Do You Care About the Stories Section?

Want to just talk about stories? Float a request, do some research, recruit a partner in crime? Then come on in and have yourself a pint.

How often do you read the stories here?

A) I check them out almost daily
B) I check them out about once a week
C) I check them out a couple of times a month
D) I rarely read any stories here
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
theScribbler wrote:
5 years ago
I've read about 12 stories here and my favorite one is this...
"The Irresistible Superheroine Title Match" by Giftedwriter
...if your specifically into a stunning superheroine encountering sexual peril that's humiliating, somewhat painful and may actually surprise you.
Do you have the link for "The Irresistible Superheroine Title Match"? I can't find it nor Giftedwriter.
I made it up as an example. Doesn't exist. That's why I led off with...
theScribbler wrote:
5 years ago
or how about just one person saying something like (where us potential readers can see it)...
Someone should write it tho! :joker:
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!

Is anyone who isn't a story contributor reading this? If so, what do YOU think?

Bert wrote:
5 years ago
Is anyone who isn't a story contributor reading this? If so, what do YOU think?
I've only written one story and it is a longer version of a custom script. Do I count?

Sorry, I forgot to mention - Ben Lockwood fans are exempt. :evil:
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I'm not sure if this deserves a separate thread but I'll pose the question in here since this thread is all about feedback.

Why is there no capability to like a dungeon story? You have that capability in the Regular story section (something, by the way, that is instant click easy if readers want to give a simple thumbs up after reading something they like). I think the dungeon stories should have an equal ability to be liked. Am I biased because most of my stories live there? Ooh, look at that pretty heroine over there standing under the waterfall all soaking wet and looking lost!
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I think its just He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed just hasnt got around to adding it yet. There are a few other areas like that here and there where you cant give thanks.
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Ah, a subject close to my jaded heart. I'm extremely fond of this forum and this community, but it certainly isn't the engagement I receive from readers that keeps me writing. I'll try to catch up as concisely as I can here... but I will fail.

First of all, Tally is absolutely allowed to use an unflattering word to convey the basic point that most readers are disinclined to comment - something which is true, obviously true, and everyone in this thread knows to be true. 'Lazy' is a harsh word, sure, though I can think of harsher, but it communicates the basic point well enough as to be interchangeable with words like 'apathetic' 'indifferent' or 'ambivalent'. He has done more than almost anyone for the health of the story section and has been a massive support and resource for droves of writers over the years. Anyone remotely familiar with him knows that he isn't entitled.

On a related note, I believe AEM and Tally's confusion at the notion that writers ought to pay forward the feedback they'd like to receive stems from the fact that the writing community here is already positively drenched in honey. The writers on this forum are the beating heart that keeps the story section even mildly vital, and they are the most supportive and generally encouraging I have encountered anywhere. I'm confident every writer in this thread already comments at the end of every piece they read - and their feedback makes up the vast, towering majority of all feedback in the story section. Seriously, if an alien was to look through these threads, they could be forgiven for concluding that only other writers make up the readership in the forum.

Sure, you can move the goalposts and suggest that each writer should read even more than they do, so that they all generate more feedback for one another, but that honestly misses the point that started this thread. The ambivalence from the existing readership doesn't change, and setting the other writers homework only diminishes the value of their feedback when they offer it - which is the last thing we need.

Having just said all of that, I agree very, very much with Imagineer's initial point that it is no simple feat for a reader to comment. Readers don't owe writers anything at all - that's just not how that relationship works - and it isn't easy or appealing to comment as a reader, particularly with much of the content in these stories. The same is true everywhere, really - just compare how many reviews a book gets on Amazon compared with its sales, and these people all paid real money for that experience. Ambivalence is kind of the natural state for a reader, in my opinion - who would need to get through a mire of first having something they wanted to say, finding the will to express it, and then being in a position to do so, all towards something they indulged as a distraction from their own busy lives. Honestly, every reader that makes it through that impenetrable wall to make a comment is a precious, godsent gem. I myself was a lazy, silent reader. For something like five(!) years I read SHIP stories, liking and having opinions about a great many of them, but it honestly didn't even cross my mind to attempt to engage with the writer. I was a lurker, and I only stopped being a lurker to start contributing some work of my own, which slowly over time gave me a voice and the confidence to use it, and then I started commenting on the work of others. I'm confident other writers here will relate with that progression.

Anyways, I was wanting to address an elephant in all of this. Most readers - like, the big majority, I think - aren't members of the site, right? They're guests, lurkers, without any agency at all to express anything other than with their clicks. If they want to comment, they need to first sign up, and this raises the barrier of effort it requires of them even higher. I'm not sure it's even reasonable to ask a random reader to sign up just so that they can click 'like' over a story they may have enjoyed. So I guess I'm saying it makes a lot of sense that things are the way they are, but I also think the volume of traffic the story section gets indicates that it's doing well and that the stories are well liked - and as I said, the community of writers here is really A+. It sucks for the writer to get so little back for their efforts, and I relate very much to that ache, but so long as the story is getting viewed then you're still getting the most important affirmation of all.

Would it even be possible to do anything to give guests more of a voice or means of liking a story? I like the idea of tagging story content, though it does come with myriad pitfalls and awkward issues, but I'm generally less keen on a rating system for all the reasons others have already listed. I also really like the idea of a promotions or referrals area where people can shine a light on stories that might otherwise be difficult for a reader to stumble across on their own. It runs the risk of AEM's lovely jerk-circle analogy, with various insiders just collectively patting each other on the back (I'm imagining mostly writers contributing to this, given the way things already are) but still I think it would be a pretty sweet addition to the forum. I would very happily contribute.

Oh, and I would absolutely be in support of taking down the partition between the dungeon and regular story section. Perhaps there was a time when that distinction was helpful, or well defined, but I'd say that hasn't been the case now for years. That the dungeon story section still lacks a link from the homepage kind of says it all.
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I found this place due to a mention from some other site (in regard to the arkham asylum comics with harley in charge), and I stayed for the stories, they are why I keep checking here and leaving comments etc is why I registered.
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Glad to hear it. If you are a big fan of the stories in general why not take a stab at writing your own short story?
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Glad to hear it. If you are a big fan of the stories in general why not take a stab at writing your own short story?
Heh, you might have missed it but he had not long got underway in the dungeon and he's made a good start :) - It's good to know that there are still people transitioning from silent lurker to active participant and I hope it continues, especially as it seems the stories section is helping in that regard. Writing is one of the easier forms of expression to do and so you would expect written stories to be one of the first ports of call before moving on to things like art or video making.
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
4 years ago

Writing is one of the easier forms of expression to do...
Hey! Ixnay on that easier stuff! Writing stories is long and hard work for meager wages and little to no recognition for most writers. You want people to think sitting down at a keyboard and whipping off stories is a lark and a joy? No, it's long hard painstaking work with hours of doubt and years of sorrow. Oh wait, no, that's medical school I'm thinking of. Yes, writing is a snap. Expressing yourself is one of the most enjoyable things you can do by yourself. Except that other thing.

This rant is now over. I DO encourage writers of all ages, genders and fetish interests to join us here in the creative group that is this Forum. Come on in, the water's … strangely warm. AEM, we've warned you about that!!

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Oh don't get me wrong - being able "to do" something and be able to do something WELL is not the same - else we would all be winning writing competitions like you!! But really, you usually need just a computer with keyboard to get here - so - writing is at the very least, the most accessible form of expression ....
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I agree on it being the most accessible, but I'd never consider it as some stepping stone to something "better", nor would I consider others inferior.
They are all just different and can all bring joy to people (now let's all hold hands and sing kumbaya!)
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"Wages" 😲 Wages he says! What wages, nobody told me!
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I found this site because of the stories. As far as wages, I would wager the payment comes in self satisfaction, reader appreciation and fooling the wife into giving you 'quiet time' as you are 'working'. :)

tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
"Wages" 😲 Wages he says! What wages, nobody told me!
Seriously? My residuals are paying for a trip to Hawaii!
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You know what, I want to comment on the Internet about something other than politics, which is why I have responded to every thread today. Thank God there is one outlet on the Internet that isn't devoted ENTIRELY to politics!

[I just wrote this really gay post here. That's what happens when you impulsively submit writing on the Internet without editing it, and you are on medications that turn you into an idiot.]

Stories are fun to write and fun to read, and they're sometimes more intense than the videos. Frankly, the videos have been sucking lately, so I'd like to read more engaging superheroine peril sex stories. I've been addicted to this genre since 1999 and the stories were what I first started with.

I'd much rather be in a superheroine circle jerk than a conservative circle jerk. Actually, we should have a superheroine circle jerk us. Supergirl might do that with enough persuasion.

That's my expression for today.

I, as someone with asperations to write a story and share it on here would love to see feedback. I will certainly need it.

I wonder if the feedback would be more prevalent if there wasn't the distinction between the stories section and the dungeon stories section. I have been around for a good long time and I still have no idea what the distinction actually is. If the stories section were streamlined then it might be more accessible for new users etc.

All in all, I agree with @drdominator9 original post. There are some talented writers here who keep the genre alive and engaging. I plan to contribute as well with stories and 3D comics/art.
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The Dungeon has predominantly darker themes - brutal heroine death, torture, generally losing. Fairly strong sexual peril.

The conventional story section has a lighter tone, often a bit more plot than just a heavy sexual scene for the sake of it, and whilst there is sex, there is no heroine death

We had one story section originally but the feedback was abysmal then anyway so don't think that matters.
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VictorBlack95 wrote:
3 years ago
I, as someone with asperations to write a story and share it on here would love to see feedback. I will certainly need it.
As someone who has contributed almost three stories (the third one isn't finished yet!), I would say that feedback is awesome to get, but a great many people read and don't comment. I guess what I'm saying is - enjoy comments but don't depend on them. In my case a small number of loyal readers commented regularly, and every now and then a new voice would chime in. Both were greatly appreciated, but if you expect tons of feedback you might be disappointed. If you're thinking about contributing, it's probably because you feel you have a good story to tell. That's a great reason to dive in. I look forward to reading your work!
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I kept a keen eye on the view counts and aimed for 1% comment rate to views :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know, I know but I was young and naive. I hit 300 and had no replies whatsoever such that as it was my first one I wondered perhaps if there was a setting I needed to alter to make it visible. I then posted and asked for comments and the legend that was Centurion (God rest his soul) finally broke the deadlock. I've posted about 20 stories now and have hit over 500,000 views across them all and I probably have about 800 comments from maybe 40 different readers.
A lot of the views will be bots. MH has stamped down on bots but they will be there. I would guess I get about one comment every 1500 or so views.
It tends to be better for new writers until people get to know your style and content and whether it's for them. I post on everything I read but my time is precious these last few years and I don't tend to read the stories section much anymore, that falls to other mods. I would urge anyone who reads to post a comment. Even if it's just clicking the thumbs up on a story.
There's nothing worse than silence after you have completed your magnum opus, but if you are a writer, get used to it.
I would also urge new writers to try and get the grammar and punctuation right - that's how you tell a written story and if you don't care enough about your own work to make it easy to read why the hell should anyone bother to care enough to read it.
As I've said before it's the difference between 'helping your uncle, Jack, off his horse' and 'helping your uncle jackoff his horse. '

Invest the tine in making it readable or else it's a pointless exercise for you and all the readers who give up on reading it.
(I've posted most of that before elsewhere and possibly in this thread - can't be bothered to look! - but bears repeating
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That's the problem with comments - almost no one has the tine! :devil:

tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
The Dungeon has predominantly darker themes - brutal heroine death, torture, generally losing. Fairly strong sexual peril.

The conventional story section has a lighter tone, often a bit more plot than just a heavy sexual scene for the sake of it, and whilst there is sex, there is no heroine death

We had one story section originally but the feedback was abysmal then anyway so don't think that matters.
Thanks for the insight Tallyho.

Just for future reference, the main distinction between the Dungeon and regular story section is heroine death? I have seen the other distinctions you have listed in the regular story section in the past. Hence the confusion.

As someone who plans to write a story in the future, what questions should I ask myself when deciding where to post?

Bert wrote:
3 years ago
If you're thinking about contributing, it's probably because you feel you have a good story to tell. That's a great reason to dive in. I look forward to reading your work!
Thanks Bert. I also appreciate your insight into what to expect as far as feedback goes.
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VictorBlack95 wrote:
3 years ago

Just for future reference, the main distinction between the Dungeon and regular story section is heroine death? I have seen the other distinctions you have listed in the regular story section in the past. Hence the confusion.

As someone who plans to write a story in the future, what questions should I ask myself when deciding where to post?
Heroine death isn't the only reason stories go into Dungeon. Heroines may die in stories in the regular story section as well. It's the manner of the death that makes it dark. If a heroine dies dramatically but not necessarily under viciously cruel circumstances, it could still be in the regular section. If she's tortured, abused or raped and dies, clearly that's dungeon material. Even if all that happens and she doesn't die, we're still talking Dungeon material, imho. Hope that helps. It's the intensity and level of abuse that occurs.
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Whilst elements are there it's not usually the same level of brutality as in the Dungeon. I've got some stories in the normal stories section which are purely plot and action (my SG stories), I also have lesbian forced sex in my Grace sisters series with WW and BG ( and BW and Zatanns) but it's aimed at being more erotica. If they were Dungeon stories then they would have brutal forced sex rather than more sensual, torture might involve cutting off a nipple rather than just twisting them painfully in the normal section etc that kind of thing
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Thank you @Tallyho and @drdominator9

That certainly helps clarify it. I think I finally get it. It's less about what is present than it is about how it is presented.
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