Perils of Knight-Hawk: First Adventure

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All right so here is my first OC SHIP story submitted for everyone's approval. Don't really like the opening all that much, so I might redo it depending on the feedback I get. Enjoy. (self centered universe)


Maria Estrada had a life most if not all would envy. Rich beyond imagination thanks to her late parent’s fashion conglomerate and technology firm. Not to mention that at 36D-26-36 she knew without arrogance she was a total knockout. She knew most of the women of Omega City elite were jealous of her looks and inherited wealth. Not that she was really concerned about what other people thought. For the last year she has had far more important things occupying her time than the petty jealousies of others, she surmised as she slipped into her sheer negligee while she prepared for bed in her sprawling mansion, Estrada Manor. A buzzing noise emanating from her phone caught her attentions. Picking up the device on her dresser drawer she saw an alert. It was the 911 dispatch app she downloaded to her phone to inform her of emergencies.

“All units be on the lookout late 90’s model white ford van in the ware house district, suspect vehicle possibly involved a kidnapping, suspects should be considered armed and dangerous,” she heard the dispatchers monotonous voice said on the phone.

“All right, finally some action!” Maria beamed excitedly as she went to her closet where she opened a secret compartment. There, dressed on a mannequin was a blue camouflage thong bikini, black knee high, high-heeled boots with black thigh holsters with twin batons, black fingerless biker gloves. Lastly a blue mask covered the upper portion of the face. Grinning excitedly she went about dressing hurriedly into the skimpy attire. Soon enough she was dressed in the revealing costume. Now in her new persona as the superheroine Knight-Hawk, she gave herself one last look in the mirror to admire herself before turning on her heels towards and went into her garage.

There parked in all its glory was her specially designed motorcycle known as the ‘Knight-Cycle.’
Getting on the supped up bike, Knight-Hawk put on her helmet and revved it up. A special button on the handlebars opened her garage door to allow to speed out of her garage, down an isolated pathway that discreetly led to the main street where Knight-Hawk headed towards Omega City.


The white Ford van sped down dark, abandoned alleyway’s of Omega-City before coming to a screeching halt behind a warehouse. Two masked men exited the vehicle, obviously up to no good. Both opened the back of the van and dragged out a limp, bound man with a sack over his head. There they dragged the poor guy into the warehouse. Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched from the adjacent rooftop by an alluring shadow.

Inside the warehouse the two thugs dragged their hapless hostage deep inside where a larger group of masked brutes were waiting. The first two roughly threw the bound man up against a wall where they yanked the sack off his head. “Mornin sunshine,” The leader chuckled sinisterly.

Their captive; Dan Felton of the Sym-Chronicle had his face bloodied from the beating he took when he was abducted.

“Mr. Rafino aint too happy about you writing about his business,” the masked leader said in reference to notorious crime boss Ralph Rafino.

Ralph Rafino was the most powerful business man in Lambda-City with long rumored ties to organized crime. Dan had been investigating those ties and wrote a number of damning articles. Articles

“It isn’t like nobody knows what he is,” Felton responded through rasping breaths.
The assembled gang merely laughed at his feeble attempt at a verbal comeback.

“Yeah, that’s really cute there,” Their leader snorted in response before continuing. “You gotta a big mouth on ya there boy.”

“So what, you all gonna kill me because I told the truth about him?” Felton didn’t so much ask but stated dreadfully.
That’s when the lead thug produced a large bowie knife from his jacket.

“Not right away, we’re gonna cut you into little pieces first,” He sadistically answered flashing the knife across the reporters face.

Felton shuddered in fear at his seemingly impending doom. He did try to put on a brave face. Except for his eyes watering and lip quivering. At the same time the alluring, feminine, shadowy figure infiltrated through a ceiling window and silently dropped down to the warehouse floor

Just as he was sure he was about to die rather horribly. Slowly, stealthily the shadow made it’s towards them, without the gang of four being the wiser.

The figure would have caught the gang completely by surprise if not for Felton spotting a beautiful, young, lightly tanned-skinned, jet black haired woman in a blue camouflage bikini with what appeared to be a white utility belt. Along with the skimpy bikini she wore black knee high, high-heeled boots with black thigh holsters, black fingerless biker gloves. Lastly a blue mask covered the upper portion of her lovely sharp face.

The four thugs soon realized the Felton was staring wide-eyed at something behind them. When they turned around, they too were dumbfounded by the sexy masked woman before them.

The lead thug chuckled somewhat nervously. “Oh hey, nobody ordered a stripper-gram,”

The bikini clad woman merely smirked in response to the jab. “I’m sorry; oh the hotness you mean,” She sarcastically replied showing off her hot, curvy body. “Anyways my name is Knight-Hawk, I’m the new local superheroine and I’m here to rescue that nice reporter man from you all.” She stated rather nonchalantly, pointing to Dan.

The gang of brutes looked at each other, back at Knight-Hawk. Then back at each other again. They repeated this a
few more times before finally accepting what they were seeing.

“Are you for real?” The lead thug said incredulously.

Knight-Hawk responded by removing two batons from her thigh holsters. “Very much so.”

Exasperated, the gang leader rubbed his brow before turning to his men. “Never mind this crap; kill this stupid bitch!” To which the three henchman complied.

One thug put on a pair of brass knuckles, another pulled out a switchblade, and the final one picked up a steel pipe. Knight-Hawk merely shrugged her shoulders with a smirk. “Have it your way.”

The thug with the brass knuckles charged first swinging his fists wildly. Despite his best efforts Knight –Hawk dodged every punch he threw with ducks, side-steps even bending backwards in an intense show of agility.
The bikini clad crime fighter responded by round house kicking him in his mid-section and rapidly beating him about his abdomen before delivering a knock-out punch to his head.

Witnessing their fellow crook methodically beaten down was extremely unnerving for the remaining group. “Who’s next?” She challenged them.

“What the hell are you two waiting for, she’s just some broad in a bikini!” The head thug yelled desperately, shoving the two at Knight-Hawk.

Both made clumsily wild swings and thrusts with their respective weapons, with rather pathetic results as Knight-Hawk pummeled both of them with her batons into unconsciousness, leaving them sprawled out on the ground. That left the lead thug last.

Twirling her batons with her wrists, Knight-Hawk looked at the last remaining thug with a confident smirk. “How about you stud, you wanna dance?” The superheroine challenged the lone criminal as she tapped her batons which caused both the tips to electrify.

The last thug standing took several deep breaths to gather his courage. With whatever little skill he had, he attempted to attack the sexy heroine only to suffer the same fate as his subordinates
Flailing his knife at Knight-Hawk aimlessly, the heroine effortlessly grabbed him by his wrist and in an impressive show of strength flipped him head over heels. The thug landed flat on his back with ferocious thud. Dazed by his landing, the crook had no chance to act before he was finally put down by punch to his face.

Dan Felton just stared in utter bewilderment at the mysterious bikini clad girl as she tied up his abductors.

“You okay?” She sincerely asked.

It took Dan a few seconds to gather his wits and answer his lovely savior, doing his best to keep his eyes off her bountiful cleavage that was mere inches from his face. “Y-yes, barely but I’m okay,” he stammered nervously as Knight-Hawk untied him. “All this, just because I wrote a story?” Dan asked in disbelief.

“Ralph Varino doesn’t take kindly to those who speak out against him,” Knight-Hawk replied knowingly. “Which is why I made a recording of everything that just happened,” she suddenly added, making Felton snap his head curiously in her direction. While I rescued you my phone was recording everything, including their words before I fought them, they implicate Rafino, couple that with your testimony, he will finally face justice for his years of corruption,” Knight-Hawk said encouragingly.

“Really?” Dan replied elatedly

“Yes, I e-mailed the recording to the police,” She said matter of fact, just as the distinct sound of police sirens approaching can be heard. “And that is my cue to get out of here,” the heroine stated as she turned around and proceeded to leave the building.

“Hey!” Dan called out to his luscious rescuer who turned around curiously. “Thanks,” He added after taking a moment to compose himself.

“No problem, just keep up with your good work!” She answered with a peppy smile as she turned to bend over to pull up the sliding steel door, giving Dan an enviable view her thonged ass. Something that required Felton to shake his head to stop him from gawking at said heroine’s butt.

Exiting through the doorway of the warehouse, Knight-Hawk mounted a blue camouflage ninja bike that was parked just outside. Putting on a black biker helmet, she gave Felton one last salute before speeding off just mere seconds before squad cars of the Omega City Police Department arrived.


“So, let me understand this correctly,” the gravely serious voice of Ralph Rafino said to his assembled goons in his corner office penthouse located in his high-rise building in mid-town Lambda City. “Our operations have been busted up all over this town, the reporter is still alive, a number of our men are in the custody of the OCPD saying God knows what to them, did I miss anything?” He rhetorically asked his underlings. They all knew there was more he was going to say. “Oh yes, I almost forgot,” He added, sarcasm evident in his tone. “That this is all happening because of some girl running around in a THONG!” The crooked business man bellowed in fury, causing all of his men to flinch. “And seeing as how none of you clods have been unable to deal with her, I will have to get an outside perspective on this situation,” Rafino pointedly, cryptically declared to his crew. And with that the corrupt billionaire exited, leaving his cronies breathing a collective sigh of relief.

In another suite down the hall, an attractive blonde woman in her mid-thirties in fine white pansuit and high heels sat patiently watching a generic action movie on the room’s 60 inch flat-screen. A small martini glass in her hand. Rafino entered briskly and went straight to the wine cupboard to pour himself a drink. “My apologies for keeping you waiting, it’s so difficult to find good help ya know; drink?” He pleasantly offered his blonde haired guest.

“Could we perhaps get to the point of this meeting?” The blonde coldly answered.

Rafino smile immediately left his face. “Very well,” he stiffly put the wine away and opened a drawer and pulled a large envelope and removed a newspaper picture of Knight-Hawk. He hands it to her. “Can you apprehend her?” He asked bluntly.

The blonde’s face didn’t even flinch when she saw that her target was a vigilante crime fighter. “Yes,” she answered with quite confidence. “I should reiterate to you that I do not kill, does this present a problem for you?” She asked bluntly.

“I will deal with that personally,” Rafino answered.

“I see.”

“How much will you charge for this assignment?” Rafino asked, wanting to get this particular detail out of the way.

“$10 million in cash, half now, half upon completion,” the blonde instructed. “Should the assignment be compromised for any reason, I will decide whether to continue or abandon the mission, either or I keep the initial payment.”

After a moment of contemplation, Rafino nodded his head. “What the hell; deal miss…?” he agreed to the blonde’s terms but curiously wanted to know her name.

“You only need to know me as Bounty Huntress,” she answered coldly.

“Bounty Huntress it is then,” Rafino said with a sharp bark of laughter, raising his glass in salute.

To be Continued.


Got about this far before I went brain dead on what type of capture and peril I want Knight-Hawk to endure, I have a couple of ideas in mind but just haven't had much of a chance to put it down on paper yet. By all means give me feedback and Ideas if anyone has any.


Andrea Rincon/Selena Spice as Maria Espada/Knight-Hawk

Joe Keery as Dan Felton

John Hamm as Ralph Rafino

Andrea Roth as Bounty Huntress.
Last edited by chase251 1 year ago, edited 6 times in total.

There's certainly potential here. It's always fun having a very confident heroine. The writing has some issues: you often cram exposition into long, awkward sentences, which come across as very unnatural. Also, some more proofreading would help: there are a lot of missing prepositions and pronouns which crack the flow of your prose like an egg.
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Okay so here is the second chapter of oc heroine peril story. Enjoy.


In the one day since her heroic rescue of the reporter Dan Felton, Maria Estrada; secretly known as the superheroine Knight-Hawk was watching new reports in her den room of Estrada Manor.

'While the police have remained tight-lipped about the situation, but we can confirm now that several made associates of local business magnate and alleged underworld figure Ralph Rafino have been arrested and charged with kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder of reporter Dan Felton. So far there has been no comment from Rafino or his legal advisers on this, yet another legal scandal. This is Linda Roberts with GNN reporting.'

As the attractive red-headed finished her report, Maria beamed a brilliant smile and victoriously raised her fists in triumph. 'Hopefully, this will help end Rafino's reign over the city,' Maria thought excitedly at the prospect of nabbing her first big time criminal.

The dong of the old grandfather clock told Maria it was time to get ready to go out on patrol. "Finally!" She muttered excitedly as she went to her bedroom. Upon entering, she went to her closet and opened the secret compartment that held her skimpy hero attire where she disrobed out of her slacks, blouse and underwear leaving herself in he nude glory.

Not taking too long to gaze at her own statuesque beauty especially well rounded size 36D breasts that were capped at the summits by copper colored nipples and clean shaven nether region in the closet mirror, she went about putting on her costume.

Slipping on her blue camouflage thong bottoms and matching top. Next went her black, fingerless biker gloves. And then went on her black high heeled, knee-high boots and lastly a blue face mask that covered her eyes.

Once she completed taking on her alter ego; vigilante crime fighter, Knight-Hawk, she took one last look in the mirror to check herself before leaving her room to go to her garage, where her specially equipped Knight-Cycle was stored.

Upon entering the her garage, Knight-Hawk mounted her supped up bike and put her helmet. Pressing a button on the bike's console that opened her garage door, The young Latina heroine revved up the bike and shot out of the garage and sped down the path where she exited out on the highway that led to Omega city.

Soon enough Knight-Hawk was on her regular patrol route. A routine that would be her biggest mistake this evening.

Gazing through a pair of hi-tech binoculars at the superheroine speeding down the street, clad in a black trench coat, Bounty Huntress smiled wickedly at her fast approaching target. “Ok hero girl, time for introductions.” She said to herself as she threw off her coat to reveal her tactical leather suit clad with holster belt and back pack. Confidently she strolled out into the street to confront the young, sexy vigilante.

Knight-Hawk barely time to register that someone had walked into the street before she had to make an extremely quick evasive maneuver to avoid hitting the mysterious figure that had suddenly appeared in front of her. After Maria came to a screeching halt, her bike was facing the grimly determined looking blonde woman walking towards her.

“…Okay…? This is interesting.” The crime fighter muttered inside her helmet in fascination to the older lovely Bounty Huntress.

“You have made some powerful enemies, my dear,” The blonde stated confidently to the young Latina vigilante.

“And you are…?” Knight-Hawk.

“I’ve gone by many names, but you may call me Bounty Huntress,”

Knight-Hawk got off her and cautiously approached Bounty Huntress. “So Bounty Huntress, these powerful enemies of mine; one of them wouldn’t be a gangster by the name of Ralph Rafino would he?” She rhetorically asked, already knowing the answer.

“Perhaps… You will be meeting them soon enough.” Bounty Huntress cryptically replied.

"And you shall be meeting the police and the feds when I’m done,” Knight-Hawk said with confidence as she drew her electric batons.

“Doubtful sweetheart,” Bounty Huntress smugly answered as she pulled a bo-staff from behind her back.

They momentarily stared at one another in dueling battle stances in an attempt to intimidate the other. Neither blinked. Instantly both charged one another.

When they merged. they both engage each other in a fast paced joust.

Bounty Huntress aggressively struck out at the Latina heroine but every one of her attacks were countered by Knight-Hawks escrima sticks, thanks to her enhanced agility. Fortunately for the older female mercenary, she was peak physical condition and was able to keep up with Knight-Hawk. At least for the moment. In the midst of their dueling ballet, Bounty Huntress she was already feeling winded whilst Knight-Hawk appeared just as energetic as when they first started.

Bounty Huntress finally disengaged from Knight-Hawk to reevaluate her approach.

"She has enhanced stamina and agility, a head to head fight would be suicidal, but she doesn't have super strength and is still inexpierenced, I'm going to have to change tactics to nab her," Bounty Huntress surmised mentally.

"What's wrong, tired already, I can do this all night!" Knight-Hawk mocked the Bounty Huntress in a fighting stance.

Bounty Huntress smirked in response as she discreetly removed a pellet from a pouch on her own utility belt. 'Okay, her confidence rather endearing, shame that a contract is a contract never the less,' she thought to herself. "I know you can do this all night, that's why I'm doing this!" Bounty Huntress threw the pellet to the ground where it exploded in large plum smoke.

"Ackk!" Knight-Hawk coughed at the stuffy smoke. When the smoke cleared Bounty Huntress was no where to be found. "Damn it, she got away!" The young heroine exclaimed.

"Aww what's wrong sweetie, giving up already, c'mon I can do this all night!" Bounty Huntress taunted Knight-Hawk over her previous mockery. Her

Knight-Hawk impetuously ran into the dark alleyway. It would be another big mistake that would get her into trouble.

Hanging from a stairwell above the alley, Bounty Huntress formed a sinister smirk watched as the plucky young Latina superheroine enter the dark alleyway, completely oblivious to her presence above. She removed another item from her utility belt, a gauze pack. Huntress squeezed until she finally the gel sack burst. Stealthily she slipped down behind an oblivious Knight-Hawk.

Slowly, silently, Bounty Huntress crept up on Knight-Hawk. As she was about to strike she took a brief moment to admire the heroines incredibly sexy body, especially her well rounded thonged ass. 'Hold that pose babe,'

In one swift motion, Bounty Huntress knocked out the baton's from the heroine's hands and wrapped her free arm around Knight-Hawk's slim waist and the other slap the chloroform pad over nose and mouth.

"What the...Mmmph!!!" She tried to cry but was cut off by Bounty Huntress smothering her face with the chloro pad. 'Oh shit, this is not good!' Her eyes widened in panic as a sweet heavy fragrance invaded her nostrils. Desperately she clawed at her opens hand over her face.

"That's right you little brat, take a nap!" Bounty Huntress sneered into Knight-Hawk's ear.

Knight-Hawk tried holding her breath but Bounty Huntress and a unique counter move to this. "That's not going to work baby, especially when I do this!" Swiftly she shoved her hand down the voluptuous young vigilantes thong and began stroking her smooth pussy.

"Glmpph!" Knight-Hawk instinctively gasped at the intrusive maneuver of her private area, unwittingly inhaling copious amounts of chloroform into her system. The effects on her were immediate. 'No... getting sleepy...weak...'

"That's right sweetheart, just relax; enjoy this and go to sleep," Bounty said with an unsettling soothing tone into the rapidly weakening Knight-Hawk's ear. To add insult to injury, she was still rubbing her snatch. 'Hmm, you have such a nice pussy there sexy," Bounty Huntress purred enjoying the smoothness of the heroine's nether region.

'So humiliating... chloroforming... and fondling me... have to...fight...' Knight-Hawk's thought were getting more sluggish as was her physical struggles against Bounty Huntress. And even more embarrassing, her body was getting excited. Her nipples hardened, her cunt became wet and an erotic warmth tingled through her entire body. "Mmm...," she weakly groaned into the pad as her arms slagged to her sides.

"There you go, almost there," Bounty Huntress could see her prey's eyes fluttering, indicating Knight-Hawk was nearing unconsciousness.

'No.. can't... let...her...' Knight-Hawk never finished her befuddled thought. She finally succumbed to the smelly pad of the Bounty Huntress. "Mmooh..." The sexy Latina heroine sighed sweetly in defeat as her body went limp in the mercenary's arms.

"Sweet dreams my sexy little heroine," Bounty Huntress gloated as she watched Knight-Hawk's beautiful dark brown eyes flutter shut and her head roll to the side. The sexy older mercenary lowered the younger, unconscious vigilante to the ground and removed the pad from her nose and mouth. She cradled the dozing crime fighter in her lap, admiring Knight-Hawk's beauty. Bounty Huntress hands stroked Knight-Hawk's lovely, sleeping face. Her fingers wandered over the heroine's visage, even lightly tapped Knight-Hawk's transparent glossy lips before finally deciding she needed to make haste. She unbuckled Knight-Hawks utility belt. Bounty Huntress then bound Knight-Hawks wrists together behind her back with a zip tie from her own utility belt and did likewise with her ankles and thighs. Next she gagged the unconscious heroine with silk tape, completing the bondage. Finally she removed a syringe from a pouch filled with a green fluid; rolled Knight-Hawk over to her side where Bounty Huntress grabbed a handful of her enticing rear and promptly stuck the needle into the supple flesh of the heroines buttocks and depressed the plunger.

"Nnngh.." Knight-Hawk moaned unconsciously as Bounty Huntress injected her butt with the sedative.

"There that should keep you out for a little while longer till I deliver you," Bounty Huntress said as she hoisted the senseless vigilante over her shoulder. As she carried the defeated crime fighter, Bounty Huntress took the opportunity to grope the helpless heroine some more. She pawed and squeezed Knight-Hawks beautiful, curvy ass liberally, enjoying the soft and plumpness of vigilantes flanks. "Mmm, I would love to keep you for myself, but I have a contract for you, and Mr. Rafrino is looking very much to meeting you," Bounty Huntress surmised regretfully as she took Knight-Hawk away into the night.

To be Continued


Andrea Roth: Bounty Huntress

Selena Spice/Andrea Rincon: Maria Estrada/Knight-Hawk.

So yeah there you go. Any feedback would be appreciated especially since I struggled with fight scene until I basically finally decided to screw it and post the story with a very brief fight. Also world building is proving to be difficult. Thanks for your readership and I hope you enjoyed the ko and capture scene.
Last edited by chase251 4 years ago, edited 6 times in total.

Nice to see a new chapter of your story. I sympathize with your struggles. Writing is hard work. It takes some courage to share your work with others. There are some discussions in the writing forum about how to go about telling a compelling story, and how some writers keep track of their characters, plot lines, etc. Keep at it! One thing you might try, and it's something I struggle with, is to try to edit your chapters carefully before posting them. Errors, even small ones, can be jarring to the reader. For example, at the beginning of the fight between Bounty Huntress and Knight-Hawk you have BH pull out two handguns and KH draw her batons. But then BH draws out a Bo-staff and KH responds by drawing her batons. This is an editing error that confuses the reader. A careful edit would have caught it.

Keep writing, chase 251. I can't guarantee it will get easier, but I think you will improve with practice and hopefully even enjoy the process more.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
Nice to see a new chapter of your story. I sympathize with your struggles. Writing is hard work. It takes some courage to share your work with others. There are some discussions in the writing forum about how to go about telling a compelling story, and how some writers keep track of their characters, plot lines, etc. Keep at it! One thing you might try, and it's something I struggle with, is to try to edit your chapters carefully before posting them. Errors, even small ones, can be jarring to the reader. For example, at the beginning of the fight between Bounty Huntress and Knight-Hawk you have BH pull out two handguns and KH draw her batons. But then BH draws out a Bo-staff and KH responds by drawing her batons. This is an editing error that confuses the reader. A careful edit would have caught it.

Keep writing, chase 251. I can't guarantee it will get easier, but I think you will improve with practice and hopefully even enjoy the process more.
Thank you for pointing that out to me I will edit it immediately! thank you again

Hi again. At the risk of belaboring the point, proofreading and editing are really important. I'm glad you were responsive to the error I pointed out as an example, but what I was trying to say is the entire text needs that kind of scrutiny. Once again, I'm guilty of the same issue. I hope you can accept the following as constructive and not overbearing. First, a quote of the once-edited passage:

"“Perhaps… You will shall be meeting them soon enough.” Bounty Huntress cryptically replied.

In response Knight-Hawk pulled out her twin electric batons. “And you shall be meeting the police and the feds when I’m done,”

“Doubtful sweetheart,” Bounty Huntress smugly answered as she pulled a bo-staff from behind her back.

Knight-Hawk responded in kind by drawing her electric batons from her thigh holsters.

They momentarily stare at one another in dueling battle stance's in attempt to intimidate the other. Neither blinked. instantly both charged one another."

First line - will or shall, not both.

Second line - KH pulls out her batons.

Fourth line - KH pulls out the batons she already pulled out.

Fifth line - several problems. Stared, not stare. stances, not stance's. In an attempt, not in attempt. Instantly must be capitalized.

Please try to not be offended or discouraged. That isn't my intent in the least. I do most of these things myself. When you make changes as you are writing, it's super important to read the whole passage through a few times to make sure what you changed flows properly.

I'm just offering some feedback, one sort-of writer to another. I look forward to your next chapter.
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I like your story would be good to make this as a custom video.
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Who Knight-Hawk should look like.


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Chapter 3 enjoy:


Maria Estrada, aka Knight-Hawk lay prone, motionless on the hard matted table in the dimly lit white, almost clinical like room. Still unconscious from both the chloroform assault and sedative that Bounty Huntress had injected in her ass earlier in the evening.

Two shadowy feminine figures leered over her with another, more burly figure was off the to the side, observing. One had begun pulling Knight-Hawk's wrists high and tying them to the upper corners with leather straps. The other unzipped her black knee-high, high heeled boots and throwing them aside. She then went about tying Knight-Hawk's ankles to the lower corners with similar leather straps effectively leaving the hapless heroine in a spread eagle position.

"Nghh..." Knight-Hawk groaned as consciousness slowly, uncomfortably returned to her. The first thing she could sense that her arms and legs were stretched by thick leather straps, almost to their limits. The second sensation she felt was lying on top of a hard matted service.

"Mornin sexy," a menacing voice came through Knight-Hawk's still foggy mind, forcing her to open her eyes. Though her vision was still blurry, she could see the silhouette of a man. She didn't need a guess to know who her captor was. Ralph Rafino.

"Whe..Where...Where am I?" Knight-Hawk groaned as she became more and aware of her surroundings. Rafino approached the table leering at her, smirking. "Ralph Rafino, we meet at last,"

Rafino mildly chuckled. "That's very cliched there super-chick, but on the other hand, you're right, we finally meet!" He sneered as he suddenly, roughly squeezed her pussy.

"Arghh!" Knight-Hawk screamed and writhed in pain at the rough man-handling of her crotch. "Bastard! I suppose you're going to rape me for a while!?" The helpless heroine angrily, rhetorically asked.

"Not yet," Rafino answered with a smarmy expression as he released his grip. He then motioned over his shoulder. That's when two sinister looking east Asian women emerged from the shadows, wearing matching gold and red Chinese cheongsam dresses. "This is Mai and Lai, they will be the ones preparing you," the crooked businessman explained as if he was surgeon explaining a procedure to a patient.

"Preparing me, for what!?" Knight-Hawk exclaimed fearfully.

"Oh yeah, they're going to be breaking your will and turning into my personal sex pet, have a nice weekend; I leave it to you ladies," Rafino said with a curt nod and exited the room.

"Wait, what, weekend, weekend?!" Knight-Hawk called out after Rafino who already left the room.

The two Asian women approached the bound heroine who struggled helplessly in her bindings. "Well, well, Lai I believe she is our first superheroine?" The one called Mai said to her cohort in a sinister, sarcastic way, as she was running her hand the heroine's leg while Mai began stroking the curvature of the heroine's breasts.

"Oh yes Lai, this is going to be fun," Mai replied as she sat on the table and began kneeding Knight-Hawks well rounded chest, her thumbs lightly brushing her nipple.

She gasped and shuddered at their lecherous actions despite her best efforts to repress it. Her weakened state made that impossible.

"Ooh, she likes our touch Lai,"

"You're right Mai, her nipples are like bullets,"

"Ohh, it's just a physiological response," Knight-Hawk feebly retorted. Lai and Mai snorted wickedly at her weak attempt at saving face.

"Good, we were hoping you would be feisty; it'll make breaking you quite enjoyable; shall we Lai?"

"Let's Mai,"

At that Lai proceeded to reach under the bound heroine and untie her top. "Hey!" Knight-Hawk yelped in response to her breasts being exposed.

"What're you going to do with me?" Knight-Hawk demanded, trying to sound brave.

Lai and Mai smiled mischievously at each other as they produced small brushes. "Let's just we're gonna smile on your face," Mai answered with a sinister peppiness.

What does tha-- Ohh! Hehe, hahah!" Knight-Hawk squealed when the two asian women softly passed the brushes simultaneously over her breasts and feet. "Hehe, ohoh, haha!" She burst out with forced laughter as the duo tickled her.

Both Lai and Mai smiled with satisfaction as they watched the heroine laugh uncontrollably, helpless to stop them.

"Hehehe, ahahaha!!" Knight-Hawks laughter filled the room as the devious Asian duo relentlessly tickled the defenseless, tied heroine.

Lai focused on the copper colored nipples of Knight-Hawk while her partner in crime, Mai started gliding her brush up the crime fighters leg. She trailed the brush up Knight-Hawks shin to her thigh."Ohhhaha...!"

Mai slowly and sensuously moved between Knight-Hawks legs while maintaining her devious tickling of the bound heroine's thighs.

Despite the ticklish assault on her senses, Knight-Hawk was able to discern where Mai was going.

"Hahaha! Wh..what' The helplessly giggling heroine was unable to complete her question.

Mai pulled the crotch panel of Knight-Hawk's thong aside revealing her clean, smooth cunt, where the devious Asian plunged her tongue between the folds.

"Ohaha!" Knight-Hawk yelped as Mai plundered her sex with her tongue. For the third time this night, Knight-Hawks lotus was assaulted. The second time by a woman no less. "Ahh, oh gaawd!" She cried as Mai wrapped her mouth completely around her womanhood.

"Cum for us Knight-Hawk," Lai commanded with a sultry tone in the heroines ear. She continued to pass the bristles over Knight-Hawks nipples. The dual assault of Lai's tickling and Mai's licking of her secret spot was causing the poor heroine sensory overload. Lai switched to tickling her right armpit while she enveloped her engorged left nipple with her mouth. Lai sucked hungrily on the heroines hardened bud, switching between her left and right breast. She took her time with Knight-Hawk's chest, Sucking and vigorously licking her copper nipples. Even going as far as biting them.

"Oohahaha..!" Knight-Hawk cried out in unwanted pleasure when Lai gently pulled on aroused nipples with her teeth. Her cooing was mixed in with her forced laughter. Her hips began gyrating involuntarily as the pressure rapidly build up in her loins from Mai eating her out. "Heheohoh! Oh gawd I'm cu-cu- ughhh!" She moaned loudly as she was forcibly climaxed by the devious Asian duo, effectively spraying Mai with her girl cum that shot from her nethers. "Ahh..." Knight-Hawk sighed and shivered as the afterglow swept her luscious body and went limp with her head rolling to the right. For a brief second, her eyes fluttered then closed.

"Mm... delicious," Mai said contently as she licked her face clean of the heroines love nectar. It was then that Mai noticed how still Knight-Hawk laid. "Did, did she pass out?" She asked, not believing what she seeing.

"Yeah she really fainted!" Lai said with a surprised chuckle to Mai when she realized that the heroine had indeed passed out from her climax.

"Wow we literally blew her mind!" Mai exclaimed with hilarious laughter.

Lai's hand traced over the heroines lovely, unconscious visage eventually going over her eye mask. She turned to her curious partner and gave her a very mischievous look. "Mai, I just got a really crazy idea,"


To Be Continued

Gotta cut off here for now, but I'm already in the process of writing the finale, hopefully it will be up soon enough. Thank you again everyone for your readership and feedback.

Andrea Rincon/Selena Spice: Maria Espada

Jon Hamm: Ralph Rafino

Lai: Akira Lane

Mai: Asa Akira
Last edited by chase251 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My bad, they deboot, I missed that little tidbit! Lol I do smell an unmasking looming and bad day for our heroine!! Keep me posted.

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Mikeunmaskem wrote:
4 years ago
My bad, they deboot, I missed that little tidbit! Lol I do smell an unmasking looming and bad day for our heroine!! Keep me posted.

It'll be interesting day at least. It'll be a fun read either way I promise! :D
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Please update or email a draft, if you don’t mind.


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How is that conclusion coming??
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It's coming along surely, editing it down a bit so perhaps in a week or so.
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Unmasking? May I have a sneak?
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when I get further along with it, I have a few days off this week so I should get along with it this week.
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enjoying this story so far!
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Any updates?? We are dying with anticipation! Lol
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Got some time off from work so I will doing some serious work on it this upcoming week.
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I can hardly wait!! Unmasking and whatever!! Lol!!
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We getting an update??
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workin on it, will shoot you a draft next week.
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Sounds good!! Unmasking and greater perils??
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Unmasking definitely, and not so much perils but some twists thrown in.
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Have not got to read this yet so will leave better feedback once I do but one thing strikes me on scrolling down it, is that you are frequently naming the characters as they speak so you have things like -

" You're going down!" said Knight Hawk

"Oh yeah?" said Bounty Huntress

"" Yeah" said Knight Hawk

"I don't think so" said Bounty Huntress

You don't need that perpetual naming - you already space out the dialogue which is always a good move as it makes it easier to follow. You can indicate who is speaking with other words so you can have

You're going down!" said Knight Hawk

"Oh yeah?" the villain raised an eyebrow mockingly

"" Yeah" growled the heroine

"I don't think so" said Bounty Huntress.

You see how better that reads? Says the same thing just with a bit more variety to the dialogue.
You can use other descriptors if their dress is different or appearance for example

"You're going down Bounty Huntress!"

"Don't think so" said the dark haired woman looking at her intently.

You (hopefully) get the idea. Don't be discouraged there's nothing wrong in what you have put but I just feel it reads better. Let the reader work things out a little rather than being spoon-fed.
And don't be disappointed by a lack of comment, people just don't pipe up a lot of the time.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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Hey dude!!! You’re doing fine!!! Previous response to do better editing..... this is what I say..... phhhhhhhhtttt!!! Keep posting your original stuff and don’t worry about what authors post about established comic book heroines write, grant you they didn’t create them!!!
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Oh I may be a novice, grant you!! I have not posted a story here!! But I may be considered, “private first class”!! I have ideas!! They may be good or bad, but they are mine, and of my crazy imagination!! I will post a story of mine when the time is right!! When I do it will be a story of a heroine not already established in the comics!! This forum is infested with authors writing about established comic heroines!! That is why I like this story!!! It is original!!!!
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Chase, can’t wait!!! Soon please!!
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Got that draft ready friend?
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Almost, should have it to you by the weekend.
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Got your email!! Very good so far!! Read my response email for ideas if you like them!!


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Got any further with the story?
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Yeah I'm back working on it right now. It should be up sometime next week.
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I've hit screw it, and decided to upload this last chapter. I couldn't just get satisfied with it no matter what I wrote especially the fight scene in the middle section of the chapter.

Ralph Rafino sat in his lounge at his mid-town penthouse apartment. He was watching a tv news report with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"And finally the District Attorney's office today have announced indictments of the five men implicated in the kidnapping and attempted murder of reporter Dan Felton, the five men are known business associates of industrialist Ralph Rafino, so far there has been no public comment from Ralph Rafino or his attorney but sources with DA's office have said they would like to speak with him eventually, this is Ray Stillman reporting,"

Rafino clenched his glass of whiskey tightly, threatening to break it in his hand when his phone rang. "Rafino here," He gruffly answered.

"She's already for you Mr. Rafino," the peppy voice of Lai spoke over the line.

"So soon?" Rafino asked surprised by what he heard. It been a little over eight hours since Knight-Hawk was captured. For a superheroine he was expecting at least a few days to have her will broken.

"Yes it turns out she's not as tough as she thinks she is, take away her toys, tie her down and a few forced climaxes later she folds like paper," Lai nonchalantly explained.

"I see, well in that case then you know where to bring her," Rafino bluntly stated

"I do, we will be there shortly,"

Rafino then hung up on Lai.


Ralph Rafino sat on the edge of his bed in his red robe, waiting with subdued anticipation enjoying a cognac. While he had many women in his bed; admittedly ones he paid for. But this was a legitimate superheroine. He had always been curious to have a woman that had some bite to them.

His musings were interrupted by a knock at his door. "Come in!"

The door opened and in stepped in Mai, Lai and being led by her bound wrists was Knight-Hawk in all her sexy costumed glory.

Rafino got up from the bed and strolled up to the humbled heroine where he leered at her triumphantly. She tried to turn her head away from him but the crime lord grabbed her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye. Seeing the look of resigned defeat in her eyes convinced him that she would offer no resistance. He turned his attention back to his two asian henchwomen.

"What would you like us to do with her other stuff, Mr. Rafino?" Lai asked holding up her utility belt and eskima sticks.

"Put them on the mantle, as a trophy," He answered. Lai did as instructed and placed the heroines belt. "Good work ladies, I believe I can take it from here," He said stiffly, dismissing them.

"Yes Mr. Rafino," They both said in unison as they turned to leave, as they did, both gave Knight-Hawk a little wink, and then a hard pinch on her thonged ass.

She jumped with a yelp in surprise as they slinked out of the room, leaving the Rafino and the ensnared heroine alone.

For a few moments they were silent. Him taking in the sight of her. Her pouty face, her bountiful breasts, curvy waist, and her long toned legs. "You've annoyed me for the last time bitch," He sneered as he yanked on her bound wrists. "Your last little bit of interference has caused me a massive headache that I won't be able to get rid of for some time,"

Knight-Hawk grimaced as she was roughly pulled into the crooked businessman.

"What do you wish of me?" The heroine asked meekly.

"Number one," Rafino started harshly. "It will be Mister Rafino or Sir to you," He snapped. "Secondly, I wish to do lot's of things with you," He added cryptically.

"Yes Mr. Rafino," Knight-Hawk conceded submissively, her eyes drooping to the floor

"But first; strip," He commanded tersely as he sat down in his chair. "Slowly,"

"Yes sir," the heroine compiled with his order as she began swinging her hips back and forth.

Rafino looked on with lustful excitement as Knight-Hawk twerked her entire body. Turning around to show off her fantastic, giggling ass. Despite her wrists bound in front of her, she managed to reach over her head to the string of her skimpy top to untie it, allowing it to fall to the floor revealing her beautiful copper nipples to the delight of the gangster.

"Good, very nice..," Rafino muttered as he leered at the topless heroine who was shaking her tits back and forth. After a few moments of this titillating display Rafino barked another order. "All-right slut, drop that hot little thong of yours,"

Again, Despite her bound wrists, Knight-Hawk managed to gradually wiggle her very brief thong down her long, luscious legs. She turned around and bent over as she managed to pull her skimpy bottoms down her calfs. Once the bottoms were down to her ankles she flung them off her feet across the room, leaving her fully naked except for mask and boots. She even raised her hands spun around slowly to give Rafino a complete look at her nudity.

"Enough, get on the bed," The gangster business man ordered. He was ready to go all the way.

"Yes Mr. Rafino," Knight-Hawk submissively replied as she crawled onto the bed as instructed. She laid on her back as Rafino undid his velvet robe revealing his surprisingly well fit bare form including his fully erect, thick manhood.

The corrupt business man got on the bed and mounted the seemingly conquered Knight-Hawk. He took his time, admiring the heroine's sexuality. The evil business man ran his hand from Knight-Hawk's soft thigh to the curvature of her breasts and finally to her visage.

"It's funny; you're supposed to be a badass superheroine, but you sure submitted real fast," Rafino stated.

A smirk formed on Knight-Hawk's face that caught Rafino off guard. "What I think is funny Mr. Rafino, is you actually believing that,"

"Whaakkk??!!!" Rafino croaked as Knight-Hawks but strong thighs suddenly wrapped around his ribs.

"Lai and Mai?" Knight-Hawk asked rhetorically the shocked gangster. "We talked and came to an understanding,"

Rafino felt as if he locked in a vice grip. Knight-Hawk had essentially squeezed the air right out of the corrupt business man with her naked thighs. Something that would have an awesome experience. If he was able to breath.

"Ackk!" Rafino croaked, as the air was squeezed from him.

Knight-Hawk squeezed the evil business man even harder trying to incapacitate him.

"Hrmphh!" Rafino grunted as the last remnants of oxygen was forced from his body. His face now a mixture of crimson and purple until finally his blood shot eyes rolled up into his head and went limp.

Knight-Hawk released her grip on Rafino and let him collapse off the bed. She sighed in relief that she managed to take him down before he unmasked her, and worse, she surmised.

"Hey boss, is everything ok?" A henchman from the hall suddenly called from right outside. "Boss..., Boss?!" Loud knocks began

"Oh damn, gotta move fast!" She thought with start. Quickly she shoved Rafino's listless body off the bed. She hastily chewed off the rope that Lai and Mai intentionally left loose and donned her bikini costume and utility belt, boots and hand gloves.

"Open the door man, somethings wrong!" She heard the voice of the henchman cry out as loud footsteps approaching.

Outside the four nervous hoods fumbled with the keys before finally inserting it into the keyhole. As they burst through the first thing they saw was their boss lying in the floor next to the door. So fixated on their fallen boss, all of the assembled henchmen failed to look behind them.

"Looking for me boys?" A flirty voice said from the doorway.

Instantly all four thugs spun around to see Knight-Hawk back in her sexy blue camouflage bikini costume. She had her black utility belt and eskrima sticks. And she looked like she was ready for a fight.

First one thug made a rather clumsy attempt to punch Knight-Hawk but she easily deflected his strikes, before knocking him out with a blow to the head from her escrima sticks. after that the other three all tried to bum rush her with equal lack of forethought. One thugs overhand strike was blocked by the heroine's escrima sticks. Another charged but received a swift kick to the head from Knight-Hawk that effectively put him down for the count. The last one actually managed to wrap his arms around the plucky heroine. For a moment it looked as if she was about to fall back into captivity except this time she thought much faster on her feat. First she wrapped his legs around the thugs head in front of her. Then she pressed the button on her escrima stick to electrify the tip. In one swift motion the pressed the electric stick against the head of the one henchman holding her and flipped her body over, causing the other swing wildly against the far side wall.

Knight-Hawk herself was the only one left standing she could see as she surveyed the room victorious.


Maria Espada, aka Knight-Hawk stood atop an office building in downtown Sym-City overlooking the city. It had been one week since her encounter with corrupt businessman Ralp Rafino. While she thought the entire ordeal was a success. Rafino was in jail and about to go on trial for his criminal activities. After his arrest the week prior, the judge denied him bail citing his wealth and his ties to the attempted murder Dan Felton. However it was hardly an ideal victory. Firstly, the woman going by the name of Bounty Huntress who abducted her on behalf of Rafino was still at large. And the fact that her escape was hardly ideal. Which led to her biggest pickle.

"I know you're here," She to the shadows behind her.

"Yeah I would figured, this is our agreed upon spot," Lai replied emerging from said shadows with her partner in crime Mai.

"Right, agreed,"



"Ohh..Wha..What happened?" Knight-Hawk groaned.

"Well, well, well," Lai spoke as the heroine roused from her brief orgasm induced slumber. "Have a nice little nap?"

Knight-Hawk could feel that she was still tied down on the table. She felt the ac circulated air nipping at her naked chest. She was still topless. Then curiously, she realized her face felt lighter, right where her mask was...? "Uh oh".

"Looking for this Maria?" Mai said in sweetly sinister manner, holding Maria's eye mask.

"Oh this is just getting better and better!" Maria thought to herself. "I get knocked out and sexually assaulted twice in one night and now I'm umasked," She with a sense of both frustration and fright at the prospect of career being over before it really began.

"So Ms. Estrada, this explains Knight-Hawks, oh I'm sorry your toys," Lai sarcastically said. "You had to be a rich girl to get that all that, especially the bike."

Maria frantically thought of anything to say or do to regain some form of control of the situation. "So what now, expose my identity to the world and ruin me?"

"No not really," Mai added with a peppy grin.

"Not really?" Maria thought with bewilderment at this strange development at her situation.

"You see, Maria, Mai and me had a crazy idea.

"What?" Maria asked with renewed dread.

"Well truth be told we don't like working for Mr. Rafino anymore," Lai explained.

"He controls everything we do, where to go, what to eat, etecetera," Mai added with a little bitterness.

"So you're what; going to do help me bring him to justice?" Maria asked apprehensively but also with some cautious optimism.

"Yes," Mai answered with a smarmy expression.

"In exchangefor?" She asked, very much apprehensive.

"We help you escape, you take care of Rafino and become a hero, but in return for our silence you put us up in a nice house to live." Lai explained the rest of their plan.

Honestly, Maria's first thought was to quickly agree to those terms. And yet doing that would not reflect well on her as superheroine she knew. The fact they were even offering something like this meant that she could potentially have some leeway to negotiate. She hoped.

"Okay, that seems like a perfectly fair deal,"

Lai and Mai looked at each other with smug satisfaction.

"Except, I can't in good grace just let you blackmail me, so let me make you a counter offer," Maria shot back.

"What?" Mai gritted in response, clearly not expecting this.

"I will get a modest place for you to stay so you will be free of Rafino, but in return I become your landlady, in a sense," Maria confidently countered. "One thousand dollars a month,"

Both of the devious Asian ladies exchanged bewildered looks at each other, then back at Maria. And then back at each other.

"You're joking right?" Mai asked in disbelieve.

"No, I'am not," the now unmasked heroine sternly answered.

Lai let out a disbelieving snort. "You seriously think you are in a position to negotiate?" She asked as she playfully bounced Maria's naked tits to remind her of her current predicament.

"I, ugh... admit, I'm in a tough spot, but you are not in the best position either," Maria croaked in response when Lai began kneading her breasts especially when she dug her thumbnails into her tender nipples.

"How do you figure?" Mai asked skeptically.

"The way I see it I'm really the only person that can get out from under Rafino,"

"You know what Lai, let's get back to breaking her will sense this is clearly going nowhere," Mai said in faux nonchalant manner, turning her back along with Lai. It didn't have the effect they were hoping for.

"Fine I'm sure another very wealthy heiress will just come along that would be willing to free you from an unwanted employment situation," Maria said in a smarmy manner.

Both of the scheming henchwomen grimaced simultaneously at that realization. After a moment they both turned back to Maria, Mai spoke on their behalf. "Okay hero girl, you made your point, we will agree to you terms if you agree to one teensy little thing,"

"What is it?" Maria asked irritably.

Mai and Lai put their smug looks back on. "Once a week, we get to kidnap you and hold you for a whole day to play with you," Lai answered with a smirk

Maria blinked a few moments in surprise before talking. "What?!"

"Role-playing, we're the doms and you will be the sub," Mai explained before Maria cut her off.

"Yeah, Yeah, I got that part; that was an exclamation not a question!" Maria replied with exasperation. After a few more moments of contemplation Maria gave them their answer with gritted teeth. "All right, fine, agreed!"

"Awesome," the Asian duo high-fived each other in celebration.

"This is going to be fun," Mai said aloud. "Ya know your a lot of fun to have as a prisoner,"

"Yeah, and I guess you guys are really fun as captors go...?" Maria said, her voice trailing off at the weirdness of her own statement.

Lai responded by forcibly cupping Maria's face, forcing the helpless heroine to look in her in the eye.

"Oh we couldn't agree more,"

Not giving Maria a chance to respond, Lai leaned in and pressed her glossy lips against the young Latina's own, stealing a kiss. Holding on to the kiss for several moments, Lai went as far as to insert her tongue into Maria's mouth. After several moments of Lai's tongue dancing circles in her mouth the one devilish Asian released her when her partner in crime repeating after Lai was done.

"Delicious," Mai purred when she finally released Maria from the kiss, but not before her tongue trailed a path from the heroine's chin, over lips and nose, in between her eyes and finally her forehead.

Maria could only scowl as the two went about untying her.


Knight-Hawk stood facing the two former henchwomen to Rafino who had the all smugness they could muster. Clearly they were enjoying every moment of this. "You're really going making me go through with this?" Knight-Hawk more or less a statement than a question.

"Oh hell yes we are," Mai responded with chuckle.

"Relax, this will be fun," Lai said with a grin as she stepped around the heroine.

"For you two maybe," Maria snorted as Lai bound her wrists behind her back.

"Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy it, the way you climaxed last week," Lai shot back as she unclasped Knight-Hawk's utility belt from her slender waist, effectively disarming the heroine.

Knight-Hawk groaned but did sort of concede the point. "Only after you two tongue raped me,"

"But do we not have wicked tongues," Mai added sticking out said tongue. Knight-Hawk rolled her eyes, recalling it was Mai who ate out her pussy.

It was then that Mai produced a small aerosol vial.

"What's that for?" Knight-Hawk nervously asked as she knew what it was.

"Just a little something to put you to sleep for a bit," Mai answered matter of fact.

"For what, I'm already tied up!"

"Just adding a bit more fun is all," Mai answered with a shrug.

"We'll be careful with you, we promise," Lai added.

"Just don't drop me," the heroine muttered after a frustrated grunt. She couldn't believe she ended up in this situation, having to allow these two to do whatever the hell they wanted to do her.

"Just take a deep breath" Mai instructed as she depressed the nozzle of the vial. A fine purple mist shot from the nozzle right into Knight-Hawk's face. Reluctantly she inhaled the surprisingly sweet lavender scented mist.

"Aah..." She sweetly sighed as she instantly went light-headed and her vision blurred. Her eyes fluttered shut as she fell backwards into the waiting arms of Lai.

"And sleep tight," Mai gloated smugly as Knight-Hawk passed out from the spray.

"Wow, that was quick!" Lai commented as she looked down at the lovely unconscious heroine she was now holding up in her arms.

"Yes, but the spray will only put her out for just a bit, an hour or two at most," Mai explained as she grabbed Knight-Hawk's legs. "Just enough time to move her before she wakes up,"

Without saying another word the two made off with their unconscious charge.


Definitely want to do a follow up eventually at some point, but I also wanted to at least wrap up this particular story so I can move on to other things. Thank you all for your readership and please give any feedback you all might have
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Staff Sargeant
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Cool story, adding more details would be very interesting, but I liked it in general
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