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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Then why is the 'minority' of woke bigots' defeating the cloud yellers in action? Why has the 'cancel culture' gestated, brewed, and finally exploded if it's only the voice of the minority while the cloud shouters stand together in raucous chorus against it?

My strong feeling is, it's because screaming at things doesn't actually do anything, and the 'minority' is larger than you believe it to be.
Perhaps you misunderstand my position. I am in fact quite open to the idea that a large fraction of the population consume media uncritically and are products of that.

My point is that if you don't like the way things are, point it out. If producers fail to listen, look for alternatives, or build your own. If the majority agrees, then great. Perhaps you can be rich. If not, just finding or making the better alternative is its own reward. I'd rather not get the state involved, force others to bake my cake and have it too etc. Using the power of the state against others generally makes them dislike you, and one day the boot may be on the other foot!
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
How about switching the conversation to the 527,000 dead from Covid and the stimulus bill? The purpose of this discussion was to avoid talking about National issues that actually matter. Fox News, Breitbart Tucker and Hannity have nothing to report on that they can spin in a positive right wing light, like the blackout in Texas, the trial of officer Chauvin, the prosecution of the Jan 6 insurrection, Covid numbers, the stimulus bill, the $1,400 checks. All those thing just show how morally bankrupt the far right has become, so they create a storm in a teacup over shitthat never mattered. A rapey skunk? Six books that are almost a century out of date on race issues? A supporting character who didn’t read the fine print on her contract with Disney? Why don’t we throw in who you do not have to bake a cake for?
If you want to talk about the delayed Covid , how about how little is going to Covid aid and how much is going to Dem pet projects.

Trump's Covid bill would have had more money going to that , but Pelosi wanted to elect Biden and dead Americans did not matter to her

If Obama or Biden had been in charge no one would have been vaccinated yet, because the vaccine would be 2 years away, because they would be more concerned about the set asides and patronage hires

:crazy: "how about how little is going to Covid aid and how much is going to Dem pet projects."

:cap: Oh look, another Dazzle1 total lie. Yet another lie Dazzle1 has no proof of. I look forward to your :crazy: numbskull attempt to proof your statement. Not holding my breath.

:crazy: "Trump's Covid bill would have had more money going to that"

:cap: HA HA HA! You funny. Trump :elephant: covid bill! It would've had all money going to him.

Trump wanted to elect Trump and 500,000 plus dead Americans never mattered to him. He called none of their families. He talked to none of their families. Biden has. Biden did before he was president. Only Trump matters to Trump. Only Trump matters to Dazzle1. Dazzle1 and Qanon, over the top big lie enthusiasts, love Trump.

:crazy: "If Obama or Biden had been in charge no one would have been vaccinated yet"

:cap: If anyone but Trump :elephant: the Grump :weep: had been in charge, everyone would be vaccinated already, last year. Any president except Lump would have lightning fast got behind mRNA vaccine development as soon as informed about it, instead of waiting months :sleep: like Chump did until he was finally dragged in to go along. Plump was too self involved with his "playing it down" and "it'll go away like a miracle" goofball routine.

:crazy: "because they would be more concerned about the set asides and patronage hires"

:cap: Huh? Nevermind. Don't really need to hear more fiction from you. I'm sorry that you were hit hard and mangled by a runaway rightwing propaganda bus and so permanently dazzled by it :see_stars: :crazy: . Being dazzled is supposed to be a temporary condition, but unfortunately not in your case :crazy: .
the Scribbler

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it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Bert wrote:
3 years ago

Dude, even for you this is crazytown. I called you out for drastically underplaying the anti-Asian backlash in the States with actual data listing almost 3,000 incidents in 47 states.
Perpetrated by whom? The records are clear on who is doing most of those attacks and its not MAGA people or Trump supporters. By not looking at the demographics nobody is doing Asians a service. If the attackers were majority whites I think we'd be hearing about it big time and demanding action. I think the real underplaying is refusing to look at who are the attackers and if this is a hate crime.

BTW Jews in New York are having the same kinds of issues yet no one wants to talk about the majority attackers.
What are your sources for this information? I can provide a study which shows that COVID-era animosity towards Asians overwhelmingly comes from White Christian Nationalists, a group which is mainly MAGAtastic. ... 20.1839114

A few news articles about racial conflict in individual communities is not a scientific way to assess national trends. Could you please provide the stats which show that COVID-motivated anti-Asian attacks are being perpetrated mainly by black people?


I guess I'm just going to have to take Mr. X's word that virtually all COVID-related attacks on Asians are committed by black people and virtually none are committed by right-leaning white people. Sources, schmources. Who needs 'em when making sweeping claims about black people or, as Mr. X calls them, blacks?
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
How about switching the conversation to the 527,000 dead from Covid and the stimulus bill? The purpose of this discussion was to avoid talking about National issues that actually matter. Fox News, Breitbart Tucker and Hannity have nothing to report on that they can spin in a positive right wing light, like the blackout in Texas, the trial of officer Chauvin, the prosecution of the Jan 6 insurrection, Covid numbers, the stimulus bill, the $1,400 checks. All those thing just show how morally bankrupt the far right has become, so they create a storm in a teacup over shitthat never mattered. A rapey skunk? Six books that are almost a century out of date on race issues? A supporting character who didn’t read the fine print on her contract with Disney? Why don’t we throw in who you do not have to bake a cake for?
If you want to talk about the delayed Covid , how about how little is going to Covid aid and how much is going to Dem pet projects.

Trump's Covid bill would have had more money going to that , but Pelosi wanted to elect Biden and dead Americans did not matter to her

If Obama or Biden had been in charge no one would have been vaccinated yet, because the vaccine would be 2 years away, because they would be more concerned about the set asides and patronage hires
Mr Trump was hold rallies with thousands of unmasked supporters. Trump called it a hoax, said it would be gone by Easter, by summer, we are past the worst of it.... The Pfizer vaccine was developed without federal money and Trump only ordered enough doses to vaccinate 20% of the country, despite being given the option to buy more of the stock. When he got Covid he wasted no time in getting experimental treatment not available to the rest of us and took the vaccine secretly rather than encouraging people to trust the science. A coward to the core.

I am not sure why you think Obama would have take 5 years to develop a vaccine. They had a couple epidemics that could have been much worse and weren’t, so I can’t see how they could possibly have done worse than the Trump administration. Biden has not hired any family members, or his personal physician and rather than relying on unconfirmed nominees, has been having them going through the confirmation process. I have heard of no instances where the president had to over ride the security clearance protocols (like Trump did for Ivanka, Jared and Flynn).
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There is already a topic thread devoted EXTENSIVELY to all things covid, you may find it here viewtopic.php?f=17&t=33309. If you're looking to discuss it in the 'A Rapey Skunk got cancelled' topic thread idk what to tell you.
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I see the Scribbler is still attacking people who he or she can't debate typical woke fascist behavior

Here is the breakdown ... elief-bill

half of it is to bail out cities and state and to have other Dem agenda items not related to Covid
Pensions should not be funded by this bill
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
theScribbler wrote:
3 years ago
Go Woke! Gain 5.1 million Disney+ subscribers in a month, even after firing Gina Carano, cause Woke is money in the bank! Subscribers say: 'Gina Carano who?'

Variety - March 9, 2021:
"Disney Plus continues to grow apace, topping 100 million subscribers worldwide, Disney CEO Bob Chapek said Tuesday [March 9, 2021] during its annual shareholders meeting. That’s up from the 94.9 million Disney reported last month."
Shapiro is also a victim of Cancel Culture where similar Woke fascists have had been barred speaking at colleges. Calling him a Nazi even though he is an orthodox Jews

Cancel culture is no different than in earlier generation blacks, Jews and Irish were not allowed into stores

Wake up!
Shapiro is an opportunist whiner. Shapiro's Manbaby victim routine is just him pretending to be offended. He likes the fight. He likes to hate.

'Woke fascists!' No such thing. What there is is unwoke, comatose, forever asleep, propaganda believing and spewing, white supremacist fascists in red states trying to cancel certain people's ability to vote, with their red state racism anti voter laws. Whose caravan of fascism invaded the capital on Jan 6, tried to stage a coup and insurrection. Crazy goons who all deserve long stretches of jail time.

This Lepoo, Dr. Suess, Potato Head, Cancel Culture crap is just a distraction tactic. "Let's get people to talk about stupid stuff while we pull off the biggest cheats we can think of to get power back."

Wake up! You're asleep!
Cancel culture is no different than in earlier generation blacks, Jews and Irish were not allowed into stores
Well, the right did cancel Colin Kaepernick and he was black. Tried to cancel Obama. The right started the cancelling and never stopped. I do wonder why some on the left adopted the right's decade to centuries old methodology of cancelling (or trying to cancel) people.

Gina not totally cancelled tho. Opportunities await! She'll star soon, or someday, in Ben Shapiro action movie on Shapiro+ streaming service. That's the same as Disney+, right? Or is it the same as being cancelled!

And what's your lame bit about comparing fire vs rehire petitions numbers. That's whackadoo logic. I know you can't figure out why, but that's what it is.

Here is the difference between Carano and Kaepernick

Kaepernick expressed his views during the time when he was performing his job. He was forcing his views on the rest of his employees, his employers and the customer(fans) weather they wanted to hear it or not

Carano expressed her views during her off time from working for Disney
Meaningless difference. Doesn't matter AT ALL.

If Company heads feel employee is a liability to the company, be it financially or perception or whatever. Company can let that person go.

If Carano, on her own time, shot someone of fifth avenue. Disney would fire her.

What Carano actually did on her own time was also firable. Especially since she was asked to stop. She persisted. Ergo, there's the door, bye bye.

Conversely, Ben Shapiro approves of her activities. So she can have a huge to virtually nothing career in other projects, virtually nothing meh projects with Shapiro! That was the choice she made.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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FTR, Dazzle1 could care less about: Cartoon character cancelled.

He really wanted to call this thread: Woke fascists (or similar)

This is yet another of his anti-Woke OP propaganda thread attempts.
Dazzle1 loves to promote his propaganda.

His political threads like this one do get replies, people talking.
But he never seems to convince one new person.
Failing every time to persuade anyone by his propaganda.
Cause it's all lies. Pure Bullshit.

Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
Yes they are free to do it. But they are being bullied by Woke fascists ( and yes that is what they are) Getting back to the Carano example, the majority of fans did not want her fired. You are not allowed to have a non Woke opinion to these intolerants
First, no such thing as woke fascists.

Second, silly statement: her fans did not want her fired!


It's the people who aren't her fans that wanted her fired! Lots of them.
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
You can google it you know.

In the case of Carano, just look at the petition to get rid of her as opposed to the one to bring her back. BTW there is plenty evidence of election fraud.

As far as the corporation making the decision they were cowards who bowed to woke fascists
Dunce logic there, Dazzle1! Put on the pointy hat! Take a seat in front of the class!

Looking at petition to get rid of her vs one to bring her back is of no value whatsoever. Tells us absolutely nothing. She's fired. No need to sign a petition to fire her!!!

And during the time of the rehire petition. 77k signatures, many of them bots, not real people (bots can't watch Disney+). And not signing petition: 5.1 million new Disney+ subscribers who could care less about her firing, and the 94.9 million already subscribers that didn't leave Disney+ also could care less about her firing.
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago

Except that it just the latest example of what is one of the most noxious aspects of 2021.

Because a tiny group of self assigned purity czars complain, everyone caves in.

You can't criticize Meghan Markle because she self identifies as a minority. She files a complaint with British censors because Morgan said she lied
'self assigned purity czars' a likely Dazzle1 synonym for 'Woke fascists.'
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
I see the Scribbler is still attacking people who he or she can't debate typical woke fascist behavior

Here is the breakdown ... elief-bill

half of it is to bail out cities and state and to have other Dem agenda items not related to Covid
Pensions should not be funded by this bill
Total nonsense!

First, I pulverize you in any debate, cause you're all BS so you make it easy.

Second, giving cities and states the money they need to deal with Covid isn't bailing them out. That's your whackadoo crazy rightwinger spin which as usual, is entirely a lie.

Thanks for the link tho. At first glance, seems to totally disprove everything you say. But I'll have to look deeper.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
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Cover your eyes! & ears!
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The article states no clear demographic that is ACTUALLY committing the crimes. It is conjecture based on gross generalizations about some insignificant white christian group mention chinese virus which BTW a lot of people in a lot of demographics have used the term chinese virus.

Can you quote in the article where they specifically state its whites going into Asian areas and beating up asians as this demographic of so called MAGA people? Maybe I missed it. Did you actually read the article? Its not fact based. Its conjecture based on

We analyze data from 3 waves of the Public and Discourse Ethics Survey (Perry, Whitehead, and Grubbs 2020). Waves 1 and 2 were fielded in August 2019 and February 2020, respectively. In April 2020, a supplemental third wave was collected to gather data on experiences and interpretation of the coronavirus pandemic. The authors designed the survey instruments and each were fielded by YouGov, an international research data and analytics company.
Not one bit of data on the actual demographics of the perps, just surveys.

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
The article states no clear demographic that is ACTUALLY committing the crimes. It is conjecture based on gross generalizations about some insignificant white christian group mention chinese virus which BTW a lot of people in a lot of demographics have used the term chinese virus.

Can you quote in the article where they specifically state its whites going into Asian areas and beating up asians as this demographic of so called MAGA people? Maybe I missed it. Did you actually read the article? Its not fact based. Its conjecture based on

We analyze data from 3 waves of the Public and Discourse Ethics Survey (Perry, Whitehead, and Grubbs 2020). Waves 1 and 2 were fielded in August 2019 and February 2020, respectively. In April 2020, a supplemental third wave was collected to gather data on experiences and interpretation of the coronavirus pandemic. The authors designed the survey instruments and each were fielded by YouGov, an international research data and analytics company.
Not one bit of data on the actual demographics of the perps, just surveys.
If it's no clear demographic, then you're still wrong. You claimed very very confidently that the violence was mostly coming from other Asians.
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Total nonsense!

First, I pulverize you in any debate, cause you're all BS so you make it easy.

Second, giving cities and states the money they need to deal with Covid isn't bailing them out. That's your whackadoo crazy rightwinger spin which as usual, is entirely a lie.

Thanks for the link tho. At first glance, seems to totally disprove everything you say. But I'll have to look deeper.


You would lose easily. Bailing out the pension funds and over extended blue state does not help Covid situation. Pensions and salaries of non essential workers could be cut or eliminated.

There is also funding iniatives in Pakistan funding the Kennedy center and lets forget the line item that says taxes can't be cut
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............. So how 'bout them cancelled rapey skunks?

I for one, won't miss them.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

If it's no clear demographic, then you're still wrong. You claimed very very confidently that the violence was mostly coming from other Asians.
No I claimed Asians were the victims. Most of the violence was from blacks and muslims.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
............. So how 'bout them cancelled rapey skunks?

I for one, won't miss them.
The polite term is Animals of Smell. I don't recall Pepe actually raping anyone, but admittedly I didn't see every cartoon. I was much more into Ulysees 31.
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ivandobsky wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
............. So how 'bout them cancelled rapey skunks?

I for one, won't miss them.
The polite term is Animals of Smell. I don't recall Pepe actually raping anyone, but admittedly I didn't see every cartoon. I was much more into Ulysees 31.
Pepe was notorious for chasing ladies who had no interest in him whatsoever, and on more than one occasion the scene would 'heartwipe' out with him snuggling up against an unwilling lady skunk.

At the VERY least he was a 'Sexual Harassy' skunk.
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That must be why people kicked up a stink about it.

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

If it's no clear demographic, then you're still wrong. You claimed very very confidently that the violence was mostly coming from other Asians.
No I claimed Asians were the victims. Most of the violence was from blacks and muslims.
You're right. I was wrong. That's why you were wrong.
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I think it's kind of silly to think that we need cancel culture cultists to convince these companies to let go those folks who "deservedly" ought to be fired, that these companies somehow lack the ability to make their own decisions without these cancel culture cretons exhibiting their undue influence and illusory power. It's as if history forgets the pre social media examples of Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder and Al Campanis, among others. Hollywood cancels Gina Carano, but they celebrate the career of a guy, Roman Polanski, who had sex with a 13 year old girl and then left the country to avoid prosecution, and the desire among some in the industry to still work with Woody Allen. I hope someone can message me the cancel culture social media cabal rule book so that I can figure out what is acceptable this day and age and what can get you fired and purged by that vocal minority.
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Just tossing this in here and then ducking out because Memeology 101 is always so hilarious, which is why he's so popular:

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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
I think it's kind of silly to think that we need cancel culture cultists to convince these companies to let go those folks who "deservedly" ought to be fired, that these companies somehow lack the ability to make their own decisions without these cancel culture cretons exhibiting their undue influence and illusory power. It's as if history forgets the pre social media examples of Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder and Al Campanis, among others. Hollywood cancels Gina Carano, but they celebrate the career of a guy, Roman Polanski, who had sex with a 13 year old girl and then left the country to avoid prosecution, and the desire among some in the industry to still work with Woody Allen. I hope someone can message me the cancel culture social media cabal rule book so that I can figure out what is acceptable this day and age and what can get you fired and purged by that vocal minority.
There is no rule book. The decision as to whether complaints should be taken into consideration ultimately lies with the employer.

It is extremely unfortunate that mainstream movies and TV are made and distributed by a very small number of corporations. There were a lot more, but the free market has allowed a small number of players to have a monopoly. It's also very unfortunate that a very small number of social media platforms now have a monopoly. It all makes it so much more difficult for the "cancelled" person to start again elsewhere.

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
I think it's kind of silly to think that we need cancel culture cultists to convince these companies to let go those folks who "deservedly" ought to be fired, that these companies somehow lack the ability to make their own decisions without these cancel culture cretons exhibiting their undue influence and illusory power. It's as if history forgets the pre social media examples of Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder and Al Campanis, among others. Hollywood cancels Gina Carano, but they celebrate the career of a guy, Roman Polanski, who had sex with a 13 year old girl and then left the country to avoid prosecution, and the desire among some in the industry to still work with Woody Allen. I hope someone can message me the cancel culture social media cabal rule book so that I can figure out what is acceptable this day and age and what can get you fired and purged by that vocal minority.
There is no rule book. The decision as to whether complaints should be taken into consideration ultimately lies with the employer.

It is extremely unfortunate that mainstream movies and TV are made and distributed by a very small number of corporations. There were a lot more, but the free market has allowed a small number of players to have a monopoly. It's also very unfortunate that a very small number of social media platforms now have a monopoly. It all makes it so much more difficult for the "cancelled" person to start again elsewhere.

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
I think it goes against the grain for a lot of folks like me to seek government intervention in situations like these, that it is far more preferable that we raise awareness that the man behind the curtain is not the all powerful Oz, but just one man, that the power behind this cancel culture movement is illusory, that we can succeed in revealing just how many people support this purge like social media echo chamber. I agree with your point on the small number of media companies controlling these networks and movie studios plays a part in the cancel culture dynamic.
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Outlaw lobbying by business interests. Prevent politicians from owning shares and monitor their finances to ensure bribery doesn't happen.

No chance of that happening, though. Too many snouts at the trough.
Last edited by Heroine Addict 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
...are you kidding me? There's a tonne of demand from the left for that.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
...are you kidding me? There's a tonne of demand from the left for that.
I feel like you used to hear a lot of noise from the left about breaking these companies up, the left certainly targeted MicroSoft and Bill Gates in the 90's, but I have not heard as much in the last year or two. Perhaps some of these companies are contributing large sums of money to certain PAC's and political parties and has had some effect on their relative silence on the subject of late.

bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
...are you kidding me? There's a tonne of demand from the left for that.
I feel like you used to hear a lot of noise from the left about breaking these companies up, the left certainly targeted MicroSoft and Bill Gates in the 90's, but I have not heard as much in the last year or two. Perhaps some of these companies are contributing large sums of money to certain PAC's and political parties and has had some effect on their relative silence on the subject of late.
A quick googling revealed a lot of recent articles on the subject. I really think on this y'all are just wrong.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

...are you kidding me? There's a tonne of demand from the left for that.
Ok where? Why did the left favor allowing Walmart to stay open but small businesses close? Please show me the left demanding Google be broken up and not some edge case examples but mainstream news. Full on dem congress people trying to break up facebook, google, youtube etc. Anti-trust action.

What I see is everything the left does keeps large corporations open like Walmart, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Target etc while demanding the closure of small businesses. And most certainly not forcing Walmart to do ONLY curb side pick up.
A quick googling revealed a lot of recent articles on the subject. I really think on this y'all are just wrong.
Ok like what?

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago

...are you kidding me? There's a tonne of demand from the left for that.
Ok where? Why did the left favor allowing Walmart to stay open but small businesses close? Please show me the left demanding Google be broken up and not some edge case examples but mainstream news. Full on dem congress people trying to break up facebook, google, youtube etc. Anti-trust action.

What I see is everything the left does keeps large corporations open like Walmart, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Target etc while demanding the closure of small businesses. And most certainly not forcing Walmart to do ONLY curb side pick up.
A quick googling revealed a lot of recent articles on the subject. I really think on this y'all are just wrong.
Ok like what?

Also you are bullishly conflating "the left" with "the American Democratic Party". It's something I tend to see a lot in your arguments. "Provide me a counterexample BUT ONLY FROM THIS FIELD THAT I SPECIFY. It must be from Congresspeople of the Democratic party! Nothing else counts!" Well you didn't start by saying 'the Democrats'. You said 'the left'. Stop shifting the goalposts.
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Ok fair enough.

But lets be clear. The left nor the democrats are liberals.

And the left is YOUR problem ie the democrats and the democrats need to clean up THEIR MESS just like the repubs need to deal with any MAGA crap. Don't just whistle and look the other way like ignoring the current attack on the federal building in Portland. ... 33860.html

The left is YOUR stinky armpit.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
You seem to be under the impression that oligarchies are created by runaway government. I think you have it backwards. Big business, spends big money to lobby government to get rid of regulations that restrict that concentration of power.

In the 1950s the top tax bracket was 70%. It wasn’t done to soak the rich, it was done to prevent having all of the wealth concentrate I a few enormously powerful hands. Each of the Waltons are worth $50 Billion each. Oligarchs are created when the government loses the ability to regulate the oligarchs. The massive tax cuts from the Trump administration make it almost impossible for anyone not already worth billions from breaking into that club.

Rupert Murdoch lobbied heavily for years to end rules that limited the amount of media he could control. Clear Channel exists because of that. I would love to hear an explanation of how the free market system, without government interference would have prevented the media consolidation that created the big six. But include lots of titties in it, fantasy stories should at least have a lot of titties...
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sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
You seem to be under the impression that oligarchies are created by runaway government. I think you have it backwards. Big business, spends big money to lobby government to get rid of regulations that restrict that concentration of power.

In the 1950s the top tax bracket was 70%. It wasn’t done to soak the rich, it was done to prevent having all of the wealth concentrate I a few enormously powerful hands. Each of the Waltons are worth $50 Billion each. Oligarchs are created when the government loses the ability to regulate the oligarchs. The massive tax cuts from the Trump administration make it almost impossible for anyone not already worth billions from breaking into that club.

Rupert Murdoch lobbied heavily for years to end rules that limited the amount of media he could control. Clear Channel exists because of that. I would love to hear an explanation of how the free market system, without government interference would have prevented the media consolidation that created the big six. But include lots of titties in it, fantasy stories should at least have a lot of titties...
The problem with the tax system is the irresponsbility of the people in charge of it. I see no benefit in my taxes going to pension for useless politicians and hacks(Police fire etc yes) but no elected official deserves a pension or a salary more than $20.00 an hour or all the funding in the Covid bill going to useless pet project. Or things like the Green New Deal which is based on bogus ideas
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.
Whose 'they'? A few individuals within the corporation might want that, the Corporation itself usually wants little more than to fatten itself until it can no longer sustain itself so that it can deflate like a giant hollow sponge... sometimes it doesn't even need to DO much. Gamestop is looking to become the next Elon Musk, turning itself into a stock market king despite the business itself seeming to make little to no profits at all! The fastest way to make money, is to have fewer competitors making money within the same sphere. Government theoretically wants there to be more competition except when a corporation pays them tons of money not to, small business thrive on competition, but there's probably not a corporation in the world that wouldn't swoon all over itself to have all of its competitors suddenly disappear.
Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.
according to WHAT metric? Is this a blanket statement? Are you talking about the American government only? Or the idea of ANY government whatsoever? Because 'all government is bad period and can do nothing ever' simply isn't true. A government can do PLENTY to solve a problem in the right sphere where it's operating at its best. How do we solve our social problems WITHOUT a government? A council of people? That's government! A tribal system wherin each individual casts an equal sum vote? That's government. Each individual figuring it out entirely autonomously? That's ANARCHY and leads to its own slew of horrible problems. No one can solve a social issue entirely on their OWN because no one person is capable of empathizing with and understanding the entirety of the complexity of their own siblings psychology MUCH LESS their next door neighbor, and even less the stranger across town. What's the solution to civilization without a government? Because if you think it's peace and harmony, history says no. I'm not saying Government is perfect or infallible, I'm not saying every government is better than none, I'm saying SOME FORM of government is invariably going to better meet the demands of the HUMAN RACE better than no government does.
And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
This is a valid point of anger, especially for small businesses. I'm not entirely informed in the way this is/was handled during the entirety of the Covid year, but in my area nothing was ever completely shut down as a rule for any longer than that month or two when a few people needed all the toilet paper in the world for some reason, and places being shut down RECENTLY seem to be places that are being flagged as refusing to cooperate with covid regulations. My strong feeling is that Google, Apple, etc. are simply large enough entities that they are able to maintain enough working environments while shouldering the cost of following those regulations, while still making a profit. They might even have more than a few individual offices that could have been shut down, while the majority remain in operation?

My stance on this is an unfortunate.... well it's a plague? What do you expect? The Black Death inconvenienced a lot of agricultural giants in its day, but sending off rat infested bales of hey across Europe only exacerbated the problem... however we're getting to much into COVID here on this line of discussion, (so if you want take this to the covid topic for further chit chat, simply let me know) suffice it to say that while I find it unfortunate, I don't see a better solution since I think that the anti-maskers and 'covid is a hoax!' town criers are all buffoonish spoiled brats who couldn't wipe their asses without a warehouse full of stored toilet paper to save their own lives.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
You seem to be under the impression that oligarchies are created by runaway government. I think you have it backwards. Big business, spends big money to lobby government to get rid of regulations that restrict that concentration of power.

In the 1950s the top tax bracket was 70%. It wasn’t done to soak the rich, it was done to prevent having all of the wealth concentrate I a few enormously powerful hands. Each of the Waltons are worth $50 Billion each. Oligarchs are created when the government loses the ability to regulate the oligarchs. The massive tax cuts from the Trump administration make it almost impossible for anyone not already worth billions from breaking into that club.

Rupert Murdoch lobbied heavily for years to end rules that limited the amount of media he could control. Clear Channel exists because of that. I would love to hear an explanation of how the free market system, without government interference would have prevented the media consolidation that created the big six. But include lots of titties in it, fantasy stories should at least have a lot of titties...
The problem with the tax system is the irresponsbility of the people in charge of it. I see no benefit in my taxes going to pension for useless politicians and hacks(Police fire etc yes) but no elected official deserves a pension or a salary more than $20.00 an hour or all the funding in the Covid bill going to useless pet project. Or things like the Green New Deal which is based on bogus ideas
You are confusing “big government” (not really sure what the f*** that means) with good governance. If you want clean public drinking water, someone has to maintain or at least monitor the providers. If you have a group that cares more about cost than effectiveness or safety, you get Flynt MI. The idea that a business wouldn’t just chemical waste into a river because it is cheap is what gives you places like Love Canal and other super fund sites. Tanneries, paper mills and coal mines all pretty much demonstrated businesses can’t or won’t self regulate. The Triangle Shirtwaist fire demonstrated companies couldn’t self regulate fire codes or worker safety without supervision. Texas just demonstrated that power companies could not be trusted set standards power plants without oversight. If you want roads, bridges, tap water, electricity and some (any) type medical system, their has to be some sort of government. Other democracies accomplish pretty much all of these functions.
Please feel free to move to Mogadishu or Somalia if you feel the crushing hand of the Biden administration is going to smother your freedoms. We had four years of experimenting with a government that ran on the Republican philosophy of “f*** we won”.
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sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
sneakly wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago

But it seems nobody who objects to Cancel Culture has the slightest interest in lobbying to regulate anti-competitive business practices. Nor do they seem interested in laying blame for cancellations on the people who are ultimately responsible for such decisions. With all that in mind, what do you seriously want/expect to happen to resolve your grievances with Cancel Culture? Complaints are futile if you don't know to whom you need to complain and you don't have a request for a realistic outcome.
Yes they most certainly DO want more competition. They just don't think government is the solution to that and its usually government that provides the means to have these oligarchies. Noam Chomsky points this out. More gov power = more oligarchies. For example I don't see any prominent dems demanding google be broken up under the progressive principle of anti-trust.

Government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem. If you hand power to the fed to regulate fairness it will be used by corporations to create oligarchies.

And add that the very same dems who are anti-large corporation and anti oligarchies enforced covid business shut downs that forced a great deal of small businesses out of business and kept a small minority of mega business in business. Again where is the demands on the left to break up google, Apple etc.
You seem to be under the impression that oligarchies are created by runaway government. I think you have it backwards. Big business, spends big money to lobby government to get rid of regulations that restrict that concentration of power.

In the 1950s the top tax bracket was 70%. It wasn’t done to soak the rich, it was done to prevent having all of the wealth concentrate I a few enormously powerful hands. Each of the Waltons are worth $50 Billion each. Oligarchs are created when the government loses the ability to regulate the oligarchs. The massive tax cuts from the Trump administration make it almost impossible for anyone not already worth billions from breaking into that club.

Rupert Murdoch lobbied heavily for years to end rules that limited the amount of media he could control. Clear Channel exists because of that. I would love to hear an explanation of how the free market system, without government interference would have prevented the media consolidation that created the big six. But include lots of titties in it, fantasy stories should at least have a lot of titties...
The problem with the tax system is the irresponsbility of the people in charge of it. I see no benefit in my taxes going to pension for useless politicians and hacks(Police fire etc yes) but no elected official deserves a pension or a salary more than $20.00 an hour or all the funding in the Covid bill going to useless pet project. Or things like the Green New Deal which is based on bogus ideas
You are confusing “big government” (not really sure what the f*** that means) with good governance. If you want clean public drinking water, someone has to maintain or at least monitor the providers. If you have a group that cares more about cost than effectiveness or safety, you get Flynt MI. The idea that a business wouldn’t just chemical waste into a river because it is cheap is what gives you places like Love Canal and other super fund sites. Tanneries, paper mills and coal mines all pretty much demonstrated businesses can’t or won’t self regulate. The Triangle Shirtwaist fire demonstrated companies couldn’t self regulate fire codes or worker safety without supervision. Texas just demonstrated that power companies could not be trusted set standards power plants without oversight. If you want roads, bridges, tap water, electricity and some (any) type medical system, their has to be some sort of government. Other democracies accomplish pretty much all of these functions.
Please feel free to move to Mogadishu or Somalia if you feel the crushing hand of the Biden administration is going to smother your freedoms. We had four years of experimenting with a government that ran on the Republican philosophy of “f*** we won”.
You won by stealing the election by voter fraud. We were far better under Trump than Obama. Until the china produced Covid we were on an economic high.

You trust slime like Pelosi , Biden and the racist Squad?

They want to turn us into a govt run economy
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60+ court cases never went anywhere. Dem appointed judges, Republican appointed judges. Trump appointed 3 SCOTUS Justices. None of them would even hear his cases. What evidence? A post it note in a bathroom? One alcoholic volunteer heard something? Why did the control of the Senate come down to run-off elections in GA? If you are going to steal, steal big. Barr, the AG said no fraud. The Trump appointed head of election security said it was a clean election. The five states that Trump lost were Republican controlled states, they all said there was no fraud.

Four Junior congresswomen stole the election? If they did, and were able to get all those Republican election officials to go along with it, they deserve respect. If Trump was so stupid that he couldn’t dig up ANY proof AT ALL, he deserves to lose. My mother died during the lockdown last summer, not from Covid, but certainly hastened by it. I know many people that were nurses through the worst of and several that nearly died.

I am sorry you didn’t get your wall. I am sorry your guy lost, but <MOD EDIT> **** you. You get another election in 2022 and 2024, campaign, donate and vote. Absolutely your right, but as I spent four years listening to Trumpers, get over it.
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How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
You won by stealing the election by voter fraud.
That's a f*cking lie.
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I would just add to Sneaklys post above that
NO ONE EXPECTED TRUMP TO DO SO WELL, being 8% or higher behind in the polls.
Trump claimed a landslide and lost the popular vote by 7m. A supposed landslide would be what 3m possibly up to 7m in his favour?
That would represent a manipulation of what 10-14 MILLION VOTES
That represents 8-10% of the TOTAL VOTE.
All without a trace.
If those were Trump votes that were changed to Biden then Trump had even more votes than the 73m he is happy to claim but as the supposed 'change' in votes happened ON ELECTION NIGHT WITH THE VOTES MID COUNT then the Dems, by not knowing how well Trump would do, would have had to hedge their bets to ensure a win and what, doctor at least 10-20m votes.?
And they do all that and don't bother to get the Senate which would make their man impotent.

If anyone seriously thinks that happened you are a complete idiot.

Or, the alternative, the man who told 30,000 lies in 4 years told one more.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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This latest tangent brings us full circle to the subject of Cancel Culture. The algorithms on social media platforms have been feeding people a diet of the sort of information they're already inclined to believe. Challenging people's beliefs can make them more inclined to click away to a more reaffirming source. So, to maintain engagement, people who believe baseless election fraud claims will be shown loads more baseless election fraud claims. People who believe that Hollywood elites and any politicians they don't like are all Satanic pedophiles will be fed stories about how the Hollywood elites and any politicians they don't like are all Satanic pedophiles who are sacrificing children to harvest their adrenochrome. If it makes you happy to believe the Earth is flat, you'll see content confirming that the Earth is flat.

After years of this shit, the social media platforms are finally starting to push back and remove the sources of misinformation. But this is apparently "silencing conservative voices" or something.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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RE: the stolen election myth...

Quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat. (Which I believe loosely translates: those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.)

Given that right wing politics in America is currently dominated by baseless conspiracy theories, and key figures in the Republican Party seem content to double down on such madness rather than challenge it (even after losing an election), what do people think of the idea of a third party based on traditional Reagan-style conservative ideas? Sure, it would split the right-wing vote, but...
  • it would give traditional conservatives somewhere to work on a constructive platform to win back voters, without having to constantly defend themselves against attacks from the wing of the party whose only policy is "own the libs"
  • by splitting the vote it would speed up the demise of the Trump-controlled Republican Party at the polls, and force the party to reinvent itself (at which point the breakaway group could rejoin, and influence the party's regeneration)
It may seem crazy to deliberated bring your own party down so that you can reinvent it, but without a split vote the Republican Party could limp on for years, repeatedly failing to win the popular vote but hanging on via a diet of voter suppression and anger/fear created by conspiracies, slowly seeing its relevance and support ebb away as it spirals towards its own eventual demise. If the current unhinged state of the party is a signal of its impending collapse, then it might be better to force the issue so that its resurrection into a new form can begin all the more quickly. It will mean giving electoral success to the Democrats in the short term, but hastens the point at which the party is forced (through its own lack of success) to reinvent itself into a party that might actually be able to win the White House by attracting the most votes, rather than relying on the electoral college.

As Macbeth put it, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly."

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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
shevek wrote:
3 years ago
What this organization is trying to do is to establish Asians, in the broadest sense, as "victims" in the United States the way that Jews have been. But this isn't the era of the Japanese internment camps.
We can keep arguing if you like, Bert, but I'd rather not.
Dude, even for you this is crazytown. I called you out for drastically underplaying the anti-Asian backlash in the States with actual data listing almost 3,000 incidents in 47 states.

This isn't an argument, it's Wikipedia having a fever tantrum.
OK. More succinct.

It's not the 1940s.

You linked to an article, not to an actual sheet of data.

"AAPI" = Grievance Industry.

Not an oppressed minority in the United States or Canada.
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how many book burning over history are still celebrated?
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ksire_99 wrote:
3 years ago
how many book burning over history are still celebrated?
This event *supposedly* happened in California last Saturday, but the Internet can't confirm whether it was real or if the posting
was just a joke. Hopefully a joke.

Another article I saw about Dr Seuss mentions how Babar the Elephant, Curious George, and Little House on the Prairie have all been criticized and removed in either major or more minor ways.
seuss book burning.jpg
seuss book burning.jpg (122.17 KiB) Viewed 2999 times
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago

You won by stealing the election by voter fraud. We were far better under Trump than Obama. Until the china produced Covid we were on an economic high.

You trust slime like Pelosi , Biden and the racist Squad?

They want to turn us into a govt run economy
You lost election cause dictator wannabe Trump sucked dick. Voters voted him out. No fraud, just majority sane people had enough of Clown leader. Completely honest and fair election. Insurrectionist Trump and QAnon goofballs tried to actually steal the election, and failed. Soon Trump will be indicted. Others will be indicted. Hope QAnon is found and indicted. Go to jail, go directly to jail. Good riddance to the Lying Traiter Sleezebag.

Obama led the economic recovery needed after Bush debacle. Woulda left Hilary a growing economy, instead Trump inherited the growing economy and Trump just road the coattails of Obama economic upward growth momentum. Trump added nothing. Same growth pace over time.

Trump's contribution to economy was a bailout to the super rich who wanted tax cuts they didn't really need. Greed.

Trump's contribution to USA's goodwill across the world was to ruin it, make the world sad for us, make the world communist countries and totalitarian leaders happy to watch Trump ruination of USA. Everything Trump touches, dies. Gets soiled. Becomes cheap and worthless. Becomes uber-lame.

Wait! Did you write "slime like Dazzle1" and "and the racist Dazzle1?" Sorry, not wearing my glasses. Looks like what you wrote.

Did you write that "Trump wants to end democracy and be the one and only Putin like Dictator of the USA, the worst dictator in the history of the world to follow his stint as worst president ever in anyone's lifetime?"
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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shevek wrote:
3 years ago
ksire_99 wrote:
3 years ago
how many book burning over history are still celebrated?
This event *supposedly* happened in California last Saturday, but the Internet can't confirm whether it was real or if the posting
was just a joke. Hopefully a joke.

seuss book burning.jpg
Clearly didn't happen. No video. No photos. Nada.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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shevek wrote:
3 years ago
ksire_99 wrote:
3 years ago
how many book burning over history are still celebrated?
This event *supposedly* happened in California last Saturday, but the Internet can't confirm whether it was real or if the posting
was just a joke. Hopefully a joke.

Another article I saw about Dr Seuss mentions how Babar the Elephant, Curious George, and Little House on the Prairie have all been criticized and removed in either major or more minor ways.

seuss book burning.jpg
Ocean Beach??? The only thing those people will be burning is incense and blunts!
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theScribbler wrote:
3 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago

You won by stealing the election by voter fraud. We were far better under Trump than Obama. Until the china produced Covid we were on an economic high.

You trust slime like Pelosi , Biden and the racist Squad?

They want to turn us into a govt run economy
You lost election cause dictator wannabe Trump sucked dick. Voters voted him out. No fraud, just majority sane people had enough of Clown leader. Completely honest and fair election. Insurrectionist Trump and QAnon goofballs tried to actually steal the election, and failed. Soon Trump will be indicted. Others will be indicted. Hope QAnon is found and indicted. Go to jail, go directly to jail. Good riddance to the Lying Traiter Sleezebag.

Obama led the economic recovery needed after Bush debacle. Woulda left Hilary a growing economy, instead Trump inherited the growing economy and Trump just road the coattails of Obama economic upward growth momentum. Trump added nothing. Same growth pace over time.

Trump's contribution to economy was a bailout to the super rich who wanted tax cuts they didn't really need. Greed.

Trump's contribution to USA's goodwill across the world was to ruin it, make the world sad for us, make the world communist countries and totalitarian leaders happy to watch Trump ruination of USA. Everything Trump touches, dies. Gets soiled. Becomes cheap and worthless. Becomes uber-lame.

Wait! Did you write "slime like Dazzle1" and "and the racist Dazzle1?" Sorry, not wearing my glasses. Looks like what you wrote.

Did you write that "Trump wants to end democracy and be the one and only Putin like Dictator of the USA, the worst dictator in the history of the world to follow his stint as worst president ever in anyone's lifetime?"

Wrong as usual Obama led no recovery , the economy bounced back under Trump, yes the Rich got a tax break so did the rest of us.

I am sure Israel, India, Japan and Brazil prefered Trump over racist Obama,Obama was loved for being a coward.

BTW HM said we were not suppose to attack other member of the community. But you seem to ignore the rule

But I guess you follow the woke
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Oh bless your heart.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(even Trump acknowledged that there HAD been a recovery under the previous administration he just labelled it as 'slowest in history' which given there have only been 3 economic meltdowns and this one was the worst (up until Covid) isn't exactly a fair comparison. But whether slow or fast there WAS ONE is the point.
You can deny it if you want but as your Messiah said there was maybe believe it? One of the few truthful things he has said, although even then its just a half truth with a dig at his betters tacked on to it)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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But serious point, no abusive attacks on each other.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).

shevek wrote:
3 years ago
OK. More succinct.

It's not the 1940s.

You linked to an article, not to an actual sheet of data.

"AAPI" = Grievance Industry.

Not an oppressed minority in the United States or Canada.
I never said it was the 1940s. In the 40s THE GOVERNMENT was detaining Asian people.

I linked to an article quoting from the data.

Frankly, it's just beyond me how people can look at simple cause and effect situations and then deny the obvious. This stuff isn't complicated. The president of the United States spent the final year of his term referring to a deadly pandemic as "kung-flu" and the "China virus". He did it purposely, to distract from his own massive failure to contain the pandemic and to provide people a scapegoat. He was warned right from the beginning that using that language would incite violence against Asian Americans. He kept doing it for a year anyway. The organizations currently compiling statistics about attacks on Asians aren't "Grievance Industry", they are responses to growing hatred aimed at their communities. When injustices occur, people react. Compiling accounts of attacks is an effort to rebut people like you, who say ridiculous things like "I haven't heard of any attacks in the Asian community in Pittsburgh, so none of this is real."

Try to get this - Asian people in New York City are afraid to leave their homes because of the abuse coming their way. It's the same in many places around the country. The fact that this situation doesn't align with your personal political philosophy is a pathetic reason to deny it's happening.