Invisible Woman: Hard to See Her Like This

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Invisible Woman: Hard to See Her Like This

By Dr. Dominator

Important Note: The Invisible Woman character and the name Sue Richards are properties of Marvel Comics, as are all other references to the Fantastic Four and those characters. All are used herein exclusively for the purpose of parody. There are no claims of ownership of these characters and no profit will be seen from the publication of this work. All the other original characters in this story are the property of this author and any use of them requires permission from Dr. Dominator.

Ch. 1

Walking briskly down New York City’s posh Fifth Avenue on a warm summer day, Sue Richards was enjoying the start of two hours of freedom from her usual duty of being a trusted member of the Fantastic Four. A nice breeze in the air was carrying to her the fresh scent of pine from Central Park across the street. Sue crossed 61st street heading downtown, striding beneath the awning of the famous Pierre Hotel.

Dressed in a pair of $200 blue jeans, a colorful Mexican blouse featuring embroidered fruit arranged around a low scoop neck and a pair of blue leather pumps with 4-inch heels, the shapely blonde was drawing appreciative looks from passersby, doormen and the vendor at the hot dog cart across the avenue. She wasn’t upset at the attention her body and smartly-displayed cleavage received. She was proud of her figure and while it was heightened in her Fantastic Four uniform, it felt nice not to be so constrained and enshrined in Kevlar and spandex. Besides, she loved this blouse, one she’d picked up on a shopping spree at Mercado Libertad in Guadalajara.

Just after she passed under the second awning that protected the main entrance of the fancy hotel, she heard a deep voice calling out to her with alarm. Looking to her left, she saw a long, lean Nordic-looking man in a tan suit with blond hair done up in a man bun. He was half bent over next to a small guard’s booth in a narrow courtyard off the main avenue. Calling out again, the clearly distressed man motioned to her with a frantic wave.

“Miss! Over here. Help!” the man in tan implored her. Still bent forward, his face was turned to her and he looked quite concerned. His mouth was quivering under his small mustache and his short, pointed goatee was bobbing up and down. “I think this guy, this guard, doorman, whatever… he’s hurt!”

Sue took the four quick steps past the open iron gate and up to the guard’s booth and looked down. Indeed, the uniformed figure there was prone on the ground, his face squashed against the concrete drive with one arm flung out. Sue knelt down to examine him more closely and that’s when the prone figure’s second arm came out from under his torso and jammed something into her side. Behind Sue, the tall blond in tan gripped her shoulders and pinned her down hard until her bent knees met the asphalt with a painful smack. He quickly lifted his hands and a nanosecond later, before Sue could rise up, the taser lit up and she jerked helplessly in place.

The weight of her breasts jolted against herself, shuddering in a random dance of spontaneous spasms. She was barely aware of it; in fact, barely cognizant of any thoughts she’d had just 30 seconds before of her nice two hours of freedom. All instincts and memories sizzled away with a searing blindness that left her falling away from the man’s hovering hands behind her. She flopped and twitched on the ground, helplessly twisting and knocking her body parts in all directions with no sense of control. There was only jaw-tightening panic. The taser was pulled away and still she spasmed on the ground.

It wasn’t even half a minute from the time she knelt down to the moment she was tossed into the back of the white van onto a shag carpet. The tan man climbed in beside her quaking form while the uniformed guard dashed along the side of the truck and hopped behind the wheel. Mere seconds after that, the vehicle pulled out onto Fifth Avenue. Unfortunately for Sue, Fifth Avenue was remarkably free of traffic at the moment, and the vehicle sped away through a long, lucky run of bright green lights. The hot dog vendor across the street stood there slack jawed and immobile, barely certain he’d witnessed the speedy abduction at all.
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I like where this is going, seems like a very promising story, I look forward to reading more to this story.
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Good, punchy start, straight into the action, nice job.
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My thanks to bushwackerbob, Tallyho and batgirl1969 for their brief yet enthusiastic comments. I plan to post this story roughly twice a week until its conclusion. Feels good to be writing again. Thanks, all, for the support!
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I only said it cos you paid me to.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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You are welcome!!! i am sure it does feel good to write again, especially about this little hot petite blonde bitch! I can't WAIT to see what is in store for one of the hottest heroines in comics!! yummy!!!
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Yes! Good to have you back Doc. Feels like all the writers are leaving. Definitely to short though, longer updates please :)
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I'm loving this so far, and am full of excitement about what's to come! :D

A short update, but a tantalising one. It's great to see you writing again after so long, and I really enjoyed the way you wrote Sue's knockout. Her shapely body going all tight and juddery, then limp and loose - it was a very sexy image. The sheer speed of her capture was delectable as well. She just got *got*.

The man in tan! Nicely done, Doc!
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Thanks to all those who took a moment to comment on this story. It's appreciated and keeps me motivated to write more.

Ch. 2

The van turned and twisted its way through the streets of Manhattan, the driver heading east and south, checking his mirrors to be sure he wasn’t being followed. He crossed the Williamsburg Bridge into Brooklyn and drove over to Rutledge Street, a quiet block of two and three-story brownstones. Pulling up to one of the unpainted brick residences with neatly planted flower boxes and a freshly-painted black iron railing, the driver parallel parked into one of several available spaces on the street and put the van into park. He turned and looked into the back of the vehicle to see his cohort clipping the last of four dark brown bungee cords around the six-foot long shag carpet with an unconscious Sue Richards neatly rolled inside its core.

“Did you give her the shot?”

“Do I look like a moron to you? ‘Course I gave her the shot. You were running a yellow light on Delancey Street at the time. Like an idiot. Suppose a cop stopped us! Jeez, Willie, we talked about this.”

“I just wanted to get us here quick, Rick. I was nervous.”

“You coulda’ compromised the mission, jerkwad.”

“I didn’t. We’re here. Now let’s get this bitch inside and get paid.”

“Check around the block. Anybody out there looking nosey?”

“Just some blue-haired grandma walkin’ Fido. Man, what a plug ugly bitch she is.”

“The dog or the woman.”

“I wanna’ say both.”

“Does she look interested in the van?”

“Nah, she’s turned away, watching her beloved pooch take a dump. She’s bending down with a plastic bag in her hand. Let’s move now!”

Responding immediately, the tall man in tan turned the handle, opened the rear door and sprightly hopped out. He grabbed the rolled carpet in both arms and pulled it out almost it’s full length. Willie scurried out of his driver’s door, closed it with a quiet thump and immediately took hold of the opposite end of the carpet as soon as he rounded past the back of the van. The two men hoisted the rolled rug, Rick shut the rear doors with a reach of one free arm, then they carried the rug up the front stairs of the brownstone and inside the building in short order. Rick led the way and there was no fumbling of keys, no hesitation or awkwardness with the foyer door and no undue notice taken by the woman who was now being pulled down the street by the eagerly straining bulge-eyed Boston Terrier.

Inside the open expansive living area of the first floor, the men were greeted by an old gentleman in a black suit who slowly made his way across the fine inlaid wood floor. His bald head featured a ring of white hair that gave him the look of a kindly monk. Which was the very last thing the man might be. Especially since he pulled a pistol and shot Willie in the heart before he had time to finish his jaunty, “Hi Jonesy” greeting.

Added edit:

The shocked face on the thug in the stolen doorman's uniform went from surprise to grimace to blank in the space of seconds. The heavy carpet end he was carrying dropped from his hands and thumped hard on the floor. The heavy body followed it down, bouncing once against the beige backing of the rug before coming to rest over it. The blood seeped out of the chest into the stringy material, staining it with death. Rick cursed shortly as he dropped his end and then straightened up with a frown.

“How many times did he fuck up on the way back?” Jonesy, which wasn’t his name, asked as the muzzle smoke quietly drifted to the ceiling.

“Not more than twice.”

“That’s good for him.”

“Yes,” Rick answered, “but dead weight is dead weight.” He looked down at the bleeding corpse sprawled over the rolled carpet. The hired hand in the doorman’s uniform had served his purpose. Now Rick had to serve his and dispose of the body…with the others.
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I like these short chapters. So far, so fun!
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I agree with Bert, these short chapters are cool, it builds up the suspense, it makes you excited, trying to anticipate what comes next.
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Agree with all the above. This is off to a great start!
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Another nice, fast paced installment Doc, good job (I'll invoice you for the comments)

Sent you a pm about it too
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Thanks, Tallyho; your check is in the mail. :). By the way, I went back and added that paragraph you suggested in Chapter 2.

Thanks too to CJS (Any new stories coming from you soon?) Bushwackerbob and Bert, I appreciate your feedback as always. Now onto the next chapter...

Chapter 3

Saigon, March 30, 1975

The ensign was drunk beyond reason. His khaki jacket was as rumpled as his hair, a tangled mess of strawberry blond locks that went in all directions. His pants and underwear were tossed over the back of a nearby chair. His forearm, currently on the doorpost was keeping him standing but at a dangerous angle. Gravity might win at any moment and he could easily go tumbling onto the floor without much provocation. Despite that, he brought the tumbler of whiskey to his mouth and threw the last of it down with a noisy gulp before speaking to the Vietnamese whore on the bed.

“Thish kud be the very last time for me…us, Linh Mai. Lez make it gud, huh?”

“You too drunk. No fuck decent. Come back tomorrow.”

“No can do, Linny Pooh. I could be shipping out tomorrow. Saigon is in deep shit.”

“No matter. You not hard enough to do nothing.”

“So work with me here. I got many dollar, right? We can have a good time.”

“Not with that rope. Come back with stick. We see.”

“We see now. I know you can get me goin’,” barked the ensign, lurching forward angrily. This was his last shore leave and he didn’t know if he’d ever be back. Or even alive tomorrow. Saigon was under siege by the North Vietnamese and things weren’t going well. He’d be damned if he’d be denied sex in possibly this last opportunity in this city... a city that could fall any day now to the North Vietnamese at long last.

Linh shrieked as the drunken seaman’s body fell on the lower half of the bed, pinning her legs down, making it difficult for her to move. Slowly, the besotted man grabbed his way north, up her body even as her hands slapped futilely at his head and shoulders. His hands shoved the red and gold silken robe away and took hold of her dark nylon stockings. The hands didn’t stay there more than an instant. His inebriation and the sheer material caused his clutching hands to slide down to the bed coming to a rest under her thighs.

“Get off me, you pig. We done here. I will call Madame,” the young prostitute’s eyes glared up at the young man’s shocked face. “Have you thrown out by bouncer. On your head!”

“..thought we had something…” mumbled the distraught drunk who was trying to read the situation through a fog of alcohol.

“Only thing we have is cash transaction all this time. You make mistake. All you GI’s make same mistake.”

“I’m not a fuckin’ GI and you know it. I’m Navy. Or do you only see green American dollars and not the man?”

“Finally. you get big picture,” spat the whore, lying back on the bed, almost smirking at the drunk. “Now get off me!”

“Not yet!” The ensign yelled and waved the money clip in the air that he’d ripped from his now torn pants pocket. His left hand now pressed against the defenseless girl’s pelvis, keeping her in place with his huge weight advantage and his leverage. He slammed down the full clip on the table by the bed. A wolfish smile grew on his face without reaching his eyes.

“You want a transh..action. You got one!” He felt himself getting hard now at last.


The command didn’t come from the young whore. It came from behind him. But the voice wasn’t that of the bouncer nor the madame, nor anyone he recognized. Swiveling his head, the ensign was shocked to see a two-year old girl with straight jet-black hair in a robe that matched the one barely covering the whore beneath him. The girl was standing near the end of the bed with her finger pointing directly at his face.

“You go,” the girl repeated, more softly this time but with no less urgency.

“That your brat?” The ensign nodded at the girl and turned to the whore, their two faces only two feet apart now.

“Minh. Go back to your room. You know better.” The whore’s eyes flickered with a combination of shame and worry. The situation had shifted with her daughter in the room. A first. And not a good precedent.

“Man go away first,” the adamant girl declared firmly, shaking her head at her mother’s command. The willful two-year was already smart beyond her years. Her name Minh meant clever and was she ever, much to her young mother’s consternation.

“Go away, little girl, me and mommy are condoosing…ducting…business.”

“You stop. Fun time over. You know this.” The girl’s voice was incredibly calm considering the circumstance. And she wasn’t totally wrong. The ensign suddenly felt all his anger drain away. He certainly wasn’t hard anymore, that was certain.

Slowly, working hard against his befuddled brain and questionable balance the ensign dragged his body backward off the quiet stone-faced whore and shakily rose to his feet at the end of the bed. He looked at the girl and then back at the whore who sat up and gathered her robe around her, defensively clutching it to her chest with her fist. He quickly slid into his pants, grabbed the money clip off the table and headed out, turning at the door frame in a final gesture and looking back at the twosome glaring at him.

“Guess this is it then, Linh.”

“Yes,” she replied.

“And don’t come back,” the two females said simultaneously.

The seaman hastily left the room, noisily clomping down the whorehouse hallway.

The girl quickly hopped up on her mother’s bed to be held and cuddled close by the amazed young woman.

“How on earth did you do that, Minh? You made him leave. I thought he was going to hurt me.”

“So did I, mommy. I used my thoughts. Told him what to do. He believed me. People always believe me.”

* * *

That was true. People had “believed” Thi Minh Bao and continued to do so for all of the 44 years she’d been on the planet. Her thoughts had the power to influence people. Even the most stubborn ones. From the bedrooms of the whorehouse in which she and her mother eventually worked together to the boardrooms of Asian companies to which she soon had ready access.

Her powers had made her very, very had her intelligence and her drive to succeed, to improve her language skills and everything else about her. She'd remade herself and had achieved much success. And yet that wasn’t quite enough. She wanted something and Susan Richards, the famed Invisible Woman, was the one person who would be able to give her what she wanted most at this point in her life.

Minh, or Madame Minh as she was now known, looked down at the unconscious blonde beauty on the steel table in the middle of the large spare room and smiled. Things were going just as she planned. Her palms cupped each other, pressed together with satisfaction as she admired the needlework on the Mexican blouse Sue wore and the close fit of the jeans covering a pair of long lean legs.

“Pretty blouse there, puta. Shows off those tits very nicely. I can work with it,” Minh grinned, parting her hands with a sweeping gesture at the senseless form. “Guilford, prepare the chair,” she ordered her bald second in command. “It’s time for Phase Two.”

“Very good, Madame.” Guilford Jones, as he was known in this setting, bowed graciously.
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More good stuff really good and interesting intro to her powers , first class job.
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Now that the forum is back, I hope we won't have to wait too long for Chapter 4! :)
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Nice to see you working again Dr. D. So I was wondering does Linh Mai have anything to do with why Minh wants IW?

Probably not but with Minh's power I assume she will corrupt Sue Richards. But for what purpose I am guessing. I am looking forward to the next chapter, and perhaps some clues as to Minh's motivation.

Nicely crafted scene, and a clever intro to the villain. A pleasure to read.
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Just tried to post a new chapter three times and kept getting a fatal run time exception error message. Sorry folks. I will try again later.
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Chapter 4

Sue rose through the fog of consciousness with a groan. All her muscles felt as tight and drawn as a bowstring, demanding release. Her lower back and legs were knotted tight, twitching with tension. Her headache was an unpleasant addition to her overall distress. She moved to bring her hand up to massage her left temple but was brought up short with a clank of metal restraining her forearm. She opened her eyes and looked down at her arm.

The long, wide manacle circling her radius muscles between her elbow and her wrist was quite shiny and quite daunting. The thick chain connecting the manacle to the side of the chair was no less imposing, as was the matching manacle and chain on her right arm. She mumbled her resentment looking around the room. She was in some sort of medical bay it seemed.

“These people have made a big mistake taking me,” Sue murmured in growing anger, noticing the shiny matching manacles that chained both her shins to the metal sides of the soft leather recliner on which she lay.

“No, we haven’t, my dear. We know exactly what we are doing. You should relax, though, you’re in good hands here.”

The quiet voice behind her startled Sue but for some reason she didn’t feel scared. She felt calm despite being chained to this chair in this unfamiliar place. She could probably get out of…

“Oww!” The jab of the needle in her neck was the second time that day that Sue’s body had been unceremoniously attacked without warning. The hand of the voice behind her gathered a generous handful of hair while the other pressed the plunger on a syringe and fed a dose of something into Sue’s bloodstream.

Much too late, the blonde beauty attempted to draw a concentrated ball of invisible energy from the air surrounding her. All she felt however was the rustle of white silk from the woman’s blouse sleeve against the curve of her jaw. Immediately after that, Sue felt her chest grow warm beneath her Mexican blouse and a moment later her fingers twitched with a mild tickling sensation…and then her toes. Whatever they gave her acted incredibly fast.

“What have you…gibben…muh…” Sue’s body suddenly went limp, all tension gone, her head lolled lazily in the woman’s grip until she released the hair and Sue’s heavy skull dropped to the headrest of the chair with a soft thump. The rest of her body settled into the soft leather that supported her completely. Sue’s mouth sagged open slightly, dumbly slack, matching her drooping eyelids.

“A special formula of my own design, Ms. Richards,” said the stern feminine voice “Unfortunately for you, it interferes with your nervous system so there will be no impenetrable force fields coming out of you for quite a while, Invisible Woman.”


Madame Minh unlocked the metal cuffs around Sue’s legs and efficiently unbuckled her belt and unbuttoned her jeans with deft practiced hands. Courtesy of her years in the whorehouse catering to servicemen rich with shore leave funds, she had an easy familiarity with removing the clothes of her sex-dazed willing partners. The befuddled blonde lay on the chair unable to gather her wits as the rush of dope in her system rendered her helpless with lethargy. Minh stripped off her jeans and tossed them aside. The delighted Asian took in the sight of a very attractive Sue Richards laying there in dumb confusion wearing nothing below the waist except her pale turquoise cotton panties. Her shoes were lying on the floor next to a cabinet far behind the chair. Sighing with satisfaction, Minh reattached the shin manacles to Sue's long naked legs as she spoke.

“Reed? Oh, well, we both know he won’t be showing up anytime soon with that little assignment he and your brother and that Thing went on together. A week in the Sudan wasn’t it?”

“..wh..wha…you wand…?...”

“We’ll cover all that later, dear. For now, though, I just want you to enjoy yourself, to feel the pleasure that your own body can provide under the guidance of a female who knows her way around the human form like few others on this planet.”

“..whuh…no…nod right…”

“Hush now, Susan. It’s alright. You want me to play with you. You’ve always been curious to feel a woman’s touch. Men can be so abrupt and insensitive, for example, when it comes to the nipples. Not like this… how I can caress them like so…”

The feminine hands took both of Sue’s nipples through the soft fabric of her blouse and the silky layer of her bra, capturing the protruding nubs between the gentlest of finger holds. Madame Minh squeezed down with the lightest of teasing pinches, drawing blood to the nipples and stiffening them with arousal. Sue squirmed in her chair, huffing a gentle grunt and wondering why she felt she needed this sensation. She hadn’t ever been all that bi-curious, even when younger and in college. But now…now this exploration seemed appropriate. Why was that?

“Doesn’t that just feel delightful? Imagine how you’d feel if I kept it up for, say, ten minutes. Wouldn’t that be just heavenly, Susan?”

“..whut…no….i don’t…maybe…” Sue’s chest rose slightly to meet the stimulating fingers. The nipples hardened even more.

Phase 2 had begun.
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Great stuff! Can't wait to read more. :)
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Thanks to one and all for the comments and support both here and in PMs. It's most appreciated. And now, without further ado, I give you....

Chapter 5

Sue’s bleary confusion grew into concern, the furrow between her eyebrows creasing heavily. Her excitement from some fairly basic nipple play by this perverted bitch who’d chained her to a steel and leather chair was far beyond her usual mild nipple sensitivity. Groggily she realized that whatever concoction she’d been dosed with had not only interfered with her ability to project an invisible force field but had some sensitizing component, too. She felt aroused despite herself.

Sue tried again to draw up any kind of invisible cone and failed miserably as the Asian bitch continued to pinch and caress her nipples. A soft groan slipped out inadvertently from the captive heroine’s lips, drawing a sigh and a soft chuckle from the woman just to her left.

Madame Minh was wearing a white silk blouse, a form-fitting mid-length navy blue leather skirt, dark stockings, and navy pumps with 4” heels. Her long nails were painted a matching dark blue with a hint of silver edging. The forefinger nail on her right hand featured a five-pointed star. The attractive Asian was dressed to kill. Sue hoped it wasn’t literal.

“Now, now, there’s no shame in taking pleasure from your own body, Susan. Humans were given erogenous areas to encourage lubrication and fornication. Nature herself designed you to get wet when you’re ready and judging by that wet spot on those pretty blue panties of yours, you want something fat and hard between your legs, don’t you?”

Sue was both angry and despondent. The woman seemed to have intuited her inner urges while noting that her pussy was already slightly damp…and with only the most cursory of erotic manipulation. The nipple play, the long fingers caressing her inner thighs, the warm breath on the back of her neck, heck, they were little more than simplistic eighth grade movie balcony make out moves. She was about to give the woman a harsh reply when she realized that the idea of something thick and sturdy filling her loins wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Sue shook her head in denial, frowning even as she blurted out,

“What did you have in mind?”

Where did that come from?

“I think a good-sized sex shop dildo would be just the thing for a discriminating woman like yourself,” answered the Asian woman, pulling open the drawer from a nearby credenza and hoisting up a stiff rubber penis of eye-watering size.

“Something like this, yes?”

“…that...? that for me…?...” Sue was shocked at the tremor of desire in her tone.

“You want it don’t you?”

“…i…no…” She lied badly.

“Oh, don’t be coy, Sue sweetie. We both know exactly how much you want this big fella pushing into your cooz. You’re positively dripping for it.”

How has this woman reduced me to such a horny, addled-minded slut in such a short time with so little effort?

Her phrasing, her description of herself in such terms …in her own thoughts… filled Sue with a sudden cold terror. She was a prisoner in body and mind!

The grazing of the Asian’s fingernail on her inner thigh, a mere inch from her now slickly greasy camel toe of turquoise cotton folds brought a jerking twitch from Sue and the softest whimper. Sue’s baby blue eyes searched her captor’s dark brown ones for answers, for hesitation, for mercy. She found nothing there but a cool expectation and then a hint of a smirk.

“Oh yes, you’re ready for a nice shafting, aren’t you, Ms. Richards?” The insistent fingertip now circled within the oily folds of Sue’s panties and her hips bucked despite herself. The pleasure was forbidden yet undeniable.

“…h…how…? did you….do this…?..” The circling digit was draining every iota of willpower from Sue’s being.

“A little preparation and a lifetime of practice, Invisible Woman. Now lie back and spread your thighs open. You’re going to enjoy this, I promise you.”

“…feels…wrong…” Sue protested verbally even as she spread her thighs apart, subconsciously submitting herself.

“It won’t for long,” replied the Asian, aiming the large rubber sex toy at the damp crevice in the panties and grinding it there, making the tip slick even as Invisible Woman began to moan.

The narcotic, the aphrodisiac and Madame Minh’s mental manipulation of Sue Richards was all working quickly and beautifully. Invisible Woman arched her back a bit and ground her pelvis against the wide mushroomed tip of the dildo, biting her lower lip and fulfilling her body’s function without any additional complaints from her higher brain functions.

The toy shifted and burrowed into the sopping wet cotton creases while the other end was held firmly by a smiling Madame Minh. The attractive wide face and oval eyes nodded encouragement to the eagerly submissive blonde in the chair below her, the powerful Asian telepath sending signals that this was the very joy, the very toy that Susan absolutely craved to experience. Susan’s hot, wet vagina was more than ready to accept that concept and that fat dildo in whatever order that the nice lady with the dong in her hand felt was appropriate.

“I’m going to pull aside the crotch of your panties here and thrust the full length of this big guy right into you. That’s something you just can’t wait for; right, Sue?”

“…yes…you’re right…you know…how did you know…what I want…?”

“That’s an easy one, Sue darling,” Minh replies, drawing the now deeply drenched panties to the side. “Good girls always thrill to being bad. They just never realize it. Not until someone POINTS…”

The hard flesh-colored shaft is suddenly thrust deep into Invisible Woman’s all-too accepting pussy, widening the astounded eyes and dropping her mouth open with a harsh gasp.


And then the pulling, the pushing, the grinding of the rubber sex toy begins in earnest, as well as the invasive finger work against Invisible Woman’s slippery clit. The helpless heroine’s mind and muscles melt as quickly and surely as butter in a frypan.
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Definitely liking the the direction this story is going. Any idea how long this story will be?
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Thanks, voodoo1229. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. If I had to guess, I'd say this tale could go 25 chapters or so.
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Neophyte Lvl 4
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Hey doc,

Glad to see you back in the story pages and loved the new way of small updates. I'm sure mrs fantastic would turn to be a bigger entertainer than supergirl
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Wow....the part about the size and the mushroom headed toy sent me to a special place in my mind!! I want to see Sue helplessly made AIR TIGHT and would love to have descriptive lines conveying the sounds that escape from her super tight super slick pussy...I love to hate Sue...want to see her sexually destroyed with mind warping plessure
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Please note: The management accepts no responsibility for any damage to clothing and or furniture created during the reading, re-reading or copying of and printing out of any portions of this story. All behaviors conducted during any such readings are at the sole discretion of the reading parties! You're on your own, BG1969.


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DrDominator9 wrote:
4 years ago
Thanks, voodoo1229. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. If I had to guess, I'd say this tale could go 25 chapters or so.
DrD could go all "Captured By The Mob" on you if you are lucky!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Another new week another chapter....

Chapter 6

Lurking in the deep blue shadows of the basement Captivity Room, with eyes as cold as snowman coal, Dante Allamordo watched Madame Minh teasing her shapely prey in the bondage chair. The bold features of the brooding man’s broad square face, strong nose and soft thick lips came together in a surprisingly pleasing way. His chestnut brown hair was shaved close at the sides but rose in high tufts up top, wavy and thick. Women were attracted to him and he often paid them heed for their biological uses.

For now, from the shadows his dark eyes closely observed Minh’s workmanship. The fingers on her one hand twiddled, sidled and probed the delicate flesh on the borders of her prey’s pussy. Her other hand held the long, slick dildo and plunged it in and out of the cleft of the blonde’s exposed crotch with piston-like strokes. The pink lower lips repeatedly flexed and shifted, gripped and bent as the sex toy plunged back and forth. The trembling figure in the chair moaned. Dante heard the gasps and the sultry sound of straining limbs rubbing futilely against soft leather. The jingle of steel chains and the forced grunts of helpless lust echoed off the walls of the huge room. Dante heard it all yet was not aroused, merely intrigued.

His assignment in this scheme would start very soon. He was good at his work and he would complete his job as expected and be paid handsomely for it. With the beauty of the subject on the table, he supposed he would find the job pleasurable and that thought did bring a wide smile that would have greatly disturbed anybody seeing it.

As the silences between the panting grew shorter and the sound louder, the twisting figure began to whimper between gasps and then there was the short shriek of absolute release and the frozen figure fell limp in the chair, silent now but for the quietest twitching of fingertips on leather. And the soft purr of satisfaction from Madame Minh at her own job well done. The dildo was withdrawn and put away, the yawning hole closing together at its departure. The crotch of the dark wet panties was demurely pulled over, covering the exposed vagina yet leaving nothing to the imagination as the damp fabric outlined every fold of the woman’s sex with clingy adherence.

With Sue’s climax over, Dante walked out of the shadows and stood silently beside Madame Minh for a moment. He registered the rapid breathing of his Asian employer and noted her excitement for possible future use, then gazed down at the limp-limbed heroine secured by chains to the steel and black leather chair. Her eyes are closed, the blue-tinged eyeshadow smudged with perspiration, the mouth slightly parted as warm breath sighs out. The ample chest rises and falls in slow rhythm as the heroine weakly recovers from her ordeal. The overly-excited nipples thrust noticeably against the bra and soft cotton blouse. The helpless heroine had been suddenly launched into a maelstrom of pleasure that she was unprepared to handle…or, more accurately, was forced to endure at the hands of an irresistible chemical and mental assault.

“Is this really the famous Sue Richards, the renowned Invisible Woman? I’m less than impressed.”

“What you should be impressed by are my planning skills and mental supremacy, Mr. Allamordo. That is what why she looks so unformidable.”

“I stand corrected.”

“Stand how you like. Just be sure you can make her do what I want … on command without resistance or delay. That’s why I’m paying your exorbitant fee.”

“When she obeys your instructions without pause you will not feel it’s exorbitant at all, I assure you.”

“And when that occurs, I will happily remit to you the second installment of your fee.”

“Her mouth is actually quite sumptuous. I hadn’t fully appreciated it in the photos I downloaded during my research. I believe I will quite enjoy forcing my penis down her throat.”

“As long as your techniques bring her around to doing what I need her to do, I don’t care if you stick your cock in her ear.”

“Her ears will be invaded by other means.”

“Charming. Leave us now. I have my own invasive procedures to accomplish before I hand her over to you for full training.”

“When can I accept delivery of…this?” The condescending gesture towards the sated figure in the chair is obvious.

“Come back in two hours. That should be enough time to soften her up a bit more for you and your games.”

“I could take her now. No more preparation is needed as I explained,” Dante declared with absolute confidence.

“And as I explained, I want my fun. Now go away! You’re harshing my mellow.”

My god…can’t remember the last…time I came that…hard! Beyond anything…recently… how did she do that to me…?... it came on so…so fast…so relentless…I’m…I’m…not…that easy… !... not that sensitive…the drug…it had to be…yet, yet…I… I wanted it…needed it… the bitch had me so wet…how can I fight her…when she makes me…want her like that…!
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Neophyte Lvl 4
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Aww, the fun is about to start. Have to say not a big fan of small updates and specially from you doc but as always the scene is set up perfect .
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This chapter runs a bit longer than the others. Enjoy!

Chapter 7

Once Dante left the Captivity Room, Madame Minh looked down at Sue Richards and then bowed low over her waist. She lifted the hem of the blouse to better smell the perspiration, the desire emanating from the woman’s body. Minh’s nostrils flared as she drew in the scent of submission. The warmth, the odors drifting off the languid woman were intoxicating, casting off the chill that Allamordo’s presence had imbued into the air. The oval eyes glimmered brightly as Minh’s tongue slowly extended to taste the lust she’d stirred within her captive. She swept up the tang of salt on the smooth wide belly, savored the sensation of the quivering flesh that she’d lightly tickled, smiled at the hitch in Richards’ breathing.

“You want me to caress your loins with my mouth, don’t you, Suzy dear? You yearn for that. You tremble for it. Is that not so?”


“Such a bad liar. You came hard there, hero. Very hard. I know orgasms. I’ve seen thousands of them. It was my job to gauge them and it’s a skill I haven’t lost. You went over fast. You went deep. You will go over again. And like it. Again!”

“…please…no…!...too much…”

“I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s go again. blondie!”

The mewling whimper was an answer of sorts and Minh knew she was on her way to breaking Sue’s spirit, preparing her for defeat and submission. And that was even before the horrors that Dante would impose upon her. By the time Sue was ultimately returned to her, she would be the perfect puppet to pull off the perfect crime. With a gleam of earnest purpose in her eyes, Madame Minh went low and fixed her mouth on Sue Richards’ snatch and began to feast on victory. It tasted wonderfully sweet.

* * *

After hoisting Willie’s chunky dead body onto a flatbed dolly, Rick Tillman mopped his damp brow with a handkerchief before stuffing it into his back pocket. He then wheeled the corpse down the hall to the brownstone’s elevator. After the elevator arrived and the doors slid apart, Rick reached in and pulled out the stop button to keep the doors open and the cab from moving.
It was a very cramped space once Rick maneuvered in the short dolly, arranged Willie’s lifeless legs into a hasty pretzel and squeezed himself into the tiny cubicle. Swearing as he released the stop function, Rick thumped the button for the basement and then mollified his anger at the literal grunt work by visualizing his last bank statement as the cab descended. He had never had such a large balance before, certainly nothing with six digits before the decimal point. When the doors slowly opened on the wide-open space and the coolness of the cellar, Rick was feeling better and a lot less hot under the collar.

He wheeled dead Willie across the expansive concrete area and up to a large gray painted patch in the opposite wall. He pressed a hidden button recessed into a red painted square patch, just to the left and behind a crude patch of rough cement. The whole gray wall slid to the right exposing a square brick oven with a set of ominous steel doors curved at the top. This crematorium was where the failed subjects of Madame Minh’s experiments had gone, the vagrants, the whores, the homeless and the forgotten. Anyone who had grievously wronged the vengeful queen of influence had also been consigned here. Rick was fairly new to the operation, just two years hired, but he had been down to these doors of death dozens of times, cleaning up Madame Minh’s affairs. Rick shuddered momentarily at that thought and he forcefully put Willie into the oven and started it up. In the elevator, he visualized the numbers on his statement again but this time it wasn’t nearly as comforting.

* * *

Madame Minh’s tongue was a writhing, twisting serpent in the soft folds of Sue Richards’ sex, bumping and rubbing against the sensitive pink lips with aggravated intention. Determined to make space for itself, the insistent tongue moved and grooved within every slippery crease, every sacred indentation, every warm pinkish drape of flesh that guarded Sue’s inner sanctum.


There was no cease and the mouth that sucked against the width of her crotch did not desist…not in the least! The hungry maw sealed the gap with firm lips even as the twining tongue darted and snaked, brushing aside cobwebs of alarm to plunge deeper into the cavern. The vindictive viper explored the space with a sudden stretch to the roof for a grazing pass at the dangling pink stalactite there before an unexpected rush to floor of the vault. Both surfaces sparkled with yearning, glistened with twitchy need. The results were wet trails, spasming muscles and quaking limbs.


The battered fortress resisted at first. The heart was hardened momentarily, the brain closed away from the spiking tendrils of excitement in a cocoon of stubborn willpower. Sue panted and gritted her teeth and tried to block all the sensations. She closed her eyes, focusing on the staccato rhythm of her breathing and nothing else, trying with all her soul to be darkness itself, to be the black of nothingness, no light, no feeling, no…

It was not to be. The lightning shocked her inner firmament with blinding jagged whiteness of joy. Horny, craving lust blasted through her shield of willpower like fork tines through rice paper. The drugs coursing through her and the voice that told her to let go and feel every single sensation inside her crotch …inside the very core of her being… were far too much for Sue Richards to withstand. There was no holding back from this surging need. It was elemental, it was overwhelming, it was inevitable!

Sue’s body shuddered and her brain crumbled like Pompei on its worst day. The ground shook and the temples fell and Sue Richards’ very being thrashed and jolted in the leather chair as her world crashed around her. Vesuvius had blown its top and the ash and destruction of Invisible Woman’s psyche was spread everywhere on the landscape of her soul.

Who is shrieking? Why won’t someone help that poor soul?

Time shifted back for her but Sue had no idea how long she had drifted.

“That was too much fun!”


“You are a sweaty mess, Suzy!”


“Oh yes. More!”

The mouth work resumed and the fatigued and rattled Invisible Woman whimpered loudly even as her tired limbs pulled in desperate futility at the shackles that bound her to the leather and steel torture chair.
The drugs were her undoing. The accented voice inside her head told her so and she believed it. She would never escape this room. She would have to be let out by the one who controlled her. That could and would happen if she behaved, if she simply followed her true nature, if she did what she’d always enjoyed doing anyway. Would she do it, the voice wanted to know.


“You’ll know when the time comes. Just do what comes naturally,” Minh replied after taking her mouth from Sue’s pussy for a moment.

“…i…i…need to rest…”

“No you don’t. You’re a superhero. Show a little self-respect.”


“Not your strong point, blondie, so it doesn’t matter, does it?”

“…you…won’t……break me…”

“That’s not my plan,” the Asian dominatrix smiled as she straightened up and moved back from Sue’s crotch. She walked over to the nearby table and retrieved a small jar of Vaseline before returning to Sue’s side. “I’m just doing this for fun. Someone else will do the breaking.”

“…you……are a…nasty………bitch…!...”

“And you’re a dumb cunt, but nobody’s perfect.”

Madame Minh popped the top off the Vaseline jar and dug her left forefinger into it, scooping out a generous dollop of the greasy gel on her long dark blue fingernail. Rubbing the middle finger of her right hand against this soft globe of gel, Minh gathered it onto the lone fingertip without an elongated nail on it and proceeded to smear the clump of Vaseline against the warm clenched knot of muscles at Sue Richards’ anus.

“..whaahh…?” The blonde gasped in surprise at the sudden wiping passes at her rear, the shocking application of grease up and down the length of her ass crack. “N…NO …DON’T!!”

That was the sole brief complaint issued before the digit dug another globe of Vaseline from the jar and burrowed deep into the defenseless orifice and roamed around there with circling insistence.

“…you can’t…do this…”

“Not only can I, Mrs. Richards, but you want me to! In fact, you dearly need me to! You crave this, for me to ream this butthole of yours, to sensitize it, to please it, to pamper it, to awaken it to your deepest desire. Anal penetration, Susan. This is what you live for!”

Slowly, steadily, around and around the finger churned, coating the inner walls there with a smoothing fervor that would not be denied.

“…I…i…don’t… you…you are lying…confusing me!”

“The confusion is that you have never been taken here before. You are virgin tight. Tense. Reed is sorely lacking as a husband, as a sexual companion, as a man!”

“…liar…” Sue breathed, baffled and forlorn.

“A lie? No, not at all! The lie is Mr. Fantastic. What a crock! How can you tolerate such a lousy lover? Oh, such a waste! But those days are done. Open yourself, Susan. Feel the thrill. The sensation is glorious, yes?”

Minh grinned, bending low to Sue’s bottom. She watched her offending digit as it flexed at its base while the length of it circled within the pink hole, laying on a vibrant ring of pleasant warmth. Far off from Minh’s greedy dark eyes, Sue’s own sprung wide apart with a shock of delight as the relentless probe drew ring after ring of sparkling pleasure inside her. The surge of delight flushed high up inside her to her clenching stomach, her tingling breasts, her much too receptive mind.


A thumbnail suddenly found its way to the opening of her vagina, dancing and twirling before moving on to her inner thigh. The combination of such attentive caresses there while matched with the finger cycling inside her rear drew a long hard grunt from the woman chained to the chair.

“There is no escaping your own pleasure, Susan. Luxuriate within the blinding glow. Let your body release itself. Over and over and over. You have an inexhaustible supply of orgasms. Invisible Woman deserves to live at the center of clarity. To see through the sham of what her life has become. Reach through yourself and pull the joy tight to yourself, just as I am doing for you. Let me help you see through to your true self, Sue Storm. Be the woman you were before shackling yourself to a husband and a team that thinks of you as a lesser member of their team. Be the vibrant woman you so clearly have become, a roaring female lioness in her domain!”

The fingers played everywhere, dragging the heroine to the heights of ecstasy itself. The clit was rubbed and held, massaged and squeezed, teased and tortured beyond measure. The finger within her ass played and toyed, circled and stroked, drove her around and around until the clit and her brain vibrated in unison to a place where everything froze in white blinding nothingness.

“Roar, Susan! Roar with pleasure, Roar with Victory. Roar with your soul released to do your own bidding. You are the lioness here. Let the world hear you. Now!”

And Susan did roar, her throat opened and the yell of absolute joy and freedom, orgasm and death, pure delight and life, came streaming out it in a yell of such powerful throaty need that the walls of the basement seemed to waver for a moment. The cascade of cum from Susan’s snatch ran rich with the fragrance of release, flowing down her thighs, puddling in the creases in the leather chair, draining thinly in silver ribbons to the floor. The body collapsed in the chair, the eyes barely slits as Invisible Woman lay wasted in her juices, pleased beyond belief. Satiated with the joy of being one with the world, Sue Richards whimpered into a swoon of darkness.

I will be going out of town for a mini-vacation so this posting will have to last you for a bit more than a week. See you all when I return. Thanks, as always for your comments and your continued support.
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Brilliant stuff! :)
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Thanks one and all for your patience while I took my vacation out of town. I hope this chapter is worth the wait!

Chapter 8

Fifteen minutes after Sue Richards’ full-throttled, full-throated orgasm, Rick Tillman used his pass-key and walked through the doorway of the Captivity Room. He’d quickly showered just before and changed from his tan business suit into a long-sleeved blue denim work shirt, good jeans and dark gray sneakers. His toned physique, Nordic look and well-trimmed goatee were attractive enough so women forgave the man-bun and granted him more than his fair share of one-night stands. He did not disappoint on these occasions and word of mouth kept his social calendar filled when he wasn’t working freelance gigs like this one with Madame Minh. Even during this assignment he’d been able to score so that was a plus in his book.

As soon as he entered the room, Rick felt deep alarm. His employer’s face was gripped with anguish and she was sweating through her white silk blouse, dark stains blooming under her breasts. Her body was slightly crouched and she was wavering, her head bowed. Minh was groaning audibly. From his angle, Rick couldn’t see the chair but he silently prayed that the Richards woman hadn’t escaped or was holding Minh captive behind her. And then he realized what the hell was going on. He froze where he was, folding his arms across his chest.

“You’re sitting on the bitch’s face, aren’t ya’?” His voice was matter-of-fact.

Hers was not. “Y…y…yes….”

“She’s eating you out as we speak?”

“….mmm…hmmm…” The quaver was noticeable.

“And you’re ‘bout to cum, aren’t you?”


“She’s still chained up I hope to god!”


“Want me to leave?”

“…w…want…y..yuh…you to shut….up…!”

Rick was about to let out a snarky reply about how the blonde beneath Minh better not shut her mouth but thought better of it.

He didn’t have to wait long for Minh to climax. The Asian temptress bent forward a bit, crouched a tad lower and grunted lustily as she felt a wave of pure delight rush through her from her head to her clenched toes. Beneath her wavering hips, Sue Richards’ face was doused in flowing juices that the blonde heroine felt it was only right for her to swallow and lap up from the hot damp crotch of the woman standing over her. She wasn’t sure why she felt such obligation but she did. In fact, Sue was so aroused, she enjoyed it.

* * *

After bidding Ben and Johnny goodnight around 11:30 p.m., a very sweaty Reed Richards entered his room in the Acropole Hotel. He closed and locked the door behind him, turned the AC unit on high and then flopped on his back on the firm bed, the springs singing softly in protest. Resting his head on the pillow and his palms on his chest, the exasperated hero sighed deeply. His face was drawn; tired and exasperated after a series of fruitless days. A few beads of perspiration dripped from his graying temples to the pillow case. The day had been a complete waste of time. He and Ben had lost the snitch they’d been tailing through the streets of Khartoum under a blistering desert sun. Sure, it was a dry 95-degree heat but that hadn’t brought any comfort to him or the oversized Thing.

Reed had been hoping to get a lead on a terrorist cell that was supposedly funded by the Rapid Support Forces tied to the highly suspect government. The Fantastic Four had been called in by the NSA based on chatter on the dark web that an attack was being planned against U.S. interests in the region, possibly the U.S. embassy in Khartoum. The specifics had been sketchy at best.
This was not remotely why the Fantastic Four had been formed but the threat was imminent they’d been told and the NSA wanted people on the ground who could stop any attack at a moment’s notice. Reed and his team were working with a CIA contact but suddenly his sources had gone quiet. Nobody thought that was a good sign. Johnny Storm had spent the day at the U.S. embassy trying to get information from the ambassador and others about any threats that had been uncovered. He had zero success. A vanished snitch and nothing of worth from any official; yes, a completely lost day.

Reed dug his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Sue from his contact list. He glanced at his watch. With the seven-hour time difference, it would be about 4:30 p.m. in New York. He let the phone ring until it went to voice mail.

“Hi, darling. It’s Reed. Thought I’d touch base before I went to sleep. I hope you’re having a better day than I’ve had. I envy you the pool on our roof. I’d give a king’s ransom to be able to dive into that right now. It’s scorching here all the time with no relief in sight. Anyway, call me back when you can tomorrow. I’ll be sleeping like a log here for the next 8 hours or so. At least the air conditioning works! Miss you much! Anything fun going on there? Maybe an attack by Doctor Doom? I would much prefer taking him on than all this cloak and dagger stuff here. Anyway, I’m rambling. Talk to you soon. Love you. Bye.”

The cell phone screen in Sue’s handbag went dark on the shelf in the corner of the Captivity Room. Nobody heard the hum of vibration in silent mode when the call came through, nor did they notice the dim light shutting off within the deep confines of Sue’s effects. All the occupants of the room were heavily distracted by pleasures that had nothing to do with swimming in cool water. True, there were puddles on the floor but that was just sweat and other fluids.

* * *

“Can I ask you a question?” Rick’s eyes scoured his boss’ face for a hint of the generosity he was hoping for but found only a glassy expression of self-absorbed satisfaction after her rousing dousing of her captive blonde’s face.

“What?” Minh sighed softly.

“Can I share in what all this is?” He gestured at the chained figure of Sue Richards as her head lolled weakly on the chair’s soft cushioned headrest. Her glazed cheeks and mouth glinted in the light from the overhead fluorescent fixture; the expression dumbstruck, the heavy lids at half-mast for the moment.

The sultry black-haired beauty lazily pulled the hem of her blue leather skirt down and straightened its wrinkles while considering his request. Rick was quite trustworthy and had fulfilled every task she’d asked of him with sensitivity and intelligence. She not only liked him but, more importantly, she trusted him. She decided to move him one step closer to her inner circle. This reward of giving him a chance to play with this woman wasn’t out of line; in fact, she was most curious how this heroine bitch would respond to him.
However, she had one question to ask first before she granted him this little perk of his employment.

“Where is Willie?”

“The stooge is downstairs. Definitely feeling the heat, if ya’ get my drift. He’ll be joining the others on the ash heap of history.” Rick grinned widely at his little pun while checking his watch. “…or will be in another 18 minutes or so. He was one big guy.”

“Excellent. Then share away. What’s your pleasure with our comely guest?”

“Honestly, I’d love to have her suck me off but I’m worried about biting. What are the odds on that?”

“Let’s ask her.” Madame Minh bent down and purred into the ear of the dreamy-eyed blonde while her right hand rested on the moist heat of Sue’s crotch, lightly sliding her fingertip past the wet folds of her panties and teasing the slippery clit. “You wouldn’t object to my friend here pulling out his penis so you can go to town on it, would you, Suzy?” Minh nodded her head and impressed her suggestion into Invisible Woman’s receptive mind. And right then she discovered a remarkable feedback sensation from the blonde’s mind. She barely had to push at all.

Invisible Woman loves giving head?! Who would have guessed the bitch was such a slut?

So, Minh merely had to give voice to what she knew was true for Sue Richards. “And by going to town, I mean savoring the taste and length of his cock, right?” Minh’s nodding was parroted by the dull-eyed blonde who looked up at Rick with a weak smile and a lick of her plush lips.

“…yuuh…okay…shuure…” The famous heroine’s libido had been supercharged by the drug earlier and this present stimulation still had her motor running. Of course, Sue was no stranger to giving head. Reed had often complimented her skills; sometimes verbally, more often by cumming on her face when he lost control early due to her much too talented tongue work.

Maybe I’ll even get a chance to swallow this guy’s load. It’s been a while since I enjoyed that rushing gulp. I kind of miss it!

Sue found herself surprised at that thought but it felt correct to her somehow, even though it wasn’t her husband’s cock she was going to suck. In any case, when Minh backed away the well-built blond man came to stand beside the chair and presented his still soft penis out of his jeans. Sue turned her head to the side and readily opened her mouth, taking in the head of his cock without hesitation. As the mushroom tip passed her lips, Sue sighed softly with the satisfaction of one of her favorite things, oral stimulation. She just loved having her mouth filled, enjoyed savoring sweet things, salty things, hard things soft things. She always had!

The penis was warm. Sue held the tip of it in her mouth, just using a gentle flutter of her cheeks to get the muscle’s attention. She was a bit frustrated that her wrists were shackled to the chair since her hand work was also exceptional. But the penis stirred slightly and she began to pick up her pace by bobbing her head. Rick clearly enjoyed this attention and his member saluted her with growing enthusiasm. She had him ramrod stiff from base to tip in no time, savoring the hardness, the fullness and the scent of an excited male.

Minh had moved back to Sue’s crotch, straddling the captive woman’s legs and leaning forward to offer up highly concentrated mouth work and fast fingering of Sue’s pussy and anus; teasing relentlessly before driving deep and twisting. The tongue, the lips, the fingers all worked feverishly to bring Sue to a mindless joy. As a result, Invisible Woman transferred that energy into an oral maelstrom of wet, hot, committed mouth Rick’s tasty shaft before her.

She gobbled him down and held him there, just let her warm breath tease his length. Then she slathered his ‘nads with loving care, taking them in one by one and bathing them with an exotic pride of ownership. When Rick began to moan, Sue returned to the rigid pole and swallowed it whole…over and over and over. Her lips gripped him tight and she was relentless. Her hair flying around, brushing with sexy golden waves against his exposed thighs, her eyes half open with lusty appreciation of his size and girth, her mouth watering with thick sighs of pleasure as she gave and took in equal measure until there was nothing left to take and nothing left to give. She felt his hands cup her skull and pull her in tight. His body froze as every inch of him drove deep into her throat.
Rick exploded down her gullet, jetting thickly with a huge groan of satisfaction. Sue swallowed and swallowed again. Her belly filled with his seed as he held her face tight to his pubes. She relaxed her throat and breathed through her nose, experience taking over so she didn’t choke, didn’t gag, didn’t reflex in any way. She just existed in thrilled harmony with the man in her mouth. A man who was bigger than Reed before he could stretch!


And down below was Minh, now reaching a crescendo of her own, swamping Sue with a rhythm of pleasure that had the heroine issuing a groan of her own now. The finger in her anus was making her glutes bob and dance while the flexing hot tongue owned her clit. Sue’s eyes rolled up as Minh watched that pretty face climax around the hard cock she’d just serviced to perfection. The warm rush of Sue’s orgasm filled Minh’s mouth, a sweet nectar of surrender that Minh never tired of tasting.

Out of nowhere, Rick’s dick bobbed again, unexpectedly releasing a final thick jet of cum. Sue’s eyes went wide and she pulled her head back instantly, her mouth draining out white trails of cum from both corners. She gave a weak apologetic smile, of all things.

“…s…sorry…” she mumbled.

“Don’t be. I’m not,” replied Rick. “I can’t believe that Invisible Woman is one of the best cocksuckers on the planet. What a ride!”

Dante walked back in the room as the trio just wavered there in pleased silence.

“Time for me to take her, Minh. I’ve waited to the time you requested.” He walked toward the chair with a plastic triangular gas mask and a small tank in his hands. When he saw the lines of semen running out of Sue’s mouth he actually nodded in agreement as if those were part of his plan. “Good, I can use those. Smear her face with your ejaculate. It will make a better seal for the mask.”

Rick looked at Dante with cold apprehension but did as instructed, lathering the cum all over Sue’s face. She looked perplexed at first then concerned as the rubbery triangle was fitted to her face.


Nobody paid attention to her. Rick held her head firmly in place with his large hands. Dante pressed the mask against her face with one hand and turned the valve with the other. Madam Minh corralled Sue’s legs as she weakly bucked in the chair. The silvery fog in the mask disappeared up Sue’s nostrils and was replace by another cloud of mist. This too streamed up her nose. It took just two more clouds before Sue’s wild eyes went dull and the lids flickered and she slumped into the chair, her world gone gray, her body limp, her horror show about to begin.
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Staff Sargeant
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Excellent chapter!
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Looks like you're going "Captured by the Mob" on me after all, not that I have any complaints. Love these type of stories. The sexual descent of a superherione for the public to witness. I'm just assuming that's the direction this story is going.
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There's no public to witness Sue's descent into sexual humiliation in this story. No cameras, no recording devices per se and no internet posting of her shame. Many stories these days now go that route so I thought I'd back off that aspect. Of course as readers you get to see everything. I hope you're okay with that, voodoo1229.
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Chapter 9

On the first floor of the Rutledge Street’s brownstone, just before his departure, Dante turned to Madame Minh and assured her, “I will return the Richards woman as promised in 48 hours. She will be trained to respond immediately to the commands stipulated in our contract.”

“Excellent. Mr. Tillman has loaded the woman into the box you’ve provided. It’s in the back of the van outside.”

“Thank you. When I return with her, I will demonstrate those new behaviors you’ve requested. Upon your satisfaction, I will be provided the remainder of my fee in cash as agreed.”

“Yes, yes, of course, of course. I will see you on Saturday night then at…” The Asian beauty glanced at her champagne-colored Rolex Datejust, “10 p.m. Good luck.”

“Luck has no part in this.”

Walking into the living room from outside, Rick Tillman uttered his opinion, “Don’t be so sure. Luck always plays a part in things in my experience.”

“In your experience, it would,” Dante replied with a sniff. “I eliminate such factors where I find them. And have backup contingency plans ready if and when any new parameters occur.”

“You can’t plan for everything,” Rick countered.

“I’m sure you can’t,” Dante Alamordo said with a haughty lift of his chin. He then nodded at Minh and left, pulling the outer door closed behind him.

“What a dick!” Rick declared.

“That’s the third opinion from you in a row that wasn’t asked for or required.”

“Doesn’t make it untrue.”

“Be that as it may, keep them to yourself in the future. Now let’s go to the upstairs parlor and discuss our plans for the heist. Guilford is waiting for us with the map of the museum.”

* * *

An unconscious Sue is curled up in a ball on her side, tightly bound with blue nylon cord with her hands behind her back and a matching blue ball gag jammed in her mouth. Tucked inside some sort of crate, her shapely form is surrounded by foam cushioning that absorbs the bumps and shakes of the van that is finding occasional potholes as it journeys from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

The knockout gas that was used to subdue her into a heavy sleep is keeping her there; the restraints and gag merely a prudent backup should it wear off during transport to Dante’s soundproofed condominium. But Dante Allamordo is a professional and he’s quite sure his dosage is more than sufficient to keep Invisible Woman down for the count throughout the 30-minute trip to his place. He’s just a belt and suspenders kind of guy. Indeed, there’s not even a flicker of eyelash as the famous heroine lies completely inert while she’s transported from borough to borough like some shrink-wrapped ham on a deli delivery truck.

When Dante ultimately pulls the panel van up to the delivery entrance of his condo skyscraper on 55th Street and 7th Avenue, he gets out of the vehicle with a sigh. He is met by the dock supervisor, the very loquacious Geoffrey Timmins.

“Hey there, Mr. Allamordo. Got another new toy for your apartment? What’s it this time?”

“Hello, Geoffrey. Yes, I’m afraid I can’t resist a good deal. This is a bass speaker unit for my home theater suite. It should make the rumble of explosions during any big movie finale feel like the building is shaking. Have you got your dolly available so we can unload it?”

“Sure thing, Mr. A.”

Horizon House is a very posh, very exclusive glass and steel luxury condo building that rises 55 stories, with Dante’s suite located on the 45th floor. He’s very pleased with his snooty view, looking down on the lesser owners occupying shorter buildings in the neighborhood. His shady business of profound psychological training has earned him millions through the years and he’s not ashamed to flash his cash when necessary. In fact, he flashes a hundred-dollar bill into Geoffrey’s palm as the garrulous worker gingerly finishes unloading the huge speaker on the flawless parquet floor of his screening room.

“Wow, thanks, Mr. A. That speaker must be pretty darn powerful. It’s heavy as all get out.”

“Yes, well, like I said, only the best, right?”

Looking blank for the moment, Timmons then reacts to the C-note with enthusiasm again. “Right. Of course. So, if you ever need anything, just call down to the dock. I’ll be on it pronto!”

“I appreciate that, Geoffrey. For now, your departure will be more than enough.”

“Huh, oh, right sure thing.”

Dante sees the nosey worker to the front door of his apartment and locks it behind the man, giving him a good fifteen seconds before doing so in order to not raise suspicions. The apartment is one of three occupied residences on the floor. The fourth one, situated next to Dante’s is still unoccupied. For now, that has been a balm to the psychologist but inasmuch as he has installed triple soundproofing in his place using private contractors, his worries about any noisy activities that might gain attention are far and few between. In fact, his training area has been layered with two additional layers of soundproofing. One could blast the 1812 Overture in that area of his condo or unleash a flock of screaming gulls and not a soul on the floor above or below would raise an eyebrow.

Humming happily to himself, Dante returns to the screening room, withdraws a hex screwdriver from his pants pocket and quickly retracts the four screws securing the eighth-inch cherrywood back of the base speaker. He lays this on the floor to reveal the still figure of Sue Richards encased in foam sleeping like a baby. Though the pacifier has been replaced with a bright blue ball gag, the female he sees before him is just as helpless as any infant.
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Great stuff, once again!
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Wow! It's great what you can do on a simple transport from one place to another where absolutely nothing happened. I've never read a more interesting relocation story.
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Chapter 10

Sue Richards awoke in the darkness with a start. Surrounded by an inky blackness so deep, her mind grasped desperately at reason and familiarity.

Power blackout in the Baxter building? Covered by my blankets? Caught in the vacuum of space behind the dark side of some moon?

And then reality set in and memory returned.


She shook her head and realized then that it was covered completely. She was fitted with a warm leathery wraparound hood that stifled her breathing, covered her eyes and constricted her all the way down to a band around her windpipe. She felt the metal teeth of a zipper against her lips and her ears were plugged with invasive buds that muffled all sound. Only pinprick holes allowed her the luxury of breathing through nostrils that gaped and twitched for refreshing oxygen.

Sue willed herself not to panic and that wasn’t easy. She was kneeling with her arms fixed above her head to something unresisting. She could feel the wide cuffs tight around her wrists and there was no play in their attachment above. Her torso was covered by soft material, warm and constraining. Long sleeved. Her legs, too, seemed clad in the same material, tight around her thighs and calves, even to her covered toes which she flexed. No shoes.

Where am I?

Hoping against hope. Sue gathered herself and tried to summon the tiniest invisible forcefield ball in her sweaty right palm. She gritted her teeth and willed a familiar glowing silvery globe into existence. She waited, hesitant and yearning for that faint tingling sparkle to well out of her palm. She concentrated more, needing the skin to bloom with a tickle that indicated she had power. It didn’t come. It wouldn’t come. She sighed softly, bore down and tried again. And yet again. There was nothing. Her powers just weren’t there.

She didn’t feel woozy or drugged or confused or tired. She just felt the absence of a strength she’d known for years, had assumed would always be a part of her. Now that strength was gone and she didn’t know when it might return, if ever. This cloying hood annoyed her and she gasped with frustration and then shut that emotion down.

Have to stay strong. My mind is my best asset. Keep calm, Sue. Stay in control.

There was a muffled noise to her right and Sue’s head stilled immediately and angled in that direction. The total blackness soothed to a deep gray. A light had been turned on near her.

“Wlcm bk, Sbjt Suh. Yuhwuh oud fr qut a whyl…”


“Oh, the audio feed. Foolish me, I forgot to initiate the ear buds.” The voice of Dante Allamordo, vaguely familiar from Sue’s time with Madame Minh chimed in her ears loud and clear now. She had been in a fog from an orgasm when she’d first heard his voice. She remembered little of his conversation with Minh except for him saying something about his penis in Sue’s throat. She tensed up at the voice but listened intently to his words, his inflections for every scrap of information she could gather.

“I said, ‘Welcome back, Subject Sue. You were out for quite a while.’ Oh, here, let me get this zipper open so we can communicate. Pull back your lips or they might get chafed.”

Sue did so and the zipper teeth were slowly pulled apart, letting in a refreshing flow of air. Sue drank it greedily, wetting her slightly dried lips in the process.

“Subject Sue?” Her voice was dry, unused for so long. It was still harsh from the screams of pleasure from hours ago.

“Why yes, that is how I will address you during our training sessions. You may call me Owner or sir. Either is fine.”

“Let me go.”

Dante reared back and roared with laughter. A long spasm of hilarity that shook his frame. It took him a quarter of a minute for him to settle down.

“That was worth half my fee right there. I haven’t had that good a laugh in over a year or more. Let you go? Subject Sue, we’ve not yet begun to play!”

“What do you want?”

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Immediate obedience on command.”

“As if.” Sue scoffed.

“Let me be clear, Subject. My name is Dante Allamordo. I have been contracted by Madame Minh to attain this behavior from you for a princely amount that I will not forego. Therefore, you will give me immediate obedience on command. Not just me, but Madame Minh and anybody she stipulates as your controller. There is no room for negotiation. The sooner you understand that truth of things, the better for you.”

“Why don’t I have my powers?”

“Because I don’t want you to have them until I control them through you.”

“You’re turning me into a tool of some kind.”

“Good, I prefer intelligent subjects. It makes the training more interesting for me.”

“This Minh wants my powers for her own gain.”

“Such a keen mind. These will be wonderful training sessions for me. The vast sums of money are gravy.”

“I may not be so easy to train.”

“That’s the first dumb thing you’ve said.”

“My resistance will surprise you.”

“That’s pure fantasy on your part. I am an expert in my field of behavior modification. Pain and pleasure will be your existence for your foreseeable future. They are nature’s most powerful motivators. I will prevail. You will not.”

“I have friends.”

“None nearby. Therefore, that’s irrelevant to our situation. I suppose when I’m done and if Minh decides to release you, they might be a comfort to you after the fact. Do text me in a week or so and let me know if curling up in a fetal ball and weeping in their arms helps. But for now, I think we should continue the training.”

“Have we already begun?” Sue was taken slightly aback by this.

“Yes, certainly,” Dante replied. “You pulled back your lips before I opened the zipper. You’ve already earned a point. Get enough of them and the reward will be generous.”

Sue’s frown was obvious through the zipper. With the eyeholes still covered, she couldn’t see Allamordo’s nod of satisfaction.

* * *

“As you know, our target is on the fifth floor of the museum,” Minh pointed at the blueprints. “There are motion detectors and protective laser beams in position throughout the floor, especially this room…501.” She tapped the drawing lightly. “Those alarms are linked into the security room here in the basement where the tv feeds are monitored.”

“Lasers? Seriously?” Rick’s eyebrows shot up.

The elder man, Guilford, handled this. “Not the ball-searing kind, numb-nuts. The break-the-beam-alert-the-rent-a-cops kind.”

“I knew that,” Rick Tillman murmured.

“Guys. Focus! Should anybody trip one of those detectors we’ll still have some time before any guard reinforcements will arrive. Two minutes minimum based on their Sunday night crew levels. That’s providing we’ve already dealt with the two guards on that floor prior to any possible alarms going off. And even if they do arrive, we have our girl to help us out.”

“Invisible Woman. At our beck and call,” Rick supplies with a grin.

“Indeed, our ace in the hole,” Madame Minh nods. “That’s providing Dante does his part, of course. If he does, this job should be a cinch. Now, let’s go over the individual steps once more. With her or not, this all has to move like clockwork.”

* * *

Dante Allamordo looked at the hood he’d dragged over the head of his subject. The tiny silver rectangle attached to its top was a protective box; inside a chip receiver. He beamed at his invention, the reason why he was confident he could control the powers of his test subject before him.

Hidden inside the ceiling, within a protective black glass globe was a powerful gamma ray disrupter, a dampening unit essentially that would block the gamma ray emanations of any item or being in the vicinity. Blocking the gamma rays that powered Invisible Woman’s abilities was the key to his plan. This unit transmitted the disruptive radiation from the broadcast unit to the receiver attached to the hood Sue was now wearing. In addition, there were three other training garments with receivers of their own. These garments of Dante’s design would be the cause of his subject’s ultimate subjugation. He had little doubt of his success.

“I know the hood is uncomfortable, Subject Sue, but it’s necessary in order to…”

“Oh, it’s quite comfy, thanks,” Sue interrupted.

“See, that there, what you just did, that was bad behavior to interrupt the owner. Bad!”

Pressing a remote button in his hand, Dante watched as Subject Sue’s face went red and she squawked loudly as soon as the hood’s band around her windpipe retracted severely. Her body jerked and twisted in outright terror as her airway was shutoff completely.

“This is an excellent teachable moment. You learn to restrict your disrespectful comments by negative reinforcement. See how it works?”

Sue’s body continued to jerk and her tongue dropped out from the zipper hole. Her gacking pleas were strident.

“Yes, I see that you do see.” Dante pushed the remote button once more and the hood’s collar band expanded to its original setting. Sue’s wheeze went on for half a minute before Dante spoke once again. “As I said, the hood is uncomfortable for a purpose. I meant the closeness and the leather and the retained heat and sweat. Now you have learned there’s also a restriction collar. And how effective it is! What fine progress we’re making, eh?”

Sue merely hung there, blind in her hood, wheezing on her knees, her breasts heaving, trying to gather herself for whatever was next. Without warning, a hand pulled at her hood, stripping off first her right eye cover and then her left to the rending sound of Velcro releasing. Squinting badly and turning her head, Sue looked down at her shoulder at the slick forest green sportswear top she was wearing. The color was soothing to her eyes and soon she lifted them to look directly into Dante’s eyes. They had all the warmth of a python’s.

“Let me show you the rest of your training gear. It’s all designed to help you learn quickly. I just know they’ll be efficient. We’ll have you kowtowing in no time.”

Sue kept her mouth shut. As trained.
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Staff Sargeant
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Another brilliant chapter! Keep 'em coming. :)
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Millenium Member
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Oooooh, some shiny tech to keep her in line with, and you know I do like my techy stuff :D !!
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Elder Member
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Nice job on highlighting her inner struggle and how she is succumbing to the training little by little. I look forward to the rest of the gear that Sue is to wear and the purpose. Look forward to see if they will be used for pleasure and/or pain. Either way making her moan will be good read.
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Thanks to those who took the time to comment. I hope others will add their likes or dislikes here. It's all appreciated.

Chapter 11

On her knees, a tightly-hooded Sue looked up at her hands chained over her head. They were tightly cuffed with those wide dark bands welded to a steel bar suspended from cables in the ceiling. Without her powers, she wasn’t going anywhere. Her attention was drawn back by the patronizing tone of Dante standing next to a small chrome cart.

“As you should have already guessed, each of the garments laid out on this table is custom made for you, Subject Sue.”

“For me? You needn’t have bothered.”

“No bother. I enjoy my tradecraft. The Humiliation Hood you’re wearing I’ve familiarized you with just now. The choke collar, well, you’ve already felt its bite, shall we say. You will learn it has the ability to control your jaw.”

Sue’s lips tighten upon hearing this, a subconscious clenching reaction she barely realizes she’s performing.

“The ear buds you’ll find quite effective, too. I’ve developed a customized program of audio persuasion therapy and tonal training. You will receive behavior indoctrination tracks through your ear buds randomly at all hours while in my possession. There will also be tonal cues to alert you when to act out specific behaviors that I will train you to perform.

“I’m not some Pavlovian dog for your amusement, Allamordo,” Sue barks.

Smiling coldly, Dante answers, “Sadly, that is true. A dog’s learning curve is much better than most humans, except for the most submissive of homo sapiens.”

Sue frowns while Dante continues on. “Next we have the Iron Corset,” he says with a sweep of his hand at a black leather harness complete with chrome nipple clips and black rawhide laces. “Obviously it’s not iron but actually butter soft leather. However, when you wear this,” Dante say, lifting the garment and showing it off for Sue’s leery benefit, “the name will clarify itself in your mind and body, I assure you. Its negative reinforcement aptitude has often concluded my training procedures with other subjects.”

“Did you come by your sadism on your mother’s side or your father’s?”

“I’d say they were both a bit bent,” Dante asserts before adding, "but they were both brilliant and passed that on to me in spades.”

“How wonderful for you.”

“You’re getting away with your sarcasm and jibes only because I want you focused on the procedures you will experience. Once I’ve explained all these garments and their uses, I assure you that your fun and games will stop…and mine will begin.”

“I better get my licks in now then,” Sue growls softly.

“Oh you will be doing plenty of licking along the way, Subject.”

This shuts up Sue completely for the moment.

“These are Punishment Panties. You’ll have noticed they’re equipped with both vaginal and anal dildoes. Each is separately controlled remotely and offer a variety and range of both vibratory and electric stimulation from highly pleasurable to extremely painful. Which of those settings and ranges you will experience will be entirely up to you! The good girl gets the good vibrations and the bad girl gets the painful shocks.”

“If they’re capable of providing pleasure, why are they called Punishment Panties?” Sue’s eyes look into Dante’s with a foreknowledge of his reply but reads them anyway.

“Almost all subjects to date only alter their deepest behavioral tendencies using the negative mode. Maybe you can be the exception that proves the rule, Subject Sue. That might be worth a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

“As if you’d ever submit a paper to them.”

“Yes, they do tend to be a bit elitist in their choice of topics. Finally, these are your Compliance Boots. I took the liberty of measuring your foot size from calibrated video images of you in action from past adventures. And confirmed that size from your blue leather pumps collected at the time of your capture. I’m pleased to say I was right at size 7, yes?”

“Yes, 7,” Sue nods. “But let me guess, they can also go to size 5 via remote. Or worse.”

“Again, your intelligence sparks my imagination.”

“I find that regrettable,” Sue answers. And, with the presentation over now, Dante imposes his strict code of conduct upon Sue with a vengeance. The choke band on her hood constricts sharply, drawing a gasping inhalation that sounds like a tire squealing to a stop on hot pavement.

“No more wisecracks, Subject Sue. Nod your head if you understand.”

Her eyes roam inside the hood openings like some wild horse as Sue tries to keep herself from nodding. She can only last 15 seconds as the band inches tighter and tighter. Yet again the tongue languishes out of the zippered mouth hole and a humbled Sue Richards nods her head in terrified compliance. The choking band releases as Dante steps up to the abject figure and palms her right breast, already taking the training along the pathway he’s laid out for this attractive subject.

“You will learn very quickly that all my garments here will lead you rapidly along the pathway of behavioral modification I have laid out for you, Subject Sue. It is inevitable. You will, of course, have complete free will as to how rapid that learning is achieved. That’s what’s so wonderful about my procedures.”

Free will? In a pig’s eye!

That thought though she chose not to express out loud.

* * *

“Hi Sue, it’s Reed again. Sorry we seem to be two ships in the night. Miss you. I hope you’re thinking of me in sexy ways. I know I’m thinking of you like that. Can’t wait to get back home to … uhm… see you in the flesh.”

Reed took a breath and a drink of the ice water he’d brought back to his room.

“Anyway, good news here. The case may be breaking. Without going into detail on an unsecured line, let’s just say we’ve gotten a break on that thing we’re working on. We could be home before next Christmas. Ha, ha, that’s a joke. Might just be three or four days before I’m there with you in my arms. That’s my hope and dream anyway.

“So, call me back, let me know all is well, it’s been 14 hours since my last call. You’re not seeing another man, are you? Ha, ha, another bad joke. Love you sweetie, thanks for putting up with me. Call. Bye.”

Reed hung up the phone and sighed. It wasn’t like Sue not to return a call, but he wasn’t going to get annoyed or upset. It could be just bad timing between them with the distance and opposite sleep cycles due to the time difference. He’d give her another day before he got worried.

* * *

Sue was definitely seeing another man … at his very worst. Over the course of three hours, the female member of the Fantastic Four was put through her own customized version of hell. Dante Allamordo was up in her face with either a scowl, a smirk, or, more often than not, the chilling stare of a scientist assessing biological data from a petri dish.

At other times he would replace the eye-hole inserts and the blinded Sue had to respond to exasperatingly whispered verbal commands through earbuds with the volume lowered so she could barely make them out. And if she was a moment too long in responding she paid a painful penalty.

Any resistance or hesitation was met with a harsh punishment of the collar clamping down on her throat or a painfully shrieking 10-second audio siren fed into her brain from her ear buds. At other times, Sue was inundated with audio messages like “Behave or suffer”; “Try harder, bitch!”; “You’re not so special” and “Finally, a woman who listens!” That one really annoyed her. For three hours Sue was given no positive rewards for performing her training tasks...only the negative reinforcement. That too was getting under her skin.

Listlessly slumped on her knees, her hands clamped to the overhead bar and all her powers negated by the gamma ray receiving chip securely sewn onto the top of her training hood, Subject Sue, as Dante repeatedly referred to her, was forced to obey basic commands a dog would find boring and annoying. She was trained to stay in position and not move a muscle, tilt her head one way or another and open her mouth to the command “Drop jaw.” Every time there was a simple audio tone to precede the spoken command.

Sue tried every now and then to exert her powers only to be met with futility and despair. The hood had stolen everything away from her. And Dante was pounding away at her willpower and her hope with a relentlessness that left the blonde beauty quiet, angry and, mournfully obedient. Invisible Woman hadn’t been reduced to such a morose sense of despair since… well, ever. She wouldn’t cry though. Tears of pain, sure, there was nothing she could do about those, but not a drop of self-pity fell. She would obey and wait for any opening, any chance.
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Staff Sargeant
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Brilliant work, once again!
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Doesn't sound like she'll be able to resist for long, good writing as always
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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A shockingly good array of toys for our poor heroine to experience :D - surely she is going to crack under the pressure!
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