Supergirl: Maximum Security

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Hey there! Been hanging around the forum the past couple years and thought I'd try my hand at writing some SHiP fiction myself. Hope you all enjoy!

:supes: Supergirl: Maximum Security :supes:

The police chatter still sent chills down her spine: a disturbance at Van Kull Maximum Security Prison. In the middle of the night. And on this date no less.

Five years to the day, Supergirl had responded to reports of a prison riot at Van Kull Max. Even then, the sight of the prison gave her the creeps: gothic and imposing amongst the deep forest surrounding it. But now, five years later, with the prison decommissioned following the incident, it seemed even eerier by the pale moonlight. An abandoned relic of a forgotten time. Or at least a time she'd rather forget.

As Kara Danvers stood before the darkened and shuttered maximum security prison, its front door wide open, almost beckoning her, the wind picked up and swished her little red mini skirt in the midnight air. And a cold chill began creeping up her inner thighs.

She smoothed the pleats of her skirt and shook her head. "Get a grip Kara. You're Supergirl. Nothing can touch you. It's probably just some creep hiding out in an old abandoned prison."

But that was just it. To her, this wasn't just some prison. It was Van Kull. A place she was as happy to see the behind of as the criminals she put there were happy to see her own behind flying away from them. Or at least that's what she always liked to think as she stood there and ran her hands over her shapely derrière, smoothing down her skirt.

No police would respond for hours- she had overheard it being given the lowest priority on the scanner. But something about the call didn't sit right with her. And even now, standing outside the prison, not one light and not one sound emanating from it...but that front door wide open, she knew she was right. Something was up here.

She took a deep breath....and stepped inside...

Almost immediately, she was hit by the smell. Musty. Salty. A lasting remembrance of the depravity she unearthed in the bowels of this place. She shuddered at the thought.

It was dark in here. Too dark almost. She could use her heat vision to light up the place a bit but had already decided it was best not to use her powers just yet. She didn't want to frighten anyone and Kal was constantly reminding her to show the people they were keepers of the peace, not weapons. She smirked at the thought when...

SCREE! SCREE! She jumped as a bat fluttered past her face. She smiled in embarrassment. Her, the powerful Supergirl, frightened by a bat? Ha! Though she had to admit, even after 20 years on Earth, the creatures still gave her a case of the heebie-jeebies. She'd have to tell Barbara next time she saw her.

As she made her way confidently forward into the deepening dark, she let her senses drop. Only a little...but just enough that she didn't yet notice the CCTV cameras in each corner of the facility that were tracking her every movement, drinking in every curve of her nubile body.

As Supergirl moved from room to room, memories flooded back. The empty cells. The abandoned guard posts. The shredded isolation chamber. And the stairs. Those very same stairs leading down, down, down towards....she did not like to think about it. Some memories were best left in the past.

She was just about to radio in that all was clear when, out of the darkness....

"Ah Supergirl! How nice of you to...drop in. Muahaha...."

Immediately, Supergirl tensed herself for battle, fists at the ready, her head on a swivel. The voice came out of nowhere...through the old intercom system no doubt. But somehow it sounded vaguely familiar. Eerily familiar.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she shouted into the darkness.

"That's for me to know and you to...well you'll see. Why don't you come downstairs and take a look? Muahaha..."

Supergirl tensed again. The basement. The one place she swore she'd never revisit. So many had died down there. There was nothing she could have done about it. But that wasn't what haunted her most either. What haunted her was something else. Something she suspected her assailant, whoever he might be, knew all about. Though she couldn't understand how.

"Why don't you come out and face me?" she challenged.

"Ah Supergirl, that hardly seems fair. After all, I'm just a humble scientist. And you...well, you are a wonder aren't you?"

She shuddered again. He was hitting on her. Not that she wasn't used to that tactic. Hundreds of criminals had tried it. A few had even got close to getting her out of her tights too. But that was when she was younger. More naive. More reckless. And besides she'd always gotten away unscathed. This time would be no different. But still...there was something about that voice...

"What's the matter babe in blue? Tits too stiff to come down one measly little flight of stairs to find me? Muahaha..."

Kara's brow furrowed. No villain, no matter how creepy, was ever going to get to her. "Snap out of it," she thought. "It's probably not even down there anymore. The DEO canvassed the place after the incident. Everything was tagged and taken away. Repurposed for something better. Anything better."

With a deep breath, she stepped forward...and down into the dark of the stairwell.

"Ah yes, that's it" the voice goaded her. "That wasn't so hard now was it Superboobs? Muahaha..."

She brushed off the crude comment and continued further down into the dark.

"Who are you?" she demanded. "Why are you here?"

"You'll find out soon enough," the voice chuckled.

Before long, Supergirl's red thigh high boots struck the concrete floor of the basement hallway. And that same cool tinge to the air crept up inside her skirt again and over her torso. She shivered and held her arms tightly over her chest. She'd never felt a cold like this before. In fact, she'd never even felt cold before.

"What's the matter baby? Need me to warm you up a bit?"

Without warning, the wall to Kara's left burst into flames. Jets of fire shot out towards her, engulfing her. But Kara walked calmly through the flames and laughed, her fire retardant suit unscathed.

"Ha! If you think fire can hurt a Kryptonian, you clearly haven't done your homework!"

Almost immediately though, Kara sensed movement from behind her and she spun around just in time to catch...a glowing green dart headed straight for her butt. As she caught it, she overcompensated with her strength, causing the body of the dart to burst open in her palm. A gooey green liquid oozed out of it onto her skin. Liquid Kryptonite!

She dropped the remains of the dart immediately and clutched her hand in pain.

"Muahaha! Unfortunately for you Maiden of Might, I was something of a nerd in high school. Homework has always been a hobby for me! And I always had a reputation for being..."

CLICK! CLICK! Kara looked back down the hallway. Her eyes widened as she watched row upon row of tranquilizer guns loaded with Kryptonite darts emerge from the walls, all glowing green and all trained on her.

"...thorough. Now, something tells me you were always something of a jock in high school, weren't you Kara?"

Kara's eyes widened again. How did he know her name?

"The kind of girl who made all the boys' heads turn without trying and all the girls maddeningly jealous...not that that didn't stop a few of them from sneaking peaks at you in the shower no doubt."

Kara gasped. She had caught girls staring in the shower before. But she'd always chalked that up to her being a Kryptonian in secret. She'd always been self-conscious about someone somehow seeing through her act and finding her out. But maybe their stares we're less sinister than she had thought. Less sinister...but more primal...

She clenched her vagina at the thought. Whoever her foe was, he was getting to her in ways she couldn't deny....but she wouldn't let him win. She'd never give him the satisfaction of knowing that, here down in the dark, with all those glowing phallic darts trained on her, he was slowly turning her on...

"Now that I see you're sufficiently intrigued by what I have to say, let's see that superhuman athletic form. Run Kara Run!"

The darts flew at Kara. And she ran from them. She was fast....but the Kryptonite she'd been exposed to had weakened her. She dodged and evaded most of the darts but a few struck her in her back, butt, and legs just as she stumbled into the next room.

Acting fast, she noticed a shining red button by the door. She struck it. Immediately, a blast door closed on the hallway behind her with a heavy thud and a large lock slid home.

She heaved a sigh of relief and pulled the Kryptonite darts out of her body one by one. They only contained a little bit of Kryptonite- just enough to make her woozy but not enough for her to pass out. She didn't know whether to be thankful or horrified by the realization. She couldn't help but feel like putty in her tormenter's expert hands.

She shakily got to her feet and looked around. As her eyes adjusted, she could make out something in the center of the room...and something very large dangling above it. Lights blinked back at her on machines located all over the room.

"Kara Danvers," the voice cooed all too close behind her. "Welcome back."

The lights snapped on overhead and Kara spun around when...

RIP!! She felt a tug at her shoulders and waist and felt her red cape and mini skirt ripped from her body just as she turned to stand face-to-face with...Maxwell Lord!

Her cape and skirt in either of his hands, he smiled at her menacingly as he looked her body up and down. She quivered under his gaze. She felt naked in just her blue leotard, dark tights, and red thigh high boots.

Trying to hide her shock, Kara placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes as she leveled her chin at him.

"Maxwell Lord. Why am I not--"

"Surprised? Oh, I think you are, Maiden of Might." he said as he approached her, tossing her cape aside.

Kara backed away and raised her fists. "Stay back! I'm warning you!"

"Or what? There's enough Kryptonite coursing through your veins to keep your powers sedated for the next 24 hours. I should know- I concocted each dose based on your..." He looked her up and down again. "...dimensions. How's your sister by the way?"

Max continued to advance on her. Kara backed away, her eyes darting from side to side, looking for something-- anything-- that could help her. "My sister isn't interested in creeps like you." She watched in horror as Max lifted her skirt to his face and sniffed it deeply. "And she knows where I am."

"Oh Kara, Kara, Kara, we both know that isn't true! If you had really told her where you were going, you'd have come with backup tonight. The DEO would never have sent you here alone. Not after what happened the last time..."

Kara continued to back up until her thighs bumped into something solid and cool behind her. A metallic table of some kind. She was now standing in the center of the room.

" cousin will find me. He will--"

"Not be able to hear you scream Supergirl. We're fifty feet underground inside a lead-lined room, a room you so happily locked yourself inside I might add. Good form," he teased as he pulled a vial of some clear liquid out of his lab coat and began dousing her skirt in it. "Or didn't you notice the lead when you walked in?"

Kara looked around the room in horror as Max continued to drown her skirt in the liquid. The entire space hummed at that frequency she knew lead to vibrate at. She should have sensed it earlier. She should have scanned for it. But in her arrogance and fear, she hadn't. "You've really sunk yourself smack dab into the middle of the soup this time, Kara Danvers," she thought to herself. "You'd better hope Max doesn't set the pot for boil."

Kara flipped her hair over her shoulder, not wanting to look scared but Max was practically on top of her now. "You're a monster, Max. What you did to those women, those guards--"

"Is about to happen to you!"

In the blink of an eye, Max was upon her, pushing her down onto the table as he pressed her red mini skirt against her nose and mouth, his other hand all over her boobs. "Count to 10, Supertits. This formula contains just enough Kryptonite and chloroform to keep you out for the next two hours. Trust me, you don't want to be awake while I rig your body for...the procedure..."

"Mmmph! Mmmph!" Kara moaned from beneath her skirt. She did not like the sound of those words. And his touch on her chest made the rest of her body convulse in shock and disgust...and maybe, just maybe, a little excitement. But she quickly buried the thought as she struggled against him. There was nothing she could do to resist though. She was too weak in this sedated state.

Soon her eyes began to flutter as the Kryptonite-induced chloroform slowly took effect. But just before she passed out, Kara noticed a giant laser cannon dangling down menacingly overhead. The sight of it sent that same familiar chill up and down her inner thighs...and that was all she knew for several hours.

:supes: TO BE CONTINUED :supes:
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Great start! Please continue!
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I thought this was quite an impressive start for a rookie writer. Clear descriptions of the thoughts, actions and setting. Nice feeling for the dread Supergirl feels about the prison. (Many prison stories have appeared recently. Wonder why?) I'm not sure though that Maxwell Lord is a mwah-ha-ha type of guy or that I'm sold on the idea of Supergirl being turned in this situation so easily. Still, it's got my interest, especially the back story of what went on in that basement years ago that still has SG rattled...and the current peril. Good job, Night_Lantern.
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Good start. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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Thanks guys! I must confess I do have some background training as a writer to help me and this story kind of poured out of me. Wanted to practice my prose as much as I wanted to put Supergirl into this particular peril hehe. And those are fair points DrDominator9- I'll dial back the muahahas. But without giving too much away, Maxwell Lord may not be primarily interested in turning her in this situation (unless you meant "turned" as in "captured", which I'll admit could have been beefed up). But you'll have to tell me how I do in Part 2. Coming soon... :)
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Sorry for the typo. I meant turned on.
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It is nice to see this "first effort" is well structured. So often first time efforts are fraught with errors in paragraph structure (devoid of paragraphs entirely, actually), that the posted story is almost unreadable. Not yours. Everything flows nicely and it's easy to read. Not to mention, attention grabbing.

I look forward to the next part. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Okay, here's Part 2....

:supes: Supergirl: Maximum Security :supes:

The first thing Kara noticed was the wires. All over her arms and legs and pinching the sides of her body within her tights and leotard.

She tried to move but couldn't. Her muscular body was splayed out in a dramatic spread-eagle on the cool metallic table she had been chloroformed on top of only hours earlier she presumed. She struggled briefly but nothing happened. She could hardly move.

Then she looked up and saw it: a mirror. Full body length and placed directly above her. Her plight on full display to her. A plight that was all too hauntingly familiar to her...

As she looked herself up and down, she could see the metallic restraints binding her wrists, forearms, biceps, thighs, calves, and ankles to the table, all glowing with that all too familiar shade of green.

And she could see the wires she felt running along her body as they led into her suit at various strategic points: up the sleeves of her leotard, down through the top of her leotard by her neck and chest, and up inside her leotard along the cut line at her crotch and hips. She groaned. She knew the high cut of her suit had been a bit much.

She also noticed that she was bootless now, her toes wiggling in a futile effort to break free.

However most disturbing to her was a large wiry helmet that had been placed over her golden head. Various lights on it blinked back at her and gears within it clicked and turned as a large machine with various dials, buttons, and switches nearby beeped away with each blink and click of her helmet. All the wires attached to her body seemed hooked up to the helmet as well from what she could tell.

She shuddered at the sight. It was just like the scene she had walked into years ago. Only there had been more of these machines then. One for each of the superpowered female inmates...and a few for the female guards as well. Kara shuddered again at the memory. What the fuck was Max going to do with her? And how would she ever bust out of this one?

Just as she tested each restraint again, Maxwell Lord rolled over towards her in a chair. "At last, the mighty Supergirl awakens." He smiled at her and brushed her cheek with his hand. She quivered under his touch.

"You sick freak! What are you going to do to me?" Kara shot back.

Max smiled. He brandished a remote control in front of her head and hit a button. Above her, Kara watched in horror as the laser cannon dangling above her slowly powered on, one ring after the next lighting up on it, the tip of the laser trained right down onto her Supergirl logo. It made her tits stand at attention and sent a cold shiver down her spine all the way to her nether regions just looking at it. She again tried to bust out of her restraints. But it was useless.

"Ah Kara, so feisty. That's what I've always loved about you," Max retorted as he got up out of his chair and circled around her, tightening each restraint. Kara groaned under each increasing notch of power Max fastened her down under. "No doubt you recognize this device?"

Kara refused to look at Max. She couldn't. Resolving to look straight ahead at her fearsome fate, Kara wriggled as hard as she could within her bonds. But to no avail. The bonds holding her were simply too tight...and too strong.

"So what's your big plan?" the young heroine shot back. "To kill me with that laser beam? You should know that even with my powers sedated, my Kryptonian skin is powerfully resilient! It will take more than some laser beam to penetrate my body of steel!"

Max just smiled again. "Ah Kara, you misunderstand. You see, I haven't brought you here to penetrate you. Not with this powerful laser beam at least. No, I've brought you here for a more...scientific purpose..."

Max hit another button on the remote. A large video screen swung into place above her. After a moment the screen lit up and displayed a CCTV feed of a lab filled with what looked like hundreds of Supergirl clones, completely naked and each sealed within their own large incubation tube of blue water. Oxygen masks were placed over each of their noses and mouths and, hauntingly, another mask was placed directly over each their crotches. They looked oddly peaceful in their slumber from here, Supergirl thought. Their nubile white bodies glistening under the cool blue water and golden hair falling gently over their shoulders, waving to and fro in the water ever so slightly.

Kara again struggled under her bonds. "Cloning me again Max? Obsessed a bit much? That worked out real swell last time right?"

Max smiled down at the haughty wriggling heroine. "Ah yes, my last experiment turned out to be rather...bizarre. However I think I've found the solution to my problem this time. And it lies- right- within- you." He ran a finger across her chest along the "S" of the Supergirl logo. Kara shook in her suit. This was wrong.

"You're sick, Max," she calmly replied. "But we can still help you. Let me go now and my team at the DEO will bring you in. We'll give you a purpose. We'll--"

"Shhh," Max soothed as he put a finger over her pretty pink lips. "Hush my dear Kara. You must not think of your friends if this process we're about to embark on together is to be..." His other hand had continued from the "S" on her chest down over her abs of steel, along her hips and waist and into...her crotch area. "...successful."

Kara bucked and pulled at her restraints. She couldn't believe he had touched her there. She would not stand it. She would break him for it. And yet...she knew she could do nothing to stop him.

"Max! I'm warning you! Stop now or else!"

"Or what my dear Kara? You'll what? Come for me perhaps? Muahaha..."

Supergirl scoffed and groaned. His touch wasn't turning her on. She knew that. had been a while since anyone had touched her down there. She closed her eyes. It took all her effort not to moan as he continued to stroke her rapidly moistening labia through her suit. "Please stop."

Max smiled down at his captive Kryptonian beauty...and removed his fingers from her wriggling crotch. He knew he could break her. Her closed eyes told him everything he needed to know. She wanted it but was resisting like any good heroine would. All she needed though...was a little push. Like the other women he had taken captive down here years ago. He only hoped for better results where Kara was concerned.

"Your wish is my command, Kara Danvers. I won't touch you there again...until you ask me to..."

"I will never ask you to," she spat back...though deep down in her wiggling toes, she had that sinking feeling about this experiment she was about to be placed in and what it would do to her...

Max went over to the machine of dials and switches and flipped a few switches on. The machine began to hum to life.

"What are you going to do to me?" Kara moaned.

"Tonight my dear Kara Zor-El, you will be subject to the very experiment you interrupted on me years ago. And through it, you shall provide me with that which my clone army will need to be...fully perfected. As, of course, your body is."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Tonight I will extract from your body that which you have so naturally in great abundance. An elixir of life for the clones which sleep so floor beneath us."

Kara's eyes searched the room. How had no one thought to check for another floor to this place? How had the DEO missed it? And how had Max gotten away with so much so quickly?

"Still not following, Mad Max."

"Then allow me to be blunt," he looked down at her crotch, lowering his hands to hover just above her crotch waving his fingers above it teasingly. "I am seeking...your elixir of life."

Kara's eyes bulged. Her mouth hung open. This couldn't have been what he had been up to all those years ago. She'd always assumed it was perverted, what she had walked in on. The raving results of a mad man gone unchecked in a nut house. But this was...this was certifiable. She had not counted on this. And she had not counted on the effect Max's fingers were having on her Venus mound, waving so tantalizingly close to her sweet spot.

Her chest heaved and breathing became heavier as she contracted her mound and tried desperately to keep her urges in check. She would never give in to Max. She couldn't. She wouldn't.

"Max, if you think I'm going to give up my reproductive juices to you, you've got another thing coming," she proudly shot back. It was taking all her concentration and controlled breathing exercises to keep herself at bay.

Max smiled at her again. "A very apt turn of phrase Supergirl. Though I think you'll find that I have ways of making Muahaha..."

He lifted his hands and pushed another button on the remote. In the mirror above her, Kara watched as the laser cannon above her swung down lower on the table, passing over her crotch and down, down, down, until...Max hit another button. Immediately, the beam activated, bubbling the table between her shapely legs.

Its heat radiated against Kara's inner thighs and she began to sweat. She craned her neck to look down over her erect breasts towards the beam. It hadn't done any damage just yet...but was a little too close to her moistening mound for comfort. And it was creeping up towards her sweet spot, getting ever closer by the second...

"I thought I told you, Max" she flatly declared, trying to mask her fear. "That beam will never slice through me! You'll never make me give up my juices just to avoid my fate!"

"Oh I'm not planning on having you avoid any fate tonight, Supergirl," Max cooed back. "In fact, I'm actually counting on this laser beam not doing a single thing to harm this lovely body of yours."

Kara thought about his words a moment, wriggling her crotch in a futile attempt to alleviate some of the increasing heat on it. "You're...not?" she replied weakly.

"No my dear Supergirl. For while this laser beam may not be able to cut through your body of is more than capable of cutting through that suit of yours!"

Supergirl's eyes bulged again and her mouth hung open. She laid her head back down and looked her helpless body over in the mirror. She knew he was right. And that soon she would be stripped naked by one of her greatest enemies. She sighed and closed her eyes. "No..."

Max smiled. Watching the realization of how helpless she was wash over Kara's face excited him more than he could ever have imagined. After all these years, all these battles, he finally had her just where he wanted her. Where he had always secretly wanted her...

Supergirl's eyes shot open. She looked straight at Max, defiantly. "Right then. Suit or no suit, you'll never arouse me enough to claim my juices. My vagina is a steel trap! So do your worst, Mr. Lord!" She bucked her hips again. And again. The beam was mere inches away from its target now.

Max licked his lips.

"Oh I will, Supergirl. I will," he whispered into her ear as he bent down low over her. He stood back up and laid his hands on her waist to hold her down. "Now lie still, my sweet, while my laser beam has its way with you. I wouldn't want to ruin this magnificent suit of yours anymore than I have to..."

Kara tried to wriggle more but, with his hands now firmly restraining her further, she could barely move an inch. She just looked straight into Max's eyes coldly and bravely. And waited.

She could feel the beam was almost upon her. And still she did not quiver or break the gaze. Its heat was so intense now she felt the nylons in her leotard and underpants melting away off of her. And yet still she did not break the gaze.

Until finally, the inevitable occurred...and the laser beam began to run up the center of her sweet, sweet body...slowly and intimately bisecting her once-proud suit. Nevertheless, she did not break the gaze. And nor did Max. Neither of them needed nor wanted to look away.

:supes: TO BE CONTINUED :supes:
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Very good. So looking forward to more.
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This is a cool story. I know the front ended peril setup is a popular plot formula so that ticks a good box already but unlike many newer writers the evolution of the peril as the story progresses is patiently done. Mirroring @flirty_but_nice 's words you have actually composed your work, not turfed it out in a punctuation free monolithic paragraph, an all too often sight.

What can make or break a story for me is the dialogue between characters. Many times I can imagine hearing Melissa Benoist and Peter Facinelli delivering your dialogue with a straight face and believe in it and at others I can just see them sigh and just look at the director and go "really? You want me to say this?" to the sound of his shouts of "CUT!". Don't get me wrong it's not the quality of dialogue that is my problem, it's the drift between the "The CW Show" and "porn parody" that breaks the illusion at times. For many I doubt this is an issue, I get it that people can go with it but for me I like to be in one realm or another. That being said in this case it's not a deal breaker and I am looking forward to seeing where this goes!
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I have to agree with AEM above that the dialogue isn't quite right to mimic the show and that the discrepancy is slightly jarring. I think that an original villain would have worked better for this story. That being said, it's still very well told and engaging and I'm interested in where you take it.
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It's been a while...but here's Part 3...

:supes: Supergirl: Maximum Secuirty :supes:

At first, the laser beam had stung. It was a sensation unlike any Kara Danvers had experienced before. Hot but soothing. Tingly but relaxing. Painful but gentle. As the beam made its way up from her nether regions and over her abdomen it hurt less and less. Maybe she had grown accustomed to it. Maybe her muscular abs were far more prepared to protect her than the tender flesh of her venus mound. But either way it didn't take away from the insult her body was suffering as the laser beam cut open her once-proud suit right down the middle.

When the bottom of her leotard had melted away, Kara' thong never stood a chance. She had felt it vaporize away almost instantly under the beam's intense heat. At least that's what she guessed as she looked herself over in that nefarious body mirror overhead and saw that she was totally exposed down there as the cool air of the laboratory teased her perfectly shaven vagina. And on her head that same wiry helmet full of spinning gears and blinking lights still beeped away mysteriously, measuring her vitals no doubt she guessed. Or hoped.

There was simply nothing to do now but lay back and let the beam finish its careful work on her. She could hardly watch and tried to close her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the end result in the mirror. But she couldn't resist peeking every so often if only to see how much longer she had to wait before the next step. Before Max had her totally naked.

In time, she could feel the laser was upon her boobs. She glanced down in that moment and watched as the beam passed over her magnificent chest and bisected the once-glorious House of El coat of arms, partially exposing bits of her supple white breasts. Breasts that had been safely encased beneath that coat of arms for so many battles. Safe for so long. But no longer. She looked away again in shame.

Before long the laser beam had cut through her suit all the way to her collarbone when finally the remaining spandex fibers, strained to their maximum, pulled apart. Any last elasticity was now gone in the suit as it lay on top of her completely cut open. Divided in two.

"In here of all places", she thought again, as she looked around at the room she had witnessed such horror inside. Horror that Max had assured her would certainly be performed upon her body. And all in the name of creating some twisted clone army of Supergirls for him to command. The whole plan was sick.

Max hit a button and the laser cannon recoiled into its home above her. She hardly flinched as Max pulled out a set of scissors and began to cut away the fabric on her arms to finish the job. She closed her eyes...and breathed. In. And out. In. And out. She would be naked soon enough.

Max watched her ever so carefully as she lay before him, her chest rising and falling as he cut open the arms of her leotard. She looked so helpless...and yet at peace in some way. Like she had always known this day was coming. And had prepared for it. He would enjoy testing those preparations...and breaking her, the woman who had always stood so proud and victorious above all his previous schemes. But no longer. Not anymore.

"How do you feel Supergirl?" he cooed as he cut along one of her sleeves.

"You've ruined my best suit, my muscles are cramping, and I should've been in bed hours ago," she shot back. "How do you think I feel?"

"Defiant until the end aren't you Kryptonian?" he replied wryly. "Though if you are so concerned about the state of your suit, rest assured you won't need to worry about it for much longer..."

He continued to snip away. Kara just looked straight ahead, watching him work on her in the mirror.

"I suppose you've always dreamt of this day, haven't you?" she declared proudly.

Max looked at her curiously in the face. How could a heroine be so humiliated and yet so proud in one moment?

"I won't deny I haven't thought about it," he replied carefully as he cut away the last of her sleeves. "I had always imagined a different scenario though, of course, between us."

"Hmph, we were always going to be right here, you and I. Just like this," she countered.

"Even so, you've always been a magnificent specimen to me, Supergirl," he answered. "It gives me no pleasure to see you this way."

"I'm a sexy, young, half-naked woman you've got tied down in your basement," she shot back. "This gives you all the pleasure in the world."

Max met her steely gaze confidently. He knew she was right. But still it did little to alter his plan. "Any last words before I strip you of your suit, Kryptonian?"

Kara looked away and straight ahead into the mirror, her chest rising and falling. This was it.

"Do your worst, you pervert."

And so, with one last relishing look over her still-defiant body, Max seized her suit at the top of her chest...and peeled it open, stripping it from her like a child unwrapping his first Christmas gift. Kara remained perfectly still the entire time. Within moments, she was entirely naked before him, bound and helpless.

"Oh Kara, you are magnificent..."

Max bent down low over her, looking her up and down. She knew she had a fine body. A perfect one really. Few had seen her naked. She had been careful about that. She hardly ever let anyone in. And yet, as the cool air teased her sweaty body, she knew on some level she'd have no choice but to let Max in. Let him in...but not surrender to him. Never. She would resist.

As he continued to survey her, she cocked an eyebrow. "What's the matter Max? Never seen a naked woman before?"

Max merely smiled but did not stop looking her over. "Oh I assure you Supergirl, I've had many a woman naked before. But none so lovely as you. And none with as much potential..."

Supergirl shivered. It wasn't just the cold that was unsettling her. It was Max. The years had clearly addled his once-brilliant mind, twisting it. "Idle hands," Kara thought. "Mom and Dad warned me about idle hands and what they would do to people." And now alone in the dark and at his mercy, as the kinky helmet on her head blinked back at her, she waited and wondered what those hands might do to her.

"Whatever you're going to do, it's not going to work," Kara muttered as she tested her firm restraints again. "I'll never give in."

Max chuckled and looked her in the eyes. "Ah my dear Kara Zor-El. You have no idea..." He ran a hand down her thigh. "...what is in store for you."

Kara wanted to scream at his touch. But she didn't even move. She hardly flinched. She just coolly stared right back at him and said, "I thought you weren't going to touch me."

"Oh Kara," he whispered in her ear. "You must listen more carefully. I told you I wouldn't touch you...down there." He lifted his hands from her inner thigh to point at the spot just above her vagina. Painfully close to her vagina, Kara thought. "And I won't. As you'll soon see, that will actually be quite impossible for me to do."

Max stepped away and moved towards the end of the table. Kara struggled in her bonds again and watched as, without breaking his gaze, Max reached under the table...and pulled out what looked like a set of clear plastic panties. And on the end of them, a tube was attached right at crotch level. A tube which ran away back down under the table...

Kara struggled again as Max brought the panties up to her hips. He seized her lower body and lifted her butt up off the table just long enough to slip the panties around her waist. Setting her back down again, he strapped the panties around her hips snugly, sealing off the bottoms around her legs with velcro spandex straps. Max then carefully aligned the tube such that it sat perfectly beneath her vulva. She shuddered at the possibilities of what that could be for.

Max then hit a button on the blinking machine of various buttons and switched and dials near her. Almost instantly, she felt a suctioning at her mound as any remaining air was removed from her panties. She wriggled her hips in response but there was nothing to be done. Max hit another button and the suctioning stopped. As Kara wriggled around some more, she noted that the panties now hugged her body like a second skin.

Max then reached under the table and pulled out two rubber suction cups with tubes leading away under the table as well. Kara's eyes grew wide at the sight of them. Max smiled at her horror, spat into each suction cup...and squeezed them down over each of her breasts. Kara groaned under his forceful efforts. "My apologies, Supergirl," he cooed. "Now that I have you out of that restricting suit of yours, it seems I've miscalculated the size of your...assets."

Kara closed her eyes as Max finished stuffing her bosoms inside their rubbery cages. She reminded herself to return to the controlled breathing exercises she had taught herself over the years. Calm would come. Max would never get to her, strapped down and strapped up though she was.

After a minute or two, Max had her breasts sealed within the suction cups, the opening of the tubes lined up perfectly with her now-erect nipples. Kara flushed ever so slightly in realization of this as she looked over her hooked up body in the mirror overhead. Between the wiry helmet and the see-through plastic panties, she had never been in such a state before. It only made sense that the novelty of it would excite her. But that was as far as her arousal would go. Max would never make her cum no matter how much pleasure he threw at her. She knew that. Or at least that's what she told herself...

Kara rolled her eyes over to look at Max who stood at the ready by his machine. She cocked an eyebrow at him. "I suppose now is the time you're finally going to tell me just what is in store for my body tonight, you sicko?"

Max smiled. He was glad she was playing her part. And so pitch perfect too. "Why thank you Kara Zor-El. You will notice of course I have affixed you with several devices designed to collect that which I intend to extract from you tonight and feed into my clones. I hypothesize that they will respond quite favourably to your Kryptonian elixir, proving far more efficient and just as invulnerable as you have proven to be over the years, my dear. Until now of course, hahaha..."

Kara tested her bonds one last time and tried to shake off the suction cups and panties. No dice. "Yeah well, about that I don't have to tell you we Kryptonians aren't pictures of perfection either Max. We have our weaknesses."

"You are no doubt referring to the Kryptonite holding you in this metallic prison aren't you?" he cooed back. "Minor details, my dear, minor details. Correctable ones no less. And that red sun you are so susceptible to? We won't have one of those for centuries. And not even the DEO can create enough red sun radiation to stop the entire army sleeping directly beneath your toes."

Kara glanced down at the tube leading away from her crotch and under the table. Max's entire plan came perfectly into focus. And she was the last kinky little ingredient to his scheme. A good scheme, she granted, but with one tiny complication...

"Wow. Sounds like you've really thought this one through. Except for one little thing: me," she shot back. "I'm never going to give you what you want. Kryptonians are impervious to sexual stimulation. I've never even orgasmed before."

She threw back her head and laughed and Max's smile faltered...but only for a moment. Suddenly, it turned into a wide grin. A deliciously wide one. "Well then...this is going to be quite a show."

Max threw a switch and Kara's laughter stopped. The entire metallic table beneath her began to hum ever so slightly with energy. Vibrations. Hardly perceptible. But fuck, they were there. She wasn't worried. But she would need to keep her guard up. She glowered at Max.

"What are you going to do? Massage me into submission?"

"For a start," Max cooed. He twisted a dial next to the switch, turning the levels on his machine up. As he did, the vibrations beneath Kara got more intense. Not out of control. But now her entire body was visibly jiggling. Kara laid her head back.

"Oooph, Max, you really shouldn't have," she groaned in mock pleasure as her tits and thighs jiggled back and forth while her butt rubbed against the table over and over. It felt absolutely amazing!

"Trust me, I haven't," Max shot back, turning up another dial halfway...then throwing a switch!

Immediately, electricity coursed through Kara's body and she shrieked. It was coming from her helmet and every restraint holding her down at once. Kara yanked at the restraints attacking her and moaned. The current ran through her entire her prized assets of course, safely secure within their plastic and rubber prisons.

Max flicked the switch off. Immediately, the electricity stopped. Kara lay panting on the table. She rolled over to look at Max, her eyes blank but still passionate with conviction. "I will never submit--"

Max threw the switch again. More electricity coursed over Kara. She arched her back and screamed again. Every fiber of her being was on fire, her every sense heightened. She'd been struck by lightning before while flying but had never really known a sensation like this! She had never known what it felt to be so awake before. To be so alive!

Max threw the switch back and Kara collapsed back down onto the table, her breathing heavy, sweat now beading out of her every pore, each of them open, vulnerable...and ready. But for what?

Max approached the gasping Kryptonian and ran a finger over her hips and sweaty abs. Kara moaned at the touch. Her nerves were still ringing and she had never felt so sensitive before!

Max lapped up some of her sweat with his finger, brought it to his mouth...and, to Kara's shock, licked his finger clean!

"Mmmm..." Max moaned in mock pleasure as he stared into her eyes. "You taste like heaven Kryptonian."

"We don't believe in such a place," she shot back as she looked around the room, testing her bonds again. No way out!

Max smiled and ran a finger through her hair and over her ear again, clutching her cheek as he looked her in the eye. "You know Kara, we can do this the hard way. But there is a more pleasurable way to get at what I want..." His other hand had found its way down her legs as he spoke and was now in between her thighs when...


Kara spat into his face. "Never. I will never surrender my body to you."

Max wiped her spit away carefully with his finger...and, to Kara's horror again, proceeded to lick it off his finger. He laughed and returned to his machine. Where he hit a button.

Immediately, a low pulsing hum entered Kara's mind. She moaned under its effects.

"Oh God! What are you doing to me?"

"God? Have I made you a believer so quickly?" Max sneered.

Kara ignored him. She was focused on what was happening to her mind. She could only guess the full extent of the helmet's powers were beginning to be unleashed on her now.

And overhead, the laser cannon above her began to descend towards her chest again. Kara struggled in her bonds but she knew it would be useless. Even if she were being held by regular clamps not infused with Kryptonite she doubted she'd be able to break them now. Her body had just about had it.

"What are you going to do to me this time, you fiend?" she asked trying like mad to hide her fear.

Max flicked a few switches and twisted a few more dials. "Do not fear Supergirl. I know you are weak. And so I have set this weapon for pleasure. It shall pass over you to tease and titillate you at several key points. We are finally going to put that famous body of steel of yours to the ultimate test!"

Kara wriggled in futility as the laser descended upon her. "You fiend! It's going to take a lot more than some kinky laser cannon to make me climax!"

"Oh I'm counting on it Kryptonian...I'm counting on it..."

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Fantastic! The dialogue has improved and the sexual tension is exquisite. I hope we don't have to wait as long for the next chapter.
:yes: :thumbup:
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Thanks Doc! I've had a bit of a rough month figuring myself out but hoping I'm rounding the corner now. I plan to have Part 4 here shortly.
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Very nice. so looking forward to the next installment.
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And now for the final chapter...

:supes: Supergirl: Maximum Security :supes:

"UUURGGG!" the proud heroine moaned again and again. "UURRRGGG!"

Max had been at it for quite some time with her nubile young body. But Kara Danvers had not broken. Not yet.

Sweat beaded off Kara's rock-hard abs and chest and thighs, rolling down her legs and body onto the cool metallic table, pooling all around her. Her naked heaving body was now absolutely wet save for the areas it mattered most: her nipples and vagina. And it was taking all of her will power not to give up her internal juices. But damn it if Max wasn't pushing her ever closer to her limit. She did not know how much more stimulation she could take.

The incessantly vibrating table and pulsing helmet had made it hard for her to concentrate on anything and the constant electric shocks to her body had left her mostly numb at this point. At least to everything but the pleasure beams from Max's laser cannnon. She had denied how good they made her body feel at first...but fuck if they weren't everything she ever wanted to experience before as the cannon worked her body over expertly. Every time she looked over her body in that nefariously placed mirror directly above her and the beams passed over her, she knew she would eventually be done in. She was utterly spent.

"Why not give in to your urges, Supergirl?" Max cooed in her ear. "You know it's the only way off of this table for you."

Kara's eyes fluttered and she bit her lip. "N...n-no..." she managed. "I'll...never...give in."

Max smiled. He could see from the way Kara rolled her hips on the table and wriggled her legs that he had her very close to orgasm now. Her constantly heaving chest was also an excellent sign. He leaned in low over the proud girl.

"To the contrary Supergirl, your mind may not be ready to bow to me...but your body is," he whispered back into her ear.

Kara moaned in futility at hearing this. She knew he was right.

Max then approached his machine, his fingers hovering over a switch he had never used before. Kara watched him closely.

"Let's begin the collection process!"

And he flicked the switch! Immediately, the suction tubes connected to Kara's tits and vagina came alive...and began sucking away at her sex and stiffened nipples!

"AAANNHHH!!! You fiend!!" she cried out in protest. She clenched her vagina as hard as she could. This could not be happening! Stay focused Kara! Stay focused!!

Max leered low over her again. He began stroking the wriggling sides of her body gently. Kara closed her eyes and rolled around more in protest. But damn it if was his touch wasn't beginning to feel good...

"Shh. This will all be over soon Kara Zor-El," he cooed. "Soon you will have given me what I need. And then you will be in a nice soft bed. You want that don't you?"

Kara cried out and bit her lip. She wouldn't allow such temptations to pollute her thoughts! She would not play his game no matter how hopeless her situation seemed!

"K-keep dreaming Max!" she boldly declared. "I-I'm n-never- oh!- giving in- oh!!"

Kara bit her lip again. Goddamn it, was she ever close to orgasm. She estimated that one well placed pleasure beam to her sweet spot would send her over the moon into ecstasy. But Max hadn't hit it directly with that nefarious beam yet. She hoped he never would...

Max looked into his helpless beauty's scrunched up face as she tried desperately to fight her urges. He knew he had her right where he wanted her. After so many battles. After so many failed plots. It was finally going to happen.

"Oh but you will Kara Danvers. You will."

Max hit a button on the machine. And Kara opened her eyes to the pleasure beam descended for her. One last time.

"Ohhhh...." she moaned in futility as the laser took aim at her waistline. It was so close to her spot!

"You'll never break me Max. My body is made of steel! I'll never give in!"

Max turned up the dial on her suction panties and Kara writhed again. Too much! She was so close to losing her cool! Holy shit this was intense! And only about to become more intense...

"You know Kara, I fancy myself something of an amateur historian," he whispered to her as he stroked her damp golden hair. Kara moaned at the touch. "Always had something of a fascination with the classics. Roman, Greek mythology. Areas of study that I'm sure you didn't have much time for between teasing boys with your mini-skirt at cheerleading practice right?"

Kara only moaned in response again.

"I thought so. Anyhow I've always been fascinated by the tale of Achilles," he went on. "You see, Achilles was a great warrior. The greatest to ever have lived some would say. An immortal hero who could not be killed. Save for one tiny flaw: his heel."

Kara shuddered under the weight of this tale. She knew where he was going with this. And became increasingly scared about where that laser cannon was headed...

"And I wonder, Supergirl, where is your...Achilles heel?"

Max hit a button. The pleasure beam struck her in the abs. So so close to her sweet spot! But not on it! Kara arched her back and cried out and moaned as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her and into her chest. But she did not give in.

After a moment, Max stopped the beam and Kara collapsed back onto the table. She knew she only had seconds to collect herself. Max moved the cannon carefully down by her vagina...and paused there with a fiendish smile...before moving the cannon over her left thigh. He fired it into her. Her entire leg became alive with pleasure. After a moment he did the same to her right thigh. It felt so good- the ultimate massage after her years of crime fighting! But through her moaning still she did not cum.

Max then moved the laser up over her vagina again...but then to her arms.

"God. Bisecting me much?" she spat at him between moans and deep breaths.

"Good things come to those who wait, Ms. Danvers," Max cooed. "Patience."

Again two shots to either bicep. Kara moaned out and bit her lip as her arms were massaged into euphoria. The beam was tiring her out...but still she did not concede defeat.

Then Max moved the cannon so that the laser hovered over her tits. Kara breathed in and out. This was going to be a tough one. Her boobs were one of her most sensitive areas and her nippples were standing at attention as the tip of the cannon bore down on them just as rigidly.

"Nervous Kara Zor-El?" Max teased.

"Hit me, you fiend!" she cried out.

And he did. The beam pleasured her tits as they never had been before! She felt so good!! And cried out in pleasure!! She arched her chest, her tits dangerously close to the tip of the laser.

"Oh God!! Yes!! YES!! YES!!!"

But still she would not cum! And her nipples escaped unbreached! Kara smiled to herself and looked between each of her breasts proudly...and then smiled at Max cockily.

But Max inspected his prey carefully. He then squeezed each of her firm tits! Kara groaned. Max knew he'd never be able to milk her himself but he also knew her breasts had filled up over the course of the last hour or so of sexual stimulation. And now Kara's tits had expanded in size ever so slightly within their rubbery prison. He smiled at the knowledge as the haughty young heroine clearly did not realize this herself.

So as Kara Danvers smiled in temporary victory, Max moved the laser cannon towards her crotch. And this time he left it there. Kara readied herself as she watched him carefully aligning it in the mirror. Then she closed here eyes to collect her limited mental powers. Max was confident this beam would do her in. He stood up by the ready at the switch, ready to fire deep into her sex.

"Last chance, Kara," Max offered. "Will you give me what I want or will I have to take it from you?"

Kara's eyes shot open. "It's going to take more than that to stimulate me! I'm not giving in!!! Eeerrrggghh!!!"

And as Kara's grunt of resistance crescendoed, Max hit her square in the vagina with the laser beam. Kara shrieked as it entered her nether regions. She writhed. She moaned. She arched her back over and and over. She bit her tongue and lips. Her face scrunched up. And her tits moistened ever so slightly. But she still kept it dry where it counted most. She would not cum!

After a minute or so of watching her fight it, Max turned off the beam. Kara collapsed onto the table in a heap. She had resisted. She grinned to herself. She truly was made of steel. There was nothing Max could do that would--


Kara screamed as a piercing frequency entered her mind. She moaned as she rolled her head around on the table.

"What is the meaning of this??"

"I did not want to do this to you Kara Zor-El but it appears you have left me no choice."

Before Kara could protest, Max pulled a visor down from her helmet that covered her eyes. A series of lights and images began to flash against her retina. Kara tried to close her eyes and look away. But she couldn't. She found herself transfixed by the images! And combined with the piercing tone in her mind, she was losing herself!

Suddenly the table beneath her vibrated more intensely. Her entire body was jiggling now. She cried out. "Oh sweet Jesus! What are you doing to me?!?!"

"This is a mental discombobulator, Supergirl. When it is through with you, you will forget all about your Kryptonian heritage and identity as Supergirl. Naked and blank, I will build you back up again and you will be forever mine, no different or special from any of the other Supergirl clones sleeping beneath your toes, which you will be physically indistinguishable from anyway!"

Kara's rolled her hips around on the cool, wet table as the visions swept past in her visor. She knew what this would mean. What would become of her. But she wouldn't let in happen. She couldn't.

"" she pleaded. "You can't...d-do this to me!"

"And why not?"

"I...I'm...Supergirl. wouldn't...take me like this. this!"

Max stroked her hair by her ear once again. Kara flushed at his touch. "And why not my sweet?"

" love me!"

Kara bucked her hips in protest as more pleasure cascaded through her body. She couldn't believe she just said that. Already the brain waves were doing a number on her mental faculties. She would need to conserve her energy if she was to hold on to any small part of herself and then--

Everything stopped. The piercing tone and vibrations died down. And the sight of the dark prison lab returned to her eyes as Max lifted the visor off her eyes. Kara looked up at Max in confusion.

" me..." Kara could barely muster the words as her breathless and exhausted body sunk onto the table, slick with her sweat. Kara felt so strange. She could hardly feel her arms and legs now. Only the suction panties and cups over her key areas.

As Kara rolled her head to one side, Max held Kara's cheek. "Too true my sweet. I have loved you. I have always loved you from the first moment I saw you saving that plane all those years ago. The way you burst into the sky, stood on that wing, your clothes sopping young, so beautiful, so victorious. I just knew I needed to have you. I needed to know you."

Kara let slip a gentle moan of relief and pleasure. She almost hated herself for it. But she didn't.

"But now that I have you and my plan is so near to complete, I cannot abandon it now. But neither do I want to wash clean that beautiful mind of yours. So strong-willed, so precious. I can stop this all right now, Kara Zor-El...if you will stand with me. At my side. No harm shall ever befall you. And we will be happy together as we rule a new empire together on this Earth, creating a more prosperous, more fulfilling society than the one you now protect. You need only give me what I want."

"Oh Max..." she moaned. She looked him dead in the eyes, a strange look of vulnerability in them. Almost daring him to.

Max leaned in...and kissed her on the lips. And Kara, though briefly repulsed, closed her eyes and kissed him back. What was she doing? And why did this feel so right?

Max broke the kiss and stood over her again. A surprised look in his face. Kara's eyes were still closed, the kiss still lingering on her lips.

"What do you say Kryptonian? Will you submit to my wishes?"

Kara heaved her chest up and down, her heart beating faster than it ever had all night. She could hardly make sense of her emotions right now amongst everything that had happened to her. On some level, she felt for Max. She could see that future and knew she might even be happy there. But on a deeper level, she knew she could never give that to Max. Not now. Not ever.

Her eyes shot open.

"I'll never give up, you devil. I am Kara Danvers, the Maiden of Might! I am Supergirl! And I will always fight for what is right!" she spat back.

Max sighed.

"So be it."

He threw a final switch. The visor slid back into place over her eyes and the pulsing tone returned to her brain with a deafening hum. Slowly, Max increased the vibrations of the table until they blurred her body while the suction cups and panties went to town on her areas of interest.

"Cum, Kara, cum!"

Kara moaned in defiance. She felt so good. She was so close. And yet she was not brolen. Max released shock after electric shock into her body. Kara arched her back and screamed. So close now.

"Cum, Kara, cum!"

Kara arched her back again and again. She was fighting him- holding on with everything she had! She would not break!

Unfortunately, though she could not see it, slowly, ever so slowly, Max was lowering his laser cannon back towards her crotch area, determined to hit her sweet spot on nice and for all. He knew it had to be her vagina.

But just as he unleashed his final beam onto her, Kara arched her abdomen up to the tip of the laser cannon, touching her belly button to it quite by accident.

And that was all it took.


Though he had never guessed it, Max had found her sweet spot.

And so it was that finally, after several exhausting hours, Kara Zor-El, the once-proud Supergirl, the Maiden of Might, the shining girl of tomorrow, give up her innocence in this dank, dark subterranean laboratory. And she came like no one else had before on Earth.

Fluids burst out of her pent up vagina and nipples. Orgasm after orgasm slammed into the broken heroine's inexperienced body. Kara felt ashamed at first...but in time, fuck, it felt good! She couldn't believe she had denied herself this feeling, this experience, for so long!

Kara Zor-El came until there was no more of her left to give. And all the while, the dutiful machine sucked her juices up. Even after she had long passed out from the release of so much pleasure, it still sucked at her key parts until the clone army beneath her reached its fullest powers.

And Max disconnected Kara from the table, her spent body limp in his arms. He finally had her. And as he carried her away to his chambers, he smiled. He would not touch her tonight. Not like this. Kara was right. He loved her too much to take advantage of her in this state. Tonight she would sleep. And tomorrow, there was so much conditioning ahead of her. And then there would be National City. Kara would become the Supergirl he always wanted her to be. One way of another.

The DEO had searched long and hard for Supergirl through the night. But by the time they got to Van Kull and found the lab, it was too late. Max and Kara had vanished along with the army of clones. All that they ever found on the metallic table of the laboratory was her suit, broken and torn, divided right up the middle. Alex shuddered at the sight as she looked around the room at the restraints, laser cannon, and blinking machine of switches and dials.

And then she got the call. Supergirl had been found. Entirely too easily in fact. This would have been good news too...except that suddenly Supergirls were showing up all over National City. Kara Danvers was everywhere.

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And that's all folks! Took me a while to get the last part done but I hope it was worth the wait. Let me know what you think as always and have a good end of the week!
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I really enjoyed this. Wonderfully written and presented, good drama, great visuals, and hawt peril. I really liked the use of the visor and the more mental assault going on at the end - I love the image it conjures and just generally that kind of peril.

It's a tiny, petty, borderline unnecessary gripe, but a single exclamation point or question mark would probably read better in all the places where you have multiple of them.

Thanks for posting this - I look forward to your next one!
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Void wrote:
6 years ago
I really enjoyed this. Wonderfully written and presented, good drama, great visuals, and hawt peril. I really liked the use of the visor and the more mental assault going on at the end - I love the image it conjures and just generally that kind of peril.

It's a tiny, petty, borderline unnecessary gripe, but a single exclamation point or question mark would probably read better in all the places where you have multiple of them.

Thanks for posting this - I look forward to your next one!
Thanks for the review Void! Glad you enjoyed it! And that's a good note- I'll tone down the question marks and exclamation points in future. I think I just got a bit carried away imagining Supergirl's predicaments myself in this one lol. Cheers again!
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Very good. I am enjoying this story. Hope there is more coming.
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Bronson881 wrote:
6 years ago
Very good. I am enjoying this story. Hope there is more coming.
That's it for this story. But I think I'll start a new one soon for Gadot's Wonder Woman. Or maybe Batgirl, Invisible Woman or an X-Babe. Not sure which yet...
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Oh OK. Sure I will like your next story.
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