Supergirl's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (semi-voluntary loss of power)

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Chapter 1-6


"30 girls in the last two months Alex, that we know of!" Kara can't help but look at her sister again, hoping for a different answer.

Turning away and shaking her head, Alex moves towards the door "They were all human Kara, it's horrible yes, but it's a matter for the police or FBI, not the DEO".

As Alex finishes putting on her jacket and grabs the door she doesn't react to Karas last plea "Well I never put a limit on who I'd protect, so I'm going to investigate and find out what's happening."


It is 5 minutes later that J'onn receives a text:

Agent Danvers: "Kara is going after them, we need to increase our efforts to track that missing shipment"

"Does she know we suspect them of stealing that shipment of Kryptonite?" :Director Henshaw

Agent Danvers: "You know damn well she doesn't know we still have any Kryptonite at all, much less that some has gone missing"
Agent Danvers: "Besides, the clubs and gangs at the dock is an interconnected nightmare, there's no telling what any of them are up to without a lot of surveillance"

"Which we have tried for weeks now without getting anywhere" :Director Henshaw
"She might help us out, her attempts at subtle tend to be a bit like a bull in a China shop" :Director Henshaw

Agent Danvers: "That's what I'm worried about, put Winn on surveillance full time and I'll prep some agents she doesn't know to go undercover and keep an eye on her if she tries to imitate Lois"


Looking through her wardrobe, Kara ponders what to do "Flyover with super sight and hearing, or the investigative reporter bread and butter, undercover work?"

She quickly spins into her super suit and flies out a window, heading towards the docks.'The more I know the better'

'Now, the girls that went missing were last seen at all sorts of places, but they had all visited the docks within the last week. Something that would be a lot more helpful if that wasn't the location for 7 of the top 10 clubs to be seen at according to Kelsey in fashion'

As Kara flies out over the old warehouses turned into clubs and restaurants, she wishes she paid more attention to which clubs were the good ones, and which ones were the also-rans.

Starting at one end, she tries to tune her hearing, first into one building, and then just one part of it, as she uses her x-ray vision to scan it room by room, looking for anything noteworthy or suspicious.

10 minutes later, she's realized she has to alter her definition of what would be worthy of note for a night out at the docks.
She's spottet no less than 7 people having sex in bathrooms, ranging from a man she at first thought was humping the wall, until she saw the woman kneeling on the other side to a group of 3 women in another stall.
The threesome almost had her flying in to save the one whimpering and sandwiched between a woman with a big strap-on and an almost as well endowed she-male, until she asked them to go harder. She's more than a bit embarrassed at how long she kept watching them going at it before snapping out of it.

Between the music, sex and drug use, she was starting to get worried she wouldn't be able to notice someone taken right in front of her eyes, at least not while she was scanning one room at a time from high in the air.

Any thoughts of changing her approach vanished as she moved on to the next building, starting her scanning with it's basement where she can see several women in cages.

'Wow, that was easier than expected, one heroic rescue coming right up!' Putting thought into action, Kara plummets down through roof and floor (making sure there were no people nearby to get hit by falling bricks and heroes) and lands in the basement in her trademark heroic pose, only slightly ruined by the dust in the air and one of the falling bricks hitting her in the head (she pretends not to notice).

"Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you" Contrary to Kara's expectation though, the girls don't seem happy or even relieved, they all shrink to the back of their cages, staring quietly back at her.

'Their captors must have really frightened them, even without shackles not a one of them are trying to remove their gag'

Hurrying over to the closest cage, Kara rips the door of it's hinges and beckons to the two girls inside "Come on, I'll get those gags of you and fly you out of here, you'll be back with your families in no time!"

"Mhmm, mhmm!" One of the girls makes some unintelligible noises coupled with some very confusing head shaking, waving her hands in front of her as if she wants her to stop

"What? Here, let me" Kara steps into the cage and takes the girl by the hand, pulling her out. As always with humans, it's hard to tell if she's slow to follow or actively resisting.
"You know, you'll be a lot easier to understand if I just, umf" Ripping apart the leather, Kara starts to pull the gag out of the mouth, her eyes widening when what she thought was a big ball, turns out to just be the root of an about 4" long and rather thick gag in a very distinctly penile shape "Oh, that... this is... whoa, that looks uncomfortable"

The now un-gagged girl coughs a bit and then grabs the gag out of Karas hands "What the fuck Supergirl? We paid good money to be here, to be helpless, and in all my sessions with Mistress, the only time I've ever been afraid was because of you, the only time I've ever been grabbed without my consent was by you!" she then starts waving the broken penis-gag in front of Karas face "If they charge us for this or the cages, or god forbid, the fucking roof, I'm suing the hell out of you, and I can tell you right now, I will win. Hell I might just do it for emotional damages regardless"

The noises from the stairs that Kara has been ignoring while the willing slave had been ranting suddenly turns into an unfortunately familiar voice "My roof, my floor, my cages, and interfering with my subs, someone has been a very bad girl."

The girls, both the one Kara had managed to pull out of one of the cages and those still in them all fall to their knees, with the one who's gag Kara removed immediately pleading "Mistress, please forgive us, we tried to be good!"

"Les.. Livewire?"
"Whats going on here? I thought you died, I saw you die!" Kara felt both elated at seeing Leslie alive again and very confused, having held her one time nemesis as she died protecting her.

"Hey now, don't get teary eyed on me. I got pretty close, but I didn't quite croak. As a reward for my services your little men in black helped me disappear and set me up on the other coast, but when you can travel through the wires, distance doesn't quite mean the same thing. The boss here made me a good offer to do something I enjoy though, and I still consider National City my home, so I went for it and I'm now doing a bit of coast to coast commute."

"Speaking of said boss, she sent me down here to get you to clean this up, which unfortunately for you was explicitly said to be you personally."

Straightening into her best Supergirl pose and points around to the cages. "I don't think anyone would fault me for thinking these women were in peril, especially since there have been several disappearances from the area."
"I guess you should be compensated for that though" She says as she looks up at the hole in the roof.

"Supergirl, I think you misunderstood. The boss didn't want you to foist the cost off on the agency you've been seen working with at times, that would just come from some budget which ultimately means it comes from me, these girls, the boss and every other law abiding and tax paying citizen."

Livewire can't help but smirk as she raises an eyebrow at Supergirl "You wouldn't want the everyone to pay for the cost you incurred during one of your visits to National Cities premiere fetish establishment would you? What would they think?"

"I.. you! You can't be serious! Are you trying to extort manual labor from me to avoid a scandal? After everything we've done?" Any steel that Kara had in her pose earlier seems to have abandoned her as her indignation morphs into worry.

"Oh Supergirl, you know what I'd have done with information of something like this when I worked for CatCo, and while I do like you I've also been doing and enjoying this job for months and I'm not going to loose another job I enjoyed because of you."
"The terms are quite simple, you'll pay nothing, and you'll have to do nothing, all you need to do is accept your punishment for your wanton destruction."

Behind Karas back, the un-gagged woman seems to perk up at the sound of this, rubbing her ass at the memory of previous sessions.

"Really? What exactly is this punishment you want me to accept? I can tell you right now Livewire, I'll not say yes to anything illegal or without knowing full well what it is first" Walking closer to Leslie, Kara's stance seems less tense than it was a moment ago, her forehead still has a crinkle of worry though.

"First of all, for the remainder of our interactions, unless you refuse this generous offer to pay your debt, you will be 'clumsy-girl' and I will be 'Miss Livewire', as for the punishment itself it is perfectly legal and I've already administered it to several of the girls here."
"And not a one used their safe word, so what will it be, clumsy-girl?"

Kara shakes her head "I told you, I won't accept without kno-"
"Oh for gods sake S..clumsy-girl, it's a spanking, you'll bend over my lap and get a standard bare handed punishment-spanking, and The Gilded Cage will call it even."

In the matter of seconds Karas face starts matching her cape "O... kay... That's both surprisingly little and surprisingly disturbing." She looks around at the damage in the room and at the other women, brow furrowed before sighing deeply 'At least there doesn't seem to be any cameras in here' "Ok, I guess that's the lesser evil here, though I got to tell you Li.. MISS Livewire, for someone who once bemoaned my sapphic vibe you sure seem to be eager to get under my skirt."

A surprised snort comes out of Leslie who even claps her hands in a little applause "I'm impressed clumsy-girl, that was a beautifully constructed double entendre, especially since I'm fairly sure you didn't even intend half of it, but false or true, I applaud your bravado either way."
She points at a throne like chair over at a wall as she starts walking over there "Now get over to the chair, the rest of you: Observe!"

Kara starts walking over to it but slows down at Leslie's last exclamation "Wait now, I didn't agree to them watching me. Couldn't they, you know, look the other way or something." She waves her hand towards the other women as she reaches the chair.

"No, the terms were clear, and while spankings are often used in scenes and private sessions, a punishment-spanking is observed, just be happy I didn't insist on others watching your humilation clumsy-girl. Now don't dawdle." Leslie doing her best to put on the facade of her Miss Livewire persona sits straight backed in the chair and taps her thigh with her right hand, knowing from experience that her lap, the chair, and whomever is bent over it will be visible to the recorders on the upper floor through several thing optical fibers.

Kara stands and looks at Leslie for a few heartbeats before sighing and bending her knees and then whole body, laying over Leslie's lap.
After 10 seconds with nothing happening Kara looks stops looking down at the floor and instead meets Leslie's eyes "Well? I'm here and I'm waiting, miss Livewire, can we get this over with?"

"No, I don't like the tone of your voice, you didn't ask for your punishment and you've not presented yourself properly, my hands isn't the only thing that's supposed to be bare." As she says this Leslie puts her hand over Kara's back to indicate she shouldn't get up "While I can help fix the last problem myself, you'll have to do the other two."

"Even if I wanted to show you my tush, which I don't, my top is a one-piece so I can't actually open that up on it's own, you'll have to be happy with me as I am Miss Livewire, can I please get my punishment now?" The humiliation is making Kara blush more and more as she lays there, just wanting to get this over with .

Leslie pulls Karas cape to the side, placing it between her blonde head and the chair, out of the way. "Hrmf, your transgressions are quite severe, and lying to me about the design of your costume doesn't help, unless you want me to believe you take it all of whenever you have to go take a piss."
The skirt gets pushed up over her back as Leslie raises her voice to carry better.
"But very well, I'll get it over with."
"Listen all, clumsy-girl here is being punished with a bare-handed spanking for the following transgressions:"
"Rudeness and lack of respect, fifteen hits."
"Tardiness, ten hits."
"Refusal to take her punishment like a grown up, fifteen hits"
"Man-handling a slave without consent, twenty five hits"
"Extreme clumsiness to the point of endangering life and destroying property, all hits will be enhanced."

At the last pronouncement Livewires raised hand crackles with electricity as she brings it down with a loud smack.

"Ow! That hurt!" Kara exclaims, twisting in Livewire's lap to look up at her.

"Only the hits that you count, and thank me for, will be counted clumsy-girl, or maybe I should just call you stupid-girl from now on, if you're surprised at punishment hurting." So saying, Livewire brings her still electricity-shrouded hand down again.

"Wait no, I- OW! Stop it, I didn't know you were gonna use your po- Ouch! Ok! Ok! I'll count the darn-Ow, four, thank you Livewire" Kara sounds frantic in her haste to make it stop.

"Oh no clumsy-girl, I said it didn't count unless you counted it. I want you to count it loudly and clearly, something exactly like 'One, clumsy-girl thanks Mistress Livewire' for every hit, do you think you can do that, or is that too much to keep track of? Remember, the faster you submit, the faster this will all be over."

Kara's breathing is starting to speed up, but she nods her head "Yes, I'm sorry Mistress Livewire, I can count it your way"
'I can't believe I'm reduced to this, maybe I should just fly of and let them do what they want with that the hole she made in the roof here, how bad could it be anyway'

"Good girl, now lets get on with it" Livewire smiles at the submission of the super-heroine in her lap and gets ready to start laying down some pain, dialing her power down a little bit to make it hurt just enough to be good, if you like that sort of thing.

"Ow, one, clumsy-girl thanks Mistress Livewire"
'Rao, how am I going to get through 65 of these'

"Ouch, two, clumsy-girl thanks Mistress Livewire"


Several minutes later a steadily counting Supergirl has more and more changed her exclamations of pain over to moans:

"Ooh, thirty nine, clumsy-girl thanks Mistress Livewire"
'What's wrong with me, I can't be liking this, I need to think of something else, garbage, or dead kittens or something'

"Mistress" The un-gagged woman from among the more or less forgotten slaves has come over to the chair, looking intently a the floor

"You better have a good god damn reasons for this pet" Livewire scowls at her slave, she had just been getting lost in her own fantasies as she kept hitting Supergirls soft rear, and wasn't even entirely sure what number they'd come up to.

"I'm terribly sorry Mistress, but I thought you'd like to know that your new slut seems to be enjoying herself terribly" she then points at Supergirl's crotch.

Livewire bends to the side a bit to see better, and notices a clear wet spot in the blue material between Supergirls legs.

"So, I guess you're a bit of a pain-slut then clumsy-girl, or is it other aspects of this that's got your cunt juicing to overflowing? Or did you piss yourself like some little baby?"

Supergirl hurriedly flips her skirt down, and pulls away from Livewire "What, no! I, didn't, didn't do that, either of those things! I wouldn't, I'm not a freak! I.. I... " there's a wooshing sound and they are left alone in the room, Supergirl has left the building.


A few minutes later, in the shielded control room:"Damn Laura and her interrupting, I'm sure you could've had her orgasming before she realized she was even getting turned on. Did you get enough?" Livewire nods towards the control panels and screens behind Roulette.

Roulette shakes her head "No, close, but not quite, so I'm afraid your debt is not settled. Did you tag her?"

"You and your favors are worse than the damn mafia, and yes, I stuck it to her cape as I moved it away." Livewire walks up to a keyboard, inputting a code into a tracking application.
"She seems to be on top of CatCo, she always did have a weird fixation with that place. Between you and me, I think she had a crush on Cat Grant, then again, who didn't"


The top of the CatCo building, Supergirl is standing on the edge of the roof, looking out across the city as a buzzing sound suddenly comes from some lights at the edge of the helipad.

Livewire materializes not far from Supergirl "Hello again Supergirl, trying to run away from your punishment, or running away facing your true self?

"I can't do this Leslie, don't you see, I have to more normal than normal when not wearing this, but when I do wear it, I'm not really a person anymore, I'm an archetype, an ideal, I.. I can't let myself be dragged down by my baser drives." She snorts and turns to face Livewire directly "Heck, I didn't even know this about myself until tonight"

Livewire walks slowly towards Supergirl "But do you always have to be better, do you really? We complain at the whole whore vs madonna trope, and being put on a pedestal, and here you are, saying you belong on a pedestal, and anything that threatens that has to be buried? Don't you want to just exist for once, no weight of the world, no consideration for what others would think of you? Just give up all power and leave all decisions to someone else for a while, and just.. be"

"No!" Kara tries to make the exclamation sound confident as she lifts of and flies at an angle towards home, but she's not sure if she's fooling anyone, she's certainly not feeling convinced herself.

After a while, she changes her direction to fly more directly towards home, staying high above the brownstones until she arrives at her own building, she makes a super-sight and x-ray sweep before plunging down to her floor and hurrying in through the window.

Kara is pacing back and forth on the floor in her Supergirl suit, 'This is so wrong, I'm supposed to be the strong one, I can't be getting turned on by.. by... no, stop deluding yourself Kara, I can feel the wetness just walking around here, heck, I can smell it, stupid super-senses. I need to face this, either it's not true, and I'll figure it out quickly, or it is a part of me and I need to understand it so I don't panic anytime it's brought up. Hmm, but what exactly am I anyway'

Stopping suddenly, Kara uses her hearing and x-ray vision to check the building hallway and nearby apartments, to make sure she's not heard or seen, then she clears her throat "I'm a loser..., I AM a loser, I'm clumsy and stupid, I'm glutton for punishment, I'm a slut, I'm a painslut, I'm a whore" 'oh, I guess it doesn't have that much effect when I'm just saying it to myself, though those last few felt... different.'

'I guess there's nothing for it but to continue' Kara lifts the back of her skirt and tries to look at her backside in the mirror as she undoes the strap of her suit, effectively mooning herself. Then she uses the other hand and quickly smacks her own ass

'Disappointing, maybe if I try harder?' There's a sudden sound like a gun-shot followed by a pained "Ow! Shoot! Fish-sticks!"

Kara blows some freeze-breath on her hand and then uses it to rub a very red area on her right ass-cheek 'Ok, that was a bit much, though, hmm, the feeling after the initial intense sting is actually kind of nice, oh Rao, maybe I really am a. um, pain... connoisseur'

Quickly heading over to her desk, Kara sits down and grabs her CatCo laptop, minimizing her ongoing article on the missing girls 'Ok, time to put those journalist skills to use, research time!'

A few minutes later and with the help of google with safe search turned off assorted browser tabs are open with Wikipedia pages on subjects such as masochism, sadism, glossary of BDSM and spanking, erotic humiliation

After that, her searches changes, most containing BDSM first and then the browser tabs are different sites and on subjects like power play, power exchange, total power exchange, slavery, degradation and public humiliation.

Giving in to temptation Kara stops skipping all the porn links 'So, I don't need to have super hearing to have heard of porn hub, how bad can it be if like, almost everyone uses it, gah, stop being a prude Kara, you've been getting wetter reading dry and not so dry articles about people being objectively horrible to each other, you can watch a video of it too!' It's around this time a small icon is added to her system tray, indicating the microphone has come on.

As she watches bits and pieces of some videos, and longer stretches of others Kara finds one that she finds quite intriguing, depicting a woman in demure professional clothing that get's slapped around a bit by her older male boss, before she's pushed to her knees and mercilessly face-fucked while he heaps abuse on her. By this point Kara is quite worked up as she has let her hands glide along her body, and has started to move one inside her panties 'Rao, just do it already, don't be such a p... don't be such a pussy Kara, you're a slut' "I'm a slut! I love pain and sex and, hah, this would be more believable naked"

Kara super-speeds into her bedroom, puts away her super-suit and every other stitch of clothing before returning with a towel for her chair and the motor part of her electric toothbrush for herself.
Sitting down on the towel, legs spread and eyes on the video, she's trying to push herself further. "Slut's don't wear clothes, slut's are always ready, now use that cu...that pussy like it's meant to"
As the laptops camera light distinctly does not turn on, the system tray becomes home to yet another icon indicating the camera is indeed turned on, just in time to watch Kara turn the toothbrush motor on and push it against the stiff little nub of her engorged clit, all attempts to speak devolve into moaning as she uses her other hand to add a finger, and then two to her sopping hole 'Oh, Rao, I don't even, uhh, this feels fucking great, oh' "RAOOooo!"

As Kara starts to come down from her orgasm, she sees the movie has changed and now a female coworker of the woman from earlier is blackmailing her into being a slut and obeying her every degrading whim.
While Kara can feel some stirrings that could be used to push her towards another high, her post-orgasm crash and regrets wins out 'Rao forgive me, what on Earth am I doing, this is abuse I'm watching, assault, what sort of person gets off on that, what sort of person am I, no, no, never again', Kara almost believes herself

The forgotten toothbrush falls to the floor as Kara gets up from her chair, picking it up before smacking the Laptop closed and picking up the stained towel and heading to the bathroom 'I need a shower, a cold shower, like a 0 degrees Kelvin shower, and then a good nights sleep, and then tomorrow I can get to work and focus on doing more research on the missing women'
Last edited by Mlod 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Interesting beginning, Mlod. You sold the development of Supergirl's behavior quite well in this. It felt like a fairly honest approach to what if Supergirl really did enjoy pain. I'm intrigued to see where you take this. Nice effort!
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Millenium Member
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An interesting start towards self discovery, and it's so nice to think Livewire is around again :)
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Thanks, I've long been thinking about trying my hand at writing, and found this to be low stakes entry that would still mean I'd try lots of things (with the branching format) and also be a bit challenging (as someone who's never written a sex scene in their life, it's a lot harder than it looked from the sidelines).

Decided to take 2 branches and post here, this is the first third of one of them (I'll admit I did loose the thread of self-discovery a bit for the latter parts, as someone mentioned elsewhere feedback can often be more positive when you up the sex-quotient).
The other branch that I'll post later is darker and more dehumanizing (dekryptonizing?)
Last edited by Mlod 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 7-9
Getting ready the next morning Kara is standing in front of the mirror and staring intently at herself 'Could Leslie have dosed me with something, that wasn't like me at all! Well, sometimes when I'm overpowered I have felt some fluttering, but no, this was like, a gazillion times more than normal, it can't have been me. Now where's my toothbrush?'

Finding it wrapped in a towel Kara ignores the musky smell and hurriedly finishes brushing her teeth and grabbing one of her favorite work outfits; a nice button down shirt, some khaki pants with a thin leather belt and some comfortable loafers, as a final touch she puts her hair in a bun and puts on her glasses 'See, I'm just me like I've always been, no wanton woman here'

On her way out she grabs her CatCo laptop before hurrying out the door 'Rao, I need to completely wipe that computer when I get home. Just thinking about how shameful I acted...' As she walks towards CatCo, she tries to ignore the way her feelings of shame seem to get mixed up with the beginning feelings of arousal.


Finally arriving in her tiny office, Kara slumps down into the chair and boots up her PC 'Ok Kara, enough of this craziness, you've got a whole lot of missing women to find, research time!'

As soon as she logs in however, there's a long list of emails waiting her, one of which is from her boss and marked urgent 'Hmm, pick up an envelope from her box in the mail room, I think our new boss is confusing reporters with assistants, there's like half an hour until the morning mail rounds anyway. Oh well, she seemed to have it out for me from day one so I better just do her darn errand'

Arriving at the mail room, Kara heads over to one of the clerks "Hi Bob, I'm here to get an envelope for our new boss?"

"I was wondering about that, it's been years since I've seen your name on the CEO mail. Let's see, this here should be it" Bob hands Kara a large envelope with Andrea Rojas, C/O Kara Danvers on the front .

"Thanks Bob, cya around" Kara heads to the elevator and presses the button for the 25th floor 'I wonder why she wanted it delivered in the big conference room there, I thought that whole floor was closed in preparation to be sold off, or renovation or whatever it was'

Exiting on the 25th floor, there is little doubt that the floor isn't in use anymore as what furniture is there is covered over, and all the lights are off
That is, all the lights except the one shining from a conference room on the other side of the open reception area.

Entering the conference room, Kara stops in shock.
There on the big TV is the video she was watching last night, showing the woman on her knees with her boss vigorously fucking her face, and every now and then stopping to slap her.
Next to the TV are two printed out pictures, one of Alex, and one of Winn.

"See something you like Kara?" the voice takes Kara by surprise, as she'd been so focused on the TV that she'd entirely overlooked the man standing next to it.
He's an inch or so taller than her, if at all, with a body that might have been well trained once but has started to go over into chunky.

"What... Todd? What is this?" 'Oh Rao, how does Winn's old friend have that video, why are there pictures of Winn and my sister there, oh no, he knows, he can't know!'

"I tried to be as nice as I could back when I asked you out Kara, all I got for that was a quick no, and Winn freezing me out, so much for bros before hoes.
Then yesterday I got a notification about someone using company resources in a way that most definitively breaks company policy.
Imagine my surprise when I heard a familiar voice, and then saw the real you, having a grand old time with some humiliation porn and a vibrator.
I guess I approached you all wrong back then, I won't make that mistake again, open the envelope Kara and take a look inside"

Kara just stands there for a few moments, before looking down at the envelope and opening it up.
Her gasp is easily heard as she recognizes what's on the large glossy picture she's pulled out; it's her, buck naked and with her mouth open wide, her eyes rolled so far back you can hardly see the irises and both her hands busy down below. One is holding her vibrating toothbrush to the top of her sex, and the other is clearly seen pushing two fingers into herself.

Todd smiles as he watches Kara stare at the picture "So, there are some things you can't do on company property without an alert going out, surfing porn is one of them, I must say, that was a quite interesting browser history you had last night, plenty enough for the new boss to fire you, and if the rumors about her are true, blackball you from ever working in journalism again. It really was a good thing you're so prompt, a little slower and that envelope would've been delivered right in her hands."

Shaking her head in denial Kara blurts out a plea "Oh R..god, please don't tell her. I need this job I... I mean, this is blackmail, you can't do this! Delete everything and I won't tell the police!"

"Oh please Kara, even a stupid slut like you knows that won't end well, there's no proof I did anything illegal, and plenty proof to get you fired.
Now, we could argue this back and forth, but quite frankly, I can't be bothered wasting time on you slowly realizing the reality of your situation, so in the words of the immortal internet, tits or get the fuck out"

"What?... I don't?" shaking her head Kara lifts the photo in front of her as if it might somehow protect her.

"Show me your tits, if you can't do that, you're clearly not taking this seriously, and this is all a waste of time, I'll just send it all to security to deal with."

Kara keeps shaking her head at him "No! Please, isn't there something-"

"No, show your fucking tits or get the fuck out slut! Last chance!" Todd clicks a button on the keyboard next to him and the video changes to a short looping clip, showing her just before she came, the wet slicking sounds of her fingers easily distinguishable above the buzzing, and over it all is her voice repeating "I'm a slut! I love pain and sex" again and again.

'Rao, this is a nightmare, punishment for what I was enjoying yesterday.... but then why does it feel like I'm getting turned on, I can't be, it was Leslie's fault yesterday, I don't like this, I can't' after a few moment's of silent staring, Kara's stance slumps and she lifts her hands to her chest, slowly unbuttoning her shirt from top to bottom.
Once it's unbuttoned she reaches behind and unhooks it, then grabs the top of her bra and pushes it down as far as it can go with the straps still stuck on her arms "There, are you happy now?"

Todd smiles and points to the floor right in front of him "Good, now it's time to use you for what you were made for you bespectacled cum receptacle"

"Uh..?" Kara takes a step backwards, her hands fluttering around, not quite knowing whether to rest on her hips or try to fight a lost cause and cover herself

"God, you're dumber than a bag of hammers, get over here and get on your knees slut, it's time to worship your betters, and yes I know everyone is your better but in this case I'm talking about my dick"

Again pointing at the floor, his voice getting louder as he gets angry "Kneel before Todd!"

'Gah, just hearing him say it is turning me on, I'm a sick freak and he knows it, I can't even imagine how I'll feel once I do it, I mean if I'... Rao, who am I kidding, I can't let him get me fired, or worse, he knows some of my friends and family, I'd never live it down' Taking a deep breath, Kara walks over to him and then kneels down

Todd runs his hands through Kara's hair, then pats her on the head "That's a good little cocksucker, you will do as your told and be my little fuck-pet and then I won't burn your life down around you"

"Now hold up your tits to me, both of them, yes like that but higher, present them to me, good" he slaps her right breast five times, and then does the same to her left, before grabbing both her nipples and twisting and pinching them.
"Even if I hadn't seen the video, the fact your nipples are hard as fucking diamond tells me you're loving this you little slut, I guess you really do like pain and humiliation"

However, while he'd not held back much, her invulnerability means she doesn't really feel much pain from his treatment, just very humiliated 'Ooh, I wish I felt tha- No Kara, no you don't, Rao I'm driving off a cliff here and I'm liking it!'

Hands on hips and a near manic grin on his face, Todd looks down at the kneeling Kara "Ok, you know what to, pull it out and put those cock-sucking lips of yours to work"

Kara swallows nervously, but then reaches out and stars unbuttoning his pants and pulling down his zip.
In the background, the wet sounds of her masturbation and the words "I'm a slut! I love pain and sex" are still going on constant repeat.

After just sitting there for a few seconds she grabs the elastic of his boxers and pull them down, letting his cock bounce free 'It's like I'm living in a porn movie, not just any movie, it's just like the one I watched yesterday, ok Kara, you know what to do now, just grab that thing, and uh, suck on it and stuff like you did with Mon-El, Rao this is fucked up'

Grabbing his cock with one hand, she aims it at her face and after steeling herself she sticks out her tongue and licks the head carefully, then further down the shaft.

There's suddenly a loud sound as he gives her face a quick slap "The fuck you doing slut, I asked for cock-sucking not clit-licking. Now gobble that cock like I know you want to, if I don't feel your nose in my pubes within a minute, you're gonna have to start looking for a new career" as he says this, he rubs his hand which hurts quite a bit after slapping Kara.

Kara shifts in place, starting to feel an uncomfortable heat between her legs as Todd keeps degrading her, 'Ok Kara, you know what to do, you saw the video, you called yourself a slut and liked it only yesterday, you've read deep throat advice in Cosmo, even if I never thought I'd use it, ok, just grab him and pull' Kara takes Todd's cock deeper into her mouth, moving it a bit up and down while trying to just keep her tongue flat. She reaches around his thighs and ass and starts to pull herself onto the cock.

A sudden spasm hits Kara as she pushes him too deep, and she pulls almost all the way off coughing and spluttering all the while.

"Pathetic, I guess I shouldn't expect you to be any more skilled at this than you are at stringing sentences together, I guess I can live with your best effort for today, as long as you show you're trying.
Let me lend you a hand though." So saying, Todd grabs Kara by the hair and pushes his pelvis forward until he can't seem to get his cock any deeper, then he uses his grip on her head to start fucking her mouth.
"Keep your fucking face-cunt open slut, if I feel teeth this isn't going to go well for you"

With tears and snot running down her face it's all Kara can do to let herself be moved by Todd 'Rao, even when I have no control I have to be in utter control, this sucks, hah, not as much as I suck at sucking, gah, can you just come already, I want to get out of here and get off... Rao, what a slut I am, getting wet from being used like some glorified sex toy, next time I'm using the bracelet though...'

"Don't worry, you'll get plenty practice at being a good cocksucker in the coming weeks, before you know it you'll be sucking like a pro" He grabs her hair harder and speeds up his fucking, really slamming it into her mouth, entering her throat and triggering her gag reflex at every push.

"Oh, God, yes, take that bitch, fuck!" Todd moans out as he cums down her throat, quickly pulling out while he cums, the second spurt in her mouth before he pulls all the way out, giving himself a few pumps and cumming on her face and tits.

"Aah, was that as good for you as it was for me fuck-pet? No, don't wipe it, just leave it on your face, your main function at this point is as my cock-cleaner, so get to it, clean my cock, and you better get everything" Still holding her by her hair, he lightly pushes her head towards his twitching cock, until she submits and takes him in her mouth again.

'Ok, mr high and mighty, your little cock-cleaner will clean you well, now if I can just get my tongue, there we go, around the head and under the edge of it there, suck a bit to empty it of it's salty treats, then pop it out and lick it clean'
"Damn Kara, you were pretty pathetic at deep-throating, but you're really getting into this aren't you, good, I'll want you to practice plenty before the next time we try this. I didn't get cut but your teeth and throat control was seriously lacking if you want to be a good slut"

Satisfied with her service, he pushes her of him tucks himself away before crouching down "Now then, here's your instructions for the rest of your day slut. First I want you to treat my cum as the first rate skin cream it is, and rub it into your face, your tits and your hair until nothing can be seen."

Kara just nods and starts moving her hands over her breasts, rubbing in the cum that's splattered there until nothing can be seen. She then moves on to her face, palming the mix of tears, saliva and several long ropes of cum that have been slowly running down her cheeks and rubbing them into her face, her lips and forehead. Finally undoing the already ruined bun and running her hands through her hair a few times, before setting it up in a ponytail. "Ok, all done Todd."

"Good job, now leave it like this for the rest of the day, no washing of hands or face, no breath mints or anything, I want you to smell like a proper slut, and to be continually reminded that your proper place here is as my cum bucket"

"I want you to come by my desk at the end of the day, my day that is, so 6:30 pm, if you don't, or if you smell as anything else than cum, the videos will be released. Before you go though, cut off that bra and leave it here, sluts don't wear bras like that, they go with something to display their wares, or with nothing at all"

"I.. Ok" Kara takes the scissors Todd hands her, and cut's the straps of her bra before handing both back to him.

"Good, see you later slut" clicking a button the infernal video with it's sex sounds and her declarations of being a slut stops, and Todd grabs the envelope and all the pictures and leaves the conference room.

Kara remains kneeling for several minutes, her mind going over what happened, what she did and what she might have wanted to happen before finally buttoning up her shirt and standing up to leave 'Well that sucked, how on earth am I going to get out of this, I can't have someone hack his computer to get the videos, they'll see I'm a slut, I guess I'll do as told until an opportunity presents itself. Hmm, I wonder if I have time to rub one out before the morning meeting'


CatCo plaza at just before 6:30 pm.

As she walks towards the IT department, Kara overhears two of her coworkers talking about her
"...I always thought she was a bit of a prude, but that girl has to have sucked a lot of dick to smell like that"
"I don't know, she might just have gotten a face full of love and not cleaned it well enough" the comment is followed by both of them laughing

'Rao, that's the 5th time I hear someone talking about my smell, sometimes I hate my super-hearing, though Patty in Fashion definitively wanted me to hear her calling me a slut. Hah, the jokes on her because her comment got me wet! Gah, what is with my head lately, it's like I've suddenly woken up as a sex obsessed teenager or something. No, don't be silly Kara, even my college sex-thoughts were a lot more demure than the last few days.'

Arriving at Todd's desk, he seems to be all alone in that part of the floor.
"Well well fuck-pet, if the rumors I've been hearing about you are anything to go by, you followed my instructions, so that's good.
Now though, in order to help you realize your potential as an unmitigated slut I've got some plans, starting with a set of instructions for your immediate future"

Todd pushes his chair away from the desk and pats his laps "Come sit, and I'll tell you your new... dress code"

Looking over at him for a moment, Kara just shakes her head in resignation before walking over and sitting in his lap, her back to him "So, what nuggets of high fashion do you have for me Todd?"

Reaching up around her, Todd grasps her shirt with both hands and rips it open, several buttons popping off and landing on the floor as he bares her breasts "Show some skin, that's nugget number one bitch, and I don't like your tone"
He grabs her exposed nipples, and does his best to twist the rock hard nubs "You'll show proper deference and call me Sir from now on, is that clear?"

'Damnit, I liked that shirt, bastard deserves to be called... called... gah! Bastard, jeez, I need to work on my insults, and damn whoever it was that interrupted me earlier!' Kara's hands twitch towards her lap but then go back to her thighs "Yes Sir..."

"Good, now, one of your best features are your legs, so from now on I never want to see you in anything but skirts with a maximum length of the middle of your thighs. Except Friday, on Friday the maximum length is the bottom of your ass cheeks." while he talks, Todd reaches over and undoes Kara's belt and starts unbuttoning her pants.

"I.. that's quite short, I guess I could buy something?" as Todd's hands start ascending she quickly adds on "Sir!"
'He can't even hurt me and still I'm jumping, I wish he wasn't hitting my buttons so well, heck, I wish I didn't have buttons that are quite that degrading'

"Good girl, there was one thing in your home video I really didn't like though" at this he sticks his right hand into her opened pants, and under her panties "All of this fuzz has to go, I want you bare... and hot damn, you're fucking soaking down there, you really love the smell of my cum huh, I guess using you as a glorified jizz-rag will be a good way to keep you constantly lubricated and ready" as he says the last word, he plunges two fingers into her leaky pussy

'Oh Rao, don't make me come, don't make me come'

"Well, did you hear what I said or is your cunt distracting you?" Todd moves his other hand up and starts kneading and pinching her breasts

"I.. ooh, I heard... no more fuzz.. aah... please"

Hearing her moaning, Todd slows down his fingering "Good, why are you so on edge anyway, just the smell, the humiliation from your coworkers or is it the eager anticipation of me fucking your skanky ass?"

"Hu.. oh... humiliation of it all...partially... but I... I went to the bathroom after I got back to my floor.. raooh.. I... I tried to get off, but someone entered the bathroom and I had to stop, then more people, I just had to leave... Sir" Kara's body is now leaning back against Todd and is so relaxed only his hands is keeping her from gliding off.
'Shit, why did I say that, he'll think I'm... no, stop lying to yourself Kara, he knows exactly what you are'

"Hah, edging yourself huh, I couldn't have planned it better." his hands slow down even more, hardly moving at all "Your penultimate instruction is again to help show of your legs, your current shoes are a fucking travesty, from now on I never want to see you in anything less than 3" heels. Except that is, on Friday where you'll wear 5.. no, 6" heels, is that all understood?"

"Ah! Yes!... Raaah ah, please... go faster Sir... harder" Kara seems beyond caring now, having been simmering on the edge most of the day 'Rao, please, just fudging... fucking push me over, I'm so close!'

Pulling his hand out of her pants, Todd pushes Kara off his lap and stands up, leaving her crumbled and panting on the floor
"No... I just need..." as she sticks her hand in her pants Todd grabs her hair and wrenches her head back "Hands of my cunt, you'll get to cum your little brain out to your hearts content later tonight, not now!"

"Please Sir" looking up at him, Kara looks debauched with her tits hanging out and blonde bush showing from her opened pants.

"Clean!" as he sticks his right hand in her face, she first looks at it confusedly before opening up her mouth and licking her juices of his hand 'So unfair, I was so close, when he leaves I'm going to lock myself in somewhere and-'
Interrupting Kara's train of thought, Todd asks "What do you taste?"

"Uh, well, it's kinda spicy and-"

"No, what do you taste?"

"Huh?.. Oh, I taste a slut Sir?" at this Todd pats her head and dries the last traces of her juices and saliva in her hair
"Exactly, and as a slut I know it'll be hard for you not to fuck yourself for a few hours, but you really suck at lying from what I've seen so I will be easily able to tell, and it will not go well for you if you cum before you arrive at my place. Oh yeah, that's the final instruction from me, be at this address at 9 pm." he hands her a piece of paper with an address on it and walks out.

Kara sits there staring at the piece of paper 'Rao, I really really want to just lay down and frig myself and to hell with him, but... gah! Unless I work myself up again afterwards he'll know I came and... not doing what I want because he said so just feels... exciting'

Kara gets up and hurriedly straightens her panties and buttons up her pants again before doing a quick check with her x-ray vision for coworkers and cameras, she then speeds to the stairs and down to the ground floor.

Arriving at an alley behind CatCo Kara checks for any eyeballs or camera's there as well and sees nothing 'They still haven't fixed those cameras, my favorite alley coming through again, up up and away'

Kara flies into her apartment through her usual window 'Home sweet home, shoot I left my laptop at work, not that I want that spyware infested thing, it's caused nothing but problems!
Don't be daft Kara, it was your own actions that messed you up, unless it was Leslie slipping me something. Hmm, maybe I should slip me something too, I'm so on edge it shouldn't take much... Rao, I have well and truly fallen'

After pacing back and forth and waving her hands in the air as she thinks about her situation Kara glances at the clock before speeding into the bedroom and opening her wardrobe.

'Nope, nope, too long, nope, jeez how many pants do I have? Hmm, maybe? No, too frumpy, nope, heck no, nope... wait, do I still have the infamous high school dress?'

She hurries over to a cot and starts opening boxes before just using her x-ray vision and finding the right one 'Ah, there we go. I'm still sure Vicky made me buy this one just to embarrass me, I sure never dared wear it, Eliza would've killed me if she ever saw it'
Lifting it up, Kara looks at a sheer white dress that was dangerously short when she was a freshman and now on her adult frame has run past borderline indecent to be borderline illegal 'This looks even worse than I remember, I'll look hot... and kinda trashy'

Once in the bathroom Kara quickly strips and studies herself in the mirror 'Hmm, I need a shower, I'm all sticky and smelly... though he'll probably like it if I still smell like some sort of sex worker, ugh, why am I caring what he thinks... unless it's what I'd like to?'

Deciding to forego the shower there's just the issue of her bush 'Never really tried dealing with that, but I guess the laser treatment should work well enough like it did under my arms.'
Picking up a wash cloth and soaking it quickly, she then quickly washes the whole area of her sticky residue.
Kara then grabs a small rectangle of polished titanium and sits down on the toilet lid with legs spread wide, using her heat vision to deal with the hairs at super-speed 'There, that's most of it, now to use the mirror for the more hard to see places'

After she finishes she grabs the dress and slips it on 'Well, ok... I don't think this is going to work'
She does a quick twirl in front of the mirror 'Well, on the plus side, it's too clingy to fly up if I move fast, but it's only just covering all of my ass... until it starts sliding up when I walk, this is going to get me arrested!'

Looking at the rest of herself, she can't help but reach out and touch the protruding nipples 'Jeez, I remember this being thin enough that you could see the outline of stuff you shouldn't, but I don't remember it being thin enough to tent this visibly... this is crazy, I must be crazy to even consider this...'

Walking back to her wardrobe, she crouches down and starts looking through her shoes, trying to ignore the way she's feeling hotter and hotter as she keeps dressing trashier.
'Dang, that's a lot of loafers and oxfords, hmm, 3", 3", more loafers, 4", 3" 4", I don't think I have anything... unless... yeah they should work, Ms. Grant uses the same size shoes as me after all'

Hurrying over to a closet she reaches up and grabs a box from the shelf 'I guess these are finally coming to use, Ms Grant using my handbag as her spare storage space after different gallas, and my own... forgetfulness that last time in giving them back.'

She opens up the box and takes out a pair of shiny black peep toe Louboutins with metal 6" heels 'These really deserve their name, some assassin could use these stilettos to kill with'

'I felt so guilty when I found those in my handbag and yet I never did get around to giving them back, but they are just so nice, but not in a weird way though... well... except that time just after Ms Grant left the company and I sniffed them just to be able to smell her, that was kinda weird, never really could look at them again after that.'

Carefully putting them on, Kara then starts to walk around in a rather wobbly fashion 'Holy moly, how was she ever able to walk properly in these... ok, time to cheat, a little bit of flying to improve balance and... hah, perfect!'

After having found a way to walk properly Kara struts around the apartment a bit before heading back to her mirror, looking at herself there and hardly recognizing what she sees.
Lifting the front of her dress she sees her hairless gash looking shiny and wet in the mirror 'Ok, this is getting ridiculous, I've sometimes had to use lube to be wet enough and now I have to clean myself multiple times because I'm all leaky!'

After drying of again, she looks closer at her peeping toes before taking out some red nail polish from her makeup box 'Ok, I don't normally use this, but then again, I don't normally use any of this and those shoes kinda need a bit of color, a bit of extra speed and a dash of freeze breath and voila, pretty red toes!'

'Doh, now my hands don't match at all' repeating her trick of applying polish at speed and drying it with freeze breath Kara paints her nails a bright red as well.

Putting her shoes back on now that her polish is dry Kara again checks herself in the mirror 'If I've gone this far I might as go all the way'
Opening her makeup box again, she starts applying some light rouge, followed by eye shadow and mascara that's slightly darker than she normally would use and finishing it up with a red lipstick to match her nails.

'There we go, all dolled up according to... no, not for him, I'm a sexy and confident woman, hot even... ok, maybe a little hooker chic fashion, but it's ok if I own it! Isn't it?'

Putting her hair in a ponytail again and affixing her glasses Kara checks the time 'Ok, unless I fly there I need to leave now to get there on time... hmm, just go and have my powers as fallback if it gets too bad... but then I risk discovery, or use the bracelet with the added risks of being truly powerless.'
Posts: 62
Joined: 4 years ago

Chapter 10-13 (a bit less satisfied with some of these than some of the earlier ones)
'No, this is bad enough as it is, I'm not touching that bracelet' heading over to her desk Kara picks up her phone and quickly calls Alex, or rather Alex's voicemail as it turns out.

"Hi Alex, I'm not sure when I have time to come in, but I'd like some alone time with my mothers hologram, did you and Winn figure out the power problem or glitch or whatever was wrong with it?"

Looking over at a few of her purses, she instead puts her phone back on her desk and leaves without carrying anything, letting the door slam locked on her way out.

Taking the elevator up to the roof she heads over to the edge and looks out across the neighborhood 'Something tells me this dress isn't gonna be as durable as my suit, at least there's some low clouds tonight so I can get across town without too much risk of being seen.'

Twenty minutes later, having glided slowly (for her) across to the edge of suburbia, she lands not far from a small nondescript house with a fenced in back yard 'I'm surprised he can afford a whole house, though maybe not, this area is a bit skeevy'

Pacing back and forth on the other side of the street Kara keeps casting glances over at Todd's house 'I shouldn't do this, this is a whole other level, so far I've mostly reacted, this is me choosing to come here. Heck, come here dressed as a floozy at that, and being turned on by flying across here while risking people seeing me bottomless isn't a good sign. Should've just called my friends and had them help clean up this mess as soon as he showed me the video, am I really going to do this? Gah, go for it or get out Kara... I really should leave, yeah definitively... and I'm walking across the street, guess I'm doing this, I'm so fricking weak some times.'

As soon as she knocks on the door, she can hear someone hurrying over and soon a sweatpants dressed Todd is opening the door "You're earl... Fuck! You've been lying to us all this time Danvers, here I thought you were an up tight closeted slut, and here you are a full blown whore on the prowl. I especially like your trip through some garden sprinklers or whatever it was you did, making that dress damp and even more transparent is good advertising, get in."

As soon as the door is closed behind her Todd reaches down and sticks his hand under her dress "Nice and wet, I was planning on you doing some cock-gobbling first, but fuck it I don't think I can wait, follow me"

He then leads the way in to the living room and over to the sofa before turning around and giving her a crumpled 20$ bill "Oh, and here, suitable payment for the use of a cheap whore like you."

"Um, thanks?"

At his raised eyebrow she hurriedly adds "Sir"

"Yeah yeah, now bend over, lean your hands on the sofa" as she does as he says, he grabs her hips and moves her half a step to the side, changing her angle 'Why does he care... oh, camera in the bookcase, bastard is filming this too, of course he is... I should fry the lens or I could risk him sending it to my friends, or publish it online... all those people watching me get taken... everyone will see, everyone will know I got paid.. ooh'

Kara is pulled out of her spiraling thoughts as Todd caresses her as he pushes her dress up "I know I said you were wet, but damn girl, I think that's the wettest cunt I've ever felt"

He drags his hand across her pussy and scoops some of it up, smearing it over her ass and between her cheeks "Should start to train this lovely little hole too, just push a finger... push... damn, locked up good, I guess you really are up tight huh?"

'He should be glad he can't get in there, I don't think I could stop myself from clenching his finger or whatever clean off'

Giving up on her ass for now Todd pushes down his sweatpants and pulls out his straining cock, placing the tip at the end of her pussy and sliding it back and forth along her slick lips "Or maybe I should just have you give me a hand job, leave your hole unfilled?"

"No..." the word rips out of Kara's mouth before she can think better of it, after having been on edge almost since this morning her priorities are focused on release.

"No? If you want me to do something you have to tell me what you need" holding onto her hips he keeps teasing her, slowly sliding through her slick lips, almost touching her engorged clit before turning back.

"...what, you got me bending over on command, what more do you want... Sir"

Todd pushes against her hole and starts pushing very slowly inside "Mmm, for you to beg to be my fucktoy, my slut, my property" with every word he pushes a little bit deeper holding onto her hips to try and prevent her from making much in the way of movement.

"Can you please, um, I need to orgasm Sir, please"

Todd almost pulls all the way out "Pathethic!" at that he gives her ass a hard slap, snatching back his hand and looking at it in confusion at how much it stings.

'Fuck, just a little bit more and I'll come, maybe I should force it, no, he can't know, stand still, don't squeeze. Just say it Kara, it's either already true or it's not, saying it won't change anything except giving me some more Rao damned friction'

"I.. I need to come Sir, I need sex.." Kara's voice starting to sound desperate as her whole body is twitching with the need to just slam herself onto him

"That video you saw yesterday alone has multiple ways to beg for this that are a lot better than that, but I want it to feel heartfelt, so don't just copy stuff, or fail me and... well, you can imagine" as Todd moves slowly in and out of her velvety depths he's having his own struggle with holding back as he's treated to an otherworldly dick massage from Kara's fluttering cunt as she tries to rein in her powers.

"Please Sir, fuck me, I can't stand much more of this, I'm your slut, my pussy yearns for your cock, fuck me please Sir!" her pleading tone lets Todd know this is going better than he could ever imagine and decides to speed up his plans.

"Better, that's more descriptive, but really... that name doesn't seem to quite fit what I am to you anymore pet. From now on, you will call me master... do you understand?" pulling almost all the way out, Todd holds still there as he lays down his new law.

"Ah.. Overblown ego mu-ooh" whatever else Kara planned to say is forgotten as Todd slams all the way in, he then goes back to very slowly pulling out

"I... oh, fuck. Please fuck me... I need it master, you're right, you own me, so fuck your slut and.. and.. fuck me until you come in me, fuck me until my pussy runs with your cum... ooh"

"Still pretty sad, but getting better, and I need a good fuck so yeah, creaming in your... no my cunt sounds perfect"

Grabbing her hips he starts fucking her faster, loving how her cunt seems to pulse as he does it

"Rao! ooh, yes! ohhh!" Kara gasps out at his sudden speedup "Harder, please harder... master please"

Setting up a punishing pace, he lets go with one hand and grabs her ponytail for leverage, moving both her and himself in counterpoints and slamming into her at a speed that's actually starting to hurt his pelvis after a few minutes

As Kara gets closer and closer the sofa arm she's squeezing is starting to make creaking sounds, letting go of it, and her forgotten 20$ bill both, Kara is just squeezing her hands making fists and trying to hold onto some semblance of control until it all gets too overwhelming and she cums "Ohh, fuck... yes Master, so close so... RAO!"
'Hold back, hold back, don't use strength, but fuck, so sensitive, he's not stopping and I'm.. I'm...' "Yes! Ohhh... fuck!"

As she cums a second time so does he.
His cock pushes into her as far as he can go, balls pressing against her ass and pumping his seed deep within her 'Wow, I've never, that was... is he peeing? Oh, of course, no condom... that feels weird... but nice, like, really nice...'

"God yes, so fucking good, though relax your fucking cunt before you squeeze my dick off!"
As a weary Todd pulls his softening dick out of her depths, he enjoys watching the little trickle of white that follows shortly after.

"I'm gonna need a minute before we move on to the next course on the menu" Grabbing her ponytail again Todd pulls a still heavily breathing Kara off the sofa and onto the floor in front of him.
"Until then, make yourself useful and focus on a fucktoys first job after being used and suck me clean" so saying he pulls her head against his cock until she opens her mouth and takes him in.
'Shit, I thought I'd come to my senses when I finally came, but all I can think about is how to get off again, I'm so fucked, in every sense of the word'

Grabbing her hair he pulls Kara's mouth of his now cleaned dick "I approve of the dress and you'll for sure be using that in the future, but right now I got something else for you to wear so take it off and leave it on the sofa, then follow me." as Todd walks out and across the hall he shouts back at her "Keep the shoes on"

Crumbled on the floor Kara only stares after him for a while before slowly getting to her feet and starting to pull the dress off.

Arriving at the kitchen in only her 6" stilettos Kara finds Todd at the table with a shopping bag with a discreet looking logo of a naked woman in the corner.

"Here, I got you something to wear for what comes next" he pulls out a bundle of pink cloth from the bag and throws to her.

Shaking it out she sees it's an apron, and a tiny one at that "Thank you...master"
'I only just had sex and just calling him that has me clench up, parts of me are entirely too eager. Hmm, this has to be the tiniest apron I've ever seen, let's see, around the neck, behind there, tie a bow on it and, hmm, I think this might actually be shorter than my dress.'

The apron, pink with a red frilly edge and a big heart between her almost bare breasts, covers all her front bits unless she lifts her arms, the back however is entirely bare.

"This one I think is especially fitting" next he takes out a black leather collar with a few D-rings on it, it's backed with a thick pink padding and on the collars front is the word Cumslut in rhinestone letters.
Walking over to her he lift's the collar up "Hold up your ponytail and lift your chin, it's time to collar you"

Kara does at he says, otherwise standing still 'Do you have any spine at all Kara, or are you just going to let him do whatever he wants to you, using you as his own personal sex toy, to abuse and fuck whenever he want's, pounding into my... fuck, I guess the answer is yes, I will'

"Now then, over by the stove you'll find the ingredients for an almost home made lasagna, there should be a recipe on the box of pasta plates, get to it pet" Todd sits down at the table and starts tapping away at his phone.

'Sex toy and maid it seems, what more could a girl want, hrmf. Let's see, I think I tried this one before, let's hope I don't burn it this time' Kara turns on the oven to get it warm for the lasagna later and starts sorting out the pasta plates and other ingredients.

"So, while you're making yourself useful over there, I have a few questions for you about your time before I took possession of you" he glances over at Kara in between tapping on the phone and asking questions.

"Not counting today, how many cocks have you had inside you?"

"Uh... I..."
'Why even resist this, it's just questions, after all you let him do to you, just answer and get it over with'

"You can do better than that, you're a sex obsessed slut, act like it, sound like it. Use your words" Todd sounds annoyed at Kara's timid answers.

"I.. ok, I've had... I've been fucked by four cocks master"

"That's better, how many of those were after you rejected my asking you out?"

"Um, one guy fucked me since then... master, the last time about a year ago now, before he left... town."

"Ok, so how many of the four fucked your cunt?"

"Three, three of them fucked my... my cunt master"

"And did any of them cum in said cunt?"

"No... no you're first to ever do that, to ejaculate in my.. my, um, cunt master" even standing there practically naked the line of questions and her for her unusually shameless answers are starting to turn her on again, much to her chagrin

"And the fuckhole in your face, how many cocks have you had in that before today?"

"Three cocks in my, um... fuckholeinmyface... master"

"No wonder your performance was somewhat lackluster, we're going to have to get you some practice, did you swallow all their loads?"

"No master, I didn't swallow anything, until today that is."

"I see, now while I think I know the answer to this one, how many have fucked your ass?"

"No one has been in my bum... in my ass master"

"Until I'll be the first" at this he grabs the bag again and pulls out a box marked Anal Starter Kit
"I have gotten you another gift" opening the box there is a small bottle marked lube and 3 pink penis shaped butt-plugs, going from a modest one that's about 3" long and just under 1" thick up to the biggest that's about twice that in every way, all 3 have a pink crystal at the base.

"Oh... you shouldn't have... really master" Kara tries to look busy with the food, though in reality it's almost ready to be put in the oven

"Judging by my attempt's to stick my thumb up there earlier I most certainly had to" taking the smallest plug, the lube as well as a leash from the bag he walks over to Kara and clips the leash to her collar

"Let's see then, bend over" not waiting for her to react he pulls on the leash and after half a second of immobility she's pulled over until her ass sticks out.

"Ok slut, grab your cheeks and spread yourself wide"

"What? You.. I... but that's... " she seems to run out of steam fairly fast 'He want's me to invite my own debasement, and now he's just standing there, the bastard expected me to protest... and Rao, he's perfectly confident I'll give in... and he's right, of course he's right, bastard...'
There's a sigh from Kara "Yes Master", and then she reaches back and grabs her ass cheeks and spreads them wide, showing her asshole winking at him before clenching up tight as well as the edge of her pussy with steaks of drying cum down her legs.

There's nothing for a while before the sound of Todd unscrewing the bottle of lube "I just had to take a picture of you showing of your ass and freshly fucked cunt, now then let's see if we can't make this tight ass here more welcoming as well"

Pouring some lube on the plug, his index finger and between her cheeks, he then swipes his finger deeply into her crack, smearing the lube all around her tight pinkish-brown anus.
Poking his index finger into Kara’s ass to the sound of a soft surprised squeak but nothing more, Todd liberally coats the inside tunnel of Kara's ass as far as he can reach.
This draws a quick intake of breath before she quiets down again 'Rao, that feels weird, and kinda cold... though his finger is nice... I mean...not nice, obviously but, ugh, need to focus, don't go breaking his...wait what's... oh, that's not a finger anymore!'

"Oh.. oh! ohh..." her panting inhales and long exhale is all that's heard as Todd presses the plug against's her sphincter and presses it inexorable in, stopping for a moment with 2" inside before he pushes a bit more and it slips firmly inside, her ass grasping the plug at it's thinnest just before the flared base 'That... that's just wrong, thing's aren't supposed to go up there, or be stuck, or feel kinda nice... Rao, is there anything he can do to me that my body won't decide to enjoy... I really am a slut' and while it's not the first time Kara says that, either in her thoughts or to Todd, she's now actually starting to believe it.

Letting go of the leash Todd admires the glinting pink crystal peeking out of her ass before he heads over to wash his hands at the sink "Finish the lasagna, then I got some more work for you"

Quickly putting the finishing touches on the lasagna Kara puts it in the oven, twitching her ass at times as the unfamiliar feeling of the plug makes itself noticed.

"Good, the room across the hallway is my washroom, I got some annoying sweaters that require hand washing, so go do it, they are on the bench in there" Todd ignores her affronted look and keeps taking notes on his phone until he hears her heels clicking their way out of the kitchen.


It's 20 minutes later when she returns to the kitchen.

"Your sweaters are hanging up to dry Master, is there anything else?"

"Yes, I'm not going to eat from the form, so set the table"

Kara quickly hurries over to the kitchen cabinets and grabs two of everything to set the table, once she's done Todd looks up and shakes his head "Stupid cunt, why are there two place settings? Get rid of one of them and then get yours from the bag"

"Oh, ok Master" taking away one of the place settings Kara walks over to the bag and looks into it.
'How was I to know I wasn't to eat on the same stuff as Master, it's not like he told me, now let's see here... the hell... of course, with the collar and leash why am I even surprised'
Reaching into the bag and taking out the last two items she walks over to Todd and after a moments hesitation bends down and places two pink bowls on the ground, both of which have the word Slut on the side.

Watching the bent over form of Kara, Todd adjust his sweatpants and pulls out his hardening cock "Get your ass under the table slut, I need my cocksheath doing what it's best at, sheathing my cock."

After a moment's hesitation Kara crawls under the table and accepts his cock into her mouth, starting to apply some gentle suction and tongue movement.

"I don't actually want a blowjob right now, just hold it in your mouth, don't suck. Keep me hard though"

Unsure exactly how to comply, Kara sits crouched under the table with most of his cock engulfed by her mouth but otherwise not doing anything to it beyond the occasional minor tongue washing to keep it from softening.
'Who knew, it's actually more humiliating to not give him a blowjob than it is to give him a blowjob, I wonder if he'll fuck me again after dinner though... I hope so'

Almost ten minutes later there's a pinging sound from the oven as the cooking timer hits zero, Kara stirs under the table and asks "mhmguhhm?"

"Sluts nowadays, no manners, don't talk with your mouth full of your betters, but yes, get out of there and serve my dinner"

As she pops his cock out of her mouth, Kara then quickly puts it away pulling his underwear and sweatpants over the cock and crawling out from the table.

In her rush to obey she forgets herself for a moment and pulls the searing hot pan of lasagna out of the oven and puts it on the cooking top before noticing the oven mittens.
'Oh shit shit shit shit shit... fuck! If he saw that...'

Todd steps up behind Kara and reaches over to grab her hand, turning it around and looking at the palm, after holding it there for a few seconds he lets go and reaches out to almost, but not quite touch the pan of lasagna "The fuck?"
'Shoot, shit, fuck! He saw, he definitively saw, someone who's already happily blackmailing me just got the key to everything, Rao this is bad!'

Grabbing her shoulder he swings her around, looking her over from bottom to top, from her 6" stilettos, past her cum streaked legs and pussy peeking out under the tiny pink apron with a red heart over her barely covered chest, the black and pink leather collar with the word Cumslut on and up to her bespectacled face with its runny mascara and slightly smudged lipstick.

Focusing again on the almost familiar shape of the red heart on her chest his internal attempts at denial finally die out "How the fuck didn't I see this before"

He grabs her glasses and throw them on the table "It's just so impossible that I never saw it, but now, now I can't unsee it... Supergirl"

Kara's posture remains straight for a few moments before she seems to crumble in on herself, staring at his feet "Oh...please, you can't-" her word's abruptly cut off as he raises his hand as if to slap her, before stopping himself.
"I guess my attempts at using pain have been fairly pointless" he follows his words by showing two fingers up her cunt "I owned you 5 hours ago, I owned you 5 minutes ago and I still own you, nothing about your position has changed with this revelation, you're still my fucktoy, my Superslut and I'm still your Master" moving his finger around in a circle, pushing at the walls of her pussy before he pulls them out lifting them up to show the glistening coat of their combined fluids.

"Clean it" he holds the fingers up at the height of his hips, holding still there until Kara bends over and starts sucking his fingers clean.
"Case in point, you're my slut to do with as I wish." he yanks his fingers out of her mouth and she stands back up again, her stance still slumped and her eyes never really looking higher then his chest

"Now there's something I've often dreamed of, without moving your cunt, put both feet behind your head, or as close to it as you can manage" he waves his hand at her to start.

"Uh, not move my... oh... I see, ok Master" she starts lifting one knee and as it passes her hips she starts lifting the other one too, Todd's eyes going wide at this definitive proof at who it is he's ordering around.

Once her knees start reaching the height of her breasts she reaches out and grabs her ankles, lifting them until they are next to her head.

Walking around Kara Todd can't help but pull out his phone and snap a few pictures of her; with her plugged ass and wet pussy as the lowest points on her floating body and her knees next to her breasts, and then her high heeled feet being displayed next to her head.

"Um, Master, those pictures, my identity... if it falls in the wrong hands, people will die, my friends, my family... you possibly, please please don't let anyone-" he places his hand over her mouth, making her fall silent

"I'm not a moron, this secret gives me incredible leverage over you, even beyond what I already had, and while I can release some things without fear, too much and all my leverage vanishes instantly, and then where would I be? The question is if the two of us agree on where that line lies, and I don't think we do."

Finishing his inspection Todd stands in front of Kara and drops his sweatpants and boxers, his cock rock hard and pointing right at her "Now I want you to fly over here and lower yourself on my dick, then I'm going to just stand here while you fly up and down fucking yourself on me until we cum.
You'll use that super power or trick or whatever you did to make your cuntwalls flutter while you do it, and if you cum without permission I'm going to have you walk around work with some of my cum visibly hanging in your hair after you return from lunch.
If you don't cum when I tell you however, we'll arrange a nip slip for Supergirl where the paparazzi will be sure to capture it. Now get to it!" after delivering his instructions he puts his hands on his hips in the classical Supergirl stance and grins at her.

"That was, um, me trying to not squeeze your dick off earlier Master, I will make sure my struggles feel as good for you this time.... um, could you help aim?" as she's talked she's floated closer to him and started to try and impale herself on his cock, which is proving difficult without hands.

He spreads her lips wider than they already are and pushes his cock against the waiting hole with the other "There, my work here is done noooh, you should hold classes to hookers with that muscle control, you'd make a killing... damn"

As Supergirl starts to fly up and down her pussy goes from just engulfing his cockhead to him feeling the kiss of her lips at the root of his cock.

"That's a good slut, I aah, fuck.. I... are you using super speed?" the sounds as her wet pussy flies up and down his shaft at a steadily increasing speed is evidence of just how wet she is, drops of her wetness flying this way and that.

"Yes.. oh yes Master, you only said to.. ooh come when told, not that I couldn't use all my.. ohhh ohHH! please.. please.." as Kara quickly ascends towards an orgasm, the very fact that he knows it's Supergirl he's demeaning just makes her more excited.

He really wants to keep this going, but the effect of being given a flying fuck by the star of his celebrity spank bank fantasies, a star that's unnaturally good at milking his cock with her pussy and at the moment begging him to be allowed to cum, is just too much and he can feel his own orgasm approaching.

"Please may I cum Master, please may I cum, please please.. pleaaaah... please..." her control of her flying and pussy both seem to be waning but he doesn't really care since he's about to give Supergirl her second creampie of the night.

"Yes, cum, cum you slut! aahhh umgh!"

"...please pl...ooh thank you Master, Mastheeerhh!"

His hips do little shaky jumps as he cums and his cock twitches inside of her, depositing its second load of the night deep in her cunt as her own orgasm causes contractions to suck some of it right into her womb, unfortunately for the little swimmers a Kryptonian womb is a very hostile environment for un-augmented human sperm.

Pushing a languorous Kara off his softening cock Todd grabs the still drifting woman and turns her upside down before pushing her back on his softening rod, mouth first "As I've said before, a fucktoys first job after being used is to clean the cock, or cocks, so get to it"

Todd looks up and down the floating woman sucking and licking his dick clean, admiring the view of her hairless pubic mound liberally splattered with her juices and his semen.
Reaching out towards a string of his cooling cum that's trailing out of her pussy, he pushes it so it's all between her slightly puffy lips "I want you to stay with your cunt up like this until I say otherwise, you wouldn't be much of a cum receptacle if you'd just let it run down your legs"

There's some noise from Kara, but it's hard to say if it's an answer or just the sounds of her sucking him clean.

'Jeez, Master could at least let me enjoy my orgasm for a bit before pushing me around, besides, whichever way up I am won't matter much anyway'
Considering him clean enough, she lets him slip from her mouth though she remains upside down "As you wish Master, though humans and Kryptonians aren't really all that compatible in that way, so even if you fill me up you won't... um... knock me up."

Todd sits down on the kitchen chair and picks up his cellphone again "Don't worry your head with thinking, serve me my dinner"

Once she's filled his plate with a hefty portion of lasagna, something that's surprisingly difficult while floating upside down, he points her at the dog bowl on the floor "Dump the rest in your bowl, then you can flip over and add your saved up special sauce to it", turning back he sets about eating.

Turning the pan on the side, Kara dumps a large amount of lasagna in the pink bowl.
'Master can't really mean... of course he can, but am I really going to do it without any protest, just thinking about it makes me... well... hot. Damn it'

After looking at the food for a few moments, she flips around and kneels down with her pussy over the bowl, tightening her internal muscles trying to coax his cum out and sticking two fingers in to help it along by scooping some of it out. As he turns around to admire the view of her debasement, he notices the way her free hand is making accelerating movements on her clit.

"You may eat once you've gotten most of the cum out and squirted on the food supercunt. If I don't see any proof of that, you don't eat." he moves to another chair where he can watch her while he eats, bringing his plate with him

"Uh... ok MaAhster..." the fingers on her left hand speeds up their work as her right hand more and more starts to just pound her cunt.

"Were you normally this much of an insatiable slut when you fucked before?"

"I... Master, I... I don't uuHnderstand it, I've never felt anything like it, it's uhn... mmm, it's like I'm out of control, fuck.. ah, watch me Master, I'm cum-"

"STOP! Don't you dare come without permission" at his shouted word Kara freezes almost all movement, her body seeming to shake with need.

"Maaaaster, please let me cum"
Kara sits there, her hands still on and in her cunt, twitching slightly as she lifts her chin to show of her collar "Please master, let your cumslut cum!"

"You'd think you'd start to get sated, but you seem to get needier with every orgasm, so by all means... actually, since you fooled me earlier when I tried to punish you, before I knew who you were, I want you to slap your cunt hard, and keep doing that, harder and hard until you cum or until you give up. If you do stop you loose any chance of having more orgasms today" while he talks he aims his phone at Kara and hits record.

After his pronouncement Kara doesn't seem to even take a moment to think but quickly lifts the hand she was fingering herself with and slaps it down on her cunt, her left hand making quick furtive movements along her pussy from the side.

Kara starts repeating the movement, at first not making much sound besides the slap itself, but as she keeps going she moves her hand faster, snapping down with quick decisive movements.

"uh..uh...oh...uh...ah" involuntary sounds of pain and pleasure come from her as she beings to crouch forward with the intensity of her self flagellating pussy spanking.

Eyes clenched shut, her mouth hanging open and letting out little stuttering sounds, Kara's hand is moving with such speed and strength the noise forces Todd to press his hands over his ears to dampen the volume some.

Before he can tell her to stop though, the machine gun sound of her spanking is replaced by a drawn out scream as she cums harder than she thought possible.

Todd only gets part of that on film as a flying piece of her bowl knocks the phone out of his hands
In her ecstasy Kara forgot all about controlling her powers and her juices squirt out of her hunched over form, hitting the bowl with it's food and jizz-sauce at a near lethal speed.
Broken pieces of pink plastic and wet lasagna splatter in a cone in front of her, bounded by her spread legs and lowered torso.

After sitting there stunned and looking around Todd shakes it off and stands up "What... the...fuck... I guess you told the truth in that first video I took, you do get off on pain. We're going to have to figure out safe sex though, safe for me that is, your safety doesn't matter."

Kara remains silent and unresponsive, more or less completely out of it as her body's only movements are the occasional twitch or tick.

Walking over to her kneeling body Todd lifts his hand as if to slap her before thinking better of it.
Grabbing her hair he puts pressure on her head until she starts to give in, letting him push her head down to the floor and grinding it into a mixed clump of food and juices "If you you're going to make such a mess, you can eat like a real bitch, licking it of the floor. And I mean all of it" he walks back to the table, picking up his phone on the way, and starts idly fiddling with it as he starts eating again.

Several minutes later, Kara starts to stir
'Food? Lick food? Master said to lick it up... oh, right, like that.
That was scary, who knew you could have too much pleasure, or that pleasure could hurt, and pain feel that good.
I want to feel it again.
I came until I couldn't move for minutes, just doing what Master told me.
Now he wants me to lick food of the floor.
I guess I should do that then.
Maybe he'll let me cum like that again...'

Moving unsteadily Kara starts to lick her juices and assorted bits of lasagna up of the floor, as she finishes the first bits she slides her head to the next, crawling along the floor with her ass up in the air.
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Ultimately, you lost me on this, Mlod. Sorry to say it but after a while it no longer felt like Supergirl's character to me. She was just far too into the submission far too quickly and then it turned into a straight porn story that I stopped reading. Good start though and a solid job on those sex scenes that I did read. Keep trying but SG has to show more resistance along the way, imho.
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I do agree (hence the comment about being less satisfied).
It's the unfortunate truism that you get what you measure/give feedback on, and I wrote this at a place that definitively gave more positive feedback when there was sex (considering I'd never written a word of sex scenes before I'll consider your comment a net-positive, hehe)

I agree on her quick submission, though that was both due to a perceived impatience to get to "the action" and in order to show her the depths she could sink to, before she had a chance to change things.
The story above had a macguffin coming next chapter where she talked to her mothers hologram (as mentioned in the voicemail to Alex) and found out what was going on with her, which was along the lines of star trek pon farr (as I said, a macguffin) with an awakening of sexuality that would latch on to whatever she had a positive reaction to. It was considered a time to focus and abstain on Krypton (and the opposite on Daxam), but as she left at a young age, she was fairly ignorant of the whole thing. So she'll have a chance to turn her life around, assuming she can resist her impulses.

I'm going to be posting a different branch (less sex, more kidnapping)
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I think if you'd introduced that 'pon far' concept earlier before delving into her deep capitulation, you would have kept me onboard longer. Thanks for the explanation.
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Mlod wrote:
4 years ago
I do agree (hence the comment about being less satisfied).
It's the unfortunate truism that you get what you measure/give feedback on, and I wrote this at a place that definitively gave more positive feedback when there was sex (considering I'd never written a word of sex scenes before I'll consider your comment a net-positive, hehe)

I agree on her quick submission, though that was both due to a perceived impatience to get to "the action" and in order to show her the depths she could sink to, before she had a chance to change things.

The story above had a macguffin coming next chapter where she talked to her mothers hologram (as mentioned in the voicemail to Alex) and found out what was going on with her, which was along the lines of star trek pon farr (as I said, a macguffin) with an awakening of sexuality that would latch on to whatever she had a positive reaction to. It was considered a time to focus and abstain on Krypton (and the opposite on Daxam), but as she left at a young age, she was fairly ignorant of the whole thing. So she'll have a chance to turn her life around, assuming she can resist her impulses.

I'm going to be posting a different branch (less sex, more kidnapping)
With regards to getting to the action - you will always alienate someone for being too hasty or too slow - you cannot win! So, don't beat yourself up about that. Some can happily accept SGs submission so long as it gets to the action they want to see, others really want to see her slowly crumble before getting to what they perceive is the good stuff!

I could imagine the discussion with Alura being quite a deep and meaningful one, beautiful even if from the heart, and could really help you sell whatever choices Kara makes next or set up some foreshadowing which will make sense later.

Good luck :)
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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