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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
If there was no collusion why were there 10 counts of obstruction of justice that Mueller flagged up? If there is nothing to find there is no need to obstruct the investigation And let's not forget he was never questioned by Mueller as he was 'too busy.' Yet he managed to go and play golf over a hundred times in the two years but couldn't find an hour for a face to face interview? IN 2 YEARS? Providing written answers to pre screened questions with his legal team advising him isn't any kind of trouble for anyone.
There was no press apology because there was no need of an apology, the guy is as guilty as sin and if Mueller had the balls to call him out on the obstruction charges at the very least instead of leaving the decision to prosecute up to bar a Trump appointee, and instead saying 'it in no way exonerates him' then we would have seen Trump go down long before now.
Don't you think it's interetesting that Trump never sued any one for defamation? Because he would have had his ass nailed to the wall, that's why.
Mueller wrote in his report "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian interference." Why would a person obstruct or cover up a non crime? Was it the firing of Comey that has people upset? Trump had full constitutional authority to fire Comey. I just assumed everybody on here wanted him fired anyway after his mishandling of that release of the Hillary's e-mails thing just before the election.
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The Economy wasn't GREAT before Covid-19 FFS. If you were a corporation then Trumps bullshit dirty dealing benefited you, if you are an AMERICAN working class ANYONE then everything he's done was at your expense. TRUE economic health is when EVERY class of citizen is in decent existential sustainability. What we have right now is corporate fuckery turned up to max settings.

Pro Tip: Just cause there's lots of money coming in and pooling on the top floor doesn't mean the foundation is in a healthy state... and until economics in America cease the insanity of chasing an entirely unsustainable 'increasing profits' mentality, we remain on the path to an eventual disaster.
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Unemployment was at near record lows, and you know, if you are looking for a job that is somewhat important! All of the traditional economic indicators that all of our past U.S presidents have been judged by indicated were in an economic boom before COVID-19. By your standards, we must have been in a great depression under Obama! Good Lord! Socialism might be great for some of these countries, but I will stick to our nation's capitalistic economic system.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Mueller wrote in his report "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian interference." Why would a person obstruct or cover up a non crime?
EXACTLY. You don't, you only do it to cover up a crime, the fact that obstruction had prevented the evidence coming out is precisely what saved him.
So I ask you given ten instances of obstruction were cited and given the report expressly stated that it does not exonerate him the only logical reason for the obstruction is to cover up the evidence of the crime. If not that, then what?
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Unemployment was at near record lows, and you know, if you are looking for a job that is somewhat important! All of the traditional economic indicators that all of our past U.S presidents have been judged by indicated were in an economic boom before COVID-19. By your standards, we must have been in a great depression under Obama! Good Lord! Socialism might be great for some of these countries, but I will stick to our nation's capitalistic economic system.
The traditional economic indicators... You mean shit like the stock exchange.

It's real easy to make an economy look great by keeping the corporate stocks high. It's doubly easy to do that when you've got a corrupt government head whose primary goal is to make himself and his buddies in the corporate sector more money then stocks are going to look GREAT... while affording the average human being no benefit whatsoever.

It is also the case that the US was riding the momentum of the economic recovery efforts instituted by Obama following the '08 crash. These benefits were not used to ease the burden of the national treasury. Even before the virus, the national debt continued to balloon.

Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
It is also the case that the US was riding the momentum of the economic recovery efforts instituted by Obama following the '08 crash. These benefits were not used to ease the burden of the national treasury. Even before the virus, the national debt continued to balloon.
Quite so. Every economic indicator that Trump brags about is a simple extension of the recovery instituted under Obama. Every graph is pretty much a steady line with no change after Trump takes over. The key point that gets lost in all that is the recovery was paid for with U.S. government debt. When times are bad, the government borrows money to tide things over until good times return. The one major economic thing Trump did was pass massive tax cuts after the recovery was well underway. Not only did the tax cuts prevent the government from catching up after the very necessary stimulus spending to combat the great recession, the vast majority of the benefits went to the richest Americans and giant corporations. Many of those corporations used the massive windfall to buy back their own stock, an action that is illegal in many countries. That inflated the stock market artificially, because no new wealth was being created. It simply increased the bonuses of company directors whose compensation was tied to share prices.

So now the wealthy are richer, the government is poorer, and taxpayers are on the hook for the bill. Trump jacked up the bank accounts of ultra-wealthy Americans and paid for it with the futures of our children and their children. That doesn't seem like honoring the constitution and believing in small government. It seems like grand larceny of the working class to benefit the already rich.
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The permanent tax breaks for the rich and big business hidden behind a temporary tax break for low income people that they will now be paying for for the next 2decades, was particularly cynical as it cited trickle down economics which is an already disproven economic theory.

You give a million bucks to a millionaire and he might spend a bit of it but the rest will go on investments (often overseas) or into bank accounts. You give a million people a dollar and that dollar gets spent and is circulating in the economy and stimulating it.

And re Trump and Russia and the no collusion
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Sadly on the virus front back up to 1349 dead Stateside yesterday.

Stay safe every one
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
The permanent tax breaks for the rich and big business hidden behind a temporary tax break for low income people that they will now be paying for for the next 2decades, was particularly cynical as it cited trickle down economics which is an already disproven economic theory.

You give a million bucks to a millionaire and he might spend a bit of it but the rest will go on investments (often overseas) or into bank accounts. You give a million people a dollar and that dollar gets spent and is circulating in the economy and stimulating it.

And re Trump and Russia and the no collusion




Sadly on the virus front back up to 1349 dead Stateside yesterday.

Stay safe every one

This is a direct quote from Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times on how you cover Donald Trump. "you have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past century", "you would move closer to being oppositional". How can anyone believe what anyone writes at the NY Times anymore? It's like the old Charlie Brown shows where Lucy holds the football so Charlie Brown can kick it and she always pulls the ball away at the last minute and Charlie falls on his ass, but Lucy promises next time she will let him kick it but she always pulls the ball away and Charlie falls for the same lies over and over again. You suckers who believe the NY Times are all Charlie Browns. Imagine some dope at the NY Times actually stupid enough to admit to throwing out textbook American journalistic standards. Wow, how embarrassing.

That's not what he meant. That is, indeed, a ludicrous interpretation of what that means. Journalistic standards need to be reinterpreted when reporting on Trump because Trump is so overwhelmingly mendacious, and because he so frequently goes out of his way to describe mainstream organisations as "fake news". TRUMP put himself in opposition to journalism, as part of his political strategy that means he can deny reality. "What you're seeing what you're hearing, that's not what's happening." With an ordinary politician, a news article would be much, much less likely to include in the news article itself contradictions of what that politician has just said, that you are reporting on. The kinds of things that a newspaper would normally put in its editorials have to be put in news articles because otherwise they're helping to perpetuate flat-out falsehoods and assaults on the very idea of journalism.

That's what Rutenberg means by "you would move closer to oppositional", because Trump has wedged himself firmly in an anti-journalistic position. You cannot both report about him accurately AND take a neutral position about him at the same time (irrespective of what you think about his policies - you could support his agenda completely and this would still apply). Imagine some dope actually thinking that Jim Rutenberg meant "throwing out journalistic ethics" and completely ignoring the substance of what he's actually saying because they've tied their own sense of self-worth so tightly with an incompetent, half-witted, savagely corrupt, racist, sexist, liar that they refuse to acknowledge his eye-watering moral repugnance. Wow, how embarrassing.
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Oh the poor 4th Estate.

Like they have been doing an honest job pre Trump.

They gave the fraud Obama a total pass on his 8 years. Lets not forget the phony McCain Mistress troy.

Or how the major Antifa riots are not even covered by the press or Nick Sandow who was falsely accused of being a racist.

It took me five seconds to find a NY times article criticising Obama. ... obama.html

Also, Dazzle your argument is completely disingenuous. Everyone knows shitty journalism exists. Everyone knows fraudulent journalism exists. Everyone what journalists cover can be selective. I'll give you an example: the weeks and weeks of peaceful protests in Louisiana that have been ignored by the national news in basically your entire country.

The problems with journalism are, I admit, hard to talk about. People are too quick to interpret criticisms of journalistic culture as "attack on free press" or "attack on free speech." Big journalistic organisations have power, and like anyone with power, they abuse it sometimes. No-one would deny that that's true.

But that's not the same thing as "there are problems with journalism therefore journalists are all corrupt liars and instead of national, major news organisations that, while imperfect, can be held to account and do print retractions and such, I should instead listen to a President who has had his mendacity EXHAUSTIVELY documented."

"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017

The enemy of the American people? The press is the enemy of the American people? That sort of language would make Pol Pot blush! Doesn't it worry you that a president would say stuff like that? Doesn't it worry you that one of the only mechanisms for holding the powerful to account is being so coarsely undermined?
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"How can anyone believe what anyone writes at the NY Times anymore?"

So don't believe it.
Nor the Boston Globe. Nor The Washington Post. Nor le Figaro. Nor Le Monde.
Nor De Telegraf. Nor Der Spiegel. Nor The Independent. Nor The Times. Nor The Guardian.
Nor The New Zealand Herald. Nor Kurier.
Nor The Brussels Times. Nor Metro. Nor El Mercurio.
Nor Reuters, nor all the other papers around the world. Nor all the TV and online media outlets.
Don't believe any of them.

BUT maybe you would believe the report itself?
Written by a GOP lead panel.

Being critical of what you are being told isn't a bad trait. So why only apply it to the one side of the argument.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
It took me five seconds to find a NY times article criticising Obama. ... obama.html

Also, Dazzle your argument is completely disingenuous. Everyone knows shitty journalism exists. Everyone knows fraudulent journalism exists. Everyone what journalists cover can be selective. I'll give you an example: the weeks and weeks of peaceful protests in Louisiana that have been ignored by the national news in basically your entire country.

The problems with journalism are, I admit, hard to talk about. People are too quick to interpret criticisms of journalistic culture as "attack on free press" or "attack on free speech." Big journalistic organisations have power, and like anyone with power, they abuse it sometimes. No-one would deny that that's true.

But that's not the same thing as "there are problems with journalism therefore journalists are all corrupt liars and instead of national, major news organisations that, while imperfect, can be held to account and do print retractions and such, I should instead listen to a President who has had his mendacity EXHAUSTIVELY documented."

"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017

The enemy of the American people? The press is the enemy of the American people? That sort of language would make Pol Pot blush! Doesn't it worry you that a president would say stuff like that? Doesn't it worry you that one of the only mechanisms for holding the powerful to account is being so coarsely undermined?
I'd say most of the staff of NYT stopped being news people several years ago and instead became willing pr for the Dems

Same with CNN who employs Andrew Cuomo's brother.

bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Mueller wrote in his report "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian interference." Why would a person obstruct or cover up a non crime? Was it the firing of Comey that has people upset? Trump had full constitutional authority to fire Comey. I just assumed everybody on here wanted him fired anyway after his mishandling of that release of the Hillary's e-mails thing just before the election.
Bad luck on your part, BWB, for bringing up the Mueller report to justify Trump's innocence. Firstly, your quote does not mean there wasn't collusion with Russia, it means Mueller did not find sufficient evidence of it. But now the Republican led Senate has released their report, which details just how involved Trump's campaign actually was with Russia. Witnesses lied and Trump refused to be questioned, robbing Mueller of the evidence he needed, but now we know much more and it looks very bad for president Trump. furthermore, as mentioned above, the Mueller report listed 10 separate instances of obstruction of justice, but didn't act on them because a sitting president cannot be indicted. Mueller made it clear that a political remedy was the only way. Democrats judged that it was the wrong call to impeach Trump at that time, later being forced to impeach by Trump's brazen blackmailing of a friendly foreign nation to get dirt on Joe Biden.

The growing list of devout Republicans speaking out against Trump or for Biden is making it harder and harder to justify voting Trump on ideological grounds. At some point ideology has to take a back seat to simple concern for the good of the country. It's clear to most Americans that Trump is wildly dishonest, uncaring about the almost 175,000 American covid deaths, purely self-interested and willing to destroy the nation in order to hold onto power. "But socialism" is pretty weak sauce compared to all of that.
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Mueller wrote in his report "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian interference." Why would a person obstruct or cover up a non crime? Was it the firing of Comey that has people upset? Trump had full constitutional authority to fire Comey. I just assumed everybody on here wanted him fired anyway after his mishandling of that release of the Hillary's e-mails thing just before the election.
Bad luck on your part, BWB, for bringing up the Mueller report to justify Trump's innocence. Firstly, your quote does not mean there wasn't collusion with Russia, it means Mueller did not find sufficient evidence of it. But now the Republican led Senate has released their report, which details just how involved Trump's campaign actually was with Russia. Witnesses lied and Trump refused to be questioned, robbing Mueller of the evidence he needed, but now we know much more and it looks very bad for president Trump. furthermore, as mentioned above, the Mueller report listed 10 separate instances of obstruction of justice, but didn't act on them because a sitting president cannot be indicted. Mueller made it clear that a political remedy was the only way. Democrats judged that it was the wrong call to impeach Trump at that time, later being forced to impeach by Trump's brazen blackmailing of a friendly foreign nation to get dirt on Joe Biden.

The growing list of devout Republicans speaking out against Trump or for Biden is making it harder and harder to justify voting Trump on ideological grounds. At some point ideology has to take a back seat to simple concern for the good of the country. It's clear to most Americans that Trump is wildly dishonest, uncaring about the almost 175,000 American covid deaths, purely self-interested and willing to destroy the nation in order to hold onto power. "But socialism" is pretty weak sauce compared to all of that.
I notice you are ignoring what Durham has found
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Getting back to the virus ... ... ising.html

There had been a surge in positive test results for infections and it seems the period of lag between that and the emergence of symptomatic people is ending as admissions to hospitals have begun to rise. Will the count continue to rise, or has this second wave crested already? The El Pais article has an element of positivity to it but I guess we have to wait and see what will happen next and if restrictions are going to be re-tightened.
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I suspect retightening AEM, unfortunately
Outside the US death rates seem to be getting lower, as availability of equipment and care improves. And earlier detection has a big impact. Let's hope they continue to fall but just having Covid causes long term health problems in some, so my sincerest hopes all here avoid it.
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Trumps an obvious liar. That's what's unbelievable here to me. That's why I can't comprehend his defenders. He doesn't even lie intelligently, he just LIES... about ANYTHING that's coming out of his mouth. Is he TRYING to lie? IDK, I find it more likely he just rarely knows what he's talking about and so just says stuff about a topic that he decides for whatever reason in that instant might be true, and only speaks the truth when parroting something that someone else smarter than him has laid out for him.

The thing about KNOWN LIARS is... you can't treat anything they say without skepticism. So even if they say something true, its got to be fact checked just to be SURE that what they said was true. So naturally, when a lie pops out of your mouth once every other sentence, and the journalists have to explain 'well actually no that was a false statement' that's going to be opposition to a man who lies like the dickens but has an ego the size of Mt Olympus. As soon as you tell a liar that they are lying, they flip the fuck out... fake news indeed.
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They aren't lies they are alternative facts

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That's one lucky emoticon. I wish I could see the funny side.
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We can all stop panicking. The 100% honest MyPillow guy has a miracle cure that's not even slightly shady.

He keeps telling us how Christian he is, so he can't possibly be a huckster cunt.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
Bert wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Mueller wrote in his report "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian interference." Why would a person obstruct or cover up a non crime? Was it the firing of Comey that has people upset? Trump had full constitutional authority to fire Comey. I just assumed everybody on here wanted him fired anyway after his mishandling of that release of the Hillary's e-mails thing just before the election.
Bad luck on your part, BWB, for bringing up the Mueller report to justify Trump's innocence. Firstly, your quote does not mean there wasn't collusion with Russia, it means Mueller did not find sufficient evidence of it. But now the Republican led Senate has released their report, which details just how involved Trump's campaign actually was with Russia. Witnesses lied and Trump refused to be questioned, robbing Mueller of the evidence he needed, but now we know much more and it looks very bad for president Trump. furthermore, as mentioned above, the Mueller report listed 10 separate instances of obstruction of justice, but didn't act on them because a sitting president cannot be indicted. Mueller made it clear that a political remedy was the only way. Democrats judged that it was the wrong call to impeach Trump at that time, later being forced to impeach by Trump's brazen blackmailing of a friendly foreign nation to get dirt on Joe Biden.

The growing list of devout Republicans speaking out against Trump or for Biden is making it harder and harder to justify voting Trump on ideological grounds. At some point ideology has to take a back seat to simple concern for the good of the country. It's clear to most Americans that Trump is wildly dishonest, uncaring about the almost 175,000 American covid deaths, purely self-interested and willing to destroy the nation in order to hold onto power. "But socialism" is pretty weak sauce compared to all of that.
I notice you are ignoring what Durham has found
What it means is that with a Mueller team of all Democrats, including those who gave money to the Clinton campaign, that after over two years of investigating, all of the money spent, a conflict of interest that should have stricken Mueller from being the chief investigator, corrupt FBI officials on the investigation, lying to FISA courts about the veracity of information received. The lamestream media spent so much time spewing this false narrative about Russian collusion and it just blew up in their faces. I guess that is just another example of "good people making honest mistakes". What balderdash. The obstruction charges were a bone he through to Dems because he knew they would be pissed off and angry that he could find a smoking gun on Russian collusion, just some half baked claims based on a dossier paid for by Hillary that the author was offered $50,000 to substantiate and was unable to do so. How can Trump be guilty of obstruction if by Mueller's own account there was no underlying crime to begin with?

It seems like you keep sort of vaguely glancing at what people are saying without actually reading it

Mueller did not say "there was no underlying crime to begin with." The Republican Senate had even more damning findings than Mueller's original probe. Also:

1) What conflict of interest?
2) What corrupt FBI officials?
3) Who lied? To what extent?
4) What do you mean "a team of all Democrats"?
5) What dossier? Paid for by Hillary clinton? How do you know that? Offered $50,000 by whom?

bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
What it means is that with a Mueller team of all Democrats, including those who gave money to the Clinton campaign, that after over two years of investigating, all of the money spent, a conflict of interest that should have stricken Mueller from being the chief investigator, corrupt FBI officials on the investigation, lying to FISA courts about the veracity of information received. The lamestream media spent so much time spewing this false narrative about Russian collusion and it just blew up in their faces. I guess that is just another example of "good people making honest mistakes". What balderdash. The obstruction charges were a bone he through to Dems because he knew they would be pissed off and angry that he could find a smoking gun on Russian collusion, just some half baked claims based on a dossier paid for by Hillary that the author was offered $50,000 to substantiate and was unable to do so. How can Trump be guilty of obstruction if by Mueller's own account there was no underlying crime to begin with?
Going that far down the rabbit hole to side with Donald Trump is a choice. I'm not even going to bother trying to change your mind because it'll never happen. I'm done here, except to point out a few facts about the guy you're protecting. Donald Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits over the last 50 years. That means he has sued or been sued more than once per week for his entire adult life. A couple months ago Trump suggested using disinfectants and light internally to combat coronavirus. 25 years ago there was a worldwide effort to halt the of CFC's, the propellant in aerosol cans, because they were depleting the ozone layer that filters harmful ultraviolet light. Trump was adamantly opposed to the effort, despite the fact that it would save thousands of lives by preventing skin cancer. His reason? The pump action hairspray just didn't work as well. Trump is, in order, dishonest in the extreme, stupid, and selfish to the point of absurdity. Your country is less than three months away from the biggest constitutional crisis of its history, chaos and probably violence, all because Trump is going to cheat like crazy to keep the vote close and then declare the election rigged and refuse to step down. That's what happens when you elect a completely unqualified narcissistic grifter to the presidency.
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The dossier was the salacious end of the accusations and as such got more press attention than it deserved, but there were 17 Russians expelled over interfering with the election, there were an array of charges over lying about contacts and meetings with Russians or Russian agents by Trump campaign represrntatives (I don't mean KGB agents I mean people representing Russian interests) if there was nothing to it how come there were 38 indictments? (and yes not all were in direct relation to the charges investigated but an awful lot were) There was proven interference by Russian spammers and the whole email leaks against Hilary were sourced back to Russia, you had direct contact from Trump family members with Russians that they failed to disclose or outright lied about the subject of those meetings. Does anyone seriously believe they had a meeting to discuss child adoption? Then you have Trumps behaviour toward Russia after election voting against sanctions against Putin over the Crimea and supposedly taking him at his word when Putin denied it and more recently not even condemning Russian bounties on American soldiers.
This witch hunt nailed 38 real witches.
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There is simply no law precluding contact between members of Trump's campaign and the Russian government. That is not fake news from the NY Times, that is a fact, it is not a crime under U.S law as much as Trump haters would like it be so. I believe Mueller explains this in the report.

Okay, cool, maybe there's no law against it. I'm... pretty sure there IS a law against a political campaign seeking aid from a foreign government.

Like, isn't that what they were trying to find out? If "contact" was all it took they'd have all been arrested on the spot. The point of the investigation was to try to find out what the nature of the contact was because it looked suspicious.

Also, I don't understand the logic of calling the Mueller thing a witch hunt AND saying that it didn't find anything and no-one important got arrested. Doesn't that mean that they were investigating a crime and... found no crime? Like, that's what's supposed to happen if someone looks criminally suspicious, isn't it?
You claim: "Trump's campaign was largely innocent."
You also claim: "The Mueller report found the Trump campaign was largely innocent."
So what's the gosh-danged problem?
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Now now language chaps
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So by your own definition, then, Hillary Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS, which enlisted MI6 British bloke Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump is against the law as well I guess. Here are the facts.
1. It is not a crime to talk to a Russian.
2. It is not a crime for a candidate to receive negative information about a political rival that is volunteered by a foreign national, even if it benefits the campaign.
3. the Federal Election Commission has deemed it lawful for foreign nationals to volunteer for a campaign or party.

The point is that the media had largely declared him guilty from day one based largely on their dislike for the president, and that furthermore, that bias against him informed how they covered the story, and at the end, when Mueller found no provable link for collusion, the overwhelming majority of the media failed to acknowledge their rush to judgment. I suppose if you are from Canada, the UK, or anywhere else it is impossible to understand how much of a shadow this bullshit issue cast in the U.S , how much this fabricated story dominated the landscape of our 24 hour news cycles, how much this coverage was all encompassing, all collusion all the time, and when judgment day appeared, this day where the mainstream media promised and practically guaranteed that Trump would get his just due for colluding with the Russians, and then poof! nothing! No mea culpas, sorrys, or any calls for looking inward and doing better on the next story, nada. All because of a lying sack of shit British bloke's lies and misinformation helped to create this false narrative. I guess that is what happens when media companies ignore throw out traditional American journalistic standards. The conflict of interest was a dispute between Mueller and Trump over the fact that Mueller joined one of Trump's country clubs, paid his fee, then at a later date changed his mind and Mueller wanted his money back and trump refused. Mueller was not happy at that situation. Also Mueller was super close with Comey during their years at the FBI together and Comey considered Mueller a mentor, and with Comey at the center of this mess, Mueller had no place being in charge of this investigation. Corrupt liars in the FBI included James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok. Strzok's texts to his gf Lisa Page are especially illuminating in terms of motive and bias. I urge you to check them out. Among the things they lied about was the veracity of the Steele dossier, they fraudulently used the document to obtain FISA warrants which they ostensibly used to start their investigation and for which they knew was a flawed document paid for by the Clinton campaign. Mueller's team of lawyers numbered 19, and no Republicans among them. The Clinton campaign hired a company called Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump, and Fusion GPS hired British MI6 bloke Christopher Steele to dig up the dirt. Steele later admitted that most of the information in the dossier was stuff he found online surfing the net and stuff he gleamed from CNN. After the FBI was made aware of the dossier, they were skeptical of the questionable info and offered Steele $50,000 to verify its contents. Sorry for the long post, but I just saw your conflicts/corrupt FBI/who lied/team of Dems/dossier post just now after seeing your most recent post.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
So by your own definition, then, Hillary Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS, which enlisted MI6 British bloke Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump is against the law as well I guess. Here are the facts.
Hillary Clinton isn't our president. She's not a viable argument to use in defense of Donald Trump. Just because you believe she was gonna be worse, doesn't mean you have to defend Trump.
1. It is not a crime to talk to a Russian.
And he lied about. Cause all he does is lie. Doesn't it bother you at all that every other sentence out of his mouth is just a lie? Doesn't that make you angry at all?
How can you defend someone who lies so much?

FORGET how journalists treat him? Forget how much worse Clinton would have been. FORGET your family members giving you shit over the choice you made on election day. FORGET blame. Forget party loyalty. FORGET ALL OF THAT... then ask yourself some basic questions.

Is it OKAY that half of what this man says to me are lies?
Is it OKAY that the leader of my country seems incapable of going through a single speech without making up nonsense factoids just to fill dead air?
Is it OKAY that his cabinet members have to work their asses off to present information to him in a way that will get the LEADER OF YOUR COUNTRY to pay any attention to them... much less participate in working on solutions?
Is it OKAY that he won't stop blasting his every stray thought (half of which are still lies) off on twitter like he's still Kim Kardasian and not the PRESIDENT of the UNITED FUCKING STATES!?

I know what my answer to those questions are. If the answer to any one of those questions to you is no. Then you should be deeply concerned with your president... and your opinion doesn't need to factor into account journalism or would-be presidents or party lines... just logical thought. It's too late to unvote him from the presidency, you don't have to worry about Hilary Clinton taking office, she's not going to be there, you can breath easy on that score. None of that means you have to defend the actions of this narcissistic liar.
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OK back to vrus matters
Just under 1300 dead yesterday.
You do wonder just how understated these figures might be as there are undoubtedly others.
I hope you and yours stay safe anyways and don't inject bleach.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
So I know 2020 is the end of life as we know it on Earth....I was banned from Deviantart permanantly after over 10 years!!! 10 YEARS!!!!! The art police snowflakes were offended by stories told from my point of view, of their own so called protected lgbtq status female a kick to cunt!!! its sad when even DEVIANTs can't share "art" on a site like that...oh well...hurry up Asteroid.....we are all waiting
I saw you were booted from DeviantArt. I was knocking about there the other day and
Saw the black line of doom through your name. Ybatgirl got the boot last year, also. They seem pretty random about who lives and dies on there.
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sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
So I know 2020 is the end of life as we know it on Earth....I was banned from Deviantart permanantly after over 10 years!!! 10 YEARS!!!!! The art police snowflakes were offended by stories told from my point of view, of their own so called protected lgbtq status female a kick to cunt!!! its sad when even DEVIANTs can't share "art" on a site like that...oh well...hurry up Asteroid.....we are all waiting
I saw you were booted from DeviantArt. I was knocking about there the other day and
Saw the black line of doom through your name. Ybatgirl got the boot last year, also. They seem pretty random about who lives and dies on there.
someone that probably didn't appreciate my affinity for petite gorgeous blondes doing interracial activities reported my stories or dramatic interpretations via heavily edited censored images.....Oh well....I will sneak back in But I hate to have lost 10 years worth of favorites, comments and posts. sad ...but thank you for reaching out to me!!! 😘
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
So by your own definition, then, Hillary Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS, which enlisted MI6 British bloke Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump is against the law as well I guess. Here are the facts.
Hillary Clinton isn't our president. She's not a viable argument to use in defense of Donald Trump. Just because you believe she was gonna be worse, doesn't mean you have to defend Trump.
1. It is not a crime to talk to a Russian.
And he lied about. Cause all he does is lie. Doesn't it bother you at all that every other sentence out of his mouth is just a lie? Doesn't that make you angry at all?
How can you defend someone who lies so much?

FORGET how journalists treat him? Forget how much worse Clinton would have been. FORGET your family members giving you shit over the choice you made on election day. FORGET blame. Forget party loyalty. FORGET ALL OF THAT... then ask yourself some basic questions.

Is it OKAY that half of what this man says to me are lies?
Is it OKAY that the leader of my country seems incapable of going through a single speech without making up nonsense factoids just to fill dead air?
Is it OKAY that his cabinet members have to work their asses off to present information to him in a way that will get the LEADER OF YOUR COUNTRY to pay any attention to them... much less participate in working on solutions?
Is it OKAY that he won't stop blasting his every stray thought (half of which are still lies) off on twitter like he's still Kim Kardasian and not the PRESIDENT of the UNITED FUCKING STATES!?

I know what my answer to those questions are. If the answer to any one of those questions to you is no. Then you should be deeply concerned with your president... and your opinion doesn't need to factor into account journalism or would-be presidents or party lines... just logical thought. It's too late to unvote him from the presidency, you don't have to worry about Hilary Clinton taking office, she's not going to be there, you can breath easy on that score. None of that means you have to defend the actions of this narcissistic liar.
My point is that if one is making the point that it is wrong to get help from those from foreign governments (sorry, not illegal) then you condemn both, not one and not the other. Just because she lost does not mean her actions are immune from criticism. I am not obsessed by the ghosts of Hillary Clinton, I just want people to be consistent in regards to getting help from those of foreign governments. I don't think Hillary did anything wrong in this case. Trump Jr. did not lie about it, they met at Trump Tower for God sakes, not a friggin villain's secret lair! No I am not going to forget how journalists treat him and throw out half a century of journalistic standards to cover him. Yes, there are times when I wish he would get off Twitter. I grew up with four siblings who are lifelong Democrats who never vote for the Republican, I am the black sheep, and they knew I was voting for Trump, yet they do not give me shit or criticize or question my morals, ethics, or humanity, they love me regardless of my vote, and conversely, I respect their decision to vote for Biden in November without judgment to their sanity LOL!
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Trump Jr DID deny it at first then claimed it was just an oversight, then claimed he couldn't remember it again. Then claimed he could remember it again but could nt remember what it was about, then claimed he could remember what it was about but it was nothing serious, so not serious in fact that he couldn't say what it was. Then finally said it was about baby adoption.
You get why people were both suspicious and skeptical. Seeing as how....ya know... Its a pack of lies and all.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
So I know 2020 is the end of life as we know it on Earth....I was banned from Deviantart permanantly after over 10 years!!! 10 YEARS!!!!! The art police snowflakes were offended by stories told from my point of view, of their own so called protected lgbtq status female a kick to cunt!!! its sad when even DEVIANTs can't share "art" on a site like that...oh well...hurry up Asteroid.....we are all waiting
I saw you were booted from DeviantArt. I was knocking about there the other day and
Saw the black line of doom through your name. Ybatgirl got the boot last year, also. They seem pretty random about who lives and dies on there.
someone that probably didn't appreciate my affinity for petite gorgeous blondes doing interracial activities reported my stories or dramatic interpretations via heavily edited censored images.....Oh well....I will sneak back in But I hate to have lost 10 years worth of favorites, comments and posts. sad ...but thank you for reaching out to me!!! 😘
I had a blog on Yahoo years ago. When they dropped their blog feature, the little community of BDSM bloggers lost their home, not to mention all the blogs and comments.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Trump Jr DID deny it at first then claimed it was just an oversight, then claimed he couldn't remember it again. Then claimed he could remember it again but could nt remember what it was about, then claimed he could remember what it was about but it was nothing serious, so not serious in fact that he couldn't say what it was. Then finally said it was about baby adoption.
You get why people were both suspicious and skeptical. Seeing as how....ya know... Its a pack of lies and all.
The reason was irrelevant since the meeting was not against any U.S law.

Indeed. As we all know, if something is not illegal, it is definitely morally unimpeachable.

"IT’S WORTH wondering what the impact might have been had the Senate Intelligence Committee’s final report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election appeared six months ago, before the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the twisted account of it provided by Attorney General William P. Barr. On their own terms, the Senate’s findings, released Tuesday after a bipartisan investigation, are explosive: that then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort “formed a close and lasting relationship” with “a Russian intelligence officer,” with whom he shared inside information from the president’s campaign and collaborated to concoct a false narrative that Ukraine, and not Russia, was behind the election interference.

Further, the Senate report states that the Trump campaign “sought to maximize” the impact of leaks of Democratic documents by WikiLeaks, knowing the original source was the Russian military intelligence agency, GRU. The campaign’s intermediary was Roger Stone, whose prison sentence for lying about his involvement and tampering with witnesses was commuted last month by Mr. Trump; the president, the committee “assesses,” lied when he said he never talked to Mr. Stone about WikiLeaks."

These are the first two paragraphs of an editorial board column in the Washington Post. Now obviously the Trump defenders will cry foul at the source, but this editorial is very simply reporting on the findings of a bipartisan Senate Report. A senate dominated by Republicans. The Senate Intelligence Committee shows that Trump and Roger Stone knew Russia hacked the Democratic Party emails, and used their influence to pick the release time of the stolen documents on wikiLeaks to most benefit themselves. Then they lied about it. Then Stone got convicted of doing it. Then Trump pardoned Stone.

The report also describes Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort working with a Russian intelligence officer to frame Ukraine for Russia's election interference. Trump then followed up on that by bribing Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden. Trump was impeached for that beauty.

These are indefensible actions for a president or would be president to undertake. Obviously there are many, many more examples of Trump cheating and lying on substantive issues, but all of it is meaningless to people who find some way to justify supporting a charlatan and grifter in the White House. Trump's bizarre refusal to take action against the pandemic stands out as his worst dereliction of duty. How many American lives would have been saved if Trump had simply taken the responsible steps that virtually all other advanced countries did to protect their people? Imagine, the world's most powerful nation incapable of doing the absolute most basic function of government - protecting its citizens. That's almost all on Donald Trump. Why? Apparently it just doesn't matter to his supporters.
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Pandemic co-ordination team-scrapped in 2017. Pandemic play book - ignored. Pandemic response funding cut. All that at a time when the economy is booming. If you can't afford such measures then, when can you?

His incompetence is carved in stone, and tragically its in the 175,000 and growing grave stones of his countrymen and women.

BUT hey it is what it is, and what it is is everyone else's fault except his.

Fauci said this in 2017
Screenshot_20200820-213519~2.png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 3030 times
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
My point is that if one is making the point that it is wrong to get help from those from foreign governments (sorry, not illegal) then you condemn both, not one and not the other.
Well let's not make Apples out of Beehives here either. There wasn't actually a 'Trump 'spoke' with Russia therefore he's impeachable!!!!' That was never a SERIOUS discussion. The question was if he had or had not utilized Russian assistance to fudge with the election... something that if he were proven to be in cahoots with, WOULD have been impeachable. Every president SPEAKS with Russia from time to time. Trump went and spit at his own intelligence organization at a podium next to Putin and while many Americans were pissed off they weren't shouting 'impeach Trump for standing in the same room as Putin!!!'

The fact that he 'spoke' with Russia was never the hard topic. The question was always WHAT had he spoken with Russia ABOUT.
Just because she lost does not mean her actions are immune from criticism. I am not obsessed by the ghosts of Hillary Clinton, I just want people to be consistent in regards to getting help from those of foreign governments.
Fair but 'Hillary would have been worse' as it was so often touted (and still does get touted from time to time) is not an acceptable DEFENSE of TRUMPS actions. Whether or not Hillary would have been better or worse has no bearing on why Trump's pants are always on fire. It's TRUMPS decision to never tell the truth, and therefore when discussing him and his faults, one should not DIVERT the discussion away from what is to be DONE about it by pondering the probable repercussions of something that will no longer ever happen. Sorry if I bit YOUR head off on this one. Just whenever I see Hillary Clinton's name spliced into a defense of trumps my hackles raise. Even if YOU aren't obsessed by the ghost of her, some people still very much are... but thankfully it HAS fallen off a lot over the course of the presidency.
Trump Jr. did not lie about it, they met at Trump Tower for God sakes, not a friggin villain's secret lair! No I am not going to forget how journalists treat him and throw out half a century of journalistic standards to cover him. Yes, there are times when I wish he would get off Twitter. I grew up with four siblings who are lifelong Democrats who never vote for the Republican, I am the black sheep, and they knew I was voting for Trump, yet they do not give me shit or criticize or question my morals, ethics, or humanity, they love me regardless of my vote, and conversely, I respect their decision to vote for Biden in November without judgment to their sanity LOL!
He DID lie about it. A lot. He had like five different stories about it that he kept waffling over... and all so that Trump didn't have to say anything HIMSELF... and all during that time his cabinet and PR people were doing everything they could to ask 'Russia who?' I'm not going to play the 'oh only Republicans are prone to legalese PR double speak' here though. Every politician and their staff does it. I'm more concerned about how Trump can barely keep from lying about TRIVIAL shit... I suspect half the time he's asked what he had for lunch, he'll just say whatever he thinks will impress the person he's talking to more. "You like Caviar? Well I had a nice caviar and a 400 year old scotch, what did you have? The smoked salmon? Well we can't all be as great as me!"

When you lie about the little things that don't matter as easy as drawing breath it begs to question and casts suspicion upon EVERYTHING you say, ESPECIALLY the BIG things that matter too much to be ignored.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Pandemic co-ordination team-scrapped in 2017. Pandemic play book - ignored. Pandemic response funding cut. All that at a time when the economy is booming. If you can't afford such measures then, when can you?

His incompetence is carved in stone, and tragically its in the 175,000 and growing grave stones of his countrymen and women.

BUT hey it is what it is, and what it is is everyone else's fault except his.

Fauci said this in 2017
Wait... how did Fauci KNOW back in 2017 some pandemic would hit? This is more creepy than blaming Trump. What did Fauci know that he could declare an event that had no happened yet?
If Fauci knew something shouldn't he have said something? This makes Fauci look a lot worse.

I don't think it requires the gift of far-sight for an epidemiologist to say "hey stop defunding our capacity to deal with epidemics or we won't be able to deal with an epidemic if there's an epidemic."
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
I don't think it requires the gift of far-sight for an epidemiologist to say "hey stop defunding our capacity to deal with epidemics or we won't be able to deal with an epidemic if there's an epidemic." ... SKBN21C32M ... ronavirus/ ... emic-team/

It seems Trump didn't close this department or fire anyone as some means of eliminating pandemic research but to consolidate these groups. Pandemic research was still on going. Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer left and Bolton took over an he downsized the group.

Also the group had done a fairly shitty job when checking the Woohan markets for any possible virus outbreak. They had visited the ground zero lab on numerous occasions and said nothing.
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Yes it annoys me when Trump fibs about this trivial shit, whether it be about how his show was number one (no), the crowd number at his inauguration, his ridiculous declaration that he has done more for blacks than anyone in history (Geeky really let me have it on that one) and countless other examples when he wildly exaggerated or outright lied about silly and stupid shit. I don't think it's the same thing as lying about being able to keep your doctor under universal health care or about starting a war over WMD's that never existed, but I guess that is another conversation. I think he also bragged about being a great athlete in college which was simply not the case. I just roll my eyes and shake my head when I hear him and his grandiose braggadocio style of speech. Trump is far from my ideal candidate but when you have a conservative ideology as I do, the Biden/Harris ticket really is not an option. If it makes you guys feel any better, I live in the state of MA, one of the most liberal states in the union that has not gone Republican in a presidential election since 1984, so mine and Dazzle1's vote will not count anyways.
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:sad: Another 1000 dead yesterday in US.

God knows what's happening in 3rd world countries and Germany and Spain record highest daily rates of infection since May. Looks like this is here to stay for a long while as it keeps resurging. Or ya know, it stops being an issue after Nov 3rd as its all about the election. :weep:
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TRUST me...this is NOT going to stop after the election. in Fact, between November and Feb it may be worse than ALL of 2020 so far....If it disappears right after the election, I promise to produce a full on hardcore porno with myself, sis and our girlfriends in all our DC cosplays and make it available her first for free!! That is how confident I am that it is not going away

A growing who's who of high profile Republicans are stating that they will not vote for Trump. A large group of national security people said the same. None of the responsible former Trump cabinet members will support him. There's a pattern here. The more someone knows about what good governance and effective national security is, the less likely they are to vote Trump. Many of the people who have worked most closely with Trump will not vote for him.

I keep saying this and it keeps not getting through - this is not political. It has nothing to do with ideology. Lifelong Republicans - Kasich, Conway, Powell, both Bush former presidents, Romney, Bolton, Flake, McRaven - all will not (or did not, in Bush Sr.'s case) vote for Trump. These people are true patriots. They put country before party and they recognize the danger of Donald Trump being president.

Bannon was just arrested for fraud - stealing money from Americans who thought they were helping to pay for Trump's border wall. He joins Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Trump's personal lawyer Cohen, Stone, Popadopoulos as people close to the 2016 Trump campaign who have been charged with criminal activity. All have been found guilty except Flynn, who confessed (before later withdrawing his confession) and Bannon, who was just charged. Trump is surrounded with people who can't stop breaking the law.

Trump paid 25 million to people suing him for being ripped off by "Trump University". He dissolved his so-called charity and paid a large penalty because he was diverting donations for personal use. He was a real estate developer who no bank would lend money to. Book after book by people who know Trump well or have worked closely with him repeat the same themes - He is amoral, unintelligent, wildly vindictive, uninterested in doing the work a president must, unbriefable, dismissive of expertise and frighteningly ignorant of history, geography and government.

Supporting such a man for president is a betrayal of everything America has stood for since its inception. Trump is a revolting human being who cares only and exclusively about himself. He's never even read the constitution he is sworn to uphold. Officials tried to go through the document with him after he became president - they failed. Now Trump is refusing to say he will abide by the election results. Even his press thingy of the moment refuses to say Trump will respect the result.

But I guess that's better than Biden.
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
A growing who's who of high profile Republicans are stating that they will not vote for Trump. A large group of national security people said the same. None of the responsible former Trump cabinet members will support him. There's a pattern here. The more someone knows about what good governance and effective national security is, the less likely they are to vote Trump. Many of the people who have worked most closely with Trump will not vote for him.

I keep saying this and it keeps not getting through - this is not political. It has nothing to do with ideology. Lifelong Republicans - Kasich, Conway, Powell, both Bush former presidents, Romney, Bolton, Flake, McRaven - all will not (or did not, in Bush Sr.'s case) vote for Trump. These people are true patriots. They put country before party and they recognize the danger of Donald Trump being president.

Bannon was just arrested for fraud - stealing money from Americans who thought they were helping to pay for Trump's border wall. He joins Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Trump's personal lawyer Cohen, Stone, Popadopoulos as people close to the 2016 Trump campaign who have been charged with criminal activity. All have been found guilty except Flynn, who confessed (before later withdrawing his confession) and Bannon, who was just charged. Trump is surrounded with people who can't stop breaking the law.

Trump paid 25 million to people suing him for being ripped off by "Trump University". He dissolved his so-called charity and paid a large penalty because he was diverting donations for personal use. He was a real estate developer who no bank would lend money to. Book after book by people who know Trump well or have worked closely with him repeat the same themes - He is amoral, unintelligent, wildly vindictive, uninterested in doing the work a president must, unbriefable, dismissive of expertise and frighteningly ignorant of history, geography and government.

Supporting such a man for president is a betrayal of everything America has stood for since its inception. Trump is a revolting human being who cares only and exclusively about himself. He's never even read the constitution he is sworn to uphold. Officials tried to go through the document with him after he became president - they failed. Now Trump is refusing to say he will abide by the election results. Even his press thingy of the moment refuses to say Trump will respect the result.

But I guess that's better than Biden.
Romney was my governor here in MA and he sucked. I love how all of the libs used to dump on Romney when he ran against Obama, what a mean bastard he was, a terrible man who did not care about the little guy, only cares about rich people, what a rich elitest snob of a rich guy he was and now because he has a hard on for Trump he suddenly is this shining light of an example of a Republican. Talk about flip flopping! Bolton was practically the devil incarnate when he worked for Trump, a neocon and potential warmonger, but his opinion matters to you now that he has left the administration, funny how that works. Romney is just a useful idiot for the Trump haters like the rest. Cohen, Stone, and Bannon are scumbags but guys like Carter Page, Papadopolis, Flynn, and many of the names you mentioned were only targeted because of their association with Trump and Mueller's attempt to net the big fish that got away. Some of these guys such as Page and Papadopolis barely had any contact with Trump whatsoever. The American dream, that is what I believe America stands for, the ability of the individual to attempt to achieve those dreams with limited government interference, a belief that the power of the individual trumps (yeah, that's an intentional pun) the power of institutions, the belief that the individual knows better than big government how to run their lives. That my Canadian friend is what America stands for and is why I will be voting for Donald J. Trump in November.