Supergirl in The Clean-Up Woman

A darker, full bodied blend.
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The character Supergirl is Copyrighted by DC
This work is pure fan fiction. I receive no payment, compensation or benefit from it.
Comments and feedback are appreciated

The Clean-Up Woman
by McGheeny

Linda was just like most freshman at Metro University. She needed money. Like most freshman the 18-year old co-ed went to the message board in the student union. Searching several openings there were only a few left that Linda would consider. One of those jobs was part-time house cleaner for a home on the east side of Metro City. That was the upscale side of town and the job duties listed light cleaning three times a week, and, the money wasn’t that bad.

“Well Linda, looks like you are going to clean a house to make ends meet,” sighs the girl.

Later That Afternoon

Linda dresses for the interview in a modest mid-thigh pleated skirt, a formfitting short sleeve white T-shirt, white ankle socks and leather loafers. Riding in the back of the car that had been sent for her Linda sits, legs crossed, as she stares out the window. Linda marvels at the large picture-perfect homes in this exclusive residential district. After a twenty-minute drive from campus the car pulls into a half circular driveway stopping at the foot of steps leading to two large intricate carved doors. Linda is instructed to wait by the large man in the driver’s seat with the weathered face and a nose that looks like it has seen a few fists. The 6’4” beefy driver in a black well-made suit, thin black tie, white shirt and driver’s cap moves around to open her door and extend his hand to help her out.

“This is a very nice house,” says Linda looking over the white stone building.

“Yes, it is,” says the driver flatly. “This way missy.” He motions for Linda to climb the steps to the front doors. Once there the man opens the right door and waits for the girl to enter.

“Please go to your right and take a seat in the great room and the owner will be with you in a moment,” says the driver, again with little or no inflection in his voice. He gestures with his right hand towards a room off the entry. He watches the young girl slowly make her way into the room. Satisfied she was delivered the driver turns and heads out the door.

It truly IS a GREAT room. The lavishly furnished 20’ x 20’ room was awe inspiring. A few minutes later, Linda finds herself sitting in the great room across from Ms. Brenson, the owner of the stately three-story white stone home. The 5’6” 118 lbs. slender brunette college girl feels somewhat minute next to the statuesque busty owner. The blonde woman stood over six-foot tall and carried herself with such confidence and poise it was difficult for the co-ed to guess the woman’s age. Also, the natural beauty of her facial features was set off by the brightest emerald green eyes Linda has ever seen.

Ms. Brenson looks over the demure brunette with a piercing gaze. She took in every curve and nervous shifting of this pretty girl in glasses. “So, I will need you to come Monday, Wednesday and Fridays,” begins the woman with a British accent.

“I can do that,” replies Linda. “Can I ask what specifically you will need done?”

“Well, like the ad stated light house cleaning,” smiles Ms. Brenson. “You can start by vacuuming this room.” She sees the wide eyes fill the startled look on the young girl’s face. “You CAN start today can’t you?”

Linda swallows nervously, “Well, yes. I just…” The girl stands up, “Where is your vacuum?”

Ms. Brenson stands up extending her hand, “Welcome aboard Linda.” The girl shakes her hand. “You will find the vacuum in the closet in the entry way. If you have any questions just ask.” With that the woman turns and heads out of the room.

“Well, okay, I’m a house cleaner,” chuckles Linda. She moves out of the room to the entryway. She finds the closet door but when she opened it wasn’t a closet. It couldn’t be a closet. Linda looks at the room that was almost half the size of her apartment. Sure enough, among other cleaning items and stacks of linens, the girl found a vacuum.

Linda had found an electrical outlet and has begun vacuuming. The great room was obviously called that because of its size. The teen was bent over running the vacuum under one of three couches when she feels a cool breeze run up her backside. Pausing Linda looks over her right shoulder to see the tall full-figured Ms. Brenson dressed in a black leather outfit holding both Linda’s skirt and a black riding crop whip in the air. A second later, WHAP! “HEY!” protest the co-ed as she straightens up and twists herself and her skirt out of the woman’s reach. “What do you think you are doing?” she asks rubbing her rear.

“White cotton panties Linda?” laughs Ms. Benson, “We’ll have to make sure you have something a bit more…tasty to wear when you come over.” She takes a step towards the brunette girl in glasses, “I think a French Maid uniform with silky white lacey bra and matching undies.”

Linda blinks several times trying to process the new look for Ms. Brenson. The woman had gone from elegantly dressed in light brown slacks, white flowing blouse and tan heels to, this. On that dignified frame now dons a black shinny leather roper with garters, black thigh high stockings and three-inch black boots. Her well groomed and styled blonde hair is now pulled into ponytail showing off large gold hooped earrings. Even the highlights and impeccable makeup has become darker and more goth. This is can’t be the same woman Linda had just met a short time ago.

Forgetting for a moment Kara was in her disguise as Linda the girl takes a power stance holding up her right hand, “Come no closer!” To her surprise Ms. Brenson grabbed Linda’s wrist, sits on the couch and pulls the girl spinning around landing across the woman’s lap ass up! Before she can recover her skirt is pushed up and the whistle sound of the black riding crop cuts the air and…WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “AHOO!”

“You will have to learn your place Linda,” says Ms. Brenson. She holds the plaid skirt rolled up fully exposing a skimpy pair of white string bikini panties. A hungry Ms. Brenson licks her full botox red lips as applies several more strikes of the flexible leather device. The whip end lands perfectly on the pretty girl’s little firm tan lined heart-shaped ass just beneath the sparse cotton material. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!

“AUUAO! OH! AOH!” Linda is more embarrassed at the situation then hurt by the whip. The woman’s tortuous device could never hurt Supergirl. Unfortunately, Linda is in a tough spot. How does she make Ms. Brenson stop without exposing her secret identity as Supergirl? WHAP! WHAP! “STOP THAT!” As Linda struggles the girl finds the old woman has a surprisingly secure grip on her. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “I’m Warning You!”

In a sudden power move Ms. Brenson pulls Linda’s panties down baring her reddening bottom.

“HEY!” shrieks Linda.

“I am going to love teaching you your place girly,” WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “I can do this all day…and All Night Linda!” smirks the older woman. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!

“I Don’t Think So!” growls Linda as she uses just enough strength to roll out of Ms. Brenson’s grip. She lands on the floor, on her cute little butt, at the woman’s feet. When she looks up the co-ed catches a firm backhand to her right cheek which sends the girl tumbling across the floor. A shocked Linda pushes her upper body from the carpet, ‘That woman packs a wallop’.

Mr. Brenson stands up and moves towards the prone girl with her skirt up and her underwear midway down her thighs. The large woman kneels down placing her left knee across the small of 5’6” athletically slender Linda’s back, pinning the girl to the floor. Her left hand grabs the girl’s coffee colored hair and pulls up as her right hand focuses punishment on that ass! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!

“AHO! GET OFF ME!” demands Linda. Ms. Brenson replies with several more whacks of her riding crop. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!
‘THAT’S IT!’ decides Linda. Using a fraction of her superpowers the teen pushes up from the floor unbalancing the woman and sends her backwards.

The tall buxom Ms. Brenson finds herself on her rear, her riding crop in her right hand and a brown wig in her left. She looks up to see a blonde girl, sans spectacles, poised on her knees a few feet away pull up her white cotton panties. “I know that face...that hair...and that sexy little body. Why Linda, you have a secret don’t you?”

The flush color on Kara’s beautiful face matches the redness of her butt cheeks. Working her panties into place around her girlishly curvy hips Kara stands up and turns towards the seated woman. “I don’t know what your game is Ms. Brenson but I can assure you it is over now.”

“So, Linda? Or is that your real name?” inquires the woman with an impish grin on her face. “Come on girly, tell your Master.” She studies the range of emotions crossing that young girl’s beautiful face.

“Kara,” says the blonde teen, “And you are DEFINITELY NOT my Master.”

“Oh,” says Ms. Brenson as she crosses her arms over her knees, “I thought it might be Supergirl.” She levels her green eyes at the girl. “Let’s see…” The blonde teen scowls as she folds her arms and shifts her weight to her right hip. “Oh, come on girly. Let’s see you.”

Since the cat was halfway out of the bag changing now couldn’t make it any worse. Linda spins and in a bright blue flash which changes to a slowly dissipating light blue arura Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, stands. Taking her familiar power stance Kara levels her fiery blue eyes at the woman, “Now, it’s time you explain yourself Ms. Brenson.”

“Mr. Bell,” says the woman still maintaining eye lock with the good girl. When the large salty man enters the room Ms. Brenson says, “We have a visitor. Will you fetch my pack?”

Before Supergirl can protest the man in the black suit disappears. “Where does he think he is going? I am sure he is as guilty as you are in this…this…” she looks around the room as if searching for the words, “This felonious assault!”

“WELL!” chuckles Ms. Brenson, “Look at that. Now that is a college word…felonious. HAHAHA!”

Kara folds her arms across her chest and tilts her head slightly down peering at the woman with disgust, “Don’t worry. You will learn a lot more words like that where you are going.”

Just then Mr. Bell reenters the room with a wooden box the size of a shoe box. He sets it down next to Ms. Brenson and waits. “Aha, that’s it. Thank you, Mr. Bell,” smiles the woman. As she takes the box, she nods towards Supergirl, “Will you entertain our guest Mr. Bell while I get prepared?”

The large man takes off his cap exposing a bald head. He tosses the cap on the couch behind Ms. Brenson and then removes his coat. As he does his muscular frame stresses the stitching of his white shirt. He takes off his tie and adds it to the pile. He turns towards the much smaller blonde girl in the blue leotard, short red mini dress, bare legs, red and gold trimmed boots and red cape. Rolling up his sleeves he closes the 10-foot gap. A few more steps and he pulls black leather gloves out of his back pocket.

A tickled Supergirl leans to her right looking around the oncoming menacing man to catch Ms. Brenson’s eye. “Are you sure you want him to do this?” At that moment the man stands in front of Kara blocking her view of his employer. “You DO realize you don’t stand a chance?” Just then a surprise right haymaker comes from Oklahoma landing squarely on the girl’s cheek. THWAP!

“AH!” groans the large man as he grabs a hold of his throbbing hand. As he stands there holding his hurting right hand the young blonde girl snickers. His eyes turn red as he glares at the smiling Supergirl. Mr. Bell straightens up and takes a fighting stance.

Left jab, left jab, right hook, left uppercut, right hook come at the heroine and Kara dodges every punch with ease. When the attacker settles back into his stance Supergirl backhands the large man with a fraction of her power which still sends him sailing over 10 feet in the air. The driver comes crashing down on a chair and table. To her surprise the man struggles to his feet and comes at her again. “Oh you are a gluten for punishment.”

“Aaagggrrrrhhhhuhh!” growls the large man as he leaps into the air and comes down on the seemingly demure blonde teen with a vicious right power punch. “AHOUGH!” grunts the man as again the young girl in red and blue swats him away

This time Mr. Bell is slower to get up, but gets up he does. Kara smiles and shakes her head, “Wow!” She turns to Ms. Brenson who has now gotten to her feet and is holding the box her servant brought her. “You really should have him stop before he hurts himself.” Just then the woman opens the box and grins at Kara. Suddenly there is a flash of light and pain in her right cheek and Supergirl finds herself spinning out of control, “Ahawo!”

Mr. Bell stepped into a right haymaker which landed perfectly on Supergirl’s pretty face. This time the blonde girl took the blow and was sent in circles falling over the back of a couch. A moment later a stunned Supergirl appears over the back of the couch rubbing her reddened cheek with a look of astonishment and concern. This fight has just taken a new turn.

Kara stands up straightening her uniform, “Where did that come from Mr. Bell?” The annoyed young heroine moves around the piece of furniture and steps into a flurry of lefts and rights. The man’s thick fists landed with practiced proficiency and power on tender targets on Kara’s amazing body culminating with a finishing right uppercut, “AHAWUO!” Again, a besieged Supergirl was hurt and sent sailing over more furniture.

This time Mr. Bell did not wait for Supergirl to get up but went after her. He tossed a couple of chairs out of the way and his left grabbed a handful of the girl’s flaxen mane. He hoists the dazed teen to her feet by her hair and draws back his right fist.

“AHOWO!” protest Supergirl after being lifted by her hair. She sees the man’s fist coming her way and catches it with both of her hands stopping it in flight, “Ahawono you don’t!” As she held the man’s fist, she did not think about Mr. Bell’s punishing right knee as it passes up under her red skirt, past her parted thighs and is driven into her VERY vulnerable crotch, “AHOOOOO!”

Supergirl’s hands immediately drop to her pussy as Mr. Bell rabbit punches the girl in the face with several unanswered rights. He pauses to see the glaze covering those once brilliant baby blues of Supergirl’s. Holding the wilted and dazed bitch up by her hair Mr. Bell again draws his fist back and unloads on Supergirl, “HUH!”

Kara felt the initial sting in her cheek. The next thing the blonde teen heroine knew she was sprawled out on the floor. Where was she? What happened? Her incredible Kryptonian body and delicate loins hurt, how? Just then she saw the imposing bald man coming for her again and it all came back. ‘Time to put a stop to this!’ an angry Kara says to herself as she scrambles to her feet.

Mr. Bell moves in on the disheveled little blonde ready to pounce when a surprise right fist from the girl stops him in his tracks. His head snaps back and his concentration is temporarily scuttled for a moment. Clearly the good girl’s punches have lost some of their power. He replies with a left jab that jars the girl’s head and causes Supergirl to step backwards.

Now the two combatants swap several punches doing respectable amounts of damage to each but neither gives up ground. Just then Mr. Bell raises his hands in an open challenge to Supergirl, “How about a game of Mercy Supergirl?” A fuming Supergirl reaches out and interlocks her fingers with the man and the contest is on.

The driver’s hands are much larger and rougher than Kara’s, but she is able to keep him at bay. She is aggravated that she isn’t winning easily. What is going on with her powers? In a surprise move Mr. Bell steps up raises their hands and then bears down on Supergirl. She is driven down to one knee but slowly raises back up. It is taking all her focus to hold the large man in place. Just then she feels her cape pulled aside and her skirt hiked. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “AHAOOOHO!”

Mr. Bell feels Supergirl weaken and presses his advantage forcing her to one knee again. Despite his best efforts the girl is able to push back getting to her feet. That is when his employer hikes that short mini skirt and smacks Supergirl’s ass several more times with her riding crop.

“AHOUOHHSTOPTHAT!” squeals Kara. This time the snap of the whip stings her. She looks over her shoulder and Ms. Brenson is smiling and looking Supergirl’s rear over with delight before giving it the whip again! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “AOUUOUAOA!” Her strength begins to wain as Mr. Bell is beginning to bend her wrists back. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “AWOAAOOUUU!” the sharp pain causes Kara's fantastic legs to straighten.

When Supergirl changes positions due to Ms. Brenson is holding up her skirt, Mr. Bell is given a clear shot at the crotch of the girl’s blue thigh high cut leotard. The pubic mound is perfectly outlined, and the man slams his knee directly into the sweet spot, “AHUH!”

“AHOOOOO!” gasps Kara as pain erupts between her legs. Her arms turn to rubber as Mr. Bell pins them behind her back and pulls her off her feet into a bear hug. “AOOO! NAWOOO! NOOAOOO!” moans the blonde teen trapped in the older man’s huge muscular arms. As she hangs there helplessly her skirt is lifted again and…WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “AHOOOUUUUMYYGOSHHH!”

There in the middle of the Great Room Supergirl hangs from Mr. Bell’s vice-like bear hug having her will squeezed from her beautiful young Kryptonian body. Meanwhile, the old woman in the black leather outfit and riding crop is holding up the girl’s skirt exposing the blue material barely covering that amazing and reddened ass. Ms. Brenson is giving that sexy little butt a lashing as the girl wails in pain.

Supergirl does her best to struggle for freedom, but it is no use. They have her. Kara’s head finally bows forward resting on the man’s shoulder. Her long lovely slender bare tan legs hang limp as the crop repeatedly and cruelly smacks her rear. The sting from the leather causes the girl to wince and jerk but there is no more fight left in the teen. As tears stream down Kara's cheeks, how these two were able to defeat her is no longer important. Supergirl has just surrendered herself to them and the situation.

Ms. Brenson finally steps back and looks over her handy work, “Well that is such a pretty color on you Supergirl.” The woman drops the skirt and moves back to the box, “Release her!” Mr. Bell relaxes his arms and untangles their fingers allowing Supergirl to crumple to the floor. Standing next to the couch where the whole encounter with Linda began Ms. Brenson says, “Come to me Supergirl.”

Seated more on her hip attempting to stay off her throbbing rear Kara looks up at the woman with watery eyes. The young heroine has a fleeting moment of indecision but a swat to the back of her head from Mr. Bell gets her attention. Supergirl gets up on her knees and starts to stand.

“Crawl to me Supergirl,” demands the woman in the leather outfit. Mr. Bell pushes the blonde back to her hands and knees. Supergirl hesitates again, “Come on sweetie or do you need the whip?”

“NO!” gasps Kara. “No,” she repeats herself with a little more control. She takes a deep breath and begins to crawl to the old woman. As the teen heroine moves closer a sick feeling stirs in her stomach. Nausea and weakness grow in intensity the closer she gets to the old woman. Kara knows that feeling having experienced it before, Kryptonite. By the time she reaches Ms. Brenson’s feet the girl is barely able to maintain on all fours.

“Get up Supergirl!” says the old dominatrix. As the pretty blonde teen struggles to her feet Ms. Brenson pulls a jar of green liquid and a rag from the box. Those wet blue doe eyes show the fear in Supergirl as she struggles to keep on her feet.

“Nawoo…don’t…” pleads Kara as the woman pours some of the green liquid on the rag. Ms. Brenson sets the jar down and reaches for Supergirl, “Naooopleeaassseee…not that…not that…” her hands come up to ward off the old woman with the dangerous rag.

“Right,” laughs Ms. Brenson as she spins a wilted Supergirl around and pulls her into a bear hug. She places the green tinted rag over Supergirl’s nose and mouth, “That’s it girly. Use your super-breath and inhale deep.” Supergirl begins to squirm and struggle but it is no use. Ms. Brenson has a firm hold on the little blonde girl, “This will put an end to all your misguided and oh so feeble attempts to get free. That’s it, nighty-night Supergirl.”

Kara’s efforts fade as the sting of the deadly fumes from the damp cloth begin to fill her lungs. As her eyelids flutter and her baby blues roll to the back of her head Supergirl is finished. The once proud and amazing Supergirl’s fantastic Kryptonian body slumps into Ms. Brenson’s arms. Supergirl belongs to Ms. Brenson, her new Master.

To Be Continued
Last edited by McGheeny 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 52
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Very nice, please go on. Without her superpowers slim Kara is no match for the blonde amazon.
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krispin21 wrote:
4 years ago
Very nice, please go on. Without her superpowers slim Kara is no match for the blonde amazon.
There is definitely more to come for the spunky little blonde good girl. Thanks for the input.
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Great start as always, that goes downhill fast for Kara and sounds like it's just the beginning
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Excellent start to this Supergirl story!
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Very good. I look forward to more.
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