Supergirl in To Mouní Maestro

A darker, full bodied blend.
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The character Supergirl is Copyrighted by DC
This work is pure fan fiction. I receive no payment, compensation or benefit from it.
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To Mouní Maestro
by McGheeny


A week ago Supergirl was in a fight for her young life with invading aliens come to conquer Earth. The fight had started far from Metro City. Unfortunately the brawl extended from its point of origin to the skies over her new Earthly home. During that altercation several building and citizens became casualties of the melee.

A furious Mayor spent the next few days on all local and some national news channels berating Supergirl and demanding she not only cease and desist all actions over Metro City but she also make restitution for the damage she caused. The population were split 50/50 on the matter but in the end Supergirl agreed to take on a version of the, "Labours of Hercules" as an act of contrition.

The Greek Embassy

A late September evening in Metro City the Greek Embassy is the site of a spectacular gala. Despite part of the exterior building under construction the ornate interior is filled with pageantry, orchestra music and attendees dressed formally to the nines. Tonight finds Kara at the Greek Embassy during a formal party given to raise money for damages and those hurt by the events a week ago. The heroine is talking with a statuesque six foot tall slender dark haired woman in her 50's named Countess Cipriana. The interim Greek representative looked amazing for a woman of her age. Her deep sunned olive colored skin was soft and supple. Her picturesque beautiful face ruby red lips were offset by a set of deep dark sweltering eyes.

"Once again I apologize for the destruction to your Embassy and the workers injured last week," says a contrite Supergirl. "I would also like to make restitutions for the unfortunate accident."

"Accident?" smiles the Countess, "Is that what you are calling it?"

As the two females converse, out of the crowd appears an old man, at least in his mid 60s, wearing white tie black tails formal tuxedo. He appears to be about 6' 0" and about 235lbs with olive skin, receding salt-n-pepper hair, a large nose and large hands. He seems to be heading for the females.

"Countess, geia sas," says the old man as he takes the woman's right hand bends at the waist and give it a gentle kiss.

"Supergirl," smiles the Countess, "I would like you to meet Ambrose Gerou, To Mouní Maestro." Supergirl's brows furrow for a moment as her blue eyes look up and to the left processing the man's Greek name. A sudden mixed look of astonishment and alarm overcomes the young blonde Kryptonian's pretty face. The stately woman has a cat-like smile on her red lips, "You understand Greek Supergirl?"

An appalled Kara turns to the amused poised woman, "Yes."

"Oh good, then you know that Ambrose is known as, " To Mouní Maestro", The Pussy Maestro," wickedly chuckles the tall lean Countess.

"Geia sas Supergirl," Master Gerou smiles as he looks the young 5' 6" 118lbs blonde female with a lean and sexy 34-22-33 frame up and down several times. The unimpressed girl casually offers her right hand but the old man surprises her. He reaches out and takes a firm hold of her tiny waist and compellingly squeezes as he pulls the girl to him. He proceeds to kiss Supergirl on both cheeks of her attractive, stunned and embarrassed face.

"Ahaa..." says a taken back Kara. After the cheek kisses the sturdy old man holds the heroine in place as his dark brown eyes gazes deep into her baby blues. She attempts to speak a couple of times but is stymied by Ambrose's surprisingly firm hold on her, the concentrated eye to eye and the mysteriously exhilarating spice aroma given off by his body. The latter is prompting Supergirl's faculties to become fuzzy and making it hard to concentrate. Most importantly the odor has a quality that keeps the blonde teen frozen in the man's commanding grasp.

When Ambrose Gerou is satisfied with the initial meeting of this lovely young Supergirl he releases her and steps back, "How very nice to meet you Supergirl."

A speechless and embarrassed Kara awkwardly steps back from the imposing Greek man. Her yellow pink with red pearl glossy lips part and her blue "doe eyes" look down and to the right. The blushing superheroine is desperately trying to process what just happened to her.

"Supergirl? Supergirl? The Maestro is talking to you," muses the Countess. When the blonde teen heroine does not respond the dignified woman turns to Master Gerou, "The young these days." With concern on her pretty face Supergirl's still dilated eyes look up at the statuesque woman then to the old man in the tuxedo.

The orchestra begins to play a new dance number in the main room. Ambrose gives the disorientated heroine a grand smile, "Oh now Countess. It is clear Supergirl needs a dance." He takes the heroine by her upper right arm and leads a bewildered Supergirl to the next room.

As they start dancing Ambrose is staring at a swept up Supergirl for a few rounds before saying, "So, what do they call you?"

Kara gets a puzzled look on her face and slowly says, "Supergirl..."

"No my dear," he laughs, "At home. What do they call you where you are from?"

An incredulous and cautious Supergirl looks long and hard before answering, "Kara. Kara Zor-El."

"Aha, Kara, good," smiles Ambrose as he leads the young girl around the floor to the delightfully melodic tune.

Kara finally remembers herself and says, with a challenging tone, "So is this where you try to Master me?" The old man pulls Supergirl in close, chest to almost chest, and looks down at her.

"Would you like me to Supergirl?" he asks with a faint but confident smile.

The two continue to twirl and float around the crowded floor as if they were the only dancers. The noble looking olive skinned gentleman confidently leads his much younger beautiful female partner as the two continue to lock eyes.

The music, the dance, his gaze and that aroma are all acting on all of Supergirl's finely tuned senses. If Ambrose Gerou was not leading her Kara was sure she might collapse to the floor. She has to put an end to this uncomfortable insanity immediately. She swallows hard regaining her composure and says, "I think we need to stop this, now."

Looking into those blue eyes for a long moment Ambrose spins the girl out and pulls her back tightly into his chest, "So would you like to stop dancing and go to bed now?"

A distracted Kara at first only heard part of the man's statement, "Yes...NO!" Her "doe eyes" were back as she looks away from the Greek's penetrating stare. Out of nowhere images of her standing completely naked in front of this man fill her head. She shakes the disturbing yet arousing image clear then says, "I won't be going to bed with you." They continue to dance.

As the melodious song is winding down Ambrose smiles and says, "As you wish Kara. We won't go to bed." He sees her blue eyes soften and adds, "So you will meet me in the alley between Second Ave and Port Street in Metro City's warehouse district. Wait for me under the brightest light." The music stops and so do they. After a few seconds he says, "Say midnight tomorrow." He steps back and bows to his partner.

Before Kara can fire back at the old man's brash declaration the people around them on the dance floor turn and begin applauding Supergirl and Ambrose Gerou. The redness in her cheeks initially from anger at the man's statement turns to flush embarrassment and unease at the attention. The tuxedo wearing man turns and leaves her alone among the admirers. Supergirl smiles, nods, shakes some hands and thanks all before turning in pursuit of the Pussy Maestro.

Ambrose is at the coat check getting his coat and top hat. Supergirl walks up to the taller old man, "I won't be meeting you tomorrow or at anytime. I won't be going to bed with you. This is over here and now so just put your crazy indecent thoughts of you and me out of your thick head." The man grins at the fiery young blonde as he puts on his coat. "Did you hear me? I won't be doing anything you just asked," insists Kara.

"Oh yes you will Supergirl," says the approaching Countess. Taking her power stance Supergirl faces the woman. "Supergirl you came here tonight to make amends for the damage to our embassy and those that you harmed during your most recent engagement with those aliens. Your reparation is to meet, To Mouní Maestro, when and where he directs," the daunting dark haired woman leans in to emphasize her final point, "Anything he says Supergirl...Anything."

As Supergirl folds her arms across her chest and shifts her weight to her left hip Ambrose steps up to the Countess. He takes her hand and bows then kisses the back of her hand, "My Countess. Thank you very much for a lovely evening and such a grand treat." He looks at a fuming Supergirl then back to Countess Cipriana. The woman smiles and nods his direction accepting his formal gesture. He begins to head to the door pausing momentarily at Supergirl's side and whispers, "I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night in the alley, Kara." He gets a nasty glare from the girl as he turns and exits.

As Master Gerou walks out the door the Countess turns away from the young blonde, "Good night, Supergirl. Good luck."

Kara is left standing alone in the hall outside the coat check room. Suddenly two large bodyguards come out of nowhere to escort her out. As the furious superheroine leaves the Greek Embassy it seems she now has a date tomorrow, in an alley, in the seedy park of town, at midnight, with a 60 plus year old Greek man whose title is, The Pussy Maestro.

The Alley

11:45 p.m. Supergirl lands at the designated spot in the deserted long alley. Of all the dim or partially functioning lights this was the brightest one. Kara walks the length of the cast light noting the brick walls of the back of the building on her right and an extended series of ramps to warehouses on her left. The cool September night air tells of the approaching fall in Metro City. It may be the dead of night but the smell of water and stale air from decaying buildings around her tells the girl she is definitely in the warehouse district near the river.

As Kara scans the area her vision picks up heat signatures behind a dumpster 10 feet away. Cautiously the heroine moves towards the metal container when a man with his pants unzipped manhood on full display and woman appear. The girl sighs and looks away.
The 5' 8" heavyset middle aged man with a heavy 5 o'clock shadow is stuffing himself away as he walks towards the sexy blonde girl, "Hey now! What do we have here?"

Before the man can get a few steps away the dark haired woman dressed in the short skirt heels and fur coat grabs the man by the arm, "Come here honey!" She pulls the man back looking the girl up and down with disdain, "Besides you can afford her."

The man looks to the woman then back at the attractive young female, "You mean she won't give me a $25 quickie?"

"I think you should move along now," grumbles a disgusted Kara.

The man moves forward dragging the woman in tow, "Ahuaa come on girly. We can make it a three way. I'll go..." he looks her up and down again, "$40."

Supergirl takes her power stance and with a definite and commanding tone, "Leave now. Right now."

The older woman pulls the man back down the alley into the shadows, "That little whore is waiting for her John. Come on we will finish our party someplace special. Besides, a young bitch like that is about getting fucked and doesn't know how to make a man feel like a man."

As the arguing couple disappear Supergirl shakes her head and turns and moves back to the designated point for her rendezvous. As she stands under the dome of light what the woman just said chips away at her natural poise. Kara isn't that experience in bedroom matters. The few sexual encounters for the young Kryptonian have been the result of bad guys getting the upper hand on her. As the memories of each disgusting situation play in her head the heroine realizes each time it was about making her taking a degrading...fucking.

As time passes Supergirl's troubled mind begins to wander towards the old Greek. How did he get his title? What does he know to reach the status of a "Maestro"? As a flood of shameful thoughts run through the girl's head her extraordinarily beautiful body is beginning to tingle and ache.

Just then out of the darkness walks two women. By the tight short skirts, flimsy tops, dark stockings and stelleto high heels Kara can deduce they are also street ladies of the night. They saunter right up to the girl of steel and stop to look her over.

The taller of the two nudges her friend, "Look what we have here. A whore in a Supergirl costume." The two women start laughing as they begins circling the girl.

"I bet she made that costume herself," chuckles the other lady of the night.

The first woman stops in front of Supergirl again and says, "Auh honey that skirt has to come up AT Least a couple more inches. Give the customer a good tease and a tasty peek at the they can see what they are buying."

"I'm not selling anything here," snorts Kara, "I AM Supergirl."

The two women look at each other and laugh again, "Sure you are honey. Whatever." They walk off into the dark still laughing at the girl, "Imagine that. I always knew Supergirl was a whore!" They continue to laugh.

As Kara watches the women walk off she now knows why Ambrose Gerou picked this location. Just then a set of high beams shine on the heroine from a vehicle approaching up the alley. The girl turns and watches as a long black limousine pulls up about 20 feet away on the far side of the alley. The driver's side door opens up and a 6' 2" obviously muscular dark skinned man in a black suit, white shirt, thin black tie and chauffeur's cap gets out. He moves around the vehicle and to the passenger side back door. He opens it and Supergirl sees Ambrose Gerou emerge again wearing a formal tuxedo. Kara shakes off the mental turmoil that has frayed self-confidence and takes her power stance.

The old Greek man nods to his driver and heads towards Supergirl alone. As he approaches the blonde girl he smiles, "Waiting for me. That's a good first sign."

The man closes the distance to just a few feet of Kara, "Why here?"

"Well, quite frankly Kara you didn't want to go to bed," he says flatly. "So I decided you must be one of those slutty girls who likes nasty sex. Sex in a dark alley just like your street walker friends."

Kara folds her arms across her chest, shifts her weight to her right hip and tilts her head, "Are you calling me a whore?"

Ambrose begins walking around the sexy heroine from her left to her right, "No Supergirl. Whore is your word but I will call you a whore if you prefer," answers the Greek.

As the man circles around her Supergirl looks over her right shoulder, "Careful old man..." Before she can say another word she is again caught off guard.

The old man moves up behind Supergirl. Reaching around her his large hands take a firm grip of her breasts and begins to squeeze and massage her. The Maestro leans in and whispers, "34B cup...Correct?"

"Aauha! What?!" gasps Kara. The heady fragrance of the Greek man's exotic spice cologne again begins to fog her ability to concentrate. The heroine in blue and red is taken completely by surprise by the swift aggressive Greek man's scent and forwardness. Her hands immediately take a hold of his wrists trying to remove his insistent hands from kneading her rousing breasts. "Stop this NOW!"

Ambrose Gerou has his usual confident smile as his expert hands continue to audaciously work the young girl's tits. He can feel her budding nipples trapped beneath her blue leotard and bra coming to life and pressing into his palms. Again he says, "These are 34B cups aren't they Supergirl?" He emphasizes "These" with a forceful squeeze as he works her blue mounds on either side of the "S" shield up and down.

"YES!" exclaims a very upset Kara, "Yes." To her surprised the manhandled heroine is unable to easily remove the Greek's hands from her breasts. Now, a wide blue eyed blonde Supergirl's amazing body begins to writhe pathetically beneath the master's unexpectedly inescapable control. "Stop this!" demands Supergirl, but it's no use. Somehow he has her wholesome fantastic body beginning to readily respond to his expert touch, "Ahaaaa stoooppp..."

The Greek's right hand continues to unwaveringly work Supergirl's right breast as his left hand slides down her taut flat stomach towards her..."HEY!" both of Kara's hands quickly grab his left hand to defiantly stop and impede its lewd and disgusting progress. "I don't think so," growls the good girl. Suddenly Supergirl's eyes widen and her jaw drops. To her surprise the fingers of Ambrose Gerou's trapped left hand begin to make slow soft circles around her belly button. Unexpectedly her midsection involuntarily ripples several times causing her eyelids to flutter and the rest of her sexually charged body to shudder. There is a dampness in her panties.

To Mouní Maestro smiles. His nimble fingers gradually circle their way down the blue material of the young blonde girl's stomach eventually slipping under the yellow waistband of her short red skirt. His right hand had been intentionally ignoring Supergirl proud nipple standing out in a field of blue. The finger tips of his left hand, from just under the front of her mini skirt, gently rake at her pelvis just above her pubic mound. The second index knuckle and thumb on his right hand now ruthlessly traps the sensitive hard knob and pinches without mercy.

"AHO!" gasps Supergirl as her back arches. The harsh pain from her mistreated nipple sends out erotically charged signals from her head to her toes. Kara is frozen in place as her supple young body and her brain try to process the radiating sensations from her breast and pelvis. Just then her head bows as her hands grip Ambrose's left wrist and her girlishly curvy narrow hips uncontrollably buck several times.

"You are a dirty girl aren't you Kara?" whispers To Mouní Maestro. Supergirl lifts her head up and looks away from the man but her incredible stimulated body continues to twitch anxiously. He moves his head to the girl's right ear, "It's okay, you can admit it to me. You are getting in touch with your inner slut." He stresses "Slut" by twisting her nipple and working the finger tips of his left hand over her pubic mound.

Again Kara's beautiful face winches as her sensitive Kryptonian body trembles and wiggles at the man's handling. The noticeable damp spot is growing in the crotch of her uniform as the scent of her excitement is in the night air. Her hands now hold the man's left wrist out of show and not deterrence. The Greek Master's fingers have reached the strip of blue stretch over her swollen exhilarated labia. The teen heroine's breathing has become labored and perspiration is causing her tan skin to glisten under the alley lights.

Moving back to Supergirl's left ear, "How does it feel to be in touch with your inner tramp Supergirl?" The index and third fingers of his left hand are now gingerly and methodically dragged up the blue material on either side of the girl's excited pussy lips. He is careful not to make contact with the girl's clit as his finger tips repeat the slow stroking of Supergirl's passion. He breaths softly and intently into the girl's flaxen hair, "You like this don't you Kara? The slut inside you is aching to come out." He moves to the other side of her head, "Let the inner slut out Kara. It's okay to enjoy this feeling and special time Supergirl. Become the tramp we know you truly are."

Supergirl's hands drop to her sides as her hips jut outwards and begin to animatedly pump quickly back and forth, "Ahaaaa." The girl of steel is becoming the slut of To Mouní Maestro. Her juices have now completely soaked the crotch of her panties and uniform. The sexy little blonde girl shakes her head "No" but her flustered heavenly body trembles and shudders clearly saying, 'OH YES!'

Ambrose Gerou has just broken through Supergirl's futile resistance far sooner than he had expected. It is clear he has the 5' 6" blonde on the verge of a series of powerful orgasms. He is still rudely working her nipple over as his fingers caress her raised soft fleshy pussy lips but ignoring the clit causing the girl obvious sexual frustration. Leaning into the right side of her head his nostrils fill full of the honey coconut scent from her soft blonde hair. "Do you want to cum Supergirl?" the Greek asks the undone young heroine now completely bereft of her modesty. Her quickened panting and continuous motion of her hips gives him his answer, "Do you want to CUM Supergirl?"

Kara's blue eyes widen as she becomes aware of what the man is asking her. She is so engaged by the outrageous pressure of sexual tension poised at the edge of her core she didn't hear Ambrose. She decides not to answer as her pelvis shamelessly chases the fingers of his left hand desperately trying to get attention for her over stimulated clitoris. The more he seems to avoid her the more she wants him to make contact. The hot and horny Supergirl desperately wants The Pussy Maestro to make her cum.


Lip Service

Supergirl has fallen under the old man's dastardly erotic spell. He has the young teen heroine hot a bothered and ready for more intimate attention then she is capable of handling. Kara's amazing body is responding to the old Greek's touch like an instrument he is playing like a virtuoso. It is the girl's head that is still struggling with the appalling situation. Her instinctive side wants desperately to surrender to toe curling orgasms but it is her sensible side that knows she can't allow this to happen to her. With a burst of excited energy the suddenly panic-stricken blonde heroine shakes off the old man, "STOP!"

Ambrose Gerou stumbles backwards and lands on his butt. He looks over his right shoulder to his chauffeur who was moving towards him. The old man holds up his hand and waves the tall dark man off. He turns back to a obviously very traumatized Supergirl, "Aua my dear. We were making such great progress."

The old man's massage of Kara's incredible Kryptonian body and her abrupt escape from the Pussy Maestro's grasp seems to have left her drained. The girl's hands cover her sensitive and very stimulated female parts as she staggers to the wall. She leans against the cool bricks propping herself up while she nervously tries to recover.

"Well Kara I know it is a lot to take in at first but a girl like you can handle a little passion, can't you?" grins the Greek.

Getting some control over her sexually charged body a perturbed Supergirl glares at the old man sitting in the middle of the alley. Her right hand moves from her loins to her forehead pulling her blonde mane back and over her head. As the golden locks of hair cascade down around her pretty face the heroine straightens up. She adjusts wrinkles out of her uniform and heads towards Master Gerou. She looks up to see the chauffeur begin to come to his employer's aid and the girl points to him, "Stay where you are."

As Supergirl comes to stand next to Ambrose, taking her signature power stance, the Greek holds up his hand again, "It's okay." He looks the fuming beautiful girl up and down with warm and very confident smile, "So Kara. What is on your mind?"

"Stop calling me that!" replies the heroine. "It's Supergirl!"

A puzzled look momentarily comes over the man's face, "Your name is Kara..."

"Yes to my friends and family," shots back Supergirl, "you are neither."

Ambrose looks down shaking his head, "Aho Kara, Kara, Kara. You are too wound up. You need to relax if you are going to get the most out of our time together."

Supergirl's brows furrow as she leans in pointing an angry finger at the old man, "LOOK! Like I said, this is not happening." She straightens up replacing her fists on her hips in her full power stance again. "I am not one of your street walkers. I am not a whore!"

Just then from down the alley a female voice yells, "HEY!"

Kara looks over her right shoulder then shakes her head. She looks back to the old man and that is when it happened.

Ambrose Gerou chose this time, while Supergirl was distracted, to make his next move. His large hands run up the back of the girl's lovely parted legs as his fingers work under the elastic leg openings of Kara's blue leotard. The finger tips dig into the blonde girl's firm flesh and squeeze as To Mouní Maestro separates those fine tan lined ass cheeks. At the same time he pulls the young heroine's slender girlishly curvy hips forward. His big nose and open mouth dip under the hem of her short red mini skirt and presses directly into the good girl's pubic mound.

"Aho...Aho...Oahoomygosh!" gasps Supergirl as the unexpectedly bold move paralyzes the flustered blonde, "AoNo...AoNO...AAAA!" Kara's hands move down her abdomen anxiously trying to separate the man's mouth from her quivering body, "AHOONAAWOO! STOP! STOP THIS!" As the old Greek man nuzzles the sensitized girl's tingling crotch it resurges the building of new orgasms suddenly rendering the teen heroine temporarily speechless. The reignited sexual fire in her loins increases the building pressure in her core. Kara's shaky hands move to the man's head trying to push him away as she ineptly attempts to close her legs.

"You smell so lovely Kara. Is that Lavender? And Strawberries?" The Master's chin is firmly placed between Supergirl's silky soft tan bare thighs preventing the girl to shut him out. It also facilitated the man's next move as he opens his mouth and reaches his long tongue to the blue material covering the good girl's sphincter. He then runs the tip, making a crease, from that point along the damp crotch of her uniform finishing at a definitely woke clitoris.

Kara's blue eyes open wide and her jaw drops as she feels the Greek's freakishly long tongue run the length between her trembling legs again, "AO..." The young blonde's hips slowly work back and forth and side to side as Supergirl's hands twist in the man's slick hair. The teen is desperately yet unsuccessfully trying to pull his mouth from her energized labia. Large hands spread her taut cheeks wider as they keep Supergirl's hips pressed forward. Meantime, the torturous tongue runs the distance from back to front again plowing a trench in the thin damp strip of blue between her twitching thighs, "AO...O! O! OAAH! A...A...A!"

There is a sudden series of quick jerks by Supergirl's hips which is followed by a thorough drenching of the crotch of her uniform. Ambrose pauses his tonguing, "Oh Kara, the taste of your sweet essence is so very intoxicating," and with that the man opens his mouth and covers the girl's entire swollen pussy and begins sucking.

"AAUUUOOMYYGGGOOSSHHH!" gasps Kara as electric sensations race up and down her spine causing a shudder of a sexually charged rush overloading her loins and breasts. Her head tilts back and her eyelids flutter as her hips jerk several more times, "AHOMYGOSH! AHO! AOUO! AA!"

"WOW! Look at that! This old guy is making Supergirl cum," laughs a familiar female voice of one of the passing street walkers as cheers and jeers fill the cool night air.

A startled Kara looks over her shoulder as a crowd is beginning to form around her and Ambrose Gerou. "Nawoo...No...Stop...Don't..." begs the girl as her hips pathetically work against the hands and mouth of the Pussy Maestro. An utterly embarrassed Supergirl struggles mentally as well as physically to free herself from the old man's control. When the old Greek begins playfully biting on and around the good girl's clitoris Kara's head bows as her hips jut out into Ambrose's mouth, "AOO...Yes...Yesssss..."

Now there is a clearly audible slurping sound coming from between Supergirl's gorgeous but unsteady legs. The Maestro is now enjoying a flood of the girl's sexually generated feminine nectar. He pulls away for just a moment, "Oh Kara...I have never tasted anything like you...MMMMMMM." he takes her pussy back into his mouth and goes back to working his tongue into the fully hardened and excited clit.

"OH! OMY! OHOMY! AOO!" Kara frantically tries to regain the focus that allowed her to break free of the man once before. Unfortunately for the shivering and shuddering Supergirl the expert Greek continues his slow methodical and highly effective efforts on her womanhood. The teen heroine's quickly unraveling self-esteem is also being assailed by the large hands kneading and spreading her cheeks and controlling her wiggling hips. To her distress those undeniable hands are keeping her super sensitive labia pressed into the pussy connoisseur's expert mouth.

The mouthy street walker comes up alongside of Supergirl and looks the pitiful blonde girl over, "Well, well, well sweetie. Having nasty sex out here in a dirty back alley?" she laughs as she looks back at the crowd. The chuckling street folks are enjoying the young blonde girl's shame as she is feverishly working herself into the seated old man's face. Looking at the girl's blue mounds the street walker notices two prominent knobs standing out proudly. "Well what do we have here Supergirl?" she takes a pinching hold of each nipple in either hand and cranks down.

"AHOOO!" moans Kara as her back arches and her hips buck several times eagerly grinding out a new series of orgasms into To Mouní Maestro's face. The helpless heroine wants to remove the woman's hands from her breasts but her own hands are twisted into the old man's salt-n-pepper hair. "AUUUOOOO!" the twisting street walker's fingers ruthlessly reverse themselves on Kara's screaming nipples and Supergirl cums again, "AUOMYGOSH! AOO! OOH! AOUA"

The woman leans into Kara's right ear and breathes softly as she merciless works the girl's aching nipples.

The tall dark man in the chauffeur's garb says, "Back off. The Maestro is at work. Do not get in his way!" He takes a threatening posture, "Back off!"

"Okay! Okay!" says the street walker raising her hands and backing away from Supergirl. She turns back and joins a new round of laughter coming from the crowd.

The old man's extraordinarily long thick tongue goes back to running along Kara's highly sensitive crotch causing the girl to grind her throbbing warm wet pussy into his mouth. Supergirl has become a mindless participant in this man's exploitation of the sexy girl's fantastic young 5' 6" 118lbs slender body. She is worked over by the Greek Master to the point where her long lovely legs finally give out and Supergirl collapses. A wilted shuddering and completely drained panting Supergirl flops onto Ambrose Gerou's lap.

The surrounding crowd applauds as To Mouní Maestro smiles and waves to his fans.


A drained and still humping

Kara is hardly aware of the raucous applause cheers and jeers from the dozen or more street people. The breathless teen lay helplessly draped across the man's lap desperately trying to figure out how he did that to her. She is Supergirl. His touch, scent, tonguing and confident handling of the girl's remarkable young body, the old man was able to short circuit her superpowers. Additionally, to her astonishment, this old man seemed to easily sexually seduce and overwhelm the good girl. As Kara's lovely Kryptonian frame continues to slowly and involuntarily undulate Supergirl understands she is completely at the mercy of To Mouní Maestro.

"FUCK HER! GIVE IT TO HER UP THE ASS! MAKE THE BITCH SUFFER!" excited shouts from the street walkers and their johns are directed at the old man. Gradually the group moves closer to two seated on the concrete alleyway.

Ambrose raises his hand and nods, "Thank you. Thank you." He looks down at the beautiful blonde girl and smiles knowing he has MORE in store for her. He looks back to the crowd, "I appreciate your enthusiasm but Supergirl and I require a bit of alone time now. I thank you for your suggestions and well wishes and promise I will make sure this girl is absolutely broken in correctly." The old Greek looks back at Lawrence, his chauffeur, and nods. The tall lean man in the dark suit and cap moves to the gathered thrilled crowd.

Reaching into his pocket the man pulls out a folded wad of bills, "Master Gerou thanks you for participating. He would like you to have this token of his gratitude and wishes you all a good evening." As Lawrence passes out $50 bills to the crowd he comes to one of the johns who pushes his hand back.

"I don't want your money," growls the 5' 8" heavyset drunk man dressed in jeans work boots and green T-shirt. "I want my turn at that super-bitch!" The tall black man glares at him, "What?! I want a shot at her ass. Why should that old fucker be the only one to fuck Supergirl?!"

The chauffeur folds the bills and returns them to his pocket, "Sir, time to move on." Just then the unruly drunk attempts to sucker punch Lawrence. In a blur of arms the driver blocks the punch and then proceeds to land an left elbow to the man's chin and a right fist to his breadbasket. As the drunk bends over his face is impaled on driver's right knee. The overwhelmed boozer lands motionless on the ground at the chauffeur's feet. Lawrence pauses looking down on the idiot before reaching into his pocket and moving to the next one in line. "Master Gerou thanks you and have a good evening."

The stunned crowd are frozen in place after witnessing the incredible display of fighting skills. When the man was done dispensing cash a few of the uneasy onlookers pick up the unconscious john and the crowd disperses. The dark suited driver herds the dividing group in both directions down the alley.

A weary Kara moans, "Ahooo..." as she tries to sit up. A hand is placed on her chest and pushes her to her back once again. Her blue eyes look up to see a grinning Ambrose Gerou. "Hey?!" protests the slow to act teen when she sees his right hand slip beneath her skirt, "HEY!"

"Kara," he smiles speaking softly, "I see you are ready for the next round." His hand runs under the red material as his fingers cross over the smooth bare skin of her upper right thigh.

"Nawoooo," whines a fretful young pretty blonde heroine. "AHU!" she feels the man's thick fingers work under the elastic of the leg opening of her leotard and close over her womanhood.

"SHHSSHH...Relax Supergirl," says the old Greek as his fingers begin to slowly circle the girl's excited wet pussy lips. Supergirl's left hand reaches up and grabs his wrist, "Let go and lye back Kara. It is very important that you comply."

Supergirl anxiously shifts her girlishly curvy hips as her hand frantically tries to remove his from beneath her uniform. "Stop! Stop! Stop..." objects Kara as she slams her thighs closed attempting to restrict his movements. She looks down at the hand covered in blue material rummaging in the crotch of her uniform then back to the old man's eyes, "Stop this...I can't...I can't take anymore..." This brings a broadening of the man's Cheshire cat smile as his fingers burying into her labia spreading her lips and begin fondling her clitoris, "O".

"Oh my dear Kara," Ambrose says as his index finger and thumb take a hold of the girl's excited slippery clit. "You have a lot more to give. I know." Fear covers the girl's sweet face, "Now let go, lay back and cum." As the heroine continues to squirm his finger tips can feel the frantic girl's pulse and begins to squeeze her clit in time.

"AO! OAU! OU!" gasp Supergirl as the sensation of powerful fingers rhythmically pinching her excited clitoris brings both immediate pain and pleasure. Her wide doe blue eyes stare into the old man's soft piercing brown eyes as her left hand tightens around his wrist. Her yellow pink with red glossy lips part as a the girl's thighs tighten and she gasps for air.

The Greek raises his left hand and looks at his watch. He smiles then returns his gaze to the good girl's wide blue eyes. "Any second now Kara," grins Ambrose as his torturous pinching of her clit quickens with the girl's pulse. First, it is the muscles in her fantastic thighs that begin to tremble then her left hand relaxes its hold on him. He looks at his watch again and then back to the slowly failing Supergirl, "My record is two minutes Kara."

The agony on Supergirl's face says it all as she is panting and losing the struggle against the oncoming orgasms. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops open as her knees spread and turn out and her hips begin to shamelessly gyrate. Her left hand moves behind her to prop her up and give her fantastic young body more leverage to grind her pussy into the man's grip. The pain and the pleasure are becoming too intense for the girl to resist. As the flood gates inside her core open a rush of excitement washes down her vaginal walls and begins to leak out of her vagina. Kara's eyelids flutter her head rocks back her back arches and Supergirl cums for the Pussy Maestro again and again.

As Supergirl's hips buck and jerk sending fresh cum to wet the already saturated crotch of her uniform Ambrose looks at his watch, "Huh? One minute and twenty-three seconds Kara." He really bares down on the girl's clit now pinching and twisting the pulsating hardened rubbery knob. The young girl wildly shakes her blonde hair side to side as her hips quickly roll and hump his hand. "Gotcha!"

A mindless Kara is being drained of her spirit as well as bodily fluids as she cums for the expert fingers under her uniform. Just when the helpless heroine believes she too exhausted to climax the old Greek tweaks her clitoris triggering another round of powerful orgasms. Her shoulders are flat on the alley as her gyrating hips are poised in the air begging for more and more of the old man's attention. The once proud and powerful Supergirl's dignity is slowly and completely evaporating. Suddenly more pain more pleasure more cum, "AHUAAAA!"

Master Gerou looks at his watch again and decides it is time. He pulls his hand from underneath Supergirl's sexy blue perspiration soaked uniform. The beautiful young blonde heroine's incredible body is shuddering and humping uncontrollably as he rolls her off his lap. Supergirl comes to a stop on her left side as her hands dive between her lovely long tan legs and her shivering thighs clench shut. He puts his right hand into the air and is helped up by his driver.

As his boss gets to his feet Lawrence says, "Did I hear you say a new record time?"

Brushing himself off and straightening his pants and coat Ambrose smiles, "Yes. Supergirl came for the pussy pinch in one minute and twenty-three seconds." He looks down at the girl rocking back and forth, "She is so wholesome I may have to take extra time to REALLY enjoy breaking her."

"Will you make her yours or will she be added to the string for recurring profit?" asks the chauffeur.

Mr. Gerou pauses for a long moment before replying, "Well I guess we will just have to see how it goes." He pats his driver on the shoulder, "For now it is time for Supergirl to show me her best blowjob technique."

Supergirl is still pressing her hands firmly into her throbbing labia as she struggles to regain a modicum of her composure. Her over stimulated Kryptonian body is still extremely sexually charged but now very weak. 'How is he removing my powers?' she thinks as slow measured breathing is helping the overwhelmed girl to settle down. Every time she experiences powerful extended orgasms it is as if her powers are being drained. At this point Kara is too fatigued to stop the man from his pursuit to dominate her with passion.

Ambrose walks up to the intermittently shuddering a prone Supergirl. He kneels down and places his right hand on the girl's shoulder, "Oh Kara..."

Feeling the man's hand on her Supergirl scrambles and crawls away from the touch. Kara reaches the dumpster turns and places her back to the large green rusty trash container. With a panicked look on her face and fight or flight in her eyes Kara holds up her right hand, "STOP! Don't come near me." Her hands and eyes go to the hem of her short red skirt rolling it down covering the lower part of her blue thigh high cut leotard and swollen pubic mound.

The old Greek grins and shakes his head, "Oh my dear Kara. Covering yourself up Supergirl? You think you are done? Nothing could be further from the truth." As Supergirl's ashen face looks up, "Time to see your blowjob abilities Kara."

"I DON'T THINK SO!" growls Supergirl. The heroine does her best to put on a stern formidable front but she is clearly in no shape to deny this man.

"Oh don't worry Kara," says Ambrose as if the girl never said a thing, "We will go behind the dumpster like all you street walkers like to do." The fierceness in her gaze softens, "The measure of a good whore is her ability to give good head Kara."

A stymied Kara stares blankly at the unbelievably uncouth old man. "I...I..." she can't even put together a sentence to describe her incredulity at the stunningly vulgar demand. Just then Ambrose Gerou's hands go to his zipper, "OHMYGOSH!"

He reaches into his pants and produces a shockingly long and thick muscle. He lets it go allowing it to swing and then grow in the good girl's stunned gaze. "It is blowjob time Kara," he says reaching out and grabbing her by her blonde hair, "Let's see what you got."

Supergirl is drug crawling around to the dark side of the dumpster. He pulls her to her knees and positions her full pouting glistening lips several inches from his throbbing manhood.

As the young girl stares uneasily at his cock the Pussy Maestro says, "Your turn to please Kara."


Completely Undone

Kara's head is still swimming from the extraordinarily talented old Greek man's swiftly debilitating and VERY effective "Pussy Pinch". Her over stimulated loins are still involuntarily twitching with excitement. Now as she incredulously stares at the man's head just inches from her face Supergirl is shocked as the hand in her hair pulls her closer. Despite alarms going off in her head those soft pink and red glossy pouting lips pucker up as the heroine instinctively begins kissing the tip of To Mouní Maestro's penis.

"Yes Kara," grins Ambrose, "Nice and soft kisses. Now that is a good girl." When the blonde on her knees reaches up with her right hand the man firmly cautions her, "Drop your hand Kara. No cheater's head for you." Those bewildered baby blues looked up from the tip of his cock, "No hands Kara."

The beautiful Supergirl's hand and eyes dropped as the man works her head from side to side of his shave as she covers the foreskin with soft wet kisses. Now the teen heroine's wide nostrils are filled not only Ambrose's strange sensual comely aroma but also the musky scent of his manhood. The heady combination along with her kneeling and kissing his penis has the already bewildered Kara succumbing to an aching in her core. As she continues to pay attention to the old man's erect muscle the throbbing in her labia lips intensifies and the young blonde heroine is getting a familiar want growing between her thighs. This time when her head is positioned at the business end of the man's penis her glistening full puckered lips are parted as the head is resolutely pushed past.

Ambrose Gerou's tip is inside Supergirl's warm moist mouth, "Ahawaa yesss girl." He holds at this point as the girl obediently begins sucking on his head. He warmly looks down enjoying the view of Supergirl sucking his cock. There is a sudden shiver that runs up his back causing the old man to shudder and his shaft to grow harder and longer. "Time to get to work Kara," he says as his hands take a hold of her head and begins working the heroine's head back and forth.

"MMMMHPHHFF!" protests Kara as the old man is clearly trying to shove more of himself into her mouth than Supergirl can accommodate. It doesn't take long before Ambrose's head is bouncing off her tonsils at the back of her throat triggering her gag reflexes. Her lips are being stretched as her wide eyes can see there is a lot more of him the man wants her to take. His large hands twisted in her golden mane insistently urges her head faster and faster along the thick hard rod. Obviously the Greek wants the other half of his nine inch fat cock inside her mouth too. Impulsively her hands reach up and press against his pelvis desperately trying to hold him back.

"Drop your hands bitch!" he commands. The blonde 's hands return to her sides. "Now take all of me." His right hand twisted in her blonde hair his left hand goes to the back of the girl's head as he pumps with more vigor. "All you back alley whores know how to deep throat a cock. If you are telling me you are a virgin at taking a full cock into your mouth, well we will have to remedy that now won't we?"

Supergirl gags and coughs as she painfully struggles to take additional uncomfortable inches from the old man. The 5' 6" girl on her knees in the cold dark alley looks up through watering baby blues into the 6' 0" man towering over her. The girl sees no compassion in his dark eyes and no mercy on his intense face as he forces more shaft down her throat. Her baby blue eyes well up with tears as the head is driven with authority ever further past the point she could handle.

"That's it Supergirl," he says, "Relax your throat. Hey, looks like you ARE a true alley slut Hahahaha!" Over half of his cock is easily gliding in and out of the seductive suction of Supergirl's warm moist mouth. "Keep going. You are doing great! If this is your first time deep throating a cock you are a natural." A few moments and numerous pumps later Ambrose watches his entire shaft disappear into Supergirl's mouth. As he grins her pouting stretched pinkish red lips into his black and gray pubic hair, "Yessssss girl. Tell me, does deep throating my cock on your knees in a filthy back alley, in the middle of the night, make you feel more like the dirty whore you are?"

As the huge head of this old man's penis is determinedly driven down her throat Kara sinks under the constant punishment and belittling added by the man's commentary. Her shoulders slump as she now surrenders her self esteem and truly begins to consider herself a slut. Just when the teen heroine thought it couldn't get any worse her lips feel the throbbing at the base of his penis. Her wide blue eyes look up at him with GREAT concern.

"That's right Supergirl," he smiles, "Time to get your pay off for being such a good cock sucking tramp." He begins pumping faster as the girl submissively protests as best she can with a mouthful of his cock. "Remember suck and swallow Supergirl...suck and swallow."

Kara experiences the first hot shot in her mouth as the old man is withdrawing. A second later he arches his back pulls her head forward and sinks himself hilt deep into her mouth and shoots another load. There is no stopping that one as Kara takes that thick load down her throat. The salty taste from the first load fills her mouth as he pumps several more times before slamming home again and shooting another load down her throat. The girl coughs and gasps and is forced to take the cum. Tears fill her eyes again as the old Greek man is able to explode three more times in her throat.

Holding himself completely in her mouth Ambrose Gerou feels several minor squirts jet out from is dick and into Supergirl's mouth. "Like a Professional Kara. Just like a Professoinal," he sighs proudly as he keeps Supergirl in place. It doesn't take long before he withdraws halfway out of her mouth and waits. Instinctively the blonde tramp begins sucking again getting every last drop from his ball sack. "What a fantastic slut you are Kara."

While holding half his penis in her mouth Supergirl swallows the remaining cum in her mouth. As the thick wads slide down the back of her throat and join the rest of him in her stomach Kara thinks she is going to be sick. As the ill sensation finally passes the hand in her hair moves her head back and forth in short strokes. She looks up at the Pussy Maestro as she obediently works her lips along his shaft and sucking his cock.

Placing his hands on his hips the old man allows Supergirl to work back and forth along the still throbbing shaft of his dick. "Be sure to get it all Kara," he orders and the girl begins to dutifully suck harder. As this blonde bitch is doing her best to draw more of his cum from his balls Ambrose reaches into his coat pocket as an eager Supergirl sucks harder moving her head faster. The old Greek pulls out his mobile phone as he pulls himself out of Supergirl's mouth. "Open wide girly," groans the man as his backbone slides and...

An upset and confused Kara does as ordered. Seconds later Ambrose Gerou again shoots an amazing amount of cum past her opened circled glossy lips. The thick salty fluid fills her mouth as extra cum begins to leak out and slide down her cheek and chin. The stunned girl gulps down a wad before the old Greek gives her an unexpected command.

"Hold it Kara girl. Don't swallow yet," demands Ambrose. As the dazed girl looks up he clicks several pictures of Supergirl on her knees with his cum draining from her mouth. As he puts himself away he looks at the photos on his phone, "You are really photogenic Kara." The stunned blonde kneels there with her over filled mouth gaped open. He pauses and looks back to the shamed Supergirl, "Oh, Kara. You can swallow that and clean yourself."

The once proud and confident Supergirl slumps to a seated position propping her upper body up with both hands on the ground. It takes several swallows to empty her mouth and clear the extra cum on her face. Afterwards Kara's head bows in shame as the thick cum gradually slides down her throat.

"It needs some work Kara but I am sure that a good girl would never have done that," the smiling old Greek says for effect. Her head drops even lower as tears openly run down her cheeks, "Thanks for that blowjob slut." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash. He drops a dollar on the ground next to Supergirl and says, "Don't worry. You will get better at it."

A completely demoralized Kara sees the dollar and closes her eyes. With smearing mascara run down her face as she is beginning to accept the old man calling her a slut. To add injury to insult her bared pussy is now sitting on the cool damp concrete of the alley. With the massively degradation she just endured her loins have come to life again with unbridled gusto. Supergirl is now VERY horny. Suddenly she is aware of the old man walking away. "HEY!"

Ambrose Gerou continues walking to his limo ignoring the girl. When he reaches the door his chauffeur opens it. The old Greek turns to Supergirl, "Well that is all for tonight Kara." He sees the frustration and disbelief in the blonde girl's watery eyes. He sighs and reaches into his pocket pulls out the cash and separates another one dollar bill and holds it up, "If you want to double your money come on over to my car and climb in."

Kara knows she should be furious with him but she can't bring herself to lash out. She finds herself cold, without her powers, in an alley on the seed side of town. Her senses are on overload as her olfactory is still filled with the man's astoundingly arousing scent and residual film of his cum lines her mouth and throat. The young blonde distraught heroine cannot believe she is now extremely horny and wants more attention. He begins to get into the stretch black car, "Okay! win." She starts to adjust her clothing and get to her feet...

"Aha!" says Ambrose holding his right hand up. "Nobody said you could fix yourself." He sees dejection in her face as Supergirl removes her hand from the crotch of her uniform. "Now crawl over here to me." Supergirl's eyes drop as she again gets onto all fours and begins crawling his way. "Don't forget your money slut. You earned it."

Kara pauses. She looks back at the dollar bill on the ground and instantly everything she did that got her that dollar came to mind. Shame washed over her as the act of picking up the dollar caused her to relive the entire degrading experience. She bows her head, drops to her hands and knees, grabs the dollar and begins crawling. As she makes her way to the limousine unexpected riotous applause and catcalls echo throughout the alley. An absolutely disgraced Supergirl is becoming even more humiliated which intensifies the horny sensation. The night breeze comes down the alley blowing on Supergirl's rear letting her know that her throbbing vagina is dripping wet again.

The Pussy Maestro watches the hapless heroine crawl to him. He looks at Lawrence who is also watching the amazing blonde girl degrade herself for sex and one more dollar. He looks at his employer with a grin shaking his head. "I know. This is just the beginning," chuckles Ambrose. When Supergirl reaches the old man she comes up on her knees and lifts her left hand for the other dollar.

"Oh no tramp," Ambrose laughs, "You have to earn this one too." He folds the note and places it back into his pocket. "Now crawl into the car and we will get started." As Supergirl makes her way into the car her short red skirt rolled up around her waist leaves her blue leotard and yellow thong panties pulled aside exposing her swollen moist pussy lips. The men look at that fine ass and grin to each other. Ambrose Gerou follows the good girl as he too climbs into the back seat. Lawrence closes the door and moves around to the driver's door.


To Be Continued
Last edited by McGheeny 4 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Update to the story added.

I am enjoying this story! I wonder how this experienced man is making Supergirl weak and horny for him? I like the sexual tension during their first encounter. It is very erotic and sets the tone for the story. Great job!

I'm looking forward to the next part!
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
I am enjoying this story! I wonder how this experienced man is making Supergirl weak and horny for him? I like the sexual tension during their first encounter. It is very erotic and sets the tone for the story. Great job!

I'm looking forward to the next part!
Thank you kindly. I do appreciate your input. The man did not earn his title lightly, as our girl is finding. More to come.
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Excellent story. Love how eventhough she tried to resist him, Maestro slowly breaks down her defenses. Looking forward to more of this story.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
Excellent story. Love how eventhough she tried to resist him, Maestro slowly breaks down her defenses. Looking forward to more of this story.
Ask and you shall receive :) Part 3 has been added just after the newest image. Enjoy.
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Excellent!! I especially love the pictures you have added to this story.
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Wonderful work as per usual, McGheeny.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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DrDominator9 wrote:
4 years ago
Wonderful work as per usual, McGheeny.
Thank you Doc!
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Great stuff! I look forward to reading more.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
Excellent!! I especially love the pictures you have added to this story.
Thanks for your input. More is on the way.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
4 years ago
Wonderful work as per usual, McGheeny.
I appreciate your support Doc ;)
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exxxidor456 wrote:
4 years ago
Great stuff! I look forward to reading more.
Thank you and there is more to come.
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Exciting stuff! I love stories of initial reluctance giving way to pleasure, and this ticks all the boxes. Great work :D

The only super minor criticism I have is you could probably use more commas in certain places to break up a particularly long sentence, but that's all.
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Artee wrote:
4 years ago
Exciting stuff! I love stories of initial reluctance giving way to pleasure, and this ticks all the boxes. Great work :D

The only super minor criticism I have is you could probably use more commas in certain places to break up a particularly long sentence, but that's all.
I am glad you like the story. Thank you for your input. I have added the next part just after the new picture.
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How that was incredible. You are very good. Look forward to what he has planned for Supergirl at his place.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
How that was incredible. You are very good. Look forward to what he has planned for Supergirl at his place.
Thank you and be assured our girl is in for the ride of her young Kryptonian life.
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Still waiting for the ride to start
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When will you finish stories
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Driving Supergirl

In the back of the man's limo a submissive Kara lays back with her long, lovely tan legs invitingly spread open for the old man. She watches intently as the old Greek kisses, spanks, nuzzles and licks her pussy. He bathed his right thumb in Supergirl's generous lubricants before working his hand under her butt. When the tip of the wet thumb presses against her rectum Supergirl squeals, "NO!" Her hips swivel as she frantically squirms to avoid what this nasty man is attempting. Just then his brown eyes catch her blue eyes, and the look on his face is serious. Ambrose’s right hand slaps Kara’s loins, "AHO!" A few seconds later, SMACK! "AOO!"

The Greek's gaze locks in on Supergirl. After the third stinging open hand to her pussy Supergirl relents. As he holds his thumb in place, he watches the girl gingerly lowers herself. Her hips travel side to side and back and forth before finding the tip. There is a pause and a deep breath from the good girl. Then she lowers down the grueling humiliating distance as she painfully takes his thumb up her forbidden orifice.

The pressure was great and Kara pants. Her curvy hips wiggle as she cautiously works her way down onto the extended male digit. Knuckle by knuckle the humbled blonde teen takes in Ambrose's thick thumb. Supergirl stops and raises her hips. She needs some relief from the unbelievable pressure inside her. The man clears his throat indicating Supergirl is to get back to it. The beautiful young heroine bows her head and begins riding up and down until the man’s slippery thumb is completely, and securely, wedged inside her nether region. Supergirl's sphincter muscles instinctively clamp down on the rude intrusion.

Ambrose relishes the view. The helpless blonde beauty’s face displays all the agony the virgin anally penetrated Supergirl is experiencing. He wiggles his thumb inside the teen heroine and gets a gasp then a whimper. Satisfied the girl is sufficiently caught in the throes of want and humiliation he moves in.

When the weathered face buries between her parted bare silky-smooth thighs, Supergirl's head rocks back and her legs flop wide open again. The old Greek is nuzzling her labia again and Kara pushes herself into Ambrose’s talented mouth. It takes a moment before the unbearable excitement again ignites powerful desire inside his sexual captive. As the powerful building orgasm is again causing the blonde teen’s curvy hips to pump up and down, she discovers she is now willingly riding the man's fat thumb in an out of her rear. “AHOOMMYYGGOOSSHHH!”

The Maestro expertly delights Supergirl's swollen wet aflame pussy, making the little bitch voluntarily fuck her own ass. Ambrose is now convinced. Supergirl may have had sex a few times before, but for the most part, the young heroine is a novice. She is so wet and so easily excited Ambrose has not even begun to use his vast array of knowledge and years of unparalleled practice, yet. He just loves a blank canvas to work with, and when he is done, this little girl is going to experience it all. She is more than ready so he jams two fingers of his left hand into her swollen soaking wet quivering little pussy. Supergirl wildly shudders and shakes as the sexy blonde Kryptonian explodes with orgasmic pleasure.

"AHOOOUUOOO! AHOOOMMMMYYYYGOOOSSHHH! AHOO! OHO! O..." Kara is helplessly lost to the flood of passion. A relentless series of toe-curling mind-blowing orgasms have the superheroine at the mercy of her own desires. While the Master sucks her clitoris, and his fingers fuck her, Supergirl’s hands grab the old man by his white and black hair. Her hips instinctively grind against his mouth. and she impales herself knuckles deep on his thumb. The intense climaxing blonde girl wants it all as waves of her feminine essence baths Ambrose's mouth, chin, fingers, and black leather seat. She is aware of nothing but the Pussy Maestro's ability to keep her cumming. Her nipples ache, shivers run up and down her spine, her legs spread as wide as she can, as the girl gasps for air.

Ambrose rides the greedy Supergirl through orgasm after debilitating orgasm. As he explores her triggers, her capacity to resist and then relent to intense stimulus, he keeps the girl cumming. Her young body loves the attention and responds perfectly to his every touch, 'Ahawaa the blank canvas'. As she starts to slow or fatigue, the knowledgeable Greek lover activates another stimulus point. Abruptly, the heroine promptly bathes his fingers with the generous sticky sweet release of more of her precious female sexual nectar.

"NO MORE! NO MORE!" cries Kara as the whole situation is becoming too much for even her amazing Kryptonian body. Trapped between laughing and crying the teen heroine is not allowed any relief. This old man has definitely earned his title, "To Mouní Maestro", because he has definitely mastered Supergirl’s pussy, mind, and body. "AHOOUUUOOO!" There is ringing in her ears, her hips buck, and her body shudders as more of her juices flow freely from deep inside her throbbing core. The old man is just relentless, and Kara doesn't know how much more she can take. At the hands of this man Kara is on sexual overload and there is no stopping him.

Not letting up for a second the Greek continues to make Supergirl climax. He pushes the young blonde to her mental and physical limits. The sexy blonde teen is caught in a cycle of rapid buildup and vigorous release. The merciless demands of passion are clearly taking its toll on her fantastic Kryptonian body. Her squealing and pleading have stopped as Supergirl lays nearly motionless mounted on his thumb in the back seat of his limo. Her girlishly curvy hips have slowed but continue to steadily pump up and down. Supergirl’s pussy lips continue to throb and quiver. Every few minutes there is a gasp or breathless moment where the girl’s body spasms several times then goes limp. A moment later, as the long dark car speeds down the road at night, Supergirl wants more, and the cycle begins again.

Finally, Supergirl is finished. The sexy young blonde girl lasted longer than any of Ambrose's previous conquests. But, in the end, the Pussy Maestro is looking down on a thoroughly spent, sexually exhausted, and completely devastated Supergirl. Satisfied that this bitch is done he pulls his fingers from her twat. He keeps his thumb in her ass as he rolls the unconscious Supergirl over to her stomach. He lifts her ass into the air, unzips his pants, removes his cock, and shoves it into the girl's still soaking wet and over stimulated vagina. Controlling her body by his thumb in her butt he works Supergirl back and forth as he grows larger and wider inside her. Soon his head is pounding against the girl's cervix as the old man ruthlessly drills Supergirl for all she is worth. It doesn't take long slamming himself hilt deep up the tight little twat before Ambrose Gerou, To Mouní Maestro, unloads deep inside Supergirl.

Pulling his thumb from Supergirl's ass Ambrose moves to a seated position keep himself inside Supergirl as he pulls her onto his lap. He uses his large hands to grab those 34B firm tits using them to hold the long-legged slut in place. With his throbbing nine-inch bone buried inside this young helpless blonde girl's sopping well worn-out pussy, he looks out the limo window. As city blocks and streetlights pass by his view the Greek reviews the night's events and plans for tomorrow with Supergirl.

Twenty minutes later the stretch pulls to the curb at a bus stop. Lawrence gets out of the car. The driver moves to the back door. Ambrose emerges from the car. He turns reaches into the back seat and pulls a still slumbering Supergirl out by her right leg. He scoops up the well used little young blonde heroine into his arms and carries her to the bench. He sets the girl down and begins to pull out the dollar. He pauses replaces the single bill back into the wad of cash. He looks at her and says, "We are really going to have to work on your stamina and sexual abilities." He reaches for her dollar bill he gave her earlier, and says, "For that poor showing in my backseat you don't deserve this either.” As he walks back to the car he stops, turns, grins, and says, “But we will work on it."

The Greek Ambrose Gerou, “To Mouní Maestro”, gets back into the limousine and the car speeds away.
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That was amazing!!! Thanks for returning to this story and adding more to it. So this villain has total control of Supergirl sexually and mentally. As for him leaving her on a bench, I do wonder where this is going and look forward to more installments.

Again thank you very much.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Welcome back, good sir. Wonderfully imagined and described. Such a treat!
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