of it all.

Eyes wide, Kara silently communicated the answer with a mere gesture with her head. It was evident to Lucy it had been for quite a while causing the Asian to flop back in her seat speechless.

“I tell you what.....when Selena is old and grey you can help me pick someone new who is more acceptable to you, ok?” Kara said with a grin.

It was in that moment that Lucy had realised a whole new concept that had escaped her. It had been widely accepted that the alien Supergirl might live forever, she had been around looking exactly as she did now before Lucy was even born. The sun had risen and fallen tens of thousands of times, leaders had come and gone, wars had been fought and ended, but Supergirl? She had been eternal so far.

“It .... It doesn't matter, does it?! Dating a fugitive? You could say something controversial, you could commit a crime, you could take time off, you can do anything.... in thirty, fifty, a hundred years, who would care? It would just end up as some little forgotten footnote” Lucy realised.

“Lucy, whatever happens, whatever hurts me, it is NOT forever. I do not wish to die, not before my time at least, but everything else? I will survive it. What I have with Selena, please let us have it ….let us have our moment. It is all it can ever be, a mere moment in my life that will last who knows how long.” Supergirl said warmly.

Lucy began to re-evaluate everything from the memory. Yes, Supergirl had made mistakes, yes she was in the clutches of Selena to some extent but, in terms of her life, it all meant nothing, she would endure, she would survive and she would prevail. Supergirl read the expression on Lucy's face and knew she had made an impact.

“Kara, is what you have with Selena ...something …. something you're not meant to have …. something you're not meant to want.....” Lucy asked quietly. The puzzle was coming together, the pieces falling into place.

Kara looked down at the floor a moment and thought. She had dug her heels in, denied and deflected. Every time a truth came out she retreated back to the next defensive position, hiding a deeper truth until again she had to fall back once more. For Lucy, no more. Lucy had risked everything for her and now she was going to know the truth. She should have told her everything when she had been left blind and in Lucy's care on the helicopter ride home, this time Kara wasn't hiding any more.

Kara rose to her feet and grasped the hem of her top. “Now don't freak ok! It's what I need, what Selena likes ..don't judge us ..”

Lucy shuffled in her seat as up rose Kara's top, the criss-crossed leather strapped slave harness wrapped around her body coming into view. In between the leather diamond shaped patterns on Kara's bare flesh, written with broad black marker pen were words aimed to make the superheroine blush.

“You... Selena … it makes sense….. I ….. I finally get it!” Lucy said with what sounded like relief.

“You mean, you're ok with this?” Kara said as she slowly lowered her top, a frown on her face.

Lucy grinned in response before her thoughts lead her to the inevitable conclusion that with Kara's honesty she had to give something back.

“You think you're the one with the secret!” Lucy exclaimed as she lifted her top. On the waistband of her jeans was clipped a small black box with a single little red light that blinked and a pair of fine black cables that ran who knew where. Kara could have scanned to see the full extent of Lucy's predicament but she was confident her imagination had filled in the blanks correctly.

“LUCY....err... wait, this means you're with someone? But... WHO.....?” Kara spoke, her brain processing what it meant. Lucy had a significant other!

“It's a cop.......we've been, well I guess experimenting for a while...” Lucy added, her eyes averted slightly, trying to disguise her delight.

“Really? But …..isn't that difficult for you both…. I mean, if he found out what you do or who Selena is....” Kara stumbled. She was happy Lucy had someone special in her life but with what she was involved with surely that would be an awkward relationship to maintain.

“Kara ….... It's LISA, she's the one pressing my buttons … literally....” Lucy finally confessed seeing Kara was never going to guess nor even push for an answer.

“DETECTIVE KOZNY?!” Kara exclaimed as she tried to take the news in. Kara's mind went into overdrive wondering how she could have been so blind. There were few moments when the team were all together in one place but surely there must have been a sign, some kind of … wait a minute!!

“Oh my god, on the ride back from the rig!" exclaimed Kara.

Lucy nodded subtly, head down.

"So that means.... at the DINER, when you started to ….” Kara began to recall.

“Uh huh ...” Lucy blushed.

“And then Lisa …...YOU …... SHE ….” Kara continued, her face blushing as brightly as Lucy's.

“Kara .. I WAS there!” Lucy said, looking down bashfully.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city Detective Kozny walked back to her office desk, a coffee in one hand and her cell phone in the other. Sitting down at her desk Lisa thumbed her phone to unlock it then with a cautious glance around her office opened up one of her apps hidden deep in some folder on her home screen. With a sly grin Lisa selected a program from a list then saw a big red START button light up. With her thumb hovering ready Lisa's eyes flashed wickedly before...TAP!

Flinching at the unseen attack, the electrical pulses began to work their wicked ways on the Asian mercenary .“So yes … it's THAT Li...…..Lisa!” she struggled.

The apartment filled with Kara's giggles and Lucy's mock protests the moment Lucy began to be playfully zapped by her unseen play partner some miles away. Meanwhile the sun closed in on the horizon, the time for Laura's mission was approaching.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

This is progressing nicely with some genuine character depth balanced by good tension, both dramatic and sexual. Can't wait to see how Spydra performs on the helicopter training mission...and what Selena has up her sleeve for the rookie heroine.
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= = = = = = =


Up on the hotel roof the swimming pool looked inviting with its cycling neon colours illuminating the crystal clear water. The small bar had a collection of people gathered around it and a party atmosphere was brewing although the night was still relatively young.

Laura in a red hoody and tracksuit pants and escorted by Neyra walked across the artificial garden avoiding the glances of the few hotel guests who chatted amongst themselves. Neyra was also dressed inconspicuously and although she naturally drew in a second glance or two she and her meek companion made it to a quiet solitary spot.

Laura's heart raced as she looked around her, the New York skyline was right in her face and she was about to be sent out there. This wasn't like being in her familiar home town, this was The Big Apple she was looking at, with skyscrapers, police sirens, neon lights, news helicopters and lines of yellow cabs far below.

“Oh boy!” Laura managed, her hands and fingers flexing with nerves.

“Hey... you can still back out if you're not ready,” Neyra said, her hand resting on Laura's shoulder.

“I know....but we've already told Lisa I would do it,” Laura said as she looked up at the tall neighbouring tower across the street.

“And she would understand if you changed your mind,” Neyra insisted.

“No, I am doing it,” Laura said unconvincingly as she glanced about herself checking the coast was clear before removing her hoody revealing her torso. In grey and black the suit seemed to have bulk and yet was light, it looked deep and textured, layered and armoured yet have flexibility like a thinner, finer material.

“Well, you look the part even if you don't feel it,” Neyra said as she put a small headset on, the discreet bud in her ear and a tiny boom mic by her cheek.

“Thanks,” Laura replied nervously as she began to step out of her tracksuit bottoms.

“Mask!” Neyra said as she produced it from her bag. The mask, had a sort of shell aspect to it, instead of just being a tight spandex hood. Now she had a bit of protection but her vision was unobscured, the oversized one way lenses maintaining her anonymity.

“Test ...1, 2, 3,” Laura said quietly to herself testing her new throat mic, which provoked a nod from Neyra who repeated the same.

“Ok, we're good. The notes from Selena say this is top grade stuff but we'll figure out what it can or can't do,” Neyra asked seeing Laura nod as she drew the mask onto her face.

“Oh..umm...gum,” Laura said, revealing the lower part of her face, provoking Neyra to roll her eyes in disdain.

“You'd forget your head too …..'re loaded up, drink, gum and mission critical stuff... now get out of here before I stop you!” Neyra said, giving a firm playful swat on Spydra's behind.

Spydra gave Neyra a quick hug then spun around and looked at the glass fronted skyscraper across the street. Rotating her shoulders in her sockets before gyrating her head on top of her neck the loosened up heroine took a bold step forward, raised an arm and with a deep breath …


“Stay safe little spider,” Neyra said quietly under her breath as she watched Laura swing out into the bustling New York night.

Through her headset Neyra heard Laura's restrained whoop as she set off towards her target.

“I can heaaaaar yooooooooooouuuuu!” Spydra laughed into Neyra's ear.

Neyra smiled as she heard Laura's confidence in her voice as she traversed some building somewhere. That first step had been hard but the first swing transformed the meek young woman into the playful heroine.

“Time to close my mic and then I can get on with my part!” Neyra thought as she spun around. Unbeknownst to Laura Neyra had made her own plans for the night.

= = = = = =

Overlooking the Wexford tower from the other side of the street Kara stepped forward to the glass window inside the low lit apartment. With her naked eyes she could see everything transpiring across the road.

“How is it going over there?” Selena asked as she plucked up some binoculars and scanned the rooftop.

“The men are working the perimeter search pattern as ever,” Kara replied, her eyes scanning over the scene.

“Do you see Dragon?” Selena asked, her left to right sweep scan of the roof only revealing one of the former Navy Seals.

“He is ….” Kara scanned inside the building looking for the former S.A.S soldier. “...he's at a desk running the show... he came back an hour ago, I guess he is pulling the all nighter!”.

Lucy stood confidently, arms folded as she looked on confidently. She had spent many a weekend teaching Laura some of her infiltration skills and with Lisa some good self defence and some martial arts on top. The young heroine who had almost bested the the group before was now even more potent.

Lisa looked across the array of laptops she had on the big coffee table. The camera feeds from the set of night vision cameras stood on tripods along the glass wall were shimmering in the low light of the room.

“Nothing here yet,” Lisa said quietly, prompting Lucy to glance over her shoulder at the Detective.

“Ungh …... nyuuuu!” grunted Laura through a small speaker with a square 'Post-It' note on it marked 'Blue Feed'. She was no doubt exerting herself on some climb or swing and her throat mic was picking it up.

Unknown to Spydra and her partner Neyra the assembled observers were listening in on their otherwise encrypted conversation.

“So, what mission did you draw for this?” Lucy asked.

“The helo,” Selena replied calmly, her index finger pointing to the small helicopter waiting on the pad.

“Oh ok,” Lucy nodded back, like it almost didn't matter.

Kara frowned at the conversation drawing a glance from Selena who realised the heroine wasn't up to speed with the whole plan.

“We conjured up a whole set of missions and picked one at random for Laura to try – we only knew at the last moment which one it was. It was to stop anyone from biasing the test,” Selena explained.

“What else could she have been asked to do?” Kara asked, puzzled.

“There is a laptop in the study to infect with malware, the safe to open, an iPad to steal, a phone to bug …. lots of things,” Lucy said, glancing away from the window.

“But the helicopter got drawn which is probably one of the easier ones. Come 6am I am going to text Dragon the code to the safe and he will pull an envelope for his instructions. They will tell him he has to do a test hover in the helicopter with McGee inside it before he gets tagged by Lisa. She is already known to the guards, they will let her in ... If Dragon can't get away in time Laura wins,” Selena explained.

“Poor McGee!” Kara scoffed.

“While the the helicopter is in an easier location it is probably a more technically challenging mission. To disable it without damaging it or making it obvious it has been sabotaged might be tricky. I will be interested to know what plan she comes up with,” Lucy added.

“The boots on the ground look the part,” Lisa said calmly. She knew that it was all an exercise and that it made sense for it to look real but she couldn't help feel that perhaps they had over faced their new comrade. She had been introduced to the men before and they were very formidable opponents, being former special forces.

“After what Spydra did to us I would be more worried about THEM, besides this is covert, we want her to get in and out without problems. I doubt they will be thinking of a roof ingress,” Selena quipped.

= = = = = = =

Dragon stood stooped over his desk in his black combat gear, his walkie talkie stood on the wood surface next to an open laptop which showed a spreadsheet of the roster and patrol patterns.

“Okay lads …. check in.” Dragon barked into the mic on the end of the spiral cable.

“Mobile one – north side roof – moving on.”

“Mobile two – swimming pool – moving on. ”

“Mobile three – study next to client – holding.”

“Fixed one – front hall – all quiet.”

“Okay, next check in fifteen,” Dragon replied as his index finger tracked down the assignments to see everyone was where they were meant to be.

Meanwhile in the living room McGee was watching a film on the excessively sized TV. He had been cooped up for several days, burning up his flexitime holiday but living in relative luxury. Selena had leased the apartment and all its goodies and McGee had been enjoying it all, the sauna room, the private pool and his pride and joy, the giant TV.

McGee knew he was playing his part in an exercise just as Dragon did but for the rest of his protectors he was a valued client and they checked in on him discreetly from time to time. In fact any moment now one would probably …..

“Hi, no worries, I'm not dead,” said McGee as he raised his cold beer glass in acknowledgement of the mercenary who's head popped out of the study to check on him.

A silent nod from the guard revealed his satisfaction before turning away, one finger resting on his earpiece as he listened to Dragon acknowledge his report.

Up on the roof a guard in a suit kept vigil, patrolling around the roof in the cool night air. Inside his jacket he had his holstered tazer gun, ready to draw at a moments trouble. Out on the roof, visible to the public from other locations the man who patrolled this route couldn't be seen to be armed and any rate the threat assessment to the client showed a low risk. No need for heavy weaponry, just self defense equipment and a look mean enough to be a deterrent which he most certainly did well.

= = = = = =

Up on high Selena plugged the encrypted feed that capture Spydra's conversation with Neyra into a small speaker for all to hear.

“How do you read me?” Neyra was heard to ask through the 'Blue Feed' speaker.

“Good, no great actually, this is good gear!” Laura replied enthusiastically.

“And the suit?” Neyra wondered.

“The grip I am getting off this is amazing, I hit some wet patches up here and didn't even feel a slip,” Laura said.

“You slip on water?” Neyra replied sounding surprised.

“Only like a fraction of an inch, it's nothing usually but this is rock solid,” said Laura confidently.

Between Lisa, Lucy, Kara and Selena there was an approving nod. It was only natural that the youngster would test the suit a little, she was after all wearing it for the first time and thrown into the fray before she had had a chance to play.

“Don't forget to keep up on go-juice,” Neyra cautioned.

“I won't, I feel good right now but I will take a pit stop before I go in, I'm still on schedule, I'm just using the time to work myself in, ” Laura replied, a slight hint of exertion in her voice.

“Good...let me know when you hit Oscar Hotel Papa,” Neyra said.

“Sure, twenty minutes,” Laura said with a slight hint of a laugh. She had no doubt pulled of some skillful swing manoeuvre somewhere.

“O-H-P?” queried Kara having overheard the conversation.

“She means Operation Hold Point, it's a some prearranged place where she will wait before proceeding on,” Lucy replied.

Selena's eyes narrowed as they settled on Lucy, a hint of distrust in her expression but while Lucy hadn't noticed Kara certainly had.

= = = = = =

“Order for Neyra? One 4 cheeses, one peperoni, one Barbecue meatfeast, one Ham and Pineapple and one Vegan special, all family size deep base, right?” said the man behind the counter to Neyra who stood waiting in her coat.

“Yes.... thanks, great!” Neyra replied, sliding her credit card over the counter. A few moments later the food was paid for and Neyra gathered up her prize. Spinning around, Neyra walked to the door which slid open automatically and then she glanced up at the Wexford Tower nearby.

“ETA?” asked Neyra as she walked on.

“Oscar Hotel Papa, 10 minutes – just taking it easy – don't want to get spotted,” Laura replied quietly.

“OK, let me know if anything changes,” Neyra said as she looked up at large digital clock on the side of a building and gauged her schedule.

“Sure, but right now I am just enjoying the view,” Spydra replied, her voice betraying her delight.

“Where are you?” Neyra frowned.

“Think King Kong!” Spydra scoffed.

“THE EMP-,” began Neyra loudly before she contained herself. “On top of the Empire State Building?! Get down from there before you hurt yourself!” Neyra growled playfully with a whisper only to hear Spydra giggle in reply.

= = = = = =

Lucy was lightly biting onto the pointed joint of her thumb in contemplation while trying to reverse engineer whatever plan was running through Laura's head. Lucy had a little personal pride on the line having told the others she thought Laura was ready for action and so now there she was, the powerless observer.

Lisa glanced at her lover stood at the window, reading her thoughts.

“Well now you know what it's like!” Lisa scoffed. She had been left behind as Lucy had gone off to be Supergirl's heroic rescuer, she knew what it was like to be unable to do anything.

Lucy permitted herself a soft smile then poked her tongue at Lisa. Unseen, Supergirl's eyes darted between Lucy and Lisa and saw what had she had failed to see before, that little playful link between the two of them.

“Neyra must be really on edge, it's not easy being on the outside,” Lucy replied.

“We all deal with this in different ways, she will find her own way like all the rest.” Selena chipped in, her unfaltering gaze looking down at the helicopter on the pad.

Kara remained silent as the subject of Neyra came up. There was something about the black beauty she liked, something like a wise quality. Selena was smart, ruthlessly so, her cunning at times mimicking wisdom but if any of their group had wisdom it seemed Neyra had it most of all.

Somehow during what must of seemed like a weird phase Neyra had seen Laura for what she was. By all accounts Neyra's conduct during their time locked up in the facility to figure who amongst the inmates was 'Once Bitten' had made her stand out as a leader too.

“How long?” Kara asked sensing the time of action was approaching.

“A minute,” Selena said glancing at her watch.

“Visual – Oscar Hotel Papa – ETA SIXTY,” crackled Laura's voice on the speaker almost immediately. Her timing seemed pretty accurate.

“Roger – Visual Oscar Hotel Papa ETA SIXTY, ” Neyra answered.

Lisa looked nervously at the others who seemed to be possessed by total faith. This young student was bravely walking into the den of wolves. To Laura it was all real, to the guards it was all real, only Dragon and themselves were aware of the reality of the situation.

“Jeez, how do you do it for Christ's sake!” Lisa broke as she scanned her camera feeds anxiously.

Lucy's fingers flexed, pulsing into then out of a fist as she stood helplessly looking down, waiting for her student to appear.

“It's a rush, isn't it?” Lucy said with a nervous grin, somehow feeding on her own anxiety.

= = = = = = = =

Spydra was one swing away from the Wexford building, her heart racing but her senses calm. Sitting invitingly slap bang on the center of the little raised platform of the helipad was the target, the helicopter.

“Soon!” Laura thought to herself.


Anchored to a fresh web Spydra launched herself away and swung over to the Wexford Tower landing elegantly against the external corner. The corner points of the building were curved and clad with a matt black material which meant she could not be seen through it. This was a useful feature of the building and it meant she did not stand out as she made her way up.

Climbing upwards rapidly Spydra made it to the point where the roof decking extended out beyond the footprint of the building slightly. This overhanging piece was a metal grill floor which marked an area beyond the safety barrier keeping those on the roof safe.

Spydra paused and unclipped a bottle of liquids from her belt and took a sip through the thin nozzle which fit through a small hole in her mask. Taking big sips Laura felt her energy levels increasing, the toll of casting webs having started to be noticeable to her body.

“I'm in position uhhh, Oscar Hotel Papa,” Laura said, her anchoring point to the wall solid.

“OK – go!” Neyra's excitement and nervousness were obvious.

“OK – Oscar Mike I guess!” Laura managed a nervous scoff as she set off.

= = = = = = = = =

“There!” Lisa said as she saw movement on one of the feeds, “Right side, by the patio.”

Lucy raised a set of night vision goggles and saw Spydra gently slide over the guard rail onto the roof decking before getting flush to the floor by the half lit deck.

“They've chosen well, good cover, favourable lighting, good start,” Selena nodded approvingly.

“What about the guard?” Kara asked with a frown.

“I guess we will see, won't we, Lucy?” Selena replied, casting a glance at Lucy. It was after all up to the teacher to have instructed the student in how to overcome this problem.

Lucy glanced back confidently at Selena knowing her student knew of at least a few tricks of the trade to accomplish her goal.

= = = = = = = = = =

Spydra looked around the covered patio, its furniture pristine, the small bar awaiting the summer before becoming popular again. Spydra was looking for the makings of a good, credible distraction and quickly found something useful. In a recycling bin she noted a good handful of empty beer cans and so, taking a lead from her teacher began to improvise something.

“What is she doing?” Lisa asked trying to make out through the patio canopy what was happening.

“Distraction?” Selena queried, her glance at Lucy.

“One of my favourites, I think,” Lucy smirked.

“I cannot wait,” Selena replied dryly.

Neyra in the meantime had arrived at the top floor of the Wexford Building having sweet talked her way past the concierge in the lobby . Now she was looking at a corridor with the front door of the apartment at the end.

“OK, I can do this,” Neyra thought to herself, her feet rocking heel to toe, toe to heel as she psyched herself up ready to do her thing.

Marching up to the apartment door Neyra confidently pressed the doorbell and waited.

= = = = = = = = = =

Inside the apartment life seemed to freeze for a moment. The doorbell had just rung and no one was expecting anything or anyone. For Dragon and McGee knowing that at some point a test would happen they both realised this was possibly the start of something.

“Fixed One - Who is it?” Dragon barked on the radio to the man posted at the main hallway by the front door.

“Checking!” replied the man on the radio.

There was a pause, longer than Dragon would like and his imagination began to run riot. This was Selena he was working for and the last time he dealt with her he ended up with disappearing mystery passengers in the back seat of his helicopter.

“Mobile Three – Back up at Front Door - Mobile Two, converge into main apartment area, Mobile One, float roof and pool ...” Dragon said.

“Mobile Three – Roger!”

“Mobile Two – Roger!”

“Mobile One – Roger!”

Dragon's eyes narrowed a moment, waiting, waiting.......

“Fixed One to base– errr – did we order Pizza?”

“WHAT? NO!” Dragon replied with disdain.

= = = = = = = = =

At the front door a be-suited guard, chain lock engaged, spoke with the delivery woman outside with the big stack of pizza in her arms. Dressed in a red sweater and black trousers, a plain red baseball cap on her head Neyra looked the part, especially chewing on some gum which she partially inflated in the man's face before drawing it back in to chew.

“You're kidding, this is the Wexford Tower right?” Neyra said in disappointment after initially being turned away.

“I told you already M'am, we didn't order pizza!” the guard said swinging the door closed.

“Dammit!” Neyra cursed, pushing the doorbell again.



“Awww come on maaan, let us sort this out,” Neyra protested but still gnawing on her gum.





With a clunk the door opened once again.

“Please, lady, you're mistaken. Now just go,” the guard insisted.

“OK, OK, let me just make this call ok and we can straighten this out,” Neyra pleaded, setting down her load and holding out her phone.

“Jeez, ok.” the guard relented.

“I will be real quick, I promise,” Neyra said, stabbing a speed dial number while on speaker phone.

Dialling - PIZZAWORLD – 43RD ST

BEEEEP – BEEEEP – BEEEEP – BEEEEP the phone sounded out the ringing tone.

“Err...Pizza Land errr World!” responded a gravelly voice on the phone.

“Hey it's me Nancy …. you sent me to deliver this 5 pizza order over to Wexford Tower,” Neyra explained.

The guard twirled one hand on his wrist, urging her to speed things up to what he considered an inevitable conclusion.

“Oh? Oh, right! That … yeah …. err....... no it's not Wexford, I said the one opposite Wexford , the shorter tower … you need to cross over, ok honey?” replied the gravelly voiced man.

“Oh.. okay, sorry,” Neyra feigned her apology.

“Oh don't be, you are such a sweee-” began the voice at the end of the line.

BOOOP – the call ended, cut short by Neyra's thumb on the red phone icon before sliding it into her pocket.

“See, what did I tell you, now get outta here,” the guard growled before slamming the door shut.

“Jeez,” Neyra said under her breath before turning away.

= = = = = = =

“Fixed One – All clear – false alarm,” squawked the radio.

“OK, all stations resume normal patterns,” Dragon said with relief, potential crisis ended.
= = = = = = =

A speaker marked 'Red Feed' had accumulated a small audience. This speaker was tied into the security detail's radio traffic and the observers across the street listened intently as they managed the moment with the unplanned visitor.

Kara had watched on wide eyed, her super hearing and vision tuned in to the events that had transpired at the front door of the apartment. Now her loyalties were torn in a myriad of directions and she was forced to choose between revealing or burying what Neyra had just done. Was it 'good' or 'bad' how Nerya had contributed to Laura's mission?

Lisa glanced at her feeds and noticed the man on the roof was still out of position, his last sighting being at the doorway that lead to the floor which held the gymnasium, pool and sauna one level beneath the roof.

“The rooftop guard is still gone,” Lisa said.

“Where is Spydra?” Selena asked with a frown.

“She is on the underside of the perimeter grating working herself around to the other side” Lisa said tapping at the feed from a night vision camera, highlighting Spydra's position.

“That was fortunate timing, that happening,” Lisa quipped.

Kara knew the truth but decided to remain silent. Selena cast a suspicious glance at Kara but with nothing more to do she resumed her vigil along with the rest.

= = = = = = = =

Laura worked herself quietly along the grating, making her way around from the patio side of the roof to towards the helipad. Making two left hand ninety degree turns Laura knew she was close to the helipad, all she had to do now was wait.

Meanwhile the guard emerged back out onto the roof as the patrol pattern resumed to normality. The guard scanned the area with his eyes and then began his slow walk around the route of his patrol.

Spydra waited patiently while her senses felt out the moment for her to flip back over the top and on to the roof. Any moment now her bait would lure the vigilant guard away from where she needed to be, by the helicopter.

= = = = = =

The guard's level of vigilance was just returning to normal, his state or alertness having been raised by the unexpected guest at the front door. A glance here and there reassured him that all was as it should be and he resumed his walk around the roof area.


Pausing, the guard turned his head to the source of the noise and his eyes locked on to the small covered patio like terrace in the opposite corner of the roof. The patio was covered to protect it from rain and had some furniture and a mini bar.

“Mobile One - Investigating a noise,” said the guard into his mic before moving towards the opposite side of the spacious roof area.

Spydra flipped herself right side up on the external decking and climbed over the safety rail out of sight behind her adversary, the guard who was retreating away to the opposite corner to investigate the noise.

Laura tip-toed to the helicopter deck and quietly walked up to her target silently revelling in her moment of triumph. Her diversion had worked, the helicopter was hers to abuse and as she walked to the side of the white and blue helicopter her eyes widened seeing the weakness that was drawn in the helicopter's PDF flight manual she had downloaded from the internet.

“Mike Oscar Down!” Laura reported, her voice bubbling with restrained excitement.

“What?! Err really? GREAT JOB!” Nerya replied, pausing in her tracks, her stack of steaming hot pizza's in her grip.

“All out of gum - going for Mike Oscar Two,” Laura added as she silently pulled open the door to the helicopter cockpit and silently slid inside.

Meanwhile the distracted guard reached the patio and patrolled the area looking for the source of the noise, one hand unbuttoning his jacket to give access to his weapon. On the floor was a collection of empty beer cans which seemed to have somehow spilled to the floor. Was it the light wind, an animal like a rat or a bird or something else that had knocked the cans to the floor?

Reaching down to pick up the nuisance noise makers the guard realised they were covered in some horrible sticky slime.

“Jeez, what the!” the guard cursed, shaking his hand trying to get the goo off his hands. Fortunately there was a small sink by the side of the mini bar which he could use.

= = = = = = =

Lucy glowed as she cast Selena a glance. Her student's distraction had diverted the guard from his post and out of position and now whatever had been done had caused her student to boast 'Mike Oscar Down', an indicator that a mission objective had been taken out. Lucy didn't know what exactly Laura had done but she knew that hearing those few words was a good thing. Neyra's positive reply only served to reinforce the good feeling that Lucy had about how the mission was proceeding.

“What is she doing in there?” Lisa asked as she watched Laura's progress on her monitor with interest.

“She better not be relying on stealing the keys!” Selena smirked.

“Please, like she wouldn't have figured it out already, most birds don't even have them these days,” Lucy said rolling her eyes while secretly hoping that the plan didn't indeed rely on stealing the keys.

Kara with her super-vision focused on the helicopter and the occupant inside.

“Can you tell what she is doing?” Selena asked of the blond superheroine at her side.

“It's hard to say, she's pretty much in the footwell of the seats, maybe doing something with the rudder pedals?” Kara speculated.

“Hmmm ok!” Selena responded with a doubting tone.

= = = = = = =

“Mobile one – REPORT!” demanded Dragon from his desk.

“Err – looks like some trash blew over or something, just made a noise, securing it now,” replied the guard on the roof.

“Roger, report in once you are done,” Dragon ordered from his desk.

“Roger that!” was the reply.

= = = = = = =

McGee lay back on the decadent reclining massage chair, beer in hand as the movie continued. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo had just made their deal inside the bowels of the Deathstar and had gone off to rescue the princess with Chewbacca. Meanwhile Obi Wan was off to deactivate the tractor beam while the two droids held the fort.

Watching the heroes as they each carried out their clandestine mission led McGee's thoughts to Laura. McGee knew she was coming, he was in on the training mission with Dragon unlike the rest of the guards who thought he was just some regular client.

“Hmmm, I wonder if she has been yet, or if she is coming, she may even be here right now,” thought McGee.

McGee shuffled in his seat, a particularly good vibration in the massage chair reaching all the best places in his back. In any moment Luke and Han disguised as Stormtroopers were about to shoot up the detention block with Chewy!

“Good luck Laura!” McGee thought to himself as he settled in for the blaster battle about to get underway.

“Where are you taking this ...'thing'?” asked the black clad security officer on the giant TV screen.

= = = = = = =

Laura slowly plopped out the side of the helicopter ending up flush to the ground trying to get a visual on the guard patrolling the roof. All she had to do now was make the egress off the tower and away and yet …..

The heroine's senses told her there was a presence, but not of the guard but of someone else, a presence she had last felt..... when? Glancing around herself Laura sought out the source that was making her uneasy. Not up, not around, but below.

“But ...that was when.....oh no …. that can't be.” Laura's mind whirled as she found herself frozen to the spot. She had just remembered where she was when she had felt the presence last.

= = = = = = = =

Lucy watched on in disbelief, her student seemed to have done everything she needed to do but instead of just easing away free and clear she was hesitating instead.

“Go.. just go … you're clear,” murmured Lisa to herself.

“Why is she not leaving?” Kara whispered to Selena.

“I am not sure,” Selena replied with a frown.

= = = = = = = =

Neyra trotted across the street and into the soup kitchen where she found tables of homeless people sat eating. There at the end of one table was the old man she hoping to see and with a grin he beckoned her over.

“Hey!” Neyra winked.

“Oh there you are ! Did I do okay?” replied the gravelly voiced old man. He slid the mobile phone over the table back to Neyra who scooped it up. During her shopping trip Neyra had obtained a burner phone along with her 'Pizzaworld' uniform and then made her pact with the homeless man to play his role on the phone.

“You were great … and here they are,” Neyra grinned, sliding the pizza's onto the table.

“Thanks honey... you're so kind!” the old man said, warming his mittened hands on the hot boxes.

“You take care now,” Neyra said kindly before turning around to leave, her nameless friend starting to share out his earned bounty.

“Sit-rep?” Neyra whispered into her reactivated mic as she looked back out on to the street.

“Mike Oscar Two is down but … I need advice – fast!” Laura said anxiously, her voice the only clue Neyra had that something was not right.

“What's wrong?” Nerya replied, glancing upwards to the tower where Laura was hidden.

“There is someone here,” Laura began.

= = = = = = = =

The small 'Blue Feed' speaker that sat on the table amongst Lisa's laptops was scanned by everyone's eyes. What words were going to come out of it next?!

“Who? Who is there?” Neyra's voice came back.

“I..I don't know but, I sense him, he is here, I have sensed him before.” Laura was sounding almost entranced.

“You mean one of the security people?” Neyra came back confused. Unseen to the people observing Spydra's mission Neyra seemed to almost adopt a NFL coach's pose, hands on hips walking back and forth down the pavement, an index finger on her ear piece as she looked up to the field of play on high.

Selena, Lucy, Lisa and Kara looked at the speaker as the tense moment played out.

“Maybe, I don't know, but he's a cop... he must be...and if he's a cop then,” Laura babbled.

“What are you talking about, what cop!?” Neyra replied, her confusion still unresolved.

“Yes, what are you talking about??!” Lucy protested at the speaker, unheard by the other parties on the other end.

“The man, I sensed him when I was being interviewed by the police after we escaped the facility...he stayed behind the one way glass .. I never saw him” Laura explained with a whisper.

“Oh, FUCK!” Lucy said, glancing at Selena. Now she understood.

“Wait.. wait .. let's see what they decide to do,” Selena said raising a calming hand.

Laura and McGee had first crossed paths when she had been interviewed by the Police after her escape from the test facility with all the other abducted women. McGee had remained hidden behind the one way glass as he watched the interview take place. What he learned of the young heroine there had led her to meet Supergirl and her friends.

Opting to keep McGee and his memory altering abilities a secret he had been kept at a safe distance from Laura and Neyra. They knew of him but had never met, and the last time he had interacted with Laura she was so weak her senses didn't even know he was there. Now though she was fully focused and memories of that first Police interview were coming back to the fore.

“You are sure it is the same man?” Neyra checked.

“Yes – he is a cop, I'm sure. If he's dirty he might know about the raid, the Police might be in danger, LISA might be in danger!” Laura said sounding frantic.

“But those interviews were back home, this is NYPD territory we are in now,” Neyra said aloud, her logic correct, yet connecting the wrong dots.

“This is not part of the exercise, knock it off,” Lisa protested, listening to the little speaker while looking at Selena.

“We couldn't have known she would be able to sniff McGee out like this” Lucy said in support. The game had been played and though not yet finished this unplanned diversion wasn't necessary in her eyes.

“We all know a mission or a plan can change once underway. She knows the risks to the mission if she is found out, let's see what happens. Besides, Lisa, she is doing it for you, let us see what that loyalty really means,” Selena reasoned aloud in the pause of the conversation.

“OK … well …..can you see him?” Neyra's voice asked over the speaker after a moments pause.

“No ..but I know he is inside somewhere” Spydra said in a low whisper.

“Inside? Shit! Well, do you remember the floor plan?” asked Neyra. They had both looked at the plan in the briefing but as it wasn't really relevant to the mission on the roof they both had not paid too much attention.

“A little ….kinda,” a nervous Spydra replied.

“I will try and reach Lisa should come back,” Neyra urged Laura.

“I need to know who this guy is..... there is something about him,” Spydra insisted.

“Please! Come back,” Neyra pleaded.

“I...I have to go!” Spydra said, the urge to find the man responsible for the signals entering her head.

“No Laura, wait I ...FUCK …. Laura? … Laura?......FUCK!” Neyra growled knowing that Laura had for the moment at least gone dark.

“Oh Shit!” - Lisa said, as she shuffled in her seat, resuming her vigil of the laptops.

“Dammit” - Lucy exclaimed, thumping the glass wall panel with the underside of her fist. Laura was so close to a practically guaranteed win and now it was in jeopardy.

“Interesting!” - Selena said with a wicked grin, her eyes glancing at the others to read their mood.

Kara was left with her jaw hanging realising the young Spydra was heading into trouble.

= = = = = = = = = =
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
Posts: 1377
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HI all,

just a quick note before you head off into chapter 5. As you might know I have experimented with mixing audio and stories before. Lord knows I can't draw but I have an imagination that wants to put more than just words in front of you and audio to me is a little more accessible.

With that in mind then, half way into this chapter more or less I've tried to mix some audio into a scene. I've tried to give you written cues as to how the two go together - it might work, it might not, everyone's reading speed is different. If you find you are reaching cues before they've happened, slow up a little - if you are finding written cues that have happened then try and catch up. The sequence is about 3 minutes long - hopefully not too obtrusive.

If you are not into the idea, don't hit PLAY, the scene is short and you won't be missing out on too much. If you want to try it out the 'right click' the PLAY link and open in a new tab - it links to a youtube track which was uploaded by the copyright owner. At the end of the scene kill any autoplays in youtube that might arise.

Many thanks for your time!


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Spydra observed the guard returning from the patio area back towards the helicopter but she had already moved on from there and no cursory glances were going to give away what she had done to the aircraft. Making it to the doorway Spydra ducked inside and onto the short flight of stairs that took her down to the next level.

The gymnasium and pool were lit with a deep red night light and was eerily quiet. Laura felt horribly exposed to potential discovery. Between her and any corridors, passageways and rooms lay the pool. Lit with a deep purple light a it was a big open watery surface with no line of sight concealment.

Laura tip toed lightly around the pool's edge and made her way down the length on the narrow strip adjoining the one way glass wall revealing the cityscape beyond. Laura's heart raced as she sensed someone approaching and realised she was in no man's land.


The door handle rattled, the door swung open and the guard entered from the corridor. The guard cast a glance to the left and right and saw no one and then proceeded onwards towards the stairs on the other side of the room that led up.

Laura had leapt to the ceiling and with palms up with her back to the wall stayed out of sight as the guard passed directly beneath her. It was a test of nerves for Spydra as the burly former special forces man paused before ascending the stairs.

“Da, Da, I will be relieve Mobile One very soon.” the Russian accented mercenary said into his mic, his finger on his earpiece.

Peeling herself from the ceiling Laura lowered herself down almost silently then went through the door into the corridor.

= = = = = = = =


Lisa watched her cell phone do a pirouette on the table amongst the trails of cables as it rung on vibrate. Lisa peered at the screen then glanced up at Selena for advice.


"Stick to the script" Selena said calmly. She knew who it was who was calling. It would be Neyra, no doubt hoping for some kind of rescue for her pet spider.

Lisa nodded and picked up the phone and summonsed the courage to answer.

"Kozny......oh hey Neyra is everything ok? ..........Wait slow down. Where is she ...............stop, back up....the helicopter, it's set.....uh huh, uh huh, ok, ok, so why is she................a cop? She's sure? Look, if she contacts you again tell her I said it's not important, I know she thinks she's helping but it's ok, tell her to get the police can't intervene.......ok, I'll try that but Laura is on her own for now......but we'll keep in touch ok? Thanks!"

Lisa ended the call and put the phone down.

"How was she?" Selena asked.

"She's hiding it well but she's stressed. It was a quick education for her on what it's like when you have someone on the inside. She asked if Kara could help, I said I'd check with you." Lisa explained provoking a weak smile from Selena.

Kara glanced between the others and back down to the building, locking her probing vision on Spydra. Kara had to let the mission play itself out or it would have all been for nothing.

“What do you see?” Selena asked, her eyes locked onto the heroine.

"She's dodged another guard, she's about to enter the hall taking her to the apartment level below." Kara explained, describing the hidden drama playing out exclusively for her eyes.

The 'Red Feed' speaker crackled with radio chatter as the security detail did their rounds, Dragon at his desk coordinating their movements.

"Oh! She's right by Dragon!" Kara exclaimed, eyebrows rising. Spydra and the burly mercenary were mere yards apart.

Lucy, Lisa and Selena glanced at Kara, the sole observer of what was going on inside the other building. There was a pause and a collective intake of breath, Kara's body language the only clue to what was happening.

"WELL?" was the collective yet silent thought in the room and Kara felt it.

"She's on the ceiling, passing by the room he is in......he.....he can't see her, the door frame is in the way..." smirked Kara.

"Oh he won't like that when I tell him..." Selena chuckled.

Kara watched on transfixed as the plucky Spydra seemed to navigate her way with ease past the patrolling guards.

"What exactly does she intend to do once she finds McGee?" Lisa wondered aloud.

"I don't know but I am sure it will be fascinating" Selena said, one eyebrow raised.

"Well you won't have to wait long, she's nearly there!" Kara said, her palms falling flat to the glass wall of the apartment, her forehead resting between her hands on the pane.


“Neyra … do you hear me?” the 'Blue Feed' speaker suddenly came to life with Laura's voice.

“Oh baby .. thank god, Lisa says it's ok, GET OUT,” Neyra pleaded.

“It's a little late now … I'm almost there,” Spydra confessed.

“SHIT!” exclaimed Neyra.

“I've got a bad feeling, I've made a mistake, I'm in too deep,” Spydra said. Her whispered voice sounded confident even the though the message was forlorn.

“Baby, just get out … please!” Neyra begged.

“I will get out, even if I have to fight, but … I want to see this bastards face” Spydra said confidently.

“What can I do !?!” Neyra asked, as she began to pull herself together.

“Remember when I told you about fly by wire?” Laura asked, her eyes watching the room with the man inside, his back to her as he watched the movie.

“Uh huh ...” Neyra replied anxiously.

“Pick me something good – I love you” Spydra whispered confidently.

“Okay – I have something here – it should work – good luck.” Neyra sounded resigned to her lover's fate, whatever it was.

“Fly by wire?” Selena asked, her eyes settling on Lucy.

“Oh fuck..” Lucy said as she looked back at Kara. Fly by wire was how Laura had described to Lucy what if felt to be just going with instinct. Thinking was over, instincts and reactions were everything, what Laura had been taught was going out the window, now it was all down to the bred in abilities of the spider that had been endowed to her.

Spydra entered stealthily into the large room with the big screen TV ahead of her. On the screen a space battle was playing out noisily, John William's iconic score masking any sound she might make. Spydra wanted to see the face of the man whose presence seemed to seep into her mind and she saw a way to do it.

Firing a web to the ceiling Spydra hauled herself upwards then slowly crawled along the ceiling towards a spot where she thought she could get a view of the man. Closer and closer and closer, like a moth to the flame.

McGee watched the movie continue, the X-Wing fighters were duelling with TIE fighters across the surface of the Deathstar and the Y-Wing bombers were dropping like flies to enemy fire.

"We have analysed their attack, sir and there is a danger, should I have your ship standing by?" asked the black clad officer to his superior.

Before Grand Moff Tarkin could answer Spydra's own thoughts crossed her mind.

"Your ship won't be going anywhere after what I've done to it, you dirty cop!" thought Laura to herself as she considered the irony of the timing of the on-screen question.

"Holy crap!" McGee exclaimed as he lunged out of his seat and spun around to see where the source of the thought was. Stumbling back, McGee fell on his behind to see the young Spydra above him looking downwards.

There was a moment when eyes and minds met. Spydra's mind lit up like a Christmas tree for McGee to read while Laura's senses seemed to go into a frenzy over the repercussions of being discovered.

"Is everything ....what the hell is …." gasped the guard who appeared from the neighbouring room having heard McGee exclaim in surprise. Spydra had been so intent on setting eyes on McGee she had lost track of the nearby guard for just a moment.

At that moment Neyra had finally jacked in her mic to the output of her MP3 player,opened up one of Laura's workout playlists and hit PLAY!

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Suddenly over the Blue Feed an alternating pattern of two notes from cello's sprang to life, putting urgency to the scene. This was the “something good” Laura had asked for.

“Mobile Three – Intruder – Intruder – Living Rooo oh fu.......” crackled the 'Red Feed' for a moment as the owner of the voice was cut off mid sentence.

Dropping to the ground Spydra glared at McGee then made her escape.

"She's taken the guard down with a web!" Kara exclaimed nervously, her body-language betraying her sense of powerlessness.

The helpless guard grunted as the electronic pulsing music began, supporting the cello's already tense lead.

“Intruder Alert – Protect the exits !” barked Dragon's voice causing Selena to smile as she looked at the speaker a moment.

As the chatter on the Red Feed confirmed the guards were moving to their positions a synthesised percussion instrument seemed to boost the tension.

“She's on the move, wow she is so fast! She's using the walls to ..… oh ..” Kara was left agog at Spydra's skills as she utilised wall and ceilings swiftly, a leap celebrated with a crash of cymbals.

Two strident notes from French horns sounded their warning. Spydra was capable of navigating a simple corridor in imaginative ways and Dragon had been left reeling as he sought to block her exit.

An angry clash of percussion coincided with Dragons fall to the ground. Reaching to his holster, his hand resting on his pistol he yelled into his comms, “Intruder is past me!” as he considered taking a shot.

“Oh, he's got a gun !” Kara mouthed in surprise as soft airy notes of violins carried the heroine around a corner and out of sight of Dragon who angrily pulled himself back to his feet.

“Intruder is heading to the roof ! Block them off!” growled Dragons voice on the 'Red Feed'

Nimbly ascending the stairs Spydra paused as she listened to the warning from her own instincts then slammed open the door ahead. Stepping confidently into the gym Spydra's eyes scanned across the men that were waiting to trap her. Spydra tallied the threats one by one.

THUMP struck the drum –British S.A.S. !

THUMP – Russian Spetznatz!

THUMP – American Navy Seal

THUMP – approaching from behind – the boss with the gun.

Percussion and bass rumbled to life as two pairs of tazer darts flew through the air beneath the heroine who had flung herself clear onto the ceiling.


Selena and the gang looked helplessly at the speakers as the battle played out unseen except to Supergirl's eyes.

Kara's eyes widened as she watched Spydra drop down into the fight. A roundhouse kick drove one man back while the man with a stun baton closed in.

Spydra backflipped over one man and shoved him into the stun baton's path, causing him to go down on one knee in pain.


Kara winced in sympathy for the man who had been shocked but gasped when one of the men let loose a telescopic baton.

A high swipe was ducked, a low swipe leapt over until a web caught it in mid air and dragged it from the man's hands.

“I VILL GET HUR!” Boomed the Russian man's voice over the Red Feed.

The burly Russian stomped up to the heroine and planted himself between Spydra and the exit, his pose like a Goalkeeper guarding his goal, stun baton in hand.

The male vocals urged on Spydra as she shot a web at the Russian's wrists and slid forward on her knees between his legs dragging his hands behind him with her shocking him in the groin.


The strings and choir seemed to chase higher notes, the brass inspiring Laura to be bolder but with her opponents reeling it was time to leave.

“I SEE HER” growled Dragon as he finally entered the scene.

Laura took flight running into the pool area pursued by Dragon, his hand pulling his strange looking pistol from its holster. Laura used a web and cheated at ascending the last set of stairs to get to the final door and the roof.

Dragon chased as hard as he could and made it up to the roof behind the fleeing heroine and began to line up his shot as the choir prepared to belt out their final cries. Spydra ran closer to the edge, as Dragon drew near.

BOOM went Laura's heart, urged on by the strings.

BOOM went Dragon's feet as he planted himself ready to fire.

BOOM went Laura's web as she went to leap to freedom.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

“NEYRA …..... OH GOD, NOOOOOOOOOO” Spydra screamed over the 'Blue Feed'

If there had been someone in the office across the road from the Wexford tower they would have seen the form of the young Spydra swinging uncontrollably into their window, the strong glass bringing her to a sudden and painful stop.

THUD!! rattled the large pane in its aluminium frame.

There was a quick pop and a hiss as Neyra was heard to swap out the MP3 player for her mic again, stopping the music.

“Baby … are you ok, are you out?” Neyra's frantic voice was heard to say.

Hanging by one web from her wrist Spydra found herself in a horrible tangle. The strange gun that Dragon was carrying fired a very unique form of munition. A special canister, it had unleashed a form of lightweight polymer chain which was designed to snag on itself. Spydra found she had one leg bent at the knee, the heel of her foot bound close to her own behind while one arm was bound behind her back. Other lengths of the enveloping mesh had wrapped around her waist too and up between her legs, biting into the cameltoe of her crotch.

The worst element of the whole thing though was the noise-maker that formed part of the design. No doubt intended to prevent an ensnared target from using stealth, the noise maker whirred intensely. Unfortunately for Spydra this was a vibrating noise maker and the mechanism was lodged directly over her crotch.


“Im out ..but …..nghhhhh oh god,” Spydra said weakly.

“What has happened? Where are you?” Neyra asked

Spydra was facing onto the glass, using just one hand and the the front third of her free foot to hold on. Behind her mask her face scrunched up as the sound of the noise maker burrowed through her body, stimulating her in ways that made it hard for the heroine to cope.

It had been sexual triggers that had first awakened Laura's powers and although with discipline she could now make them work for her at her own command those powers could still be countermanded or triggered by sexual stimulation. Right now those pleasures were becoming life threatening.


“Oh no no no ….” Spydra protested as she felt her web ducts oozing.

VWIIIIIIIR Squeeked the glass as Spydra's cling ability fluctuated a moment, letting her slip fractionally down the pane. Far below the lights of traffic and the black specks that represented people reminded Spydra how high up she was.

“What's happening?!” Neyra begged.

“I'm opposite the tower and I'm wrapped up in this … this THING....oh oh oh....” Spydra managed to say, the vibrations really starting to get traction in places she really didn't need them to be.

“Can't you get it off?” Neyra suggested. She remembered how back in the facility the young heroine had been able to wrest off her collar with her hidden strength.

“I'll, I'll try!” Spydra answered as she flexed her bound leg and arm. With a grunt she began to try and pull her bound limbs free while trying to keep her hold on the building.

“Grrrrrrrr,” Spydra growled. She could feel something giving perhaps.


“Oh fuuuuuu” Spydra protested. She had managed to snap something on the chain, allowing one part of her to gain slightly more movement at the expense of losing it somewhere else. The chain was more interconnected than she realised and now the element passing tightly around her crotch was tighter than ever.

VWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR squeaked the glass once more.

“Oh no no no.....” Spydra panicked as she slid another yard down the glass, only a monumental effort letting her regain her grip again.

“I..I'm going to fall!” Spydra thought to herself as she tried to think a way out. She glanced at her hand resting on the glass and saw her web duct was still dripping uncontrollably. She realised she was not going to be able to coalesce a web to help herself and …

“Oh god ...” Spydra felt the vibrations pulsing through her, her clit engorging all the while her rosebud ass clenched up in resistance against a corner of a link of the polymer chain that pushed at it.


“No... nghhhhh” Spydra grimaced with one more effort to hold on.

Spydra closed her eyes and realised she was finished, but if she was to die like this then.....

Laura was laying back naked into Neyra's embrace, one breast held in the black beauty's hand while her clit was being thumbed by the other, a strapon plunging into her body from behind. The cool air was against her naked freckle dappled skin and her red hair framed her face, settling on her shoulders. Neyra's lips nuzzled to Laura's ear whispering wicked sweet nothings at her as the pair found their rhythm.

Laura felt light as air as she reached the head rush of orgasm and her body went limp in Neyra's arms. The sensation was like flying, the weightlessness, the relief of letting go ….

“GOTCHA!” Supergirl said as she snapped Spydra up mid fall.

Spydra flailed a moment in protest as her moment of peaceful bliss was smashed apart by her impact into Supergirl's arms and then she realised where she was.


“You're going to be ok!” Supergirl said confidently.

“But.... how did you know?” gasped Spydra.

“Lisa and Selena got a message to me... Neyra said you might need my help” Supergirl said, hiding her white lie.

“Oh thank god..... please you've got to get me out of this thing!” Spydra protested, her eyes rolling back inside her mask as she battled to contain herself.

“Let me get you back to your hotel and we will deal with it there, Nerya is waiting, right?” Supergirl asked.

“Uh huh … ohhhhh...this thing is …...nghhh nghhh” Spydra protested as she was pushed towards climax once again.

“Almost there,” Supergirl said eyes wide. She was hoping to offload Spydra before the poor creature suffered the indignity of …..

“Oh, oh oh ….fuuuuuuuck...” moaned Spydra, her body twitching uncontrollably as her web ducts fired off weak jets of webbing.

Supergirl's averted her eyes as the poor creature in her arms was forced to orgasm but felt a small moment of comfort as the young heroine nuzzled into her as if they had shared the moment together.

Just then the roof of the hotel where Spydra had set off came into view with Nerya stood waiting discreetly in one corner.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

“JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST – WHAT WAS THAT!?” Lisa ranted over the sound of the 'Red Feed' chatter. Dragon angrily barked radio commands at his men as they began a bug sweep of the apartment in case that was the purpose of the intruder's mission.

“Lisa, it was an accident, ok, it happens,” Selena said defensively.

“She's right, in any training exercise there is risk, that's why we had Kara here.” Lucy said, trying to keep things calm.

Selena looked at Lucy, surprised to have been backed up so quickly.

“Lisa, that weapon, it's non-lethal,” Selena continued to explain.

“She nearly fell to her death, that doesn't sound non-lethal to me!” Lisa protested, her initial anger slowly diminishing.

“That was an unfortunate, unplanned, and unforeseen side effect. Dragon could not have known what would have happened, he was just doing his job,” Selena replied calmly.

“Well thank god Kara was here or we all would have been in big, big, trouble” Lisa said angrily.

“Would we?” Selena replied coldly.

“Ah - ah NO WAY ! If she ended up dead on the pavement we wouldn't be shrugging this off, Selena. Even if I had to turn myself in, I'd make sure someone knew what we had been doing” Lisa growled, her arm gesturing out the window at the helipad beyond.

“And how far does that reach exactly? If we had never met Laura, if she had gone off on her own and got herself killed, would we be responsible then? Or perhaps tomorrow if she acted on her own? Or perhaps when she returns to her sleepy little backwater? She is an adult... she knew this could be dangerous,” Selena said with determination.

“The point is it was US and our fucking goon squad who nearly killed her!” Lisa retorted, her hands adopting a hands on hips posture waiting for Selena to reply just as a new voice cut in on the speakers.

“Laura, are you okay? Oh Supergirl, thank god you were there!” Neyra's voice was heard over the Blue Feed, she was still wired for sound.

Lisa let the mildest of smiles escape as she heard Neyra and Laura being reunited. She could hear the relief in Neyra's voice, no doubt sounding as happy as she had been when Lucy had returned from her adventures in the North Sea.

“Neyra ..we need a pad and pencil …. we've got to sketch that cop ..for Lisa..while I still remember his face,” Laura's voice said.

Lucy and Lisa exchanged glances, the Asian mercenary subtly reminding Lisa why Spydra had decided to go into the lions den in the first place.

“Laura, you're a mess, you need to rest, you were nearly killed!” Neyra insisted.

“I don't need rest, I need to get BETTER. I've GOT to be better. I've let Lucy down, Ive let everyone down. Nearly getting killed is probably the best thing that could have happened,” Laura replied, frustration in her tone.

Selena glanced at Lisa who realised she may have misjudged the value of Spydra's experience. “Lisa, I don't blame you for thinking the way you do, but out of all of us you're not seeing her for what she is. The kid glove treatment ends, now, tonight. Work her harder, push her harder, what doesn't kill her will make her stronger, understand?”

Then the little speaker continued to reveal the the scene on the hotel roof, “Laura, I am sure you have done your best. Lisa and Selena tell me they have found a safe place where you can watch the raid tomorrow, if you want.” Supergirl was just about heard to say through Laura's and Neyra's microphones.

“You bet I do! I only hope I haven't screwed it all up,” Laura said a little despondently

“Yes, I want to come” Neyra answered.

“Good, someone will pick you up, now I have to go!” Supergirl said.

“Thank you, Supergirl, for everything,” Neyra's warm voice said with gratitude.

“Yes, thank you. Thank you for saving me, and getting that THING off me!” Laura gushed.

“Until tomorrow,” Supergirl said with a happy tone and then left.

With a pop and a hiss Selena, Lisa and Lucy heard Neyra and Spydra disconnect their comms and then let what had happened sink in.

Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I've still *plenty* more to catch up on, and still to finish within this story, but just wanted to say kudos!

You've improved so, so much since the last thing I read (which had been good stuff back then). It reads really crisply, with flawless editing and flow, and the content is absolutely my cup of tea. I really like that there's more than 2 dimensions to the story and that the peril is creative. More than anything, and actually this was still true the last time I read what you posted, I love your use of sound in the story. So many stories, even successful novels, have distressingly little sound to the point that they read as being fairly mute, but all the way through you have very lively, very tangible noise. I'm not a huge fan of capitals in dialogue, but given that this is essentially comic-book style fiction I totally respect why you'd do it.

You've got way more confidence, and it totally shows. Keep it up!
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Void, many thanks for the feedback, it's very much appreciated. I hope the music section worked ok for you if you tried it. My only hope is that if you have interest in this series is that you pick up the reading order in my sig link so that you get a sense of the characters.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Dragon was at his command post and he had just glanced at his watch before taking another mouthful of coffee. It was just coming up to 6am and he had had a rough night. After the intruder had visited McGee the evening before Dragon and his men had turned the apartment upside down in order to find out what Spydra had done.

Bug sweeps had been conducted, and an inventory of equipment taken to ensure nothing had been stolen but they had found nothing. It weighed heavily on Dragon's mind that some secret objective had been achieved without him knowing. Then again, perhaps the objective had been McGee himself although nothing had actually transpired between him and the intruder. But if the mission had failed surely Selena would have told him by now, or was she making him sweat to earn his pay?

All Dragon knew was his mission bonus was at risk if that mysterious intruder had won. Although not a huge amount, Dragon had his pride and it served as an incentive to ensure that he was determined not to lose.


Dragon looked down at his cell phone.

An SMS from Selena.

Picking up his cell he opened he dabbed at the screen with his thumb and read the message.

SAFE PIN CODE - 54 84 99 76

"Shit..." Dragon exclaimed as he slammed down his coffee mug and went to the safe.

"Lads, prepare for instructions!"  he barked into his walkie-talkie while opening the safe.

"Fifty four, eighty four,  ninety nine, seventy six...." Dragon murmured to himself as he unlocked the safe and looked for the blue envelope. Tossing the rainbow assortment of envelopes aside he found the blue one and ripped it open.

"Simulated police raid and search warrant - get your client to the chopper and do a hover test. Permit Detective Kozny to enter - if she gets to McGee before you get the skids off the ground you lose."

"Fixed one – prepare to open the door for Miss Kozny, the rest of you, get the client up and onto to the roof, meet me there.... go go go" Dragon yelled.

Dragon dropped the envelope and gruffly took once last mouthful of coffee before leaving the room. Around him he could hear the mercenary security detail kick into another gear. In the distance a guard could be heard waking McGee, very unpleasant at 6am, especially when his assignment as client had been a luxurious affair until then.

McGee, always a professional managed to quickly overcome his confusion and sliding into pyjamas got escorted hurriedly towards the stairs and the upper floors.

Dragon stormed out to the roof and went to the helicopter and walked around it with suspicion.

"What did you do!" Dragon cursed. Dragon's thoughts hadn't really turned to the helicopter which was outside, else why would the intruder have come inside? Now, knowing the mission rested on the flying machine in front of him he realised his oversight.

A quick preflight check of the rotor blades to see they moved freely and the skids to see they weren't lashed down his attention focused on the cockpit. Opening the pilot side door Dragon strapped himself in and began running through his checklist.


Dragon threw some switches expecting the helicopter to fire up into life only to be greeted by a variety of red lights and audible alarms.

"What the...!"

His eyes scanning the lights Dragon realised that a circuit breaker had popped out. With a quick press the breaker would become re-armed again and...

"Son of a bitch!" Dragon exclaimed as he realised every circuit breaker had been popped out and would need resetting. Pressing on the first breaker he discovered it was stuck fast and then saw the problem. Spydra had wrapped tiny zip ties around the shafts of the small mushroom shaped breaker switches. Pushing the breaker buttons down was impossible because the movement  of each switch was blocked.

Reaching for a multi tool Dragon began to hack at each cable tie, trying to cut them away. 

CLIP-CLICK-CLACK sounded the cutters of the multi tool  as Dragon worked frantically.

From the doorway of the roof access two guards dashed with McGee to the helicopter which sat in silence.

"What's up?" asked one of the guards as he bundled McGee in the back.

"Sabotage! Help me!" Dragon grunted as he continued to snip.

The two mercenaries continued to work until finally the bank of circuit breakers had all been released and reset. Meanwhile McGee buckled up in his seat and watched on bemused. To him it was no surprise that his “ride” had been sabotaged. That blaring thought that Spydra had emitted about his ship not going anywhere had been obvious enough though for the sake of the exercise he was not going to tell his protectors this.

Dragon glanced nervously at the doorway expecting "the police" to arrive at any moment then once again tried to bring his helicopter to life.


The turbine engine growled into life, the revs building before the clutch began to engage. Slowly the blades began spin up, quietly at first before emitting the air slicing whoosh as they cut through the air.

"Come on! Come on!" growled Dragon, waiting for the revs to get to idle speed. Testing the movement of the control stick Dragon knew he would be good to test for take-off soon.


After what seemed forever the blades had reached their idle speed, the green light on the cockpit display lit up, Dragon could begin to open the throttle.

Then Lisa Kozny strode purposefully onto the roof, her badge around her neck. She was approaching fast and Dragon cranked open the throttle on the side stick, preparing to lift off. All he had to do was get to a hover and he would win.

That's when the mighty turbine engine began to waver, popping and spluttering just as Dragon needed power the most. Looking at the Rev counter Dragon knew there was even more wrong with his bird than he realised, that mysterious masked woman who he had been employed to test had mortally wounded the bird.


Laura and Neyra watched the spectacle play out below. Selena had taken them to the apartment that had overseen the exercise just hours before and now the pair watched the fruit of their labours, still unaware that it had all been a test.

During the night Lucy had packed away the cameras and laptops so as not to alert their student of their deception, at least not just yet. In Selena's back pocket was a folded up piece of paper with a sketch by Neyra of the "dirty cop" that Spydra had finally laid eyes on.

"What on earth did you do to that poor helicopter?" Selena asked, her binoculars still firmly to her eyes.

"I used cable ties to lock up the circuit breakers and put some bubblegum over some airflow sensor...apparently the fuel mix goes wrong...." Laura said with a grin as she watched Lisa beckon to the suspects to get out of their stricken transport.

"Should Lisa not have some backup?" Neyra asked with a hint of concern. To know there was all that private security down there and see Lisa alone was unnerving.

The trio watched as McGee stepped out of the helicopter and then witnessed the friendly giant and Lisa share an embrace before she shook hands with Dragon who was still sat in the pilots seat.

"I...I don't understand ..." Laura said with a hint of confusion in her tone, the binoculars left to dangle from her neck.

"Wait a minute ...this was a test! They are in on it!" Neyra realised as she turned her gaze on Selena.

Laura read Selena's face as it transitioned from seriousness to beaming pride, confirming Neyra's suspicion.

"The pilot is a trusted friend, and the man you think is bad cop is actually the FBI agent we told you about. He observed your interview at the police station, that's how we became aware of your existence." Selena explained.

“Laura was almost killed! What if she …. It was lucky that Supergi...” Neyra stammered, suddenly realising that it wasn't lucky, it was planned.

“We made this test as real as possible......did we not?” Selena said into the open, her call finally allowing Lucy and Kara to enter the scene. Lucy had continued the pretence of not being available until the final moment.

“Supergirl? Sensei? You have been here all along?!” Laura said with surprise as Lucy and Kara entered.

“Yes, Laura, watching, listening,” Lucy replied meekly as she walked up to the glass to catch sight of McGee, Dragon, Lisa and the other mercenaries laughing and talking between themselves.

“You were here?! Watching her?” Neyra realised.

Kara walked up to Laura, her smile warm. “Laura, you have done well, you did your job, you might have risked undoing it by going that extra mile, but you did it.”

In the background Selena passed the sheet of paper with Neyra's sketch of the man that Laura had described to her, the 'dirty cop', for Lucy to examine. Lucy's expression said everything, the likeness of McGee was astonishingly accurate.

“And well done to you too Neyra, I am sure you had your own part in this,” Selena said slyly.

Neyra feigned innocence, “Oh well, I mean did a lot of the google work, a crash course in how to sabotage a helicopter wasn't easy,” she said. Neyra was left to wonder if Selena knew about her foray into the world of pizza delivery.

“Quite...” Selena added dryly, Neyra's response being true but knowingly not to the point Selena was actually making.

“So, this McGee person, he knew there was something about me during the interviews, back home?” frowned Laura as she glanced back out the window.

“Those and other questions you will no doubt have answered very soon now. Lucy, would you be so kind as to take our friends to The Diner please. The all day breakfast is excellent and I think we deserve it. You will all find McGee much more talkative with a good breakfast in his stomach too” beamed Selena innocently.

“Come on, I'm ravenous and I am sure you both are too!” smiled Lucy as she beckoned to Neyra and Laura to go with her. Kara felt caught in the middle ground, was she to go with them, or stay behind? She wasn't long left in doubt.

“NOT YOU. You stay right here, with me,” Selena said, her tone slightly stern.

Lucy's expression changed as she saw the tension between Kara and Selena light up for her to see. Kara really was Selena's bitch, Lucy hadn't really seen it before like this but knowing what she knew from her previous conversation with Kara the hooks and claws were more obvious than ever.

Laura looked back naively and was disappointed that the civilian dressed Supergirl wasn't going with them straight away but Lucy's body-language seemed to politely insist she and Neyra go with her.

“I will see you soon” nodded Kara to Laura, reading the hope in her eyes that she would be going with them.

Selena's head barely moved, her eyes tracking Lucy and the others leaving, waiting to hear the slam of the apartment front door at the end of the corridor before acting.


“Kneel!” Selena ordered, her clicked fingers then pointing to a spot in front of her.

“Sel-,” began Kara only to draw a glare from Selena whose index finger remain pointed to the floor.

“I won't tell you again” Selena said angrily, her gaze transitioning from Kara's eyes to the symbolic spot on the floor.

Kara slowly stepped up to Selena and dropped to her knees. Selena who closed the small gap grabbed a handful of blond hair, encouraging Kara's face into her crotch.

"Do you smell THAT?" Selena growled.

A hesitant nod was felt within Selena's grip, Kara's face revealing her confusion.


"Yes, Selena, sorry, Mistress, yes ...." Kara struggled with the transition of her situation.

"THAT is me turned on to thoughts of you, pleading forgiveness while I whip you raw, you treacherous bitch" Selena ranted.

"But.." Kara struggled.

“Do you think I am stupid?” Selena asked firmly.

“No, of cour-” Kara began with a frown only to be cut off.

“LIAR” Selena interrupted, giving Kara's face a slap with her other hand. Selena's hand slapped into Kara's cheek like it was a block of concrete, the initial give of the perfect flesh of her cheek underpinned by the immovable body beneath.

For Kara the sting of Selena's wrath was enough to make her eyes burn, not from the blow itself but from the significance of it. She was being punished and she was made to know it.

“ But, I swear ...” Kara began, bewildered at the source of Selena's outburst.

“I own you and I expect LOYALTY. To ME, understand?” Selena continued, her grip tight on the blond locks in her hand.

“But I don't underst-” Kara's attempt to speak cut off once again.


Another blow struck the side of Kara's face which forced a solitary tear drop to form in the corner of one eye. There was no pain for Kara but to have Selena be so upset with her somehow hurt her psychologically. For Selena the pain was physical, the palm of her hand becoming tender with each strike against the heroine's face.

“The moment Spydra mentioned that O-H-P, that hold point, I knew she was conspiring with someone else. And then it all made sense, that knock on the door, that phantom pizza delivery,” Selena began angrily.

“But Sel -” Kara interrupted.

SLAP – Selena flexed her fingers as she tried to shake out the pain in her hand.

“And do you think it was hard for me to check Neyra's cards? Because there it was, her transaction at the pizza place a block over. So, what were you thinking when you saw Neyra at McGee's front door? Did you think I was stupid and not find out?”

“No, I …. I...” Kara stammered.

“You chose HER over ME” Selena growled.

Kara blinked, speechless. It was true, she had kept her silence to protect Neyra from the others judgement but she didn't consider it being disloyal.

“I didn't want you to think bad of her, she was brave and helping Laura. I knew it was only a test, she wasn't ruining anything by helping,” Kara explained.

“I KNOW THAT” Selena snapped before pausing and letting out a sigh.

“I'm sorry, I did not mean to hurt you,” Kara said quietly, her eyes burning red.

“Well you have, just like it hurt knowing McGee hid Laura from me” Selena said sadly, releasing Kara's hair with a subtle shove before turning away to look out the window.

There was a long silence between the two and Kara desperately sought the words that would fill the void or heal Selena's wound.

“Perhaps if you just treated the team like people our first instincts wouldn't be to protect others from you.” Kara said, not daring lift her head.

Selena cast an annoyed scowl over her shoulder at the heroine which Kara processed as meaning she had struck a nerve.

“Here you go again, thinking I have my talons into everyone,” Selena said bitterly as she looked back out the window.

“No Selena, you were right, before. The others might only be here because of me, but it doesn't have to be like that,” Kara continued, recalling how Selena had explained to her what she felt the reality of the situation was between her and the team.

“Then what do you suggest? I am already doing everything I can for the others. It's ME that keeps Lucy in her luxury apartment, it's ME that keeps Lisa's career path on track and it's ME getting Laura trained and ready for who knows what. I've traded, called in favours and begged just to get a leap on The Tailor's queue to get her that suit.” Selena vented as she spun back around, circling the kneeling superheroine.

“Selena, you do all those things to build your little empire, it's not for THEM, to you they are just investments.” Kara said, almost pleading Selena to see the truth.

“I am in this to make MONEY, to do that I don't need friends, I just WANT some trust, some loyalty! ” Selena said angrily, not realising the dissonance of her logic.

“Selena, every time I let you do the things you do to me, is that not trust enough?” Kara protested.

Selena was brought to an abrupt halt, the heroine having made her point. Despite everything Kara was on her knees, obeying. And if they were in the lair Kara would no doubt offer herself freely to being de-powered for Selena's wicked enjoyment.

“Yes, Kara, you are right.....” Selena said, her anger defused.

“Let us join the others, let Laura have her moment, and then you can punish me however you want. ” Kara said, her head dropping once more as she wiped the few tears that had formed away.

Selena looked down at Kara who had remained on her knees since she had been ordered there. The superheroine had been right, if Selena was going to get the trust and loyalty she sought she was not going to buy it, she had to earn it.

“It's going to take time, isn't it? Even if I could change today,” Selena said with resignation.

Kara looked up with a smile having sensed Selena was turning a corner.

“Yes, but I will be with you”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The booth tucked in at the back of The Diner filled with laughter. Neyra's warm friendly eyes were wide with anticipation as she waited for McGee to deliver the next line of one of his tall tales while Laura gently played footsie with her under the table.

Lisa sipped her coffee, conscious of the time before she should return to duty while Lucy watched on in awe of the man who seemed to be holding centre stage while occasionally fluttering discreet kisses with her eyes at Lisa, reminding her that she knew she was there.

And between it all Selena laughed and smiled with McGee as Kara, sat by her side gently stroked the edge of her little finger against the side of Selena's for all to notice. By making a subtle link with Selena Kara hoped that it would make the rest of the team see beyond Selena's wicked facade.

For now though this was Laura's moment and soon she would be brought up to speed on McGee's special power, making the team whole again.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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