So, how do custom videos work in general?

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I have heard about custom videos but never ordered one.
So, how does this normally work?
I send in some sort of script/story, make somes wishes about the models/actresses, costumes, length etc..
And then the producer say how much he needs to get it done?
I then pay it eventually for several hundred bucks, the videos gets done.
Then I get it, hopefully it's as good as I imagined it would be.
Then it gets into general sale where the public can buy it after checking out story, pictures and a trailer.
Is that in general how it works?
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Yes that is normally how it works. I recommend ... ose-fetish she is pretty open and friendly and she makes really good custom videos. She has a few superhero/villain costumes but she mostly play supervillains/ anti hero. Her prices are quite reasonable as well!
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i would try Brittany Lynn she is very awesome i have over 63 customs made by her she has a great price range and will have everything you put in the script and you only have to wait 6 days she is that good here is the link to her clipsforsale enjoy. ... -fantasies
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
I have heard about custom videos but never ordered one.
So, how does this normally work?
I send in some sort of script/story, make somes wishes about the models/actresses, costumes, length etc..
And then the producer say how much he needs to get it done?
I then pay it eventually for several hundred bucks, the videos gets done.
Then I get it, hopefully it's as good as I imagined it would be.
Then it gets into general sale where the public can buy it after checking out story, pictures and a trailer.
Is that in general how it works?
Thats pretty much how it works but also there is another option. if you dont want it made for sale and want it to be exclusive just for you so no one on the planet ever sees it you can usually pay extra to have it just for you alone.
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I've ordered a lot of customs. And I've made lots of posts about my experiences on this forum. So you can look some of them up if you care the search. :)

But basically, yeah. producers vary WIDELY in what they produce and what they charge and what they will and will not do, etc.

I typically start with an idea of what I want and then I write a script. Try to keep your script realistic in terms of number of performers and special equipment. When I first started writing my own custom scripts they were completely insane because I had a huge cast of henchmen and bondage furniture, and lots of dialog, etc. But shooting something like that would be prohibitively expensive. Stick to two or even one performer if you can.

Once my script is written, I typically let it sit for a couple of days. Because every time I write a script once and send it out, I almost immediately think of a whole bunch of stuff I could have made better and once you send it to a producer, it's often too late. I've sent producers updated scripts and a lot of times, they get lost or they just don't want to be bother re-reading the whole thing to see what you changed. So best to get everything nailed down the first time.

Then I make a list of producers and send my script out to ALL of them. Porn producers are not always the most reliable people, so you kinda have to shotgun and it see who replies, because they are often on vacation or out of town or just not shooting that month or whatever. And they don't typically post their public schedules.

Some producers won't do scripts and only work from a very brief description. Others will do larger scripts like mine, which are typically around 8 pages. Still others will do a script word-for-word. So think about what you care about. My 8-page scripts aren't 8 pages of describing every single action or dialogue that occurs. it's mostly general guidelines, a summary of each scene, and then I focus in on a few of the the really key points of a scene that I want in there and then I just sort've let them ad-lib the rest. :)

Yeah, feel free to post here or PM me if you want any advice on producers or scripts or whatever, really. It was pretty scary for me the first time I ordered a custom. It's easier nowadays, but there are still a lot of pitfalls. And it's always risky. I've been ripped off many times, and by some really big names with excellent reputations. So don't spend any money you can't afford to lose.
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Thanks for all the answers to far! :-)
Guess I shall start writing some sort of script with a rather simple story for starters.
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Personally, I tend to decide on the studio I want to make the custom before I write the script, so that I can tailor it to the resources they have available (sets, performers, etc). No point in writing a scene that takes place in an abandoned warehouse if the producer doesn’t have a location that can simulate one. And of course, different producers make very different types of content, so I prefer to write a script with a particular studio in mind that is likely to get the tone right and include all the elements I want.
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Tie-n-Teez sounds like he goes about his customs like I do. And I agree with everything that was said. I've ordered a few customs and have posted my experiences as well on the forum. I've also talked about how I went about achieving my customs if you want to do a search on my moniker as well. But I'm happy to help a fellow kinkster out.....

Producers DO vary in what they produce, what they are and are not willing to do, and how much they are going to charge you for it. Always keep this in mind. We'll get back to this point later.

Start with an outline with the ideas of what you want to see in the custom. It's your money, there must be a purpose to doing it. For example, you always wanted to see a certain character is a certain bondage position. Painfully obvious for me, I have a thing for Wonder Woman being tied up by rope in the Eiffel Tower position (aka A position). Do try to keep your ideas realistic in regards to number of performers (usually one or two - the model and a villain) and special equipment needed (I actually had to buy the flogger for my first custom). The more complex the story and dialogue the model/producer has to remember or do will more than likely drive up the cost. So, keep it relatively simple with what you really want to see.

Once my outline is written, I do sit on it for a little while as well (I think it's great that writers have this in common). The reason being is that a fresh new day may bring fresh new ideas. You might remember something you wanted to see added in, come up with a new idea on your own, or be influenced by another's work and spin a variation on it. It's best to get it right the first time. A producer does not want endless re-writes (you're not a Hollywood studio) and the cost could possibly go up if you continue to add (I had one producer that wanted to charge me more just for reading a slight update - no, thanks). Know what you want in your script.

Now comes the hard part - the producers (sorry friends, but here goes....) As I stated above producers DO VARY in what they will do or not do, cost of the custom, etc. Do your research first!! Make a list of producers that you want to send your outline to and visit their website. Most information in regards to cost, model selection, etc is already there. Also, the producers I send to are usually people that I have enjoyed their work in the past. Send your custom out to all producers at the same time and keep a track of the responses you get back. Most producers are great and have a positive reputation. Others do not. Some may reply back to you. Others will not. This is due to a variety of reasons (full time job, vacation, busy with other customs, lack of interest in your custom sad but true, etc). So do not take things personally if you do not get an immediate response. Try sending again if the producer does not respond within a couple of weeks (One producer told me my script went to his spam mail, so....). Some producers do detailed scripts, some just want a basic outline. Some producers are spot on with every detail, some producers it's a collaboration and some ad-libbing to the dialogue. Some producers are reasonable on cost, some are clearly ripping you off. You do not have to take the first offer - take the one that is the best fit for you.

I was also really scared when I ordered my first custom. A hundred questions raced through my mind: What the heck am I doing? Can the producer be trusted? I just sent a lot of money (rent, a car payment, etc), Did I just get ripped off? Am I spending my hard earned money on a garbage production when I want this to be really good? Will it even turn out the way that I want? Will it ever get done at all? There is a little bit of anxiety involved as a customer. If you choose your producer right, know the follow : the producer DID do everything they could to bring your vision to life. Just like ordinary film-making, what the writer had in his mind might translate a little bit different in the producer's or model's mind (allow this to happen). Also like ordinary film-making, allow collaboration between the writer, producer and the model. You might be surprised at the great additions to the custom by others that makes it that much better than you even thought by yourself (I was delightfully shocked when the model/producer added a little something to an end of a sequence. It did make it that much better for me).

Also PM me if you want help. Good luck! :ss:
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Also remember that no matter what YOU think about Covid 19 there are people who are putting off shooting with ANYONE. so if you contact a producer and he tells you this is the limited list they have do not bitch and moan.
Do not ask for a specific model if other producers have said she is not currently working.
And lastly dont blame the producer.
He literally has no choice and no say in the matter.
In December I had to turn down over 20 customs because clients were looking for a specific type or a specific name and because of covid we couldnt book them and out of those 20 just 3 understood that covid was making booking impossible.
the other 17 replied several times to either bitch about covid not being real, or to accuse me of not caring about my company.
So.... until this is all over expect there to be many models who are not putting themselves out there
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heroinehunter wrote:
3 years ago
Once my outline is written, I do sit on it for a little while as well (I think it's great that writers have this in common). The reason being is that a fresh new day may bring fresh new ideas. You might remember something you wanted to see added in, come up with a new idea on your own, or be influenced by another's work and spin a variation on it. It's best to get it right the first time. A producer does not want endless re-writes (you're not a Hollywood studio) and the cost could possibly go up if you continue to add (I had one producer that wanted to charge me more just for reading a slight update - no, thanks). Know what you want in your script.
I mentioned this in my post as well, but I think it's worth emphasized again.
When I finish writing a script, there is this tremendous excitement and I always WANT to send it out right away and get it made ASAP. But EVERY single time I do that I find myself almost immediately regretting that, because I ALWAYS think of some little thing that I could have added or made better. It takes discipline, but it's really worth it to hold back for at least a day or two.
heroinehunter wrote:
3 years ago
Some may reply back to you. Others will not. This is due to a variety of reasons (full time job, vacation, busy with other customs, lack of interest in your custom sad but true, etc). So do not take things personally if you do not get an immediate response.
Another point that warrants repeating. I typically send my script to every producer that I can possible imagine making it. Sometimes as many as a dozen at once. And if I send out a dozen copies of a script, sometimes, I will get replies from maybe 3 or 4 of those. Some reply immediately, some after a few days, and some never. Sometimes, I get a reply MONTHS later saying, "sorry, I was on vacation, are you still interested in making this video?"
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Millenium Member
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3 years ago
Also remember that no matter what YOU think about Covid 19 there are people who are putting off shooting with ANYONE. so if you contact a producer and he tells you this is the limited list they have do not bitch and moan.
Do not ask for a specific model if other producers have said she is not currently working.
And lastly dont blame the producer.
He literally has no choice and no say in the matter.
In December I had to turn down over 20 customs because clients were looking for a specific type or a specific name and because of covid we couldnt book them and out of those 20 just 3 understood that covid was making booking impossible.
the other 17 replied several times to either bitch about covid not being real, or to accuse me of not caring about my company.
So.... until this is all over expect there to be many models who are not putting themselves out there
This brings up another good point. In my experience, if you want a custom and you have a ONE specific model and you must have that model and no one else, you better prepare yourself for a long, hard road. Pretty much every time I tried to do this, I ultimately failed. Model's schedules are nuts, and finding the right model with the right producer can take months or years, and it's usually just not worth it, unless you get very lucky.

Write your script, find the producer, and THEN start discussing casting. Most producers will be happy to give you a list of suggestions of models they can cast in your video in the near future. I find this to be incredibly fun. It's like being a kid in a candy store. :)
But if they can't get anyone you like, find another producer or move on with your life.

Having said that, some producers, like Cali Logan, send out newsletters with a list of upcoming models that will be available for future shoots. Sign up for those! And if you see a model you want coming up soon, pound out your scripts and send it in with a request for that model. But get it in quick, before that model is all booked up. :)
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try producer Brittany Lynn she is the best producer that gets everything you want in the script no mess up or anything her price range is fantastic and she will do your custom in 5 days i have had over 65 customs done by her she is that awesome try her out here is her link ... -fantasies
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Good luck with your custom maskripper. I usually start with a model i want to see in peril bondage (typically spy/heroine themed) and then see if she works with any producers who i know have done the peril action i like. As others have said, some producers just want an outline while others will accept a detailed script. I've used Cali Logan, Chrissy Marie, Lady2fight, Hannah Perez/Fetishland among many but the process is basically the same. After payment or deposit, production and delivery timeframes vary but then I usually have some brief exclusivity before they release it to the public as they time their other releases.
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