SG&The Broker: Divided You Will Fall

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Hi all.

Welcome to the next story in my series about Supergirl and The Broker, the details of which can found here.

I hope you like chapter 1 which has a bit of music to go with it. There's no synching required really - just keep it low in the background and I hope you get the impression of a film title sequence from it which is the intention. I know the set up is a "break the fourth wall" style but the rest of the story won't follow the same way.

Many thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy ....
Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 7 years ago, edited 30 times in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Music Cue - Right Click and Open in a new tab

At first there is darkness and you can see nothing. Then, in the distance a narrow ribbon of light forms marking the border between the sky and the earth below. The sun slowly crawls up into the field of view, its warm orange halo growing bigger and bigger as it ascends at a shallow angle, seemingly sliding across the divide.

From horizon to horizon you see the sea is flat calm and covered with football field sized sheets of ice that float at the whim of the currents. The sun which is barely above the ice-scape fills the sky with its orange light casting an odd hue onto the cold white fields below.

In the distance what looks like a vapour trail approaches, moving too fast for a bird and being far too small for a plane your ears begin to pick up the sound of the ripping of the air as whatever it is rushes closer and closer into your view.

Beneath the form as it approaches loose ice and snow is thrown into the air, the open water seemingly parting in its wake. Your senses try to resolve what it is you are seeing and then you make out a fluttering vibrant red with a smattering of bold blue and so now you understand exactly what you can see.

It is Supergirl, heading off somewhere, to some disaster or to some crime but certainly to some sort of far off emergency.


The air screams for mercy as the heroine slices through the sky and the disturbed air causes your arms to form goosebumps and your nostrils to flare from the odour of the crisp clean ice.

The heroine pushes onwards with a white misty haze in her wake, the eerie arctic wasteland passing below her like a blur but somehow you are with her as she flies, her blond hair dancing behind her. With an expression of thoughtfulness her eyes settle on you and she smiles confidently before she begins to speak.

“It has been an incredible year since my rescue from the oil rig, that place where I discovered I can be just as vulnerable to the elements as I can be to the inventions of mankind....”

Selena, sat in her lair with a wicked grin on her face looks up at you from her keyboard as she slams the return key triumphantly. On the screen of her computer the message “FUNDS TRANSFERRED” flashes brightly, confirming another terrorist cell has been stripped of its funds and a tip off fired off to the CIA.

“....and oh how I do making her vulnerable with those inventions in between stealing from the bad and skimming a little for myself!”

Detective Kozny slams a resisting suspect on to the hood of her car and holsters her pistol before letting a uniformed officer take over. Behind her the officer begins to read the suspect his rights while Kozny brushes herself down and glances at you.

“In the meantime I continue to do my job, locking up bad guys by day, then locking down Lucy by night ...”

Lucy Wuan at a society party in her little black dress and high heels peers mischievously over her champagne flute glass with a smile. Subtly she checks the coast is clear then places a bug into the handbag of the wife of some mobster before glancing innocently at you.

“Of course I let Lisa take control but only when I am not being a spy for Selena....”

Supergirl gently banks away, her blue eyes looking right into yours as she closes in on her destination, the dark acrid smoke of a forest fire looming into view.

“Together we keep a watchful eye for those who might want to do the world harm though sometimes we get good surprises along the way, surprises like Spydra!”

Spydra hangs inverted in the darkness from a web silently looking at a gang of youths. Her dark grey and black suit reveals every contour of her muscled limbs as she holds herself in place on her web, ever watching, ever patient, waiting.

“I know I am new to all this but I am ready for the challenges ahead...”

Neyra's arm elegantly sweeps across the drawing board in her office, her effortless artistry bringing life to the formerly blank page. The concept artwork for a new construction project starts taking shape right in front of her before her dark wise eyes sense you are there causing her to look you in the eye.

“And even though I am not super-powered nor wear a badge Supergirl thinks I still have a part to play.”

Agent McGee watches a police interview intently through the one way glass of the interrogation room, his power to see the memories of other people letting him dissect every little lie he hears. The detective and the suspect beyond keep talking and McGee's eyes glaze as he compares the spoken words to the images appearing in his mind. Suddenly something breaks the spell as he turns his head to face you.

“Because even the idealistic Supergirl knows appearances can be very deceiving. Friends can look like enemies, enemies like friends, the humble can be bold, the seemingly confident actually afraid ... ”

Molly Matthews in her pristine white laboratory tunic stares in wonder at the readouts on her computer screen, seemingly entranced by what she sees. Then suddenly she snaps back to reality realising you are there and clicks off her screen with a sly grin. Reclining back into her seat Molly forms a finger pyramid with her hands, a thoughtful expression forming across her face before speaking.

“But the question is, will they see through my own deception before it is too late?”

Supergirl swings over the green forest and drops into a clearing only to be approached by a galloping deer which causes her to step aside as it dashes to safety. The deer barely changes course as it continues on, its bouncing gait taking it out the clearing the other side and away from the fire pursuing it.

“All I know is I must face the challenges that fate presents me as they come.....”

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Cyber Warfare Command Center – Cheyenne Mountain (CYBER-CENCOM)

Mark Lathenby, a data traffic analyst sipped his coffee as he watched the flow of internet traffic across his sector of responsibility. His job was to monitor cyber threats to the government information infrastructure and today so far his workload had been steady and predictable.

There had been childish attempts to log in on public pages for the FBI, an attempt to visit offline pages on The Whitehouse website. Someone had attempted to upload fake grainy photos of grey aliens into the Apollo 13 photo archive and someone seemed to have a fixation with trying seek non-existent pages to do with H.A.A.R.P.

Lathenby scoffed as a red dot appeared on a node representing The White House website again, another indication of an attempt to get in to the inner workings of the site.

“When will you learn? Getting into there doesn't enable you to take over the country, idiot.” Lathenby said dismissively.


Lathenby was mid slurp of his coffee when the innocuous sound was emitted by his terminal. This red dot was at the virtual gates of the AFIS database.

“Oh, hello!” Lathenby said as he got to work, examining the details of the intrusion.


The intrusion attempt ended as soon as Lathenby began to even examine the nature of the probing attack.

“Hmmm.... okay...” Lathenby said with a puzzled expression as he paused clicking with his mouse and keyboard.


A node in the F.B.I. gateway lit up as a new intrusion was detected drawing a frown from Lathenby.

“Okay.... let's....” began Lathenby as he started to trace the source of the …...


“Fine!” Lathenby groaned as his attempt to search had ended before it had even begun.

Lathenby glanced at his watch, it was coming up to 1300 Zulu, 7am local time, two hours to go until the end of his shift. As he raised his coffee mug to his lips a pair of red dots appeared on the network schematic on his screen. Refusing to be baited, Lathenby took another slurp of his coffee, wondering if the red dots would retreat again on their own but the flashing icons tested his patience, flashing insistently at him.

Placing his mug down on his desk he began his trace attempt on the intrusion now testing the N.C.I.S gateway. With a few clicks Lathenby was now on the trail of the attacker...


“Motherfu...” Lathenby cut himself short but was still frustrated by the uncanny timing of his adversary. Still, the other intrusion was ongoing, perhaps he could get to grips with that instead. Clicking away, Lathenby began to analyse the second dot, hopefully it would ….


“Right, that's IT!” Lathenby scowled as he picked up his phone and dialled his supervisor.

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Kurt Draxler, an oversight manager for Bank-Deutschland glanced in the mirrors of his five series BMW and then signalled to turn off the autobahn ready to take the leafy rural road towards his home in the countryside.

It was only early afternoon but Kurt was already heading home from work, tonight he would head out to the airport and fly to New York. Ahead he faced the round of board meetings that were falling due that required his presence. Kurt's mind turned to his wife and daughter, what gift should he bring back from his next trip he wondered.

Kurt hit the quiet road and flipped the gearbox into semi-automatic mode knowing the monotonous autobahn was behind him and the more interesting terrain lay ahead. Letting out a smile Kurt felt the power of the three litre V8 pulse through him as made a bend in the road powering out to a long straight.

Ahead in a lay-by was a farm tractor with a trailer load of hay bales on tow behind. With little encouragement from the farmer at the wheel who waved Kurt by the BMW signalled safely around the nose of the farm vehicle and sped on down the quiet road.

The farmer looked on as the BMW dashed into the distance then put his tractor into gear, proceeding out of the lay-by. Crossing over the two lanes of the country road the tractor came to a halt and the farmer in his overalls hopped out the cab then fiddled with the engine until it spluttered and died. Slapping his oiled hands together with satisfaction the farmer pulled out his cell phone and dialled ….

Mr Hispania glanced at his phone as it rang, it was Mr Nordic, right on schedule.

“Si, dime! ….. Bueno … si, I do eet a now” Hispania said, acknowledging his prey was near and no other cars were going to interfere. Mr Africa had similarly blocked the road up ahead, no one was going to be witness to what they had planned.

Mr Hispania snapped his phone shut and waited, listening intently for the sound of the purring V8 engine approaching.


Closer ….. closer …....

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Lathenby and his colleagues were watching the intrusions seemingly multiply in intensity every minute. What had been one had become two, then four, then eight, and now Lathenby's supervisor had pulled in the rest of the analysts from his pool to investigate.

“OK people– Let's put these intrusions in the virtual server box, I want to see what these things are doing” the supervisor said glancing around at his team while stood over Lathenby's shoulder.

Lathenby began to run commands on his terminal. What the supervisor wanted to do was to spoof the intruder's attacks into entering the CYBER-CENCOM system. By creating virtual server boxes the attacks would be fooled into thinking they had entered the actual target systems instead and begin to reveal their intent.

CLACK CLACK CLACK went the keyboards as Lathenby and his peers corralled the red dots on the network schematic into their traps.

Lathenby and the supervisor watched the code as it began to work within the virtual server. What was it going to do next they wondered.

ROOT//unpack cryptobomb//


“Jeez, look at the CPU usage on that” Lathenby noted as he saw the CPU's running the virtual server ramp up as they sought to unpack the self installing attack.

“Nothing we can't handle, put another few cores onto it,” the supervisor said confidently.

“OK, allocating more cores,” Lathenby said as he keyed in the command.

ROOT//unpacking...... 10%.............................20%...........................

“See.... we'll crack that baby open,” the supervisor said patting Lathenby on the shoulder.

Lathenby watched the status of the hardware that was tasked with unpacking the self installing code. At least the virtual trap was isolated from the overall network, if anything were to go wrong at least it wouldn't infect anything important.

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Mr Hispania waited and watched the BMW pass him by then pulled out from a farm dirt track onto the tarmac, his dark blue Audi making an ominous sight with its darkened glass.

Accelerating hard Mr Hispania closed in on the BMW ahead and let out a sly grin as he heard his laptop on the passenger seat ping. Unknown to the victim ahead Mr Hispania, Nordic and Africa had planted a device on his car, one that would allow them to take control.

“I have you now!” Hispania said confidently.

As the Audi closed in on the car ahead Hispania reached to his laptop and struck a key and let the software do the rest.

Ahead Kurt felt the sudden surge of the engine as it began to accelerate hard. There was a moment of disbelief in his voice as he glanced at the rev counter and speed which confirmed his fear. Beneath Kurt's feet lay the pedals of the car and unconventionally they were connected not by cables to the running gear of his vehicle but to a computer. Little did he know his car was no longer controlled by his inputs but by a device that had been clipped to a cable harness under the hood.

Kurt tried to keep his head, in the distance a bend was looming, what could he do? First he pressed the Stop-Start button that normally brought the engine to life then sent it to sleep at journeys end, but nothing. The motor continued to surge on through the revs towards the red line. Kurt cursed not having a clutch on the semi-automatic gearbox but then thought that if he could force the vehicle into neutral....

“Nein, nein, nein!” Kurt cursed as he found the attempt to force the gearbox out of gear to be a fruitless task.

Running out of options and road Kurt slammed his foot on the brake pedal and felt no change in the car's speed.


Glancing at the speedometer Kurt knew it was impossible to bail out from the car safely. Perhaps if he could just make the bend ahead he could figure something out. His eyes glanced at the handbrake and his desperate mind made him place one hand on the lever as the engine screamed louder and louder.

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The supervisor looked on as the unpacking procedure seemed to slow to a crawl the nearer it got to completion.

“What the hell is this thing doing?” Lathenby wondered aloud only to be interrupted as his desk phone rang. Reaching to the handset Lathenby picked it up and answered.

“Lathenby …... uh huh ...” Lathenby looked up to his supervisor and handed him the phone.

“It's for you, it's the techies in the server room....” Lathenby said before resuming the vigil of his screen.

“Yes?” Began the supervisor before pausing as he listened.

“SHIT – Shut it down!”

“What?” Lathenby asked with confusion.

“Shut it down – EVERYONE – SHUT IT DOWN !” the supervisor yelled before taking flight from Lathenby's workspace and out the section office.

“Fuck!” Lathenby exclaimed realising that something serious was happening. The people in the section around him all began hammering at their keyboards to try and bring the processes they had started to a halt.

The supervisor ran down the corridors and used his swipe card to enter the large server farm. The heat and noise inside the room was evident as the server racks ran at full speed to resolve the files unpacking in the various spoof servers.

“Holy crap!” the supervisor yelled over the din as the technicians looked on, their expressions revealing their concern.

Meanwhile Lathenby and the other analysts began to try and extricate themselves from the situation but found the servers were tortuously unresponsive, every key stroke seeming to take an age to be accepted.

The server temperatures began to ramp up higher and higher as the water cooled systems began to overheat to the point even the air conditioned server room was too hot to be in.

“Is anyone out yet?” Lathenby yelled.

“No!” was the collective reply.

In the server room the technicians scurried to to run through the shut down procedure before it was ….




One by one server racks began to smoke and pop, either from overheating or the overload from the power supplies. All through the room there was the sound of processor cooling systems winding down as the motherboards on each rack burned out.

“Fuck – we are completely offline – we've got to alert the brass …..” the supervisor said in panic realising that in that moment they were powerless to counter any form of cyber attack against the country.

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Hispania stepped from his Audi and dashed to the wreck of the BMW that had been shredded up amongst some trees having impacted at over a hundred miles per hour. Wrenching open the bonnet the mercenary found the module clipped to the cable harness and began to retreat back to his Audi.

“Hil.......hilfe......” groaned a voice from the wrecked car.

Hispania stopped dead in his tracks. Kurt was alive?!

Turning back to the wrecked BMW Hispania looked through a smashed side window and could see Kurt, his bloodied body staining the white airbags that had helped protect him. For a brief moment the pair made eye contact, such as it was, Kurt was gravely wounded and barely acknowledged Hispania's presence.

“Joder!" Hispania muttered to himself. He knew that Mr Nordic wasn't going to be able to block the road with his tractor behind them forever and if the emergency services ever got there in time …..

Hispania looked menacingly at the wreckage intent on completing the job, the odour of petrol in the air luring him towards the final solution. Drawing a matchbook from his pocket Hispania found a river of petrol forming below the wrecked BMW and nonchalantly set the deadly fuel alight.

Turning away from his handiwork Hispania coolly returned to his Audi as Kurt began to sense the deadly fire approaching.

“Hilfe…. HILFE !!” Kurt groaned as he began to regain his senses.

Hispania clunked the door of his Audi closed and used the handsfree feature of his car to dial out while he gazed back at the trees and the orange glow dancing between them.

BEEP – BEEEEEEEEP – BEEP – BEEEEEEEEP warbled the cell phones ringing tone.

“Is it done?” responded Nordic's voice

“I yam just doing the tying of the loose ends, amigo” Hispania said as he watched the black smoke become denser, the points of flame reflecting in his eyes.

Nordic's sigh filled the cabin of Hispania's Audi, “Is it done or isn't it?”


The dull thud of the pressure wave struck the side of the Audi as the remains of the BMW erupted violently. A bright flash momentarily illuminated the tinted glass interior of Hispania's car eliciting a smile from the mercenary.

“Si, amigo, eet ees don, whell don” Hispania said as he fired up the engine of his car.

“Good, I will tell the others, get going up the road and meet with them” Nordic replied before he hung up.

Hispania pulled away and sped off into the distance ready to meet with Mr Africa who was blocking the road at the other end, another contract completed.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Supergirl walked hesitantly into Selena's lair which lay hidden beneath the abandoned factory amongst the still sturdy concrete and steel. It had been weeks since the heroine and Selena had met and Supergirl was apprehensive of how she would be received.

“You are LATE” Selena said, not even turning her head from her screens. Selena had wired up her facility with cameras and sensors and she knew well that Supergirl had arrived.

“I'm sorry, but I have been busy,” Kara replied calmly as she approached. Brushing down her skirt and rearranging her crimson cape over her shoulders she quickly recovered her image of perfection.

“I know, and I suppose I should say well done, so, well done,” Selena said with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she spun in her chair to face the heroine.

“The 'doing' is the easy bit. Finding out about these trouble spots and being there in time is the hard part. You know I am grateful to you for pointing me in the right direction.” Kara said, trying to smooth the mood.

“Quite – well now you are in your next trouble spot” Selena said with a scowl.

“Selena, I know I owe you, please don't turn this into something it is not, I always intended to come back.” Kara pleaded subtly.

“Oh I do hope so because if I find out you are here for a favour then today you are out of luck!” Selena said as she rose to her feet, her head tossing a gesture back at her terminal like there was a problem.

“No, I swear, I am not here for favours, this is about keeping my word.” Kara said as she knitted her fingers together in front of herself.

“Very well, come with me,” Selena said coldly.

Supergirl nodded subtly, eyes down knowing the pair were no doubt headed to what had been dubbed the playroom. The heroine had been teased, tormented, abused and humiliated in so many ways in that now familiar place, her orgasms, her tears, her moaning protests all documented and logged on video and locked away.

“When you decided your loyalty lay more with Neyra than with me it hurt, Kara.” Selena said as she pair made their way to the heavy metal sliding door that led to the chamber.

“And I explained why I did it. Only by changing your ways towards others would you convince me not to do it again” Kara said, her eyes making contact with the beautiful red head's.

“Indeed, well the jury is still out on that but you said I could punish you in any way I wanted, and so I will.” Selena said firmly as she laid her hand on the lever mechanism for the sliding door, throwing it open.


The metal slid on its rails revealing the chamber beyond. Kara paused at the threshold as beyond she saw something like a large black sheet taught between some sort of frame and connected to it by a hose some large aluminium coloured vessel and some kind of motor or pump.

Selena stepped forward into the chamber without waiting and looked back at the heroine who for a moment seemed reluctant to enter.

“Kara, come!” Selena pressed.

Kara's breathing seemed to falter a moment but then she stepped into the chamber and her eyes scanned wildly about the room for more clues as to her fate. Selena stood, feet parted, arms folded, her eyes looking sternly at Kara.

“Have you quite finished?” Selena said dryly.

“Sorry, what?” Kara flinched, back to the moment.

“Strip” Selena commanded.

Kara's expression revealed her resignation to the request, she had been expecting it. Kara tossed her hair over to one side as she reached to the anchor of her cape on the other then repeated the action the other way around. Releasing the crimson cape Kara gathered it up only to see Selena outstretch her arms ready to receive it.

Undoing her belt Kara released her skirt next letting it drop to her booted feet before stepping out of the red cloth puddle. A graceful movement allowed Kara to scoop up the discarded garment before passing it to Selena.

Selena studied the form of the heroine as she slowly became more and more visible, yearning to see the heroine fully naked in front of her.

A flexible Kara reached behind her back released her one piece allowing herself to peel her shoulders free, then one arm, then another. Slowly she drew down her top pausing with a breath before freeing her breasts of their confinement. Kara's eyes betrayed herself, Selena catching site of Kara's unspoken need for approval.

Selena's eyes smiled in reply, seeing the heroine become more and more exposed. Her lightly muscled arms, her perfect breasts, her nipples to attention, the contoured abdomen and the chiselled groove leading to her bellybutton were all visible. Downwards the one piece continued revealing the blond wisps of short trimmed pubic hair and finally the soft lips of her pussy.

With a blink Selena somehow missed the moment when Kara stepped out of her one piece and now it was being offered onto the stack of garments draped over Selena's arms. It always seemed to surprise Selena how Kara seemed to reset, like every shy reluctant moment was her first, her response to her situation as raw and exciting as the very first time.

Kara wrapped one arm across her chest, her other hand resting defensively on her crotch. Selena admired the reluctant blond a moment then turned away and placed the Supergirl costume respectfully on some shelf, picking up a steel shafted vibrator and matching butt plug.

“When I turn around you better have adopted a suitable standing position in those hooker boots,” Selena said sternly to the heroine out of sight behind her back. Unknown to the heroine there was a broad grin on Selena's face as she spoke which quickly vanished as she began to turn.

With an effort to compose herself Kara shuffled her feet apart, her long legs accentuated by her boots, the only remaining clothing on her body. Folding her arms behind her, her hands gripping her elbows, breasts pushed forward, back straight, Kara was transformed into a vision of submission.

Selena walked back to the waiting heroine, the blond's breathing evidently elevated by her psychological situation. Secretly Selena was thrilled at the gift stood in front of her but knew it might shatter the spell if Kara were to ever see her softer side.

“Well at least you can get something right,” Selena said with a hint of a grin, wicked as it was.

“Thank you,” Kara mustered.

“Pardon?” Selena cut back immediately.

“Mistress, thank you, mistress” winced Kara.

“Better” Selena said, looking Kara in the eye as her free hand reached out and slid over the pale skin of Kara's stomach up over one breast, playfully tweaking a nipple before presenting two fingers together to Karas lips.


Karas nostrils flared, her eyes closing a moment before she let her mouth open letting Selena's digits into her mouth. Gently exploring Kara's tongue with her fingers Selena lubricated them with the saliva slowly forming in reply to her intrusion.

Slowly Selena withdrew herself from Kara's body, the blond closing her eyes in preparation to resist the sen...

“Nghhh” flinched Kara as she felt Selena's moist index finger come to rest on her soft flesh between her legs. The initial touch crudely landed on her labia but with a gentle teasing Selena began to find the channel between the two symmetrical folds of delicate skin.

Feeling she was working into the right spot Selena stroked her fingers a little more firmly against Kara, driving her digits deeper into the groove before she could start to feel the heroine's natural reply oozing over her fingers.

“Ah there we go, that's my whore” Selena goaded.

Kara's head tilted to one side as her composure wavered a moment, her teeth engaging onto her bottom lip as if to help keep herself focused. Selena was merciless as she rubbed furiously at Kara's vulnerable entrance ensuring the heroine was well and truly lubricating herself.

“Oh god, so good” whimpered Kara behind firmly shut eyes.

“Oh you say so now,” Selena said sinisterly into the heroine's ear, the gentle sound of fingers working against wet sticky intimate flesh now evident.

“OPEN” Selena ordered, prompting a panting heroine to open her mouth hesitantly.

“HOLD” was the order given as Selena presented edge on, the smooth straight shafted metal vibrator to the awaiting open mouth.

Gripping on, Kara held the cold metal toy carefully between her teeth as she waited for whatever....

“Nggggffff” Kara protested, her superpowered body almost levitating upwards and away in surprise from the sensation that touched her below.

Unseen, Selena had placed the head of the metal buttplug to Kara's pussy, mopping up the excess natural lubricant now starting to form a stringy sticky mess from between her legs.

Kara's eyes flashed open, her head trying to tilt down to see what was being done to her and Selena was most obliging, raising the solid metal plug before her eyes.

“Yes Kara, for your ass – it's tungsten plated with medical grade steel – I'm sure even in your powered state you would struggle to crush this with your legendary strength.” Selena said slyly to the snorting heroine, the vibrator still held between her teeth.

Selena stepped forward wrapping her arms about Kara's waist, her chin settling on Kara's shoulder.

“Hmmm now little traitor, hold your your butt apart while I put this in you.”

Kara groaned in protest as she released herself from her self enforced pose, her hands letting go of her own elbows behind herself and settling on her butt cheeks, pulling herself apart for Selena.

“Good girl” Selena said gleefully as using her wicked sense of blind navigation she guided the unseen tip of the plug to its target.

Gliding the lubricated tip of the anal breaching warhead along the divide between the two parted hemispheres of Kara's behind Selena felt the slight indentation of her target. Kara for a moment went rigid which confirmed to Selena she had reached her goal and with a subtle twist and a push the red head tested the pathway.

Kara moaned, her head flopping forward as she felt Selena testing her. Both of them knew that Kara couldn't be forced into accepting the anal intruder. Fully powered, it would be like trying to force the toy into a steel wall, impossible. What it meant was that for the toy to go where Selena desired Kara would have to accept it, she would have to relax, submit to Selena's will. Psychologically that was hard for Kara to do, it would be an admission that she was liking what was being done to her, but by letting that symbol of Selena's control over her inside her body it was the undeniable message, her submission.

“You know what to do, you gave me your word I could do anything, now, let me in” Selena whispered wickedly.

Kara seemed to need Selena's support almost as she grimaced unseen letting Selena have her way. Slowly deeper, then back a little then deeper once more went the toy until the broadest point had entered and Kara's body enveloped the narrow point before the flared base.

“Good” Selena said as she gave the base a reassuring tap before letting a moaning Kara stand upright once again.

Kara slowly let her buttocks go, letting them gently return together then resumed her previous stance, arms folded behind her back. Selena reached out and took the metal vibrator held between Kara's teeth with a flick of her wrist twisted the base bringing it to life.

Selena dragged the tip of the shaft down Kara's torso, the pair locking eyes. Kara sought to read Selena's intent while Selena sought to read Kara's understanding of it the moment it was revealed. Passing over Kara's bellybutton the vibrating menace cut its path through Kara's neatly trimmed fuzz.

Kara's eyes widened as she felt Selena place the long shaft along her wet channel, the vibrations telling her where the toy was. How Kara longed to be powerless, the vibrations that shook at her body would truly break her, but in her current state they did nothing.

“Please …. you ….. you're going to let me....aren't you?” Kara asked.

“Oh yes … but at a price,” Selena said as she spun the toy on its long axis making sure it was well coated in Kara's liquid excitement.

“Price?” Kara's furrowed brow revealed her confusion while her body language betrayed her response to Selena's molestations below.

“You will see” Selena said as she drew the toy back then angled it upwards, preparing to penetrate into Kara's body.

Exploring the folds of flesh Selena felt the weak spot and exploited it mercilessly. The tip entered and slowly the toy sank into the gratefully waiting pussy deeper and deeper up to the slightly flared base.

Selena was stood close to the heroine, one hand gripping Kara's hair in one hand while she rhythmically pumped the toy back and forth into Kara's body.

“Nghhhhh you know, you won't make me cum while I am powered up,” Kara struggled to say.

“I know, this part is for my pleasure, not yours,” Selena said, her eyes wickedly flashing their pleasure seeing Kara's difficulty. Selena could never be sure but she suspected that paradoxically her words were pleasure in their own right for Kara.

Kara writhed and squirmed upon the remorseless toy as it vibrated and pumped into her body at Selena's hand while her own discipline managed to keep upright, legs parted in her boots.

Selena released Kara's hair and grabbed the heroine by one wrist and guided the heroine to hold the toy inside herself.

“Keep fucking yourself with it” Selena ordered as she spun away.

“Oh god oh god oh god” Kara replied in time with each of her own thrusts, her eyes clenching as if it would prevent herself from being seen.

As always, the physical element of what was happening to her powered self did nothing for Kara but the significance of it blew her mind. Selena had her, owned her, while the moment was no doubt being captured for posterity and all of that was what somehow pushed the heroine's buttons.

A dizzying moment passed and Kara felt Selena wrap a leather belt about her waist then understood what was happening next as the crotch strap was held to her behind, pushing the butt plug tightly into her. Relieved of holding the vibrator the strap rose up over her pussy to the belt at the front. Toys secured inside her body the heroine could only stand there in her boots as she watched Selena peel open the latex sheet taught within its bed like frame.

Before Kara knew it she lay between the latex sheets being sealed into whatever fate was waiting for her. Selena loomed above the heroine, straddling her spreadeagled body and looking down at the luscious lips that protruded through the small breathing hole.

“You are going to learn what your betrayal felt like,” Selena said as she reached to the on switch on the vacuum pump.


Slowly the vacbed pulled itself in on to the heroine. First her breasts felt the pull, then her ribs, then abdomen, her thighs next, her impressive upper arms, then her lower legs, and feet and lastly her hands. Kara's toes bent downwards while her fingers remained spread and the radiant crown of hair lay equally in all directions around her head.

“Like your own powers do for you, loyalty to me makes me feel stronger, Kara,” Selena said as she stroked the latex imprisoned face of the heroine.

“Even in this harsh latex prison world, you can breathe, just as I can breathe out here in the real world, because you are loyal to me!” Selena continued as she cupped Kara's pussy, feeling the vibrations still working deep inside her prisoner.

“And even when times are difficult...deep breath...” Selena said, placing a strip of tape across Kara's mouth, “....we can normally rely on each other.”

Kara held a lungful of air within her, unneeded, unnecessary, the superheroine was capable of living in the icy void of space.

“So, you can imagine, when you think you can rely on something...” Selena paused mid sentence as she clicked a remote. The REAPER device, shielded and hidden in the room from Kara's eyes, fired, kicking out its debilitating field into Kara's body.

Kara lunged in panic as she felt her powers evaporate in an instant. Her back arched and her lungs felt like they would explode. The urge to force that rapidly degrading lungful of air from her body and draw in another overwhelmed her.

“.....and discover it has been taken away. To find out what you trusted, what you believed in was just …...fantasy …... make believe....... it hurt, Kara” Selena said coldly as Kara fought pointlessly against the vacuum prison.

“Just as I was left to feel weak and powerless, by your betrayal, you too can feel it. With your power gone even the simplest thing like holding on to life is difficult,” Selena continued.

The world was becoming distant, faint, sounds were evaporating in the vacuum. Selena's words seemed to melt into Kara's ears as her heart raced with fear. Kara's senses elevated in sensitivity, all seeking to help her escape, all desperate to provide the solution, that would save her.

The sense of touch spoke the most, the vibrating toy within her seemingly rise in sensory volume and.....

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god........” Kara's brain managed to think in the face of the onslaught of sensations.

The restrained twisting and writhing and attempts to scream told Selena all she needed to know. This truly was a punishment worthy of the crime. Kara began to buck as she burned through the last of her oxygen, the orgasm causing the six pack block of muscles of her stomach to bulge under the latex sheet with her convulsions.

Selena admired Kara's efforts, her hands exploring the blond's body through its latex exterior. It was a rare treat to see Kara's every muscle flex, her every twitch, every move so clearly defined, truly the black prison exposed it all.

Selena could feel the moment arriving upon the heroine, the euphoric rush of near death and orgasmic heaven mixed together in one mind blowing experience. With a wicked grin Selena reached to the tape gag covering the heroines mouth and........


Kara exhaled and drew in as deeply as she could against the resistance of the vacbed on her rib cage.

“I'm sorry …. I'm sorry …...I …..” Kara managed to say in apology before she felt Selena's lips meet hers.

There was a pause as Selena enjoyed the kiss of the humbled heroine beneath her before breaking once again.

“I know you are, but you were right. Sadly though you can't stop the way I felt when you let me down,” Selena said as she killed the pump that held the vacuum prison so tightly closed around the prone heroine.

“I … I understand, but you know I thought I was doing the right thing.” Kara answered her head barely wigging in the now re-inflated vac bed.

“And I would expect no less of you.” Selena replied as she admired the outline of the heroine beneath her.

“What will you do with me now?” Kara asked nervously.

“Well …... my little one …... it would be a shame to waste an opportunity of you being de-powered and in this bed, mouth available, when I am here to be serviced” Selena said slyly, her hand resting between her legs imagining how it would feel again to use Kara's tongue for her pleasure again.

“Oh!” moaned Kara as the toy still burrowing between her legs reminded her that she could well be moving towards orgasm number two.


“Yes, 'OH !'” beamed Selena as she watched the vacbed constrict the heroine once again.

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= = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = == =


Lisa Kozny placed the palms of her hands against the familiar oak tree that marked the corner of one of the trails that ran through the park. Placing one foot further back she stretched her calf muscles then switched legs before repeating the action again. All her warm up routines over she dabbed at her cell phone, opening up her exercise app, RunM8

Lisa searched through her routes and found the one she was looking for, the ten kilometre.

"You have 1 running mate who runs this route, do you wish to run virtually with them?" asked the app.

Lisa smiled knowing it was Lucy who she was set against. From time to time they would run together in real life but when that same real life got in the way they had other ways to stay connected.

Lisa dabbed again at the touchscreen and gasped.

"PartyGirlLucy set a new PB 3 day(s) ago, run against this new time?"

"PB'd again?" protested Lisa to herself.

Lisa had been shadowing Lucy's times closely but it had been becoming harder and harder to keep up. Lucy seemed to have been progressively getting faster over the last few months and now she had smashed her personal best again, shaving another....

"Sixty seconds? Fuck!" Lisa exclaimed.

Lisa hesitated then accepted the option in front of her before stepping up to the partly exposed tree root that spanned the width of the track marking her symbolic start line.

Plugging in one headphone into left ear Lisa started her running playlist of music before starting the timer for her run.

"Proceed North" said the app into her ear over the music.

Lisa set off establishing her rhythm on the trail, her favourite opening music track in one ear while her surroundings could still be heard in the other.

Lisa knew her stride was longer than Lucy's who was shorter than her so she knew the hot Asian's work rate was much more than hers. Lisa intentionally began to think about her pace, her stride length and how she could carry herself better on each step.

Quickly Lisa found her breathing pattern, the sound of her footfalls and the intake of breath punctuated by the sound of her forcing out the spent air, it was like a drummer playing the same pattern of drums over and over.

"In twenty meters keep left at the fork" the app said.

Lisa glanced ahead at the fork, her vision normally focused more on the foreground and the trail and its tricky mixed terrain.

"Checkpoint Reached, you are 4 seconds behind your running mate," the app declared.

"Already down, gotta up the pace" Lisa thought, stretching her stride a fraction, upping her tempo a little more.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Mike Loughlan returned to his penthouse apartment after another long day at the office. Walking from the hallway he crossed the large living space and looked out across the evening skyline, the red glow of sunset masked by the large skyscrapers in front of it.

“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Lucy said from the leather seat in the corner.

Mike Loughlan flinched but didn't move or turn his head, he merely closed his eyes as he recalled his last encounter with the exotic Asian woman there, in the very same room they were in now.

“So, you're back then” Mike said, hardly surprised. He knew the day would probably come when the woman he had met in his apartment would return.

“Yes, a social visit” Lucy said calmly.

“Do I need to search the house for my kitchen knives again? They are not cheap you know” Loughlan said gruffly while maintaining his gaze on the dwindling daylight.

Lucy smirked remembering how she had made the apartment safe during her last visit to Loughlan's apartment. She had sabotaged his panic room, taken the firing pin from his hidden pistol and made sure he could not lay his hand on anything dangerous before he discovered she was there.

“No, I am hoping that now we have more of an understanding this time around” Lucy replied.

“So, why are you here?” Loughlan asked, turning his head very slightly in Lucy's direction.

“We are just checking you are satisfied with the result, you're not planning anything silly are you?” Lucy asked.

“Well I'm glad it's over if that's what you mean and at least no one else has to suffer but …. it has been hard, especially for the families of the victims. To be told that the evil genie that was responsible for all this has been put back in the bottle and Kimberly gets to walk, that has been a hard pill to swallow.”

“You were there for the demonstration, weren't you?” Lucy probed.

“When Supergirl stood there and lit Kimberly up I kid you not I nearly wet my pants. The MONSTER that was inside her was terrifying and as for poor Kimberly, she had been living in that nightmare since she was a child! But where is justice when you have victims and no one to send to trial, no lawyers or a jury, no chance to have a verdict. It's hard for me to accept, the need to lash out at someone, anyone, is still running through me ...” Loughlan said as he looked out across the red sky ahead.

“It is often said time is a great healer,” Lucy quipped.

“Some things never go away though ...I didn't lose anyone but you remember my story, my best friend's kid, she was like a niece to me and she's gone. And I had to look her mother in the eye and tell her that Kimberly had to walk free...I cannot ever see a time when she will want to speak to me again... ” Loughlan explained, his anger barely contained.

“Well you made it all possible, if you hadn't told me what you thought was going on Bobby might have just go on to blow up the world, it was really close to falling apart...” Lucy said, trying to temper Loughlan's morale.

“Do you know Supergirl? Is that how she figured out what Kim and Bobby were doing?”

“She comes to me at times ……... and yes that's how she knew what to do,” Lucy said calmly.

“Well when you see her again next thank her for me, thank her for ending it. I just knew as it was getting crazy that someone was in trouble, that's what was hurting most … do they know who it was …. did they rescue them in time?”

“Yes, Mike, you see, the last person that was ever captured by Kimberly ….. was me” Lucy said. And although it was true she wasn't going to let Loughlan know that it had been Supergirl who had been left twisting in agony until she and Selena had arrived to save her.

Loughlan glanced over his shoulder at Lucy in the corner and nodded in acknowledgement at her.

“Part of a plan, was it?” Loughlan reasoned out loud as he resumed his gaze across the skyline.

“You could say that, but all that matters is that it is over ….” Lucy said.

“And so what of me? I expect what I did, hiring those people to blow up the rig will be left dangling over me forever ...” Mike said in resignation. He was tired of everything, having to manage the slow dismemberment of Bobby's corporation and putting things right were taking its toll on him.

“Mike, like I said, time is a healer. Supergirl doesn't see the world in black and white like you might think, she knows you were a desperate man in a desperate situation, just live a good life and with time you will slowly fade off of her radar.”

“So then this is goodbye?” Mike asked, his head tilting, listening for Lucy's reply.

There was a pause, time for enough for the uninvited guest to answer and with narrowing eyes Mike Loughlan glanced back at the corner, then spun around as his eyes sought out Lucy to no avail.

Mike's expression said it all. So that was the end of this chapter in his life perhaps? The part where he had made tough choices and had been judged for them and found to be just on the right side of the line. He was going to live to fight another day ….

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Free and clear Lucy made it to her Porsche and checked the messages on her 'work' phone before firing up the lively engine of her car.


Lucy smiled, situation normal it seemed as she scanned through her messages. With Selena's it always paid to read through her messages backwards, Lucy had learned it saved a whole lot of time.

“No matter – something has come up – do not disturb me for the rest of the day, I am unavailable” was the last one.

Scanning further back caused Lucy to raise an eyebrow. “Have you seen Kara?” was one. “Have her pay me a visit if you see her,” ended another.


Lucy checked her notifications to see what had just come in.

“ElKay10-63 has set a new PB running with you – click to see more”

Lucy looked at the details of Lisa's run and glanced through the timings. Lucy felt proud of Lisa's result and quickly clicked “Hi-5” in acknowledgement but for some reason she felt disappointment in herself too, that gap had to become bigger again, she had to be much better than Lisa because.....

Lucy shook her head, she didn't know why she was feeling so competitive and besides, she was still a good forty seconds quicker and she had only just started reaping the benefits of her new training regime. Lucy's smile returned, she was going to go to Lisa's place and show her just how proud she was.

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It was the early hours at Dusseldorf airport and Mr Hispania was patiently waiting at the gate for his flight to New York. He and his colleagues, Mr Africa and Mr Nordic had cleaned up after their assassination of the banker Kurt Draxler and now they were moving on to their next missions.

Moving inconspicuously the trio were heading to New York on different flights with different airlines to separate airports. La Guardia, JFK and Newark were all accessible from Germany and they would arrive within a few hours of each other.

Hispania checked his phone for messages and noted the text conversation going on between the others in WhatsApp.
“We have been assigned a new colleague for our group”

“Oh, who?”

“I wasn't given a name”

“Well, when do we meet him?”

“There will be a new contact in our burner phones when we collect them in NY”

“And we meet in NY?”

“Yes, I guess. Apparently whoever it is will be leaving Paris now, more or less. Our new friend undertook that Bank Nacionale contract.”

“Oh, the new guy did that? Good job”

“They will start boarding us here soon – see you at the meeting point – ditching phone”

“OK – same here ”

Hispania studied the conversation between the others realising that it was now pointless to say anything. They were about to smash their phones and consign the broken circuitry and SIMs to trash cans. Hispania wondered how the team would deal with integrating a new member to their ranks.

Hispania missed the cute Asian, Princess they used to jokingly call her. It was a pity she was a screw up, else Cornell wouldn't have had to kill her in Hawaii. Hispania wasn't missing Cornell though and the thought of him getting gunned down in a police shoot out caused Hispania to smile just a moment.

If there was such a place as heaven or hell Hispania knew Cornell would be livid knowing that in the end he was taken out by some donut munching airport rent-a-cop.

“I wonder what this new one will be like?” Hispania thought.

At Paris Charles De Gaulle airport in that very moment the flight bound for New York was making its way from the gate to the threshold of the runway. The flight attendants went through their safety briefing while the passengers settled in for the long haul to the states.

In first class a large framed man with immaculate hair flipped the safety card from the seat pocket over to read the reverse side, then nonchalantly returned it with a sigh. Glancing towards the window the man took in the sight of the thirty-something brunette with pale blue piercing eyes who sat in the window seat, the centre seat between them unoccupied.

The man glanced quickly at the woman and spotted an opening for a conversation starter.

“Oh, you have one of the new FitBits?” he said.

“Excuse me?” the brunette blinked with a hint of confusion not anticipating the question.

“Oh I'm sorry – it's just I like to work out too and I noticed you have the new FitBit” the man gestured politely to the woman's wrist and the black fitness tracking watch.

“Oh, this, yes. Well, I wouldn't say I work out but perhaps this will encourage me to,” the woman said as she looked at her wrist.

“How have you found it?” the man pressed on with the small talk.

“It's been good, the monitoring and GPS seem to be really accurate though I tend to find the other functions the most useful, like being able to see the name of a caller on my phone on my wrist. Saves me having to unlock it when it is someone I don't want to speak to when I am busy” the woman said with a giggle.

“Oh, and what do you do that keeps you busy, if I may ask?” the man asked.

“I am one of those dreaded personnel managers” she said her tone turning momentarily evil, eliciting a chuckle from the man.

“And you?” she asked, following up the man's interest in her with interest of her own.

“Hmmm, some might call me a troubleshooter” the man said cryptically.

“Oooh now that sounds much more interesting, tell me more” the brunette said shuffling in her seat.

“Well if I told you, I'd have to kill you” the man quipped with a smile.

“So soon, but we've only just met and I don't even know your name!” joked the woman in reply to his surely jovial comment.

The man seemed enamoured with her sense of humour despite his attempt to retain a serious face and his expression melted at her response.

“Yes, you are right, my name is Oscar, and yours?” Oscar asked.

“Neomi – pleased to meet you” Neomi said offering her hand.

“Likewise” beamed Oscar as he accepted her invitation, the pair lightly shaking hands.

“So, if I am to die then surely you have to tell about your ominous sounding troubleshooting job first” Neomi said.

Oscar studied the face of the lovely Neomi and wondered what he should dare tell her.

“Well …..” he began.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy and Lisa were snuggled up on the sofa together under a blanket in the darkened room of Lisa's apartment. The room was lit with the eerie glow of the TV in the corner as they watched an old movie together.

“Another?” whispered Lisa.

“Sure, but last one for me, besides I bought them for you,” Lucy responded, equally quiet, eyes ahead as she watched on.

Lisa reached to the box of Belgian chocolates and plucked out a delicately formed oyster shell shape of confectionery heaven. Raising it up she presented it to the eyes of Lucy which widened. Letting out a smile and a nod Lucy glanced at Lisa who drew the chocolate closer to Lucy's mouth.

Gently closing her eyes Lucy lent forward, parting her lips just a touch and felt the piece of chocolate seek permission to enter. With a sensuous and gentle movement Lucy took it in and felt it melt in her mouth.

“More wine?” Lisa asked though it was almost like an instruction.

“Uh-huh” Nodded Lucy.

Lisa reached to Lucy's glass which had some red wine in it and picked it up, putting the deep red liquid to Lucy's mouth, slowly tilting the glass vessel and delivering a mouthful of its contents.

“Thanks” smiled Lucy after slowly savouring then swallowing the wine.

“Do you think he did it?” Lisa whispered as the detectives in the film interviewed the handsome protagonist.

“You're the detective, you tell me” Lucy quipped.

“Smart ass” Lisa whispered back.

“Bite me!” Lucy retorted.

Lisa's eyes flashed mischievously and drew the blanket down off of Lucy's shoulders revealing the canvas coloured straitjacket she was wearing beneath.

“What are you doing” Lucy protested quietly.

Lisa didn't respond as she playfully grasped the zip that fastened closed a strip over one of Lucy's breasts.


The zip was opened and then carefully parted, the canvas revealing the nipple of one breast that now bulged at the opening in the material.

“Bitch!” Lucy squirmed.

“Ah ah!” Lisa replied disapprovingly while with thumb and forefinger she gently tugged Lucy's nipple, drawing her breast further out confinement.

“Hey hey hey what are … oh god” Lucy moaned as Lisa clamped onto her breast with her mouth, the gentle threat of teeth being made known albeit gently. Lucy's nipple hardened enthusiastically to Lisa's attention and all Lucy could do was squirm, powerless to stop Lisa's efforts.

There was a pause as Lisa released her prey, a wicked expression on her face.

“Well you said 'bite me', so I did!” Lisa beamed.

“You're just mad because you haven't figured it out who murdered his wife” Lucy teased again, motioning her head to the screen.

“And have you?” Lisa asked before making a gnashing effect with her teeth.

“Errr … maybe!” Lucy responded coyly.

“You mare!” gasped Lisa realising Lucy didn't know either.

“Ah! Noooo” shrieked Lucy as Lisa pounced again on her vulnerable nipple.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Neomi listened on to another of Oscar's tales, her jaw parted like she was in semi-shock as he talked in a low tone.

“So, now I have the groom in the trunk of my car and I'm trapped in this queue of cars with the police up ahead and they are talking to all the drivers” Oscar said as he took another sip from the can of beer sat on his tray.

“Oh my goodness, what did you do, were they after you?” Neomi asked, the potato chip hovering near her mouth getting an extended reprieve.

“Well, finally I get to the front and its the local Gendarmarie doing breath tests and the officer asks me if I have been drinking....” Oscar said before pausing.

“And.....” Neomi filled in his blank, the potato chip still waiting for the execution of its death sentence.

“I told him, I hadn't touched a drop but that if he didn't let me get on with my journey soon I would need to start drinking!” Oscar said with a laugh.

“What happened?” Neomi replied with disbelief.

“Well, he did the test then sent me on my way, the guy in the trunk didn't even make a sound, he was well out of it” Oscar winked.

“So, the groom, he missed the wedding?” Neomi said with an exasperated expression.

“Sure did, just as the father of the bride wanted” Oscar said proudly.

“Poor girl, jilted at the altar, what happened after that?” Neomi asked, finally blinking and devouring the potato chip.

“Well after that the proof started coming in, he was a gold digger just as the father thought. The whole thing was called off after that” Oscar said with a grin.

“You hero!” Neomi said as she raised her can of tonic water in salute, Oscar raising his beer in reply.

“That's right, I'm the man” Oscar said as he tossed a peanut into his mouth before chasing it down with another slurp.

There was a pause and Neomi's eyes scanned Oscar up and down again, sizing the burly man up.

“Oscar, have you ever had to.... you know...hurt anyone? I mean, I know there are people that deserve what they get....” Neomi asked, almost shrinking into her seat in fear of being overheard asking the question.

Oscar looked back at Neomi with his steely eyes measuring her question with his mind.

“I shouldn't really talk about that stuff, you know, it could get me in a lot of trouble, but yeah, when someone deserves it, sure, I've ruffled feathers in the past” Oscar said sombrely , gauging Neomi's reaction.

“Well, finally its refreshing to meet a real man of action and not some empty noise maker” Neomi said confidently as she plucked another potato chip from the small carton on her tray.

“Not everyone is cut out for my sort of work, it's not your fault, I mean, the paper pushers of the world in general. It's all about attitude.” Oscar said flatly.

“But honestly, some of my bosses, when the chips are down become snivelling cowards. And as for the subordinates, they can be rubbish. And they expect me to hand hold them through the difficult parts...” Neomi sighed.

“Well, the cavalry is here,” grinned Oscar as he gestured to a nearby flight attendant for another round of drinks.

“So, do tell me more, it's fascinating” Neomi said as she turned more in her seat to face the man sat nearby.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

“Oh no no no no,” shrieked Lucy as, laying over Lisa's lap, she felt her lower legs become enveloped by one arm as her feet were attacked by the claws of her attacker's fingers.

“Got you now,” Lisa said wickedly as she tortured Lucy's soles with her claws.

“Please, ah, NO, DON'T!” Lucy squirmed, her feet scissoring back and forth in an effort to escape the torment.

“Wow, ticklish huh” Lisa teased.

“Argh, no no no please ….. I'll do whatever you want” laughed Lucy. Her laughter was exhausting herself rapidly and soon she would be just a powerless worn out mess in Lisa's clutches.
“OK …. you're going to tell me how to improve my times like you have” Lisa joked as her fingers danced more on Lucy's soles.

“Wha.....wha....... no …...” Lucy growled.

“Go on, tell me!” Lisa joked as she worked harder to keep the thrashing Lucy still while draped over her lap.

“NO , let me go” Lucy protested more seriously as she somehow managed to increase her efforts.

Lisa went wide eyed in surprise as Lucy thrashed so hard she was in danger of falling from her lap.

“Woah steady Lu, I was only messing.” Lisa said trying to calm the playful moment down. Lucy was in danger of falling and hurting herself. With her arms wrapped around herself in the straitjacket Lucy couldn't help prevent her fall.

“LET ME OUT” Lucy ordered as she forced her body weight back so she ended up grounding herself on her knees, her chest resting on Lisa's thigh.

“Lu, what has gotten into you?” Lisa said not knowing what she had done wrong.

With an annoyed shrug of her body Lucy rose to her feet in the confines of her straitjacket, her breasts revealed through the open zippered slits across the front.

“Let me out, please....” Lucy said more calmly.

Lisa cocked her head like she was suddenly dealing with a complete stranger, something was obviously bothering her friend.

“Sure, Lu, of course … I'm sorry” frowned Lisa as she grasped one of the leather straps restraining Lucy, pulling it free of the buckle that held her.

Lucy stood in brooding silence as Lisa slowly undid the restraints she had happily put the hot Asian inside what seemed only a few hours ago.

“Please, what is wrong Lucy?” Lisa asked, she was disappointed in herself that she had so misjudged what their limits were.

“I, it's, look, just don't ask me about how I did it, ok?” Lucy replied.

“Your times? Is that what this is about?” Lisa asked surprised.

“Please, just drop it, ok?” Lucy insisted.

Lisa's confusion just seemed to get more profound. Of course if Lucy wanted her to let the subject slide she would but it seemed such a harmless question.

“Sure Lu, I'm sorry OK, I didn't realise you didn't want to talk about it” Lisa said with a frown.

One by one the leather straps were undone and Lucy removed the jacket rendering her naked.

“Did you still want to stay over?” Lisa asked despondently.

Lucy seemed to regain herself a little and looked at what the previously fun scene had been reduced to. It saddened her that what had been an exciting turn on had been wrecked and she didn't want to just suddenly set her bridge to Lisa alight.

“Sure, of course, I don't know what happened, I'm sorry” Lucy said, her expression hinting at confusion like she didn't quite know how she got there.

“Would you like the sofa or ….” Lisa began, her arm pointing towards the doorway and the living room with its sofa beyond.

“With you” Lucy dived in, like she was suddenly desperate to fix what had happened.

Lisa nodded with acceptance though she suddenly felt like there was a stranger in her apartment with her.

“I won't bite you back” Lucy said, reading the doubt on Lisa's face.

“Me neither” Lisa said a tiny hint of caustic in her voice. No longer having faith in what her boundaries were with the Asian woman this was a lash out comment.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On the flight from Paris to New York the lights had been turned down and the passengers were each trying to find some sleep. Despite leaving in the early hours of the morning from Paris they would find themselves arriving only a little later than when they had set off. All through the journey the sun rising in the east would pursue them in their plane giving the sensation of perpetual dawn.

Pulling up her black silk blindfold Neomi caught sight of Oscar sleeping deeply, his jaw slack as he gentle snored into the side of his inflatable neck pillow then drew her blindfold back down with a tut of disappointment that her companion was already well off to sleep.

When they arrived in New York she hoped another opportunity would arise where she could really put this man of action through his paces, ideally in one of the rest rooms before they had to go through passport control.

A wry smile formed on Neomi's face before she swivelled her head on her shoulders and settled in for some more sleep time.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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The dark void was infinite, it was neither hot nor cold and there was complete silence. Like a blank canvass the moment was waiting to be filled by something, anything.

Then from nothing a form resembling something akin to a mist seemed to manifest from nowhere. It seemed to be neither a gas or liquid and yet it was perceptible within the emptiness.

“Are you not here yet?” asked a voice from the strange mass.

There was a pause which was not broken by any reply.

“WELL?” The voice bellowed without even a hint of an echo in return.

The voice seemed to sigh, its patience running short.

“Very well, but time is becoming precious! I want you to be able to share in our moment of triumph after all. How sweet it will be for you to know you will have her eyes locked on you as you cast her sword and her shield into the depths, trapped like rats to drown,” urged the voice.

In the distance there was a sound of what seemed to be a whispered voice, barely perceptible.

“Brother, is that you?” asked the mist.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The sun began to climb from the horizon slowly illuminating the Washington D.C skyline and putting a warm orange glow to the white stone of the imposing needle, the Washington Monument.

As the great nation of the United States was stirring the leaders of the country began to attend their morning meetings and briefings preparing them for the day ahead.

President Garrison, sat in her leather chair, chin resting on her fist as her national security advisor, Clive Westmoreland took his seat opposite her at the coffee table and laid a few folders down retaining the top most in his hand.

“OK, Clive, from top to bottom as always” smiled Garrison.

“Of course Madame President. Item one, Extraterrestrial activity. Intelligence observes no change in Guardian. She continues to perform humanitarian efforts on an ad-hoc and international basis. Recent activities include mountain rescue efforts in the northern Ural's, that's in the mid western-,” Westmoreland explained before being interrupted.

“I know where the Ural's are, thank you,” quipped Garrison.

“Of course – and then NORAD detected her pass over the edge of the arctic and Alaska down to California where she assisted a team of trapped smokejumpers during a forest fire. After that we lost track of her but it is not uncommon for her to go untraceable from time to time”

“So no change then. Very well, next item, abroad and the carriers?” Garrison asked. As always after the most significant external risk, Supergirl, came the foreign political developments.

“Well, actually, there is another E.T item we need to discuss,” Westmoreland explained as he pulled another piece of paper from his first most file.

“Oh?” Garrison said as she sat up in her seat with a little concern.

“Yesterday morning CYBER-CENCOM attempted to intercept a cyber attack directed at various government agencies across the United States,” began Westmoreland.

“Ah yes, that, I was briefed yesterday afternoon by the Secretary of Defense. So why is this now an E.T item?” Garrison asked, her eyes peering at the briefing document that Westmoreland was referring to in his hands.

“The attack they intercepted was essentially a baiting attack designed to disrupt our oversight capabilities. Overnight the people at the D.o.D have analysed the nature of the code that collapsed our systems and their determination is that whoever or whatever created the code for this attack was, well, a good few orders of magnitude more capable than what we considered possible,” Westmoreland explained.

Garrison leant back into her seat as she took in her advisor's words.

“We are sure that neither of those Sanderson's, Bobby or Kimberly, are behind this?” Garrison asked. She was painfully aware of the financial chaos that the alien-controlled siblings had wreaked upon the globe. The repercussions were still being felt even now despite the passage of time.

“Yes M'am, they are off grid at the moment and monitored by Marshalls. This attack was committed by someone or something else,” Westmoreland said as he scanned the briefing document with his eyes.

“Do we know what the attack was about? I can't imagine this was just about taking down our system, if they went this far to distract the people watching the cookie jar then they must of stole some cookies while we couldn't see,” Garrison reasoned aloud.

“During our downtime our various agencies were left to fend for themselves. Some realised something was wrong quickly and pulled the plug, others were less fortunate. Worse we know some private corporations were probed too, credit card companies, banks, defense contractors and so on,” Westmoreland said as his eyes glanced through a list of names on his briefing document.

“To what end? Do we know what was being taken?” Garrison asked as she sat up with unease. The extent of the attack seemed worse than anyone had advised her could happen.

“Well, that's the thing. From what we can see a lot of what was done was database queries rather than an out and out data theft. The attackers were doing some sort of correlation search, trying to match groups of data together” Westmoreland continued as he leant forward, passing a piece of paper to the president.

“Do we know what they were trying to match? Or why?” Garrison asked with a puzzled expression as she scanned the document listing out the agencies and organisations that had been attacked.

“The attackers have tried to disguise their tracks but they seemed to be correlating three or four people, perhaps to identify them based on partial information,” Westmoreland said as he looked at the permutations analysis on another piece of paper before showing it to the President.

Garrison studied the analysis fleetingly, a grid of letters with percentages marked in columns and rows. Forenames starting with L-U and L-I were near the top and surnames with K-O and C-O next. Then more names starting S-A or S-E and C-E followed after that with K-A-R finishing off the list.

“I'm not sure what to make of it, these individuals must be of some importance for the attackers to go to these lengths to find them,” Garrison reasoned aloud.

“Exactly, and this might be the tip of the iceberg. The F.B.I are making inquiries to see what may have happened within the private sphere to see what else was being sought after,” Westmoreland added as he sorted through more papers.

“You said that this attack was possibly driven by an alien intelligence. Make a note, I want your people to apply pressure on getting the 'Infinity' plan approved. I don't want us to fall behind the curve. The public can forgive us not knowing about this new threat the first time around, but twice? No, they won't accept that. I wont accept that. We need options – make sure they understand they need to support the administration on this,” Garrison said as she handed back some of the paperwork she had been shown.

“Yes, Madame President, and I will of course keep you updated when we get further analysis of what transpired yesterday. Now then, if I may move to item two, this is the disposition of our main naval forces as of two hours ago,” Westmoreland said as he handed an A4 sheet of paper to the president, continuing the morning briefing.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

The passengers of the flight from Paris stood patiently in the aisles of the capacious jet while the flight attendants swung open the door revealing the air bridge that linked the plane to the terminal.

“Ladies and gentlemen you may now proceed to disembark from the aircraft by the front door,” announced the intercom.

The passengers slowly edged forward and one by one they passed by the flight attendants who's fake smiles beamed as they wished their passengers a safe onward journey.

Stepping out on to the air bridge Neomi felt the crisp cool early morning New York air touch her skin, goosebumps rising from her bare forearms left uncovered from her three quarter length sleeves of her close fitting white blouse. Dropping her wheeled carry on luggage to the floor of the air bridge Neomi began to walk confidently up and into the terminal building.

Reaching the concourse Neomi glanced left and right and looked for the signs to help find her way. She was at gate A5 and Baggage Claim and Immigration lay off in one direction while passengers transferring to other flights were directed to other gates. Then she saw the sign she wanted, the rest rooms, her eyes narrowing with purpose as she noted they were at the dead end of the building.

Casting a glance over her shoulder she caught sight of Oscar as he made his way up the air bridge. With a teasing wink Neomi seemed to intimate to her fellow passenger with a head gesture that he should follow.

Oscar's eyes locked onto Neomi for a second before he assessed the lay of the land and realised that the woman ahead of him had fallen under his spell. Oscar, the 'Troubleshooter' was indeed in luck, every passenger turning the other way towards the next leg of the journey while he and the enamored business woman went their own way.

Neomi walked purposefully, her behind in her close fitting black trousers moving invitingly to Oscar who closed in rapidly from behind.

CLACK CLACK CLACK went Neomi's shoes on the hard concourse floor as she headed closer and closer to the rest room, her pace quickening.

Oscar's predatory eyes were locked on to Neomi as she seemed to make a confirmatory glance over her shoulder. Her invitation, her hunger, seemingly called to him from the glimmer in her eyes and her smile and he sought to make the delay between them walking into their temporary den of debauchery and him taking every pleasure from her body as short as possible.

Passing into the common corridor that led to the men and women's restrooms Neomi ducked into the women's room.

Oscar reached the corridor behind her and glanced at the women's room door apprehensively a second before it swung ajar and Neomi's arm reached out, grabbing him by his tie and playfully tugging him inside.

“It's all clear” giggled Neomi.

Inside, Neomi and Oscar looked at each other hungrily.

“You're a bad girl, Neomi”

“So, spank me!” Neomi teased, her eyebrows rising slightly, like she was daring him.

“Good answer” Oscar growled as he closed the gap to Neomi and grabbed the hair on the back of her head and dragged her the few paces one side, roughly steering her to plant her hands on the solid counter top that the half dozen washbasins sat in.

A firm push with his foot guided Neomi's legs apart leaving her bent forward taking in her own reflection in the wide mirror in front of her. Behind her she could see the reflected Oscar admiring her ass in her tight trousers. She could feel his free manly hand circle on her behind before she witnessed him deliver the stinging strike onto her behind.


Her brain tingled with ecstasy, her head rising putting slack in her hair which Oscar had retained a tight grip on.

“Nggnnnn, again!” Neomi said with wicked pleasure.

“Paintoy huh!” Oscar said as he put an extra twist of her hair around his hand, keeping Neomi's back arched.

“Hah, no,” Neomi said, her eyes burning into Oscar's via the mirror.

“So...?” Oscar asked as he prepared to strike.


“ just makes me wet” Neomi said, her voice turning sultry.

“All the better then,” Oscar said calmly.


“Nghhhhhh” Neomi moaned.

Oscar cupped his free hand up between Neomi's legs and rubbed at the hot tract of cloth covering her pussy.

“Ohhh god, that's it” moaned Neomi in response to his touch. Bending one arm at the elbow Neomi's head flopped onto her forearm which now acted as a pillow while her free hand reached out blindly for Oscar, finding the belt line of his trousers. Expertly she seemed to find the buckle while unsighted and began to fiddle with it, pinging it open.

Oscar looked on in admiration at the creature he had seemingly tamed and swatted her behind one more time before guiding her to spin around. Neomi delighted in being freed from her spanking position and eagerly dropped to her knees, unzipping Oscar's pants and letting them fall.

Beneath Oscar's shorts his hardening member was waiting and with one quick move she freed his manhood. Grasping his cock in one hand she began to jerk him off with one hand causing him to support himself with one hand on the wash basin while his other hand came to rest on Neomi's head hoping to guide her to what he was looking forward to next.

Neomi's eyes flashed wildly as she felt Oscar harden in her hands thanks to her efforts and now her other hand rose and held him by the balls.

“Go on, suck it, bad girl,” Oscar managed to say, the 'Troubleshooter' hungry to have his way.

Neomi glanced upwards then looked at the manhood she held within her hands.

“IN – YOUR - DREAMS” Neomi replied wickedly her hand squeezing his balls hard with each word.

“FUCK – BITCH” spat Oscar as he sought retribution with his hand that had been guiding Neomi's head.

With a firm slap Oscar's hand contacted with the side of Neomi's face but she seemed to shrug off the strike as if it had been nothing. Rising to her feet quickly Neomi shoved Oscar back against the wash basins. With his feet seemingly bound together by his pants about his ankles he nearly stumbled but ended up with his backside against the counter top.

The pain in Oscars balls radiated out like branches of lightning through his body as Neomi retained a tight grip. Again he struck at her face causing her head to twist before she looked Oscar back in the eye, a hint of a trickle of blood coming from her bottom lip.

“Get off me, bitch!” Oscar ordered.

“Look at you, PATHETIC” Neomi said almost laughing.

“Fuck you!” Oscar said as he began to raise his hand again.

Neomi's eyes flashed their warning, “I wouldn't if I were you,” she said. Squeezing Oscar by the balls again she forced him to stay his hand.

“I can assure you that your two little love taps on my face will come out at least a little yellow if not black and blue and as for my behind, who knows,” Neomi said triumphantly.

“You set me up!” Oscar realised, his eyes betraying his fear.

“You set yourself up and who are they going to believe? You, the big man who almost seemed to chase me to the ladies rest rooms or poor defenceless me with the bust lip and bruises?” Neomi said confidently.

“You fucking whore – you know what I am capable of,” growled Oscar.

“Oh shut up!” Neomi replied nonchalantly as she twisted the man's balls in her hand.

“Owwwwww!” groaned Oscar in agony.

“Does your troubleshooter story work on every woman you meet? Those hands may be big and manly but those index fingers haven't seen anything more deadly than a biro. That callus is the mark of an office clerk not a mercenary and no one in your line of work would blab as much as you do. And as for these extra pounds...,” Neomi said cruelly as her other index finger prodded the hint of a spare tyre forming about his middle.

Placing a hand on Neomi's shoulder he sought to push her away but her free hand grabbed him by the wrist and she stepped backwards. With a deft movement she translated his push into her pull, dragging him forward while twisting his wrist and ..


Falling clumsily, feet unable to move freely while trapped in his pants Oscar swan dived to the floor his other hand somehow breaking his fall.

“Nggghhhhh” he groaned as he rolled onto his back weakly.

“You are a fake Oscar, a wannabe, and now you are going to learn what a real troubleshooter looks like” Neomi said as she settled by the prone man's side.

“When ….. when did you know?” Oscar managed to ask before he felt his cock being grasped once more in her hands.

“From the moment you started with your lies, you fraud!” Neomi bragged as she began to prime the man's pump that would cause him to fire his load.

“BITCH” Oscar said as his attempt to sit up was blocked.

“One of my many names, now be a good boy, some of your DNA over my panties should be the final incentive to make you stay quiet. Remember, it's all about attitude, paper pusher so try and not get cum all over your nice trousers.... ” Neomi said as she slowly stroked Oscar's member to attention.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Somewhere in Newark Mr Hispania checked into a hotel and was given a package by the desk clerk along with his room key. Hispania pocketed the key and carried the package in one hand while he wheeled his luggage with the other to the lobby elevator then pressed the call button.

There was a pause and then the elevator doors opened, allowing the occupants to step out, momentarily taking in the sight of Hispania waiting before moving away. Mr Hispania entered the elevator and pressed the button to take him to his floor and heard the ping signalling the door was closing.

As the elevator began to move Hispania opened up the package and slid out the burner cell phone that had been provided by his organisation, The Resolution.

Powering up the phone Hispania opened up the contacts list and saw the names of his usual colleagues and as promised while they had been in Germany, their new team member.


The name caused a brief smirk to appear on his face before he opened up WhatsApp to see the conversation that had begun without him, his other male colleagues having arrived just before him. The exchange was predictable.

“I thought you said it was a 'him'?”

“No, YOU said it was a him, I just said it was someone new”

“Do you know this Neomi?”

“I think I heard of one, used to work Europe I think, freelancer”

“Any good?”

“IDK – but they did that Paris job so...”

“Fair enough – we should set up a new group chat with Neomi on the list, it's not good form to exclude her”


“When everyone is settled in we will arrange to meet”

Hispania studied the conversation then quickly keyed in a message of his own.

“I am now at my hotel”

Hispania saw the elevator door open to the sound of a PING and strode out towards his room. New home, a new job, a new victim.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
Posts: 1377
Joined: 12 years ago


Kara stirred from her sleep to find herself in darkness. As her body sought to move and stretch, in order to relieve the strain on her powerless limbs she realised she was restrained at the wrists.

“Wha-” Kara began to protest only to hear the dead muffled echo of her voice inside her head

With her back arching she sought to rise only to find her legs restrained too, the heroine imagining herself in the vulnerable spread eagle position that her limbs seemed to be held in.

Taking a deep breath she heard the air echo as it drew to her mouth and then she felt the effort required to exhale.

Slowly, moment by moment Kara remembered where she was and how she came to be there. Restrained, hooded and gas masked in the black latex catsuit she had spent the night with Selena in her lair.

“Shhhh,” Selena said tenderly to her prisoner, the sound of her voice penetrating through the latex layers that she had encased Kara in.

Kara felt Selena's hand cup the side of her head reassuringly. Powerless all night she had been kept bound and tormented by her red headed mistress to the point of exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep.

Kara felt Selena by her side and promptly the villain knelt astride of Kara's waist which was held tightly in a rubber cincher. To Selena's delight she knew it was punishing in its own right whilst somehow making the heroine look even sexier to her eyes.

Selena reached for some buckles and undid the gas mask carefully pulling it up from Kara's latex hooded head and then while carefully supporting Kara's head undid the zip at the back slowly revealing the blond's face.

Kara blinked at the exposure to the light, her sweat drenched face trapping a few rogue blond hairs that failed to stay brushed back in her latex attire.

“Thank you,” Kara said gratefully.

“Well, I had to let you out eventually, the world - ,” Selena said from her vantage point above the prone superheroine.

“Has something happened?” Kara began as she for a moment attempted to rise.

Selena placed the tip of her index to Kara's lips, her face reassuringly calm.

“Shhhh - relax, all is quiet – sure there are kittens in trees and children with grazed knees but this morning there are no earthquakes to report, no volcanoes mid eruption and barely a tropical depression to be seen – and yes, that's globally,” Selena added.

Kara only smiled slightly in reply. She had faith in Selena that if there was a hint of trouble in the world she would have been let out to deal with it. What she didn't let Selena know was that her thanks were not for her release but for the blissful sleep she had encountered within her prison.

For humans, being able to finally see the light at the end of a tunnel meant hope of freedom, freedom from the bad place they were in. For Kara, being able to get deep enough into the darkness, to not be able to see the light, represented escape from the pressures that existed outside the mouth of the tunnel.

The ability to see all, hear all, sense all, to have to step up and take responsibility for that which she could control took its toll. Having Selena be able to take her away from it all, to be the villainess that controlled her, her excuse by proxy for not being free, it was all incredibly liberating.

Selena recognised the expression of Kara's mind working overtime for a moment.

“What?” Selena asked, her head cocking to one side slightly.

Kara grinned, her head shaking slightly, “Oh, nothing,”

“Good – much as I would like to keep you like this forever I have more important things to do than babysit you all day,” Selena said as her eyes glanced over Kara's latex clad form beneath her, her palms resting on Karas breasts, gently kneading them as she spoke.

“Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from whatever it is,” Kara joked.

“If you must know, something took a bite out of the U.S government networks yesterday to the point that some of it got shut down. Now of course everyone is finger pointing and speculating who could have done such a thing. And when people want to know something they are invariably prepared to pay to find out – and you know I like money!” Selena explained as she began to reach for one of Kara's wrist restraints.

“Hmmm,” Kara said with a disapproving tone.

“Relax, this looks like it is 'white hat' sort of work, I am looking for bad guys, and if I were to find something useful then I would expect to get paid,” Selena explained as she released one of Kara's wrists from its cuff.

“Would it hurt you to do something out of the kindness of your heart for once?” Kara said, a little hope evident in her voice as she flexed her now free hand.

“Mortally so, yes, but I promise not to overcharge if that makes you feel any better” Selena replied teasingly as she freed Kara's other wrist.

“Fine, I guess you have to put food on the table like anyone else,” Kara said ruefully.

“Yes, and there is more than just my mouth to feed – Lucy's fictional trust fund is one thing for a start and we have been investing somewhat in Laura too, don't forget,” Selena said wisely as her now free hands returned to their former position, resting on Kara's breasts.

“True – I guess,” Kara relented. She knew that some of the extracurricular training Selena had arranged for Laura wasn't cheap and if the fledgling heroine was going to stay anonymous the funding would have to come from the murkier sources of Selena's world.

“See, so it's not all evil me and my one bazillion dollar retirement fund ambitions. So – I have my work cut out for me today and what will you be doing while the pale blue dot has a moment of peace and quiet?” Selena asked.

“Well, if it really is quiet then there has been a house call I have been thinking of making,” Kara replied, her eyes drifting off to one corner as if she could imagine where she was going and what it would be like.

“Oh?” Selena replied, one eyebrow rising in interest.

“Uh huh – but first,” Kara began before her know free arms reached upwards to allow her fingers to lace behind Selena's neck, pulling the red head's face down to meet hers and the pair were suddenly locked into a kiss.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Sargent behind the tall counter slid his clipboard over the worn wooden surface and Detective Lisa Kozny looked quickly across the piece of paper before signing at the bottom of the page. Tethered with string to the bulldog clip that held the paper down was a cheap biro which seemed to almost carve her signature into the paper, the ink depleting rapidly.

“So Kozny, how's it going?” the Sargent asked as he slid a pair of ear defenders over the counter along with a box of range ammunition.

“Great,” Lisa replied flatly.

“Gee – I'd hate to see you on a bad day – What's up? – Steal the union funds again?” joked the Sergent.

“Wise ass,” Kozny said rolling her eyes.

“Hey I'm kidding – here you go,” the jovial Sergent continued as he slid a roll of paper over to Kozny.

“You're a saint,” Lisa said with sarcasm.

“Yeah, that's me – you're in box two – enjoy,” the Sargent said knowingly.

Lisa glanced behind her and the row of box numbers and realised that she needed to walk back to the far end despite being one of only a few officers at the range.

Lisa looked back at the Sergent who caught site of her glare before spinning away innocently. Lisa knew it was pointless to protest, he was the duty range controller and here his word was god.

Grumbling to herself Kozny made her way back down the line to box two and placed her side arm on the counter in front of her then unfurled the roll of paper that she had been given. A set of pristine paper targets, she took one and pinned it into the waiting frame and pressed the switch that sent it away down range. Frustratingly the target seemed to stop and start, and she had to fiddle with the switch until she finally got the target into position.

“I can't believe what Lucy did,” blared Lisa's mind as she broke open the range ammunition box and began to slot the individual rounds into one of two empty clips for her weapon.

CLICK – CLACK …... CLICK – CLACK went the bullets as she slid the first few into the slot of the clip.

“What the hell has got into her, we were getting on great until she started getting all angsty about her running,” her mind continued to say.


“Why is it such a big deal anyway – just because I was getting close – it doesn't mean she's losing it – she knows she can kick my butt if she wanted to,”


“Probably the time of the month or something, why that would make her skip out on me though, 'Gone to train – see you later' what kind of note is that to leave!”


“At this rate you would think she is preparing for a …. no …. she would have told me. It can't be some job, the others would know, wouldn't they? Selena would say if ….unless. Fuck it, if Lucy doesn't trust me enough to tell me then I don't care!”

Lisa's hands instinctively slammed the full clip into her pistol, her thumb confirming the safety was on, her free hand drawing the sliding action back and confirming it had travelled all the way forward, chambering a new round.

Putting the ear defenders onto her head Kozny entered the deadened world of the range, she and her pistol were at one end, her paper enemy at the other. Taking aim at the target Lisa sought to clear her angry, upset mind before she squeezed the trigger.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy returned to her apartment driven by her seemingly addictive need. Peeling off her top and stepping out of her bottoms Lucy tossed her discarded clothes onto her bed and opened her wardrobe. In the drawers to one side she found a pair of running shorts which she slid up her toned legs. Turning herself this way and that she could see in the full length mirror she was becoming more defined, more toned if that were indeed possible.

Tugging a sleeveless cropped sports top over her head Lucy felt her breasts were adequately held still for the imminent running experience she almost seemed to crave. While the benefits of her recent exercise binge Lucy seemed to be slowly transforming her body though in her mind she felt that wasn't what she was aiming towards. Her instincts, or was it an addiction, were driving her to a different goal but for what she didn't quite know.

Slipping her feet into her running shoes Lucy spun around and eyed her running machine and the recent new addition to her equipment waiting alongside.

“Want to run, got to run,” whirled Lucy's mind as she strode up to the machine and stepped up onto the broad revolving belt that would pass by under her feet.

Draped over the safety bar around the edge of the machine was a hard clear plastic face mask connected to a hose and Lucy grasped it and placed it over her nose and mouth and set her new piece of equipment into motion, a compressor of some kind kicking into action.

Lucy took a few deep breaths then keyed some commands into her running machine and set it into motion. Lucy began to walk as the machine slowly sped up and then she broke out into a gentle jog, her stride slowly widening up until she fell into a running pace.

DWER-DWER-DWER-DWER-DWER sounded the running machine with every step of the Asian princess as she bounded down the infinite road that lay ahead.

“Got to get better, got to go faster, further,”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Molly Matthews entered the tall office tower building and consulted the directory. She seemed casually dressed in jeans with a long coat and sunglasses over her eyes and baseball cap on her head. In one hand was a metal briefcase which seemed to conflict with her casual clothing. The building had a host of different occupants like small accountancy firms and surveyors, architects and I.T. consultants but she wasn't looking for those. Her eye noted the blank name plate against the thirty seventh floor and proceeded to the elevator.

Entering the elevator alone Molly pressed the button for the desired floor and watched the display count off the floor numbers as she ascended higher and higher.


The doors opened and Molly was confronted by a corridor adorned with plastic sheeting and bare stud walls but as she turned to enter through the double doors that marked the entrance way to the vacant offices she saw through the windows a large suited man beyond.

Walking on Molly opened the door and the man raised a hand beckoning her to stop.

“I am Doctor Matthews,” Molly said coldly, her eyes dancing over their surrounding, unimpressed with the venue of the clandestine meeting.

“Glasses please, Doctor Matthews,” said the man manning the door as he consulted a photo on a piece of paper.

“Yes, of course,” Molly said as she revealed her eyes from behind her glasses.

A few fleeting glances between the paper and Molly and the man then stepped aside, his arm pointing to offices beyond yet more plastic sheeting that lined what appeared to be the partially renovated offices.

“They are in a conference room just beyond, Doctor Matthews” the man said.

“Indeed” Molly replied noting the movement of figures through the hazy polythene which clouded most of the detail of what lay on the other side.

Walking on Molly passed through a break in the plastic and entered into the office space beyond. The air smelled of fresh paint and plaster and the unmistakable 'new carpet' sensation could be felt beneath her feet.

The glass walls of the new offices were pristine and Molly then could see the people in the conference room that were waiting for her and several rose to their feet when they became aware that she had arrived.

Placing her hand to the metal plate on the glass door Molly pushed it open and entered confidently.

“Ah Doctor Matthews, welcome” said a man sat at the head of the table who had risen to his feet. His steel grey hair distinguished him from all the rest

“Mr Donovan” nodded Molly in reply as she placed her briefcase down on the conference table at the far end.

“I trust you remember my other colleagues?” Donovan said as his hand gestured to the other half dozen people at his end of the table.

“Indeed” Matthews said barely acknowledging the others in the room as she took her seat.

Donovan gave his colleagues a look of apology for Molly's demeanour and they all took their seats while casting apprehensive glances at one another, unnoticed by their guest.

“So, where do we stand?” Molly asked.

“You do realise if the S.E.C had any idea of what we are doing we will be lucky to see the outside of prison in anything other than a funeral casket. We shouldn't even be having this conversation,” Donovan began.

“Spare me the lecture, Mr Donovan, we are too far down the line for you to bring your concerns to this little clandestine meeting. Is Global Defence Solutions going to make a move for the Sanderson Corporation or not?” Molly said sternly.

“The case for wanting to lay our hands on Sanderson Corp is not in doubt, what is in doubt is being able to do it. While we have access to funding to mount a takeover those funds are at the limit of what we can achieve. If their investors mount a defence, and we think they will, we won't make it.” Donovan said, his glance at his colleagues drawing their confirmation with the nodding of heads.

“Quite – but you will not be buying at current prices, you will be buying at what we could call distressed prices and I think you will find their investors keen to get out while the going is still relatively good” Molly hinted.

“And what makes you so sure that their board will vote our way? How can you be sure our offer will be accepted?” Donovan asked.

“I am pretty sure when the moment comes you and your astute colleagues will recognise it. Plans are underway to make things go your way, you just need to seize the moment when I set things in motion,” Molly assured him.

“And when will that be? To maintain a credit position sufficient to mount a takeover is not easy, we cannot wait indefinitely,” Donovan explained.

“Mr Donovan, that depends on you. It is simple, I give you the data analysis, you give me my modules. I use the modules and you take over Sanderson Corporation,” Molly replied, her hands gesturing like two sides of some scales loading up with the needs of the two negotiators.

“So from that I take it you have the data?” Donovan smiled.

“Yes, and you have the modules?” Molly replied.

Donovan made an approving nod to one of his colleagues at the table.

“They are ready and to your specifications, we will deliver when and where you want once Mr Donovan approves,” said the other man.

“So, your move, Doctor Matthews,” Donovan said as his gaze settled on Molly

“Very well, it was not simple but yes, here it is” Molly said as she popped open the catches of her metal case to reveal the foam lined interior.

Reaching inside she grasped the contents one by one, placing them onto the conference table. Inside anti-static bags were a collection of blackened and fire damaged hard drives and she placed them in a neat row in front of her.

“Convince me” Donovan said, lacing his fingers in front of him forming a shelf for his chin, his expression challenging Molly to reveal what she had discovered.

“One hundred and twenty women in all with just one being your true target. The one you sought was in a group of twelve suspects. One hundred and eight women served as control subjects. This was a secret arachnid based super-soldier program you were trying to resurrect,” Molly said.

“Oh Doctor Matthews, you will have to do better than that” Donovan grinned.

“Oh but I have, for you see on the day of the fire your albino friend Doctor Lawrence found something, something that got him killed. And then, before you could download the backup data from the site your men in their panic destroyed the data center at the prison. That data you failed to obtain is as you suspected here on these drives which you asked me to analyse, ” Molly said as she tapped one of the damaged drives with her index finger.

“You actually did it? You managed to extract the missing data?” Donovan said hopefully as he sat up in his seat.

Molly plucked out a pen drive from the case and placed it on the conference table and with a deft move slid it up the table to Donovan waiting all the way at the other end.

“What did Doctor Lawrence find?” Donovan asked as he passed the pen drive to one of his colleagues.

“The Arachnid program – your people were very wrong. It was getting results, impressive results actually,” Molly said.

“You know we will want to go over this first before we -,” Donovan began.

“You have twenty four hours, then I want my modules, understand?” Molly said firmly.

“If this data really is what we wanted then of course,” Donovan nodded.

“Mr Donovan, if what you see on the video logs and experimental results does not impress you then nothing will. Precognitive ability is real and can be yours and it is all there in the data – For now I have redacted the identity of the subject who has what you need but you will see the evidence as plain as day. There is no IF – you have twenty four hours or I will ensure every three letter acronym agency will know what you have done, understand?”

“You have made your position perfectly clear,” Donovan said with annoyance.

“Oh don't be so angry, Mr Donovan. When this is all over you will have control of some of the choicest up and coming military technology advances in the world and you won't have to worry about me, I will be well and truly out of your hair.”

“Oh, how so?”

“In the end you will discover I am merely the pawn in this game, the man you need once your takeover is complete is the King,” Molly said as she rose to her feet.

“And who might that be?” Donovan said with a frown as he rose, mirroring his guest.

Molly placed her hands on the opened lid of her empty case and drew it down, clicking the lid closed.

“The man who will turn your ambition into reality doesn't even know it yet, but the King is none other than Mike Loughlan,” Molly said with a smile.

“Loughlan? But, what will you be doing? Where will you be going?” Donovan wondered aloud.

“I will be enjoying my own rewards. They will be, I am sure, out of this world – now goodbye,” Molly said as she spun around and left.

= = = = = = = = = = = =
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Elder Member
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Really, great chapter! Like how you go deeper into explaining Selena and Kara's unnatural relationship! Awesome
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Ksire, many thanks for your comment, I am very grateful!

= = = = = = = = = = = =


Supergirl flew a line following the road below which snaked through the snow dusted forest before she made a gentle turn following a private trail. The trail was set with gravel and the occasional muddy pothole and had parallel rutting caused by the four wheel drive vehicle that was known to drive over it a few times a week. The trail ran for miles and passed by a fresh lake before winding its way to a large modern log cabin style house set on the shore nestled amongst the trees.

Supergirl drifted down and landed on the driveway, a firm crump sound emanating from under the soles of her deep red boots as she contacted with the fluffy white bed of snow that was all around her. It was her first time visiting the place and while the U.S Marshals had told her that she was welcome she couldn't help but worry her impact on her host's lives may not have been perfect for them.

Supergirl listened intently a moment trying to get an impression of what she was in for. In the kitchen Supergirl could hear something gently bubbling on the stove, elsewhere at the back of the house some sort of motor whirled at a steady pace and nearer the foreground was …

Supergirl let out a subtle smile as she recognised a tune from a video game long since past.

With returning confidence Supergirl reached to the doorbell, pressed the button and heard the echoey bell ring throughout the inside of the house. There was an agonisingly long pause and then the heroine could hear the approaching footsteps which paused at the opposite side of the door.

Supergirl waited humbly as the locks clacked and the bolts slid before the door swung open to reveal the man himself ….

“Hi, Bobby... it's me,”

“Oh my god ! Come in !!” exclaimed Bobby Sanderson enthusiastically as the door seemed to swing impossibly wide, welcoming the heroine in.


Supergirl wiped her feet, her boots somehow always seemingly ending up pristine and entered into the house. Inside it was warm, it was modern but not excessively, and very spacious.

“I …. I didn't think you wanted to come,” said Bobby excitedly as he led the heroine to the living room, a large screen on one wall, while a wood stove in the corner pumped warm air into the space. The furnishings were modern and modest and Supergirl liked all of it.

“Hey this is a nice place,” Supergirl said as she glanced around the room.

“It's out of the way, nice views, we have privacy, although after a year here I think I am ready to quit hiding and start over again,” Bobby said as he fumbled for the remote for the TV putting it onto standby.

“And your sister?” Supergirl asked.

“Oh, she will be here in a moment, she was doing some pottery in her workshop at the back when I called her,” Bobby added.

“Ah!” Supergirl said realising the sound she heard was probably the motorised pottery wheel.

“Oh, you should be warned though, well, I guess you'll see straight away,” Bobby explained, his nervousness evident. Supergirl was used to having that effect on people.

From a corridor the pair could hear foot steps approaching and then entered Kimberly, Bobby's sister. Supergirl's widening eyes betrayed her surprise, this was what Bobby had tried to warn her about albeit badly.

Kimberly, although recognisable, had been somehow transformed. She had lost a lot of weight, muscular weight, and her height seemed to have diminished somehow, but it all seemed to be some kind of proportional adjustment. The woman who had come through to the other side of the transformation was much more feminine, pretty even, the behemoth of before was gone.

Kimberly and Supergirl locked eyes for a second, neither knowing what to say. Supergirl had been the other woman's prisoner although her jailer was a prisoner herself to an insidious alien mind. After Supergirl had purged the alien entity from Kimberly she had regressed to the moment she had first been taken over. Today was the first time since then that the heroine had met the rehabilitated victim, and now the newly formed adult had a lot on her mind.

“Well one of you say something for pity's sake, you know how bad I am at small talk,” Bobby quipped forcing the two women to smile momentarily though Kimberly soon began to weep.

The superheroine in front of Kimberly represented her liberation from the evil alien mind that had taken over her body, the most joyous moment of her life. But the heroine in red and blue also reminded her that her own body had been the vessel for countless atrocious acts against so many other people who the invading mind had made her torture, maim and then kill.

“I am sorry Kimberly, I should not have come,” Supergirl said, her outstretched arm gesturing politely, she could read Kimberly's distress though hadn't understood that Kimberly's tears came just as much from joy as they did from sorrow.

“No …. please don't go …. I …... I've waited so long to talk to you ….stay a while … please,” Kimberly begged.

Initially after regressing to the innocent child mind she was that fateful day in her parents garden she gradually began to mentally mature while her body began its transformation. As she quickly matured, regaining lost ground in leaps and bounds she began to fill with questions, difficult questions and eventually she was told the truth. Now she had an opportunity to learn even more.

“Kimberly, of course, I know you probably have a lot you want to know....if you are ready to talk then so am I,” Supergirl said warmly.

“There is a stew cooking, let's eat ...ummm … you … you do eat ….right?” Bobby asked, embarrassed at his lack of knowledge of his guest. In fact it was only just starting to sink in, Supergirl was in his house, right there, right now!

“Bobby!” Kimberly exclaimed.

Supergirl giggled innocently, her hand rising to her mouth as Kimberly looked at her brother accusingly, a playful swing with her hand striking Bobby on his upperarm.

“Yes, I certainly do like to eat,” Supergirl said enthusiastically with a laugh as Bobby recoiled from his sister's attack.

“I'll go set the table ….,” Kimberly said, rolling her eyes at her brother.

= = = = = =

Mr Hispania walked up to the coffee shop and noted the sign said CLOSED although he knew he was in the right place. The young woman behind the counter glanced apprehensively towards the tables in the backroom then approached the door, releasing the catch and letting Mr Hispania in.

“Gracias,” Hispania said.

“May I get you something?” the young woman asked nervously.

“An Americano, and then peace and quiet,”

“Your friends, they have already asked me to close the shop” she whispered nervously.

“Good, did they pay you?” Hispania asked, the tiniest hint of compassion in his voice.

“Ye – yes,” she stammered.

“Good, then you do your theeng while we do ours” Hispania said flatly.

The young woman relocked the door and spun away to return behind the counter as Hispania walked through the archway leading to the back of the coffee shop and the tables beyond.

“Ah there you are,” Mr Africa beamed.

“Amigos,” Hispania replied quietly.

“Good trip?” asked the fair haired Mr Nordic

“Yes – without event,” Hispania said as he took his seat.

“Oh don't mind me,” Neomi said with a smirk watching the men reuniting without introducing her.

“How was Pa-rees?” Hispania asked as his eyes fell on Neomi.

“Paris was dull but the work was different, while being freelance has its charms being in an organisation adds a certain 'je ne se qouis', ” Neomi quipped.

The young woman entered from the front of the shop, tray in hand and set it down on the table, distributing the drinks in nervous silence. The people at the table seemingly watched the girl like a hawk as she worked and tracked her until she walked out.

Mr Africa, confirming with his eyes and ears that their host was gone pulled some folders from a bag and placed them on the table.

“What do we have?” Mr Nordic began.

“Two accidents and a No-Gaff,” Mr Africa replied, his palms tapping down on top of the folders as he spoke.

“Accidents, I like,” Mr Hispania grinned.

“A little too much, I suspect,” Mr Africa said knowingly.

Neomi glanced between the men trying to sense the history the group had together. She could tell they had been close for a while, it was going to be tough to fit in.

“Oh who doesn't like an accident once in a while, Paris was a blast,” Neomi said enthusiastically trying to side with her new Spanish accented team mate.

“A natural gas blast, according to Le Monde,” Mr Nordic said ruefully.

“If Monsieur Dubois wasn't so careless with his cooker nothing would have happened – don't you know most accidents happen in the kitchen?” Neomi said innocently.

“OK, who wants what?” Mr Africa asked.

“Is No-Gaff what I think it is? No one gives a fuck?” Neomi asked flatly.

“Uh huh, they just need to be dead,” Mr Africa confirmed as he separated the folder from the other two.

“Oh how delightful, I'll take that, arranging accidents can be so hands off, I prefer something a little primal once in a while,” Neomi said as she held a hand out and received the folder.

Neomi opened the folder and took in the sight of the person she was to kill as Mr Africa separated the two remaining folders, his pair of hands resting on each one.

“I will work as back up to you both but you take the lead on these, choose a method and we will make it work, understand?” Mr Africa said as he glanced at Nordic and Hispania.

“Si, entiendo,” Hispania nodded.

“It is good with me,” Nordic added.

“Good – and Neomi, if you get yours out of the way then perhaps you can join us on these two afterwards,” Mr Africa said as he raised his coffee to his lips.

“Sure,” Neomi nodded as she studied the details of the man she was to kill, one Ernst Van Der Walt.

“Eef we have not fineeshed the jub by then – I love the accidents,” joked Hispania.

Neomi's tongue shot out at Hispania and the quartet began to drink their coffees as the afternoon drifted towards the evening time.

= = = = = =

“So ...this Vel person, he was just sick?” Kimberly asked, pausing between mouthfuls of stew.

“Yes, like a sort of split personality disorder, according to his more normal half they didn't even know this condition existed...they had no cure for him and so his mind was somehow put into storage,” Supergirl explained.

“But why were we affected in different ways?” Bobby asked.

“I am sorry, truly I am, but I do not know, there may be many reasons or merely only one, all I can say is what we saw. Kim, you were afflicted by the monster to a great degree, it's probably why you hardly recall anything of your time under its control. Evidently the strength of the possession was enough to even alter you physically. Bobby, you on the other hand recall a lot, that's because you only had a hint of Vel's good half in you and barely anything of the monster,” Supergirl explained warmly.

“But the things I remember doing ….. towards the end ….. god …..I was going to destroy it all, wasn't I?” Bobby said with a sudden realisation.

“Not you, the monster ….. neither of you were in control, IT was.... that's why you are here and not in court,” Supergirl said with a reassuring tone.

“I guess, thanks to you,” Bobby began.

“Yes … thanks to you,” Kimberly repeated warmly.

“I know it is hard for you Bobby, starting over again and for you Kimberly, you've been robbed of so much time but you still have a lot of good life ahead of you. I know you will face many challenges in rebuilding your world but it is yours for the taking … don't be bitter about what has been lost, be happy for what you can have ...”

“We understand …. and, it's already is getting easier day by day …. we will be ok,” Kimberly said.

“So...who are you now anyway?” Supergirl asked.

“The witness protection people have given me Jerry now, and this is my sister …,” Bobby began.

“Karen,” Kimberly said, filling in Bobby's blank.

“Jerry and Karen … well …. new names, new future,” Supergirl smiled.

= = = = = =

In her lair Selena carefully picked at the clues about the previous day's cyber attack conducted against the United States. The darker part of the web was awash with rumour and speculation about who had launched such a successful strike, the knocking down of the government cyber warfare center being the notable result.

However, impressive in its own right Selena knew that the incapacitation of the cyber defences was merely smoke, the base of the fire was somewhere else and she quickly worked on trying to find out where it was. If she was going to win the race in the information war she had to catch up with the government first which no doubt had this information already.

“If I had free rein where would I go?” Selena wondered to herself. If she were in the position the attackers had been what would she have been doing with no oversight to hamper her?

“Well, money is a good motivator so perhaps.....,” she said with a weak smile as she began to search with the powers of her keyboard and mouse.

= = = = = = = = = =

Molly Matthews sat inside the lonely cabin of the Sanderson corporate jet on the journey home from her clandestine meeting. She was heading back to the research and development division she now headed.

As far as everyone was concerned she had gone away to attend a funeral of an old friend. Now she watched on in awe at the readouts being fed from the mainframe at her headquarters onto her laptop on the desk in her flying office.

The mainframe at her behest had been re-tasked for the day to crunch a special set of data she had stolen the morning before. From banking data, social security information, police databases, federal databases, highway camera captures, all the way down to library memberships and car parking permits all were compared, the matches then rated then sorted only to be re-analysed all over again.

Over time the number of potential permutations were being distilled down towards the answer that Molly sought. She knew it would not be long, perhaps by the time the night was out that she would have a lead on at least one person.

Molly looked at the ever dwindling short list seeing if anything would come back to her. Scanning through the categories of data Molly felt somehow drawn to the Law Enforcement section of the analysis, her eyes settling on the NYPD data.

SOURCE--------> NAME-----------------> P%
NYPD--------> Off. LINDA COURT----> 13%
NYPD-------->CPT LIV KOVAK---------->35%
NYPD--------> DET LISA KOZNY-------->38%
NYPD--------> SGT. LILLY COLT-------->23%

Molly closed her eyes and tried to look back in her memory. Pushing into the blackness she could sense the fog, the blind spot. She could almost feel the sensations that she imagined that would have been there …...

A breath in, a breath out, the smell of the cloth sack over her head in the darkness. The hum of a motor or an engine filled her ears, and then on top the muffled voices. The voices were of the ones that held her, the ones who had thwarted her.

Molly focused, “The voices, what were they saying, I am sure one of those names must be right!”

The sound of the motor or whatever it was seemed to drown everything and yet in the swirl and muddle of what seemed like a drunk or even drugged state she could still pluck some words out.

"….squeeze my hand....." began a voice.

"…..its a bit fuzzy ......." replied another.

Molly gasped as she recalled the distinctive voice, “SuperBitch! I had you BLIND and WEAK before the others arrived...The EYES and the SWORD without her SHIELD ”

Molly clamped her eyes shut again in a bid to latch back into the memory.

"….you're going to be OK" the first voice said.

“The SWORD – Lu-something” hissed Molly as she now recalled the voice. The one who had tricked her, the one who's face eluded her in her memories.

"Lisa ..... she .....she is the detective you are helping...." the voice of Supergirl could be heard saying.

“DETECTIVE …... LISA …... The SHIELD!” Molly said with venom as the memory played out some more.

Molly's eyelids seemed to almost crush her eyeballs into her brain, she held them so firmly closed.

“Was I on a helicopter, or a powerboat or something?” Molly wondered as the memory that seemed alien to her replayed in her mind.

" to you ...... confidence ....?" mumbled the voice of the one Molly knew as 'The Sword'.

“LET ME SEE! Is it Karen, Caroline, Carol, Kara ?! Why can I not remember? ” Molly hissed as she sensed the fog overcoming the memory once again.

“I ended up working for Sel...,” 'The Sword continued, the memory disintegrating rapidly.

“SEL – The Broker – The EYES! What is her NAME?! Selena, Celine?” demanded Molly.

Molly held on to the memory as hard as she could but for now no more was coming. Opening her eyes they settled on the laptop screen and she absorbed the data analysis unfolding in front of her.

“So, Detective Lisa Kozny, are you the shield? Well we are going to find out!” Molly snarled as she began to key new parameters into her search algorithm. Lisa Kozny was now a priority, data collation was going to be based around her.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

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Uh oh... That's not good news for Detective Kozny. Now I'm concerned for Lisa.
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 9

President Garrison closed her folder and placed her reading glasses down on top and gazed over the members of her cabinet.

“Very good everyone, last item, any other business?” Garrison said as she rocked back in her chair.

“If we may, Madame President, there was a matter you raised at your morning security briefing with Agent Westmoreland that we need to discuss,” the Attorney General Sandra Payne said as she glanced at her other collegues, the Secretary for Homeland Security and the Secretary for Defence.

Garrison raised her eyebrows for a moment, surprised by how fast the gears had turned in the background of her day.

“I see, well if there is no other business then we can discuss it now but outside of this meeting,” Garrison said glancing down the line of the other cabinet members.

There was a collective nod of the head, there was nothing more that anyone else wanted to discuss.

“Very well, Alice will have the minutes and the actions list for everyone by noon tomorrow, the meeting is adjourned,” Garrison said staying in her seat as her eyes locked on Alice a moment who nodded in agreement in reply.

“Thank you, Madame President” was the collective response as the majority of the cabinet members rose to their feet, gathering their folders and papers before shuffling out of the meeting room, their chatter fading as they left.

Alice, the President's chief of staff was the last to leave and turned to face the remaining small gathering, her hands settling on the door knob of the open door.

“Alice, this meeting is not to be logged, as far as the diary is concerned we had the cabinet meeting and then our collective day ended,” Garrison said.

“Of course, Madame President” nodded Alice and then she closed the door, a firm click confirming the remaining group had privacy.

“OK, let's hear it,” Garrison said as she looked at the three members who remained.

“We know you want a green light on this INFINITY idea but it has its problems,” began the Secretary for Homeland Security, Frank Green

“And may not even be legal” continued Sandra, the Attorney General.

“If we worried about legality we would barely get anything done!” the Secretary of Defense, Daniel Slater quipped.

Garrison shot him a glance, she had try to run a clean administration despite all the left over ambiguities from that one fateful day in September 2001.

“I apologise,” Daniel said, recoiling from Garrison's glare.

Garrison closed her eyes in thought a moment, seeking the words to get her own cabinet on board.

“Since the founding of our nation we have held on to the principle of each of us having domain over oneself. We have the right to defend ourselves if we are attacked and to counter force with equal measure.” Garrison said as glanced across the three others at the table.

“Sandra, criminals often carry guns. Do we hold back in arming our police, do we fear the consequences of putting guns into the hands of Law Enforcement? No!” Garrison continued as she looked her Attorney General in the eye.

“Our enemies field armies and navies, squadrons of aircraft and nuclear weapons that could destroy us a hundred times over. Daniel, does our nation hold back in holding such forces in equal measure? Are we paralysed by knowing the immense responsibility of having all that destructive power at our disposal? No!” Garrison said, her pen rising in her hand, pointing at her Secretary for Defense.

“No, Madame President, we do not,” Daniel conceded.

“And for all that, we know what can come from nothing more than a handful of box cutters and a few cheap plane tickets. And what did our predecessors do that we continue to still do now? We have 'no fly' lists and Guantánamo bay. Frank, do we not have all encompassing data oversight, unwarranted phone data searches and on and on and on – all to keep us safe from the next terrorist?” Garrison continued, Frank Green at the wrong end of the President's pen which was pointed in his direction.

“Yes, Madame President, we do,” Frank Green said reluctantly.

“And so on top of all that have this 'Vel' problem. We have a global economy that is barely limping out of recession from the first attack and now there is this new cyber threat too. When we do what it takes to combat everything else why do we hold back trying to fight this new threat?” Garrison demanded.

There was a pause as Garrison tossed her pen onto the desk while the others reflected on what she had said.

“Supergirl saved us last time without any special arrangements from our side,” Daniel said calmly.

“But only just. I would rather not leave it to chance again,” Garrison replied.

“Look, the issue is this. Boiled down we know we want Supergirl on board to help counter this threat but she will never work with anything official.” Sandra said.

“Then forget the INFINITY project, just create an anti-alien department inside the F.B.I or something, ” Frank followed on.

“Same problem, she won't work for them, it would be just another government department. And we know how well we managed on our own last time. It was only when Supergirl dropped the Sanderson's into our custody that we even knew it was an alien plot!” Sandra countered.

“This is going nowhere,” Daniel scoffed noting the vicious circle they were in.

“What if we let Supergirl choose people of her own, someone she trusts, someone independent?” Garrison wondered aloud.

“But that could end up being anyone! And if they were not in law enforcement how could they do anything? They would be toothless,” Sandra responded.

“Well, we would need to find a way to give them teeth....” Garrison quipped.

Sandra scoffed, “It's not realistic to expect us to wave a magic wand and turn a nobody into someone with any form of authority, how do you think that would turn out from a legal point of view?”

“Ummmmm, well, that's not quite entirely true,” Frank winced as he spoke feeling the glare of the Attorney General fall onto him.

“Oh great, what have you been doing now?” Sandra sighed as she leant back in her seat.

“Not Homeland Security, it's the Department of State, I only found out about it recently,” Frank confessed.

“Tell me more,” Garrison said, her eyes narrowing on Frank.

= = = = = =

Neomi walked through the sportswear shop and pulled a sweatshirt off a rack, discreetly checking the vibrant blue colour against the image on her smart phone.

“Hmm, too dark,” she thought to herself as she put it back on the hook.

Moving on she found some more generic tops and searched the racks for more blue colours.

“Better!” she said to herself as she draped a different top over her arm.

Neomi consulted her phone again and then began to look for jogging pants.

“Nope, too long”

“Too thin”

“Stupid stripe”


Neomi had gone through all the various brands and their styles but eventually she had laid her hands on the style she was looking for. Walking to the counter Neomi kept her head down as she placed her purchases in front of the shop assistant.



The barcodes were scanned and the assistant deftly removed the security tags, discarding the plastic blocks into a collecting bin.

“Would you like to keep the hangars?” asked the assistant.

“No, thank you” Neomi replied.

The assistant deftly folded the clothing then slid the two items into a plastic bag before setting it aside.

“OK, that is ninety nine, ninety nine” the assistant said.

Neomi slid two fifty dollar bills across the counter, head still down as the assistant rang the money through her till.

Sliding a receipt and one cent across the counter with a smile the assistant watched Neomi collect everything and turn away, her face averted. The assistant studied the figure of Neomi leaving then shook her head with a frown at the strange attitude of her customer.

Neomi went out the automatic doors and proceeded into the darkening street, hailing a cab as she did so. Quickly a yellow cab was at her side and opening the rear door the dark haired assassin stepped in and promptly she was on her way.

Opening her phone she called Mr Africa.

“Hey, yes, I have been shopping, yes, tomorrow morning, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, I look forward to it. I won't contact you until it is done, good bye” Neomi said, closing her phone as she finished her conversation.

For a moment the screen went dark causing Neomi to catch her reflection of her face. Although it was very subtle her cheek had turned a very pale yellow, just as she suspected would happen after her altercation with Oscar that very morning at the airport.

"No matter" Neomi thought as she glanced at her watch and mentally calculated the remaining hours before she would make her killer blow, assuming her target maintained his routine.

“How tragic it is to have someone pay to take your life and to have them not give a care to how you meet your end,” Neomi murmured to herself as she looked upwards to the darkening sky and the white lights of the towering buildings above. The evening was dying, nightfall was coming.

= = = = = = = = = =

The jangle of keys and the clunking of locks heralded the arrival of Lisa Kozny back at her apartment. The door swung open and she slunk in, tossing her keys onto the table that sat in the hallway and standing the roll of paper targets in the corner by her coat stand.

At first Lisa didn't register the odour that permeated the hallway but she quickly realised something was amiss as she detected the scent of candles. Then Lisa noted the small envelope propped against a small framed photograph that also sat on the table.

With a frown she picked it up and spun it around to see her name written in beautiful handwriting. Pulling open the flap of the envelope Lisa revealed a small card, the front of which was merely titled 'Sorry' with a photo of a cat looking guilty next to a broken vase.

Lisa scoffed with a light smile and opened the card.

= = = = = = = = =


I am so sorry about what happened yesterday, I don't know why I reacted like I did. Just recently I feel like I have been losing my edge and I want to stop the rot which means training hard. When you have been teaching a student like Laura from scratch and then become so easily surpassed within such a short space of time, well, it's hard to take. So, I am sorry if I am a little snappy right now. It's corny to say it, I know, but it really isn't you, it's me.

I have left a gift in your bedroom, I hope it makes for an acceptable apology.



= = = = = = = = = =

Lisa's eyebrows raised as she slid off her shoes and hung up her jacket then turned the corridor to her bedroom to find the door slightly ajar.

In the darkness bathed in candle light and spreadeagled on the bed was Lucy. Contrasted against her milky skin was a silky black ribbon that bound her ankles to the corners of her bed and snaked up her legs, then somehow covering her modesty before criss crossing around her waist, then over her breasts then carefully around her neck before snaking about her outstretched arms before anchoring her wrists apart.

Held in Lucy's mouth was a riding crop while across her eyes a blindfold kept her unknowing in her own personal darkness.

Lisa was gobsmacked to see the gift that Lucy had made of herself. Walking quietly into the room Lisa let the tip of one finger settle on the top of one of Lucy's feet. Lucy flinched just ever so slightly before relaxing, a tiny smile appearing on her face behind the riding crop. Like connecting a battery to a circuit, the situation was now charged and it was then that Lisa spotted the large mixing bowl from her kitchen which held a good number of large ice cubes barely even starting to melt.

Next to the bowl a small tray of unlit red candles waited also and then Lisa understood the entirety of what she had been given. With a wicked grin Lisa placed the bowl on the bed at Lucy's side then returned to the foot of the bed. Placing a kiss gently onto the soles of Lucy's feet she then staggered a line of kisses up the the bound Lucy's legs, then her stomach.

Lucy arched up in response as the kisses ascended her body until she sensed Lisa was up level with her head and carefully parted her lips as she felt Lisa gently remove the riding crop.

Leaning down Lisa placed a soft kiss on to Lucy's mouth, their lips lingering together for a moment before breaking.

“Apology accepted,” Lisa whispered as she plucked up an ice cube from the bowl.

Placing the cube to Lucy's lips caused the Asian to flinch but that first touch let her gauge the coldness that was to tease her body. The icy touch glided over her chin and down her neck towards her chest, crossing over the ribbon here and there on its journey.

Then came the sting. Initially the sensation of hot and cold sends the same message to the brain before eventually the mind resolves it for what it is.

“Nghhh” Lucy said before her expression changed to bliss, the drops of candle wax now starting to decorate her exposed front.

Hissing slightly on contact with what water lingered on her flesh Lucy felt the waxy rain dapple her skin in what she could only imagine as being a field of red spots.

Lisa put the candle down carefully to one side and swirled her hand in the bowl of ice only to feel something else there. Her fingers, numbing up in the cold grasped onto whatever it was and plucked it out. In her hands was a small jeweled buttplug which was ice cold.

“Hmmm, for later” thought Lisa to herself as she returned it to its icy home.

With a another ice cube in hand Lisa got to work again, chilling up the next zone of Lucy's body before it would be stung by the wicked kiss of candles. It was going to be a beautiful night, Lisa knew it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena leant back in her chair and rubbed her eyes as she looked at the data on her screen. Today had been frustrating for her, the effort to the discover what the big cyber attack was had so far proven fruitless.

Whoever was responsible was not motivated by money, nor insider information. They weren't interested in taking any sort of control or sending any kind of political or religious message. There were no military secrets at risk, no compromise of national security as such save for the damage to the cyber warfare center, so far Selena's logic had drawn a blank, but she would try again tomorrow.

“Problem?” Kara's voice said warmly.

“Oh, Kara, I wasn't expecting you,” Selena said as she turned towards the voice in surprise.

“You must be tired, have you been working on that all day?” Kara said, head tilted as she began to approach Selena.

“I guess,” Selena said as she glanced at her wrist watch and the time.

“Come on, you need a break,” Kara beamed, her hand outstretched to the red headed hacker.

“Really?” Selena answered, her voice slightly challenging Kara.

“Yes, really, and bring a coat,” Kara grinned.

“Why, where are we going?” Selena said with a frown as she rose with suspicion from her seat.

“Come on, I don't know how long it will last,” Kara urged Selena with a grin.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Kara clung onto Selena about her waist and chest, the superheroine's raised thigh acting like a solid seat for her passenger to rest on. Flying while upright felt unnatural to Kara but it was a must if Selena was not going to be in extreme discomfort.

Selena, who's eyes remained firmly closed puzzled at where they were going but she knew they were quite high up. The air was cold but Supergirl seemed to emanate heat from her body keeping her passenger comfortable.

“OK, so NOW you can open them,” Kara said as the pair slowed to a hover, their journey of what seemed to be at least an hour now over.

“So where are ah oh, woah!” exclaimed Selena as her eyes began to get a sense of scale of her surroundings. It was dark but if those points of light were windows in buildings, and those moving dots of light were from car headlights then that meant ….

“How high!” Selena protested.

“Yes but, I thought you would want to see …..... this !” Kara said as she spun the pair around.

Selena hadn't realised it in the darkness but in front of them had been the shore of a bay and behind them the open water but now, having spun around Selena could take in what Supergirl had really taken her to view.

Below and stretched out ahead the sea glowed a vibrant electric blue. Pulsing and throbbing with colour the sea looked alive, alien almost as the bioluminescent life in the water celebrated its brief moment of glory. This time nearly every year the organism responsible for the light show below them would explode in number to the point they could even be seen from space.

“Oh!” Selena said, her head overloading with the eerie sight ahead.

Supergirl felt Selena let go, lost in the moment, her normal busy mind suddenly overloaded by the unexpected light show of nature.

“'s ….. it's beautiful” Selena stammered as her brain finally reconnected.

“It is, isn't it.... but it is more than just that,” Kara said, her eyes reflecting the blue glow as she studied the alien seascape.

“What do you mean?” Selena said, her eyes still locked ahead at the glowing blue spiderweb of light in the water.

“I guess, being here my whole life I've become accustomed to what normal is but every now and then something strange like this happens that can help me imagine I am back up there, somewhere else” smiled Kara as she cast a glance into space imagining what wonders must have existed on her own planet before it was destroyed.

Selena watched on in silence for a minute as she took in Kara's words, the pair observing the spectacle of light together.

“Perhaps we should get going” Kara began realising that things might not be so comfortable for Selena high up in the cold night air over the water.

“No, let's stay a little while longer, I've not been on an alien planet before,” Selena replied, referring to the bizarre sight below as she nuzzled into Kara, taking more of her donated warmth.

Kara chuckled at Selena's willingness to play make-believe with her, “Oh you should do it more often....there is this other planet called Earth that I go to....”

“Oh yes, I think I have heard of it,” Selena replied, playing along.

“It's amazing!” Kara continued.

“How so?” Selena asked jovially.

“It has this stuff called chocolate ice cream!”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =





Detective Lisa Kozny stirred in her bed, her outstretched arm patting on the bedside table for the her cell phone which was pirouetting with each vibration. Grabbing the cell she drew it to herself and took the call.

“Kozny,” she said, half asleep. “Uh huh, sure, I will be right there. Who is there now?” Lisa asked as she fumbled for the switch on her bedside lamp. “Okay, okay, see you in twenty” Lisa said concluding the call.

CLICK went the switch on the lamp.

The darkened room was brought back into the light and Lisa looked next to her in the bed. A content looking Lucy was in blissful sleep, the duvet covers kicked down to her ankles.

Lisa's eyes studied Lucy's curves longingly but knew she had to go. Leaning over she placed a kiss on Lucy's cheek and then admired her handiwork with a length of the black silk ribbon with which she had created a thong for the Asian to wear. Now, nestled into Lucy's ass was the jewelled butt plug that she had worn through the night, it initially having been chilled like ice.

Lucy stirred gently, her arms stretching away from her body.

“Hey, I have to go, I have a case,” Lisa said as she reached over to Lucy and gently finger-combed her hair from her face.

“I'll keep the bed warm,” Lucy teased, barely opening her eyes as she nuzzled into the pillow.

“I bet!” Lisa scoffed. Super-trust-fund-party-girl-princess could afford to lounge in bed.

“You're only jealous,” Lucy continued as she coiled back up into a fetal position.

“Maybe, but for being cheeky you get to keep that butt plug in all day,” Lisa grinned as she rose to her feet.

“We'll see, won't we,” Lucy said mischievously.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Lisa made her way across the large park towards what sounded like a high-pitched whistling sound and the gaggle of police officers who were either guiding people away or who were setting up a cordon of police tape.

“Morning Detective” said one of the police officers helping set up the perimeter.

“Morning? I thought it was still night time. And what is that noise?” Kozny frowned, looking for the source.

“The vic, he was wearing some sort of attack alarm, I think the battery is running down though” the officer said, pointing to the direction of the site of the body.

“They never die in office hours, do they?” Lisa quipped as the officer passed her a clipboard for her to sign into the crime scene.

“No ma'm they don't,” he replied as he received the clipboard back.

Lisa snapped a pair of latex gloves onto her hands as she surveyed the lay of the land. The park was lightly wooded with a hard dirt trail and periodically dotted with lamposts, only a few of which were out of operation.

“Who was the first officer on scene?” Lisa asked as she pulled out her pocket book and began to make notes.

“Officers Huxley and Grossman, they are getting a statement from a jogger, just over there,” the officer explained, pointing out the two men and the young woman in running gear.

“So the jogger found the vic?” Lisa reasoned.

“That's correct, Hux and G-man, I mean Huxley and Grossman Ma'am, had been doing a foot patrol when they heard her calling for help. They approached to find her with the body attempting to administer CPR. The officers continued CPR on the victim until a paramedic arrived but he determined that the victim was already gone. He felt the death looked like it could be potentially foul play so …..”

“Hmmm, Ok, thanks” Lisa said as she made her way over to the site of the body, her notes up to date.

As she approached she noted the ground, the track being made up of slightly wet soil, foot impressions having been left in its surface.

“Hey, can you isolate this – then get photos and casts?” Lisa said to one of the forensic technicians as she cautiously side stepped onto the grass.

“Already on it,” he replied.

Lisa walked on and noted a few yellow numbered markers on the ground, one positioned by the personal attack alarm which continued to whistle and then another more or less next to the body to indicate the location of what looked like a chest heart rate monitor.

Lisa made a note in her book as she approached the body which a crime scene photographer was capturing at a sensible distance on his camera. The body of a man was on his back, his dead eyes looking upwards with his arms tidily to his side. Wearing a long sleeved blue sweatshirt and grey jogging pants he looked like a typical park runner.

The scene had obviously been compromised already by the medical attention that the jogger had given and the arrival of the two officers and then the paramedic but by isolating them now they could be separated from other evidence at the scene, assuming there was foul play.

Lisa waited a moment as the photographer took the last of their photos before giving an approving nod to Lisa who took a small flash light from her pocket and began to study the victim on the ground.

Did he fall? Did he have a health condition? Was he murdered?

Lisa studied the body closely, noting the mud all over the victim's hands and over the front of his body like he had taken a fall front first. Curiously on his upper right arm there was a broad ring of clean blue material untouched by the mud. On his ring finger was a plain gold band and on his wrist appeared to be a smart watch.

If the motive had been theft then someone missed some valuable items. At such an early stage of the investigation though she knew she shouldn't prejudge what may have happened to the deceased man in front of her.

Lisa noted his jogging pants were tugged slightly downwards from the waist. Did something sexual happen or was it caused by the efforts to revive the man? Lisa continued to make notes, writing questions for herself for later.

There was a distinct lack of blood around the scene, she noted, and the expression on the dead man's face seemed to diminish the prospects of some nastier natural causes of death, some of which leave victims with the expression of agony. His by comparison was relatively neutral which Lisa added to her notes.

Carefully she patted the man down looking for anything like identification. She knew from her own running experience that it was always important to choose a safe manner of securing some identification, maybe some emergency cash, and of course if you wanted to return to your car or your apartment, your keys.

Eventually Lisa located an internal pocket in the dead man's grey jogging pants. Lisa had the photographer document the closed pocket and Lisa's fingertip process of retrieving what was inside. In her hands Lisa found herself with a driving license, a fifty dollar bill, a credit card and a health insurance card together with a single door key on a fob.

“What is your name?” Lisa wondered to herself as she looked at the new evidence.

Ernst Van Der Walt his personal effects informed her.

“Bag and tag these please,” Lisa said to one of the forensics men nearby.

Lisa then pondered something that was bothering her. Ernst seemed to had been wearing a heart rate monitor which presumably had been removed during the CPR effort and he was still wearing his smart watch. Now Lisa didn't wear all the latest gear, that was more Lucy's thing but what she did know from all Lucy's efforts to extol the virtues of her gadgets was that usually such things were paired to a cell phone.

“Where is it, Ernst?” Lisa asked, rising to her feet and looking down at the dead man who stared blankly back.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

“Ladies and gentlemen, members of the media, now to perform the ribbon cutting ceremony, our most very special guest, Supergirl,” the dignitary said into the microphone on the small podium, bathed in the mid-afternoon sunlight.

Spanning a narrow yet deep gorge in some remote corner of Europe stood a sturdy stone bridge. Originally constructed by the Roman Empire by the great engineers of their time two thousand years ago and then improved by the great medieval kingdoms some fourteen hundred years later, it was later badly damaged by modern weapons of war only thirty years ago. Now, newly restored, The Hope Bridge, as it was now poignantly renamed, represented a chance to heal the wound that existed between the two states, separated not only physically by the unpassable gorge but by old wounds left by the civil war they had endured.

Watched on by dignitaries from both sides of the bridge and diplomats from around the globe who had helped broker peace, Supergirl took her position by the ribbon that spanned the width of the crossing.

“Life is precious,” began the heroine, prompting a cacophony of clicking cameras.

“We all are given a chance to live but if anyone can see the fragility of that life, then it is me. When I cut through this last remaining symbol of the divide that existed between you may it not serve as a means for you to exploit one anothers fragility, but rather, to help temper and make stronger the lives of the people who live here, either side of The Hope Bridge,” The heroine said confidently as she used scissors to slice through the ribbon.

The scissors, forged in two parts, each from either side of the gorge was passed back, handle first to a waiting official as the small crowd began to applaud and the crescendo of camera clicks began to subside.

After the ceremony there was the usual meet and greet, the Superheroine passing down a line of diplomats while shaking their hands in turn. Supergirl often stressed her key rules when she was invited to such events, neutrality and non-favouritism being one of them.

Shake hands with none, or shake hands with all, it was simple. That way, she could not be accused of supporting one regime over another, or snubbing one group in favour of another. Fortunately this occasion was conciliatory and to be seen shaking hands with everyone was not a problem.

Going down the line Supergirl reached the U.S ambassador who held out his hand which the heroine accepted. There was a moment where the contact lingered, a look of mild surprise forming on Supergirl's face.

“The President gives you her greetings,” the ambassador began cryptically.

“So I understand,” Supergirl said with a hint of a frown.

“Good words, by the way,” the ambassador said as their handshake ended.

“Thank you,” Supergirl said calmly then proceeded down the line.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lisa wrote into her notebook while she listened intently to the voice on the telephone which was crammed in between her raised shoulder and her ear.

“M.E – Prelim – X-Ray shows broken neck – post mortem bruising and other indicators suggest asphyxiation, possibly by forearm of attacker from behind. Awaiting autopsy for confirmation,” the message in the notebook read.

“OK, thank you”, Lisa said, concluding the call.

“Well?” asked Gomez, one of the junior detectives.

“We are going to need a full autopsy to confirm it but the prelim report is lining up for homicide,” Lisa said as she began to make a note on her whiteboard.

“Well, the things from the scene are back and being processed, the techies are checking out the smartwatch, attack alarm and heart rate monitor. Do we need to do a notification?” Gomez asked.

“No, apparently the vic's wife lives in europe somewhere, yes, Holland; the LEO's overseas will do it,” Lisa said, consulting her notepad.

“Odd, living apart, trouble at home?” Gomez speculated.

“Too soon to say but I think them being apart is more work related, anyway his apartment here was shared, it's not actually his. That was a big blank anyway,” Lisa said as she added Gomez's theory to the list in her notes.

“The witness list is non-existent at the moment,” Gomez said as he studied the murder board.

“So far, but we can fill in the blanks maybe. We are lucky, the park is neighboured by a few cell towers and so we can possibly triangulate cell phones that were in the area for a start. The number his employer gave us is dead or else we could try finding his cell the same way,” Lisa began.

“Hoping our suspect was carrying a cell too?” Gomez asked with a grin.

“We should be so lucky, but we may find someone who did see our suspect. I also want to get access to any running app data that may be out there. We might be able to map out who was where and when. Maybe even the vic was using one,” Lisa continued.

“OK, I will get started on obtaining warrants,” Gomez said as he returned to his desk.

Lisa was fixated on the murder board when two uniformed officers entered the office.

“Detective Kozny?” one officer enquired prompting Gomez to point Lisa out.

“Yes?” Lisa responded.

“We canvassed the area around where your vic lives. The neighbours barely saw the guy, apparently he went away a lot. There is nothing really to add: no girlfriends, no arguments, no bumps in the night,” the officer continued as he glanced through his notes.

“OK, thank you for your efforts,” Lisa said with a sigh.

“You're welcome, Detective” replied the officers as they both went to leave.

“It's odd, he carried little money on him which was left and he had a few valuable things on his person which were also left so it doesn't look like robbery. But his personal life seems to be more centred abroad than here, you wouldn't think someone over here would have a motive to murder him,” Lisa said as she looked over the murder board again.

“If it was a robbery maybe the attack alarm drove them off?” Gomez reasoned.

“I guess, but, I can't believe that it was timed perfectly enough that our suspect could slowly choke him out, which would take a little time, but yet not leave enough time to steal what they could,” Lisa said with a frown.

“Maybe the vic came across something he shouldn't of have seen, got into a fight?” Gomez suggested.

“Yes, I considered that too but usually that kind of thing ends up with stabbings or shootings. You can imagine, it can't you? Running into a drug deal or something, someone is bound to be armed. This? This was either really cold and premeditated or something really big that boiled over fast,” Lisa countered.

“Well, it seems his only real tie here was to his work, maybe that is where you need to go next?” Gomez said.

“Which one are they based at, JFK did you say?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, that's right,” Gomez said, slurping some coffee as he continued to fill in his warrant applications.

“OK, I am going over there now, see what I can learn about our pilot friend. Let me know if anything comes in, especially his financials,” Lisa said as she gathered her things.

“Sure,” Gomez replied, looking up for a moment as he tracked Lisa leaving.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena had resumed her search for information about the cyber attack. The previous day had been tedious and fruitless work, yielding nothing useful. Now, sat in front of her terminal again she considered her next plan of attack.

Selena pondered motive: If the attackers were not into the usual things like money then they must of targeting something else.

“Hmmm, aim lower, something more basic,” Selena thought to herself as the opening strikes on the keyboard began to formulate her next search.

Starting from the top and working down hadn't been working.

“Well, if it wasn't where the government interfaces with their own agencies then perhaps it was where the people interface with agencies at the other end,” Selena wondered.

With a few clacks of the keyboard she set out on a hunt into the realms of the D.M.V. and the I.R.S.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Doctor Molly Matthews reviewed the analysis of names that had been performed by the mainframe computer before her server time had ended. She would get another opportunity that night to resume her search but she was satisfied that she was close to getting the names she was looking for.

Then her cell phone pinged indicating the arrival of a message. Scooping up the phone she let out the tiniest of smiles as she read the message.

“Data good – modules inbound to your designated location – un-redact I.D of test subject – D”

Skillfully Molly tapped out a reply.

“Will give I.D when modules arrive – no sooner – M”

Molly waited a moment, then waited a little more, staring at the screen.

“OK – don't keep us waiting, we will know when they arrive – D”

Despite the woes of the Sanderson Corporation, the technology division had been kept in the fold, despite its immense operational costs, mainly because the patents and royalties it had been generating were so valuable. It was paying for itself nicely. Now, the fruits of certain material research had brought in fresh money, defence contract money, and now Molly was seeing that project through too.


The intercom sounded and Molly spun her chair around slightly, pressing a key on her phone.

“Yes?” Molly answered.

“Doctor Matthews, the engineering team in the assembly section report the units are ready. You said you wished to see them once they were done”

“Very good, I will be there shortly...” Matthews replied curtly.


The conversation ended and she drew back her chair and rose to her feet. Brushing down her white tunic top she glanced at her reflection in the large smoked glass panels and then walked towards the sliding automatic doors of her office and out past her secretary.

Crossing the office floor Molly entered the elevator then began her descent to the the lobby of the administration building. During the ride down the elevator made a few stops picking up and dropping off staff members along the way.

“You, you are Mr Goodall, correct?” asked Molly.

“Yes, Dr Matthews, I am working on ...” Goodall replied in awe that the boss from the top floor even knew who he was.

“Yes, I know … the NASA project ….. I read your report ...” Molly cut in coldly.

“You? You read my report?” Goodall stammered. His report, a minor affair in the overall workings of the division had been read by the powerhouse Doctor Matthews?

“Yes, you are right, those units are too over spec and weigh too much, I have spoken to Gower, he will follow your recommendations,” Matthews said calmly.

“Oh … ok ….. thanks,” Goodall said clumsily as the elevator stopped at his floor and hesitantly stepped out, unsure how to end the surprise interaction.

Another batch of passengers entered, their eyes widening as they took in the sight of Matthews, each attempting to find some hidden corner of the elevator and out of sight.

“I don't bite!” Matthews said as the doors closed and the descent continued.

“Sorry …. of course not, Doctor Matthews,” said one of the new entrants quietly.

“You are Vicky, yes?” Molly said flatly.

“Yes, Dr Matthews” Vicky replied with a frown. Though she knew of Matthews they had never met, so to be known by someone high up was unsettling.

“That problem you are working on, your current plan is not going to work,”

“You know about that? But I was just hoping that maybe ...” Vicky spun around to face Molly.

“Hoping is not going to fix it, stop trying to appease your supervisor, he has sent you down the wrong path. Now grow a pair and show him your 'Plan B' which is clogging up the drafts folder in the project server archives,” Molly said, almost in an uncaring monotone voice.

“You.. you've seen THAT? No, of course you've seen that,” Vicky replied, flustered.

“Yes, I have seen it, you will not be surprised to learn that some of our best ideas sit inside the draft folders. All that pent up genius, held back by the fear of being wrong or being too bold. Your Plan B solution is almost there …. you should need no more than two weeks to fix it,” Matthews continued.

“Two weeks?” Vicky replied in surprise.

“I can do it in two days … but I am busy with other things … I am sure you can manage it in two weeks,” Matthews said as the elevator pinged and doors opened.

“Oh …ok.....thank you Doctor Matthews,” Vicky said with a nervous smile before exiting.

Molly continued her journey down and to the lobby. When the elevator doors opened she saw some returning staff members about to take the ride up.

“Kristin, from the admin pool, yes?” Molly said as she caught sight of one of the young secretaries.

“Yes.... errr …. Doctor Matthews ...” Kristin said with surprise. She was a lowly pool secretary, a tiny cog in the machine.

“How is your shorthand?” Molly inquired as she began to walk towards the engineering building forcing the young Kristin to walk with her.

“Shorthand … err …... I tested out at One-oh-seven WPM …..” Kristin said nervously.

“Good, then I will keep steady …..ready?” Molly said, power walking towards her destination.

“Oh … wait!” Kristin said as her hand dived into her pockets and pulled out a notepad and a pen.

“Memo to Building Infrastructure Manager …. Item one – Elevator Traffic Management...” began Molly with barely a pause while casting an annoyed glance at the elevator she had just left.

Kristin walked as fast as she could, writing in her shorthand at maximum speed. Molly somehow kept the poor Kristin at the edge of her abilities, squeezing out those one hundred and seven words per minute like a machine.

“ …..which should improve traffic efficiency. Item two, environmental conditions ….” Molly streamed on with barely a pause as the pair crossed over to the assembly building.

The pair continued their walk outside before reaching a security door. The pair badged themselves in and continued on while Molly continued her dictation to Kristin who struggled to work, walk and navigate through the door.

“and so, reducing our water needs by four and a half percent. I expect progress on these six items by the end of next week. Signed, Doctor etcetera,” Molly finished as she swung open a set of double doors and into the hangar-like structure of the assembly building.

“Will that be all, Doctor Matthews?” Kristin said as she frantically scrawled the last words of Molly's monologue onto paper.

“Yes, send me a draft before distribution so I can correct any mistakes ..” Molly said dismissively.

“Yes, Doctor Matthews” Kristin managed before her eyes took in her surroundings. She had never been in this part of the complex before but to suddenly be confronted by the sight of the men in overalls, some in military fatigues and the four …..

“Kristin, go!” Molly commanded as she noted Kristin begin to take in what was going on around her.

Kristin flinched and spun around and made her way out through the double doors and out of sight leaving Molly to see the fruits of her little empire's work alone for just a moment.

“Ah, there you are, aren't they something!” said one of the white clad engineers, clipboard in hand as he approached.

“Show me, Mr Mitchell, I have been looking forward to seeing this for some time...” Molly said, her tone softening after despatching the lowly secretary.

Mitchell offered his hand which was accepted in a brief shake before the pair walked back towards the waiting project.

Standing side by side were what could be described as huge exoskeletons. About twenty feet tall with a cockpit in the upper torso area of each machine. The humanoid shaped behemoths looked intimidating and powerful with their exposed cable trunking and hydraulic hoses threaded inside the metal framed skeleton.

“So, what do we have?” Molly asked as she put her hands on her hips standing squarely in front of the robot-like army.

“The four you see here are more or less identical base units. The DoD wanted them to be a common platform with add ons. We are preparing the first one as an engineering workhorse variant: lifting, carrying, welding, bolting, drilling, that sort of thing. The next one has a fire control module for anti-infantry combat. It will carry mini-guns and grenade launchers which will be supplied tomorrow. The third one is an anti-air support platform to protect units from air attack while the fourth unit is more an emergency services unit. It can be used for fire suppression or emergency medical evacuation amongst other things.

“Are you on schedule for armouring them?” Matthews asked, noting the exposed internals of the war machines.

“Yes, the armour plates are in the spray booth getting their Molycoat II protection,” Mitchell said as he consulted his clipboard while using a pen to trace the timeline across his Gantt chart.

“When does the test pilot arrive?”

“The Army keeps saying 'Soon' to me. They are sending someone from a cavalry unit, a helicopter pilot. Apparently on the simulators they have the best aptitude at driving these things,” Mitchell explained as he rifled through sheets of paper on his clipboard.

“Very good ….. now show me the fifth unit,” Molly said coldly.

“Want to see the spider huh? Is anyone going to tell us what that one is meant to do?” Mitchell said with a grin.

“Spider?” Matthews asked.

“Yeah … come on …. I will show you, it is in the secure section .. it's more or less done, only,” Mitchell sounded uncertain.

“Yes, there are some key components to install …. but other than that ?” Molly pressed Mitchell.

“Yes, apart from that it is ready,” Mitchell answered as the pair moved onto another section of the hanger.

Throwing some switches the smaller area began to be lit up, a spot light illuminating the exoskeleton that apparently had been nicknamed The Spider.

“Leave me,” Molly commanded.

“Sure .. ok …... if you need anything I will be in the main hangar ….” Mitchell replied, noting that Doctor Matthews seemed lost in the moment. Turning away with only a hint of a look back Mitchell left the area.

Molly was in a trance as she looked over The Spider. Apart from the regular-sized four main limbs the torso had another cluster of shorter limbs mounted to it. Molly walked up to the monstrous machine and placed one hand on one of the mechanical legs. Although the form was human she could see why the machine had been nicknamed The Spider with its extra appendages.

Noting the words “STEP” on the metal work Molly began her climb up to the cockpit and with the pull of a lever caused the canopy to pivot open allowing her to climb inside.

A few button presses and switch turns began to power up the electrical systems and electronics and soon a mesmerized Molly was reading off the display panel and heads-up display as the mechanized monster came to life.

A series of error messages began to be displayed but Molly was not concerned, she knew what they were about.




“Don't worry my pet … soon!” Molly said as she placed her hands on the control sticks and flexed her arms and wrists sending the mechanical limbs into life, the robotic hands tracking the movements of Molly's flesh and bone counterparts.

“You won't know what hit you, Supergirl ” Molly said, a hint of malice in her tone.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Posts: 1377
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Detective Kozny walked into the small reception area of the Blue Globe Airways operations building at J.F.K. airport and spoke with the young man who was sat at the desk. The building wasn't for interaction with the public, it was where they co-ordinated operations within the United States.

Here they oversaw their aircrews, managed their fuel purchases, scheduled their flights, managed their maintenance and their catering among a host of so many other things that the flying public never even thought about when taking a flight.

“Hello, can I help you?” asked the young man with a frown. He didn't recognise the woman in front of him.

“Hi, I am Detective Kozny, N.Y.P.D, is there someone in charge I can speak to?” Lisa said as she produced her badge, her detective's gold and blue shield shining brightly in its leather holder with her I.D card.

“Oh, very well, may I ask what it is about, just so I can get you the right person?” the man said as his hand settled onto the handset of his phone, preparing to make a call.

“It's about one of your employees,” Lisa said as she began to draw out her notepad.

“I'll get you the head of personnel,” the young man replied as he lifted the handset and dialled.

“Hey, yes, there is a Detectiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive” the young man winced, the word 'detective' lingering as he tried to recall Lisa's surname,

“Kozny” mouthed Lisa.

“ah yes, Kozny, here in reception to speak to someone from personnel” continued the young man.

“Uh-huh okay” the man continued then hung up with a smile.

“Someone will come in a moment, if you would like to take a seat” the young man said subtly pointing to a cluster of chairs by a small table.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at the hard plastic seats. Indeed the building really wasn't geared for members of the public, this was almost an industrial setting.

“I'll stand, thank you” Lisa said as she glanced at her watch then made a note in her notepad.

“A.M visit, B.G.A Ops – JFK” noted Lisa with her pen.

“Detective Kozny?” said a voice.

“Yes,” Lisa replied.

“Hi, I'm Eddy, I work in the personnel department, is there something I can do for you?” Eddy asked, his hand outstretched to Lisa

Lisa shook hands with Eddy, a tall thin man, his neatly ironed shirt hanging loosely off of his body.

“Can we talk privately?” Lisa asked.

“Sure, let's go to the office,” Eddy said, his hand releasing from Lisa's before turning away towards the corridor.

“How many staff members do you manage from here, Eddy?” Lisa asked, making small talk as they walked.

“From here, hundreds. The people you might see on the a flight are the tip of the iceberg. Sure there are the aircrew and the flight attendants in the air but then you have our own maintenance people and the people manning the check in desks. Then there are the VIP lounge staff on top of that as well as a call center, a data center, a marketing team and so on. In some places where it warrants it we have enough work to have our own aircraft cleaning staff as well. And if we don't directly employ people to do some types of work then we have subcontractors who need to be managed and overseen to do it instead,” Eddy explained as the pair arrived in the personnel section.

There were banks of desks with some employees working on some computers, some with telephones to their ears. Lisa didn't know if what she was looking at was normal or if something was happening, the room was alive with babble.

“You'd think for something that is scheduled and should run like clockwork it would be easy to manage but it isn't,” Eddy quipped.

“How so?” Lisa answered.

“Right now, over in L.A a storm cell has basically caused a load of air traffic to get diverted. Diverted means displaced aircrew, displaced aircraft. Some of those crews will now end up without enough flying hours to fly to their correct location and so replacements need to get to them in order to get those planes back in the right place. But anyway, enough of that. What is on your mind, detective?” Eddy said as he ushered Lisa into his own windowed office to one side.

“Eddy, I need to ask about one of your pilots, a Mr Van Der Walt,” Lisa began.

“Oh Ernst?! Oh I hope he isn't in any trouble, is he okay?” Eddy began.

“Eddy, has he mentioned any problems of late, had any fallings out that you know of, problems at home maybe?” Lisa asked gently noting Eddy's concern.

“Ernst, no, no one falls out with that guy, christ you'd sooner fall down laughing than fall out with him, he's a comedian. I've not met his wife, errrrr Ingrid I think, but he mentions her now and then, and in a good way, you know.” Eddy enthused.

“Ah yes, Ingrid, in Holland, correct?” Lisa asked in a bid to confirm what she knew already.

“I guess, our route for his aircraft type is into Schiphol, Amsterdam. His main residence is over there, most of our guys rent something modest over here though. They like something more homely than a hotel if their downtime ends up with them trapped this side of the pond. It's not normal but, like with our problem in L.A right now pilots sometimes get displaced.” Eddy added.

“Tell me about his colleagues, he gets on with them ok?” Lisa said as she took some notes.

“Well look, I'm not saying he is a saint but usually first officers who have worked with him give him a good rating. Heck, the F.A's love him too. We often poll our aircrew to ensure they have good working relationships. The F.A.A are really big into airlines monitoring aircrew effectiveness. ” Eddy added.

“And his relationship with the company itself?” Lisa asked, her pen working furiously making notes.

“Ernst is a real company guy you know, and he loves flying that big bird, the 380. He was one of the first in our company to fly one and he's been grinning ever since. As far as I know he has been a solid Blue and Grey, a loyal employee and we have no problems with him, I would have heard about it,” Eddy explained.

“Blue and Grey?” Lisa asked, pen hovering.

“Yeah, you know, like our livery, he'd probably paint his car in company colours if he could,” Eddy said fondly as he gestured with his thumb at a yearly wall planner with the company logo and colours in one corner.

“I see,” Lisa nodded as she wrote. She wondered if the victim's choice of running colours was also shaped by this company loyalty.

Eddys face which had brightened as he spoke about Ernst suddenly changed with the realisation that something was wrong.

“Hey, nothing bad has happened, has it? Is he ok?” Eddy asked nervously.

Lisa knew it was time to pass on the bad news. Reading Eddy's body language it seemed that if anything Eddy would mourn the loss of Ernst as much as anyone else.

“I'm sorry sir, but I have some bad news,” began Lisa.

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Neomi heard the tap on the door and peered through the spyhole of her hotel room door. Through the tiny viewing glass, slightly distorted by the fish eye lens was the large frame of Mr Africa.

Opening the door Neomi stood aside for Mr Africa as he walked inside, the firm click confirming it was locked again behind him.

“It is done then?” Africa asked as he walked up to the writing table that supported the small TV and kettle with attendant tray of cups and sachets of coffee and tea.

“Yes, this morning.” Neomi replied calmly as she sat herself on the corner of the firm double bed.

Mr Africa turned and sat down to face her, wincing as he noticed her face, a pale yellowish shade forming on one cheek.

“Did the target do that?” Africa asked

“No, this was from yesterday morning, it's just coming out,” Neomi said, remembering her moment with Oscar.

“What happened?” Africa asked with concern.

“It was nothing, just a little fun,” Neomi replied, her tone laced with malice.

“You are meant to keep a low profile, no more fun,” Africa said sternly.

“As you wish, now, about payment,” Neomi answered curtly.

“No, first you debrief me, tell me about the job,” Africa said, his face serious.

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Detective Gomez spun in his chair as he listened to hold music from his phone warble on his ear. Suddenly it stopped and Gomez brought himself to a halt, snatching up his pen, ready to take notes.

“Hi, this is Detective Gomez, yes I contacted you by email, uh huh, listen, I am investigating a case. There was an assault, one of your clients was carrying a, let's see...,” Gomez paused as he picked up a clear evidence bag, squinting at its contents.

“It's a PPBT, yes, PeePee,BeeTee Two Hundred. Can you tell me about it a little, what it does, what it can do? Only, we noticed the little bluetooth symbol on the side,” Gomez continued.

There was a pause as Gomez listened to the person at the other end.

“An app? OK, so, talk me through what happens?” Gomez asked.

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“He was quite fit, but I took him down where I intended,” Neomi said calmly.

“Then what happened?” Africa asked, keen to know about how she had despatched her mark.

“From there I intended on choking him out, I didn't wish to use a gun or a knife, blood can be a problem,” Neomi continued.

“Intended? What happened?” Africa asked, noting Neomi's use of words.

“He had one of those attack alarms. I must admit I was taken aback that a male would carry one, they are usually a woman's thing. Knowing that help might come I felt the need to expedite things, so I broke his neck.” Neomi explained.

“An alarm? You know what that can mean!” Africa exclaimed angrily.

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Gomez continued to scrawl his notes as he listened to the product specialist at the end of the line give him the specification of the little gadget that had served as a noisy nuisance at the crime scene.

“OK, so, the alarm more or less keeps going until the battery dies. And the bluetooth aspect and the app?” Gomez asked.

“The phone starts recording? Oh, when the alarm gets set off. So, what does it capture, audio, video, what?” Gomez sat up, intrigued.

“Oh, you choose on the app. Is there anyway to know how any particular app is set up?” Gomez continued.

“Hmmmm ok, well, we don't actually have the phone, only the alarm, so we don't know. Can you find out remotely?” Gomez replied ruefully.

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“Relax, it works out nicely. I took his phone, they'll think someone was out to steal it. He was wearing it on one of those armbands so anyone would know it was there. I smashed it and tossed it in some trash bin, they won't find it.” Neomi said, rolling her eyes.

“And what else did you take?” Africa asked.

“Nothing else, I just needed to make sure the phone was out of the picture,” Neomi replied matter of factly.

“That is sloppy work, Neomi, you could have at least left his wallet scattered on the floor, now it actually looks like someone who knew what they were doing was at work,” Africa said angrily.

“And what difference does that make? Besides, with the alarm whistling I didn't have much time to arrange the scene, I don't think he even had a wallet on him,” Neomi said, surprised by Africa's attitude.

Africa sighed in resignation, “You said you smashed the phone. How?”

“I put a rock through it,” Neomi said.

“Get the battery out?” Africa asked.

“No, in that phone it is integrated,” Neomi replied reluctantly.

“We have to assume it might have still been pinging. If they find it they might be able pull something off of it,” Africa growled.

“Hey, procedure says when we dump burner phones we only smash them,” Neomi protested.

“Our phones are never left at crime scenes! And certainly never with anything like a recording on it. All they will ever find on our phones are numbers for just yet other smashed phones, get it?! If that thing managed to get a few pings out when you trashed it they could be salvaging data off of chips in an instant. If his phone was set to record you might be on there,” Africa explained angrily.

“Fine, I will deal with it,” Neomi said with a nod.

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Lisa Kozny was making her way back from JFK airport towards the precinct house. It had been another fruitless line of enquiry it seemed. Ernst seemed well liked and respected at work and he seemed to leave very little of a social foot print during his stay in the U.S, it merely serving a temporary stop over while he had to get F.A.A mandated rest hours.

With none of the obvious sources of motive being evident it seemed that perhaps Ernst's death may have been random. Or perhaps mistaken identity?



Pressing the green button on her steering wheel the hands free feature of her car answered her cell phone.

“Kozny”, Lisa began.

“Hey, its Gomez, listen, I have got a lead on the vic's phone,” Gomez said excitedly.

“Really?” Lisa replied with surprise.

“Yes, where are you? You should get back out to the park! I'm trying to get dispatch to send over some uni's to check it out too.” Gomez continued.

“Why, where do you think it is?” Lisa asked.

“The attack alarm, when it is activated it turns on video recording and the GPS tracking feature of the phone. I think the phone is in a trash can on the east side of the park.” Gomez said.

“Are you certain?” Lisa frowned.

“The signal was intermittent then dying as it moved from the crime scene but there was a few pings in one spot before it completely died,” Gomez said.

“OK, I am on my way, you can guide me in when I get there, talk again in twenty minutes,” Lisa replied as she looked at the road signs to choose her new route.

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Selena grinned, now she was making some sort of progress. By gently coaxing at the D.M.V and the I.R.S it became apparent that the log files from the day of the big cyber intrusion were corrupted.

Selena knew the attackers had been there but she wasn't sure what they had been doing or why. But now at least she could see the tell tale signs of their visit and would recognise those footprints again.

Selena wondered what the extent of the intrusion was and began to think about what other databases may have been affected.

“This wasn't about power, this wasn't about material things, this was about people. This is about personal information. But who's? This wasn't a big data grab, this was about looking for someone specific,” Selena reasoned, and with that she knew now why her previous search had been fruitless.

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Neomi walked purposefully along the pavement that bordered the park. The low iron railing fence marked one side while the road ran on the other. Wearing a black hoodie which was down over her head and dark sunglasses she hoped to remain unrecognisable. Her gloved hands rested hidden together in the single front pocket of her top, ready to collect the evidence of her misdeeds.

Dotted along the pavement were large black wrought iron style trash cans mounted to posts and Neomi spied the one she had dumped Ernst's cell phone into that morning. Closer and closer she got, her head glancing about her, making sure no one would witness her retrieve the phone.

Lisa Kozny spoke on her phone to Gomez who guided her to her target.

“OK, I am on the north east corner on fifth avenue headed south, how far down do I go?”

“OK, keep going down Fifth, til you hit the museums around one hundred and fifth street. On your right it looks like there is an entrance, the Vanderbilt gate I think, the phone was pinging around there,” Gomez said.

Lisa drove on cautiously, passing a hospital, the park's lakes coming more into view on her right behind a low wall.

Neomi stopped at the black trashcan and reached in, rummaging in junk up to her elbow. Then she felt the familiar shape of the phone inside the armband and pulled it out of the bin. Inserted into a sleeve on the armband was the phone and Neomi wiggled it free, sliding it into a signal blocking pouch, tossing the armband back into the bin.

“This will shut him up,” Neomi said to herself, referring to Mr Africa. She was not used to having her work critiqued.


Neomi spun around, stunned to see a plain clothes officer, badge raised, hand on holster across the other side of the street exiting from her car.

Time froze for them both as their lightning fast reflexes analysed the situation, an unseen sly grin forming on Neomi's face when she saw what was coming. Crossing between the pair of women a large truck obscured Lisa's view of her target for just a moment. Neomi, knowing this was her chance spun around and ran through the east entrance of the park, seen just in time by Lisa as the truck passed them.

“Dammit!” Lisa cursed as she boldly stepped forward, badge aimed at the approaching vehicles to her right, prompting the screeching of rubber as the vehicles came to a halt.

Lisa broke out into a run, passing by the entrance and on into the park, descending some steps to a well kept lawn. Running amongst by a cluster of trees past a fountain Lisa hit a crossroads and looked either way, failing to see her quarry. Then suddenly from up ahead she heard a commotion, a yelling woman calling out at someone. Sprinting again Lisa went charging towards what she was sure was her target.

Lisa met a subtle bend to find a mother hugging a screaming child who had been bundled over onto the floor.

“Is she ok? Which way did they go?” Lisa asked, badge in hand as she looked at the child.

“She'll be ok, go, go, that way. through there, towards the baseball fields ” pointed the mother with her free hand while her other arm hugged her child.

Lisa accepted the mother's encouragement to go and began to chase hard. Breaking through the line of trees Lisa found herself inside the large green open space of the park. There Lisa saw the popular and busy cluster of baseball parks, some mid session. Dashing across the middle Lisa saw her suspect.

“STOP, POLICE!” screamed Lisa as she opened her stride.

People on picnic blankets and playing Frisbee watched on as the fleeing Neomi dashed through them towards the other side while Lisa was in pursuit. People hit the ground in panic and mothers scooped up their children with concern as Nemoi sprinted onwards to the west side of the park.

Just then a police officer who was on foot patrol crossing the same area saw the chase and heard Lisa's call. He had been harassed by dispatch to investigate the trash can on the far side of the park but now this seemed more important.

“Dispatch, this is Four Adam Twenty – I have a code Ten-Thirteen Zulu in progress, over” the officer said quickly as he began to chase.

“Four Adam Twenty, received ---- Dispatch, to all units in section 14, code ten-thirteen zulu – location to be advised,” responded the dispatcher.

The officer began to chase after the woman who had identified herself as the police, speaking into his shoulder microphone as he ran.

“Dispatch, four adam twenty – I'm in North Meadow heading towards, west one hundred” the officer managed as his breathing began to become tested.

“Four adam twenty, dispatch – be advised – plain clothes officer in your area – Detective Kozny”

Lisa pushed on down hard down a trail, her heart racing, her breath heavy but stamina resolute. Her target was fast and agile but Lisa was matching them. Bravely crossing West Drive without even looking Lisa burst into wooded area on the far side of the park, oblivious to the pursuit starting behind her. Glancing around Lisa saw no one, her panting was all she could hear as she tried to decide which way to …..


From ahead Lisa heard the collision between vehicles and she ran through more trees and up a small bank to the see over a wall. On Central Park West a cluster of cars had come together in a collision by a junction and on the farside black hoody wearing woman was fleeing. Leaping over the low wall Lisa chased on after the escaping woman.

“Hey get back here !!!” screamed one of the men from his open window at Neomi who had caused them to crash.

“STOP, POLICE!” yelled Lisa again in vain.

Sprinting across the road Lisa skidded over the hood of one of the wrecked cars as a traffic jam began to form in either direction.

“Hey, you all ok?” Lisa managed pausing to look back.

“Yeah, go get her!” urged the two drivers.

“Help's on the way,” Lisa said before resuming her chase. She mentally noted the location of the accident and the vehicles involved as she ran ran into a side street. Neomi and Lisa were heading into a residential area with narrower streets and common green areas and Lisa knew she was in danger of losing her suspect in amongst it all.

Turning a corner into west one hundredth street Lisa found herself looking at two banks of parked cars parked at either side and no suspect. Lisa's heart pounded in her ears while her brain tried to keep up. Her suspect had gone to ground, maybe stooped behind one of the many parked cars that lined the street.

“Where?” panted Lisa quietly, “Where are you hiding?”

In the distance the wail of police sirens could be heard giving a little encouragement to the detective that the cavalry was coming, someone must have called in the chase.

Looking down one stretch of pavement Lisa crossed the road, edging between two parked cars before looking down the other. Nothing. The suspect might be anywhere tucked in between cars.
Unholstering her weapon Lisa scanned either side of the road edging forward, glancing side to side anxiously.

Ahead a parked car sparked into life, a dog that was on the back seat startled into anger by something or someone. The dog lunged at the window of the car, snarling and pawing at the glass that held it back.

“N.Y.P.D, come out and show me your hands!!” yelled the detective as she walked forward towards the car, pistol raised.

Neomi bolted from her hiding place on the opposite side of the vehicle from her pursuer into a space between the two large apartment blocks leaving Lisa to curse. Shooting unarmed fleeing suspects in the back was a big no no.

Resuming the chase Lisa stormed into the passageway and saw the suspect looking for escape. Lisa was closing in on her quarry, digging in deep she found the stamina to hold on, encouraged by the nearing sirens.

Neomi took flight running alongside a wooden panelled fence looking for a way to get through, Lisa in close pursuit. Swinging her forward most leg as she closed the gap to mere feet Lisa managed to trip her suspect sending them tumbling against one of the wood panel fences, the pair somehow just staying on their feet.

“Freeze!” Lisa screamed as she closed in behind Neomi keeping her faced into the fence.

Grabbing one of Neomi's wrists she pulled it with force into the small of her back and prepared to slap on the cuffs. It was in that split second that Lisa made a mistake that she somehow instantly redeemed herself for.

Lisa and Lucy had been training Spydra on and off all year. Trying to make their new young protege the best of them both had been educational for everyone. Lisa recalled giving Spydra a lesson on how the police are taught to restrain a suspect safely only for Lucy to teach her how people like herself evade getting the cuffs slapped on them, or if they do, how to get out.

Lisa knew in the moment that her handcuff went to strike the wrist of the suspect something was wrong. Her heart was in her mouth as she felt the other hand of the suspect spring back, somehow getting a hold of her pistol.

Luckily having seen Laura practice this move on Lucy Detective Kozny spotted this move before it had gone too far. The usual instinct was to step back away from the threat which only served to help un-holster the pistol for the wrongdoer. Stepping forwards instead would often help stop that from happening.

Neomi was taken by surprise by the cop's instincts and lashed out with a backwards swing of her head which connected onto Lisa's forehead. Lisa was stunned a moment while Neomi managed to wriggle free from between the cop and the panelled fence, Lisa's pistol in hand.

“No!” Lisa growled, trying to prevent Neomi from turning around.

By wrapping her arms around Neomi's upper arms from behind Lisa could prevent her from turning to shoot. Neomi lashed backwards with her foot catching Lisa in the shins and Lisa used the moment to try and force her attacker to the ground.

In the struggle Lisa managed to unbalance her quarry and the two fell down, the pistol clattering to the pavement. There was a flurry of arms and hands as the pair sought an advantage and Lisa caught the hood of Neomi's top, uncovering her head and knocking her sunglasses askew. Wriggling and writhing, Lisa locked eyes on Neomi's bruised face as they fought, each of them trying to hold off the other while they sought out the pistol on the floor.

With a grunt Neomi managed to get her arm across Lisa's neck and began to roll Lisa onto her back, applying pressure without mercy.

“You were good, but not good enough” grunted Neomi.

“Nghh” protested Lisa as she sensed she was losing the battle.

“Don't go all PATHETIC on me now after doing so well,” Neomi said patronizingly as she squeezed harder with her arm, her free hand settling on the fallen gun.

Lisa's head bulged red as her lifeblood struggled to find a way through to her brain, her lungs straining to work with the pitiful quantity of air reaching them. Lisa strained for all she was worth, her hands trying to pull Neomi's forearm from her throat but she was getting weaker and her vision started to close in with darkness, the sirens seemingly getting fainter in her ears.

“Shhhhhhh, that's it, be a good girl, and I won't break your pretty neck,” whispered Neomi calmly.

“DETECTIVE KOZNY! WHERE ARE YOU?!” screamed a uniformed police officer as he entered the area.

“Dammit!” Neomi protested. She could sense the end was near for the victim in her arms but time was running out. If she killed the cop while she was still on top of her the dead weight of the body might delay her escape.

With a cruel yank Neomi rolled Lisa off of her and rose to her feet, leaving Lisa gasping for air on the floor.

“Goodbye, but it has been fun,” Neomi said as she lined up a shot into Lisa's head.

With a gasp Lisa opened her eyes to see she was looking up the barrel of her own pistol and quickly moved her head.

BANG! - Neomi missed, the round bursting into the ground.

“DROP IT !!” screamed the uniformed officer as he was drawn to the sound of the gunshot.

Neomi flinched as she saw the officer running towards her and quickly fired again at Lisa as she was trying to get to her feet. She knew at this range, accurate or not, vest or not, she was going to do serious harm. Lisa slumped back to the floor as she took the bullet and Neomi spun away running.

BANG! - the uniformed officer fired at the suspect having seen her shoot at the other prone female who had been calling out 'Police' in the park.

Running closer and closer the officer eventually stopped by Lisa's still body, kneeling by her side.

“Shit, oh god, dispatch, this is Four Adam Twenty, I have shots fired and an officer down, need medical assistance at my position!” the officer shouted into his radio as he saw Lisa's badge, confirming what he had feared.

“Dispatch, Four Adam Twenty – received – advise location,” the dispatcher replied.

“Oh jeez, where the fuck am I!” the officer said as he scanned his surroundings, his heart pounding the blood behind his eyes. Then in the blink of an eye he knew, “Four Adam Twenty, dispatch, I'm just on the south side of West one hundred just off central park – suspect is running west towards Columbus, white female, black hoody, blue jeans”

Releasing the transmit button on his radio the officer swore to himself to never eat junk food again and then began to search for any potential source of blood loss, finding solace that the voices on the radio meant help was coming.

“All units, all units, sector 14, code 10-zero-zero, shots fired, officer down, repeat, officer down” crackled the radio again.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
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President Garrison walked confidently out to Marine One, the deep green painted helicopter waiting patiently for its very important passenger. At the front steps an attendant Marine saluted as the commander in chief approached, the president responding with a salute of her own before ascending the steps.

For the press it was the usual scene, seeing the President talk a moment with the two pilots before disappearing into the back to be whisked off to whatever meetings lay ahead.The clicking of cameras from the press was slowly overcome by the blades of the helicopter and slowly it ascended and headed off towards the horizon.

Soon Marine One was intercepted by its two sister craft, the decoys that bore the same tail numbers as their more important third twin and the trio pushed on eastwards and low towards their nearby secret meeting.

At the eastern edge of the city the two pilots made their radio call and one of them flicked a switch which lit a small smoke flare and with their two other escorts close by the helicopter dipped down out of sight into the D.C United's RFK stadium.

Gently the trio of helicopters set themselves down onto the turf and the occupants of the decoys calmly set off to secure a perimeter around the President's aircraft, preparing for their special guest. Soon there were suited agents in the stands and a few on the turf and the scene was set.

Garrison looked at her watch anxiously. The procedure for dealing with a mechanical failure on Marine One was well established, the smoke flare a ruse to feign the need to land, but she didn't want to make this little excursion too long or it might look suspicious.

Garrison was alone with her thoughts while she waited. She had not met the superheroine in person before, though it was unusual for a U.S President not to meet her at least once during their term in office. The heroine was not one for politics, she was more about good will and peace and she was most certainly not at anyone's beck and call. It was merely good fortune that the President had a trusted ambassador who could get a message to Supergirl as soon as they did. However, getting a message to her was one thing, having her respond was another.

Then the radio of a nearby secret service agent crackled into life in their ear causing Garrison to flinch as she was drawn back into the moment. Something was happening.

“Madame President, Guardian is reported to be approaching,” the agent declared.

“Thank you,” Garrison replied confidently though inside her heart fluttered a moment.

Supergirl floated down to the ground at the center of the football stadium, her all seeing eyes assessing the scene. Agents were everywhere though they seemed to be relatively at ease with the situation and the three helicopters were parked in an orderly row.

Supergirl settled in front of the row of helicopters and an agent walked confidently forward towards her, one finger to his ear while speaking seemingly to no one.

“Guardian is here – checking now” the agent said.

Supergirl nodded subtly as the agent produced his hand held metal detector and ran his drill of passing the device around Supergirls body. The search of course revealed nothing but procedure was procedure and despite the absurd mismatch between her hosts and herself the agent still tried to evoke a sense of security for his charge waiting in the helicopter.

“Come this way please,” the secret service agent said and led Supergirl to the steps of Marine One.

Supergirl elegantly ascended the steps of the helicopter and turned into the main cabin area noting the cockpit had been vacated by its pilots.

“Madam President,” Supergirl said, acknowledging the woman sat in a chair facing another across a table.

Garrison rose to her feet and offered her hand which Supergirl accepted, the handshake lingering just long enough to be considered polite.

“Please, let us sit, my time is short and if I am too long they will start swearing in the V.P.” quipped Garrison.

Supergirl, managing her cape, took her place opposite where the President had sat back down.

“You no doubt are wondering why I have requested this meeting,” President Garrison said.

“Yes, your ambassador's note was short, but I imagine it was all he could write on such a small piece of paper to hide in the palm of his hand, ” Supergirl said.

“Getting in touch with you is not an easy undertaking, and doing so without telling the world more so, but I am grateful you have come,” Garrison replied.

“It is only because the note assured me of your discretion that I am here. You know I need to be seen as being impartial,” Supergirl said.

“When presidents first take office they get a special briefing from all the agency heads. The CIA, the FBI, the NSA and so on, they tell us the rules when it comes to you. We aren't to try and show boat with you, we are not to get cheap photo opportunities, we aren't to ask your permission for anything and we are advised we certainly should never count on you for anything.”

“And so here we are meeting in secret President Garrison, but why?” Supergirl politely responded.

“A few days ago the country was attacked. Not in the conventional sense however, but, electronically. It was a cyber attack,” Garrison explained.

“But cyber attacks are not entirely new, are they?” Supergirl asked with a shake of the head.

“This attack was so incisive, so effective and so damaging our experts are only just getting an understanding of what happened. They tell me that such was the attack's sophistication that to them it seemed, and this was their words, alien,” Garrison affirmed.

“Vel,” Supergirl said, her face suddenly looking very serious.

“Yes, Vel, or something like him. Now we are confident that the Sanderson's have nothing to do with this but as you can imagine we are very concerned that we are seeing the prelude to something potentially very dangerous,” Garrison said.

“Thank you for advising me of this, I will remain vigilant,” Supergirl said as she began to rise.

“Supergirl, please, wait. I have a proposal for you,” Garrison said, her tone anxious as she sensed her opportunity to talk evaporating.

Supergirl could hear the anxiety in Garrison's voice, something she was not accustomed to having seen her various speeches, stage managed as they were. Supergirl reluctantly stopped herself and remained in her seat.

“What is it?” Supergirl asked.

“When we began to formulate a response to the attack we explored a range of options but we came to the conclusion that if we are to prevail, and in that sense I mean, the human race, we have to be able to fight fire with fire, we need you,” Garrison explained, reaching for a folder which she placed onto the table between them.

“Any help you receive from me should be considered a bonus, I cannot be everywhere at once, and if it were thought that I was anything other than neutral then that would become a problem,” Supergirl explained.

“Oh I can imagine The Red Phone ringing non-stop if the Russians thought you were in my pocket and I sure as hell would not let them sleep if it were the other away around. We all understand we need to keep you at arms length,” Garrison said ruefully.

“So, what do you want?” Supergirl asked, the President seemingly already aware of the limitations she placed on her relationships with governments and their politics.

“Currently we have no interface between us, no government has a hotline with you, as far as we are aware. If this alien threat is as serious as we think we need to find some way to work together,” Garrison explained.

“And how do you propose that will work, given what we already know?”

“The proposal is that you get a hotline into us rather than we have a hotline to you,” Garrison said, a slight smile forming on her face hinting at the pride she had in their solution.

“If you have me reporting in to some such agency how is it any different?” Supergirl answered with a frown.

“Because what we are proposing is that you choose who you want to deal with, not us,” Garrison began.

“But still,” Supergirl began to protest mildly.

“Supergirl, you don't understand. We wanted to give you a team of people you could interface with but we know that wont work. But contrary to belief, we aren't blind. We know that there must be people out there you trust. They could be anyone, a cop, a lawyer, a fireman or a teacher. Hell, they could be a priest or a thief for all I care, but we need a bridge, it is people who you trust that we want you to reach out to,” Garrison continued.

Supergirl listened as the President seemed to pick closely at the truth, unravelling the threads of the veil that shielded her friends. Supergirl's eyes began to betray how close the President was getting to the truth which prompted her host to continue.

“And now you know, we are not blind but I need to prove we are not stupid either. Your people are a solution to a problem, a solution evidently YOU have faith in. In order to keep it functioning and viable we are going to do the only thing we can do to make it work, we will LOOK THE OTHER WAY,” Garrison said, ending on a dramatic note.

“And how would that work? How would you look the other way?” Supergirl said sounding incredulous.

“We have to keep our institutions of law enforcement and justice pure. None of them must be corrupted. If you have any dubious friends who are then caught, they face justice. If you have more noble friends and they are found to have abused their badge or their office they too face justice. And so, by virtue of executive order I have created a way to try and keep those people safe,” Garrison said confidently.

“And how does it work, what does this executive order do?” Supergirl probed.

“Between the federal databases and the population at large is a sort of buffer zone, we call it INFINITY. When you need someone on team Supergirl, so to speak, their identity gets pulled out from the federal and statewide databases and put inside INFINITY. Then we switch it for a sanctioned INFINITY identity instead. Now, if anyone checks on your people the database will come back with a clean identity with credentials of you choice. Your asset could be made to be just a regular honest to goodness tax paying citizen, or they could become a law enforcement officer of some kind, whatever you need them to be to get their job done,” Garrison explained.

“If I take this on it would be just the same as being your agent, you know I cannot run this,” Supergirl said, shaking her head.

“That's why you need to pick someone, someone you trust, there must be someone. They will be your bridge to the system so you can stay hands off,” Garrison insisted.

“How do I know you won't just peer into the INFINITY system to see who is being protected?” Supergirl reasoned aloud.

“We are becoming acutely aware that our real problems are waiting for us out there,” Garrison said waving her index finger skyward before continuing. “If we looked inside INFINITY would you trust us again? Is the trade of losing you just to catch some morally ambiguous crook really worth it? The whole idea is to keep you in the loop, not drive you away. If INFINITY means we can continue to avoid disasters like Bobby Sanderson and his sister then I think we can afford to create a special haven for a chosen few so that you can continue to do what you do,” Garrison explained, glancing at her watch, aware of the elapsed time.

“So, what is the downside?” Supergirl asked, her voice highlighting her scepticism.

“No matter what new identities your people take on they have to stay legal. INFINITY only protects people from their pasts while they are inside the system. They won't have immunity, breaking a law while using their new identity will stick. And remember, once back outside INFINITY if their past catches up with them then there is nothing we can do to interfere, it is all part of the natural order of justice. It would be just as it has always been,” Garrison said.

“I need to think on this,” Supergirl said quietly.

“Your friends need to think on it too. This outlines how the system will work, read it and show it to them, the order will go into effect soon and then perhaps we can meet again,” the President said, handing Supergirl a manilla envelope.

“Where will you be?” Supergirl asked.

“I shall be in Camp David for the next few days, meet me there,” Garrison said.

“We shall see, I cannot promise you anything,” Supergirl replied, rising to her feet.

“I understand,” Garrison nodded as she rose to her feet also, escorting the heroine from the helicopter.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena continued to work in her lair on the cyber attack. She had began to unravel some of the steps the attacker had made during their breach into the government databases but was having to tread lightly and not too deep, the networks now more secure than ever.

The tell tale log file corruptions appeared everywhere, from simple low end databases like the unified social security number database to higher level systems like those held by the F.B.I. It was unnerving for Selena to think that the attackers could get into so many systems and do what they wanted and so quickly.

What Selena was able to discern so far was that this hunt for personal information seemed contained to a very narrow range of the databases. Only certain portions of the databases had been studied and even then in quite a discerning and sophisticated way. Certain combinations of keywords had been tested and on some sort of logical basis.

“Search for names starting with this letter if you find links to people with names starting with another letter,” thought Selena as she tried to unravel what the search logic had been.

Selena had to be careful as she searched but she could see that first names that began with C,K,L and S were of interest to whoever was responsible for the attack. Drilling into the next layer of information would have to be done very carefully indeed. Trying to determine what surnames were being sought would need more time too but for now she had her hands full dealing with just the letter C.

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Neomi was pacing her hotel room waiting for the knock that was due any moment. On the writing table beneath the TV on its stand Ernst Van Der Walt's cell phone sat, smashed and broken inside the signal blocking pouch. Next to it sat Lisa Kozny's pistol, clip out, chamber empty.

There was a firm tap on the door and Neomi checked the spyhole before opening the heavy hotel room door. Eyes averted, Neomi stood aside as Africa stepped in, waiting for the door to close behind him before he spoke.

“What the HELL happened?” Mr Africa bellowed.

“What does it look like happened?” Neomi bit back.

“You are meant to keep a low profile and so far you have been in a fight which was non-job related, screwed up a contract and now you've gone and shot a cop!” Mr Africa ranted.

“It was YOU that wanted the damned phone back, it was YOU that exposed me to this, and besides, the contract was fine, the target is dead, remember,” Neomi said snappily.

“Well at least they can't get anything off that phone now, better to know than to be in doubt,” Mr Africa said, a little more calmly as he glanced at the cell phone.

“All I have done is exchange one problem for another, the cop, she saw my face,” Neomi growled.

“Fuck! That's why you shot her?!” Africa exclaimed.

“Of course that's why! You don't mess with cops unless you have to, they have a lot of brothers and sisters and they look after their own,” Neomi said, her tone a little conciliatory.

“Is she dead?” Africa asked coldly.

“I was only feet away, put one round into her back, a kevlar vest would struggle at that distance. At the angle I hit her it probably went through a lung, perhaps a kidney too, stupid bitch. She had some moves, maybe she had time in special forces, not that any of that can stop a bullet,” Neomi said matter of factly.

Mr Africa sat himself at the writing desk but with his back to it while he considered what the next best move was.

“Provided she doesn't talk soon that will work for us, but if your face starts appearing in the press we will have to make arrangements. We can't have your presence interfering with our other contracts, we still have contracts to complete,” Mr Africa said as he scooped up Kozny's gun.

“Fine, but I trust this Van Der Walt job is considered complete?” Neomi said as she sat on the corner of her bed as she watched Mr Africa work the action of the empty pistol.

“We will alert the escrow people that we are happy at our end and have them check in with the client, there shouldn't be a problem from there,” Mr Africa nodded as he squinted down the sights of the pistol for a moment.

“Good, I didn't join The Resolution for the company, I am here to do jobs and get paid,” Neomi said.

“Just keep your head down and DO NOT make a fuss. Wait until we call you and in the meantime, strip, clean and then dispose of this gun and that damned cell phone. No more leaving evidence around, understand?” Africa said as he rose to his feet.

“Understood,” Neomi said as she lead Africa back to the door.

“Good, until we call you again,” Africa said firmly, drawing a nod from Neomi in response before she opened the door for the tall strong African man.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Detective Gomez walked up the hallway from the elevators to the nurses station at the entrance to the ward.

“Hi, I'm detective Gomez, N.Y.P.D, I am here to see Detective Kozny, umm, Lisa Kozny,” Gomez said humbly.

A nurse behind the desk glanced Gomez over, comparing the man to the photograph on his identity card.

“OK, detective, you do understand there is a list of approved visitors? The officers assigned to her door control who can go in,” the nurse said.

“Sure, I wrote the list,” quipped Gomez.

“Oh, I see, well, just down there and on the left,” the nurse said with a smile.

“Thank you,” Gomez said as he turned to look at the direction he had been directed to.
Walking on down the corridor and past the open common rooms with some six beds to a room Gomez arrived to an area with private rooms. Stood by a door was a uniformed officer, a cup of coffee in one hand, his other resting on his night stick that sat in its loop on his belt.

As Gomez approached the officer's posture seemed to change a little as if he was preparing to challenge him as he got nearer. Gomez was relieved to see that at least the officer was at least paying attention to the comings and goings at Kozny's door.

Gomez produced his badge which seemed to pacify the officer immediately.

“Oh hi detective,” the officer said calmly.

“Hi, how has it been?” Gomez asked.

“Fairly quiet, your captain has been already. There was someone from internal affairs too. I tried to give them the brush off, said they weren't on the list but they had my Sargent on my ass quick time, sorry I couldn't keep them out,” the officer explained.

“Well, as long you keep the bad guys out, that's the main thing,” Gomez said, a hint of annoyance in his tone. Internal affairs, always getting in the way.

“So, you going to go in? She could probably do with a friendly face by now,” the officer continued.

“Yeah, best had,” Gomez nodded, his hand settling on the door knob before he swung open the door and entered quietly.

Reclined but sat upright in bed Lisa had a bandage wrapped around her forehead, a gown covering her torso. Around her upper arm was some kind of armband connected by tubes to a device on a shelf with some kind of data cable plugged into a panel by Kozny's bed. Lisa's eyes were closed as Gomez approached her bedside and quietly drew up a seat and sat down.

“Hey, Kozny, just thought I would drop by, see how you are doing, you know?” Gomez began sounding despondent with a low voice.

Lisa's eyes sprang open immediately with a grin forming on her face.

“Jeez you'd think I was dying!” Kozny joked.

“Jeezus fucking christ, don't do that to me!” Gomez said angrily but with a smile.

“You should see your face!” Kozny followed on for a moment until her deadly encounter made itself known, her aching body protesting.

“Don't make me shoot you too,” Gomez replied, “What the fuck happened?”

“Someone came for the cell phone, a woman. When I got to the location she was fishing it out of the bin. We can't be sure she was the one who killed Van Der Walt but she was dangerous. Oh shit, the armband, did anyone get it?” Kozny said in sudden realisation.

“Yeah sure, we retraced your steps back to the trash can and found it. We interviewed people at the car wreck too, then there was a woman in the park with a kid who got knocked over,” Gomez said as he remembered events after the shooting.

Gomez could read that Kozny was struggling to recall the things that had happened during the chase.

“It was a little girl, wasn't it?” Kozny said.

“That's right, she's ok, the mother too,” Gomez added on.

“And a Toyota and a Ford at the accident?” Kozny said, her face visibly strained as she remembered the accident.

“Nothing wrong with that memory,” Gomez grinned.

“But, the shooter, I don't remember her face and I saw it, I'm sure of it,” Kozny's face frowned again as she closed her eyes in attempt to resurrect the memory.

“Hey, it'll come, the thing you better remember though is you owe the guys over at the twenty second precinct a beer,” Gomez said.

“The Park precinct? Oh shit, that's right, that officer found us, and just in time, oh man I owe him big,” groaned Lisa.

“Don't worry, he knows but he says thanks for the work out,” Gomez joked.

“Seriously though that armband, you should compare it to that clean ring on the vic's sleeve. It should prove that it was on him when he hit the mud. At least then we know for sure it actually was his cell phone too,” Kozny explained.

“Sure, I'll get the techies onto it tomorrow,” Gomez said, pulling his notepad out and making a note.

“I can't believe she got away, we needed that damned phone and I was so close!” Kozny said angrily.

“Don't give up on the phone just yet just be happy you are alive. How the fuck are you alive anyway? They said it was point blank range,” Gomez wondered aloud.

“They don't get it, the round might have been defective or something, it should have done more damage than it did,” Kozny said with a shake of her head.

“And what is the damage?” Gomez asked.

“Apart from my pride, losing my gun to that bitch? Just some bruising they think, the blow at that range should have at least broken some ribs but nothing. They are monitoring my blood pressure to make sure I don't haemorrhage from somewhere overnight. If not they will kick me out tomorrow morning, ” Kozy said with a shrug gesturing at the blood pressure monitoring machine connected to her arm.

“What's with your head?” Gomez asked, his finger pointing at her bandage.

“Banged it when I dropped to the floor they think. My memory is a little sketchy at the moment. Hence I get to wear this bandage and put a billion dollar invoice for an M.R.I. scan on the N.Y.P.D. medical bill,” Kozny scoffed.

“No that bill was for just the bandage, the M.R.I. is extra,” Gomez joked, eliciting a painful chuckle from Kozny.

“So, you hinted there was more to the phone?” Kozny said, her voice turning a little more serious.

“The phone, it might have uploaded a copy of the video recording to the vic's online storage, the phone might not have the only copy of what was captured. I've got warrants issued to the account provider, they are organising a data dump for us,” Gomez said.

“Hey, good work,” Kozny said as she shuffled more upright in her bed.

“Well, if they do let you out tomorrow I've got this amazing desk job lined up for you. You get to use all your highlighters, post-it notes and colouring pens too, ” Gomez beamed.

“Oh?” Kozny replied, cocking her head.

“Sure, I got all the movements for all the runners that tracked their runs. If the Captain puts you on the desk tomorrow you can map them all out all pretty like while I go out to play detective for a change,” Gomez grinned.

“Great, going to let me play with the crayons too?” Kozny protested.

“Wise ass, you're fine, this is all bullshit,” Gomez said sarcastically as he gestured to the bedside table covered in bunches of grapes and flowers causing Kozny to laugh painfully again.

“Owww oww oww owww,” Lisa groaned.

“That'll teach you!” Gomez said with a hint of sympathy.

“Still worth it!”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===

“Oh dearest brother, do you hear me?” asked the mist in the empty nothingness.

There was a pause in the darkness as nothing stirred in reply to the voice of the black mist.

“Brother! I implore you, hear me!”

The black infinite plain remained silent, defiant.

“Our time runs short! If you do not hear my call soon I must move on without you. It would be a pity to have set up my trap without you there to take our revenge.”

The black void didn't make a sound.

“Fine, if you wont do it I will find another way, I don't need you, see if I care!” scowled the voice from the mist.

“Sis? Please don't be mad at me!” whimpered a voice in reply.

“There you are! I have a task for you, dear brother! ” hissed the nebulous mist.

“Please, I will do whatever you want, just get out of my head!” pleaded the voice from beyond the emptiness.

“Then listen, brother, I have plans for you,” the mist said as it seemed to begin to bubble and boil.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Supergirl returned to Selena's lair, the President's proposal in hand. After the meeting the heroine had gone to some solitary place to read the documents in detail before deciding what to do next. There was a lot there and it seemed to be veiled in language which someone like Selena would best understand.

“I seeeee yooooouuuuu!” called out Selena's voice through the cavernous interior of her base.

Supergirl walked on to find Selena as ever at the centre, her eyes locked onto her screens as she worked.

“You never let up, do you?” Supergirl said as she realised Selena was still focused on the same problem as before, the cyber attack.

“This attack was very sophisticated, whoever is responsible was....,” began Selena, her head not even turning to set eyes on her guest.

“Vel, Selena. It was Vel,” Supergirl said solemnly.

Selena's typing hands stopped their work, her head turning to face Supergirl suddenly.

“But I thought,” Selena said with surprise.

“I hoped so too, but we had our suspicions that maybe there were more instances of Vel's mind in other people” Supergirl said as she approached the red head who remained in her seat.

“But you are sure it is him, or is it 'them', at work?” Selena asked, a little anxiety in her voice.

“The government thinks so, they are worried, the President told me that they,” Supergirl began to explain.

“The President? Of the United States!?” Selena exclaimed, her eyebrows rising in surprise.

“None other, I have to show you this,” Supergirl said as she stood before Selena, envelope in hand.

Selena eyed the envelope with suspicion, the blue and gold seal on the front alluding to where it had come.

“What is it, Kara?” Selena asked slightly apprehensively.

Supergirl offered out the envelope and Selena accepted it, extracting the contents and placing the pages of the document over her desk.

“They know how dangerous this situation can be and they don't want to be passengers any more, they want to help,” Supergirl explained.

Selena's eyes scanned over the document as Supergirl spoke, looking for the tricks, the loopholes, the big booby trap that would explode in their faces.

“They want you to take responsibility for this?” Selena asked incredulously.

“No, I think they hope I know someone like you who will. They know I can't join them directly. If I did then every government from Australia to Zimbabwe would want me too,” Supergirl said.

“Kara, you know I am still technically a fugitive, don't you? If I appear on their radar for what I am I could lose everything. I am not going back,” Selena said, her tone anxious.

“That is what their INFINITY plan is meant to prevent, don't you see, they aren't scared of you, they don't care about you. They have bigger problems to worry about than Selena Walsh” Supergirl answered, disappointed that Selena was not enthusiastic about the plan.

“Right now, yes, you are probably right, but what if this attack turns out not to be Vel, or god forbid, it is and we stop him or that monster that seems to plague him? What will happen then? Do you think they will count to ten to give me a head start?” Selena replied firmly.

Selena had seen the worst side of the government with their interventions and their schemes. She had seen how the government armed would-be friends only to turn those very friends into enemies. Then she witnessed the failed battle to win back hearts and minds after bombing those new enemies to the edge of existence. Selena herself was a product of deals and promises made by a government to only then be broken. If anyone was positioned to condemn the President's plan it was Selena.

“I won't beg you Selena but I think you could be making a mistake by turning this opportunity away,” Supergirl said, her voice appealing to Selena to open her mind to the idea.

“Kara, NO, I will not put myself in harms way again for these people,” Selena said as she gathered up the papers and slid them back in the envelope.

“Then, who do I ask, Selena?” Kara asked sadly as she took back the envelope.

“I don't care, Kara, evidently you can ask anyone to do it, no doubt you will have someone else just as trustworthy as me,” Selena said a little harshly.

“Just as trustworthy? You …..!”, Supergirl said, cutting herself off as soon as her brain led into a list of adjectives a heroine just shouldn't say.

“Yes?” Selena asked, challenging Supergirl to vent. Selena's mindset had put herself into the position of dominant as always, her tone giving her an air of superiority over her submissive superheroine.

“Since the day you broke me and took me in your arms I have done nothing but trust you and it has been a valid trust. And every time you've de-powered me I have been at your mercy and yours alone! How dare you say I trust anyone else just as much as I do you!” Kara said angrily.

Selena's expression said it all, she had spoken without thinking for once.

“Kara, I ….,” Selena began to respond.

“I am going to see McGee, perhaps he will see this opportunity differently,” Kara said firmly as she spun away.

“Kara, please,” Selena pleaded as she went to stop Kara.

“Not now,” Supergirl said and then ….


Creating a powerful wake Supergirl sped out of sight leaving Selena to feel the force of rejection in the turbulent air of the room, security alarms flashing red on Selena's screens as they detected the movement of the Superheroine leaving at speed. As scattered paper fell to the ground Selena suddenly felt an unsettling feeling, the feeling not of being alone, but of being lonely.

“You fucking IDIOT, ” Selena exclaimed as she side swiped a glass of water on her desk across the room against a wall, shattering it into a hundred pieces.

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Lucy was sat on the edge of her bed inside her luxury apartment, one leg stretched out in its black knee length boot the other in an ankle boot with high a high heel.

“Hmmmm – knee length!” Lucy decided.

With a few deft tugs Lucy removed the ankle boot and put on the knee boot's twin and rose to her feet studying herself in the mirror. Her distressed skintight jeans went well with the boots and her black silk Chinese style top with its silver-stitched dragon somehow pulled off the fusion of fashion giving the message of east meets west.

Glancing back at the exercise machines in the corner Lucy felt a moment of guilt that perhaps she could have trained some more. Even though she had dashed out the door to come home and get training the moment Lisa had left her that morning the hunger to do more ate at her.

Running her hands down her thighs Lucy closed her eyes and imagined Lisa was with her and just for a moment she imagined that ..

“Hmmm”, Lucy said as her own hands came to rest on her behind, a light touch onto the jewelled butt plug reminding her of her time with the candles and ice from the night before.

Lucy hadn't worn the butt plug the entire day because of the practicalities of it all but she had tried to keep to the spirit of her instructions where she could.

“Screw training, I need the strict hand of the law,” Lucy said to herself with a grin.

Picking up the keys to her Porsche Lucy walked out of her apartment and made her way to the parking garage below.

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McGee entered his modest apartment and kicked closed the door behind him. Draped over his shoulder was his suit jacket while in his other hand was his briefcase. Placing his case down the bulky-framed man kicked off the shoes torturing his aching feet which caused him to groan pleasurably.

“Thank god for that” McGee said as he walked to his bedroom, hanging his jacket up in his wardrobe and drawing out the tie from the collar of his smart white shirt.

“What a day,” McGee said aloud as he walked to his kitchen to get the process of making a coffee underway while he removed his holster and pistol.

With the water getting hotter McGee stowed his weapon in his small wall safe and then returned to his kitchen and prepared a cup to receive his well-deserved drink. He paused, eyes closed as he tried to let the stresses of the day fade away, listening to the water beginning to simmer.

BING BONG - rang the door bell.

McGee's head dropped. “What now?” McGee said wearily. With his feet still protesting McGee returned down the corridor and then cautiously looked through the spyhole of his front door to see who his visitor was.

In a deep red dyed leather jacket and blue jeans the blond heroine looked ordinary and yet the height of cool all at once. McGee gasped when he realised who it was and quickly went to open the door.

The door swung open and there she was, Supergirl in disguise.

“Hey, Kara, what brings you here? Come in, come in,” McGee said as he stepped aside beckoning her to enter.

Kara entered a few steps then unexpectedly moved in for a hug. McGee was taken a back and for a moment he didn't know how to respond until eventually his arms enveloped the young woman.

“Hey, is everything ok?” McGee began, having to try and suppress whatever thought might leak out of Kara's head.

“It will be, I'm sure” Kara replied, giving one last squeeze around McGee's shoulders.

The pair broke from their embrace and McGee stepped back to take in the sight of the heroine once again. Her expression looked a little despondent to the FBI man and he suspected the source of her woe was probably the envelope in her hand.

“Do you want something to drink?” McGee began, gesturing towards the living room.

“No, I'm fine,” Kara said quietly.

The pair moved to the living room and Kara sat down on the sofa in front of a coffee table, McGee joining her, cup in hand as he sat to face her.

“What is this all about, Kara?” McGee asked.

“This,” Kara said sliding the envelope to McGee.

With a look of curiosity on his face McGee pulled the papers from the envelope and his eyes began to devour the words they contained. Kara watched on patiently as he read, the friendly giant occasionally flipping from one page to another as he read the details of the President's plan.

“Oh boy,” groaned McGee as he sank back into his seat.

“Would you do it?” Kara asked hopefully.

“Have you shown Selena this?” McGee countered.

The question had barely been registered by the heroine when McGee was bathed in the memories of the scene Kara had with Selena not long previously. Supergirl saw McGee's expression change before she had even said a word setting off another chain reaction of expressions, realisations and counter-reactions.

“Hey, Kara, I'm sorry OK, I didn't mean to look,” McGee said wearily. It had been a long day and he was tired.

“It's ok,” Kara said weakly, she could see McGee's fatigue.

“Kara, I understand why she is reluctant. I know about this system they are talking about, taking people out the system, messing with their identities and spitting them back out into the world. I've heard about the spooks at the CIA pulling this kind of crap before. And it does work, trust me, but all it takes is for them to pull the plug and, well you can guess,” McGee explained.

“I can understand why Selena won't run it, but why not you?” Kara pressed.

“Me? I know they are saying I would have the Supergirl seal of approval if I took this on, but, if it all goes south I am going to have to justify all the choices I make putting people into the system. Imagine if I had to explain my association with Selena if this INFINITY plan got terminated. 'Oh sure, I promise I know she is innocent anyway, what with my magic powers, oh didn't I mention that?', yes, that will fly I am sure,” McGee continued.

“I can't believe what the President has offered me is so bad,” Kara said, shaking her head.

“Kara, it's NOT if they keep their word, but if they betray you, they will destroy all that we have. Selena is able to live, she is free and I am not a slave to some horrible spy program. I have a life, a real, honest-to-god life. Once I am found out all that will be over. If I won't work for them do you think they will risk me working for someone else?” McGee asked.

Kara shook her head slowly, McGee had a point.

McGee could see he had given the heroine some things to think about but a new question entered his head.

“Why has this come up anyway?” McGee asked. Setting up this system for Supergirl's use must have been done for a reason.

“It's Vel, we think Vel is back,” Kara said, her expression serious as her eyes locked onto McGee's.

“Oh, who has he possessed now?” McGee asked as he set down his coffee.

“We don't know, but he or the monster, maybe both, has infected someone, they have a body and they are using it,” Kara said as she rose to her feet, gathering up the papers and putting them in the envelope.

“I know you think we are letting you down, but we have so much to lose. I have my secret and Selena has her freedom. But, perhaps Lisa will do it? She has a good reputation and has no skeletons in her closet,” McGee said getting to his feet.

“Well, let's hope so, I would rather not go back to the President empty handed. Even if I were able to say I had someone who could oversee this without the promise of ever using it that would be better than having to say I had no one at all,” Kara replied as she and McGee returned to his front door.

“Kara, whatever you choose to do the President will, I am sure, abide by your decision. You are not hers to command,” McGee said as he opened the door for his guest.

“Perhaps, but Vel's mind is out there and it is possible we may need each other. The resources this plan has to offer in order to capture him or his twisted alter ego might make all the difference,” Kara said, part way out the entrance.

“Good luck, Kara, and keep in touch,” McGee said, offering out his hand.

“Thank you, McGee, my friend,” Kara said, her hand meeting his.

She was determined that despite her disappointment she would not leave on the same bad terms as she did with Selena. Without knowing it though, McGee could see and feel from the superheroine's mind all he needed to know.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy had watch the sun set, the sky darken and the city lights come to the fore against the black sky and yet Lisa had not returned home. Picking up her cell phone again Lucy checked for messages to see nothing and so she finally relented and dialled out.

Lucy listened as the ring tone sounded a few times and she hoped that any moment Lisa would pick up. Then, the ring tone stopped.

“Hey this is....,” began Lisa.

“Hey Lisa, it's...,” Lucy jumped in.

“.... the voice mail for Detective Kozny, I am sorry I can't take your call.....,” the voice of Lisa continued.


Lucy disconnected the call with a frown. She didn't like the situation at all. Normally Lisa would respond with a message or pick up but to do neither was different. Lucy considered that perhaps Lisa had gone on a stakeout or something but even then she would get a warning beforehand.

Lucy knew she had to be patient, besides, there was no need to panic, at least not yet. There were plenty of reasonable explanations in line ahead of anything sinister being at play. Plenty.

“Dammit,” Lucy cursed as she opened up a new message and began to type.

“Selena, have you heard from Lisa today, concerned, cannot reach her.”

Lucy watched the screen a moment and was relieved to see that the message had been seen by Selena.

“Selena is typing a message” indicated the chat window.

“No” came the flat reply.

“Well, don't show too much concern, we might start thinking you give a shit,” Lucy growled under her breath.

Lucy's brain started composing an acidic reply to send back, some well crafted combination of words that would stab the arrogant bitch in the eyes from her screen when she read it.

“Selena is typing a message” indicated the chat window again.

Lucy's fingers paused just as she was about to start typing out her message.

“Sorry, had argument with K. No, not heard from Lisa today, will make enquiries, promise to get back to you”

Lucy blinked as she read the message and began to feel bad.

“Promise? Wow, I rarely get something like that from her,” Lucy said to herself then she suddenly wasn't sure if she should feel even more concerned for Lisa or not.

Lucy put her phone down not wanting to see any more messages, they had started to stress her out. Walking out of the living room to the hall Lucy caught sight of the rolled up paper targets in the hallway by the coat stand but passed into the kitchen and got a glass of water with a shot of lemon juice then went to return to the living room.

Then, out of curiosity she picked up the roll of paper mid journey and continued back to the living room and splayed out the first target.

In the corner were Lisa's initials, the number one, and a distance of fifty yards marked below that. Lucy studied the grouping of rounds, admiring Lisa's accuracy.

“Not bad, not as good as mine, but not bad” Lucy thought as she began to roll up the target and look at the next.

“LK 2 50YDS” was marked on the second sheet, similar to the first.

Lucy glanced over the target and noted how the grouping was now tighter than the first, Lisa's aim improving over time it seemed.

“Better!” grinned Lucy as she began to unfurl the third sheet.

“LK 3 50YDS” showed the third sheet.

Holding up target number three Lucy cocked her head with a frown looking at the mess that Lisa had made of the paper victim.

“What did you do, go full auto?” the mercenary thought to herself as she put a finger through one of the holes. They were all inside what the police call the centre mass of the target but the grouping had gone to hell.

“Wait a minute, it wasn't being on full auto that did this,” Lucy thought as she held one of the first targets next to the third.

With her expert eyes Lucy studied the bullet holes in the paper.

“Oh Lisa! How do you expect to shoot consistently if you change ty….,” Lucy thought just as she was interrupted.

TAP TAP TAP sounded the door.

Lucy's head turned instinctively to the door, her heart skipping a beat. Who was it? Should she answer it?

Lucy tip toed elegantly to the door and checked the spyhole.

“Oh, it's you!” Lucy said as she quickly unbolted the door revealing Kara in civilian clothes on the other side.

“Lucy?” frowned Kara.

“Uh huh, are you coming in?” Lucy said looking beyond the heroine, checking the corridor.

“Sure, I hope I am not disturbing anything, I didn't think to check before coming over,” Kara said realising she had been a bit socially clumsy. Then she cursed herself for having just walked in on McGee.

Lucy noticed Kara's mind drifting a momentarily and rolled her eyes with a grin. Despite all the superpowers Kara seemed to have very human traits.

“Lisa isn't here yet, I thought she would be home now and it's getting late,” Lucy said with concern as she closed the door behind the visiting heroine.

“There was something I needed to discuss with her but,” Kara said, pausing mid sentence like she was lost in her thoughts.

“Anything you want to share with me?” Lucy asked as she led the pair to the living room again.

Kara glanced at Lucy, her mind imagining the conversation she would be having with Lisa right now if she were there. Lisa being modest would think herself incapable of being put in charge of something of this importance. Then she would wonder why Selena wasn't at the top of Supergirl's list, or McGee. Then Supergirl would confess that both of them were concerned about the government abusing their own system to entrap them. That would make Lisa then worry about what might happen if they were able to get to Lucy through her. And then the conversation would be over, the plan rejected.

“No, it's ok, it's not important,” Kara said keeping a firm grasp on the envelope she had been given that very afternoon.

“You sure? Well, you know if you want to talk to me I'm here for you, you know that right?” Lucy asked sincerely.

“Lucy, I know if anyone has my back it's you,” Kara began.

The memory of hearing Lucy take blow after blow from the augmented Kimberly played out in the heroine's ears in sickening detail. Lucy had been the sacrificial lamb to plant false information to get the alien-infected villainess away just long enough so the heroine could be freed.


Both Kara and Lucy turned their heads to see Lucy's cell phone dance on vibrate and Lucy walked up to it with urgency.

“Is it Lisa?” Kara asked hopefully.

“No, Selena,” Lucy replied anxiously as she opened up the message.

“Have located Lisa, am concerned, news sources say she is in hospital after shooting incident, info sketchy. Hospital address in link to follow”

“Oh no no no no no,” Lucy began as she began to gather her things, her hand rising to her head.

“Lucy, what is it? What has happened?” Kara asked anxiously.

“It's Lisa, I think she's been shot!” Lucy said with disbelief.

“Shot?! Where is she?” Kara said, her current problems evaporating from her mind.

“Come with me?” Lucy asked hopefully.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It was late evening and the hospital ward lights had been turned down to a more subdued level. Visiting hours were long over and the evening dispensing rounds had been concluded.

At the nurses station a pair of nurses spoke quietly as they updated a large whiteboard, amending the names of patients on the schematic layout of their ward.

“OK, the next B.P. and T's are in an hour, that gives us time to do I.V. feed checks” said one of the senior nurses.

“OK, I will do common room A,” replied the junior nurse.

Over in the stairwell Lucy and Supergirl in full costume planned their next move.

“I know you want to see her but I doubt they will let you,” Supergirl whispered.

“I know, so why don't you don't just fly up to her window and look?” Lucy said with a whisper.

“Lucy, WHICH window?! Besides, this place is full of sick and vulnerable people, I'm not going to go scanning through the entire hospital just to find her, it's not right, I won't do it,” Supergirl quipped as she looked in each direction through the doorway that she held slightly ajar.

“Go be the heroine then, nothing can stop you from taking a peek once you are at her door,” Lucy insisted.

“Let me see what I can do,” Supergirl said before setting off.

Supergirl pushed through the doorway and turned the corner, taking a breath.

THUD! Landed her footfall.




The two nurses felt the vibration through the floor and turned to see Supergirl walk purposefully by.

“Errr, ma'am...” one of the nurses said as a feeble challenge.

“That's Supergirl!” the second nurse said with a loud stage whisper.

“Errr, ma'am, stop,” the first nurse said again, walking hurriedly out from behind the desk.

“Please, stop, you can't go in there,” said the second nurse, now a little frantic.

“Hey, STOP!” the first nurse tried again, trying to get ahead of Supergirl.




Supergirl continued, her pace having gravitas, her height, her grace, her presence all conveying the power that laid within her.

Just up the corridor a police officer had been making small talk with an orderly while guarding Kozny's doorway. Seeing Supergirl approach his smile evaporated as he faced a situation he never imagined possible.

Supergirl looked on, face serious, as she saw the officer chatter into the mic of his radio clipped to his shoulder, his ear turning to his receiver listening to the response. Now Supergirl was certain that she was in the right place. Closer Supergirl got to Kozny's room and the officer's hand moved to rest on his holster, one hand out stretched.

“I'm sorry ma'am but you cannot enter, no unauthorised visitors,” the officer said a little shakily.

“Please, she is resting,” one of the nurses pleaded with a loud whisper.

Supergirl stopped at just over an arms length from the officer and turned her head, her vision permitting her to see beyond the wall and into Kozny's room.

Inside her room Lisa Kozny slept soundly on her side, her expression peaceful. There were no drips, and no monitors save for the automatic blood pressure machine strapped to her upper arm. Supergirl looked for injuries or signs of surgery but apart from the warm mass of bruising on her back and forehead Lisa looked fine.

“Ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to step back,” the officer said, his confidence rising slightly as he saw Supergirl's expression soften while seemingly staring at the wall.

“I have seen all I need to see,” Supergirl said as she glanced between the nurses and the police officer guarding his charge, her gaze at the wall now broken.

“Hey is everything..... oh,” began to ask another officer who had arrived at his colleague's request. His breathing was a little heavy but he had dashed back as fast as he could. Now he could see the motive for his partner's radio call.

Supergirl and the nurses glanced back to see the new arrival before all eyes then settled on the heroine once more.

“OK? Yeah,I think so, right?” replied the officer at the door, his eyes glancing questioningly at the heroine in front of him.

“I am glad to see Detective Kozny is well and under your protection,” Supergirl said firmly.

“She is safe in our hands, I promise,” said the second officer.

“Then I shall go,” Supergirl said, looking over the small gathering that had formed around her before she returned the way she had entered.

The gathering of nurses watched on in silence as the heroine moved away. Then with Supergirl out of sight the gathering broke up and the officer who had been guarding the door exhaled the lungful of air his body had held tensly inside of him.

“Jeezus, Tyler, you okay?!” asked the second officer patting his colleague on the back as he watched the heroine go out of sight.

“I thought we were going to have a real problem there for a moment, Glen. Thanks for having my back,” Tyler answered.

“And what the hell do you think I was going to be able to do? Besides, she's on our side, she wouldn't have hurt you,” Glen joked.

“I know, I guess, but when she's right there in front of you, you can really feel it, you know, the energy?” Tyler replied his voice getting excited.

“Well she's gone now, that'll make a good story for the kids; how you protected sleeping beauty in there from Supergirl!” quipped Glen.

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Back in the stairwell Kara and Lucy shared an embrace as the good news sunk in.

“Oh god, thank you,” Lucy said with relief.

“Now remember, she took a bump to the head but physically she looks fine. I can't say for sure if she's going to have a memory issue or not, but she is safe and well,” Kara added as the embrace broke.

“I'll take that over anything else, any day.” Lucy smiled with a nod.

“Good, come on, let's go. There is nothing more we can do now except wait,” Supergirl said with a smile.

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Mr Africa, Mr Nordic and Mr Hispania were sat in Nordic's hotel room. He had bagged himself a junior executive suite and the three made use of the additional space they had over and above their own more modest accommodation.

Beyond the hotel room balcony the beautiful city lights shone with vibrant neon colours and a crescent moon above the city helped decorate the night sky.

In the corner of the room the LED flatscreen TV played a movie which they weren't watching, more intent in dealing with the business at hand. If anything the movie was merely meant to make noise so they weren't overheard.

“We are running out of time, so many 'accidents' in such a short space of time is not so easy to complete,” Nordic said.

“Relax. We are going to get a two for one,” Africa said glancing at Hispania with a grin.

“How so?” Nordic asked noticing he must have been missing something.

“Tell him,” Africa said looking to Mr Hispania.

“Our two marks, they have a liddle problem,” Hispania said.

“Oh?” Nordic said, leaning in towards Hispania in interest.

“I have been doing my research, they both have a coke habit,” Hispania said, grinning wickedly.

“Hah, that's too easy! Do you have what you need to make it happen?” Nordic asked leaning back in his seat.

Hispania leaned forward, placing a small vial of white powder onto the table in front of them, looking the others in the eye.

“I have been a throwing the dinero around to get into their scene, the marks like the hard partying, picking up the same bad habits in the same bad places. They will be there at their favourite club tomorrow night,” Hispania explained.

“What do I need to do?” Nordic said, eyeing the vial.

“Nada, amigo! I have got thees. I will spike them up and thees wheel do the job, nice anda slow. By the end of tomorrow night they wheel be dying and by the morning next they wheel be dead,” Hispania said proudly.

“That stuff is like super refined coke, the cops will think it was just a bad cut they got, it's lethal” Africa said, his eyebrows raising as he felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket.

“Who's that?” Nordic asked seeing Africa's expression.

Africa glanced down at his phone and opened up his messages folder.

“It's from the top,” Africa said as he clicked the message to see the contents.


“Fuck,” Africa grunted.

“What is it, amigo?” Hispania asked, noting Mr Africa's annoyance.

“There is this B and E contract in the area. I was hoping we would be out of here before it became activated. Guess what just happened,” Africa groaned.

“B and E? Have you cased it already?” Nordic wondered aloud.

“It is a piece of cake, standard alarms, nothing fancy, regular key locks, it's a typical house. It's not like I am stealing the Mona Lisa,” Africa said with disdain.

“So, what is it that you will be stealing?”

“Apparently a glass cube with a green dot in the middle if I remember the details correctly,” Africa scoffed.

“How much?” Nordic wondered.

“It's the same client as it is for that, so,” Africa said, gesturing at the vial.

“So, peanuts then?” Nordic replied.

“We've murdered our way across Europe killing bankers all the way and been paid handsomely for each and every one. I think we can afford to throw in a bulk discount on a simple breaking and entering,” Africa grinned.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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DWER-DWER-DWER-DWER-DWER – the motor of the running machine whined, straining with every footfall that Lucy made as she pounded the infinite road ahead of her.

Oxygen mask over her face, connected to her equipment, Lucy breathed hard as her thoughts wandered. The sun was just rising, the city-scape through her window bathed in the orange light of the new day's sun from the east, the east where she had been born.

She was the fifth child of her family, her royal family, and she was the gift her real parents had to give to the lowest orders of their society. The social pact between the people and the monarchy of her homeland depended on the concept of mixing and sharing the bloodlines.


Her foster family, the family of the criminal underworld, was large in number. She had uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, too numerous to count. From a young age Lucy had become accustomed to losing them to the perils of their criminal existence. Lucy had endured several lessons in how not to love and not to get attached, for one day's friend could easily be another day's sad memory.


When Lucy out grew her new family, when they discovered her talents were beyond their power to control she fled before they sought to end her. Finding a new life with those who seemed like her she thought she at had least found a new family who would look out for her, but she was wrong. Loyalty was not based on merit, it was based on survival, it was based on who had money, and she was no more happy there than she was as a child with her foster family.


Lucy's hand rose to the necklace dangling under her running top feeling for the hard metal disc beneath. The compressed sniper round had been meant for her before Supergirl had caught it mid flight, but in a way it did kill her. The girl who had been delivered into the crime family's hands was dead, as was the young woman who had escaped to work with The Resolution. To everyone the princess had been killed and this new woman, Lucy had taken her place.


In Lucy's world getting attached was becoming a thing. Loyalty was earned through deeds, not bought with money, and as for one's survival at the expense of someone elses? Unacceptable. But while she found strength in all these things she knew now she had also been exposed to a weakness. When the ones she cared about were hurt, it hurt her too.

Then, Lucy saw it, her cell phone clipped to the running machine sprang to life.


Lucy ripped off her mask feeling the rich fresh air on her face and reached for the phone.


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Doctor Matthews stood inside the large assembly hangar entrance by the loading dock, arms folded in her pure white tunic top, her legs slightly parted in her close fitting white pants. This morning had so far been quite productive. Waiting for her on her computer screen finally was the results of the secret data analysis she had been running on the mainframe overnight.


“Now I have them,” Molly thought wickedly as she patiently waited on the loading dock.

The alien memory replayed itself inside Molly's head again only with more of the missing blanks filled in, aided by her finally seeing the names in her mind.

“Kara is the name of the heroine, so surely she has a life when she does not wear the cape. I so look forward to finding out where she goes, and what she does,” Molly thought as she heard a truck approaching.

“Then there was Lucy, she is the one who tricked me, so pretty, so brave, but she has a weakness, the shield, Detective Kozny. I could tell from Lucy's voice how enchanted she is with her even if my foolish fellow Kryptonian could not,” Molly thought to herself, her eyes burning as she locked on to the sight of the truck as it stopped adjacent to the loading dock.

“And then there is The Broker, Selena. Oh how I was going to break you until that Super-bitch showed up. But then your friends made a mistake, blabbing while they thought I was entirely gone, drugged on the floor of the helicopter. I wonder, do you know how Lucy was plotting against you with your treacherous super friend?” Molly continued to wonder as the beeps of the truck began to echo inside the hangar as it reversed into position to unload.

PSSSSSHHHT hissed the pneumatic brakes of the modest sized truck before the engine rattled to a halt and the driver stepped out.

“Doctor Matthews?” the driver asked, data pad in hand.

“Yes,” Molly replied.

“Ah good, do you have it?” the driver inquired.

Molly thrust out with her hand a pen drive which the driver inserted into his data pad.

“One moment,” the driver said as he observed the upload progress bar begin to climb.

Molly looked on confidently as the data was sent, reading the driver's expression when he got the green light. The data upload was the non-redacted version of what she had given to Donovan only a few days before. Now, Donovan had the identity of the test subject who had been revealed by all the experiments conducted by Doctor Lawrence, the girl who could predict the future.

“ONE – ZERO – ONE – TS, the one called Jen,” recalled Molly as the driver of the truck released the rear roller door of his vehicle.

The door clattered as the driver pulled it upwards with some force revealing the two modest sized boxes and a much larger one all sat together on a pallet.

“Good, very good. Have the pallet with the large box left by the support trailer and put the smaller boxes in the area by the Spider,” Molly said as she spun around clicking her fingers at a man sat onboard an electric forklift vehicle.

“Yes, Doctor Matthews,” replied the forklift operator as Molly turned away and left the dock.

As the electric forklift whined and whirred to extract its load from the back of the truck Molly walked towards the main hangar. There one of the robotic mechs stood nearer the centre, a team of clipboard wielding technicians stood around it watching proceedings carefully.

“Gentlemen,” Molly said as she approached the group.

“Good morning Doctor Matthews” was the positive sounding group reply. To be armed with good news for the stern doctor was always a good thing.

“Captain McAllister,” Molly said, acknowledging the pilot of the mech, his harness being adjusted by two technicians stood on step points on what could be considered the thighs of the mechanical beast.

“Doctor Matthews,” the captain said with a nod.

“How is it?” Molly asked.

“The simulator has prepared me well, but this is more fun,” the captain joked.

“I am glad you find it amusing. As you know, all the mechs control systems are essentially the same except for their specialized features which are modular add-ons. Just make sure you can emulate your display routine from the simulator in the real world, you want to impress your commander in chief during the demonstration, don't you?”

“Don't worry ma'am, this is a display that she will never forget!” the captain said with a grin.

“Oh I certainly hope so,” Molly said under her breath.

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Selena leant back in her seat and stared at the screens, the images burning their truth into her brain. The letters that were included in the sequence of the cyber attacker's search into all the various databases;

C,K,L and S

“She must have heard my name, but she did not know for sure if it was S or C, Selena or Celine or some other variation. K is for Kozny or Kara or both. L is for either Lisa or Lucy.”

Selena had given up her search the evening before after her spat with Kara but tossing and turning in a bid to find sleep she found the only way to forget Kara was to resume her work. And then she realised the truth. If Kara was right, if the monster that had been inside Kimberly really was back on the loose then 'it' would seek revenge. Selena knew it because she had been a monster once too and the allure of revenge had been strong.

“If this is revenge after what happened on the rig then they can't know about Spydra or Neyra, we didn't even know them then, they are safe and McGee appears to be safe too” Selena thought to herself.

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Mr Africa walked into the local office of ExpressUSA and waited in the short queue. Ahead were a couple of people with varying sized boxes, all taped up and ready to begin their journey across the country.

Mr Africa was keen to get his package away, the contents, stolen just a few hours previously had to get to its destination by the next day. It had been simple to steal really, almost done in the blink of an eye. The client who had placed the contract had specified what and where the item of interest was, and it seemed curious that perhaps even the owner of the house did not know it was there.

Mr Africa had walked brazenly up to the house at 3am and placing his special lock ripping tool into the barrel of the lock securing the door wrenched it apart. The door did not resist much beyond that but the alarm system bleeped as it waited for the PIN code to be typed into the keypad.

Mr Africa poured his small bottle of liquid nitrogen over the keypad and heard the frequency of bleeps become elongated, the time limit for entering the correct PIN code getting longer and longer.

With a grin MrAfrica walked into the small office just off the hallway and found what he was looking for straight away. In front of a computer desk adorned with mouse, keyboard, super-wide screen monitor, and a joystick that looked fit for the space shuttle was a good quality office style chair. Flipping the chair upside down Mr Africa found the glass cube he had been paid to retrieve.

Just as MrAfrica was leaving he caught sight of light shining around the edges of a closed door upstairs, someone had begun to wake up. Stepping out into the cool morning air Mr Africa walked briskly away and soon he was out of sight, job done.

“Next please,” said the man behind the counter of the ExpressUSA desk.

Mr Africa snapped out of his moment of thought and stepped forward confidently.

“I need your 'Next Day-9' service for this,” Mr Africa said firmly.

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Lisa stood with her palms to the wall of the shower, a pleasurable moan coming from her mouth as the warm water ran down the back of her head and over her shoulders from the shower head. Cascading down her body the refreshing water seemed to massage her body, soothing the deep purple bruise developing on her back.

Behind Lisa stood a naked Lucy, one hand lightly sitting on Lisa's hip, the other with the soapy sponge which she worked into one of Lisa's shoulders and then the other. Down she worked the sponge, gently working the bruised area before radiating outwards, smothering Lisa in suds.

Lisa's head dropped with pleasure as she felt Lucy work lower the sponge working around and around on her behi...

“Aaahhh,” Lisa gasped with surprise as the sponge unexpectedly reached up in front through her legs.

Lucy had taken a knee as she worked on one of Lisa's thighs, the cop standing legs parted. Lucy let her cheek rest against Lisa's behind in loving worship of her friend. Working the sponge in circles Lucy began to lather up Lisa's other leg, pecking kisses on her as she did so.

Lisa's eyes stayed firmly closed as she let Lucy do what she wanted, the gentle dance of water on her bruises somehow pleasurable to her.

“Oh, ooooooh” moaned Lisa as she realised Lucy had taken a spot between her legs, and her tongue was …

Lucy looked upwards to see Lisa in heaven from her efforts.

“I'm going to make you wish you hadn't got shot!” Lucy thought wickedly to herself before she plunged back into Lisa with her tongue.

Lisa wanted to get started back to work, to find the woman who had shot her but she would permit herself another five ….ohhhh! Ohhh my!….. Ok, ten more minutes!

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Supergirl looked at the pale blue disc on the horizon in stark silence. How peaceful it looked as it sat there in her field of view, the swirls of white cloud awash over the blue and green surface. Peeking through the cloud the land mass of North America was visible to the heroine's powerful eyes, the frontier of the morning light creeping westward into the huge pacific ocean.

Supergirl wanted to imagine that by being away everything was frozen, paused, so she could just take time out and then return to find things exactly as they were. But time, she could see, marched on. More people were born, more people were killed. War was made before the inevitable peace was found. Supergirl could choose to be there or not, humans would continue to do what they wanted, regardless.

“What am I going to do about Vel?” Supergirl wondered, “every second I am here his sick alter ego is out there controlling some innocent victim, preparing to do who knows what!”

Supergirl pondered the President's plan. Having the ability to empower people she trusted in an hour of need seemed really useful. It was a pity then that the person she trusted most to take advantage of the idea was stricken with trust issues of her own. Poor Selena, betrayed or let down at every turn had every right to be be sceptical.

As for McGee, he had every right to be concerned too. Supergirl had always sought to avoid becoming enslaved to some government and she had the power to prevent it. McGee was not so lucky, he was special enough to be at risk of losing his normal life and control of his own destiny, yet not special enough to be able to escape.

Supergirl shook her head trying to imagine Lucy or Lisa taking on the job, knowing neither would risk entangling the other with danger. No, those two were in a special place, Supergirl thought, she wasn't going to push this problem onto them.

Supergirl needed someone smart, wise, someone who's past was not going to bite them if anything were to go wrong. The candidate would have to have a good moral compass too, a sense of right, wrong and be good judge of character, no matter the …..

“Wait, I already know the person I need,” Supergirl said shaking her head in disbelief at her own blindness to the solution.

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Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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After an invigorating shower at Lucy's apartment Detective Kozny was back at work. She had been given a very fond welcome back by the people in her squad but now behind closed doors inside the captain's office it was time to let him take his pound of flesh.

“I know we cleared up about how you lost your gun over at the hospital but we need to discuss this,” the captain said as he reached to the side of his chair and picked up a large sized evidence bag, placing it down onto the desk between them.

Inside the bag was the kevlar vest she had been wearing under her top when she had been shot. The side face up was the back part of her vest, a streak of damage, like a slash, had traced the path of the round that struck her.

“My vest?” Kozny checked.

“Yes,” the captain said as he slapped down another smaller bag on top, a small deformed bullet inside.

“This is the round that my vest caught?”, Kozny asked as she picked up the bag, studying the contents.

“Care to talk me through it?” the captain said as he rocked back in his chair, finger pyramid forming with his two hands.

“Well, it should be a nine millimetre standard issue round,” Lisa said with a frown.

“Except the other day you went out to the range and booked out range ammunition,” began the captain, “then, because you left your brain at home or at your desk you for some reason killed a paper target or two with your standard rounds, presumably by mistake, then took a clip full of pissy weak range ammo back out with you into the field!”

As soon as the captain had mentioned the range she knew it. She just knew that as her brain had spiralled out of control after what had happened with Lucy she had made a dreadful mistake. The cheap range ammo has a much lower muzzle velocity than her standard issue rounds. Range ammo only needed to be accurate for about fifty yards and it only had to breach paper once it got there.

“Oh jeez, sir, I, I don't know what to say, I,” Lisa began.

“Kozny, I for one am glad because it probably saved your life, but it could have ended so much worse. Imagine if you had needed some stopping power but were armed with this!?” the captain said patting the bag with the spent round in it.

Lisa stood, head bowed, subtly nodding.

“The good news is that this incident has provoked a lot of confessions throughout the department. Apparently many of our officers have inadvertently discharged their standard rounds by mistake on the range. Only, you are the first to have not realised and kept a clip of the wrong ammo on the way out,” the captain explained.

“Sir, I am so sorry that I let you down,” Kozny said sincerely.

“Look Kozny, I know you're a good cop, your clear up rate is amongst the best here. Hell, when that stolen union funds bullshit kicked off I knew you hadn't taken it else I wouldn't have put you up for that TSA job when they kicked you out. And when they found out who had really done it I was first onto the commissioner's office to get you back here. So don't let this beef get you down, ok, buck up,” the captain said.

“It was you who pulled those strings with the TSA over at Century21?” Kozny said, not realising the part he had played in keeping her life on track.

It was when Lisa thought she was stuck in a dead-end TSA career forever that a woman she would only know as The Broker came to her. The deal they made was simple, ensure a smooth passage for one special passenger onto a plane and in return Lisa would get the evidence that would prove her innocence and reinstate her back into the N.Y.P.D.

“For someone like you that was the least I could do. But what matters more is you're back and I am glad, but, please, I don't need any more of this crap,” the captain said, gesturing at the rogue spent bullet before tossing it into his drawer. “Now where are you on the park murder case?” the captain asked.

“Gomez has been getting a lot of potential witness statements together from the uni's and we have GPS data from various runners who were tracking their workouts. They may turn into more leads. I am about to timeline it all and see what may be there,” Kozny explained, her mood lifting.

“Talking to Gomez it doesn't sound impossible that your shooter and the suspect in your park murder case maybe one and the same,” the captain said.

“It's too early to know that yet, but it is possible that they are the same person, but look sir, if they are then we could be dealing with a professional killer.” Kozny replied, her tone cautious.

“OK, well keep me up to date, I want to know the moment you are sure either way, understand?” the captain urged her.

“Of course, captain,” Kozny said.

“Good, now get out there and catch me some bad guys,” the captain said, his hand gesturing for her to leave.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena worked at her terminal composing the scripts she would need to get her self-imposed mission done. Out there somewhere in cyberspace was some poor host infected by Vel's his sick mind and Selena was going to hunt them down.

Selena's plan was to electronically sniff out Vel's trail, hopefully leading back to him and tagging where his actual physical presence was, or at least where his host's body was when he launched the attack.

Chasing backwards through the hundreds, maybe thousands of log files would take time, but fortunately the log files represented an easy target, especially as she didn't need to gain access to their contents. Just as you don't need to open a coffee sodden envelope to know the letter within is smudged Selena could tell a file's corrupt data header meant the contents were compromised too.

Selena was going to map out the web of corrupted logs of systems that Vel had routed through to help her trace the origin and then once she had a target to attack she would strike back. Hopefully then she would be able to learn what the big plan was and prevent it.

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BEEP – BEEP – BEEP – Mr Africa listened patiently as the ringing tone sounded out.

“Nineteenth Precinct, how can I help you,” answered a female voice.

“Hi, I am trying to reach a Detective Kozny, it's about a case she is working on,” Africa said quietly into the handset.

“May I ask who is calling,” asked the voice at the other end of the line.

“A concerned citizen,” Mr Africa said sternly.

“One moment please,” replied the voice.

BEEP – BEEP – BEEP - BEEP – BEEP – BEEP - BEEP – BEEP – BEEP sounded out a ringing tone.

“Detective Kozny,” Lisa began at the other end.

Mr Africa didn't speak, standing silent in the telephone booth as he listened to the voice at the other end.

“Hello?” Lisa's faint voice could be asking from the handset as Mr Africa set the phone back on the cradle.

“Dammit,” Mr Africa said as he stepped away from the phone booth, news paper in hand and returned to his car that was parked around the corner of the block.

Entering into the car he looked at the small newspaper article which was tucked in on the third page.

“LUCKY ESCAPE FOR SHOT DETECTIVE” was the the title in small font and followed by about fifty words. Included was Kozny's name, the place, what happened more or less and that she was in hospital for observation. There was no concern for her health it seemed and now there she was, back at work the very next day.

Opening up his cell phone Mr Africa made a call.

“Neomi, it's me, yes, listen, that cop, she's out already, uh huh, you've got to keep a low profile until we know what the risk is,” Mr Africa said firmly.

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“Hello? Hello?” Lisa said with annoyance before hanging up. If it was important the caller would call back but right now whoever it was at the other end had developed a case of cold feet.

Lisa rose from her desk, her sore back reminding her of her near miss and she opened a folder containing a copy of an interview one of the uniformed officers had conducted with a runner who had been logged jogging at the park when Van Der Walt was killed.

Lisa had already used coloured drawing pins and coloured thread to track this one runner's route and now she was using notes to annotate what they had seen and where. There was already a spider's web of thread on the board and Lisa noted how some runners identified one another from what clothes they wore, their gender, which way they were going and so on.

But despite all this work it seemed that that the killer was a ghost. Plenty of people had noted the blue and grey clothed victim, the one who proudly wore his employers livery colours like he was one of their very own planes, but the murderer was nowhere to be seen.

“How can it be I can't see them, everyone cross checks with each other, they don't see anyone else and their GPS data doesn't put them in the same place as our vic at the murder scene. Was the killer laying in wait? But even if they were they still had to get out unseen, and dump his cellphone,” Lisa frowned.

“Hey Kozny,” Gomez piped up, returning from some trip out doing interviews.

“Back so soon?” Lisa quipped, “I thought you were looking forward to going out to play!”

“I got a message, the data dump from the vic's backups have been mailed into me,” Gomez said, as he slid off his jacket and sat at his desk.

“Great,” Lisa said as she walked over to her colleague's side of the desk leaning towards the screen.

Gomez logged into his computer and opened up his email and found the data dump.

“Fingers crossed,” Gomez said as he began to extract the files to his machine.

With a few clicks the detective began to navigate the file structure of the backups, drilling through them trying to find any video recordings.

“Please please please please,” Gomez whispered as he hovered over a folder marked as 'media'.


In front of the two detective's was a list of subfolders, the names formatted as year, date, day and time in twenty-four hour format.

“That's it!” Gomez exclaimed as he double clicked into the folder and saw a file.

“Play it once here and if there is anything useful we will take it for a proper analysis, ok?” Lisa said.

“Sure, ready?” Gomez asked.

“Do it,” nodded Kozny.


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The sound of a man panting hard could be heard as the camera shake captured every movement of his arm, the phone having been on his armband. Behind the sound of the man's exertions was the whistle of the attack alarm.

“No, nghhhhhhh,” groaned the man's voice.

The struggle sounded violent, the tell tale noises of exertion could be heard at close range to the mic in the phone that captured the struggle.

“People wighll hearghhh,” the voice, presumably of Van Der Walt, said.

“Nghhhhh,” another voice grunted. The tone was lighter and was accompanied by a swift swing of camera position.

Kozny and Gomez both noted what happened but wanted the video to just play out before analyzing every frame later.

“Pghls, mon, money, in pock, hsssss, hsssss,” Van Der Walt managed, his hissing voice now signalling the end game of his life, the life being strangled from him.

“Listen to you, begging! How PATHETIC! I thought you pilots would be made of stronger stuff,” said a female voice.

Gomez's eyes widened as he heard the voice identify the victim as a pilot, they knew exactly who they were killing.

“Hssss, plghss, plghss,” Van Der Walt's last vocalisation wheezed before violently and abruptly there was a sharp.....


Gomez flinched at the sound of the poor man's neck being broken.

“Get off of me you miserable excuse of a man,” said the woman's voice as the camera position moved again with a blur before coming to rest looking over at a tree, the angle tilted.

No doubt the killer had been under the victim as she had choked him out before breaking his neck and now she had rolled him off of her.

CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! No doubt the sound of the phone being smashed and yet....

The camera kept recording although only it was just scrambled random coloured pixels and the audio ran on with just a hiss. The scrambled images ran on for another few seconds and then stopped, the file was finished.

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“Wow, well, we have her voice!” Gomez said as he glanced up to see Kozny white as a sheet.

“Hey, Kozny, you ok?” Gomez asked.

“It was her! She's the one who, oh god” Lisa began before she seemed to go even paler.

For Lisa, to hear her assailant do to Van Der Walt what had almost been done to herself was chilling to the extreme. Lisa had been rolled onto her back, her life being choked from her while she was powerless to resist, that distinctive voice calling her pathetic just the same as with Van Der Walt. How close had she been to losing her life? It must have been mere seconds.

“You sure?That was the shooter? You have to tell the captain,” Gomez said as he placed his hand on Lisa's upperarm, trying to console her.

“First, I think I am going to throw up!” Lisa said, a hint of seriousness in her voice.

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This is moving along nicely. An excellent police procedural moving along an intriguing SH peril plot.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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PADOOOOOOOOOOOOSH – The day-glo orange skeets let loose from the two grey concrete towers, arcing through the air like frisbees towards one another.

BOOM – Tisshhhhhh – the first target exploded into a cloud of orange dust.

BOOM ….. but the second landed safely on the pristine green grass with its other unharmed cousins.

“Dammit, missed it again!” Garrison chuckled.

“Unlucky, try taking the low skeet a little sooner, the high one was starting to to decelerate when you fired. Once that happens it drops fast and it becomes harder to lead the target,” explained a man in a padded shooting jacket who was stood close by.

“OK, low one sooner,” Garrison said as she broke open the breach of her Remington shotgun, ejecting the spent cartridges over her shoulder.

Slotting in a pair of fresh cartridges Garrison slammed the chamber closed, gyrated her shoulders in their sockets and prepared to shoot again.


PADOOOOOOOOOOOOSH – The day-glo orange targets sped out once more heading towards the centre of the skeet range and,

BOOM – Tisshhhhhh

BOOM – Tisshhhhhh

“Very good!” exclaimed the man as the orange powder cloud slowly drifted by in the cool air.

“Thank's Jim, thought I was never going to get that second one!” Garrison scoffed as she broke open her shotgun once more sending another pair of spent cartridges onto the pile at her feet.

“Well, I wouldn't be any good in the secret service if I didn't know how to shoot, now would I?” Jim said boastfully as he held open a box of cartridges for the president.

“You learn fast, madame president,” piped up a voice from behind the pair at their shooting position.

The pair spun around, Jim instinctively putting himself in front of the President, one hand guiding her behind himself while the other sought his pistol.

“Woah, it's me!” Supergirl said, raising a calming hand.

The trio took in the sight of each other, a stand off existing for a few brief moments.

“Jim, it's okay, I was expecting her,” president Garrison said, placing a hand on Jim's shoulder reassuringly.

Jim's hand had already drawn his weapon but had not raised it yet, its muzzle angled more towards the ground. Converging on their position were more secret service men and quickly they surrounded Supergirl, pistols drawn ready, waiting for orders.

Supergirl represented the secret service's number one nightmare. There was absolutely nothing to stop her flying up to their charge and snapping her like a twig. Of course all agents selected to the protect the president were prepared to use themselves as a human shield but what could they do against the indestructible superheroine? Now they found themselves in the absurd position of trying to do their duty while being powerless to do anything.

“Jim, call off the dogs,” Garrison said, gently patting the secret service man on the shoulder.

“One day this is not going to end well,” Jim muttered, returning his pistol to its holster. “Stand down, return to your perimeter positions,” Jim called out to the other men in his team.

The agents backed away, slipping their weapons back into their holsters, some not taking their eyes off the heroine until they were clear.

“Please, Supergirl, walk with me, Jim doesn't bite, I promise,” Garrison said, glancing with a grin at her protector, her arm beckoning the heroine in red and blue.

Supergirl nodded and approached the pair onto the skeet range.

“Here, take this and keep a discreet distance, understand?” Garrison said quietly as she handed Jim the shotgun cradled in her arms.

“Of course,” Jim replied.

“I'm sorry I am disturbing your sport,” Supergirl said as she closed the gap.

“Well if not this it would be something else, and you are saving these poor clay target's lives,” joked Garrison.

The pair began to walk onwards, the Camp David hangar building ahead of them and Jim looking on nervously at them from the skeet range behind.

“Well, half of them at least,” quipped Supergirl as they passed the cluster of missed clays in amongst the exploded remnants of Garrisons successes.

“Quite, so, tell me, did you choose someone?” Garrison asked.

“I chose several, but only one accepted,” Supergirl replied, her tone serious.

“I see, am I to take it then that perhaps the best candidates were the ones to refuse?” Garrison probed.

Supergirl analysed the question. Garrison was no doubt concerned that her last choice was therefore not her most favoured choice.

“I wont veil answers with the sophistication of a politician, so yes, the people I thought were the best choices said no. They said no because the very experiences they have that make them good candidates have also made them jaded and wary of doing more for their government,” Supergirl explained.

Garrison nodded. She suspected that elements within Supergirl's inner circle might be reluctant to risking their anonymity for varying reasons.

“I know this arrangement will take time to cement itself but it is a genuine gesture, I assure you,” Garrison continued.

“And it is that hope that has led someone to agree to oversee your plan. I cannot promise you they will be as active as you would like, they may even remain dormant for a time, but they exist. And remember, I don't control them, they must find their own way,” Supergirl said, her tone a little more upbeat.

“It's reassuring that at least that we can establish some sort of link, albeit indirectly,” Garrison said.

“So, what now? Is this it?” Supergirl wondered.

“Oh no, now comes the exciting part. Tell me, does your friend like D.I.Y?” Garrison quipped, prompting a frown from her guest. “Come on, you'll see,” the president said as the pair walked onwards together.

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Kozny and Gomez followed their Captain as he led them to a conference room, folders in their hands. Standing by their seats there were glances between each other as the group waited for the Deputy Commissioner for Public Information to arrive.

In the corridor footsteps could be heard as a group approached, the marching feet getting closer and closer.

“Gentlemen, oh and lady, forgive me. Welcome,” said the commissioner as he entered followed by two other uniformed officers in their smart blue jackets.

There the group of six shook hands one after another and then took their places at the table.

“OK, so, I understand we have a problem here in New York,” began the comissioner.

“Yes, early morning yesterday my detective's, Kozny and Gomez had what appeared to be a typical homicide case on their books. By late afternoon the same day it appears our chief suspect realised they may have left a key piece of evidence behind and went to retrieve it. Thanks to fast work by Detective Gomez he was able to direct Detective Kozny to this piece of evidence too. Unfortunately the suspect was able to escape with it, but not before first shooting Kozny during her attempt to detain them,” the captain explained.

“Yes, and how lucky you were too. So you think this is some kind of professional killer?” the commissioner asked.

“Kozny?” the captain said, prompting Lisa to make her case.

“We were lucky to obtain our main piece of evidence without needing the stolen cell phone itself. A backup of the data indicates that our killer knew who our victim was. Our victim has little or no social footprint in the united states due to his work, robbery was not a motive and his relationship to work seems solid. The method of the killing itself suggests there has been a direct effort by the killer to conceal themselves or hide in place as an ambush. Everything suggests this was a premeditated killing. And lastly, while I have not received the highest level of training it strikes me that our suspect is familiar with hand to hand fighting. I wasn't engaged with a regular person, the suspect has some specialist background, I am sure of it,” Kozny explained.

“OK, but you are only into day two of your investigation. Do you really want to rush bringing in the press so early on? You might drive this killer underground or get flooded with bad leads,” the commissioner asked.

“Sir, because of the nature of our suspect we believe that they may well be mobile anyway. I don't think we have anything to lose by trying to get the public's eyes and ears on this suspect and as quickly as possible,” the captain explained.

“The nature being they appear to be a killer for hire? OK, so what do we have to give to the press?” the commissioner asked.

“We have her voice, and an outline description,” the captain said sliding a folder and a pen drive to the commissioner.

“Is this edited already?” asked one of the commissioner's assistants.

“Yes, we had video and audio but, sparing you the details, we felt it best to edit it down to her main sound bites, nothing more,” Gomez explained.

“Kozny, you said you had engaged in a fight with this woman, an outline description is all you have?” the commissioner queried the detective.

Lisa shrugged, pointing to the bruise that she uncovered hidden at the front of her hairline.

“I'm still a little hazy on her face, but I am sure I saw it, the doctors are confident it will come back to me,” Lisa said.

“Ah, I see, OK, we will set up a briefing with the local TV channels as soon as we can and see what they can do for us,” the commissioner said as he scooped up the folder and the pen drive.

“Thank you, sir,” the captain said, “I think I can say on behalf of my team that we feel this will be of real help to our investigation.”

“I can only hope so, using the public is a double edged sword sometimes, but if you are right about your suspect this may be exactly the right course,” the commissioner said as he began to rise from his seat at the table.

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THUD-VWER- THUD-VWER-THUD-VWER-THUD-VWER was the rhythmical beat of servos and metal feet.

Captain Martin 'McFly' McAllister walked his mechanical behemoth around the hangar, getting a feel of his and his machine's limits.

“Very good, Captain, now a jog please,” said one of the technicians.

“OK, transitioning in three, two, one, and jog,” said the captain.

The powerful mix of hydraulics, armour plate and steel broke out into a slow, rhythmic run, the pace a sort of exaggerated bouncy walk. The machine looked a little ungainly but it remained on its feet convincingly.

“OK, some lateral work please,” the technician prompted the captain.

The jogging pace seemed to slow to a stop and then the mech began to walk side to side, rapid changes in direction not unsettling the machine's balance.

“Good, how about some star jumps,” said a technician as he ticked off more tasks from the test sheet.

“Only if you promise there are no hoops of fire next,” McAllister quipped as he composed himself inside the cockpit.

The cockpit was pneumatically stabilised to help shield the operator from their own machine's movements but trying to mimic star jumps strapped to the seat of the moving machine was a challenge.

The first movement was a little awkward, the mechanical beast stumbling a moment before finding a rhythm. McAllister repeated the star jumps about a dozen times before the technicians finally gave the thumbs up.

McAllister resumed a normal standing pose and in a moment of good humour the robot was almost patting itself atop the cockpit while the other robotic hand circled in front of the torso prompting some laughter from the team of white coat wearing technicians.

“OK, I think you are ready for the hoops of fire now,” one of the technicians said lightheartedly in response.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Elder Member
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loved the pat your head and rub your belly!

first it shows the dexterity of the robot. But more important it illustrates the confidence of the bad guys/gals!

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Lisa Kozny rode the elevator up to the floor of Lucy's apartment, her mind wandering a little as she did so. Those kisses in the shower that morning, the orgasm delivered by Lucy's tongue, the..


A shy grin broke over Lisa's face as a young couple stood waiting at the elevator doorway as it opened, the pair catching Lisa's expression as she recalled events from the start of the day.

“Hey,” was the shared greeting between the trio as Lisa exited and they entered.

Lisa turned the corner and found herself at the door of Lucy's apartment, knocking politely. There was a pause and then Lisa heard the door unlock, before it swung open.

“Hey, you're just in time, I was about to start some food, Thai curry sound good?” Lucy said as she backed away from the door. Dressed in a white bathrobe, her hair restrained in a pure white towel it was evident she had just had a shower.

“That sounds awesome,” Lisa said as she entered into the apartment. Taking off her jacket which she hung up on a coat hook Lisa was left standing in her smart shirt and close fitting black pants, her pistol still in its holster and her badge on her belt.

“What's that? Homework?” Lucy asked gesturing to a folder in Lisa's hand.

“Kind of, I thought I would ask someone who might see what it is I am missing,” Lisa said as she walked behind Lucy who made her way to the kitchen area of her open plan apartment space.

“Oh?” Lucy replied.

“That case I am working on, it's starting to look like a professional job but I thought I would run it by you,” Lisa explained as she watched Lucy pull some onions from her pantry.

“Chop those, let me look,” Lucy said as she drew a knife from the wooden storage block, the blade singing as she did so before she placed it onto her chopping board.

“Sure,” Lisa said as she rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands before wielding the knife.

Lucy stood leaning against the side of her epic sized refrigerator, folder opened as she started to try and make sense of what was in front of her. Sellotaped together were many sheets of legal sized paper and Lucy let it unfurl to reveal a map of the area around the crime scene.

“Oh, this is like a timeline slash map type of thing? Neat,” Lucy said, her eyes scanning the map, the annotations, the key locations and the tracks of the various people that had been in the area.

“Yes, some of it is based on GPS data from running-tracker apps and gadgets and some is based on eyewitness testimony. My problem is that while everyone is corroborating each other no one has seen the murderer come or go,” Lisa explained as she diced the onions.

“OK, the green peppers next, they are in there, do them in strips,” Lucy said as she began to decipher the map.

“So, what do you think?” Lisa asked as she set the diced onion aside in a bowl, and began to decapitate the big green peppers that had been sat waiting on the counter top.

“Curious,” Lucy said as she glanced across the map. She looked at lines of sight, the timings, the positions, the descriptions of people that had been seen, the descriptions of people that were there to be seen, the …..

“Oh!” Lucy said in surprise.

“What?” Lisa said, glancing up from her work.

“Your victim, was in blue and grey, correct?” Lucy said, tilting the map.

“Uh huh,” Lisa replied as she cut a pepper into strips.

“Well, I suspect that quite possibly, some of these sightings of him were actually of the killer, they were wearing the same clothes,” Lisa said, her tongue appearing from her mouth as she descended back into deep thought.

“What, really, but....,” Lisa said, placing her knife down intending to look at the map again.

“Ah-ah, broccoli next, its still in the grocery bag,” Lucy said, pointing to the bag on the floor with her outstretched big toe of her bare foot.

Lisa pulled a slight face as she recovered the fresh green broccoli from the bag and peeled the tight clear wrapper from off of it.

“Often a good way to confuse witnesses and police alike is to look just like the victim. During your interviews you ask about the victim and witnesses say they saw them when in actual fact it was someone just dressed like them. Then you start asking about other people which puts the victim out of their mind. In reality you have made your witness forget all about the person who was your killer. The people I used to work with called the technique 'Ghosting',” Lucy explained.

“Crap, that's clever, assuming that is what happened,” Lisa said as she placed a heap of tidily-cut broccoli in another bowl.

“Well, you have a few indications here which I guess were just dismissed. The grey and blue clothed figure was at times thought female or male, I guess you just thought the witness had made a mistake. Oh and the chicken breast is in the fridge,” Lucy said.

“Well, their relative times and positions suggested they were the same person and the dead body at the end of it was that of a man so,” Lisa explained, letting her point hang without the need to finish as she placed the raw chicken breast onto the chopping board, starting to cube it up.

“Well, I think you got played,” Lucy said, looking over the map again.

“Twice, by the looks of it,” Lisa quipped as she glanced down at the prepared ingredients for the meal to come.

Lucy smirked knowing that Lisa had suddenly realised she had been duped into becoming the chef.

“Come on – hurry up, all this consulting work is making me hungry,” Lucy said with a grin.

“Remind me not to accept meal invitations in the future!” Lisa said, eyeing Lucy who raised the paper map in front of her eyes to escape Lisa's glare.

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Mr Hispania walked into the club, the music was good and loud, the central floor teeming with people who were dancing. At the bar people crowded round to get themselves drinks while in the shadows couples, predatory men and discerning women watched on at the spectacle from their tables at the edge.

Hispania looked around and saw his marks, Giancarlo and Gerhard. Working for different banks and living different parts of town, the only thing that had united them had been their taste in clubs and their more elite level drug dealer who knew how to move within the circles of the one percent without drawing attention.

Now, the carefree, or perhaps careless bankers were living it up on the mezzanine floor which looked down to the dance floor. Sat around their usual table the young men had their customary bottles of champagne chilling in an ice bucket while the six young women draped over their shoulders or sat near their sides laughed at their jokes.

Hispania thumbed two small bags of coke in his trouser pocket that had been laced with the product in the glass vial. Taking a position by the bar bar he ordered a drink and surveyed the scene. Looking up at his targets he saw the marks begin to partake with the drink, the ladies too. The pattern, he had been told, was always the same; champagne, then something harder, and once that began to flow the white lines of powdery addiction would be quick to follow.

“It will be a shame if there is collateral damage,” Hispania thought to himself as his drink arrived, a glass of bourbon.

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Neomi had been going stir crazy sitting things out while waiting for the team to finish their contracts, she needed some relief. Spending her day cooped up in a hotel room had not been working for her and finally she had snapped. The power of life and death was a beautiful drug in her mind and she needed her fix, being forced to stay in her room meant she could do only one thing....


Neomi heard the knock at her hotel room door, her heart skipping a beat. She rose from the bed where she had been watching the TV and strode over to her door, peering through the spyhole to see who was there.

Beyond the door stood a tall young woman, hair neatly plaited in a white shirt with three quarter length sleeves and tight black pants. Around her neck was a laminated badge with “P.D.N.Y” in blue letters on a white background with something akin to a sheriffs star beneath. Over her shoulder was a modest sized drawstring bag.

Neomi opened her door to the woman, her eyes lapping up the sight in front of her.

“Close enough!” Neomi thought to herself. While the badge was a parody, intended not to get the wearer into any trouble for impersonating a real cop, it certainly looked the part. And as for the rest of 'the look', Neomi certainly approved.

“Hey,” the young woman said with a soft smile.

“Jasmine, yes?” Neomi asked.

“Yes, you must be Neomi” the young woman asked quietly as she subtly glanced over Neomi's shoulder to the room beyond.

Neomi nodded as she opened the doorway wider to prove she was alone.

“Come in, Jasmine,” Neomi said seductively.

“Sure, I have to phone in, you have to say that I am how you requested,” Jasmine said as she entered, setting her bag down by the doorway.

“Sure, you have your rules, and so will I,” Neomi said as she glanced Jasmine up and down.

Jasmine opened her phone up and dialled, waiting for whoever it was at the other end to pick up.

“Hi, it's Jasmine, yes I am happy, yes, one moment,” Jasmine began then handed the phone to Neomi.

Neomi planted the phone to her ear, “Hello? Yes, yes, she's perfect. Oh no, I understand, uh-huh- good, ok, thank you.”

Neomi handed the phone back to Neomi who said a brief goodbye before setting the phone down on the table.

“Do you know what I want?” Neomi began as she looked Jasmine up and down again. She was attractive, well dressed and sounded educated.

“Yes,” Jasmine said, almost without emotion.

“Then, what are you waiting for?” Neomi said with a wicked grin.

Jasmine, with a sudden look of determination in her eye snatched at Neomi's wrist with one hand while pulling a pair of handcuffs from her back pocket with another.

“Neomi, I am Detective Kozny and you're under arrest!” Jasmine said assertively.

“Good girl,” Neomi thought to herself as she prepared to turn the tables on the very specialised call-girl.

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Sat crossed legged at a low table, chopsticks in hand, Lisa and Lucy ate their meal. The Thai curry which sat on a bed of noodles was delicious and the pair realised they were eating without saying a word, usually a good sign for the chef.

“Well, you can come again!” Lucy said, finally breaking the silence as she devoured the last piece of chicken in her bowl.

Lisa grinned knowing that indeed the meal hadn't turned out that bad after all. Lisa was not normally good in the kitchen, the cop lifestyle often lending itself more to take-out cuisine but with pointers from her friend she had made something half decent.

“I can do anything as long as I have my gun for hire with me,” Lisa joked as she picked up her glass of fruit juice.

“I'm good but I'm not that good,” Lucy said.

“Oh I don't know, you figured out how the killer did it and showed me how to make this curry in one go,” Lisa said, taking a sip of her drink.

“Well, I still have my limits but you know I'd do anything for a girl with a gun and a badge,” Lucy said without thinking.

Lisa nearly choked on her drink, the danger of it being ejected from her nose or mouth narrowly averted.

“You nearly choked me,” Lisa managed, finally containing herself.

“Anyway, you need to stop being modest, you're good. I've seen you picking up stuff from me when I have been teaching Laura,” Lucy said.

“That's true, my shooter had some of your tricky handcuff evasion moves, spotted that just in time,” Lisa said.

Lucy looked Lisa in the eye, a hint of anxiety in her expression, “If you meet her again you promise to bring your A-Game with you?”

“I never make the same mistake twice, she gets the full on anti-mercenary treatment from now on,” Lisa said.

“Good, now then, ready for some ice-cream?” Lucy asked quickly changing subject and rising to her feet from the floor.

“Sure, what flavour do you have?” Lisa responded, offering her spent food bowl up to her host.

Lucy's eyes flashed mischievously down at Lisa for a split second as she spun away, “You'll see!” she said.

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Mr Hispania made his way up to the mezzanine floor, VIP pass at the ready for the oversized doorman who stood guard at the top of the steps that led from the main floor below.

On Hispania's arm was a young lady in a white mini dress. Well-spoken and attractive she could pick and choose from the best of the bunch and tonight she seemed to be enamoured with the enigmatic well-dressed man with the accent that made him even more intriguing.

Mr Hispania was a man for all occasions, a chameleon. He could pose as a lowly street labourer, his rugged looks giving him a working class look, or he could don a suit and mix with the elites, no problem. Now though he needed an excuse to be up on the mezzanine floor and nothing less than a classy woman on his arm would do to help his illusion of fitting in.

“So, Susanna, do you veseet here with much frequency?” Mr Hispania asked.

“From time to time, when I am bored,” Susanna said like it was a confession.

“Well, I am hoping I can take that boredom from you, Susanna,” Hispania replied as the pair moved to a table nearby to his targets.

“Oh, with your tales of your escapades in Monaco at the casino I will never be bored,” Susanna said as she settled in next to Hispania who felt her hand settle on his thigh.

Hispania smiled at her request. It was much easier to blend in a little fiction with fact than make something up entirely and his times when he was much younger working as security at a casino did make for some interesting stories.

“Deed I mention thee time with thee card counter at the black jack table, oh he was thee worst!” Hispania began, his hand rising up to draw attention to the staff to get drinks.

“Oh?” Susanna queried.

“Kept on with thee moving of the leeps. You could see eet, doing the maths in hees head, his leeps moving. Even I knew when to tweest and when to stand just watching him talking, eet was a joke!” Mr Hispania explained, drawing a laugh from the lady at his side.

“Is cheating a common problem in a casino?” Susanna asked.

“The problems go away eef you have better cheaters working for the casino who know what to look for!” Hispania grinned, his eyes occasionally settling on his marks as they commiserated the death of their last champagne bottle whilst summonsing a server to get something more potent.

“Oh, I hope that doesn't include you, a lady doesn't like a man who cheats,” Susanna said.

“I may be many theengs Susanna, but a cheater I am not,” Hispania said truthfully.

“I won't ask what the many things are then,” Susanna said as he hand drifted up Hispania's thigh, finding the tip of his hardening member laying over to one side.

There was a knowing glance between them but for now Hispania had a job to do. Walking out the club with Susanna would come eventually but for now he had to keep his eye on the other prize, his contract money.

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Neomi cruelly held Jasmine's hair in her one hand while pulling taught the slave collar with another, pinning the call girl's mouth to her pussy.

“That's it, stupid cop cunt, lick it!” Neomi said in a mix of anger and pleasure.

Jasmine had fought only lightly before relenting and becoming cuffed by her client. Neomi who had been quick to raid Jasmine's drawstring bag made use of the bondage collar inside and had been in control from the start.

The fantasy of Neomi's making had been ordered and paid for in full in advance. With her latex gloved hands she could slap and spank Jasmine to her heart's content, never to draw blood, but it was Jasmine's many other talents that had drawn Neomi to choose her.

Jasmine looked up, her eyes seeking approval for her pleasureable acts. For a few fleeting moments it looked like Neomi was fully immersed in her fantasy. Jasmine could only wonder if this Kozny person she was asked to pretend to be was someone who wronged her, was some character from TV, or perhaps an unattainable lover. All Jasmine knew for sure was Neomi wanted to be in control.

“Up, BITCH”, growled Neomi, coiling the leash connected to Jasmine's collar around her fist and pushing Jasmine to the wall.

Neomi used her free hand to undo Jasmine's pants, the mercenary kicking the make-believe cop's feet apart as she did so.

“Ohhhh,” Jasmine moaned as Neomi tugged her panties to one side before offering her fingers to Jasmine's mouth.

“Tongue, bitch!” Neomi demanded, causing Jasmine to thrust out her tongue hesitantly.

Wetting the tips of her gloved fingers on the tip of Jasmine's tongue Neomi presented them to her captive's pussy and began to work her wicked magic on her plaything.

“Oh, fuck,” Jasmine said, her eyes rolling into the back of her head a moment.

“Who are you?!” Neomi demanded.

“Det … oooh … detective ….... Kozny!” Jasmine struggled to say.

“And?” prompted Neomi, her fingers discovering just how turned on Jasmine really was.

“You won't ….nghh!” Jasmine began, her head flopping forward a moment as Neomi explored her below.

“I wont what?!” Neomi snarled hungrily as she could feel herself getting deeper into Jasmine, her index finger feeling the rough little pad of her g-spot, stroking it relentlessly.

“..get away .. with ….oh god … with this !” Jasmine whimpered.

“Watch me!” Neomi said as she pulled Jasmine away from the wall and pushed her to the bed.

Jasmine, handcuffed and with her trousers around her thighs fell inelegantly but unharmed to the bed as Neomi went to the drawstring bag and pulled out the red ballgag and the strap-on that she knew was contained within.

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Lisa was naked laying face down on Lucy's bed, legs parted with Lucy curled up between. Lucy used a spoon and gently carved out a small curl of icecream from her pot of belgian chocolate icecream and placed it into the small of Lisa's back.

“Ah-oh-god that's cold,” giggled Lisa.

Lucy watched the blob of icecream slowly slide over Lisa's bruised skin before settling into the curve of Lisa's back. The tender bruised skin was warm and it began to melt the blob. Lucy placed her tongue onto the base of Lisa's spine and began to lick up the chocolatey goodness, her tongue massaging Lisa's tense bruised muscles.

Lisa, who had lifted her head when the ice cream had first made contact now flopped back down onto the bed.

“Awwww that's so …. goooood” Lisa said with a sexy growl.

Lucy smirked to herself as she finished lapping up the first blob of ice cream and promptly placed another blob onto Lisa's bruised flesh.

“Awwww fuck, that feels awesome” Lisa said happily, the ache of her bruise fading away.

“Taste's great too!” Lucy managed to say between licks.

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Mr Hispania downed the tiny remnants of his drink and patted Susanna's hand on his thigh, encouraging her to let him rise. Whispering something into Susanna's ear prompted her to smile and he left her and went towards the men's room.

The large mercenary swung open the door and entered, the subtle lighting and the dark blue tiles gave the place a classy look, but Mr Hispania wasn't interested in the décor he was looking for...

“Woah, sorry gentlemen,” Mr Hispania said, raising his hands.

The room had echoed with the laughter of Giancarlo and Gerhard as they snorted a line of cocaine but they rose upright defensively seeing the third man enter.

“Hah, your face,” chuckled Giancarlo, his eyes betraying his state as he tapped Gerhard on the chest. “He's not the police!”

“Hey man, what are you looking at,” Gerhard said, looking serious.

“Nothing, guys. Help me out, do you know if there is a condom machine in here?” Hispania asked, peering around the room.

“Just through there,” Giancarlo said, watching Hispania cautiously.

Hispania walked beyond a tiled partition and Gerhard and Giancarlo heard the man feed some coins into the machine before it dispensed packets of condoms. Hispania returned with a grin, patting his pocket with the condom packets inside.

“I hope you are not looking to have too much fun with your lady friends, the machine is running low,” Hispania joked.

“We'll be fine,” Gerhard said.

“Hey, help me out, I need to get rid of this, my lady friend is not fan of the white pleasure, if you know what I mean,” Hispania said tossing his two little bags of powdered death onto the dark marble countertop where Gerhard and Giancarlo had been snorting their lines.

“Hey, we don't do just any shit,” Gerhard said rubbing his nose.

“Me neither, I'm no pobre, amigo, this is premium product, my man Cain sources eet for me. If you don't want eet I can flush eet instead. ” Hispania said calmly as he elegantly adjusted his attire in the large mirror revealing his gold cufflinks as he did so.

“Your guy is Cain?” Gerhard asked as he realised that the man in front of them was certainly in or above their league.

“Sure, you know of him?” Hispania said watching Giancarlo look eagerly at one of the little bags.

“Yeah, sure, we get from him” Gerhard responded defensively. Cain's name was linked to good quality, nobody had a bad trip on his product, but you had to pay.

“On bonus day!” Giancarlo giggled, his drug fuelled humour in full flow.

“Don't listen to him, yeah, we take from Cain, but usually we take from Jared, know him?” Gerhard said.

“Jared, I know his name, yes, if Cain is not available I know people who can get from Jared for me,” Hispania said. Jared, the man who Hispania had also researched was a little down the order from Cain but his product was still good, just not so much as what Hispania was seemingly offering his targets.

“You sure you don't want these, this is good stuff?” Gerhard asked with a grin as he looked at the little bags.

“I want it but my lady wants a Mr Clean this evening even more. Besides it is not often I meet someone so interesting as her so I think, which liddle packets do I really want tonight, these ones, or those?” Mr Hispania said, patting his pocket before gesturing at the little packets he had given his targets.

“I get you, dude” said Gerhard.

“Yeah, sure, thanks man,” Giancarlo said, breaking open one of the bags ready to form into a line.

“Well, enjoy, I wish I could join you but that little princess out there cannot wait any longer,” Mr Hispania said.

“Hey let me get a hit of that,” Gerhard began to say, patting Hispania on the back in thanks as he began to leave.

“Hey you've got a bag right there” joked Giancarlo as he prepared for the drug fuelled ride of his life.

Hispania stepped out of the men's room and walked back to Susanna and offered out his hand. His job was done, the deadly cargo delivered. He didn't have to stand over his marks and watch them snort themselves to oblivion, he knew it was guaranteed to happen.

He knew from his time all those years ago as a young rookie security man at the casino that once a client was at that phase of the evening their judgement was gone and they would snort abrasive kitchen products if they thought it would it make them feel even higher.

“Come then, Susanna, show me more of the city,” Hispania said, glancing at the young ladies at the other table laughing and joking amongst themselves while their gallant princes killed themselves in the men's room.

At least he was sure that he was not taking any more lives than necessary this evening, that would be a waste.

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Neomi was on top of Jasmine pounding at her from behind and being turned on hearing her plaything beg into her gag.

“That's right, take it, pig!” Neomi snarled, one hand gripping the links between the two handcuffs restraining Jasmine's wrists behind her back and the other holding the leash tightly.

Back and forth, back and forth, Neomi pounded deep, hard and fast, her excitement rising as she could hear and feel Jasmine's unintended resistance waning. Jasmine was approaching exhaustion having been fucked orally before having her pussy reamed by the strap-on.

Neomi grinned with glee as she revived the flagging Jasmine with a few good firm spanks on her behind, reinforcing the already glowing hand prints that were there.

“Stay with me bitch, you're not done at the Police-fuckademy yet!” Neomi taunted as she withdrew the black silicon shaft from Jasmine's body and presented the tip to her ass.

“Nghhhh!” Jasmine protested momentarily before Neomi forced her way in little by little. Wiggling slowly, back and forth, back and forth, Neomi worked before she could really get her thrusts going without resistance.

“I've always ….” grunted Neomi as she pushed herself deep into Jasmine.

“Wanted to fuck,” Neomi continued as she began to withdraw.

“a cop in the ass!” Neomi said, pushing herself back in.

“Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh,” grunted Neomi with each thrust. “That's it!” she added encouragingly to Jasmine as she continued to pound away, feeling the young call girl slowly sliding off of her shaft, her strength failing with every penetrating stroke.

Neomi's eyes flashed wickedly at her spent plaything and unbuckled the strapon, tossing it to one side before releasing the ball gag. Neomi reached into the drawstring bag ready for the last set of toys, preparing to unleash her coup de grace.

Rolling Jasmine onto her back, her restrained wrists still behind her Neomi loomed in over above.

“It has been fun detective Kozny but now, I regret it is time,” Neomi said wickedly.

“Time?” panted Jasmine, her ruffled sweat covered hair clinging to her face.

Neomi's eyes widened, her wicked intent written on her face when suddenly she dragged a plastic bag over Jasmine's head gripping it to her throat with her hand. Jasmine weakly kicked and groaned under the weight of Neomi above her as she felt the restriction of her air take hold.

With her free hand Neomi flicked the the small battery powered wand into life and placed it between their pussy's, the ecstasy immediately appearing on her victim's face.

“Oh what a sweet kill you have been, detective. Accept this one last gift, it is the least I can do for you,” Neomi struggled to say, her eyes betraying her own ascent to the beautiful orgasm she was about to have.

Jasmine squirmed and wiggled, her eyes rolling back, the colour of her face betraying her battle for life as she began to shudder beneath Neomi. Neomi could see the bag dance as Jasmine hunted for air, the warm humid air fogging with every dying gulp. Neomi knew the moment was approaching, she was going to orgasm the make-believe cop to death.

Jasmine began to break, her muscles convulsing down below with her moment of blissful release, the killer orgasm was firing off on all cylinders.

“Oh god!” Neomi's eyes fluttered as her wires in her head linked the realisation of what she was doing to Jasmine to that magical spot between her legs, the resulting spark...

“Oh god oh god oh god,” Neomi said shutting off the vibrator before yanking the bag from Jasmine's head.

Neomi's body twitched as every muscle in her core began to implode, the orgasm detonating deep within her. Doubling over, Neomi's head ended up to the side of Jasmine's and the mercenary panted in the call girl's ear as the shockwave subsided.

Neomi's breathing slowly returned and planting her hands down either side of Jasmine's head she pushed herself back up, her body still enjoying the aftershocks of her special moment. Placing a hand on Jasmine's cheek she gently brushed the wisps of hair stuck to her still, lifeless face, taking in what she had done. She had fucked detective Kozny to death.

There was a pause and Neomi knew her fantasy was over.

“Well, I think I certainly have had more than my money's worth! How was it for you?!” Neomi said calmly, looking down at Jasmine.

Jasmine's eyes flashed open as she gulped in a big deep breath, her role play now over.

“I am glad you pleased with my services,” gulped Jasmine humbly.

“Stop with the script, how was it?” Neomi asked.

“They tell us we have to tell our clients how good they were, no matter what, but that was the best orgasm I've had in a long time,” Jasmine said, her eyes blinking as she gulped for air between each couple of words.

Neomi found herself almost smiling at Jasmine. “Oh what broken creatures we both are,” Neomi thought to herself, taking in the sight of what some people might think as her perfect opposite.

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The TV mounted to the wall behind the counter of the diner flicked from one map to another as the local news NYCCN showed the weather forecast.

“And now on New York's City Central News, the morning news with Kaylee Lewis,” announced the dramatic voice-over before the cameras switched to the anchorwoman.

“Good morning New York, these are your morning headlines. Police are appealing for help finding a woman suspected of murdering airline pilot Ernst Van Der Walt and later attempting to kill a police officer involved with the investigation. The killer's voice has been caught on tape, more after these other headlines. Metro services are expected to be interrupted by unplanned maintenance issues after cracks were discovered in several rail connections during routine inspections. Today the Mayor will perform the ground breaking ceremony for a new arts centre to be constructed in Harlem. The mayor is …....” the anchor woman continued.

Sat in a booth at the diner a man and his colleagues were eating breakfast, the quartet joking between themselves as the news droned on in the background. But one of the men seemed distracted as the anchor woman ran through the main headlines of the morning before returning to deal with each story in more detail.

“Police are asking New Yorkers if they can help them identify the woman who is believed to have murdered airline pilot Ernst Van Der Walt and later attempted to kill a police officer involved with the investigation. Captain Van Der Walt who worked for Blue Globe Airlines and routinely flew to and from Amsterdam was seemingly killed in a motiveless attack on Tuesday in Central Park,” the anchorwoman explained before the video flipped to an interview with one of the deputy commissioners.

“The recording, made by Mr Van Der Walt in the moments leading to his death reveals an attacker who is disturbingly cold and without emotion. Her voice is quite distinctive and the officer who this individual went on to shoot during the course of the murder investigation is confident her attacker is the same person. We ask you to listen carefully to her voice and if you recognise it to please come forward. We strongly urge the public not to confront this individual if known to them,” the commissioner said.

“Listen to you, begging! How PATHETIC! I thought you pilots would be made of stronger stuff,........Get off of me you miserable excuse of a man,” Neomi's voice played on, while subtitles ran at the bottom of the screen.

“Hey Oscar, you okay, you don't look so good?” asked one of the men in the booth as they noticed one of their number going white.

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Molly Matthews stood in front of the mech that had become nicknamed The Spider. Its more conventional-looking brothers had been loaded onto a specially adapted transporter ready for the trip to the test range; now only The Spider remained. Stood lonely in a secure holding pen the Mech waited, impassive and silent.

Molly looked the war-machine over. The powerful hydraulically-operated legs and main arms were impressively well engineered; the power-to-weight ratio of the machine making most high end construction equipment look inadequate. The armour of the machine was thick and heavy, capable of taking multiple hits from missiles and tank rounds without problem. The electronic systems were shielded from radiation. Even EMP effects were not an issue if it were to ever face such a threat.

“And for all that, when it comes to it, you would be nothing more than scrap metal once she got her hands on you, if it wasn't for...” Molly's thoughts paused as she pulled from her pocket a camera film bag and then a glass cube from inside that. The bag, designed to prevent x-rays damaging camera film, also did a good job of disguising the contents inside if checked.

Humming slowly and deliberately, each note somehow seeming sinister, 'Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star' echoed inside the holding pen.

Raising the cube to her eye she could see the little green speck housed inside. It had arrived that morning having been stolen by Mr Africa the morning before. It was the one last green speck that had been saved from the many that she had cleaned off the solar panel from the Hawkeye One satellite all that time before. That time when Kimberly and Bobby had squandered their opportunity. But now the time of the Sandersons was over, now the Matthews' were in ascendency.

Molly walked forward towards the Spider and placed a foot on the 'STEP' marker on one of the sturdy metallic legs and rose up, reaching towards the center of the torso of the machine. Now, newly installed, there was something akin to a camera's aperture inserted into the body of the machine and reaching in Molly inserted the glass cube. A firm click confirmed the cube was in place and Molly continued her climb to the cockpit, the door to which was already open.

Molly began throwing switches bringing the machine to life. The heads-up display and the readouts showed her what she wanted to see: the board was green save for one expected message;


Molly smiled and then glanced down at a control panel. Newly installed it belonged with the aperture module and with a click she threw a switch, closing the iris like opening. Beneath her the metal aperture module slid closed, encapsulating the glass cube and the ominous green speck within behind a layer of steel and a coating impregnated with lead.

On the control panel was a key inserted into a multi-position switch, and with a twist Molly set it to a position marked REMOTE before removing the key.

“It is done,” Molly said quietly to herself then began to power down The Spider.

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Gomez stood in front of the big pinboard map on the wall, hand on chin in deep thought. Lisa with a grin watched his expression as he tried to figure out what it was Lisa was so gleeful about.

“So? Do you see it?” Lisa pressed, bursting at the seams.

“OK, go on, it's killing me, what have you seen?” Gomez said, finally relenting.

“Well, not me, my friend did. Anyway, see that sighting there , and there, look at the times. Look at what the witness said,” Lisa said, pointing at her annotations stuck next to coloured drawing pins representing people.

“Yeah, they see the vic,” Gomez said dismissively.

“No, they saw the killer!” Lisa said enthusiastically.

“What? But...” Gomez paused, squinting at the map, “Naaaah! Shit! Really!?” Gomez exclaimed as he suddenly started to understand.

“She knew, Gomez! She knew what he was going to wear. She dressed up just like him,” Lisa said.

“Oh fuck, man, we are going to have to interview all these witnesses again?!” Gomez groaned.

“Yeah, that was her plan all along, to fuck with their heads, and ours too,” Lisa said.

“Dammit, I'll get on it,” Gomez began as he went to retrieve a list of the eyewitnesses.

“Wait, there's always a chance we will hit lucky with the news, a few channels carried the story. Put a few uni's on it that you trust, we have a bigger problem,” Lisa said as she spun around to return to her chair, her movement confirming she still felt the injury from the shooting incident.

“Oh?” Gomez said as he returned to his desk and opened a drawer.

“Well, we have some high quality hitman,” Lisa began.

“Hit-WOMAN,” Gomez corrected her.

“Whatever, they wanted Van Der Walt out the way for a reason. His main social life, his marital life, his family life is all based oversees. The Dutch police haven't found anything wrong over there, so, we come back empty-handed on motive. Why was he taken out of the picture? The only thing significant over this side is his work and I don't like having question marks over people who are flying planes around New York,” Lisa said, seriously. “We need to look at his co-workers starting with people on his own flight,” she said as she gathered her things.

“Well, how many people is that, is it a big plane?” Gomez quipped.

“What did he say it was, an A380?” Lisa said with a frown as she went back to her notebook.

“Uh huh,” Gomez said, closing his eyes as he tried to recall what he had read in her visit report.

“Holy crap, the crew count can be anything up to thirty!” Lisa exclaimed as she did a quick google search from her desk.

“Thirty? It's going to be a long day,” Gomez groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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Africa stood arms folded at the door of Neomi's hotel room, the 'Do Not Disturb' card hanging from the door. With a clunk the door opened after Neomi had seen him through spyhole.

Neomi looked annoyed that once again her overseer had come to visit her. She had not anticipated the amount of scrutiny she would be placed under after joining the mercenary group known as The Resolution.

Neomi held the door barely wide enough for the big African to enter before pushing it firmly closed behind him.

“Did you see the news?” Africa asked sternly.

“Yes, I have been monitoring the situation,” Neomi said as she gestured at the TV which she had put on mute when Africa came to the door.

“They have a recording of you in the act,” Africa continued, stating the obvious.

“Yes, so it would seem. Recovering the cell phone was a wasted effort,” Neomi said, equally annoyed.

If the phone had been the only recording then Africa's insistence on getting it back would have been worth something. Now, though, knowing she had risked giving away her identity for nothing seemed to somehow give her back some of the moral high ground.

“Are there any other information leaks we need to worry about?” Africa asked angrily.

“I am not going to worry about every Tom, Dick and Harry who I have interacted with since I got to New York. Besides, they didn't seem to have my face, and my voice I can fix, I am solid in accents from Australia to South Africa and those are just the English speaking countries,” Neomi said curtly.

“Well, you may be blessed with many voices but you only have one face. You are only one memory away from having that pretty face on the news. The choice is yours: contain this before it gets out of hand or deal with the consequences afterwards. That could mean more difficult travel arrangements for you and we don't need someone who is not mobile,” Africa said, lecturing his new team member.

“You are saying kill the cop before she remembers,” Neomi replied, making sure she was clear on Africa's statement.

“No, I am telling you what the situation is,” Africa corrected her, “What you choose to do is up to you,” he said.

“Fine, are we done?” Neomi said coldly a hand gesturing back to the door.

Mr Africa looked Neomi in the eye, gauging her, judging her. “Yes, we are done. Keep in touch. We will probably get new instructions over the next day or two for our next set of contracts and where they will be. I doubt we will be staying in the area for much longer so deal with any outstanding issues while you can.”

“Is that code for 'get on with it' ?” Neomi quipped.

“I'm leaving, Neomi. Get your shit together or fuck off. It's your call,” Africa said as he turned away and stormed out of the room.

The door slammed and there was a pause before the female mercenary scoffed in disbelief at her treatment.

“Fine, the cop dies,” Neomi said nonchalantly.

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Selena was sat in her lair staring at her screens. It was done, she had unleashed her mapping bots into the internet and they found the tell tale traces of Vel's cyber-attack. Over time a spider web like trail had begun to form, the minute time differences in the arrival of the intrusions alluding to where the source was.

Selena rocked backwards in her seat as it began to sink in. She was about to unleash a pre-emptive cyber-attack against the alien mind, Vel. Vel had struck first, not directly against her but she knew that Vel, or at least the sick part of him was seeking her out. Quite how this new reincarnation seemed to remember or inherit memories of her and the others she didn't know but surely some form of retribution was coming.

Selena rose from her desk and walked to her server room which was contained behind a metal barred door. Unlocking the door she walked and marvelled at the powerful server equipment she had accrued over time. Now she had to focus it and tune it ready for the virtual battle to come. It was time to sacrifice some service longevity for brute force and so Selena began to adjust processor speeds upwards, which meant slight voltage tweaks were required. Memory configurations were set from a passive reliable state to a more aggressive pace. Being able to fetch, work on and output data might mean the difference between defeating a defence or being blocked by it.

The gentle hum of the cooling equipment could be heard to change in pitch as, little by little the reconfigured computing power began to run just that little bit warmer, even just idling. Selena mentally calculated what her new setup would demand in power and in cooling and glancing at the control panel for her cooling plant she knew she was approaching the limits of what her equipment could handle.

Selena stood back a moment and glanced at the LED lights as they danced, each one signifying that everything was ready for her to enter the fight. Looking at her data storage racks she decided what to do next. She was about to attack but if she fell to a counter attack there were things she didn't want her enemy to know. Things that NOBODY could EVER know.

Selena powered down a bank of data storage and then pulled out each drive, one after the other, pulling the data cables one at a time. Air gapped and without power no one was going to access those drives and even if they did the encryption she had used meant it would take far too long for anyone to see the contents within any meaningful time frame.

Her secrets safe Selena left the room, securing the barred gate behind her.

“Selena?”, Supergirl's voice asked.

Selena froze as she took in the sight of Supergirl who had entered unseen. Selena's mind processed her feelings for the young alien in front of her. Was she upset or mad, hurt or relieved? As ever, Selena slipped into her default posturing.

“If you are here to ask me again to go through with Operation Suicide I regret to inform you I have not changed my mind,” Selena said flatly as she began to move again having been frozen to the spot for a fleeting moment.

“Selena, no, I …. I know now you were the wrong person to ask,” Supergirl said humbly.

“Oh, and you seemed so sure before? And what of McGee, did he want to drink from the poisoned chalice in my place?” Selena continued, her tone still abrasive.

“Do you think I came here to gloat that I found someone to take that role on? Selena, I trust you with my life in so many different ways, whether it be that I can live and breathe or that I can be seen in public knowing that none of your videos or photographs from your little collection is destroying my reputation. It hurt to hear you say what you said, more than any cane, or whip. I paid with my body when you thought I had been disloyal to you and this is what I get in return?” Kara said imploringly.

Selena studied the heroine with her eyes, her mental shield dropping for a moment as she tried to separate the symbology of the red, blue and the shield from the young woman underneath it all.

“Kara, I don't know why I said what I did, if I could take it back I would. It's the price you pay for being trapped with a bitch like me. If the data worries you so much, destroy it,” Selena said.

“What?” Kara said, shaking her head.

“They are right in there, the drives are disconnected and powered down, if they worry you so much, destroy them,” Selena said calmly.

“But?” Kara said with a frown.

Kara processed what it meant. The photos and videos from all the games Selena had played with her, the bondage, the humiliation, the punishments and blackmail all leading towards what now included lovemaking, could be gone forever. With them destroyed their relationship would change, it wouldn't have be as it was any more, she could really be free...

“Do you seriously think I would fall for that, Selena,” Kara said nervously.

“It's not a trick, if you want them gone, do it,” Selena began to say, frowning at Kara's change of heart. She could tell the heroine was floundering at the idea. Why would she not want to destroy the data? Unless?

“I, I have to go,” Kara said trying to evade Selena's words. The heroine turned away anxiously and went to leave.

“Kara?” Selena said humbly having decoded Kara's signals.

The heroine paused and looked over her shoulder a moment, pausing mid step, “Yes?”

“I love you too, I promise,” Selena said, not knowing where to look.

Supergirl let out the weakest of smiles, and nodded, “I know.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mr Nordic stood in front of the mirror and turned himself side to side, admiring himself in the long Armani coat that he wore over his smart jacket and shirt.

“What do you think?” Nordic grinned at Neomi who wore sunglasses to hide her distinctive piercing blue eyes and make up enough to hide her bruised cheek.

“I prefer the cut of the other one,” Neomi said honestly.

“Which one is more expensive?” Nordic pressed with a mischievous glance in the mirror at his companion.

“That one of course, it's cashmere, you heathen” Neomi replied, rolling her eyes at her partner in crime.

“Then I will take it and then I think that will be all,” Nordic said with an approving nod to the assistant who grinned gratefully.

“Very good, sir. Will you require any of your choices to be gift wrapped?” the assistant asked as he stepped forward.

“No that won't be necessary, I will be packing to fly soon,” Mr Nordic said as he dropped his shoulders, letting the coat slide back for the assistant to remove it.

“As you wish,” said the assistant as he gathered the coat and placed it back on its hanger.

Neomi eyed the assistant as he returned to the counter, reverently hanging the coat next to a small collection of clothes that Nordic had slowly been choosing.

“Have you had your fun now, DARLING?” Neomi said a little caustically.

“Yes, I think I have,” scoffed Nordic quietly

“Good! When you said you would assist me with my problem at a price I didn't realise I would have to spend the afternoon clothes shopping with you,” Neomi said with faux bitterness.

“It is nice to know that only spending time with your colleagues upsets you and not spending your own money on them,” Nordic said as he turned around to face Neomi directly instead of conversing with her reflection.

“I can earn more money but I will never get this afternoon back,” Neomi said curtly as she delved into her handbag and pulled out her purse.

Nordic chuckled at Neomi's sense of humour which continued to grow on him and he and his companion walked to the counter where the assistant had neatly folded and bagged up the purchases.

“How will one be paying?” the assistant asked, glancing up at the tall Mr Nordic.

“With my rich partner,” joked Nordic, drawing a critical glare from Neomi who was already retrieving her credit card.

“Ah!” the assistant said dryly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lisa Kozny sat on a sofa opposite Ted Faulkner, a first officer with Blue Globe Airlines. He had been Ernst Van Der Walt's second in command for a few years now. Ted sipped from a glass of water as he watched Lisa flip through her notebook a moment.

“I take it you heard the recording of our suspect Mr Faulkner?” Lisa asked forlornly.

“Yes, that voice, it sounded so, so callous, so calculating,” Ted said, shaking his head.

“But you don't recognise it?” Lisa said, her eyes reading Ted's face.

“No, no, I am pretty sure I would remember someone like that. What the hell is she, a girlfriend or what? Was it a robbery gone wrong? I can't believe this has happened, he's such...” Ted paused, taking a breath before correcting himself, “WAS a great person!”

Lisa nodded as she made notes, Ted was more or less agreeing with everything that the people at the personnel office had said.

“Ted, we have reason to think that this wasn't about anything like that, we think he was killed for a very specific reason. Did he ever mention any sort of problems, did he mention debts or such like?” Lisa asked, balancing sympathy with trying to gain insight.

“No, nothing like that at all. Normally he would talk about his plans for holidays, or what he last did on holiday. He had a few hobbies like his sail boat and he also flew gliders at his local club in Holland. He had no problems in life as far as I can tell, if anything it looks like life had a problem with him,” Ted explained.

Lisa looked troubled, there was something really not right with this case. Ted's words seemed to hit her though, and it left the detective wondering. Maybe this wasn't about taking Van Der Walt out of the picture, perhaps it was about putting someone else in?

“Is there anything remarkable about your work schedule Mr Faulkner? I mean, is there anything special about the route that you and Mr Van Der Walt shared?” Lisa pressed.

“Not that I am aware of, it's not like we are flying royalty around on our journeys or anything,” Ted shrugged.

“That you are aware of?” Lisa asked with a frown.

“Well, it's not like we personally review the passenger list name by name or anything.” Ted said, almost smirking at the notion.

“So, what do you tend to know of the flights in advance?” Lisa wondered, taking an interest in what the aircrew might be aware of ahead of their departure.

“Typically we first report to the the operations centre. There we get our weather reports, any special advisories, our estimated flying weights, passenger numbers, and information on cargo. The flight engineer will do the fuel calculations while I double check on routings based on weather and then the commander signs it off. After that we conduct the flight,” Ted said matter of factly.

“You mentioned cargo, do you ever notice anything special there?” Lisa asked, wondering if there was something like a theft being planned.

“Not really and nothing routine to be honest. Besides, we only know on the day of the flights. Surely if you are going to steal the cargo you would need to steal the plane first and what kind of operation would you need in place to do that?” Ted said with a shrug.

“It was just a thought Mr Faulkner. Incidentally, who will take over from Van Der Walt now? Would it be you or what? How does it work?” Lisa asked.

“Me? Oh no, I haven't logged anywhere near the hours to be the officer in command. Personnel will probably add in one of the standby pilots from the pool and place them in command,” Ted explained.

“So as far as you know, no one has been allocated yet?” Lisa probed.

“I haven't heard anything yet, they will probably hold off until after the funeral out of respect. BGA are flying us back to Amsterdam for that and then we will return to duty afterwards,” Ted went on.

“Oh, so, you are all staying together as a unit,” Lisa said, her pen busily writing in her notebook.

“Yes, the F.A.A. prefer that we remain as a team, it promotes effectiveness.” Ted said with a frown, like the notion of anything other than that would be sacrilege.

“So, that means that you have been replaced by an entirely new crew?” Lisa asked realising that this meant a whole new group of people could be in the mix.

“Well, yes of course, but you don't think they have anything to do with this?” Ted asked.

“We always explore all lines of enquiry, it's probably nothing but we have to check. As ever if you recall anything please get in touch, you have my card,” Lisa said as she rose to her feet.

“Yes of course. You said you were going to speak to Wouter next?” Ted said as he rose to his feet.

“Yes, he is the flight engineer, correct?” Lisa said flicking through her list of names.

“Yes, he told me he was expecting you, but he seems as confused as I am,” Ted confessed.

“Yes, I am returning to the precinct house first and then I will arrange to meet him next,” Lisa said as she made her way to the front door.

Faulkner opened the door for his visitor and then she left, the first officer admiring her behind in her tight black trousers as she left. With a shake of the head he closed the door and she was gone.

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Gomez scanned through his pocket notebook one more time and then with a nod of the head flipped it close.

“I think that's the last of my questions for now at least,” the detective said as he stood up from his chair.

“OK, the people at the operations centre will be able to keep you up to date where I will be if you need to speak to me, or any of my team,” the chief purser from Van Der Walt's crew said as she rose to escort Gomez from the apartment style hotel room.

“And you have my card if you need to contact me before then,” Gomez reminded her as he made his way to the door.

“Yes, though I can't honestly say I am likely to think of anything more,” she replied as she swung open the door.

“OK, well goodbye for now,” Gomez said as he stepped out the threshold of the door then turned away to head to the stairwell and out.

Once the door closed Gomez sighed. He knew that as he progressed down the list of people by seniority he was getting further and further from the people who knew the dead captain best. The senior flight attendant and the chief purser knew nothing and it was likely everyone after that would also be unable to shed any light on the matter.

Glancing at his watch Gomez knew he should return to the precinct house to regroup. Did Kozny really think it was necessary to interview every crew member on the list? If the chief purser had said she thought the captain was having affair with a pretty flight attendant then that would have been something but this chain of enquiry looked dead.

Gomez went down the stairs to the front exit and out into the parking area to return to his car. Hitting the remote of his car the doors unlocked and he hopped inside just as his phone began to ring.

“Detective Gomez, oh hey Kozny listen I've just done with the first two, it's looking like a comple ….. what? Frikkin-A ! When? OK, I'm coming, don't start without me!”

= = = = = = = = = = =

Selena looked solemnly at her screen, the cursor blinking, her faithful servant ready to carry out her every whim.

“Courage, 'Buttons', you have tiptoed through some of the toughest security in the world, you can do this,” Selena said to herself nervously.

Flexing her fingers like a virtuoso at the keys of a grand piano preparing to unleash a great composer's concerto Selena took a breath and began. TAP-TAP-TAP went the keyboard as Selena wrote out her first set of commands.

“execute openport_finder / sys_route / global_ip / server_host / target_system”

With a strike of the return key the battle began. Like in war the first step was to get intelligence about the area to be attacked. The communication ports functioned like roads of information that crossed into and out of enemy territory. Some might be guarded by the electronic equivalent of minefields and barbed wire. Others may have a simple barrier and a wooden guard hut with a doughnut munching rent-a-cop inside. 'Openport_finder' was like having a spy with a pair of binoculars stood at the edge of the frontier looking out for which way was open and which way was not.

“Openport_finder – progress 1%..”

Selena leaned back in her chair, finger pyramid forming as she watched the scan's slow progress.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

From her office Molly Matthews watched the GPS trace of her special convoy as it drove to the air freight terminal ready for it's flight to the test range in Texas. There she would finally taste the fruits of her labour, she was on the cusp of getting her revenge.

“Enough of that, Supergirl's time will come, how is my other pet project coming on, I wonder,” Molly thought to herself as she switched applications to view her network security status.

“Ah, still eating the trail of breadcrumbs? Well, you don't want to rush into your starter just yet. And don't worry, I have a fine first course and a delicious dessert waiting for you,” Molly grinned.

Molly watched with interest as the subtle electronic cold war played out. She admired Selena's the little spy program, hiding beyond her electronic walls peering in from afar. It was good, on a human scale at least, but against Molly with the backing of an alien genius like Vel? Success was doubtful.

“Poor Broker, you really have no idea, do you?” Molly said as she leaned back into her chair not realising she appeared almost like a mirror opposite of her adversary.

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“Please, Mr Arnaud, come this way to our conference room,” Lisa said as she led Oscar from the reception area.

Oscar looked nervous and pale and he certainly didn't seem comfortable making eye contact with anyone at all. Moving down a corridor Lisa reached a room and pushed the door, letting it swing open. The small room had a table and chairs for about half a dozen people, stood on one side of the table Gomez waited.

“This is my partner, detective Gomez. This is Oscar Arnaud, he believes he can help us with our case,” Lisa said.

“Thank you for coming forward Mr Arnaud,” Gomez said, offering his hand across the table which Oscar accepted, a brief but firm handshake completing the introduction.

“Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything, coffee, water?” Lisa asked.

“No, no I'm good, thank you,” Oscar said nervously as he looked up at Lisa a moment.

“Okay then, let's get started, hopefully we won't need to take too much of your time,” Gomez said.

Lisa edged around the table and took a position opposite Oscar and sat next to Gomez who had already placed the case files on the table.

Gomez glanced at his watch and made a note of the time and the date at the top of an interview sheet as Lisa tugged some paper from her case files.

“So, Mr Arnaud, you saw the news coverage of the incident,” Lisa began.

“Yes, I mean, bad things happen in the city all the time but when I heard that voice and,” Oscar began before faltering.

“Take your time Mr Arnaud. You heard the voice and,” Lisa said gently. She could see the man was visibly shaken just thinking of the subject.

“You won't understand, it wasn't entirely what she said, but how she said it,” Oscar said glancing at the police officers across the table.

“Let's back up a little, how do you know of the person, how are you so confident that you know the owner of the voice?” Lisa asked with a frown.

“I, I mean we, we were on the same flight, from Paris a few days ago, we arrived in New York early Monday. During the flight we spoke a lot, we were in the same row in business. She was by the window, I was in the aisle seat. Her name was Neomi,” Oscar explained.

“I see,” Lisa said, observing Gomez write the witness statement out.

“I, I won't have to go to court, will I?” Oscar asked nervously, “I mean, will she know that I have been here?”

Lisa frowned a moment at Oscar's defensive demeanour.

“Well I can't promise anything but depending on the strength of any additional identifying evidence you may be requested to appear by either side,” Lisa explained.

Oscar nodded, head down like he was guilty of something which caused Gomez and Kozny to glance at each other to confirm what they were both thinking.

“Mr Arnaud, did something happen between you while you were on that flight? You seem a little distressed about the whole episode,” Lisa probed gently.

“No, no, nothing we, we just talked, I swear, ask the flight attendants!” Oscar exclaimed.

Gomez continued to scrawl the notes but let out a subtle sigh, the thought of having to interview another load of flight attendants sapping his morale.

“Well, hopefully we won't need to do that Mr Arnaud,” Gomez managed having felt Lisa's critical eye fall on him a moment.

“A little earlier you explained that you recognised the voice by how she said things, isn't that right?” Lisa asked, dropping her head, trying to get back into Oscar's eyeline again.

“Yes, the recording, it, it made me cold,” Oscar confessed.

“Then, Oscar, what could you have possibly spoke about on that flight that made her sound anything like that?” Lisa asked carefully. Oscar was there to help them, he wasn't in trouble for anything and he could walk out any time he wanted.

Oscar looked like a deer in the headlights. His naïve intention had been to just tell the Police that he and Neomi had chatted on the plane. It should have been simple yet even that was found out to far from the entire truth.

“I, look, can I,” began Oscar. To Lisa the man opposite looked like he was facing murder charges to the moon with incontrovertible evidence of his guilt on the table. The floundering body language usually belonged to someone who had made a terrible mistake and had been caught.

“Oscar, what happened?” Lisa probed.

“Can Detective Gomez and I talk, alone, I, I don't feel comfortable talking to a lady, you know?” Oscar begged.

Kozny looked at Gomez inquisitively who tossed his pen to the desk and sat up, his streetwise eye studying Oscar just that little bit more closely. Oscar was a big guy and by all accounts their suspect was fit and athletic, like his partner. Had Oscar tried to be a little too friendly with their assassin?

“Hey I've got this, boss, I think I have a rough idea what is going on,” Gomez quipped, his assessment of Oscar complete.

“Okay, sure Mr Arnaud, but you have to understand we appreciate your co-operation, this woman that you spoke to is dangerous, she is our priority right now,” Lisa said as she rose from the table, a twinge in her back making her motion a little awkward.

“Yes, I understand, just, it's difficult. I will tell Detective Gomez everything, I swear,” Oscar said, head down.

“I'll be outside if you need anything,” Lisa said to Gomez as she went to leave.

“Sure,” Gomez nodded and then Lisa was gone, the door closing behind her.

“Okay, champ, what's the deal? Did you have a little mile-high club adventure or what?” Gomez said, leaning back in his seat with a grin.

“No, it was at the terminal building when we arrived, that's when it happened. We had both been flirting the whole flight, and then, when we got off the ramp from the plane she, you know, gave me the look, the 'come-on', you understand?” Oscar said.

“She's hot right? My partner there, she doesn't remember her face, but she knows that this Neomi woman is certainly in good shape,” Gomez said, looking enthusiastically at Oscar.

“I should have known it was all wrong, she's well above my league,” Oscar groaned.

“So, come on, you can't leave me hanging, she gave you 'the-look' and then what? You make out on the baggage carousel, or what?” joked Gomez.

Oscar shook his head, ashamed, “No, the gate we arrived at, it was at a dead end. Everyone headed off in one direction to the baggage claim while she headed off in the other, to a rest room. It was when she headed off that she looked back for me, I swear she wanted me to follow her,” Oscar explained guiltily.

At her desk Lisa had begun to make some calls while Gomez continued the interview.

“Hey, this is Detective Kozny at the 19th, yeah, listen, I need you to get some information together for me please. Yep, you had a flight in from Paris, arrived early Monday just gone. Yes, a French national, Oscar Arnaud, A-R-N-A-U-D, yep that's it. I want to get the name of the passenger sat in the aisle seat by him, please,” Lisa said, her pen at the ready.

Lisa spun in her seat as the hold music cut in. It seemed to be the habitual dance of every detective, to twist and spin in their seat the moment they were put on hold. Then once the music stopped the dance was over, celebrated by the lunge back to the desk.

“Oh hey, uh huh, okay, okay, yes. Sure, L dot Kozny, yep, a Z, thats right, at, N-Y-P-D dot ORG, yes not DOT COM. Awesome, ok thanks, bye,” Lisa said, hanging up.

“YES!” said Kozny, quietly jubilant. The investigation was getting somewhere. Soon Homeland Security would be sending her a passport scan and they would finally have a photo of the woman, no sketch artist required.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy looked up at the small mountain. Three hundred and ninety one meters above sea level it was a fair climb, though ropes weren't required, there was a trail. Lucy tightened the laces on her boots making sure her ankles were well braced and then put her light pack on her back. In it she had water and light waterproofs though looking at the clear sky she guessed she probably wouldn't need them.

Then she made a check on her running tracking app and then boldly set out on her trek to the summit. The first paces she took easy as she hit the hard dirt, getting a feel for her balance now that she carried a small load and then little by little she stretched out her pace until she fell into a light jog.

Lucy's mind wandered as her feet rhythmically pounded the ground. Lisa came to mind quickly as ever and the Asian mercenary permitted a smile at the recent good memories she had, oh and the icecream. Lucy found her stride lengthen as she relaxed only to have the darker thoughts of Lisa being shot come to her. How close had Lisa been to being killed? If it really was a professional killer Lucy would have no qualms in using her own talents in settling the score, or would she?

Lucy could imagine it ….

= = = =

“Hey Lu,” Lisa said, entering Lucy's apartment, taking the mercenary by surprise.

“Oh, hi!” Lucy replied, quickly hiding something behind her back.

“Err, why is there all this plastic sheeting on the floor?” Lisa asked, cocking her head.

“Oh, nothing,” Lucy answered innocently.

“Hhmmpppffff hmmmeee !!” yelped Lisa's suspect, bunny hopping with legs bound together, arms behind her back from the direction of the bathroom while gagged with tape.

“Come here, bitch!” Lucy growled, wrapping the fibre-wire garrote around the escaping woman's throat.

“Lucy, I really am going to have to bring you in if you keep this up!” Lisa said, hands falling onto her hips with disapproval.

“You never let me have any fun!” Lucy protested, slowly choking to death the woman who had shot Lisa.

= = = =

Lucy dismissed the almost cartoonish imagery in her mind with a shake of her head and a broad grin and began to run harder. She was going to kill this mountain, she knew it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

“Ok, thank you Mr Arnaud, we will be in touch but I wouldn't worry, okay, she isn't likely to use you in her defence, understand?” Gomez said as he offered his hand to the obviously distressed Oscar.

“Thank you detective Gomez,” Oscar said as he left the reception area, his mood slightly lifting now his burden had been lifted from him.

Gomez, statement in hand returned to the office with the good news to find Lisa also in an upbeat mood.

“Oh someone looks happy,” Gomez quipped as he sat opposite his partner at his desk.

“Homeland Security, they are going to send us a scan of our suspect's passport,” Lisa said.

“Do you have a full name?” Gomez asked.

“Yes, Neomi Delacroix, no middle name, and don't make me spell it out – AGAIN! I've been talking to every hire car company, every hotel comparison site, every cell phone provider and every credit card company I can think of and I have to spell it out every damn time,” grumbled Lisa.

“Well at least you have a name now, so, what they say?” Gomez asked.

“Nothing, she landed, cleared through immigration and promptly vanished, what about you? What did you get?”

“Well, she got up to at least a little more than that before she disappeared. She and Mr Arnaud, well, they had a sort of altercation in the ladies room at the airport,” grinned Gomez.

“Jeezus, he screwed her?” Lisa exclaimed, wide eyed.

“Hell no, he got to about second base and then got fouled, poor bastard. There was a bit of consensual spanking going on, with her on the receiving end but before he knew it, BAM, she had him pinned to the floor jerking him off. Once he shot his load she filled her panties with his cum and threatened him with rape charges if he blabbed,” Gomez continued.

“And you believe that's what happened?” Lisa asked. She trusted Gomez, if he thought Oscar was on the level she was satisfied too.

“What started to convince me was that Oscar told me he had been telling tall tales on the plane, you know James Bond type tales. Once they hit that restroom though she was quick to point out she knew he was talking bullshit. She knew, Kozny, because, SHE is Jane Bond! That big guy, she turned him into putty in seconds. What closed the deal was he told me how she gloated and called him pathetic,” Gomez explained.

“And he didn't fight back, at all?” Lisa frowned.

“I asked that too. He reasoned having the spectre of rape hanging over him he couldn't do much complaining. He was in the ladies room after all, though he said initially he slapped her face when she began to turn on him...” Gomez said, glancing over the interview statement.

“The bruise...” Lisa said to herself quietly. For a split second she remembered something about her attacker but then it was gone.

“What?” Gomez said,

“No, it's nothing. We should try and get the tapes from the airport, they might be able to tell us where our suspect went next,” Lisa said rising from her desk.

“Great, more airports,” Gomez grumbled.

“Oh shut up, you love seeing all those flight attendants in their uniforms,” Lisa chuckled.

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Nicely built chapter that unfurled very elegantly... plus I liked Lucy's little fantasy daydream.
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DrDominator9 wrote:Nicely built chapter that unfurled very elegantly... plus I liked Lucy's little fantasy daydream.
Thanks DrD. I know my stuff isn't all peril peril peril. Sometimes I like to take the reader on an adventure before the peril happens. Hopefully there are others like you who are prepared to ride this out and see where it goes.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

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= = = = = = = = = = = =


Neomi Delacroix hid inside the multi-story car park waiting for a very unlucky contestant to play her deadly game.


From beyond the double doors the elevator chime heralded the arrival of someone in the elevator causing Neomi's eyes to widen in anticipation as to who was behind the soon-to-open doors.

The elevator door drew open and the casually-dressed young man stepped out and went to the machine to pay his parking ticket. Neomi observed as the man put in his ticket and then, with care fed the machine the required cash.

There was a pause and then, ticket between the tips of his lips, he put his wallet back in his pocket while he fished for his keys with his free hand. Neomi eyed the prize, judging what sort of car he owned based on what she could see.

“Such a nice young man, it'll be a Nissan,” she wagered to herself.

Staying in the shadows Neomi tailed her target as he walked obliviously towards his car, his keys jangling in his hand. Totally at ease, Neomi's target approached his vehicle and his glance confirmed he was checking which button his thumb was resting on.

KERKLUNK sounded a small red Totyota as its locks released, the area getting bathed by the flash of the turn lights.

“Hi,” Neomi said from out of the blue.

The young man was spooked by her proximity but naively felt safe, casually glancing back to see the source of the sultry voice.

“Oh hi,” replied the young man, his eyes revealing his attraction to the woman in front of him. In tight leather pants and black leather jacket, her dark short hair framing her stunning blue eyes she looked to die for.

“Sorry!” Neomi grinned, swiftly raising a pistol with a long silencer screwed onto the muzzle.

“Wai..” the young man's eyes widened as he raised his hand in self defence.


The action of the pistol seemed to make most of the noise, the hissing sound that chased the round out the gun giving the impression it was propelled with air. The low velocity round hit the young man in the chest and he crumpled to the floor clutching himself. Lying on his back, his legs folded beneath him, blood pulsed rhythmically from the bullet wound.

Neomi stood over the body and with gloved hands scooped up the keys to the car and the parking ticket he had held and then heard the familiar footsteps of Nordic as he closed in. He had been in hiding while Neomi had done her stealthy work.

The young man oozed blood from the corner of his mouth as he cried out silently, each attempt to speak causing more blood to gush up. Neomi rolled her eyes and stepped back and aimed again.


Neomi had put a merciful shot into the young man's head finally ending his life. Nordic opened the trunk and then the pair quickly bundled the corpse inside being careful not to get covered in blood.

“Are we good?” Nordic said.

“Yes,” Neomi said flatly as she eyed their transport.

“Let's get this over with, and next time get a bigger car,” Nordic grumbled.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The security officer at the review booth pressed a few keys on his keyboard and was done, the pen drive he had been given by the detectives now contained the video they needed.

“There you go detective's, I think those are all the best angles,” the officer said.

“Yes, looks that way,” Gomez nodded.

“Thank you for your time, now we should get back,” Kozny said looking at her watch.

“We are going to need the techies to try and pull more off the license plate of that taxi our suspect got into,” Gomez said.

“Yes, but no way are they going to get that soon, lets drop it off now, perhaps the night crew will get to it,” Lisa said as she walked with Gomez out the office and back towards the exit of the terminal building.

“Great, is there anything else you want me to do now?” Gomez quipped.

“Well, until we get the plate and the passport scan there isn't much more to do for the moment, unless you want to talk to more flight attendants,” Lisa said with a smirk.

Gomez looked back at Kozny to check if she was serious and realised she wasn't.

“I think I am done with the aviation industry for one day. Drop me off at the station house and I will get the video into the geek squad, you can get off straight home,” Gomez said.

“You sure?” Kozny asked. Every piece of evidence meant paperwork and Gomez was inflicting another half-hour session of form filling on himself.

“Sure, besides, you know Rochelle works the evidence locker during the evenings,” grinned Gomez.

“Oh boy,” Kozny said shaking her head. Rochelle, the stunning dark beauty from Harlem turned every man's head without effort. Why she was in admin for the police and not on the face of a magazine Lisa did not know.

“What?!” Gomez protested.

“She is going to break your heart, Gomez,” Kozny said as the pair made their way out the terminal building towards the official parking area.

“Haven't you heard, I haven't got one!” Gomez said.

“Well, like I said, if you actually paid attention to everything your ex-girlfriend said...” Lisa began as she produced a bundle of keys, clicking the remote to her car.

“Yeah, yeah, she wouldn't be my ex!” Gomez laughed, “I heard you the first time and the second and the, what is it, the hundredth time?”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena had watched the port scan progress and assessed her chances. Vel's defences were good, but not perfect, after all, legitimate traffic still had to get through somehow. It was just about trying to figure out which form of traffic was best to impersonate.

Option one, her go-to option was to experiment with the typical information that most communications carried with them. Separate from actual useful information each packet of data carried details of what resided inside. This extra piece of information that subtly added to the overall size of the piece of data was called 'overhead'. The system functioned like putting a glossy, colourful cover on a book, the title and synopsis on the back alluding to what resided within. Every system had to read the cover of each book to know how to deal with it when it arrived, was it an email, was it a video stream, was it a download, was it a web page?

“execute traff_overheadspoof / sys_route / global_ip / server_host / target_system”

Gently, teasingly, Selena's system began to test a few of the more open ports. Sending the equivalent of books with blank pages inside Selena hoped that the attractively illustrated glossy covers she had wrapped them in would allow them through. Would the target system be interested in those sexy crime novels, or was it more open to self-help guides?

Finding out what the target system's acceptance criteria was the next step. Little by little the various types of data started to either bounce back, firewalled out, or wiggled through to the next layer of defences. Once Selena gained confidence about what got through she could then start trying to figure out what she could start filling the blank pages with inside her analogous books.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy Wuan cruised down the highway from the state park towards home. She felt a sense of accomplishment having run up the small mountain then back down it. She didn't know what had driven her to do it but the hunger to work out, to push herself seemed satiated, at least for the moment. She felt like she was ready to take on anything, that she was unstoppable and very much alive.

Hitting her car's hands free system for her cell phone the mercenary dialled out.


“Hey, Lu?” Lisa answered.

“Hey, can you talk?” Lucy replied.

“I have just dropped off my partner at the station, was going to head home, why? What's going on?” Lisa asked.

“I'm out at the moment but heading home, see you at my place?” Lucy asked hopefully, she was in the mood for some serious law enforcement. But maybe without the law, or the en, or the ment.

“Oh, sure. Is everything okay?” Lisa asked. Lucy could hear the slight confusion in her voice.

“Yeah, everything is awesome I guess. I just wanted ….” Lucy faltered leaving some dead air in the conversation.

“Lu, you ok?” Lisa asked again.

Lucy paused, she didn't know why but she had this feeling this was building up to goodbye, but....

“Yes, I'll be home in an hour, get pizza will you? I can't face cooking tonight and I cheated you last time,” Lucy managed.

“Sure ok, I will head over to yours now. See you in about an hour,” Lisa said sounding a little upbeat.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Molly Matthews watched as the subtle intrusions began, gently probing her network's defences. Molly had left one port slightly less guarded and she knew The Broker had seen it, the predictable second step of testing what could get by to the next level of security coming soon after.

“Oh, very good. Little do you know I left that door open for you, but, I can't let you in too quickly now, can I? You need to sing for your supper but, you will find it a most enjoyable meal, I assure you,” Molly said to herself.

Switching applications Molly glanced at the tracking information of her convoy. It had made it to the airfreight terminal and had been loaded onto a cargo plane. From there it was only a short journey to the the test range. Molly smiled knowing everything was going to plan but she had to rely on The Broker being as efficient as she predicted she would be. Everything hinged on The Broker alerting her annoying friend in red and blue in time.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Mike Loughlan clicked through his presentation making sure everything was in the best order to make his case. Next Monday the oversight board would assemble to ensure that the Sanderson corporation was operating how they wanted. After the big melt down while Bobby was in charge, the corporation, while not bankrupt, required several lines of credit while it restructured. The Sanderson corporation itself had several revenue streams that were strong and under Mike's stewardship the corporation was digging itself out from it's hole, he just needed time to turn things around.

Monday was when those creditors would come, view the figures, view the plans, talk long term and then go away for a month while Mike led his team on the path to putting things right. Right now Mike had a good rapport with the oversight committee and they felt that in his hands their banks would get a good reward out of supporting the corporation's return to health. If Mike could continue to convince them to hold on he could avoid having to dismember the corporation even further than he had done so far. So long as there were no more pressures he was confident he could avoid any more sell off's.

The main threat though was the rumblings of a takeover. Sanderson corporation stock had been subtly ticking up in price like someone was nibbling at the shares in circulation. If someone was going to make a play then Mike's support with the banks might evaporate and the corporation could end up being taken over, sold for a price good enough to entice his backers to sell while not really representing the corporation's best value. No, Mike wasn't going to cave when he knew he could return to profitability with just a little help. He wasn't known as one of the best 'firemen' in the corporate world for nothing.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena grinned as she realised she could get in. It had been difficult but by slipping in some very low level instructions she had been able to change how the other system was behaving. With her book analogy in her head Selena imagined it almost like a young child reading syllable by syllable. By locking the opposing system up with the computer version of a tongue twister she was able to slip ever more ambitious tasks into Vel's network before it would notice what she had done.

CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK went the keyboard as Selena ran new commands.

“Oh my, this .. this is Sanderson corporation archives,” Selena muttered as she was able to see the file structure of the target system. “What are you doing? Why did you ….” Selena thought to herself. She was shocked to think that Sanderson Corporation had been responsible for the breach into the U.S. Government systems but all the trails led back to them.

“I've got to find out what they are doing!” Selena thought.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lisa drove over to Lucy's place, her mind actually at ease. She had been focused on the case but with a natural pause in the investigation she found she had turned off her mind. And what a relief, she hadn't realised how tightly-wound she had become until now.

Lisa drove up to the parking lot entrance ramp and descended into the underground carpark. The shared parking lot was not overly-crowded and Lucy had two bays allocated to her anyway, though as was expected her Porsche was absent. Following close behind the little red Toyota came to halt in the street, the two mercenaries inside looking up at the luxury apartment building with surprise.

“Surely she has to be on the take,” Neomi said with disgust.

“It might not be her place,” Nordic said calmly.

“Well I should hope not, no detective should be able to live like that!” Neomi said almost a little angrily.

“Don't let it get to you, she won't be around much longer to enjoy it,” Nordic said calmly.

“First we need to find out which one is hers,” Neomi said, eyes peering upwards.

“Do we?” Nordic scoffed. Just as Noemi had commented the lights on one of the floors illuminated revealing the silhouette of Lisa entering an apartment.

“No one was home? She's alone! Perfect!” Neomi said coldly.

While Nordic had doubts that they were at Detective Kozny's own apartment he was confident she was alone. Afterall the lights had been off before the detective walked in. Anyway even if she had company he and Neomi were perfectly capable of eliminating any loose ends.

“Park here and let's get this done, the sooner we can abandon this car the better, the corpse in the trunk is already starting to stink,” Nordic said, gesturing to an empty space in the street.

= = = = = = = = = = =
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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= = = = = = = = = = =


Lisa raided Lucy's fridge and poured a glass of milk for herself before taking a refreshing gulp. Unclipping her holster, cuff pouch and her badge from her belt she went to Lucy's bedroom and placed them in a drawer of a dresser and returned, cell phone in hand to the kitchen.

With her cell phone laying flat on the counter top of the kitchen she opened her app for the local pizza franchise and browsed what was available. She didn't know how hungry Lucy would be and so erred on the side of caution, deciding to choose two pizzas for the evening.

Clicking thoughtfully through her options Lisa wanted to be sure to choose something appealing for Lucy. As for herself, she was easy, any pizza was good, she loved the stuff. Lisa slid her credit card from her small wallet and put in her details, waiting for the order to process.

“Better a little too much than too little,” Lisa thought as a little message acknowledged that the dough was in the oven.

Now all she had to do was wait for Lucy, food and then fun!

= = = = = = =

Neomi and Mr Nordic cautiously navigated the stairs upwards to the level with the apartment and their target, Lisa Kozny. The stairwell was quiet and their didn't appear to be any cameras present though on one landing their was evident activity in the elevator.

“Relax, it's not from the floor we want,” Neomi hissed as she led the tall fair haired Mr Nordic onwards.

Eventually the pair made it to the door of Lucy's apartment, Lisa inside with some music on low. The gentle hum of the bass permeated through the door as it ran with the beat of the indistinguishable music, not that the mercenaries cared to know what it was.

“Are you ready to earn your pay,” Neomi whispered.

“Of course, but you put the bitch down, understand?” Nordic said quietly in reply.

“I wouldn't want it any other way,” Neomi said wickedly, her eyes studying the door, wishing it were open.

“OK, ready?” Nordic asked as he rose up from his stooped position on the landing, long coat open.

“Do it,” urged Neomi as she took a position crouched at the hinge side of the door.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

TAP-TAP-TAP went the door.

Lisa looked up at the door with a frown, if it was Lucy she would let herself in and she had barely ordered that pizza so it wouldn't be them. Had she played the music too loud? The apartment complex was a remodelled textile mill or something, the floors were thick wood and several feet divided the different levels so it would be a surprise if she had disturbed someone.

TAP-TAP-TAP the knock sounded again, enticing Lisa to go to the door.

Lisa tossed the fashion magazine that she had been reading on the coffee table where she had found it and made her way to the door. Putting her eye to the spyhole she saw a well dressed, tall and fair haired man an open identity wallet splayed in one hand at chest height.

“Who the hell?” Lisa wondered. Was that a cop, FBI, or what?

Lisa slid the door chain into the latch and cautiously opened the door, the guide clattering over the chain as the door inched wider.

“Hello?” Lisa said with curiosity at the tall man as he fell into view through the inch gap in the doorway.

“Detective Kozny?” asked the tall man.

“Who's asking?” Lisa asked in reply.

“Agent Samson, FBI, I understand we may have a suspect in common, a professional assassin,” said the tall man as he fumbled with his I.D, failing to show it clearly to Lisa who continued to eye him with suspicion.

“How did you get my address?” Lisa tested.

“Oh, it was given to me by my boss. I guess your people at the precinct must have told him,” the fair haired man explained, seeing Lisa's expression soften, falling for his lies perhaps.

“Oh, okay Samson, want some coffee? Let me just get this chain off,” Lisa began, as she began to edge the door back closed.

Lisa had suspected something was wrong midway through the conversation but she was confident none of her colleague's knew of Lucy's address. The only way someone knew she was there was if she was followed. She had to get the door closed before ….


From her stooped position at the base of the door Neomi managed to get a narrow line of sight of the chain with her silenced pistol and fired. The chain was shattered in two, the round shooting up through the plasterboard of the ceiling and ending up lodged in the dense timbers of the structure above.


Lisa was flung backwards as Nordic kicked the door in, the cop inside already recoiling from the bullet that had flown inches from her face. Lisa landed on her behind and looked up to see the tall fair haired stranger storm in quickly followed by..

Lisa instantly recalled Neomi the moment she saw her, the tell tale bruise on her face making all the difference.

“Oh fuck!” Lisa said out loud though she wished she hadn't let her adversary have the pleasure of hearing her fear.

Neomi stormed in and motioned at Nordic with her other hand to close the door behind them.

“Oh I'm going to enjoy this,” Neomi said wickedly as she tucked her pistol into the belt of her leather pants, looming in over Lisa.

“Neomi, what are you doing? - Finish her now!” Nordic demanded as he pushed the door closed, taking a cautionary glance through the spyhole to see if anyone heard the commotion.

“Ah-ah, a little fun first,” Neomi said as she reached down at Lisa grabbing her hair with one hand and …

“WAH!” growled Neomi.

Neomi drove a fist across Lisa's jawline, busting her lip open in the process, a fine spray of blood splashing to the floor. Lisa looked back up angrily to see the sneering Neomi over her and decided to fight back with everything she had.

With a lightning fast punch in reply Lisa delivered a blow up into Neomi's crotch causing her to double up. Stepping backwards from her prey in pain, Neomi gave Lisa an opportunity to rise unchallenged to her feet.

Nordic rolled his eyes in annoyance as he watched on, drawing his silenced pistol from his holster and letting the weapon hang passively by his side. Lisa, emboldened by her successful punch sought to follow up and swung with a right hook that Neomi blocked with one arm.

“Hah,” Neomi taunted as she retaliated with a jab back only to see the cop duck the punch and ..


With a step forward and a sudden feint Lisa got in under Neomi's blow and delivered a solid punch into the assassin's stomach before shoving her backwards.

“Oh, someone boxed at the academy!” Neomi said with sarcasm as she settled on her feet, one hand touching the spot where she had been struck.

“Fuck you, you're finished Neomi, no matter what you do to me,” Lisa growled, her mind racing to find a way out of her predicament.

“Oh, how so?” Neomi grinned, as she heard Nordic ramp up the volume on the music system, covering their voices.

“We know who you are, DELACROIX, your passport photo will be on the news at any time,” Lisa goaded.

A sensation like a gut shot went through Neomi. Her face on the news was a big inconvenience, she would have draw on an alternate identity to get out of the country and no doubt her team would be unhappy with having a sought-after person in their group. Nordic's eyes confirmed what she knew, Neomi was becoming a liability to the others, although a salvageable one.

“Oscar!” growled Neomi realising how the detective in front of her had traced her current identity.

Lisa could see Neomi was enraged knowing that her identity had been uncovered, something that managed to give the cop a sense of satisfaction.

“Finish this, we can do without this trouble,” grunted Nordic.

“Uh-uh, she's going to bleed first, ” Neomi said, drawing her gun from her belt.

Lisa froze a second then considered an attack with nothing to lose but with Neomi now pointing a gun right at her it would have been a hollow gesture. Lisa was determined to come away with more than just that.

Neomi motioned with the muzzle of her gun, edging Lisa back towards the bedroom. Hands raised, the police woman walked slowly backwards, her heart racing, palms sweaty. As Neomi followed her, Lisa sensed a chance when Mr. Nordic groaned at yet another delay, distracting the smirking hitwoman. Lisa turned and bolted, heading straight for where she had stowed her gun. Neomi pursued, a mere second behind.

Lisa wrenched open the drawer holding her holster, badge and cuffs and sought out her weapon. Laying her hand on the pistol grip she pulled firmly and …


“No you don't!” Neomi said as she kicked the draw firmly closed, jamming Lisa's right hand in the drawer.

The wooden edge of the drawer cut a line in the detective's wrist drawing a squeal from Lisa who still desperately tried to extract her gun. Neomi wasn't having that and delivered a hard blow to the blonde's face with her left fist sending the cop reeling face-down onto the bed.

Neomi placed a booted foot firmly on Lisa's back, planting the heel into the deep bruise left from the shooting incident.

“Arghhhh” screamed Lisa as she squirmed under Neomi's foot.

“What do we have here?” Neomi said as she flung open the drawer and saw Lisa's gun, badge and cuffs, “Well that was naughty!”

Neomi prodded the muzzle of her pistol's suppressor into Lisa's back while with her other hand she tugged Lisa's cuffs from her pouch.

Just then Nordic entered from behind, his pistol still at his side as he watched on without emotion. If anything he just wanted the whole event over with but Neomi was determined to have her fun.

“Hold this!” Neomi said offering her pistol to Nordic as she changed pose, her knee dropping onto Lisa's back while her hands sought Lisa's wrist.

“No!” growled Lisa as she fought. Lisa was strong and she knew how to prevent Neomi from cuffing her.

With great effort Lisa curled her arms up into her chest, using all her strength to prevent Neomi from restraining her wrists.

“A little help?” Neomi said angrily to Nordic who didn't seem enthusiastic to play games.

Neomi battled with the squirming Lisa trying to roll her onto her back before grabbing her forearm tightly. With a twist Neomi began to get the upper hand, slowly getting Lisa's right arm to turn, her wrist being drawn back behind herself. Nordic holstered his own pistol while wielding Neomi's and then with his free hand grabbed Lisa cruelly by the hair, pulling her upright as ….


Neomi got one cuff on Lisa who lunged at Neomi with her free hand, punching her in the face, drawing blood from her lip.


“For fucks sake, Neomi, just do her,” Nordic said angrily. Now Neomi was leaving blood at a scene; it was just going from bad to worse.

“I'll fucking TORCH it,” Neomi said, losing her cool as she spat some of her blood back at Lisa who scoffed.

Nordic decided enough was enough and placed the muzzle of his pistol to Lisa's temple, suddenly freezing the wide-eyed cop. Neomi seized the moment of Lisa's paralysis to grab the detective's other wrist. Finally the cop was restrained, in her own cuffs, kneeling upright on the bed, her wrists behind her.

“You know what they do with cop killers, don't you?” Lisa growled as she tossed her head, getting Nordic's gun out of her face.

“They have to catch you first,” Neomi said coldly as she rose to her feet.

“You're not going to get awa...” Lisa began.


“Shut the fuck up, pig!” Neomi said calmly.

Neomi had delivered a slap with her open hand across Lisa's face, silencing her. Lisa grinned as she recomposed herself, looking coolly back up at Neomi.

“Is that all you have, Neomi?” Lisa goaded.

Neomi pushed Lisa firmly back to the bed but she resisted, staying upright as best she could, causing Neomi to get on the bed by her side and tackling her down. Neomi glanced about the room and assessed what she had to work with and then set her wickedness in motion.

Reaching for a pillow at the head of the bed Neomi pulled off its white cotton cover and set about hooding Lisa with it. Lisa fought back, managing to get her teeth latched onto Neomi's hand for a moment, leaving a painful bite that cut into the back of her hand and her palm. Only with a firm smack could Neomi drive her off.

“Neomi, this is taking too long,” Nordic said, still annoyed.

“Oh shut the fuck up, give me a couple of fucking minutes?!” demanded Neomi as she looked over her shoulder.

“Fine, but no more!” Nordic answered sternly.

Neomi looked down at her prone victim, hooded and cuffed. There was no way this cop was going to survive again.

“We will test if you can continue to survive bullets shortly but first,” Neomi said as she callously landed a punch into Lisa's ribs causing the cop to groan under her pillow case hood.

“Come on Boxer cop, protect the body,” Neomi goaded, knowing Lisa was restrained behind her back.

Neomi delivered another blow with her other hand into Lisa's other side causing her to clench up before growling in protest.

“Well, if you can't manage to guard your guts how well can you guard your head, BOXER,” Neomi said wickedly as one hand clamped her lower jaw and upper throat while with the other hand she delivered a flat-palmed strike into the side of Lisa's head through the pillowcase.

Lisa growled with anger, unable to fight back, unable to spit, unable to bite, unable to see.

“Ooops, let one through!” Neomi said before slapping Lisa again with the back of her hand.

Nordic watched on impassively, nonchalantly glancing at his watch. This was Neomi's thing, not his. He had no interest in watching the cruel cat play with the defenceless mouse but he was well aware of the excessive time they were spending there.

“Oh and another! You're not as good as I thought,” Neomi continued evilly.

“Fuck! You!” Lisa shouted from under the pillowcase hood.

Neomi scrunched up the pillow case with one hand holding it taught to Lisa's face, the blood from her broken lip staining through to the outside.

“Ooops, made a mess of your pretty face, let's wash that up,” Neomi said as she reached for a pitcher of water on the bedside table.

The shock of the water that hit Lisa's face took her breath away, the white material drawing to her face to the extent you could probably recognise the woman beneath. With every shocked breath the material pulled into Lisa's face before being expelled outwards, the cruel water torture sending her into a panic. Lisa's head and chest were soaked, as was the bed and Neomi's knees which were astride Lisa's waist.

There was a pause as Lisa began to recompose herself, a fine spray of pink droplets emanating from around her mouth area as she fought to breath through the soaking wet pillowcase.

“More?” teased Neomi as she slowly dripped more water on Lisa's face, the cop twisting and turning her head to escape her hell.

“Ugh....yuh're gonna burn, Neomi,” Lisa managed, water spraying from her mouth.

“Your time is up, Neomi! Finish her! We must torch this place and leave,” Nordic insisted.

Neomi glanced over her shoulder at Nordic and relented, a gentle nod backed by her victorious expression confirming her game was over to her satisfaction. With her hand outstretched she wanted her pistol back so she could finish her work.


The doorbell chimed distinctly over the music that continued on. Nordic could only groan as now a new inconvenience prevented them from escaping.

“Go see,” Neomi ordered Nordic.

“Fine,” Nordic groaned as he turned and left the room.

“Hmmm, you get another minute to live, don't squander it,” Neomi said as she let her hand settle behind herself onto Lisa's crotch while her other clamped over Lisa's mouth gagging any attempt to cry out. Although Nordic had already turned up the volume of the music Neomi didn't want to risk being overheard.

“Hmmpffff” Lisa growled, her thighs trying to grip Neomi's wrist and prevent her from rubbing her pussy.

“Oh come now, don't be shy, I know a dyke when I see one,” Neomi continued, intent on maximising her play time with her prisoner. Neomi was used to enjoying the company of woman from time to time and worked to try and enforce some unwanted pleasure on her prisoner.

Lisa snarled in protest into the hand that gagged her as Neomi forced an unwanted rhythm against her soft flesh.

Nordic returned quietly and calmly, gun at his side.

“Who was it?” Neomi asked, biting her bottom lip as she abused her prisoner.

“Pizza guy, he will get bored in a moment and go,” Nordic said as he placed the pistol on the bed at Neomi's side.

“Hear that? We get to have another minute or two of quality time,” Neomi said, as she put her head closer to Lisa's ear.

Neomi roughly rubbed her hand into Lisa's groin through her tight pants while keeping her prisoner quiet with her other hand.

“Pull this bitch's legs apart,” Neomi said as she found Lisa's resistance frustrating.

Nordic rolled his eyes with a subtle shake of the head.

“We've got to wait for pizza boy to leave and this pig has been a thorn in my side!” Neomi said as her hand clawed into Lisa's crotch.

“Fine,” Nordic said as he grabbed one of Lisa's ankles, dragging it away from the other.

Lisa could only manage a muffled growl though Neomi hoped she had detected some sobbing mixed in with all the protests.

“Shut up and enjoy the ride, bitch!” Neomi retorted as she found she could now freely abuse Lisa's pussy.

The seam of Lisa's pants had ridden up into her crotch, her labia bulging at the fabric either side and Neomi knew just how and where to stroke, rub and press. She didn't expect the cop to get pleasure from what she did but she was going to sure as hell make sure her corpse would betray her unwanted excitement once she ended up on the coroner's slab, ensuring humiliation even in death.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy had arrived, her car parked next to Lisa's in the underground lot. With a holdall that carried some of her running gear inside Lucy entered the elevator and punched in the desired floor.

It only took a moment to ascend and with a PING the doors opened and there in front of her was the young pizza delivery man.

“Oh hi,” gushed the young man in his red and blue company sweater, empty red delivery bag folded up under one arm, scooter helmet on his head.

“Hey!” Lucy replied. She knew the young man was into her but while flattered was never going to reciprocate.

“Hey listen, I had an order for you. I did wait a minute but no one has come to the door so I have left them on the doorstep. I mean, you've paid and everything by card so....” the young man explained.

“Oh sure, there is someone in but I guess she hasn't heard you. Is that music really from my place?!” Lucy asked with surprise.

“It sounds like it, good taste” smiled the delivery man, blushing as he tried to flirt.

“Thanks! Ok, well, I will take it in, and sorry about that,” Lucy apologised.

“Sure it's only been there a moment. It's still hot,” he continued as the pair traded places.

“Ok, thanks!” Lucy said as she watched the doors close.

Lucy carried her holdall confidently towards the front door of her apartment, but with every beat of the music, with every passing moment, she grew gradually ill at ease. Stopping at the threshold of the door she could see it, the subtle imprint of the boot in the hard wood door.

Suddenly Lucy could see the situation in a whole new light, like she could see through the doorway. What would she have done if she was invading someone's home like this with murder in mind.

Lucy took her front door key and placed it against the lock and gently eased it home, millimetre by millimetre. The subtle crunching sound of the key impacting the tumblers was drowned by the very music that whatever wrong doers inside were using to hide their own activities.

With a final push the key was all the way in. Lucy took a breath and then slowly began to rotate the key in the barrel. It was a smooth action, the lock modern and clean and now the door was hanging closed, unsecured.

Should Lucy storm in, taking the element of surprise, or should she use stealth? She was unarmed and whoever was inside might have access to guns of their own or Lisa's or even Lucy's own hidden stash: she didn't know. Balanced on what she suspected Lucy opted for stealth. She might at least make it to a a weapon before she was seen.

Lucy pushed at the door, opening it a tiny fraction. She heard no voices and there seemed to be no reaction to her presence. She went a little further, and further and then, with a deep breath peered in to see the open plan area of her apartment empty. Closing the door quietly behind her Lucy stoop-walked towards her kitchen area and found her wooden knife block, taking a good sized weapon.

Above her mantelpiece hung a set of Japanese swords, Lucy's eyes widening in realisation they would be useful to her. Tiptoeing onwards to the corner with her sofa and her large TV Lucy could hear voices from her bedroom but wanted to be well-armed before entering a confrontation.

The mid-sized sword from her collection suited Lucy best. In the confined space of a corridor she wanted to be able to swing her blade. Japanese swords were for slicing, not thrusting, and she wanted to be able to strike effectively. Unsheathed sword now in her right hand Lucy edged around the perimeter of her room, trying to avoid the lines of sight to the area where she could hear the voices.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Nordic tired of Neomi's sick game, the restrained cop beneath her refusing to be broken.

“I will check if that kid is gone. If he is we can finally get this over with. The stove is gas so we can probably destroy everything with that,” Nordic said, releasing Lisa's legs. Instantly the cop renewed her vigorous resistance to the busy hand between her thighs.

“Oh, we're in the home stretch, bitch. Better pray pizza boy's still there,” Neomi taunted. She finally relented abusing Lisa's crotch and focused on her breasts instead.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lucy was at the mouth of the corridor that led to her own bedroom. Just as she was about to enter, the door at the end swung open causing her to retreat back towards the livingroom and to hide just around the corner. Nordic strode confidently down the short corridor towards the open area of the apartment intending to check on the front door. As he emerged from the mouth of the corridor the two mercenaries finally caught sight of one another.

As their eyes locked onto one another a whole chain of events flashed past their eyes. How they met came first, then their first jobs, their first successes quickly after that. Then came that fateful job that went so wrong, the interrogation of Supergirl which led to disaster.

From that moment it all went to hell for the mercenaries. The princess fled before she could be made an example of, and then their boss, Cornell, was killed by the cops. But Nordic remembered something more. He had been told that the stunning woman in front of his very eyes had been killed by a bullet, Cornell's last act before an underwhelming end.

“Fuck!” exclaimed Nordic as in the blink of an eye he began to raise his pistol.

Lucy took in the sight of Nordic, her last memory of him one where he had his gun aimed at her while she held Mr Africa like a human shield. Nordic and Hispania had been about to end her on a whim, no questions asked when, with her wits, skill and determination, she escaped. Now she faced Nordic again but she wasn't prepared to look down his barrel a second time.

With a deft flick of her wrists the short Katana sword arced horizontally, the blade cutting across Nordic's body. The blade barely slowed as the fast moving edge tore into Nordic's torso, slicing deep, its passage uninterrupted by his ribs. Continuing across, from Nordic's left to his right, the sword did its damage. Nordic's only reply was to try and get his pistol on target. As his his right arm rose the blade drew nearer and ….


Nordic fired, the round aimed below the horizontal after the pistol failed to rise in time to aim well. The blade, an extension of Lucy's arm swung on through, cleaving Nordic's right arm off from partway up his upper arm. The pistol and lifeless limb dropped to the floor like an afterthought.

Nordic gasped and collapsed to the wooden flooring, a sea of red oozing from his torso, his shallow breaths signalling his desperate grasp on his life.

“Ah ..fuuuuuuu” Lucy growled as she fell to one knee, the round that passed by her leaving a shallow slice in her thigh.

Glancing at the severed limb Lucy reached for it, pulling the gun from the lifeless hand that had held it.

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“Stay there, piggy!” Neomi commanded. She suspected something was wrong. Dismounting Lisa, pistol in hand she opened the bedroom door and headed out.

Lisa's mind was already in a whirl, but she thought she heard the pistol shot, just as Neomi did. That pizza order had been timed to coincide with Lucy coming home, if anything could be responsible for someone to fire their gun then only Lucy's presence could be it.

Remembering everything that had been taught to her Lisa began the first steps to releasing herself. Getting the cuffs under her behind then down her legs she stepped herself out. Now with the cuffs in front of her she managed to pull the soaking wet, pink stained pillowcase off her head and began to get her gun.

Neomi cautiously entered into the main area of the apartment and saw the gravely wounded Nordic first before taking in the sight of Lucy on one knee, the sword keeping her upright.

“What the hell...... who the devil are you?!” Neomi demanded, her pistol aiming at the wounded Asian.

Lucy laughed, “You come into MY apartment and demand to know who I am?”

“Well, sorry I'm not up for a threesome.” Neomi said as she raised her pistol before being cut off.

“Freeze, Neomi, it's OVER!” Lisa growled from down the corridor, unseen by Lucy.

“Fu..” Neomi looked back over her shoulder as she realised her prisoner was somehow loose and began to turn with her pistol raised.


Lucy fired Nordic's dropped pistol that she had kept hidden, the silenced rounds riddling Neomi's torso with holes. Tumbling to the floor, the assassin still seemed to have wild eyes of defiance as her life force ebbed.

“CLEAR?” shouted Lisa as she approached from around the corner.

“Yes, clear ….” groaned Lucy as she used the sword to help her rise to her feet.

“Oh my god, Lucy, are you okay?” Lisa asked, seeing Lucy's wound to her leg.

“Jeezus Lisa, what did the fuckers do to you?” Lucy replied, seeing Lisa's battered face.

“Hah ….. look at you both …. fuckin...path..etic..” Neomi grinned, blood erupting from her mouth as she spoke.

Lisa and Lucy looked down at the mortally-wounded mercenaries, both of whom were clinging onto the last threads of life. Both Lucy and Lisa had questions on their minds and had little time to lose.

“Why did you kill Van Der Walt?” Lisa demanded of Neomi while Lucy rolled Nordic onto his back.

“Why did you come here?” Lucy demanded of the fair-haired man.

“You … you ….. dead......” Nordic mouthed weakly, his eyes glazing over.

“Why did you kill Van Der Walt?” Lisa demanded of Neomi again.

“Do the others know I am alive?” Lucy asked of Nordic.

Nordic in a last moment of clarity understood Lucy's concern. Their meeting was coincidence but she didn't know that. This then, could be his final victory in death. With his last dying effort Nordic managed a weak laugh and nodded and then he was gone.

Neomi, her eyes gazing blankly summonsed her last breath and used it to squeeze out her final words. “For...for the mon..ey!”

Lucy crouched down then rested herself on the floor, her eyes looking blankly at the deceased Nordic. Lisa dropped down too, her bruised and battered body too tired to do any more.

There was silence for almost a minute and then their minds began to restart.

“I . I've got to call this in ...” Lisa said, stuttering with dread. The scene was a mess of blood, bullet holes and corpses.

“What? If I have cops come here.... and if they search the place?!” Lucy said as she considered the implications.

Lucy's identity was pretty well established but under a bright spotlamp it might not hold up. Selena had done a great job creating Lucy's backstory but surviving all this might not be possible. Apart from that, Lucy might not come off too well if they did a thorough search of the apartment. Could she remove everything of concern in a reasonable time-frame? Probably not.

“If I don't call it in, what about the bodies? Christ, what about Van Der Walt? His family deserves justice. How can I keep going on the case knowing the person who did it is dead!?” Lisa muttered.

“Lisa, if you bring the cops down on me I ...” Lucy looked around herself in despair.


“Fuck, who's that?!” Lisa went into a low whisper, her voice covered by the loud music.

Lucy glared back at Lisa with her pointless question and groaned as she rose to her feet.


Hobbling, gun in one hand, sword in the other acting almost like a crutch, the wounded avenging angel made her way to the door and, standing to one side, cautiously leaned over to the spyhole and looked out.

“Oh fuck,” whispered Lucy to herself as she recoiled from the door, her head falling back to the wall.

“Who is it?!” hissed Lisa with a stage whisper as she gathered her gun ready to defend herself.

Lucy looked back at Lisa and apologetically shook her head before her trembling hand released the door latch and swung the door open.

“Oh no!” Lisa muttered to herself as she saw who it was.

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Getting pretty intense Mr. Abductor!
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Kara stood anxiously in the doorway and effortlessly slid in Lucy's holdall and the two pizza boxes from the hallway. Dressed in her blue jeans and deep red leather jacket the heroine was certainly looking like she was off duty. Lucy quickly pushed the door back closed, her heart sinking into her stomach in dread of the questions to come.

Kara glanced at Lucy's wound to her leg, her vision telling her the injury was shallow and the bullet had passed by cleanly. The unspoken nod from Lucy told Kara that she would be fine. Kara walked up to Lisa where she sat near the edge of a lake of blood. Kara's assessment of the detective's injuries was swift. Cracked ribs, bruises appearing in her face, and a bust lip. To think, she only got out of hospital the morning of the day previous.

“They make them tough, these cops,” Kara thought to herself.

Lisa and Lucy glanced at one another guiltily as they imagined how the scene must look to the heroine. How was she going to react? What was she going to say? What was she going to do?

“I .. I knew this man,” Kara said quietly as her blue eyes looked down on the deceased Mr Nordic. He had been one of the people who interrogated her once upon a time, unknowingly letting Supergirl sow her 'Seeds of Deception'.

“Yes, from the interrogation on the plane, he blew up the oil rig too, he was caught in the photo that Selena found,” Lucy nodded as she limped back to the others.

“The plane AND the oilrig? This is one of the people you used to work with, Lu?” Lisa asked. She was in disbelief that Lucy had just killed one of her former comrades. Lisa had been told all about what had happened the day of the plane ride and of course she knew of the oil rig, but she never expected to be caught up in the world of the mercenaries. Lucy gave an apologetic nod as she tracked Kara who was studying the scene. The Asian didn't know if it was her own past that had caused Lisa to end up facing off against the mercenaries or something else.

“And who is she?” Kara asked anxiously looking at Neomi's lifeless bullet-ridden body.

“Apparently her name is Neomi, she is the one who shot me, she is, WAS, my chief suspect in a murder case,” Lisa said bitterly.

“This is her? But why is she with HIM, and why are they here in Lucy's apartment?” Kara wondered aloud.

“They must have followed me, I thought I was their only target but …. shit it's all messed up. If he was after Lucy too won't the others come back? You used to be in a team, didn't you?” Lisa wondered nervously.

“Yes, at lest two more men from my original team remain. I need to get away from here until I figure some things out. I could be putting you in danger by staying,” Lucy said as she began to pat the corpses down for wallets and cell phones.

“But, I have to call this in, you can't go now,” Lisa said as she looked around the carnage.

“Lisa, if you bring the police into this, I … I might not come out the other end unscathed. If they search my apartment or dig too much into my fake past they may find things,” Lucy said as she mentally tallied off weaponry and kit hidden in the apartment.

“Do you even know what you are suggesting? You want me to cover this up? I'm a cop, I can't do that! Fuck, this woman is my main suspect, I can clear up the case! What do you want me to do? Go through the charade of hunting her down? Kara …. aren't you going to say something?” Lisa said with disbelief.

Kara looked between Lucy and Lisa, mercenary and cop, the horrible conflict of interest now tearing them apart. Now the superheroine had to choose between her head and her heart.

“Lisa, I cannot make this choice for you. You have to balance your needs and Lucy's. Do not fear what I will think of you, these people deserved the end they now share.” Kara said, confident that they had been killed in self defence.

“What? Kara, you're meant to be on the side of the law!” Lisa exclaimed.

“No, Lisa, I am on the side of doing what is RIGHT.” Kara retorted.

Kara was speaking from her heart. Many things she did in life were probably illegal, every flight breached some aviation law, every speeding run a speed limit and so far she had just about visited or crossed into every country in the world without showing, let alone being in possession of a passport. She knew that no matter how pure she intended to be she wasn't, it was only by doing what was right was she so highly revered.

“Lisa, I know you are thinking of Van Der Walt, his wife and his family. You want to be able to put Neomi in cuffs and have her face the jury, but you cant. She's dead!” Lucy said gesturing at Neomi's corpse.

“But I could give them Neomi's body! I can place her as the owner of the voice on the recording but now I can't even give them that?” growled Lisa.

“Lisa, Neomi killed Van Der Walt for a reason. She might not have known WHY but the people who paid her certainly do. Neomi was just a weapon, the person who paid her was the one who pulled the trigger. Finding THEM will be true justice,” Kara urged the cop.

“Lisa, I can take the photo of their bodies and have Selena slide it into the grid sometime in the future. No doubt at some point it will fall into the hands of the authorities and they will come back to you. At least you will have something to give Van Der Walt's family. You can tell them she was compromised by your investigation so someone had her killed to keep her quiet,” Lucy explained as she laid out the keys, wallets and phones she had stripped from the two bodies onto her kitchen counter.

Lisa's head dropped as she killed just a little part of herself inside. She was a cop and tried to do everything by the book, playing by the rules. If she truly loved Lucy she would have to play dirty, break the rules and throw away the book, just for one day. Everything screamed at her that what she was about to do was wrong, but ….

“What do we need to do?” Lisa asked resolutely while inside she dreaded the tasks she knew had to come.

“Lisa, you need to go home, get cleaned up and start again tomorrow like this never happened. Trace back Neomi's trail, find out why she was paid to kill Van Der Walt,” Lucy implored Lisa.

“But what about all this?” Lisa said with bewilderment as she looked at the cooling bodies and the congealing lake of blood.

Lucy cocked her head at Lisa wondering if she would ever truly understand the extent of her capabilities.

“I guess I don't need to know,” Lisa realised reading Lucy's expression. The mercenary was no doubt used to having to clear up, something that for a moment made her see the Asian in a whole new light.

“The less the better,” Lucy said. She wanted Lisa to be tainted as little as possible.

“But, what about you?” Lisa asked of Kara wondering what the heroine's role was going to be in all of this.

“I … I have my own path to take now. Go home Lisa, please” Kara said. The heroine knew she had her own sacrifices to make in all of this and she respected Lisa too much to let her see what those were going to be.

The trio looked between themselves realising that each was fighting the whirling forces that were trying to rip them apart.

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Selena typed furiously, her commands appearing on the screen as quickly as she could think of them. Using her wits she had tried to discover who at the Sanderson Corporation had been responsible for the cyber attack against the government databases though she suspected she already knew; it had been Molly Matthews.

When she had been lower down the pecking order Molly had been the one to make the discovery about the green dust. It had been impacted onto the solar array of a recovered satellite that the Sanderson Corporation had been tasked with plucking out of orbit. Using the knowledge of her mentor, Doctor Schneider, Molly had figured out the green dust was capable of debilitating the normally indestructible Supergirl, leading on to a terrible chain of events.

Now, rifling through Molly's files it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was involved with many projects. The primary data files had been encrypted and well guarded and Selena guessed it was for a reason. Although it was not beyond Selena's skill to get to the contents she was in grave danger of being detected if she tried. Should Selena try and strike back at Molly now and try and figure out what she was up to, or should she retreat and try and use what limited information she had learned in some other way?

Selena, in a moment of impulsiveness decided the best way to act. She was going to extract the target files to her own system and work on cracking them open locally.

“execute arc_ripper / target_system / operations / ”

Unleashing her file ripping utility Selena began to pull down the encrypted files from Molly's operations archives. It was dangerous but Selena knew that the cyber attack against the government was alien based and the trail led back to someone who could also have been compromised by the green dust. If the last green dust infected people had threatened to blow up the financial world what could this latest iteration be up to? She had to find out.

Selena's heart raced as she watched the file download come flying in on her super high speed connection. There were terabytes of information but the data was coming down quickly, the percentage indicator pushing on towards one hundred.

“Come on come on come on,” murmured Selena to herself.


Selena sighed in relief, disconnecting her system from the target. Now she had to work on decrypting the files and try and figure out what was going on. Clattering away at her keyboard Selena set in motion an analysis of the type of encryption in use and get an estimation of how long she it would take to break it open.


Selena flinched as a message appeared in basic ASCI text.



“Dammit!” exclaimed Selena reading the bad news coming in at her.

Glancing at the decryption process and then the time to the inbound trace arriving she knew she would barely have time to unlock Molly's secrets before she was found.


Selena was formulating a plan when her cell phone began to vibrate away on her desk and saw that it was Lucy who was calling. There was a flash of an urge to ignore the call but Selena somehow managed to overcome it. If she and Vel or his monster were at war she had to pay special attention to what her generals in the field had to say.

Selena answered the call, and heard Lucy speak, the tone in the mercenary's voice causing Selena's hair to stand on end. Lucy explained everything, what had happened to Lisa, the presence of Nordic, the arrival of Kara, and what their plans were.

“Lucy, I don't know if it is connected but Vel is up to something, something big. We need to regroup somewhere safe so I can figure out if The Resolution genuinely know you are alive or if you have just been caught up with Lisa's case by coincidence. What I do know is Vel is hunting me down as we speak. I have to figure out what he is doing, it could be important,” Selena explained.

“Where should we go?” Lucy asked.

“We are going to Europe, I will get you more details when I have made travel arrangements. Do you think Lisa would want to come with us?” Selena asked.

“No, she's adamant, she wants to find out what my old colleagues were working on,” Lucy explained.

“I understand. I promise we will return one way or another as soon as possible,” Selena said as she glanced at the readouts on her screens.

“Yes, of course. Kara says she will keep the phone you gave her close to hand while we try and figure out what is happening,” Lucy said.

“Thank you, I will contact you soon. Give my …. tell ….just let Kara know I am grateful to her for helping you and Lisa out of this mess,” Selena said, her voice faltering.

“I will, good luck and talk again soon,” Lucy said before hanging up.

Selena looked at the percentage progress on Molly's trace and her own effort to figure out what she was doing. This battle was going to run through the remains of the night and into the morning.

“This is going to be close!”

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It was dawn, a new day, a big day! The remote test range was a hive of activity as preparations were made for the big demonstration. The tests represented a culmination of several emerging defense technologies and today they were going to be put through their paces in front of the senior military, the Joint Chiefs and the President herself.

A large elevated grandstand had been constructed at one end of the range with various artificial urban scenes constructed in the foreground and way out in the distance was the live firing range where the plan was to show off some air defense equipment.

The grandstand echoed with the voice of an announcer as he tested the audio equipment while staff laid pamphlets and brochures on every seat. Meanwhile secret service agents paced the grandstand perimeter and dog handlers guided their canine companions through the area searching for bombs.

Behind the grandstand was a military encampment full of support and transport vehicles together with temporary buildings that housed soldiers who were to take part in the demonstration. A chow tent saw a queue forming and the quiet chatter could be heard along with the clanking of cutlery as the men prepared themselves for the day ahead.

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Lucy reverently returned her sheathed sword onto its stand with the others and stepped backwards then turned away. The apartment smelled of bleach and other cleaning products but it was spotlessly clean. Lucy possessed Luminol and a UV light in amongst her field kit and she had checked her cleaning work thoroughly. Even if evidence of a blood stain was present no one was going to know who it belonged to, DNA had been purged.

With a slight limp Lucy began to stow her cleaning products away in her utility room and put a full rubbish sack by the front door next to a waiting hand luggage sized suitcase. Lucy always had a packed case ready to go, just in case, and now was one of those times she needed it. At least with a few days away she could lie low and let her wound heal. It was only superficial and now it was cleaned up and bandaged she should be fine for the journey.

Lucy glanced at her watch, time was growing short. She looked around the room and mentally tallied everything one last time. The bullet that had lodged in her ceiling when one of the attackers shot off the chain guard of her door had been recovered as had the one that had grazed her leg, the bullet holes repaired with filler. The sword she had used to kill Nordic was spotless. The floor was pristine, the blood of her enemies erased from existence and the bedding where Neomi had assaulted Lisa cleaned over and over and over again during the night before being trashed.

There was no reason for anyone to suspect anything had happened in the apartment now, the police were never going to find out what happened. The only thing that concerned Lucy now was if The Resolution were seeking her and she needed time and space to figure that out. Only Selena could ensure the mercenary could keep the life she had. Not the life of money though, she valued the life of belonging, the life with family. She would miss all of them if she had to stay away, even Selena.

Lucy's mind drifted to Lisa. She had sacrificed her values in more ways than she knew to keep her brothers and sisters in blue from turning the apartment into a crime scene. Lucy might have been overreacting, overcautious, but she knew that nothing good would come from exposing her identity to scrutiny. Having Neomi's body wouldn't help in finding out what she had been up to. Lisa just had to be strong and ride this storm out and press on with her work. And as for Kara …...

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Lisa Kozy walked painfully to her desk, trying to mask the pain in her ribs and found her partner sat opposite her, a grin on his face. The technicians on the night shift at the forensics department had managed to sharpen up the license plate of the taxi that their suspect, Neomi, had climbed into after her arrival.

“Jeez Kozny, what the fuck happened to you!” Gomez said as he took in Lisa's darkening bruises around her eyes.

“Don't you start, every uniform from the street to here has been asking. It's delayed bruising from where I landed on my face when Miss Delacroix shot me,” Lisa lied.

“Well, hopefully the net is closing in on Miss Delacroix faster than she thinks. I have that license plate – I'm tracking the cab company down now,” Gomez said as he clicked at his keyboard.

Lisa tried to think how she would react now. A good lead like that would be hard to ignore except she knew Neomi Delacroix was dead. Lucy no doubt would have already disposed of the body along with that of the tall fair haired guy.

“Great,” Lisa mustered.

“Well don't sound too happy,” Gomez quipped with a momentary frown.

“It's not that, it's always those crappy cab companies, you go to those places to get their trip sheets and they are total rat holes,” Lisa continued, covering for herself.

“So, what's the plan for today?” Gomez asked, his eyes darting up and down at his screen searching for something.

“Well, I was supposed to see that Wouter guy, the flight engineer yesterday but things got interesting when Oscar showed up. I've got to reschedule that before he leaves for the funeral. I've also got to get names of the replacement crew. If Van Der Walt was killed to get this other crew on his route we have to check them out. Oh ….!” Lisa said, stopping abruptly when she saw an email.

“Hey, I've got the passport photo for Delacroix,” Lisa said calmly.

“Oh, let me see,” Gomez said, rising from his desk and walking around to Lisa's side.

Lisa stared at the image. Not the most flattering passport photo in the world but the piercing eyes of the person in the picture were most certainly of her attacker.

“It's her,” Lisa confirmed, her tone flat. “That's the bitch who shot me”

“You sure?! Well, that's great! You can put the voice to her face and the recording puts her voice as being the murderers. We even have her name too!” Gomez grinned.

To Gomez it seemed the case was really progressing but for Lisa this was nothing useful at all. Kara and Lucy were right, Neomi was a weapon, the person pulling her trigger was more important. Whoever it was though was still a complete unknown.

“OK, I'm going to send this on to the communications department, see if they can get the news channels to re-run the audio clip again but with her face. Any joy with finding the company that runs that taxi yet?” Kozny asked, glancing up at Gomez who was stood over her shoulder looking at Neomi's passport image.

“He's part of a small family operation, I'll arrange to meet and get a look at their trip sheets. Then we can take it from there,” Gomez said seeming distracted as he took in Neomi's picture.

“Want to date her?” Lisa asked, slightly annoyed. Neomi, despite being dead had been dead pretty too.

“Oscar was right, out of his league. Anyway, anyone who shoots my partner kind of disqualifies themself from my dating pool. Besides, I've always got Rochelle” Gomez said as he returned to his desk with a wink.

“Dream on, Gomez. Right, I better tell the Cap' the news about Delacroix,” Lisa said, rising from her seat.

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Selena sipped her tea, trying to force herself to be calm and yet the cup quivered ever so slightly in her normally rock solid grip. She had been decrypting the stolen files while knowing that Molly's inbound trace was hunting her down. The work had continued through the night and Selena had maintained a vigil while also preparing to travel. Soon Selena would get to the airport using the services of one of her old confidants and meet with Lucy.

Selena used a separate identity to fly as, and it was her alternate identity that had booked flights and arranged accommodation at their destination. There she could re-establish herself and use her resources to hopefully guide Kara in defusing this latest threat. Some might consider this a retreat but Selena knew it was more like a strategic withdrawal. All her forces were intact, she just needed time to reposition. Also weighing on Selena's mind was Lucy and The Resolution. Selena needed to know if Molly had sent them against her Asian mercenary, one of Selena's most potent pieces in the game of chess she found herself in.

Selena turned her attention to the hard drives that held Supergirl's darkest secrets. Locked and encrypted to the moon and back they also featured custom data interface connector configurations and had non-standard power requirements. To anyone the connections looked standard but attempt to connect the drives up to anything over than the required equipment and POOF, the data would be gone. In fact Selena's main worry was that the data would be erased, not that it would ever become compromised by undesired parties. Anyway, Selena had a plan to keep the data safe for now at least.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On board a personnel transport helicopter Molly Matthews and a team of field engineers flew towards the test range. Across Molly's thighs rested her laptop which she furiously keyed in commands to, remotely conversing with her mainframe system back at her headquarters. Everything was going to plan, her trace was going to put pressure on Selena to flee, perhaps even her other friends too. And as for the superheroine, Molly had no doubt where she would be when the time came.

“By the time you figure out what I am doing you will all be committed to your paths” smirked Molly.

Sat at one of the nearby seats an engineer listening intently to a voice on a headset peeled one of the speaker cups from his ear and looked to Matthews who looked inquisitively back at him.

“Doctor Matthews, our ETA is still on schedule and the installation team say that the Mechs have been checked out after their trip. There are a few minor things to correct but they should all be serviceable for the demonstration,” said the engineer over the noise of the helicopter's engine.

“When we arrive see to it that our good Captain gets settled in, we want him to give a good display for the president, don't we,” asserted Matthews, her eyes returning to her screen as she did so.

“Of course, Dr Matthews”

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President Garrison was aboard Marine One making her trip from Camp David to the test range accompanied by her aides. The trip, as always, was never an excuse to take in the scenery. There was always some meeting or item of business to attend to and this was no exception.

Garrison's chief of staff, Alice, had a series of documents for the president to sign in a folder which she placed on the table separating her boss from the Defense Secretary, Daniel Slater. The pair had been quietly discussing some minor events going on in the Middle East.

“OK.. that's enough of that topic, Daniel. Has there been any further word on the cyber-attack?” Garrison asked casually. Nothing more had been mentioned at her morning security briefings but she knew what she got given had been filtered down to the most important items.

“The guys hit a wall, the depth of the information being sought out just leads to too many potential outcomes. But our analysts are keeping what they have put together on the back burner, if they see anything that fits the pattern in the future they will dig again,” Slater responded with a shake of the head.

The egg-heads had been confident they might learn what the cyber attacker had been looking for but had been unable to put the entire jigsaw puzzle back together.

“It is troubling that this Vel character may be doing something under our very noses and we don't know what it is,” Garrison said.

“Has anyone said if our new friends have used the INFINITY program yet?” Daniel asked.

“I asked that I be informed right away when something happens, but so far, nothing. But it is far too early. Whoever the chosen one is needs time to settle into the idea first,” Garrison answered as she flipped open the folder Alice had left on the table.

“Do you really intend to keep a lid on whoever slides into that program? We are risking a lot that whoever Supergirl has chosen to run this for her is reliable,” Daniel asked as he looked out the window to the scenery passing below.

“I am prepared to risk it, and if anything goes wrong and this all comes to light I will take full responsibility. But I will only take responsibility for what Supergirl and her people do. The program itself? Well apparently that has existed for a while for the exclusive use of the CIA or the NSA. If the time comes it will be for them and people of previous administrations who will have to justify the program they created.” Garrison explained.

“And so they are more likely to want to see Supergirl's people do well, very good,” Slater said with a grin.

“That is the hope. So for now, whoever is in that program stays secret just like everyone else who has ever come before. I wont ask who is in there, and no one will tell,” Garrison replied as she began to sign page after page that was inside the folder.

“Understood,” Slater said with a nod.

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Lisa Kozny had just gotten off the phone with the police communications department and forwarded them the passport photo of Neomi Delacroix. It had been hard to be enthusiastic in pressing for the photo to make the news, especially knowing it was a waste of everyone's time. Somebody would urge the local channels to rerun the audio of Neomi murdering Van Der Walt, then someone at the news station would write the piece, someone would do some neat graphics and a banner for the bottom of the screen and then some photogenic airhead would read the segment while even the most diligent members of the public would think how sexy the suspect was as they watched their TVs. In the meantime the body of Neomi was …. well it was somewhere and very much dead.

“Hey, Kozny, you ok?” Gomez asked, peering over his screen at Lisa.

Lisa realised she had been spotted in deep thought, her expression instantly changing as she set eyes back on her partner.

“Yeah, I'm good, just …. never mind, forget it,” Kozny said as she shook her head and carried on with her next task.

“Oh, ok, listen, I am going over to the cab company, see if I can get hold of their trip sheet for Delacroix. Want to come?” Gomez asked as he rose from his seat, getting his side arm from his drawer.

“Errr, no, I need to start going through this, it's the replacement crew list, the airline sent it to me this morning,” Lisa said as she gestured at her screen, stretching her shoulders backwards a moment.

“You sure? I would have thought you would have been all over this, don't you want a piece of the action?” Gomez paused with a frown.

Lisa blinked. Gomez was right, if Neomi was alive Lisa would have been leading a charge out the door. She had to cover for herself quickly.

“Listen, just find out if they have the trip sheet first, don't go anywhere on your own. Find out where we need to go and I will be with you,” Lisa said.

“So! Forget that shit, let's ...” Gomez began, his arm gesturing at Kozny's screen. A crew list seemed no comparison to closing in on someone who had shot his partner.

“Gomez, I know you think this is about getting Delacroix, but it isn't, its finding out why she killed Van Der Walt. I am sure the answer is in here,” Lisa said, her tone artificially abrasive.

Gomez studied his partner. Was she afraid? Had being shot by Neomi changed her? When she had heard Neomi's voice again on the tape she went white. Had she really let her attacker get to her? For a moment a tiny doubt about his partner entered his mind, a doubt he didn't want to pursue.

“I'm not saying that stuff's not important, partner, but.... she shot you, girl.” Gomez said with a slight twist in the way he said 'partner' and then turned to leave.

Lisa's stomach sank as she realised what this case was doing to them. Just as she and Lucy had to defend opposing needs and likewise with Kara here she was failing the one man she really needed to have her back. Worse, she needed him to know that she was there for him and right now she was letting him down.

“Gomez, wait. You're right, give me the cab company address. Let me find out where they took our femme fatale,” Lisa said with renewed vigour.

“FINALLY! You're back” Gomez growled.

“Yes, I will do it but YOU go through that crew list instead. Start with Captain Stevenson, Van Der Walt's replacement and do some background checks,” Lisa said.

“Promise me, if you get a drop off address from the cab company you won't go alone,” Gomez pleaded.

“As soon as I get something I'll call for back up, ok?” Lisa said as she pulled her gear together.

“Good, the uni's are already giving me grief for not being with you the last time. Don't make me let you down again,” Gomez quipped. He tried to say it with good humour but Lisa could just see a hint of regret in his eyes.

Generally the brotherhood of being a cop was as strong as iron. Being on the inside,the right side, you could count on everyone to watch your back. Screw up though and the chatter would begin, usually starting from the locker rooms of the uniformed officers and subtly permeating the offices of the detectives. Gomez was blameless in the shooting of Kozny, but just a cheap jibe, even an innocent one about him not being there for the event could have stuck in his mind. Lisa knew she had to buck up and play through the charade.

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The decryption routine hit one hundred percent, the locked files from Molly's systems now free for Selena to read. Unfortunately the trace that had been hunting her down was also about to reach her, the countdown only a minute or so from locking on.

With a few key strokes the stolen and unlocked files were moved to a laptop computer and then Selena glanced about herself, taking in the lair. One of many this particular one had some fond memories associated with it, a few mental images passing by her eyes causing her to smile. Supergirl featured in many of her recollections but Lucy was there too, her nervous expression as the timer to a Semtex filled dildo locked inside her body bleeped ominously as part of some sick joke.

Subtly nodding Selena knew it was time to move on. She could never come back to this place again but no doubt the decaying industrial zones dotted about the city would offer up a new home in New York. With a few key strokes Selena set in motion her self destruct procedure, her servers and mainframe starting to destroy their drives then themselves. Fire would no doubt take hold, destroying any useable evidence of her former presence there and then burn itself out deep in the basement of the abandoned factory, invisible to everyone.

Up on the surface Mr Shepherd, a long time confidant waited patiently, Selena's luggage in the trunk of his car as well as some hard drives she had asked him to hold in safekeeping for her. He had served her faithfully on and off over time since her escape from prison, he was her muscle in times of need and right now she really was in need. Theirs was a special bond but that was another story, save to say they had shared some adventures long before she had ever gotten her claws into Supergirl.

Ahead of her lay the drive to the airport but en-route she would begin to try and discover what Molly was up to before she took to the air. After that it would be less guaranteed she could contact anyone left behind and she really wanted to give her best effort before she left the country.

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The Sanderson Corporation helicopter touched down amongst the other parked aircraft on its assigned numbered slot which was painted on to the hard baked soil. Once the wheels settled the handler on the ground crossed his arms above his head making an X with his luminous orange batons and the blades of the helicopter began to slow. Almost immediately the side doors began to unlatch and the steps slowly unfurled with the hinged door which swung downwards on hydraulic struts.

At first a couple of suited men exited followed my Molly herself who elegantly made her way down the steps of the helicopter. Behind them came Captain McAllister and some more engineers who chatted amongst themselves. Waiting to greet them all was Mitchell, the head Sanderson Corporation engineer.

“Doctor Matthews, ah and Captain McAllister.” acknowledged Mitchell.

“Mr Mitchell, I trust everything is in place?” Molly said sternly.

“Yes, of course, Doctor Matthews. The support team is in the trailer completing their installation checks. Would you like to go there first?” Mitchell asked.

“Yes, that would be best” Molly said as she turned to face McAllister and the engineers that had just disembarked. “Captain, my engineers will escort you to the mech holding area”

“Thank you, ma'am. Gentlemen, let's get me saddled up!” McAllister said with a grin. He had been looking forward to getting to put the mech's through their paces outdoors in the real world at last.

“Yes, Captain,” one of the engineers said as they got their bearings with the aid of a paper map of the site.

Mitchell and Matthews walked together towards the support trailer which stood to the side of the grandstand facing out towards the test range. The trailer was more than a simple unit towed behind a truck. It was a sophisticated structure bristling with antenna's and dishes and hooked up to several generators and air conditioning units to keep the electronics and personnel inside cool. This was the nerve centre of the mech demonstration, monitoring the performance of the behemoths while they were in action.

Molly and Mitchell ascended the steps to a hatch and the pair badged themselves in, pressing their identity cards to a reader before the doorway unlocked with a clunk. Sitting back to back in two rows down the length of the trailer there were operators on seats at their consoles while many other positions were empty, the demonstration not yet under way.

As Matthews entered followed by Mitchell heads turned, quickly nodding in acknowledgement to Molly as she locked eyes on her staff. Walking down the line between the technicians Molly could hear the radio chatter and the murmur of her staff welcoming her quietly but she walked on with Mitchell close behind her, not saying a word. At the far end of the trailer there was another hatchway and some steps that led upward to another deck, such was the height of the trailer.

The second floor was similarly equipped as the floor below. They had five mechs to display and each had its own set of consoles to monitor their condition. But, what this floor had that the other didn't was the special remote pilot station. While the military was interested in having a manned combat system they also wanted to see how well they would perform as a drone. Beyond the last doorway was the 'remote and virtual reality control room', this was what Molly had come to see. From here a pilot could remotely control a mech or get a virtual reality experience as if they were on board the mech themselves.

“Everything checked out before we left and the diagnostic program has already been run twice by the installation team,” Mitchell assured her as he badged open the door.

“Good, it will be an interesting virtual experience, being test driven in a mech by an expert pilot,” Molly said as the door swung open.

In the centre of the small chamber was a cockpit equivalent to the ones on the mechs but with a VR headset attached.

“I'll let you get set up then. I trust you will be meeting the president when she arrives?” Mitchell asked.

“Oh certainly, I wouldn't miss that. Now leave me,” Molly said as stared intently at the cockpit.

“As you wish, Doctor Matthews,” Mitchell said with a grin. The boss looked content and if she was content then it meant no one was getting chastised or browbeaten by the stern woman.

Molly closed the door behind her once Mitchell left and she let her finger trail around the frame of the artificial cockpit which was mounted to the hard deck floor and hooked up with a thick armoured cable harness. The chair was what had been in one of the large boxes supplied by Donovan in exchange for the information that had been almost lost on the fire damaged hard drives.

Molly placed herself in the seat, her hands and feet lightly settling onto the controls. Now wasn't the time for the full on experience she was preparing for but to finally grasp the tools of Supergirl's destruction gave her yet more confidence in what was soon to transpire.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Captain McAllister limbered up in his mech, the engineering variant. This was the first giant toy to come out of the box in the demonstration routine and he wanted to make a good first impression. In the distance he had heard the faint sound of the band play 'The Stars and Stripes Forever' and knew the president, the joint chiefs and all the top brass were now waiting in the grandstand for the show to begin.

One of the technicians who had been escorting the mech at a respectful distance listened carefully to the radio chatter in his ear and then looked to the pilot of the machine in front of him.

“OK Captain, you're on!” the technician said as he gestured towards the front of the grandstand.

McAllister glanced down at his first set of display notes that were on a piece of paper inside a clear pocket on his thigh.

“Enter StdRt @ JOG ---> Agility Routine” was the first line in his plan.

“Central, Mike Echo Victor is good to go – all ok your end?” McAllister asked into his radio.

“Mike Echo Victor, Central. The board is green,” replied Mitchell from the support trailer.

“Roger that, leaving the holding area now, onto line one of the program,” McAllister said confidently.

“Understood! Commentary – go!” crackled Mitchell in reply.


The mech walked forward several strides and then McAllister broke out into a jog, the machine effortlessly covering tens of meters of ground with each bound.

“And so ladies and gentlemen – please welcome our test pilot Captain Martin McAllister and our first mech to be displayed, the engineering variant,” the commentator announced over the loudspeaker system.

McAllister could hear the applause as he appeared into view from the right hand side of the grandstand while working at a jog. The beast kicked up dust as McAllister ran in a wide circle in front of his audience before coming to a halt at the center of the circled marked by the machine's own footsteps.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you see the default platform is bipedal, two legs, two arms and has locomotion like a human making it quite intuitive for an operator to use. And also like a human …..” the commentator paused as McAllister went to the next phase.

With a deft flick of the wrists McAllister made the mech seemingly falter accompanied by a gasp from the audience as the machine dropped down, metal palms to the ground. There was an audible collective realisation of what had just happened when the machine began to do press-ups in front of the crowd.

“.... the machine is able support itself on more than just its own feet. Any movement that Captain McAllister can perform in the real world, the platform can perform as well,” the commentator continued.

McAllister gave a good firm push of the mechanical limbs and the machine was quickly back on its own feet again before starting a routine of star jumps prompting more applause.

“Of course, our control systems allow our pilots to offset maneuverability against stability if the need arises meaning that the same machine can be used by experts and beginners alike. For example, with maximum stability engaged a new pilot can perform simple actions with no fear of falling over whilst, with assistance dialed down a more agile pilot can ...”

McAllister set his mech into motion, the hands of the machine planting to the ground before performing a handstand. The machine lingered upside down for a moment before returning to its feet, drawing more applause.

“However, if there was a movement that perhaps a pilot struggled to do themselves but needed their mechanical counterpart to perform it, well, we can always pre-program those for our less dexterous operators. Captain, if you would?”

The machine came to a halt front and center of the grandstand and McAllister removed his hands from the controls before speaking into his mic.

“Mike Echo Victor, Central - Go for showboat one” McAllister said into his headset.

“That's affirm Mike Echo Victor” Mitchell responded.

The machine began to pat its head and rub its tummy while McAllister showed his hands were free of the controls.

“This movement was pre-recorded, the Captain's hands are off of the controls, but they could also be enacted by an operator remotely. This means lesser-trained operators can bring mechs to a work site and do most tasks then pass control to one remote central operator when it comes to doing more sophisticated work. Or, perhaps rely on recorded movements to do repetitive skilled work. For example, our Captain here is a great pilot for this machine but his welding skills? Not so good. But, what if …...” the commentary continued.

McAllister regained control of his machine and strode to a pallet to one side of the demonstration area and picked up a short metal I-beam with one mechanical hand and carefully manoeuvred it into position against another at a right angle. With a few keyboard strokes at his cockpit computer McAllister released his grip from the controls for the audience to see and the mech began to precision weld the two pieces of metal together.

“Now remember, the default mech platform is meant to be interchangeable. A platoon of mech's set up in a military configuration today can be come reconfigured into a team of engineering mech's like this tomorrow. Soldiers can become highly effective construction workers with little training over night, meaning you can fortify positions, or, perhaps quickly construct shelters, hospitals or schools if you are are trying to win hearts and minds,” the commentator explained as the mech finished the welding process.

Up in the grandstand President Garrison watched on impressed. The machine in front of her seemed powerful, agile and precise, not at all how she had imagined it would be. Robotics seemed to have come on a great deal more than she could ever have imagined. If this engineering version could transform a mere man into a heavy lifting construction machine what was she going to see the other versions do? Glancing about the audience Garrison could see that the Generals looked impressed and as for, what was her name? Matthews? She seemed to be very intense. Having met when she arrived Garrison found the genius doctor difficult to read but that was often a character trait of the special ones, to be socially awkward.

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Lucy put her boarding pass card to the scanner guarding the large glass panelled door which opened almost silently. Lucy entered conspicuously into the VIP lounge beyond and glanced around her new surroundings, away from the hubbub of the common areas of the terminal.

In one corner Lucy spied Selena who stared intently at her laptop screen, a small untouched glass of red wine close to hand. Lucy glanced around to see if she had been noticed but everyone else seemed caught up in their own little world, either reading or talking to their companions. Lucy kept her head down and walked calmly towards Selena who glanced up when she noticed movement close by. Selena let out a subtle nod before looking back down at her screen, her face anxious as she continued to search for Molly's evil plan.

Taking her seat opposite Selena Lucy saw a young waitress approach the table. “May I get you something?” asked the stewardess-like uniformed woman.

“Yes, thank you, a mineral water would be great,” Lucy replied, her voice indicating her fatigue.

“May I get you anything more?” the woman asked, turning to Selena.

“This is sufficient, thank you,” Selena replied flatly without even looking up causing the young woman to blink.

“It's been a long day,” Lucy said, her expression softening for the waitress.

With a smile and a nod the stewardess turned away allowing Lucy to relax once more.

“I thought Kara had been giving you some lessons in being nice,” Lucy quipped as she rubbed her eyes.

“For someone who has probably spent the night bleaching out the last remnants of your former work colleague's existence you can barely lecture me in niceties.” Selena said coldly, her eyes still focused on the screen.

Lucy glared at Selena who didn't even look back rendering her protest inert.

“I don't suppose you...” Lucy said, trying to change tack.

“Found out if they are looking for you? Sorry, busy!” Selena said, stamping out that line of inquiry immediately.

“What do you have there?” Lucy asked, wondering what was engaging Selena so intently.

“Well..our wondrous government say they were attacked by an alien intelligence, and the trail led right back to our good friend Molly and the Sanderson Corporation. No doubt she has contracted a bad case of 'Vel disease'. So, I've hacked her back to find out what she is up to,” Selena explained in a minimal sense.

“And, what IS she up to?” Lucy asked as she saw the waitress approach with a bottle of water and a glass for her.

“Unfortunately, a lot. The good news is that knowing Vel's monstrous side has a desire to rule the world I can eliminate all the innocuous looking stuff and focus on the rest,” Selena explained, noting the imminent arrival of the waitress again.

“And how long might it take?” Lucy asked as the waitress placed down the glass and bottle of water, prompting the mercenary to look up with a grateful smile.

“Depends...” Selena said, sparing a fraction of her concentration to speak.

Lucy was smart and knew where the icy Selena was leading her to. Asking more questions was going to end in an angry tirade she was sure. It was time to pause the questions and let her work.

“Understood,” Lisa said as she twisted the metal cap of the bottle open and poured herself some water.

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Detective Kozny parked her car and exited, locking the door behind herself as she crossed the road towards the small dispatcher's office of the taxi company. Waiting patiently in the cramped reception area was an old lady with a tiny wheeled shopping basket while on the other side of a plexi glass windowed area a harassed dispatcher pressed buttons on his radio system.

“Charlie – ETA to the office? Mrs Hopkirk is here for her weekly shopping trip”

The radio chatter that came back seemed almost unintelligible to Lisa's ears but the dispatcher managed to understand it.

“Two minutes, cheers Charlie!” the dispatcher replied.

Mrs Hopkirk acknowledged the dispatcher, grateful for his enquiry and then she began to check over herself, making sure her purse was secure and that her trolley was ready.

“Yes Miss, what can I do for you?” the dispatcher asked Lisa while his trained ear listened to the garbled transmissions from his radio.

Lisa produced her badge and held it up for the dispatcher to see.

“Hi, my partner, Detective Gomez was in contact with your office, sir. You have some trip sheet information for us?”

“Ah sure, let me buzz you in,” the dispatcher said as he reached under his desk which prompted the door into the office area to become unlocked.

Lisa pushed at the door and entered the small dingy office which stank of cigarettes, coffee and fast food. No doubt the drivers would sometimes convene here when they took a rest break, evidenced by the bin full of wrappers and used napkins that were threatening to overflow from it. Behind the dispatcher a wall was lined with shelves which held large ring binders, all labelled and seemingly in some kind of order.

Lisa produced her notebook and pen, her arms hanging by her side as she waited for the dispatcher to attend to her but he seemed to be busy.

“So ….” hinted Lisa, chased by a subtle cough.

“Sure, see on the the third row, the blue file? It's partially pulled out, that's the one you need,” the dispatcher said, barely turning in his seat.

Lisa spotted the file and drew it out, putting it down on the table to read. The file was full of hand written sheets, daily trip logs of the drivers journeys. Written in rough drivers scrawl under each column the driver had to record where he picked someone up, the time, where he took them and the time of arrival as well as the fare he charged and how it was paid for.

Lisa flicked back through the pages and found the morning of Neomi's arrival. With a finger trailing down the page Lisa scanned for the entry she was looking for. The driver had taken someone to the airport first and had logged a break as they waited for a passenger to return back into the city with. And there it was, the record she needed,directly afterwards.

Neomi had paid cash, smart woman, but she couldn't conceal the address she was taken to.

“Time to continue the charade,” thought Lisa as she set her eyes on a photocopier situated in the corner of the office.

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“Now ladies and gentlemen, while Captain McAllister changes mechs for his next demonstration we direct your attention to the range for our first live fire test. For those without binoculars you can watch on the big screen,” the announcer said as a large screen to the side of the grandstand came to life.

Way off in the distance and in the open an unmanned mech stood amongst a sea of life-size wooden target soldiers. Some of the generals in the crowd raised their binoculars and studied the view while others turned their heads to the screen. Dotted around the test area were cameras and the view flicked from one view to another to show what was to come next.

“As you may be able to see, we have our close air defense mech situated within a cluster of targets. The ones painted blue are within the perimeter protected by our defense system and those in red are not. Now such defense systems are not entirely new, but to have them on a versatile and interchangeable platform that is mobile and can move with infantry certainly is. For this demonstration we will begin with something simple. Let's hear it for the men and women of the Fourth Infantry Division's twenty-third regiment,” the announcer continued as polite applause began and the camera feed switched to show a cluster of mortar emplacements that were situated somewhere out in the distance.

Among the mortar emplacements an officer listened to radio chatter that confirmed the announcer had handed the show over to them.

“Mortar one, elevation and azimuth as set, green smoke, one round, FIRE!” barked the officer, prompting a soldier to slot in a smoke round into the muzzle of the mortar and …


With an expert eye the officer raised his binoculars to his eyes and watched the green smoke marker land in among the targets confirming that his earlier settings were still valid.

“And there ladies and gentlemen is the smoke round, just confirming the the mortar crews are set up correctly ...” the announcer reported.

Mitchell in the support trailer listened to his radio, hearing that the mortar crew were ready to start the test.

“OK, activate the system,” Mitchell ordered his technicians at their consoles who began to fire up the mech's systems remotely.

The officer waited patiently, his gaze settling on his men as the loaders grasped a shell ready to slot into their weapons.

“Central to Firebase, system ready, commence firing,” crackled the radio.

“All mortars, H.E., ten rounds, FIRE FOR EFFECT!” ordered the officer.

Each of the half dozen mortar crews sprung to life, the loaders casting their first shells into the mortar tubes. The rounds slid down the tubes and then with a brief pause were let loose, the distinctive hollow sound from the muzzle kicking up dust from their emplacements as the tubes themselves began to ring.

On the big screen the scene switched from the camera overlooking the mortar crews that had begun to fire and returned to watch over the area where the targets stood patiently. The mech, pilotless but active rose to attention, the radar sensors detecting the mortar rounds about to land from overhead. The mech and its mini-guns mounted to its forearms pointed upwards to the sky and …..


The mini-guns seemed to hum or buzz like an angry bee as thousands of rounds were fired into the sky, the barrels starting to glow with the heat. The air was painted with neon red lines of tracer as the multi-barrelled guns fired at the incoming targets, the mortar rounds becoming shredded in mid air. Certainly there was debris falling to the ground but for the blue targets under the mech's protection the damage was a lot less dangerous than it was for the unlucky red targets that it could not keep safe. There the mortars landed intact, exploding and riddling the wooden targets with shrapnel and sending wooden chunks flying.

To many in the audience, the humanoid form of the mech battling with the incoming ordnance amongst the dust and smoke looked like something from a science-fiction film. Twisting at the hips then aiming and firing in simple fluid movements the machine seemed to effortlessly execute its duty.

“My god, what have we created?” Garrison said under her breath as she saw the enthusiastic applause of the military men around her in their safe sterile seating area. A short distance away Molly let out a sly grin as she read the face of the President then rose from her seat. Soon this act would be over and the grand finale would begin. Molly wanted to be ready when the curtain rose, she was after all going to be the star of her own show.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Lucy and Selena were sat nearby to one another on the huge jet. Despite its size there was little noise from the engines, only a gentle hum. Selena worked away on her laptop, continuing her efforts as before, her eyes scanning line after line of directories and files.

“Does this seem right to you?” Lucy asked anxiously as she looked around herself.

“What is wrong now?” Selena asked curtly.

“This all feels off. Wrong. It's like I am having deja vu or something” Lucy said as she continued to look about the cabin.

“Of course you are having deja vu, it is because you have been with me here before, remember?” Selena said, rolling her eyes.

It had been some time before when Supergirl had recruited Selena to help sow her 'Seeds of Deception'. In order to do that Selena had organized an interrogation of the superheroine as they journeyed on the type of aircraft they found themselves on now. The interrogators, which had included Lucy when she had been working for The Resolution had been misled by Supergirl. She had fed them lies while she actually thought it was the truth, thus tricking Lucy's sophisticated lie detector equipment.

“Of course I remember, but ...” Lucy scowled. She knew full well that she had been on this type of plane before, but it wasn't that which made her feel ill at ease, it was something else, something that she couldn't place.

“Oh my, what is this?!” Selena said as she leaned in towards her laptop attentively, dismissing Lucy and her concerns from her mind.

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“And now, ladies and gentlemen we present to you our next variant which we call, The Spider. Unlike our multi-role platform The Spider features additional secondary limbs,” the announcer explained as Captain McAllister commenced his display routine.

McAllister placed his machine in front of the audience and came to a halt, the machine waving to the audience with one its main limbs before repeating the action with all four of its secondary appendages.

“Now what makes this version useful is the ability to do a mixture of heavy lifting from its primary limbs while being very capable of doing finer, detailed work. This could be useful for example in rescue operations, or bomb disposal or in the handling of hazardous materials,” the commentary went on.

Out in the distance the men of the mortar emplacements were packing away their gear. Having dismantled their weapons the tubes, tripods and base plates were being packed onto wooden pallets alongside a military transporter. The transporter had its own crane mounted to it and was hoisting the pallets aboard, one by one.

“Hey, Sarge, is that thing meant to be moving?” asked one of the junior ranks as he gestured with his thumb out across the dusty plain.

The sergeant looked over his shoulder down range and could see the mech that had stood vigil over the blue painted targets was walking towards them.

“Shit, I don't know, we were just meant to drop some shells on it, not be its babysitter,” the sergeant responded as he checked the next pallet was ready to be hoisted by the crane.

The young lieutenant who had been in charge of the mortar team overheard the chatter of his men and walked around from the back of the transporter and raised his binoculars with curiosity. There in the distance the mech was on the move, marching up range towards their positions.

“Sir?” the sergeant enquired. He wondered if the officer could see what was happening.

“That is the darnedest thing ...” the officer said quietly to himself with narrowing eyes as he lowered his binoculars.

In the officer's mind he knew something was wrong. The test range had been laid out quite carefully so there was no danger of a stray mortar shell or a round from the miniguns ever reaching the rest of the display area. But if the mech was being repositioned without care it could be a hazard if it were to misfire.

“Sergeant, get the Op-Plan from the truck would you?” the officer said calmly as he looked back towards the grandstand off in the distance, then back at the mech.

There were a few nervous glances from the junior ranks and the young officer realised it was own expression that was spooking them. With a sharp clap of his hands he re-focused their minds.

“Come on guys, the sooner we get these mortars back to camp the sooner you can get some chow. If you are lucky the C.I.C. may deign to leave us some cake from the buffet!” he urged them, trying to change their focus.

“Sir, the Op-Plan” the sergeant said, handing over a small booklet having trotted back from the cab of the truck.

“Thank you, Sergeant,” the young lieutenant said as he began to flick through the pages of the plan. He wanted to make sure he knew what he was talking about before sounding stupid across the comms traffic.

Going through the steps of the planned display routine the young lieutenant locked eyes on the entry for the air defense mech. After the mortars were done he was to dismantle his positions and return via the route marked on the map and the mech was supposed ….

“Someone or something has fouled up. Sergeant, we need central on the horn,” the lieutenant said anxiously as he looked back at the mech that was closing in steadily.

“Corporal Horst, the radio for the Lieutenant,”

“Yes, sir!” Corporal Horst called back as he jogged with the radio pack loaded to his back.

The Lieutenant snatched off the mic from its cradle and clicked the send button.

“Errr, firebase, central do you copy, over?” the officer asked.

There was a static-laden pause and then,

“Central, firebase, we copy, what's the problem, over?”

“Firebase, Central , we are just stowing the mortars and I can see the mech is moving towards us. I am just concerned about maintaining safe separation,” the officer explained.

“Central, firebase, understood, I am investigating, over,”

“Firebase, central, thank you, over,” the Lieutenant said as he hung the mic back up onto its cradle.

The Lieutenant surveyed the scene, his equipment was only partially stowed but the mech was moving uncomfortably close. If it had a malfunction of some kind it posed a hazard. This was only an exercise, not a combat situation and the young man had a duty to protect his men. There would be no harm in taking a cautious approach to the situation.

“Sergeant, we are pulling out! Get the men mounted up!” the Lieutenant ordered.

“Sir? But the mort...” began the sergeant with confusion.

“Now, Sergeant! That's an ….” the Lieutenant managed before being cut short.

Suddenly the scene was torn to shreds. The truck was jolted, the wooden drop panels along the vehicle's flank splintering into pieces while the metal chassis sparked and pinged. The truck's tyres were rapidly shredded and the glass of the cab splintered. The truck's metal door panel was instantly ruptured with bullet holes, the screams within the vehicle underscoring the deadly attack.

For the men by the truck the volley of fire was even more devastating. Men were riddled with lead and limbs were instantly torn off, a mist of red marking where each man had stood as their bodies slumped to the floor with hardly a groan. In all some twenty men had been killed in a burst of fire that had lasted barely a second. The signature hum of the miniguns firing fell upon the site as the last man's dying breath wheezed from his bloodied body.

Up in the grandstand those watching the display being performed directly in front of them failed to see the momentary horizontal beam of red tracer fire as the mech committed its deadly act in the distance. The brief duration of the salvo and the relatively short distance between the mech and its target made for only a fleeting and unnoticed spectacle. Those who heard anything above the voice on the loudspeaker system were distracted for only a split second before their gaze returned to the incredible machine performing in front of them.

In the support trailer Mitchell strode back and forth between the ranks of operators who were monitoring the performance of The Spider while one of their number checked in on the mech that had been in the air defense demonstration.

“Anything?” Mitchell pressed, looking at the technician for an answer.

“The telemetry says it's not moving, it's in its parked position in the blue zone,” the technician said with a Gallic shrug, gesturing at the readings.

“Well, firebase says it is ! Check again,” Mitchell insisted. While he had faith in the technology at his command he was equally confident in the men in uniform. He was more inclined to trust their eyes than a mere readout on a screen.

“Maybe it was just idling movement they saw?” the technician countered. As part of their own stability mechanism the mechs would move slightly to retain their balance and joints also flexed from time time to ensure they maintained clean movement.

“This is a multi-billion defense order on the line here and you are going to risk it on a 'maybe'? You can tell me how that worked out when you are living in the cardboard box we gave you to clear your desk,” Mitchell growled.

“I'll run a diagnostic on the links, maybe the telemetry feed has timed out,” the technician said nervously, his fingers clicking across the keyboard.

“Yes, you do that,” Mitchell said, his tone blunt.

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Mike Loughlan was in his office checking everything was set for the weekend to come. Monday was the day of his presentation for the oversight board and he didn't want to inherit problems from the weekend to add to the day. Though diminished the Sanderson Corporation still spanned the globe, there was always something happening somewhere within his domain. By the time he would return to his office on Monday morning Japan, China, Russia and Europe would have had their business day mostly resolved already, he would be behind the curve.

What pained him at the moment was the price action on Sanderson Corporation shares, he was sure there was buying happening at the fringes. It was like they were being targeted for a take over though no one had come forward and made any announcement about such a move. Fortunately while the oversight board was on his side he probably had enough support to fend off a buy out.

“Hmmm, as for that matter...,” Loughlan thought to himself as he leaned over and pressed his intercom key.

“Yes Mr Loughlan?” responded a voice.

“Gina, could you pull together the list of attendees for the oversight meeting on Monday please?” Loughlan asked.

“Yes, Mr Loughlan,” Gina replied.

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Lisa Kozny was crossing the city towards the location that the taxi had taken Neomi Delacroix to when she had arrived in New York. Lisa planned to survey the area a little first and if there were obvious places her suspect had gone to next she would get Gomez and a few uniformed officers to canvas the area. With luck once they found wherever Neomi was staying the trail would go cold. Pursuing Neomi to her bitter end would only end up with Lucy and maybe even herself in deep deep trouble.

Lisa's mind drifted to Lucy and wondered how she was bearing up. Lucy had had the dubious honour of clearing up the mess after they had conspired to cover up their attempt to kill Lisa. No doubt that had been a night of gruesome work but Lisa had to repeatedly reassure herself that what was being done was the right thing though totally illegal. Even Supergirl had been there and if …

“Oh Kara, what have I done to you?” Lisa thought to herself. By getting blood on her hands she had somehow gotten Kara's hands dirty too.

Suddenly, just as Lisa's morale was flagging, her cell phone rang.


Lisa accepted the call, pressing the hands-free controls on the steering wheel of her car.

“Hey, Gomez, what's up?” Lisa said trying to maintain the pretence of enthusiasm.

“Hey, I've been doing those background checks like you asked,” began Gomez.

“Oh, have you found something?” Lisa asked hopefully. Her eyes dancing between the road ahead and her mirrors.

“Well, it might be nothing but, the first officer, there was a break in at his address during the early hours of Wednesday morning, there was flag against it because no one has done any followup,” Gomez explained.

“Does it say why not?” Lisa asked with a frown. Usually someone would follow up on the incident even if it was just a courtesy visit. Wednesday was the day after after Van Der Walt was killed and it was already Friday.

“Well, the uniforms who responded logged that the lady of the house, his fiancée, errrr, a Miss Fairchild, she reported nothing appeared stolen,” Gomez went on.

“But you think there may be more to it?” Lisa responded.

“Hey, you're the one who thinks there is something hinky going on with the crew, not me,” laughed Gomez.

Lisa thought on it a moment. At any other time this would be a 'nothing' incident but anything odd or out of place involving people in this case might be important, no matter how trivial it seemed. At any rate she felt that doing anything other than chasing Neomi's trail to Lucy's apartment would help make the sick sensation in her stomach go away.

“OK, give me the address and I will go check it out before we chase Delacroix down” Lisa said.

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Lucy's eyes studied Selena's face as she drove on through the files she had stolen from Molly's computer system. It was obvious to the Asian mercenary that Selena was onto something, her dogged determination was written all over her face.

“Oh no,” Selena said as she raised her hand and looked at her wrist watch.

“What's wrong?” Lucy asked nervously.

“These …. these are details for some weapons demonstration. President Garrison will both be there and it's happening right now,” Selena said, her eyes locked on the documents open on her machine.

Selena's heart raced. On one map were all the firing arcs for something called 'MADV' and the locations for a grandstand and the encampment behind. A red dot marked the location of the president while others noted the location of Marine One and its escorts parked on a large area allocated to visiting aircraft.

“I think she ...she's going for the President,” Selena with alarm. Suddenly Selena felt trapped on the plane, isolated. By the time they landed and took a return flight back to the States they would have probably missed all the action.

“Are you sure?!” Lucy asked with alarm.

“No, but we better get Kara there to make sure,” Selena said as she grabbed her cellphone.

Being in business class on a super-modern jet such as the one they were on came with certain luxuries, being able to make a phone call and even have internet access was among them. Dialling then clamping her phone to her ear Selena made her call.

“It's ringing,” whispered Selena to Lucy who watched on anxiously.

To Lucy the pause seemed to last a lifetime until eventually she saw in Selena's eyes that Kara had answered.

“Kara, listen carefully ...” Selena began.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
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Inside the chamber holding the virtual cockpit a catsuited Molly was buckled into her seat and enjoying the show. On the floor were her smart clothes which she had worn while she had been in the presence of the all the V.I.P's. The dual cameras mounted to the air defense mech let her view the scene around her in 3D. From her unique virtual perspective she was able to loom over the bodies of the mortar team, confirming they were dead.

“Good, there will be no 'have-a-go' heroes trying to interrupt my plans!” thought Molly as she prepared to enact the next phase of her trap.

With a click of some keys a map was presented virtually in front of her eyes and with a gesture Molly drew a path for the mech to follow.

“ADV AUTOPILOT NAVIGATION SET” responded a computer voice.

With a racing heart Molly's index finger hovered and then she finally decided to commit. If she pressed the engage key she knew the plan would have to come together or it would have all been for nothing. The heroine had to come! She had to fight or else ….

AUTOPILOT - ENGAGE – Molly struck the key. It was done!

The camera view moved as the mech she was monitoring began to walk on its own, driven by the autopilot.

“OK, Captain, I regret your career is temporarily at least going to take a turn for the worse,” Molly said to herself.


Molly saw her virtual view from the air defense mech disconnect. She had confidence that it would continue to its destination unhindered while she switched focus.


Suddenly Molly's eyes could see the view from The Spider, Captain McAllister doing some complex handling work, showing off the machine's incredible dexterity. Truly McAllister was a good pilot, for a human, but now it was time for the president to learn what the machine was truly capable of.


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“Woah, what was that,” was the collective groan of the technicians as suddenly their telemetry feeds froze. Numbers and readings that had been dynamic and constantly on the move suddenly stopped updating.

“Fuck,” Mitchell said seeing what had happened.

“Errr guys!” crackled McAllister's voice over the radio into Mitchell's ears.

“Central, SV ONE – we see it – what's happening?” Mitchell said, pushing the headphone to his ear.

“SV ONE, central – I've lost...” McAllister began to reply before suddenly the radio cut out.

“Central, SV ONE, say again?” Mitchell barked into the radio, not even static responding.

“Central, SV ONE, comms check!” Mitchell demanded.

“Commentary, Central, pull the plug, PULL THE FUCKING PLUG!” The radio message from the commentary booth that was by the grandstand was enough to say something had gone seriously wrong.

“JEEZUS, shutdown procedures, NOW!” Mitchell began as he reached for a red folder on a shelf.

The control room inside the support suddenly filled with hurried chatter as the technicians began to command the mech to come to a halt.

“It's not answering!” one of the technicians cried in panic as he realised he had been locked out.

“Jeezus,” Mitchell said as he stormed to the exit of the trailer, tossing the red folder behind him.

With a racing heart Mitchell placed his badge to the door lock and let himself out. From inside he had been sheltered from the noise outside but now he could hear the screams.

“Oh my god!” Mitchell thought to himself, his body suddenly turning to jelly dreading what sort of scene awaited him. With adrenaline in his veins Mitchell ran around the side of the trailer to look out into the display area to see The Spider was missing. In its place ten to twenty people lay on the hard sand floor of the demonstration area, their bodies lifeless where they had been fatally swept aside.

The primal need to know mixed with the fear of what sight awaited him filled Mitchell with dread. The screaming continued, the cruel siren's song enticing Mitchell to approach closer and closer. Rounding the corner Mitchell stood at the foot of the grandstand in the display area and ...

With limbs flailing the mech had waded into the grandstand. With each of its main arms the behemoth had swept people off the seating, first from one side then the other. Anyone seen to resist was picked up by the smaller secondary arms and brutally ripped limb from limb as the machine carved a path towards...

“Oh my god, he's after the president!” Mitchell held his head in his hands before deciding on what he had to do. He didn't know if McAllister was rogue or if the machine had a malfunction but if they couldn't make it shut down perhaps he could do something else.

In the stands a momentarily paralysed President Garrison found herself surrounded by secret service agents and lifted clean off of her feet.

“Quarterback is on the move to Marine One – get prepped” yelled one of the secret service agents into his lapel.

Garrison was a mere passenger for the whole event. She knew how to expect to be manhandled in the event of some attempt on her life but no matter how much she was taught it was never going to be nice when it happened.

Driven back up the grandstand by the mechanical threat the party of secret service agents and their charge descended the stairs at the rear, their feet clattering on the wooden boards as they ran. Behind them the crashing and smashing of the machine chewing through the stands could be heard, accompanied by the screams of men and women who were in the crowd.

Unseen, Captain McAllister was quickly learning how much of a passenger he had become. The pilot was desperately running through all his options to try and bring the murderous machine to a standstill but nothing worked. He knew from his own studies of the machine that a lot of his controls were not physically linked to anything, it was software behind almost everything and if that software was bad or subverted somehow then …

“Fuck this is useless! SV-ONE, Central? Anybody? Can anyone hear me?” growled the captain as he witnessed the robotic arms through his blood splattered canopy in front of him tearing at the grandstand seemingly in pursuit of the president.

The Secret Service agents ran from cover to cover, some keeping their eyes ahead, some behind while others served as human shields. Just beyond the camp were the row of about a dozen helicopters, the rotors on Marine One and its two identical twins starting to spin up.

“Marine One, this is 'Coach', let me know when you can take-off, then we will put Quarterback onboard, copy?” said one of the agents into his lapel, his finger pressed to his ear waiting for a reply.

Back at the support trailer Mitchell stumbled back inside through the locked door. Ahead of him some of the technicians were pouring through a tech-manual while another ran through some complicated boolean table on a giant fan folded piece of paper.

“Get out of my way!” screamed Mitchell as he burst through up the gangway towards the stairs.

“We can't shut it down!” yelled one of the technicians as they saw Mitchell run out of sight.

Mitchell stormed up the stairs and reached the door of the virtual cockpit and went to badge himself inside. If they couldn't shutdown the machine via the engineering software perhaps the virtual control would accept his commands instead.

The engineer pushed his badge to the reader and waited for it to unlock, but it didn't.

“Dammit!” Mitchell cursed as he tried again but to no avail.

“I don't understand ...” Mitchell's mind was in a whirl. He and Doctor Matthews both should have access to the room, perhaps his card key was faulty. But then, he had just entered the trailer without problems so...

“Fuck, where is Molly?!” Mitchell cursed to himself as he turned to look the way he came. He needed Molly's help if he was going to stop the …

Suddenly Mitchell was confronted by an uncomfortable reality. Was Matthews the one behind all this? It was her project, her control software, her designs.....

“MATTHEWS – OPEN THIS DOOR – NOW!” yelled Mitchell, his palm slamming against the door.


Molly's eyes instinctively glanced to the source of the noise as Mitchell made his protests but she had no time for him now, she had mischief to make elsewhere.

The Spider tore out the core of the grandstand, wrenching the structure in half, the two flanks groaning as they parted like the red sea. In front of the monster escaping people ran in terror towards the encampment, the flight line and helicopters beyond. Taking some menacing steps forward the mech twisted at the hips, looking left then right then stomped to a nearby military truck.


The truck stood impassive to the mech's advances before one outstretched limb grabbed the vehicle by the heavy duty towing hook on the back and dragged the vehicle aside, its tyres screeching in protest to being dragged laterally.

“Go go go go ...” whispered the agents, unseen, moving from one tent to the next.


Molly ploughed the mech through a military tent sending the canvas cover to the ground while ropes snapped and poles splintered. Underneath the fabric the outline of a man was seen as he tried to belly crawl to freedom until....


Whoever it was never stood a chance, the crushing foot of the machine literally stamping out their life, leaving a crimson splat oozing through the canvas.

“McAllister is going to PAY for this,” growled Garrison as she saw through her cluttered view the mech executing its grim task.

“Let's get you out first Madame President,” whispered one of the agents.

“Sir, Marine One is ready,” another agent reported.

“OK, here is the plan, me, and you three, we are going to rear guard for Logan and Byrne. You two get Quarterback on to Marine One. DO NOT WAIT FOR US, just get her aboard and go, understand?” said the lead agent.

“Yes sir! But ...” was the reply.

“We need to buy you time and we have to secure The Football. OK, now GO! Use all the cover you can find,” urged the lead agent again.

With a hand gesture the group split up, Logan and Byrne, arms on Garrison's shoulders, kept their charge low as they ushered her away towards Marine One. Meanwhile the other four agents paired up and sought to outflank the mechanical menace.

The Spider stomped on towards another tent, taking a cautious glance around before striking.


The mech swung its arms through the tent, smashing it to the ground, a glance downward revealing that no one had been hiding inside.


Suddenly the armoured shell of The Spider sang in protest to being shot. A pair of agents firing their distraction at the giant metal killer. The Mech suddenly spun around and saw the positions of its assailants.


The Spider took chase as the agents quickly looked for somewhere to hide when suddenly from behind the machine more gunfire erupted.


Inside her virtual cockpit Molly grinned wickedly as she saw through the crude plan that the agents had come up with. If those men were in plain sight then that meant they must be about to ….




Suddenly McAllister found himself in a still and passive mech. The controls still seemed locked out but whatever had taken over his machine had seemingly relented.

“Do you think we damaged it?” asked one of the agents to his partner from their position in hiding, realising something had changed.

“I don't know, but we have to try something. Cover me!” said the second agent.

Approaching from the side, gun raised, the black suited man closed in on the machine. Perhaps if he got close enough he could make a kill shot on the pilot or somehow disable the machine. Meanwhile Logan and Byrne were almost at the line of helicopters.

“THERE YOU ARE!” Molly beamed. She now had control of the Air Defense mech which she had left on autopilot and could see the escape attempt unfold. The monster machine had followed Molly's waypoints from the dead mortar crew's truck unnoticed during the carnage and now stood at weapons range of the grandstand and the encampment.


The mech unleashed a horrific quantity of bullets along the length of the flight line, lighting the area up with tracer rounds. Helicopters began to get shredded, the tails of some aircraft were sawn off with lead, the canopy glass of others imploding. Rotor blades began to droop or fall off, the complex flying beasts being slowly dismembered one by one.


Marine One, armoured as it was didn't stand a chance, a deliberate burst of fire slicing it in half. The two other identical aircraft began to suffer in equal measure, the cockpits set on fire, their interiors riddled with holes. The blades of the three Marine aircraft slowly began to wind down, one of them spinning off balance so badly the nose of the aircraft spun to end up facing the interior of the rear half of the fuselage that had split off.

“Jeezus fucking Christ,” Logan yelled as he saw their escape route cut off.

All around them people were running and screaming in terror as the mayhem continued, seemingly getting worse by the moment.

“There's two of them?!” Byrne exclaimed as he saw the other mech in the distance.

“There is a Hummer back there, we will have to use that!” Logan said over the din of helicopters that had started to explode.

The agent who had gone to confront McAllister in The Spider cautiously walked into it's field of view, desperate to see the fate of the man inside. Inching further and further around he finally could see the pilot though the blood spattered canopy glass.

“FREEZE!” yelled the agent nervously, setting his eyes on McAllister while one hand shielded his eyes from the light of the fires now raging on the flight line.

“Fuck, don't shoot! I know what it looks like but ….” McAllister pleaded

“Just take your hands off the controls, McAllister!” the agent ordered.

“They've NOT been ON the controls !!” McAllister said, his hands raising into plain sight.

“Get out of that thing, NOW, nice and steady,” the agent ordered.


The agent flinched as the wreck of a helicopter exploded sending metal chunks showering around them.

“NOW!” the agent repeated wiping his sweat drenched face.

“I have tried already, cant you see, I can't get out of this thing. There is a rescue release lever on the outside, it's yellow, try that!” McAllister protested.

“Keep your hands on your head,” the agent ordered as he approached anxiously. He doubted he would penetrate the canopy glass with his weapon but it seemed McAllister wasn't willing to find out.

With the mech frozen in place the agent nervously approached, inching closer and closer. As he neared he could see the lever. It was high up, but the mech's leg had step points and he eyed his route ….

“No! Look out! It's ...” McAllister pleaded as he realised the machine was coming back to life. He knew that the controls were never going to respond to him but his hands desired to move from his head even if it was going to get him shot.

The agent recoiled in terror as suddenly the smaller secondary arms of the mech lunged for him, McAllister's warning coming just in time. For a moment the two men locked eyes. The agent was grateful for the warning while the other man was envious of his freedom, in harms way or not. Having been a prisoner in the cockpit of a machine that had performed terrible atrocities McAllister would prefer to face death from the sharp end now instead of being a helpless witness from on board.

Molly had watched on cruelly having switched control from the mech that had destroyed the helicopters back to The Spider, after all, time was on her side. Wickedly she had let the machine stand passive, drawing the would be hero in to rescue the innocent Captain McAllister. Her lunge had failed but she had bigger and better fish to catch and the machine spun around angrily and resumed its search.

In the support trailer Mitchell returned to his technicians who were looking to him for guidance.

“What do we do!?” was the collective question in the room.

“Its Matthews, she's done something and locked us out! She's in the virtual cockpit room. We need to shut her down! I need solutions – stop focusing on the mech, focus on HER,”

“We could kill the generators, kill her power” one technician suggested.

“But there are battery backups built into the trailer, it would take too long to make a difference,” said another.

“How about comms, she needs it to operate the machine,” yet another technician offered.

“If she has planned this she would have thought of all that, we need something else. Something from outside of the box” Mitchell said.

“You could always fight fire with fire, she's using The Spider, right? Well, there is the Infantry Variant.... it was supposed to be in the next demo,” the first technician said.

“What's stopping her from taking that one over just like The Spider?” Mitchell asked.

“The virtual control on it was non functional when it arrived after the journey. We didn't need to fix it because we showed off remote functionality during previous parts of the demonstration.” one of the junior technicians said, tapping an entry in a log book.

“OK, but who's going to pilot it?” someone asked.

Suddenly Mitchell felt all the eyes settle on him, and the room fell silent.

“Oh shit, oh that's just great!” Mitchell said, hands rising to his head.

Outside Logan and Byrne were desperately trying to stay out of sight with Garrison but moment by moment their hiding places were being destroyed by The Spider as it tore through the encampment. Things were desperate but they were closing in on the Hummer that had been parked near a small medical tent that remained standing.

“Ok, go go” Logan said as he spied the lead agent, 'Coach' beckoning to them.

“Hey, good to see you,” Logan said, glad to be reunited with his superior.

“Well, that plan screwed up royally, but I guess you saw the hummer?”, 'Coach' asked, gesturing at the nearby vehicle.

“I think you can be forgiven for this,” Garrison said as she brushed herself down.

“The hummer is about our only option left,” Byrne said as he glanced about the camp.

The helicopters had all been destroyed, the large transport trucks were merely going to act as shreddable bullet magnets, but the Hummer at least had a mix of speed and protection.

“Agreed, same drill as before, me and whoever else is left out there with a gun will shoot at it as a distraction. Logan, Byrne, your mission is still the same, get Quarterback out of here, get her anywhere but here, ok?” 'Coach' instructed.

There was nervous glances followed by nods. 'Coach' looked for somewhere to go to, somewhere where he could serve as a distraction. Dashing unseen to some crates on pallets then on to one of the trucks 'Coach' ensured he had a full clip in his gun and waited for Logan, Byrne and Garrison to make a move to the Hummer.

Taking a breath he saw them moving and decided to act.

“OVER HERE!” yelled 'Coach' before firing one steady deliberate shot after another at the mech.

The Spider lurched around to see the agent open fire and charged at him. 'Coach' stood his ground as he fired one round after another, making his clip last. Closer and closer came the mech but at the last moment it stopped and spun around to see the Hummer and President Garrison about to try and escape.

“Nice try” snarled Molly as she snatched 'Coach' up from the ground with one of the main arms and stormed up to the Hummer, the flailing agent trapped in the large robotic hand.

'Coach' could just about see McAllister thumping in protest at the bloodied glass, begging the agent to release him. In his final act 'Coach' fired everything he had left into the canopy. The rounds chipped at the glass but didn't break it and then Molly swung the hand holding 'Coach' downwards towards the Hummer, threatening to crush both man and vehicle in one vicious act.


Suddenly with a red and blue blur she appeared, Supergirl had arrived!!

With a crunch the swinging robotic arm came to a halt, just a few feet from having used 'Coach's' body like the head of a hammer. Supergirl braced herself against the swinging arm, the ground giving beneath her red booted feet.

“FINALLY!! She is HERE !” grinned Molly.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
Posts: 1377
Joined: 12 years ago


“Enough, Molly!” Supergirl growled as she took in the carnage around her, holding back the mechanical arm that loomed above her. The glow of fires bathed the area in bright orange light and the din of secondary explosions filled the air.

Selena had warned the heroine there may be trouble but Supergirl had never expected to see things so chaotic when she arrived. The bodies of the dead littered the area, fires raged, vehicles destroyed, it was utter carnage. What she had been warned of was that if anything were to happen it would likely be Molly Matthews behind it all.

Supergirl burrowed into the cockpit of the machine with her vision expecting to find Molly at the contols only to see the face of a stranger instead. Was he the one responsible for all this? Supergirl read his expressions and his body language and realised the man was seemingly a passenger inside the belly of the beast. The robotic hand holding the agent codenamed 'Coach' opened, dropping him to the floor some eight feet from the ground, the man landing with a groan.

“Go, go, run!” Supergirl urged him as she saw 'Coach' groggily pull himself up to his feet.

“YES, RUN!” cackled Molly's voice over a speaker as the other main arm swatted at the Hummer sending it tumbling over and over finally coming to rest on its roof.

Coach, Logan and Byrne grabbed Garrison who was agog at was going on right in front of her and began to run. Smothering Garrison's body with their own they hoped to keep their charge safe while Supergirl put an end to the crisis.

Supergirl's eyes flared red as she decided on her course of action. She was going to dismember this mechanical nightmare and free the man trapped inside before finding Molly.

“No you dont!” Molly said as she swatted at Kara with the mech's large robotic arm.

The blow was powerful and while Kara didn't bend nor break her grip on the ground failed her sending her sliding across the hard baked sandy soil as she tried to resist.

With a grimace the heroine let loose with her heat ray, the bright red flare of energy radiating from her eyes. The machine crossed its long arms and placed one of its big heavy armour plates into harms way. The metal began to discolour, the white paint blackening at the edges of where the beam struck but the armour resisted.

“What is that thing made of?” Supergirl thought.

The heroine blinked in dismay at the metal, it wasn't often she had such difficulties. She decided to renew her efforts, her expression revealing her concentration. With an intense glare she went to unleash another bl...


Grabbing Supergirl around her middle the machine took the heroine by surprise. Servo's growled as the mechanical hand applied pressure to its captive. Supergirl felt the air slightly squeeze out from her lungs, an unpleasant sensation despite not actually needing to breath to survive.

Supergirl wriggled and writhed within the machine's impressive grip and managed to get some purchase on the equivalent to a thumb, slowly pushing it away from her chest.


Raising the robotic arm first Molly slammed the mechanical hand down towards the upturned hummer, opening the palm of the metal hand and exposing the heroine to the impact to come.


The Hummer was left shaped like a 'V', the sheet metal under-tray and sturdy metal chassis folding in on itself while glass from the windows exploded outwards. Supergirl's dazed body barely started to move before the machine grabbed at the smashed vehicle and pushed the hood and rear of the 'V' shaped wreck towards each other, doubling over the destroyed vehicle. The mech stepped backwards a few paces and admired the metal tomb it had created, Molly's laughter coming over the loudspeaker.

An annoyed Supergirl wiggled herself inside her metal prison and using her impressive strength began to create space for herself. Unfolding the wreck the warped and fatigued metal started to break, the metal splitting and tearing like it was made of tin until it parted open to reveal an angry Supergirl on her feet, arms apart.

The machine swiped again from the side striking a dazed Supergirl from the side. Having failed to brace herself the heroine was forced to the ground just in time to see a blood drenched mechanical foot come stomping down from above her, blotting out the light.


The machine strained as Supergirl placed her knees and the palms of her hands on the sole of the metal foot and pushed away sending the machine stumbling backwards. Machine and heroine were now separated by meters of carnage covered sun-baked sand, the pair sizing each other up.

“Did you think I had been sleeping, since my defeat on the oil rig, Supergirl? You remember how strong the chains were, don't you? I have been improving the metal coating formula since then, just for this moment! ” Molly said, taunting her opponent.

Supergirl looked at her wrists, remembering how she had been bound by strong chains to the ocean floor. It had been the infected Kimberly who had done it but the chains had been created by the Sanderson Corporation. Now it was Molly who was infected and using her employer's resources had seemingly improved the coating to make metals resistant to the heroine's heat ray.

Supergirl considered what to do next. Slicing the machine up wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. Perhaps if she could rescue what she thought was a hostage locked in the cockpit first she could then figure out how to take out Molly directly, rather than defeating her machine.

With limbs splayed The Spider appeared terrifying but Supergirl had courage. The blood splattered canopy looked like a weak spot she could crack open with her fist. She felt she could get the man inside free, rendering him unusable as a bargaining chip in Molly's sick game. Supergirl levitated up to her feet and kicked off, left arm outstretched, right hand wound up tight by her side ready to strike.


Supergirl flew at high speed up to the mech, stopping just short of the canopy and..


Delivering a strong blow to the cockpit glass Supergirl punched through it and with a twist of her arm withdrew. The damaged glass, now entirely frosted over with cracks was wrenched off its frame, the heroine revealing McAllister inside. The curved glass shell fell to the ground, now rendered a floppy weak mass, the surface a web of cracks and splinters.

“Please, help me, she's insane!! I can't stop her!!” pleaded McAllister.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lisa Kozny stood at the door of the town house and pressed the doorbell which she could hear ringing inside. Lisa cast her gaze at the door frame and noted it had been repaired and the lock for the door looked very shiny and new.

There was a pause for about twenty seconds and then the door swung ajar, the movement arrested by a chain guard. A woman in her late twenties appeared, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, her brown eyes behind reading glasses.

“Miss Fairchild?” Kozny asked, badge raised for Fairchild to see.

“Yes?” Fairchild responded.

“Hi, I am Detective Kozny, nineteenth precinct. I am really sorry to visit unannounced, I was hoping I could speak to you about the break-in the other day.”

Fairchild rolled her eyes just slightly. “Come on then,” she said with little enthusiasm.

Lisa let Fairchild's attitude slide, she hoped that this bizarre event was the lead she wanted. Fairchild edged the door closed slightly and removed the chain before opening the door for Lisa to enter.

“I thought I had told the officers all they needed to know. They said they would send someone to follow up but I only needed a crime number for the insurance company.” Fairchild began.

“Would you mind just explaining to me what happened? I'm really sorry, I've not had a good opportunity to review the full case notes,” Lisa confessed.

“Fine,” Fairchild sighed. “It was a little after three in the morning I think. I heard a noise and got up. I was upstairs. I went to the landing just in time to see a large man, I think he was black, he had that sort of frame, you know? And he was going out my front door.” Fairchild explained.

Lisa made notes as she surveyed the layout of the hall, the stairs and the various rooms leading off the ground floor corridor. “Then what happened?” Lisa asked.

“Well, I came down and, well, the lock was bust open, the part the key goes in was ripped out on the floor,” Fairchild said, gesturing at the door before turning to her alarm keypad. “I went to see why my alarm wasn't working and the thing was frozen or something, like ice. I had to get a new one, that's why I needed the crime number.”

“Frozen? Well that sounds more than just an amateur job. The report says nothing was taken though, is that correct? You've not discovered anything since then that you haven't reported?” Lisa asked with a frown.

“Seriously, nothing is missing. My fiancée, Andy, he stays here when he isn't working, he's a pilot, he couldn't find anything missing either. We are at a complete loss,” Fairchild explained.

Lisa already knew that Fairchild's fiancée was a pilot, that's why she was really there. Knowing he was on the crew to replace Van Der Walt's and then having this bizarre robbery happen not long after the murder; it threw up all sorts of red flags with Lisa.

“Was anything touched or moved? Do you even know which rooms this intruder entered?” Lisa asked.

“Uh huh, well, one room I know for sure …” Fairchild said as she led Lisa down the corridor to a door and opened it, letting Lisa in first.

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“Welcome little FLY, now you can truly enjoy my pet, The Spider!” cackled Molly over the loudspeaker as she observed Supergirl struggle

“Let's get you ou...” Supergirl managed to say as she battled the shorter limbs of the spider which were making themselves a nuisance.

Swatting at the heroine, tugging her cape, making a grab for her arms, her thighs, Molly toyed with the heroine who battled to try and free McAllister.

“Ah ah – no you don't!” Molly laughed as she teased the heroine who grew more and more frustrated.

“Is there nothing you can do?” Supergirl said as she fought to keep the smaller secondary arms from getting a good grasp of her while trying to get McAllister free.

“No, she's locked me out, nothing works in here she … wait, the virtual cockpit .. THAT'S WHERE SHE WILL BE!” realised McAllister, twisting and turning his head trying to get his bearings.

In the virtual cockpit Molly heard everything that had transpired. If Supergirl broke free and made it to the support trailer she would be defeated. She needed to keep Supergirl there, with the mech. Suddenly the thrashing arms began to punch into the cockpit itself, threatening McAllister's life. Supergirl had to spin herself around and now rather than dodge blows she had to block them instead to keep McAllister safe.

To Molly's pleasure this change in attack finally began to open the avenue to success. The machine, with one palm open, plunged an arm towards the cockpit only for Supergirl to plant her smaller hand into it to make a block. Suddenly her hand was enveloped by the metal monster, the mechanical hand wrapping around hers. As Supergirl reached with her free hand to try and prise herself free her left leg was grabbed tightly at the ankle. Molly delighted at pulling apart Supergirl's limbs in opposite directions, holding her taught.

Supergirl kicked wildly with her trapped leg, the servos groaning and whining as they resisted. Eyes flaring in anger Supergirl began to charge herself up ready to attack the smaller limbs that were starting to become an exhausting problem. Molly could sense she was slowly getting the upper hand but she needed to work the heroine over a little more before she could get her plan fully in motion.

One of the main arms, having been left out of the fight clenched its fist and swung in towards itself like a gorilla about to beat its own chest. Only, at the beast's chest right now was Supergirl, partially spreadeagled between the smaller limbs in front of the canopy.

VEWWURRRRR groaned the servos as the heavy metal fist was delivered into Supergirls torso before retreating away, ready to strike again.

Supergirl gave only slightly upon impact, her abdominals absorbing the blow. Resolutely the heroine began heating up the mechanical hand that had trapped her wrist-deep in metal. Like a plasma torch Supergirl began to burn into the metal, hoping to get herself free.

VEWWURRRRR groaned one of the main mechanical arms again as it swung in. Supergirl lashed out with her free leg, putting the sole of her foot squarely into the closed fist that sought to strike her. For a moment there was stalemate but yet another of the secondary limbs raced in to claim Supergirl's blocking foot as a prisoner, pulling it taught away from her other leg.

Supergirl only had one free hand left and her head was still free to move. Still burning intently with her heat vision she could feel the metal hand that held her starting to soften. Whatever this metal was it was more resistant than most but nothing could resist her forever.

Molly saw sensors flash red warnings at her as Supergirl began to inflict damage on the limb holding the heroine by the wrist. If Supergirl was able to start cutting up The Spider she was bound to eventually defeat Molly.

In swung one of the main arms again,threatening to strike Supergirl in her middle. Supergirl only had one hand left free and she used it to try and protect herself, only to realise that once committed she was open to being latched onto by the one remaining secondary arm.

“Got you!” Molly gloated as she saw through the camera's eyes the heroine's predicament.

Supergirl, her limbs spreadeagled mustered a ferocious growl, her red cutting beam brightening to the point McAllister had to turn his head away from the intense heat and light.

“OH – NO – YOU – DON'T!” Molly snarled as she finally let loose her first big surprise.


Within the torso of The Spider the aperture module began to slide open, the green glow from within the chamber and its lead coated iris escaping into the air behind the heroine.

Supergirl screamed as she sensed the sickening glow fall upon her, the familiar sense of her power waning. Although not as nearly debilitating as the first time around on the oilrig Supergirl knew she was in danger. Where this threat had been kept hidden she didn't know but here she was in yet another dangerous trap.

Molly felt delight in Supergirl's suffering, her screams making beautiful music to her ears. Molly had needed to be sure Supergirl was truly in her grasp before unveiling her green poison. If the heroine had seen it before she would have been able to keep a safe distance. Now though she was enveloped in the mech's embrace and weakening with every moment.

With her heat ray faltering Supergirl knew her chance to break free was gone. But now the limbs were mostly occupied, their need to struggle with her over she knew McAllister could escape.

“G..go, run....” Supergirl managed to say, her head turning on her shoulders before dropping weakly.

McAllister fumbled with his harnesses, unclipping himself from the various connections in the cockpit. Carefully lifting his leg over the rim of the broken canopy McAllister found a step position and let himself fall to the ground before sprinting away gratefully.

“Yo..... you have failed, Molly, Vel, whatever you are. Garrison is going to escape!” Supergirl managed to say.

“FAILED?” Molly said with disdain before she broke into laughter. The mechanical limbs performed a gentle set of movements slowly turning Supergirl around to face the canopy, the four secondary limbs pulling the heroine taught, being mindful of her weakened state.

“When they come here, they will come in force. This machine won't be able to stop all of them!” Supergirl said as she looked into the torso of the machine, seeing the emerald glow emanate through the iris.

“You FOOL! Do you think I did all this just to KILL the PRESIDENT!” Molly retorted, the air filling with her laughter.

Supergirl pulled with all her might, resuming her attempt to escape.

“Oh, poor foolish KARA, can't you tell, this is all about YOU!” Molly goaded.

“You have had me once and failed in your sick plans to make me 'pretty', you WILL fail again!”

“You think your friends will come to rescue you, don't you? Do you think I am afraid of SELENA WALSH, THE BROKER?!” Molly taunted.

Supergirl froze as she heard Molly call The Broker by name, her eyes betraying her fear for Selena.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Lisa found herself inside what she guessed was like a small den. A PC sat on a desk, a keyboard, mouse and a big flight simulator like joystick right by it.

“He flies in his spare time too, your fiancée, or is this yours?” Lisa quipped, her pen pointing at the joystick.

“Yes, he absolutely loves flying. This is his room where he chills out, especially if he is trying to get his body clock back in line after a long duty cycle. I rarely come in here unless he is home,” Fairchild explained.

“So, what makes you so sure that the intruder came in here?” Lisa asked as she looked around. Nothing seemed odd to her that she could see.

“Well, Andy's chair, it was flipped this ...” Fairchild explained, drawing the chair towards herself then tipping it forward and away, the underside of the chair pointing towards them, the back of the chair lodging almost level and even with the surface of the desk.

“Exactly like that?” Lisa asked, drawing a nod in reply from Miss Fairchild.

Lisa knelt by the chair and examined it. To her it seemed strange for the chair to have been tipped forward, not backwards. It was almost like someone wanted to get access underneath. On first glance nothing about the chair seemed remar....

“Wait, was something stuck to the underside of this?” wondered Lisa to herself as she noted two short strips of adhesive residue. Looking more carefully Kozny noted the residue flanked a small square patch of wood that seemed paler than the rest of the wood around it.

Lisa shook her head dismissively and went to rise. Just then her eyes fell level with the desk, the keyboard and the under edge of the monitor in her field of view. Just behind the monitor, peering out from one side was a photo in a frame. Miss Fairchild stood in the half that was visible next to the flank and shoulder of someone alongside her, their face obscured by the monitor's edge. Then Lisa noticed a hand resting on the second persons shoulder, certainly belonging to a third member in the picture off to the right.

Lisa rose to her feet, her head bobbing for a better view of the photo, triggering a frown from Miss Fairchild.

“May I?” Lisa asked as she gestured to the picture.

“Sure, it's just a picture,” shrugged Fairchild.

Lisa reached for the frame and gathered it up finally revealing the people in the shot. Fairchild herself was at the left, and to her right was a dashing young man who was wearing a smart white shirt and aviator's 'wings' pinned to his chest. Lisa guessed the man must be her fiancée, Andy and flanking him to the right of the photo was …..

Lisa went pale.

“Wait, that's ...” Lisa faltered.

“Oh yes, you know Andy's sister? I thought Molly was just famous in the science world...” Miss Fairchild said with a surprise as she looked at the captured memory fondly.

“Your fiancée's sister is Molly Matthews!? Wh...where is Andy now?!” Lisa asked anxiously.

“What? Andy? He , he's on duty, he's covering for some other crew ….” Fairchild said with confusion.

“I'm sorry, I have to go ….” Lisa said wide eyed, the enormity of what was happening unravelling rapidly in front of her eyes.

“Is everything ok? He, he's not in trouble is he?” Miss Fairchild asked nervously.

“If you can think of anything more about the break-in please get in touch...” Lisa stalled, handing Fairchild her contact information.

“But, Andy, he is ok, right?” Fairchild said, rapidly becoming concerned about the turn of events.

“I'm sorry Miss Fairchild, I cannot say any more at the moment. Thank you for your co-operation,” Lisa said as she spun around and made her way purposefully to the door while drawing her cell phone from her pocket.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Inside her virtual cockpit Molly began to unzip the crotch of her catsuit, ready to activate her next module, uncomfortable as it was going to be.

“I've found out who your precious BROKER friend is! Did you think I was completely asleep in the back of the helicopter when you and your treacherous bitch for a friend, LUCY WUAN spoke about her...” Molly explained.

“NO! Leave …” Supergirl protested as she wiggled in the vice like grip of the machine.

“LEAVE THEM ALONE? Oh it is a little late for that NOW. THEY came for ME, REMEMBER? No matter! They will get exactly what is due to them, your detective friend LISA KOZNY included!!” Molly said, her voice twisting in Supergirl's mind like a knife.

“You won't catch them, they are far away from here by now!” Supergirl growled angrily as she tried to summons another heat blast from her eyes.

“Don't you think I know that?! Right now they are in my TRAP. Even as we speak, my brother, YES, my BROTHER is about to become their undoing!” Molly sneered.

“A.. a trap? No … how could..” Supergirl stammered weakly. Now she felt vulnerable on so many levels. Her life was in peril, just as were some of her best friends. Molly was going to destroy everything!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Selena and Lucy kept vigil of their cell phones, anxiously waiting for news, the sudden voice on the loudspeaker bringing them back to the moment.


“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Jo Stevenson up on the flight deck. Right now we are cruising at about eleven and a half thousand meters, or about thirty-eight thousand feet and cruising at nine hundred kilometres per hour, or just under five hundred knots. We currently have a favourable tail wind and we expect to arrive a little ahead of schedule in Amsterdam where it is forecast to be a little cooler than it was in New York. As we head out into the North East Atlantic we will be transitioning in the Shanwick control area as we reach nightfall. Our flight attendants will be turning the lights down soon so those who wish to get some sleep may do so. This will be my last message until we begin our decent into Schipol so from myself and Andy we wish you a pleasant night,”

Lucy felt her stomach sink, dread filling her mind, while Selena read her expression like a book.

“What is it?” Selena asked with a frown.

“This is ALL WRONG!” Lucy said, her eyes darting around herself, the sense of being trapped overwhelming her.

“You're making a scene,” Selena whispered back, seeing a flight attendant glance at Lucy.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mitchell nervously ascended the Infantry Variant Mech, releasing the canopy and entering.

“Oh god, oh god,” Mitchell nervously said to himself as he clumsily flung himself into the pilot's seat.

The man's hands were visibly shaking as he began to strap himself in to the machine, putting a headset on over his head and plugging himself in.

“Do you guys hear me?” Mitchell asked anxiously as he took in the sight of The Spider on the other side of the camp, occupied in its fight struggle with the superheroine while in the distance the Air Defense Mech stood idle.

“Yes, Mitchell, we hear you,” replied a young voice into Mitchell's ear.

“Oh thank god, ok, so ... talk... talk me though it,” Mitchell stammered. He may have been a lead engineer on the project but just as a good car mechanic doesn't make a good racing driver his skills didn't make for a good pilot.

“OK, Master Switch to ON” said a voice.

“Master Switch to ON” Mitchell replied, the machine responding with illuminating cockpit lights.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Molly held Supergirl up in her field of view, spreadeagled, taught, vulnerable though still defiant.

“You don't remember, or do you? Your little clandestine flight! From Century21?!” Molly asked, her tone vicious.

“You brother? … He was on that plane?” Supergirl replied with confusion. Was he one of the mercenaries she wondered.

“On it? He FLEW IT !!” Molly hissed.

Supergirl's eyes darted from side to side, her mind replaying out that day with vivid clarity.

“Oh no.....” Supergirl managed as she finally remembered...

= = =

Suddenly cast back onto the plane that fateful day the heroine remembered the latex catsuit. Inside her a thick dildo filled her pussy while harsh ceramic studs inside her suit stung her flesh. On her feet a set of boots designed specifically for her discomfort and misery dug at her soles. Supergirl was forced to sit at Selena's side, restrained, while Selena sipped red wine, preparing to tell her some tale when …

“GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I'M FIRST OFFICER ANDY MATTHEWS HERE WITH YOUR CAPTAIN JO STEVENson on the flight deck …...” The loud announcement began causing a stewardess to dial down the volume.

= = =

“OH NO!” squirmed Supergirl only to hear Molly's laughter as she saw the heroine remember everything.

“Yesssss! Now you understand! My brother harmlessly told me about his peculiar flight but it was only when VEL entered my life did I ever realise what it could mean. I searched and searched and eventually discovered its significance. I learned where The Broker went, her secret travelling alias, what flights she would take, and engineered it so my brother would be at hand to fly the trap she would willingly walk into the very moment I would be here …. defeating YOU!”

“It was YOU who had Van Der Walt killed!” Supergirl realised.

“Yes, I hired assassins to kill him and oh so many others!” Molly bragged.

Supergirl truly understood now how some events had come full circle. She knew that Selena and Lucy were in the air that very moment. If this sick union of brother and sister had played out again, just as it had with Bobby and Kimberly then they would be in great danger, just as any other passengers would be.

“MOLLY, please, you have ME, let THEM go! I will do what…...” began Supergirl.

“No, SUPERGIRL, you WON'T! You lied to me on the oil rig, and you are lying to me now! I am NEVER going to risk them rescuing you from me again!” Molly said, her voice laced with vengeance.

“Molly, if you are in there you HAVE to FIGHT!” Supergirl pleaded, hoping to somehow inspire the host mind of Molly to rebel against the alien that had infected her.

Molly grinned wickedly as she decided the time was right. With a few clicks on her controls she activated the next secret module. Squirming in her cockpit seat Molly could feel the warm jets of lubricant spraying their fine mist into her crotch and ass from hidden nozzles below. Inching up slowly against her flesh two metal spheres approached, their smooth surfaces rising to meet her flesh.

“Ohhhh,” Molly moaned as she felt the cool metal touch her anus which clamped with involuntary resistance.

Adjusting her posture Molly tried to relax as the lubricated metal sphere pressed against her. Carefully she pushed back letting herself slowly absorb the metal visitor, just as the second sphere began to test her labia.

“Tha.... that's it ...yes …. yes ….yes ...” Molly said to herself, encouraging herself to complete the difficult task as the sphere at her pussy eased forward and backwards in its quest to open her up.

Molly's eyes rolled as she felt herself become impaled on the pilot's seat, the two spheres navigating deeper inside of herself all the while the lubricating nozzles ensured the intruders passage was made as easy as possible.


“Now Supergirl, it's YOUR TURN!” Molly thought to herself as she prepared to hit a button.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Wow, this story has moved into hyperdrive now. Excellent SG peril as well as surprising reveals. Great stuff, AEM!!
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Millenium Member
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DrDominator9 wrote:Wow, this story has moved into hyperdrive now. Excellent SG peril as well as surprising reveals. Great stuff, AEM!!
Thanks for that, I am glad you have enjoyed this so far. You know I am not into relentless heroine peril but I hope I still manage to offer something of interest. I hope you stick with me for the final act to come :)
My avatar courtesy of

My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
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Hi all - welcome to the final two chapters of the story, chapter 31 slightly mirroring chapter 1. To go with the final scene I have chosen a short bit of music which I have been told fits the mood - so it's up to you if you want to listen. Just look for the cue ...right click and open in another tab (its on youtube so you may need to skip an ad if you don't have a blocker!)

Anyway - here goes ...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Molly watched on as the helpless heroine struggled and strained, desperately trying to get free of the mechanical limbs that held her spreadeagled. Held in mid-air directly in front of the open iris Supergirl bathed in the crippling green glow.


A second module in the torso of The Spider opened, a mechanical arm elegantly unfurling with a whirr of motors and servos. The head of the arm had some kind of rotary barrel with different attachments in place and Supergirl's eyes widened as she spied a rotary cutting disc spin into life.

Molly looked at her readings feeding back from the mechanized monster. Supergirl was barely testing the machine right now indicating that she was in peril of being damaged for the next phase of her plan.

“Hmmm, I need to back off a little if I want to keep you intact for what is to come,” thought Molly


The lead coated iris narrowed, restricting the poisonous field reaching the heroine as the cutting disc spun up to speed.

“Ngh. … what....... what are …. you …..doing!” Supergirl managed to grunt as she saw the robotic arm get closer and closer, the blade whirring ominously. Edging up into position the blade caused Supergirl's skirt to skip off it as it passed up underneath and between her legs…..


“Oh no no no no ….....” Supergirl protested not knowing if to fight or stay perfectly still.

Unseen under the heroine's crimson skirt the rotary blade had begun to score a slit in the crotch of her blue one-piece. Nicking, slicing, ripping, the blue fabric first seemed to puff out as each little strand of thread ruptured before parting. The sensory feedback in the disc knew when it started to slice too deep the moment resistance was felt, the Maid of Steel's flesh still more than capable of blunting the blade. The cutter edged on, Supergirls labia slowly bursting from her costume unseen under her skirt.

“Molly, you've GOT to LISTEN to me! Vel's demons are going to betray you! You DON'T have to do this! Fight them! They are going to hurt your BROTHER!” Supergirl pleaded, only to receive laughter in reply.

“Oh, Supergirl, you have NO IDEA!” Molly said after her laughter subsided.

The cutting disc continued its work, skipping carefully along the fabric frontier being careful not to engage the blunting flesh of the heroine until its work was done. The rotary head switched positions, the blade coming to a halt. Supergirl sighed a moment with hearing the blade power down only to flinch as the sensation of warm lubricating ooze was jetted into her crotch.

“If it is any consolation, Supergirl, I too have to share in the indignity you about to suffer, but it is all in the name of science I can assure you!” Molly goaded.

Bucking, flinching, the heroine looked around herself for help. Was anybody going to give her some respite from the attack?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mitchell finally had the Infantry Mech up and running though his first few steps were faltering ones.

“That's it, we've set the internal stabilizers to maximum. You won't be able to make moves like McAllister but at least you won't fall over.” said a technician into Mitchell's ears.

“OK, once you think you have my settings in place you HAVE to get out of the trailer. I'm going to be punching a hole right through the virtual control room upstairs and I don't want any of you to get hurt, understand?”

“Yes, we hear you!” was the collective reply.

Mitchell looked around him memorizing the location of all the controls before taking a deep breath. The support trailer was on the opposite side of the grandstand from where the mechs had been standing and he needed to get there without getting caught up with The Spider. If he could avoid that encounter he could destroy the virtual control room and end the crisis.

“OK, I am on the move, I am going around via the display area, hopefully The Spider won't see me,”

“OK, and Mitchell … good luck,” said one of the voices.

“Thanks, you too,” Mitchell replied, his heart racing.


Mitchell got underway, the mech taking steady yet slow steps. With a trained pilot the compensatory software could be dialed right back, giving the machine as much movement of any human. But with someone unfamiliar with the machine at the controls the self balancing mechanisms traded away agility for stability. Mitchell's first steps were going to be those of a toddler, not of a titan.


“Hey, I'm doing it!” whooped Mitchell nervously as he edged forward.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Rotating the multi-tooled head of the robotic arm the dual shafts with their metal spheres atop of them came into the fore.

Supergirl felt the changeover happen unseen under skirt but having seen the array of tools at the robotic arm's disposal her imagination was running riot with what was happening next. Exposed and lubricated Supergirl finched as she felt the metallic touch of the spheres against …

“Nghhhhh NO!” bellowed Supergirl.

Inching up firmly against her sphincter Supergirl clamped down, refusing entry. No matter how well lubricated she was she wasn't going to cave that easily. Molly's instruments reported Supergirl's resistance was on the rise, her recharging ability able to overcome the debilitating green aura around her.


Molly grinned as she watched Supergirl become bathed in the the intensifying green field. Molly estimated that it would only be a moment before …


The servo's increased their effort as the first sphere slowly began to make its way. Supergirls most intimate pathway first began to bow inwards following the contour of the sphere until it had nowhere to go except begin enveloping the metal. Supergirl felt her ability to resist falter, her flesh unable to grip and push back the intruder having been so heavily lubricated.

“Ngh, no no no!” Supergirl managed to say as her eyes widened. For a split second as her muscles failed her and the widest point of the sphere passed through there was a momentary sensation of secret pleasure which was quickly quelled by the cruel reality of all that was happening to her.

Promptly the second sphere made itself known to the spreadeagled Superheroine. The first defences fell easily, her soft labia slipping around the metal seemingly welcoming it in. Once past though the complex servos and sensors detected that some subtle forcing was required to get inside the heroine's body. Back and forth the sphere rocked, in to the resistance point then back. Then in once more, pushing slightly more firmly, then out again. Each repetition getting the sphere a little closer to …..

“Ahhhhhh ….. FUCK” shrieked Supergirl as the walls of her sensuous cavern widened just enough for it to then wrap around the invader, gratefully dragging it inside of herself.

With flickering eyelids Supergirl tried to glare into the eyes of the robotic monster and Molly who no doubt was observing her.

Molly checked her readings and confirmed everything was set.


“MOLLY – WHY are you doing this?! FIGHT, MOLLY! FIGHT!” screamed the heroine into the beast, now impaled on the seemingly sexual appendage extending out from the groin of the mechanical nightmare in front of her.


“Oh SUPERGIRL, you think that ….. oh how can you even begin to understand?!” Molly began, her soft laughter completing her words.

“TELL ME! You don't have to kill the others...” Supergirl pleaded, resigned to whatever fate this physical abuse was going to lead her to.

“Oh but I do...” Molly replied forlornly.

Inside her virtual cockpit Molly closed her eyes sending herself into her personal darkness, the realm of the void.

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“Do you hear me, BROTHER?” hissed the monster's voice.

“Please … sis ..are … are you sure? Please, it hurts so bad … you.... you promise if I do this ...” moaned the voice of Molly's brother.

“YES, do this and you will know peace from my voice, little brother”, hissed the monster.

“Th . Thank you ….” whimpered Molly's brother.

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High over the North Atlantic the giant plane continued its cruise eastward in the night sky, its periodic strobe lights painting the clouds beneath with their pulsing glow.

In the cockpit a sweating first officer glanced at his watch then over at the captain. Inside his mind the battle raged, the voices plaguing him, urging him to do what must be done.

“OK, I'll do it!” Matthews snapped.

“What?” the captain said, turning his head having been noting the readings from the weather radar.

“I .. I need the bathroom,” Andy said, covering for himself.

“Oh Sure, ok , I have the controls,” the captain said. It was customary to declare who was assuming primary control of the aircraft even when, as it was then, being flown on autopilot.

Andy unbuckled himself from his harness and rose from his seat, his hand sliding into his pocket.

“Let me just organise my babysitter...” Captain Stevenson said preparing to summons a flight attendant. It was standard procedure now to have someone sit in with the remaining pilot while another took a bathroom break.


“Gluc-glah-claa-glaaaa” gurgled Stevenson as the side of his throat bled profusely, Andy's sharpened ceramic blade leaving him fatally wounded.

The captain's eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the river of blood run down his neck, seemingly betrayed by his own colleague from out of the blue. Quickly the man passed out, the flow of blood to his head ebbing away with every moment until his twitching body fell still in his seat. Pulling a piece of paper from his pocket Andy had prepared his own little check list of things he had to do to make the incessant voices go quiet.

“Set door lock to 'deny' ” Andy said to himself as he reached to the big dial switch in the center console. No one would be entering the cockpit from now on, no matter how much they keyed in the right code at the door.

“Pull fuse CVR1 and 2 – Pull fuse FDR 1 and 2 ….”

“Pull SAT COMMS 1 and 2 and DATA COMMS 1 ...”

Andy disconnected some fuses from the fuse panel at the rear of the cockpit then returned to his seat, buckling himself in.


Reaching to the center console Andy turned a switch, killing the transponder. No radar was going to see his plane's demise.


Overhead of Andy's seat was the cabin pressure controls. At their altitude it was necessary to keep the plane's atmosphere artificially pressurised as if it were at a much lower height. Otherwise the thin air would quickly lead to hypoxia and death. With a nervous hand Andy flicked the switch from AUTO to MANUAL and then placed his hands on his thighs, eyes closed.

“WAIT” was the last line in his instructions.

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“Please, Molly, you can still save them!”, Supergirl exclaimed, her head turning this way and that looking for any avenue of escape.

“When my mind met those of Bobby and Kimberly they were merely children. I tried to help them but the monster was too strong. I did my best for the boy but the girl, the monster made friends with her and I couldn't stop it ….” Molly explained, somehow talking of events she had never been there to see.

“SO! TRY AGAIN!” pleaded Supergirl. She knew of the three way split inside of Molly's mind. If the good man, Vel, could help Molly defeat the demon within him she had a chance.


“But you don't understand, FOOLISH girl! When we met Molly, I tried to warn her of my monster but she willingly let me in!” Molly said, though speaking of herself as someone else. Supergirl had no doubt this was Vel speaking through his host.

“VEL, LET HER GO!” Supergirl growled, shaking her head.

“OH BUT HE CAN'T!! It is MOLLY who won't let go of HIM! When we met Molly I promised her VEL's genius,” the monster within Molly explained, her voice laden with venom.

“And so she has used me, to benefit herself, to get everything she wants!” Vel continued.


“MOLLY ! You have to LET GO! Let VEL help you beat the monster” Supergirl pleaded, her limbs struggling as hard as they could in the vice like grip of the robotic hands.

“Let go? Now? When I am about to get what I truly want?” Molly grinned from her cockpit, her eyes delighting in Supergirls suffering.

“Wh.... what is it you want, Molly?” Supergirl asked, hesitant to find out.

“I – WANT - SCHNEIDER!” Molly growled.


Supergirls mind whirled. Did Molly really mean Dr Schneider? The one who had mentored her? Molly read Supergirl's confusion and decided to educate her ….

“I loved HIM and all he did was squander our time together progressing his work. His work studying YOU!” Molly snarled, almost childishly.

“I'm sorry, Molly. But …” Supergirl began to say. She wasn't apologising but she thought she could sympathise with her captor.


“SHUT UP – SHUT UP – SHUT UP! I LOVED him and all he could do was think about YOU. He would deny it by I KNEW when I dressed up like YOU he fucked me oh so much better. Oh HOW WET I felt when he talked about how your powers worked and how they could be taken AWAY. And then I realised, not only was I turned on by thoughts of DEPOWERING YOU, or even DESTROYING you but by BECOMING YOU too. All so I would know what it felt like to be fucked by someone who really wanted me!” Molly ranted.

“Oh my god!” supergirl exclaimed as she realised the true horror of it all.


“And now you understand, you stupid creature. When our minds met, when I began feeding off Molly's desires it was EASY for us to enter. Kimberly, Bobby, THEY were easy because they were CHILDREN. Molly was easy because she WANTED it. When I told Molly my hunger for revenge against you she reached for ME and my promise of VEL's genius!” explained the monster.

“Oh MOLLY, What have you done?!” Supergirl cried out in despair. Molly had sold herself out to this monster in some horrible bargain.


“As we SPEAK I am STEALING you, Supergirl. I am going to BE you and THEN I shall be loved. Finally Schneider will see me. No longer will I be second to his work and his departed wife.” Molly growled.

“No Molly, he won't see you, it will still be Supergirl he is looking at, if that is what he really wants,” Supergirl said. Her fight was ebbing from her body as she grew weak from struggling while the green glow sapped her of her power.


“Molly is prepared to wait and SEE! And at least without your friends to put things right you will meet an inglorious end! Divided you have fallen!” the monster hissed.

“If you kill me you don't have to harm the others!” Supergirl begged.

“Kill you?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha oooooooh, Supergirl, it won't be us who does THAT!” Molly gloated.


“I don't …. I don't understand ...” Supergirl stammered.

“You will, Supergirl, you will!” Molly said solemnly.

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Mitchell's difficult steps in the mech were getting slightly easier but what mattered now was he was getting very close to the support trailer. So close that …

“WHAT?!” Molly suddenly exclaimed as she felt the vibration of the other mech through her seat.

From inside the trailer Molly was eyeless, her view of the outside world only visible from the mechs she could control.

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Suddenly The Spider which had stood perfectly still as it manhandled the Superheroine came to life. With a quick rotation of the hips the mech sought out the source of the vibrations that Molly felt inside the support trailer.

Molly gasped as she realised that in her effort to make sure the heroine was kept away from the trailer housing her control room she had positioned The Spider out of the line of sight from where she was. Molly decided the best solution, just take control of the new mech and kill its occupant.



Molly looked at the list of powered mechs to take control of.


With a sneer Molly could see someone had taken the infantry mech for a ride. Well, now they would pay for their meddling!!




Now Molly was in a panic. If the infantry mech was able to take out her control room before she could complete her plan...



Molly was now in the driving seat of the Air Defence Mech. In the distance she could see the ruins of the encampment, the fires and all her destruction along with Supergirl spreadeagled in the other mech's grasp.

On the other side though was the trailer and ….

Molly gasped as she saw the Infantry Mech closing in on her physical position inside the trailer. With a few clicks she zoomed in her view. Closer, closer, closer she spied until the other cockpit filled the full frame of her field of view.

“MITCHELL!!” Molly gasped.

Molly manoeuvred her mech and took aim ….

BVZ......TINK TINK TINK TINK TINK …...the barells spun, the motors whirred but the mech's reign of terror was over, the last volley of bullets discharged from its guns.


Having fired its guns during the test, for the slaughter of the soldiers by the mortar emplacement and then the destruction of the flight line, the mech's guns had run dry.

“NO!” snarled Molly as she realised she couldn't stop Mitchell in time, unless ...





Deciding to take the ultimate risk Molly made her last roll of the dice.

“Aaarghhhhhh” howled Supergirl as the mech that embraced her began to jog, her body still impaled on the two metal spheres mounted to rods deep inside her body. Supergirl tried to steady herself, trying to cushion her weight by using her tired arms to hold still.

VWER-THUD – VWER THUD – jogged the mech as it closed in on Mitchell, preparing to stop his attack.

Mitchell edged forward and stopped alongside the trailer, his cockpit almost level in height with the second floor.

“I don't give a fuck who is in there …...” Mitchell growled as he wound up a punch with his robotic right arm.

Molly's mech jogged quickly and watched as Mitchell swung his mighty arm, preparing to smash through the trailer and kill her inside.



Suddenly Mitchell found himself in robotic hand to hand combat, his mech versus Molly's. Metallic arms swung, motors and servo's whirring and armour plates sparking from the blows while Supergirl could only watch over her shoulder as she sat on the invaders impaled into her body.


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Lucy waited anxiously with Selena in the slightly darkened cabin. Many passengers had settled down to sleep, their soft blankets wrapped around them while others were bathed in the glow of their own personal screens as they took in a movie.

“She should have reported in by now! What do you think is taking so long?” Lucy whispered.

“I have NO idea,” Selena said ruefully.

Suddenly, from overhead the oxygen masks deployed from the ceiling panels prompting a nervous glance between flight attendants.


“Ladies and gentlemen, as their appears to be a situation on the aircraft we kindly ask you to return to your seats, placing them and your trays into the upright position. Please place the provided oxygen mask over your nose and mouth and breath normally,” played an automated message.

Now Lucy had gone from merely being anxious and suspicious that something was wrong with the flight to definitely knowing there was. Lucy and Selena reached for their masks, their knowing glances confirming to each other that they understood the danger they were in.

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Mitchell's struggled with his mech, fighting hand to hand with The Spider which prevented him from making his final blow on the trailer. Supergirl's cloak and skirt fluttered in the wind as the mech that held her moved elegantly, blocking Mitchell's attack.


Mitchell glanced around himself looking for the solution. How could he defeat the mech that somehow seemed to have Supergirl herself trapped in its grasp.

“Maybe, this ?” Mitchell grunted as he managed to dodge a kick from the other mech, the bloodied metal foot lashing out at his own machine.



On Mitchell's HUD a targeting reticule appeared, the two red circle's tracking with his arms.
This mech had been configured to do a demonstration with infantry in the artificial urban scenery in the display area. And of course that meant that the weaponry was relatively harmless except, perhaps, it might be just disruptive enough !


Suddenly from the mech's mini guns a volley of paintballs were unleashed at Molly's mech, showering it with red dye as they struck their target.


Molly's laughter echoed from The Spider, the harmless shower of missiles incapable of damaging her machine. However as she was gloating she found herself of the defensive as Mitchell followed up his weak attack.

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Lucy looked at the in-flight information that was displayed on the entertainment system by her seat. One of the options there was to see the status of their flight. So far they had not changed course, not changed speed and more crucially they had not changed altitude. Lucy knew for sure that the emergency oxygen supply was intended to last sufficient time for the aircraft to descend to a point where oxygen was no longer required. They were quickly burning through that time with no effort to reach a safe height being evident.

Looking at the flight attendants it was obvious something was wrong. They had small personal air bottles so they could move independently within the aircraft but it seemed they had a problem. One flight attendant had the outward appearance of someone with hypoxia and another had resorted to using a mask from the passenger system.

Something was seriously amiss and within minutes no one would have the air they needed to survive. Lucy knew it, Selena knew it and it was obvious the flight attendants suspected it. Lucy looked at the steps that would take her to the deck below where the cockpit door resided.

“I have to do something!” Lucy said, her voice muffled by her bright yellow mask on her face.

“You will never make it to the flight deck!” Selena exclaimed. She knew it would be impossible to enter the cockpit, they were built like fortresses.

“I ….. I have to try!” Lucy exclaimed.

“Are you crazy? You will black out before you make it!” Selena pleaded.

“Selena..... I …..... I am prepared for this. We will all die in our seats if we just sit here,” Lucy said firmly, unbuckling her seatbelt and wrenching the yellow mask from her face.

“Prepared? But...” Selena reached out with her hand to prevent Lucy from going but failed. Trapped in her seat Selena felt powerless to move, her Asian companion striding purposefully away from her.

Selena thought about her previous steps. Where had she gone wrong? How had she walked into this trap? And what fate had she led her beautiful Kara …. beautiful. Why had she never told her what she thought of Kara? Always she was controlling, chastising, dominating her ….

“Perhaps if we had had more time ...”

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“GO FOR HER CAMERAS !!” yelled Supergirl suddenly as she realised the potential of this new saviour. Supergirl knew that if Molly was able to control the machine from somewhere else she must be getting her visual cues from equipment on the mech that held her prisoner.

Mitchell heard Supergirl's cry, her plan making perfect sense. If he couldn't outfight the beast then he had to blind it instead. Stepping backwards Mitchell gave himself space and raised his robotic machine's arms, putting The Spider in his sights.

PHUT PHUT PHUT PHUT PHUT PHUT !! Mitchell's mech unleashed its volley of paintballs trying to get a hit on the optic units dotted around the cockpit area of the machine.

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Gina, Mike Loughlan's secretary received the last of the emails from the various banks that composed the oversight board. Now she could prepare the list of attendee's for next Monday's oversight committee meeting.

Gina looked through her files and found the attendee list from the previous meeting, re-saving it with a new file name which included the next meeting date. The young woman then began to update the names. Usually it was the same names, over and over, rarely were there changes to make ….

“Oh ...”, Gina said, as she began to find some changes in her list.

Placing her mouse over one name she clicked and dragged over it turning it blue before hitting delete. Gone was Bank-Deutchland's Kurt Draxler, in was Hans Moissel.

Next, Bank Nacionale-Paris. Out was Robert Dubois, in was Patrick Legrande.

Banco di Roma. Giancarlo Liazzi, not attending, Marco Giulini now taking his place.

Viennese Investment Bank - Gerhard Meyer unavailable, Willem Thessens attending.

“Did Loughlan know of these changes?” Gina thought. She was left wondering if these new committee members were going to see everything his way like the previous members had.

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“Almost there!” Molly sneered as she sensed victory. Any moment now and she would win. So far she had managed to fend off the battling Mitchell but he was improving with every passing moment. With her field of vision narrowing, crowded out by the encroaching dye on the lens she just had to stay in the fight a little longer.

“Damn you MOLLY!” growled Mitchell as he lined up another shot.

PHUT-PHUT-PHUT-PHUT-PHUT-PHUT-PHUT blasted out another volley of paintballs scoring a direct hit around the canopy and peppering Supergirl's back.

“NO!” Molly shrieked as she realised she was in trouble, The Spider was blinded by his last shot. Looking at the quantum module it had only decoded ninety-eight percent!! Mitchell might kill her if she were to wait to get to one hundred percent but if she rushed the procedure it might not work properly, if at all!!

“You did it!” cheered Supergirl as the area around her was awash in coloured paintball dye covering up what she guessed might be the optical systems helping Molly control the machine.

Molly's index finger hovered, her hand flexing a moment waiting as long as possible before committing to her final act. The vibrations of the enemy mech controlled by Mitchell rumbled through Molly's seat as he approached.

“Damn you, Mitchell!” Molly cursed as she struck the button.


Suddenly The Spider began to whine, the power system spooling up for some unknown reason. From the slatted grills of the honeycombed cooling matrix The Spider's powerplant began to glow a bright electric blue as the system began to approach overload.

“Oh god!” Supergirl and Molly moaned in unison as the Spider's power core began to scream louder and louder.

From deep within their bodies unspeakable sensations permeated through them. A tingling sensation travelled up their spines and stimulated their brains while the core of their bodies were filled with an electrical spider web of pleasure and pain. Both women lost control of their bodies, their torsos shivering on the metal spheres inserted into their most intimate of places.

“Now you are going to PAY!” Mitchell snarled as he stomped his mech up to the trailer by-passing the stumbling, flailing Spider with Molly no longer able to control herself or her machine.

VEEEWWUUUUUUUUUUR screamed the servos of Mitchell's mech as he wound up a punch. The area around him began to bathe in the brightening pale blue light of the power core as it screamed louder and louder.

Mitchell swung his punch for the trailer, his mech's metal fist closing in on the external wall as the Spider's howling power core threatened to erupt.

In that moment the two women clenched tight on the metal orbs within their bodies, their clits engorging from the energy washing over them. Molly's sick mind revelled in knowing that the sensations she now endured were the same she was inflicting on her nemesis. Better yet, she knew Supergirl's final defeat neared. Not only had she been rendered powerless but any moment now she was going to be cast into a mortal body and …..

“Oh, yes … yes ..” whimpered Molly as the orgasm cut through her.

For Supergirl her orgasm was not so sweet. The sensation while pleasurable had been a stolen moment. Stolen, but not from the heroine, but from Selena, the one who she secretly gave sole rein of her body. Before that an orgasm had been a gift only fleetingly found by herself. Only Lucy with her gentle yet cruel torture had been rewarded with a climax and even that was with Selena's guiding hand. Now though Molly and her inner demon had forcibly added herself to the small list of names who had seen her during her most primal, private and intimate moment.

“Nooo nooo ….” moaned Supergirl in shame as she turned her head, her body tormented by unwanted pleasure.

As the women reached their climax the power core of The Spider overloaded, the quantum pulse seeking its targets. From the Air Defence Mech's position hundreds of meters away the area where Mitchell, Molly, supergirl and all the others had battled was too bright to see. The pulse from The Spider exploded outwards in all directions and was strong enough to cast shadows though it subsided as quickly as it had happened.

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With faltering steps Lucy edged down the stairs from business class on the upper deck to the area near the lower deck galley. Her judgement was slowly fading but she managed to keep walking. She didn't know what drove her but she knew she had to get to the cockpit door.

“Got to get there. I can do it,” Lucy thought to herself as she focused on the last few steps.

With her hand on the handrail Lucy drunkenly sought the floor of the lowerdeck with her extended foot and stepped down. The flight attendants in their jump seats glared at her in protest that she was out of her seat and beckoned to her to sit down.

Lucy had the presence of mind to see that one flight attendant who clung to her personal oxygen bottle was suffering from hypoxia, just as the one on the deck above. It was as if their air bottles had been compromised somehow. The people using the drop down masks however were fairing better, their alertness and their anxious faces revealing they were still getting air.

Lucy's head turned in an exaggerated way, her eyes struggling to focus as she she saw the cockpit door ahead with its keypad. There was no point trying to defeat the lock. Even in a perfect state she would struggle to open one of these very well engineered and very secure doors.

One of the flight attendants who was a prisoner to her tethered oxygen masks pulled it from her face to speak.

“MISS - YOU MUST SIT DOWN! NOW !” she ordered.

Lucy looked dizzily back at the source of the voice, then back at the door. Lucy didn't know why but she had to keep going. She had to get to the door, it was like the only thing she was living for.

Step after step Lucy got closer, her mind shutting down as her brain slowly began to suffer from the lack of oxygen. Then the first stumble happened but she recovered. Then she stumbled again, dropping to her knees. With a strained look on her face she began to crawl, one arm advancing then the next, then her knees catching up behind until eventually....

With her palms resting on the base of the door, her forehead too, Lucy slammed her eyes closed as she sought the words.

“De..... descend … can do it ….An....” Lucy slurred as she slowly lost consciousness and collapsed at the foot of the door.

The lucid flight attendant sipped at the air from the oxygen mask that had dropped from an overhead panel. She was powerless to help anyone, even her colleague who looked to be awake yet was unresponsive. Someone, somehow had left their personal bottles slightly open before the trip rendering them useless.

Worse, the overhead oxygen mask system was going run out at. Out any moment. And effects. Hypoxia. Set in. Hypoxia. Set in. Girl. Door. Hyp. Set in. Mask. Worse....

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Mike Loughlan studied the attendee's list for the oversight committee meeting due the following Monday and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Some of his strongest allies were not going to attend, instead replaced by unknowns.

What would ordinarily be a non-event now had some uncertainty to it. While the people attending normally were mere mouthpieces of their banks own policies they still had some sway and if they went back to their employers with recommendations then …

Loughlan shook his head again still unable to believe what was going on and pressed his intercom button.

“Yes Mr Loughlan?” replied Gina.

“Have you learned any more about the reason for these changes?” Loughlan asked.

“They are being pretty cagey about things but I just got one of the administrators at Bank Deutchland to tell me what happened with Mr Draxler. I am really sorry Mr Loughlan, but he has been killed in a car accident. It happened just a few days ago.” Gina explained solemnly.

Mike Loghlan slumped into his seat as the news sank in.

“Oh no...” Loughlan said, pausing to think. His mind had been filled with conspiracies and corporate politics and hadn't considered more mundane things such as real life.

“Thank you, Gina. If you hear any more about the others let me know. I will talk to the people in Germany when their office hours resume and sort out some flowers. Kurt was a good man …. his poor wife....children too,” Loughlan said somberly.

“Of course, I will let you know right away,” Gina said as Loughlan rested his forehead in his hands, his elbows on his desk.

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Mitchell awoke from his daze and found himself still strapped into his mech. The controls were dead, not a single LED was lit in the cockpit.

“Son of a bitch!” Mitchell growled as he tried to figure out where he was. Ahead of him was the side of the ruptured grandstand, and the outstretched arm of his lifeless mech. A few clicks and button presses confirmed his machine was dead.

Turning his head he strained to see what had happened about him and saw that perhaps the punch from his mech had tipped the support trailer over. At any rate The Spider had collapsed on top, seemingly having ruptured its power core in some kind of overload and splitting the trailer beneath it. With some effort Mitchell managed to push open the cockpit canopy and clambered out.

Mitchell limped towards the support trailer which had been forced over, the side wall, now the roof, ruptured by the wreck of The Spider laying across it.

“I'm going to fuck you up, Molly” grunted Mitchell as he hobbled towards the wreckage.

Working his way down the side that was formally the roof of the support trailer Mitchell found a torn out opening, the inside now open to the elements.

Laying close together and unconscious, Supergirl was in her shredded and torn costume while Molly Matthews was completely naked. The pair barely moved at first, only the shallow movement of their chests offering up proof of life.

“Supergirl, are you okay?” Mitchell called out as he sought to navigate his way into the wrecked trailer which proved difficult while it was on its side.

Supergirl flinched, her limbs pulling into herself a moment as her mind seemed to reboot. As she began to move she felt herself get caught on dislodged cables and panelling and with a sudden jerk she began to take in her surroundings.

“Oh thank god!” Mitchell said as he saw the heroine respond to his call.

Then Molly began to awaken, rolling onto her side on what was formally a wall of the trailer. She felt the cool air on her naked skin, her nipples hardening in response and her arms wrapped around herself, a natural reaction.

“Ooooooh, where am I?” groaned Molly.

“You fucking murderous bitch!” growled Mitchell as he flung obstacles from his path.

Both the women could barely respond as they groggily began to pick themselves up. Mitchell angrily picked his way through the wreckage and closed in just as Molly and Supergirl began to rise to their feet.

“Nghhhhhhhhhhh” grunted Mitchell as finally he felt the satisfaction of punching Molly down.

“Ughhhh” Molly groaned as she slumped to the floor.

“GET UP!” Mitchell demanded, his anger rising with every moment.

“Stop .. stop ….” Supergirl said as she raised her hand.

“YOU FUCKING MURDERER!” growled Mitchell as he beckoned Molly to get back to her feet.

“Stop! Please … what happened …. where am I?” sobbed Molly, her arm reaching out defensively.

“Don't give me that horseshit!” Mitchell growled.

“What happened to us?” Supergirl asked as she rubbed her wrists, sore from their encounter within the The Spider's vice like grip.

“There was something like a pulse, an EMP or something,” Mitchell said as he loomed over Matthews who tried to protect her modesty.

“Jeezus, is anyone alive over there?” said an unseen yet familiar voice. It was McAllister. Having taken shelter in the wreck of a military truck he had see only the fancy footwork of the mech's during their battle. Now he had closed in on Molly's position seeing that her protector, The Spider had fallen and the support trailer was a wreck.

“McAllister ?! Over here! It's me, Mitchell! We have her!” Mitchell said aloud as he heard the footsteps of McAllister clambering through the wreckage.

“Did the president get away?” Mitchell asked of Supergirl.

“The president?...I ...I don't know,” Supergirl replied, her head groggy.

“Someone please, tell me what is going on! Supergirl?” Molly begged.

Stepping through a torn open hole in the side of the support trailer McAllister entered. In his hand was a pistol, no doubt taken from a fallen secret service agent. Entering cautiously, weapon raised McAllister saw Supergirl stood over Molly and began to relax.

“Is everyone okay?” McAllister asked.

“I'm fine, these two are just shaken up from the pulse,” Mitchell responded, glaring at Molly.

“What the hell was that thing? It was like a nuke went off!” McAllister asked as he glanced around the wreckage.

“Ask HER,” Mitchell said pointing at Matthews who eyes darted between the others like a deer in the headlights.

“You did all this?!” growled McAllister.

“I don't even know who I am!” Molly protested, conscious of the eyes falling on her naked body.

“Well, save it for the authorities. The army is coming, I saw their helicopters on the horizon. Get her on her feet, she's coming with me!” McAllister said.

“Su...Supergirl? You're not going to let them take me, are you?” Molly begged as she defensively rose to her feet.

“They .. they need to find out what happened here...” Supergirl said with confusion, barely remembering what had happened herself.

“Put some fucking clothes on, bitch!” Mitchell said, thrusting the clothes she had been wearing while she had been watching from the grandstand, the ones that she had discarded inside the virtual cockpit chamber. Mitchell glanced at Molly as she dressed nervously at gunpoint, McAllister supervising her.

“Supergirl,” whispered Mitchell.

“Yes?” she answered, turning her head having been looking at her hands as she flexed them.

“The module, the one in The Spider. You need to take it, before the authorities figure out what it can do to you. Whatever is inside of it seemed dangerous,” Mitchell said, pointing up at the mech laying over the top of the trailer.

“The …. the green glow?” Supergirl replied groggily, vaguely recollecting what Mitchell was referring to.

“Yes, take it! I just don't want to see that stuff in the wrong hands, understand? Honestly, it was something to do with HER, not US.” Mitchell said anxiously.

“I … I think I understand. You are a good man,” Supergirl said as she reached to him for an embrace.

“Good luck,” Mitchell whispered into her ear as the pair patted each other on the shoulder before Supergirl stepped back and nodded with a soft smile.

“Do you have this under control now?” Supergirl asked of McAllister.

“Yes, I have her,” McAllister confirmed as Molly finished dressing.

“Good. See to it she is handed over unharmed. Now I must go,” Supergirl said, a weak nod coming back as a reply from McAllister.

Hovering clumsily upwards Supergirl reached the torso of the wrecked Spider and pulled firmly at the sealed aperture module, wrenching it from the frame of the machine. The trio of people below watched as Supergirl flew, first a little unsteadily then rapidly off into the distance, the large module in her embrace.

“Wh...what will happen to me now?” Molly asked of McAllister as he grabbed her by the upperarm and began to guide her at gun point.

“HELL is coming for you, Matthews, but if you are lucky you'll get the chair or hanging instead,” McAllister said.

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Molly Matthews in her pristine white laboratory tunic stares in wonder at the readouts on her computer screen, seemingly entranced by what she sees. Then suddenly she snaps back to reality realising you are there and clicks off her screen with a sly grin. Reclining back into her seat Molly forms a finger pyramid with her hands, a thoughtful expression forming across her face before speaking.

Musical Cue - Right Click and Open in New Tab

“But the question is, will they see through my own deception before it is too late?” Molly says with a smirk.

“I have planned it to the finest of detail. My brother, oh my sweet sweet brother will be my redemption. As we speak his mind grows poisoned by the little green speck that he alone encounters in his fiancées den. And once I know he has let my monster in I can use that same speck to cripple that impudent Supergirl before I infect my next victim.

I have given up my desire to make Supergirl pretty. Why focus on merely one person when I can change the world? I am going to STEAL her body and rule over ALL you weak minded FOOLS. And who will try to stop me? Of course I know Supergirl has friends, her sword, her shield and those wretched eyes but my cyber attack is about to find them. Once I do, I will send them scurrying like cockroaches from the light and into the flying trap my brother will make for them! And how will I rule the world you wonder? Even as Supergirl I cannot be everywhere at once.

No, I will need help of my own, but it is coming, the fruits of the Albino Man's work! By manipulating Mike Loughlan's fate I can place him where I need him to be, producing my legions of followers, a new breed of soldier. All I need are the votes of those leeches, the bankers. Those votes will swing my way as Loughlan's allies fall to my hired assassins, leaving Donovan to buy his soul. Then he will be ripe for infection!

At the end of it all when my quantum transfer is complete I will fly free, to finally be loved and wanted! And the mind of Supergirl? She will be trapped in my former body to face her fate. And what a fate! For who will care what happens to someone who has committed horrific acts. And I promise you, the body count she will inherit once I am done with my murderous tools will lead to a fitting end, the death penalty! How ironic that mankind will unwittingly kill their saviour for me.

No, my plan is flawless and of that I am sure. BUT, even after revealing all my wicked schemes you still won't see my best deception, but of THAT I will never tell!”


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I realized that I never commented on the kick-ass conclusion of this story. Excellent job, AEM, on the tension, the drama, the plotting and the characterizations developed and realized in such a compelling way. A terrific ride that really gathered momentum until the fantastic climax.
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DrDominator9 wrote:I realized that I never commented on the kick-ass conclusion of this story. Excellent job, AEM, on the tension, the drama, the plotting and the characterizations developed and realized in such a compelling way. A terrific ride that really gathered momentum until the fantastic climax.
Wow, that was AWESOME! ABM thanks! I am having a little difficulty with the music. lol

you need to do some vids, so the music matches the tempo.
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