Heroine Kombat: The Soviet versus Tempest. (TheSuperheroines.com)

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Doctor Outcome
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Heroine Kombat Title Screen.mp4_snapshot_00.06_[2016.08.27_00.14.06].jpg
Heroine Kombat Title Screen.mp4_snapshot_00.06_[2016.08.27_00.14.06].jpg (27.97 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
Plot: Heroine Kombat...the most brutal and highest rated gladiatorial game of the future is back and it's welcoming all comers (good and evil) for another round of sadism and suffering all in the name of superhuman superiority! The arrogant but alluring mercenary for hire known only as the Soviet has already taken down one contender during her rise through the ranks in the 'death matches' but this time, she'll have her hands full as she takes on the lovely 'queen of cool' known as the Tempest, a new contender who has just broken onto the scene. The Soviet is certain that this blonde 'buliatch' will be easy prey like her last opponent, but the question is...does being a 'rookie' necessarily make one a pushover? Especially when the prize on the line is life itself?

(Probably not...) :no:

Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Vid):
After watching the kick-ass fight between Wonder Crusher and Gold Rush, my homegirl and I were eager to see some more carnage and chaos in the Heroine Kombat ring. So through a recommendation, someone suggested that we see this battle and might I say...this battle was phenomenal! The combatants Tempest and the Soviet were not pulling punches with each other in this battle and both women were determined to send the other to their grave any way that they could...even if that meant fighting dirty, which they both did! We were truly impressed at how Tempest and the Soviet were going at each other, not holding back and using everything they had in their arsenal during the fight. We were really on the edge of our seats and if you check this vid out, I guarantee that you probably will be too!


-Excellent environment for Tempest and the Soviet to do their 'dance of death' with each other. Plenty of room, lots of space and the Soviet is able to improvise on weapons a little bit during the fight. At one point, she even picks up a chair to use on Tempest when her military tactics don't seem to work on the blonde superheroine.
Heroine Kombat (Let the dance of death begin)_snapshot_00.36_[2016.08.27_00.15.57].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Let the dance of death begin)_snapshot_00.36_[2016.08.27_00.15.57].jpg (32.6 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
-Great camera angles and excellent close-ups during the fight. They captured every major detail during the fight, particularly for the strikes and reaction to blows. Excellent editing also and the audio detail for the blows and strikes were right on point.

-The ladies that they chose for this fight was perfect. Samantha Bogach really nailed the part of the Soviet: her character was spiteful, arrogant and vicious as a rattlesnake. I think this character was modeled a little bit after Miss Xenia from Goldeneye.
Heroine Kombat (I must break you).mp4_snapshot_00.27_[2016.08.27_00.15.13].jpg
Heroine Kombat (I must break you).mp4_snapshot_00.27_[2016.08.27_00.15.13].jpg (27.43 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
Fan favorite Lindsay Lamb makes a return playing the part of Tempest. I've noticed that the production crew has her play a lot of characters who specialty is the manipulation of the ice elements, which is good for me because Lindsay does an excellent job playing characters who control the cold. Lindsay really puts on a convincing show as Tempest, an eager young superheroine who shows that she's no pushover when it comes to holding her own. She looks so innocent and her blonde looks make her look absolutely gorgeous in this role. Though I liked the Soviet, my money was on Tempest for this battle.
Heroine Kombat (The Ice Queen)_snapshot_00.33_[2016.08.27_00.15.35].jpg
Heroine Kombat (The Ice Queen)_snapshot_00.33_[2016.08.27_00.15.35].jpg (30.56 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
-The outfits for this battle were fabulous! I loved what Samantha and Lindsay had to wear in this vid, particularly Samantha. She had her hair tied in a bun, a black tactical vest, black pants and boots. Lindsay had on her Tempest costume, complete with a short skirt, tank top and white boots. She really got to show off her fabulous legs during her leg-scissor scenes also and that mad things all the more sweeter. My homegirl said that she wants to get one of Tempest's outfits one day.

-The fight was pretty fun to watch. Samantha and Lindsay were exchanging blows like it was nobody's business: low-blows, stomach punches, kicks to the face, right hooks, choke and sleeper holds, wrestling moves, etc. Hell, the best part is that they cheap-shot each other verbally when they're able to score a hit or put the other in a whole world of pain!

Plus, their reactions to getting struck or knocked about seemed like-like and realistic too.

-Oh, did I mention that these two beauties fight dirty in this vid? Well if I haven't, I'm telling you now, that they get down and dirty in this fight. The Soviet uses things like a syringe to weaken Tempest and make her strength null and void and she even pulls out her trusty .45 Caliber on Tempest when she runs out of dirty moves to use! Man, talk about winning at any cost!
Heroine Kombat (Pretty with a pistol).mp4_snapshot_24.25_[2016.08.27_00.31.39].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Pretty with a pistol).mp4_snapshot_24.25_[2016.08.27_00.31.39].jpg (27.38 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
However, Tempest shows that she has her own arsenal of abilities at her disposal too. Because she controls the elements of cold and ice, Tempest can use her powers offensively and defensively. She fires cold orbs at the Soviet like Subzero from Mortal Kombat and even has a clothes-line move with her arm emitting frost when she uses it. She can also freeze the Soviet in her tracks and can also use her ice-field to deflect projectiles and send them back at her opponents! That is just too cool for words (pun definitely intended). :laugh:
Heroine Kombat (Subzero Technique).mp4_snapshot_05.15_[2016.08.27_00.20.03].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Subzero Technique).mp4_snapshot_05.15_[2016.08.27_00.20.03].jpg (27.78 KiB) Viewed 2777 times
-Spectacular use of special effects for this vid. Logan Cross really made me happy when he had Tempest display her superpowers and the special effects for her abilities were just astonishing. The same with the Soviet using her gun, especially when they had Tempest block one of her bullets in mid-flight!

-A brutal fatality at the end of this fight, folks! Won't say who gets their ticked punched or how, but somebody meets a...*chilling* end.


-Hmm...just one probably. The fight choreography, while good, could still use a little tweaking up. Also, they do too much undercranking during scenes when a blow is to be landed. Also, there were some scenes that dragged the fight out a little.

Final Outcome

Well, just one con but no need for a diagnosis on my part. Offhand, I have to say that this is a very entertaining vid that Logan Cross put together and an excellent continuation of the Heroine Kombat series. This vid definitely had my pulse racing with excitement and my homegirl and I truly enjoyed what was put together with this magnificent work of art.
We're very eager to see who gets to step into the 'doom ring' for the next chapter of Heroine Kombat!

Final Score for 'The Soviet versus Tempest': a whopping 10 out of 10! :thumbup:
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's some more screenshots from this adrenaline-charged action house:
Heroine Kombat (Test your Might).mp4_snapshot_00.53_[2016.08.27_00.16.42].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Test your Might).mp4_snapshot_00.53_[2016.08.27_00.16.42].jpg (23.83 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
Heroine Kombat  (Soviet all choked up).mp4_snapshot_22.07_[2016.08.27_00.28.44].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Soviet all choked up).mp4_snapshot_22.07_[2016.08.27_00.28.44].jpg (32.02 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
Heroine Kombat (Chill Out).mp4_snapshot_22.40_[2016.08.27_00.29.37].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Chill Out).mp4_snapshot_22.40_[2016.08.27_00.29.37].jpg (35.76 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
Heroine Kombat (Deflector shield).mp4_snapshot_24.41_[2016.08.27_00.32.21].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Deflector shield).mp4_snapshot_24.41_[2016.08.27_00.32.21].jpg (33.23 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
Heroine Kombat(Tempest injected).mp4_snapshot_11.32_[2016.08.27_00.23.57].jpg
Heroine Kombat(Tempest injected).mp4_snapshot_11.32_[2016.08.27_00.23.57].jpg (24.18 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
Heroine Kombat (Tempest all choked up).mp4_snapshot_10.58_[2016.08.27_00.23.14].jpg
Heroine Kombat (Tempest all choked up).mp4_snapshot_10.58_[2016.08.27_00.23.14].jpg (34.56 KiB) Viewed 2774 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

If you haven't seen this yet, you really should. So what are you waiting for? Check it out here:
Heroine Kombat.mp4_snapshot_27.41_[2016.08.27_00.34.48].jpg
Heroine Kombat.mp4_snapshot_27.41_[2016.08.27_00.34.48].jpg (10.9 KiB) Viewed 2773 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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