Supergirl: THE DEVIL MAY CRY...

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Location: Land of No Hope and Past Glories

Hi folks, thanks for stopping by. This story is the larger arc that all my previous TOSG short stories have been contributing to.
It will help to understand what's going on fully if you have read them, but if you haven't this story is still hopefully readable on its own.

The previous short stories, should you wish to read them in order, are :-
TOSG: Faking It viewtopic.php?f=9&t=23625
TOSG: Goodbye Mr A. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21880
TOSG : Of Gods and Monsters viewtopic.php?f=9&t=23369
TOSG : Cornucopia viewtopic.php?f=9&t=24565
TOSG : Aftermath viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25155
TOSG : Fallen Idol

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Kara sleepily padded downstairs to the shop from her flat above and walked into a scene of slaughter.

Rob stared seriously at her with a worried look on his face before turning back to the terrible view before him. His two checkers looked very lonely as they prepared to meet their fate, outnumbered 4-1. The merciless destroyer of his side pushed her glasses up on her nose as she knelt on the stool at the counter, leaning on her elbows and clutching her teddy, Crazy Eddy.

Rob suddenly did a double take as he realised Kara was in her night clothes, which consisted of an old white shirt of his and some powder blue briefs with white trim.

“WHOA! You might wanna re-think your day wear there love, we is open already!” he declared as he chivalrously grabbed a small towel and draped it in front of her, gallantly hiding her bare legs from the lecherous students who hadn't actually noticed her yet.

“Oh! Gosh!” Kara clamped a hand over her mouth in horror as she turned and dashed back up the stairs. She came fully awake, shocked by her own forgetfulness as she hurriedly dressed. Then she realised she couldn't actually go back downstairs until a few more moments had passed lest she reveal that she had super speed. She splashed water on her face and cursed her stupidity. This wasn't like her and was yet another indicator that she just wasn't herself lately. Her powers had recently failed her, though a thorough check up at Kal's Fortress of Solitude had revealed nothing. Maybe it was a one off. But also her attitude seemed to have changed of late. She was irritable and harsher with her friend and generally ill tempered. Perhaps it was guilt at her recent failures representing itself, or perhaps ...something else. She just wasn't as on the ball as she usually was. And now this. Walking out in public in panties and a shirt! When enough time had elapsed, she sheepishly re emerged downstairs, looking timidly out from beneath her dipped brow.

“Hiya Brown Eyes! Thats a lot better...well sort of.” Rob greeted her. “Was that my shirt you were wearing?”

“”Er,...yeah...I...I couldn't find my was late last night, when I got in...I just know.” she mumbled. The truth was, his big loose shirt smelled slightly of him, well more just man really. A very slight musky scent that only she could detect after it had been washed and the smell reminded her of her father somehow. Just wearing it made her feel close to him again, which was crazy, yet that was how it felt, even though it wasn't her fathers shirt and she had never been that close to him. She realized now as she thought about it that it was a fantasy, a pretend memory of how she wished he would smell if he were still here, still with her....still...hugable. So curling up in bed at night under the warmth of the duvet made her feel...closer to what she had lost. Closer to home.

“Ahhh thats fine. Looked great on you actually...” he said blushing slightly. She smiled coyly at him.

“Cup o'tea? We'll have to call this game a draw sweetheart, as I gotta deal with a customer” he said hastily to the little girl at the counter." Oh, Brown Eyes this is my friend Emma, Emma, this”

Kara put him out of his absent-minded misery. He could never remember her name, hence he referred to her as Brown Eyes. “Linda. And who is this fine fellow?” Kara asked of the teddy the girl clutched.

“I'm actually Emily...” said the little girl pushing up her glasses and extending a hand towards Kara.“That's Mr Crazy Eddie”

“Wow! What a name!” Kara said pulling a face.

“Its cos his eye spins like he's crazy – look” Emily demonstrated.

“Oh! Right that makes sense now, but I could fix that for you in a second honey, I just need a needle and thread...”

“But then he wouldn't be Mr Crazy Eddie with his crazy eye!” Emily said dismayed.

“Oh right sure, but it may fall off...”

“Then he can be Pirate Eddie, the scourge of the high seas....” Rob offered.

“Yeah that be so cool!” Emily said excited. “He can have an eye patch like Johnny Depp!”

“Yeah...I guess.. but don't worry about the tea yet Rob. Finish the game..” Kara said with a wicked smile.

“Gee...thanks” he said looking daggers at her. He sighed and made a move. His surviving checker was now outnumbered 8-1. He moved it to the only spot available which got his sole piece crowned. But the new found King didn't have much prospect of a long and fruitful reign.

“Em! C'mon honey !We gotta skedaddle!” a slender blonde woman with glasses called from outside as she looked at her watch as she rose from the table.

“OH DEAR! We will 'ave to say I won as I made the last move!” Rob declared immediately.

“ROB!” Kara admonished him.

“OK, a draw it is then!”

“ROB! Don't make me come round there!” Kara narrowed her eyes and made a fist, but with a tight lipped smirk.

“Its ok...” Emily said. “I guess Mr Thomas did win as he made the last move if thats the rule...” she dipped her head and started to cry.

“OH! OH! NO! DON'T CRY LOVE, I WAS ONLY TEASIN', I WAS! YOU WON THAT ONE!” Rob said panic stricken

“Its OK sweetie don't cry!” Kara put a gentle arm around her “He was only foolin', you won!”

“SHHH!” Emily hissed, “You are ruining it ! He gives me free stuff when I cry! Plus I let him win a game now and then and I've won the last sixteen...”

“You've...? SIXTEEN?!! Oh!” Kara sat back with a surprised expression as sure enough Rob had hurried to the end of the counter to retrieve a candy bar for her.

“There ya go! There ya go love! See its alright, no need for tears! 'Ave a Kitkat!” he gave the chocolate bar over which had a miraculous effect on Emily's demeanour. She grinned up at him and scrunched up her nose in thanks as she smiled. Then she hopped down off the stool and ran to her mother stopping to wave in the doorway.

“That kid's gonna bankrupt you Rob.” Kara said as she watched her go.

“I watches 'er for 'er mam. Pretty woman. I could be in there” Rob said brightly.

“Mom calls you that fat, foreign, smelly guy!” Emily called helpfully from the doorway before she ran out to an embarrassed mother who hurried off pulling her daughter with her.

Kara looked at Rob in awkward silence and smiled a tight smile.

“Yeah...well...maybe not.” Rob said sadly.

There was a loud yawn as his dog woke up from his nap.

“What time's your flight then?”

His aged dog beat out a drum roll with his tail against the side of his dog box, and Kara stooped to pat R.V. Jones, 'Harvey' for short, and to stop his frantic efforts before he hurt himself.

The shop was fairly quiet and Kara, in her guise of Linda, took the stool at the counter vacated by Emily.

She looked left and right before she leaned forward and whispered “Any time I choose...”

“Eh? Oh!” Rob replied somewhat concerned. “Look..are you sure that's wise?” he said worriedly.

“Rob I've done it countless times! I can do it in like 6 mins!”

“Well...” he sighed looking at her with a pained look, “Well, just for me, will you go over land? Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and down? Please?”

“What? Why the heck would I do that?”

“Well,...what if you go plop into the sea? I do worry. I mean what if your powers fail like they did in that carpark...?” He whispered a reference to when two office buildings had fallen on her and she had been pinned under the rubble.

“Rob...Kal checked me out...we think it was just a one off...a side effect of the radiation dose I took with Aftermath...” she said talking of the asteroid that she had stopped from destroying the Earth.

“This...Dr Kal he good like? Does he know his stuff?”

She smiled “He...he knows his stuff, yes.” she said with a thoughtful grin.

“Well, what did he say? I mean what if it 'appens again?”

“It won't Rob.” but in truth she didn't know that. Kal had run tests on her at the Fortress of Solitude and could find nothing wrong. But her powers had inexplicably failed her. She was suddenly having doubts herself and Rob's circuitous route suddenly made sense.
“But just for you...I'll go via Iceland , ok?” she patted him on the hand as he let out a sigh of relief.

“You gonna be ok?” he said raising his eyebrows in concern.

“Sure.” she said glibly, thinking he was still talking about the flight to the Old Bailey in England.

“NO.” he said firmly. “Are YOU gonna be O.K.?” he asked again seriously.”Reliving it all I mean...” he was speaking about the inquiry into the Cornucopia gas tanker disaster, where Kara had tried and failed to save the crew. The ship had blown up killing everyone on board as well as on the three other vessels that were trying to keep it from the rocks. The blast had also killed emergency personnel on the clifftop overlooking the scene.. Normally marine accident investigations were held in civic courts near the scene of the loss, but due to the unique nature of this disaster it had been decided to hold them in London in the legal courts where there were proper press facilities for the world's media who were expected to descend on the Inquiry.

She thought for a long moment and then finally nodded.

“Well, ok then.” he nodded back with a smile.

She thoughtfully sipped the tea he put in front of her. It would be difficult. She would be meeting with someone whom she hoped might give her some answers, as she had discovered the disaster was no accident, but had been caused by a bomb. But her own efforts had lead her nowhere. Now the shady British scientist Professor Morris had hinted that he hoped to speak with her in London. And so off she was going to the disaster inquiry.

“I been thinkin' love....” he began.

“I know, I can see the smoke...” she teased him as she took another sip.

He ignored her but threw her a stern look. She smiled at him, amused.“When you get back... I was thinkin'...maybe you and I could try a bit of bukkake?” he said with an awkward, pained look on his face.


“J-just if you wanted to like, ya know...just for a bit of fun, like, give it a go, see if we like it. I've 'eard its nice. Be a change like thats all. Not a date nor nothin' just a bit of a lark like, ya know...” he said stumbling over his words.

Kara glowered at him .”NO - FREAKIN' WAY! You disgusting PIG OF A MAN!” she looked him up and down with utter distaste, her mouth open in shock.

“Well, we don't 'ave to, if ya don't wanna try it...” he said panic stricken.

“YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT I DON'T WANNA TRY IT! WITH YOU, NOR ANYBODY ELSE!” I can't believe you would ask me that! sick, twisted pervert!”

“But..but its only stuffed mushrooms!” he said plaintively. “Thats all, just thought we could try 'em as they are supposed to be the big thing, like”

“What? Mushrooms?”

“Aye Bukkake mushrooms. They are from Japan. I love mushrooms and all the fancy restaurants are floggin' them ones now. It's like the Kobe beef thing I expect. I thought we could ya know, go out for a meal like, get your mind off things. Give 'em a try. If you are allergic or something, we can go 'ave somethin' else....” he looked at her worriedly. “I think the Bukkake mushrooms is just a starter sort of thing anyway. We can have proper food after, like.”

“Rob...thats SHITAKE mushrooms not...not what you said.” she said slowly her rage melting away

“Well, are you sure?”


“Well, what are bukkake ones then? I'm not making that up, thats some thing too!”

“No, that's...I mean its not , that's when- look forget about that, its nothing edible. But you mean SHITAKE mushrooms. You wanna try SHITAKE mushrooms. Rob.”

“Oh. Ok. Well, do you fancy that or what? P'raps we could do both of them”

“Rob Bukkake isn't a a . well. ..Look just forget that ok? And yes sure I guess we can go get something to eat, but like you say its not a a date, ok? NO DATE, just two buddies having a bite to eat ok? And shitake mushrooms aren't particularly big or anything – they are well, just mushrooms. But NO DATE.”

He nodded. “Are you allergic to them Bukkake ones then?” he asked still puzzled by her response.

“Rob, they aren't...I mean , ...its not..” she sighed. Screw it. “Yes Rob, I am allergic to them ones.” she said wearily.

“Oh, right-oh. We'll make sure we have them shitty ones instead...”

Kara smiled. “I gotta scoot Rob, got things to do before I go, see ya in a day or two if I don't catch you later.”

“HEY! C'm 'ere!” he called her back and kissed her goodbye on the cheek. “You take care...”

“I will....” she smiled and turned away lightly on her toes, heading for the door.

He watched her wiggle across the room to the exit.

“Bloody 'ell 'Arve. She's got a lovely bum...” he said wistfully to the dog in a low voice.

“I HEARD THAT!” she called over her shoulder without turning around, but smiling to herself at his words as she walked.

“I...well....IT WAS HIM!” he shouted after her and she didn't need to turn around to know he was pointing at his dog. She smiled a broader smile.

“Bloody've gone an' cock-blocked me again...” he said with a tutted sigh, aimed at the hound.

“NO HE HASN'T, YOU SCALLYWAG!” she called laughing over her shoulder.

“Maybe that means I'm still in with a shout, Harve!” Rob said brightly. Harvey let out a low growl and went back to sleep.

"NO IT DOESN'T !" came a far off voice.

Kara settled down into the wooden balcony seat over looking the courtroom and let out a heavy sigh, steeling herself. Reliving that terrible night would be tough. She had arranged with the British authorities to give her evidence via video link. That was in roughly thirteen days time. The first few days would be reviewing the state of the vessel, its construction, any known issues prior to sailing, the loading of its cargo and a review of the crew members. Then the same procedure would follow for the other ships lost in the 'accident'. Then the real business would start with the hearing beginning to review the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and Coastguard transcripts and tapes from the incident. This was an extremely unusual case in that besides the 37 crew, 19 had died on 3 other vessels and some 61 people had been killed on land when the Cornucopia had exploded. She could still see their faces, especially at night, in her dreams. More nightmares than dreams. She shivered.

She only intended to see the start of the hearings, just to settle herself down a bit really, to keep from worrying about it all. She had lose plans to see the first two days, then she would go back to the states and then give her evidence.

“Excuse me, sir?” A large security man approached the gentleman sitting on the pew next to her.

“Nothing to worry about sir, but we are conducting random security searches, would you be so kind as to come with me please sir? I assure you its just routine, you've done nothing wrong and your seat will be kept for you.” The man sighed and protested briefly before a second security officer appeared and then all resistance ended.

“Nothing to worry about ladies and gentlemen,” the first officer declared to the gallery, “but we will be making further random searches throughout the hearings. Thank you for your co-operation, and thank you sir, “ he addressed the guy whose elbow he held, “I assure you ladies and gentlemen this is entirely routine and intended for your own safety, and this gentleman has done nothing wrong, we have simply selected him at random so don't be alarmed when he returns to his seat, please.”

Kara had scanned the man and found no hidden weapons, so accepted things at face value as a routine security procedure. Her bag had been searched on entry and she had to pass a metal detector check and the large number of armed policemen evident told her how serious the authorities were taking her evidence. She had already informed the Marine Accident Investigation Branch that she suspected sabotage when making the arrangements for presenting her evidence.

“I'm so terribly sorry – excuse me- yes, I am so -so sorry- forgive me- thank you-” a rather dapper elderly gentleman in a crombie coat and fedora hat moved along the row to sit in the now-vacant seat next to her.

“Oh, I think a gentleman is sitting there, sir-” she began before the old man looked at her and smiled.

“Miss.....” he said excitedly in a low voice as he struggled to decide what to call her “El! “ he finally decided, “ITS ME! Its EDGAR! Edgar Morris! We met in Houston a few months back!” He winked at her conspiratorially.

Kara did a double take - the shambolic old man in the cardigan that she knew as Edgar Morris, that she had met whilst saving the world from Aftermath, was nowhere in sight. Before her was a clean shaven, immaculately dressed replacement.

“It IS me I assure you!” Morris seemed to understand her doubt “Its Edgar! I know, I miss my dear old cardy but they give me a big budget to spend on clothes – this is Saville Row! Italian cotton, hand made, silk lined, its a beautiful suit! I had them move that chap who was here so we could have a chat - I've got my own Special Branch chap as a body guard! ME! Ha! Who would have thought it , eh? I order people about and they DO THINGS! Its really quite marvellous!”

“I – I think you have me confused with someone else, Sir.” She said awkwardly feeling her face flush, embarrassed as she wondered what the hell to do now he recognized her when she wasn't even in her costume. She pushed up her specs, gave a nervous smile and then stared straight ahead. Though she had come here to speak with him, she had thought it would be on her terms -that SHE would spot him and then appear before him as Supergirl.

“Oh! Er,... right, well, would you care to come for a cup of tea? Then I can explain everything...”

“Er, the hearing is about to start...”

“Oh, the good bits won't be for days yet – I mean the interesting stuff not the know. I'm so glad Mr Thomas gave you my message, we weren't a hundred percent sure of him you know. Nice enough chap but an odd sort of fellow.”

'Yep that was Rob alright' she thought.

“But you came! All this way! So please – I so desperately need to speak with you – won't you give me ten minutes? It is vitally important – to all this ...” he swept his hand to encompass the court room of the Old Bailey. “We'll keep your seat and you won't regret it I promise you.” He stood and swept a hand before himself for her to pass, causing much tutting and huffing from those who had to move again to let him and Kara through. A plain clothes policeman stood at the end of the row, she guessed he must be Morris' bodyguard.

“Thank you Sutton. Keep those seats will you?” Morris said as they went passed.

They left the viewing gallery and reluctantly she followed him to a small room in the opposite wall of the corridor outside the gallery. It was guarded by a policeman but only held two chairs and a table. There was no large one way mirror but plain cream walls and a picture of the Queen.

“No surveillance, I promise you.”Morris said brightly. She looked herself and couldn't see any signs either. “Milk and two?” he inquired and she nodded “Only way to take it.” he said of her choice and gave the order to the policeman outside.

A little while later they sat opposite each other with tea poured between them.

“This is exciting isn't it? I've never done this sort of thing before...” he said with a smile “All this cloak and dagger stuff, eh? Not really me to be honest, but there you go.”

Kara sat in silence looking at him intently. She had liked Morris on their previous meeting. Now, she wasn't so sure.

Finally she said “Look, you have me confused I think with someone else....”

“Oh , come now Miss...El. I understand you want to preserve your secret identity but that bird has flown. But you have nothing to fear from me. I know you are Supergirl and I shall take that knowledge with me to my grave.”he spoke lowly, so only she could hear, even though they were alone.

She looked at him warily and remained silent.

“I'm here to offer you a job...” he began, “which you will turn down and then I'm supposed to put leverage on you by threatening that chubby Welsh friend of yours...” he held up a hand to placate her as she felt the blood rush to her cheeks and she sat up sharply. “That's whats supposed to happen. That's how my superiors, and I use the term loosely, think, bless 'em..”

Kara glowered at him sullenly, wondering where he was going with this.

“So in short they expect me to coerce you into working for us. Not against any one nation in particular just from time to time as and when the need arises.” she looked daggers at him.

“I used to like you Professor Morris...” she said quietly but angrily. She didn't need all this bullshit hitting her now.

Morris looked hurt “OH, MY DEAR! I hope when you hear me out you still will!” he said plaintively.

He walked around thrusting his hands down to where his cardigan pockets used to be and swore under his breath when he realised they weren't there. He turned back to face her.

“You see, that is what is SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. I however, have a different notion. You see, I was in Houston watching you suffer up there in the terrible barrage from the asteroids...the pain from the sonic disruptors on those satellites must have been unbearable. Not to mention being caught in that massive nuclear blast. And after all that, your cousin gets all the credit...” he shook his head. “Well, not from me. I was there. I saw what you did. I saw you save the world. Your courage and bravery were` unbelievable. And its not even your home world . Inspirational. And it inspired me. I and the world owe you a debt that can never be repaid. And my small minded little bosses concoct this ...THIS FETID SCHEME TO...TO TRAP OR TRICK YOU! YOU! YOU WHO WE OWE EVERYTHING TO!!! OH DAMMIT IT MAKES ME SOOOO MAD!!!!” he had stood and was shouting, so much so the police sergeant outside opened the door.

“Everything ok sir?”

“WHAT?!!! Oh...oh yes...sorry...thank you sergeant, that will be all.” Morris slumped down in his seat opposite her. She raised an eyebrow and took a sip from the bone china cup, holding it with both hands, the epitome of calm reflection.

“So....?” she asked.

“So...” he sighed. “I have a better idea. I don't intend for you to work for us....rather I intend to work for you....”

Kara nearly spat out her tea in surprise. She coughed and put a hand to her mouth as she regained composure. “Excuse me?” she said

“Oh, gladly. Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were apologizing for the cough! Erm..., yes, I- yes. Yes. I want to work for you. To put it simply. You saved the world. That's a debt I can't possibly repay. But I do intend to try.”

“There's no way I am working for British intelligence or whatever you are.”

“More Global Science actually with heavy British overtones. Don't get me wrong, I do work for the British intelligence community, but that's not what this is about. This is a different outfit. This is above that. We cross national boundaries and interests, though we have to be based somewhere, so we are based where the tea is best...” he smiled as he took a sip from his cup, raising it to her in salute. She looked at him indifferently. “It's actually just so we are near the world's busiest airport” he whispered. Kara remained impassive.

He sighed. “I can see I haven't won you over. The fact is you as an individual possess tremendous power – strength. speed, intelligence, the whole package. People will fear what they can't control. It worries men in power, used to being in control of everything and everyone. They will keep trying to coerce you through those you know and love. “ He held up a hand as he saw her anger rise.”I don't hold with such methods but we both know that others do. So they will keep trying and applying more and more pressure until you give in.”

“I never give in.”

He beamed back at her “Oh I know! Thats what makes you so absolutely marvellous!!!” he reached out and patted her on the fore arm. “No matter what the odds, no matter what you may lose, you do whats RIGHT! Its a very British trait, I think. Perhaps that's why I like you so much. Anyway, as I was saying, the small minded fools will just keep at it, making a nuisance of themselves and possibly putting those you love in danger. So. Why not just pretend to work for them? Us. Well, more them really as I don't consider myself a true cog in their wheel.”

“Didn't I hear that you stole General Evetts cell phone in the Aftermath business?” she said skeptically.

“No, actually I just borrowed it and then left it in Wainwrights in-tray. I didn't need to steal it, just make them THINK that the access codes had been compromised, force a change, because we had managed to break the new code already.” He smiled. “ Well the one they were likely to use. And they did use it. But that was more in my British Intelligence role than this. Oh, you won't tell anyone will you? I'll be in a lot of trouble.”

“Why shouldn't I?”

“Well, we've only done it because they had the Cyclops satellite trained on us. That's not cricket, amongst allies. But to answer your question directly - because I am asking you to. Please.”

“And if I don't listen to you?”

“There will be another chap sitting here with you in a few weeks time who won't be as ...convivial as I am”

“Maybe I'll take my chances with him.”

“Oh no! PLEASE ! I am totally serious when I say I don't want you to work for 'THEM' either. I want to work for YOU.” She looked at him intently. “Look, you can judge when people are lying , yes?” She didn't answer him. “Well I would guess you do it by judging pupil dilation, heart rate, perspiration levels and so forth. Well do me, now.” He picked up her free hand and gently placed it over his chest. She could feel his body heat through the shirt. His heart was racing. But as he hadn't said anything yet she realised he was just excited by her touch. She blushed slightly but kept her composure.

“Look at me now and believe me when I say, come hell or high water I am YOUR man until my last breath.”

She had watched him and, heart rate apart, she was convinced.

“I'd die for you.” he said dramatically, but as she was about to laugh she realized with surprise that he actually meant it.

“I...”she began. “You're SERIOUS?!!” she said with surprise.

“Desperately. I need you to believe me because if you nominally agree to this I will be the one who 'handles' you as they say. Every time there is a world threatening situation, I can call you in. Unfortunately when individual national interests are at stake...well, maybe then you might be unavailable, as you are ...I don't know...playing golf on Jupiter or something” he said struggling for a reason. “In absentia, anyway. Not about. Elsewhere. Wherever, it doesn't matter. But the point is you will have the choice. Oh, they may be angry and annoyed but who cares? Only you and I will know the truth.”

“Golf. On Jupiter?” she smiled and raised a quizzical eyebrow and he blushed furiously.

He looked at her sheepishly. “That phone is how we will stay in touch” he placed a cell phone from his pocket on the table between them. “Scan it, go on. Look for a tracking device”

She did as he suggested.” Its clean.” she said after a moment.

“NO! No it isn't!” he beamed proudly at her. “Hidden underneath one of the tiny lead solders on the motherboard is a microdot emitter! Nano technology! It piggybacks a GPS signal even if your location is switched off. Look again, lower right bottom, 2 solders in from the corner.”

She did as asked “I still don't see it...” she said, impressed in spite of herself.

“Use your super-hearing – I assume as you can cycle through the visual spectrum with your vision, you can do something similar with your audio talents, yes? Try it, you will pick up a low intermittent pulse every 10-15 seconds. Hear it?”

“Thats pretty impressive” she conceded.

“Its how they plan to track you. But if you press both ends of the volume control button simultaneously, here...”he demonstrated “It turns it off. Well, not off exactly, it still emits, but it shows you as permanently at the location where you turned it off until you turn it back on again. I had that added. They don't know about it”. He switched it back on.

She gave a downward turn of her mouth in conceding admiration. “Impressive.” she said once more.

“As a further measure I've put some on Norwegian White Geese identity rings so you can be elsewhere if needed, flapping about in the Arctic circle. You just let me know when you need to disappear and I can activate them. It'll mostly be passing through my hands anyway so more often than not I can say you are wherever I want but its an added measure of security against them finding out.”

“I'm not comfortable with any of this...” she said with a heavy sigh. “I really don't like the thought of people knowing where I live, what my human identity is....”

“I understand. But if we could work it out and find you, its only a matter of time before a more...antagonistic agency does the same. Someone less tolerant. Someone more....punitive in their approach. I miss my cardigan...” he said absently as he thrust his hands down where his cardigan pockets would have been and then remembered he was wearing a three piece suit.

“For whatever its worth I told them I tracked you down to a secret base on Greenland.”

GREENLAND?” she exclaimed in surprise.

“Thats what they said!” He laughed. “Truth is I needed to come up with somewhere where they wouldn't want to go pay a visit. Not that there's anything wrong with Greenland, I'm sure its lovely, but I know how these Whitehall types like their comforts. I even made it an island off the north east coast, near- permanently icebound, with no place for a helicopter or an aircraft to land. Said it was a two day trek across pack ice to get there most of the time ,which seemed to put them off a tad.” He smiled at her. “And if any pillock does go and try and pay you a visit, he will find that you moved the day before.”

She returned his smile. “I think I do like you after all, Professor Morris.” she said taking a sip of her tea and looking at him intently over the rim of her cup with her large brown eyes.

He stared back at her grinning awkwardly. “Soooo....” he said finally as she took another sip“Does that mean I get to call you boss?”

Kara leaned chin on her palm, elbow on the table as she looked at him with narrowed eyes, suspiciously, but with a touch of amusement to them.

“I haven't agreed to anything, yet.” she said as she watched him.

“No, no you haven't. But on the plus side you are still here, listening to me. I'll take that for now.” Morris smiled.

They both sat there in silence for a long moment sipping their tea and assessing each other. Morris looked excited and happy, whereas Kara was amused but still reserved. Finally Morris broke the silence.

“This...this unusual job I have now....its rather like playing poker with the Devil for one's soul. I don't intend to lose mine to Him, Miss El.
And you are my ace in the hole.”

“They say you never beat the Devil, Professor Morris.” Kara said, the curve of a grin spreading as she turned her head on her palm slightly to look at him with one eye, tapping a fingernail against her teeth lightly as she thought over the situation.

“Thats no reason not to try, Miss El. No reason at all.” he smiled at her. “And if anyone on Earth can help me beat the Devil, Miss El, its you.”

He stood and strode over to the window. “I want to keep all those people out there safe. Regardless of what deity they may choose to follow, or what lines on a map delineate the vagaries of Geography that dictate their nationality. I want to do what you do Miss El. I want to save the world. And I want you to help me do it. Or rather,I want you to allow me to help you do it. What do you say?” he turned to face her expectantly.

Kara looked at him long and hard. “I think, between the two of us, that....” she took a deep breath as she paused “the Devil is gonna get his ass spanked, Professor Morris.” she smiled at him.
Last edited by tallyho 6 years ago, edited 11 times in total.
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Bukkake mushrooms? Seriously? You do enjoy your jokes, Tallyho. Nevertheless, you've got things rolling nicely. Looking forward to where you take this.
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Good stuff. I really enjoy seeing SG as a person, away from the context of being a superhero or in physical conflict - I just really like getting to see that she's more than a 2d action hero. It reminds me that often my favourite thing about any superhero story is getting snippets of the hero when they're just handling normal situations as a normal person. Really draws me in to their character.

Witty dialogue, as always. I envy your ability to inject believable, actually funny humour into the story.

A strong start! I look forward to where this goes.
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Thank you gents I hope you enjoy the next part. To anyone who reads it, please post a comment. Your views are all the reward us writers get here, and if you didn't like it even more reason to tell us why!


Morris beamed back at her. “SPLENDID!” he declared loudly. Then he stopped and stared at her for a moment. “You know. I was sure you had blue eyes...” he looked at her over his spectacles then shook his head. “Or is it contacts? No?”

“ER...its just a ...kinda thing I do I guess..” Kara said awkwardly, slightly embarrassed, flapping a hand up vaguely.

“Ahhh! Some sort of internal cellular control is it? I'm fascinated by how your eyes change colour like that. Blue for Supergirl, Brown for Linda Lee, yes? Amazing.I assume that's how you make your hair darker for Linda too, yes? I won't ask you to submit to testing or anything like that to find out, but if you do know perhaps you could find the time to write me a little note one day, explaining it? I find it fascinating, absolutely fascinating...” he leaned forward to stare at her intently. Then he sat back hurriedly. “Mustn't get carried away. I'm three times your age! But they are like a siren song, leading men to their doom!” he said widening his own eyes on the last word as he took another drink.

She laughed. “I still haven't said 'yes', yet. “she reminded him. “So...if I say no...someone like you will try and strong arm me into joining you, is what you are saying, right?”

“Not exactly. They won't be like me. And then you won't have the friend on the inside looking out for you either. I may well be moved on to other things.”

“Maybe I don't need a 'friend' like you?” she said , testing his reaction. He looked devastated.

“Oh...I..well.... I like to think everyone needs a friend like me at some point...”he said quietly.”You have to understand I have no wish to harm you, nor those close to you, which is why I want you to come onboard of your own free will. If you don't ...well...I'll tell a pack of lies for a week or two, maybe say you are thinking it over or something, give you time to up sticks and relocate...” he sighed heavily. “But please, say yes. Genuinely I believe we could have averted a situation like Aftermath quietly, if we had direct access to you. Or your cousin. But as I say if not us, others sooner or later will find you. If they know you are working for us already...well, then they probably won't bother trying to recruit you by putting pressure on you or your friends.”

“How did you find me anyhow?” she asked with interest.

“Ah! Great piece of scientific analysis, actually. It was obvious by your appearances you were based in or around Metro City. So we monitored responses by you to emergencies to see if there was a pattern. Nothing obvious but we then split the city into quadrants and monitored them to see if you flew past or through to get to a crisis, that sort of thing. Saturated the area with agents doing nothing more than calling it in when they saw you. I think there were 12 in all but I am not sure exactly. Anyway, we gradually worked out by a process of elimination where you WEREN'T. So I started to think where better for a young woman to hide than in a large population of other young women. That left a few options for where you might be based – a hospital or a college - of the two a college seemed the obvious choice – you can dodge a lecture to attend an emergency, come and go pretty much as you please. So we concentrated on monitoring that area of the city in the same way and – voila. Pinned the sightings down to the vicinity of the cafe that your friend runs. You saved him from the insects and then from the buildings that collapsed. So we watched the place and got a few telephoto lens shots of -” he gestured with a hand at Kara-”this you. Used facial recognition software and got confirmation. You needn't worry about that happening again by the way – if anyone searches for you in college records now we have put in a Trojan program that skips Miss Lee's photograph. If you need any thing officially accessed on your file let me know and we will suspend it whilst you go into the faculty offices to sort it out. Then when its done we will put it back in place.”

“You seem to have thought of everything.” she said tersely.

“I've tried. It took 4 months for us to identify you if thats any consolation. We had a lot of time to think of how we might protect you once we had found out who you were. Again I've told the bosses you go by a different name in your civilian persona.”

“What name did you use?”

He looked at her a bit awkwardly. “Ah. Well, I needed to come up with something fast as they asked me in a meeting and I hadn't thought of, partly named after my mother's cat...I told them you went by the name of Ethel Fong.”


“Yes. Sorry. Mr Fong was my mums Siamese. Ethel was the first name I thought of. No idea why, I don't know any 'Ethel's'. So you are Ethel Fong to them. They think its hilarious that you chose an oriental surname. I told them its because you were adopted by a Hong Kong Chinese couple”

“This is all kindsa crazy...”Kara shook her head.

“Yes but that's the beauty of it all. The crazier it sounds the more plausible it becomes as whatever is LEAST likely seems the obvious actual choice for a secret persona. Please say you'll join me. Or rather let me join you.”He looked at her earnestly.

In a crazy way, that actually DID make sense.

She sighed and looked up at the old Victorian ceiling rose around the simple light fitting, deep in thought. “Do I get a codename?” she asked mischievously after a while.

“Absolutely! Anything you want!” he said sensing a yes.

She thought of a host of James Bond related names, Little Nellie being a favourite, but Pussy Galore was definitely out. Then she thought of Rob calling her Brown Eyes. She kinda liked that. But she also thought of him addressing her as that in a shop full of people which would give things away if anyone had tracked her to the vicinity of the shop and happened to know her codename. Finally, she thought of the name the Future Humans called her – Angel.

“How about 'Guardian Angel' ?” she said after a while.

“I can think of nothing more apt” Morris said with a warm smile.”So that's a yes?” she nodded initially but then wavered, reluctantly.

“Its more of a...'I'll hear what you have to say ' than a yes or a no. But its probably a yes.”

He smiled broadly. “Perhaps you could give me one, to use between us? Codename I mean.”

“Easy. 'Cardigan'.” she smiled gently back.

“OH THATS TREMENDOUS!!!” he declared excitedly. “One thing. If ever something is wrong my first words to you will be 'THIS IS THE BOSS' then I'll identify myself as normal – IF YOU HEAR ME SAY THOSE WORDS FIRST then its a trap or I don't believe what I am being made to say and you should disregard it, ok?” She nodded. He really was concerned about her she realized.

“Now the real reason we need to speak. SERGEANT!” He called out loudly and the policeman outside popped his head in.


“Can you get Major Abbot to step in for a moment, please. Oh and more tea too, please. Thank you.” Nodding acknowledgment, the sergeant closed the door. “Abbot is the head of my own special forces unit! “ Morris said excitedly. “He does whatever I say! Its all terribly exciting when you've been couped up in labs for 30 years!”

A lean, tall alert man of military bearing walked briskly into the room a little while later, wearing a tailored suit that neatly hid his Heckler and Koch holstered beneath his left arm. He was in his mid thirties, clean shaven with crisp, alert eyes. He nodded to her awkwardly and then turned to Morris, as the Sergeant set another two cups down on the desk and removed the empties.They all waited for him to leave.

“Sir?” she detected a soft Australian accent to her surprise.

“Major Abbot. This superior. You are to follow all orders from her as if they were from myself, do you understand?”

“Well..yes sir, but I-”

“No buts Major. This comes from the top. She is in charge, full stop, Understood?”


“Make sure your men understand also, will you please? Her codename is Guardian Angel and this lovely lady is the official liaison between ourselves and Supergirl and as such her orders are to be followed implicitly, understood?”

“Supergirl? Er, yes Sir. Ma'am.” he nodded acknowledgement to Kara.

“This edict is not to be conveyed to ANYONE beyond your team, alright Major?”


“Now, whats the best pub around here?”

“Er... Sir?”

“Pub Major, pub! Hostelry! Inn! Tavern! Ale house! Drinking Establishment! You must have one or two in Australia? Whats the best one around here?”

“Oh that'll be the Dirty Duck sir!” said Abbot gathering his wits at last.”Three streets that way-” he pointed.

“What a fantastic name! I've never heard of that one...”

“ sorry sir , that's just what the lads call it. The real name is the Black Swan Inn.” Abbot said awkwardly

“Oh I see! Black Swan-Dirty Duck! Ha-ha! Very good, I like it! Even better yet, that will be the name for your team Major – where necessary this young lady will refer to you and your men as the Dirty Ducks. Was gonna say Dirty Duckers there, but thats a bit crude, ha-ha!” Morris clapped his hands together in glee. “Right, Major! I have your first mission. You and your men are to go to the Dirty Duck and make sure all the ales haven't been poisoned. You will do this by the traditional method of sampling as many of them as you care to, understood?”

“Er...yes I think I understand sir. But we are not permitted to leave you alone...” he hesitated “Plus we are on 24 hour call as you know.”

“I am not going anywhere for the rest of the day except here and my hotel room. And I have this young lady for protection. Believe me when I say she could take down you and all of your men in a heartbeat, I kid you not. But I have Sutton to watch me don't forget,” Abbot remained unmoved. “And there is the secondary support team at Hereford that we can put on call for the rest of today... But if you feel you must stay...."he shrugged. "The men can at least go and have a pint. But if you feel you can't...Very well, draw lots for the poor bugger who has to stand outside but there really is no need...”

“That will be me sir, I'll stay on my own.”

“Major, you're a hero!” Morris smiled amiably.

“Major.” Kara addressed him for the first time. She stood and smiled, extending her hand. “I'm-”

“ETHEL FONG!” Morris cut in hurriedly.

Kara stopped and looked at him pointedly with a disparaging frown before turning back to face Abbot. “Linda. Between us both, you can call me Linda. When we are alone.”

“Yes Ma'am.”

“And Major...”

“Yes, Ma'am?”

“As I am the boss...I order you to go with your men...”

“But Ma'am, I-”

“Don't make me courts martial you on your first day, Major.” she said with a smile. “No seriously, Supergirl is meeting us here in a little while, she can protect us both I'm sure.”

“As you wish Ma'am.” Abbot nodded crisply. “But I will remain for a time to take care of things and then join them later.”

“You are Australian Major?” Kara asked him.

“Yes Ma'am. Darwin. The team is multi national and each of the participating countries has a similar force in situ on their home soil. We are the best of the best Ma'am. I'm Aussie SAS, but we have Seals, Marines, Spetznaz, Delta Force - lads from all over. And of course the Pommie SAS and SBS. I've heard they are alright.” he said with a grin.

“Yes, As I said to you earlier Miss El – we are beyond the national interests. We are in this for the species.”Morris said. He let out a sigh of relief that she was now on board. “Marvellous! “ Morris thrust his hands to where his non existent cardigan pockets were and sighed, swearing under his breath, before stomping around contentedly over to the window, grinning like a maniac, swinging his arms wildly as he didn't know where to put them.

“You seem … a little...erratic, sir...Are you sure you are alright? “ Abbot asked.

“Never better Major! Never better! For now I have my own Guardian Angel!” Morris smiled at Kara “Can you bring in my briefcase and have your team come and set eyes upon our new boss before they leave, will you? Oh and Major...”


"24 Hour call out starts from tomorrow. Let your chaps enjoy themselves today. Orders from the boss" he nodded to Kara.

Abbot grinned, " Sir. Ma'am. I'll notify the second team to go to full standby."

Kara greeted the soldiers in turn as they filed into the room, in a mix of dark and grey suits, nodding her hello as they entered and the instructions were relayed. To her growing surprise they really were from a host of different nationalities with Dutch, Spanish, French, Belgians, Germans, a Russian and an American in the 16 man squad. It emphasized Morris' point that this odd organisation went beyond national interests. She won them over instantly by picking up on their accents and greeting them in their own language, immediately prompting delighted smiles and sighs of relief that their new boss was so down to earth. 'If only they knew', Kara thought with a smile.She even teased the Dutchman by saying he had a nice ass as he walked past her in Dutch , which made him spin around in amazed embarrassment before he blushed furiously.They enthusiastically embraced their new mission and when they had gone Abbot set a steel briefcase on the table, before leaving the two of them alone as he relieved the police Sergeant and stood outside the door. She scanned the case in a moment, but there was no obvious threat.

Morris took a file from it and placed it on the desk between them. She couldn't resist a quick x-ray scan but to her surprise the folder was lead lined to prevent her reading it. She started to become uneasy but Morris allayed her fears.

“The lead is to stop you scan -reading it, nothing more. You see I want you to look at this properly, take your time, mull it over. Reach a balanced , logical conclusion based on the evidence. Not jump to a conclusion that may or may not be false.” He pushed the file towards her. “this is everything we officially have on the Cornucopia disaster.

She couldn't help showing off. She picked up the file and flicked through it at lightning speed, then closed it and set it back on the table pushing it towards him before she sat back in her chair assessing his reaction.. “I have read it properly.” She said simply. “It isn't particularly informative. There isn't enough specific information in there to reach any kind of logical conclusion other than those ships are lost. It states the loss was accidental, yet I know and presumably the MAIB have informed you, that it was anything but. I can''t say I'm impressed.”

Morris smiled. “I am glad to hear you say it. Its meant to be dry, its meant to be dull, its meant to be uninteresting. I should know, I wrote it. That is the conclusion that the Inquiry downstairs will reach. In five weeks time. You will notice that your testimony isn't referred to in there. That's because we will say it is withheld to protect your identity. Unless you are able to act upon THIS information....”

He produced an identical-looking file and laid it on the table. But this one was markedly thicker. “This is the one I really want you to study. I said that one was all we 'OFFICIALLY' know about the disaster – all we can actually admit to at the moment. This one....”he tapped the new dossier with his middle finger “is what we really know.”

He slid the file towards her.

“I want you to look at this file carefully. And give me your assessment. If you reach the same conclusion as I will put us a step closer towards who is actually behind this atrocity.”

“Why don't you just tell me?” Kara asked with a slight frown as she pulled the file towards herself.

“That's bad science. I don't want a yes man on the team, or rather a yes woman. I want someone with a brain, who can think for herself and reach conclusions by herself and above all tell me when I am wrong, if indeed I am. In short I want YOU, Miss...El. And your intelligence. If you read this file and reach the same conclusion as I have, then we will act upon it, together. If you reach a different conclusion – then we can discuss and assess both your theory and mine. So, please, read on MacDuff!” he smiled at his play on words.

Kara flipped open the file and, whilst she did read it quickly, she took her time and a full minute later closed it slowly. Her face was like thunder as she felt her rage building. She didn't raise her head but flicked her gaze towards him from beneath her brow. Her gaze was cold and chilling to witness. It was a look born of hatred. It was not a look she was familiar with wearing.

Morris shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Then raised an inquiring eyebrow. “Well?” he asked

Kara stared at him for a long moment. “I think you are correct.”she said finally, her jaw muscles clenching tightly as she controlled her rage. “Someone can control the weather.”

Morris breathed out slowly in relief. “Yes. I think so too...”He sighed. "In your preliminary briefing to the Marine Accident Investigation Board you cited 3 Sea Devils - waterspouts - popping into existence and almost pushing the ship towards those rocks...that's unnatural. But I fear there is more." He took out another file. “This file covers some other ...similar incidents. It includes your little escapade with a ...” he flipped the file open to consult the document 'M R/A' unit. Nicknamed a Mister A apparently..Struck by lightning TWICE that sent it haywire. As well as the incident with the office blocks that collapsed upon you last week, caused by two localised tornadoes. Though as that is recent its only a partial report. Any commonality between the other incidents highlighted in this file?” He asked her then waited a moment whilst she read it.

Flash floods, storms and torrential rains, freak winds – a host of supposedly natural phenomena were outlined in some eight separate incidents.

“Well,...” Kara began with a pause as she gathered her thoughts. “A range of incidents with no obvious pattern...I suppose the common element besides being weather related is the destruction of property – they are happening in areas with a degree of infrastructure that is subsequently destroyed, or in the case of the Cornucopia, the ship itself...likewise with the Mr A. But no obvious connection between the targets if we can call them that.”

“Yes. But look at the scale of the incidents – a huge area covered by the Mr A incident, the Cornucopia had a large area of some 100 miles across embroiled in the storm ...some of the other incidents had an area 20 miles or so affected, then 10....then the incident where you were trapped by the building collapse. Studies show those two twisters touched down within a very small area – the destruction covered no more than a half mile radius.”

“They are getting smaller...”she said in alarm “More precise...more focused!”

“Precisely. If this is a weapon, and we have at this stage to assume it is I think, then...unfortunately it seems it is being perfected. Maybe through trial and error, but perfected none the less.”

“But to what end? If someone has perfected such a device they could make billions legitimately from its use! You could grow crops where none were possible before, prevent global warming, disrupt real storms so that their energy is dissipated. You needn't use it for destruction!”

“Yes. I think that the fact whoever has it IS using it for such a purpose is very telling. They have an axe to grind Miss El. A grudge.”

“But the property loss is irregular – there's no one company or person involved – its indiscriminate?”

“I suspect it only appears that way, because we don't understand the motive.” Morris said with a sigh. “However...I do have a theory.” He slid another document over to her.

“That's a transcript of text messages made from the BBC News outside broadcasting unit that was destroyed on the clifftop. It seems they had found something and when the landlines failed due to the storm interference, one of the engineers sent that series of messages to his boss. Trying to get permission to switch to live broadcasting...from the ship itself...” Morris let the words sink in as she glanced at the transcript, some three separate messages, sent over a 11 minute period on the night of the disaster.

“They intercepted live transmissions from the ship on the night it exploded?” She frowned as she read the document in alarm.

“But look where the transmissions were coming from – bow, stern, port side, starboard side and bridge. I suspect that's because someone wanted to see the fruits of their handiwork.”

“But the bombs went off instantaneously, why go to the trouble of placing at least five cameras when one would do? “

“I think they intended to see you in action, Miss El. If this is indeed a weapon, I believe its been intended to be used against you all along...”
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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"Well, who ever is responsible I am gonna get the son of a bitch ...” Kara said venomously as she stood, her language and sudden stance surprising Morris. “He needs to learn that playing God comes at a price...” she said fiercely. “And I intend to make him pay every penny of it...”

“Yes....yes, I believe you do....” Morris said slowly. “I am rather glad I am not him...” He coughed awkwardly. “or indeed her if anyone else is involved. But we do have other urgent priorities at the moment...”

“The hell we do! Like what?!!!” she spat angrily at him though it clearly wasn't him that she should direct her anger against.

“W-well, Miss El, we may be wrong for starters. Or rather I may me wrong. Its pure conjecture on my part that they are after you. I'll run through WHY I think so in a moment but we have to approach this rationally, scientifically. What if I am wrong? What if it isn't you but your cousin they sought to trap? I think our first priority ought to be to warn him that he too might be in danger.....?” his voice trailed off, ending with an inflection and raised eyebrows that asked the unspoken question – didn't she think so too?

“Yes. I am sorry professor you are absolutely right, Kal could be in danger...” she felt a rash, impetuous fool and she could sense herself blushing.

“I have no means of contacting him could you...?” again his voice trailed off.

“I'll do it as soon as we are done here.”she said tersely.

“Ah! By telepathy?” he asked excitedly.

“No...” she said slowly, “ telephone....” she pulled an awkward expression as she looked at him

“Oh,... erm, yes of course...” Morris said, awkwardly now, as it was his turn to be embarrassed.

“'t...” she started to explain, waving her hand vaguely.

“No, no of course not! Forgive me. You and he can do such miraculous things I got a bit carried away.” he smiled gently at her.

“Its fine and thank you for putting his welfare first. Thats something I should have done.”

“Its quite alright and in your case totally understandable. You are clearly still very upset by the Cornucopia business. I don't think your cousin will agree but...perhaps you can make the same offer to him, eh? Regarding joining us. But between us both...I will say its possibly a better option to have one of you inside the organization and one outside, from your point of view I mean. ”

“But not from yours...?”

“No, of course not - if you were both with us it would be a boon. But as a scientist...I would say better to have a control. Your cousin being the control and you being our...oh dear this analogy is going belly up! I was going to say experiment but I assure you thats not what you are! Honestly I dont view you as a guinea pig at all!” he suddenly looked distraught. “You mean so much more to me than that, I do assure you! I am so sorry to refer to you in such terms!”

“It's ok Professor, you didnt actually say that, you kinda checked yourself. But I know what you meant. And thanks for your candor in advocating Kal stay out of this set up. As you say it does make sense.”

“Perhaps I could meet him at some point? Oh not to try and strong arm him to join us, more just to put his mind at rest that I will do my utmost to try and keep you from harm.” he looked at her plaintively.

“Sure. I can arrange that.” she smiled.

“I need to say something though. When Aftermath was being targeted, I tried to stop them firing at one of the larger pieces because you were close to it and we didn't know what it might do to you...”

“Thank you very much for looking out for me Professor.” she said with a nod of thanks.

“No. No, you don't understand. It was the wrong decision. Millions of lives were at stake here on Earth – I had no idea if it would even do anything to you. My colleagues were playing the percentage game – that millions were at risk and that there was a reasonable chance you would survive it but I am afraid I let my own admiration of you cloud my judgement. As I say we are in this to save all the people on this planet, if we can. Against that, our lives – yours, Major Abbot, my own – are secondary considerations. I made the wrong decision. But you need to be aware I will not make the wrong decision again. I won't throw your life away needlessly and I won't sacrifice you for some political objective but make NO MISTAKE ON THIS, young lady – there will be times when I will probably put you in extreme danger. You need to appreciate that I won't be doing it lightly. But from now on, I will be fulfilling my responsibilities in this role, and that means making those sort of decisions. I need to know you understand and fully appreciate what that might mean.”

She looked at him tersely, then nodded.

“Good. If its any consolation if you ever are in that position I will be doing my utmost to be right there beside you at the end. Whatever you may face it won't be alone if I can help it.”

“You aren't making this sound like a fun job at all...” she said lightly.

“Make no mistake my dear. It is not going to be a fun job for any of us. It will be deadly serious. Lives will be at risk -” he waved a hand to indicate the people out in the street below, “- maybe theirs maybe mine, but certainly yours....I will give you this last opportunity to say no, and I fully understand if you do. You can still act independently on what I have shown you.” He gestured to the file on the table.”

Kara sat back and thought a moment. “I appreciate your honesty. But I said I am in, and I meant it.”

He smiled and gave a sigh of relief. “I don't suppose you want to come and buy a cardigan with me do you? I just can't get used to this suit.” he looked at her with a real sense of pleading for her to say yes.
“I'm sort of hopeless when it comes to clothes shopping. I am not even sure what shops might sell them.”

“Aren't we off to save the world?”

“Indeed. But careful thought and well planned action will save this blue globe, Miss EL, not some mad-cap lust for vengeance. We will shop and we will think and we will come up with a plan. Once we have got me a cardigan.”

“I'm sure I can find one” she smiled at him gently. She realised this little escapade was to calm her down.

He grinned back. “But first things first. Let your cousin know that he may be in danger...”

Kara nodded and took out her own phone

“I'll leave you alone, as you know the room isn't bugged.” Morris made to leave.

“One sec. What makes you think I am the target anyhow?” she asked.

“Well...its the MR A business. I have a feeling that might be the key. It was a secret and yet that storm sprang up in the test area. That is the first incident that seems amiss –not purely natural, or possibly natural and YOU thwarted it. Then the Cornucopia and then finally those twisters in your backyard last week. I know its only 3 of the 8 or 9 incidents but I just feel its significant. I think the others were just to throw us off the scent. I think the cameras on the ship show advanced planning, either to see you or your cousin in action and, we can assume, die. The fact that the next incident was in your backyard would seem to indicate its you, Miss El. But to confirm it, we would really like to review the data on the MRA incident. But we can't view the MR A files in their entirety as they are top secret. So, I was hoping that's where you might come in?”

“WHAT? NO WAY! There is no way I am spying on my own adoptive government for you or anybody else! “ she said hotly.

Morris looked at her surprised. “Er...nor would I ask you to. I just thought with your contacts you could ask them if you could see the file....?”

“Oh.” she said rather embarrassed by her outburst. “Er...yeah sure, I guess.”

“Good.” He smiled at her affectionately.

“What if they refuse?”

“Then we have a problem. But I stress it is YOU who would see the file, not I. I don't see why they would deny you access when you saw the thing up close and destroyed it.”

“I guess.”

Morris smiled at her. “I would never expect you to do anything you are not morally comfortable with, Miss El. Cross my heart” he smiled warmly at her as he did the gesture.

“Will you please stop calling me 'Miss El'? It makes me feel ancient.” she said to him with a soft, sullen look that wasn't serious.

“Of course I can. Ethel.” He grinned.

“Shall we just agree for me to be Linda when I am in civvies and Supergirl when I am caped up?” she asked.

He smiled gently at her. “As I said, you are the boss. Now I will step outside whilst you let your cousin know the situation.” He headed for the door then stopped.

“One last thing Miss El. I mean Linda. After you have spoken with your cousin, take a few minutes to think on things. You are angry and decisions made in anger are rarely the right ones. Calm yourself, think things over, and then we will take it from there, eh?”

As he closed the door behind himself, the sounds of London faded. She became lost in her own thoughts as she considered what he had shown her.

The file had literally been a revelation. Unbeknownst to Kara there had been a fifth ship in the storm that had ravaged the Cornucopia. But this vessel had survived. It had been detected on the radar records of the Coastguard and reference to it made on the recordings of the lifeboat that was lost, as lying some 50 miles or so off, to the south east, in the very eye of the storm. But the strange thing was that this vessel, a charter from one of the ports on the bay of Biscay, had followed the storm up from the French coast, for some 8 hours, forever in the eye. With the vagaries of a storm front, for a small boat to do that either made them one of the greatest sailors that ever lived, or they were literally the centre of the storm. Kara recalled how she had seen the very cloud patterns moving against the prevailing winds for the season from space, when she was returning from her intergalactic diplomatic mission. Again, she cursed the fact that she hadn't gone to investigate there and then. For some reason that oddity had barely registered with her, all because she was tired and in a hurry to get home. It seemed that storm originated FROM that same ship, that somehow, as crazy as it sounds they were controlling the weather. The vessel, La Rosa, a small cabin cruiser, had been a one way charter from La Rochelle to Cork, where a temporary crew would then take it back. Such single voyage charters were expensive, and the hirer had paid in cash. The file contained a brief description – tall, thin, clean shaven, sandy brown hair , early thirties, which was not a lot to go on but at least was a start.

But what really shocked her were the BBC studio records from their outside broadcasting unit. Though the unit and film crew itself had been destroyed at the cliff top, texted phone records revealed that they had intercepted camera footage being broadcast FROM the ship. There were at least 5 cameras and the technology used seemed to be military grade tech. The broadcast range was small, estimated at no more than 40-50 miles, perhaps 60 at most. That distance sat conveniently with the little boat that seemed to be controlling the storm. Put the bombs, the broadcasts and the storm together and you have a considerable amount of resources applied to destroy the vessel. However, it was not a terror attack, as no organisation had tried to claim responsibility, all assuming the vessel had been lost accidentally in the midst of the storm. Morris, with his contacts in a range of international intelligence agencies had concluded in the file that it was not the actions of a nation state. That left a private individual or organisation responsible. But what chilled her was that Morris, ever the scientist had expanded the brief of this file beyond the disaster itself. And he had found other strange atmospheric and weather related incidents. Two of which directly involved herself. The first was the extremely unlikely accident involving the Mobile Armoured Recon weapons unit, known as MR.A.a new prototype weapon for the US Army that had suffered a double lightning strike while on manouvres and then run amok. Kara had been called in to stop it and after a bruising struggle had succeeded. The second was the recent incident where two twisters had touched down in MetroCity and destroyed two buildings, collapsing them on top of her.

If it were just those three incidents which all involved herself, it might look like someone held a grudge against her. But Morris' file had a further 6 accounts of unnatural 'natural' phenomenon over the last 18 months, which would seem to indicate her involvement was coincidental. But what they couldn't find was a common link between the incidents. Floodwaters had risen and receded in record time causing localised damage. More lightning strikes and sudden storm force winds again causing intense and catastrophic damage but all localised. Factories, Research facilities, Office blocks, military hardware, aircraft in hangers, tankers at sea – there were a host of items destroyed but no obvious common link between them. They were all owned by different companies and corporations.

Morris made a convincing case in the dossier that the other incidents were to hide the 3 that directly involved her, the connection being that they had no obvious connection. She wasn't totally convinced but had to concede that it warranted closer investigation.

Finally she made the call to her cousin. She updated Clark briefly and promised to give him more details when she had them, saying she would call in on her way home.

She called Morris back into the room and he sat opposite her. She had to admit, he seemed genuinely concerned about her and indeed her cousin.

“So ? Where do you think we should start Miss El? In looking for the culprit, I mean. Not the cardigan” Morris asked, lacing his fingers before his face as he leaned on both elbows, moving his hands so that they touched his lips in thoughtful pose after he asked his question.

“Any fingerprints on the boat that was hired?”

“Well, they seem to have used gloves...” he said but his eyes were twinkling and she knew that there was more.

“Even when they went to the John?” she said with a slight softening of her mood.

“HA! I knew you were the right lady to join us! Yes indeed Miss EL, we found a thumb print on the push button flush in the toilet. Its not in the file because we only had the results back via Interpol this morning.

But unfortunately, no matches with their database, but we did eliminate the boat crew that took it back to La Rochelle and the previous hirers of the cabin cruiser. But at least we know its likely to be our Joe. We will of course keep looking. Any other thoughts?”

“Well there is one common factor in all these incidents....” Kara said idly pushing the folder with one hand.

“Go on...”

“Lotta money involved in each – lotta damage to equipment, facilities, a lot of material loss...”

“We thought the same, but they are all owned by different companies.”

“Ah.” she said, and fell silent for a minute in thought.

“Tell me...this fellow you live with...the little Welsh chap....?”

“Rob? What about him? But I don't live WITH him, he just lets me live above his store...”

“Yes, him. Thomas, isn't it? Rob Thomas?”she nodded and he continued “Do him?”

“Implicitly. With my life. And I have, literally. He may not look much but he's a very brave man.”

“He knows about you, then?” Morris inquired.


“Hmmn. Strange chap. Odd family. Some might say cursed.” Kara laughed.”Maybe best not to mention this to him, though eh?” Morris added.

“As you wish. But why do say cursed?”

“Well, there was that business with his uncle...”Morris thumbed a file from his case “er....Francis, in the War. Terrible business that...has he told you?”

“OH GOSH ! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS UNCLE FRANK!!! YOU GOTTA SPILL THE BEANS, ITS A FAMILY SECRET HE WON'T TELL ME!” she said excitedly “C'MON! GIMME!” she flapped a hand beckoningly at herself.

“Well...” Morris looked left and right dramatically “Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course!” she said excitedly.

“ can I.” he said with a smile and sat back in his chair

“AWW NO FAIR!” she wailed but found herself smiling.

“ Oh my dear, if you hadn't mentioned it being a family secret, I would have told you, gladly ...but...we're British you know. Sense of fair play and all that. If he won't tell you and its a family secret, then, I'm afraid I can't possibly. Its a very strange and ultimately sad affair....but its up to him to tell you. I wouldn't want to meddle in your domestic arrangements. I assume its the same with his sister?” Morris raised an eyebrow.

“Domestic arrangements?! Look, I just live above his shop, that's all, in his old flat. We aren' know. As for his sister, oh he never stops talking about her. She must ring him a coupla times a day, the amount of stories he has about her. I've never met her , but I am sure he hasn't told her who I am. Has she got a secret as well? Do tell , I hope its something juicey!”

Morris went strangely quiet. “No. No its not. She hasn't , I mean. Tell me have you ever been present when she has rang?”

“What?, I don't think so, why?”

“I think I must insist, after all, that you don't tell him about our seems Mr Thomas has....some issues.”

“Hell yeah he does! I coulda told you that. But what is it about his sister? He keeps referring to me as his little sister, even though he has a real one.”

“HAD a real one.” Morris took a deep breath. “Miss El...she died when he was eight.”

Kara felt her jaw drop, “But he-” she trailed off. “He tells me all the time about her, what she's done and arguments he has with her, and...well, stuff....”

“I think it must be his way of coping with her loss...He was with her when she was run over. She was five years old, died at the scene. Nothing suspicious just a tragic accident.”

She felt tears prick at her eyes. “Poor Rob....”

“Would you like some more tea? You are clearly upset...”

“No, no I'm fine. Honestly. Lets get some air shall we? Why don't we go get that thinking cardigan of yours, hmmn? Who knows, it might help.”

It didn't. Two days later she was sat in Rob's cafe wondering what the hell to do next. She hadn't mentioned his sister, as she had no idea what to say. So she just tried to carry on as normal. She had made overtures to the powers that be to take a look at the MR A file, but they were still deciding if she could see it.

Rob fussed all around her like a mother hen but mercifully didn't engage in much conversation. He could see she had a lot on her mind and she had roundly bitten his head off when he tried to make small talk. She had apologized but he had enough sense to stay away from her. She would be heading back to London in a few days to witness more of the hearings and so to see Morris again, hopefully with news of what the MRA files contained for him.

Out of the corner of her eye she suddenly saw him stiffen and swallow as someone entered the shop through the door behind her. She straightened up suddenly alert, but didn't turn around, she just kept watching his reactions. He was suddenly very nervous.

“Nice place ya got here...” said a man in his late thirties with an expensive leather jacket and lots of gold chains over an open collared shirt. His companion was similarly dressed and judging by his build was the brawn of this sinister double act. They looked typical mafiosi, and when she x-ray scanned them and saw both their id and their weapons, she realised they were precisely that. Harvey the dog had even taken a dislike to them and was slowly springing to alert, emitting a low growl as he struggled to rise on his front paws.

"Yeah....real nice."

“Crikey! Always a pleasure to host members of the blind community! “Rob said brightly with a huge grin as he looked around his own shop interior “It's alright, like, but 'nice' is a bit of a stretch! What can I get you gents?”

“Actually, its more about what we can do for you...”

So a shakedown. Protection money? Probably , Kara thought. She downed what was left of her tea and made to stand but to her surprise Rob had moved opposite her behind the counter and whilst he kept his eyes on the new arrivals he put his hand gently over Kara's and pressed it down onto the counter to indicate she should stay put.

“I need the bathroom Rob, see you in a tick...” she said but again he held her as she made to pull her hand away.

“I got this...” he said in a low voice. “No problem. You stay sat by there now and I'll get you a refill...” He said again in a low voice without looking at her.

”'ow d'ya mean boys?” Rob said to the two goons, speaking normally once more.

“Well, you're a business man, ya work hard, yeah? Put a lot into this place...” the seated thug dipped his head to left and right shrugging as he spoke. “..and ya know, its a nice little place here, aint it, Donny? I said to Donny when we was outside just what a nice place it looked...”

“Yeah, he did. Real nice.” Donny added with a tight smile that held no warmth.

Kara again made to move but Rob still held her hand.

“ Be a real shame if something happened is all....”

“AH! Right! Ok I think I got where this is goin'...” he let go of her hand finally, gave her a cheery grin and a wink and then turned his full attention to the two men. His next actions left Kara dumb founded.

He held a finger to his lips in a SHHH gesture to the two men whilst he carried on talking as he pointed with the other hand at the smoke detector above their heads

“AHHH! You boys are here to try the Darjeeeling, yes?” He pointed vigorously at the ceiling fixture again and nodded rapidly. The two goons exchanged confused frowns before the seated thug stood.

“Look, buddy, I dunno shit about no Darjeeling...”

But Rob just pointed frantically at the ceiling and reached under the counter.

For one brief, heart stopping micro second she thought he was reaching for a gun, but he emerged with a piece of laminated paper, still pointing frantically up and touching his finger to his lips as he spoke.

“You are from the campus committee for culture aren't you, come to try the DARJEELING..?” he nodded and showed them the piece of paper.

Kara used her x-ray vision to read it. At its top was an FBI crest with Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity emblazoned below it. Underneath that was a written statement.



These premises are part of a National Security measure to route out radicalisation on campus. As such conversations you may have here are being recorded as a matter of course but rest assured that all private conversations are deleted after screening by trained government operatives. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your co -operation which may well help prevent future atrocities against this nation. Please follow any instructions issued by the owner of this facility as he is a trained government official. You are in no danger at this time but your co-operation would be appreciated both now and on future occasions.”

The note continued but Kara just looked up open mouthed at Rob. It was total BS, but she admired his forethought in constructing such a document for just this kind of situation.

“ lads want to try the Darjeeling...” Rob poured two cups and winked profusely at the two men, as a dumbstruck Al handed the letter to Donny who read whilst moving his lips.

“Er....sure...” the lead thug said totally lost for words.

“Whadda we do Al?” Donny asked in a whisper.

“Shhh!” Al said and pointed to the smoke detector as Rob did, frantically.


“There ya go boys, you can drink that on the house and then best leave the full assessment for some other time, eh? We are a bit busy” Rob said nodding and still pointing at the ceiling.

“Yeah Some other time...” Al said still somewhat shocked. He drank the tea in one draught and then turned and stumbled out, totally at a loss, pushing Donny before him.

Kara smiled at her friend. She raised her now full cup in salute “You ain't as dumb as you look Rob Thomas. And you do look REALLY dumb”

“Awwww” he said plaintively. She laughed softly.

She drank her tea swiftly and headed after the two goons.

“HEY! Leave it now, will you? There's no need know...its taken care of...” He looked at her anxiously.

She smiled back. “You done good, Rob. But now its my turn.” Her gaze had a steely look and her voice an edge of anger to it. It was more a manifestation of the frustration she felt with the lack of progress identifying the perpetrator of the tanker atrocity. She just needed to take it out on someone. These goons would do.

Kara had already decided on a course of action. And for once it didn't involve turning into Supergirl

Rob had decided on a course of action too. He could see she was angry and about to take it out on the two hoodlums who had just left. He didnt want the attention another visit by Supergirl to his shop would bring in the media, nor her to do something rash that might give herself away. So, he would pursue her around the counter, moving nimbly like Robert Redford in Butch and Sundance, catch up with her at a slightly oblique angle, trotting directly into her with his not inconsiderable bulk, body-checking her to gently knock her off balance as he wrapped her up in his muscular arms to steady her as she tottered, swinging her around as she was on one foot so that he stood between her and the doorway, holding her gently but firmly in his embrace until she had calmed down, realising the error of her ways, with a touch of the Timothy Oliphant to his gaze. Maybe she would swoon , who could tell.

Rob's plan owed an awful lot to his imagination. And ignored both his and her abilities. He made it around the counter awkwardly, racing to catch up with her as she strode purposefully for the door.

“HEY-HEY HEY -HEY NOW!” he called as he more or less ran into her. Kara, surprised by the impact on her right shoulder, turned at the loud crack of fractured bone as Rob bounced off of her as if he had run into a wall.

“AAAAHGGGH FUCK!” he cried wincing as he flew backwards around four feet and fell on the floor like a sack of potatoes. Kara hadn't moved.

“Rob? What the hell?! Rob are you alright?” she said with concern.

To his credit, even in his intensely painful position, he tried his best to protect her as all the customers looked on at the commotion.

“SHIT! SHIT ! I-I slipped I did! Slipped on a bit o' water on the floor! Lucky it was me what done it and not one of you folks or you coulda sued me! Ha ha!” He laughed weakly before it turned into a grimace.

Kara rushed to his side. “What the hell was that?” she whispered so only he could hear. “Rob are you ok? I think you've fractured your collar bone...” her x-ray vision told her that he had. “Em. call an ambulance...” she addressed one of the four future Humans who secretly worked at the cafe. Rob was unaware they were concubines from 700 years in Earths future. That was probably just as well. Her life was sometimes a little crazy.

“AN AMBULANCE!” Em said looking to Kara for approval. “Like that Angel?” She thought of Supergirl as a deity in her time.

Kara took a deep breath. “No Em, remember? We spoke of this. You need to call 911. ON THE TELEPHONE” she said pointedly as she saw Em take a deep breath and prepare to call 911 literally.
Kara forgot that sometimes the future humans had a habit of obeying commands to the letter as they lacked the everyday comprehension of colloquial 21st century American linquistics.

“Ok?!” Kara looked pointedly at the telephone, before turning her attention back to Rob once she was certain that Em understood.

“You big dummy! What did you think you were doing?” she whispered, not unkindly

“I 'ad a plan...but its kinda gone tits up...” he said nursing the elbow of his injured arm as he winced.



“Can someone help her with the call please? She's ... from...India...” Kara said as she realised that Emaritzina was actually from a distant mining colony that hadn't been founded yet. A flurry of eager young men rushed to the aid of the beautiful waitress. She, like her companions, had been genetically bred for their physical looks in the future and were all, quite simply, stunning.

R.V. Jones, 'Harvey' the dog, had wandered over to see his master but just gave an indifferent sniff and slowly walked away.

“YOU!” Kara pointed at Rob. “STAY PUT.” Harvey duly stopped. Kara smiled in spite of herself as master and hound stared at her with the same bewildered expression.

“Don't do anything stupid!” Rob called after her. She stopped and gave him a withering look, before she headed after the thugs.

“Of course not! I always leave that to you...” she said with a wink and a shy smile.

“What the fuck, Al? It's some sorta Fed operation? What we gonna do? Do we still shake it down or what?” asked Donny, halfway to the car. The two stopped and faced each other.

“Of course not, you moron! Its like a front of some kind, a sting operation for terrorists and shit. Of course we aint gonna shake it down...we just... I dunno leave it alone I guess.”

“Guys.” Kara called after them.

They both turned to see a typical female student standing before them, with glasses, a loose sweater and faded jeans.

“Not now sugar tits, ok? We're busy...”

“Too busy for your Momma, Alfonso? Its been four months since you wrote her, you know that?”
Kara said, her light tone of voice suddenly deepening. “And you used to be such a good Catholic boy, always remembered his mother...”

“What? What the fuck? How'd you know that?”

“You break your mommas heart when you don't write, you know that?” deeper still. "Little Ally..."


He was shouting as he had stormed up to her, and he went to push her savagely in the shoulder to knock her back but she caught his hand easily, crushing the fingers.

“Ah-AHHHH!” he panted as they all heard his bones snap.

“Al?” Donny said perplexed as to what to do.

Kara said nothing but stared at Al as she held him. As soon as he made eye contact she flashed a brief red gaze at him for a nanosecond, with no heat in her stare, her eyes just glowed red for an instant. When she spoke it was with a low, demonic rumble to her voice that made her sound like a deep and raw-throated man.

“DO YOU BELIEVE IN HEAVEN AND HELL, AL? BECAUSE GUESSSSS WHICH WAY YOU ARE HEADED?” her voice was deep and low, so only he could hear. She got the details of his mother from a letter in his inside breast pocket of the leather jacket. She used other information she got from scanning his body now.


“What the fuck is this....?” Al whispered, terrified, eyes widening as she flashed another red eyed gaze his way.

“HAIL MARY, FULL O' GRACE-”he began desperately.

“Don't mess around with things you don't understand, Al.” she whispered, again with a gravelly edge to her words that made them sound satanic.

“Oh GOD!”

“He can't help you where you are going Al....” she said maliciously. “Change your ways or seal your fate...”

“Oh JEEEZUS” Al was crying, openly sobbing as a desperate Donny decided to take action.

He took two steps towards Kara but she turned her head at lightning speed and growled at him, again using her glowing red eyes to devastating effect.

“YOOOOOOU'RE …..NEXXXXTTTTTTTT.....” she hissed maniacally at him, with a deep, unearthly growl, that saw the colour drain from his cheeks, the red eyes proving too much for poor Donny. A spreading stain on the front of his grey slacks showed just how scared he was.

She flicked a wrist and sent Al flying into Donny who just stared at her, terrified, as he caught his partner in crime.

“W-what do we do AL....?” he said weakly as she strode towards them. “F-Fuck!”

Donny fumbled for his gun inside his jacket but hadn't got it anywhere near clear before she was on him, gripping his wrist and squeezing it as she stood up close behind Al, her body pressing him into Donny like a wall. She broke Donny's wrist, just because she could. He screamed and released the weapon, tears in his eyes as Al squirmed around to face her, still clinging on to Donny's shoulder with both hands and standing half behind the bigger man. He was under no illusion that Donny would protect him.


“You know what I am, Al....” she said quietly as she stared malevolently at the two of them. “Just as I know what you are....I take many forms Al, many guises. What, you prefer horns and hooves? Change your ways...or else join me the flames...”

“F-flames?” Donny said somewhat slow to catch on.

You think someone is gonna save you, Al? Some hero like Superman or Supergirl? Huh? “she looked skyward at the empty blue expanse. “You think they can stop fate Al? You think they can save your SOUL ...Al?” The demonic voice returned full force.

Look up Al. Do you see them rushing to stop me? I am beyond their powers Al. I am beyond everything in this mortal realm. I am ages old Al, as old as this Earth upon which you stand....and I wait for your soul Al....AND.....unless you change your ways...I-SHALL-HAVE-IT”

She looked up and down the quiet street and then back at the men before giving a low roar, with her breath blasting into the hapless crooks and knocking them backwards, off their feet. She watched them tumble.

“Oh and guys ...” she said in a normal voice as the men scrambled up on to their feet, clinging to each other, Donny nursing his injured arm “...remember” she reverted back to the demonic voice “CHANGE YOURRRR WAYYYYSSSSSS TO SSSSAAAAVE YOUR SSSSSSOUL”

She watched the two terrified goons flee down the street, scrambling to get into a light blue Pontiac that they struggled to start as they flooded the engine. She just stood and watched them before they roared off in reverse and spun the car around to avoid going past her end of the street. With a broken wrist and broken fingers neither should be driving, and lo and behold, an instant later they hit a stop sign with a squeal of brakes. They scrambled out of the car and ran looking back over their shoulder at her. She waved. They didn't. Rude of them, but she let it go.

She raised her shoulders in a happy shrug and smiled to herself as she squinted in the sunshine.
“Ahhhhh.” She said with a contented sigh. That was fun.
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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How did Part 3 get by me on this excellent tale? Quite an oversight on my part. I shall read it forthwith, Mr. Ambassador!
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entertaining story, very well done.
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Interesting idea, having SG coming off as the devil to chase off mobsters. You do use your cranium to maximum advantage, sir. Never going for the usual approach, mixing it up and telling an intriguing story in the process. Have you done this before?
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Thanks guys. Here is the next part

Part 4

Kara ran back into the cafe at a fast trot, picking up Donny's dropped gun in the process, crushing the barrel and then tucking it under her sweatshirt. She entered to find Rob sitting upright on the floor nursing his arm with everyone gathered around him. She took a subtle glance at his fractured collar bone with her x-ray vision and decided she could fuse it and save the fuss and attention of a trip to the hospital. She pushed her way through to him

“Rob its Ok, I think its just dislocated, come into the office and I'll pop that sucker back in for you...” she said helping him to stand.

“I dunno...I'm pretty sure I heard a break...” a young guy said prompting her to glare at him pointedly. “I-I'm a med student.” he said under her withering gaze.

“Well bully for you. But its dislocated. Em, help me get him into the office.”she said to the head waitress. “Doc Holliday”she said to the med student “You think you can cancel that ambulance for me?” her intense gaze brooked no argument.

“S-sure” he said shrinking before it.

“Watch the shop girls!” Rob called to the other waitresses as Kara led him gently into the back room

Once inside his office she bade Em close the door.

“You maniac Rob! What the heck were you trying to do?” she scolded him gently as she turned her heat vision on the small hairline crack as she pushed the bone firmly together.”This is gonna hurt, ok and you will have a little scar for a few weeks, alright?”

He nodded, grimacing. He sucked in the air between his teeth as the heat ray burnt his skin but she blew on it instantly with her freezing breath, striking a fine balance so that just enough heat made it to the bone to help the crack fuse without searing the flesh of his shoulder too badly. In seconds it was done.

“There. Who's a brave little soldier? Hmmn?” she teased him.

“Shurrup!” he glowered back with little malice. She kissed him on the forehead

“Oh that bit was ok! You can do that again!” he said brightly.

“Don't push your luck, ya bum!”She said with a grin.

There was a small burn mark across his upper chest about an inch long but aside from that he was fine. She hadn't fused it in the way she would have melted metal and fused that together, but she had simply softened the leading edge of bone along the crack and applied the pressure that would ensure it would knit back together naturally. She was actually feeling rather pleased with herself.

“You are gonna be a bit tender for a few days ok? It was just a small crack and I have fused it together now, you will be fine. I know it hurt but I saved you a few weeks of pain while it healed. We'd better put some antiseptic cream on the burn though -” she looked around the office.

“There's a first aid kit in the desk, bottom drawer....” he said still cradling his arm but tentatively flexing it more with each passing second.

He was still flexing and looking at his arm when he suddenly noticed she had gone silent. He looked up to see her staring in horror into the desk drawer she had opened.

He frowned and then remembered. “OH SHIT NO WAIT!”

“ROB? WHAT THE HELL?” she said loudly as she reached into the drawer.

“ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! “ He said panic stricken

“NO? Because what it looks like is a cheap knock off of my uniform?” Kara said angrily as she pulled out the cheap Supergirl halloween costume. “What the HELL IS THIS?!!!” she said brandishing it before her.

“Oh that is the costume Rob has us dress up in when he takes his flat images...” Em said helpfully

“HE WHATTTTTT?!!!!!” Kara declared feeling her anger rising. “he makes you dress up in this and -and takes photographs?”

“Oh not just me.” Said Emaritzina helpfully.”All the girls.” she added referring to her 4 fellow time travelling concubines who Rob employed as waitresses.


“ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!” Rob said desperately before she spun and glared at him in her rage
“NOT. ANOTHER. WORD” she jabbed a pointed finger in his direction to emphasise her words

“Yes all 5 of us. Oh and the concubine from this time.”


“NO! We-well yes sort of but its not what you think!”

“JESUS, ROB!” she said tearfully throwing the costume at him as she stormed out.



“NO! I DONT TAKE NAUGHTY PICTURES, HONEST! HONEST I DONT!” he said crying as he spoke.


“No Angel!” Em tried again to placate her. “He does it to help save you!”

“Save me ?”

“Yes to help protect you”

“Protect me? Protect me, huh? Well, how in hell does that protect me?”

“I-I do not know” Em stammered. “I do not always understand the ways of this time...but he says it does...”

“Love, PLEASE, let me explain...” Rob begged

“You lying bastard! I thought you were my friend and you're doing this- this whatever the hell this sordid thing is with the girls and a hooker? Jesus you make me sick”

“Not all at once Angel. He dresses us up one at a time for the flat images“ Em added , not really understanding why Kara was so angry.

“EM. Please. Stay out of this.” she rounded on the young girl from the future, chopping her palm down for emphasis.

“PLEASE LOVE! Please....” Rob said in a little voice that faded away as the tears came.

Kara looked down at him with total contempt. “Count yourself lucky I found out about this AFTER I fixed your stupid shoulder.” she spun on her heel and stormed out of the office. As she stomped through the cafe the other future humans who were waitresses exchanged confused glances. Like Emaritzina, they too had worshipped her as a Goddess. Too see her so angry was unsettling.

Kara marched out into the sunshine, fighting back the tears. She stopped and looked up at the sun, taking in its warm rays, feeling its energy course through her body. She felt totally betrayed by this shocking revelation. She heard light female footsteps chase after her and let out a weary sigh.

“Em go back. I will speak with you later, ok? I need some time. I will sort out new accommodation for you over the next few days ok? You cant stay with that...that pervert.” she said bitterly.

“But he says us dressing up protects you!”

“You cant listen to that lying bastard anymore Em.” Kara said tearfully as a new wave of tears washed over her. She swallowed them back and drew in a ragged breath as she looked skywards once more. She felt sullied, violated. “I gotta go.”

“NO Angel.” Em said forcefully and gripped her arm. “You have known him many years, yes?”

Kara drew in another heavy breath and nodded closing her eyes as she looked down.

“And does he lie?”

“All the time.”

“NO. I mean LIE. Not his silly stories. He is an honest man. A good man. He doesn't lie. He says he has saved your life 5 times, is that not true?”

“Actually no it isn't, its more like 3. Well 2 kinda. And I would have been fine without him, I didn't need saving. So ya see, he is a lying piece of crap.”

“But he did not know this, no? That you did not need saving”


“And he risked himself for you?”


“Then don't you think at the very least you should hear why he does this?”

“I don't need to know the sordid details, thanks.”

“There are none. He even gives us the flat depictions of you. I mean of us as you” being from the future Em was used to 3-d graphical representations not photographs. “Talk with him, Angel. Please. You know him better than I. He has not done the great wrong you think that he has.”

Kara drew in a last juddering breath and wiped her eyes with her fingers. She swallowed and finally nodded.

When she went back into the shop and then the office, Rob was nowhere to be found. She used her x ray vision to trace him to a long flat step, one of 3, at the back of the shop. He was sitting upright, legs stretched out straight before him, his feet resting on his heels, his toes pointed in towards each other. His head was down and he was having a tearful conversation with his dog. Harvey didn't appear to care as long as Rob ruffled his fur under his chin. When she opened the back door the dog swiftly abandoned his owner and padded over to her to say hello.

From behind, Rob's awkward body shape created an image in her mind's eye of Winnie the Pooh.

He turned to see why Harvey had deserted him and balked when he saw her. He turned away from her hurriedly and looked down at his hands in his lap.

She went and stood at his shoulder. After a long moment she sat down herself, beside him on the step.

Both looked straight ahead.

He looked about himself trying to find words, but had nothing. After a long moment, she broke the deadlock.

“So.Wanna tell me what the hell is going on?”

“Not really. It will sound daft. Hey though! You can use your mind reading thingy to see I ain't doing anything bad!” he said excitedly.

She sighed, drawing up her knees and resting her fore arms across them, gripping her fingers in one hand, her feet on the step below. Crap. Time to come clean herself. “Rob....” she began before a long pause. “I don't have mind reading powers...”

“ always seem to know what I am thinking! And you said you did!”

“Rob, you are either thinking about sex or sexual innuendo. Knowing what you are gonna say ain't hard.” she said rather embarrassed.

“Oh.” he said in mild surprise. “But you said you could...”

“I know. I'm sorry. I can tell when people are lying though. I can tell from pupil dilation, microscopic nerve pulses, body temperature. That's kinda cool right?”

“ ain't mind reading though is it? That's better. But anyway! Do me , now! Go on do me and you will see I ain't lying or doing anything bad! Go on!”


“AWWW C'MON! I-” he began before she held up a hand to stop him.

“I dont need to Rob, because I know you.”

“Awww thank god! I would never 'urt you love, you know that!”

“I know. But do you wanna tell me how the hell having the girls and- and a hooker dress up as me protects me?”

“Well it doesn't exactly protect YOU..the other you....but it helps save this you, don't it? Brown eyes. It stops people working out you are her...”

Kara frowned “How so, exactly?”

“Well if ever anyone does see you here as Superlady and maybe the press get hold of it and come knocking I can say 'No-no it was just the girls dressed up” and show them the pics.”

Oh crap, that actually did make sense. Dammit. She felt such a fool for doubting him. “But why the hooker, Rob?”

“She's a lovely girl. Just needed the cash for her little boy. Figured it was a safe gig for her for a bit, like, keeps her off the streets for an hour. And having someone who doesn't live here verify it, well kinda gives it more traction.”

She smiled and nudged him with her elbow. “That's actually kinda smart Rob. Especially for a guy who cant even remember my name...”

“I can too” He said indignantly. “I do do-do that deliberately to protect you too!”

“You do do-do that? Do you?” she mimmicked him and his soft Welsh accent gently “So how the heck is constantly getting my name wrong 'protecting' me?” she said with an amused look on her face.

“Well... look I admit the real you, this you, not the other you... I cant remember your name there but that's cos I called you Brown Eyes for 4 years, but I cant remember most of my customers. Tuesday-morning Times Guy for one. But that's why you is Brown Eyes”


He drew in a deep breath. “ got like about 5 names anyway - there's you as Brown Eyes, -“


“-there's your real name-”


“See and then there's you as Supergirl. Now whilst I don't remember Lauren and Katy even I can remember Supergirl.”

“So how in the hell is getting my name wrong protecting me?”

“Well if I got mixed up and called Lydia -”


“Right, Linda, Supergirl by accident someone might over hear and then think 'Ang on! She does look like her but just with brown eyes ! But if I NEVER call you Supergirl in the first place, deliberately, like, well then if I slip up and call


“Linda, Super lady or whatever they are just gonna think its one of them ya know terms of whatchya call”

“Endearment. A term of endearment”

“Aye that. Exactly.”

Awwww crap that actually made sense too. She set her chin on her forearms across her raised knees.

“I'm sorry Rob. I was an asshole.” she pecked him on the cheek and then settled her head on his shoulder, her ear to the top of his shirt. She could hear his heart rate quicken and she smiled 'Still got it Kara' she thought with a grin.

Harvey nuzzled across her lap, his drool staining her jeans dark. She didn't mind.

She looked out on the shabby alley in the dimming light, It was only around 4 pm but the shadows were growing. There were dumpsters and trash cans scattered opposite and some garbage on the sidewalk. The houses were slightly shabby, as were the cars in the street.

“Not much of a view.” she said after a while of comfortable silence

“I dunno...” he said looking around “Sometimes I thinks this spot is the most beautiful in all the world... “

“Dear God! When's that? When you are drunk?” she said laughing

“Noooo.” He said slowly and deliberately. “ When I am sitting here with the most beautiful girl in all the world lying with her head on my shoulder....”

“Awww Rob!” she smiled. “I think I'm gonna cry ya old smoothie! My BFF!”

“OH DON'T CALL ME THAT! “ he said exasperatedly, pulling away from her

“Why not?”

“Why not?! No one wants to be called THAT.” he said plaintively. “Its not a nice thing to say to one of your best mates, now is it?”

“Well...sure it is. That's what it means, we are best friends. Wait Rob, what do you think it stands for?”

He went quiet. “Well...Big Fat Fucker ain't it?”

She burst out laughing and nuzzled her head against him again “Ooooh Rob, you are a darling man but you are useless.” she smiled

“Well if it ain't that... what is it then?”

“Best Friend Forever”

“OH!” he perked up, “Oh that's alright then.”

“I thought it might be.” She smiled.

“So you not moving out, now then...?”

“Nah...I'll stay and witness the ever changing freak show that's your life....” she smiled but to her surprise Rob fell silent, he swallowed back tears and sighed as he looked up at the sky.

“You don't think much of me do you....?” he said sadly, looking down at his feet. He started rolling his feet on his heels, swinging the toes to first point together then point away. More than ever he looked like a little boy lost.

“Whoa!!! Where's this come from? I do, I think the world of you!” she said earnestly.

“Well...” he swallowed back his pain “well , look. Whats the best thing you've ever done?”

“What? Oh, well...I dunno..I've saved the world a few times I guess....” she said with a smile but Rob wasn't smiling back.

“Like that comet thing..” he mumbled.

“Yeah but it was an asteroid. Well two asteroids actually...” she smiled again.

“How would you feel then if people said that was all pointless and stupid?”

“What? Who would say that? I saved the world!” she said perplexed.

“Yeah well...if they'd feel pretty lousy, wouldn't you?”

“Damn straight! Ungrateful so- and- sos!” she said lightly but again he wasn't smiling.

“Ya know what mine is? What I am most proud of, I mean?”

Kara shook her head frowning but suddenly she could see where he was going. She realised with horror he was talking about when he had tried to save her when she was trapped under the collapsed office building by pretending to leave and trying to hide instead so she could get out.

“It used to be giving blood like, cos being a blood donor saves 8 premature babies for each pint. I always thought that was pretty good like. But its when I saved you...or tried to.”

“Oh Rob! I'm so sorry...”

“And you do just go and say you didn't need savin' and- and- and that I was bein' stupid and it was a dumb thing to do and it was pointless...” Tears were running down his cheeks as he spoke and his words hurt inside her too, as she could feel her eyes start to moisten.

“Oh Rob...”

“It wasn't silly an' stupid! 'Ow -how can savin' your friend ever be stupid? Or tryin' to anyways...” he said sadly.

Kara flung her arms around his neck and squeezed tightly, sobbing herself.

“I'm so-so sorry Rob!” she said tearfully.

“It was the right thing to do.. to try an' 'elp save you and -and you just say it was dumb all the time...” he said openly crying. She could feel him take in a shuddering breath as she squeezed him tighter.

“I'm so sorry Rob...I wont ever say that again! Ever!”

“I'd do it again in a 'eartbeat! I would, honest!” he said plaintively

“I know you would Rob. And it was very brave of you. And then pretending to be weak and clinging to me in front of the press, when it was me who was weak....that was a different type of bravery too, making yourself look ridiculous in front of the whole world. I'm sorry I've been so ungrateful. You must have felt wretched all this time...”

“Never mind”

She smiled at him. “You're a good man, Rob Thomas”

“I'd never hurt you.”

“I know.”

“I loves you, I does...” he said quietly.

She smiled at his bad grammar. “I know honey...” she sighed and drew in a deep breath but he headed off her response.

“An' I knows you don't love me that way, but its alright...”

“I'm sorry Rob. I do love you ...just not in a -”

“Its ok! Please don't say it out loud, that's just like twistin' the knife! I know and you know and we will be pals and that's enough.” he said with a sad, long sigh. “ 'Like me for now and love me later, and we'll be forever the best of friends...' “

“That's sweet.” she cuddled his arm tightly, briefly.

“Aye that's me. Sweet.” he said wistfully. “Not 'andsome, not ugly. Sweet.”

“Sweet's good Rob.”

“Better than 'nice' I suppose.” He said with a sigh. He sniffed loudly and wiped away the tear tracks clumsily from his cheek with the back of his hand.

“I'd rather have a friend who was strong and brave and sweet than handsome and rich and shallow.”
He smiled at her before she went on. “Even if you act like a dick sometimes..”

“OI! Bloody women!” he said indignantly. He sighed once more. “I do see family, truly. I mean I know you ain't but....” he shrugged.

“That's cool Rob. You sure you can handle that sort of relationship between us?”

“Yeah. Will 'ave to, won't I , little sister?” he looked at her with a sad smile, and she empathized back.
He looked up at the sky above the houses across the street, then looked back at her with a squint in one eye.



“Seein' you come down them stairs and smile at me first thing in the morning...that's worth a thousand chests of gold...”

“Awww, God Rob! That's a beautiful thing to say!”

“An' when you came down in your knickers an' me shirt the other day, well, I thought it was Christmas!”

“ROB!” she punched him on the arm.

“What? OW JESUS!” he yelped and clutched his arm.

“OH GOD ROB! I'M SO SORRY! I FORGOT ABOUT YOUR SHOULDER! Hey wait a minute! It was your OTHER arm you hurt! “ She punched him again. “YOU SHYSTER!” but she was smiling.

“An' you got nice boobies and a lovely bum too!” he said

WHAT?! DON'T SAY THAT!” she admonished him. “You can't say that!”

“ got 'orrible boobs and an ugly bum...”

“NO YOU MORON! You say that lovely thing about my smile and then you go and say that!”

“Well its true!”

“I don't care if its true, its sexist! Can't you just stick with those chests of gold kinda sayings? That was a lovely thing to say”

“Ok...” there was a long pause. “I'd rather see YOUR chest than have a thousand chests of gold?”

WHAT?!!! NO YOU IDIOT I MEA-” she stopped when she realized he was just grinning at her. “OH YOU!” she grimaced and shook a fist at him. “You crazy Welsh maniac!”

“Just teasin' you love. You gotta 'ave a laugh ain't you? Just a bit of fun thats all...”

“You are SO annoying...” she said but with a huge smile.

“But in a sexy kinda way?” he asked optimistically raising his eyebrows as he awaited a 'yes'.

“No, you dick. You are just annoying. Simple as.”

They sat there in an amused, comfortable silence and she rested her cheek on his shoulder once more, hugging his free arm.

“I got somethin' I need to tell you...” he said “to do with your, like.”

“Not just yet.” she closed her eyes contentedly smiling as she hugged his arm tighter. He felt warm and solid and dependable. He felt like family. “Gimme 5 Rob, tell me then.” she said happily. “I'm kinda enjoying this.”

Harvey had stuck his head on her lap and she was stroking his neck and ears as she laid her head on Rob's shoulder. It was a rare moment of peace and calm in her world, and she loved it.

“This is really nice....I don't want it to end...”

He bent his elbow and patted her cheek gently with the arm she was holding.

“Me too, love. Me too.”
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Just when I thought SG was being an uptight bitch (albeit understandably so based on the initial evidence) you then turn the whole thing on its head and serve up a truly lovely moment between her and Rob.
A nice little breather episode to clear the head. Worked well for me, Tally.
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Thanks Doc and any others who read it


They sat on the step for a while in a comfortable silence, with Kara cuddling his arm, the dog nuzzling into her lap and Rob tickling Harvey behind the ears.

After a while, Rob broke the silence. “Did I tell you I asked that little girl Emma's mam out?”

“Emily. No! You dog! What did she say?!!!”

“Ohhhh....she...she kinda said no...”

“Oh....” Kara said awkwardly opening her eyes to look up at him without moving her head, although neither could see each other. “But hey wait a minute you said 'Kinda said no'? 'Kinda said no' isn't a 'no' Rob! And you're hopeless at working out what people mean when they say things! She may have been playing hard to get!”

“I think she was playing fucking impossible to get...”

“Language!” she slapped the arm she held but was smiling to herself.


“C'mon big guy, blow by blow what did she say? She may have said no just to get you to ask again. Just to see how serious you were about it”

“ was a no...pretty sure...”

“What did she say? Did she actually say the word 'NO'?”

“Well not exactly that word., no.”

“Well then! There's still a chance! C'mon what did she say?”

“I'm pretty sure she meant no...”

“OH! Listen! Last time I ask before I get violent – tell me EXACTLY what she said”

“Well, “ he sighed heavily. “I said maybe she would like to go for a walk sometime or maybes go to the pictures or something...”

“The pictures!” she laughed “I love that you still call the movies that! Go on what did she say?”

“Well, she looked me up an' down as if I was shit on her shoe and said “ What with you?” So then I says “Yeah only if she wanted to, and she could bring Emma...”

“Emily. Go on...”

“Well then she said the no bit and that was it really”

“ROB! You said she didnt say 'no' so what did she say EXACTLY. Word for word”

She felt him shift his weight beneath her awkwardly.



“Well she said...that..she would rather sandpaper her vagina....”

“Oh” she said sheepishly and lapsed into an awkward silence

“I took that as a 'no'.” he said quietly

“Yeah...yeah she probably did mean no in that case...”

“Never mind.” he said with a sad sigh. She hugged him even tighter.

“Screw that bitch” she said and then froze surprised that the words had come from her mouth, her eyes open wide and her mouth agape.

“Yeah. I had a good pullin' routine too, just if she had said yes, like, thats when I woulda made my big play....”

“ can keep it for someone who deserves you, now...”

“Yeah...” he said sadly. She squeezed his arm and nuzzled her head into his shoulder as a jealous Harvey whimpered for attention. With her other hand she tickled him under the chin.

After a pause Rob spoke up again.

“Oh meant to tell you too, when you was ill, I memorized all songs with women in them. You are always saying my memory is crap and I cant remember names, well now I can name a song and sing it with any woman's name in it that you like!” he said proudly.

“What? Get outta here! No way!”

“Yes, bloody way! I 'ave, I'm telling you! I spent days doin' it , but I learned them all!”

“Bull shi---rubbish!” she saved herself from swearing and mimicked his Welsh accent as she did so.

“I'm tellin' 'ou.” he said indignantly. “Ok then I bet you I can, right? I bet you that I can sing a song with the name of any woman's name you care to mention in the lyrics! Anyone at all! It could be something Maria...or hey Jude... or even something hard like Chicichita or something...”

“Rob those are all really easy and obvious ones! Maria is West side Story, you even said Hey Jude as the Beatles song and the last one is by Abba !”

“Well go on then clever clogs! I bet you I can sing a song with the woman's name in it! Any one you choose!”

“Ok! But wait, whats the bet?”

“Well if you get to stay rent free in the flat upstairs above the shop for ever...”

“Its an apartment. And you dont charge me rent anyway...”

“Well ok...I'm charging you rent from now on...”

“I do your accounts in lieu of the rent remember?”

“Oh well..I'm doubling your rent as of this minute!”

She smiled “OK, fine! I'll take the bet. But what do you get if you win?”

“When I win.”

“IF you win!”

“Well how about... a full on snog...”


“Coward! Told you I could do it.”

“Thats an awful thing to bet Rob!” she said appalled and amused in equal measure “You are so full of BS” she shook her head in disbelief.

“Ok then. Take the bet. If I'm so full of crap, take the bet and watch me suss you out! Go on! I dare you”

“Right ! You are on! So I can name ANY WOMAN'S NAME I LIKE...-”

“And I will sing a song with that name in the lyrics – not necessarily in the title mind, but in the lyrics...”

Kara had sat up and was looking at him with amusement. “This is some kinda shake down...”

“NOPE! I swear! 'Onest!” he had pulled away and put a hand on his heart.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

“If you win you stay rent free in the flat...”


“FLAT. And if I win, you and I have a full- on tongues- an'- all Frenchie!”

“OH GOD! Rob! That sounds disgusting...”

“Gee thanks.” he said offended.

“I didnt mean it like that...”

“Sure” he said petulantly folding his arms. “Come on then miss bloody high and mighty. Lets do this. Show how brave you REALLY are then, come on!”

“Ok, fat boy you are on.”

“Right go for it. Gimme a name.”


“Any name at all.”


“You can change your mind if you like...”

“No thanks, I'm good. Consuela...”

“You could go for something Victoria... or -or “

“That was a Kinks song. Consuela.”



“Wait! Wait. I'm not done yet! Ok, that's your final choice?”


He drew a deep breath “Ok then.... Consuela... here we go.”

“Hit me with it fat boy!”

“A song with Consuela in the lyrics...”

“C'mon quit stallin'”

“Here goes.” He coughed to clear his throat .

“Get on with it!”

“Hap-py Birth-day to you,
Ha-ppy Birth-day to you..”

“GET OUT OF HERE!” she hit him on the arm but couldn't stop laughing

“Happy Birthday, dear Consuel-aaaaaaa”

“Enough already, you wise guy”she poked him playfully in the ribs as he descended into laughter.

Harvey had sat up but was wondering what was going on.


“Ha-Ha!” he was clutching his heaving sides

“Oh! Oh you think its funny?”

“I got you! Ha ah! Admit it! Hook line and bloody sinker!”

“Oh you like to laugh? Good cos you look like the kinda guy who's ticklish...”

“O NO! N-NO! COME ON ! NOOOOO- AH YOU BUGGER!” he squealed as she mercilessly poked and tickled his ample frame “GERROFFF! OOOOF! YOU BLOODY SWINE!” he writhed around, responding hopelessly late to each prod of hers. But then she was using her super speed.

After around 30 seconds she relented from the merciless onslaught, bending down to re-assure Harvey all was well with a friendly pat.

Rob was panting and breathless.

“Y-YOU! <HUH...HUH>You bloody cow!” he gasped but both were smiling

“I gotta go. See ya around fat boy...” she stood up and so did he, though with a lot less grace than her and she had to give him a hand to get up after he made it onto one knee.

“Oh! Fat is it? FAT! Right come on, I won the bet, pay up! Full on Frenchie as agreed!”


“Did not! “ he said indignantly. “Come on, pay up!”

“You aren't seriously gonna hold me to that stupid bet?”

“Too bloody right I am!”

“ROB!” she said aghast

He leaned in towards her and she stiffened, appalled, frozen in his arms.

“Just like we said” he said softly . “ A full on snog...” he leaned closer still “a full on Frenchie....ESKIMO style!” he said as he rubbed her nose with his and then pulled away.

A big grin slowly spread across his face. “Oh go on then. We will commute your sentence to a peck on the cheek...”

“ROB! YOU ASSHOLE!” she said grinning back at him, laughing.

“You didnt think I would, did you?” he said plaintively

She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him affectionately on the cheek. “Thats my guy...”

“Kiss on the cheek will do. Every day for a year...”

“Hey! ” she declared in surprise, before she smiled. “Deal. I pretty much do that anyway.”

“With the full on snog to be phased in by 2026...”

“DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK MISTER!” she slapped his arm playfully

He grinned back at her and winked.

“Look I gotta go. You did good with those hoods Rob.”

He blushed.

“I was impressed you had that laminated form ready...”

“Knew it would come in handy one day. Now that was REAL insurance...”

She stared at him and smiled. Insurance. He had said insurance. She had checked out the companies that held the insurance on the Cornucopia and the other buildings that were destroyed by the freak weather phenomena. But she had not checked who held the owning interest in the other companies that possibly owned the insurance companies as subsidiary holdings. She suddenly felt sure that was where a connection would lie. Professor Morris had hinted at that link too, but was unable to see the Mr A file to confirm his suspicions. But she could. She had sat on her butt waiting to be given permission to view the records of the secret project that she herself had destroyed. But now she would wait no longer.

She grabbed him with her palms squashing his chubby cheeks together and planted a huge smacker of a kiss on his surprised lips with a mmmmwwwwaaaaahhh!

“Christ!” He said in surprise when she finally let him up for air, “I was jokin'!”

“You are useless, but I love ya” she said with a grin clapping his cheeks as he blushed and throwing him a wink before she ran upstairs to her flat. Dammit APARTMENT. He had her thinking on his level now! Then a moment later Supergirl shot off from the roof. She swung around in a loop, landed beside the startled Rob and planted another big kiss on top of Harvey's furry head, setting his tail wagging furiously and producing an excited yap from the dog.

“Is there gonna be kisses like that every day?” Rob asked optimistically."I mean like the one I had not his"

“NO!” she shouted back.

“Awwwwww....” he said sadly.

'BYE!” She said breathlessly and shot off once more

“BEEEE CAREFULLLLL!” he shouted after her.

Harvey gave a little contented bark.

“Awwww...” Rob said as he looked at Harvey who seemed almost smug. He ruffled the dogs fur behind his ears and in a rare display of affection the dog flopped his head down across Rob's foot. Rob settled back down on the step and the dog moved his head so it was on his owner's lap. He gave a big sigh.

“Miss her, eh, boy?” Rob said staring after her. “Me too.” he sighed.“Lovely girl ain't she boy? Ain't she? “ he ruffled the dogs fur once more. “So beautiful....but she's not for the likes of us, Harve...” he said sadly and they both gave a big, sad sigh. “No...she's not for the likes of us.”

Kara practically bullied her way past the security guards at the secret facility in area 52. She had told the base commander she was coming to look at the file as a matter of courtesy and then 5 minutes later landed in his office. He had been slightly panic stricken as he tried to get hold of senior commanders in Washington. The same people who had taken 4 days to make up their minds already.

“I've asked Washington for approval already...” she said forcefully as she waited for him to summon his deputy to access the dual lock on the file room. She didn't tell him that they hadn't yet given it. “Lives are at stake.”

“Well, this is all highly irregular, I-I – er...”

“The file. Please. I fought the thing and I destroyed it, believe me I know every inch of that damned machine already. There are no secrets about it to be kept. But I need to see a list of firms associated with the project.”

Reluctantly, the Base Commander, Colonel Jackson conceded the point.

Having gone through palm prints and dual retina scans in tandem with his deputy Major Maynard, the heavy steel chamber door to the research vault finally swung open to reveal a series of barred chambers with files locked behind bullet proof glass in hermetically sealed conditions. After a further two more security scans and an armed guard inspecting the commanders pass they were about to enter when the last guard stepped before her.

“You only sir. I have not seen the pass of this person.” he stared grimly at her with his weapon across his chest.

“Sergeant, its Supergirl.” the base commander said with a flick of his thumb over his shoulder.

“Never the less sir. No ID. NO ENTRY. That simple.”

Kara nodded. “How about this as ID?” She hovered around 6 inches off the ground in front of the armed guard.

The sergeant flicked the barest of glances down having seen the woman rise effortlessly before his eyes.

“That is impressive ma'am. But its not ID.”

“SERGEANT! STAND DOWN! I will personally vouch for her.” the Base Commander, Colonel Jackson said somewhat embarrassed.

“No. No he's right. Good job Sarge!” She smiled at him, a dazzling smile that made his heart beat faster. “Perhaps you could get the file for me Colonel Jackson whilst I wait here? “

“I cant allow that either ma'am. No files are to leave the room without authorization.”

“Ok. Colonel, could you hold the file and just flip through the pages?”

“Er...I..”the sergeant began but the Base Commander had retrieved the file and was already skimming through it.

“At ease Sergeant Lodz.”

“But sir -!”

“Almost done – can you redo page 58 and 59? I missed those. Thanks. All done, thanks guys.”



Kara shot back to the main door and then stood, waiting for Jackson to catch up. She looked over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised and gestured to the door. Jackson and Maynard his deputy hurried over to scan their palms and allow her to leave.

Maynard stopped for a brief moment to glare at the sergeant.

“You asshole, Lodz.” he said contemptuously. Sergeant Lodz remained impassive, just staring ahead, his automatic rifle across his chest, but he tensed his jaw muscles as he bit down and refused to answer.

Maynard trotted up to the door and gave his palm print and retina scan to let her out.

“Thanks guys. Oh and Sergeant Lodz?” she called back over her shoulder, turning fully to face the soldier.


“We need more guys like you.” she said and out of sight of the others she gave him a wink and a smile.
“Good job.”

“Yes Ma'am! I mean thank you ma'am!” he said with a huge grin.

“So glad you left the 'wham-bam' out of that sentence....” she said mischievously to him, and he broke into an even wider grin.

Maynard glowered at him as she went through the door.

A little while later she was standing in Professor Morris' study in his country cottage in Sussex. It was a small room packed with books, but a surprisingly few books on Physics, his profession. Most seemed to be on military history. Hawking was there of course, but hardly any others.

The professor noticed her frown.

He was standing, rather dazed, in his loose paisley-patterned pyjamas and an equally ill fitting dressing gown. The pyjamas were done up on the wrong buttons. His hair was desperately trying to escape in all directions.

“Sorry to wake you Professor. Not many physics books, for a physicist?” she enquired, looking at the shelves.

“That's work. Now, history is where its at for me when I am at home.” he said becoming slightly more animated.

She smiled, conceding he had a point. “I came straight away. I've seen the Mr A file! You were right they are linked! All the other incidents you showed me, they all involved different underwriters but all had some connection with the Mr A project! SaRI - Scott and Randolph Industries! They built the Mr A – they also have a controlling interest in the insurance underwriters on the gas tanker that exploded! They are also either the major shareholder or have an interest in most of the other insurance firms involved in the disasters! The two buildings that collapsed in Metro City – the ones the tornadoes brought down- they were the regional head offices of SaRI !

“My, you have been busy!” he said waking up more fully. He stood a moment in thought.“Cup of tea? “ he said finally as he thrust his hands deep into his dressing gown pockets and rummaged around. It was a trait of his when he was thinking.

“What? NO! I mean no , thank you!” she said frowning at his calm attitude.

“Always time for a cup of tea, my dear. SUTTON!”

“Sir?” his bodyguard called from outside in the hall, surprising Kara who hadn't realized he would be there.”He opened the door and peered around it.

“Have Mrs Hudson make us all a brew, would you please? Apologise for disturbing her this late. Or rather this early.”


“Oh and Sutton. One for yourself too , eh?” Sutton smiled and nodded. “AND SOME BISCUITS!” he shouted after the door had closed. “I hope he heard about the biscuits...” he mumbled to himself distractedly

He turned to face Kara . “She's not Mrs Hudson, she's Mrs Giancarlo but I call her Hudson after -”

“After Sherlock Holmes' housekeeper, I guessed” Kara butted in. “Professor, we have the connection! We have to act!”

“And we will, my dear, once we have identified who we need to act against. Given that everything seems aimed at hurting the financial standing of SaRI, I would guess we are after a disgruntled postal worker sort of fellow...” he smiled at his little joke and her slight frown. “An ex employee my dear. One I suspect who worked on the Mr A project, given that he has a scientific background that allowed him to build this weather device of his.” he waved a hand. “Or indeed of hers. Could be a girl you know.” he smiled at her. “I understand you ladies do all sorts of things these days.”

She went tight-lipped but there was the hint of smirk behind it. She knew he was goading her. She had seen first hand his respect for the female scientists in the world of physics and this pretence of his that he was somehow surprised the fairer sex could manage anything at all was pure fiction. He smiled back mischievously when she didn't bite.

“How are you anyway?” he asked, making small talk for the next few minutes until the tea arrived, holding up a hand to stop Kara when she tried to talk further on the matter at hand.

“Ah Mrs Hudson! Splendid! Set it down there will you, there's a good girl” Mrs Giancarlo just stared at Supergirl as Sutton lead her out by the elbow .

“B-but isn't that...?” she said looking over her shoulder as Sutton just nodded and ushered her out.

“Yes, yes. Thank you Mrs H!” He turned to Kara as Sutton closed the door. “So we will go over their records first. In the morning.”he looked at his watch.”Well it is morning but when, er...yes. First things first . Milk and two wasn't it?”

The phone rang on the coffee table besides his crossed ankles. He leisurely uncrossed them as he sat up on the edge of the sofa, and hit pause on the remote, freezing the live football for a moment whilst he took the call.

“Talk to me.....She's been? In person? Or did she send someone? You're sure? …She saw it? Good. I'll transfer the usual 10 thou to your account. Oh and , er... might throw you a bonus. Good work. Anything else happens let me know.” he killed the cell call and hit play on the tv, leaning forward to scoop up a handful of potato chips from the open packet on the coffee table. He sat back contentedly and tilted his head back to drop them in his mouth. As he crunched them he broke into a smile. All coming together. Just like he'd planned. Fucking bitch. He threw in a few more chips. Seemed to be no end of people who would happily betray her for money. That caller was the second one on his payroll. He smiled. He was still smiling even when his team conceded a touchdown.

Yessir, it was all coming together. And he couldn't wait to see her fall. He dropped in a few more potato chips as he turned the volume up, even though the cheers on the t.v. weren't for his team. He imagined they were for him

"Payback's a bitch, bitch" he said to himself as he tossed in a few more chips and smiled.
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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The interactions with Rob are as ever priceless - after conjuring monsters that I throw at my own heroines it was great to be able to decompress with a character who, though at times can be frustrating can make me personally smile as much as he can SG. Thanks for reminding me of the other end of the human spectrum Tally.
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Lots of intrigue and building tension, which does make the Rob scene an enjoyable break. Supergirl may be getting closer to solving this problem but I suspect there may be a trap or two tripped before the resolution arrives.
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I had to laugh how Rob got caught out with the Supergirl picture stash, Kara just about blew her top! But I reckon he might of pulled the wool over her eyes a bit saying it was only to protect her & all, ha ha, that was beautiful. Hope she gets down to business & finds the true source of the weather disturbances & if possible, has some perilous situations doing so & maybe she can kick a little bit of soldier ass too in the brilliant chapters to come. Great work, really liking where this story is going.
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Thanks for the comments guys. Hope you like the next part


“Sir? Yes, sir. Yes General, I understand. Top clearance. Full access. Yes Sir. We' an eye out for her sir.” Base Commander Colonel Jackson heard the other end of the line go dead and hung up himself. The colour had drained from his face and he looked in shock, which he was. He gathered himself and stabbed at the intercom on the telephone.

“Karen – get Maynard in here – pronto!” he released the button and let out a huge sigh. He was staring at his office door but not seeing it. The words he had heard playing over in his mind .”She has been given permission as of this morning to visit the facility....She is to be given full access and any assistance necessary” He sighed again. The only problem with that statement was that they had ALREADY given her full access. YESTERDAY.

There was a discreet knock and Major Maynard walked, in saluted and then stood at attention, awaiting instruction.

“At ease...”Jackson managed but barely heard the words himself

“Whats up?” Maynard inquired, casually. He had known Jackson for 12 years and was the dominant personality in the room. He was used to paying lip service to rank when with other personnel, but one on one, it was Maynard who was in command. They both knew it. Maynard had the brains, Jackson had the family connections. All the way back to Stonewall it was said. Maynard had tied his career path in closely to his boss', and when the time was right and Jackson had taken him as far as he could, he would cut the dumbass loose. Until then, he served a purpose.

Jackson drew in a long slow breath.

“I've had Washington on the horn this morning...said they've given permission for Supergirl to visit the facility, see the Mr A files...”

“Well we know that, she was here yesterday looking at them...” Maynard said with a frown. “We didnt need any confirmation...”

“They gave permission in the regular Thursday briefing. THIS MORNING.”


“What the hell are we gonna do? If word gets out we gave her access our ass is grass!!!”

“Well....she did get permission in the end...we could say it was some kinda snafu?”

“For Christ sake Maynard! Who the hell is gonna believe that? We gave her access on her say so! Its a disaster. We don't have any written authorization! All this damned security and we just let her waltz in on her word! A full 24 hrs before she got the green light. What excuse have we got, we were psychic? It just doesn't hold up!”

“Why the hell would she pull a stunt like that?”

“Oh how would I know?!!! Well she did say it was urgent...couldnt wait for the red tape I guess. I don't blame her, but it doesn't look good on us....” he sighed heavily. “If word gets out....”

“Yeah...we need a fall guy...someone we can lay this on....”

“Don't even think it Mister!” Jackson bellowed “YOU WERE RIGHT THERE WITH ME! I AIN'T CARRYING THE CAN FOR THIS ALONE!”

“Not YOU...someone else...”

“Who? We were responsible, we were in command when she visited, we both showed her into the goddamned file room!” Jackson paced back and forth behind his desk anxiously.

“We blame Lodz!” Maynard said with a delighted smile!

“WHAT? He was the one who insisted she DIDNT see the file or enter the records room!”

“Doesn't matter. Its our word against his. We wipe the tapes, so there's no security record, and bust him down to private - that way if it gets to Courts Martial its a private's word against a Major and a Colonel – we can bust him for losing the security recordings! Perfect!”

“You're a piece of work, you really are Maynard...” Jackson shook his head.

“Its perfect!”

“What about the rest of Lodz detail? There were 3 other MP s there...”

“We ship 'em out. One goes today, nothing special a routine posting, the others go together somewheres. Anchorage, or someplace remote in a day or two. All we need do is make 'em hard to find. Just leaving us and Lodz. I cant wait to get back at that supercilious bastard.”

“It may not come to that...”

“We will do it all anyway, just to be ready. If it does.”

Jackson shook his head “ aint right...”

“Its his career against BOTH OF OURS. He's some dumbass bear of a sargeant he aint ever gonna go anywhere! You and I have years of experience at the top! We are tomorrows Generals, colonel. Well, I intend to be, anyhow...”

Jackson sighed. “Maybe this won't be necessary, maybe nothing will come of it...”

“We will MAKE it necessary...We wipe the tapes, blame Lodz for incompetence, bust him down to Private and then ship the rest of his detail out. Any shit hits the fan down the line, you and I are still rosy.”

Jackson shook his head, more to himself. “You are enjoying this! “ he sighed and muttered in a low voice “A piece of work...”


“We are looking through the SaRI employment records now. Shouldn't be long.”

“I can look faster!” Supergirl, now in her guise of Linda said. Rather embarrassingly she had flown over to the UK in costume with no money and no luggage. When Morris had suggested a trip to his local 'greasy spoon cafe' as he called it, she had nothing to wear but her Supergirl uniform. He suggested something a little less conspicuous and she had had to borrow a blouse and some ill fitting jeans from Mrs H- Giancarlo, Morris' housekeeper. The blouse was bright orange with hideous purple orchids on it. She felt tremendously self conscious in the unfashionable clothes of a 60 year old. She was fidgetting constantly and Morris put a hand on hers to calm her.

“I look awful!” she hissed, embarrassed.

“My dear, you could NEVER look awful...” he smiled a gentle smile and she blushed, dropping her gaze self consciously.

“You are quite, quite dazzling, even like this -” he loosely flipped a hand up to encompass her.

"its true ! You are beautiful! " Sutton chipped in before blushing furiously as Morris looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Bodyguards should be seen and not heard.

“Full English Breakfast?” said the waitress as she stood by the table with their order

“Oh -er here!” Sutton said raising an arm – he sat at the next table. Facing the door.

“Two well done bacon butties?” she put two large white bread sandwiches before them, packed with rashers.

“Oooo lovely!” Morris said and reached for the HP Sauce.

“Professor we should be going through the records!” Kara said plaintively. But boy that bacon smelled good....honey glazed...oak smoked and cured...

“Tuck in my dear. Plenty of time for all that. Besides I need some names from you...”

“Some names? From me? I don't follow...”

“The Cornucopia business. As I said, someone is gunning for you. Any idea who?”

She blew through closed lips, puffing out her cheeks.

“I don't know...could be a lot of people.. no one really springs to mind. There was a very intelligent woman, a Dr Willoughby, working on ...another government project. She's clever enough but she had a she wasn't anything to do with Scott and Randolph Industries...her project was running long before Mr A started”

“I feared as much. No obvious candidates I mean. Oh and its quite alright we know all about Project Maya. Recruited a couple of the Seal chaps from there actually we were so impressed with how they looked after you...”

“Oh? Who?”

“Need to know my lovely.” he smiled and then whispered “Lieutenant Jones and Commander Hudson. Or Captain Hudson as he was then. They are part of our East Coast Sentinel team now. You will run in to them at some point I shouldn't wonder. But back to this situation. If its no one immediately obvious then we are in the realms of brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands or children who might want to see you dead. Any one on that sort of level you are aware of? Did Willoughby have a husband?”

“No, she came after me out of revenge for her husband killing himself...”

“Yes unfortunate that. I meant had she married again?”

“I thought you guys knew everything?” she smiled

“Oh I do.” He took an enormous bite out of his bacon sandwich, chomping contentedly “I just like to see if YOU know everything too...” he said with a smile and a wink, his mouth full.


“Hello?” he spoke into his cell.

“Someone is searching for past employees... hitting the secret stuff...”

“Thats ok. Play it cool. We knew this might happen...” well I sure as hell did...he thought with a smile. "And we know who that someone is too...So. Play it cool."

“Play it cool?!!! It puts them a step nearer us!!!! NEARER ME!!!”

“Yes. But I have contingencies in place...” as he spoke he pulled the small green rock from his shirt breast pocket holding it up and studying it intently as he held the phone with the other hand. “Supergirl will be nothing to worry about, you'll see.”

“I hope you are right! But what about Superman?!!!”

“He's off saving the galaxy or some shit. Its her we need to worry about. And thanks to me, you DON'T need to worry about her.” he laughed, tossing the small green stone up and catching it without looking.

“But what if she traces you.?” the panicky caller asked.

“I'm counting on it.” He ended the call.


Kara sat in Professor Morris' study a little while after breakfast whilst they talked over the list of suspects.

“Projects been running...oh, 15 years...“ Morris read over the top of his glasses as he roamed around the small room, reading from a file. “In that time there have been 42 staff who have left, 18 from just changes in cleaning contracts, 3 natural deaths, 8 retirements, 6 promotions or transfers leaving what, 7 dismissals? Of which.... 2 were security guards dismissed for ...watching pornography on duty! Oh my word! And the other one...doesnt say...oh here we are... drunkeness. One secretarial grade... just poor quality work....So... just what, 4 scientific grades left. A Matthew Morton...38...standard of work not up to scratch...likewise a Michael Douglas Oh ! Like the actor! Falsifying test results. Those names...ring any bells?”

Kara shook her head as Morris went on.

“Dr Rachel Philpott...? Anything? No? Let's see she was …OH! Caught having sex in a broom cupboard! With a security guard!I say that's juicy isn't it?! Couldn't fire him as he was not on duty... what an exciting place to work! We had nothing saucy like that at my lab, I can tell you! Although, there was one incident...” He caught the severity of her gaze and stopped. ”Perhaps some other time for that one. Lets see ...who else? And...a ...Sebastian Grainger-

“Grainger with an 'i'? If so, then thats him! Thats the one!” Kara declared sitting upright.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I got his brother sent to prison. A forger by the name of Nathan Grainger. I am sure it is him. Check if he has a brother”

“Oh. I mention here ...oh what yes, named as next of kin in the event of an accident”

"ITS HIM!" Kara said excitedly.

Sutton gave a polite knock and entered.

“We may have to leave a bit earlier, sir. Centre of town is cordoned off. Armed siege apparently at a Building Society offices on Addison Road. There's a detour”

“Ah ! Right-oh, Sutton, thank you...”

“Its ok guys. This is my day job.” Kara said with a smile. “Just point me in the right direction.”

“Oh. Err... alright miss. “ Said Sutton. “Town's that way” he pointed.

“Thank you. I can't call you Sutton. You do have a first name, I take it?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh miss.”

“Thank you, Daniel.”

“No problem, Miss.” Sutton said with a slight blush.

She opened the patio doors to the study and shot out into the crisp morning air.

“You never told me your name was Daniel” Morris said as they both watched her go.

“You never asked.” said Sutton with a smile, never taking his eyes off the blue speck until it had disappeared.


There were three armed thugs with a handgun and two sawed- off shotguns between them. She landed beside the police cars blocking off the street having already scanned the premises. There were 7 civilians as far as she could tell, 3 bank -sorry - building society staff, she corrected herself, and 4 customers. A mother and daughter and two men, one middle aged, one elderly.

“Its ok, officers, I'll take it from here.”

“What? Who the bloody hell are you? Get back to the cordoned area NOW if you please madam!”

“I'm Supergirl, Sergeant. I got this.”

Supergirl? What Supergirl- in -America, Supergirl?”

“Uh Huh.”

“How the hell do I know you aren't some crackpot in a fancy dress costume? I cant let you go in there, there are at least 2 armed robbers in there!”

“There are 3 actually, 2 shotguns and an old browning pistol. The shotguns are sawn offs. And if I wasn't Supergirl, could I do this?”

She pointed down to where she was hovering around 4 inches off the ground. Unlike Sergeant Lodz, this Sergeant accepted it as ID.

“Bloody hell! Oh-O-Ok miss, what do you need us to do?” he asked her

“Nothing at all guys. I will wrap this up in a jiffy!” She said mimicking an English accent.

“We got an 'ostage bloke on his way er, a negotiator fella -like...” said one of the constables. “And Armed Response are due any minute...”

“It's fine. I'll handle the 'negotiations'” she smiled. “Just keep the crowd back ok?”


She strode confidently up to the glass fronted doorway as the policemen just stared after her.

“Bloody hell.” One of them said as they watched her walk, the wind blowing her cape aside slightly, giving them a glimpse of her rolling hips and slender legs.

She stood outside the glass doorway and knocked politely. “You guys open?” She called frowning.

It was such a stupid question all the prospective thieves looked at her to see who had asked such a thing. That was what she wanted. Them looking and concentrating on her rather, than the hostages.

The main door had been locked by the robbers, but she opened it with a slight application of strength that sheared the lock.

“Oi what the fuck? 'Old it love! Stay where you are I mean it, you cant come in 'ere! I MEAN IT! This is a robbery!” Said the one with the pistol, who stood just inside the doorway. All three men had ski masks -sorry she was in England now, when in Rome and all that, Balaclavas, she mentally corrected herself, and were dressed in boots and black boiler suits.

“Oh please!” She laughed and flapped a hand in the air dismissively. “This isnt a robbery! “ she waited a moment before delivering the coup de grace. “Its an arrest.”

She had used her heat vision to burn through the firing pin of the gunman furthest away from her as she had knocked and drawn their attention, having used her x ray vision to scope out the rest of the building on the walk to the door, making sure it was just the three of them. She threw a glance now at the thug with the other shotgun, neutralising his firearm the same way. That just left the pistol wielding thug before her.

“Oh! One sec!” she held up a finger and then sped off at superspeed to the police cordon.

“Sorry ! Forgot to say you may wanna look for the getaway driver, he's likely nearby. Be in a van or an old but fast vehicle likely pointing out of town...” she threw a glance around and then jerked a thumb. There's a candidate in a blue Citroen about 2 streets away from the back of this place. Right! Best get back! “ She smiled apologetically, gave a brief wave and shot back into the building society office.

“What the fuck is goin on?” the pistol guy asked as all three turned back to her as she reappeared.

“You don't know? Well its like this – you three are trying to rob the place and I am stopping you.
Its kinda straight forward really....”

The pistol guy pointed it straight at her, fingering the hand grip of the gun nervously.

She frowned and pursed her lips. “You don't know much about me, do you?” she said quizzically.

“I know this will take that pretty little face o' yours off! So turn around an' piss off lov- OOOF!”

She had grabbed his hand and twisted the gun in in his grip before he finished the sentence. She hadn't used her super speed and he did manage to pull the trigger before she hit him away from her with the other hand, sending him sprawling with a blow to his jaw.

She felt the bullet impact sting at her neck and flatten before it presumably riccochetted off harmlessly into the wall behind her. She had meant to burn through his firing pin too but got a bit cocky. It was at almost point blank range and she was a little surprised that it had stung her quite so much, but then she had never been shot at so closely before. She kept a look out for the riccochet with her periphery vision, intending to catch it if it endangered anyone, but there was no sign, so it had, as she suspected, just been deflected behind her.

“BLOODY HELL!” said one of the other robbers as the two left looked at each other, then looked tentatively at the prone body of their leader.

One stepped forward gingerly and leaned over his friend as if he were a snake that might spring into life and bite him.

“Chris?” He toe – poked him to no effect as he was out cold. He looked up at his still standing accomplice.

“He's outers. Might be dead!” he said plaintively.

“He's not.” Said Kara.”I didnt hit him that hard. You fine gentlemen want more of the same or are you gonna come quietly?”

Both men swallowed hard, looked at each other again and then slowly bent down to lay their weapons on the floor. But at the last minute one of them dropped down and grabbed a sitting hostage, pulling the woman towards him, who screamed as he brought the gun to bare on her. Or rather tried to.

In that instant Kara had sped across the distance between them, grabbed the gun, freed the woman and stood before him.

“Back off- oh!” was as far as his bold statement got before he was disarmed.

He looked at her awkwardly as his friend continued to lay his weapon on the floor and stood hands raised.

Kara turned to the hostage he had tried to take.

“You ok ma'am?” the woman nodded. “Ok please make your way out through the main door, the officers outside will take care of you."

“THE HOSTAGES ARE COMING OUT!” She shouted loud enough for the police outside to hear.

She helped a few get to their feet making sure they were ok and accepting their thanks before she turned back to the thug who had tried to use the woman as a shield.

She gripped the sawn off by the handle and tapped the barrel into her other palm as she looked at it, up and down before flicking a gaze up at the former robber without raising her head,

“No fun having one of these shoved in your face, huh? Quite terrifying I should imagine. Well, why don't we see just how terrifying, huh?” she pointed it directly at his head , glancing at the side of the gun as she did so.

“Safety off....I'd say we're good to go, wouldn't you? “ she looked at him with eyes of cold steel.

“N-no...p-please love!” he said trying to edge away.

She gripped him with her other hand as she put both barrels to his forehead.

“Not such a power trip when you are at that end, huh?” she said coldly.

“PLEASE!” he said, terrified.

She pulled the twin triggers and he had started to wet himself before the muted click of the misfire registered with him.

She smiled and rested the gun across her shoulder, the barrel behind her head. She thought to herself she might look pretty damned cool in that pose. She was right.

“Always wanted to do that. “ she smiled coldly, then looked at the spreading dark stain on his boiler suit trousers.

“Gee, guess it is pretty scary huh?” she said with a smile.


A short while later she landed in Professor Morris' cottage garden , but the door flung open before she reached it to knock.


“Sir?” said Sutton stepping out onto the path.

“ASCLEPIUS! NOW!!” Morris said urgently. “ Oh my dear are you alright?!!! Come in - come in quickly! MRS HUDSON!!! Towels and hot water!!” he took her elbow and forearm and gently lead her to the house.”

Kara laughed. “PROFESSOR! I'm not pregnant!”

Sutton was on his mobile phone. “Asclepius protocol is in effect. Urgent” he said as she frowned at all the fuss.

“Asclepius? The Greek God of Medicine? Professor I am fine, honestly. Mr Sutton if thats for medical aid for me, please cancel it, I am perfectly fine!”

“MY DEAR!” Morris said with genuine concern. “You appear to have been shot in the throat!”

“What? Oh ! “She felt up to where the bullet had hit her and touched the hard metal of the flattened slug. She had assumed it had bounced off, but clearly it had actually lodged there just above her clavicle. She was both slightly surprised and annoyed that she hadn't felt or noticed it “This? Guys its nothing!” She flicked the bullet off with the first two fingers of one hand and caught it nonchalantly with the other, flipping it towards Sutton.

“Souvenir for ya, Daniel!” she said with an easy grin.

Sutton caught it with his free hand in the palm, but still looked concerned.

Morris had one arm around her shoulder and held the elbow with the other.

“Perhaps you're in shock. Lets get you inside, eh?”

“Professor! For the last time! I appreciate your concern but I AM FINE!” she said, pulling away from him and raising her eyebrows, arms spread wide to convince him. “Ya see? Fine!”

“But my dear,” he said still looking worried. “You're BLEEDING...”
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Nice display of her powers Tally!

Interesting that she was not only 'numb' to the hot slug stuck in her neck but her powers seemed to be 'all good'.

Looking forward to the next chapter. I have a feeling Supergirl may find the slug only the beginning of her problems!
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The Girl of Steel self-conscious and embarrassed, it's incredible what the wrong style of clothes can do for a person's confidence even Supergirl's.
Beautiful, heroic showing of her powers but the superheroines cockiness could be her undoing. This story is starting to heat up again! I'm anxious to read what is going to happen next. :ohmg:

This is such a fun read. And now...a hint of vulnerability for our girl. Very intriguing! The quality and complexity of your writing makes frequent updates unlikely, but I anxiously await the next chapter.
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Thanks all, here's the next installment


Kara sat in silence on the sofa in Morris cottage a little while later, feeling morose. She had a cup of tea in her hands that she wasn't drinking. She sat there, head slightly bowed, silent tears slowly racing each other down her cheeks. The one on the left cheek was winning.

For the tenth time Morris asked if she was alright. She nodded, not looking up.

“My dear look at me...” he put a concerned arm on her shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. When she did meet his gaze he smiled at her. “WE WILL SORT THIS OUT.” he said forcefully. “You are in shock right now, and nothing is better for shock than a nice hot cup of sweet tea. So. Drink up, eh? And lets get to the bottom of this.”

She smiled through her tears and with the cup cupped in both hands took a sip, nodding at him to offer him reassurance that she was listening and taking in his words.

“Now, IDEALLY , I would like to send this off for analysis...check out your blood on it, see if there's anything amiss...”

She nodded and took another sip.

“But I am not going to do that.” she looked up in surprise. “I don't like the idea of us having your blood samples...I think the urge would be too great from those above to do something with it, like a clone or some such bloody nonsense to see how you work or whatever...” he flapped a hand vaguely. “Do you or your cousin have access to such facilities to run such checks?”

She nodded again, looking at him tearfully from between her hair that dangled down before her forehead. She sniffed and tossed back her head clearing her vision and composing herself with a deep ragged breath. “YES.” she said more forcefully, and nodded.

“Good. Then I shall give it to you.” He handed over the ziploc food freezer back that he had popped the bullet into.

“Professor. Thank you.” She smiled and nodded her gratitude. “For looking after me.”

“This? This is nothing my dear...” he looked around at the towels and bowl of slightly bloodied water on the table. The wound was nothing as the bullet had barely penetrated her skin, just a millimetre or two, but the impact pressure had caused a small blood vessel to burst producing the trickle of blood that had formed around the wound and flowed over the bullet. On closer inspection and after cleaning the wound they had cancelled the emergency medical protocol Asclepius.

“No. THIS.” she held up the bullet in the bag. “For protecting me. And Kal.”

“ No problem.” he looked immensely embarrassed flashing a brief awkward smile. and flapping his hands clumsily.

“Whats happening to me professor?” She asked plaintively. “Why are my powers failing?”she said as the tears came again.

“Now, now its a bit sudden to reach that conclusion, perhaps that bullet had come into contact with kryptonite at the factory or something we need to-”

“No professor.”she shook her head looking down at the cup in her hands. “Its...not the first time...that its happened...”

“GOOD GOD!” he exclaimed. “What?? What do you mean? Its happened before?!!! When!!!?”

She nodded. “When the two buildings fell on me, - my heat vision and freeze breath failed, and my power to fly....”

“Oh my goodness...!” he said open mouthed sitting down on the arm of the chair.

“One after another...just...just petered out until I couldn't use them...But that time I felt weak when it happened...I could understand it then when my powers failed because I felt weak. But this today...I felt nothing, I felt GOOD...fine and just...I didn't expect it at all...” she set her tea down on the coffee table

She looked up at him fully, her chin and bottom lip quivering as her eyes filled with tears. He didn't need to be told she needed comfort. He rushed forward and embraced her as her emotional dam broke and her body was wracked with sobs as she crumpled into his arms.

“Whats happening to me? Whats causing this? We checked everything last time it happened and couldn't find anything...we just hoped it was a one off...” she sobbed burying her head into his shoulder.
He smelled aftershave and pipe smoke. But she found it reassuring somehow.

“Hey-hey hey. Come on now old girl. We will sort you out, no problem.”

“I'm so scared...” she said peaking over his shoulder at the room beyond.

“I know, shhh now, shhh it will be fine , you'll see” he said soothingly, patting the back of her head

“I the hell could I get shot by-by a normal bullet? I-I've never...never been this vulnerable to -to ordinary weapons...I just don't” she said tearfully, her fists clenching his cardigan in to folds as she gripped it tightly. “How...?” she whispered. “I don't know whats happening to me...I mean why am I like this? Why am I becoming weaker? W-when I say I'm scared I don't mean of getting shot I just mean because of -the-the- the uncertainty of whats happening”

“I know my dear, I know. Shhh now, shhh. No one doubts your bravery. You have nothing to prove, certainly not to me. We will get to the bottom of it I promise.”

“I want to go home...” she sobbed quietly into his shoulder.

“I know, I know, I will sort out a flight for you and you can get some rest on the plane...”

“No...” she said her voice a whisper “I meant I want to to go to Krypton.” She felt him stiffen in her arms. “Its ok I am not really gonna go , I was just a stupid wish. I know its gone ...I just...oh I don't know...”

“Its perfectly natural my dear. You're young and alone on a strange planet with only your cousin to really share anything with...”

“I just feel so ...stupid and useless....” she sobbed.

“I can assure you, that you are neither. But you need to rest up for a while, take it have had a nasty shock. Plus it will give your cousin time to analyze your blood, see if anything is amiss. We don't want to take any chances, hmm?”

“Bet you didn't think you were getting a crock joining the team, huh?” she said with a tearful smile and a half-sob, half-laugh as she pulled away to look at him.

“I have no complaints.” he smiled at her gently. Somehow she found him reassuring.


Some 5 days later she was sitting morosely at the counter of Rob's tea shop in the middle of the afternoon. Professor Morris had essentially ordered her not to go on any 'escapades' as he called them until they understood more about her failing powers. The Fortress of Solitude had provided no answers. It was a normal lead bullet and her readings were all normal – for a Kryptonian. Kal had been just as worried as she was, fussing over her like a mother hen. They toyed with the idea she may have been poisoned in some way, but dismissed it as there was no trace of any foreign substance in her body, nor on anything in her apartment or the tea shop.

Rob had tried to raise her spirits and she had ripped him a new one. She sat there now guiltily trying to come up with an apology. But the fact was, she didn't feel like apologizing to him or anyone else. She felt angry, furious that this had happened to her and not- well anyone else, which basically meant she resented Kal as well. She just wanted to scream at the world. She took a deep breath.

“Rob....” she began with a heavy sigh...”I-”

“It's alright love.” He cut her off and flashed a weak smile at her as he rubbed the spotless counter with a cloth.


“I know. Its fine.'Onest.” he smiled at her, a sad smile that shared her pain and she smiled back.

“But I-” she started again but he rested a hand on hers and squeezed

“It's fine. We are all good. You an' me, we will ALWAYS be good....”

“I'm just worried about...stuff. You're the best Rob. Not at making coffee, but at everything else” she smiled at him over the rim of her cup as she took a sip of her tea.

He straightened up stiffly and gave her a serious look. “I can ban you ya know.”

She smiled “Yeah but I can melt your testicles.” as soon as she said it she clamped a hand over her mouth shocked at the comment herself.

Rob's eyes widened and he self consciously covered up his genitals “Eh?! You wouldn't do that would you?!” he said plaintively.

She decided to run with it. “Damn straight I would...”

“EH??!” he said even more wide eyed.

“Of course I wouldn't you meat head!” she smiled. “Just yankin' your chain...”

“Phew!” he smiled a relieved smile at her.“It's pretty quiet...ya wanna game of somethin'? Captain's Mistress?”

“I love you call 'four in a row' that!” She smiled at him. Rob owned an old wooden version of the game with round slots and black and white balls. Supposedly Captain Cook had owned a set like it and spent so much time with it in his cabin that the crew had dubbed it 'The Captain's Mistress' and the name had stuck. She doubted it was true, but it was a fun story and the smooth round balls were very tactile, soothing almost but it did usually lead to an endless stream of sexual innuendo from Rob about her 'fingering his balls', amongst other things.

“Anything is better than playing you in Scrabble, but nah, I got stuff to do.” she didn't, but she wasn't in the mood for his company.

“Ya wha-'? Whats wrong wi' Scrabble?”

“You make words up!”

“I don't!”

“You damn-well-do!”

“What? What 'ave I made up?!”

“What was that crazy one you had last time? You never did tell me what it meant?!”



“It bloody is too!”

“It's not in any dictionary!”

“I can't help that!”


“Says who?”


“Well, it's not how I plays it. If its a proper word then its fine if its in the dictionary or not...”


“It is. Noidy”


“It means 'Noidy'”

“Spell it!”

“N-O-I-D-Y. Noidy. ”

“What's it mean? You never tell me what it means!”

“It means Noidy!”


“It means someone is being noidy!”

“FOR GOD'S SAKE! You just said the word again! “She took a deep breath “OK so use it in a sentence, go on!”

“Right now, you are being noidy” he pointed slowly at her in case she didin't know he was referring to herself.

“WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!!!” she shrieked at him exasperatedly “TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS!”

“I just did! Its when people are noidy!”


He sighed “It means when you get angry for no reason...”


“No,” he said patiently as if explaining to a child “you get annoyed FOR A REASON. You get noidy if there is no reason to be angry or annoyed”


“No, because 'NOIDY' has N-O-I-D-Y in it... it's nothing like 'annoyed'”


“No because 'noidy' is annoyed for NO REASON, like you are now,” He slowly and deliberately pointed at her and then equally slowly withdrew his arm.


“That seems unlikely....”


“Someone is very noidy today....”

“AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!” she screamed in frustration and turned around on the spot, fists clenched and looking skyward as she spun on the counter stool.

“YOU MORON YOU-” she stopped when she saw him grinning at her. “What?”

“Not worried any more are you?” He said with a stupid smile on his face. Most of Rob's smiles were stupid.

“YOU- Y-” she took a deep breath and calmed herself biting her lip before rolling her lips together over each other. “You're an asshole.” she said sheepishly. “But you're the best.”

“NOIDY-NOIDY-NOIDY!” he taunted her as he rubbed the already spotless counter

“Shut the hell up ya Welsh maniac!”

He smiled at her warmly. “Had to get ya out of that funk somehow. Good word 'funk'.” he added more to himself.

“You are SO annoying” she smiled as she sat back down. “I gotta go and do something, staying here is driving me crazy. Scratch that YOU are driving me crazy.”

“Seems a little harsh. Why don't you...I dunno do something with the flat? New curtains or whatever...”

“That's a thought. But I need to help people. Do something.”

On the large tv in the cafe the hourly news bulletin had started. They were leading with the story that some mob enforcers had rolled over on their former bosses and the city PD had made a record number of arrests in crime swoops across the city.

“Well good for you Al. There's hope for you and Donny yet...” she said quietly to herself and smiled.
“I'm outta her Rob. Stay safe you crazy maniac....”

“Hey. Don't do anything I would do...”

“You mean anything you WOULDN'T do...” she corrected him.

“No-no, I'm stupid. If I would do it its probably something stupid. So don't do that Do the opposite.”

She laughed. “Rather crazily, that makes sense.” She smiled at him and winked. “Love you, Blubber guts”

“Yeah thats understandable....” He smiled at her and she laughed. “So you gonna do something with the flat first, seeing as how you aint quite yourself, like?”

“It's an apartment. And yeah I guess I could. How about I decorate it? Can I paint it? White walls are just so...sterile.”

“Sure its your home.”

“Really?” She said excitedly, enthused. “I never kinda thought of it that me its always been more like your flat-”

“AH HA!” He jabbed a finger at her in triumph

“- RATHER THAN MY APARTMENT!” she raised her voice to make her point and then stuck her tongue out at him

“Damn!” he muttered under his breath. “Thought I had you there...”

“So you don't mind if I paint upstairs?”

“No, you go ahead love..” He started to lean around her to gaze at something outside.

“Any colour?”

“Aye- aye?”

“Any colour I want?”

“Sure, if that's the one you want...” he said rising on tip toe to peer past her.

“You aren't listening to me are you?”

“Yes its fine..” he said still distracted.

“So shall we just clear everything off this counter top and make wild, passionate love in front of everybody here?”

“Sure. No problem at all...” he said distantly, after a moment and then realised she was looking at him and had fallen silent.

“Errr...?” he looked at her blankly

“I asked you a question ...” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

“Errr....terracotta?” he said desperately

“I knew it!” she pointed at him accusingly “I knew you weren't listening!”

“I was!”

“You liar!”

“I was!”

“Ok what did I ask you then?”

“If... you could paint up stairs.”

“AFTER that....”

“ colour to paint it?”


“Er...somethin' about shoes?”


“No! Shopping? Something about shopping?”

“I never mentioned shoes or shopping you idiot! I said maybe we should...I ….well...look it doesn't matter what I said YOU weren't listening, you liar!”

“Ok fine sorry, I'm listening now, ask me now, go on”

“Its too late now, it was just a gag anyway, I just...what were you looking at anyway?” she turned around to see a rather elegantly dressed young woman who looked slightly out of place, with an ample breast and shapely legs, who had sat outside at one of the tables. “I mighta known...” she said ruefully, but with a smile.

They lapsed into an amused and comfortable silence with each other. Her HOME. He had called the apartment her HOME. She smiled. It felt good calling it that. She didn't really own anything on Earth since she got here, except clothes.

“Got a question for you....” he said finally.


“This is a good one”

“Oh crap! This is one of your crazy-crappy-jokey questions right?” she sighed and slumped but was smiling at him as she laced her fingers on the counter and then set her chin on the back of her flattened hands.”Let's get this over with...” she said gloomily, her big eyes looking up at him. But there was a tint of amusement in them as she waited for him to speak. She liked his little tricks and games even if she pretended not to.

“No-no this is a good one...” he said grinning like a maniac.

“Fine.” she said with an exaggerated sigh.

“Its one of the 'ypothetical questions. You know its not a real one that means...”

“ROB! I know what hypothetical means. Just get on with it...” she barked but with a smile on her face.

“Well....and this is only hypothetical mind, it ain't real...and its JUST A YES OR NO ANSWER...”he dipped his head and raised his eyebrows tentatively and she growled back at him. “Well, hypothetically, if I was to ask you... if you would sleep with me- ONLY HYPOTHETICALLY! ONLY HYPOTHETICALLY!-” he said quickly as he saw her stiffen and start to bristle -”Hypothetically, if I was to ask you, if you would sleep with me, would your answer be the same as it is to this question? YES OR NO!”

“What? Well obv-......! Oh! Oh, you tricky son of -! “She smiled as she realised she could not answer yes or no without implying that she WOULD sleep with him either way. “You devious son of a gun!” she laughed
“Touche Rob, touche!” She raised a cup of tea in salute

“Its good innit? Cos if you say yes then you would and if you say no then the answer would be different which means you would have to say yes if I DID ask you! HA HA! Told you it was a good one, didn't I?” he said pleased with himself. “I wouldn't ask you that mind. I know we ain't...ya know...” he said slightly sadly. “Not that I don't want to like...I mean there's like nothing wrong with you nor nothin'....” Her raised eyebrows,pursed lips and strained expression finally made him fall silent. Briefly. “But I said it was a good one didnt I?” he beamed proudly

“Yes, you did. And yes, it was quite clever. For you” she added mischievously. “But you drive me crazy. “ she sighed and looked around bored. She had promised Morris she wouldn't endanger herself until they understood what was happening to her, why her powers were failing. But sitting around listening to drivel for five days had been a hard task to bear.

“I gotta do something Rob. I gotta go help people.” she set down her cup forcefully and made to stand
“I'll see you, Blubberguts.” she winked at him as she rose.

“WHOA-WHOA-WHOA-WHOA! GOOD GIRL!” he said quickly and hurried around to her side of the counter. “You-you done and said you wasn't right! I'm not lettin' you go an' get yourself 'urt if you aint right.”

“You gonna stop me?” she asked amused and touched by his concern in equal measure. “I'll be fine Rob, honestly.”

“Look lovely girl I am not 'avin' it. You sit by there now until you are better, not going off doin' your bloody shenanigans!”

“My 'shenanigans'?” she said raising an eyebrow

He whispered back to her “Well you said you don't call 'em 'missions' so I didn't know what to say”

“I knew what you meant Rob, just 'shenanigans' seemed to belittle my attempts to save the world...”

“Oh. Sorry.” he said sheepishly.

“I'm goin' Rob. Dunno where...just...gonna around and find some action” she whispered the last few words.

Then her head snapped around as she heard a news bulletin come over the t.v on the cafe wall.

“We interrupt this programme with an urgent news bulletin. We are getting reports in that an unknown number of terrorists have taken over the public viewing gallery of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. They are believed to be armed and have a number of hostages. We go now over to Paris for a live update from our Paris reporter Denise Cortez. Denise, what can you tell us?”

“Not much at the moment James, there are chaotic scenes here with most of central Paris blocked off and all other tourist landmarks closed to the public until further notice. We don't know who the terrorists are or their demands but the rumour is they have around 150 or so hostages including women and children as well as some of the security staff here at the Eiffel tower which are believed to include members of the Police force. We are looking at at least 6 terrorists very probably more and they are rumoured to have threatened to start THROWING PEOPLE OFF the Tower if their demands are not met. We don't know much about how the incident started at this stage but-”

“Scratch that Rob. I'm goin' to Paris!”

“What, Disneyland, Paris?”

“No you moron ! There !” She pointed at the t.v.

“Oh I wasnt listenin' to it. What's goin on?”

“See you sweetie.” She kissed him quickly as she hopped off the stool. “Terrorists and hostages. Eiffel Tower”

“Wow! You are gonna be alright aren't you? You are ok with this right? Doin' this with them terrorist fellas?” he said quietly. She nodded.

“Go get 'em slugger!” he gave her a double thumbs up that made her cringe with embarrassment as a few of the other customers glanced her way at the movement and sniggered.

“Rob!” she hissed and flapped his hands down. “You're embarrassing me!”

“Well its cool when The Fonz does it...” he said, clearly hurt. “Shall I say 'Heeeeyyyyyyy!'?”

“NO. That was 40 years ago, and you ain't The Fonz. I'm outta here” she went through to the back exit of the shop and he hurried after her.

“Come back safe. An' I still gotta have a word about stuff when you get back. 'Bout...stuff.”

“See ya Blubberguts” she said,”You gonna finally tell me what happened with your Uncle Frank, huh?” she said mischievously

“WHAT?!!! NO! Us Thomas menfolk can never share that with the women, as it could offend -”

“Offend- delicate- female- sensibilities' Yeah I know” she laughed, “Well whatever it is, I'm sure it will keep.”

“I ain't sayin'!! Wait-wait-wait!!.... Will you say it?”

“Say what?”

“What you say!”

“Rob I never say that!”

“But its in the comics you do”

“Rob...”she sighed. “That's bull Rob, stuff for little kids....”

“I likes them....” he said, sounding hurt.

She sighed and looked at him fondly. He opened his mouth but she cut him off .“I'll be careful”

“Please say it. For me....”

She rolled her eyes. “FINE! For you. But just this once.....”

He visibly brightened up and looked at her expectantly, When she finally spoke he was mouthing the words with her.

She said in quiet voice so only he could hear-

“This looks like a job for ….'Supergirl'!”

He beamed back at her and she smiled too. He then offered a shambolic cross between a high five and a thumbs up that ended in bewildered confusion for both of them. She smiled at him again as he shrugged hopelessly.


Argellaise, the leader of the terrorists looked out from the upper viewing platform on the city below him. He controlled the second and third levels of the famous tower, and he had herded the hostages from the famous Jules Verne restaurant out to the Eastern side of the central shaft that housed lifts and the restaurant itself, on the upper tier of the second level. He had booby trapped the staircases up and had men covering each as well as the lift shafts. They had cut back the safety railings on all sides of the building , put there to prevent people climbing over them, in order to give them unlimited fields of fire in all directions. All was good. He felt like a king. It had all gone well so far. Wait a few hours now for the world's media to gather and then start throwing these scum over the side. Worldwide headlines. Instant notoriety. His men had already cut through the bracing wires for the safety netting on the east side. He was under no illusions, this was a one way trip for him, but they would put the plight of his people on the world stage. He wo-

A blonde head slowly rose in front of him on the other side of the safety rail. His jaw dropped open as it continued to rise and reveal the beautiful face of a young girl with a gentle smile that broadened as he came into view of those spectacularly clear blue eyes. She gave him a brief pleasant, friendly and vigourous wave with her right hand.

“Bonjour, monseiur!” she said brightly with a sing song voice, flawless French accent and dazzling smile.

Argellaise's response was somewhat cruder.


Kara smiled at him then suddenly plummeted from view, dropping down like a stone some 15 feet before she clung on to one of the steel support girders below the viewing platform. Her breath was ragged and her eyes wide in surprise.

“Merde indeed...” she whispered quietly to herself as she gripped the steel tightly. Her heart was racing and she fought the rising panic within her. Because she hadn't descended of her own will. Her power of flight had suddenly deserted her. She had felt it wash over her like a wave, sapping her strength from every part of her body. If the Eiffel Tower hadn't sloped outwards she wondered whether she might have fallen to her death. No, that was stupid- the safety netting was just below her that would have broken her fall. Dammit what was happening to her? She now felt fine and tested her heat vision and freezing breath on the girder before her. Both worked fine and she flexed her muscles to test her strength, leaving her finger prints indented into the metal before her, so no problem there. A flash of her x-ray vision as she looked up at the deck above her showed the man she had confronted had run to the edge of the safety rail, joined by another man. Again no problem there then. She tentatively tried to fly a foot or so up, her hands hovering, ready to grip the iron girder at a moments notice but the momentary weakness seemed to have passed as she gently floated up slowly. She let out a sigh of relief and stopped, only to plummet back down suddenly causing her to grab the girder tightly in alarm.

“Shit!” she heard herself cry, this time in English. She swallowed down the rising panic and tried her powers again. Again all worked, lastly she flew up a foot or so only this time she kept a hand on the steel tower. The second she stopped she dropped once more, but this time she was ready to take the weight. She clung there breathlessly, her heart pounding in her chest. Two more attempts produced the same result and she realised it was the hovering that seemed to be the problem. She flew up two feet this time and then consciously flew down in a controlled way. That worked. Ok. Calm yourself Kara. You got this. “Like Hell I have”, she thought to herself .

Yet she was here now – with no doubt the world's media focusing on her with their zoom lenses- and the hostages above her needed her help. She took a deep breath and used her x ray vision once more, systematically scanning above her to identify the terrorists. One was on each side of the tower, covering the staircases and looking out over the sides, with two watching the hostages which were huddled on the far side of the viewing gallery. The restaurant itself seemed empty. There were 2 more watching the elevator shafts, and still with the very top of the tower beyond her vision, she guessed at around 10 in all. Maybe 12. She couldn't see a point in any more than 4 being at the very top, but she didn't rule it out. First things first. Save the hostages. She scanned the tower for explosives and sure enough the lift shafts were booby trapped, as were the stairs. She flashed a gaze at each device with precision, to sever the wires as necessary. As she looked about her she saw that the safety netting on one side had been cut, the side farthest from her, where the hostages were. Ok, she had lost the element of surprise with her little drop from view and more precious seconds working out what was wrong. Time had run out for her and she knew she had to act quickly before they turned on their captives.

Her appearance had provoked frenzied reaction from the armed men, but only one had actually seen her and he was struggling now to convince his companions, largely as he just kept 'shouting there is a woman who flies!' at the top of his lungs in French. They were running around looking over the various sides of the structure trying to find her.

One man was leaning over the railings optimistically firing at her with a Heckler and Koch sub machine gun, but he couldn't get the right angle and the bullets rattled off the iron girders some ten feet below her. She briefly wondered if these bullets could kill her, could penetrate the skin as the pistol round had so nearly done. Was she really that vulnerable now? For a split second she froze, uncertainly, gripping the cold metal tighter. What if-? “Oh to hell with this!” she declared loudly, shooting up through the wooden decking just behind the man leaning over trying to shoot her. She knocked him up and over the balcony, a grim part of her hoping that the safety netting wouldn't hold him, even though on this side it had not been cut. Argellaise had run to the side with the hostages, suspecting a distraction, and it was one of his men who went over the side.

As she burst through the decking of the viewing platform to panicked shouts from the armed guards she had already flashed a precision burst of heat energy that had snapped the firing pin of one of the hostage guards' weapons, an Uzi sub machine gun. She had ignored the man behind her who fell and instead sped to wards the other hostage guard who had instinctively turned away from his prisoners and she flashed a more intense glare straight in his eyes, blinding him with a scream. As she did so she hammered into one of the lookouts who joined his companion as he was bundled over the side of the Tower. There were gasps and screams from the frightened hostages and panicked cries from the gun men. She had neutralized four in that first second and a half of breaking through to the viewing platform and the two guards at the lift shafts had barely turned around before she struck one in the solar plexus with one hand as she broke the jaw of the other with an enormous uppercut that lifted him clean off his feet.

The man guarding the Eastern side of the tower had turned from his task of looking out for trouble, spinning around and starting to bring up his weapon but before she could deal with him herself a young gendarme, hands tied in front of him with a plastic strip tie, had half risen and body checked him, knocking him off balance. Kara knew the other gun men would be running around the corner of the central shaft and so as she sped to the young policeman's aid she breathed on the teak wooden decking with a frost breath, turning it into a sheet of ice instantly, a split second before Argellaise and his second in command came sliding around the corner. There was an erratic burst of gunfire up into the air as they fell and hit the deck, the second man carrying an automatic pistol got off one shot which despite her trepidation she blocked by thrusting her shoulder in the way, not daring to risk it hitting the hostages behind her. To her relief, it did bounce off. Two gun men had gone over the railings, two had slipped and fallen and were sliding helplessly on their backs, the two by the lift were down, one unconscious and the other incapacitated. The young policeman had wrestled the gun from the terrorist nearest him and had it under his chin by the time she reached him. That left one on this deck level and two possibly more on the very upper apartment deck, below the radio and tv comms masts, in Monseuir Eiffel's personal retreat.

Something flew through the air from around the corner and in that split second she realised it was a grenade. She had blown it 300 metres out over the side with her breath in an instant and two seconds later it detonated harmlessly, though the blast drew an audible gasp and 'Ooo' from those gathered below at the police cordon who witnessed the explosion.

She sped over to Argellaise and his companion, crushing his gun with her hand. As she hauled his companion up his pistol fell from his grasp as she flung him in the vague direction of where the grenade had come from. She heard a distant 'ooof' and the sounds of a collision of bodies behind her as Argellaise stood wide eyed before her. In desperation he threw a punch.

To her shock and horror her head snapped around as he hit her. She was left stunned by the blow, not due to the force, but the fact that she had actually FELT it and her body reacted beyond her control. She stood blinking in shock, as Argelalise too looked in surprise at first her then his own hand. It had hurt him, yes....but clearly she too had felt the hit. She could be hurt! Or so he wrongly thought.

With renewed anger he threw a flurry of punches that caught her off guard, sending her reeling as she still tried to process the shock that he had hit her and she had felt the blow, yet no pain. Each time she was rocked by a blow she staggered back like a rag doll, and his confidence grew as he hit her with increasing savagery. She stumbled backwards dazed more by her predicament than his strikes yet his blows drove her back around the corner of the central shaft where his last two men were untangling themselves.

“SHE IS WEAK! SHE IS WEAK!” He screamed at his companions in French. “Hold her!”

He landed two more blows to her jaw, a straight left and a right. That was all the incentive his men needed to believe him. They rushed to their feet, grabbing her arms from behind at the wrist and the shoulder.

Strangely from Kara's point of view, the blows didn't hurt her. Though she had clearly lost her physical power to withstand them, her nerves and pain receptors were still functioning as a Kryptonian's should. Her body was reacting to the blows yet they were not causing her any pain. To her mind it was a further exasperating example of just how screwed up her body had become. Though the blows were an annoyance and winded her, she did not feel anything as they landed.

Ok, Kara...” she panted heavily as she composed her thoughts “You -ooof” another gut punch doubled her up as the breath was knocked form her body. “Son of a -!!! Screw this girl, Get a grip[ /i]. UNNNGGGHHH. You have lost your strength....” she confirmed as she tried to break their grip and couldn't “you can't fly at all now-” she proved this was true as she tried to rise to get free, but couldn't...”you - “she tried to use her speed to avoid the next punch but couldn't “ain't got your speed..UNNGGG...HUH...HUH... but you got every martial arts move on this planet and 58 others at your fingertips...” she raised her head slightly and as Argellaise gripped her chin and drew back his fist she grinned at him and winked .

“Huh?” He froze and frowned at her in puzzlement, as she said with a grin -

“My turn now...”
Last edited by tallyho 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Okay, the scene at the beginning of the chapter with Supergirl's reaction to being shot was good... as was the action at the end of the chapter with the terrorists. Very intriguing how her powers keep coming and going. But I've got to tell you all the middle stuff with Robb is pretty trying to read through. You yourself call it "having to listen to drivel for five days." I guess you're having fun with it but man, it's a slog. You've got to rein some of that in, bro.
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Thanks Doc, I appreciate the comments. Glad you liked the beginning and end
I don't write anything without reason, and whilst you are right, I was enjoying myself, the Rob stuff needed to be in there for future story chapters -it will bear fruit in 2-3 chapters time.

You will be glad to know the exposition stuff is pretty much done with now, so we are on the action trail again !
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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“Qu'est-ce vouz dit?” Argellaise said with a frown as he didn't understand English very well

“Et maintenant, ce moi” she smiled amiably at him.

She used the two goons holding her to help support her weight as she flashed a creamy bronzed thigh skyward, the red boot attached to it smashing into Argellaise's jaw and sending him flying backwards. She suddenly went limp and sagged, deliberately dipping her ass towards the decking and drawing the two men holding her in, forcing them to stoop and bend towards her slightly as they struggled to hold her. A swift headbutt to the bridge of the nose on the one to her left was enough to make him scream and let go, clutching at his face in reflex. Once that arm was free she slammed the heel of her hand into the exposed throat of the last man, causing him to gasp and choke as he doubled up. She stabilized her footing, grabbed him by the collar and pants and hurled him towards the barrier around the deck. With the safety glass removed or destroyed to give them a field of fire the terrorist hit the chest high barrier at speed and pivoted over it with a gargled scream.

“Oh crap!” Kara thought as she couldn't remember if the safety netting on that side of the tower was still functioning, “Oh well, no time to worry about that now!” as she deftly dodged a blow from a now recovered Argellaise. She swayed left as he swung right and right as he swung left and as his rage grew she stood still. He growled and stepped towards her hands extended for her throat and she landed a phenomenally hard kick to his genitals that lifted him physically off his feet. The hands once meant for her slender neck now grabbed his stricken groin. Veins pulsed in his own neck as his jaw clamped shut and his eyes bulged and watered as his swarthy face went dark red.

NNNNNGGGGGHHHH!” was his only sound as she grabbed him by the shoulders, mouthed 'pardonnez-moi” in an over exaggerated way and then pushed him into the frame of the restaurant where a collision with one of the metal stanchions stopped him thinking about the tremendous pain in the seat of his abdomen. He fell dazed onto his back, clearly no longer a threat.

She saw the shadow of the man behind her on the decking and ducked at the last moment, causing him to swing wildly at empty air above her and overbalance. As she turned and rose she landed two swift knees to his ribs, one of which rendered a dull crack. As he doubled up she stamped down on the back of his knee, causing him to sink to the floor on his knees. She grabbed him by the forehead in one hand and below the jaw line with the other, grimaced and was a whisker away from a swift twist that would have snapped his neck. At the last moment she felt the pulse of blood through the veins beneath her hand at his throat and it reminded her that he was a live person, not a thing. She froze in shock momentarily, horrified by what she had so nearly done. Then she set her teeth on edge, grimaced and shifted her grip, choking him into unconsciousness.

She caught her breath looking about her at the the two bodies at her feet. She tried a flash of her x-ray vision through the corner of the Jules Verne Restaurant but could see only dim murky shapes. She took a deep breath and strode around the corner confidently , set to bluff anyone still around that she was fully functioning. But the men were still collapsed at the lift and the young policeman still had a gun at the throat of a terrorist. Weren't there eight? Oh yes, a couple went over into the safety net. She nodded towards the young gendarme then remembered the man she had thrown over the other side. She turned and ran back around the corner in horror, but froze as a blue arm holding an ankle slowly rose above the barrier on the far side.

“I think you dropped something Miss...” said her cousin amiably as Superman rose into sight holding the man she had hurled over the side suspended by his ankle.

She took a huge breath of relief and blew out her cheeks in a smile of thanks to her fellow Kryptonian.

“He one of ours or one of theirs?” he asked.


“I figured” Kal said as he threw the man casually some 20 feet to land with a groan on the two fallen terrorists.
“You ok?” he asked as he saw her looking relieved. She shook her head.

“Happened again.” she said quietly.

Kal-el slowly looked skywards and closed his eyes with his face still to the heavens.

“I'm so sorry Kar.” he said looking back at her. “All?”

“Flight and strength. Well more hovering than flight. Just kept dropping the second I stopped. Stamina is ok at a cellular level. None of the punches hurt...but x-ray vision has deteriorated in the last few minutes. Can see through stuff but the clarity is way off. Heat vision -” she flashed a tiny spot onto the decking, intending to leave a little singe mark, but it barely peeled the varnish. “Guess not.” she said dejectedly. “Oh Kal- SHIT!!!!”

Kal -el baulked in surprise but then heard the ppppfffffffssssttttt of the rocket launched from the upper tier followed by a burst of gunfire.

Kara didnt hesitate but sped in front of the hostages, blowing upwards with all she could muster. Her superspeed was back in spades and suddenly her breath found a force it had never had before as bullets and missile were sent hurtling skyward at incredible speed. Kal- el had sped to intercept the missile but her breath buffetted even him.

He turned back in shock as he was no longer needed and looked at her in surprise “I thought-?”
“I'll go deal with the top deck guys!” he declared and shot up in the direction the missile had come from.

Kara turned to the hostages and the young gendarme “Vite! Allez”She gestured to the stairwell that had been cleared of booby traps. “Quickly!” She helped some of them to stand and gestured and the whole group rose and followed the lead. She accepted their profuse thanks with a tight smile and a curt nod. A few other security personnel that were held hostage came forward to assist. Kara snapped the cable ties binding their wrists with a finger and they proceeded to help with the evacuation, securing the weapons and searching them whilst others handcuffed the disarmed terrorists. Kara turned back to the young gendarme breaking his bond last.

“Merci Ma'amoiselle, enchante!” he smiled as he graciously took her hand and kissed the back of it gallantly. “Tres gentile!”

Kara smiled and felt herself blush. He was very , very handsome. And boy that accent....

“Phillipe Darrelle”

“Kara. Merci Phillipe, tres brave” she gestured to the terrorist he had disarmed.

He shrugged. “C'est normal” he smiled a fairly dazzling white smile at her and she was a whisker away from coyly twirling a lock of her hair when there was a cough behind her. She turned slightly annoyed to see Kal staring at her with raised eyebrows

She turned back to Phillipe with a shrug and he smiled again before kissing both her cheeks in the French fashion. “Bon chance...angel” he said in a hot whisper into her ear and with a smile, and she had to turn away to stop herself blushing further. The policeman cuffed his charge and led him to the others.

Kal was standing with his arms folded and an amused fatherly look upon his face, though slightly disparaging.

“All done up top?” she enquired to head off any quips from him and he nodded. “Blew up the rocket too”.

She frowned “I didnt hear it”.

“It went for MILES, Kar!” He said shaking his head.

“One sec” She took time out to greet the first policemen arriving on the deck, explaining about the deactivated booby traps and the men on the upper deck with Kal chipping in on their dispositions. Four in a heap, no booby traps. He seems to like heaps, she smiled to herself. She turned back to Kal when she was done.

“The fuel gave it a boost for the first few seconds after I'd changed its direction. I guess my breath just gave it a helping hand once it was turned around.” she said but she could hardly believe it herself.

“True” he conceded. “But we don't normally have anything like that capability...”

“Any how...thanks for the assist”

“Well, seems a good job a certain friend of yours asked me to drop by.”

“Ah.” she nodded slowly. “Professor Morris.”

“Nope. This was your room mate. The little Welsh guy.”

“Rob? How did he get hold of you?”

“He rang the office – asked to speak with Clunk Click actually but the switchboard had the sense to think he might mean me.”

“Oh. That was unusually smart of him. And he is NOT my room mate”

“Sure. He loves you Kar. Did you know he offered me everything he had to come and help you?”

“He hasn't got anything!”

“I know, it was an embarrassingly small amount to be honest” Kal said laughing. “Care to guess?”


“Well it was $187.62 cents - apparently it was all he had in the register.” he took great delight in informing her.

“Well, his coffee is lousy, he doesn't make much.” she said apologetically.

“Yeah... I kinda said you'd be ok and could look after yourself and he got more and more desperate. I jokingly said could you make it up to $200 bucks and he threw in the dog and his family secret. HIS DOG, Kar, he threw in his DOG!”

“He loves that dog!”

“Oh? I thought they hated each other? ”

“No, the dog hates him but he loves the dog. Well, hates too strong a word. The dog knows he's the boss and Rob still thinks its him” she smiled. “Wow. I am surprised.”

“Like I say, the guy loves you. I mean who the heck gives up their dog? Man's best friend and all that”.

“Yeah. Wait a second you said the family secret as well!”

“Yep, a grim and terrible tale...”

“Uncle Frank?!!!!”

“Oh you know it.” Kal said disappointedly.

“NO! The son-of-a-bitch wouldn't tell me! C'mon spill it!”

“WHOA! No way!” he held up his hand recovering from his previous disappointment, “Its a secret handed down to only the Thomas menfolk, in case it offends -”

“-delicate female sensibilities! I know the bull, dammit! But you arent his family how come he told you?!”

“Told you. He was desperate to save you. Swore me in and everything. It was his persistence made me come, to be honest”.

“Goddammit, how come eveyone one seems to know what happened with Uncle Frank except me!”

“Everyone? Who else knows?”

“ Professor Morris...” he waited expectantly but then realized she had stopped.

“What, that's it? Two people know and suddenly that's 'everyone'?” He laughed as she looked at him sullenly.

“Are you gonna tel me Kal -el Son of Jor?”

“Nope. Us Thomas menfolk know how to keep a secret.”

“I'll get you back for this!” she said light heartedly, clamping her lips shut in frustration.

“Another thing young lady, whats with all the cuss words – you swore when you saw the missile, you just said 'son-of-a-bitch' -thats not you.”

“I know” she said somewhat dejectedly waving and flashing a tight smile as the last of the hostages disappeared from view and Police helicopters circled. Both she and Kal gave them a casual wave to indicate all was well and they peeled away, hovering to stop news helicopters coming too close

“I dunno whats happening to me Kal...I'm just....a mess.”

“And what was that breath? Kar....”

“Yeah I know. We need to get me checked out.”

“Well, if your flight skills are a bit...ropey, we'd best leave hand in hand, waving to the public kinda thing as we fly off. I'd best have a quick word with the press, put them at ease a bit ...over...stuff...” he trailed off vaguely.


Kal winced as he spoke “You definitely looked., you were struggling there for a while Kar... I'll just say we sometimes like to not use our powers as a way of saving up their potency, like you did to get rid of the missile, something like that...”

Kara nodded sullenly. “Thanks for looking out for me...”

“Hey you should thank your little roommate...I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. We'll get you checked out then I'll go pick up my dog”.

“KAL!” Kara said in alarrn. “You can't take his dog!”

“A deal is a deal”.

“Kal you take Harvey off him an' I swear I'll-” she shook a fist at him and then broke into a smile “Ohhh you! You lousy -!”

Kal -el smiled at her. “C'mon Kar I'm not gonna take his dog!.... Now the $187 bucks, that will come in handy!”


“Okay! Okay!” he put up a hand placatingly. “At least I got to know what happened with Uncle Frank...”

“Oh you son of a-! You aren't gonna tell me are you? You and he are gonna hold that over me? You low down , good for nothin'-!” but she was smiling. “Just tell me – is it really that bad a secret?”

“OH HELL, YEAH! ITS A DOOZY!” he said grinning broadly.

She sighed. “One day, I will get the drop on you and we'll see who's laughing then....” she said but with no malice.

“C'mon, Grab my hand I'll fly us down to see the press, I'll speak with them while you brief the cops. Then we will see whats up with you, back at The FoS” he pronounced it as 'The FOSS'.


“It is not!” He said clearly hurt .

She smiled at him affectionately. “The FoS....thats just ...sad...” she said grinning as she gripped his hand. “I mean ...The Fortress...thats kinda cool...but the FoS? Desperately sad...” she smiled when he wasn't looking.

He set his jaw and scowled as he took off, pretty much pulling her with him like a tow truck as he led her by the arm. She loved irritating him.

Two days later at Rob's cafe, her mood was less jovial. A barrage of tests at the Fortress had turned up nothing, Again. She stared morosely at her cup of tea.

She seemed to be back to normal powers-wise at least, but not knowing why her powers failed, worried her immensely.

“Ya know love,-” Rob began

“I don't need your shit today Rob , ok?” she said harshly, snapping at him and glaring at him from beneath her brow. She regretted it instantly as she saw him crumple. “Aww Rob, I'm sorry...I-”

“Its alright love. I'm used to it these days...” he said sadly and walked off to serve someone at the far end of the counter.

“Rob...” aww crap! She thought. Why take it out on him.? When he had finished with the customer she made a point of calling him over. When he was within range she leaned forward off the stool and kissed him on the cheek.

“Tha'ts for looking out for me the other day..and calling Clark...” she smiled timidly at him. “I'm sorry I've been so sulky lately.”

“Who? Oh right, him. Its ...kinda got a bit of a confession....”

“Oh?” she sat upright.

“Well....”he dropped his gaze “When you were away, I may MAY, mind you, have said something a bit embarrassing for you know who....”

'Oh God.' Just where was this going?

“Only MAY, mind...I only MAY have said it”

She took a deep breath. “OK. Hit me.”

“Well...I may...MAY...mind you...have said......”


“that....Supergirl ...”


“Was... allergic to bukkake...”



“Well, did you say it?” she said sharply.

“I MAY have said it”

“Rob, did you say it?”


“OHHH of all the-!! Why? Why would you say that crap?”

“Well we had that conversation before you went...and I didn't know what it was then...but well I looked it up since...”

“Why the hell would you say that? And who exactly did you say it to?”

“Only MAY I only MAY have said it”

“Rob you saying 'MAY' all the time doesn't change the fact that you said it. Who did you say it to?”

“Just a few here...”

“How many?”

“Well,... the football team...”


“And the gym squad...”

“Oh, for the love of-”

“Errrr....The cheerleader squad, assorted customers, the guy from the Dean's office...the college soccer team … I think that's it.”

“Oh good. Is that all?” she spat sarcastically “Why would you say it to all those people?”

“Well someone said you – she - looked off her game in Paris and I said well maybe its cos of her Bukkake allergy and they all fell about laughing...Next thing you know they are all tweeting it and what not. It seemed to get a good laugh so I said it again a bit later with a new crowd in ...and....voila!”

She shook her head - at least no one would believe such rubbish but she could have done without the smear on her reputation even as a joke.

Outside the shop door a rather grubby young woman seemed to be loitering nervously, and Rob seemed to be distracted by her too, looking around Kara every now and then.

Kara sighed. “Voila! I'll bloody give you 'voila', Rob Thomas.” she muttered and then realized she had sworn again. She took a deep breath and sighed. “I'll forgive you Rob. Though thousands wouldn't”. She took a long sip of her tea.

“She's a new one...” he mumbled to himself. “I thought they all knew they ain't allowed in here....” he muttered looking past her.

“Rob! Thats not a nice attitude to have to someone down on their luck!” she scolded him, slightly surprised at his attitude.

“No-no, I does feed 'em round the back at 6.30 when I does shut up, that's all I meant. The deal is I give 'em left overs and a cuppa coffee and they stay away in business hours and don't bother the old , clientele , like.”

“Oh, well, sorry, I misunderstood. If they are taking your coffee they really are hard up!” She spun 360 on her stool very slowly and took the girl in. Something didn't seem quite right about her but she couldn't say what. She dismissed her reaction.
She enjoyed spinning around, like a schoolgirl,.. so she did it again, suppressing the urge to shout 'weeee' as she did so, She caught Rob smiling at her pleasure.

“Its nice to see that smile....” he said and blushed. “I do give the left overs to the shelter for 'em two blocks down at weekends and they s'posed to tell them not to come in business hours...” he kept a beady eye on her as she seemed to struggle to make up her mind to come in or not.

A little while later and the woman from outside finally came in, hesitantly. Her face was slightly dirty as were her clothes when seen up close. Never the less, beneath the grime she was clearly very beautiful, approximately in her mid 20s. Her accent was from somewhere in New England.

“Hi...” she smiled awkwardly at Rob. “ you have any jobs goin'?” she angled her head and smiled in a classic female seduction manouvre, widening her eyes and looking vulnerable.

“Eh? Oh no, sorry love. Got all the waitresses I need...” He swept a hand at the stunning girls that were tending tables. Rob didnt know it but they were genetically bred for their looks and came from the future, where they served as concubines. He had been all set to turf her out but he seemed hypnotized like a snake with a mongoose.

“Please...” the girl said plaintively. “I'll do anything – washing up, bus tables...I really need a job...I got nowhere to live...I really need a job to get some money to get my own place... I would do anything...”

“Sorry love, like I say I got plenty of staff...sorry.”

“Please....? Maybe...maybe we can come to some kind of ...arrangement...” she stepped closer to him, trying to pout in what she thought was an alluring way and slipping off her hooded sweatshirt from one shoulder to reveal the bare curve of her skin beneath. She was wearing a grubby once white gym top. The gesture might have worked better if she was a little cleaner.

“Arrangement?” Rob looked at her closely before blowing out his cheeks. “What you mean like every other Tuesday or something? Honestly love I really don't need anyone...”

“ROB!” Kara said in alarm.


“Thats not what she meant. “ Kara hissed, sighed heavily and turned to the young girl. “Look honey however bad things are we can work something out. Things never need to get that desperate, honestly...”

“What? 'Ang on now, I'm confused by 'ere. What's goin' on?”

“Rob...” Kara whispered again and stepped a few feet away from the girl gesturing for him to follow.


“Rob. She was offering to have sex with you for a job! The poor girl is desperate...” Kara hissed in a low voice.

“Shit! She was?!! DESPERATE, oh thanks very much!” he said sarcastically.

“Not now Rob!” Kara glared. “Look honey you can clean yourself up at my place I have an apartment upstairs. Things are never as bad as they seem, we can work something out. You shouldn't ever have THAT.”

“GEE THANKS AGAIN! I'M RIGHT HERE LITERALLY, RIGHT HERE!” Rob said despairingly. “And she means she got a flat.”

“Oh shut up!” Kara snapped. “Look we can get you cleaned up, work out what we can do ok? What's your name?”


“NOT YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!” Kara sighed, but smiled in spite of herself. “Honey, what's your name?”


“Well, Heather, look, you can shower upstairs and we can get you cleaned up-”

“She's not a lesbian nor nothing, you needn't be worried...”


“Well you're not, I was just sayin' in case Hayley thought you was ...ya know... You ain't are you?”

“NO! For Gods sake will you shut up? And its Heather, Rob. She's HEATHER. ”

“I was just saying like in case she was worried we was a white slavery ring or something...”

Kara sighed. “I'm Linda. Ignore him, he's an idiot. He gets names mixed up too. You just have to kinda go with it”

“Thanks!” Rob cut in. He sighed heavily and reached a decision. “ Bloody women. Look. Listen. How 'bout this? I don't need any waitresses. But maybe... maybe I could do with a security guard ...ya know... protect my millions. You could sleep on the settee in the office back there. Not that you can sleep on the job you understand...but well there's spare pillows and a duvet so you can NOT sleep on the job. I can't afford to pay you but you can have somewhere to stay for a coupla weeks and...well there's the left overs and stuff...If you find your feet”

“That'd be great! Thanks!” Heather lent forward and gave him a peck on the cheek

“'arrangement' you mentioned...?”

“Rob....” Kara said in a forceful way.

“I was just gonna make sure that...? No obviously that..don't apply. Obviously. “ he said somewhat crestfallen. He smiled awkwardly and then went to serve a customer at the far end of the counter.

“He- he wouldn't ever...have..ya know.” Kara said clumsily flapping a hand vaguely in the air. “He's a decent guy.”

Heather smiled. “I know. I read his profile. Cardigan sent me. I'm here to help protect you.”

Kara was shocked. “Cardi-?”she swallowed hard and her voice changed, now with a distinct edge. She realized what had seemed wrong with the girl and it was her hair - it was too clean for someone living on the street. “I don't need protecting...”

“You don't. But your identity does, apparently, I was told. I'm here for that.”

“We will talk about this upstairs...” Kara said shocked and confused,

“Sure.”Heather took a cheeky swig of Kara's tea and grinned.

“What would you have done if he had accepted your ...'arrangement'” Kara said amused.

“Slept with him of course.”

Kara raised her eyebrows in surprise at her candor.

“You have to understand. What we do is bigger than us, even you, if you are some kind of wunderkind. If me sleepin' with -” she lowered her voice “ -some fat ugly guy is what it takes to help save the world, then I will do it in a heartbeat. Not that he's ugly exactly... just a bit old. But anyway. If you are truly on board with Sentinel you need to have that mindset. That's why Cardigan sent me. He was afraid that you don't have it yet. That this …lapse in your abilities has rocked your confidence...”

“Just how much do you know?”Kara asked , alarmed.

“Just that you are a new special operative, our best potential asset, supposedly, who has lost their edge, is off their game...for whatever reason... and I am here to look after you until you get it back.”

“Do you know who I am?”

“You're Guardian Angel, aka Linda Lee aka Ethel Fong in some circles” Heather smiled.”Beyond that, nope.”

“How do I know I can trust you?”

“Do you trust Cardigan?”


“Well. He would have warned you not to trust any one. That's good advice.”

“ are here to protect me?”

“Hmm-hmmn. Well more to stop anyone digging around. As I say my brief is to protect your identity. He said I would gradually learn what that might mean. Hand in hand with that is that I may need to physically look after you, for a while anyhow. I'm good with that ”

“We'd best finish this upstairs.”


“He- he has told you to... to save me?” Kara said incredulously a few minutes later upstairs in her apartment above the shop. “To physically risk yourself for me?”

“Well, he has...but I'd rather not.” Heather smiled. “But I will if I have to. Sentinel doesn't throw away its assets. If they are willing to lose me its for something very important “ She looked Kara up and down with a measured stare “I'm guessing you are... what, some kinda secret scientist? No matter anyhow. Ours not to reason why. He told me you alone can save the world. But, unless you're Supergirl, I don't see it myself.”she laughed. “No offence. But if you were of course, you wouldn't need my help, so.....Like I say, no offence.”

“None taken.”Kara said absently, her mind in turmoil. “Look I need to”

“Process this? Sure. You go off, do your thing. I'm not a body guard as such. My brief is to stop anyone looking around here too closely. Especially via the web. Accessing cameras , searching for your face etc”

“And you'd have slept with Rob just to do that?”

“If it meant me doing my job, then yes. But his profile said he was a big softee kinda type, didn't think he would...take advantage as it were. You say 'just to do that' as if its nothing – they wouldn't ask me unless it was important. Unless YOU were important.”

“So how long are you...assigned to be here? “

“As long as I am needed. As long as you are vulnerable.”

“I'm NOT vulnerable” Kara said forcefully.

“Well if that's true then they will recall me tomorrow.” Heather smiled . “Cardigan gave me the nod that he would fill me in if you and I on as it were. Said he would ring you later and then brief me tomorrow in full. Said you would know if I were telling the truth...”

“Is Heather really your name....?”

Heather looked at her, raised an eyebrow and smiled a slightly condescending smile, but didn't say anything at first. Finally she said “Is Ethel Fong yours?” with a wry smile.

“I'm gonna go get some air....” Kara said her mind a whirl.

“Sure. Don't go too far. Oh before you go, anything I should know about Bozo the clown downstairs?”

“Yeah...he's my friend. You hurt him, and I will hurt you.” Kara said tersely.

Heather pulled a face and raised an eyebrow, with a slight smirk “Sure, whatever.” she said dismissively and began to turn away.

Kara marched up to her and gripped her elbow, spinning her back to face her with a force that drew a gasp.

“I....WILL...hurt you.” she looked at her seriously with her lips pursed, and Heather looked at her with narrow eyes but a new found respect.

“Ok....OK, Ethel...”

“Linda. Only Cardigan calls me Ethel, and then I wish he wouldnt.” Kara's attitude softened. “I'm sorry, but Rob's stood up for me more than once...I dont like to see him...well...”

“I get it LINDA.” Heather said with emphasis and a smile.”He's your buddy.”

Kara smiled back, trying to soften the mood. ”Actually, he's more like big brother.”

The door to his place was still wide open as he had entered in a hurry. He stabbed a thumb down on the t.v. remote control to kill the news story. It was a follow up to the hijacking from Paris a few days earlier, singing the Kryptonians' praises. He was sick of hearing about it and he flung the remote angrily on to the sofa as he stormed around the apartment.

“That fucking bitch...” he snarled to himself before shouting out loud “THAT FUCKING BITCH!!” and thrashing the air with a clenched fist and a grunt.

He was breathing heavily and snarling like some rabid animal. Consciously, he calmed himself, but he was still seething. He snatched up his cell phone off the coffee table and jabbed a preset number.

When it was answered he gave no niceties.

“Talk to me. Are they ready? Both of 'em? Good. Yes, I was in PARIS, OF COURSE I SAW IT!!!.... What happened?.... That fuckwit Argellaise pulled his stunt an hour early that's what happened! I wasn't set up!.....That's why you are on now. ....Alright FINE, FINE I WAS LATE BECAUSE I WAS STILL ON FUCKING ENGLISH TIME OK? YOU HAPPY? ...Yeah I'm heading out to you shortly....Fire 'em up.” he stabbed the disconnect button and threw the cell on the couch after the phone, and stood in the centre of the room, hands on hips, calming himself further. He stared with unseeing eyes at his two cases in the hall; one a large metallic equipment- type case, long and narrow; the other a regular Samsonite overnight case with wheels. He wouldn't bother to unpack, he decided absently.

When he spoke, it was to himself and in a very low voice.

“Alright. Alright bitch. Alright. Playtime is over. Lets see what you really got....”

Several states away, the man on the other end of the phone took a deep breath. He regretted getting involved in this mess, but he was in way too deep now to pull out. And in fairness, he was $2million dollars richer at this point. Plus there was the possibility of another coupla hundred mill on top of that. He just hoped he got a chance to spend it. He set his own cell down on the table. Here goes. He unplugged the two power cables from the machines and then went to a console against one wall of the workshop.

He hit a few keys and then stood well back, before manually opening the large metal doors. They were in the middle of nowhere and he wasn't worried about anyone spotting him. He turned to look back at the two monstrous war machines that slowly hummed into life a few feet away, They were a bit ramshackle in appearance, understandable considering they had been made from parts of their deceased bretheren. With a few new enhancements. He smiled.

He didnt have his co-conspirators hatred of the Kryptonian. In fact he thought she was kinda hot...but he did want to see what happened when she came up against these little beauties. It was the scientist in him.

“Go get her, guys” he said as the two MR A's rumbled forward. “You got one hot date....” he said smiling at his own joke. "Da-vy, Da-vy Crockett. King of the Wild Frontier..." he sang softly to himself and laughed.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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