The Crypt Creek Mental Asylum

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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This is my first story with the forum though, as my moniker denotes, I have been watching for some time. I enjoy many of your works and I hope that this story holds up to some of the great stories that I have read here.

Note: Supergirl is property of DC Comics and all other characters have their own respective owners. This story is simply meant as entertainment and should be read only by consenting adults of 18 years or older. The first bit of this story is pretty tame but I hope it pulls you in.

The Crypt Creek Mental Asylum,

Located in northeastern Washington State, was originally built in the early 1900’s over an ancient burial ground. The Crypt was designed as a hospital asylum for the criminally insane however, it was built with spacious rooms and opulent décor which some called hauntingly gaudy and over the top for a “hospital.” With statues of two gargoyles and two ghouls in the corners of the entree hall, some believed the institute created mentally insane people rather than rehabilitating them. After hundreds of mysterious surgeries, procedures, deaths and disappearances of both the patients and staff, the hospital was shut down.

In the mid 1900’s the abandoned hospital became a breeding ground for homeless, deranged, and estranged humans. There were Satanists and those who practiced the dark arts of witchcraft and wizardry that lived within its cavernous guts. Some said the graveyard that the Crypt was built over created a strange, angry, and devious energy throughout the structure, which attracted all of the low life’s. There were experiments and dark magic rituals performed in the Crypt for decades. Pentagons and other strange drawings and writings were carved into the solid concrete floors and walls.
Eventually in the late 1900’s the complex was cleaned, the riff raff cleared out and the once devious criminal asylum was turned into a haunted house. The haunted house featured the usual horror movie bad guys i.e. Jason, the Pumpkin man, It, other evil clowns, Freddie Kruger, witches, zombies, spiders, slime and tentacle monsters, etc. It wasn’t until the mysterious disappearances and death of several staff and patrons that the haunted house was closed and the Asylum condemned and fenced off with WARNING: NO TRESPASSING signs.

In the early 2000’s local high school and college students challenged each other to go into the old structure. Stories told, that since the haunted house closed, anyone who stayed the night in Crypt Creek was never seen from or heard from again.

Which brings us to two days ago. As a hazing ritual, three college coeds where coerced into staying the night in the Crypt, in order to join a sorority on campus. Dressed in black leggings, tight black tops and backpacks the three shapely girls made their way through a hole in the chain link fence, up the stone steps and to the blood red front doors of Crypt Creek.

The sun was setting as Megan opened the front doors. Suddenly a large gust of smelly humid air greets the coeds. Sharon, the youngest of the three girls, screams and runs away.

“Chicken! That stupid bitch never did have a spine.”

The two coeds step inside and stand in the large entry room, gazing at the large gargoyles and ghouls that stand glaringly in all four corners at the base of the tall walls.

“What horrible décor for a mental asylum.”

Sara and Megan walk further into the hall…suddenly the great blood red doors slam shut! Both girls jump and turn around...

“Probably just Sharon trying to scare us!”

“What a little bitch, I swear Megan, when we get out of this we’re going to get Sharon good!”

Sharon however, was walking back to her sorority house when she heard the doors slam. Looking back at the Crypt a shiver runs down her spine but she takes a deep breathe and starts to run back to the Asylum to check on her friends.
Sharon pears in through one of the front windows and watches as her friends walk to the north corridor, they seem fine… but as the last bit of sun light leaves the entrée hall, one of the gargoyles suddenly turns it’s head and stares at Sharon with an evil grin…shocked Sharon backs away from the window, trips and scrambles to get up before running away. She climbs through the hole in the chain link fence and sprints back to her sorority house, fast as she can, as darkness spreads across the asylum.

Two days later: Megan and Sara hadn’t been seen or heard from. Sharon was scared, shaken and grief stricken at the police station. She’s pale, in tears and hysterical, trying to report her friends disappearance.

Detective Sanders is the detective over The Crypt. He kneels down to talk to Sharon, “We’re going to do everything in our power to get your friends back kid.” Detective Sanders pats the girl on her shoulders, reassuringly before standing up and walking purposefully across the station to talk to his superior, Chief Davis;

“Boss this is the fifth reported disappearance this year, we need to do something about this!”

“I called the Leesburg police department; With Superman off world they said that they’re going to inform and send Supergirl. She should be here within the hour and we need you to brief her on the case and The Crypt; we don’t want her disappearing too!”

“Yes sir.”

Minutes later Supergirl lands gracefully in front of the police station. She’s wearing her tight red boots that come up just below her knees. The boots show off her incredibly toned legs up to the bottom of her short red skirt. Her golden yellow belt and alien skintight blue lycra leotard hug her tone body like a second skin, wrinkling slightly with every movement and leaving little to the imagination. Supergirl’s prominent and defining “S” insignia accentuates her perfect gravity defying breasts. Her gorgeous blonde hair, and red cape settle behind her in the dusk light as she lands in the parking lot of the police station and walks up to the front doors. It’s almost sunset as the girl of steel walks confidently into the police station. Supergirl instantly finds Detective Sanders, who had just debriefed Sharon.

Supergirl walks over to the detective’s office she sees the grief stricken girl and stops to talk to her for a moment; “Are you the one whose friends went into the Crypt?”


“Did you see anything that could help me find them?”

“I don’t know. I ran out right when Megan opened those creepy blood red doors. Something just didn’t feel right about going into that place and then there was that decaying old air that rushed out as she opened the door, it felt like a spirit was going through my body. I ran away, climbed threw the hole in the fence and started walking back to my dorm when I heard the doors slam shut! I ran back and peered in through a window. That’s when I saw Megan and Sara walking to the north corridor… Then one of the gargoyles in the entrée hall turned and looked at me!” The girl said wide-eyed staring into the abyss in disbelief. “I was so frightened that I ran straight home like a coward, I didn’t even scream to warn them! The next thing I remember I was back in my dorm room,” Sharon says covering her face and continuing to cry hysterically.

“It’s ok Sharon I’m going to find your friends.” Supergirl gives Sharon a reassuring hug.

“This way Supergirl.”

Detective Sanders ushers Supergirl into his office. As soon as the door shuts, Supergirl turns to the detective;

“Detective lets make this quick, tell me what you have!"

"Well The Crypt Creek Mental Asylum has been around since the early 1900’s…’’ the detective proceeds to tell Supergirl the History of the Institute turned haunted house and condemned building.
“The historical records of the deaths and disappearances in the asylum are gruesome. I’ve only been in the Asylum in the daytime but it seems from the history, recent stories, disappearances and the grotesqueness of it’s inner guts that the Asylum has been infested with dark magic and pure evil since its inception!”

Not believing in this nonsense Supergirl shakes her head, “I don’t have time for these conspiracy theories and ghost stories detective! I’m going to get to the bottom of these disappearances and bring those girls back, along with anyone else I find, and I will bring whoever is doing this to justice!”

“I hope you do! It’s nearly dark Supergirl, we have accommodations for you to stay the night; we will explore the Crypt in the morning.”

“No! I’m going in tonight! It has already been two days Detective!”

“You can’t go in there at night Supergirl it’s not safe…nobody has survived or even resurfaced to the world after staying a night in the Crypt, we don’t want you disappearing too!”

“Well I’m not some “nobody,” says Supergirl in a cocky manor, “I’m a superheroine! I’ll be fine, thank you for your time Detective Sanders but I must be going!”

“I’m warning you Supergirl the Asylum is a dangerous place even for a superheroine like you!” As Sanders eyes gaze over Supergirl in her skin tight costume.

Defiantly Supergirl crosses her arms over her chest and says,“you’re not going to change my mind Detective!”

“Well I guess I can’t stop you,” begrudgingly detective Sanders moves away from the door and out of Supergirl’s way.


“Well I’ll be sure to have the power turned on to the Crypt so you won’t be searching in the dark.”

“I can see in the dark but thank you Detective.” And with that, Supergirl, turns and walks out of his office and the police station.

Outside, Supergirl looks to the sky as detective Sanders walks up behind her.

“I know you’re Supergirl and all but here is a little radio transmitter if you get into trouble. It has a GPS so we’ll know where to find you in the Crypt.”

Supergirl huffs at the detective in annoyance, “I said I’ll be fine, I’m the Girl of Steel remember?” not waiting for a reply she turns and fly's toward The Crypt Creek Mental Asylum.

Supergirl lands gracefully on the other side of the chain link fence her skirt blowing up showing the bikini line at the bottom of her blue body suit. She looks around at the overgrown weeds and plants as well as several beat down old rusty cars and an ambulance covered in vines. She walks up the dirty concrete steps to the blood red doors, reaches for the door nob before pausing...

“Nah, I’m Supergirl what could possibly happen to me;” she says aloud; as she pushes the doors open and walks inside. Supergirl sees the gargoyles and ghouls in the four corners of the dark dank entry hall but no smelly gust of air.

Remembering Sharon’s story, Supergirl walks up to one of the gargoyles and smirks. “You don’t look so tough stoney!” Reaching her arm back pushing her chest forward in her skin tight blue costume, her slightly erect tits sticking out on either side of her “S” insignia, Supergirl punches the gargoyle in the face turning it to dust. Supergirl then walks across the hall to one of the ghouls. “Well you’re a disgusting looking troll aren’t you?” Not waisting time Supergirl punches the ghoul in the face, turning it to dust as well. Satisfied that they’re not alive, she leaves the last two grotesque statues.

Supergirl turns down the north corridor as the last rays of sun leave the entree hall… The other gargoyle and ghoul suddenly shiver silently to life with the spreading of the night turning from concrete to living flesh. The gargoyle follows after Supergirl while the ghoul creeps away into the shadows.

Supergirl turns on the lights to the dark north corridor. One of the lights pops and blows out causing her to jump. “Come on you’re Supergirl and you just jumped from a light blowing out!” At least Detective Sanders had the power turned on to the Crypt or this would take a bit longer, she thinks to herself.

Supergirl looks in wondered curiosity at the ornate pentagons, drawings, and strange writings on the floors…touching some of the markings on the walls in nearly a hypnotic state as she walks passed. Slowly the writings and drawings begin glowing a nasty green hue in the wake of the heroine’s touch. Feeling a strange energy coursing through her veins, Supergirl quickly turns around…the glow instantly vanishes back into the walls!

“This place… feels… strange,” Supergirl says out loud in a hushed slightly exacerbated tone, as she turns and continues walking to the first door.

The door is locked as she looks at a blood smeared hand print streaking down the middle of the door.

“How cliché” she says as she kicks down the door... a group of spooked bats fly out of the darkened room, startling Supergirl as she instinctively backs away and flails her hands to protect her gorgeous face.

“Woahh get ahold of yourself girl.”

Suddenly, from behind, the gargoyle grabs Supergirl’s shoulder spins her around and punches her in the face!


Too stunned from the bats and too slow, Supergirl is nocked into and across the room. She lands on her back against a lime green operating chair in the middle of the room. Supergirl recoils from the impact arching her back and thrusting her magnificent breasts to the ceiling through her incredible skin tight leotard. The operation light instantly flashes on above Supergirl’s head as the chair comes to life, reclining back as thick brown leather straps reach out and bind the bewildered Maiden of Might to the shredded leather surface, covering her ankles, stomach, arms, and forehead with restraints!

“What the!?” Says Supergirl, wide eyed and turning her head from side to side frantically trying to grasp the situation she has fallen into. Pulling on her bonds, she looks up and watches the gargoyle turn and walk away from the open door…returning into the shadows of the hall.

Suddenly, a tall skinny-black haired doctor wearing white scrubs and an apron covered in blood splatters stumbles out of a dark corner, distracting Supergirl’s efforts to get free as she stares shockingly at the doctor! The masked doctor leans in to face the lovely heroine and says; “Don’t worry my pretty this is your lobotomy, hahahah” as the deranged doctor cackles
Supergirl struggles to get free of her bondage, fear in her eyes at the unbelievable strangeness of this place and a strange weakness that courses through her body.

The doctor turns back to the heroine removes his mask, tilts the chair back further, and leans over the luscious quivering body of the Girl of Steel, with wide yellow bloodshot eyes around his grey iris’s and blackened yellow teeth, the doctor smiles at a scared and uncertain Supergirl. He traces a rusty scalpel, in his disgusting over grown yellow purple and black fingernail hands, up from Supergirl’s skin tight blue costume covered abs to her red and gold “S” insignia covered breasts, she thrust her breasts out straining to get free as the hideous doctor rubs his scalpel around one of her slightly erect nipples poking through the thin blue lycra costume. “Are you aroused by your situation or is it that you like the idea of losing your mind and being a stupid mindless bimbo in a costume?” Says the doctor, as he continues taunting the heroine with the rusted blade and his words. He slowly moves up from her breasts along her tensed neck and to her scalp.

Supergirl arches her back trying to get free from her bonds as she opens her blue eyes; she sees a strange green sludge seeping through the ceiling and dripping onto her costumed chest. The sludge reads; WELCOME TO HELL SUPERGIRL! This only intensifies her efforts to get free as the doctor positions the scalpel on her head to make his incision.

Suddenly a zombie-looking nurse stumbles out from a closet on one of the walls with an AK-47 in hand. The butchered nurse has blood stains on her white and red clothes, old stitches surround her head with blue, purple and gangrene infected skin. One of her eyes is ghostly white and the other is bloodshot with oozing green pus leaking out.

“How could you do this to me!” she says; as she aims the gun at the doctor shooting him repeatedly. Supergirl seizes the opportunity to focus her strength and break free of her leather bonds. The bonds burst as the nurse aims the gun at Supergirl who pushes herself up and blows her ice cold breathe at the nurse, freezing her instantly she then swings off of the operating chair and roundhouse kicks the nurse in the mid section, shattering her. The frozen nurses head rolls on the floor settling at the heroines feet and winking up at the Girl of Steel through the ice.

Coughing from the exertion, Supergirl’s eyes dart away from the nurse and around the room. Making sure that the doctor is dead and the room is clear. She looks up to see the strange green sludge slowly seeping back into the ceiling; “What the hell is this place and why did I feel possessed to attack and kill that nurse, was she even human?” Supergirl thinks to herself. Leaning on the doorjamb half for support from exertion and half from intimidation of what could be lurking outside. Supergirl peers out the door and looks up and down the hallway; searching for the gargoyle that pushed her into the nightmarish room as well as for whatever else may be lurking in the shadows of the Asylum halls and rooms. Once satisfied that the coast is clear, Supergirl begins walking down the shadowy halls with flickering overhead lights leaning on the walls for cover as her heals click against the stone floor with each step. She is clearly less confident than the heroine that landed over the chain link fence just a moment ago.
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Supergirl investigates each room along the hallway, with no sign of the gargoyle. Some of the rooms have nothing but piles of trash inside but several, have the lime green leather operating chairs which sends chills down Supergirl’s spine; as she squirms inside of her skin tight costume. One of the rooms has an old tattered rusty spring mattress with used condoms and trash that Supergirl looks at with disgust. Coming to the end of the hall Supergirl opens a door to another hallway. With flickering florescent lights on the ceiling displaying the young heroine in the flickering shadows.

A sign on the wall in the next hall reads; Holding Chambers. “Sounds like the crazy’s were held here,” she says out loud.

The first four chamber doors are open but dark inside. Using her infrared vision she scans the rooms for signs of life. There’s nothing, the rooms seem dark and empty. Supergirl continues making her way to the last two chambers with the closed doors, she kicks open the first door and stands in her combat stance, preparing for whatever may come out. As she scans the room, a tall dark figure behind her walks silently out of the first room Supergirl had checked and into the third room across the hall and behind our heroine. Supergirl turns to the last door and sees a shadow move inside, as if something had passed near the door.

“Got to be careful,” she says. Kicking the door open; she sees a skinny ravaged black cat run out. Barely perceptible, there seems to be a light trail of green dust falling from the cat as it walks away.

“Wonder how long you’ve been in there little one?” Supergirl says, watching the creature run out of the hall before she turns to scan the last room.

Suddenly the tall black figure silently emerges from the padded room across the hall and behind our heroine. The dark figure grabs Supergirl around her neck with one arm and reaches around her body grabbing and groping her breast with his other powerful hand.

Supergirl tries to dispatch the offending man but the weakness she felt before has creeped back in as she is dragged into one of the dark padded rooms. The door slams shut, seemingly by its own accord, locking a weakened Supergirl and this strong monster inside of the padded room.

In the dark room, lit only by the flickering lights in the hall pouring through the tiny protective glass window on the cell door, our heroine struggles. The strong dark figure continues chocking and groping the Girl of Steel. Pulling her into his body as he begins rubbing his hand all over her breasts, wrinkling the prominent “S” in the center of her chest as he grasps her body to his. The monster begins making his way down her toned abs, over her short red skirt and to the blue slit of fabric covering her nether region. Supergirl struggles to regain her composure grabbing at the monsters molesting hands. She arches her head back in desperation, thrusting her breast forward within the confines of her costume, as she begins feeling a strange sensation. A feeling that she has never felt before. She begins enjoying the feeling of being dominated in this way. The feeling of being chocked and groped by such a strong adversary, both confuses and disgusts her but at the same time makes her feel hot and wet at her helplessness.

Shaking her head to clear her emotions, she pulls back one of her free arms and elbows her assailant in the stomach, nocking him to the back of the room. Turning to look for her depraved foe, Supergirl sees nothing. Suddenly, jumping out of the shadows and into the light of the window on the door, Michael Myers grabs Supergirl around her throat again and pushes her back. Pinning her to the closed door with one hand while his other hand begins roaming over her costume covered breasts, down her toned abs, and under her short red skirt once again. Her hands move to the monsters arm around her neck as he begins messaging her clit through her blue suit. Shocked; Supergirl struggles to scream “stop…” As the monster silently continues his chocking onslaught on the distraught young heroine. She seems overwhelmed and helpless to stop him as she struggles and shakes in his tight grasp. Tensing and slacking slighting to the movements of the monsters powerful grip. One of her hands reaches around the door searching for support, she feels what feels like a key chain in the door.

“Please, you can’t do this to meeee ughhh, I’m Supergirl!” She coughs out as she continues to struggle with being strangled along with the devious feelings welling up inside of her mind and the most private parts of her body. As she twitches slightly in pleasure, fear and frustration, going tense then slack in the monsters grip. "I've got to get out of this before it goes any further," she thinks to herself. Adjusting her stance in his grasp and collecting herself for a moment, she releases her heat vision into the villains face in front of her.

The horror villain recoils back in pain releasing his grip from her body as his hands move to his smoking face. Supergirl quickly remembers what she felt in the door and grabs what looks like a janitors key chain in the lock. She quickly twists the lock takes the keys, opens the door, runs out, and slams the door shut. Breathing hard and fast; expanding, contracting and creasing her thin costume with each breath, Supergirl turns and leans against the door as she slides down onto her calfs and brings her hands to her face. Trying to grasp what had just happened and recover her composure.

Her recuperation is quickly interrupted as she feels a hard slam on the door. She gets up quickly and turns around, peering into the room through the protective glass window. The horror villain slams his fist into the door again which shudders with the impact but holds securely shut. Confident that Michael can’t break out of the steel door, Supergirl slowly backs away as the horror villain keeps his deathly vacant eyes staring through his masked face back at the heroine.

“What a freak!” she says, “I’ll be back for you.” Turning away from the door Supergirl struts down the hall and away from the deviously pleasurable ordeal.

Supergirl straightens out her costume and attaches the janitors key chain to her belt as she walks out of the Holding Chamber hall, groused out by the undead Michael Myers who had just molested her super body with his cold rough and undead hands.

Supergirl continues walking until she comes to a glass room that leads to a courtyard. There, on one of the walls in the glass room, stands a knight in shining armor holding a sword. She pushes the knight to see if it’s alive, the knight shakes but doesn’t move.

“Probably just an old prop from the haunted house,” she says. Satisfied that the knight poses no threat, Supergirl continues walking. She opens the glass door to the courtyard ahead. In the middle of the courtyard there is a large pond with a horrible smell and nasty green moss flowing over the edges of the dark waters. Supergirl scans the area but finds no signs of life. She begins walking towards the door on the opposite side of the courtyard when suddenly, a dark black tendril covered in a sheen of lime green slime wraps around her right ankle and pulls her feet out from under. She is dragged across the courtyard on her breasts until she’s pulled upside down in the sky above the pool, her red skirt flips down revealing the slightly wet slit of her blue suit from the encounter with Michael Myers.

An octopus creature suddenly emerges from the pond with a large shiny black bubbly head and two large red eyes. The creature slams Supergirl into the ground on her back, cracking the paving rocks in the courtyard. It continues slamming her down; to the left to the right, cracking the paving stones in the courtyard and along the edges of the pond with each hit. Slamming the Princess of Power forward on her face and breasts. Slamming her backwards on her head, back, and ass nocking her senseless. As the dazed Maiden of Might tries to get her baring’s, three of the monsters tentacles grab her other leg and her arms, encircling her limbs. The tendrils then begin bowing out and pulling the Girl of Steel, spreadeagled in front of the giant creatures bulbous head. She flips her wet and messy hair to the side as she try’s to get a better look at the creature holding her. Suddenly the monster begins not just holding her on display but trying to rip the Girl of Steel apart. Supergirl flinches in shock and pain as her eyes shoot wide open trying to hold her limbs together. “Nugghhhhhhh” Supergirl grunts as her eyes shut from the strain of holding her limbs together. With her eyes shut Supergirl doesn’t notice two more of the monsters tentacles moving towards her. The tentacles begin wrapping themselves around Supergirl’s breasts and nipples and begin pulsing, twisting, constricting, and pulling. Supergirl looks down with her eyes wide in shock as the lime green slime covered black tentacles begin distorting her “S” insignia pulling on her, the Girl of Steels breasts and nipples through her costume. They were actually hurting her, Supergirl. She feels as though the creature is going to pull not just her limbs but her breasts from her body and yet she feels herself getting wet at her helplessness.

Supergirl turns her head from side to side in disbelief an desperation as she watches the creature overpowering and molesting her super body, she’s suddenly forced to the ground. A terrified look appears on Supergirl's face, restrained and helpless in the creatures grasp as the last two tentacles make there way under her short red skirt, moving the slit of blue fabric that covers her nether region to the side. “Noooooo, Stop you can’t do this to me!!!” shouts the distraught Girl of Steel as the giant octopus monster forces itself upon her, violating her, fucking her, forcing her to buck and arch back and forward in the monsters slimy overpowering and pulsing grasp. Shaking her head from side to side as if trying to wake up from the nightmarish onslaught that befals her Supergirl cries out, “NOOOO this can’t be happening to me;” as she, Supergirl, is being fucked into oblivion! Supergirl feels and sees herself being dragged towards the dark nasty waters of the pool and into the monstrous creatures mouth of razor sharp gleaming white teeth. Suddenly, more tendrils exploded from the creatures slimy mouth covering Supergirl in a murky greenish slime as they grope and drag her to her fate.

“Oh My God, this thing is trying to eat me!” she says in fear and disbelief, as she throws her head back in desperation, forcing her chest forward and into the monsters stimulating grasp. “Ohhhh god nooooooo, I’ve got to come up with something;” she says. In her desperate situation Supergirl remembers her PSI blast. She pulls her limbs in as much as she can and focuses before firing a blue blast of energy at the monsters left eye. The creature suddenly throws Supergirl through the glass room, slipping out of her sex and releasing its hold on every part of her except her ankles. Supergirl crashes into the knight in shining armor and reaches out miraculously grabbing the sword from the knight. The creature pulls Supergirl out of the rubble and back towards its mouth. Once close enough Supergirl thrusts the sword into the other eye of the monstrous creature, blinding it. The monster suddenly begins thrashing around in agony still holding the Maid of Might by her ankles, Supergirl waits for her moment then cuts off the offending tendrils which sends the heroine crashing into the opposite wall. The defeated monster slows its thrashing and begins to sink back into the dark waters of the pond… for now.

Panting, Supergirl slumps against the cracked stonewall. Her costume slack and crinkled from her slumping position. She slowly leans forward and proceeds to unwrap the still pulsing tentacles from her ankles.

The Girl of Steel slowly rolls to her side and gets on all fours, panting from her close call, she slowly gets her legs under her and begins to stand using the wall for support as she does. Finally, feeling a little better, she stands and adjusts her costume. She then spins around at super speed to remove the slime from her body. She stops and leans forward putting her hands on her knees as she pants from the exertion of using her powers. Pushing herself up and moving her hands to her hips, Supergirl stands in her power pose and looks to the full moon in the night sky. She slumps slightly, as she, the powerful superheroine, actually thinks about flying way from this insidious Asylum.

“No! You’re Supergirl,” she says out loud, “and those girls need your help!” With that the brave and foolish heroine walks to the door across the courtyard. The door has a sign on it that reads, The Back Wing. Supergirl pauses at the door as she wonders, what horrors await her behind this door. With her hands shaking the young heroine slowly opens the door and steps inside.
Neophyte Lvl 2
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it's an incredible story, thanks for sharing
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This is a perfect story for Halloween and wonderfully done. An exceptional first effort. Thanks for sharing!
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Hello Manuelmen, thank you for your comment! I don't know you but I hope your English is improving so that you can share a story of your own. Have you tried google translator? It's free and works pretty great from what I understand. Best wishes!

Hello DrDominator9, thank you very much! I have been a fan of yours since "Supergirl Captured by the Mob," was first posted over at The Wizards Lair. I enjoy the hell out of your stories. I'm glad you like the Halloween tone.

I'm just editing the next bit of this story.

To all readers. FOREWARNING! The next bit gets a bit darker than these first two. If you feel that the first two posts of this story were not to your liking, then please don't read on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
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Once inside, Supergirl is surprised to see a medieval looking entrée hall with candles lit along the dungeon-esque hall. A winding stone stairway lies ahead of the intrepid young hero. “Maybe Sara and Megan lit the candles,” says Supergirl aloud, in a hushed but hopeful voice. This was the first sign of human activity Supergirl has seen.

Walking down the winding stone stairs Supergirl sees scratch marks on the walls, some, with human fingernails still lodged into the soft stone. Supergirl reaches to the wall and pulls out one of the lodged fingernails. She suddenly gasps in shock, dropping the nail, as she sees that it is painted and had to belong to a girl.

“Oh my god! What could have done this to those poor girls? I hope Sara and Megan are alright.” She says out loud as she collects herself and continues walking down the winding stone stairs.

Supergirl steps to the bottom of the stairway and to the last candle. She sees that the hallway continues on, into the flickering darkness, before looking down to a backpack at her feet. The contents are strewn out across the stone floor of the lower hall but Supergirl see’s Megan’s name stitched onto the front of the pack. “Finally, a real sign of the girls!” she says.

Using her Nancy Drew investigative skills, Supergirl quickly kneels down and begins looking through the strewn contents of the backpack. There’s lipstick, a flashlight, a small mirror, a lighter, a video camera and a jacket scattered about on the stone floor. After checking the jacket and finding nothing, Supergirl starts digging through the open pack, looking up to make sure there isn’t anything lurking in the shadows of the dark hall. Once satisfied, she continues looking through the pack only to find, that other than another flashlight, the pack is empty. Supergirl picks up the video camera from the floor and opens up the side panel. She finds one file on the screen and pushes play.

Supergirl watches the video of Megan, as her and Sara made their way through the same rooms that she had gone through. The girls pretended to operate on each other in one of the rooms with the lime green operating chairs. The image sends a chill down Supergirl’s spine as the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she remembers her encounter in the chair. A feeling of staccato claustrophobia caves in on Supergirl, feeling as if she is being watched, the heroine snaps her head up to look around the dark hall. Once satisfied that she seems to be alone, Supergirl looks back down to the camera. Not seeing anything suspicious, she starts to fast forward the video. Then she sees Megan lighting the candles in the stair way and pushes play.

“If this was two days ago, how are these candles still lit?” Supergirl thinks to herself, then she sees Megan about to light the last candle at the bottom of the stairs. There are out of focus words in the video below the candle. Supergirl turns away from the video camera and looks up at the candle but there are no words above it now. Supergirl turns back to the video as Megan starts reading the words, “With this spell…” the video suddenly glitches and turns fuzzy, as if something didn’t want the Girl of Steel to hear the words of the spell, then the video clears up. Supergirl watches as Sara turns the camera to Megan, “Somethings coming!” An old haggard woman suddenly walks into the scene of the video. The woman resembles what Supergirl pictures a witch would look like. “Hello my pretties’, thank you for reciting the candle’s spell and waking me from my slumber. Get them!” The witch says with a twitch of her hand and haggard body. Suddenly slimy goblin creatures come out of the shadows and chase after the young girls. Sara drops the camera and the video captures the two girls running up the stairs as the pack of goblins chase after them. Then she watches as the witch picks up the camera and looks into it; “I’m waiting for you Supergirl HAHAHAHAHA!” Cackles the witch as the video suddenly stops!

Supergirl pulls away from the camera in shock that the witch new she would be here! She puts the camera down and yells down the dark hall. “You want me! Well here I am!!” Suddenly a green light flickers on down the hall…the light appears to be coming through and around a manhole cover in the middle of the floor. The green light reveals that the hall continues, into the darkness. “Don’t worry Sara and Megan, I’m coming!” the Girl of Steel says.

Walking over to the manhole, Supergirl easily lifts the cover, a foul smell emanates from the hole. Supergirl turns in disgust before looking back and down the ladder inside the manhole as she begins climbing down. Once down a ways on the ladder, Supergirl looks around and finds herself to be climbing down into some kind of sewer. She also sees that the green light is emanating from a slow moving and murky stream of sewage water. “The walls seem more cave like than a man made sewer,” she thinks to herself as the repulsed heroine continues down the ladder.

Scummy moss hanging from the walls and ceiling seems to be writhing. "Must just be a draft," Supergirl thinks to herself as she steps down into the disgusting sewage water. The green water appears to have a life of its own as it seems to pulse and climb half way up the young heroines tight red boots, several inches above where the sewage flows. “Ugh what is that smell?” Supergirl says; looking up stream, she only sees a dead end were the murky glowing green sewage gurgles and bubbles to the surface. Supergirl turns and begins walking, making squishy steps in the writhing sewage, as she follows the flow down stream.

After what seems like a quarter mile, Supergirl finds the girls black leggings and tight shirts, on the side of the sewer walls. “That witch! She must have stripped those poor girls!” Supergirl says out loud as she continues walking along the flow of sewage. She sees an opening ahead slowing and quieting her pace as she comes to and peers around a jagged corner. She sees a large cavern off to the side of the flow of sewage.

Supergirl freezes when she sees Sara and Megan. The girls are strewn up naked by their arms and hanging from large steel manacles connected to thick chains embedded into the stone walls of the cavern! There are dead bodies, most of them skeletal, along the floor leading to the girls. Some are chained up next to the two college girls, their skin appears to be hanging in decay from the bones of their bodies. Shaking herself out of her frozen stupor, Supergirl begins walking towards the two girls. She delicately steps over the decrepit bodies and bones along the cavern floor, not wanting to disturb them or get their bodily floods on her boots. “The sewer was bad enough,” she thought as she reached a clearing from the bodies and began running over to the two girls.

Supergirl stops cold at Sara, the girl looks as though her very life force had been sucked out of her body, her skin pale and wrinkled in ravaged age. The sight of which makes Supergirl's stomach sick. Still, the ever hopeful heroine, checks for a pulse, there is none. She then checks Megan’s; “She’s alive! Megan wake up!” says Supergirl to the teenager as she gently pats Megan’s face. Megan starts to stir and wake up. “SupppSupergirl?” A look of dread suddenly sweeps over Megan’s face as she looks at her friend and then back at Supergirl, as if a terrible realization has just swept over her. “You shouldn’t be here Supergirl! Get out of here before she catches you too!”

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m here to save you and get you out of this horrible place…now I’m going to break these chains and get you down.” Supergirl says as she looks up to the chains holding the young girl to the wall, reaches up and grabs ahold of them. Supergirl pulls with all of her might, straining as she does but the chains don’t budge an iota. “Ugghhhhh what’s going on, why can’t I break these chains!?” Supergirl suddenly thinks of the keychain on her belt and begins searching for a key that may unlock Megan’s manacles. She puts one key in and tries to turn it…

“Ah Supergirl, so nice of you to walk in on us!” says a voice from behind the Girl of Steel. Supergirl quickly turns around and is stunned to see, instead of an old haggard witch, a young attractive woman dressed in a dark green long sleeve velvet top a black leather corset and a long purple skirt. There is also a strange glowing red amulet in the center of a spiky black crown around the woman’s raven black hair and head. “You’re the witch!?” “Yes Supergirl, how perceptive of you, I am the wicked witch of the north!” The witch says as she quickly walks closer to the girls. “You see, I consumed young Sara’s life force;” as she strokes the deceased girls head and hair. “I used my powers to steel her energy and now I am younger myself HAHAHA. Beautiful isn’t it?” Says the witch as hackles. Strange though, when she said powers the red amulet glowed brighter.

“You demented bitch, you’re going to pay for doing that to this poor girl!”

“Brave words coming from a Super Slut that’s about to suffer the same fate…you see this sewer emits a low level toxic gas, I believe you know it as Kryptonite! I see you’re already starting to feel the effects, as you couldn’t even remove poor Megan’s manacles.” The witch says in a venomously mockingly tone. “Now the toxins emitted from this lovely green sewer are low and probably wont kill you but you’re likely no stronger than an average college coed now, Supergirl.”

“Kryptonite! Oh God, maybe she’s right, I do feel weaker,” Supergirl says to herself.

“I still have enough power to kick your ass!” as the brave heroine stands in her famous power pose.

“HAHAHA we’ll see about that, I’ve never tasted a superheroine before but I’m sure you will taste magical, alien! Goblins attack Supergirl!”

Suddenly the walls start to crawl with grotesque creatures from the shadows which seem to be coalescing from all angles on the Girl of Steel! Supergirl enters into her battle stance, ready to take on the incoming hoard of goblins. She punches the first two and roundhouse kicks another. Sending it flying into three other goblins, when suddenly, from the ceiling, several goblins jump down onto Supergirl. Slamming young heroine to the grotesque ground and onto all fours. The goblins continue pounding on Supergirl’s back. Her cape is draped over her side giving a view of the heroines tight body through her skin tight blue costume and tight red skirt to the incoming hoard of goblins.

Originally with her powers this wouldn’t be a problem for Supergirl but in her current state this merciless beating, hurt like hell! Pushing herself to a kneeling position, Supergirl reaches behind herself grabbing the offending goblins from her back stretching the “S” and blue fabric that contains her breasts. As Supergirl throws the offending goblins off of her body another goblin swings a large club into her defenseless toned stomach. The air from her lungs is instantly pushed out, somehow, with enough force to blow away the goblins directly in the path that her air was slammed out of her body. Still, the pain in her abs causes Supergirl to double over, falling to her hands and knees once again. Another goblin suddenly jumps onto her back and grabs two fist full of her golden hair. The goblin instantly pulls back on her hair and pushes his disgusting feet into the blue material on Supergirl’s back, with all of his might, causing our recovering heroine to scream and bend backwards. Her hands coming off of the ground from the force, allows her to reach for the offending goblin. Unfortunately for our heroine, many more goblins grab her arms and pull her legs out from under her. They begin pulling her, Supergirl, spread eagle on the disgusting corpse covered floor of the cavern!

More goblins grab her hair, pulling her head back further. “Arghhh” Supergirl arches her back up, from the decay of the ground, trying to pull her limbs together as another goblin jumps up and slams its fists down and into her toned abs! Her fabulous super breathe does no good now as the hoard of goblins continue grabbing her arms and legs, keeping her, the Girl of Steel, restrained and unable to clutch her injured mid section. More goblins begin crawling all over her exposed body, clawing and groping at her arms, breasts, stomach, hips and legs. “Ughhhh NOOOoooooo!” Cries the helpless heroine!

“Degrade this ingrate;” says the witch as she waves her hand. Suddenly corpses from the cavern floor reach up, out of the ground, and wrap their decaying appendages around Supergirl’s neck, breasts, mid section and legs. They begin tightly pulling her down into the disgusting cavern floor! “Ulk NOOO!!! got to get out of here…got to save Megan!” Urchs the young heroine, when suddenly a large disfigured orc walks in front of Supergirl and removes the sheath of material covering his huge erect and disfigured penis. There are warts and boils along the disgusting creatures disfigured shaft, face and body. The goblins and undead holding Supergirl’s hair and neck slacken their hold slightly, to give the once illustrious Maiden of Might a better look at the fait that awaits her. The goblins holding the Girl of Steel smile and laugh to each other at the look of shear horror that now covers Supergirl’s face!

The orc kneels down between the heroine’s legs as the smaller goblins scurry about. The orcs disfigured hand reachs down and lifts Supergirl’s skirt revealing the blue strip of fabric that covers Supergirl’s tight nether lips. Letting the heroine’s skirt fall to the side, the creature reaches the tight blue fabric that covers Supergirl’s most vulnerable spot. The contrast is stark as the creatures disgusting hand begins slowly moving the clean blue fabric to the side of Supergirl’s smooth and flawless legs with his disgusting hand. The disfigured monster relishes in the look of heinous terror that now paints Supergirl’s beautifully distraught face, as she tosses her head from side to side in disbelief at what is happening to her. More goblins and undead coalesce around the orc and start groping Supergirl’s perfect legs and ass, on the nasty cavern floor, smearing the heroine with dirt and decay. “Nughhh nooooo!!!” cries Supergirl, as she squirms, arches her back, and pulls on her restrained arms and legs trying to get away from this fowl creatures disgustingly oversized appendage as she is being chocked and molested by the undead, countless goblins, as well as the massive orc kneeling between her smooth feminine legs.

The witch walks behind the helpless Maiden of Might and steps around the goblins holding her hair and arms as she leans over her beautiful head and waits for the heroine to look up. Supergirl jerks in her struggles, opening her eyes and looking up to see the witch standing over her. “I’m going to steal your powers now Supergirl.” The witch says nonchalantly. “I’m going to steal your powers as my orc fucks you, until your nothing but a drained lifeless corpse, Supergirl!”
“Nooooo you can’t do that to Supergirl!!!” screams Megan!

“Soon your precious savior will be nothing more than a ravaged decaying corpse in a silly costume!” Just then the orc reaches down and gropes Supergirl’s exposed nether lips. Lifting his hand a moment later to reveal the once illustrious heroine’s wetness to the witch. “Bahaha this bitch is about to die and she’s getting turned on! How pathetic and you dare call yourself Supergirl, the righteous all powerful superheroine! When I’m finished with you I’m going to show your dead shriveled body, in that ridiculous costume, to the whole world then no one will ever look up to “Supergirl” again!”

“Nooooo ughhhh!” Supergirl’s eyes suddenly buldge, as the creature rams his huge appendage into the unprotected nether lips of the former girl of steel. Then the witch begins mumbling an incantation above the blondes head. Supergirl’s eyes close as her head moves from side to side in shock, dismay and disbelief at what is happening to her. “Noooo this can’t be happening to me, I’m Supergirl!” she says out loud. “Oh god, it can’t end like this, I can’t die this way!” As the once powerful heroine begins to cry and moan at her helplessness, the witch’s hands start to glow a lime green color as a green mist of energy starts to surround them. The witch’s eyes also start to burn with lime green fire, as the mist slowly descends to the defenseless and racked body of Supergirl.

As the mist touches the girl of steel, it’s as if a thousand volts of electricity suddenly hit the once mighty super heroine! The witch suddenly starts convulsing in her stance as she rapes Supergirl of her powers and her orc rapes Supergirl’s body. “Nughhhhaahhhhh!!!!” Supergirl opens her mouth in a dazed and gurggled scream, unable to comprehend what’s happening to her. “Please…. stop!” she says softly.

“You’re mine Supergirl! Soon you will be dead and I will have all of your precious super powers!”

“Nooo…” the once great Supergirl says as she continues fading…

Megan looks around helpless to save Supergirl, until she notices the keychain in the manacle around her wrist. She reaches for it but is unable to grab the keychain. Looking over at Supergirl, she see’s the heroine helplessly trying to hold onto life, and fight the witch and monsters that are killing her. Megan tries for the keychain again… reaching with all of her might “gahhh” she grunts as she cuts her skin on the manacles. Blood starts coming out of her wrist but it actually lubricates her wrist. She quietly screams as she grabs the keychain and starts flipping through the keys with her hand, her wrist and arm having blood trickling down. She tries one key but it doesn’t work, then she looks over at Supergirl! She’s convulsing on the floor her once firm super body appears to be shriveling as it becomes more and more corpse like; as the witch sucks her precious powers and the orc rams her unprotected nether lips. The goblins and corpses continue to grope and choke Supergirl’s body as the heroine stares in horrific oblivion at the ceiling, her lips pursed in an O. Supergirl’s once tight costume starts to become loose against the quickily diminishing super heroine! Megan tries another key in her bloody hand. It works!

The witch is too distracted from the power transfer to notice as Megan frees herself from the manacles and picks up one of the goblins clubs from the cavern floor. She rushes the witch and hits her over the head, nocking the witch’s crown with the red amulet, to the ground. This heroic act stops the power transfer spell and likely saves Supergirl’s life. The still naked Megan, runs forward and grabs the crown, she looks at the deathly still maiden of might and then quickly turns as she begins running up the stream of sewage to the manhole.

The witch is in a daze then suddenly snaps to and yells at her orc and goblins, “Get HER!” The orc pulls out of Supergirl, either by reflex or a sign of life, Supergirl squirms slightly on the cavern floor as the orc and goblins leave the ravaged girl of steel writhing and convulsing on the floor in, what seems to be, the spastic throw of death; as they chase after the young college coed.

The witch is slow to come to her senses but as she looks over to the heroine, Supergirl starts to glow slightly as her body seems to be healing itself. Her costume slowly begins filling out once again as the witch moves to her hands and knees, trying to muster the strength to stand and finish the heroine. She gets up and scrambles over to the recovering Supergirl, grabbing her throat. “You stupid bitch! I’m going to kill you, whether I have your powers or not.” Ulk, Supergirl struggles against the witch but she gets off a punch to the witch’s jaw. Though she doesn’t have her super strength back, the punch still nocks the witch off of her for a moment.

Supergirl rolls over to her hands and knees and musters the strength to stand. She kicks the witch in the face, looks at the sewer, and wonders if her icy cold breathe will work to freeze the river of sewage and allow her full powers to return. She stumbles and walks closer to the flowing sewage, focusing her strength, she takes a deep breath and begins blowing at the deadly and murky sewer water.

“It’s working the river is freezing over!” She thinks to herself as she stumbles from the excertion before continuing to blow. Finally, she has frozen the river, turning it solid, as the noxious and debilitating Kryptonite fumes, stop seeping out of the surface of the sewage.

Supergirl begins to feel more of her powers returning and Megan gets to the manhole just as the sewer water freezes over, trapping the orc and goblins feet and ankles in the frozen Kryptonite sewage, halting their pursuit of the young college coed.

“It’s over bitch you’ve lost, I can already feel my powers’ coming back,” says Supergirl.

“HAHAHA, nothing is over until it’s over you stupid heroine,” says the witch as she stands up and waves her hand. A corpse reaches out and grabs Supergirl’s ankle. Sara and the other corpses in the hall suddenly shake to life and begin moving toward Supergirl.

“What is this, you really think the walking dead can defeat me?”

“No, but they will slow you down, until my minions return with Megan and my amulet HAHAHAHA!” Cackles the witch.

“Oh no! Megan!!” Supergirl says as she kicks the corpse holding her ankle in the face, knocking it’s head across the cavern floor. “I don’t have time for this!” She says as she flashes her heat vision, burning the corpses but at the same time the heat from her laser eyes begins melting the Kryptonite sewage. Once all the walking dead are ashes and dust, Supergirl ignores the melting sewage and quickly jumps into the air flying after Megan.

“Don’t worry Megan, I’m coming for you! Supergirl is coming for you!” Says Supergirl as she flies threw the cavern of the sewer.
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Very good. I love it.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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I echo all the sentiments above. This is a very good story and I love all the peril Supergirl has faced so far! A great read for Halloween!!
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This second chapter is even more fun than the first one. Can't wait to see how this ends. Will Supergirl get out of this with her body and soul intact?
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Millenium Member
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Wow this crypt is full of evil, creepy things and the action is non-stop! Is SG going to be able keep up this work rate?
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Hello Bronson881, thank you very much for the comment. This has been a fun story to write and I am glad you have enjoyed it!

Hello Night_Lantern, thank you for the praise on the story! Hopefully the next bit of peril for Supergirl will keep you entertained as well!!

DrDominator9, I appreciate your comment, it makes the mind wander with the possibilities. As for the resolution, and if Supergirl will get out of the Crypt with her body and soul intact, we shall see! There are many perils intertwined within the asylum.

Abductorenmadrid, thank you for the dark, evil and creepy comment; that's the tone I was going for! We shall see if Supergirl can maintain this work rate and be the first to escape the Crypt or become a permanent resident!

Thank you all for reading my story! I truly appreciate it and am thankful for the comments. I am working on the next bit however, I am quite the perfectionist and my life is very busy. I don't want to post the next chapter until I feel it is choreographed in a tone that is congruent to the previous chapters as well as the forum itself. It's quite a ways off but I am hoping to have the next bit done before the end of the month. In the meantime, enjoy all the great works from all of the other authors on this forum.

Thank you and enjoy!

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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great story - hope it's not done yet!
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Thank you for the comment flagonforge! This story is not done yet! I apologize, to everyone who has been reading, for my delays in submitting has been busy and time has been short for sitting down to write and create the next chapters. There are many ways that this story could go and figuring out which direction to take it has been challenging at times.

That being said, here is the next little bit. Hopefully, I will be able to finish the next portion soon.

Thank you for reading,

The Watcher


The sewage is dank and disgusting but the green glow guides Megan as she runs through the sewer. Looking to the side she see’s her leggings and top, the young college coed quickly picks them up before turning her head back towards the cavern; she hears the monstrous creatures chasing after her, the sound is terrifying in the echo of the sewer, as she turns forward and continues her escape. Megan finally reaches and begins climbing up the ladder to the manhole; she lifts her foot out of the sewage just as it freezes over! Once out of the manhole, the young college coed looks up the hall to the still lit candles before turning and running in the opposite direction of the stairs that lead up to the courtyard, (where Supergirl faced the deadly tentacles of the octopus monster). She runs through the dark hall with nothing but the shine of the red amulet, attached to the witches crown, guiding her way. The hall begins going down hill as the scared girl continues her sprint to freedom, and away from the horde of monstrous creatures that she knows are hot on her trail. She looks back up the hall briefly, before suddenly crashing through an old rotted wooden door and stumbling into a dark forest! As she collects herself and looks around; she notices the full moon and the shine from the red amulet. She feels as though there is noway that she could have crashed through that door on her own power. “There must be a power, held within the amulet itself; maybe that’s what gave the witch the ability to destroy Supergirl. Oh god! Supergirl!!! I wonder if she’s still alive…she looked worse than dead before I smashed the witch over the head with that club! God, I hope she’s still alive!!” Megan thinks to herself in her hopeful moment of solace before she continues running into the darkness of the forest, beyond The Back Wing.

Little does Megan know, Supergirl is about halfway to the manhole as the thawing Kryptonite sewage begins to leak it’s noxious fumes into the air. A green mist begins to slowly rise in uneven spikes from the surface of the sewage and in the wake of the heroine’s path. The mist begins climbing up Supergirl’s red booted ankles as she flies; snaking unevenly up her smooth toned thighs in quick grasping bursts… Supergirl is so focused on getting to Megan that she doesn’t even notice that she’s loosing altitude and getting closer to the thawing and writhing Kryptonite sewage. Until suddenly, the mist from the sewage touches the thin tight blue strip of fabric that covers Supergirl’s sensitive nether lips, shocking her out of her pursuit of Megan and causing her to look down just as her left boot is caught in the green ooze! It's almost as if the sewage had a mind of its own and reached up from it’s nasty depths to grab ahold of Supergurl’s tight red booted foot and ankle! With the sudden halt in her momentum, Supergirl is sent summersaulting forward and into the shallow yet poisonous writhing Kryptonite sewage!

Did you know, an adult can drown in less than 3 inches of water!? And Supergirl is now submerged in more than a foot of living Kryptonite sewage!

After the foolish and now submerged superheroine comes to a rest, she begins to squirm in panic. The sewage seems to be alive, writhing over her body; holding her submerged! What a sight to see; Supergirl lying face down in living Kryptonite sludge, squirming and struggling to gain purchase on the gunky sewer floor in order to save herself from a nasty death! The sewage gleams in the green glow, with her skirt matted down to her tight ass; and her matted cape covering part of her toned back. As she tries to get to her hands and knees; she slips on the slick sewage floor and falls back into the writhing sewer waters... Again, it’s almost as if she is pulled back into the writhing sewage! Panic consumes Supergirl’s mind as her legs and arms scramble under the cold murky green liquid, trying to gain purchase and rise from the depths of the deadly sewage. Her sludge covered cape slides the rest of the way off of her shoulders, exposing her tight toned blue clad green slime covered back. With a “shloop,” suction sound, Supergirl slowly and unsteadily rises to her hands and knees, then to her feet from the goop of the sewage that now clings and drips in clumps all over her luscious super body. She staggers forward, looking as though she had just been totally slimed on a nasty version of “nick.” The disgusting green sewage oozes down and writhes around her entire body causing Supergirl’s already arrogantly tight costume, to cling to her even tighter. Her nipples visibly poke through the thin cold gunk of thawed sewage and the tight blue fabric of her once pristine Supergirl costume, which clings to every crevice of her body.

Supergirl slowly reaches her hands up to wipe off the offending goop from her eyes and face as she staggers forward... “Ughhh, I don’t feel so… good…” she says as she woozily falls forward, onto her knees and back into the debilitating nasty sewage. She bends over, onto all fours, putting her hands back into the nasty green ooze. Unbeknownst to Supergirl, the ooze begins pulsing and climbing up her tight blue clad arms as well as her tone thighs. The nauseous heroine begins to dry heave from the noxious fumes of the sewage that covers her entire, form.

Little does Supergirl know, a new threat lies just before her, the ghoul is standing in front of the ill heroine; waiting silently for her to realize that he’s there. He is not happy that she destroyed his friend! Supergirl’s heart stops, as she hears the deep breathing of something in front of her; her eyes shoot wide open in fear at the realization of an unknown presence. Shaking in raw, cold, terror, she begins to look up; the scared heroine, not wanting to see what horror awaits her. Finally, she musters the courage and looks up to see the ghoul standing some ten feet in front of her. The creature before Supergril is taking deep breathes, as if preparing for something; as the stunned and shaking heroine looks on in trembling intimidation. “Please, I didn’t mean to kill your friend…I didn’t know you were alive, I swear!” Pleads the heroine, to the large ghoul before her.

Then, suddenly, the ghoul charges at Supergirl! “No! Please! I’m sorry!” cries Supergirl, as she tries to pry herself out of the debilitatingly sewage and protect herself from the oncoming monster. However, she is unable to get free! The shocked Maiden of Might quickly looks down at the sewer that holds her, then back up to the ghoul sprinting towards her! Time seems to freeze for the heroine as she watches the ghoul’s leg swing back and then forward, into her unprotected tone stomach! Her abs of steel are suddenly crushed, as the air rushes out of Supergirl’s lungs and she is sent flying into the ceiling of the sewer. She crashes into the jagged rocky ceiling with a sickening crash!"Gughhhh," Supergirl grunts in pain before falling back down into the deadly Kryptonite sewage with a nasty goopy splash. The stunned heroine lies motionless for a moment.

As the last bit of oxygen in her lungs is used up, in her weakened state, and all hope seems lost, Supergirl finally reaches her limbs out and slowly shaking in shock; she struggles to push herself out of the sewage and to her knees. It's like deja vu as she wipes her face off before falling onto all fours, back into the writhing sewage that crawls up her arms and thighs. She looks up to see the ghoul standing before her, yet again! Then the ghoul suddenly charges towards the heroine as she tries to pry her arms out of the debilitating writhing sewage, but she can't! Time seems to freeze again as the massive leg of the ghoul swings back before his foot crashes forward into the helpless heroine's defenseless midsection! Supergirl is again sent flying to the ceiling. However, this time she crashes through the stone ceiling of the sewer and into the cold humid night air! Still shocked and dazed from her dangerous encounter, the kick to her toned abs, as well as from the debilitating affects of the Kryptonite sewage that covers her entire luscious body; Supergirl flies uncontrollably through the night sky to an unknown fate. As the ghoul turns with a smirk and walks back into the depths of the dank sewer.

With a sudden splash, the awestruck Supergirl begins to come to her senses! Realizing that she’s under water, her eyes shoot wide open, her hair sways around her face in the dark moon lit waters. She quickly closes her mouth, so she doesn’t drown in her current state. Supergirl begins to slowly swim to the surface. Breaking the surface of the water, she arches her head back and chest forward, stretching her costume, taking in a deep breathe of air! This instantly causes her to wince and lurch forward in pain from her injured midsection; "Ughhh," she cries as she splashes and swishes her body and hair forward from the pain. The young heroine rushes one hand to her toned stomach before the other begins painfully trying to swim herself to the edge of the water.

Once Supergirl reaches the waters edge she takes some labored breaths expanding and contracting her breasts, pushing her costume taught then loose with each breath. Water and green ooze from the sewer runs down her tight costume covered body and arms as well as from her face and golden hair. After a minute of recuperation Supergirl looks around; the horror of where she is, suddenly sinks into Supergirl’s mind like the Titanic! She’s in the courtyard pool, where the octopus monster had nearly ended her life! Eyes wide in terror, Supergirl quickly tries to scramble out of the water. Slipping on the mossy edge of the pool in panicked fear, causing her short red skirt to rise up her smooth, tone, and wet thighs; revealing the thin strip of blue fabric underneath. She looks like a helpless ravaged girl in a Halloween costume, rather than a superheroine, scrambling to get out of the deadly pool!

Supergirl finally gains some purchase on the mossy edge of the pool and is able to roll onto the stone ground of the courtyard. She instantly begins crawling on her hands and knees, away from the pool, as fast as she can in panic! Looking back, while still scrambling forward, she suddenly gets caught up in her own wet cape and crashes chest first into the stone ground! Crushing her wet breasts and face into the hard paving stones! Supergirl quickly turns onto her back and ass, as fast as she can, in a panic as she begins scurrying backwards; watching the water of the pool for any signs of the octopus monster as she cowers away in fear. In her weakened state she’d be no match for the monster! Once she reaches the far wall of the courtyard, she stops; breathing hard and fast, Supergirl slowly tries to calm herself down, closing her eyes in the process as she leans back and slumps against the courtyard wall.

Suddenly, she feels something wrap around her ankle and begin dragging her towards the pool! She screams in horror as she straightens up and feels herself being pulled towards the dark pool, “No, Please! God NOOO PLEASE!!! This can’t be happening!” shouts the heroine as she turns onto her chest and stomach, opens her eyes, and begins clawing at the stone ground; desperately trying to stop herself from being pulled into the deadly pool!

Then, suddenly, she opens her eyes and turns onto her back, realizing that she is in between the far wall of the courtyard and the pool but she is not being pulled into the pool by anything! Looking down at her ankle, she sees no sign of the octopus’s tentacle. “Oh god! What’s happening to me!? Was that even real? Has any of this been real? Dear Rao! I’m loosing my mind!!” Supergirl screams pitifully as she pulls her legs towards herself in a seated position and begins crying into her knees. In this moment, the once proud, mighty and confident heroine is truly a sad and sorry sight to behold. She looks like a broken girl in a Supergirl costume, slowly loosing her mind in an insidious mental asylum; It’s almost poetic.

Meanwhile, Megan is hiding in the wooded grounds beyond The Back Wing; having put on her sewage soaked leggings and top, she feels grossed out and a little cold but it’s better than the exposed vulnerable feeling of being naked. She snaps her head to the side as she hears the monstrous creatures hunting for her in the dark. Megan looks down and tries to hide the red glow of the witches amulet against her stomach while hiding herself behind a tree, then she hears footsteps just ahead of her! Wide eyed and shaking, she begins backing away from the tree only to see the large orc standing just in front of her with a torch in his grotesque hand; he doesn’t see her, yet! Megan continues backing up, one foot at a time keeping her eyes on the orc, until the ground beneath her foot vanishes! “Ahhhh!” she screams as she sees the orc turn and look her dead in the eyes, right before she falls and begins rolling backwards down a steep hill!

Crashing and rolling off of rocks and small cliffs the young college coed falls for what feels like a minute until she finally comes to a rest at the bottom of a large jagged hill, Megan’s surprised to find that she is unhurt and still has the witches crown and amulet in her hand. “Had the crown been a beer, her sorority sisters would have been very proud,” she thinks to herself with a slight smile. Getting her bearings, she looks around and realizes that she is at the edge of what appears to be a large swamp leading to the oceans coast; she can see a cottage in a clearing beyond several hills and through the dense swamp before her…there appears to be a light in the window and smoke coming out of the chimney. “Oh god! Please be someone that can help me.” Looking back and up, Megan see’s the orc and goblins coming together at the top of the hill, with torches in their hands. Transfixed by the hill that she just rolled down, Megan thinks, “How the hell did I survive that…without a scratch?!” Then she looks wide eyed down at the amulet in her hand! She seems transfixed by the red glow emanating from the stone in the center of the crown. Unconsciously, she begins to put the crown on her head. It’s only when she hears more monsters gathering at the top of the hill and beginning to run and climb down towards her, that she shakes her head and slowly lowers the crown. “What is this thing?” she wonders, as she looks down at the crown in bewilderment before running as hard and as fast as she can towards the cottage.

Meanwhile, Supergirl is still in the courtyard. Standing on shaky legs she takes in a deep breath before spinning around at, slightly less than super speed to remove the remaining Kryptonite sewage and water. Once she stops spinning, the still woozy but now dry and clean Princess of Power takes a stumbling step forward before adjusting her costume slightly and collecting herself. Slumping forward, with one hand on her knee and standing askew, Supergirl throws her hair back and looks up towards the cloudy night sky; the full moon is slowly being revealed with the passing of the clouds. Supergirl takes a deep breath, pushing her hand off of her knee and putting both hands on her hips; striking her famous power pose, Supergirl silences herself. She closes her eyes and begins meditating on her super hearing. Focusing her power, she is able to hear the orc and goblins running through the wooded swamp beyond The Back Wing. Then she hears Megan breathing and moving through the dense vegetation of the murky swamp. “Oh NO!!! The orc and goblins are catching up to Megan!” Supergirl thinks to herself, as she opens her eyes and worryingly jumps into the air to fly, slower than usual, towards the scared and fleeing college coed.
Elder Member
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Excellent continuation. :) By the way nock should actually be knock.
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Loving the visual descriptions of Supergirl wet and messy. Oh, yeah, and the plot.

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Any chance of this story being continued and finished? I think you've done a great job here. It's not easy to do a story involving magic against Supergirl and make it as entertaining as you have here.
:thumbup: :thumbup:
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tmon, thanks for the spell check! In writing stories like this and not having anyone to proof read them, there are going to be some grammatical and spelling errors. Also, I'm no english professor. :bh: :giggle:

Dr. Dominator, thank you for the kind words and the question about finishing this story! There is more to the story however, I am not quite finished... I have a good idea of how I want this to end but getting there is another story! Also, I changed the last little bit that I added 4 months ago and made it a bit longer and with a different tone... How should I add that to this? Should I just delete the previous portion and post the edited version or should I just add the edited version below? Please let me know what you think when you get a chance.

To everyone else that has been reading my story, I apologize for not finishing sooner but I hope that you have enjoyed this story to date. Thank you for reading!


The Watcher
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You could simply post your revised section here with a brief introductory note explaining that there are changes. That way future readers won't be confused when coming upon the repeated/altered version.
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Warning! This next chapter is a bit darker than the previous ones so if physical damage to our heroine is something that you would rather not read, then please, go no further. Also, this is a longer rewrite of my previous post with more details and additional text. I hope you all enjoy this next bit!

Thank you for reading!

The Watcher

The sewer is dank and disgusting but the green glow guides Megan as she runs through the sewage. Looking to the side she see’s her leggings and top, the young college coed quickly picks them up before turning her head back towards the cavern; she hears the monstrous creatures chasing after her, the sound is terrifying in the echo of the sewer, as she turns and continues her escape. Megan finally reaches and begins climbing up the ladder to the manhole; she lifts her foot out of the sewage just as it freezes over! Once out of the manhole, the young college coed looks up the hall to the still lit candles before turning and running in the opposite direction of the stairs that lead up to the courtyard, (where Supergirl faced the deadly tentacles of the octopus monster). She runs through the dark hall with nothing but the shine of the red amulet, attached to the witches crown, guiding her way. The hall begins going down hill as the scared girl continues her sprint to freedom, and away from the horde of monstrous creatures that she knows are hot on her trail! She looks back up the hall briefly, before suddenly crashing through an old rotted wooden door and stumbling into a dark forest! As she collects herself and looks around; she notices the full moon and the shine from the red amulet. She looks back to the tattered door and feels as though there is noway that she could have crashed through that door on her own power. “There must be a power, held within the amulet itself; maybe that’s what gave the witch the ability to destroy Supergirl. Oh god! Supergirl!!! I wonder if she’s alive…she looked worse than dead before I smashed the witch over the head with that club! God, I hope she’s alive!!” Megan thinks to herself in her hopeful moment of solace before she continues running into the darkness of the forest, beyond the Back Wing.

Little does Megan know, Supergirl is about halfway to the manhole as the thawing Kryptonite sewage begins to leak it’s noxious fumes into the air. A green mist begins to slowly rise in uneven spikes from the frozen cracks in the surface of the thawing sewage and in the wake of the heroine’s path. The mist begins climbing up Supergirl’s red booted ankles as she flies; snaking unevenly up her smooth toned thighs in quick wispy and grasping bursts… Supergirl is so focused on getting to Megan that she doesn’t even notice that she’s loosing altitude and getting closer to the thawing, bubbling, and writhing Kryptonite sewage. Until suddenly, the mist from the sewage touches the thin tight blue strip of fabric that covers Supergirl’s sensitive nether lips under her short red skirt. This shocks Supergirl out of her pursuit of Megan and causes her to look down, just as her left boot is caught in the green ooze! It's almost as if the sewage had a mind of its own and reached up from it’s nasty depths to grab ahold of Supergurl’s tight red booted foot and ankle! With the sudden halt in her momentum, Supergirl is sent summersaulting forward and into the shallow yet poisonous writhing Kryptonite sewage!

Did you know, an adult can drown in less than 3 inches of water!? And Supergirl is now in more than a foot of living Kryptonite sewage!

After the foolish and now submerged Supergirl comes to a rest, she begins to squirm in panic. The sewage seems to be alive, writhing over her body; holding her submerged! What a sight to see; Supergirl lying face down in living Kryptonite sludge, squirming and struggling to gain purchase on the gunky sewer floor in order to save herself from a nasty death! The sewage gleams in the dark, green glow, with her skirt matted down to her tight ass; and her matted cape covering part of her toned back. As she tries to get to her hands and knees; she slips on the slick sewage floor and falls back into the sludge... Again, it’s almost as if she is pulled back into the writhing sewage! As her oxygen is depleted, in her current state, panic consumes Supergirl’s mind as her legs and arms scramble under the cold murky green liquid, trying to gain purchase and rise from the depths of the deadly sewage. Her sludge covered cape slides the rest of the way off of her shoulders, exposing her tight toned blue clad green slime covered back. With a “shloop,” suction sound, Supergirl slowly and unsteadily rises to her hands and knees, then to her feet from the goop of the sewage that now clings and drips in clumps from all over her luscious costumed super body. She staggers forward, looking as though she had just been totally slimed on a nasty version of “nick.” The disgusting green sewage oozes down and writhes around her entire body causing Supergirl’s already arrogantly tight costume, to cling to her even tighter. Her diamond hard nipples visibly poke through the thin cold gunk of thawed sewage and the tight blue fabric of her once pristine Supergirl costume which clings to every crevice of her body like a wet second skin as she writhes in place from the pulsing Kryptonite sludge.

Supergirl slowly reaches her hands up to wipe off the offending goop from her eyes and face as she staggers forward... “Ughhh, I don’t feel so… good…” she says as she woozily falls forward, onto her knees and back into the debilitating nasty sewage. With her hands on her head and face, Supergirl moans in place before she bends over and falls onto all fours, putting her hands back into the nasty green ooze. Unbeknownst to Supergirl, the ooze begins pulsing and climbing up her tight blue clad arms as well as her tone thighs. The nauseous heroine begins to dry heave from the noxious fumes of the sewage that now covers her entire luscious body.

Little does Supergirl know, a new threat lies before her! The ghoul is standing in front of the ill heroine; waiting silently for her to realize that he’s there. He is not happy that she destroyed his friend! As Supergirl tries to calm herself from toxic shock her heart suddenly stops, as she hears the deep breathing of something in front of her; her eyes shoot wide open in utter fear at the realization of an unknown presence. Shaking in raw, cold, terror, she begins to look up; the scared young heroine, not wanting to see what horror awaits her! Finally, she musters the courage and looks up to see the ghoul standing some ten feet in front of her. The creature before Supergril is taking deep breaths, as if preparing for something; as the stunned and shaking heroine looks on in trembling intimidation. She instantly realizes who the creature is… “Please, I didn’t mean to kill your friend…I didn’t know you were alive, I swear!” Pleads the heroine to the large ghoul before her. Trying to get the creature to feel pity for her ignorance in her helpless condition.

Then, suddenly, the ghoul charges Supergirl! “No! Please! I’m sorry!” cries Supergirl, as she tries to pry herself out of the debilitatingly sewage and protect herself from the oncoming monster. However, she is unable to get free! The shocked Maiden of Might quickly looks down at the sewer that holds her, then back up to the ghoul sprinting towards her! Time seems to freeze for the wide eyed heroine as she watches the ghoul’s leg swing back and then forward, into her unprotected stomach! Her toned abs of steel are suddenly crushed, as the air rushes out of Supergirl’s lungs and she is sent flying into the ceiling of the sewer. She crashes into the jagged rocky ceiling with a sickening thud!"Guaghhhh," Supergirl grunts in pain before falling face first back down into the deadly Kryptonite sewage with a nasty gooey splash! The stunned heroine lies motionless for a moment as rock and rubble from the ceiling of the sewer falls down onto her submerged form.

Then she begins squirming and almost pushes herself out of the sewage, when the ghoul suddenly stomps his foot down onto her exposed back; slamming Supergirl back into the deadly slime of the sewage! “Nugh…Nooo!” Supergirl screams as her arms and legs are pushed away from her body and she frantically tries to gain some leverage in order to push herself out from under the ghouls foot! All while the deadly waters of the Kryptonite sewage are slowly killing the once famous and illustrious Supergirl!

Supergirl struggled to pry herself out of the debilitating sewage alone, but now she has little to no chance with a giant ghoul standing on top of her! The ghoul slams his foot down, as hard as he can, crushing the submerged young heroine to the disgustingly deadly sewer floor. Then the ghoul lifts his foot up before once again slamming Supergirl's beautiful face, luscious breasts, and body back into the gunky sewer floor. A guttural scream from the submerged heroine does little more than cause precious air bubbles to gurgle from the surface of the sewage. The ghoul revels in Supergirl’s perilous thrashing; her legs and arms shift in sporadic movements as she, Supergirl, the Girl of Steel, fights for her very life under the cold Kryptonite sewage! "Oh god!! I could die in this sewer! NO! It's can't end like this, I can't die this way, I'm…I'm...Sup… Supergirl!" The foolish young heroine thinks to herself as she tries to rally her spirit for one last chance at escape as the ghoul slams his foot down on her prone body once again. The result of Supergirl’s rally, is little more than a moment of slightly more frantic and spastic movements; Supergirl looks like a fish on land submerged in the Kryptonite sewage...totally out of her element, as if any moment could be her last! The ghoul however, want's the young girl to suffer for the undignified death that she cast upon his friend. Just as Supergirl's thrashing appears to be coming to an end..."This is it...I can't hold on any longer!!!" cries Supergirl to herself, as the ghoul lifts his foot off of the dying young heroine.

Supergirl struggles but finally pushes her weakened self out of the sewage and onto all fours as she takes in a labored breath of fresh air! In her moment of depravation, she also inhales some of the gunk from the sewer... She instantly begins coughing, dry heaving, and choking up the debilitating sewage. Supergirl’s body shakes in the throws of toxic shock; then just as she clears her lungs of the sewage, the ghoul body slams Supergirl! Forcing her legs and arms to splay out from under her luscious form as her face, breasts, and body are slammed back into the nasty sewer floor. This time, the ghoul reaches down and removes the sheath covering his huge already engorged cock; the tip of which touches Supergirl's nether lips. Sensing the presence, Supergirl quickly tries to close her legs but the creatures powerful legs hold her weakened legs apart! "Oh No! This monster is trying to… gulp… rape me! Gahhh!! NOOO this can’t be happening to me!!!" Screams Supergirl under the sewage. The ghoul begins driving, his unsheathed Kryptonite and sewage lubricated cock, into Supergirl's nether lips; tinting in the thin strip of blue fabric with each thrust and causing the debilitating Kryptonite sewage to seep into her already wet pussy. Supergirl thrashes around, stiff and helpless, as fate sinks in...

The ghoul continues his assault on the young heroine submerged below his giant form! Reaching down to the heroine’s ass with one of his giant hands, the ghoul begins moving the tight blue alien fabric that covers Supergirl’s nether lips to the side. The ghoul then shifts his weight and thrusts his huge hard Kryptonite and sewage covered cock deep inside of Supergirl's now exposed pussy! This causes the shocked heroine to arch her back and actually rise out of the sewage; "GAAAHHHHHH!!!!" she screams! As Kryptonite sewage flows down her hair, face, and the top of her breasts; some seems to writhe inside of and around her tight “S” covered costume breasts; her rock hard nipples tint the fabric of her costume... Then, before the Girl of Steel can take a breath, the ghoul slams his fist down onto her head and holds her under the deadly sewage by her hair without oxygen! "Oh go...d!! This monster is going to fuck me to death…I'm going to die! Can't breathe!!!" Supergirl screams inside of her mind as the ghoul continues thrusting into the thrashing, defenseless and submerged hero. A role model to millions slowly being destroyed in the most vile way imaginable! "Uhhh… If I could just get some leverage!” Supergirl thinks to herself as she reaches her arm back to try and punch the ghoul. The monstrous creature driving into Supergirl easily grabs her wrist before she is able to hit him. He begins crushing the young heroine’s wrist and pulling her arm across her back to his other hand that’s holding her submerged shoulder under the Kryptonite sewage. “Gahhh!!! NOOOO! NOO!! He’s going to break my arm!” Supergirl cries under the sewage as she thinks to herself, “No escape!” The girl of steel tried to hit the ghoul to give herself leverage however, she inadvertently gave that leverage to the creature that's fucking her to death! With one hand, the ghoul holds Supergirl’s wrenched and nearly broken arm in a very unnatural position as he also holds her under the deadly sewage. With his other hand the ghoul reaches under the surface of the sewage and grabs ahold of Supergirl’s breast. Pinching her erect nipple through her costume as he violently pulls on her costume covered tit!

“AAAAaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! Nooo!!!!” Supergirl screams under the sewage in pain, using up the last bit of oxygen in her lungs! As the monstrous ghoul thrusts his huge throbbing cock deeper inside of her while pulling harder on her breast! “Oh Raohhh I'm going to die!!! He’s fucking destroying me! NOOOoo, I’m Supergirl…this can’t be happening to me!!! Can’t be!!!!!” Supergirl thinks to herself as the ghoul plunges his cock deep inside of her, filling her with his throbbing cock and holding it there, Torturing Supergirl’s oxygen deprived mind and clit! Bringing her, Supergirl to the brink of a maddening orgasm! Then the ghoul begins sensually massaging her breasts as he slowly thrusts in and out of Supergirl! “Nughhhh, he’s totally destroying me….ughhh…this can’t be feeling good… I’ve never been destroyed like this…before…there's nothing I can do! uhhhhh!! NOOOoo I'm going to cum!!! NOOO!!! I can’t cum like this!! No! NOO!! nahhh!!!" Cries Supergirl, as the monster rapes a massive orgasm from her ravaged body. Continuing his assault on the helpless girl of steel... the ghoul thrusts in and out of her with a slow but gruesome force...deeper and deeper with each thrust...filling Supergirl, the Girl of Steel! Then slowly emptying her as she spasms around his huge cock with each repetition in the pattern. "This is the end..." Supergirl says in her mind, as the ghoul thrusts deep inside of her and his enormous cock begins throbbing uncontrollably, releasing his load into the dying Supergirl's body!

Supergirl comes to another spasming orgasm as she twitches under the sewer in the throws of deadly pleasurable horror! The ghoul thrusts his throbbing cock as deep as he can into Supergirl’s submerged body… “I can’t…” is all Supergirl is able to say as she begins convulsing and thrashing under the sewer…cuming and going as she drowns!! The ghoul holds the thrashing heroine under the sewer until the sewer ripples no more! Then the ghoul slowly takes his still throbbing cock out of the former girl of steel. She twitches one more time in a reflex as he lifts himself off of her submerged body. Stepping to the side, the ghoul smirks down at the floating body of Supergirl in the sewer; her hair cape and skirt in complete disarray. The ghoul reaches down and flips Supergirl over so that she is facing the ceiling of the Kryptonite sewer. The ghoul looks down at the heroine that he just destroyed... her slime covered face, cast to the side; eyes wide open staring blindly into oblivion with a mix of pleasure and horror… moss and gunk, from the floor of the Kryptonite sewer, oozes out of the sides of her mouth... her firm breasts are shooting to the heavens... her nipples are rock hard with her famous "S" emblem that she is, "was" so proud of, standing in the middle of her amazing breasts... writhing Kryptonite sludge leaks down her neck from the collar of her tight costume... her skirt is matted down around the disheveled portion of her blue leotard... her tone slime covered thighs lie motionless down to her tight red boot covered calves, ankles and feet; all of which are covered in the deadly green Kryptonite sewage!

After looking down at the heroine for a moment, the ghoul reaches down with his giant hands and grabs the deceased heroine around her arms with his thumbs on her breasts as he lifts her out of the sewage and looks at the lifeless body of Supergirl in his hands. Her listless head rolls forward as her Kryptonite ooze covered hair rolls in front of her vacant face. In this moment, the ghoul feels pity for the deceased heroine; still gripping her arms and breasts in his large hands, he pulls back and suddenly slams Supergirl's sewage dripping corpse into the stone wall of the sewer...crushing her slime covered breasts from the force as Kryptonite sewage, oozes out of the top of her costume, dripping down her distorted “S” insignia. Involuntarily, the young heroine projectile vomits an obscene amount of Kryptonite gunk and sewage from the force of the impact on the jagged sewer wall as she takes a raspy breath of fresh air!

Supergirl pants in the monstrous creatures grasp as the deadly reality of what happened to her comes flooding back into her mind. " raped me… you… you killed me!! You ugly bastard! I can't believe you did that to me!!! You're going to pay for that!" Supergirl says as she bangs her fists on the giant ghoul’s shoulders. Then, the ghoul suddenly slams the distraught and ungrateful heroine back into the stone wall, stunning the arrogant bitch of a heroine. “Ughhhhh!” grunts Supergirl as the monster drops her. In her weakened state, Supergirl falls to her knees before falling face first back into the glowing green sewage. The ghoul then slams his foot down onto the heroine's back, grinding her body against the sewer floor again, as she squirms under his foot. Her breasts become sensitive from the gunky sewer floor as Supergirl becomes turned on by being pushed back to deaths door. She wonders if the ghoul is going to take her from behind again... Suddenly, the ghoul stops grinding the heroine into the sewer floor and steps off of the helpless costume clad girl’s back. He reaches down, grabs her sewage soaked hair, and slowly pulls her out of the sewage, her back arches as the Kryptonite sludge covered Supergirl screams and reaches her hands up to the ghoul’s hand holding her hair, thrusting her breasts out from under her costume in the process as Kryptonite sewage oozes and drips off of Supergirl's hair, face, arms and breasts! Then, suddenly, the ghoul swings Supergirl like a windmill and slams her face first back into the sewage just up stream from him. Supergirl doesn't move for a while and it seems that she has either been knocked out or killed again; until, finally, she twitches!

As the last bit of oxygen is used up in her weakened state and all hope seems lost, Supergirl finally reaches her limbs out and slowly, shakily, struggles, until she pushes herself out of the sewage and onto her knees. It's like deja vu as she wipes her face off before falling onto all fours, back into the writhing sewage that crawls up her arms and thighs. She looks up to see the ghoul standing before her! Then the ghoul charges the heroine as she tries to pry her arms out of the debilitating writhing sewage, but she can't! Time seems to stop as the massive leg of the ghoul swings back before his foot crashes forward into the helpless heroine's defenseless midsection. Supergirl is again sent flying to the ceiling. However, this time, she crashes through the stone ceiling of the sewer and into the cold humid night air! Still shocked and dazed from her deadly encounter, the kick to her toned abs, as well as from the debilitating affects of the Kryptonite sewage that covers her entire luscious body; Supergirl flies uncontrollably through the night sky to an unknown fate. As the ghoul turns with a satisfied smirk and walks back into the depths of the dank sewer.

With a sudden splash, the awestruck barely conscious Supergirl sinks into a dark pool of water! After a moment she realizes that she’s under water, her eyes shoot wide open and her hair sways around her face in the dark moon lit waters as she quickly closes her mouth, so she doesn’t drown in her current state. Supergirl begins to slowly swim to the surface…breaking the surface of the water, she arches her head back and thrusts her chest forward, stretching her costume as she takes in a deep breathe of air! This instantly causes her to wince and lurch forward in pain from her injured midsection, splashing and swishing her body and hair forward in the process. The young heroine rushes one hand to her toned stomach before the other begins painfully trying to swim herself to the edge of the water.

Once Supergirl reaches the waters edge she takes some labored breaths expanding and contracting her breasts, pushing her costume taught then loose with each breath. Water and green ooze from the sewer runs down her tight costume covered body and arms as well as from her face and golden hair. Supergirl dunks herself to wash off the sewage that covers her entire body before breaking the surface of the water again and panting from the exertion. After a minute of recuperation Supergirl looks around; the horror of where she is, suddenly sinks into Supergirl’s mind like the Titanic! She’s in the courtyard pool, where the octopus monster had nearly ended her life! Eyes wide in terror, Supergirl quickly tries to scramble out of the water. Slipping on the mossy edge of the pool in a panicked fear, causing her short red skirt to rise up her smooth, tone, and wet thighs; revealing the disheveled thin strip of blue fabric underneath. She looks like a helpless ravaged girl in a Halloween costume, rather than a powerful superheroine, scrambling to get out of the deadly pool!

Supergirl finally gains some purchase on the mossy edge of the pool and is able to roll onto the stone ground of the courtyard, wrapping her cape and skirt around her in the process. She instantly begins crawling on her hands and knees, away from the pool, as fast as she can in utter panic! Looking back, while still scrambling forward, she suddenly gets caught up in her own wet cape and crashes chest and face first into the stone ground! Crushing her wet breasts and face into the hard paving stones, Supergirl quickly turns onto her back and ass, as fast as she can, and frantically begins scurrying backwards; watching the water of the pool for any signs of the octopus monster as she cowers away in fear. In her weakened state she’d be no match for the monster! The creature would likely rip her appendages off like a deranged child that captured a fly. Once she reaches the far wall of the courtyard, she stops; breathing hard and fast, Supergirl slowly tries to calm herself down, closing her eyes in the process as she leans back against the courtyard wall.

Suddenly, she feels something wrap around her ankle and begin dragging her towards the pool! “AAAHHHHHH NOOO!” She screams in horror as she feels herself being pulled towards the dark pool, “No, Please! God NOOO PLEASE!!! This can’t be happening! NOOO!!!!” shouts the heroine as she turns onto her chest and stomach and begins clawing at the stone ground; desperately trying to stop herself from being pulled into the deadly pool!

Then, suddenly, the feeling stops as she opens her eyes and turns onto her back, realizing that she is in between the far wall of the courtyard and the pool but she is not being pulled into the pool by anything! Looking down at her ankle, she sees no sign of the octopus’s tentacles. “Oh god! What’s happening to me!? Was that even real? Has any of this been real? Dear Rao! I’m loosing my mind!!” Supergirl screams pitifully as she pulls her legs towards herself in a seated position and begins crying into her knees. In this moment, the once proud, mighty and confident heroine is truly a sad and sorry sight to behold. She looks like a broken girl, in a Supergirl costume, slowly loosing her mind in an insidious mental asylum; It’s almost poetic.

Meanwhile, Megan is hiding in the wooded grounds beyond The Back Wing; having put on her sewage soaked leggings and top, she feels grossed out and a little cold but it’s better than the exposed vulnerable feeling of being naked. She snaps her head to the side as she hears the monstrous creatures hunting for her in the dark. Megan looks down and tries to hide the red glow of the witches amulet against her stomach while hiding herself behind a tree, then she hears footsteps just ahead of her! Wide eyed and shaking, she begins backing away from the tree only to see the large orc standing just in front of her with a torch in his grotesque hand; he doesn’t see her, yet! Megan continues backing up, one foot at a time keeping her eyes on the orc, until the ground beneath her foot vanishes! “Ahhhh!” she screams as she sees the orc turn and look her dead in the eyes, right before she begins falling and rolling backwards down a steep hill!

Crashing and rolling off of rocks and small cliffs the young college coed falls for what feels like a minute until she finally comes to a rest at the bottom of a large jagged hill, Megan’s surprised to find that she is unhurt and still has the witches crown and amulet in her hand. “Had the crown been a beer, her sorority sisters would have been very proud,” she thinks to herself with a slight smile. Getting her bearings, she looks around and realizes that she is at the edge of what appears to be a large swamp leading to the coast; she can see a cottage in a clearing beyond several hills and through the dense swamp before her…there appears to be a light in the window and smoke coming out of the chimney. “Oh god! Please be someone that can help me.” Looking back and up, Megan see’s the orc and goblins coming together at the top of the hill, with torches in their hands. Transfixed by the hill that she just rolled down, Megan thinks, “How the hell did I survive that…without a scratch?!” Then she looks wide eyed down at the crown in her hand! She seems transfixed by the red glow emanating from the stone amulet in the center of the crown. Unconsciously, she begins to put the crown on her head. It’s only when she hears more monsters gathering at the top of the hill and beginning to run and climb down towards her, that she shakes herself out of her revere and slowly lowers the crown. “What is this thing?” she wonders as she looks down at the crown in bewilderment before running as hard and as fast as she can towards the cottage!

Meanwhile, Supergirl is still in the courtyard. Standing on shaky legs, she takes in a deep breath before spinning around at, slightly less than super speed to remove the remaining Kryptonite sewage and water. Once she stops spinning, the still woozy but now dry and relatively clean Princess of Power takes a stumbling step, slumping forward with one hand on her knee and standing askew, Supergirl throws her hair back and looks up towards the cloudy night sky; the full moon is slowly being revealed with the passing of the clouds. Supergirl takes a deep breath, pushing her hand off of her knee and putting both hands on her hips; striking her famous power pose, Supergirl silences herself. She closes her eyes and begins meditating on her super hearing. Focusing her power, she is able to hear the orc and goblins running through the wooded swamp beyond The Back Wing. Then she hears Megan breathing and moving through the dense vegetation of the murky swamp. “Oh NO!!! The orc and goblins are catching up to Megan!” Supergirl thinks to herself, as she opens her eyes and worryingly jumps into the air to fly, slower than usual, towards the scared and fleeing college coed.

Megan continues her frantic run through the swampy woods; climbing over fallen trees, ducking below mossy branches, and dodging spider webs; which seem to be growing in size and frequency as she continues forward; only looking back to see the growing fiery lights from the orc and goblin’s torches. “Where is that damn cottage?” She thinks to herself in uncertain hope at the possibility of refuge within the confines of the small structure, as she reaches a clearing. It’s a dead end! Megan finds herself standing on a ledge just above the swamp with a wall of spiderwebs blocking the path around and down to the cottage as well as her potential salvation. However, other than jumping down into the swamp and swimming across, there is no clear way to get to the cottage and who knows how deep the swamp is! As the fires from the monsters chasing after Megan get brighter and closer in her periphery… She quickly turns around to see the now visible, hoard of monsters closing in on her. Backing up, slow and uncertain Megan suddenly falls through the vegetated ledge onto a soft bouncy surface but she doesn't bounce up from the sticky surface! The young college coed quickly realizes that she is caught in a giant spiders web! “Ugh this…this is a spiders web!” Megan says in exacerbation. “That’s impossible… there’s no spider in the world that could make such a large and strong web, is there!? Ugh… it’s so strong and sticky!” Megan cries as she tries to free herself before the spiders that made the web make her dinner or the hoard of deadly monsters find her!

With their torches in hand, the orc and goblins suddenly appear on the ledge and peer over the hole that Megan fell through! Looking down on the young struggling girl, the creatures smirk as the college coed yells up to them, “Hey! I’ve got your witches crown! Why don’t you come down here and get it, you stupid monsters!?” Shouts Megan with a cocky confidence that only a freshman would have, as she is trapped in a giant and unimaginable spider web with deadly monsters that destroyed Supergirl just above her. Better the devils you know! The orc cracks a wicked smile on his disfigured face as he looks down at the foolish young girl. Then he grunts into the darkness, as if he’s talking to something in the dark shadows of the swamp. Suddenly a large gurgling noise begins to grow louder and louder below Megan as she feels a humid rush of air from beneath her trapped body. Barely able to look down, her eyes go wide as she sees a large mass of nasty green swamp vines coalescing underneath her. She, “Eeks!” as she feels the large cold wet mass encompassing the back of her entire body and lifting her out of the spiders web and up to the patiently waiting and laughing monsters.

Once they reach the height of the ledge, the swampy vines place Megan back onto the vegetated ground as the nasty swamp mass moves to the side of the orc and goblins. The mass begins morphing into what looks like a humanoid form; although, it is much larger than even the orc. The squelching sound of the vines grosses Megan out as she watches the swamp thing’s face quickly form from a blob of tentacle vines into a smiling face that winks at the young girl!

“Give us the crown Girl!” says the orc to Megan. A thought suddenly creeps into Megan’s head as she looks down at the glowing amulet within the crown. “And what if I don’t!?” Megan spits back. “Then we will take it from you by force!” says the orc with a smile. “You’re probably going to kill me anyway!?”

“No, you will be a breeder for our goblins.” Says the orc to the now distraught looking girl before him and the smiling goblins. Megan suddenly hears another, all encompassing voice, that seems to be coming from the amulet… “Put the crown on young one!” Almost in a trance, she begins moving the crown to her head as the creatures before her begin running at the young college coed, almost in a panic, as she lifts the crown to her head.

Supergirl flies over the tree line just in time to see the creatures charging at Megan as she places the crown on her head. “NOOO!” shouts Supergirl! Time seems to slow down as small green lightening bolts of energy crackle around Megan’s head and the crown seems to fuse itself into place on the young girl’s scalp as she falls to a knee! Unbeknownst to Supergirl, the light from the cottage suddenly goes out as she swiftly flies down and blocks the monsters from the girl; turning and looking at Megan, before striking the orc and goblins in one fell swoop and smashing into the tentacle vine mass of the swamp thing. The swamp creature staggers backwards before shooting it’s vines out at the Girl of Steel just as she flies up…Supergirl takes a deep breath and blows her ice cold breath at the oncoming vines, slowly freezing the oncoming vines. Once the creature is frozen; Supergirl lands, smirking confidently at the frozen swamp thing as well as the fallen orc and goblins; before turning to Megan’s aid.

“Megan, are you… okay!?” Supergirl says with an exacerbated gulp as she watches the girls form change before her eyes...Supergirl takes a step back. Megan’s brown hair changes in a cascade to black, her eyes change from green and white to total black, her teeth change from smooth pearly whites to gleaming fangs, her fingers begin to elongate as sharp clawed nails appear at the ends, her toes turn into sharp talons, her feet grow larger, her skin takes on a green hue as her bone structure and body seem to grow and become more pronounced. The form that was once Megan, rises from her kneeling position to stand and stare down at the now smaller and taken aback Supergirl standing before her! “Oh, Megan is GREAT!” says the form in front of Supergirl as she rubs her hands around her neck, down her now larger breasts still covered in the black tight top, over her tight stomach, and down her tight legging covered legs. Her black leggings and top are now much tighter and more revealing on her physically endowed form than before. “This body is amazing! I have complete control, unlike that witch who tried to control and use me for her own desires! Although, it did feel good eating your soul Supergirl!” Says the demon that now possesses Megan’s body. “Who…who are you?” says the slightly distraught Supergirl. “I am Insidious, the harbinger of death Supergirl, and you are my next victim!” says the demon. “We’ll see about that!” says Supergirl as she reaches for the crown on top of her head. “That must be the source of her powers,” she thinks to herself, as she tries to grab the crown from Megan’s head. But, before she can, the demon raises her arm and with a twitch of her wrist, Supergirl is frozen in place!

“How pathetic! You thought that you could just reach up and remove the crown then you’d have your precious Megan back but you see, she is mine as you soon will be Supergirl!” says the demon.

“You can’t keep this up forever!” Shouts Supergirl through clenched teeth while she fights and strains to break free from the invisible magic that holds her nubile young body.

“Actually I can! You are nothing Supergirl! Nothing but a worthless whore in a silly costume!! While you’re under my demonic magic, I control you! You can’t use your precious super powers anymore and there will be no escape! I must admit, I am going to enjoy destroying your body but destroying your mind, that will be the true pleasure! By the time I’m done with you Supergirl; you’ll either be begging me to do whatever I want to you or you’ll be begging me to kill you! Either way, I win and you lose Super girl!” Says Insidious as she walks around the frozen wide eyed Girl of Steel; she slowly lifts the heroine’s cape and the hem of her skirt, then drops them down before slithering her fingers around Supergirl’s tight blue clad stomach and snaking her hands up to the girl of steels breasts…Insidious speaks into her ear as her forked tongue licks Supergirl’s ear lobe. “You should have listened to Megan when she told you to get out of here before she catches you too! Even further back, you should have listened to Detective Sanders when he told you, not to go into the Crypt at night. You really are a stupid girl, Supergirl!” Says the demon mockingly, as she traces Supergirl’s “S” insignia covered breasts, from behind the frozen and trembling body of the once great and powerful Supergirl!

“How do you…ugh… know about my…con…conversation with Detective Sanders?” Supergirl says, trying to keep her voice from shaking, as her mind races and her body quivers in place; her head and eyes shift slightly as she tries again to get free from her stance before realizing her attempts are futile, she’s frozen and powerless to break free. “Oh Supergirl, don’t you get it? The Crypt controls the whole town and I control the Crypt! I wanted you, so I brought you here on the pretense of, “a mission” but I assure you, your mission is over Supergirl! You’ve failed and now I’m going to destroy everything that you are, your very soul will be mine to do with as I please! HAHAHAHA!!!!”

“You can’t do this to me!” Screams Supergirl as the demon slowly walks around and steps in front of the still frozen heroine; raising her hand past Supergirl’s outstretched blue clad arms and in front of her famous “S” emblem covered breasts. Suddenly the demon’s hand spreads open and rise into the air. Supergirl is instantly jerked back several feet as her limbs are stretched out in a spread eagle position in front of the demon and several feet off of the ground; held by the invisible magic of the demon Insidious, the Girl of Steel strains and struggles helplessly in the air.

“Nnghhhuu, wha…what are you going to do to me?” asks the wide eyed Girl of Steel trying to get a grasp on her extended limbs. She feels like her entire body is being groped and held in this vulnerable and open position as she struggles with all of her star fueled might to get free; but she can’t! She can’t escape the demon’s magical hold on her body as she, Supergirl, begins to perspire from her struggles! Sweat drips down her face and neck darkening the tight blue collar of her costume. Dark sweat marks also begin to show under her heaving breasts and armpits. “I’m going to drag you to HELL Supergirl, slowly and painfully and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” Says the demon!
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 11
Joined: 5 years ago

I really liked this part, I must confess that I do not remember what the previous version was like and now that you changed it I did not want to revise it, but it really kept me entertained and now I wait impatiently for the continuation, thanks for continuing the story.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
Joined: 15 years ago

Most enjoyable - looking forward to the next chapter(s)!
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 26
Joined: 5 years ago

I apologize for the long delay in writing more of this story! However, with Halloween approaching, I wanted to give readers a little something for the holiday. I'm still working on the last bit which may end up turning into more. That being said, I wanted to give a fair WARNING, this next bit is more graphic in nature sooo you've been warned. As for everyone else, I hope you enjoy and have a fun and safe Halloween!


It was like a hurricane crashing into Mount Everest but in this situation, Supergirl is not the steadfast mountain but the hurricane, crashing helplessly into the immovable mountain. The power in the air is electric as the orc and goblins slowly get back to their feet and walk towards the colorfully displayed heroine. The swamp thing breaks out of his frozen prison that the girl of steel had put him in just moments ago and shoots his slimy cold wet vines towards the captive heroine!

“Not yet my pet, I’m going to exercise my power over this so called Supergirl! I want her to know how truly powerless she is against me and what I can do to her!!” says the demon with a wicked grin. The swamp thing stops and cracks an evil grin of his own as he watches the colorful spectacle unfold before him. The orc and goblins grinning and licking their lips in anticipation of what's to come to the helpless princess of power.

“I wonder, have you ever been possessed Supergirl? Have you ever felt someone take control of your luscious super body, while you’re helpless to do anything to stop them? Because that is exactly what I am going to do to you! I am going to control your precious super body and make you do whatever I want, then I’m going to suck all of your powers out of you! Everything that makes you Supergirl will be mine!! Then, I’m going to let my pets finish you off! HAHAHAHA!”

“NOOO! Please don’t take my powers away… I’ll be helpless!” Screams Supergirl! “That’s the point! A powerless Supergirl, helpless to defend herself against the monstrous creatures of The Crypt! It sounds absolutely delightful, don't you think?” says Insidious with spiteful venom in her voice as she closes, contorts and lowers her taloned fingers.

Supergirl is suddenly brought down to her knees, covering her legs and boots from her knees down in mud. Even the bottom of her skirt and cape flutter down into the nasty muck of the swamp. Supergirl’s arms are held stiff by her side as she watches the demon walk closer to her. The demon brings her other hand up and Supergirl’s eyes go wide in shock! She looks from side to side in disbelief, feeling her own hands move up her toned stomach from either side of her body but not of her own will! Her hands touch and grab at her toned abs through her thin blue body costume. Supergirl struggles to control her arms as they defy her might; groping her super body until they reach her tight and famous “S” insignia covered breasts; her nipples, already erect from the strain and anticipation! Supergirl is being turned on by her own helplessness as the demon’s hands move again!! Supergirl is cast down into a pleasurable spiral...she begins massaging her breasts through her costume. It’s like Supergirl is watching somebody else grope her body but it is her! “You like this? Don’t you Supergirl? The feeling of being powerless to stop me! The feeling of me forcing you, to do whatever I want? The feeling of helplessness!?” Supergirl shakes her head from side to side, not wanting to give the demon the satisfaction of knowing how she feels, “Nooo, I can’t be enjoying this." Supergirl think innerly. "Ughhh, please you have to stop this! Megan, I know you’re still in there somewhere!” Pleads Supergirl.

“Oh, I assure you Supergirl, Megan is still in here and she is enjoying this just as much as I am!”

“Nooo!! I don’t believe you! I came here to save uhhh her and she ughh…saved me from you once before!” says Supergirl grimacing through her, seemingly, self induced pleasure.

“Foolish girl! She already thought you were dead and if she saved you, it was only so that she could do this to you herself! She hates you Supergirl! This whole fucking town hates you! You know that transmitter that Detective Sanders was going to give you? That was actually a low level Kryptonite isotope designed by a member of... Well that’s enough chit chat for now. It’s time to turn up the heat!” says the demon as she moves her hands apart! Supergirl is suddenly cast backwards into the mud getting the golden “S” on the back of her cape completely covered as well as the back of her golden hair and her blue clad shoulders! Under the demons control, one of the Girl of Steels hands begins moving it’s way down from her luscious breasts… over her tight stomach… Supergirl struggles as she tries to control her own limbs. However, her hand continues traveling down to the top of her short red skirt, then below, to the hem of her skirt... Supergirl’s eyes shoot wide open as she feels her controlled hand touch and begin lightly massaging her precious nether lips!

“Nughhhh, nooo, this can’t be happening to me! Please!! Not possible!!!” says the shaky spasming heroine in the swampy mud as the demon and monsters watch Supergirl defiling herself! “Oh, I assure you Supergirl! This is possible and it is happening to you!!” says the demon. “Roahhhh, please save me from uhhh this!” Supergirl screams as she arches her back thrusting her breast into her stimulating grasp and squirming in the swampy mud from her self induced pleasure!

“No one is coming to save you Supergirl!” spits Insidious. “I’m going to force you to cum in the mud! You really are a poor excuse for a heroine! Look at you, defiling yourself in a swamp in front of monsters whose only goal in life is to watch the so called “Girl of Steel” perish!” The demons words do nothing but drive Supergirl closer to orgasm. The personal insults and sheer lack of respect, awaken the submissive within Supergirl's mind as she arches back, spasming and twitching in the tantric throws of a monstrous orgasm. Her body quakes and shakes as she is forced to prolong the deviously pleasurable orgasm that rips through her once super body! Her breasts seem to vibrate through her costume as she grabs her rock hard nipple with her right hand and her hips thrust into the massaging stimulation of her left! Supergirl wants to collapse, stop, and crawl away but the power of Insidious is too great! Forcing the arched heroine to continue torturing herself with a monstrously powerful orgasm that wont stop! “Oh, this isn’t all I’m going to do to your luscious super body, Super girl… I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I say this…Orc, force your shaft into Supergirl’s mouth! HAHAHA!” Supergirl shakes her head as much as she can while under the demons control. “Nooo Please! Didn’t you get what you wanted? Just let me go, I swear I’ll never come back to the Crypt again!” Cries Supergirl as she pleads in desperation!

“Poor Supergirl, you don’t get it do you? You have it all backwards; you’re never going to leave the Crypt…EVER!! And I wont have what I want until you are FINISHED!” says the demon as the orc kneels down behind Supergirl’s thrashing head, “NO, NO, NOOOO!” Screams Supergirl! “Well we can’t have that, now can we?” says the demon as she contorts her hand... Supergirl’s head suddenly stops shaking around and she is forced to look straight up towards the cloudy moonlit sky, before her head is slowly forced backwards and towards the orc kneeling behind her! “Nooo…” is all Supergirl can say as a tear streaks down the side of her lovely tormented face and her mouth is forced open into a quivering “O” by the force of the demons dark magic! Supergirl cries and whimpers in horror at her predicament; as the orc lifts the sheath covering his grotesque and already engorged cock before the helpless heroine. Supergirl is still pleasuring herself as she cries in helpless desperation at the monster before her! The orc hovers his disfigured member just in front of the young, unnaturally still, heroines mouth; then, in one quick THRUST, the orc rams his disgusting wart and boil covered shaft down Supergirl’s throat! Supergirl’s eyes shoot wide open as the monsters shaft is thrusted 12 inches down her luscious throat. Her neck bulges disgustingly as the muddy heroine continues further debasing herself; massaging her clit with her left hand and massaging her breast with her right, while being forcibly face fucked by the disgusting monstrous beast behind her. The demon begins using her magic on the distraught heroine, forcing her, Supergirl, to suck the monster’s cock while at the same time she is forced to rape herself!

“Oh, if only you could see yourself now Supergirl! Oh wait! You CAN!! HAHAHahaha!” laughs the demon as she looks down at the distraught heroine. She moves her hand in a slow circular motion and a mirror slowly appears out of nowhere in the air above the bucking heroine! “See how super you look now, Supergirl! Your once pure body ravaging itself in the swampy mud as your supple lips and mouth suck wantingly on my orc’s cock; your once clean suit, defiled and being covered in mud; you truly are a pathetic sight!” The orc tilts forward, causing Supergirl to see herself; she begins crying at the nightmarish sight of herself in the mirror. Supergirl closes then opens her eyes as if she is trying to wake up from this new nightmare that she finds herself in, but there is no relief, she doesn’t wake up; she is bound by the magic of the demon and helpless to escape her demonic powers! “Oh God!” This thought of helplessness, of powerlessness, brings Supergirl to the the once pure heroine massages her luscious super body and begins to spasm in the throws of another more massive orgasm. Adding insult to injury, the orc suddenly begins spraying his vile yellow green and white load down the convulsing heroine’s throat! He pulls his member out of the frozen, chocking Supergirl and continues ejaculating over her frozen “O” pursed lips as well as her tight “S” insignia covered breasts of Supergirl’s once majestic and proud costume. Her lips go out of the frozen “O” and she stops playing with herself as Insidious releases her grip on the young heroine.

Supergirl is still convulsing and spasming in pleasure and humiliation on the muddy swamp floor, throwing up the disgusting cum of the orc which drips from the corners of her mouth, covers her face and hair as well as her costume covered upper body. Supergirl cries in the fetal position as shocking tremors from the aftermath of the possession rack Supergirl's body! Insidious approaches the now released girl. “As much as I enjoyed watching you suck orc cock! I am rather tired of having you around…it’s time to die Supergirl!” Supergirl’s eyes suddenly shoot wide as she turns onto her stomach and begins crawling away in panic! Clawing at the muddy swamp ground as she tries to get as far away from Insidious as quickly as she can! With a smile, the demon begins using magic to invisibly drag Supergirl backwards in a wheelbarrow position; Supergirl’s legs are in the air, her muddy cape falls and drags to her side, her skirt flips down revealing a wet spot of the relatively clean blue fabric that covers her nether region, her tight muddy thighs are a beautiful contrast as the heroine’s face and breasts are pulled across the muddy swamp ground. Being in the demons control her now pathetic blue clad mud covered arms and hands continue to claw frantically and helplessly at the muddy ground of the swamp! The demon then raises Supergirl up so that she’s hovering in the air above the swampy pool of water. “As much as I enjoy seeing you look like shit covered in mud Supergirl, I really want to enjoy killing you in all of your glory.”

“Oh, please! You don’t have to do this to me ulchgghhh!! You said it yourself ughh I’m just a pathetic, helpless little girl in a silly costume! Please, just let me go!! I don’t want to die!” says the former Girl of Steel as she begins crying in her mud covered state. Mud and orc cum, spit and bubble out of her mouth as she pleads to the demon.

“Too bad bitch!” Says Insidious as she plunges Supergirl into the swampy waters, below the vegetated ledge. She holds Supergirl under for what seems like an eternity. Then she lifts her out, the superheroine with her hands frozen behind her back, thrusting her breasts forward and her legs held straight down, begins heaving in place as she breathes in fresh oxygen; there is still mud and orc cum residue coming out of her mouth and on Supergirl’s wet, heaving and dripping form. The demon then dunks Supergirl again! This time she drags Supergirl around under water, smashing her into fallen logs and submerged rocks before lifting the battered heroine out of the water again. “Ughhh please! I can’t take much more of this!” cries Supergirl as she takes in a breath of fresh air. “Well that’s too bad, Girl of Steel, cause I have much more to give!” says the demon with venom in her voice as she dunks Supergirl under the water again. Insidious closes her eyes as a green mist begins surrounding her crowned head and drops towards the swampy water. As the mist hits the water, it’s as if everything under the surface is illuminated with a green aurora…including Supergirl! The demon then slams the submerged and now visible princess of power into a fallen log. Supergirl impacts the log right in the middle of her toned and once invincible abs. She used to be able to take a cannon directly to her abs and not be phased by it but with a large CRACK! Crashing into this tree causes some of her ribs to break! Air bubbles come to the surface of the otherwise quiet swamp as America’s sweetheart heroine struggles for her very life underneath!

The demon then crashes Supergirl’s shoulder into another tree…snapping her shoulder out of it’s socket! Supergirl can’t control herself as she screams under the water in pain. Her once indestructible body now failing her! The scream also causes Supergirl to lose what little oxygen she has left in her lungs as the demon drives Supergirl face first toward a boulder at the bottom of the swamp. The impact breaks Supergirl’s nose and knocks her out. Not wanting to end the young heroine’s life too quickly, Insidious drives the rag doll former "girl of steel" to the surface of the swamp. Supergirl hangs in the air from the power of the demon, her golden hair, face, arms and legs all sway limply in the air above the swamp; before the smiling demon Insidious, the orc, swamp thing and the goblins! A slight green sheen of water drips from all over her tight costumed body as well as blood from her broken nose and mouth…likely from internal damage. Her shoulder is popped outwards, distorting and stretching her costume in an obscene way. The broken heroine is no longer a threat, in fact she looks to be dead…an idea that the demon doesn't like at all. She isn’t done with this Super girl! Insidious jerks Supergirl’s body in place, causing the heroine to cough up water and blood, which drools down onto her “S” covered breasts. “Welcome back to Hell Superbitch!” says Insidious. “Oh god! What have you done to me!?” cries the helpless girl of steel looking down at her right arm and distorted stomach! “I’ve broken you, Supergirl! Oh, but you can still move your other arm…let me fix that!” Grins the evil demon. With a twist of her wrist, she dislocates Supergirl’s left shoulder. “AaaahhHH! Pl…ple…please stop!” cries the once mighty heroine with spit flying and dripping from her mouth in total anguishing despair! “Maybe I should dislocate your legs too and just leave you a broken mess for my creatures to play with?” says the demon, as she begins applying demonic magical pressure on Supergirl’s wet dripping thighs! Supergirl can feel her legs coming out of their sockets as she screams in agony! “Oh go...…d!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH….Ple…please, NOOOooo!!! You…ca…can’t…I can’t take this anymore!!!” says the squirming Supergirl being held in the air by the demons power!

“HAHAHAHAHA, I told you Supergirl that you’d either be begging me to do whatever I want to you or begging me to kill you and you haven’t done either yet! Lucky for you, I’m going to do both!” and with that, the wicked demon smiles as she forces Supergirl’s nearly dislocated legs back into their sockets. Holding the limp colorfully costumed girl before her with one hand, she brings her other hand up and squeezes her fingers, as if she’s trying to grab ahold of a grape. Then with a quick twist of her wrist, Supergirl’s shoulders are pushed back into place. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Roahhhh, SAVE ME!!!!” Screams the whimpering Supergirl as she cries in the air!

Insidious then drops the pain consumed former girl of steel, to the swampy floor. Supergirl lands on her stomach at the edge of the swamp…she crawls through the muddy waters to get further out of the swamp before she stops and seems to pass out from pain, exertion and exhaustion. “How pathetic, the great and mighty Supergirl down for the count; not even able to get herself out of the swamp and to a standing position! I might as well just kill you now!” says Insidious and with that, she pulls Supergirl backwards across the waters of the swamp by her cape, with her magical powers. Cleaning the helpless heroine before her slaughter. “Any last words Supergirl?” says Insidious. Supergirl is so exhausted she can only look up in a daze. “Please, don’t do this.” Says the sorry excuse for a superheroine. “To bad bitch!” With that, Insidious drops Supergirl’s cape just as she conjures four invisible nooses that wrap around the young heroine’s slender costume covered wrists and boot covered ankles. Holding Supergirl in a spread eagle position, as she struggles above the swamp! Insidious closes her eyes for a moment and suddenly the deadly green mist begins to float down to the swampy water below the squirming heroine once again!

The green mist creates a writhing whirlpool of boiling green water below the hanging Maiden of Might! Supergirl looks down in pure horror as a green steam begins to slowly rise towards her defenseless body! As the steam hits her boots it slowly and deviously begins dissolving them…holes start to decay the material away; as the steam travels up higher! Supergirl is bound by the magic of Insidious and can do nothing but squirm and strain as her limbs are stretched away from her body. “Oh god! I can taste the burning Kryptonian materials!!” Supergirl says to herself as she pulls on her limbs. Her once powerful and reliable arms and legs fail her might as she is held tight in the air above the boiling Kryptonite swamp! The look of fright on the young heroine’s face turns to anguish and pain as the steam hits her smooth calves…just above her boots! Her entire body tenses up as she screams in terrible pain and her arms and legs strain for a freedom that will never come again! Red marks begin to form on her legs as the steam travels higher… “What is this stuff?!?” Supergirl says in doomed terror! “It’s magical Kryptonite acid Supergirl! Isn’t it lovely!” says Insidious. “If I leave you here Supergirl, then I will get to watch as your costume that you love so much is dissolved from your lucious body, then I will get to watch as your skin blisters, boils and burns; before slowly dissolving off of your once impressive muscles which will dissolve away until you’re just bones then dust as the once great and powerful girl of steel turns into nothing more than the lump of mush in a swamp! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” “AAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhh NOOOOO!!!!” Screams Supergirl as the green steam hits the bottom of her cape and skirt! She scream more from the pain than the reality of what Insidious just told her! Small decaying holes begin to form in the alien fabric; her boots are in tatters as Supergirl spasms in her held eagle position above the swamp and near deaths door, once again!

In the woods to the right of Insidious the wicked witch of the north hides, watches the spectacle below the ledge unfold before her! The once powerful girl of steel appears to be hanging from invisible ropes; with her hands and legs tied spread eagle as a deadly acid steam appears to be actually dissolving her luscious costume and body! “That bitch demon Insidious is trying to kill my prize!” Says the witch in anger before she looks down to the muddy swamp ground and begins drawing a spell. The witch then draws a pentagon around the spell and slowly creeps directly behind Insidious and draws the same spell with a pentagon surrounding it. She then moves to the left of Insidious behind a massive spiderweb wall and draws a third spell surrounded by a pentagon.

After the third spell is complete the witch takes one last look at the screaming Supergirl before stepping out from behind the massive spiderweb to face the demon! “Hello Insidious!” says the witch as she steps into view of the demon. “Ah my captor, come to join in on the fun and watch the so called, “Supergirl” die?”

Supergirl tries to free her hands and legs with Insidious distracted and as the acid miss slows it rise...

“As much as I would love to watch you kill Supergirl, I am not here for that. I am here to take you back! You belong in my control Insidious!”

"Oh, I think not! You will never control me again Winifred!! I have taken over a new vessel and once I kill the Earth Born Angel, I will gain powers you can't even imagine!" Spits Insidious with venom as she turns around to face the wicked witch of the north, Winifred!

"By the power of the old order, I entrap you Insidious!!!" Yells the witch with a as the demon freezes in her stance!

Suddenly the invisible bonds holding Supergirl release, dropping Supergirl as she falls to the boiling green swamp water below! However, just as the young heroine is about to hit the surface the acid Kryptonite and boiling water ceases! Supergirl splashes into the shallow swamp, freed, for the time being!

"You will leave your host and return to the amulet of Scarlet!" Commands the witch.

"NahnNNOOO!!! You can't do this!!!!!" Screams Insidious as her body shifts in an apparition form with Megan's body appearing to fight off the demon's spirit!
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